HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-19 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2011
A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by
Director Melton at 9:00 a.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office
at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Ric Collett Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Ken Mendum, Water Maint. Supt.
2.1. Approval of Change Order No. 2 for Highland Pump Station Replacement
Mr. Conklin reported that work is proceeding well on the construction of
the new pump station. This proposed change order relates to additions
and modifications as well as District-initiated changes encountered during
the course of construction to date. Mr. Conklin described each of the six
change-order items, four of which were added-cost items and two were
credits back to the District. Following discussion, the Committee
supported the staff-recommendation for approval of Change Order No. 2
in the amount of $129,265 and 45 additional work days for Pacific
Hydrotech Corporation.
2.2. Elk Mountain Fence Plan Alternatives
Mr. Conklin recalled that at its August 4, 2011 Workshop, the Board
requested that the Engineering Department provide information on
alternatives for additional fencing at Elk Mountain Reservoir site for
consideration at the September PEO Committee meeting. In response, he
provided information to the Committee on three potential fencing
alternatives. Following discussion, the Committee recommendation was
to proceed with Alternative 1, the construction of approximately 40 lineal
feet of 6-ft high wrought iron fence with a 3-ft wide gate at the easterly
corner of the property, at an approximate cost of $2,500, upon receipt of
three competitive bids. The Committee also requested that staff
determine if an Agenda Item could be place on the agenda for the October
6 Board Workshop on the Elk Mountain Site Development Project
whereby the Board could choose to vote to cancel or continue further
consideration of the project.
2.3. Resident Concerns Regarding Highland Reservoir Site
Mr. Conklin reported that an email was received on August 3, 2011 with a
list of issues and concerns from Ms. Eileen Facer, who lives at 5241
Highland Avenue, adjacent to the Highland Reservoir. On August 12, Ken
Vecchiarelli and Steve Conklin met on Highland Avenue with Ms. Facer
and Ms. Sally Warren, who lives at 5251 Highland Avenue, to discuss the
issues. A site walk and discussion occurred, addressing site maintenance
concerns, their request for a fire hydrant along Highland Avenue, and their
request that the District close the unpaved section of Highland Avenue to
through traffic. The PEO Committee considered the items identified and
suggested that staff continue to maintain site improvements for the coming
rainy season. The Committee also supported plans to proceed with
installation of a fire hydrant on Highland Avenue, an inexpensive gate
across Highland Avenue, and potentially closing the local access road to
through traffic.
3.1. Monthly Preventative Maintenance (PM) Program Report
Mr. Mendum reported on the status of the PM Program, noting that the
Hydrant Crew concentrated on PM for the 330 air and vacuum valves and
the 150 pressure regulating valves in the water system over the first two
months of the new fiscal year. Next month, the crew will rotate back to
PM for the 3,881 fire hydrants and 155 dead-end lines to be flushed.
Accordingly, he noted that PM is on target for all areas except for sewer
televising which is behind schedule due to operational problems with
electronic equipment and the camera. Staff is working to restore
equipment and to have back-ups in place to allow work to proceed. Mr.
Mendum also noted that the idled televising crew worked on root control
and sewer line rehabilitation in the interim.
3.2. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report
Mr. Conklin reported that total water demand for August 2011 was 2,394
AF, which is 7.5% less than demands estimated in the budget. Of that
total, we took 597 AF of in-lieu import water in place of groundwater.
3.3. Groundwater Producers (GWP) Meeting Report
Mr. Conklin reported on the August 10 GWP meeting. He noted the time
period has expired for parties to request particular environmental issues
be included in the EIR to be prepared for the proposed annexation of
YLWD, IRWD and Anaheim to OCWD. He indicated that the current
schedule for the EIR process is: February 2012, issue draft EIR for public
comment; May 2012, OCWD Board meeting to consider certification of
EIR. Mr. Conklin also reported that the MWDOC/OCWD Consolidation
Issue is no longer being pursued. Rather, the two boards have directed
staff to work together to identify joint organizational efficiencies and
cooperative efforts.
3.4. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress
Mr. Conklin provided a status report on capital projects currently in
planning, design and construction. A copy of the September 1 CIP Status
Report is attached for information.
3.5. Status Report on Committee-Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives
Mr. Conklin reported on the status of strategic plan initiatives, noting
progress made in August.
3.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
4.1. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. The next meeting of the Planning-
Engineering-Operations Committee will be held October 12, 2011 at 4:00
p.m. (This meeting was subsequently rescheduled to October 6, 2011 at
9:00 a.m.)