HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-08 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water istri t AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, March 8, 2012, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Phil Hawkins, President Gary T. Melton, Vice President Michael J. Beverage Ric Collett Robert R. Kiley 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Recognize Ken Mendum, Water Maintenance Superintendent, for Completion of the ACWA/JPIA Operations Certification Program 6.2. Certificate of Achievement from CHP for District's Biennial Inspection of Terminals Program 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held February 27, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. • Meeting scheduled March 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 8. PRESENTATIONS 8.1. Introduction to Orange County LAFCO Services Presented by Benjamin Legbandt, Policy Analyst 11 9. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 9.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 23, 2012 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 9.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$489,654.02. 9.3. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 2011 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31, 2011. 9.4. Investment Report for the Period Ending December 2011 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Investment Report for the Period Ending December 2011. 10. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 10.1. Staff Travel Expense Reimbursement and Ethics Training Policy Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-04 Setting Staff Expense Reimbursement and Management Ethics Training and Rescinding Resolution No. 06-12. 10.2. Adopting Water Rules and Regulations Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-05 Amending the Rules and Regulations for the Rendition of Water Service and Rescinding Resolution No. 00-12. 10.3. Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 12-06 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees and Rescinding Resolution No. 08-04. 10.4. Authorizing Additional Director Attendance at Intergovernmental Meetings Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize and compensate a maximum of two Directors for attendance at WACO, ISDOC and LAFCO intergovernmental meetings. 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1. President's Report 11.2. Directors' Reports 11.3. General Manager's Report 11.4. General Counsel's Report 11.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 12.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Hawkins/Melton) • Meeting scheduled March 14, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 12.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kiley/Hawkins) Minutes of meeting held February 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled March 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 12.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) • Minutes of meeting held March 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled March 20, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 12.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) • Meeting scheduled March 12, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 12.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Melton/Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held March 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled April 2, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 12.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Hawkins/Beverage) • Meeting scheduled March 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 13. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 13.1. YL Planning Commission - February 29, 2012 (Kiley) 13.2. WACO - March 2, 2012 (Hawkins/Kiley) 13.3. YL City Council - March 6, 2012 (Hawkins) 13.4. MWDOC/MWD Workshop - March 7, 2012 (Melton/Staff) 13.5. OCWD Board - March 7, 2012 (Kiley/Staff) 14. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 14.1. Meetings from March 9, 2012 - April 30, 2012 15. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS This section of the agenda is for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance at the listed events. 15.1. WACO - March 2, 2012 (Ratify additional Board Member attendance.) MWD San Jacinto Tunnel Inspection Tour - March 15, 2012 WACO Municipal Bond & Debt Financing Workshop - March 21 , 2012 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. 16. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 16.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00124906) Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00125994) Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00311353) Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00319080) Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00320239) Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00327152) Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00332968) Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00348304) Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00409755) Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00425404) Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00486884) 17. ADJOURNMENT 17.1. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held March 22, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 6.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 To: Board of Directors From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Personnel Technician Subject: Certificate of Achievement from CHP for District's Biennial Inspection of Terminals Program SUMMARY: The California Highway Patrol (CHP) awarded the Yorba Linda Water District a Certificate of Achievement for its Biennial Inspection of Terminals (BIT) Program. The District's Senior Fleet Mechanic, Mike Kiddie, and his staff, Ron Talbert and Doug Baker, are responsible for administering the BIT Program for the District. DISCUSSION: Under the California Vehicle Code, a Biennial Inspection of Terminals Program, known as BIT, is conducted by the California Highway Patrol every two years. The program requires all motor carriers operating trucks from terminals located in California to undergo inspection to rate their compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to motor carrier safety. The Yorba Linda Water District terminal has achieved five (5) consecutive satisfactory safety compliance ratings since April 18, 1994 and has been recognized by the California Highway Patrol for this achievement and for its commitment to highway safety as demonstrated by those persons, Mike Kiddie and his staff, responsible for the operation of the District's terminal. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: SKMBT C5521 201 31 1 61 20 CHP Cert.pdf CHP Certificate of Achievement Backup Material 1-n-12 CHP 341 ( 1I-931 OPI 062 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL hereby awards this Certificate of Achievement to YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT 913 SOUTH RICHFIELD RD PLACENTIA, CA 92870 5 Consecutive Satisfactory Ratings Since APRIL 18, 1994 There is established in the California Vehicle Code a biennial motor carrier safety compliance inspection program to be conducted by the California Highway Patrol. That program, known as the Biennial Inspection of Terminals (BIT) Program, requires all motor carriers operating trucks from terminals located in California to undergo an inspection of each operational terminal to rate their compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to motor carrier safety. This is to certify that this terminal has achieved consecutive satisfactory safety compliance ratings as indicated above. The California Highway Patrol congratulates this terminal on this meritorious achievement and recognizes the commitment to highway safety demonstrated by the personnel responsible for the operation of this terminal. ACOMMISSIONER ARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Subject: Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held February 27, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Meeting scheduled March 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 022712 - CAC Minutes.docx CAC Mtg Minutes 02/27/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING February 27, 2012 CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Daniel Mole. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Guse Joe Holdren Carl Boznanski Lindon Baker Daniel Mole Oscar Bugarini Fred Hebein Rick Buck Gus Bruner YLWD DIRECTORS PRESENT YLWD STAFF PRESENT Michael J. Beverage, Director Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager OTHER VISITORS Roger Yoh, Director Orange County Water District John Kennedy, Executive Director of Engineering and Local Resources, Orange County Water District Robert Ennis, Legislative Affairs Laison Brett Barbre, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. Citizens Advisory Committee Chair Daniel Mole asked the CAC members about their experiences and conversations since the last meeting. Members commented on the new signage in the community and asked about its intent. Mr. Vecchiarelli shared that these signs should stimulate conversations about the value of drinking water as a commodity delivered directly to one's home or business. The value at three gallons for a penny could be compared to twelve ounces of premium coffee for three dollars, a gallon of gas for $4.25, a liter of wine for $9, and any number of other commodities and utilities. Although the cost of water has escalated substantially over the past five years, potable drinking water is still a bargain. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1. Introduction to Orange County Water District and the Groundwater Basin with Director Roger Yoh and John Kennedy, Executive Director of Engineering and Local Resources Director Yoh gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Orange County Water District and its management of the groundwater supply to Central and North Orange County. He explained the purpose of the Groundwater 1 Replenishment System and the current expansion of this world class water treatment plant, which provides an important local supply to nearly one million residents. The Citizens Advisory Committee members asked several questions about the costs and management of the Santa Ana River water supply, the treatment of locally collected sewage and the injection of both imported water and locally treated water to create a barrier to seawater intrusion. 2.2. Introduction to Metropolitan Water District with Director Brett Barbre Director Barbre presented materials and information regarding the formation of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) and the purpose of the MWD sub agencies including the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC). He handed out promotional materials that included thumb drives, maps and information about the import water supplies to Southern California. 2.3. Future Agenda Items • Golden State Water District • District Emergency Preparedness Efforts • District Public Affairs Efforts 3. ADJOURNMENT 3.1. The Committee adjourned at 10:15 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee will be held March 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 2 ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Subject: Introduction to Orange County LAFCO Services Presented by Benjamin Legbandt, Policy Analyst II ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: LAFCO Presentation.odf Backup Material Backup Material ORANGE COUNTY LAFCO Yorba Linda Water District March 8 , 2012 Charley Wilson , LAFCO Chair Ben Legbandt , Policy Analyst II 2 from Special Districts Charley Wilson ( Chair) John Withers James Fisler ( alternate ) 1 Public Member Susan Wilson (Vice Chair) Derek McGregor (alternate) q 2 from the Board of Supervisors John Moorlach ( Chair) Pat Bates Bill Campbell (alternate ) 2 from Cities Peter Herzog Joe Carchio Robert Ring (alternate ) LAFCO STRATEGIC PLAN Annual review of Commission ' s accomplishments and projects Commission discussion Addressing State mandates Development of annual work plan Keeping ahead of the curve Allocation of staff and financial resources Total Funding Contribution $955, 000 . 00 $ 950, 000 . 00 $945, 000 . 00 2% Decrease $zz,000j $ 940, 000 . 00 ( $ 93500 . 00 No increase in the past 3 years. $930, 000 . 00 $ 925, 000 . 00 LAFCO projected to continue practice until FY 2015/16 $ 920, 000 . 00 $915, 000400 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 (Approved) (Approved) (Approved) (Approved) (Proposed) —Total Funding Contribution OC ACTIVITI ES - PROVI DI NG RESOU RCES Municipal Service Reviews Fiscal Trends Analysis Web - program Shared Services Web - program Islands Task Force " Whole and healthy communities" Developing guiding principles and best practices for municipal service provision within unincorporated islands . CONTACT INFORMATION Five full - time staff Joyce Crosthwaite, Executive Officer Carolyn Emery, Assistant Executive Officer Benjamin Legbandt, Policy Analyst II Joe Serrano, Policy Analyst Cheryl Carter- Benjamin, Office Manager/ Commission Clerk OC LAFCO 12 Civic Center Plaza, Rm . 235 Santa Ana, CA 92701 www. oclafco . org 714 - 834 - 2556 ORANGE COUNTY LAFCO Quarterly Newsletter Mid - Year Edition y . 10 1St- 2 °d Quarter July - December Costa Mesa Sanitary District Work Plan Review --I Island Annexations In September 2011, the Commission approved the annexation of approximately 9.12 acres to the Costa Mesa Sanitary District's (CMSD) service boundary. Under the Fee Waiver and Refund Policy, CMSD received a refund LAFCO This edition of the Comprehensive Quarterly fees for successfully annexing its remaining Report (CQ Report) provides an overview of islands. progress made on the adopted FY 2011-2013 Work Plan during the first and second quarter OCWD Annexations - EIR Review (July — December 2011). In July 2011, OCWD released a Notice of Preparation for an Environmental Impact Report Additionally, the report provides information on (EIR) involving potential annexations into the other recently completed tasks (not identified in Orange County Water District (OCWD) for the work plan . agency comments. Staff provided comments to ensure that the EIR could be used for the LAFCO Application Projects annexation process. A timeline for filing the annexation application with LAFCO has not been established . County Boundary Changes After a four year stakeholder process, the County Mesa Water District Boundary Adjustment project successfully Reaffirmation realigned the parcels between the City of Long Through collaborative research efforts of the Beach with the Cities of Los Alamitos and Seal MWD and LAFCO staff, it was determined that Beach. This effort, led by Supervisor and administrative clean-up was necessary to reflect Commissioner John Moorlach, is the result of three islands within the District's service cross-county collaboration of County, city, and boundary. The Commission affirmed the LAFCO staff working towards efficient delivery of correction and the changes were sent to the municipal services. However, the teamwork is State for final recordation . not over yet ! The team will continue to work together on other potential boundary changes. YLWD — Ideal Service Staff anticipates another application for two provider for Locke Ranch minor boundary changes between the Cities of Long Beach and Seal Beach before the end of the In December the Commission approved the year. annexation of approximately 440 acres of inhabited territory to the Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) . Annexation of the territory replaced a long-standing out-of-area service agreement with YLWD now as the provider of sewer service to the area. Quarterly Newsletter 1 1 NOnstoo fir ocations 0M orange C delivered an engaging presentation on public Communication polling and research strategy in public policy. City & Special District Visits Staff began its bi-annual visits in January with the CCL - GIS Work Group funding agencies to keep them inform of our The November CCL GIS meeting illustrated how latest projects and reintroduce ourselves. During Riverside LAFCO manages its website using an the visits staff provides a quick "LAFCO 101" and online content management system . The second updates the agency on LAFCO's latest projects, half of the meeting focused on how the southern including the Community Task Force, Fiscal Trend LAFCOs could potentially use one centralized Analysis, and the Shared Services Program. If we map for regional GIS purposes. While the online haven't scheduled a visit to your agency, please GIS mapping is fairly new, the group will call us at 714-834-2556. continue to explore the benefits in creating a GIS database for the CCL region. California Coalition of CALAFCO LAFCOs (CCL) CCL, comprised of the Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego In the first half of the fiscal year, the Commission LAFCOs, hosted its 3d Annual Commissioners and staff visited Napa Valley for the 2011 Summit on January 23 in Santa Ana. The group CALAFCO Annual Conference. discussed the history and future of the coalition, legislative update, and collaborative The 2012 CALAFCO Staff Workshop will be held opportunities. The guest speaker at the summit in Murphys in Calaveras County on April 25-27th was Adam Probolsky of Probolsky Research, a 2012. firm based in Newport Beach . Mr. Probolsky Quarterly Newsletter 12 on Facebook and Twitter. The LAFCO social media sites are updated bi-weekly. YouTube- Ready for my close up! Another effective form of L , sharing information is through online videos. OC o � LAFCO can add authenticity to the agency by uploading videos of Commissioners and staff members. The YouTube page will include one-on-one video interviews with LAFCO Commissioners. Actually seeing and hearing other ways to enhance from the Commission may LAFCOIn communication with help residents better the Digital stakeholders. understand LAFCO's mission . To help outline this goal, staff Wikipedia- Age developed a Social Media Want more LAFCO info? Plan, which focuses on Unlike other social networks, „ "Did information on Wiki edia offers a new way of Like my page Did you see p y that Tweet?" "YouTube hits" LAFCO activities to our gathering information from "latestWiki-leaks" — the new funding agencies and to the the internet. Now Wikipedia era of communication is here. public through various social has a designated OC LAFCO media sites including page for visitors to learn more LAFCO did not wait to venture YouTube, Twitter and about this independent into the virtual world . In 2010, Wikipedia. LAFCO is now agency. we became one of the first involved in all of these LAFCOs to have a Facebook networks. Multiple agencies page. Now staff is exploring are already following LAFCO Quarterly Newsletter 13 What's elected officials and local One new feature to LAFCO's representatives on the "real" program includes a Capital Trending Now? issues with shared and Improvement Projects (CIP) contract services, how each interactive map. Now "Shared city needs to formulate its available, the CIP map shows Shared Services own plan, and the need for an all the upcoming internal process for infrastructure-related projects "Orange County LAFCO has contracting services. throughout the county. This established a website to help interactive tool provides an local governments share Also jumping in with both feet opportunity for partnering on services to achieve are special districts. The capital projects based on efficiencies." — California Independent Special Districts geographic location. Legislative Analyst's Office of Orange County (ISDOC) 2012 Special Districts Report and LAFCO co-sponsored a workshop on shared services. Fiscal 'Trend The Shared Services Program The event included a 5- continues to spark interest member panel who shared Analysis - Ask among agencies in sharing success stories on partnering resources, staffing and with neighboring agencies the Experts facilities for better efficiency and the benefits of shared and cost-savings. We now services. At the workshop, hear more discussions about LAFCO provided an interactive EXTRA EXTRA — READ ALL agencies considering shared demonstration on its Shared ABOUT IT: The Fiscal Trend services without set Services web program and Analysis is being updated with boundaries. highlighted new features. the latest CAFRs. The Association of California Staff will present the Fiscal Cities — Orange County Trend Analysis program to the (ACCOC) recently hosted a California Society of roundtable discussion with Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) and the California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) in the 41 spring for feedback and recommendations on the �4 program . YOU HEARD ? Quarterly Newsletter 14 Community Task Force - Internal Efficiencies Whole and Healthy project Management System Communities Come First With a small staff and large work plan, LAFCO needs to be on track, so we looked at various Orange County LAFCO Communities Task Force project management systems, including Maven (formerly the Islands Task Force) has reframed Link — a cloud-based management application to the discussion and approach to unincorporated communicate the progress of all active projects. islands. The new direction of the task force Instead of paying for a programs staff created centers on a stakeholder process that l encourages collaboration and fostering of whole detailed weekly report using an Excel and healthy communities from a municipal Spreadsheet. Now all our assignments and services perspective. The City of Stanton, a key projects are easily reviewed by "The Boss" at no participant of the task force, agreed to be the charge. Unfortunately, now Joyce will know pilot project for the stakeholder process. During exactly when we miss internal deadlines. this quarter, the efforts of the pilot project have included progress towards the annexation and *Work Plan Recap and description of Table A on partnership agreement for three unincorporated the following page. areas. Staff Hours/ Resources ■ Work Plan ■ Other Responsibilities Applications 1% "Other Responsibilities include projects not identified in the FY 2011-2013 Work Plan such as responding to constituent requests, data retrieval, participation in various committees and countywide meetings, and providing additional information to other local and regional agencies. Quarterly Newsletter 15 Reports. The policy clarifies the process for the Work Plan Recap release of LAFCO special study reports to the public, affected agencies, and other interested Table A illustrates that overall staff time and parties. budget resources (i.e. salaries) are devoted to work plan-related projects. The remainder of the Multi-County MOUs two quarters focused on other LAFCO During the second quarter, the Commission responsibilities and activities - such as answering approved two Memorandum of Understandings to constituents, responding to data requests, (MOU) agreements for the purpose of clarifying participation in various committees, invitations which LAFCO is responsible for processing any to countywide meetings, and providing additional information to other agencies and the future proposals involving multi-county special public. The following sections will discuss those districts in either Los Angeles or San Bernardino other projects and activities completed in the County. first half of FY 2011-2012. Keeping an eye on "Bill" Other LAFCO Projects FY 2011-2012 has seen a number of contentious bills and changes to LAFCO's role overseeing Activities local service. Fortunately our staff through its participation on the CALAFCO Legislative The following are projects that were not Committee is keeping an eye on what's identified in the FY 2011-2012 Work Plan. happening on the hill in Sacramento. LAFCO can Share too! For the latest legislative news impacting LAFCO In December, the Commission suggested sharing check out the February Leg Update on our staff to other neighboring LAFCOs. A partnership website. with LA LAFCO was concluded in January — initially for GIS and agenda preparations. More Website Updates collaboration with neighboring LAFCOs will soon While LAFCO has entered into the world of social follow. media, the LAFCO website remains the key LAFCO information source. GIS Policy LAFCO takes pride in producing accurate Coming soon to a monitor near you: Visit our mapping of our agencies' boundaries and website when we unveil the new Unincorporated continues to improve the functions of the Islands and Communities Task Force Page. agency's GIS system. In response to an increase in public and agency requests for GIS data, the New LAFCO Chair Commission approved the availability of digital OC LAFCO welcomes GIS files on LAFCO's website. All boundaries and our new Chair, Charley sphere of influence maps for cities and special Wilson. Mr. Wilson has districts are available on the LAFCO website. served OC LAFCO as an alternate special LAFCO Special Studies Policy district member since In December, the Commission approved the April 2001. guidelines for the distribution of Special Study Quarterly Newsletter 1 6 Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission Quarterly Overview July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 Funds 1stQtr 2nd Qtr TOTAL Used Funds Left Jul-Sep Oct-Dec FY 11-12 Budget N ($) Ordinary Income/Expense Income Revenue Use of Unrestricted Reserve Funds $211,617.00 $2111617. 00 4000 - LAFCO Apportionment $926,682.00 $926,683.00 4050 - Filing Fees $532.50 -$4,300.00 $0.00 4150 - Misc Revenue $399.21 $274.35 $0.00 4200 - Interest & Dividends $1,424.16 $1,002.72 $8,200.00 29.6% $6,775.84 Total Revenue $1,1401654.87 -$3,022.93 $1,146,500.00 99.2% $5,845.13 Total Income $1,140,654.87 -$3,022.93 $1,1461500.00 99.2% $5,845.13 Expense Expenditures 5000 - Salaries $102,846.63 $96,501.31 $409,100.00 48.7% $209,752.06 5100 - Benefits & Insurance 5102 - Optional Benefit Plan $1,750.00 $0.00 $24,500.00 7.1% $22,750.00 5104 - Executive Deferred Comp $907.77 $959.76 $6,200.00 30.1% $4,332.47 5106 - Retirement Benefits $31,510.88 $21,747.75 $155,400.00 34.3% $102,141.37 5108 - Health Care Insurance $11,976.20 $11,749.17 $39,600.00 59.9% $15,874.63 5110 - Dental Insurance $942.15 $856.50 $40600.00 39.1% $2,801.35 5112 - Life Insurance $214.76 $190.56 $900.00 45.0% $494.68 5114 - Workers Compensation $437.49 $437.49 $1,900.00 46.1% $1,025.02 5116 - Medicare $1,286.01 $1,277.52 $5,900.00 43.4% $3,336.47 5118 - Unemployment Insur $239.16 $243.05 $1,100.00 43.8% $617.79 5120 - Salary Continuance $255.98 $264.70 $800.00 65.1% $279.32 5122 - Accidental Death Insur $33.58 $28.98 $100.00 62.6% $37.44 5124 - Other Employee Insur $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 0.0% $600.00 5125 - Executive Employee Insur $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $7,200.00 50.0% $31600.00 Total 5100 - Benefits & Insurance $51,353.98 $39,555.48 $2480800.00 36.5% $157,890.54 5150 - Information Technology $659.44 $2,764.62 $13,200.00 25.9% $9,775 .94 5151 - Telephone $327.63 $1,890.06 $10,100.00 22.0% $7,882.31 5200 - County of Orange -$906.00 $4,147.06 $50100.00 63.6% $1,858.94 5250 - General Liability Insur $2,503.83 $2,496.36 $14,900.00 33.6% $9,899.81 Quarterly Newsletter 1 7 5300 - Maintenance-Building 5301 - Repairs & Maint. $0.00 $134.96 $2,000.00 6.7% $1,865.04 Total 5300 - Maintenance-Building $0.00 $134.96 $2,000.00 6.7% $1,865.04 5350 - Membership $2,165.99 $2,997.99 $20,200.00 25.6% $15,036.02 5450 - Office Equipment/Supplies $1,900.55 $2,968.43 $20,200.00 24.1% $15,331.02 5490 - Office Contract Labor $0.00 $6,435.69 $25,000.00 25.7% $18,564.31 5500 - Professional Services 5510 - Legal $1,384.98 $18,401.50 $65,800.00 30.1% $46,013.52 5520 - Accounting/Audit $8,487.00 $8,259.75 $35,400.00 47.3% $18,65125 5530 - Human Resource $625.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 31.3% $1,375.00 5535 - Mapping/Archiving $0.00 $7,500.00 $15,200.00 49.3% $7,700.00 5540 - Other Profess. Service $12,353.45 $18,998.00 $136,600.00 23.0% $105,248.55 Total 5500 - Professional Services $22,850.43 $53,159.25 $255,000.00 29.8% $178,990.32 5550 - Investment Admin Fees $196.02 $92.55 $500.00 57.7% $211.43 5580 - SBE $2,800.00 $300.00 $0.00 -$3,100.00 5600 - Public Noticing $0.00 $296.00 $15,200.00 1.9% $14,904.00 5625 - Postage $416.04 $600.40 $3,000.00 33.9% $1,983.56 5650 - Office Lease $9,321.56 $9,506.16 $37,400.00 50.3% $18,572.28 5675 - Equipment Leases/Maint $1,023.74 $1,878.69 $9,100.00 31.9% $6,197.57 5700 - Commission & Staff Expense $1,129.08 $2,321.26 $5,480.00 63.0% $2,029.66 5710 - Com Stipends & Taxes/Fees $3,023.41 $3,096.28 $14,520.00 42.1% $8,400.31 5750 - Staff Training $75.00 $2,560.00 $5,100.00 51.7% $2,465.00 5800 - Transportation/Travel $10,127.93 $4,751.72 $30,500.00 48.8% $15,620.35 5850 - Commission Meeting Exp $6.43 $440.00 $2,100.00 21.3% $1,653.57 Total Expenditures $211,821.69 $238,894.27 $11146,500.00 39.3% $695,784.04 Quarterly Newsletter 18 ITEM NO. 9.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 23, 2012 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Ivan �e: Description: Type: 022312 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 02/23/12 Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 RK/GM 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING February 23, 2012 1. CALL TO ORDER The February 23, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Hawkins at 4:01 p.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administrative Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Hawkins led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Gary T. Melton, Vice President Lee Cory, Operations Manager Michael J. Beverage Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager Ric Collett Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Robert R. Kiley Art Vega, Interim IT Manager Anthony Manzano, Senior Project Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary ALSO PRESENT Brett Barbre, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County Nancy Rikel, Councilmember, City of Yorba Linda Art Kidman, Attorney, Kidman Law LLP Eddie Beltran, Senior Associate, Kidman Law LLP Andrew Gagen, Partner, Kidman Law LLP 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Director Barbre briefly reported on the current water supply situation and stated that he was looking forward to presenting to the Citizens Advisory Committee the following week. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. Director Collett abstained from voting on Check No. 58477 of Item No. 6.2. as he has a financial interest with the vendor. 1 6.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held February 9, 2012 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 6.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$1,601,370.41. 6.3. Progress Payment No. 13 for Construction of the Highland Booster Pump Station Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 13 in the net amount of $388,853.22 to Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for construction of the Highland Booster Pump Station Project, Job No. 200814. 6.4. Change Order No. 1 for Well No. 20 Wellhead Equipping Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of$0.00 (a no cost time extension) and 74 additional calendar days to Pascal and Ludwig Constructors for construction of the Well No. 20 Well Head Equipping Project, Job No. 200711. 6.5. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Gary and Karen Dickinson Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize the President and Secretary to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Gary and Karen Dickinson, subject to approval as to form by General Counsel. 6.6. Purchase of Valve Truck Assembly Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute a purchase order for the cab and chassis assembly for the Valve Maintenance Truck and further authorize the General Manager to execute additional purchase orders for all other equipment required to assemble this utility vehicle, provided the aggregate purchase does not exceed the total budgeted amount. 6.7. Sewer Facilities Document Conversion Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Nobel Systems in the amount of $20,960.00 to provide professional services to convert existing PDF and TIF sewer facility drawings to GIS. 2 6.8. Claim Filed by Glenn Yothers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject and refer the claim of Glenn Yothers to ACWA/JPIA. 6.9. Claim Filed by Melanie Schlotterbeck Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject and refer the claim of Melanie Schlotterbeck to ACWA/JPIA. 6.10. Claim Filed by Professional Community Management on Behalf of the Kellogg Terrace Condominium Association Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject and refer the claim filed on behalf of the Kellogg Terrace Condominium Association to ACWA/JPIA. 7. ACTION CALENDAR 7.1. Claim Filed by Mamco Construction Mr. Vecchiarelli provided an overview of the claim and reported that staff and the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee both recommended that it be denied. Mr. Kidman also concurred with this recommendation. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to deny the $423,239.84 claim submitted by Mamco Construction for the Ohio Street and Oriente Drive Pipeline Replacement Project. Motion carried 5-0. 7.2. 2012 Orange County Regional Water and Wastewater Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that in order to be eligible for hazard mitigation funding, this plan was required to be updated every 5 years. The plan was last updated in 2007 and only minor changes have been suggested. Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Beverage, to adopt Resolution No. 12-03 Adopting the 2012 Orange County Regional Water and Wastewater Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, subject to approval as to form by District Legal Counsel. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote. 7.3. District of Distinction Accreditation Mr. Vecchiarelli briefly reviewed the requirements for the accreditation application and responded to questions from the Board. Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to support a direction and commitment toward achieving the "District of Distinction" accreditation. Motion carried 5-0. 3 7.4. California Urban Water Conservation Counsel Signatory Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that the District's current strategic plan included consideration of participation in the California Urban Water Conservation Counsel's (CUWCC) Best Management Practices. Both staff and the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee have recommended that the District not commit to becoming a signatory to the CUWCC's Memorandum of Understanding at this time. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, not to become a signatory of the California Urban Water Conservation Council's Memorandum of Understanding. Motion carried 5-0. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS 8.1. Capital Improvement Projects Budget (v 1 .0) Mr. Parker provided the Board with a PowerPoint presentation regarding preliminary adjustments made to the District's Capital Improvement Plan budget. Mr. Parker and Mr. Vecchiarelli then responded to questions from the Board regarding the prioritization of CIP projects, fiscal impact of annexation with OCWD, and the increase in bid amounts due to rising material costs. 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report None. 9.2. Directors' Reports Director Collett reported that he would be unavailable to attend meetings from February 29 — March 4, 2012. As a result, the Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee meeting on March 1, 2012 will need to be rescheduled. ■ AB1234 Training — February 16, 2012 (Beverage) Director Beverage briefly commented on his attendance at this training. 9.3. General Manager's Report Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that he recently met with Jim Ruth, General Manager of the Orange County Sanitation District, and spoke with him regarding the District's request for representation on their Board of Directors. 4 9.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Kidman commented on a new ruling by the Attorney General precluding a majority of city council members from attending a private facilities tour offered by the Metropolitan Water District. Mr. Kidman further commented on a recent Supreme Court ruling abolishing redevelopment agencies (RDAs). Mr. Kidman stated that he found that the District would not qualify as the largest special district within Yorba Linda's RDA and therefore would not be eligible to have a representative appointed to the new RDA Oversight Board. Director Barbre also commented on the Attorney General and Supreme Court's rulings. 9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Beverage asked when the next budget workshop was to be scheduled. Potential dates will be provided to the Board shortly. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Hawkins/Melton) Minutes of the meeting held February 8, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled March 14, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kiley/Hawkins) Next meeting is scheduled February 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) Minutes of the meeting held February 14, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled March 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) Minutes of the meeting held February 7, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. were provided in the agenda packet. The meeting scheduled March 1, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. was rescheduled to March 12, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 5 10.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Melton/Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held February 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled March 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Hawkins/Beverage) Next meeting is scheduled March 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.7. Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) Next meeting is scheduled February 27, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11.1. MWDOC Board — February 15, 2012 (Staff) Mr. Vecchiarelli attended and commented on a water trailer grant agreement and new director division boundaries which were discussed during the meeting. 11.2. OCWD Board — February 15, 2012 (Kiley/Staff) Director Kiley attended and commented on the increase of the Replenishment Assessment to support the Groundwater Expansion Project which was discussed during the meeting. 11.3. YL Planning Commission — February 15, 2012 (Collett) Director Collett attended and reported on two public hearings regarding a fencing limitation waiver and a conditional use permit variance in the Valley View Shopping Center which were held during the meeting. 11.4. YL City Council — February 21, 2012 (Melton) Director Melton attended and commented on a presentation regarding the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission which was provided during the meeting. Director Melton also commented on appointments to the RDA Oversight Board and the 2011 Police Department Annual Report which were discussed during the meeting. 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from February 24, 2012 — March 31, 2012 The Board reviewed the listed meetings and made no additional changes. 6 13. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS 13.1. Children's Water Education Festival — March 28-29, 2012 Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to authorize Director attendance at the above listed event. Motion carried 5-0. 14. CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 4:51 p.m. All Directors were present. Also present were Messrs. Vecchiarelli, Kidman, Beltran, and Gagen and Mrs. Knight. 14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00124906) Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00125994) Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court— Case No. 00311353) Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00319080) Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00320239) Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00327152) Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00332968) Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00348304) Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00409755) Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00425404) Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00486884) 7 Messrs. Vecchiarelli, Kidman, Beltran, and Gagen left the Closed Session following discussion of this matter. 14.2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: General Manager The Board reconvened in Open Session at 5:50 p.m. President Hawkins announced that no action was taken during either Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held March 8, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Board Secretary 8 ITEM NO. 9.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: N/A To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $489,654.02 Funding Source: All Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Maria Trujillo, Accounting CEQA Compliance: N/A Assistant I Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $489,654.02. DISCUSSION: The wire on this disbursement list is as follows: A wire of $98,026.51 to ACWA-HBA for March 2012 health premium. The balance of $160,969.01 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $258,995.52; Payroll No. 4 total is $230,658.50; and, the disbursements of this agenda report are $489,654.02. A summary of the checks is attached. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: CkReg30812 BOD.r)df Check Regsiter Backup Material 12-CS 308.doc Cap Sheet Backup Material 12 CC 308.xls Credit Card Summary Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 RK/GM 5-0 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 2/24/2012 thru 3/08/2012 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description W22712 02/27/2012 ACWA-HBA 98,026.51 HEALTH PREMIUM MARCH 2012 58504 03/08/2012 Alternative Hose Inc. 78.70 UNIT E188 HOSE ASSEMBLY 58505 03/08/2012 Anaheim Wheel & Tire 30.00 UNIT 172 MOUNT/BAL TIRES 58506 03/08/2012 Anixter Inc. 90.30 MOUNTING BRACKET 58507 03/08/2012 Answer One Communications 720.25 ANSWERING SERVICE 58508 03/08/2012 Anthem Blue Cross EAP 170.94 ANTHEM BC EAP 58509 03/08/2012 Aramark 590.02 UNIFORM 58521 03/08/2012 ARC 10.78 J0817 PLANWELL SPECS 58510 03/08/2012 Archie's Towing 95.00 UNIT 132 TOWING 58511 03/08/2012 Assn of Public Treasurers/US & 228.50 CASH HANDLING TRG MANUAL- Canada C/S 58512 03/08/2012 AT & T- Calnet2 3,063.57 COMMUNICATION 112-211 58514 03/08/2012 AWWA - CA-NV Section 435.00 AWWA CONF APR MENDUM 58513 03/08/2012 AWWA - Dues 672.00 AWWA DUES 2013 W22412 02/24/2012 Bank Of America 4,947.16 YLWDVISA 58515 03/08/2012 Battery Systems Inc 294.72 TMBR RIDGE 12V COMM BATT 58518 03/08/2012 C & L Refrigeration Corp. 2,343.80 MIRALOMA MAINT 58523 03/08/2012 C. Wells Pipeline 384.46 THROTTLING DEVICE 58516 03/08/2012 Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 132.00 CWEA DUES MENDUM 58517 03/08/2012 City of Rancho Cucamonga 40.00 CSMFO GASB UPDTE MAR 2-FIN 58520 03/08/2012 Commercial Door of Anaheim, Inc. 1,280.00 TMBR RIDGEIMTL DOOR INSTALL 58519 03/08/2012 Complete Paperless Solutions 675.00 LASERFICHE UPGRADE 58522 03/08/2012 Core Support Resources Inc. 7,215.64 BATTERY MOD/SYMMETRA PX 58524 03/08/2012 Dapper Tire Co. Inc. 1,288.27 TIRES 58530 03/08/2012 Dean Criske Trucking 1 ,845.00 FILL SAND 58525 03/08/2012 Dell Marketing L.P. 220.42 DVD SET ACROBAT 58526 03/08/2012 Derek Nguyen 198.00 AAEE DUES 58527 03/08/2012 Dick's Lock & Safe Inc. 290.39 CAM LOCKS 58528 03/08/2012 Dion & Sons, Inc. 4,251.65 ALL G/E MYSELLA 58529 03/08/2012 Donut Designs 1,750.00 WEBSITE REDESIGN 58531 03/08/2012 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 52.80 METER BOX 58532 03/08/2012 Elite Equipment Inc 330.24 UNIT E161 CARBURETOR 58533 03/08/2012 ENV Services, Inc. 195.00 CHEMICAL FUME HOOD TEST 58534 03/08/2012 Equarius Waterworks 25,305.51 METER R9001 58535 03/08/2012 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc. 369.09 UNIT 132 FUEL PUMP 58536 03/08/2012 Federal Express 153.21 FEDEX CHGS JANUARY 58537 03/08/2012 Filter Recycling Services, Inc 97.75 NON-HAZ WASTE SOLID 58538 03/08/2012 Fry's Electronics 3,195.10 LAPTOP LED DISPLAY 58540 03/08/2012 Fullerton Arboretum 5,000:00 WTR CNSRVTN CLASS 2Q 11-12 58539 03/08/2012 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 128.19 PAINT, SUPPLIES 57890 02/25/2012 Glenn Coates/PM Team (1 ,640.00) CASH BOND RELEASE 58541 03/08/2012 Haaker Equipment Co. 4,884.63 ZOOM LIGHT 58542 03/08/2012 Hach Company 1 ,196.46 WATER QUALITY TEST KITS ETC 58543 03/08/2012 Home Depot 285.92 RAPID SET CONCRETE 58544 03/08/2012 Infosend Inc. 5,866.53 BILL MAILING 58545 03/08/2012 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 444.28 VARIOUS UNITS AUTO PARTS 58546 03/08/2012 John Bogosian 485.69 SHOP TOOLS 58547 03/08/2012 Lee & Ro, Inc. 915.99 PAM AVE BPS CONSULTING JAN 58548 03/08/2012 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 1 ,152.00 HR ISSUES JANUARY 2012 58549 03/08/2012 LPR-Laser Printer Repair Co 429.90 RICOH AFICIO 480 W MNT AGRMT 58552 03/08/2012 M.L. Adams Insurance Services 350.00 HONESTY BOND ALEXANDER 58550 03/08/2012 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 285.25 PURCH FEBRUARY 58551 03/08/2012 Minuteman Press 1,063.08 PRINTING SVCS 58553 03/08/2012 Morton Salt, Inc. 2,46136 CRYSTAL MED SALT 58554 03/08/2012 Muzak LLC 70.88 MUZAK VOICE MARCH 58555 03/08/2012 MWH Americas, Inc. 17,091 .96 HGHLND UPGRD CONSULT JAN 58556 03/08/2012 Nextel Of California 1 ,689.98 NEXTEL JANUARY 2012 58503 02/24/2012 Nickey Kard Lock 7,669.64 FUEL JANUARY 2012 58557 03/08/2012 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 6,013.37 FUEL FEBRUARY 2012 58467 02/24/2012 Nickey Petroleum Co Inc (8,868.25) FUEL MOTOR OIL 58502 02/24/2012 Nickey Petroleum Co Inc 1,198.61 MOTOR OIL 58558 03/08/2012 Nickey Petroleum Co Inc 757.70 MOBIL DTE BE OIL 58559 03/08/2012 Office Solutions 346.14 OFFICE SUPPLY 58560 03/08/2012 Orange County Sanitation District 103.15 OCHCA FOGBMP INSP 11-12 2Q 58561 03/0812012 Orange County Water District 2,000.00 CHILDREN WTR EDU FEST 2012 58567 03108/2012 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 538.08 FILL SAND 58562 03/08/2012 Pacific Safety Council 1,398.00 FORKLIFT INSTRUCTOR TRG 58563 03/08/2012 Parts Source Anaheim 149.09 AUTO PARTS 58564 03/08/2012 Pete's Road Service Inc 1,981.90 UNIT 144 SERVICE CALL 58565 03/08/2012 Praxair Distribution 607.25 WELDING MATL 58566 03/08/2012 Professionals in Hum.Res Assn 250.00 PHRA DUES 2012 2-HR 58568 03/08/2012 RJ Services, Inc 585.00 VACUUM OUT MCC 58569 03/08/2012 Rootx 4,754.83 ROOTX 40# CASES 58570 03/08/2012 Sancon Engineering Inc. 13,100.00 SWR LINE RPR/FLD CTRL EASMT 58571. 03/08/2012 Schorr Metals, Inc. 9.89 UNIT 136 ALUMINUM 58572 03/08/2012 Shape Products Co. 309.22 ACETIC ACID,BUFFER SOLN 58573 03/08/2012 Shred-It USA Inc 81.95 CONFIDENTIAL DOC SHRED 58574 03/08/2012 Southern Calif Edison Co. 608.85 ELECTRICAL CHGS FEBRUARY 58575 03/08/2012 Southern Calif Gas Co. 4,046.31 SERVICES ALL SITES FEBRUARY 58576 03/08/2012 Staples Business Advantage 1 ,374.29 STAMP REPL PAD,RUBBERBNDS 58577 03/08/2012 Stater Bros. Markets 18.16 GROCERIES 58579 03/08/2012 Stephen Parker/ Petty Cash 324.07 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMT 58578 03/08/2012 Steve Clayton 105.00 CERT DISTRIBUTION V CLAYTON 58580 03/08/2012 Sunrise Medical Group 285.00 HEPA B LARSON,TYSON 58581 03/08/2012 Tetra Tech, Inc. 3,997.50 OHIO PIPLN REPL CONSULTG 58582 03/08/2012 The Bee Man 150.00 BEE REMOVAU5105 VIA DIEGO 58583 03/08/2012 Time Warner Cable 447.42 HIGH SPEED O/L 58584 03/08/2012 United Industries 1,471.89 PAPER PLATES 58585 03108/2012 USA Blue Book 456.07 FILTER 5 MICRON 58586 03/0812012 Wells Supply Co 9,496.11 INVENTORY, WHS STOCK Total $258,995.52 March 8, 2012 CHECK NUMBERS: Void Checks 57890 and 58467 $ (10,508.25) Manual Checks 58502-58503 $ 8,868.25 Computer Checks 58401-58501 $ 157,661.85 $ 156,021.85 WIRES: W-22412 Bankcard $ 4,947.16 W-22712 ACWA-HBA $ 98,026.51 $ 102,973.67 TOTAL OF CHECKS AND WIRES $ 258,995.52 PAYROLL NO. 4: Employee Checks/ Direct Deposits 5197 $ 144,743.39 Third Party Checks 5198-5208 $ 46,867.67 Payroll Taxes $ 39,047.44 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 230,658.50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 489,654.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 8, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ MOO#MnmaMEamMOma mAOmmmmmm m mMmmmmr.u?r5n?Mnm mma mranmmmm mn m MM Mgp MIN M MMMM MEAN mm M !DO»m #DO»a amm�m MOmNm «mammmmmm m l2MO2m Mmmmmmm2m mmmmmmMOM !mO«m mmmmma mm ! ?ama7mm MMMM m!!m !MO#m mma NIUmM !!mm 2 mm HM M mom MMMEMM m#m MMMmMMTMmmm mFVP?mm?�m ,MO#m MMMMWMO2mmM3MZMe mmm MOS m2mummm MMU DG#m mMMMH MOM AO#m7 mFVP?M MMMMMMMmm !MEIN IN WE mOlam MMMOm MWm mMIMaMH ME @2DO#m mMmmMIMMO mamAmmM2Rm mFVP?MMMMMHMMg ,MO#m mm �!lmeDnmmm »# DOA AOAOI irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr m2Mn»m ITEM NO. 9.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 To: Board of Directors From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 2011 SUMMARY: Presented are the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31 , 2011 for the District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending December 31 , 2011 . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance-Accounting Committee reviewed these reports at their meeting on February 27, 2012 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: For the period ending December 31 , 2011 , staff is presenting unaudited statements in the CAFR format. This is a new approach by presenting the quarterly statements on a full-accrual basis, and we believe that this is a more complete and transparent presentation of the District's overall financial position for your review. Water Operating Revenue, as presented, is 50.9% of annual budget, which is lower than the historical trend 4% for the first half of the fiscal year. Other Operating Revenue is 64% of annual budget. This is prominently due to receiving unbudgeted revenue in relation to the Vista Del Verde development. Sewer Other Operating Revenue is well over budget due to the Vista Del Verde development for the first half of the fiscal year. Sewer Other Non-Operating revenue is also well over budget, primarily to receiving $264,000 from the City of Yorba Linda for the Sewer Transfer. One noted item on the Sewer Fund Statement is Other Expense in the amount of $15,770. This unbudgeted amount represents the refunds processed to our customers that were overcharged sewer fees in previous years. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On December 8, 2011 , the Board received and filed the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending September 30, 2011 . ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: FY 2012 2nd Qtr Consolidated Balance Sheet.xlsx FY 2012 2nd Qtr Unaudited Financial Statements Backup Material FY2012 2nd Qtr Combined Stmt.xls FY 2012 2nd Qtr Consolidated Statement Backup Material FY 2012 2nd Qtr Water Stmt.xlsx FY 2012 2nd Qtr Water Statement Backup Material FY 2012 2nd Qtr Sewer Stmt.xls FY 2012 2nd Qtr Sewer Statement Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 RK/GM 5-0 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS December 31, 2011 (With June 30, 2011 for comparison only) ASSETS December 2011 June 2011 CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents 27,028,937 29,985,508 Investment 2,156,687 2,143,130 Accounts receivable-water and sewer services 2,819,987 3,642,530 Accounts receivable- property taxes 102,192 114,949 Accrued interest receivable 23,880 22,049 Prepaid expenses&other deposits 303,731 246,919 Inventory 239,289 233,613 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 32,674,703 36,388,698 NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs 740,765 755,728 Other post-employment benefit(OPEB)asset 21,081 - Capital assets: Non-depreciable 10,164,560 5,223,388 Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 190,292,985 176,410,400 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 201,219,391 182,389,516 TOTAL ASSETS 233,894,094 218,778,214 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 4,278,869 4,506,830 Accrued expenses 207,905 130,306 Accrued interest payable 474,418 483,171 Certificates of Participation -current portion 925,000 890,000 Compensated absences 259,177 251,798 Customer and construction deposits 255,201 281,156 Deferred revenue 419,959 416,525 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 6,820,529 6,959,786 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue 14,230,314 14,406,176 Compensated absences 777,531 755,395 Other post-employment benefit(OPEB) liability - 122,065 Certificates of Participation 41,363,623 42,299,117 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION) 56,371,468 57,582,753 TOTAL LIABILITIES 63,191,997 64,542,539 NET ASSETS: $ 170,702,097 $ 154,235,675 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For the period ended December 31, 2011 (With fiscal year ended June 30, 2011 for comparison only) December 2011 June 2011 OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales 13,565,446 22,686,251 Sewer revenues 871,492 1,274,579 Other operating revenues 542,863 1,035,545 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 14,979,801 24,996,375 OPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs 7,183,755 11,268,306 Personnel services 3,611,485 6,902,995 Supplies and services 1,787,705 3,686,333 Depreciation and amortization 3,267,301 5,279,860 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 15,850,246 27,137,494 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS) (870,445) (2,141,119) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes 677,509 1,258,769 Investment income 149,124 274,152 Interest expense (949,017) (1,172,503) Other nonoperating revenues 484,018 739,062 Other nonoperating expenses (86,193) (406,575) TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES 275,441 692,905 NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS (595,004) (1,448,214) CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 17,061,426 706,319 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS 16,466,422 (741,895) NET ASSETS- BEGINNING OF YEAR 154,235,675 154,977,570 NET ASSETS- FOR PERIOD END DECEMBER 31, 2011 $ 170,702,097 $ 154,235,675 Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water& Sewer Funds For the Period Ending December 31, 2011 Original YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Under(Over) %of FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $17,904,893 $8,581,043 $9,323,850 47.93% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,726,651 1,003,387 723,264 58.11% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,757,058 2,298,176 1,458,882 61.17% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 3,406,392 1,682,840 1,723,552 49.40% Sewer Charge Revenue 1,548,550 762,736 785,814 49.25% Locke Ranch Assessments 159,862 108,756 51,106 68.03% Other Operating Revenue 754,361 542,863 211,498 71.96% Total Operating Revenue: 29,257,767 14,979,801 14,277,966 51.20% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 190,000 149,124 40,876 78.49% Property Tax 1,232,000 677,509 554,491 54.99% Other Non-Operating Revenue 499,369 484,018 15,351 96.93% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,921,369 1,310,651 610,718 68.21% Total Revenue 31,179,136 16,290,452 14,888,684 52.25% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import& Power) 13,671,538 7,183,755 6,487,783 52.55% Salary Related Expenses 7,941,306 3,611,485 4,329,821 45.48% Supplies&Services 4,070,833 1,787,705 2,283,128 43.91% Total Operating Expenses 25,683,677 12,582,945 13,100,732 48.99% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,906,426 949,017 957,409 49.78% Other Expense 123,193 86,193 37,000 69.97% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 2,029,619 1,035,210 994,409 51.01% Total Expenses 27,713,296 13,618,155 14,095,141 49.14% Net Income(Loss) Before Capital Contributions 3,465,840 2,672,297 793,543 77.10% Contributed Capital - 17,061,426 (17,061,426) 0.00% Net Income(Loss) Before Depreciation 3,465,840 19,733,723 (16,267,883) 569.38% Depreciation &Amortization 5,561,699 3,267,301 2,294,398 58.75% Total Net Income (Loss) ($2,095,859) $16,466,422 ($18,562,281) -785.66% Capital- Direct Labor - (197,500) 197,500 Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For the Period Ending December 31, 2011 YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Under(Over) %of FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential) $17,904,893 $8,581,043 $9,323,850 47.93% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,726,651 1,003,387 723,264 58.11% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 3,757,058 2,298,176 1,458,882 61.17% Water Revenue (Service Charge) 3,406,392 1,682,840 1,723,552 49.40% Other Operating Revenue 697,360 445,857 251,503 63.93% Total Operating Revenue: 27,492,354 14,011,303 13,481,051 50.96% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 170,000 137,221 32,779 80.72% Property Tax 1,232,000 677,509 554,491 54.99% Other Non-Operating Revenue 495,394 228,507 266,887 46.13% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,897,394 1,043,237 854,157 54.98% Total Revenue 29,389,748 15,054,540 14,335,208 51.22% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import& Power) 13,671,538 7,183,755 6,487,783 52.55% Salary Related Expenses 6,953,531 3,141,844 3,811,687 47.80% Supplies&Services: Communications 369,303 104,560 264,743 28.31% Contractual Services 527,888 201,441 326,447 38.16% Data Processing 119,645 76,899 42,746 64.27% Dues& Memberships 55,973 46,351 9,622 82.81% Fees & Permits 140,030 73,063 66,967 52.18% Insurance 221,526 93,164 128,362 42.06% Materials 361,161 234,872 126,289 65.03% District Activities, Emp Recognition 20,758 8,331 12,427 40.13% Maintenance 418,603 232,177 186,426 55.46% Non-Capital Equipment 79,221 28,460 50,761 35.92% Office Expense 45,686 18,487 27,199 40.47% Professional Services 794,406 303,501 490,905 38.20% Training 49,964 21,744 28,220 43.52% Travel &Conferences 48,221 11,916 36,305 24.71% Uncollectible Accounts 35,340 432 34,908 1.22% Utilities 114,855 37,831 77,024 32.94% Vehicle Equipment 278,209 116,812 161,397 41.99% Supplies&Services Sub-Total 3,680,788 1,610,041 2,070,747 43.74% Total Operating Expenses 24,305,857 11,935,640 12,370,217 49.11% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,906,426 948,692 957,734 49.76% Other Expense 117,193 70,423 46,770 60.09% Total Non-Operating Expenses: 2,023,619 1,019,115 1,004,504 50.36% Total Expenses 26,329,476 12,954,755 13,374,721 49.20% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 3,060,272 2,099,785 960,487 68.61% Capital Contributions - 16,536 (16,536) 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 3,060,272 2,116,321 943,951 69.15% Depreciation &Amortization 4,628,999 2,675,828 1,953,171 57.81% Total Net Income (Loss) ($1,568,727) ($559,507) ($1,009,220) 35.67% Capital - Direct Labor - (181,761) 181,761 - Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For the Period Ending December 31,2011 YTD YTD YTD Budget Actual Under(Over) %of FY 2012 FY 2012 Budget Budget Revenue(Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue $1,548,550 $762,736 $785,814 49.25% Locke Ranch Assessments 159,862 108,756 51,106 68.03% Other Operating Revenue 57,001 97,006 (40,005) 17018% Total Operating Revenue: 1,765,413 968,498 796,915 54.86% Revenue(Non-Operating): Interest 20,000 11,903 8,097 59.52% Other Non-Operating Revenue 3,975 255,511 (251,536) 6427.95% Total Non-Operating Revenue: 23,975 267,414 (243,439) 1115.39% Total Revenue 1,789,388 1,235,912 553,476 69.07% Expenses(Operating): Salary Related Expenses 987,775 469,641 518,134 49.14% Supplies&Services: Communications 27,797 8,176 19,621 29.41% Contractual Services 39,733 15,641 24,092 39.36% Data Processing 9,006 3,393 5,613 37.68% Dues&Memberships 4,213 3,831 382 90.93% Fees&Permits 10,540 5,313 5,227 50.41% Insurance 16,674 13,603 3,071 81.58% Materials 27,184 12,818 14,366 47.15% District Activities, Emp Recognition 1,562 611 951 39.11% Maintenance 74,267 35,359 38,908 47.61% Non-Capital Equipment 18,799 9,954 8,845 52.95% Office Expense 3,439 1,392 2,047 40.48% Professional Services 59,794 38,083 21,711 63.69% Training 3,761 3,925 (164) 104.37% Travel&Conferences 3,630 929 2,701 25.60% Uncollectible Accounts 2,660 14 2,646 0.53% Utilities 8,645 3,006 5,639 34.77% Vehicle Equipment 78,341 21,616 56,725 27.59% Supplies&Services Sub-Total 390,045 177,664 212,381 45.55% Total Operating Expenses 1,377,820 647,305 730,515 46.98% Expenses(Non-Operating): Interest Expense on Long Term Debt 325 (325) 0.00% Other Expense 6,000 15,770 (9,770) 262.83% Total Non-Operating Expenses: ) 6,000.00 16,095.00 ( 10,095.00) 2.68 Total Expenses 1,383,820 663,400 720,420 47.94% Net Income(Loss)Before Capital Contributions 405,568 572,512 (166,944) 141.16% Contributed Capital - 17,044,890 (17,044,890) 0.00% Net Income(Loss)Before Depreciation 405,568 17,617,402 (17,211,834) 4343.88% Depreciation&Amortization 932,700 591,473 341,227 63.42% Total Net Income(Loss) ($527,132) $17,025,929 ($17,553,061) -3229.92% Capital-Direct Labor (15,739) 15,739 ITEM NO. 9.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 To: Board of Directors From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant Subject: Investment Report for the Period Ending December 2011 SUMMARY: Government Code Section 53607, et, seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make a quarterly report of the investments to the legislative body. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Investment Report for the Period Ending December 2011. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance-Accounting Committee reviewed this report at its meeting on January 23, 2012. DISCUSSION: Staff is submitting the Investment Report for the Period Ending December 2011 for your review and approval. This report ends the second quarter for FY 2011/12. The Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all the District investments by institution. The Investment Report Summary includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The total average portfolio yield for the month of December 2011 was 1.00%. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 3-C: Manage Cash Flow to Maximize Investment Income PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): Investment reports are presented to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis. The Investment Report for the Period Ending September 30, 2011, was received and filed by the Board of Directors on December 8, 2011. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Invst Rot 12-11.xlsx Investment Report for Period Ending December 2011 Backup Material Invst Aaenda Backup - Dec 2011.xlsx Agenda Backup Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 RK/GM 5-0 Yorba Linda Water District Investment Portfolio Report December 31, 2011 Market % Percent Value Cost of Total Institution Yield Checking Account. $ 38,667 $ 38,667 Wells Fargo Bank $ 38,667 $ 38,667 0.13% Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: $ 9,997 $ 9,997 Wells Fargo Money Market 0.05% 1,642,550 1,642,550 US Bank(2008 Revenue Bond) 0.10% 2,699 2,699 US Bank(2008 Bond Reserve) 0.10% $ 1,655,246 $ 1,655,246 5.75% Total 0.10% Federal Home Loan Bank: $ 2,156,687 $ 2,144,397 US Bank (2008 Bond Reserve) 1.35% $ 2,156,687 $ 2,144,397 7.49% 1.35% Pooled Investment Accounts: $ 4,977,179 $ 4,977,179 Local Agency Investment Fund 0.39% 19,977,136 19,312,526 Ca1TRUST Medium Term 1.19% $ 24,954,315 $ 24,289,705 86.63% 1.03% $ 28,804,915 S 28,128,015 100% Total Investments 1.00% Per Government Code requirements,the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant 12/31/11 Investment Summary Report Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of December 2011: Avg. Portfolio Avg. Portfolio # of Month Yield Without Yield With Days to of 2011 CaITRUST CaITRUST Maturity December 0.57% 1.00% 518 Below is are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 12/31/2010 12/31/2011 Monthly - December $ 21,298 $ 20,046 Year-to-Date $ 111,100 $ 125,244 Budget 2010/2011 2011/2012 Interest Budget, December YTD $ 78,000 $ 95,000 Interest Budget, Annual $ 156,000 $ 190,000 Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: November 2011 % Alloc December 2011 % Alloc Fund Description Balance 11/30/2011 Balance 12/31/2011 Water Operating Reserve $ 2,587,673 9.27% $ 3,290,837 11.45% Water Emergency Reserve 1,002,093 3.59% 1,002,119 3.48% Water Capital Project Reserve 17,576,741 62.98% 17,577,157 61.10% Water Reserve for Debt Service 521,556 1.87% 775,025 2.69% COP Revenue Bond 2008 - Reserve 2,159,872 7.74% 2,159,386 7.51% COP Revenue Bond 2008 1,835,549 6.58% 1,642,550 5.71% Sewer Operating 99,290 0.36% 170,718 0.59% Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,001,446 3.59% 1,001,472 3.48% Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,121,611 4.02% 1,146,982 3.99% $ 27,905,831 100.00% $ 28,766,246 100.00% Wells Fargo Bank Checking Water Operating 94,727 (4,835) Sewer Operating 84,927 43,504 179,654 38,669 Totals $ 28,085,485 $ 28,804,915 ITEM NO. 10.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Budgeted: N/A To: Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Staff Travel Expense Reimbursement and Ethics Training Policy SUMMARY: The Board Travel and Reimbursement Policy was updated March 10, 2011 , as part of the 2011 goals and directives of the Board of Directors. In previous years, the Staff Travel and Reimbursement Policy has been updated in conjunction with the Board policy. The Staff Travel Reimbursement Policy attached mirrors that of the approved Board Travel Reimbursement Policy, and adds clarification in two areas. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-04 Setting Staff Expense Reimbursement and Management Ethics Training and Rescinding Resolution No. 06-12. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee reviewed this item at their meeting on February 8, 2012 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provides an annual update to Publication 1542, Per Diem Rates, which outlines all taxable and non-taxable employer reimbursement rates for travel. Publication 1542 allows two ways for determining allowable reimbursement rates. The first method is the "Reimbursement" method. The second method is the "Per Diem" method. Currently, the Yorba Linda Water District use the "Reimbursement" method. Reimbursement Method . Requires an itemized receipt . Up to any dollar amount, as long as it is outlined in a policy . Only what is spent will be reimbursed Alternatively, a governing body, as outlined in AB 1234, is allowed slightly more flexibility within the IRS "Reimbursement" method. This flexibility permits spending more than the daily reimbursable amount on meals by "deducting" the overage amount from another day's meal allowance, provided the cumulative daily expenses over the duration of the activity or event are not exceeded. The attached policy mirrors the policy approved by the Board, for the Board's usage. However, two points regarding the meal allowance have been further clarified in the Staff Travel Reimbursement Policy. The first is the inclusion of a "per meal" reimbursement rate for meals that are not included as part of the conference or event. For example, should breakfast and lunch be included as part of the conference fee (and paid for by the District), the employee will have a set dollar amount for dinner, rather than the entirety of a $50 per day allowance. The second clarification pertains to meal expenses on travel days. A set amount of money per meal will be alloted for reimbursement on the days of travel, based on the time of travel. For example, an employee leaving a conference to return home at 8 am and expected to be back in town by 10 am, will have a set amount for breakfast reimbursed, but nothing for lunch or dinner, and will not be allowed the full $50 per day allowance. STRATEGIC PLAN: WE 1-E: Continue to Support Additional Training for Staff PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board last reviewed and updated the Staff Travel and Reimbursement Policy in 2006. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Resolution- Staff Travel Expense 2012 FINAL.docx Reso No. 12-04 Staff Travel &Reimbursement Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 GM/MB 5-0 Roll Call RESOLUTION NO. 12-04 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT SETTING STAFF EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT AND MANAGEMENT ETHICS TRAINING WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District have from time to time reaffirmed the importance of active participation of District staff in attending conferences, conventions, symposiums and legislative and intergovernmental meetings related to the mission of the District; and WHEREAS, irregular filing of compensation activity reports consumes staff resources and has the potential of exposing the District to criticism; and WHEREAS, this Resolution No. 12-04 is intended to set staff reimbursement requirements and establish ethics training for certain staff as provided by AB 1234. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. Resolution No. 06-12 is hereby rescinded effective immediately upon adoption of this Resolution. Section 2. It is the policy of the Board that District staff ("Staff"), as authorized by the Board of Directors, are encouraged to attend conferences, conventions, meetings, symposiums and legislative session (herein referred to as an "Activity" or "Activities") relating to the mission of the District. Attendance at an Activity must be pre-approved by the General Manager, or the supervising Department Manager, as designated by the General Manager, in order to be considered as an Activity for the purposes of this policy. Section 3. That the District, in furtherance of these important policies, will pay or reimburse the following expenses incurred in attending such Activities: (a) Reimbursement. Staff shall be reimbursed for actual costs to attend Activities, not to exceed: Travel: $750 per round trip. Lodging: $400 per night Meals: $50 per day Actual and necessary expenses: $50 per day Resolution No. 12-04 Setting Forth the Policy of Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Staff and Management Ethics Training 1 (1) Notwithstanding the preceding, when available, Staff must use government or group rates for transportation and lodging. When lodging is to be reimbursed, the reimbursement cannot be more than the group rate published by the conference assuming it is available at the time the Staff member enrolls for the Activity. If the group rate is not available, the reimbursement cannot be more than the amount set forth above. (2) If an expense does not fall within the reimbursement rates discussed above or in Section 3(b)(1), it must be approved by the General Manager before it is incurred. (3) Meal expenses may include the reasonable costs of meals and beverages, not including alcoholic beverages. Any amount spent over the daily reimbursable amount set forth in this policy may either be "deducted" from another day's reimbursable amount during that same Activity, up to the total allowable reimbursable cost for the Activity, or the difference paid by the Staff member. When an Activity incorporates meals as part of the Activity, and the District has paid the cost for the Activity, including any incorporated meals, the per diem rate of $50 per day shall not apply. Instead, meals that are not incorporated into the Activity cost shall be reimbursed up to the rates in this Section (3)(a)(3). Alternative meals to those provided through the Activity will not be reimbursed. Breakfast: $15 Lunch: $15 Dinner: $20 (4) Additionally, meal expenses on days in which travel to or from the Activity occur shall not be reimbursed at the per diem rate of $50 per day unless the travel day occurs on a day already scheduled for the Activity (such as a one day conference). Instead, meals shall be reimbursed up to the rates in this Section 3(a)(4), and will be based upon the individual's departure and return times in determining whether a meal was incurred during the period of travel. Breakfast: $15 Lunch: $15 Dinner: $20 Resolution No. 12-04 Setting Forth the Policy of Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Staff and Management Ethics Training 2 (5) Actual and necessary expenses. Include tips for porters, baggage carries, bell hops, maids, stewards and stewardesses. Does not include laundry, cleaning or pressing of clothes, lodging taxes or the cost of telephone calls. (6) The District shall not incur the costs for a spouse or an accompanying person. Section 4. In order to obtain reimbursement for Activities in accordance with Section 3, the following procedures must be followed: (a) Staff shall submit all expense reimbursement requests on forms provided by the District. The completed form must show that the expenses for which reimbursement is requested meet the requirements set forth in this Resolution. (b) The form must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the Activity. (c) With the exception of mileage reimbursement, any expense shown on the form must have a corresponding, attached written receipt. (d) All forms and all receipts attached to them shall be public documents subject to redaction of any confidential information, such as credit card numbers. Section 5. Staff shall provide a brief report about the Activity attended at the expense of the District to the General Manager and/or their supervising Department Manager immediately after attendance at the Activity. Section 6. A full accounting of expenditures of public funds shall be made and become part of the records of the District. Section 7. Ethics Training. Every District Manager must receive ethics training at least once every two years. The District shall provide information annually on where training is available. All Managers shall provide a copy of proof of participation in the required ethics training to the District. Copies of proofs of participation shall be public documents and shall be retained by the District for five (5) years. Resolution No. 12-04 Setting Forth the Policy of Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Staff and Management Ethics Training 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of March 2012, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 12-04 Setting Forth the Policy of Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred by Staff and Management Ethics Training 4 ITEM NO. 10.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 To: Board of Directors From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Subject: Adopting Water Rules and Regulations STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-05 Amending the Rules and Regulations for the Rendition of Water Service and Rescinding Resolution No. 00-12. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee discussed this item at its meeting held December 20, 2011 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: Staff is pleased to present amended water rules and regulations for the Board of Director's consideration. The current water rules and regulations were adopted in 2000, and staff has identified a number of best practices to put in pace that require them to be amended. The major recommended changes in the amended water rules and regulations include: • Adding a Late Payment Notice and Late Fee. The Late Payment Notice would be mailed 4 days after the bill was due and would remind the customer that payment for services received two months ago is now past due. This does not exist currently, and adds another point of contact to the customer before the Discontinuance Notice (yellow tag) is delivered. • Decreasing the number of days before a Discontinuance Notice is delivered from 18 to 11 days after the bill was due. This prevents customers from facing the situation where a second bill is past due and third bill is on the way while they have not yet paid their first past due bill. • Conducting a "soft credit check" on all new customers. This credit check will have no effect upon the customer's credit rating, but will notify the District of the potential risk of non- payment. Depending on the risk, customers will either have no deposit, a partial deposit, or a full deposit required. Currently the District does not collect a deposit on new customers under any circumstances. • Requiring existing customers who have demonstrated poor payment history with the District (defined as having 3 or more Discontinuance Notices, 2 non-sufficient funds charges, 1 non- sufficient funds charge on a delinquent account or 1 shut off in a 12 month period) to have a deposit. Currently only customers who go to shut off are required to have a deposit. • All construction meters will be locked to the hydrant on the application, and movement to different hydrants will be limited to District employees and require an additional fee. Currently a number of construction meters are not read every month due to the inability of District staff or the person who checked it out to locate it. • Changing the fee structure for plan check fees from a per connection basis to a flat fee basis. • One additional change has been made since the EAO Committee reviewed the item. Deposits are currently returned to customers after two years of clean account history. The new rules and regulations reduces the time the customer would be required to have a clean account to one year. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-C: Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations and Evaluate Fee Schedules Regularly for Proper Cost of Service Coverage PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On October 26, 2000, the Board adopted a resolution establishing the current rules and regulations for the rendition of water service. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Resolution 12-05 Water Rules and Regulations.docx Resolution No. 12-05 Backup Material Water Rules and Regulations 2012.docx Water Rules and Regulations Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 MB/RC 5-0 Roll Call RESOLUTION NO. 12-05 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AMENDING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE RENDITION OF WATER SERVICE AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 00-12 WHEREAS, the Rules and Regulations for the Rendiotion of Water Service were adopted by Resolution No. 31A; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District has, from time to time, amended the Rules and Regulations, the most recent of which was by Resolution No. 00-12 adopted on October 26, 2000; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to amend the Rules and Regulations. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That the Rules and Regulations for the Rendition of Water Service, attached as Exhibit A and by reference incorporated here, are hereby adopted. Section 2. That Resolution 00-12 is hereby rescinded effective immediately following adoption of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of March 2012, by the following called vote- AYES- NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Resolution No. 12-05 Water Rules and Regulations 1 Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 12-05 Water Rules and Regulations 2 ImYorba Linda Water District RULES AND REGULATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE RENDITION OF WATER SERVICE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Phil Hawkins, President Gary T. Melton, Vice President Ric Collett, Board Member Robert R. Kiley, Board Member Michael J. Beverage, Board Member Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli, General Manager March 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 Definitions of Terms Section 2 Service Connections Section 3 Fees, Rates and Deposits Section 4 Water Usage Regulated Section 5 Mains, Meters and Fire Hydrants Section 6 Backflow Protection Program Section 7 Policy on Water Main and Service Extensions Section 8 Protection from Damage Section 9 Powers and Authority of Inspectors Section 10 Violations Section 11 Validity Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 SECTION 1: DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the meaning of terms used in these Rules and Regulations shall be as follows: 1.1 APPLICANT: An individual or agency applying for water service. 1.2 AIR-GAP SEPARATION: The term "air-gap separation" means a physical break between a supply pipe and a receiving vessel. The air-gap shall be at least double the diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel, in no case less than one inch. 1.3 APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE: The term "Approved backflow prevention device" shall mean devices which have passed laboratory and field evaluation tests performed by a recognized testing organization which has demonstrated their competency to perform such tests to the California Department of Health Services. 1.4 APPROVED WATER SUPPLY: The term "approved water supply" means any water supply whose potability is regulated by a State or local health agency. 1.5 AUXILIARY SUPPLY: The term "auxiliary supply" means any water supply on or available to the premises other than the approved water supply. 1.6 AWWA STANDARD: The term "AWWA Standard" means an official standard developed and approved by the American Water Works Association (AWWA). 1.7 BACKFLOW: The term "backflow" shall mean a flow condition, caused by a differential in pressure, which causes the flow of water or other liquids, gases, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes of a potable supply of water from any source or sources other than an approved water supply source Backsiphonage is one cause of backflow. Back pressure is the other cause. 1.8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. 1.9 BOOK SERVICE: Provision of water to premises at the option of the District. 1.10 CITY OR COUNTY: Any other governmental agency or department thereof having jurisdiction in the particular matter. 1.11 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: Provision of water for use in the operation of a business. 1.12 CONTAMINATION: The term "contamination" means a degradation of the quality of the potable water by any foreign substance which creates a hazard to the public health or which may impair the usefulness or quality of the water. 1.13 CONTRACTOR: A person licensed by the State of California to construct water mains. 1 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 1.14 CROSS-CONNECTION: The term "cross-connection" means any unprotected actual or potential connection between a potable water system used to supply water for drinking purposes and any source or system containing unapproved water or a substance that is not or cannot be approved as safe, wholesome, and potable. By-pass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or changeover devices, or other devices through which backflow could occur, shall be considered to be cross-connections. 1.15 CUSTOMER OR CONSUMER: An individual or agency of record receiving water service from the Yorba Linda Water District. 1.16 DATE OF PRESENTATION: The date upon which a bill or notice is mailed or delivered to the customer. 1.17 DEMAND SERVICE: Provision of water to premises at the option of the consumer. 1.18 DESIGN ENGINEER: A Civil Engineer licensed by the State of California who shall directly supervise and check the plans and sign his name and registration number thereto. 1.19 DISTRICT: This shall mean the Yorba Linda Water District. 1.20 DISTRICT ENGINEER OR ENGINEER: The engineer of the District or his authorized agents, limited by the particular duties entrusted to them. 1.21 DOMESTIC SERVICE: Provision of water for household residential purposes, including water for sprinkling lawns, gardens and shrubbery, water live stock, washing vehicles, and other similar and customary purposes. 1.22 DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY: The term "double check valve assembly" means an assembly of at least two independently acting check valves including tightly closing shut-off valves on each side of the check valve assembly and test cocks available for testing the water tightness of each check valve. 1.23 EMPLOYEE: The term "employee" shall include any person designated by the General Manager of the District to perform work and labor for the District, excluding contractors and their employees. 1.24 FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE: Provision of water to premises for automatic Fire protection. 1.25 GENERAL MANAGER: The person appointed by the Board of Directors of the District as the executive officer of the District. 1.26 HEALTH AGENCY: The term "health agency" means the California Department of Health Services, or the local health agency with respect to a small water system. 2 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 1.27 IRRIGATION SERVICE: Provision of water for agricultural, floricultural, or horticultural use. 1.28 LOCAL HEALTH AGENCY: The term "local health agency" means the county or city health authority. 1.29 MAIN EXTENSION: Extension of distribution pipelines, exclusive of service connections, beyond existing facilities. 1.30 MAINS: Distribution pipelines located in streets, highways, public ways or private rights-of-ways which are used to serve the general public. 1.31 METER: Measuring device approved by the District. 1.32 METER RATE SERVICE: Provision of water in measured quantities. 1.33 PERSON: The term "person" means an individual, corporation, company, association, partnership, municipality,public utility, or other public body or institution. 1.34 "PH": The common logarithm of the reciprocal of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution. 1.35 PLANS: Detailed design sheets with plan and profile of proposed water construction shown in sufficient detail so that it can be constructed. 1.36 PREMISE: The term "premise" means any and all areas on a customer's property which is served or has the potential to be served by the public water system. 1.37 PRONOUNS: Words used herein in the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter, and vice versa; the singular number includes the plural, and the plural the singular. 1.38 PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM: The term "public water system" means a system for the provision of piped water to the public for human consumption which has five or more service connections or regularly serves an average of 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year. 1.39 RECLAIMED WATER: The term "reclaimed water" means a wastewater which as a result of treatment is suitable for uses other than potable use. 1.40 REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE: The term "reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device" means a device incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two check valves, a tightly closing shut-off valve on each side of the check valve assembly, and equipped with necessary test cocks for testing. 3 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 1.41 SECTIONS: The parts into which these rules are divided. 1.42 SERVICE CONNECTION: This includes the tapping connection, the pipe, valves, meter, and other facilities by means of which water is conducted from the distribution main to the outlet side of the meter and the beginning of the consumer's pipe. 1.43 "SHALL": is mandatory, "May" is permissive. 1.44 SPECIFICATIONS: The Standard Plans and Specifications for the Construction of Water Facilities in the Yorba Linda Water District. 1.45 TECHNICAL TERMS: Unless otherwise specifically defined herein, or unless the context requires a different meaning, all words, terms and phrases having a well known or technical meaning shall be so construed. 1.46 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION METERS: Measuring devise installed on Fire Hydrants to provide construction water. 1.47 TEMPORARY SERVICE: Water service existing or effective for a finite period of time; not permanent. 1.48 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT: "USA" is an information center that notifies its members of impending excavation at or near their underground installations. California law makes it mandatory for all those who plan to do any digging or excavating to inform a regional notification center such as USA at least two days in advance. USA can be contacted at 1-800-422-4133. 1.49 WATERCOURSE: A channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. 1.50 WATER SUPPLIER: The term "water supplier" means the person who owns or operates the approved water supply system. 1.51 WATER USER: The term "water user" means any person obtaining water from an approved water supply system. SECTION 2: SERVICE CONNECTIONS 2.1 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE CONNECTION: An application for a service connection may be made at the District Office, by telephone or online, as available. The applicant shall specify the size of the service and meter to be installed, the property to be served, and the purpose for which the water is to be used. The information supplied by the applicant in such application shall be considered as authoritative and final. If any error in such application shall cause the installation of a service connection that is improper whether in size or location, the cost of all changes required shall be borne by 4 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 the applicant. When a service connection is installed and the meter set and the water is turned on or left to be turned on by the consumer at their convenience, and the proper application for water service has been signed, the charge for water service shall begin. If water service is not required when the service connection is installed whether or not the meter is set, the applicant must order the angle stop or gate valve governing the supply to be left shut off and sealed to avoid charge for service, and when service is required the consumer must make proper application for water service. See Section No. 3.14 for Application for Water Service. NOTE: The paragraph immediately preceding does not apply to Automatic Fire Sprinkler Service or booked irrigation service. All applicants for water service shall also comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the rendition of Sewer Service. 2.2 SERVICES TO SEPARATE PREMISES: Each house or building under separate ownership must be provided with its own service connection or connections. Two or more houses or buildings under one ownership and on the same lot or parcel of land may be supplied through one service connection, or a separate service connection may be installed for each building. 2.3 IRRIGATION SERVICE THROUGH SINGLE METER FOR SEVERAL SEPARATE PARCELS: Where two or more parcels under separate ownership are presently irrigated through one meter service to the separate parcels through one meter may continue subject to the following conditions: 2.3.1 That the consumer first in order of service from the service connection shall guarantee in writing the payment of the water bill for all water registered through the meter. 2.3.2 The District shall read the meter and bill for the water used in the same manner and procedure as other irrigation services. The District shall not be responsible for individual readings or calculations. 2.3.3 Each multiple service may be permitted subject to being discontinued 30 days after being served written notice by the District to said consumer or consumers. 2.3.4 Any sale of property shall require separate service for the portion sold and the remaining portion. This, however, shall be limited only to the consumer, who makes the sale, 2.3.5 This section shall apply only to services of this nature, which were in operation at the time the District took over operation on January 1, 1960. 2.4 NUMBER OF BUILDINGS ON SINGLE SERVICE: The District reserves the right to 5 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 limit the number of houses or buildings, or the area of the land under one ownership, to be supplied by one service connection. 2.5 SERVICE OWNERSHIP WHEN PROPERTY IS SUBDIVIDED: When property provided with a service connection is subdivided the service connection shall be considered as belonging to the lot or parcel of land which it directly enters or the property which is first served in the event the consumers pipe crosses other property to reach the property to be served. 2.6 SERVICE CONNECTION SUPPLYING ADJOINING PROPERTY: A service connection shall not be used to supply adjoining property of a different owner or to supply property of the same owner or opposite sides of a public street or alley. 2.7 INTERFERING WITH PIPES: No person shall, without the permission of the General Manager or his duly appointed agents or employees, remove, change, disturb, or in any way tamper with or interfere with any of the facilities, apparatus, appliances or property used or maintained for the production, storage, or supply of water by the District to consumers thereof, nor shall any person without the permission of the General Manager install any pipe, apparatus, appliance or connection to any part of the system of the District. SECTION 3: FEES,RATES AND DEPOSITS 3.1 METER CONNECTION FEE: Each applicant shall pay the District the applicable Meter Connection Fees pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution, before applicant is allowed to commence work related to water service by the District: 3.1.1 METERS UP TO 2 INCHES: The District shall charge and collect in advance, a Meter Fee for the installation of water meters up to 2 inches in size. A traffic box shall be required for meter settings where, in the District's opinion, the box is subjected to vehicle traffic, e.g. in driveways and parking lots. The extra charge for traffic boxes shall be added to the Meter Fee. The District may require, in its sole discretion, the installation of radio read meters. The fee for radio read meters shall be as identified in the latest adopted Fee Resolution. The Meter Fee shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.1.2 METERS LARGER THAN 2 INCHES: Meters larger than 2 inches shall be installed for a sum equal to the actual cost of labor and materials to install such meter and appurtenances plus overhead. The cost of such installation shall be estimated by the District, and such estimated cost shall be paid by the applicant to the District before the work of connecting the main with the property is commenced. Whenever the estimated cost is not sufficient to cover the total expense for labor, material, and overhead, the deficit shall be charged to and paid by applicant. Any excess payment shall be returned to the applicant. 6 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 3.1.3 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION METERS: When a temporary construction meter is requested, and service can be provided by a standard fire hydrant type of construction meter, the applicant shall deposit an amount pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. For any temporary service other than a fire hydrant type of construction meter, the applicant shall be responsible for installation and removal of all pipes, valves, fittings and appurtenances required for installation of a non-standard fire hydrant construction meter. A separate fee, pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution, shall apply for movement of the meter to a new location. 3.2 OTHER SERVICE FEES: Each application approved by the District shall pay to the District cash for all applicable Other Service Fees in the amount set forth herein before applicant is allowed to commence work related to water service by the District: 3.2.1 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: An Administrative Fee shall be imposed on a per job basis for each application and shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.2.2 PLAN CHECK FEE: A Plan Check Fee shall be imposed on a flat fee basis for each service connection identified in the application and shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.2.3 INSPECTION FEE: An Inspection Fee shall be imposed on a per connection basis for each service connection identified in the application and shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.2.4 RECORDS AND BILLING FEE: A Records and Billing Fee shall be imposed on a per connection basis for each service connection identified in the application and shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.2.5 JUMPER FEE: A Jumper Fee shall be imposed on a per connection basis for each service connection identified in the application and shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. Access to water through the use of a Jumper will be allowed for a maximum of two (2) months, after which time a meter must be installed. The fees for the installation of the meter shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.2.6 SINGLE SERVICE FEE: A Single Service Fee shall be imposed on a service connection, to a single lot where the water main already exists and where, in the District's judgment, it is not necessary to process an application. The Single Service Fee shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.3 INSTALLATION BY APPLICANT: The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of all pipe, valves, fittings, fire hydrants, service lines and appurtenances required to obtain water service from the District. Applicant shall indemnify and hold the 7 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 District, its Directors, officers and employees harmless from any loss or damage that may be directly occasioned by the installation of the water facilities. All materials, and installation, shall conform to the District's Standard Plans and Specifications, and shall be subject to the inspection and acceptance by the District. 3.4 WATER RATES: The water rates to be charged and collected monthly or bimonthly as may be determined by the General Manager of the District from consumers of water supplied by the District are established pursuant to the Water Rate Resolution, and the General Manager is hereby authorized and directed to charge and collect the same. 3.4.1 IRRIGATION SERVICE LIMITS: Irrigation Service whether booked or demand is only available in accordance with the terms and conditions as adopted by the Metropolitan Water District from time to time. 3.4.2 COMBINATION SERVICE LIMITS: Combination service shall only apply to 1- 1/2 inch meters and larger, provided that a written agreement is filed at the District and the service complies with the terms and conditions of the Metropolitan Water District. Combination service applies only to existing services and no new services will be accepted under this Section. 3.4.3 PERMANENT UNTREATED WATER SERVICE: Permanent untreated water service is only available in accordance with the terms and conditions for Untreated Full water service as adopted by the Metropolitan Water District from time to time. To qualify for this class, the customer will pay all costs to connect to the Metropolitan Water District untreated water supply, and own and operate their own, independent, water system that is completely separate and apart from the District's domestic water system; comply with all Yorba Linda Water District Rules and Regulations, including any Water Management Programs; and implement all reasonable and available reliable water use efficiency methods, as determined by the District. 3.5 TEMPORARY SERVICE: 3.5.1. TEMPORARY SERVICE: Application shall be made to the District for any temporary service desired by contractors and builders for water to be used in construction work. Upon the deposit of a temporary meter fee as defined in Section 3.3.3, a meter shall be furnished for such service. The fee for temporary water service shall be pursuant to the Water Rate Resolution. All temporary service meters shall be locked, by District staff, onto a single hydrant, specified by the applicant at the time the application is submitted. At the request of the applicant, the meter may be moved to a new location by District staff. The fee for movement of the meter, as defined in Section 3.3.3, is pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. If in the determination of the District the setting of a meter is impracticable or uneconomical for the supply of construction water, the charges for such 8 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 unmetered water shall be two times the Domestic Water Rate, pursuant to the Water Rate Resolution, times the estimated number of units used. 3.5.2 TEMPORARY UNTREATED WATER: Application shall be made to the District for all temporary untreated water received directly through Metropolitan Water District and the Municipal Water District of Orange County for construction purposes only. The fee for Temporary Untreated Water shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.6 PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE RATES: The monthly rates for private fire service protection shall be pursuant to the Water Rate Resolution. 3.7 PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: The applicant shall furnish and install all piping, valves, regulators, appendages, fire detector check (commercial applications), backflow prevention device and/or other approved devices. The by-pass meter will be specified by the District. 3.8 WATER RATES AND PAYMENT OF WATER RATES: Whenever the distribution line of the District water system shall be duly connected with the premises of any person and the water turned on to such premises the charges for water shall be a charge against the person in possession of the premises who used the water, and the charges shall continue so long as the water is turned on to said premises whether the same is actually used or not. 3.9 WATER BILLS, DUE DATES AND ADDITIONAL SERVICES: All water bills shall be due and payable upon presentation and shall become delinquent upon the passage of the 27th day. Provided further, all charges for labor furnished as well as all other service charges shall constitute a valid and subsisting claim in favor of the District and against the owner of the property and/or the person to whom such services are rendered. All accounts shall become due and payable upon presentation and if not paid on or before the expiration of the 27th day, the District may through their representative turn off the water and discontinue such service. In case the water is turned off or a service representative has been sent to turn off the water for nonpayment, as herein provided, it shall not be turned on again until all legitimate charges for services rendered, together with the charge for reestablishing the water service have been paid. The charges for additional services and required deposits are as follows: 3.9.1 DELINQUENT PAYMENTS: An account will be considered delinquent if payment of a water bill is not received by the 27th day after the bill is generated. A Late Fee will be immediately assessed upon the past due amount if the account is not paid in full by the 27th day after the bill is generated. This fee will be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. All payments must be processed by the District prior to the 27th day. Payments dropped off after normal business hours and pending automatic payments will be considered to be delinquent. 3.9.2 NOTICE OF DISCONTINUANCE: A Notice of Discontinuance will be posted 9 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 on the property where water service was rendered 11 days after the bill is due. The Notice will indicate the amount due, the scheduled shut-off date and where to remit payment. The charge for this service shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.9.3 SHUT - OFF DUE TO NONPAYMENT: Water service may be discontinued if payment of all legitimate charges is not received within the time period allowed. A representative of the District will be sent to the property where water service was rendered to disconnect the service and post a notice of the shut-off. The charge to send a service representative to turn off water for nonpayment shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.9.4 REESTABLISHING SERVICE: The charge for reestablishing water service after shut-off due to nonpayment, during normal business hours, excluding holidays, shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. Water Service will be reestablished only after payment of all legitimate charges and required deposits have been received by the District 3.9.5 CALLOUTS AFTER HOURS: The charge for callouts of District representatives for the purpose of reestablishment of water service, after normal business hours and on holidays, shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.9.6 TAMPERED LOCKS: The District may place a lock on a water meter to prevent unauthorized use. A tampered lock will result in a charge pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.9.7 METER REMOVAL: A meter may necessitate removal if repeatedly used without authorization by the District, and the charge for removal and resultant replacement, after payment of any other outstanding charges shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 3.9.8 METER REPLACEMENT: In the event a meter is worn out prior to its ten (10) year expected life due to excessive or non-standard usage, the charge for replacement or repair shall be the sole responsibility of the customer and shall include the costs associated with the labor and materials, pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution, prorated to the ten (10) year life expectancy. At the District's discretion, an alteration in meter size may be required. 3.9.9 METER TESTING: The charge for testing the meter for accuracy, either at the source, or through an independent laboratory, after payment of any other outstanding charges shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. Should the test find the meter to be outside the limits of American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards, the cost of the test will be credited back to the customer account and a billing adjustment made for that billing cycle, based on the customer's average twelve (12) month usage. Testing the meter for accuracy may require an appointment,pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 10 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 3.9.10 DEPOSITS: Deposits will be required from each customer account that holds a poor payment history with the District, which is defined as three or more delinquent payments, two or more non-sufficient funds (NSF) or automated clearing house (ACH) rejection fee occurrences, a single non-sufficient funds (NSF) or automated clearing house (ACH) rejection from a payment made on a delinquent account after a Notice of Discontinuance has been posted, or a single shut-off within a 12-month period. A deposit shall also be required from all new residential customer accounts, pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. New residential customers who have no valid United States of America issued identification will be required to pay the full amount of the deposit at the time of service application, either in cash or cashier's check only. A commercial or irrigation customer will be required to pay deposits according to their meter size, and such deposits shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. The deposit required by this Section shall be collected by the District, pursuant to Section 3.9, et. seq., of these Rules and Regulations. The deposit required by this Section will be applied to a customer's account and/or the balance refunded after one year of timely payments. Timely payments are defined as no delinquent payments and no non-sufficient funds (NSF) or automated clearing house (ACH) rejections. In the event a customer account becomes delinquent or receives a non-sufficient funds (NSF) or automated clearing house (ACH) rejection, during the two year period, the District will retain the deposit on hand and start a new two year period. Upon termination of service, the deposit required by this Section will be applied to their account and/or the balance refunded. 3.10 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Failure to receive mail will not be recognized as a valid excuse for failure to pay water rates when due. Change in occupancy of property supplied with District water and changes in mailing addresses of consumers of District water must be filed at the District office, in writing,by fax, mail or online, as available. 3.11 ADJUSTMENT OF RATES: The General Manager may adjust and grant rebates from the rates herein provided in the event of any dispute as to a charge to a consumer provided, however, that all persons affected thereby shall have the right to file an appeal of such determination with the District Board within 10 days after receipt of the Manager's decision. The decision of the Board in respect thereto shall be final and conclusive as to all parties. 3.12 APPLICATION FOR SERVICE: Customers desiring water service shall make applications for water service at the District office, by telephone or online, as available The information required in all instances where application is made for water shall include among other information the name and address of applicant, description of the property where water service is desired, together with the applicant's status as owner or 11 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 lessee, and description of facilities to be connect, home and work telephone number, and Social Security number or state-issued driver's license number and birth date as an alternative to a Social Security number. Where the applicant does not possess valid United States of America issued identification, application for service must be made in person. In no event shall a connection be made that has not been first approved by the District. Should applicant subsequently cancel one or more items of service, such cancellation shall not change or affect the terms of his application in respect to the remaining item or items of service. 3.13 RENEWING SERVICE: Each consumer having previously obtained water service from the District and desiring to renew the use of water shall notify the District office for renewal of water service and upon payment of all unpaid charges, if any, together with any turn on charge imposed by Section 3.10 or 3.11 the water will be turned on. 3.14 METER FAILURE: If a meter fails to register during any period or is known to register inaccurately, the consumer shall be charged with an average daily consumption according to the season as shown by the meter when in use and registering accurately. 3.15 CHANGE OF METER LOCATION: Any person desiring to change the location of a service that has already been installed shall make application to the District. The District, at its discretion, may install such changes upon payment in advance of the cost of time and materials including excavating and repaying and overhead as estimated by the District will cause such change to be made. 3.16 CHANGE OF FIRE HYDRANT OR AIR VACUUM/AIR RELEASE VALVE LOCATION: Fire hydrants and Air Vacuum/Air Release Valves shall be installed in the location specified by the District. If a property owner or other party desires a change in the size, type or location of such fire hydrants or Air Vacuum/Air Release Valves, they shall file a written application with the District and comply with Section 3.4.5 and 3.5 of these Rules and Regulations. Any change in the location of a fire hydrant or Air Vacuum/Air Release Valve must be approved by the District and shall not adversely impact surrounding properties. SECTION 4: WATER USAGE REGULATED 4.1 SUPPLYING ANOTHER PERSON: 4.1.1 Water shall not be supplied to any person other than the occupants of the consumers own premises except as provided for in this Section. 4.1.2 Provided however such consumer having first made application with the District and is issued a permit therefore may supply water to a holder of a contract for public improvement and/or provided a temporary and permissive service to another. 12 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 4.1.3 Such permit as provided for in Section 4.1.2 shall be denied to any person who is indebted to the District for any former water or damage charges or who has in fact, prior to such application, failed to comply with the aforesaid provision or provisions of any previous permit issued to him. 4.2 WASTE IN PLUMBING: Any person who as owner or occupant of any premises fails, refuses, or neglects to maintain such premises with plumbing of such character and quality as to prevent the wasting of water shall, three (3) days after being served by the District by written notice of such intention, have all water service discontinued pending such repair. This time limit may be restricted further, as determined by the District. 4.3 IRRIGATION, SPRINKLING, ETC.: The use of water for irrigation, sprinkling, wetting, construction or industrial purposes, may be restricted if and when such use be contrary to the public safety or welfare as determined by the District. 4.4 OUTSIDE DISTRICT WATER CONSUMERS: Sale may be made to consumers outside the District in accordance with all rules, regulations and rates only on the recommendation of the General Manager and with the approval of the Board of Directors. The water rate for water served outside of the District boundaries is established at the water rate previously established for water served within the District boundaries multiplied by two. 4.5 SHUTTING OFF WATER FOR REPAIRS: The District reserves the right to shut off water in their mains for the purpose of making repairs or for any other purposes found necessary. The District shall not be responsible for any damages which may occur due to water shut-offs. The owner and/or consumer shall be conclusively presumed to have taken all necessary precautions in compliance with the building code in anticipation of emergency shut-offs. Where a planned shut-off is made every effort shall be made by the District to notify the consumers. 4.6 WATER PRESSURES: The District shall endeavor to maintain such pressures as recommended by the Board of Fire Underwriters. In the event any consumer deems that pressures are inadequate, the consumer shall furnish at his own expense whatever devices are necessary to boost the pressure for his own premises. In the event water pressures are in excess of any consumer's normal requirements, it shall be the responsibility of such water consumer to install such devices on his own premises to protect his plumbing and/or to reduce the pressure for his normal needs. SECTION 5: MAINS, METERS AND FIRE HYDRANTS 5.1 CHANGES AND/OR DAMAGES TO MAINS AND FITTINGS: Any street improvements which are to be performed which will cause the relocation of existing water mains, fittings, meters or other water equipment must have the approval of the District. The District shall be given a written notice a minimum of ten (10) working days 13 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 prior to start of construction of the approved project. Any changes which are required or any damages which may occur to such mains, fittings, meters or other water equipment without fault or negligence of the District shall be chargeable to the person or agency requiring said work to be done. 5.2 BY-PASS CONNECTIONS: Any by-pass or connection around the meter between the service and the main shall be prohibited except those installed to permit the removal of meters for testing and repair. The control valves shall be sealed by the District and said seal broken only by District employees. All water used, except as provided in case of private fire service, shall pass through the meter. 5.3 SHUT-OFF VALVES: All shut-off valves and angle stops are for the use of the District. Such shut-off valves or angle stops shall not be used or altered in any way or manipulated by the consumer except in extreme emergency. For ordinary usage all consumers shall provide their own valves and shut-off cocks between the water meter and the first outlet placed by the consumer. Excepted here from are irrigation services. For irrigation service the District's valve may be used at the option of the District. 5.4 METERS: 5.4.1 SIZING METERS: The District shall determine the size of the meter required. Where service conditions change, the District, through the General Manager or his authorized representative, shall at his discretion have installed a meter of proper size to meet the present conditions. The District shall then bill or refund as required. 5.4.2 RIGHT TO METER: The. District reserves the right to meter any service and apply the established rates. 5.4.3 SEALING METERS: All meters will be sealed by the District and no seal shall be altered or broken except by one of its authorized employees or agents. 5.5 CHANGE OF METER: 5.5.1 CHANGE IN SIZE OF METER: A change in the size of a meter either an increase or a decrease shall be made as follows: METERS OTHER THAN IRRIGATION TYPES: The charge for the exchange of meters shall be the charge for a meter of the size to be installed less 100% of the current cost of a meter only of the size to be removed. This difference is to be billed to the applicant. In the event of a reduction of meter size, no refund shall be made. IRRIGATION TYPE METER TO BE EXCHANGED FOR ANOTHER IRRIGATION TYPE METER: The provisions set forth herein above in Section shall apply and be used when the consumer desires to 14 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 exchange an irrigation type meter for another irrigation type meter whether it be larger or smaller in size, except that no refund shall be made in the event a reduction in the size of the meter is desired. IRRIGATION TYPE METER TO BE EXCHANGED FOR A METER OTHER THAN OF THE IRRIGATION TYPE OR OTHER FACILITIES: If the consumer desires to exchange an irrigation type meter for a meter other than of the irrigation type or other facilities he may so do as set forth in Section except that the allowance for the meter to be used in all calculations shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. In the event that the allowance for the meter set forth herein is greater than the cost of another meter or facility, or if no meter or facilities are to be installed towards which the allowance may be applied, then such allowance or balance thereof shall be applied towards any other monies owed to the District and if no monies are owed to the District, then said monies shall be refunded to the consumer. If the consumer desires the meter in place of the allowance, he may receive the meter by signing for the meter showing that he has received it. In this event he may dispose of the meter as he desires. 5.5.2 CURRENT COST OF METER: The current cost of a meter as used above shall be pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution. 5.5.3 CHANGE OF METERS WHERE CHANGE OF SERVICE LINE IS REQUIRED: If the change of meter, either an increase or decrease in size requires a change in service line size, it shall be the consumer's responsibility to construct the new service line pursuant to Section 7 herein. 5.6 METERS, PROPERTY OF DISTRICT: All water services and water meters installed or required to be installed by the District shall remain at all times the property of the District and shall be maintained, repaired and renewed by the District when rendered unserviceable by normal wear and tear. Where replacements, repair or adjustments of any meter are rendered necessary by an act resulting from malice, carelessness or neglect of the consumer or any member of his family or anyone employed by him and any damage which may result from hot water, or steam from water heater, boiler or otherwise shall be charged to and paid for by such consumer to the District on presentation of a bill therefore; and in case such bill is not paid, the meter shall be shut off from such premises and shall not be turned on again until all charges are paid. No person shall interfere with or remove from any service any water meter where it has been so attached. 5.7 METER LOCATION: All meters of the District shall be placed at the curb line of the street, or near the property line in alleys, or as close to the water main in all other cases whenever and wherever practicable and be protected and maintained as a pan of the 15 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 operation of the District. No property shall be served where the property line is more than 100 feet from the nearest main. 5.8 METERS INSIDE PREMISES: Where a water meter is placed inside the premises of a consumer for the convenience of said consumer provisions shall be made for convenient meter reading and repairing by representatives of the District. Failure to make provisions by the consumer shall be sufficient cause for removal of such meter at the option of the District and the withholding of service until installation is made at the curb line as herein provided. 5.9 CONSUMER'S RESPONSIBILITY: The District shall in no way whatsoever be responsible for any damage to person or property because of any leakage, breakage or seepage from, or accident or damage to any meter or pipe situated within any private premises, and said District shall not be responsible for any leakage, breakage, or seepage from any pipe situated between any meter properly installed at the curb and the private premises served thereby, nor shall said District be responsible for or on account of any damage, injury or loss occasioned directly or indirectly by the existence of any meter or pipe situated upon private properly. 5.10 USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS: Public fire hydrants shall be located, maintained and repaired by the District. Any damage thereto by persons or agency other than representatives of the Fire Department and Water District shall be a claim against the person or agency committing such damage and the District shall take action as may be necessary to collect the same. Fire hydrants are provided primarily for the purpose of extinguishing fires and shall be used otherwise only as herein provided for, and shall be opened and used only by the Water District and Fire Department or such persons as may be authorized to do so by the Chief of the Fire Department or the General Manager of the Water District. 5.11 FIRE HYDRANTS, PERMIT FOR: All unauthorized use of water through a fire hydrant is a violation of these Rules and Regulations. All persons desiring to use water through fire hydrants, or other hydrants, owned or controlled by the District shall be required to obtain a permit from the District in compliance with Section 3.7 of these Rules & Regulations. The District shall issue no such permit to any person who has violated any of the provisions of these Rules and Regulations or whose indebtedness to the District for water used or damage to hydrants or equipment is delinquent. All such persons having permit for use of water from the fire hydrants shall use hydrant wrenches for the operation of such fire hydrants. All water used through a fire hydrant shall have its flow regulated by a control valve placed on the hydrant nozzle with the measuring device, both provided by the District after the deposit is made in compliance with Section 3.7 of these Rules and Regulations. The main valve of the hydrant shall be used only to turn the service on and off at the beginning and end of service from the hydrant excepting that the main valve shall be used to turn the fire hydrant off at the end of each work day and the control valve and meter shall be removed so as to leave the fire hydrant ready for use by the Fire Department 16 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 during the night. Said main valve shall be either completely open or closed at all times. 5.12 FIRE HYDRANTS, CANCELLATION OF PERMIT: Permit for the use of water through the fire hydrants of the District may be canceled at the will of the District on evidence that the holder thereof is or has violated the privileges conveyed thereunder. Such notice of cancellation shall be in writing delivered or mailed to the persons to be notified and shall be immediately effective and enforced. 5.13 OBSTRUCTING FIRE HYDRANTS: No person shall obstruct the access to any fire hydrant by placing around or thereon any stone, brick, lumber, dirt or other material or willfully or carelessly injure the same, or open or operate any fire hydrant, or draw or attempt to draw water therefrom except as provided in Sections 5.10 and 5.11. SECTION 6.0: BACKFLOW PREVENTION PROGRAM 6.1 PURPOSE: The purpose of these rules is (1) to protect the public water supply against actual or potential cross connection by isolating within the premise contamination that may occur because of some undiscovered or unauthorized cross-connection on the premises; (2) to eliminate existing connections between drinking water systems and other sources of water that are not approved as safe and potable for human consumption; (3) to eliminate cross-connections between drinking water systems and sources of contamination; (4)to prevent the making of cross-connections in the future. These rules comply with the State of California Administrative Code, Title 1 7, (Commencing with Section 7583) - Public Health entitled "Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections". It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation at any time to make or maintain or cause to be made or maintained, temporarily or permanently, for any period of time whatsoever, any cross-connection between plumbing pipes or water fixtures being served with water by the District and any other source of water supply or to maintain any sanitary fixture or other appurtenances or fixtures; which by reason of their construction may cause or allow backflow of water or other substances into the water supply system of the District and/or the service of water pipes or fixtures of any consumer of the District. 6.2 CROSS-CONNECTION PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS: 6.2.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS: Unprotected cross-connections with the District water supply are prohibited. Whenever backflow protection has been found necessary, the District will require the water user to install an approved backflow prevention device by and at his/her expense for continued services or before a new service will be granted. 17 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 Whenever backflow protection has been found necessary on a water supply line entering a water user's premises, then any and all water supply lines from the District's mains entering such premises, buildings or structures shall be protected by an approved backflow prevention device. The type of device to be installed will be in accordance with the requirements of these rules. 6.2.2 WHERE PROTECTION IS REQUIRED: Each service connection from the District water system for supplying water to premises having an auxiliary water supply shall be protected against backflow of water from the premises into the public water system unless the auxiliary water supply is accepted as an additional source by the District, and is approved by the public health agency having jurisdiction. Each service connection from the District water system for supplying water to any premises on which any substance is handled in such fashion as may allow its entry into the water system shall be protected against backflow of the water from the premises into the public system. This shall include the handling of process waters and waters originating from the District water system, which have been subjected to deterioration in sanitary quality. Backflow prevention devices shall be installed on the service connection to any premises having (a) internal cross-connections that cannot be permanently corrected and controlled to the satisfaction of the state or local health department and the District, or (b) intricate plumbing and piping arrangements or where entry to all portions of the premises is not readily accessible for inspection purposes, making it impracticable or impossible to ascertain whether or not cross-connections exist. 6.2.3 TYPE OF PROTECTION REQUIRED. The type of protection that shall be provided to prevent backflow into the approved water supply shall be commensurate with the degree of hazard that exists on the consumer's premises. The type of protective device that may be required (listing in an increasing level of protection) includes: Double Check Valve Assembly (DC), Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device (RP), and an Air-gap separation (AG). The water user may choose a higher level of protection than required by the District. The minimum type of backflow protection required to protect the approved water supply at the user's water connection to premises with varying degrees of hazard are given in Table 1. Situations which are not covered in Table 1 shall be evaluated on a case by case basis and the appropriate backflow protection shall be determined by the District or health agency. 18 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 TABLE 1 TYPE OF BACKFLOW PROTECTION REQUIRED Min. Type of Backflow Degree of Hazard Prevention (A) SEWERAGE AND HAZARDOUS WASTES: (1) Premises where the public water system is used to supplement AG the reclaimed water supply. (2) Premises where there are wastewater pumping and/or AG treatment plants and there is no interconnection with the potable water system. This does not include a single family residence that has a sewage lift pump. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and the District. (3) Premises where reclaimed water is used and there is no AG interconnection with the potable water system. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and the District. (4) Premises where hazardous substances are handled in any AG manner in which the substances may enter a potable water system. This does not include a single family residence that has a sewage lift pump. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and the District. (5) Premises where there are irrigation systems into which RP fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides are, or can be, injected. (B) AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLIES: (1) Premises where there is an unapproved auxiliary water supply AG which is interconnected with the public water system. A RP or DC may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and the District. (2) Premises where there is an unapproved auxiliary water supply RP and there are no interconnections with the public water system. A DC may be provided in lieu of a RP if approved by the health agency and District. (C) FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS: 19 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 Min. Type of Backflow Degree of Hazard Prevention (1) Premises where the fire system is directly supplied from the DC public water system and there is an unapproved auxiliary water supply on or to the premises (not interconnected). (2) Premises where the fire system is supplied from the public AG water system and interconnected with an unapproved auxiliary water supply. A RP may be provided in lieu of an AG if approved by the health agency and District. (3) Premises where the fire system is supplied from the public DC water system and where either elevated storage tanks or fire pumps which take suction from the private reservoirs or tanks are used. (D) RESTRICTED PREMISES OR HISTORY OF CROSS CONNECTIONS (1) Premises where entry is restricted so that inspections for RP cross-connections cannot be made with sufficient frequency or at sufficiently short notice to assure that cross-connections do not exist. (2) Premises where there is a repeated history of cross- RP connections being established or reestablished. (E) MULTIPLE SERVICE CONNECTIONS (1) Two or more services supplying water from different street mains to the same building, structure, or premises through which an inter-street main flow may occur, shall have at least a standard check valve on each water service to be located adjacent to and on the property side of the respective meters. (2) Such check valve shall not be considered adequate if backflow protection is deemed necessary to protect the District's mains from pollution or contamination; in such cases the installation of approved backflow devices at such service connections shall be required. 6.3 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES 6.3.1 APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES: Only backflow prevention devices which have been approved by the District shall be acceptable 20 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 for installation by a water user connected to the District's potable water system. The District will provide, upon request, a list of approved backflow prevention devices. 6.3.2 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE INSTALLATION: Backflow prevention devices shall be installed in a manner prescribed in Section 7602 and 7603, Title 17 of the California Administrative Code. Location of the devices should be as close as practical to the user's connection. The District shall have the final authority in determining the required location of a backflow prevention device. All Backflow Prevention Device installations shall be in accordance with the Yorba Linda Water District Standard Specifications For Construction of Water Mains, latest edition. 6.3.3 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE TESTING AND MAINTENANCE: The owners of any premises on which, or on account of which, backflow prevention devices are installed, shall have the devices tested by a person who has demonstrated their competency in testing of these devices to the District. Backflow prevention devices must be tested at least annually and immediately after installation, relocation or repair. The District may require a more frequent testing schedule if it is determined to be necessary. No device shall be placed back in service unless it is functioning as required. A report in a form acceptable to the District shall be filed with the District each time a device is tested, relocated, or repaired. These devices shall be serviced, overhauled, or replaced whenever they are found to be defective and all costs of testing, repair, and maintenance shall be borne by the water user. The District will supply affected water users with a list of persons acceptable to the District to test backflow prevention devices. The District will notify affected customers by mail when annual testing of a device is needed and also supply users with the necessary forms which must be filled out each time a device is tested or repaired. 6.3.4 BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE REMOVAL: Approval must be obtained from the District before a backflow prevention device is removed, relocated, or replaced. REMOVAL: The use of a device may be discontinued and the device removed from service upon presentation of sufficient evidence to the District to verify that a hazard no longer exists or is not likely to be created in the future; RELOCATION: A device may be relocated following confirmation by the District that the relocation will continue to provide the required protection and satisfy installation requirements. A retest will be required 21 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 following the relocation of the device; REPAIR: A device may be removed for repair, provided the water use is either discontinued until repair is completed and the device is returned to service, or the service connection is equipped with other backflow protection approved by the District. A retest will be required following the repair of the device; and 6.3.5 REPLACEMENT: A device may be removed and replaced provided the water use is discontinued until the replacement device is installed. All replacement devices must be approved by the District and must be commensurate with the degree of hazard involved. 6.4 USER SUPERVISOR: At each premises where it is necessary, in the opinion of the District, a user supervisor shall be designated by and at the expense of the water user. This user supervisor shall be responsible for the monitoring of the backflow prevention devices and for avoidance of cross connections. In the event of contamination or pollution of the drinking water system due to a cross-connection on the premises, the District shall be promptly notified by the user supervisor so that appropriate measures may be taken to overcome the contamination. The water user shall inform the District of the user supervisor's identity on, as a minimum, an annual basis and whenever a change occurs. 65 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES 6.5.1 WATER SYSTEM SURVEY: The District shall review all requests for new services to determine if backflow protection is needed. Plans and specifications must be submitted to the District upon request for review of possible cross- connection hazards as a condition of service for new service connections. If it is determined that a backflow prevention device is necessary to protect the public water system, the required device must be installed before service will be granted. On-premise inspection to evaluate cross-connection hazards is a requirement under Title-17 Public Health, California Administrative Code, regulations relating to cross connections, Section 7584 (b), (c) and (d). The District will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any customer which cannot or will not allow an on-premise inspection of their piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the District considers necessary. The District may, at its discretion, require a re-inspection for cross- connection hazards of any premise to which it serves water. The District 22 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 will transmit a written notice requesting an inspection appointment to each affected water user. Any customer which cannot or will not allow an on-premise inspection of their piping system shall be required to install the backflow prevention device the District considers necessary. 6.5.2 CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION DEVICE INSTALLATION: The District will notify the water user of the survey findings, listing corrective action to be taken if required. A period of 60 days will be given to complete all corrective action required including installation of backflow prevention devices. A second notice will be sent to each water user which does not take the required corrective action prescribed in the first notice within the 60 days period allowed. The second notice will give the water user a two week period to take the required corrective action. If no action is taken within the two week period the District may terminate water service to the affected water user until the required corrective actions are taken. 6.5.3 CUSTOMER NOTIFICATION TESTING AND MAINTENANCE: The District will notify each affected water user when it is time for the backflow prevention device installed on their service connection to be tested. This written notice shall give the water user 30 day to have the device tested and supply the water user with the necessary form to be completed and resubmitted to the District. A second notice shall be sent to each water user which does not have his/her backflow prevention device tested as prescribed in the first notice within the 30 day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user a two week period to have his/her backflow prevention device tested. If no action is taken within the two week period the District may terminate water service to the affected water user until the subject device is tested. 6.5.4 BACKFLOW DEVICE MONITORING FEE: For each service connection where a backflow device is required pursuant to these Rules and Regulations, a Backflow Device Monitoring Fee shall be imposed annually to notify the water user that it is time for the device to be tested. The fee shall be levied pursuant to the Water Development Fees Resolution, and shall be included annually on the user's water bill. 6.6 WATER SERVICE TERMINATION: 6.6.1 GENERAL: When the District encounters water uses that represent a clear and immediate hazard to the potable water supply that cannot be immediately abated, 23 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 the District shall institute the procedure for discontinuing the District water service. 6.6.2 BASIS OF TERMINATION: Conditions or water uses that create a basis for water service termination shall include,but are not limited to, the following items: Refusal to install a required backflow prevention device, Refusal to test a backflow prevention device, Refusal to repair a faulty backflow prevention device, Refusal to replace a faulty backflow prevention device, Direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a sewer line, 6.6 2.6 Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a system or equipment containing contaminants, Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and an auxiliary water system, A situation which presents an immediate health hazard to the public water system. 6.6.3 WATER SERVICE TERMINATION PROCEDURES: If one or more of the conditions defined in to are found the District will terminate service to a customer's premise after two written notices have been sent specifying the corrective action needed and the time period in which it must be done. If no action is taken within the allowed time period water service may be terminated. If one or more of the conditions defined in to are found the District will take the following steps: Make reasonable effort to advise the water user of intent to terminate water service; Terminate water supply and lock service valve. The water service will remain inactive until correction of violations has been approved by the District. SECTION 7: POLICY ON WATER MAIN AND SERVICE EXTENSIONS 24 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 7.1 APPLICATION: Anyone who, as owner or sub-divider of a single lot, subdivision or tract of land, desires the extension of water mains and/or connection of water service to such lot, subdivision or tract of land, shall file a written application with the District. All applicants for water service shall also comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the rendition of Sewer Service. 7.2 FEES, CHARGES AND EASEMENTS: Prior to the General Manager signing the Improvement Plans or approving an application for water service, the applicant shall dedicate all easements deemed necessary by the District and pay to the District all fees in the amount set forth in Section 3 herein. 7.3 INSTALLATION: If, as and when applicant has complied with all requirements of the District and such other provisions of the subdivision ordinance or ordinances dealing with public improvements as may be applicable, the applicant shall have installed, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, and Standard Plans and Specifications of the District, such mains and services which are required to provide service to the property described in the application. Applicant shall indemnify and hold the District its Directors, officers and employees harmless from any loss or damage that may be directly occasioned by the installation of the water facilities. All main extensions shall be installed across the entire frontage of the parcel of land to be served. 7.3.1 COSTS: The cost of said installation shall be paid by the applicant, and shall include the cost of engineering, construction, land acquisition and legal services paid by applicant in connection with said installation. The applicant shall report such cost of said installation to the District in a form approved by the District, and all items such cost of installation thus reported shall be supported by invoices or statements verified to the satisfaction of the District. 7.3.2 TITLE: Upon completion and acceptance of facilities the applicant shall transfer title of said water facilities to the District where they will become and remain the property of the District. 7.4 LOCATION, SIZE AND TYPE OF WATER MAIN AND SERVICE FACILITIES: The District shall use the latest adopted Master Plan to determine the size, type and location for all water mains in streets, alleys, and easements. The type and make of valves, fire hydrants, fittings, consumer services and all other appurtenances deemed necessary for supplying water to the property served shall conform to District Standard Plans and Specifications. 7.5 NUMBER OF APPLICANTS. An individual may file an application or two or more persons may join in an application for the extension of water mains. 7.6 APPROVAL OF WATER MAIN AND SERVICE EXTENSIONS: Each application for 25 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 water main and service extension shall be given a job number, and shall require terms and conditions approved by the District's Board of Directors and Plans and Specifications approved by the General Manager. A sketch showing the extent of the facilities necessary for water service shall be prepared and the application shall identify the number of service connections and fees required for service. 7.7 APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT WATER FACILITIES: When said applicant has complied with all requirements of the District, including payment of all fees required in Section 3 and the posting of a Guarantee Bond, and such other provisions of the subdivision ordinance or ordinances dealing with public improvements as may be applicable, the District shall approve construction of the water facilities. 7.8 CONDITION AS PREREQUISITE TO INSTALLATION OF MAINS: Water mains and fire hydrants shall not be installed until after the curbs and gutters have been constructed, excepting that an initial hydrant may be set upon the approval of the General Manager to provide construction water in compliance with Section 3.7 of these Rules and Regulations. Under no conditions will the applicant install water mains and fire hydrants unless streets are well defined by lot stakes, curb stakes, or visible center line stakes properly set at the land owner's expense. If after any water facility has been installed and it has to be adjusted, raised, lowered or relocated because of incorrect information as to grade of curbs, property lines, etc., all expense incurred by making the changes shall be borne by the applicant. 7.9 WATER RIGHTS DEEDED: Whenever land is to be subdivided or annexed to the District and served by District facilities any water right which may be appurtenant thereto shall be deeded to the District in consideration of the District's approving any application for District water to be placed on such tract or subdivision. Said deed to the District shall be executed before any such application shall be approved by the District. 7.10 METHOD OF REFUND FROM MAIN INSTALLED BEFORE AUGUST 11, 1988: Service Fees paid to the District in accordance with Sections 3.2.1 of these Rules and Regulations will be returned without interest, as set forth below: 7.10.1 AMOUNT OF REFUND: No refunds will be made in excess of the amount advanced by the applicants. 7.10.2 REFUND PERIOD: Any money not refundable as provided in this rule at the end of ten years from the date of the contract will remain the property of the District. 7.10.3 REFUNDS TO JOINT DEPOSITORS: When two or more parties make a joint deposit on the same extension, such refunds as may accrue under the provisions of this section, will be distributed in the same proportion as provided in the application for service. If otherwise so provided such refunds will be distributed in accordance with such provisions. 26 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 7.10.4 COMPUTATION OF AMOUNT OF REFUND: The refundable portion of the Service Fee as calculated in accordance with Section 3.2.1 of these Rules and Regulations and received from the parties who have connected within a period of ten years following the date of contract to which possible refund for such consumer is applicable shall be refunded only to the party or parties who made the original deposit. 7.10.5 PRORATION OF REFUNDS: In the event a consumer is connected to sections of main which were installed under separate contracts in accordance with Section 3.1 of these Rules and Regulations will be distributed in the same proportion as the applicable footage of each contract bears to the total footage serving the properly. 7.11 METHOD OF REFUND FROM MAIN INSTALLED AFTER AUGUST 11, 1988: Service Fees paid to the District in accordance with Sections 3.2.2 of these Rules and Regulations will be returned without interest, as set forth below: 7.11.1 AMOUNT OF REFUND: No refunds will be made in excess of the final cost of installation by original applicant and as reported in accordance with Section 7.3.1 herein. 7.l 1.2 REFUND PERIOD: Any money not refundable as provided in this rule at the end of thirty years from the date of the contract will remain the property of the District. 7.11.3 ENTITLEMENT TO REFUNDS: All sums collected with respect to Service Fees from mains installed after August 11, 1988 shall be paid only to the first applicant who was required to construct the main extension until such time as all such refunds to which the applicant is entitled hereunder have been paid. SECTION 8: PROTECTION FROM DAMAGE 8.1 No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully, or negligently remove, change, disturb, break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface, or in any way tamper, or interfere with any facility, apparatus, appliance, property, structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is used or maintained as a part of the water works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of disorderly conduct. SECTION 9: POWERS AND AUTHORITY OF INSPECTORS 9.1 The General Manager and other duly authorized employees of the District, bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter all premises for the purposes of inspection, observations, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of these Rules and Regulations. 9.2 While performing the necessary' work on private properties referred to in Section 9.1, the General Manager or duly authorized employees of the District shall observe all safety 27 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 rules applicable to the premises established by the customer and the customer shall be held harmless for injury or death to the District employees and the District shall, indemnify the customer against loss or damage to his property by District employees and against liability claims and demands for personal injury or property damage asserted against the customer and growing out of the inspection, observations, measurement, sampling and testing operations, except as such that may be caused by negligence or failure of the customer to maintain safe conditions as required by law. 9.3 The General Manager and other duly authorized employees of the District,bearing proper credentials and identification, shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the District holds a duly negotiated easement for the purposes of, but not limited to, inspection, observation, measurement, sampling repair and maintenance of any portion of the sewerage works lying within said easement shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly negotiated easement pertaining to the private property involved. 9.4 An official identification card shall be carried by or worn by all employees who, in the line of duty, may be required to enter upon private premises. 9.5 Any person who as owner or occupant of any premises refuses admittance to, or hinders, or prevents inspection by an authorized employee of the District, may, after service of 24 hour notice of intention, have all service terminated. Service of notice shall be deemed to have been made by deposit in the U.S. Mail of a registered or certified prepaid notice addressed to the customer, owner or occupant as shown by the records of the District. SECTION 10: VIOLATIONS 10.1 Any person found to be violating any provision of these Rules and Regulations shall be served by the District with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations. 10.2 Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for shall have his water service subject to discontinuance. Reinstatement of water service shall be made only on correction of the violation. 10.3 Any person violating any of the provisions of these Rules shall become liable to the District for any expense, loss, or damage occasioned by the District by reason of such violation. SECTION 11: VALIDITY 11.1 The invalidity of any section, sentence, clause or provision of these rules shall not affect the validity of any other part of these rules which can be given effect without such invalid part. 28 Water Rules and Regulations—March 2012 I 1.2 When the application of these rules appears impracticable or unjust, the applicant, customer or the General Manager may refer the matter to the Board of Directors for a special decision or ruling. 29 ITEM NO. 10.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 To: Board of Directors From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Subject: Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 12-06 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees and Rescinding Resolution No. 08-04. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance-Accounting Committee discussed this item at their meeting held December 27, 2011 and supports staff recommendation. DISCUSSION: Staff is pleased to present an updated water development and customer service fee schedule for the Board's approval. The current water development and customer service fees were adopted in 2008. Staff reviewed the cost of service for the listed fees and identified best practices to put in place that require new fees. Staff has attached three documents. The first is the updated water development and customer service fees resolution. The second shows the resolution's effect for all fee changes with the exception of plan check fees. The third shows the effects of changes to the plan check fees. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-C: Revise the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations and Evaluate Fee Schedules Regularly for Proper Cost of Service Coverage PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 12, 2008 the Board approved a resolution adopting the current water development and customer service fees. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Resolution 12 Resolution No. 12-06 Backup Material 06 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees.DOCX Fee Comoarison.xlsx Fee Comparisons Backup Material Plan Check Fee Comoarison.xlsx Plan Check Fee Comparison Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 RC/RK 5-0 Roll Call RESOLUTION NO. 12-06 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE WATER DEVELOPMENT AND CUSTOMER SERVICE FEES AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 08-04 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District Rules and Regulations for Rendition of Water Service include a provision that development fees and customer service charges shall be adopted by separate Resolution entitled Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District have, from time to time, adopted Ordinances and Resolutions to change the Water Development Fees and Customer Service fees for services provided by the District; and WHEREAS, the fees collected pursuant to this Resolution shall be used to finance costs necessitated by the services provided by the District. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District to adopt Water Development and Customer Service Fees as follows: Section 1. Fees identified in Section 3.1 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Meters Up to 2 Inches 1 Inch: $450.00 Each Meter 1 '/2 Inch: $795.00 Each Meter 2 Inch $1,241.00 Each Meter B. Meters Larger than 2 Inches Actual Costs C. Temporary Meters $1,000.00 Deposit Requested Move to a New Location $70.00 Per Occurrence Unauthorized Movement $190.00 Per Occurrence Section 2. Fees identified in Section 3.2 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Administrative Fee $1,218.00 Per Application Resolution No. 12-06 Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 1 B. Plan Check Fee Number of Connections 1-5 $609.00 Flat Rate 6-10 $913.00 Flat Rate 11-20 $1,319.00 Flat Rate 21-40 $1,928.00 Flat Rate 41-60 $2,537.00 Flat Rate 61-80 $3,298.00 Flat Rate 81-99 $4,059.00 Flat Rate 100 and Up $5,581 .00 Flat Rate C. Inspection Fee Number of Connections 1-10 $1,241 .00 Per Connection 11-20 $697.00 Per Connection 21-30 $485.00 Per Connection 31-40 $390.00 Per Connection 41-50 $331 .00 Per Connection 51 and Up $295.00 Per Connection D. Records and Billing Fee $156.00 Per Connection E. Single Service Fee $638.00 Per Permit Section 3. Fees identified in Section 3.5 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Temporary Untreated Water Fee $873.00 Per Acre-foot Section 4. Fees identified in Section 3.9 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Late Payment Fee $10.00 Per Occurrence B. Notice of Discontinuance $10.00 Per Occurrence C. Shut-off Due to Non-Payment $40.00 Per Occurrence D. Re-establishment of Service $40.00 Per Occurrence E. Callouts After Regular Hours $155.00 Per Occurrence Resolution No. 12-06 Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 2 F. Tampered Locks: Residential $80.00 Per Occurrence Commercial $190.00 Per Occurence G. Meter Removal $80.00 Per Occurrence H. Meter Replacement $80.00 Per Occurrence Plus Labor & Material I. Change of Meter Location: Residential Actual Costs Per Occurrence Commercial $70 Per Occurrence J. Meter Testing: At the Source/YLWD $80 Per Occurrence Independent Laboratory Actual Costs Per Occurrence K. Residential Customer Deposit: Potential of Risk: "Green" $0.00 Per Meter Potential of Risk: "Yellow" $125.00 Per Meter Potential of Risk: "Red" $225.00 Per Meter L. Commercial Customer Deposit: 1 1/2 Inch Meter & Below $450.00 Per Meter 2 & 3 Inch Meter $750.00 Per Meter 4 Inch Meter & Larger $2,500.00 Per Meter M. Autopay/NSF Charge $25.00 Per Occurrence N. New Account Set Up Fee $25.00 Per Occurrence O. GIS Data Conversion Fee $100.00 Per Sheet P. Copying Charges $0.25 Per Copy Q. Fax Charges $0.75 Per Page R. Mailing Charges Actual Costs S. Shipping Charges Actual Costs Resolution No. 12-06 Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 3 Section 5. Fees identified in Section 5.5 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Change in Meter Size: 2 Inch $22.00 Per Meter 3 Inch $42.00 Per Meter 4 Inch $72.00 Per Meter 6 Inch & Larger $75.00 Per Meter Section 6. Fees identified in Section 6.5 of the Rules and Regulations for Water Service shall be as follows: A. Backflow Device Monitoring Fee $28.00 Per Device Section 7. The fees adopted herein shall take effect on April 1, 2012 and Resolution No. 08-04 is hereby rescinded on April 1, 2012. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of March 2012 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 12-06 Adopting the Water Development and Customer Service Fees 4 MMF5n?H MFIMF?P m MEM MM?H MMF?P m mmm mmr.rmm mr-rMEMMMMMM m ?M®00 mm r"n? m m M? m Em MMM MMMMM MFMME mmmm 000 mm W. W- n?T F?m m IMHMM M MMMM Fff M??MMMMM? o no m MMMM MMMM MMMMM MMF? m MMMPMMNEM mmmmmmm MMMMFTN W. -MMMIT mmm m MMEMMM M MFIMMMMFIF??M MM151 m mm PP?mmm m FMMN mmmmmm m M? M"Mmmm. M m Im.? m m HU MH MMMMMM m la mm m m MMMMMMMMM W- P?Mr-WINTR MFIM M- MMM M? MMV- MMMF?M MMMEMMMMMMM mmmmErm? lamm m MMMEMMMMMMM mmm mrrppl mm m mom MMMEMMMMMMM mmm MMMMMMMM= M. ?MMN MME M- M®M? ?® MEN MM W. ?MUMM?M- MMMMM ME? M? MMMEMM mmmmmmm MIMMMM MMMMMMMMF7 W- M? m mm nmm mm Immm [am MMMMIMMM mm MMMEEMMM mm MMMPIMMM mm MMMEEMMM MMWP?MH mm MMMEIMMM mm MMMEIMMM MMMMMMMMF7 W- ME? MMMFIMMM MIMUMM MOMMEMMMMMEMME? MOMMEMM MIMIMMM ITEM NO. 10.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $90,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $0 Funding Source: Operating Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Board of Directors Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Authorizing Additional Director Attendance at Intergovernmental Meetings SUMMARY: Each year following the Board reorganization in December, the President assigns members of the Board of Directors to various standing committees and to act as a representative for the District at regular interagency meetings. Currently, one Director is assigned, and preauthorized as the primary representative, to attend assigned intergovernmental meetings. Often these meetings include informative guest speakers and provide opportunities for education and engagement in important topics relevant to the District's business. In order to be compensated for attendance, the Board must vote to authorize additional Board member attendance at these events. This agenda recommends preauthorizing Board approval to certain intergovernmental meetings, and approving the criteria when more than one Board member is interested in attending such meetings. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize and compensate a maximum of two Directors for attendance at WACO, ISDOC and LAFCO intergovernmental meetings. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee discussed this item at its meeting held February 8, 2012 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: The Board regularly considers authorizing attendance by interested Board members at special meetings, conferences and community events. This authorization is done by vote to authorize additional attendance in order to allow for the Board member compensation for such attendance. Certain intergovernmental agency meetings held regularly, often include informative speakers and an opportunity to engage in productive exchange of ideas related to the water and wastewater industry and related governance issues. The intergovernmental meetings in which more than one Director may be interested in attending, due to the generalized information on special districts and the water and wastewater industry, include the Water Advisory Committee of Orange County (WACO), the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) and the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). At this time, Director Hawkins is assigned to the WACO meetings, Director Collett is assigned to the ISDOC meetings and Director Beverage is assigned to the LAFCO meetings. In the event another Director wishes to attend one of these meetings, the process currently requires that the Director request approval for attendance and compensation from the Board during a Board meeting. In order to facilitate additional Board participation and to support Strategic Plan Initiative CP 1-C: Have Board of Directors and YLWD Staff Attend More Local and Regional Events and Intergovernmental Meetings, staff suggests the Committee recommend that the Board authorize additional Director attendance at certain intergovernmental meetings they express interest in. By statute, Director compensation is still limited to a maximum of ten meetings per month. Additionally, staff recommends the Board consider limiting the attendance to a maximum of two members at any meeting to avoid the perception of a quorum of the Board taking place. At the request of legal counsel, additional research found that there is no conflict of this item with the Board of Directors' Rules for Organization and Procedure, Resolution 11-15, adopted by the Board on June 23, 2011 . Attached is a current committee assignment list for your reference. The budgeted amount shown above includes Directors' compensation for attendance at regular, committee and intergovernmental meetings at a rate of ten meetings per month per Board member, the maximum allowed by statute. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 1-C: Have Board of Directors and YLWD Staff Attend More Events and Inter - governmental Meetings within the Local Community PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board President assigns members of the Board of Directors to various committees on an annual basis usually in December with the annual reorganization of the Board officers. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: BOD Committee Assignments 2012.docx BOD Committee Assignments Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 GM/RC 5-0 Calendar Year 2012 Standing Committee Assignments Executive-Admin-Organizational Meets Monthly on 3rd Monday at 4:00 Director Hawkins, Chair p.m. Director Melton Studies, advises and makes recommendations to the Board regarding policy, organization, legislative and legal issues. Finance-Accounting Meets Monthly on 4t" Monday at 4:00 Director Kiley, Chair p.m. Director Hawkins Studies, advises and makes recommendations to the Board regarding budgets, investments, rates, fees and charges, financial reports, auditors and appropriations. Personnel-Risk Management Meets Monthly on 2nd Tuesday at 4:00 Director Beverage, Chair p.m. Director Collett Studies, advises and makes recommendations to the Board regarding personnel, employee and labor relations, and insurance procurement. Planning-Engineering-Operations Meets Monthly on 1St Thursday at 4:00 Director Collett, Chair p.m. Director Kiley Studies, advises and makes recommendations to the Board regarding five year plans, construction activities, customer service, operations and maintenance, building, equipment, property and fire defenses. Public Affairs-Communications- Meets Monthly on 1St Monday at 4:00 Technology p.m. Director Melton, Chair Studies, advises and makes Director Beverage recommendations to the Board regarding public information activities, community involvement and promotion of water conservation measures. Joint Agency Committee Assignments YLWD/MWDOC/OCWD Meets Bi-Monthly on 4t" Tuesday at 4:00 Director Hawkins p.m. Director Beverage Studies, advises and makes recommendations to the Board regarding MWDOC and OCWD policy issues. Other Committee Assignments Citizens Advisory Meets Monthly on 4t" Monday at 8:30 a.m. Director Beverage Studies, advises and makes recommendations to the Board regarding YLWD policy issues. Intergovernmental Meeting Assignments YL City Council Meets Semi-Monthly on 1St and 3rd Director Hawkins Tuesday at Director Melton 6:30 p.m. YL Planning Commission Meets Semi-Monthly on 2"d and 4t" Director Kiley Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Director Collett ACWA/JPIA Meets Semi-Annually in May and Director Hawkins November ISDOC Meets Quarterly on 4t" Tuesday at 11:30 Director Collett a.m. LAFCO Meets Monthly on 2"d Wednesday at 9:00 Director Beverage a.m. MWDOC Meets Semi-Monthly on 1St and 3rd Director Melton Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Staff OCWD Meets Semi-Monthly on 1St and 3rd Director Kiley Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Staff WACO Meets Monthly on 1St Friday at 7:30 a.m. Director Hawkins 0 ITEM NO. 12.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Subject: Finance-Accounting Committee (Kiley/Hawkins) • Minutes of meeting held February 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Meeting scheduled March 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 022712 FA - Minutes.doc FA Mtg Minutes 02/27/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT FINANCE-ACCOUNTING COMMITTEE MEETING February 27, 2012 A meeting of the Finance-Accounting Committee was called to order by Director Kiley at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E. Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Robert R. Kiley, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Phil Hawkins Stephen Parker, Finance Manager 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. ACTION CALENDAR 2.1. Unaudited Financial Statements for Period Ending December 31, 2011 Mr. Parker presented the unaudited financial statements through December 31. He explained that while none of the numbers changed dramatically, this was a more complete picture of where the District is half way through the year. In addition, the accounting section was getting practice by completing all the items required during the audit process every quarter. He anticipated the smoothest audit process he has experienced here as a result of the work that was done to prepare the full- accural quarterly financial statements. Mr. Parker also pointed out that as a result of the Board authorizing an additional $100,000 from the employee liability reserve into the CERBT Trust, adding to the money that was budgeted from the actuarial valuations, that the Net OPEB Liability was now a Net OPEB asset. The Committee supported staff's recommendation to have the Board of Directors to receive and file these statements. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1. December 2011 Debt Service Ratio Mr. Parker shared the December 2011 preliminary debt service ratio. He explained that because the District traditionally receives 55% of their revenues in the first half of the year, the 2.17% debt service ratio was going to be higher than it should be at the end of the year, but that the Distict is in a comfortable place with respect to being over our required 1.10% debt service coverage. Mr. Vecchiarelli added that Finance is being proactive and gathering this information throughout the year, which is a positive change from the condition that the District's accounting section was in when he took over as General Manager. At that time, the debt service coverage information was not looked at until after the auditors 1 were reviewing the books for the year. He stressed that this is one of many areas that have greatly improved in management of the District's finances. 3.2. Investment Report for Period Ending January 2012 Mr. Parker explained that the cause for the increase in portfolio yield in the investment report was not because of an increase in any of the investments — in fact, all investment yields went down. Instead, it was that the District significantly spent down its lowest yielding investment — the US Bank money market account associated with the 2008 COP Revenue fund. By decreasing the amount of invesments earning that 0.05% yield by over $1.4 million from the previous month, the District's yield for the month increased 0.03% to 1.03%. Mr. Parker explained how a reconcilation is completed quarterly to reimburse the operating funds (both water and sewer) for any capital projects they may have paid for, which were not initially charged to the capital funds. The reconciliations for the 2nd quarter of the year resulted in a little over $100,000 reimbursed to the Sewer Operating fund, and approximately $70,000 reimbursed to the Water Operating fund. The committee reiterated their desire to see information on the investments and yield that other local water districts' portfolios are earning. 3.3. January 2012 Budget to Actual Results Mr. Parker highlighted a couple of the larger changes that took place in the month of January, including training for class "A" licenses in the sewer area and the process of accounting for the transfer of the Lomas De Yorba facility to the City of Yorba Linda. Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that Mr. Parker spoke with the external auditors about the correct accounting for that transaction despite that the Lomas De Yorba facility was a water chlorination facility and not related to the sewer fund. The majority of the unusual items in the budget to actual results had been discussed in previous meetings, and the Committee had no other questions. 3.4. Draft Finance Department Budget Mr. Parker presented the draft version of the Finance Department budget for FY12/13. It included a decrease of $70,000 or 15% from the current year's budget. The largest items of change include a $25,000 decrease as a result of completing the cost of service and water rate study, as well as other decreases in communications, professional services, materials, travel and conferences and office expenses. The Committee inquired about the decrease in communications, and Mr. Parker explained that the postage costs for the District's water bills are decreasing as more customers receive their bills online. As that happens, contractual services will increase to pay for the cost of delivering that online bill, but in an amount lower than the decrease in communications. When asked about the decrease in travel and conferences, Mr. Parker indicated that the two important financial conferences were still in his budget, but that he cut 2 some lesser conferences that were previously in the Finance Administration budgets. 3.5. Preliminary 2013 Budget Numbers Mr. Parker explained the assumptions made in the first version of the FY12/13 budget. The majority of the supplies and services expenses were in from all the departments, so that area was mostly complete. The preliminary personnel expenses were complete assuming no changes are made in the MOU process, which has not yet begun. Mr. Parker mentioned that while the variable water costs were up over $700,000 with the upcoming year's assumptions, staff had not yet put the additional revenue that passing through those variable water costs would provide. Staff also made assumptions including the same amount of water purchased as the previous year's budget, with a water loss assumption increasing from 5% to 6% based on the prior fiscal year water loss data. 3.6. FY 12/13 Budget Calendar Update Mr. Parker presented the most recent calendar for the budget process. The Committee recommended scheduling the Budget workshop as well as another workshop related to Captial Improvement Projects prior to the Budget workshop. 3.7. Upcoming Pension Accounting Changes Mr. Parker described some of the changes that the Governmental Accounting Standards Board is recommending in the area of pensions. The results will be known around June 2012, but generally will result in a higher annual cost to the District as a result of changing assumptions used in future actuarial valuations. These changes, which are not fully known yet, would affect the District in the 2013/14 fiscal year. 3.8. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives Mr. Parker gave an update on the current strategic plan initiatives for fiscal responsibility. The water rules and regulations and developer and customer service fee resolutions should be presented to the Board for adoption in March. In addition, there is still 3-5 weeks left in the implementation process for the Cal-Card. 3.9. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks • Provide information to the Committee on the investments and yield that other local water district's portfolios are earning. 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The Committee adjourned at 5:29 p.m. The next meeting of the Finance- Accounting Committee will be held March 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 3 ITEM NO. 14.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Subject: Meetings from March 9, 2012 - April 30, 2012 ATTACHMENTS: Na T16;: Description: Type: BOD Activities Calendar.xls BOD Activity Calendar Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: March 2012 District Offices Closed Fri, Mar 9 7:OOAM Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Mon, Mar 12 4:OOPM Collett/Kiley Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Wed, Mar 14 4:OOPM Hawkins/Melton Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Mar 14 7:OOPM Kiley District Offices Closed Fri, Mar 16 7:OOAM Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Mar 20 4:OOPM Beverage/Collett Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Mar 20 6:30PM Melton MWDOC Board Wed, Mar 21 8:30AM Melton/Staff OCWD Board Wed, Mar 21 5:30PM Kiley/Staff Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Mar 22 8:30AM District Offices Closed Fri, Mar 23 7:OOAM Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Mar 26 8:30AM Beverage Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Mar 26 4:OOPM Kiley/Hawkins Joint Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Tue, Mar 27 4:OOPM Hawkins/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Mar 28 7:OOPM Collett District Offices Closed Fri, Mar 30 7:OOAM April 2012 Pub Affairs-Communications-Tech Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 2 4:OOPM Melton/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Apr 3 6:30PM Hawkins MWDOC/MWD Workshop Wed, Apr 4 8:30AM Melton/Staff OCWD Board Wed, Apr 4 5:30PM Kiley/Staff Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Thu, Apr 5 4:OOPM Collett/Kiley Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, Apr 5 4:OOPM District Offices Closed Fri, Apr 6 7:OOAM WACO Fri, Apr 6 7:30AM Hawkins Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Apr 10 4:OOPM Beverage/Collett Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 11 7:OOPM Kiley Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Apr 12 8:30AM District Offices Closed Fri, Apr 13 7:OOAM Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 16 4:OOPM Hawkins/Melton Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Apr 17 6:30PM Melton MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 18 8:30AM Melton/Staff OCWD Board Wed, Apr 18 5:30PM Kiley/Staff District Offices Closed Fri, Apr 20 7:OOAM Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 23 8:30AM Beverage Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 23 4:OOPM Kiley/Hawkins Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 25 7:OOPM Collett Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Apr 26 8:30AM District Offices Closed Fri, Apr 27 7:OOAM 2/28/2012 1:25:05 PM ITEM NO. 15.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 8, 2012 Subject: WACO - March 2, 2012 (Ratify additional Board Member attendance.) MWD San Jacinto Tunnel Inspection Tour - March 15, 2012 WACO Municipal Bond & Debt Financing Workshop - March 21 , 2012 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: WACO.pdf Event Flyer Backup Material SJ Tunnel Tour.odf Event Flyer Backup Material WACO Workshop.pdf Event Flyer Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 3/8/2012 MB/GM 5-0 Water Advisory Committee of Orange County Friday, March 2, 2012 Where: MWDOC/OCWD Board Room 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Driving Directions When: Friday March 2, 2012 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM Add to my calendar Stay Connected with WACO: The next meeting of the Water Advisory Committee of Orange County (WACO) is Friday, March 2, 2012 from 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. in the MWDOC/OCWD Board Room. We are pleased to welcome as our featured speaker, Dr. Bill Patzert with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Cal Tech. Always informative and entertaining, Dr. Patzert will provide an update on climate trends and winter weather conditions as part of his talk, "A Tale of Two La Ninas: A 50% Flop for Forecasters." Additionally, we will consider adoption of a WACO Policy Paper on Stormwater Management which is available for review here. The full meeting agenda is also avaialble for review by clicking here. Please contact David Cordero if you have any questions. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you at WACO on Friday, March 2nd. Sincerely, Larry McKenney Chair Water Advisory Committee of Orange County rnrnrn•mrngjj3oroom 3 : 30 b - w - - VLLlns pgCK Sf EV21 601491 Vq !f Suq coucln2lou O{ 2scouq fonL ' ( HgLq pgf ' LSIu a6SL' guq LnppsL poOf2 ) b'll ans2f2 Mill ps LsdnlLSq fO MGSL bsL20US1 bLOfsCfIns sdn ! bwsUf J : A2 b - w - - DsbSLfILOw EV21 601491 Vq !f fo Cgpgsou 2psIf ! u 29 lnuusl . p6JOLG GUf6LIua fp6 2SU gsciufo LnUUGI ) ( DSn6 bLOffGsn ) 5 : 12 b - w - - LnUUGl 29IGfA bLS2sufgflou ( ISsdnlLSq o{ SII fonL b94 ! c ! bsuf2 ( BLgq Esf0u ) JS : J2 b - w - - Mslcows guq H ! 2fOLIC9I BSCKaLonuq O{ fps 2SU gsc ! ufo LnUUGl COUfgCf : BLgq EsfOu (KA ) 535- 5551 guq E2b6LSUSS bn6 IU CSpSSOU ' 266 S40C�JGq IJJ(3b) E2b6LSUSS t/nsuns SbbLOXIWSfGIA A wll6 652f 01 BLOsgmsA 2fL66f gsciufo LnUUGl - EUfLSUCG a9fG IOCSfGq OU fp6 u04P 2186 01 J 5 : 00 bmwo - 2scouq fonL aLonb 9226wp16 Sf fps EV21 bOLfgl Vq !f O{ fps 2SU CISOfIb 5 J 0 : 30 S ' w - - VLLlns pgCK Sf EV21 601491 Vq !f guq coucln2lou O{ I! 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OU2 COWWIffss (COrOISdDO ISIAEIS ` onEDnci) IVI2bECIIOVI OL 1HE OVM ivci io lnHHEr I l l VI E kS�dkSJl GROUP 3 7:00 a.m. - First tour group assemble at the EAST Portal Adit of the San Jacinto Tunnel. Entrance gate located on the north side of Esperanza Avenue approximately 1 mile east of Broadway Street and Esperanza Ave in Cabazon. (See attached map) Contact: Brad Eaton (951) 237- 2274 7:15 a.m. - Welcome and Historical Background of the San Jacinto Tunnel (Brad Eaton) 7:45 a.m. - Tunnel Safety Presentation (Required of all tour participants before entering the San Jacinto Tunnel) (Dave Protteau) 8:15 a.m. - Depart from EAST Portal Adit to Cabazon Shaft in SJ Tunnel. All guests will be required to wear personal protective equipment (Hard hat, rain gear, and rubber boots) 10:30 a.m. - First tour group arrive back at EAST Portal Adit and conclusion of first tour. GROUP 4 10:00 a.m. - Second tour group assemble at the WEST Portal Diversion Structure of the San Jacinto Tunnel. Located on north side of Soboba Road, approximately 0.4 mile east of State Street in San Jacinto. 20600 Soboba Rd. San Jacinto, CA 92832(See attached map) Contact: Brad Eaton (951) 237- 2274 10:30 a.m. - All (second) tour guests depart from WEST Portal (via MWD shuttle van) for pre-tour assembly at the EAST Portal in Cabazon. 11:00 a.m. - Second tour group arrive at the EAST Portal Adit of the San Jacinto Tunnel. Second tour group pre-tour assembly. 11:15 a.m. - Welcome and Historical Background of the San Jacinto Tunnel (Brad Eaton) 11:45 a.m. - Tunnel Safety Presentation (Required of all tour participants before entering the San Jacinto Tunnel) (Dave Protteau) 12:00 p.m. - Depart from EAST Portal Adit for 13-mile tour of SJ Tunnel. All guests will be required to wear personal protective equipment (Hard hat, rain gear, and rubber boots) 3:30 p.m. - Arrive at WEST Portal Diversion Structure. Exit SJ Tunnel, conclusion of second tour and all guests depart. www.mwdh2o.com   Bonds 101: A Municipal Bond & Debt Financing Workshop Wednesday, March 21, 2012 Where: MWDOC/OCWD Board Room 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Driving Directions When: Wednesday March 21, 2012 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM Add to my calendar Stay Connected with WACO: Find out more about Raymond James & Associates:    The Water Advisory Committee of Orange County, in collaboration with Raymond James & Associates, invites you to attend a free municipal finance workshop for water and wastewater agencies on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Bonds 101: An Introduction to the Municipal Market and Project Financing will present an informative overview of the municipal bond market and debt financing, discuss current trends and issues affecting public agencies, and provide an opportunity for attendees to have their questions answered by knowledgeable finance experts.   Register Now!   A complimentary lunch will be provided for registered attendees from Orange County water and wastewater agencies and other special districts. Agenda 11:30 a.m. - Registration 12:00 p.m. - Lunch & Keynote Speaker 12:45 p.m. - Break 1:00 p.m. - Municipal Market & Project Financing 1:45 p.m. - Questions & Answers 2:30 p.m. - Adjourn Please click the link above for online registration. For more information, contact David Cordero (WACO) at 714-593- 5012 or Jeff Pickett (Raymond James & Associates) at 415- 616-8940. Sincerely, Larry McKenney, Chair Water Advisory Committee of Orange County