HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-03-30 - Resolution No. 78-2011 0 4 RESOLUTION NO. 78-20 RESOLUTION OF 'r HE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT DETERMINING AND ORDERING ANNEXATION NO. 78-1 TO THE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 78-5 proposed Annexation No. 78-1 to the Yorba Linda County Water District and requested the Local Agency Formation Commis- sion of Orange County to approve said Annexation; and WHEREAS, this Board by Resolution No. 78-10 proposed certain terms and conditions for proposed. Annexation No. 78-1; and WHEREAS, on March 22, 1978, by Resolution No. 78-38 the Local Agency Formation Commission approved said proposal for annexation, assigned to said annexation the designation of "Annexation No. 78-1 to Yorba Linda County Water District," designated Yorba Linda County Water District as the conducting district, directed said District to initiate proceedings in compliance with said resolutions and authorized the annexation of said territory without notice or hearing and without election; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County Water District does hereby Resolve, Order, and Determine as follows: Section 1: Pursuant to Government Code Section 56322 and the authorization of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County as set forth in its Resolution No. 78-38, the territory described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto shall be, and hereby is, annexed to and include within the boundaries of the Yorba Linda County Water District. Section 2: Pursuant to Government Code Section 56470 and the authorization of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Orange County as set forth in its Resolution No. 78-38 this Annexation is ordered subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) The territory within Annexation No. 78-1 to the Yorba Linda County Water District shall be annexed without annexation fees or any provision or liability for payment of taxes or expenses of the District in- curred prior to the effective date of the annexation. (b) The territory within Annexation No. 78-1 to the Yorba Linda County Water District shall not be liable for the assessment, levy, collection or payment of any property tax of the Yorba Linda County Water District except for those property taxes necessary to provide for payment of indebtedness specifically incurred to provide water ser- vice and facilities to said territory and -1- t 0 0 also excepting those property taxes necessary to provide for payment of that portion of the District's general operation and maintenance expenses in- curred to provide water service and facilities to said territory. (c) The territory within Annexation 78-1 to the Yorba Linda County Water District shall be subject to any additional under- standings between District and any of the landowners upon which the annexation consent of said landowners was granted; provided that said understandings are consistent with the specific terms and conditions established by the Local Agency Formation Commission. Section 3: The Secretary is authorized and directed to make the filings provided for in Government Code Sections 56450, et seq., and 54900, et seq. ADOPTED this 30th day of March, 1978, by the following Roll Call vote: AYES: DIRECTORS Knauft, Lindow, Korn and Clodt NOES: DIRECTORS None ABSENT: DIRECTORS Wagner PRESIDEW OF THEoYORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ATTEST: SE ETARY OF THE YORBA LINDA CO NTY WATER DISTRICT (SEAL) -2- CERTIFICATEOF COMPLET I C RECORDED tN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANGE MINTY CALIFORNIA EXEMPT1 04 25 PM APR w 0 1978 ToorangeCountyRecorder C 5 California rntnty ornrAor TTurnerSantaAnaThe Executive Officer of the Orange County Local Richardherebcertify that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda kgencyFormationCommissionherebyterDistricthascompletedachange of organization pursuant to the District WaterReorganizationActof1965asfollowsYorbaLinda County Water District ThenameoftheDistrictisoftheCountyorCountiesin which the entire District is located is are ThenameCountyofOrangeThekindofchangeoforganizationcompletedis A Reorganization RXA Detachment AnAnnexation proceeding theannexation emrganar p Theshorttitleifanyof Water District isAnnexationNo781totheYorba Linda County etedoree i s set forth Thelegaldescriptionoftheterritory annexedqi intheattachedExhibitAThetermsandconditionsifanyof the change of orrganizatioin as fochedth Exhibit B ned the and was resolutionorderingthechangeof organization are Thechangeoforganizationwas Inhabited XXwithoutanelectionandRution Na 720 ordering the change Orderedzationwasadoptedby the Governing Board of the District on March 30 197 oforgan confirming the Confirmedbythevotersand the voters was adopted by the Cchangeoforganizationafterconfirmation ty GoverningBoardoftheDistricton Signature o xecutive Offic e Date Apri120 1978 r rBYFopMATIONSYCAMOREDijAsiANACA92701 y 1 264tx 1 f e4 RESOLUTION NO 7820 RESOLUTIONOF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THEYORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT DETERMININGAND ORDERING ANNEXATION NO 781 TOTHE YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT WHEREASthisBoard by Resolution No 785 proposed AnnexationNo781 to the Yorba Linda County Water Districtandrequested the Local Agency Formation Commis sionofOrangeCounty to approve said Annexation and WHEREASthisBoard by Resolution No 7810 proposed certain termsandconditionsfor proposed Annexation No 781 and WHEREASonMarch22 1978 by Resolution No 7838 the LocalAgencyFormation Commission approved said proposal forannexationassigned to said annexation the designation ofAnnexationNo 781 to Yorba Linda County Water District designatedYorbaLinda County Water District as the conducting districtdirectedsaid District to initiate proceedings in compliancewithsaid resolutions and authorized the annexation ofsaidterritorywithout notice or hearing and without election NOWTHEREFOREthe Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda County WaterDistrictdoes hereby Resolve Order and Determine as followsSection1Pursuantto Government Code Section theauthorizationof the Local Agency Formation ofOrangeCountyas set forth in its Resolution theterritorydescribed in Exhibit A attached beandherebyis annexed to and include withi oftheYorbaLinda County Water District 56322 andCommission No 7838hereto shall n the boundaries Section2Pursuantto Government Code Section 56470 and theauthorizationof the Local Agency Formation Commission ofOrangeCountyas set forth in its Resolution No 7838 thisAnnexationis ordered subject to thefollowing terms andconditionsaThe territory within Annexation No 781 to the Yorba Linda County Water District shall be annexed without annexation fees or any provision or liability for payment of taxes or expenses of the District in curred prior to the effective date of the annexation bThe territory within Annexation No 781 to the Yorba Linda County Water District shall not be liable for the assessment levy collection or payment of any property tax of the Yorba Linda County Water District except for those property taxes necessary to provide for payment of indebtedness specifically incurred to provide water ser vice and facilities to said territory and A 8K r 2642PC 1975 also excepting those property taxes necessary to provide for payment of that portion of the Districts general operation and maintenance expenses in curred to provide water service and facilities to said territory cThe territory within Annexation 781 to the Yorba Linda County Water District shall be subject to any additional under standings between District and any of the landowners upon which the annexation consent of said landowners was granted provided that said understandings are consistent with the specific terms and conditions established by the Local Agency Formation CommissionSection3TheSecretary is authorized and directed to makethefilingsprovided for in Government Code Sections 56450etseqand 54900 et seq ADOPTEDthis30thday of March 1978 by the following Roll CallvoteAYESDIRECTORS Knauft Lindow Korn arid Clodt NOESDIRECTORS None ABSENTDIRECTORS Wagner PRESIDETTIOF TH YORBA LINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT ATTESTSETARYOFTHEYORBA LINDA COOTYWATERDISTRICTSEAL air lv9as sfit cae pry aF undr LrU L4 fl j 0V1ti ci ie E5 TI G4a GG65j CrC har hc fcru ei 3 is rye 9cl w 2 FJro rac07ds on ripe woM ha i D at 330 Page l of 7 JM2 478 EXI11B IT A BK 12642PG 1976 ANNEXATION NO 7l TO Yc3R13ALINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT Thoseparcelsoflandcontainedin T3S J8W SBM and T3S R9W SBM situatedintheCountyofGrange State of California and n particularly describedasParcels123 and 4 PARCELiBeginningatthemostnortheasterly corner of Yorba Linda County Water District boundaryasestablishedby Annexation No 762 said northeasterly corner being thenortherlyterminusofthat certain colirse on the easterly boundary of said AnnexationNo762describedas having bearing of South 2134150 Bast and adistanceof64582feetthence in a general westerly northeasterly and southeasterlydirectionalongthe boundary of said Yorba Linda County Water Districtasestablishedpersaid Annexation No 762 and as established per AnnexationsNo761andNo 772 to the point of beginning TheabovedescribedParcel1 contains 25 acres more or less PARCEL7Beginningatapointontheexisting boundary line af the Yorba Linda County WaterDistrictasestablishedby Annexation No 772 said Point of Beginning beingthemostnorthwesterlycorner of said Annexation No 772 and thenorthwestcarrierofSection24 Township 3 South Range 9 West Sari Bernardino Meridianasshownonamaprecorded in Book 69 Page 41 Records of Surveys RecordsofsaidorangeCounty thence along said existing boundary of AnnexationNo772andtheNorth line of aforementioned Section 24 as shown onsaidmapNorth8900941East 65026 feet to a point in the westerly lineofSection13Township3 South Ranged 9 West SEM said point being THIS AND MAP WERE Vnv RES NO 7 9 M 05OX0101T3Ei1CWizASToVISTPYoRB dark line leavingsaz r ed in nortbeflYa rec theneIn on a a distance ennningaSShagorange Cpuntyg saidSeGticri1 77 00 cordsofOfSaz t1era Y linenesnlveysPRey1130000feet tbnce p SOotjz Recordspn00cast00 feet e thenceSough100Jastr450 to a point on tY c C nCerVortoreett1fow00feetemoreraid Po e easterly of5liner Sauthea distancendar mare or lessr dropCsuntyMJoan thence P feet P SanBernarasarir 191000 dart rLCwatzlatianstationrtnabaandaYne Laih the tcun in gSanBernardYpzzndary1 ne and J yorba untYCounty to 1 2250 saidtingeLooranged al7tted q aline ectianofsecondC1ayrlansputh long tkL the BisbY ct r etrpthence ourzdarY 21 eC a23acrYol8 past a Page CaseCnofsaid e raids le in Boo R rytzt ikntitonineC of iratetot4zeyamap page 3 orleStth0fTon Jr1 BpCl L P ce liner d camp lineasfile sai rompeamai d lso in Book px along c prde zllycormShowntteandanceP OontI id map h last S sur4eysan sa figpn saidos7gEasShp on wrz to a point markeC s ofsara of Lot 2 c toPtRecords t 2 f feetP80feetP line g1X55 rlY 00West451WestP e Slatbeast ellaneous crto th IS 15C 6zorJZ StZh82feet of rOCIf age 1c3 thenceed 2 r toy t1 Wstceyorth610001amapRecordednflp 1 tract boz Ida rY 53 0 West ai c65asSbcwIonalongs thence P lltr b test 401 r 8nc3eCpuntytbenceP00 feet l2r a4saidOra Wprth then offorth02C34test3100feet thencet 99858 feet a Encerpe i se test 00 eto thVestfee3 1 7th52 y bencernorboorafyr Sa W Est t re Soot saidtractthencer roclth 6 point being leapSai 865 said of Said T leavingfeet2y59ct jtC d3rY yYie00p01WestsaidTraCe bcnIn o 20 feet lineofalong th 213 hpdarYhence l testy 35 feetinthebsaidTractuth 05 5 7C eroffat5ofthonceP WcstP d raQ feet try 0 2ailrpa t 86000encePJCo Santa Ile ecc 38301xeffeetth ja and Ltzeys r h0rl0onP Top yds of 6056testytheAtchi of Fpc the tl e 21 r liriepf1121P page ante center 7 ane Of a33C C r e1 1CtC1g aTlthenapfalirkBooratPetertheraceVaLatizwaShownonSalCovntYdOrange TIpNNS1ANAToSyRICTORBA1I3pFCOUVTyYRy t Southeasterly to the mo5 tion htwcftaay by Annexa lihea ailroacr9trasestab along thf SntaFE rectlpn and1iSycwesterly r salc WateraxbaBincaCountytYerlan r sYie p tabli 2 to ea rataeralnoras 7a anc genW1terVLceinndaCotiantyons clyorba1LlishedpexNnnexati771ancasestakexcevtionsJRBROtYefollpwin9 na rcel a EXEtioTf of the Santa Ana Bier YRCMthecrnterllCHERErtionYansputhxo From a el ceptyo St quarte prtlleaSovthf gs3nge THEREYROVi17together yt Y the pIZ7 r sectionin Town saterfSection3rbtYiuYtiwestoneValSoutheastquartero arce1 of C f the C Y 1btC3 canal p faloin9 the Ca cn tMtYe of ganoh CFTICTg3ERERtYecent Arne the Carry 7lcx IIthe s of Sure Rcor3 oBintersectionofththeeaaterlY lin 33 of SinningnWaterCompaaLyn ook 37 a9 zaYleionaMapfroextyasShown EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO 781 TO YORBALINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT o f 7 Jam 478 BK 12642PG 1979 RecordsofsaidorangeCounty thence along said centerline South 854423West819feetthence South 885408 West 3694 feet thenceNorth882308West 1890 feet thence North 803523 West 3969feetthenceNorth700703 West 1823 feet thence North 655815 West16810feetthenceNorth 6815300 West 3593 feet thence North 714139West48338feet thence leaving said centerline North 174043 East8063feetthenceNorth 720517 West 10803 feet thence South 913436West8211feetto a point on the centerline of said Cajon Canal thenceNorth8000522West 28350 feet to a line parallel with the westerly lineofsaidCarrilloRanchproperty and distant easterly 3000 feet therefrom measuredatrightanglesfrom said westerly line thence North 20216 West alongsaidparallelline41899 feet thence North 8511144 East 24262 feettothebeginningofa tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radiusof10000feetthence northeasterly along said curve through a centralangleof984959a distance of 17250 feet thence tangent to said curveNorth131855West 23341 feet thence North 402057 East 11595 feetthenceNorth344000West 7846 feet thence North 32043 West 4726feetthenceNorth42304 East 10060 feet thence North 162224 East10050feetthenceNorth 40839 East 5269 feet thence North 573813East3062feet thence North 441443 East 5341 feet thence North162817West6245feet thence North 434945 West 5135 feet thenceNorth83450West6296 feet thence North 214422 West 3637 feetthenceNorth385345West 7595 feet thence North 153308 East969EfeetthenceNorth 521047 West 8652 feet thence North 11016127West4662feet thence North 4604738 East 9001 feet thence North135110East71311feet thence North 7513936 East 12813 feet thenceSouth872558West 4852 feet thence South 885106 West 5638 feetthenceNorth741436West 4559 feet thence North 5603503 West 10211feetthenceNorth495914 West 10447 feet thence North 440750 West9954feetthenceNorth 4101919 West 15787 feet to a point on the westerlylineofsaidCarrilloRanch property thence along said westerly line EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION NO 781 TO YORBALINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT 5 of 7 BK 12642PG 1980 North210216West141203feet thence South 8715437 East 78719 feet toapointonsaideasterlyline of the Carrillo Ranch property thence alongsaideasterlylineSouth 64031 East 457901 feet to the point of beginningAlsoEXCEPTINGTHEREFROMException T From Parcel 2 Beginningatthenortheasterlycorner of the Yorba Linda County Water District boundaryasestablishedby Annexation No 771 said northeasterly corner also beingthenortherlyterminusof that certain course in the easterly boundary ofsaidAnnexationNo771 cgibed as having a bearing of North 210814 Westandadistanceof888484 feet said point also being on the northerly lineoftheRanchoCanonde Santa Ana as shown on a map filed in Book 97 Pages 11and12ofRecordsofSurveys Records of said orange County thence along saidnortherlylineSouth88113112 East 58295 feet thence South 8715437 East27284feettothewesterly line of the Carrillo Ranch property as shown onamapfiledinBook37Page 33 of Records of Surveys Records of said OrangeCountythencesoutherly along said westerly line of the Carrillo Ranch South210216East1032779feet to the centerline of the Atchison Topexa andSantaFeRailroadnightofwayas shown on said map recorded in Book 37 Page33ofRecordsofSurveys Records of said Orange County thence south westerlyalongthecenterlineof said Railroad rightofway a distance of 100feetmoreorlesstothe most southeast corner of the parcel of land describedinadeedtoJCTravis and Zoraida B Travis recorded February 23 1917inBook300Page32of Deeds Records of said Orange County thence North6047115West34686feet thence North 402900 West 8200 feet thenceNorth184545West 18390 feet thence North 55045 East 9300feetthenceNorth2703145 West 12902 feet thence North 230200 East35800feetthenceNorth 65315 West 13290 feet to a point in the centerlineofCajonCanalof the Anaheim Union Water Company thence running alongsaidcenterlineNorth 791645 West 28543 feet and North 592015 West BX VI 1264 Yb I Vo EXgI3kIiANtT1XASQNNo81OVal S7ZCS 1CFt7LINIkCOON7YWAIiR South 239 3 a can Canal of the 7 centerline track ofthe leavingsaid the main thezlceintheceaterline of the center line Dint terly along f terly eettoaPthencewes southeas or less to the most andSantaFeRailwayTopekaetmore in a general northerly axightofway51272fe77l ttenGe theailsYtinNo 771 to ntionedAnnexesSaid Annex tiort Nt theaforemntheeasterlyboundaryofalongBeginning rore or less redescribedparcel2contains5E49acres DiStriGt 1inda County Water it7t xe Y earner also terlyGarnerof or kierlY NOingatt3snorth5acs773 aid n toundarY PnptyationN7 on he ester ryaishedbyOfthatcertain ccuzc of North 24 16 establastermixlushaving a bearing thenorthergibedas Orly des r general OrtIleast 77thence jr a 3 of g said Yorba idInnexatiorzNa58feet e boundary 12thof30 alolIg t13 773 and andaleTasotherlydirecticn No u said at terlyanded Per point of beginning kaerlywesestablish to the r Districtas tj 5 and 776 isCountyWater771establisheperAnnexationsNO ages more or 3ess edescribedparcel3contairs37above the srauth feet from RCELy Fast 5593 range South North9314A3 2 Patinship 3 Sou 11 atapaintdistantof Section 97Pages ImendingtoneLlartEr BOO northea may filed in also east come oft3easshown on a Said so uth cornerEstxthanMeri in Axnexatial westSanBernardinoorange county dPscrisaed uxveysOfsaid tle I and nd12ofRecordsofS boundary of thenEei South 20140 thewcster3y th in Distrc it lepointangWater 50 feet to the nor oeinganIindaCounty 110 theYarba 3y ast favor of Aso771toSouth7902 condeTnne3 in 90feetthence feet wide as JFast633andwesterlycorneroftheparcela Page 7 of 7 JMM 478 EXHIBIT A BK 12642PG 1982 ANNEXATION NO 781 TO YORBALINDA COUNTY WATER DISTRICT TheMetropolitanWaterDistrictof Southern California by Judgement of FinalOrderofCondemnationrecorded June 12 1975 in Book 11428 Page 931 ofOfficialRecordsofsaidOrange County said corner also being the TruePointofBeginningofthis parcel thence along the boundaries of saidparcelthefollowingfour courses South 7910218 East 13500 feetSouth1015742West7500 feat North 790218 West 13500 feetaridNorth105742East 7500 feet to the True Point of Beginning TheabovedescribedParcel4 contains 23 acres more or less AlloftheabovedescribedParcels 123 and 4 contains 5631 acres more orlessThis descriptic map of propncjl annexaton eet t o approvpdOf fka Surveyoj P ofiicc CR Nos n o Curv By eputyDate