HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-12-22 - Resolution No. 77-41RESOLUTION NO. 77-41 $00 ._odge, Association\. December 22, 1977 Xr,r 1 nr.:lwn Lodge. Assoc,ahlln By signing this agreement, this organization opens ax CHECKING : SAVINGS acco;int with you. We understand that you will handle It!, depos t:, ;x.cording to your arrangements for services of this type. The publication which you give us as part of this agreement tells us how these services now work. We understand that you will inform us of any changes in these services that affect our rights and obligation.v; depositors Yoo may: • Endorse checks for this organization which you receive for deposit. • Pay checks when signed and countersigned with the authorized signature(s) as shown below. We want you to prepare and mail all our statements and other notices in this way. According to your schedule. At end of the month.. Hold them. You may mall them to us it we don't call for them in 30 days. If they are returned to you undelivered, you may destroy them after 2 years. We agree that you are riot responsible for items lost while not in your possession. You !rr we can end our banking relationship at any time. BY X and X (S,qn at we l Vrrsirl.n1 y tiu nglurel Secrete( TO Bank of America NTRSA RESOLVED: That this organization establish one or more deposit accounts with Bank of America NTRSA (the bank) upon such terms as may be agreed upon with that bank and that the and of this IIItIRI~ - ~ I~ - organization are authorized to establish such an account. RESOLVED: That I Pico) nr Ivpe) jean F. MathAws - ~r r it1 -or-. Gordon Peterson --Auditor.- andxac__-M. Roy Knauft Jr. .-Presidento,,,. SWO 2r -Howard Lindow Vice. Pree -m- *#44i'or Fred G. Clodt Director _n,le I and or Arthur C. Korn Director (la e) 4"O,or Merwin Wagner -Director-_ (wie of this or vn z, l,cn w,- t ;;honed to draw chs,cks on that account, ;:gned. as provldet herein .ti th ~sjr 1. aturi.•. , - iced tc, th, dank by the Secretary of this organization. Thr bank is authorized to honor and pay ak check,: so signed, including mose drawn to thr order of any officer or other person authorized to sign them. certify that : This is a copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of the on the day of . 19 the signature!; appearing on the ,mature section on the roverse side are those of the pers_Ins authorized to withdraw funds in accordance with thrt re Solution until such authority is revoked by clrvin 1 wrtlten notice to the bank sstgned by authorized officers of this organization; this, iw,,,luti,n till in fort('. WITNESS my hand and stctl of thr• r,r 0: n (SEAL) Dated 19 X _ IS,Qnx,e r P!,y 7 c// APPROVED BY THE C c, i-rd of DiCo' Wator Dist. Yor b a Li' c' nFc 22 '77 Ft- - Corporation. Lodge, Association TO Bulk of America NT&SA ,a,t December 22, 1977 ][Corporation Lodge A!, By signing this agreement. this organization opens ax CHECKING i SAVINUS account with you. We understand that you will handle its deposits according to your arrangements for services of this type. The publication which you give us as part of this agf Bement tells us how these services now work. We understand that you will inform us of any changes in these services that affect our rights and obligations as depositors You may: • Endorse checits for this organization which you receive for deposit • Pay checks when signed and countersigned with the authorized signatur, as shown below. We want you to prepare and mail all our statements and other notices in this way According to your schedule. At end of the month. Hold them. You may mall them to us it we don't call for them in 30 days. If they are returned to you undelivered, you may destroy them after 2 years. We agree that you are not responsible for items lost while not in your possession . You or we can end our anking relal//plonship at any time BYE/~Y/` and Xy iL'Y `//~G[ C!r. C 15r.1l l+'P! CJ (tY+' ISi r1N f'1 I r TO. Bank of America NT&SA RESOLVED: That this organization establish one or more deposit accouritS with Bank of America NT&SA (the bank) upon such terms as may be agreed upon with that t;:ult and that the Jean R Matbpwq --S"r"aqitl~ or --Gordon Peterson Auditor President and Secretary of this tiel 1'~•'~ organization are aut?ioiized to establish such an account. RESOLVED: That l pnnt or tvpel andxac_ `~toy~nauf t _Jr __-President ei Howard Lindow Vice Pres. 00+d,'or Fred G.__Clodt Director ttie awltor Arthur C. Korn Director It,tle *#W;or Merwin Wagner Director I lie) of VIlS Organ nation are authorized to draw checks on that acccxmt S:gned a; pt`-oded •,erem w,tti siynatuit-. certified to the ti,tnk by the Secretary of l1w, ui~l.,n~t,tton Itie hank is authJtized to honor and pay all checks so Signed. uiCluduut tho,e drawn 11, the order of any officer or other person authorized to sign them. I .~ertl(v that This IS a copy of the n`s0I1.1ti:ut adopted by Ihr I-, x I z ,f ttw Yorba Linda County Water Di§,trtjct 22,, Dec 77 the si~tn tier,,,, app+•aung on v,,= r m.;lr,it, sl.~rtion on the r+:,-w`i 11 the peer ,_~n, ;+uth rl. ed to With,tr.!w lurid , in accordance with t, such aulhonty is n v +J ccl by yivinI wuC+~n notice to the h,ink officers of this organization: this resolution is still ir, for: + WITNESS m, hand and seal of lh_• or" it •ati+m iSEALI Dated I() x Yorbs Linda Cty Wtr 9._iJ~jI50 General Account Yo j nr<rv pay 1,rnds with any 2 1,ICI ..Iw( to tx".cilu,d by Er,urnb i numbe rsl or 21nd COUntersigned by nw fl , r , 3 or 4 Or 5 Or 6 07 Slanrttu r;; nt.. nI My n,1 L,,, 7 4. 5 X I a. X 6 X 7 X We certify the foregoing to be correct: (FOR LODGE, ASSOCIATION) 1. X- - 2 X EI,.I,•,r,,,,,,• . President Vice Pries. _-xarh da------~aT----12686-_ t • Zi t ~ Street , p y ~ Address 4622 Plumosa Dr Telephone 71.4 - 528-7226 Type of Business Utility ( water), Tax count No DUN .5 95-2078694 No Savings Account N„ 4054-85011 Checking Account No. 405 - 9 - 80150 Previous Ban Branch/O1'icC FOR BANK USE ONLY Svc Passbook Max. Check amt, Di,,burse,nterest quarterly Extra slatemr•r ts, qty to . DA TE OPENED .?PLNF.D 0y OPF NING DF POSIT DATE CLOSE D CLOSE D By Ct USING BAI ANF I PEASON c;'. FIRSTYR W 'W' .•1 A COURTESY CARDCOUE RFv,FWED eY REVIEWED BY MISC-107 GIVEN P, I 0 4 CN Yorba Linda Cty Wtr Dist 9-80150 Ac"r O(INT ur,-t General Account Ac 1 • ..I ,ur, bt II You may pay out hu,;!,.:; i!•; any 2 - c r t,le s,gnatures below, checks to be signed by tnu nlbcl: numbersl or 21 t . r~untersigned by n Irnhors 3 or 4 or 5 , or 6 of Signatures' ia~., MIS MASS MS X 5)( 2. X 6X zlzlx;~2 7X A61~~1154, We certle r. be c/oue4I (F iR LODGE. ASS() -IATI ) P"I":,,0Off,— President ~r ice Pres. _ __7 --Yorba Linda-- Cg 99686-_ Street State Zip Address 4622 Plumosa Dr Telephone I 714 - 528-7226 Type of Business Utility ( water) Tax DUNS Account No 95-2078694 No. Savings Account No 4054-85011 Checking Account NO 405 - 9 - 80150 _ Previous Bann Branch/Office • FOR BANK USE ONLY Svc. Charge code _ Receipt book Passbook Max. check amt. Disburse interest quarterly Extra statements. qty to DATE OPENED Iuit rir.D By )Pj KING DEPOSIT REVIEWEDBY- - DATE CLOSED I D oy CLOSING BALANCE REVIEWED BY REASON CLOSED FIRST YR WITH B Oi A cOUHTESY CARD CODE MISC-907 GIVEN BY i - - j _