HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-12-27 - Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT FINANCE-ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, December 27, 2011, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Stephen Parker, Finance Director Cindy Botts, Management Analyst 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve a resolution adopting water development and customer service fees and rescinding Resolution No. 08-04. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. November 2011 Budget to Actual Results 3.2. Investment Report for Period Ending November 30, 2011 3.3. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives 3.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next meeting of the Finance-Accounting Committee is scheduled to be held on January 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 27, 2011 To: Finance-Accounting Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Manager Reviewed by Legal: Pending Prepared By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Subject: Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve a resolution adopting water development and customer service fees and rescinding Resolution No. 08-04. DISCUSSION: Staff is pleased to present an updated water development and customer service fee schedule for the Finance-Accounting Committee's review. The current water development and customer service fees were adopted in 2008, and staff has identified a number of best practices that cannot be put into place unless they are amended. Staff has attached two documents - the first is the updated water development and customer service fees resolution. The second shows the changes from Resolution No. 08-04 in a red-line version. The major recommended changes in the updated water development and customer service fees include: . Adjusting fees down. Staff calculated the cost of service for all of the fees recommended for adjustment. It was determined through this process that a number of fees should be reduced, including: 1. New Meter Fees for 1 and 1 1/2 inch meters, 2. Administrative Fees for new water service, 3. Single Service Fee permits, 4. Notice of Discontinuance (yellow-tag) Fees, 5. Shut-off Due to Non-Payment Fees, 6. Re-establishment of Service Fees, 7. Call outs After Hours Fees, 8. Meter Removal Fees, 9. Meter Testing Fees, and 10. Backflow Device Monitoring Fees . Adjusting fees up. It was also determined through calculating the cost of service that the Auto Pay Reject fee be increased from $20 to $25, which is in line with the former and current Non Sufficient Funds Charge. . Adding a Late Fee. This fee would be charged to all customers who do not pay by their due date. It would also fund an additional notice that would be mailed 4 days after the bill was due and would remind the customer that payment for services received two months ago is now past due. . Adding construction meter fees. The new practice will be to lock off construction meters to ensure staff knows where District meters are and ensure they can be read monthly. The additional fees related to this practice would be a fee when the contractor cuts the lock and a fee when District staff is required to move the meter (the initial meter placement and meter pick-up would be done by District staff free of cost to the contractor). . Revising plan check fees. The plan check fee structure has changed from a per connection basis to a flat rate based on the range of the number of connections needing plan checks. This change provides a truer cost of the services performed by the Engineering Department. The effect of this change is that jobs with a smaller number of connections will have a reduced cost, while jobs with larger connections will have an increased cost. . Adding a deposit for new customers. This would be based on a "soft credit check", which would not show on the customer's credit report, but would give the District a percentage of delinquent accounts. Based on this information, a proposed $0, $125, or full $225 deposit will be required. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-C: Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations and Evaluate Fee Schedules Regularly for Proper Cost of Service Coverage Staff also submitted amended water rules and regulations for the Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee this month, and they supported staff's recommendation. Should the Finance-Accounting Committee also support staff's recommendation and pending the completion of the review by legal counsel, both items will be submitted to the full Board in January 2012. The amended sewer rules and regulations and corresponding changes to the customer service and developer fee schedule are anticipated to be brought before the same two committees in the spring of 2012. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 12, 2008 the Board approved a resolution adopting the current water development and customer service fees. ATTACHMENTS: Blame: Doscdpti+ n: u ) pe: Resolution 12-XX.docx Resolution Backup Material Resolution 12-XX Red Line version.pdf Red-line version of Resolution Backup Material RESOLUTION NO. 12-XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE WATER DEVELOPMENT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE FEES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 08-04 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District Rules and Regulations for Rendition of Water Service include a provision that development fees and customer service charges shall be adopted by separate Resolution entitled Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District have, from time to time, adopted Ordinances and Resolutions to change the Water Development Fees and Customer Service fees for services provided by the District; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used to finance costs necessitated by the services provided by the District. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District to adopt Water Development and Customer Service Fees as follows: Section 1. Fees identified in Section 3.2 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Connection to Main Lines: Frontage Fees $14.00 Per Linear Foot Fire Hydrant Charges $27200.00 Per Linear Foot B. Irregular Parcels $17050.00 Per Gross Acre C. Minimum Charge $17050.00 Flat Rate Section 2. Fees identified in Section 3.3 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Meters Up to 2 Inches 1 Inch: $450.00 Each Meter 1 1/ Inch: $795.00 Each Meter 2 Inch $1,241.00 Each Meter B. Meters Larger than 2 Inches Actual Costs Resolution No. 12-XX Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 1 C. Temporary Meters $1,000.00 Deposit Requested Move to a New Location $70.00 Per Occurrence Unauthorized Movement $190.00 Per Occurrence Section 3. Fees identified in Section 3.4 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Administrative Fee $1,218.00 Per Application B. Plan Check Fee Number of Connections 1-5 $609.00 Flat Rate 6-10 $913.00 Flat Rate 11-20 $1,319.00 Flat Rate 21-40 $1,928.00 Flat Rate 41-60 $2,537.00 Flat Rate 61-80 $3,298.00 Flat Rate 81-99 $4,059.00 Flat Rate 100 and Up $5,581.00 Flat Rate C. Inspection Fee Number of Connections 1-10 $1,241.00 Per Connection 11-20 $697.00 Per Connection 21-30 $485.00 Per Connection 31-40 $390.00 Per Connection 41-50 $331.00 Per Connection 51 and Up $295.00 Per Connection D. Records and Billing Fee $156.00 Per Connection E. Single Service Fee $638.00 Per Permit Section 4. Fees identified in Section 3.7 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Temporary Untreated Water Fee $873.00 Per Acre-foot Section 5. Fees identified in Section 3.11 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Late Payment Fee $10.00 Per Occurrence Resolution No. 12-XX Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 2 B. Notice of Discontinuance $10.00 Per Occurrence C. Shut-off Due to Non-Payment $40.00 Per Occurrence D. Re-establishment of Service $40.00 Per Occurrence E. Callouts After Regular Hours $155.00 Per Occurrence F. Tampered Locks: Residential $80.00 Per Occurrence Commercial $190.00 Per Occurence G. Meter Removal $80.00 Per Occurrence H. Meter Replacement $80.00 Per Occurrence Plus Labor & Material 1. Change of Meter Location: Residential Actual Costs Per Occurrence Commercial $70 Per Occurrence J. Meter Testing: At the Source/YLWD $80 Per Occurrence Independent Laboratory Actual Costs Per Occurrence K. Residential Customer Deposit: Potential of Risk: "Green" $0.00 Per Meter Potential of Risk: "Yellow" $125.00 Per Meter Potential of Risk: "Red" $225.00 Per Meter L. Commercial Customer Deposit: 1 1/ Inch Meter & Below $450.00 Per Meter 2 & 3 Inch Meter $750.00 Per Meter 4 Inch Meter & Larger $2,500.00 Per Meter M. Autopay/NSF Charge $25.00 Per Occurrence N. New Account Set Up Fee $25.00 Per Occurrence 0. GIS Data Conversion Fee $100.00 Per Sheet P. Copying Charges $0.25 Per Copy Q. Fax Charges $0.75 Per Page R. Mailing Charges Actual Costs S. Shipping Charges Actual Costs Resolution No. 12-XX Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 3 Section 6. Fees identified in Section 5.5 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Change in Meter Size: 2 Inch $22.00 Per Meter 3 Inch $42.00 Per Meter 4 Inch $72.00 Per Meter 6 Inch & Larger $75.00 Per Meter Section 7. Fees identified in Section 6.5 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Backflow Device Monitoring Fee $28.00 Per Device Section 8. The fees adopted herein shall take effect on February 1, 2012 and Resolution No. 08-04 is hereby rescinded on February 1, 2012. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of January 2012 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman, Behrens & Tague Resolution No. 12-XX Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 4 RESOLUTION NO. 0812-44XX RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE WATER DEVELOPMENT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE FEES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 00084604 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District Rules and Regulations for Rendition of Water Service include a provision that development fees and customer service charges shall be adopted by separate Resolution entitled Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District have, from time to time, adopted Ordinances and Resolutions to change the Water Development Fees and Customer Service fees for services provided by the District; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used to finance costs necessitated by the services provided by the District. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District to adopt Water Development and Customer Service Fees as follows: Section 1. Fees identified in Section 3.2 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Connection to Main Lines:s-IpsGalled Re re Ac^ t 4 ' 1 - ~QRR Frontage Fees $14.00 Per Linear Foot Fire Hydrant Charges $2,200.00 Per Linear Foot B. Irregular Parcels $1,050.00 Per Gross Acre C. Minimum Charge $1,050.00 Flat Rate Section 2. Fees identified in Section 3.3 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Meters Up to 2 Inches ~p 33 innh: $929-o ~2nh~,R,nnt~„r 1 Inch: $450.00 Each Meter 1 '/2 Inch: $795.00 Each Meter 2 Inch $1,241.00 Each Meter B. Meters Larger than 2 Inches Based , Actual Costs C. Temporary Meters_ $1,000.00 Deposit Kclurim V,.. I'-.AX .a~hiuin_ the AA"❑[ci l)cnrh)i)nicn[ ❑nd Cuxomci Scmir I'cc> Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font Requested Move to a New Location $70.00 Per Occurance color: Black Formatted: Left, Indent: Left: 0.5", Line Unauthorized Movement $190.00 Per Occurrance spacing: single, No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at 2.06" Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black Section 3. Fees identified in Section 3.4 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font j Service shall be as follows: color: Black J Formatted: Tab stops: 1.13", Left + Not at A---,Administrative Fee $3 1,218.00 E-eel} - 2.06° Per application - Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.88", No bullets or numbering 3. 1 B- Plan Check Fee Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black Number of Connections 1-x-85 $ 5-39609.00 Rer Flat Rate 6-10 $ 913.00 Flat Rate 11-20 $ X1,319.00 P-e; PAtmApFlat Rate 21-3840 $ 21.928.00 P--F seHReetmenFlat Rate 3441-4860 $ -1-942.537.00 P-er seestasl~Flat Rate 41-61-8880 $ 454,059.00 €e; ~,-R,em,o,^"^^' ^ Flat Rate 81-99 $4,059.00 Flat Rate Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font 100 and Up $ 112-885,581.00 gee color: Black £~e' Flat Rate Formatted: List Paragraph, Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, + Start at: 99 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 34 3C. Inspection Fee 1.38" + Indent at: 1.8" Number of Connections Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 1.38", No 1-10 $ 1,241.00 Per bullets or numbering ~,rC~-,o^}'^^COnneCtlOn Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font ^n11-20 $ 697.00 Per color: Black 6e??HeeieF}ConneCtlOn Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black 21-30 $ 485.00 Per GGR ^ReGtiGR Connection 31-40 $ 390.00 Per sep PpAtmAp Connection 41-50 $ 331.00 Per cAA sNaeConnection 51 and Up $ 295.00 Per eern=eet;e44COnnection Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black --"D Records and Billing Fee $ 156.00 Per connection Formatted: Numbered + Levee 1 + Numbering Style: A, B, C, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.88" + Indent at: 1.13" Reolunon No. I _-XX Adol'tims the Wafer Dcccloi,ment and Cu,anner Service Fcc, 5E. Single Service Fee $ 1-494638.00 €4Gh Per permit Section 4. Fees identified in Section 3.7 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Temporary Untreated Water Fee $873.00 Per Acre-foot- Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font color: Black Section 5. Fees identified in Section 3.11 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Service shall be as follows: Numbering Style: A, B, C, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 1.38" + Indent at: 1.63" A. Late Payment Fee $10.00 Per Occurrence Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.88", No i AE B Notice of Discontinuance: $2-0 10.00 bullets or numbering e-veR Per Occurrence, Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font color: Black _-A- C. Shut-off Due to Non-Payment: $ 40.00 Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black e-e~ItPer Occurrence Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black 4.3D. Re-establishment of Service: $40.00 F=aeh Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font eveRtPer Occurrence color: Black Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font 3 11 4E. Callouts After Hours: $4-94155.00 color: Black awn+Per Occurrence Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font color: Black 444,4L. Tampered Locks: Residential $80.00 €aA hem^'Per Occurrence Commercial $190.00 Per Occurrence 311 Cc) G. Meter Removal ReplaGemeRt: $4 980.00F=;; Ah e Wer Occurrence H. Meter Replacement $80.00 Per Occurrence Plus Labor and Formatted: Left Formatted: Font: 11 pt Material Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered + 1. Chance of Meter Location: Level: 1 + Numbering Style: I, II, III, + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.88" + Residential Actual Costs Per Occurrence Indent at: 1.38" Commercial $70.00 Per Occurrence Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: 1.38" J. Meter Testing: Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.88", Tab stops: At theSource/YLWD $80.00 Per Occurrence 1.38", Left + Not at ls" Independent Laboratorv Actual Costs Per Occurrence Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font color: Black 3 41 K Residential Customer Deposit Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.88" Formatted: List Paragraph, Indent: Left: Potential of Risk: "Green" $0 Per Meter 1.38" Rc-lutwn A,,. I'-.A\ the Water llevclopment and Cu,tomer Service Fee,, Potential of Risk: "Yellow" $125.00 Per Meter Potential of Risk: "Red" 5225.00 Per Meter Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font Re§§C~ei~t4 $222rd.99 Re" R- lei color: Black Formatted: Indent: Left: 0" L. Commercial Customer Deposit: Formatted: Tab stops: 1.38", Left + Not at 1 M! Inch Meter and Under $450.00 Per HgeterMeter 1.75" 2 and 3-Inch Meter $750.00 Per+:Aete Meter 4 Inch Meter and Larger $2,500.00 Per i:ApterMeter 2. 11 M. Auto-P-pay/NSF Charge:ke}e4 - $22925.00 E^^",^ ^+Per Occurrence 7-11.9 Nen 94rleieHt PHRds Gh„Fge: $25-99 € ;2, eve,pt 3~! !.1ON. New Account Set Up Fee: $25.00 E_ac-k 2F'efltPer Occurrence X10. GIS Data Conversion Fee: $100.00 Per heetSheet 3.1.112P. Copying Charges: $0.25 Per 2 11,120. Fax Charges: $0.75 Per f4aePage 2 Al 4R. Mailing Charges: R^°^.+ +h^ I Icoc r^+ °n „ff,,,.+ At the tome Actual Costs ~.i i 15S. Shipping Charges: BaSed the P-arrier rates IR e#eG+ at h~R~,,,r^^ Actual Costs C nn+: r... 6-. Cnnc .rlnn+.f{nrl .n Cn^+;nn 2-21 ^f +h P_ RI HInc APGI D^n. I- +~i.nc- f^r ~nf n+nr 5;PFyi^^ qhall he AC; follows. . T1 Mete. e. Testis ,R^^: $1-05 on E-Reh -test Section 7. Fees identified in Section 5.5 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: 5.5.2 Change in Meter Size 2 Inch $22.00 Per Meter 3 Inch $42.00 Per Meter 4 Inch $72.00 Per Meter 6 Inch & Larger $75.00 Per Meter Re,oILI[ion No. I _-XX Adol'tim-, the Wafer Deceloi,ment and Cu,anner Service Fcc, Section 8. Fees identified in Section 6.5-4 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: --k A. Backflow Device Monitoring Fee $928.00 Per Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.88°, No device bullets or numbering Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, 12 pt, Font Section 9. The fees adopted herein shall take effect on February 1, 2008 2012 color: Black and Resolution Formatted: Font: (Default) Anal, 12 pt, Font color: Black No. 4408-4-4-04 is hereby rescinded on 44.y-February 1, 200920112. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of fee-January 2992012 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 4e4H W. Strom AeldPhil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: nZIOP,h~;„ A o c +a.,,Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman, Behrens & Tague l'-.A\,Adoy)tin-, tlhr\A"atrrUec~lg~rurnr:uxl(u.mmerSrr~i- lr,, ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 27, 2011 To: Finance-Accounting Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: November 2011 Budget to Actual Results DISCUSSION: Attached are the District's budget to actual summary results for the Water Fund, Sewer Fund and a combined statement for both funds pertaining to the reporting month of November 2011. For the month of November 2011, the District water revenue is trending slightly below expectations due to lower water consumption from a cooler than normal weather pattern. Water operating revenue is 47% of annual budget, which is lower by approximately 1.9% from the historical trend for the first five reporting months of the fiscal year. Our 20 by 2020 baseline is 286.1 gallons per capita per day (GPCD), with a target of 228.9. For the current fiscal year through November 2011, the reduction of 46.6 GPCD brings us 87.7% of the way to our goal.Other Operating Revenue is 57% of annual budget for the month of November. This is primarily due to the activity that was reported in the previous months in relation to the Vista Del Verde project. Variable water costs as a percentage of budget are higher than operating revenues as a result of purchasing more import water prior to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's 7.5% rate increase, which takes effect on January 1, 2012. The majority of the water funds individual supplies and services expenses are trending below or on budget, with the exception of Dues and Memberships and Insurance, which are higher due to timing differences. In the month of November Sewer Other Operating Revenue is well over budget due to the Vista del Verde Project as reported in previous months. Sewer Other Non-Operating revenue is also well over budget, which is primarily due to receiving $264,000 from the City of Yorba Linda for the sewer transfer. The supplies and services expenses are trending below or on budget, with the exceptions of Dues and Memberships and Insurance, which are higher due to timing differences. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On November 29, 2011 the Committee reviewed, received and filed the October 31, 2011 Budget to Actual Results. ATTACHMENTS: Nan ie: C:°escri ti r Type: Nov 2011 Combined.xls Nov 2011 Consolidated Statement Backup Material Nov 2011 Water.xls Nov 2011 Water Statement Backup Material Nov 2011 Sewer.xls Nov 2011 Sewer Statement Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Five Months Ending November 30, 2011 Original YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Under(Over) % of FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $17,904,893 $8,069,906 $9,834,987 45.07% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,726,651 887,581 839,070 51.40% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,757,058 2,143,103 1,613,955 57.04% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 3,406,392 1,402,057 2,004,335 41.16% Sewer Charge Revenue 1,548,550 629,427 919,123 40.65% Locke Ranch Assessments 159,862 11,951 147,911 7.48% Other Operating Revenue 754,361 507,439 246,922 67.27% Total Operating Revenue: 29,257,767 13,651,464 15,606,303 46.66% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 190,000 105,198 84,802 55.37% Property Tax 1,232,000 124,750 1,107,250 10.13% Other Non-Operating Revenue 499,369 459,945 39,424 92.11% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,921,369 689,893 1,231,476 35.91% Total Revenue 31,179,136 14,341,357 16,837,779 46.00% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 13,671,538 6,684,058 6,987,480 48.89% Salary Related Expenses 7,941,303 2,720,081 5,221,222 34.25% Supplies & Services 4,020,832 1,380,512 2,640,320 34.33% Total Operating Expenses 25,633,673 10,784,651 14,849,022 42.07% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,906,426 788,441 1,117,985 41.36% Other Expense 123,193 34,030 89,163 27.62% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 2,029,619 822,471 1,207,148 40.52% Total Expenses 27,663,292 11,607,122 16,056,170 41.96% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 3,515,844 2,734,235 781,609 77.77% Contributed Capital - 17,061,427 (17,061,427) 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 3,515,844 19,795,662 (16,279,818) 563.04% Depreciation & Amortization 5,561,699 2,714,465 2,847,234 48.81% Total Net Income (Loss) ($2,045,855) $17,081,197 ($19,127,052) -834.92% Capital - Direct Labor - (168,658) 168,658 0.00% Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Five Months Ending November 30, 2011 Original Nov YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Actual Under(Over) % of FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $17,904,893 $1,394,397 $8,069,906 $9,834,987 45.07% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,726,651 172,165 887,581 839,070 51.40% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,757,058 332,597 2,143,103 1,613,955 57.04% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 3,406,392 281,113 1,402,057 2,004,335 41.16% Other Operating Revenue 697,360 48,039 410,266 287,094 58.83% Total Operating Revenue: 27,492,354 2,228,311 12,912,913 14,579,441 46.97% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 170,000 32,811 97,586 72,414 57.40% Property Tax 1,232,000 73,380 124,750 1,107,250 10.13% Other Non-Operating Revenue 495,394 29,750 202,438 292,956 40.86% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,897,394 135,941 424,774 1,472,620 22.39% Total Revenue 29,389,748 2,364,252 13,337,687 16,052,061 45.38% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power) 13,671,538 770,649 6,684,058 6,987,480 48.89% Salary Related Expenses 6,953,531 459,206 2,356,688 4,596,843 36.13% Supplies & Services: Communications 366,513 4,646 63,262 303,251 17.26% Contractual Services 527,485 39,546 165,061 362,424 31.29% Data Processing 119,645 5,517 24,307 95,338 20.32% Dues & Memberships 55,682 17,861 44,996 10,686 80.81% Fees & Permits 136,504 7,853 50,085 86,419 36.69% Insurance 221,526 69 179,867 41,659 81.19% Materials 352,642 29,768 170,350 182,292 48.31% District Activities, Emp Recognition 20,757 126 3,365 17,392 16.21% Maintenance 368,603 31,635 132,236 236,367 35.87% Non-Capital Equipment 79,221 1,043 21,027 58,194 26.54% Office Expense 45,714 3,443 15,609 30,105 34.14% Professional Services 766,431 25,382 199,544 566,887 26.04% Training 48,625 451 13,981 34,644 28.75% Travel & Conferences 49,649 1,287 9,099 40,550 18.33% Uncollectible Accounts 35,340 - 432 34,908 1.22% Utilities 113,925 4,742 33,635 80,290 29.52% Vehicle Equipment 278,209 24,040 98,621 179,588 35.45% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 3,586,471 197,409 1,225,477 2,360,994 34.17% Total Operating Expenses 24,211,540 1,427,264 10,266,223 13,945,317 42.40% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,906,426 155,938 788,441 1,117,985 41.36% Other Expense 117,193 9,033 34,030 83,163 29.04% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 2,023,619 164,971 822,471 1,201,148 40.64% Total Expenses 26,235,159 1,592,235 11,088,694 15,146,465 42.27% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 3,154,589 772,017 2,248,993 905,596 71.29% Capital Contributions - - 16,537 (16,537) 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 3,154,589 772,017 2,265,530 889,059 71.82% Depreciation & Amortization 4,628,999 445,577 2,230,430 2,398,569 48.18% Total Net Income (Loss) ($1,474,410) $326,440 $35,100 ($1,509,510) -2.38% Capital - Direct Labor - (33,403) (155,527) 155,527 - Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Five Months Ending November 30, 2011 Original Nov YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Actual Under(Over) % of FY 2012 FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $1,548,550 $142,522 $629,427 $919,123 40.65% Locke Ranch Assessments 159,862 11,307 11,951 147,911 7.48% Other Operating Revenue 57,001 7,099 97,173 (40,172) 170.48% Total Operating Revenue: 1,765,413 160,928 738,551 1,026,862 41.83% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 20,000 2,039 7,613 12,387 38.07% Other Non-Operating Revenue 3,975 (1,937) 257,506 (253,531) 6478.14% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 23,975 102 265,119 (241,144) 1105.81% Total Revenue 1,789,388 161,030 1,003,670 785,718 56.09% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses 987,772 72,496 363,393 624,379 38.12% Supplies & Services: Communications 30,587 350 5,714 24,873 18.68% Contractual Services 40,135 3,054 12,801 27,334 31.89% Data Processing 9,005 415 1,829 7,176 20.31% Dues & Memberships 4,505 1,344 3,524 981 78.22% Fees & Permits 14,066 2,024 5,084 8,982 36.14% Insurance 16,674 5 13,538 3,136 81.19% Materials 35,703 380 12,472 23,231 34.93% District Activities, Emp Recognition 1,562 8 248 1,314 15.88% Maintenance 74,267 14,056 34,796 39,471 46.85% Non-Capital Equipment 18,799 3,271 9,448 9,351 50.26% Office Expense 3,411 259 1,175 2,236 34.45% Professional Services 75,769 1,886 30,961 44,808 40.86% Training 5,100 133 1,646 3,454 32.27% Travel & Conferences 4,202 97 771 3,431 18.35% Uncollectible Accounts 2,660 - 14 2,646 0.53% Utilities 9,575 415 2,772 6,803 28.95% Vehicle Equipment 78,341 3,974 18,242 60,099 23.29% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 424,361 31,671 155,035 269,326 36.53% Total Operating Expenses 1,412,133 104,167 518,428 893,705 36.71% Expenses (Non-Operating): Other Expense 6,000 - - 6,000 0.00% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 6,000 - - 6,000 0.00% Total Expenses 1,418,133 104,167 518,428 899,705 36.56% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 371,255 56,863 485,242 (113,987) 130.70% Contributed Capital - - 17,044,890 (17,044,890) 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 371,255 56,863 17,530,132 (17,158,877) 4721.86% Depreciation & Amortization 932,700 107,438 484,035 448,665 51.90% Total Net Income (Loss) ($561,445) ($50,575) $17,046,097 ($17,607,542) -3036.11% Capital - Direct Labor (3,526) (13,131) 13,131 ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 27, 2011 To: Finance-Accounting Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Manager Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: Investment Report for Period Ending November 30, 2011 SUMMARY: Staff is submitting the November 2011 Monthly Investment Reports for the Committee's review. DISCUSSION: The Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all the District investments by institution. The Investment Report Summary includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserves categories. The total yield for the month ending November 2011 increased to 1.03%. This is the result from the yield change of investments held in CaITRUST's Medium Term portfolio from 1.19% to 1.24%. The overall decrease in the investment balance from the previous month is $583,000. A couple of the larger balance changes include an increase in the Reserve for Debt Service fund of $260,000 due to District meeting its monthly obligation to ensure that funds are set aside for the March 2012 debt service interest payment, a decrease of $495,000 in the Water Operating fund due to decrease in the month overall accounts payable activity and transfer of funds to the Debt Service Fund, and a decrease of $388,000 in the 2008 COP Revenue account for CIP project activity. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): Monthly Investment Reports are presented to the Finance-Accounting Committee on a regular basis. Quarterly Investment Reports are presented to the Board of Directors. The Investment Reports for the month ended October 31, 2011 was received and filed by the Finance-Accounting Committee on November 28, 2011. The Investment Report for the quarter ended September 30, 2011 was received and filed by the Board of Directors on November 10, 2011. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Invst Rpt 11-11.xlsx November 2011 Investment Report Backup Material Invst Agenda Backup - Nov 2011.xlsx Agenda Backup Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Investment Portfolio Report November 30, 2011 Market % Percent Value Cost of Total Institution Yield Checking Account: $ 179,654 $ 179,654 Wells Fargo Bank $ 179,654 $ 179,654 0.64% Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: $ 27 $ 27 Wells Fargo Money Market 0.29% 1,835,549 1,835,549 US Bank (2008 Revenue Bond) 0.10% 2,699 2,699 US Bank (2008 Bond Reserve) 0.10% $ 1,838,275 $ 1,838,275 6.55% Total 0.10% Federal Home Loan Bank: $ 2,157,173 $ 2,144,397 US Bank (2008 Bond Reserve) 1.35% $ 2,157,173 $ 2,144,397 7.68% 1.35% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 4,187,179 $ 4,187,179 Local Agency Investment Fund 0.40% 19,723,204 19,312,526 Ca1TRUST Medium Term 1.24% $ 23,910,383 $ 23,499,705 85.13% 1.09% $ 28,085,485 $ 27,662,031 100% Total Investments 1.04% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. f Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant 11/30/11 Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of November 2011: Avg. Portfolio Avg. Portfolio # of Month Yield Without Yield With Days to of 2011 CalTRUST CalTRUST Maturity November 0.56% 1.03% 522 Below is are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 11/30/2010 11/30/2011 Monthly - November $ 21,237 $ 34,850 Year-to-Date $ 89,802 $ 105,198 Budget 2010/2011 2011/2012 Interest Budget, November YTD $ 65,000 $ 79,167 Interest Budget, Annual $ 156,000 $ 190,000 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: October 2011 % Alloc November 2011 % Alloc Fund Description Balance 10/31/2011 Balance 11/30/2011 Water Operating Reserve $ 2,576,763 9.20% $ 2,587,673 9.27% Water Emergency Reserve 1,002,070 3.58% 1,002,093 3.59% Water Capital Project Reserve 17,576,283 62.74% 17,576,741 62.98% Water Reserve for Debt Service 261,885 0.93% 521,556 1.87% COP Revenue Bond 2008 - Reserve 2,158,318 7.71% 2,159,872 7.74% COP Revenue Bond 2008 2,223,143 7.94% 1,835,549 6.58% Sewer Operating 67,977 0.24% 99,290 0.36% Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,001,423 3.58% 1,001,446 3.59% Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,143,750 4.08% 1,121,611 4.02% $ 28,011,612 100.00% $ 27,905,831 100.00% Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating 600,216 94,727 Sewer Operating 56,244 84,927 656,460 179,654 Totals $ 28,668,072 $ 28,085,485 ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 27, 2011 Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives DISCUSSION: Attached are the strategies identified in the 2011-2013 Strategic Plan that relate to Fiscal Responsibility, which are overseen by the Finance-Accounting Committee. Included is an update on each strategy relating to Fiscal Responsibility. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 9, 2011 the Board adopted the 2011-2013 Strategic Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Narne: Desoiption. Type: Strategic Plan Tracking- FA.xlsx Strategic Plan Tracking - FA Backup Material Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report Finance - Accounting Committee Strategies Start Date Completion Lead Party Dec 2011 Progress Date FR 1: Maintain Fiduciary Res onsibilit Develop a Comprehensive 5 -year financial plan included in budget. More comprehensive version FR 1 -A Feb -11 Oct -11 Finance Director Multi -Year Financial Plan to be placed in the FY 2012/13 budget. Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and General Water Rules and Regulations recommended changes submitted to EAO Regulation and Evaluate FR 1 -C Feb -11 Dec -11 Manager/ on December 20, and the corresponding recommended fee schedule Fee Schedules Regularly Finance Director changes submitted to FAC in this meeting. for Proper Cost of Service Coverage FR 3: Ide ntify and Develop Additional Revenue Options Review Opportunities to Earn "Cash Back" on Staff submitted a recommendation to the FAC in November's agenda. FR 3 -B Operating Expense Jan -11 On -going Finance Director The full Board is scheduled to vote on the program on December 22. through Commercial Credit Card Accounts FR 4: Provide a Rate Structure that Promotes Water Use Efficienc Staff met with Raftelis and finalized the recommendations that will be Complete the Cost of Finance presented to the Board at the January 2012 workshop. A preliminary FR 4 -A Service and Water Rates Mar -10 Mar -12 Director /Board discussion of the workshop items was included in the October Finance- Study of Directors Accounting Committee meeting. Evaluate Equitable Rate Board of The Board will be given information on multiple rate structure options Structures that Promote Directors/ FR 4 -B Oct -11 Mar -12 in January 2012 with which they can give staff direction as to what rate Conservation and General structure they believe would best promote conservation and efficiency. Efficiency Manager Completed Prepare a High Level Annual Budget Document and Comprehensive Annual Completed Budget June 2011. Submitted budget for CSMFO and GFOA FR 1 -13 Financial Report and Feb -11 Jun -11 Finance Director award September 2011. CAFR submitted to the FAC and Board in Compete for Recognition October 2011. Staff submitted for the GFOA award in November 2011. by the Government Finance Officers Association Evaluate and Revise the Completed March 2011. Consider changing allocation methodology in FR 1 -D Sewer Fund Allocation Nov -10 Mar -11 Finance Director conjunction with FY 2012/13 budget process. Include in Maintain Commitment to Sept -09 Rate Quarterly Board of Quarterly review of debt service ratios will continue as well as FR 1 -E Strong Debt Services Increase Financial Directors integrating the ratio into forward financial projections. Ratio Review Review the Reserve Policy Finance Completed review /revision of reserve policy in June 2011. Will review FR 2 -A and Funding Levels Apr -11 Jul -11 Director /Board again in conjunction with the 2012/13 Budget process. Annually of Directors Annual Review of CIP Implement an Approach Finance Forward projection of reserve balances will be completed along with Financial FR 2 -C to Ensure Reserves are Apr -11 Director /Board future financial projections. The District's reserve needs will be updated Needs Included Responsibly Funded of Directors for FY 2012/13 with this new data. in Budget Preparation Manage Cash Flow to Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant reviews the cash balances and needs FR 3 -C Maximize Investment On -going On -going Finance Director daily. Mutliple times a month, excess cash is transferred to investments Income to earn interest until the next check register.