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2011-08-15 - Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EXEC-ADMIN-ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, August 15, 2011, 12:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Phil Hawkins Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 2.1. King Family Casino Ridge Proposed Development 3. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 3.1. Townsend Public Affairs Scope of Work for September 2011 through August 2012 Recommendation: That the Committee provide further direction to staff. 3.2. Input for Development of the Orange County Board of Supervisors' 2012 Legislative Platform Recommendation: That the Committee consider suggestions for the Orange County Board of Supervisors' 2012 legislative platform and provide direction to staff. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS CONTINUED 4.1. YLWD Contracts and Agreements in Process 4.2. General Counsel's Monthly Summary Report 4.3. Director's and General Manager's Fees and Expenses (April - June 2011) 4.4. Status Report on Committee Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives 4.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The next regular meeting of the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee will be held September 20, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Subject: King Family Casino Ridge Proposed Development SUMMARY: The King Family has requested that its proposed 11-lot residential development in Casino Ridge, known as the Yorba Linda Outpost Development (YLOD), be considered by the Board for terms and conditions for water service. Representatives of the family have submitted an informational package to the Board President, which was forwarded to staff with a request to agendize the item for the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee. The King Family representatives will be present at the committee meeting to discuss their proposal. DISCUSSION: Over the last few years, staff has participated in several meetings and discussions concerning a proposed 20-acre, 11-lot residential development in the upper Casino Ridge area, now referred to as the Yorba Linda Outpost Development (YLOD). Through these meetings and discussions, most all of the issues relating to water service were satisfactorily addressed. In April 2011, staff was directed to meet with representatives of the King family and YLOD to find solutions for the remaining items in question. Through discussions that followed, all of the items in question were agreed to in concept, except for the issue of the capital facilities fee relating to water storage criteria for the development. The discussions that took place on the water storage issue from April to July 2011 between YLOD representatives and District staff, and the analyses and findings are summarized in the attached District memorandum, dated August 4, 2011. Therein, it was noted that representatives of YLOD and the District agreed to the means to determine the actual water demand factor for the proposed low-density residential development. That determination, from analyses of three years of water meter data from the adjacent Casino Ridge development, showed an average water-use factor of 1.56 acre-feet per year per connection or residence. Also enclosed is the information package from YLOD, in the form of a letter dated July 20, 2011 and attachments. Therein, YLOD is requesting that the District accept a water-use factor of 1.0 acre-feet per year per connection instead of 1.5, as used in the calculation to determine the fee in lieu of providing water storage. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Casino Ridge Sum Memo 4Aug2011 revkrv new.pdf Casino Ridge Staff Memo 4Aug2011 Backup Material YLOD_Subm_20July2011_new.pdf YLOD Letter 20July2011 Backup Material Yorba Linda 'W'ater District, MEMORANDUM DATE: August 4, 2011 TO: Ken Vecchiarelli FROM: Steve Conklin SUBJECT: Casino Ridge/Yorba Linda Outpost Development Summary of Recent Meetings and Discussions Over the last few years, there have been many meetings and discussions concerning the proposed 20-acre, 11-lot residential development in the upper Casino Ridge area, now referred to as the Yorba Linda Outpost Development (PLOD). Through these meetings and discussions, most all of the issues relating to water service were satisfactorily addressed. In April 2011, the Executive Committee asked staff to meet with representatives of the King family and YLOD to find solutions for the remaining items in question. This memo summarizes these efforts from April to August 2011. On April 28, I met with Fred Cornwell, YLOD's engineer for the project. We discussed the items at hand and noted that the only item left to settle is the fee for water storage. YLOD is proposing S128,304 and District staff is proposing S172,848. The calculation for determining water demands and subsequently used to calculate the water storage fee by YLOD is based on an average water demand factor of 1 AF/yr per acre that they took from the District's 2005 Water Master Plan Update. The District's factor is 1.5 AF/year per acre for low-density residential development and is based on the District's 1978 master plan. These duty factors have been used for planning specific capital improvements related to land use development projects since 1978. I indicated that we could not change our demand factors unilaterally or from project to project without an analysis that supports that change. Mr. Fred Cornwell, civil engineer for the YLOD project agreed with this approach and suggested that we provide him with two years of water use data for the existing homes in the Casino Ridge area directly below the proposed King Family addition. He used this data to calculate seasonal and yearly water-use per customer for a given lot size. He agreed to provide his findings to us for review. If the parties agree that the actual water-use demands supported an adjustment to the District's duty factors, we would recalculate the water storage volume fee and take that and the other items to the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee with staff recommendations. It was also agreed that at a minimum the water-use rate would not be less than 1 AF/yr per acre. In other words, the storage fee would not be less than S 128,000 for 11 lots. On May 2, Fred Cornwell provided a response to the above meeting, which is as follows: Steve Thanks fbr meeting with me last week. I would like to outline what we discussed and how we are going to move, forward. I will not transmit this to our team until I get confirmation we are on the same page. 1. You are going to supply me with the meter readings, for all of the residences in Casino Ridge, for the last two years. From that data I will calculate the empirical demands and apply to the storage requirements. 2. You are going to check with Ken if it is acceptable to pay the water storage fees at building permits prorated accordingly. We will have no impact on the water storage until time of occupancy hut will agree to building permits. 3. There are no time restrictions. If we decide to grade now, we won't have any time restriction on when we can ohtain water service. 4. You are going to get me any additional fees besides the storage fees. 5. There is no longer a need.for the stand pipe located in the lower portion of Casino Ridge Road. 6. The Water District will require the easement as shown on the map and we will adjust the storm drain to accommodate any future water main. 7. Our project will construct the 12 " loop system with no reimbursements from the Water District from San Antonio to the Casino Ridge extension. 8. Our project will reduce the number of legal lots.from 16 to IL While there is no agreement to serve the 16 lots, they are in the Water Districts service area and would he put in a had position. On May 5, you provided comments on the above eight items, which were transmitted to Mr. Cornwell, as follow: A couple of the points may cause a prohlem. The "additional fees" referenced in point no. 4. may change fi°om time to time and will not be fixed today. Fees will be assessed at the amounts approved by the Board at the time they are paid. J 'in not sure we can agree to point no. 3 for no time restriction as again, laws, rules and policies change fi°om time to time. I get what they are proposing. They are grading pads and selling custom lots ready to build to suit. With no guarantee that the lots will sell or when, the King Family and their investors or partners are trying to fix their costs to today s dollars. Unless they huy all in now and YLWD gets the benefit of earning interest on the capital investment over the years that these lots may or may not build out, I am not comfortable recommending a no time limit with fees fixed to today s dollars. Also, please make sure you stress that staff negotiations and discussions must still be approved by the Board. With the understanding that we can reach agreement on the above points, the remaining issue to address is the water use rate also referenced as the demand or duty factors. As noted in the second paragraph above (and Item #1 in paragraph 3), it was agreed that both parties would review meter readings and water-use data for the last 2-3 years for the Casino Ridge residential development directly below the proposed development. It was anticipated that using actual 2 water-use data, with current water-saving devices and conservation practices, would yield a lower water-use rate than projected for low-density development in our water master plan. In mid May, I provided Mr. Cornwell monthly water meter data for 78 meter services in the Casino Ridge development area for FY 08-09 and 09-10. On June 7, I provided him the same for July 2010 thru May 2011 (11 months). Thereafter, Fred and I each performed calculations which determined that the three-year average consumption was 122 AF per year, divided over 78 connections, which equates to an average of 1.56 AF per year per connection. This actual water-use rate of 1.56 AF/year per connection is remarkably close to the rate of 1.5 AF/year per acre established by the District in the 1978 master plan for low-density residential development. The proposed YLOD density is 1.0 dwelling per acre. It should be noted that the factor of 1.5 AF/year per acre is the same as has been applied to other recent land-development projects in the District, including those by Shapell Industries, Vista del Verde Development and others. This factor was used to size the water facilities that those developers would have to construct or pay to construct in order to proceed with their projects. Since the time of those projects, there has been no new policy or a new water master plan that has examined and modified the density specific water use factor for low-density housing. However, the examination of three years of water-use data for the existing Casino Ridge development shows an average water consumption of 1.56 AF/year per connection. These results support the application of the demand factors developed and utilized since 1978. These findings were discussed with Mr. Cornwell on June 7. Using the water-use factor of 1.5 AF/year per acre, the development of 9.96 acres, and the storage requirement of lxMaxDay + SxAvgDay as developed and adopted in the 2005 Water Master Plan Update, the required storage for the YLOD development is 86,424 gallons. Assuming the cost of constructing storage is approximately S2 per gallon, the capital funding in lieu of providing water storage required for this project would be S172,848. Mr. Cornwell then asked if we would accept a lower unit cost for reservoir storage capacity than S2 per gallon. I said that S2 per gallon was in line with our last reservoir project, Hidden Hills, for which we received very competitive bids in a down economy. Thus, we believe S2 per gallon is a representative cost for construction or payment in lieu of construction. Mr. Cornwell said that he would discuss this with the King family. The next communication was a letter received July 13 from Mr. Gordon Thomson of PLOD, LLC. In the letter, he indicated that they believe that we are at an impasse on the issue of the storage requirement and requested that they be allowed to present their case to the Board of Directors. He also indicated that they have copies of a presentation that they wish to be included in the Board meeting agenda. On July 14, I sent an email to Mr. Thomson asking that he submit three copies of the presentation for review by District staff. I indicated that after review, I would call with any questions and to discuss the process for presentation to the Board. I noted that the normal process is for a project to first be reviewed by Committee and then to the Board, with the Committee's recommendations. After receiving no response, I sent an email to Mr. Thomson on August 1 asking for status of the presentation information for review. No response followed. Yorba Linda Outpost Development, LLC 4811 Eureka Avenue, Suite E. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 July 20, 2011 Mr. Michael J. Beverage President of Board of Directors Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 Re: King family project, aka Yorba Linda Outpost Development, LLC (PLOD) Dear Sir, The King family seek your assistance to move ahead with their 11 lot development project located at the top of Casino Ridge Rd in the Mount San Antonio HOA. Since June 2008 we have been in continues discussions and negotiations with YLWD staff regarding Terms and Conditions to providing water service, while most have been resolved we have come to an impasse on the issue of a fee in lieu of providing water storage (details in the attachment). The irrigated portion of the 11 lot project, including fuel modification zones is approximately 10 acres with the remainder being left in its natural state = .91 lots per acre, matching similar densities presented in the storage calculations by Carollo Engineers in the 2005 Water Master Plan adopted by the District. We put ourselves at your disposal and wait your directions on how best to proceed. Sincerely Gordon Thomson (714) 222 7578 Email: broker@gordonthomson.com Yorba Linda Outpost Development, LLC 4811 Eureka Avenue, Suite E. Yorba Linda, CA 92886 July 20, 2011 Honorable Board of Directors Yorba Linda Water District 1717 Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 The purpose of this letter is to request Director agreement to a final set of terms and conditions regarding property held by the King Family, aka Yorba Linda Outpost Development, LLC (the "King Family"). Background The King family are long time property owners within the Yorba Linda community and 20+ year customers of the District. Their property is one of the original lands used when Improvement District No. 1 was formed in 1978. The property located in zone 6 is at the north end of Casino Ridge Road. The Kings are replacing their recorded 16 lot Tract Map with a new 11 lot subdivision. Discussion In June 2008 the King Family entered into discussions with Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) regarding terms and conditions for water service for the property - Tract 16488. The King family and YLWD staff have discussed and have conceptually agreed in principle to the following special conditions. 1. 12" Looped Water System. The King Family will construct a 12" pipeline from the existing 12" stub located on San Antonio Road through our project and connect it to the stub at the top of the Mount San Antonio Homeowners Association (located at the terminus of Casino Ridge Rd.). This will create a loop system which not only allows King project to meet fire flow, but increases fire flow to the existing homes at top of Casino Ridge Rd. and benefits the water district by (a) decreasing stagnation of the dead-end pipeline as exists; (b) ensuring a continuous flow of water to the existing developed area in the event of an emergency break or shut down in the pipeline in San Antonio Rd. Cost of installing loop system estimated to $220,000. The Kings reserve the right, but are willing to waive the reimbursement of the over-sizing of the transmission from 8" to 12". ~ I 2. Zone 5 to 6 Standpipe Pump Link. (Elev. 1000 to 1300). District staff agrees to waive this requirement. 3. Individually owned and maintained booster pumps. The King Family agrees with all the terms of this item and will submit the proper documents and diagrams etc to YLWD staff for their approval prior to the sale of any lot within tract 16488. 4. In lieu of providing water storage. (See below) 5. 25 Foot Easement The King Family has agreed to provide YLWD a 25 ft. wide easement as requested. (Exhibit attached) The easement shall include the following: • The easement shall be for placement of major water transmission pipeline and maintenance of same. • Easement shall expire automatically in 7 years if pipeline is not constructed, any negotiations for extension shall be between YLWD and the then titled property owner. Unresolved Issue The YLWD staff and The King Family are in disagreement with the following item: 4. Reservoir Storage: The Kings believe that reservoir storage falls within the rubric of the Improvement District structure (along with Items 1 and 2 above) and within the same guidelines, and should be charged the same as required of every single other owner within the Improvement District, which is $0. The District has never collected a single dime for additional reservoir storage from any other member of ID #1. There is currently no adopted policy to collect funds from any owner, applicant, developer or business of ID #1 to pay for reservoir storage or shortage of reservoir capacity. YLWD Staff now requests that in lieu of storage YLOD pay a fee for water supply and transmission improvements to be provided by YLWD. It should be noted that these proposed improvements will benefit afl properties located within zone 6. Nonetheless some fee will be aid. In an effort to develop and maximize that fee, Staff has hung their hat on an old calculation developed when the 1978 James M. Montgomery Plan was adopted. In 2005, when the District contracted with Carollo Engineering to develop a new Water Master Plan, the calculations of the old plan were never carried over and adopted. Staff's calculations demand payment of approximately $180,000. This number is simply outrageous and, when combined with other fees and degrading home values, threatens to kill the project. 3 In an effort to bring this approval process to closure, The Kings agree to be bound by the calculation outlined in the current and adopted 2005 Water Master Plan. • Usage is 1 acre feet per connection = 5 days Average Day Demand (ADD) + 1 day Maximum Daily Demand (MDD) x 11 connections. ADD = 892.74 gallons per day MDD = 1.48 x ADD = 1,321 gallons per day Storage per connection = 5 x ADD + 1 x MDD = 5 x (892.74) + 1 x (1321) = 5784 gallons per day 5,784 x 11 connections = 63,631 gallons per day Based on $2.00/per gallon (current reservoir construction cost= $127,263. In Summary The King family are long time property owners of the Yorba Linda community and customers of the District, inaugural members of ID #1, and have paid the taxes and standby assessments every year. Yorba Linda Water District has never collected a separate fee for reservoir storage from a member of ID #1, there is no policy to collect funds from any homeowner for reservoir storage, and therefore fighting over whether the exact number should be 1.0 or 1.5 is merely semantics, which is now getting in the way of closure to this issue. The Kings respectfully request the District accept payment of $127,263 in lieu of providing storage. In exchange, the District will approve service to homes on the King property (once Items 1 and 4 are met as described.) This will allow the District to proceed forward with the above-described wafter supply and improvement projects and construction of the King properly could commence without delay. ;Sincmere rdon Thomson (714) 222 7578 Email: broker@gordonthomson.com m 4 SLOPE LAND9GAPE LEtaEN€~ .1 X ❑ I TRACT 50lRJLJART ❑ a` ui ~~`IJf{, ® mo'o' IR~ebaT M0MEW. lca ACT ~~~~a n.mrrED umN a~ claWNr TOLQERAMf BNMB TrECTs 'uea9o y0T,.sR I~~e I (rsAe,7awE¢ HT SI(TffGM4R i9^,OCIAT!fTl, Fh v w a ~ ^ca Ncw-IR>W.n~ sa kEL r.~wcATICM Tueaezc TAB U co u W I+.sT€rE tM.ANt rwTewAls To et rrevucev r+s rNau~ev ren ¢cPa LETS A,rswlM6 mAOITAeEn err r+a->EwrveRauOC arlau' a 41 j IJD E D. ICN.IRRYJTE 90'RB=L "RE-i'_ THRNPL'a '-'e W 4 Y ff( xm NARYE PLA MAYIR fit TO as iE100:50 AND T,, 3 PFR ra~.E ~ II OCCA LI6T6 AKS Re-I EMEMS fMNTAr,4 , eR NIX'RLVKR ABL TI4N! 1~ 11f - A 1-~1I ! ~ -,4-= 4 ® PR,YATC LOT EehDAW6.E Pap aaEAe ':1+8500 S0.FT 3.ai .ec. c wl ~1T I ~I ~I I II x ~ aA~6!a~~ r . + -S , µ IG'EOL@STRIA4 Tlz.AIL gSi8CMF~rCH ILOPLLC PAtl AYEFj Y AL :OTa1ze USAaLR-WA, ! B t b~ ry~'~ p f/yL/ L¢ .u _uS.kq S6t RLI.fAI RC RAzo- K- -1"4Cl IJS nyR[. - tr `jam '.~'-L D TOTAL PFD AREA51LOT I-II . 1481500 5,Q F7. ! 3AI ACRES t~1 Y f `fi' r TOTAL Cd-ViTCR AREAS . 2x",450 S6l Ff. 1659 AG}ws REjV y'r =IR,07C WATER TOTAL NOH-S biGATEa SR FT, IQA6 ACRES UNPISTUR9ED u1L1_SIt>E t~f-ENDlW- urooaeM ; Twacr Ar-r'rx'tvAL rata iw3cr AREA . all *01 e,¢ PT- 20,01 acss E`" ^ r 3~8v I OF AJEL 13ODIFfl-_A-ON ZONES Q ; i ' 0 CaAS Af.GEE9 RD. t ~ • I ~ t r..;i?S34 f~ 8 b B c P ~ III . ~y 9t ~ 71 "y 4G a ( Ei 7. PPA o 34 y y~ ' TRACT LgGtBif~ Y $ r 36 I ~ a b K39 f Fc~ jµ w . F.7 _ z 1 B 1 t' ~..f} - 9 STI1`I€1 SA IRACT N ©MO 0 1$7 86 sx P a c r III-I ( I'.`iht I I I~ LOCATION B r I } r T - WOODBRIDGE DEVELOPMENT I I I III _ ► ~~l ~ 4 93 p ill II1= I-~~tl~ I _ x_ n~ III-III-I I I~ D III TRACT ;?4 ARY~~ MAP _ w F.tt ~ ~ ~ 5 j$g I 0 TRACT BOUNDARY 10 EOUESTR'AN TRAIL ~Rx'r 36' rrAS LIMES `eere/+ p 77 U-1 g 9F Y ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $60,000 To: Executive-Administrative- Cost Estimate: $52,000 Organizational Committee Funding Source: Water Operating Fund From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 1-1010-0780-00 Manager Dept: Board of Directors Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Townsend Public Affairs Scope of Work for September 2011 through August 2012 SUMMARY: At the request of the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee, Townsend Public Affairs has provided a scope of work for governmental relations and advocacy for the period of September 2011 through August 2012. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee provide further direction to staff. DISCUSSION: The Scope of Work details three governmental advocacy issues that Townsend Public Affairs (TPA) will include as part of its advocacy for the period of September 2011 through August 2012. These issues are: . Availability of a Board of Directors seat on the Orange County Sanitation District for YLWD . Strategic Consulting regarding a letter to the Orange County Transportation Authority on right- of way . Various State Legislation that may arise Further detail on these issues are described in the attached Scope of Services. The cost for these services are as follows, with the total cost for twelve months amounting to $52,000: . September 2011- December 2011: $3,000 per month . January 2012- August 2012: $5,000 per month PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors has retained legislative advocacy services in the past. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: Type: Townsend Public Affairs Scope of Work 2011-12.pdf Townsend Public Affairs Scope of Work FY 2001-12 Backup Material fj(~YV iI yYG 0 s U I PUBLIC AFFAIRS, INC. MEMORANDUM To: Yorba Linda Water District, Board of Dir9ectom From: Christopher Townsend, President Heather Stratman, Senior Director Casey Elliott, State Capitol Director Matthew Hicks, Associate Data: August 15, 2011 Subject: Government Relations S Advocacy Proposed Scope of Services for FY 2011-2012 This document is intended to serve as a proposal for advocacy and government relations servioes for the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) for the Fiscal Year 2011» 2012. Tice document identifies and outlines the proposed services provided by Townsend Public Affairs (TPA) for consideration by YLWD. TPA has identified a number of local and state legislative and policy issues of conoem to YLWD. Those include, but are not limited to, the items listed below. Orange Counter Sanitation District - Board of Directors Seat Backaround e The Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) is a special district established by the California State legislature and governed by a 25-member board of directors. e Under California Health and Safety Code 4730.65, legislation will be required for the Yorba Linda Water district to obtain a seat on the Board. The Yorba Linda Water District is entitled to this seat as the "public agency empowered to and engaged in the collection, transportation, treatment or disposal of sewage" for the City of Yorba Linda. Advocacy TPA proposes to provide support to YLWD, specific to the following activities: • TPA will provide strategic consulting and advocacy regarding generating local support among legislators and member agencies for granting a seat to the Yorba Linda Water District on the Board of the Orange County Sanitation District. e TPA will work with Senator Bob Huff and Assemblyman Curt Hagman, as co- authors, to refine this legislative concept and then introduce legislation. r TPA will assist in guiding the bill through Legislative Counsel, the Committee Process, and ultimately passage through the Legislature. e TPA will outreach to key stakeholders to ensure there is broad range support for this proposal, including, but not limited to, OCSD and City of Yorba Linda. e TPA will work to ensure the bill is approved by the Legislature and signed by the Governor. l - Voe y., &YL& -W - 4V rr wwwal vVA In summary, TPA would greatly enjoy working with the YLWD. TPA believes the coming year will provide an opportunity for TPA and the YLWD to work productively together. We welcome your input on the items contained within this summary. Orange CTraneRoglUtion Authority Background • The Orange County Transportation Authority has notified the Yorba Linda Water District of its intention to conduct street repairs that would impact YLWD's water/sewer lines and operations. • Based on an existing right-of-way YLWD is not financially or legally responsible for repairs and improvements to the lines as the result of OCTA's work within the street(s). • YLWD has issued a letter to OCTA providing information on the existing right-of. way and Is awaiting a response from OCTA. Adymacy: TPA proposes to provide support to YLWD, specific to the following activities: • TPA will provide strategic consulting and advocacy regarding OCTA's action subsequent to responding to YLWD's letter. • TPA will work with OCTA staff and Board Members to educate them about YLWD's specific circumstances • TPA, as needed, will engage other key stakeholders into the decision making process in support of YLWD's position. 6JR& Lei ation Background ' TPA will provide ongoing strategic consulting and advocacy services for the YLWD as needed, including but not limited to legislative monitoring, analysis, reporting and special legislative services such as running legislation should the District require special legislation. • TPA will consult with YLWD staff and the Board of Directors as issues and needs arise throughout the year. BudgetlCost Proposal TPA proposes the following monthly fee for services that would include the entire scope of work detailed above: • September 1, 2011- December 31, 2011: $3,000 per month • January 1, 2012 - August 31, 2012: $5,000 per month ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 Budgeted: N/A Total Budget: N/A To: Executive-Administrative- Cost Estimate: N/A Organizational Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Annie Alexander, Executive CEQA Compliance: N/A Secretary Subject: Input for Development of the Orange County Board of Supervisors' 2012 Legislative Platform SUMMARY: The Orange County Board of Supervisors has requested input from the District regarding the development of their legislative platform for the next calendar year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee consider suggestions for the Orange County Board of Supervisors' 2012 legislative platform and provide direction to staff. DISCUSSION: The Orange County Board of Supervisors' legislative platform is a document that articulates the key legislative priorities and policies for the County in both Sacramento and Washington D.C. It also provides policy direction and guidance to County departments and staff. Attached is the Supervisor's legislative priorities and policy statements for 2011. Policy Statement No. 13 specifically addresses water resources. Suggestions for the 2012 platform will need to be provided by September 8, 2011. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: Type: OCBOS 2012 Legislative Platform.pdf Correspondence Backup Material BILL CAMPBELL EC,s1v~~ a:, CHAIRMAN uGl 'tQ~1 ORANG UP RV OR,TTHIRDDIISSUPERVISORS ORANGE COUNTY HL OF B MI ISTRATION p WPB OIS~A~Ot 333 10 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 92701 PHONE (714) 834-3330 FAX (714) 834-2786 blll.compbell@ocgov.com August 4, 2011 Mr. Michael J. Beverage President Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Dear Mr. Beverage: The County of Orange recognizes the collective strength of its community partners and would like to extend an invitation for you to provide input into the development of our 2012 Legislative Platform. Every August the County of Orange begins a process to develop our legislative platform. This document articulates the key legislative priorities and policies for the County in both Sacramento and Washington D.C. It also provides policy direction and guidance to County departments and staff. Specifically, as the County begins to solicit its own departments and staff for legislative ideas, we invite you to provide suggestions to us on our attached 2011 legislative priorities and policy statements. We hope this process opens the lines of communication between the County and our community partners. If you have a specific legislative proposal in mind, please feel free to share that too. We share much in common - a vision of a safe, strong, and vibrant Orange County and working collaboratively is the best way to ensure a bright future. Please take some time to look over the attached legislative priorities and let us know of any suggestions by September 8, 2011. Please address your comments or questions to Donna Grubaugh, Director, CEO/Legislative Affairs, at 714-834-7218, or donna.grubaugh@ocgov.com. On behalf of the County of Orange, I want to extend our thanks for your time and consideration of this important matter. Sincerely, 40'` BILL CAMPBELL Chairman of the Board Supervisor, Third District Enclosure cc: lSen4Vecch arelli; General' Manager COUNTY OF ORANGE 2011 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES AND POLICY STATEMENTS The County of Orange recognizes the need to protect its interests in Sacramento and Washington, DC. To be effective in this mission, the County of Orange reviews and establishes priorities and policy statements at the beginning of each legislative year. The Legislative Priorities set forth the County's goals for the current Legislative Session and the Policy Statements provide general direction to the Legislative advocates as they advance County interests during the year. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES 1. LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING In the event local revenue is jeopardized or reallocated, the State must provide alternative funding sources to local governments. For example, Orange County would be opposed to the State borrowing from local governments using Proposition 1A, or any other source of funding from the State. 2. FISCAL EQUITY Establish an equitable, dependable and predictable revenue stream with distribution formulas for local revenues that address equity with other counties, and that any formula be based on one or more of the following factors: ■ Per capita ■ Caseload ■ Situs (dedicated taxes) ■ Realignment Equity ■ Cost of Living in High Cost Counties ■ Other Objective Measures of Need 3. COST RECOVERY Local governments shall receive full cost reimbursement for all federal and/or state mandated programs. Unfunded or under-funded mandates are a burden which local government cannot afford. The County of Orange will pursue full cost recovery for all expenditures related to natural disasters. 1 POLICY STATEMENTS 1, Increasing taxes is an inappropriate means of balancing the State's budget. 2. The establishment of equitable, consistent, dependable, and predictable revenue streams with distribution formulas for local revenues that address equity are necessary for the stability of services provided by local government. Proposed funding allocations to counties must be based upon common factors (population, poverty statistics, caseload, or other objective measures of need) applied evenly among counties. 3. The shifting of tax revenues from the County to the State or other local entities harms Orange County's ability to serve its residents. 4. Counties must be given the authority, flexibility, and adequate funding to administer programs and service client needs within their local jurisdictions (no unfunded mandates). As examples, In-Home Supportive Services should be fully funded by the State and Federal governments to lessen the financial burden on local governments; and funding for property tax administration should be reinstated. 5. Realignment proposals must only include programs where counties have control over costs and program operations. 6. Federal maintenance of effort requirements as well as federal penalties and sanctions must remain the responsibility of the State and not passed on to local governments. 7. Homeland security and emergency response efforts shall be coordinated among the federal, state, and local governments with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each. 8. The State and/or federal government shall provide full cost recovery for counties and cities for all mandates. State/or federally funded programs (such as Santa Ana River Project, State Child Health Insurance program (S-CHIP), medical research, housing, law enforcement, older adults and workforce investment, etc.) require adequate and continuous funding. 9. Support collaborative solutions in addressing regional issues and completion of vital flood control, beach erosion control, and watershed projects such as the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project (including Prado Dam), Santa Ana River Interceptor Line (SARI) relocation, Aliso Creek Mainstem Project, Orange County Beach Erosion Control Project, and other projects as may be appropriate. 2 10. Orange County will support measures that protect the public against disease and disability and promote health. 11. Funding for alternatives to incarceration, including probation monitoring, that are cost effective and do not endanger the general public shall be pursued. 12. Housing: a. Adequate housing is necessary for economic stability. Parity should be sought between the number of jobs and the availability of housing. The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) should identify realistically the housing elements needed to achieve fair distribution of housing requirements and should provide for the transfer of housing allocations when annexation or incorporation occur. RHNA should never be used to punitively impact the funding of local government. b. Support removal or minimization of barriers to housing production, including fiscal reform for local government to address disincentives for residential development. c. Support the efforts of County water agencies to insure that an adequate water supply exists for potential development in unincorporated areas and the incorporated cities of Orange County. d. Support the removal of barriers to local flexibility in the administration and allocation of federal homeless assistance funding, so as to allow the County to direct these funds toward innovative programs that will meet the specific needs of its homeless population. 13. Water Resources: a. State - promote coordinated effort between state, County and regional agencies to allow for increased local control for project implementation. b. Federal - increase programs and funding opportunities for purchasing of coastal habitat and resource conservation, preservation and maintenance. Support federal funding for beach nourishment and erosion control for all Orange County shoreline from the mouth of the San Gabriel River to San Mateo Creek. Support sharing of Federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) revenues with coastal states to support conservation and wildlife protection programs. c. Local, State and Federal - support state and federal grants for Clean Water Act and Porter-Cologne Act and collaborate on watershed management strategies. d. Support consistent regulatory efforts and oversight within Orange County boundaries. 14. Promote business retention (through insurance, healthcare, and workers' compensation reform) and consider incentives to attract new business. 3 15. Protect local decision-making and accountability for County Proposition 10 Commissions when statewide financial reporting and fiscal practices are established. 16. El Toro - The local land use decision made regarding MCAS, El Toro and its reuse should be upheld. The County of Orange is opposed to any attempt to change the land use and to the creation of a regional airport authority to place an airport at MCAS, El Toro. 17. Support policies that maximize local control over solid waste management and solid waste facilities, and minimize burdensome and duplicative regulation by the state. 18. Implementation of the reauthorized Voting Rights Act should reexamine multilingual ballot requirements to ease unfunded mandates on counties. 'rhe regulations should have specific and reasonable fluency thresholds. 19. Support a public safety system that includes local law enforcement services, crime prevention, prosecution of crime, confinement of high-risk and juvenile offenders, and supervision of adults and juveniles placed on court ordered formal probation. 20. Support measures that enhance the quality, affordability, capacity, accessibility, and safety of child care and development programs. 21. Support Completion of the 241 Tollroad, as it affects all transportation decisions as well as Air Quality Management Districts (AQMD) measurements for the County. 22. Support legislative or administrative changes to clarify the requirements for regulatory permits for the maintenance of flood control and drainage facilities, including mitigation requirements; and for streamlining the process when maintenance permits are required. 23. Support legislation that educates, promotes incentives, and provides information to the residents, builders, and businesses of Orange County regarding the adoption, use, and economic benefits of green technology,. recycled products and eco-friendly products. 24. Support legislation that ensures Health Care Reform is revenue-neutral to the Health Care Agency and allows HCA to continue to carry out its mandated services and County responsibilities with no increase in Net County Cost. 4 25. Pursue the possibility of maximizing the capacity and efficiency of the County's Cogeneration (Cogen) and Central Plant facility by providing its excess load to other governmental agencies within the Santa Ana Civic Center. 5 ITEM NO. 4.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 Budgeted: N/A To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: YLWD Contracts and Agreements in Process SUMMARY: At the request of the Committee, staff has reviewed and prepared a list of contracts and agreements that are currently in process to be implemented with the District. DISCUSSION: The attached list includes the following information: . Vendor/Firm Name . Purpose/Project Name . Contract Amount . Contract Type . Monitoring Department . Status/Comments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 19, 2011, the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee reviewed a list of contracts and agreements that are active with the District. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: 1 ype: Agreements- _Pending _080511.pdf Agreements & Contracts in Process Backup Material YLWD Agreements and Contracts Pending and In-Process--August 2011 Contract Contract Vendor/Firm Purpose/Project Name Amount Type Monitoring Dept Status/Comments Pascal & Ludwig Constructors Wellhead Equipping Well 20 S 1,221,865 Lg. Const. Engineering Board approved August 11, 2011 Scott Moulton On-call engineering services S5,000 PSA Engineering For GM approval, subject to need Konica Minolta Lease for Color Copier 531,500 Agreemt. IT Board appr'd 6/23 GM signed 8/ 10 Neulogics Great Plains Training S4,900 PSA Finance For GM approval Neogov Process Employment Apps S5,000 PSA HR For GM approval Unknown Safety Consultant 560,000 PSA HR HR soliciting RFP's Pending EAO recommendation to Townsend Public Affairs Legislative Advocacy S52,000 PSA? Board/Admin Board of Directors Verizon Cell Tower Lease Agreemt. Engineering For Board approval ITEM NO. 4.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: General Counsel's Monthly Summary Report ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Kidman Billing Chart Summary 2011-12.xlsx KBT Monthly Billing Summary Backup Material YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CURRENT FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 MONTHLY SUMMARY BILLING CHART BILLING MONTH: July 2011 Matter Current Billing Total Billed to Date Total Billed 2010-2011 Name July 31, 2011 Current Fiscal Year Prior Fiscal Year GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS $0.00 $6,964.27 OCWD ANNEXATION $0.00 $2,447.50 FREEWAY COMPLEX FIRE LITIGATION $19,549.65 $19,549.65 $95,686.62 S&S DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS $0.00 NON-CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENTS $4,619.60 $4,619.60 $10,016.29 CELL TOWERS $0.00 $0.00 $3,417.50 2010 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS $0.00 CIELO VISTA $0.00 EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE APPEAL $505.00 $505.00 $12,428.84 RETAINER $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $25,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS $68.51 $68.51 $1,408.24 SUBTOTAL GENERAL SERVICES $26,742.76 $26,742.76 $172,115.76 CAPITAL PROJECT LEGAL SERVICES: 2010-02 OCTA Lakeview 3,417.50 3,417.50 2011-05S City Sewer System 9,907.45 9,907.45 SUBTOTAL CAPITAL PROJECT SVS: $13,324.95 $13,324.95 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES FOR JULY $40,067.71 $40,067.71 $172,115.76 Kidman, Behrens & Tague LLP Summary of Monthly and FYTD Charges Month of July-11 General Services 26,742.76 Capital Project Related Servcies 13,324.95 Total - July $40,067.71 YTD through July-11 General Services 26,742.76 Capital Project Related Servcies 13,324.95 Total - YTD $40,067.71 ITEM NO. 4.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: Director's and General Manager's Fees and Expenses (April - June 2011) ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Travel and Expenses.xlsx Travel and Expenses Backup Material BOD Dir_Qtrly RptTxlsx Fees and Expenses Quarterly Backup Material BOD Dlr YTD Rpt.xlsx Fees and Expenses YTD Backup Material DIRECTOR'S & GENERAL MANAGER'S RECAP OF TRAVEL/CONFERENCE EXPENSES FOURTH QUARTER 2010-11 FY APRIL - JUNE 2011 GL Trip Trip Trip Director Date Date Name Location Meals Lodging Travel Conf.fee Misc Total trip Total Beverage $0 $0 Collett $0 $0 Hawkins 5/17/11 5/20/11 OC Water Summit Anaheim, CA $115 $115 $115 Kiley 5/17/11 5/20/11 OC Water Summit Anaheim, CA $115 $115 6/14/11 6/30/2011 ISDOC Qtrly Meeting Fountain Valley, CA $17 $17 $132 Melton 4/28/11 5/10-12/11 ACWA 2011 Spring Confr. Sacramento, CA $98 $98 4/28/11 5/10-12/11 ACWA 2011 Spring Confr. Sacramento, CA $50 $50 5/17/11 5/20/11 OC Water Summit Anaheim, CA $115 $115 $263 Total Directors $0 $0 $98 $362 $50 $510 $510 General Manager Vecchiarelli 4/6/11 4/28-29/11 SDLGI Advanced Studies Indian Wells, CA $585 $585 4/29/11 4/28-29/11 SDLGI Advanced Studies Indian Wells, CA $30 $30 5/17/11 5/20/11 OC Water Summit Anaheim, CA $115 $115 5/26/11 5/18/11 OCWA - Water Budget Mtg Fountain Valley, CA $35 $35 5/26/11 5/23/11 Orange County Courthouse Santa Ana, CA $3 $3 $768 Total GM $0 $0 $0 $700 $68 $768 $768 Total Directors & GM $0 $0 $98 $1,062 $118 $1,278 $1,278 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 4th QUARTER REPORT FROM 04-01-2011 TO 06-30-2011 BEVERAGE COLLETT HAWKINS KILEY MELTON MILLS SUMMERFIELD SUB-TOTAL VECCHIARELLI TOTAL REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 6 4 6 6 5 0 0 27 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 12 6 6 6 6 0 0 36 OFF SITE MEETINGS ATTENDED 1 1 12 12 13 0 0 39 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED 4 3 2 4 2 0 0 15 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD 27 14 26 28 27 0 0 122 122 DIRECTOR FEES QTD $4,050 $2,100 $3,900 $4,200 $4,050 $0 $0 $18,300 $18,300 MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 $0 $0 $13,500 $13,500 TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD $0 $0 $115 $132 $263 $0 $0 $510 $510 TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD $375 $375 $375 $375 $375 $0 $0 $1,875 $1,875 DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD $4,050 $2,100 $4,015 $4,332 $4,313 $0 $0 $18,810 $18,810 FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $3,075 $3,075 $3,075 $3,075 $3,075 $0 $0 $15,375 $15,375 GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD $768 $768 GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD $750 $750 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD $4,050 $2,100 $4,015 $4,332 $4,313 $0 $0 $18,810 $768 $19,578 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTE $3,075 $3,075 $3,075 $3,075 $3,075 $0 $0 $15,375 $750 $16,125 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES FISCAL YEAR 2010-2011 YEAR-TO-DATE REPORT FROM 07-01-2010 TO 06-30-2011 BEVERAGE COLETT HAWKINS KILEY MELTON MILLS SUMMERFIELD SUB-TOTAL VECCHIARELLI TOTAL REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 24 19 22 14 13 9 9 110 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 40 21 24 14 13 15 10 137 OFF SITE MEETINGS ATTENDED 8 7 28 27 29 3 4 106 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED 12 9 10 11 8 0 0 50 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 5 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED YTD 89 56 84 66 64 27 23 409 409 DIRECTOR FEES YTD $13,350 $8,400 $12,600 $9,900 $9,600 $4,050 $3,450 $61,350 $61,350 MEETING FEES BUDGET YTD $10,800 $10,800 $10,800 $6,300 $6,300 $4,500 $4,500 $54,000 $54,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES EXPENSES YTD $829 $0 $1,548 $1,172 $1,444 $0 $0 $4,993 $4,993 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE BUDGET YTD $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $875 $875 $625 $625 $7,500 $7,500 DIRECTORS FEES & EXPENSES YTD $14,179 $8,400 $14,148 $11,072 $11,044 $4,050 $3,450 $66,343 $66,343 FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET YTD $12,300 $12,300 $12,300 $7,175 $7,175 $5,125 $5,125 $61,500 $61,500 GEN MGR EXPENSES YTD $2,559 $2,559 GEN MGR TRAVEL CONF. BUDGET YTD $3,000 $3,000 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES YTD $14,179 $8,400 $14,148 $11,072 $11,044 $4,050 $3,450 $66,343 $2,559 $68,902 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET YTD $12,300 $12,300 $12,300 $7,175 $7,175 $5,125 $5,125 $61,500 $3,000 $64,500 ITEM NO. 4.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2011 Budgeted: N/A To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Status Report on Committee Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives SUMMARY: As part of the FY 2011/13 Strategic Plan, each Board Committee has been assigned specific initiatives to oversee. Attached is a report on the Strategic Plan initiatives assigned to the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee and the current status of the initiatives on a month-by-month basis. DISCUSSION: The EAO Committee is responsible for overseeing portions of the following Strategic Plan initiatives: . CP 1: Increase Brand Recognition within the Community . CP 2: Increase Public Awareness of Water and Wastewater Related Issues . FR 3: Identify and Develop Additional Revenue Options . OE 2: Address Inefficiencies Identified in the Self-Assessment Survey . OE 3: Consider Utilization of a Peer Review Survey . SR 1: Work Toward Service Reliability and Efficiency . SR 2: Explore Service Boundary Opportunities . WE 1: Retain a Highly Skilled and Capable Workforce . WE 3: Enhance Employee Relations ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Strategic Plan Tracking- EAO.xlsx July 2011 Status Report Update Backup Material Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee Strategies Start Date Completion Lead Party Jul 2011 Progress Date CP 1: Increase Brand Reco nition within the Community Have Board of Directors and YLWD Staff Attend More Immediately Attendance at: OC Tax Event- Roses, BOD/GM/ CP 1-C Local and Regional following Nov- On-going PIO/ Radishes & Royalty, MWDOC-Water Events and Inter- 2010 election Staff Policy Forum & Dinner, Fullerton Arboretum- Midnite in the Garden governmental Meetings CP 2: Increase Public Awareness of Water and Wastewater Related Issues Provide Financial MWDOC Turf Removal Program CP 2-A Incentives and Jul-11 On-going BOD/GM/PIO participation was tabled. Rebates for Water Use Discussion on Synthetic Turf Rebate Efficiency Program Consider Participation in the California CP 2-C Urban Water Sep-11 Dec-11 GM None Conservation Council's Best Management Practices Enhance the District's Regional Water and Hosted Southern California Water CP 2-D Wastewater Industry On-going On-going BOD/GM/Staff District Financial Officers Group Participation meeting WE 1: Retain a Highly Skilled and Capable Workforce Encourage Staff Participation in WE 1-F Professional On-going On-going General Manager Membership in California Special Districts Association Organizations and Local Civic Groups WE 3: Enhance Employee Relations Implement a Program WE 3-A to Recognize Jul- 11 Sep- 11 EPIC Committee Employee of the Month Program Employees for logistics in process Excellence WE 3-13 Conduct Quarterly All- Jul-11 Quarterly General Manager None Hands Meetings Continue to Approximately 20 staff members WE 3-C Encourage Employee On-going On-going General Manager scheduled to attend ACWA-JPIA's Training in Leadership Professional Development Program and Technology Training Conference SR 2: Ex lore Service Bounda O ortunities Evaluate Feasibility of Providing Additional Jul-11 Jun-12 General Manager None SR 2-A Services with Water the Region Evaluate Feasibility of SR 2-13 Providing Additional Jul-11 Jun-12 General Manager None Wastewater Services with the Region Evaluate Feasibility of SR 2-C Providing Other Jul-11 Jun-12 General Manager None Professional Services with the Region SR 1: Work Toward Service Reliability and Efficiency Continue with Efforts Notice of Preparation went out July 29, 2011. Allows for comments on to Annex District SR 1-A Service Area to Orange On-going On-going General Manager potential environmental issues with County Water District annexation. Comments deadline September 2, 2011 Engage with Regional Attendance at MWDOC Water Use SR 1-C Agencies on Water On-going On-going General Manager Efficiency Meeting Supply Issues Strengthen Existing Emergency Public Affairs and Emergency SR 1-D Emergency Operations On-going On-going Operations Operations staff attendance at Alert Partnerships Coordinator/GM OC Training FR 3: Identify and DeveloiD3 Additional Revenue Options Research and Obtain FR 3-A Grant Funding On-going On-going General Manager None Whenever Feasible OE 2: Address Inefficiencies Identified in the Self-Assessment Survey OE 2-A Identify Core Jul-11 Jun-12 EPIC Committee To be discussed at August/ September Inefficiencies 2011 meeting Develop Measurable Aug- 11 Jun- 12 EPIC Committee To be discussed at August/ September OE 2-B Productivity Goals 2011 meeting Engage Employees in OE 2-C Methods of Addressing Sep-11 Jun-12 EPIC Committee To be discussed at August/ September Inefficiencies 2011 meeting OE 3: Consider Utilization of a Peer Review Surve Determine the Cost OE 3-A Benefit Ratio of a Peer Jul-11 Sep-11 Management On Schedule to be Completed in Analyst September 2011 Review Survey Establish a Team to On Schedule to be Completed in OE 3-13 Determine the Focus Sep-11 Oct-11 EPIC Committee October 2011 of the Survey Institute Guidelines OE 3-C for Areas to Be Sep-11 Dec-11 EPIC Committee On Schedule to be Completed in December 2011 Addressed