HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-27 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, October 27, 2011, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Michael J. Beverage, President Phil Hawkins, Vice President Ric Collett Robert R. Kiley Gary T. Melton 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Recognition of OCWA Annual Hot Tap and Horseshoe Competition Participants 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held October 24, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided at the Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 28, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2011 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $828,843.01. 8.3. Progress Payment No. 3 for Construction of the Ohio St. and Oriente Dr. Pipeline Replacement Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 3 in the net amount of $98,694.90 to Mamco Construction for the Ohio Street and Oriente Drive Pipeline Project, Job No. 201006. 8.4. Progress Payment No. 9 for Construction of the Highland Booster Pump Station Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 9 in the net amount of $27,324.00 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for construction of the Highland Booster Pump Station Project, Job No. 200814. 9. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 9.1. Support Services for Computerized Maintenance and Management System Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to approve Task Release No. 2 for the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) between the Yorba Linda Water District and Westin Engineering. 9.2. Reclassification of Limited-Term Sr. Project Manager Position Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider and approve reclassification of the limited-term Sr. Project Manager position to a regular full-time District position, effective July 1, 2012. 9.3. Revised Professional Services Agreement with Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider execution of the revised professional services agreement with Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP. 9.4. MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum Recommendation: That the Board of Directors designate an elected official as the District's official representative to attend the MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. President's Report 10.2. Directors' Reports Yorba Linda Mayor's Prayer Breakfast - October 20, 2011 MWDOC Water Policy Forum - October 20, 2011 10.3. General Manager's Report • Benefits Fair - October 26, 2011 10.4. General Counsel's Report 10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 11.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) Minutes of meeting held October 18, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled November 16, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Collett/Kiley) • Minutes of meeting held October 24, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 28, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Kiley/Beverage) • Meeting scheduled November 8, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Melton/Collett) • Meeting scheduled November 3, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Hawkins/Melton) Minutes of meeting held October 21, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled November 7, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) • Meeting scheduled November 22, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 12.1. YL City Council - October 18, 2011 (Melton) 12.2. MWDOC Board - October 19, 2011 (Melton/Staff) 12.3. OCWD Board - October 19, 2011 (Kiley/Staff) 12.4. YL Planning Commission - October 26, 2011 (Collett) 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from October 28, 2011 - November 30, 2011 14. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00124906) Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00125994) Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00311353) Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00319080) Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00320239) Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00327152) Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00332968) Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00348304) Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00409755) Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00425404) 14.2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: General Manager 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held November 10, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Subject: Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held October 24, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided at the Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 28, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 102411 - CAC Minutes.doc CAC Mtg Minutes 10/24/11 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING October 24, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Vice Chair, Cheryl Spencer-Borden. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Cheryl Spencer-Borden, Vice Chair Rick Buck Joe Holdren Modesto Llanos Lindon Baker Bill Guse Fred Hebein Daniel Mole Greg Myers YLWD DIRECTORS PRESENT YLWD STAFF PRESENT Michael Beverage, Director Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Derek Nguyen, Water Quality Engineer VISITORS PRESENT Anne Guse 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 3. PRESENTATIONS 3.1. Your Water's Taste and Odor Mr. Nguyen gave a presentation on water taste and odor in light of the recent algae bloom at Metropolitan's Silverwood Lake in the San Bernardino Mountains. Mr. Nguyen noted that although the algae bloom has prompted some customers to call the District about changes in the taste and odor of their tap water, the issues they may be experiencing do not pose any health risks. In addition, Mr. Nguyen provided background and information about water quality and the chemical composition of the District's water supply and the steps and precautions taken to ensure a safe potable water source. He also offered recommendations on how to achieve the best tasting results from your tap water at home. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. Bottled Water Label Contest Finalists Mr. Micalizzi presented to the Committee the finalists for the District's Bottled Water Label Contest. The Committee voted and picked a winner. 1 4.2. American Water Works Association's (AWWA) QualServe Program Results The Committee Discussed the AWWA QualServe Results, with mixed reviews however most agreed the data provided some useful information. Mr. Micalizzi explained that the QualServe Results were responsible in part for the formation of the Employee Productivity Innovation & Communication (EPIC) Committee that is tasked with ensuring that the District addresses some of the issues and possible deficiencies identified in the Survey. In addition, the Employee Safety Committee was reestablished with Human Resources to address some of the Health and Safety concerns brought up in the survey. Mr. Beverage also pointed out that a Safety Consultant will soon be hired by the District to assist in moving these objectives forward. 4.3. OCWD Ground Water Adventure Tour Mr. Micalizzi invited the Committee to attend the OCWD Ground Water Adventure Tour on November 10, 2011. Those interested will let staff know via e-mail later this week. Mr. Beverage also mentioned to the Committee that there are some upcoming inspection trips hosted by Metropolitan that they may be interested in attending if there is availability. Staff will check on the availability for upcoming trips and extend invitations to the CAC if seats are available. 4.4. Date for November/December CAC Meeting The Committee decided to hold its final meeting for the 2011 Calendar year on Monday, November 28, 2011. 4.5. Future Agenda Items At this time, Mr. Llanos brought up an item on the District's October 21, 2011 Public Affairs Communication Technology Committee Meeting. Mr. Llanos voiced concerns that the Summary Page of the Staff Report for Discussion Item 3.5, titled Draft Strategic Communications Plan, did not mention the Citizens Advisory Committee. He noted that at the September CAC Meeting, while discussing the District's adopted Strategic Plan, he had also pointed out concerns that there was no mention of the CAC in that document. Mr. Micalizzi reassured everyone that the CAC plays a vital role in the District's community outreach and that the CAC is mentioned several times in the Strategic Communications Plan, a document that will be presented to the CAC at their November meeting. Other upcoming Discussion Items include: ■ Citizens Advisory Committee Questionnaire Results and Executive Summary ■ District Public Affairs Efforts ■ Rate Structure and Financial Planning 2 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The Committee adjourned at 10:22 a.m. The next meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee will be held Monday, November 28, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. 3 ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 13, 2011 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: Type: 101311 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 10/13/11 Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 PH/RC 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING October 13, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER The October 13, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Beverage at 8.32 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administrative Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Kiley led the pledge. { 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Michael J. Beverage, President Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Phil Hawkins, Vice President Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Ric Collett Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Robert R. Kiley Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager Gary T. Melton Art Vega, Interim IT Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Ken Mendum, Water Maintenance Superintendent Steve Clayton, Plant Operator II Freddie Ojeda, Plant Operator II Diane Dalton, Senior Maintenance Dist Operator Scott Coffman, Maintenance Dist Operator III Jorge Lopez, Maintenance Dist Operator II Nick Hollon, Maintenance Worker Nick Isbell, Maintenance Worker Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary ALSO PRESENT Brett Barbre, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County Nancy Rikel, Mayor, City of Yorba Linda Art Kidman, General Counsel, Kidman Behrens & Tague LLP Eddie Beltran, Senior Associate, Kidman, Behrens & Tague LLP Carl Boznanski, Chair, Citizens Advisory Committee Bob King, King Family Trust/Yorba Linda Outpost Development LLC Gordon Thomson, Thomson and Associates Real Estate 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA President Beverage announced that Item No. 14.1. would be removed from the agenda as it was no longer needed and that Item No. 14.2. would be continued to the next regular Board meeting. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that Item No. 6.1. would also be postponed until the next meeting. 1 Item No. 5. was taken following Item No. 7.1. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION Item No. 6.1. was continued to the next Board meeting. 6.1. Recognition of OCWA Annual Hot Tap and Horseshoe Competition Participants 6.2. Recognition of Staff for Outstanding Customer Service Compliments Mr. Vecchiarelli played a recorded message from a customer commending District staff for their assistance. Mr. Vecchiarelli then introduced Mrs. Dalton and Messrs. Coffman, Hollon, Isbell and Lopez after which President Beverage presented them with a memo recognizing their exceptional customer service. Mr. Vecchiarelli then introduced Messrs. Clayton and Ojeda who were attending the Board meeting to fulfill a requirement for the ACWA/JPIA Certification Program. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee a ~(Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held September 26, 2011 were provided in the agenda packet. Director Beverage attended. Mr. Boznanski provided a brief report regarding matters discussed during the meeting including- Elk Mountain Reservoir Practice Field Project Update; 2011/12 Budget & Strategic Plan; and Citizens Advisory Committee Questionnaire. Meeting scheduled October 24, 2011 at 8.30 a.m. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR President Beverage announced that he would like to remove Item Nos. 8.3. and 8.5. from the Consent Calendar. These items were then removed for separate action. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held September 22, 2011 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 2 8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held October 4, 2011 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.4. Progress Payment No. 2 for Construction of the 2010 Waterline Replacement Project, Phase 1 - Plumosa Drive Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 2 in the net amount of $141,998.40 to Kana Pipeline, Inc. for construction of the Plumosa Drive Pipeline Project, Job No. 201012. 8.6. Construction Contract for Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacements Recommendation. That the Board of Directors award a construction agreement in the amount of $203,800.00 to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc., for installation of replacement valves at the Fairmount Reservoir. 8.7. Easement Quitclaim for Sewer System Transfer Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute the Quitclaim Deed relating to Parcel 1 in the Deed of Easement recorded on March 25, 1991 as Instrument No. 91-134888, to quitclaim to the City of Yorba Linda the Brush Canyon Chlorination Building site. 8.8. Letter of Understanding for Yorba Linda Blvd Booster Station Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to submit a Letter of Understanding to the City of Yorba Linda for the District's Yorba Linda Blvd Booster Station and Pipeline Project. 8.9. Agreement Amendment with Total Compensation Systems Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to amend the current professional services agreement with Total Compensation Systems, Inc. to complete a "roll-over" valuation for the years 2012 and 2013 at a cost not to exceed $1,400. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION Staff responded to questions from President Beverage regarding payment being made for the 2003 and 2008 Certificates of Participation and plans for upgrading the Districts existing pressure regulating stations. 3 Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to approve Item Nos. 8.3. and 8.5. Motion carried 5-0. 8.3. Payments of Bills, Refunds and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $4,216,037.85. 8.5. Engineering Services for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Hall & Foreman, Inc. in the amount of $82,400 to prepare engineering design, and provide bidding support and construction management services for the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project. 9. ACTION CALENDAR 9.1. Terms & Conditions for Water & Sewer Service for King Family Trust, Tract 16488 Mr. Conklin introduced Messrs. King and Thomson, representatives for the King Family regarding this matter. Mr. Conklin then provided an overview of the project and along with Mr. Vecchiarelli, responded to questions from the Board regarding additional water storage, fire flow requirements, and water pressure for the proposed development. Following further discussion, Mr. Vecchiarelli suggested that the Board consider amending No. 49 of the Terms & Conditions as follows: The applicant 3 f f:_` install individual water pumps with approved backflow prevention assemblies, comply with Terms and Conditions No. 32 for such assemblies and shall execute a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants noticing buyers of possible low pressure conditions and the existence of private pressure pump systems L Mr. Kidman stated that he agreed with Mr. Vecchiarelli's suggestion. Mr. Thomson addressed the Board and stated that he also agreed with the amended condition. Messrs. Thomson and King then responded to questions from the Board regarding property disclosures and the number of pads being reserved for the King family. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service for the King Family, Trust, Tract No. 16488, for development of 11 residential lots as amended. Motion passed 5-0. 4 9.2. Standing List of Vendors for Provision of Temporary Personnel Services Mrs. Knight explained the purpose of developing a standing list of vendors for temporary personnel services. Mrs. Knight and Mr. Kidman then responded to questions from the Board regarding the process of adding additional vendors to the standing list and competitive bid requirements. Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to authorize development of a standing list of vendors for the provision of temporary personnel services, on an as-needed basis, and execution of Professional Services Agreements with these vendors, subject to approval as to form by General Counsel, and providing Certificates of General Liability and Workers' Compensation insurance coverage to the District on an on-going basis along with waivers of subrogation for our files. Motion passed 5-0. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. President's Report President Beverage commented on the current process for providing Committee meeting minutes to the Board and requested that staff prepare a discussion item regarding the matter for the next Executive- Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting. 10.2. Directors' Reports Director Melton encouraged the Board to attend the Yorba Linda Mayor's Prayer Breakfast on October 20, 2011. Brief discussion followed. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to add the event to the agenda as Item No. 13.2. for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance as there was a need to take immediate action and the event notice was received by staff subsequent to the agenda being posted. Motion passed 5-0. 10.3. General Manager's Report ■ Benefits Fair - October 26, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. ■ AB1825 Training - December 6, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. ■ AB1234 Training - March 12, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that the Human Resources Department will be sponsoring a benefits fair at the end of October. Flu shots and information regarding health benefits will be provided at the event. Mr. Vecchiarelli further reported that the HR Department had also scheduled two trainings in December 2011 and March 2012 to meet the AB1825 and AB1234 requirements. 10.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Kidman reported that the District settled an employment dispute with its former Assistant General Manager, Pat Grady. The parameters of the settlement were approved by the Board in Closed Session on September 8, 2011 and a final settlement agreement was executed by both parties on 5 September 20, 2011. The executed agreement is a public record while Mr. Grady's personnel file remains confidential. Mr. Kidman further reported that Mr. Grady submitted a formal letter of resignation and released all employment related claims against the District. The District paid a lump sum settlement payment of $27,500 to Mr. Grady. Neither side admitted any wrongdoing in the employment of Mr. Grady or the disputes related to his employment. Mr. Grady agreed to indemnify the District against any employment taxes applicable to the settlement payment. Mr. Kidman then stated that this announcement was in compliance with Section 54957.1 (a)(3)(B) of the California Government Code. Mr. Kidman then commented on the status of a few pieces of legislation including AB 22, AB 938, SB 215, AB 1344, and AB 23. Mr. Beltrans will provide a more detailed report to staff at a later date. 10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) Minutes of the meeting held October 6, 2011 were provided in the agenda packet. Directors Beverage and Hawkins attended. The only matter discussed at the meeting was the discontinuation of the Elk Mountain Reservoir Practice Field Project. Meeting scheduled October 18, 2011 at 11:00 a.m. 11.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Collett/Kiley) Minutes of the meeting held September 26, 2011 were provided in the agenda packet. Directors Collett and Kiley attended. Matters discussed during the meeting included: Contract Extension with Total Compensation Systems; Audit Update; July 2011 and August 2011 Budget to Actual Results; Investment Reports through August 2011; and Status Report on Committee Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives. Meeting scheduled October 24, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Kiley/Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held October 11, 2011 were provided at the meeting. Directors Kiley and Beverage attended. Matters discussed during the meeting included: Reclassification of a Limited-Term Sr. Project Manager Position to a Regular Budgeted Position; Status of 6 Human Resources and Risk Management Activities; Status of Recruitments and Budgeted Positions; and Status of Committee Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives. Meeting scheduled November 8, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Melton/Collett) Minutes of the meeting held October 6, 2011 were provided in the agenda packet. Directors Melton and Collett attended. Matters discussed during the meeting included: Engineering Services for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project; Construction Contract for Valve Replacement at Fairmont Reservoir; Letter of Understanding for Yorba Linda Blvd Booster Station Project; Report on Potential Second Lower Cross Feeder Project; Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report; Monthly Groundwater Production & Purchased Import Water Report; Groundwater Producer Meeting Report; Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress; and Status Report on Committee-Specific Strategic Planning Initiatives. Meeting scheduled November 3, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 11.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Hawkins/Melton) Meeting scheduled October 10, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. was cancelled and rescheduled to October 21, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. 11.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) Minutes of the meeting held September 27, 2011 were provided in the agenda packet. Directors Beverage and Hawkins attended. Matters discussed during the meeting included: MWD Labor Negotiations; Status of Southern California Water Supply; Replenishment Studies; MWDOC's 60th Anniversary Commemoration; Status of Groundwater Basin; MWD Replenishment Water Program; and Annexation of YLWD to OCWD. Meeting scheduled November 22, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Mr. Vecchiarelli stated that he was not going to be able to attend this meeting and that Mr. Conklin would be attending in his place. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 12.1. WACO - September 9, 2011 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins did not attend this meeting. 7 12.2. YL City Council - September 20, 2011 (Melton) Director Melton attended and commented on a resolution extending a two year extension for certain Conditional Use Permits which was adopted at the meeting. 12.3. MWDOC Board - September 21, 2011 (Melton/Staff) Director Melton attended and commented on the Orange County Water Summit and ACWA Committee appointments which were discussed at the meeting. 12.4. OCWD Board - September 21, 2011 (Kiley/Staff) Director Kiley attended but did not have any new business to report. 12.5. YL Planning Commission - September 28, 2011 (Collett) Director Collett attended and commented on a proposed lot split which was discussed during the meeting. 12.6. ISDOC -September 29, 2011 (Hawkins/Kiley) Directors Hawkins and Kiley attended. Director Hawkins commented on two presentations provided at the meeting regarding California's legislative and congressional redistricting plan and the accomplishments of CSDA. 12.7. YL City Council - October 4, 2011 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins attended but did not have any new business to report. 12.8. MWDOC/MWD Workshop - October 5, 2011 (Melton/Staff) Director Melton attended and commented on MWD's Local Resource Development Strategy Task Force, conservation goals and impacts on revenue, and MWD's Labor MOU which were discussed during the ' meeting. 12.9. OCWD Board, October 5, 2011 (Kiley/Staff) Director Kiley attended and commented on a license agreement with the City of Anaheim for a drain pipe from the Linda Vista Reservoir which was approved at the meeting. 12.10. WACO -October 7, 2011 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins attended and commented on a presentation regarding SCWD's Groundwater Recovery Facility which was provided at the meeting. 12.11. YL Planning Commission - October 12, 2011 (Kiley) Director Kiley attended and commented on a lot split and extension for a Conditional Use Permit for Verizon Wireless which were discussed during the meeting. 8 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from October 14, 2011 - November 30, 2011 The Board reviewed the listed meetings. Director Hawkins stated that the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee meeting in November had been rescheduled to November 16, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 13.2. Yorba Linda Mayor's Prayer Breakfast - October 20, 2011 Directors Collett and Melton have already registered for this event. Directors Hawkins and Kiley expressed an interest in attending as well. Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to authorize Director attendance at this event. Motion passed 5-0. 14. CLOSED SESSION Item No. 14.1. was removed from the agenda and Item No. 14.2. was continued to the next regular Board meeting. 14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00124906) Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00125994) Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00311353) a4 Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00319080) Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00320239) Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00327152) Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00332968) Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00348304) Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00409755) 9 Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00425404) 14.2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: General Manager 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held October 27, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Board Secretary r a. 10 ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: N/A To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $828,843.01 Funding Source: All Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Maria Trujillo, Accounting CEQA Compliance: N/A Assistant I Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $828,843.01. DISCUSSION: The wire and major item on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of $98,563.03 to ACWA- HBA for November 2011 health premium; and a check of $98,694.90 to Mamco Construction for Ohio Street pipeline replacement September 2011 progress payment. The balance of $396,516.17 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $593,774.10; Payroll No. 21 total is $235,068.91; and, the disbursements of this agenda report are $828,843.01. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Description: Type: CkReg102711_BOD.pdf Check Register Backup Material 11-CS 1027.doc Cap Sheet Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 PH/RC 5-0 RC abstained from voting on Check No. 57624 as he has a financial interest with the vendor. Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 10/'14/2011 thru 1012712011 Check No. Cate Vendor Name Amount description ($10k orgreater} 57647 10/27/2011 1st Enterprise Bank 3.036.00 57544 10/27/2011 Abbott Staffing Croup 4,080.00 57545 10/27/2011 ACWA/JPIA 28,995.00 Workers' Comp Prem Jul-Sep 57546 1012712011 ACWA-Assn Of Ca Water Agencies 635-00 W102711 10/27/7011 ACWA HBA 96,563.03 Health premium November 57547 10/27/2011 Albert A. Webb Associates 3.520.00 57548 10/27/2011 Alhambra Foundry Company 3:338.57 57549 10/27/2011 Anixter Inc. 177.71 57550 10/27/2011 Answer One Communications 555-04 57551 10/27/2011 Apollo Technologies Inc. 410.00 57552 1012712411 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 457.29 57553 10/27/2011 Aramark 68224 57574 1012712011 ARC 900-39 57554 10/27/2011 Arrow Hardware 181.85 57555 10/27/2011 Associated Laboratories 2,869.14 57558 10/27/2011 AT & T 44.95 57556 1012712011 AT & T - Calnet2 3.33$.77 57557 10/27/2011 AT & T Mobility 240.87 57559 10/27/2011 Autoscribe Corporation 97.75 57560 10/27/2011 AW Direct Inc. 531.03 57563 10/27/2011 B & M Lawr and Garden Inc 8.60 57561 10/27/2011 Battery Systems 115.42 57562 10/27/2011 Bee Gone 95.03 S757G 10/27/1011 C. Wells Pipeline 117.45 57564 10/27/2011 Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 144.00 57565 10/27/2011 CALPELRA 695.00 57566 1012712011 CAW Government, Inc 8.006-83 57567 10/27/2011 City Of Anaheim 962.34 57565 10/27/2011 City Of Placentia 649.70 57569 10/27/2011 City Of Placentia 4,661.87 57570 10/27/2011 CIVILTEC Englneering, Inc 1,334,93 57571 10/27/2011 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 1.940-00 57572 10/77/2011 Coast Surveying, Inc. 494.00 57573 10/27/2011 Cobra Solutions, Inc 395.00 57596 10/27/2011 Costco Online 489.87 57575 10/27/2011 Culligan 1,523.50 57577 10/27/2011 Datalok Orange County 288.55 57578 10/27/2011 Dell Marketing L.P. 3.294.36 57580 10/27/2011 Delta Wye Electric, Inc. 710.95 57579 10/27/7011 De[ta,Care USA 32094 57581 10/27/2011 Derek Nguyen 317.73 57582 10/27/2011 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 1,253.69 57583 10/27/2011 Elite Equipment Inc 2,396.95 57584 10/27/2011 Elk Grove Ford 20,666.60 2012 Ford E<scpe/Repl Eng Veh 57587 1012712011 EyeMed 1,477-64 57585 10/270011 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc. 241.70 57586 10/27/2011 Federal Express 115.52 57588 10/27/2011 Fleet Services, Inc 10.84 57589 10/27/2011 Flex Advantage 117.00 57590 10/27/2011 Fry's Electronics 53.93 57591 1.0/27/2011 Grainger 445.29 57592 10/27/2011 Graybar Electric Co 7,636.96 57593 10/27/2011 Haaker Equipment Co. 2,105.80 57594 10/27/2011 Harrington Industrial 430.08 57595 10/27/2011 Home Depot Credit Services 550.58 57597 10/27/2011 Industrial Technical Services 245.00 57598 10/27/2011 Infosend Inc. 8,351.54 57601 10/27/2011 J. Todd Howard 87.97 57599 10/2'/,12011 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 66571 57600 10/27/2011 John Force Racing Inc 570.00 57610 10/27/2011 K]dman, Behrens, & Tague, _LP 31,303.41 Legal services September 57602 10/27/2011 Konica Minolta Business 1,301.39 57603 10/27/2013 Konica Minolta Business 103.66 57604 1012712011 Lee & Ro, Inc. 39.502.22 Palm Ave upgrades Sept svcs 576075 1012712011 Leighton Consulting, Inc. 14.992.40 Ohio St Repl Jun-Aug svos 57606 1012712011 Light Bulbs Etc 262.80 57496 10118/2011 Lynn Nuzman (120.00) W101811 10/18/2011 Lynn Nuzman 120.00 57607 1012712011 Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. 688.40 57608 3.0/27/2011 Mamco Construction 98.694.90 Ohio St Rep] prog pay Sept 57609 10/27/2011 Marina Landscape, Inc 3,607.27 57611 10/27/2011 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 80-60 57612 107/27/2011 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 311.16 57613 10/27/2011 Merchants Building Maintenance LL[ 5,993.13 57614 10/27/2911 Michael J. Beverage 14.10 57615 10/27/2011 MWH Americas, Inc. 11,980.00 Highland Booster upgrade Aug 57616 10/27/2011 Nicole Dalton 80.00 57617 10/27/2011 One Source Distributors, LLC 339.50 57618 10/27/2011 ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 105.00 57614 10/27/2011 Orange County - I W M D 1,346.64 57620 10/27/2011 Orange County Register 198.00 57621 10/27/2011 Orange County Sanitation District 669-73 57622 10/27/2011 Pacific Hydrotech Corporation 27,324.00 Highland Booster prog pay Sep 5/623 10/27/2011 Peck Road Truck Center 44.39 57624 10/27/2011 Placentia Disposal #676 469.58 57625 10/27/2011 Powerstride Battery 427.22 57626 10/27/2011 Praxair Distribution 55.035 57627 10/27/2011 Priority Mailing Systems LLC 509.00 57630 1012712011 R J Services, Inc 1,056.77 57628 1012712011 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc_ 14,060.93 Consulting Sep-WtrRVSwr Fin 57629 10/27/2011 RBF Consulting 10,116.54 Pipeline Rep] August svgs 57631 1012712011 RKI Engineering, LLC 3.800.00 57632 1012717011 RMJ Technologies 19,479.40 Monitoring ServiceAiehicles 57633 10/27/2011 Sanders Paving, Inc. 17,525.00 Asphalt repair YL,Plac,Anaheim 57634 10/27/2011 South Coast AQMD 1,934.21 W101711 10/17/2011 Southern Calif Edison Co. 29,52325 Electrical all sites September 57635 1012712011 Southern Calif Gas Co. 9,676.60 57636 10/2712011 Southwest Valve 943.89 57641 1012712011 St-Jude Hospital Yorba Linda 105.00 57637 10/27/2011 Staples Business Advantage 1,171.76 57638 10/27/2011 Stater Bros. Markets 25.61 57640 1012712011 Stephen Parker/ Petty Cash 215.29 57639 10/27/2011 Steven Enterprises 202.50 57642 10/27/2011 Sunrise Medical Group 95.00 51643 10/27/2011 Time Warner Cable 447.22 57644 10/27/2011 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. 3,000.00 57645 10/27/2011 Underground Service Alert 138.00 57646 10/27/2011 United Industries 1,340.31 57648 10/27/201.1 Wells Supply Co 9,274.65 57650 10/27/2011 Westin Engineering, Inc. 1,962.00 57649 1012712011 Westside Building Material 473.63 57651 10/27/2011 Yorba Linda Hardware 73.36 57541 10/17/7011 Yorba Linda Prayer Breakfast 25.00 57542 10/17/2011 Yorba Linda Prayer Breakfast 25-00 57543 10/17/2011 Yorba Linda Prayer Breakfast 25-00 Total $593,774.10 October 27, 2011 CHECK NUMBERS: Void Check 57496 $ (120.00) Manual Checks 57541-57543 $ 75.00 Computer Checks 57544-57651 $ 465,612.82 $ 465, 567.82 WIRES: W-101711 Southern Cal Edison $ 29,523.25 W-101811 Lynn Nuzman $ 120.00 W-102711 ACWA-H BA $ 98, 563.03 $ 128,206.28 TOTAL OF CHECKS AND WIRE $ 593,774.10 PAYROLL NO. 21: Void Check 4786 Computer Checks 5070- 5075 Manual Checks 5076- 5085 $ 235,068.91 DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 828,843.01 APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF OCTOBER 27, 2011 ITEM NO. 8.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $1,750,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $1,750,000 Funding Source: Water Capital Reserves From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 1-0010-2700 Manager Job No: J-201006 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: Exempt Subject: Progress Payment No. 3 for Construction of the Ohio St. and Oriente Dr. Pipeline Replacement SUMMARY: Construction is proceeding on the Ohio Street and Oriente Drive Pipeline Project, which includes installation of approximately 4,500 feet of 16-inch diameter ductile iron pipe, 2,200 feet of 8 to 12- inch diameter PVC pipe, miscellaneous valves, hydrants and water service connections. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 3 in the net amount of $98,694.90 to Mamco Construction for the Ohio Street and Oriente Drive Pipeline Project, Job No. 201006. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Mamco Construction submitted a request for Progress Payment No. 3, in the amount of $109,661.00 for completed work through September 30, 2011. During this period, the contractor installed approximately 1,540 feet of pipeline in Ohio Street and Oriente Drive, including miscellaneous valves and base paving. The contractor also installed various valves and services. The status of the construction contract with Mamco Construction is as follows: . The current contract is $1,389,089.00 and 210 calendar days starting May 23, 2011. . If approved, Progress Payment No. 3 is $109,661.00 (7.9% of the total contract amount), less 10% retention of $10,966.10 for a net payment of $98,694.90. . Total payments to date including proposed Payment No. 3 and retention would be $1,038,297.00 (74.7% of the total contract amount). . As of September 30, 2011, 131 calendar days were used (62.4% of the contract time). Staff reviewed the contractor's progress payment and recommend approval. A copy of Progress Payment No. 3 is attached for your reference. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): A construction contract in the amount of $1,389,089 was awarded to the low bidder, Mamco Construction on April 14, 2011. The Board of Directors has approved two progress payments to date for this project, the most recent at the meeting on September 22, 2011. ATTACHMENTS: Nan e: Description: ype: MAMCO PPR 3.pdf Mamco Progress Payment 3 for Ohio Pipeline Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 PH/RC 5-0 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROGRESS PAY REPORT PROJECT Ohio I Oriente Pipeline Project PROGRESS PAY REQUEST NO. 003 LOCATION Yorba Linda, CA PROJECT NO. 201006 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES CONTRACTOR Mamco Construction DATE 10111111 rORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 1,389,089.00 AU FHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS: $ - REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 11389,089.00 PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD September 1, 2011 TO September 30, 2011 PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TO DATE VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 928,636.00 Is 109,661.00 $ 1,038,297.00 CHANGE ORDER WORK COMPLETED $ - $ - $ - TOTAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 928,636.00 $ 109,661.00 $ 1,038,297.00 LESS RETENTION 10% $ 835,772,40 S 98,694.90 $ 934,46730 LESS OTHER DEDUCTIONS Electronic Wire Fees NET EARNED TO DATE $ 934,467.30 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID $ 835,772.40 BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE $ 98,694.90 NOTICE TO PROCEED May 23, 2011 COMPLETION TIME 210 CALENDAR DAYS APPROVED TIME EXTENSIONS 0 CALENDAR DAYS TOTAL CONTRACT TIME 210 CALENDAR DAYS TIME EXPENDED TO DATE 131 CALENDAR DAYS TIME REMAINING 79 CALENDAR DAYS REQUESTED BY: DATE: Rumzi b s Project Manager, MAMCO RECOMMENDED: e DATE: Joe Pclimino, Project Engineer: YLWD st APPROVED BY: DATE: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager, YLWD ITEM NO. 8.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $5.5 M To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $5.5 M Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: J-200814 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: MND Subject: Progress Payment No. 9 for Construction of the Highland Booster Pump Station Project SUMMARY: Work is proceeding on construction of the Highland Pump Station Project that includes a new building, three electric motor driven pumps, two natural gas engine driven pumps, various piping, a surge tank and a new access road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 9 in the net amount of $27,324.00 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for construction of the Highland Booster Pump Station Project, Job No. 200814. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation submitted a request for Progress Payment No. 9, in the amount of $30,360.00 for completed work through September 30, 2011. During this period, the contractor completed installation of the structural roof beams and metal decking. The contractor also continued work inside the building, installing electrical lighting and concrete pads in the control room. The status of the construction contract with Pacific Hydrotech Corporation is as follows: . The current contract is $4,655,065.72 and 352 work days (includes Change Order No. 1 & 2 which added 66 work days and $129,265.72) starting November 1, 2010. . If approved, Progress Payment No. 9 is $30,360.00 (0.7% of the total contract amount), less 10% retention of $3,036.00 for a net payment of $27,324.00. . If approved, total payments to date including retention will be $2,358,860.00 (50.7% of the total contract amount). . As of September 30, 2011, 231 work days were used (65.6% of the contract time). Staff is negotiating with the contractor regarding adding work days to the contract due to additional field orders, subject to Board approval. Staff reviewed the contractor's progress payment and recommend approval. A copy of Progress Payment No. 9 is attached for your reference. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): A construction contract in the amount of $4,525,800 was awarded to the low bidder, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation on August 12, 2010. The Board has approved eight progress payments to date for this project, the last of which was approved on September 22, 2011. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: PHC Progress Pay 9 for Highland PS.pdf Highland Pump Station Progress Payment No. 9 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 PH/RC 5-0 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROGRESS PAY REPORT PROJECT Highland Booster Station Replacement PROGRESS PAY REQUEST NO. 009 LOCATION Yorba Linda, CA PROJECT NO. 200814 PAGE 1 of 1 PAGES CONTRACTOR Pacific Hydrotech Corporation DATE 10111/11 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 4,525,800.00 AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS: $ 129,265.72 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 4,655,065.72 PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD September 1, 2011 TO September 30, 2011 PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TO DATE VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 2,328,540.00 $ 30,360-00 $ 2,358,860.44 CHANGE ORDER WORK COMPLETED $ - $ - $ - TOTAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 2.328,500.00 $ 30,360,00 $ 2,358,860.44 LESS RETENTION 10% $ 235,886.00 LESS OTHER DEDUCTIONS Electronic Wife Fees $ - NET EARNED TO DATE $ 2,122,974.00 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID $ 2,095,650.00 BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE $ 27,324.00 NOTICE TO PROCEED November 1, 2010 COMPLETION TIME 286 WORK DAYS APPROVED TIME EXTENSIONS 66 WORK DAYS TOTAL CONTRACT TIME 352 WORK DAYS TIME EXPENDED TO DATE 231 WORK DAYS TIME REMAINING 121 WORK DAYS REQUESTED BY. DATE: 10/11/2011 Ronald-Wiebe, Project Caordi'nator, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation RECOMMENDED: RATE: Joe Polirrnno, Project Engineer, YLWD APPROVED BY: DATE: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager, YLWD ITEM NO. 9.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $300,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $248,626 From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Job No: 200915 Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Dept: Information Technology Reviewed by Legal: Pending Prepared By: Art Vega, Acting IT Manager CEQA Compliance: N/A Subject: Support Services for Computerized Maintenance and Management System Project SUMMARY: On July 22, 2010, the Board authorized the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Westin Engineering, in the amount of $248,626, to provide Computerized Maintenance & Management System (CMMS) software and implementation services. The software proposed by Westin Engineering was Azteca's CityWorks software solution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to approve Task Release No. 2 for the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) between the Yorba Linda Water District and Westin Engineering. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee discussed this item at its meeting held October 21, 2011 and supports staffs recommendation. DISCUSSION: District IT staff assessed the status, schedule and expenditures to date with regard to the Westin Engineering agreement. The District has paid Westin Engineering $242,501.94 (98%) of the $248,626.00 professional services contract to date for development, installation and initial training on the CityWorks CMMS software system. Two groups consisting of the hydrant crew and the production crew have been using a live pilot of the CityWorks work order and maintenance management system. The hydrant crew is satisfied with the initial work order system. However, the production crews have expressed the need for some work order set up and process flow changes, which are currently being evaluated by the Chief Plant Operator and are in the process of being reconfigured. As discussed in the last PACT Committee meeting, the District will need to bring in resources to continue to improve and build on this project. At the request of staff, Westin submitted an additional support services proposal titled "Task Release No. 2" for the PSA between the Yorba Linda Water District and Westin Engineering. The proposal provides additional services supporting the CMMS implementation project. These services will be utilized on an on-call, as-needed basis to assist with CMMS programming and set up issues that can be resolved more efficiently by the consultant. The proposed term is for a 12 month period beginning November 1, 2011 and ending on October 31, 2012. The total cost for this Task Order shall not exceed $38,000 and averages approximately 12 hours per month. At the end of the term of this contract the need to extend the contract will be evaluated. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: YLWD IT Support Services - Westin.pdf Westin PSA Amendment Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 RK/PH 5-0 ■ September 30, 2011 Westin Letter of Transmittal Mr. Art Vega, Director of Information Technology Yorba Linda Water District 1717 Mira Loma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Re: Scope of Work for Information Technology Support Services, October 2011 Dear Mr. Vega; Westin is pleased to submit the attached Scope of Work for Information Technology Support Services, as Task Release #2 under the current Professional Services Agreement. The Yorba Linda Water District has stated a need to augment its own internal capabilities with those of outside resources who have specific knowledge and expertise about YLWD's systems and custom integration. Some of these capabilities involve the day-to-day support, operations, and troubleshooting of the District's desktops, servers, and networking systems. Others include specialized support and training related to the District's new enterprise GIS and CMMS and the custom integration recently developed by Westin. Westin's strong service management approach assists in consistently improving business processes. Westin's Senior IT Consultant and Project Manager for this engagement will be Mr. Glenn Wolf, CISSP. In 2011, Glenn led the District's successful Cityworks implementation and developed the custom integration for the District. It is a privilege for Westin to offer its technical expertise to the District. If you have any questions or wish to discuss our qualifications further, please call me at (805) 340-5513 or Glenn Wolf at (541) 435-0055, or send an e-mail to glenn.wolf@we-inc.com. Sincerely, Albair Hanna West Region Consulting Practice Manager Westin Engineering, Inc. 2000 E. 4th Street, Suite 300 Santa Ana, CA 92705 P11-234 ■ September 30, 2011 Westin YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT IT/CITYWORKS/GIS SUPPORT Information Technology Support Services Task Release No. 2 Information Technology Support Services - Scope of Work November 1, 2011 - October 31, 2012 Professional Services Agreement "Professional Services Agreement Between the Yorba Linda Water District and Westin Engineering, Inc." July 22, 2010 - JOB 2009-15 SCOPE OF SERVICES As approved and directed by DISTRICT, WESTIN will provide the following services under this Task Release No. 2: DETAIL WORK PLAN TASKS WESTIN is proposing to perform the following services related to this scope of work: 1. Information Technology Support: WESTIN will provide services to support maintenance and operations of CityWorks system beyond day-to-day tasks that the DISTRICT will handle (e.g., user account maintenance, minor troubleshooting) including but limited to consulting on system configuration, troubleshooting, server tuning (e.g., database performance, index optimization), software upgrades and non-routine troubleshooting beyond the training and capabilities of DISTRICT staff. Services also include database administration, advanced application training and assistance (including ESRI ArcGIS and Azteca Cityworks), custom integration support and enhancements (including integration with Cogsdale CSM and Microsoft Great Plains), and installation assistance. 2. Project Assumptions: Support will be on an on-call basis to assist with issues that cannot be resolved by DISTRICT staff. Westin will train DISTRICT staff to do recurring tasks, such as server upgrades, geodatabase maintenance, and software installation. Not part of this scope are any technical support issues covered by extended or enhanced technical support agreements purchased for department specific applications or hardware or for items where other agreements provide support. It also does not include support for SCADA software or hardware, which may be covered under separate agreements. A significant portion of this work will be done off-site to reduce travel costs. WESTIN will require VPN or equivalent remote access into the DISTRICT'S network and applicable servers to perform various tasks. WESTIN will need administrative rights to the DISTRICT'S machines that we are working with. We will need the SA password for any SQL servers being maintained. 3. Total Costs: Services will be provided and billed for on a time and materials basis. We estimate that it will take on average approximately 12 hours per month to support the District's needs. Total cost for Task Order No. 2 shall not exceed $38,000. PROJECT SCHEDULE This task order is to cover a 12 month period. The schedule is to begin on November 1, 2011 and end on October 31, 2012. The District will have the option to issue new task order to cover needed services beyond October 2012. SCHEDULE OF RATES (2010) P11-234 Westin ■ Westin is offering a 5% discount on our standard rate sheet, below are the discounted rates Senior Principal Consultant $245 per hour Senior Consultant II $215 per hour Project Assistant $85 per hour NOTE 1: The above labor rates do not include sales or service taxes, if any. NOTE 2: The following receipted outside direct expenses will be billed at cost, plus 10% handling: travel & expenses, expedited mail/shipping, outside printing & binding, subcontractor charges, project equipment / software procurement. NOTE 3: These rates will remain in effect until the termination of this task order on October 31, 2012. P11-234 ITEM NO. 9.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Budgeted: Yes To: Board of Directors Funding Source: All Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Human Manager Resources/Risk Management Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager CEQA Compliance: N/A Subject: Reclassification of Limited-Term Sr. Project Manager Position SUMMARY: In August 2009, following Board approval, the position of Senior Project Manager was filled in the Engineering Department, as a three-year, limited-term position. Mr. Anthony Manzano was hired on August 17, 2009, and has demonstrated to be a valuable and productive employee since that time. He is providing critical services and there is an evident need for the long-term for his continuing services in the Engineering Department. Accordingly, staff is requesting that the Board of Directors consider and approve the reclassification of the limited-term Senior Project Manager position to a regular full-time District position on or before the current limited term contract expires in August 2012. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider and approve reclassification of the limited-term Sr. Project Manager position to a regular full-time District position, effective July 1, 2012. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel-Risk Management Committee discussed this item at their meeting on October 13, 2011 and recommends that the Board of Directors approve reclassification of the limited-term Sr. Project Manager position to a regular full-time District position. DISCUSSION: During FY 2007/2008, the District experienced great difficulty filling two (2) vacant Sr. Project Engineer positions. After several unsuccessful recruitments, staff conducted a salary survey for this position. Results from the survey indicated that the District's salary range was significantly lower than the median salary for this position. At the September 22, 2008, Personnel-Risk Management Committee meeting staff presented a proposal to eliminate one of the vacant Sr. Project Engineer positions and reclassify the second vacant Sr. Project Engineer position to a Sr. Project Manager. Included in the reclassification was a salary upgrade as well as adding specific requirements to the job description such as a Bachelor's degree from a four year college/university with major coursework in civil engineering and possession of a valid certificate of registration as a Professional Engineer issued by the State of California. In early March of 2009 the Board of Directors, directed the General Manager to institute a temporary cessation of recruitments and promotions until the budget process was completed for FY 2009/2010 due to the existing troubled economic climate. However, the General Manager could request approval of the Board of Directors to fill certain positions deemed necessary and critical to continue with the operations of the District if a vacancy occurred to an existing filled position. During a Budget workshop held on June 2, 2009 and comprised of the District's Board of Directors, General Manager, Assistant General Manager and Department Heads, it was determined by the Board that all vacant positions would remain unfilled and would not be funded during FY 2009/2010 with the exception of the Sr. Project Manager position, which the Board of Directors agreed to fill as long as it was established as a limited (three-year) term position. Another recruitment was conducted for this position resulting in the hiring of Anthony Manzano as the District's limited-term Sr. Project Manager on August 17, 2009. Mr. Manzano possesses a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering, a valid certificate of registration as a Professional Engineer and has over twenty (20) years of combined experience in private consulting engineering and public sector engineering. Over the past two (2) years Anthony has demonstrated to be a valuable and productive employee receiving job performance evaluation ratings of "exceeding requirements" overall. He is a major asset to the Engineering Department and to the District. Immediately after joining the District, Anthony was assigned multiple, challenging projects with established budgets and scheduled deadlines to meet. The assigned projects include the following: . Project Manager for the Well Rehabilitation Project for Wells #1, #5, #11 and #12 . Project Manager for the design of the Plumosa Drive Waterline Replacement Project . Project Manager for the design of the Ohio/Oriente Pipeline Project . Project Manager for the Drilling of the Well #20 Project . Project Manager for the Equipping of the Well #20 Project . Project Manager for the Camino de Bryant Reservoir Mixer Project . Engineering oversight for the Rehabilitation of Well #15 Sodium Hypochlorite Generation System . Project Manager for the 2010 Sewer Master Plan Project . Oversight for the nearly completed Water System Hydraulic Model conversion to GIS base . Preparation of bid documents and bid oversight for various small to mid-size Construction Projects including the on-going Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project In addition to the above, in April 2010 Anthony was tasked to actively supervise the Planning and Design sections of the Engineering Department. In this capacity, he directly oversees the job performance of one (1) Project Engineer and two (2) Engineering Technicians. Anthony is the second-in-command when the Engineering Manager is away from the office either at meetings or on vacation. Anthony's services and capabilities go beyond managing projects and his staff. For the Engineering Department and the District he also: . Performs administrative contract work by developing specifications, RFPs, bid documents, agreements, insurance paperwork, etc. . Assists the Operations Department with preparation of front-end bid documents and assistance with soliciting bids, all performed internally without outside assistance or consultants. Examples include the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project and the recently completed Village Center Drive Valve Replacement. For the latter, he worked with the contractor and our Operations Department field crew to minimize down-time for our customers. . Completes other outside tasks including Public Outreach. In this regard, Anthony has talked with many of our residents regarding design and impending construction, as well as addressing concerns regarding potential water service disruptions and water quality issues while handing out door hangers. . Has worked closely with City of Yorba Linda and School District representatives on a variety of projects, including the Plumosa Pipeline project nearing completion. The District's approved Budget for FY 2011/2012, indicates a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Budget of $11.8 million for FY 2011/2012, $10.4 million for FY 2012/2013, $7.3 million for FY 2013/2014 and $3.5 million for FY 2014/2015. The Engineering Department would not be able to continue to complete these budgeted CIP projects without the services of the entire department, including the services provided by Anthony Manzano. Mr. Manzano has devoted extensive time and effort to further enhance his skills and capabilities to the benefit of the District. In the two years he has been on staff, Anthony has obtained his D-2 certification for Water Distribution from the State of California, and is progressing to obtain sequentially his D-3, D-4 and D-5 certificates. He is actively working to complete the last of his courses for the Supervisory Certificate program from ACWA/JPIA. Anthony is also completing his application for national Board Certification as an Environmental Engineer. Staff recommends the Board of Directors reclassify the limited-term Sr. Project Manager position to a regular full-time District position before the current term expires in August of 2012. If approved, the authorized positions in the FY 2012-13 Budget would reflect this change. Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 RK/GM 5-0 ITEM NO. 9.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Budgeted: Yes To: Board of Directors Funding Source: Operating Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Board of Directors Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Revised Professional Services Agreement with Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP SUMMARY: As the last Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with District counsel was signed more than four years ago, counsel has since changed the name of the firm, and the Board of Directors has requested a review of all current contracts and agreements, Kidman Behrens and Tague, LLP has proposed a revised Professional Services Agreement for the Board's consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider execution of the revised professional services agreement with Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee recommends the Board of Directors execute the revised Professional Services Agreement with Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP. DISCUSSION: Art Kidman has provided legal counsel to the Yorba Linda Water District for over 37 years, originally through the firm of Rutan & Tucker and later through the partnership of McCormick, Kidman and Behrens, which was renamed in 2011 as Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP. Mr. Kidman offers decades of focused legal expertise specific to the water industry and invaluable historical knowledge specific to the Yorba Linda Water District. Mr. Kidman has provided the District with an updated Professional Services Agreement, using the District's current PSA form, along with a revised Exhibit "A", Scope of Work and Fee Schedule. Within the revised scope of work, language regarding the authorization of non-retainer work was altered, however, the costs associated with the retainer and non-retainer fee schedules have remained the same from the 2007 agreement. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The last professional services agreement that the Board executed with Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP (McCormick, Kidman and Behrens) was in 2007. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Cles c iptlom TV!"e. 2011 KBT YLWD Professional Services Agreement.docx 2011 Revised PSA Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP Backup Material Clean _Exhibit _A for 2011 KBT_ YLWD_Fee_Agreement.docx Clean Exhibit A Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 GM/RC 5-0 ITEM NO. 9.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Board of Directors Manager Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Subject: MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum SUMMARY: The Executive-Adminstrative-Organizational Committee recommends Director Hawkins be designated as the District's official representative to attend the MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors designate an elected official as the District's official representative to attend the MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive-Adminstrative-Organizational Committee recommends Director Hawkins be designated as the District's official representative to attend the MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum. DISCUSSION: The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) approved an agreement with its member agencies which includes a requirement to conduct an elected officials' meeting semi-annually to increase officials' knowledge of activities and services and to provide a forum for input to MWDOC. The second such meeting is scheduled to be held on November 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. MWDOC has requested that the YLWD Board of Directors designate an elected official to attend the meeting as the District's official representative. Other officials and District staff are welcome to attend as well. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: MWDOC Elected Officials Forum.pdf Event Flyer Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/27/2011 RC/GM 5-0 Designating Director Hawkins as the District's official representative to attend the event. MUNICIPA WATER L RECEIVED DISTRICT October 7, 2011 {~(+T 10 Zo1i ORANGE COUNTY The Honorable Michael Beverage fll. 5tmetaddress. Board President YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT 18700 Ward Street Yorba Linda Water District Fountain Valley, California 92708 P.O. Box 309 MarttngAddress., Yorba Linda, CA 92885 P.O. Box 20895 Founts€n Valley, CA 92728.0895 Dear President Beverage: (714) 963-3058 Subject: MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum Fax: (714) 954-9389 awew.mwdoc.com November 3, 2011 - 7:00 to 9:00 pm Joan C. Finnegan The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) is the wholesale President water provider and regional planning agency for twenty-seven water retailers and Jettery M. Thomas vice President the Orange County Water District. Our activities include Metropolitan Brett R. Barbre representation, Metropolitan policy and rate development and implementation, Director water use efficiency, water resource planning, Federal and State grant Wayne A. Clark procurement, governmental relations and public information and education in Director Larry D. Dick support of our member agencies. We recently completed an agreement with our Director member agencies changing how we operate and finance the activities of the Susan Hinman District. We cordially invite you to participate in our 2nd semi-annual Elected Drector Officials' Forum.. Ed Royce, Sr. Director Kevin P. Hunt, P.E. This 2nd meeting is designed to both educate and receive input on key issues General Manager facing the County. It will be held on Thursday, November 3, 2011 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at MWDOC, 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 in the Board-room. The agenda (draft attached) includes an overview of water MEMBER AGENCIES conditions, briefings by local agencies on water reliability projects underway, an city of Brea overview of Metropolitan Water District issues, and, most importantly, an City of Buena Park overview and discussion of factors affecting water rates in Orange County. East Orange County Water District El Toro Water District We request that each City and water district designate an elected official to attend Emerald Bay Service District the meeting as their official representative. Other elected officials or staff are, of City of Fountain Valley City of Garden Grove course, welcome. Because of the hour, we will provide a modest meaI of Golden Slate Water cc. sandwiches and salads. City of Huntington Beach Irvine Ranch Water District Thank you for your participation in this event. In order to provide name plates Laguna Beach County Water District and sufficient seating, please notify Pat Meszaros at 7141593-5025 or via email at City of La Hahn pmeszaros@mwdoc.com of your official designee and persons attending. City of La Palma Mesa Consolidated Water District please do not hesitate to call our General Manager, Kevin Hunt at 7141593-5026 Moulton Niguel Water District city of Newport Beach (khunt e,mwdoc.com) should you have any questions or suggestions. City of orange orange County Water District Sincerely, City of San Clements City of San Juan Capistrano ' Santa Margarita Water District City of Seal Beach Serrano Water District Joan C. Finnegan South Coast Water District President Trabuco Canyon Water District City of Tusbn City of Westminster cc: Ken Vecchiarelli Yorba Linda Water District MWDOC Board and Elected Officials' Forum November 3, 2011 7:00 - 9:00 pm DRA FT A GENDA 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Additions to the Agenda 3. Key Issues at Metropolitan 4. Current Water Supply Conditions 5. Upcoming Water Reliability Projects in Orange County 6. Key Topic - Water Rate Pressures in Orange County 7. Open Discussion 8. Closing and Topics for Next Time ITEM NO. 11.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Subject: Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Beverage/Hawkins) Minutes of meeting held October 18, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled November 16, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 101811 EAO - Minutes.doc EAO Mtg Minutes 10/18/11 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EXEC-ADMIN-ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING October 18, 2011 A meeting of the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee was called to order by Director Beverage at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Phil Hawkins Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer OTHER ATTENDEES Art Kidman, General Counsel, Kidman, Behrens & Tague LLP Eddy Beltran, Senior Associate, Kidman, Behrens & Tague LLP Heather Stratman, Townsend Public Affairs 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. ACTION CALENDAR 2.1. MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum - November 3, 2011 Director Hawkins volunteered to attend as the District's official representative to the MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum. This item will be considered by the Board of Directors at their next meeting on October 27, 2011. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS Items 3.4 & 3.5 were taken out of order to accommodate attendee's schedules. 3.4. Committee Meeting Minutes (Verbal Discussion) The Committee discussed the process in which Standing Committee meeting minutes are delivered and reported on at Board meetings. To help expedite meetings and ensure Directors have ample time to review the minutes before a Board meeting, the Committee suggested that Committee meetings occurring the same week and prior to a Board meeting should not be reported on until the following Board meeting, unless the minutes can be delivered ahead of time. This way, instead of seeing the minutes for the first time the day of the Board meeting, Board members will have had time to review the minutes in advance and the 1 Director reporting on those minutes can simply answer any questions the other Directors may have regarding those minutes. Also, the Board Agenda should not have action or consent items on it that had just been considered by a Committee the same week as the Board meeting. Staff was asked to look into the Committee Meeting schedules and plan the work flow accordingly to avoid this activity. Furthermore, the Committee decided that Directors need not give detailed reports on standing meetings they attend that do not have business on the agendas pertaining to the District. 3.5. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives The Committee reviewed the report outlining the Strategic Plan Initiative progress. Mr. Micalizzi made mention of the District's Bottled Water Program's success during its first year. The Committee noted that the EPIC Committee had not met in some time due to busy schedules of several Committee members. Heather Stratman joined the meeting at this time. Christopher Townsend then also joined via conference call. 3.1. Legislative Affairs Update (Verbal Report) Ms. Stratman presented to the Committee a Draft outline for government advocacy and grants funding plan for the coming year. Mr. Townsend discussed proposed strategies for dealing with two specific items that the District is seeking an accord with two other agencies. TPA will work with staff to prepare reports and speaking points for these matters. Due to the sensitive legal issues encompassing these items, Mr. Kidman suggested minimal engagement by Board Members until these matters progress further, to ensure a cohesive effort on behalf of the District and its interests. Ms. Stratman left the meeting at this time. Mr. Townsend also ended his call. 3.2. Revised Professional Services Agreement with Kidman, Behrens and Tague, LLP (Verbal Report) Mr. Kidman discussed proposed changes to the process for task approval and billing procedures for the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Kidman, Behrens and Tague (KBT). 3.3. General Counsel's Monthly Summary Report The Committee reviewed the summary report noting that the simplified matrix was easier to read and understand. The Committee also suggested that Mr. Kidman identify Capital Improvement Projects on the matrix and provide other short descriptions to clarify connections between the legal efforts and identifiable District interests. 2 3.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Mr. Vecchiarelli mentioned that the Committee may want to revisit a proposed tablet purchasing policy. 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The Committee adjourned at 5:54 p.m. The next meeting of the Executive- Administrative-Organizational Committee will be held November 16, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. 3 ITEM NO. 11.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Subject: Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Hawkins/Melton) Minutes of meeting held October 21, 2011 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled November 7, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 102111 PACT - Minutes.doc PACT Mtg Minutes 10/21/11 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC AFFAIRS-COMMUNICATIONS-TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING October 21, 2011 A meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee was called to order by Director Hawkins at 3:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Phil Hawkins, Chair Art Vega, Interim IT Manager Director Gary T. Melton Damon Micalizzi, PI Officer John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. ACTION CALENDAR 2.1. Computerized Maintenance and Management System Project Status Mr. Vega informed the Committee that there are only a few hours left in the current contract with Westin Engineering. Staff has modified the original work order templates created by Glenn from Westin for both hydrant replacements and hydrant repairs based on Operations staff feedback. The hydrant crew is now using these work orders in CityWorks. Mr. DeCriscio added that to date there have been 255 hydrant PM's, 10 hydrant repairs and 7 hydrant replacement work orders completed and tracked within CityWorks. The Committee reviewed and discussed staff's recommendation regarding Task Release No. 2. The Committee approved staff's recommendation for the Board to authorize the General Manager to approve Task Release No. 2 for the PSA between YLWD and Westin Engineering. Mr. DeCriscio left the meeting following this discussion. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1. Dynamics GP Consultant Status (Verbal Report) Mr. Vega informed the Committee that 2 hours identified in the Scope of Work with NeuLogics for Smartlist Training was used for fiscal year end training for the Finance Department. Mr. Vega also mentioned that Tom Santorro from NeuLogics has extended his stay in Guam and will not be able to assist the District until mid November with regards to the HR module of Dynamics GP. 1 3.2. Status Report on Committee Specific Strategic Plan Initiatives The Committee reviewed the Strategic Plan Status Report and inquired as to whether the Public Affairs interns would be hired before the end of the Calendar year. Staff believes they will. 3.3. Fall Newsletter Contest The Committee reviewed staff's proposed content for the Fall Newsletter which is targeted to go to print before Thanksgiving. All of the content was approved by the Committee. 3.4. Bottled Water Label Contest The Committee reviewed the Top Five Contestants and narrowed the Top Five to a Top Two. The label printer will let us know which of the two will appear better on the bottle. 3.5. Draft Strategic Communications Plan The Committee reviewed the Draft Strategic Communications Plan with positive remarks. The Plan will serve as the foundation for the Division and will be distributed to the Board of Directors at the November 14th Public and Legislative Affairs Workshop. 3.6. Video of Board Meetings Online (Verbal Report) The Committee was updated on the quality of Board Meeting Video and staff's plan to make the video available with an archive once the website redesign is completed by the end of the calendar year. To date there have been no requests for copies of Board Meeting videos from the Public. 3.7. Public and Legislative Affairs Workshop (Verbal Report) The Committee discussed staff's plan for the upcoming Public & Legislative Affairs Workshop scheduled for November 14t". The Workshop will open with the Legislative Affairs Presentation and Discussion so that representatives from Townsend Public Affairs can leave after they conclude. Staff will then present to the Board a PowerPoint outlining achievements, initiatives currently underway and the proposed plans for the future. 3.8. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. The next meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee will be held November 7, 2011. 2 ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 27, 2011 Subject: Meetings from October 28, 2011 - November 30, 2011 ATTACHMENTS: Name: Dosciiption: a ype: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf BOD Activity Calendar Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: November 2011 Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Nov 1 6:30PM Hawkins MWDOC/MWD Workshop Wed, Nov 2 8:30AM Melton/Staff OCWD Board Wed, Nov 2 5:30PM Kiley/Staff Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Thu, Nov 3 4:OOPM Melton/Collett MWDOC Elected Officials' Forum Thu, Nov 3 7:OOPM WACO Fri, Nov 4 7:30AM Hawkins Pub Affairs-Communications-Tech Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 7 4:00PM Hawkins/Melton Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Nov 8 4:OOPM Kiley/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Nov 9 7:OOPM Kiley Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Nov 10 8:30AM Holiday Fri, Nov 11 7:30AM District Offices Closed Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Mon, Nov 14 5:OOPM Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Nov 15 6:30PM Melton MWDOC Board Wed, Nov 16 8:30AM Melton/Staff Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Wed, Nov 16 4:OOPM Beverage/Hawkins OCWD Board Wed, Nov 16 5:30PM Kiley/Staff Joint Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Tue, Nov 22 4:OOPM Beverage/Hawkins Board of Directors Regular Meeting Wed, Nov 23 8:30AM Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Nov 23 7:00PM Collett Holiday Thu, Nov 24 7:30AM District Offices Closed Holiday Fri, Nov 25 7:30AM District Offices Closed Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 28 8:30AM Beverage Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 28 4:00PM Collett/Kiley 10/24/2011 10:01:34 AM