HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-10 - Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL-RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, April 10, 2012, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Ric Collett Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Short-Term Disability Insurance Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve going forward with providing short-term disability insurance to District employees and members of the Board of Directors and providing a life insurance benefit to the members of the Board of Directors to provide a flat$10,000 benefit. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. ACWA/JPIA Reimbursement for Paving Repairs 3.2. Status of Recruitments and Budgeted Positions 3.3. Human Resources Department Activity 3.4. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives 3.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next meeting of the Personnel-Risk Management Committee will be held May 8, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Cost Estimate: $1800/year Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Personnel Technician Subject: Short-Term Disability Insurance STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve going forward with providing short- term disability insurance to District employees and members of the Board of Directors and providing a life insurance benefit to the members of the Board of Directors to provide a flat $10,000 benefit. DISCUSSION: In the past two years, the importance of short-term disability insurance to District employees has been brought to the District's attention. So, a request was recently made to the District's insurance broker, Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc., to provide a quote for short-term disability insurance that would shield the employees and those who count on them to at least some extent from an unexpected loss of income. The quote was presented as Option 1-Excluding Directors and Option 2-Including Directors. The cost for this coverage without Directors was $127.16 per month (annual premium of $1 ,525.97). The cost for the coverage including Directors was $128.44 per month (annual premium of $1541 .33). Short-term disability insurance is designed to pay a benefit for a period of time in the event an employee cannot work because of a covered illness, injury or pregnancy. This benefit would replace a portion of the employee's weekly income to help them meet their financial commitments when they most need the help. There would be a 29-day waiting period. The District presently offers long-term disability insurance with a waiting period of 90 days. The short-term disability insurance would bridge the waiting time for employees to eligibility for long-term disability insurance. A quote was also requested on the cost to include life insurance coverage for the members of the Board of Directors. District Employees are presently covered at one times their annual salary to a maximum of $150,000. To include a flat $10,000 benefit for the Board members would add a cost of only $242 per year to the current rates for life insurance coverage. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: SKMBT C55212040217520.pdf Life and Short Term Disability Presentation Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Yorba Linda Water District Life and STD Proposal Marie Ward, Senior Account Executive Terri Mendez, Account Manager Wednesday March 28, 2012 Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. CA License #ODOa408 Together we'll go far Life Proposal Yorba Linda Water District BENEFIT PROVISIONS Current Option with D i rectors Prudential Prudential 1 times annual salary to a maximum of Class - Excludes Directors: 1 timesannual BEN EFIT AM O U N T salary to a maximum of$150,000 $150,000 Class2 - Directors: Flast$10,000 DEFINITION OF EARNINGS Annual earnings excluding bonus, OT, Annual earnings excluding bonus, OT, or extra or extra comp. comp. AGE REDUCTION 65% @age70 65% @age70 [Benefit reduce to:] 50% @age75 & over 50% @age75 & over ACC9.ERATED DEATH BENEFIT 90% benefit to max benefit with life 90% benefit to max benefit with life expectancy of 12 months expectancy of 12 months BEN Iii TS TERM I N ATE AT RETI REIM EN T? yes yes GU ARAN TEE ISSUE all amounts all amounts WAIVER O F PR©VI I U M < age 60 and disabled; ends at age 65 < age 60 and disabled; ends at age 65 CONVERSION included included PORTABILITY included included This is merely a summary of benefits for comparison purposes only. Plan Details are determined by individual carriers. Wells Fargo Insurance Services 3 AD&D Pronosal BEN ERT PROVISIONS I Current & Option to add Directors Prudential BENEFIT AMOUNT AGE RECUCTION SCH ED U LE O F BEN ER TS Same as Life Same as Life Life 100% Both hands 100% Both feet 100% Sight of both eyes 100% One hand and one foot 1000/0 One hand and sight of one eye 100% One foot and sight of one eye 1000/0 Speech and hearing 100% One hand 50% One foot 50% Sight of one eye 500/0 Speech 50% H eari ng 50% Total Paralysis of upper and lower limbs(Quadriplegia) 100% Total Paralysis of both lower limbs(Paraplegia) 50% Total Paralysi s of upper and lower limbs on one side of the body (H emi pl egia) 50% CHILD CARE Not to exceed $5,000 1yr or a total of $10,000 or 25% of benefit; whichever is 1 ess ED U CATi O N up to $5,000/year, or the cumulative total of$20,000 or 25% of benefit, whichever is less SEATBELT The lesser of$10,000 or the AD&D benefit Al RBAG not included REPATRIATION up to $5,000 or 10% of Benefit; whichever is less This is merely a summary of benefits for comparison purpows only. plan details are determined by individual carriers ® Yorba Linda Water District Wells Fargo Insurance Services 4 Life and AD&D Rate Proposal CU RREN T Option with Prudential D i rectors Prudential LIFEIAD&D RATE PER $1,000 OF BENEFIT $0.157 $0.161 AMOUNT Volume (based on 72 Lives) $5,045,750 $5,045,750 MONTHLY COST $792 $812 AN N U AL CO ST $9,506 $9,748 $ Change to current $242 % Change to current 2.5% Rate Guarantee Through 1/1/2013 NOTES: *Volume is based on census ® Yorba Linda Water District Wells Fargo Insurance Services S STD Proposal Benefit Provisions Prudential Effective Date 1-May-12 Weekly Benefit Amount 66.67% Weekly Benefit Maximum $1,500 Weekly Benefit Minimum $25 Accident Waiting Period 29 Days Sickness.Wait!ng Period 29 Days Benefit Duration 9 Weeks Definition of D inability Inability to F�rtorm Regular Occupation and Loss of Income BD I Appl i as No Pre-Existing Condition None Partial Disability Provision Included Coverage Type Non Occupational W-2 SenricesOnly Included FICA Match with W2 Services Included Contribution Status Non-Contributory Benefit Taxation Taxable Definition of Eamings Standard Plan Type Supplemental to CA UCD plan Actively At Work Provision Applies STD Rate Summary Option 1-Excludes Directors Option 2-Includes Directors Estimated Lives 74 79 Weekly Benefit Volume $63,582 $64,222 Monthly Rates 0.02 0.02 Rate Basis Per$10 Weekly Benefit Monthly Premium $127,16 $128.44 Annual Premium $1,525.97 $1,541.33 Annual Difference to Include Directors nla $15.36 Rate Guarantee Through 11112014 i nis is mereiy a summary of oenefits for comparison purposes only. Plan details are determined by individual carriers. ® Yorba Linda Water District Wells Fargo Insurance Services ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Personnel Technician Subject: ACWA/JPIA Reimbursement for Paving Repairs SUMMARY: On December 8, 2011 , a line, located in the Stater Brothers parking lot on Yorba Linda Blvd., ruptured while under repair. On December 12, 2011 , there was a pipeline break in Beech Avenue. On December 29, 2011 , a main line ruptured in Grandby Drive. Paving and concrete repairs were required. Reimbursement from ACWA/JPIA for the three projects totaled $45,229.82. DISCUSSION: On December 8, 2011 , a line under repair in the Stater Brothers parking lot on Yorba Linda Blvd. ruptured. An area of asphalt 42 sq. ft. was damaged. Sanders Paving Inc. performed the repairs and invoiced the District for $334.82. A claim for reimbursement of the costs to repair was submitted to ACWA/JPIA, and a check was received by the District on April 2, 2012. On or about December 12, 2011 , a pipeline break occurred in Beech Avenue. Repairs were required for 5,180 sq. ft. of asphalt, 50 LF concrete curbing, and 250 sq. ft. concrete sidewalk. Sanders Paving performed the repairs. A claim was submitted to ACWA/JPIA. Their letter of March 19 transmitted the check for reimbursement in the amount of $39,295.00. On December 29, 2011 , a main line ruptured in Grandby Drive. An area of 802 sq. ft. of asphalt was damaged. Sanders Paving Inc. performed the repairs to the area of damaged asphalt. Their invoice totaled $5600.00. A claim for reimbursement of costs was submitted to ACWA/JPIA. Their letter of March 26, 2012 and the reimbursement check has been received by the District. ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2012 Budgeted: Yes To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee Funding Source: All Funds From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By: Miguel Serna, Human Resources Analyst Subject: Status of Recruitments and Budgeted Positions SUMMARY: The attached spreadsheet is updated monthly and presented to the Personnel-Risk Management Committee. DISCUSSION: The Budgeted Positions spreadsheet is updated monthly to show the status of the District's current recruitment activity. The spreadsheet identifies the current fiscal year's budgeted positions as well as any current vacancies awaiting action. Items identified in red indicate the most recent activity such as pending employment offers or applications being processed in addition to any revisions or updates since the last report. Cody Peterson is the District's newest employee. Cody started on March 19, 2012 and will serve as the Public Affairs Intern. Human Resources staff is currently recruiting to fill the vacant Customer Service Supervisor position. This recruitment opened on April 2, 2012 and will close on April 16, 2012. Lastly, Operations staff will be interviewing candidates on April 17, 2012 to fill the vacant Maintenance Worker I position. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Budgeted Positions 04-03-2012.xls Status of Recruitments and Budgeted Positions Backup Material As of April 03, 2012 FY 2011-2012 Budgeted Positions Salary Start Range Position Classification Budget Emp Status/Comments Date 1-11 (Temporary Help) 0 0 12 13 14 15 Customer Service Representative 1 1 1 16 Meter Reader 1 2 1 Vacancy due to employee's resignation on 6/21/2011. Vacant position on hold. 17 Accounting Assistant 1 1 1 Customer Service Representative 11 1 1 Engineering Secretary 1 1 Maintenance Worker 1 9 11 Vacancy due to employee's resignation on 01/05/2012. Interviews scheduled for 04/17/2012. Mechanic 1 0 0 Operations Secretary 0 0 18 IMeter Reader 11 2 2 19 Customer Service Representative 111 2 2 Operations Assistant 1 1 20 Engineering Technician 1 0 0 Maintenance Distribution Operator 11 8 6 Under filled with (2) Maint. Worker I positions. Water Quality Technician 1 0 1 Position used to under fill authorized Water Quality Technician 11 position. 21 Accounting Assistant 11 1 1 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic 11 1 1 22 Information Systems Technician 1 1 1 Water Quality Technician 11 1 0 Under filled with (1) WQT 1. 23 Maintenance Distribution Operator 111 4 3 Under fill with one (1) MWI. Meter Services Lead 1 1 Mechanic 111 1 1 Personnel Technician 1 1 Plant Operator 11 3 3 24 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Tech 11 2 2 Info Systems Tech II/Programmer 1 1 25 Executive Secretary 1 1 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Instrumentation Technician I 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 1 As of April 03, 2012 FY 2011-2012 Budgeted Positions Salary Start Range Position Classification Budget Emp Status/Comments Date 26 GIS Administrator 1 1 Project Engineer 2 2 Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Distribution Operator 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 27 Customer Service Supervisor 1 0 Recruitment opened 04/02/2012 and closes 04/16/2012. 28 Management Analyst 1 1 29 Water Quality Engineer 1 1 30 Public Information Officer 1 1 Water Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 SCADA Administrator 1 1 Information Systems Administrator 1 1 31 JChief Plant Operator 1 1 32 33 34 Sr. Project Manager 1 1 35 36 37 Engineering Manager 1 1 Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources and Risk Manager 1 1 IT Manager IS Administrator assigned to Acting IT 1 0 Manager. Operations Manager 1 1 38 39 40 General Manager 1 1 Total 76 72 FY 2011-2012 Authorized Part-Time/Intern Positions Salary Start Range Position Classification Budget Emp Status/Comments Date 1-11 Public Affairs Intern 0.5 0.5 Hired Cody Peterson. u3/19/11 Governmental Affairs Intern 0.5 0 24 GIS Technician 0.5 0.5 Total 1.5 1 ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Personnel Technician Subject: Human Resources Department Activity SUMMARY: The attached spreadsheet is updated on a monthly basis and presented to the Committee for discussion. DISCUSSION: The attached spreadsheet is updated monthly to show the status of Human Resources, Risk Management and Safety/Wellness activities as well as revisions to the District's policies and procedures, job related and employee development training offered to District employees, claims activity and District sponsored employee events. Items shown in red have been revised or updated since the last report. Two District employees, Dave Barmer and Doug Baker, were designated as the individuals who would participate in the OSHA sponsored Trainer Course in Forklift Safety. On March 28 and 29, Dave and Doug attended classes at California State University Dominguez Hills and successfully completed the program. They are now the designated individuals responsible for the forklift training program for District employees. During the month of March, the District received reimbursement from ACWA/JPIA for paving costs related to pipeline ruptures totaling $45,229.82. On March 19, twenty-seven District employees participated in a four-hour plus Safety Leadership Orientation presented by Aspen Risk Management Group. Cathi Marx of Aspen stated the ultimate purpose of safety leadership training is to save lives, prevent injuries and illnesses and keep the District from financial harm. On March 29, HR Staff met with two representatives of Wells Fargo Insurance Services to discuss possible changes/updates to the programs now offered to District employees. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: HR DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY fiscal 2011 HR Deparmtent Activities Backup Material 2012 Use This One for PRM Committee.doc HR DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY 2011/2012 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ACTIVITY STATUS Development and Maintenance of Management Safety Procedures reviewed Draft policy Driver Record Review Policy None Drug and Alcohol Policy LCW Law firm revising District's policy Educational/Certification/License Draft Policy Reimbursement Policy presented to Bargaining Unit on 3/14/2011 Employee Performance Evaluation Draft policy will be Procedure presented to BU for review and approval after the MOU is adopted by the BOD Employee's Responsibility for Management Maintenance of District Vehicles reviewed Draft policy. To be presented to BU for review and approval after MOU is adopted by the BOD Employee Time-Off Request Policy Draft policy presented to BU for review and approval 3/14/2011 Facilities Use Policy Management reviewed. General Manager to review Draft policy and add input Heat Illness Prevention Program Draft policy presented to Safety Consultant on 3/6/2012 for review Updated February 29, 2012 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES CONTINUED POLICIES ACTIVITY STATUS Risk Management Admin Policy HR Mgr to review Draft policy and comment Safety Footwear Allowance Draft policy presented to BU on 3/14/2011 Update Recruitment Procedure HR Mgr to review procedure and add input New Hire Procedure HR Mgr to review procedure and add input Separation/Termination Procedure HR Mgr to review In process procedure and add input Student Intern Policy Draft policy Policy sent to Managers for completed review. TRAINING - ON SITE/OFF SITE DATE VENDOR CLASS TITLE 1-18-2012 Wells Fargo Legislative update 1-25-2012 Orange County HR Group Quarterly Meeting, Irvine Ranch Water District 2-01-2012 ACWA/JPIA Annual HR Group Meeting held at Rancho Cucamonga Water District 02-02-2012 BESST presented 4-hour District employees (9) and local agency class with continuing employees (18) attended. The class education credits involved groundwater production/well performance diagnostics. 3-13-2012 ACWA/JPIA Confined One employee attended Space Entry Training - Moulton Niguel WD 3-15-2012 LCW Webinar: HR Staff participated Interpretation of AB 1028 statutory changes made respecting post-retirement work restrictions for CalPERS retirees 3-22-2012 LCW Workshop — Sick HR Staff attended and Disabled Employees 3-28 & 29 Two-day OSHA training at Two District employees who will become the 2012 Cal State Dominguez Hills District's forklift training instructors (Dave for Forklift Trainer program Barmer and Doug Baker) attended and completed the program. 4-11-2012 ACWA/JPIA Defensive Seven employees to attend Driver Training — Moulton Niguel WD RECRUITMENTS MONTH POSITION APPLICATIONS PROCESSED 2011 February Meter Reader 1 287 March Customer Service Supervisor 62 June Maintenance Worker 1 (2 positions) 208 August Maintenance Distribution Operator II 4 August/Sept RFP/Interviews for Safety Consultant 3 January 2012 Part-time Public Affairs Intern 5 March 8, 2012 Maintenance Worker I (one position) 27 April 2, 2012 Customer Service Supervisor (one position) CURRENT RISK MANAGEMENT/TORT CLAIM ACTIVITY DATE OF NATURE OF RISK ACTION TAKEN CLAIM HANDLED ISSUE/ CLAIM MGMNT RELATED BY DISTRICT REC'D ISSUE/CLAIM &SUBMITTED TO ACWA/J PIA August 23, Claim received by District Signed release and $100.00 submitted 2011 from Doug Boughter for waiver received to ACWA/JPIA for plumbing services. 8/29/2011. Check for reimbursement to $100 sent out District (plus 9/8/2011. $100.00 handling fee) September 27, District truck backed into 2011 by motorist waiting at light. October 2011 Letters received from: 1) Under investigation by Both claims were Melanie Schlotterbeck Risk Manager. rejected and and 2) PCM on behalf of Claims presented to referred to The Kellogg Terrace Personnel-Risk ACWA/JPIA by the Condominium Management Board of Directors Association for damages Committee for on February 23, claimed to have resulted recommendation that 2012 from a leak in Alamo the Board reject and Lane. refer both claims to ACWA/J P IA. October 2011 Claim received by District Claim form received. $585.00 submitted from Jay Betker on Release and waiver to ACWA/JPIA for 12/13/2011 for alleged received. Check reimbursement to overbilling, cost of request to pay out in District (plus plumbing inspection and the amount of $100.00 handling irrigation inspection. $585.00 on fee) 01/12/2012. November 14, Claim received by District Board rejected and 2011 from Aaron Goodall for referred claim to debris and dust issues ACWA/JPIA on 12/22/2011 November 15, Claim received by District Claim form sent and $73.71 submitted to 2011 from Patrick Buckner for returned. Release ACWA/JPIA for damage to tire caused by and Waiver sent and reimbursement to raised lid in roadway returned. District (plus Check request to pay $100.00 handling out in the amount of fee) $73.71 on 12/08/2011 CURRENT RISK MANAGEMENT/TORT CLAIM ACTIVITY DATE OF NATURE OF RISK CLAIM HANDLED BY ISSUE/ MGMNT RELATED ACTION TAKEN DISTRICT CLAIM ISSUE/CLAIM &SUBMITTED TO REC'D ACWA/JPIA December Claim received by Claim form received. $250.00 will be 2011 District from Release and waiver submitted to Muhammed Peshimam sent. Check request ACWA/JPIA for 12/22/2011 for damage pay out in the amount of reimbursement to to his system by sand $250.00 on 01/26/2012 District (plus $100.00 due to work done by handling fee) YLWD in neighboring home. December Claim for Claim form received. $749.38 will be 2011 reimbursement of Release and waiver submitted to plumbing costs by Juan sent. Check for $749.38 ACWA/JPIA for Hernandez. Damage to pay out on 2/9/2012 reimbursement to caused by main break or when release and District (plus $100.00 in Granby Drive. waiver are received. handling fee) December Claim filed by Chris Claim presented on Claim was rejected and 2011 D'Amico 12/28/2011 for Board Agenda for referred to ACWA/JPIA damages to his tire and 1/26/2012 with by the Board of auto body when a recommendation to Directors on 1/26/2012. YLWD water cover reject and refer to ACWA/JPIA appraised flipped up under his ACWA/JPIA. the damages and car. issued a check for $701.85 (as opposed to the $1,963.70 requested by Mr. D'Am ico). January 2012 Claim by Hobo Release and waiver $110.00 will be Recreation (Yorba signed and returned. submitted to Linda Bowl) for charges Claim paid out on ACWA/JPIA for for backflow & meter 1/26/2012 in the amount reimbursement to testing. of $110.00. District (plus $100.00 handling fee) February 2012 Claim filed by William Release and waiver $1309.47 will be Worthington. Yard & signed and returned. submitted to pool flooded with mud Claim paid out on ACWA/JPIA for due to main line failure 2.23.2012 in the amount reimbursement to in street. of $1309.47 District (plus $100.00 handling fee) DISTRICT'S CLAIMS ON THE ACWA/JPIA LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM DATE OF NATURE OF RISK CLAIM SUBMITTED INCIDENT MGMNT RELATED AMOUNTOF CLAIM TO ACWA/JPIA ISSUE/CLAIM December 8, Stater Bros. Parking $334.82 Claim submitted. 2011 Lot Payment received. December 12, Beech Street repairs $39,295.00 Claim submitted. 2011 Payment received. December 29, Granby Drive repairs $5,600.00 Claim submitted 2011 payment received March 12, Village Center Drive - TBD Claim referred to 2012 District's dump truck ACWA/JPIA with backhoe on trailer CURRENT WORKERS COMPENSATION ACTIVITY DATE OF NATURE OF W.C. STATUS REPORTABLE INCIDENT INJURY CLAIM 2-28-2012 Left foot pain Open First Aid Only 3-27-2012 Debris in eye Open DISTRICT EMPLOYEE ACTIVITIES/FUNCTIONS MONTH ACTIVITY/FUNCTION DEPARTMENT 2-14-12 Employee Potluck Event held at Employee Recognition District Committee DISTRICT SAFETY AND WELLNESS- ACTIVITIES/FUNCTIONS MONTH ACTIVITY/FUNCTION DEPARTMENT 1-23-2012 CheckAED's & Log HR 2-15-2012 One-hour Employee Assistance Program HR (EAP) Workshop — Eating Right for Life 2-16-2012 Presentation by Aspen Risk Management HR (safety consultants) re plan of action & introduction to Management, supervisors & Safety Committee members 2-22-2012 Check AED's & Log 2-28-2012 Pacific Safety Council Annual Conference HR Attendance by Risk Manager 3-5-2012 Safety Consultant, Rick Abel from the HR Aspen Risk Management Group will perform an assessment of the District's facilities. 3-8-2012 Staff attended Annual Joint Meeting of HR PASMA/PARMA "How to Analyze CalOSHA Regulations" "Beyond Compliance to Safety Culture" 3-19-2012 Safety Leadership Orientation conducted HR by Aspen Risk Management (safety consultants) for Managers, Supervisors and Safety Committee members 8:00 am to 12:30 pm 4-17-2012 Employee Assistance Program HR Orientation Program — one-hour session HR ACTIVITIES/FUNCTIONS MONTH ACTIVITY/FUNCTION DEPARTMENT 01-11-2012 Met with Keenan & Associates regarding Human Resources Employee Benefits Consulting & Brokerage Services 3-29-2012 Met with representatives of Well Fargo Human Resources Insurance Services, District's insurance brokers to discuss options ITEM NO. 3.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 10, 2012 To: Personnel-Risk Management Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources/Risk Management Prepared By: Miguel Serna, Human Resources Analyst Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives SUMMARY: The following is a report of Human Resources Staff activity in regards to the Strategic Plan Initiatives adopted by the Board of Directors. With prior approval from the Personnel-Risk Management Committee, Human Resources Staff has placed the completion of the Strategic Plan Initiatives on hold while a District wide assessment of all job descriptions is completed. On March 20, 2012, staff presented a draft Job Description Questionnaire to the Committee members for their review. The Committee recommended minor revisions to the questionnaire. Staff will present the revised questionnaire along with a first draft of the Computer Skills Survey to the Personnel-Risk Management Committee for review. DISCUSSION: Human Resources staff collected and analyzed competency data for several District positions. During the process it became apparent that the District's current job descriptions did not identify the actual essential functions of the job. Human Resources staff addressed these concerns with the Personnel-Risk Management Committee on February 14, 2012. At that time, it was agreed that Human Resources staff would put the Strategic Plan Initiatives on hold while new job descriptions were created to reflect the changes in job duties as well as identify the skills needed to perform the essential functions for all classifications. Human Resources Staff developed and presented a draft Job Description Questionnaire to the Personnel-Risk Management Committee on March 20, 2012. The Committee reviewed the draft and requested some changes. Staff revised the questionnaire and will present the document to the Committee members for their review. In addition, staff will present a draft Computer Skills Survey. This survey will aid in collecting and recording the new skills and software needed to perform job duties. This proposed draft has been tailored to only encompass the Computerized Maintenance Management System Software that will be used in the field by Operations staff. This second portion of the survey is the most important, especially with the introduction of new softwares and computer hardware designed to make business operations more efficient. Questionnaires will be given to each employee of the Operations Department to determine what essential functions each employee performs and what skills set the employee believes are needed to perform the job. Staff will distribute both of the above mentioned documents to each employee within the District's Operations Department after coordinating with the Department Manager. Staff will explain the process to both the Department Manager and lead supervisors. The information will be collected and reviewed with the employee's supervisor and department head to determine the accuracy of the information being provided by each employee. After this process is completed, staff will revise the existing job classifications to incorporate the data collected to include competencies, skills, education and/or certification as well as additional responsibilities added to the job. Staff will present all revised job descriptions for those classifications that are represented by the District's Bargaining Unit for their review and approval. The revised job classifications will provide staff with additional tools to hire the right people with the right competencies to effectively achieve the District's strategic goals and objectives. In addition, staff can develop procedures for identifying, acquiring, developing and retaining employees to meet the needs of the organization and the following Strategic Plan Initiatives: WE 1-C: Establish Career Development Expectations of Existing Employees. WE 1-D: Develop Methodologies to Assist Employees in Attaining Career Expectations. WE 1-E: Continue to Support Additional Training for Staff WE 2-A: Identify Key Roles for Succession WE 2-13: Define the Competencies and Motivational Profile Required for Key Roles. WE 2-C: Identify Individuals with the Potential to Perform Highly in Key Roles. WE 2-D: Develop Methodologies to Assist Employees in Preparing for Advancement. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: JDQ.doc Job Description Questionnaire Backup Material CMMS Computer Skills Survey.doc Computer Skils Survey Backup Material ImYorba Linda Water District Job Description Questionnaire PURPOSE AND INSTRUCTIONS The purpose of the study is to obtain current information on your job based on a review of job duties and responsibilities. Because you know your duties and responsibilities better than anyone else, we need your help to get an accurate description of your job. We are asking you to complete this questionnaire that asks for information about your job duties. The questionnaire does not ask about your job performance; only what your job requires you to do. Please complete this questionnaire as honestly, completely and accurately as you can. Base your answers on what is normal to your current job, not special projects or temporary assignment duties, unless these tasks are a regular part of your job. This questionnaire needs to cover many jobs, so the questions are not specifically about your job. However, you should be able to compare your job duties to the examples given. If two answers seem to fit your situation, just check the one that works best. When answering the questions, imagine you are describing what you do to a neighbor, friend or to someone just hired for your position. Your supervisor and manager will also be asked about your job, but they will not be allowed to change your answers. We appreciate your active participation in this important study. If you have questions, please feel free to ask your supervisor or division administrator. Please return this questionnaire to your supervisor. A. EMPLOYEE DATA (PLEASE PRINT): Your Name: Department: Your Job Title: How long have you been in your current position: years months Supervisor's Name: B. GENERAL PURPOSE OF POSITION Indicate in one or two sentences the general purpose of the position (or why this job exists). This statement should be a general summary of the responsibilities listed in the next section. 1 C. SUMMARY OF RESPONSIBILITIES/DUTIES Describe specific job responsibilities/duties, listing the most important first. Use a separate statement for each responsibility. Most positions can be described in 6-8 major responsibility areas. Combine minor or occasional duties in one last statement. Give a best estimate of average percentage of time each responsibility takes; however, do not include a duty which occupies 5% or less of your time unless it is an essential part of the job. Each statement should be brief and concise, beginning with an action verb. A list of action verbs is attached for reference but feel free to use other action verbs if they are more appropriate. The box below shows an example. —EXAMPLE-- Percent(°k) of Time Secretary 1. Performs a variety of typing duties including standard letters,reports and forms. 2. Takes and transcribes dictation. Composes letters and memos as directed. 25% 3. Maintains departmental files;ensures that all records are updated and modified as necessary. 25% 4. Answers the telephone and greets visitors. 20% 5. Makes travel arrangements. 20% 10% 100% LIST MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES FIRST Percent(%) of Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Perform other job-related duties as assigned. 100% 2 For the remainder of the questionnaire, most of the questions require that you check the box or list information. Guidelines for completing these sections are as follows: 1) read each definition carefully before answering, 2)consider the job, not yourself, 3)answer based on the job as it currently exists, 4)select the most appropriate answer(s)for each question. General Education & Experience D. EDUCATION AND/OR EXPERIENCE: Select the level of education and/or experience needed to successfully accomplish the essential duties of this job. Level 1: No prior experience or training. Level 2: Less than high school education; or up to one month related experience or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 3: High school diploma or general education degree (GED); or one to three months related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 4: One year certificate from college or technical school; or three to six months related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 5: Associate's degree (A. A.) or equivalent from two-year College or technical school; or six months to one year related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 6: Bachelor's degree (B. A.) from four-year College or university; or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 7: Fifth year College or University program certificate; or two to four years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 8: Master's degree (M. A.) or equivalent; or four to ten years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Level 9: Doctoral degree (Ph. D.) or equivalent; or more than 10 years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. E. EXPERIENCE TYPE OF EXPERIENCE NEEDED: Please indicate the specific job experience needed. For example, "accounting experience in an education environment"vs. "accounting experience". Be sure that the experience stated is what is actually required by the job, not what is preferred. Check the box which best indicates the minimum amount of experience described above. (Not necessarily your own years of experience, but the requirements for the job.) ❑ N/A—Entry Level ❑ Less than 6 months ❑ 3 but less than 5 years ❑ 6 months but less than 1 year ❑ 5 but less than 7 years ❑ 1 year but less than 3 years ❑ 7 years plus 3 F. TYPE OF SKILLS AND/OR LICENSING/CERTIFICATION REQUIRED Please indicate all specific skills and/or licensing/certification required (not preferred)to do this job. Does this job require the use of specialized tools? For example, spreadsheet software proficiency may be a requirement for a secretarial job; Water Distribution Certificate may be required for a Maintenance Distribution Operator II job. 4 G. SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES SUPERVISORY NATURE: What is the nature of the direct supervisory responsibility yourjob has? Check one answer. ❑ No supervisory responsibility. ❑ Work leadership of one or more employees. ❑ Supervisor over a section of a department. ❑ Department Manager. How many positions report directly to you? ❑ None ❑ 1 ❑ 2-3 ❑ 4-6 ❑ 7 or more List the title(s)of employee(s)whom you directly supervise: Title Grade/Level Number of Positions Indicate the total number of employees you indirectly supervise through supervisors or managers: ❑ None ❑ 1-5 ❑ 6-10 ❑ 11-20 ❑ 21-50 ❑ 51-100 ❑ 100+ Does this position require functional supervision of positions that do not report directly to you? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5 Please complete organization chart below: Title of Your Immediate Supervisor Other jobs Your Other jobs which which report to Position report to your your immediate immediate supervisor supervisor F _7 Titles of Your Direct Reports H. PHYSICAL DEMANDS AND WORKING CONDITIONS How much on-the-job time is spent on the following physical activities? Show the time by checking the appropriate boxes below. Amount of time None Under 1/3 Over 1/3 to 2/3 and Over 1/3 Under 2/3 Stand Walk Sit Use hands to finger, handle or feel Reach with hands and arms Climb or balance Stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl Talk or hear 6 Does this job require that weight be lifted or force be exerted? If so, how much and how often? Check the appropriate boxes below. Amount of time None Under 1/3 Over 1/3 to 2/3 and Over 1/3 Under 2/3 Up to 10 lbs. Up to 25 lbs. Up to 50 lbs. Up to 100 lbs. More than 100 lbs. How much exposure to the following environmental conditions does this job require? Show the amount by checking the appropriate boxes below. Amount of time None Under 1/3 Over 1/3 to 2/3 and Over 1/3 Under 2/3 Wet or humid conditions Non—Weather Outdoor weather conditions Work in high, precarious laces Fumes or airborne articles Toxic or caustic chemicals Work near moving mechanical parts Extreme Cold Extreme Heat Risk of electrical shock Vibration How much noise is typical for the work environment of this job? Check the appropriate level below. Very quiet conditions (examples: forest trail, isolation booth for hearing test) Quiet conditions (examples: library, private office) Moderate noise (examples: business office with computers and printers, light traffic) Loud noise (examples: metal can manufacturing department, large earth-moving equipment) Very loud Noise (examples: jack hammer work, front row at rock concert) Make notes on the specific job duties that are affected by the environmental conditions selected above. 7 I. GENERAL EMPLOYEE COMMENTS Because no single questionnaire can cover every part of a job, can you think of any other information that would be important in understanding yourjob? If so, please give us your comments below. Employee's Signature: Date: 8 J. SUPERVISOR'S REVIEW SECTION Based on your understanding of the job as it currently exists, please review the employee's response and provide your own comments in the space provided below. Please do not change the employee's responses. The questionnaire is intended to analyze the job as it is currently being done and not how it might be done in the future. The employee's level of performance in the mob is not part of this review and is not to be considered. Section Remarks Supervisor's Name: Title: Supervisor's Signature: Date: Telephone Number: K. REVIEWING OFFICIAL'S REVIEW SECTION Based on your understanding of the job as it currently exists, please review the employee's response and provide your own comments in the space provided below. Please do not change the employee's or supervisor's responses. The questionnaire is intended to analyze the job as it is currently being done and not how it might be done in the future. The employee's level of performance in the mob is not part of this review and is not to be considered. Section Remarks Reviewing Official's Name: Title: Reviewing Official's Signature: Date: Telephone Number: This questionnaire is to be forwarded next to your division administrator. Division administrator, please initial to indicate review (Attach additional page(s) for clarifying comments, as necessary.) 9 ACTION VERBS ATTACHMENT This list of action verbs should be used to assist you in completing the Summary of Responsibilities section. These verbs are useful in identifying and defining job functions. Although many of the terms may seem obvious,definitions are provided in the interest of consistency. Administer—Manage or direct the execution of affairs. Adopt—Take up and practice as one's own. Advise—Recommend a course of action;offer an informed opinion based on specialized knowledge Analyze—Separate into elements and critically examine. Anticipate—Foresee and deal with in advance. Appraise—Give an expert judgment of worth or merit. Approve—Accept as satisfactory;exercise final authority with regard to commitment of resources. Arrange—Make preparation for an event;put in proper order. Assemble—Collect or gather together in a predetermined order from various sources. Assign—Specify or designate tasks or duties to be performed by others. Assume—Undertake;take for granted. Assure—Give confidence;make certain of. Authorize—Approve;empower through vested authority. Calculate—Make a mathematical computation. Circulate—Pass from person to person or place to place. Clean—To remove dirt or make tidy. Clear—Gain approval of others. Collaborate—Work jointly with;cooperate with others. Collect—Gather. Compile—Put together information;collect from other documents. Concur—Agree with a position,statement,action,or opinion. Conduct—Carry on;direct the execution of. Confer—Consult with others to compare views. Consolidate—Bring together. Construct—Build,make or modify. Consult—Seek the advice of others. Control—Measure,interpret,and evaluate actions for conformance with plans or desired results. Coordinate—Regulate,adjust,or combine the actions of others to attain harmony. Correlate—Establish a reciprocal relationship. Correspond—Communicate with. Debug—To detect,locate and remove mistakes from a routine of malfunctions from a computer. Delegate—Commission another to perform tasks or duties that may carry specific degrees of accountability. Deliver—Carry to intended destination. Design—Conceive,create,and execute according to plan. Determine—Resolve;fix conclusively. Develop—Disclose,discover,perfect,or unfold a plan or idea. Devise—Come up with something new,perhaps by combining or applying known ideas or principles. Direct—Guide work operations through the establishment of objectives, policies,rules,practices,methods,and standards. Discuss—Exchange views for the purpose of arriving at a conclusion. Dispose—Get rid of. Disseminate—Spread or disperse information. Distribute—Deliver to proper destinations. Draft—Prepare papers or documents in preliminary form. Endorse—Support or recommend. Establish—Bring into existence. Estimate—Forecast future requirements. Evaluate—Determine or fix the value of. Execute—Put into effect or carry out. Exercise—Exert. Expedite—Accelerate the process or progress of. 10 Formulate—Develop or devise. Furnish—Provide with what is needed;supply. Implement—Carry out;execute a plan or program. Improve—Make something better. Initiate—Start or introduce. Inspect—Critically examine for suitability. Install—To set up for use. Interpret—Explain something to others. Investigate—Study through close examination and systematic inquiry. Issue—Put forth or to distribute officially. Maintain—Keep in an existing state. Monitor—Watch,observe,or check with an eye to reaching agreement. Noti —Make known to. Operate—Perform an activity or series of activities. Participate—Take part in. Perform—Fulfill or carry out some action. Place—Locate and choose position for. Plan—Devise or project the realization of a course of action. Practice—Perform work repeatedly in order to gain proficiency. Prepare—Make ready for a particular purpose. Proceed—Begin to carry out an action. Process—Subject something to special treatment;handle in accordance with prescribed procedure. Promote—Advance to a higher level or position. Propose—Declare a plan or intention. Provide—Supply what is needed;furnish. Recommend—Advise or counsel a course of action;offer or suggest for adoption. Repair—Fix or make usable. Represent—Act in the place of or for. Report—Give an account of;furnish information or data. Research—Inquire into a specific matter from several sources. Review—Examine or re-examine. Revise—Rework in order to correct or improve. Schedule—Plan a timetable. Secure—Gain possession of;make safe. Select—Choose the best suited. Sign—Formally approve a document by affixing a signature. Sort—To separate or arrange according to a plan. S eci —State precisely in detail or name explicitly. Stimulate—Excite to activity;urge. Submit—Yield or present for the discretion or judgement of others. Supervise—Personally oversee,direct,inspect,or guide the work of others with responsibility for meeting standards of performance. Train—Teach or guide others in order to bring up to a predetermined standard. Transcribe—Transfer data from one form of record to another or from one method of preparation to another,without changing the nature of the data. Veri —Confirm or establish authenticity;substantiate. Write—To compose or draft. 11 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Computer Knowledge Addendum PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SURVEY BASED ON YOUR CURRENT JOB RELATED USE OF COMPUTER SKILLS. Circle the number corresponding to the appropriate knowledge level. Do you know how to: No Minimum I use I am Knowledge Knowledge regularly proficient Graphical User Interface Tasks -explain the terms: icon, menu, window, click, select, 1 2 3 4 drag, button -use a mouse to select and deselect text 1 2 3 4 -use right mouse buttons to select tasks: cut, copy, 1 2 3 4 paste, etc. properties -use the mouse to open and close a program by 1 2 3 4 clicking on an icon -use the"Start" button to execute programs 1 2 3 4 -choose a command from the menu 1 2 3 4 -use Control Panels to setup/customize the system 1 2 3 4 -open an application 1 2 3 4 -use the menu bar 1 2 3 4 -print a document 1 2 3 4 Window Tasks -open, close, and resize windows 1 2 3 4 -decipher between close and exit 1 2 3 4 -use the scroll bar 1 2 3 4 -switch between open windows 1 2 3 4 -switch between open applications 1 2 3 4 E-mail -run e-mail (open and read a message) 1 2 3 4 -send/receive messages 1 2 3 4 -reply/forwarding messages 1 2 3 4 -save, file, or delete messages 1 2 3 4 -addresses and address books 1 2 3 4 -send the same e-mail message to more than one 1 2 3 4 person at a time (using an address list) -attach files to an e-mail message 1 2 3 4 -add enclosures to messages 1 2 3 4 Basic Internet -log on (open a Uniform Resource Locator- URL) 1 2 3 4 -use a browser to navigate the web (forward and 1 2 3 4 back) -follow a link from one web page to another 1 2 3 4 1 -enter a web address 1 2 3 4 -print a web page 1 2 3 4 -download files 1 2 3 4 Other Software: List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 Other Software: List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 Other Software: List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 List skill: 1 2 3 4 Is there anything else you would like to include regarding computers/technology? 2