HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-12 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda
Water District
Thursday, April 12, 2012, 8:30 AM
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870
Phil Hawkins, President
Gary T. Melton, Vice President
Michael J. Beverage
Ric Collett
Robert R. Kiley
Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which
they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment
when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited
to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five
6.1. Recognize Ken Mendum, Water Maintenance Superintendent, for Completion of the
ACWA/JPIA Operations Certification Program
6.2. Recognize Stephen Parker, Finance Manager, for Completion of the ACWA/JPIA Human
Resources Certification Program
6.3. Recognize Staff for Receipt of Excellence Award in Operating Budget for FY 2011/2012
from California Society of Municipal Finance Officers
7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee
Minutes of meeting held March 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
Meeting scheduled April 23, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents
covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion.
There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further
8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held March 22, 2012
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented.
8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held April 2, 2012
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented.
8.3. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in
the amount of$2,573,892.67.
8.4. Progress Payment No. 5 for Well No. 20 Well Head Project
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 5 in
the net amount of$276,323.58 to Pascal& Ludwig Constructors for construction of
the Well No. 20 Well Head Equipping Project, Job No. 200711.
8.5. ACWA/JPIA Property Program Renewal Billing
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve payment to ACWA/JPIA for
the Property Program Renewal for the period 41112012 to 41112013 in the amount of
This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to
formal Board action.
9.1. Opportunity to Advance Refund the 2003 Certificates of Participation
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve moving forward with
advance refunding of the 2003 Certificates of Participation.
9.2. Change Order No. 3 for Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 3 in the
amount of$1,024 and an 11-calendar day time extension to Pascal & Ludwig
Constructors, Inc. for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project, Job No.
9.3. Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Management Employees for Fiscal
Years 2012-2015
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-07, the
Employee Compensation and Terms of Employment for Management Employees.
9.4. Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential
Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-08, the
Employee Compensation and Terms of Employment for Supervisory and
Confidential Employees.
10.1. President's Report
10.2. Directors' Report
Children's Water Education Festival - March 28-29, 2012 (Hawkins/Kiley)
MWDOC Elected Officials' Forum - April 5, 2012 (Melton)
10.3. General Manager's Report
10.4. General Counsel's Report
10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
11.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee
• Meeting scheduled April 16, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
11.2. Finance-Accounting Committee
Minutes of meeting held March 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Meeting scheduled April 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
11.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee
Minutes of meeting held March 20, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Minutes of meeting held April 10, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular
Board meeting.)
• Meeting scheduled May 8, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
11.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
Revised minutes of meeting held March 12, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Minutes of meeting held April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular
Board meeting.)
• Meeting scheduled May 3, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
11.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee
Minutes of meeting held March 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Minutes of meeting held April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular
Board meeting.)
• Meeting scheduled May 7, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
11.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee
• Minutes of meeting held March 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided prior to the
Board meeting.)
• Meeting scheduled May 22, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
12.1. ISDOC - March 29, 2012 (Kiley)
12.2. YL City Council - April 3, 2012 (Hawkins)
12.3. MWDOC/MWD Workshop - April 4, 2012 (Melton/Staff)
12.4. OCWD Board - April 4, 2012 (Kiley/Staff)
12.5. YL Planning Commission - April 11 , 2012 (Kiley)
13.1. Meetings from April 13, 2012 - May 31 , 2012
The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is
excused during these discussions.
14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation
Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code
Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00124906)
Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No.
Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court
— Case No. 00311353)
Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00319080)
Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00320239)
Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior
Court - Case No. 00327152)
Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00332968)
Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior
Court - Case No. 00348304)
Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00409755)
Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs. YLWD (OC
Superior Court - Case No. 00425404)
Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania,
et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00486884)
15.1. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held April 26, 2012 at 8:30
Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting
Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items
and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for
public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870,
during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet
website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/.
Accommodations for the Disabled
Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be
able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba
Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and
the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the
District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should
make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation.
ITEM NO. 6.3
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Recognize Staff for Receipt of Excellence Award in Operating Budget for FY
2011/2012 from California Society of Municipal Finance Officers
Name: Description: Type:
CSMFO Certificate.pcif Backup Material Backup Material
CaCifornia Society of
Mun t c l aCFinance Officers
Certificate of Award
Excellence Award in Operating Budget
Fiscal Year 2011-2012
Presented to the
Yorba Linda Water District
For meeting the criteria established to achieve the Excellence Award in Operating Budget.
February 29, 2012
cott Johnso
CSMFO President
Chu Thai, Chair
Professional Standards and
Recognition Committee
Dedicated Excellence in Municipal Financial Reporting
ITEM NO. 7.1
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Citizens Advisory Committee
Minutes of meeting held March 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
• Meeting scheduled April 23, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
Name: Description: Type:
032612 - CAC Minutes.docx CAC Mtg Minutes 03/26/12 Minutes
March 26, 2012
A meeting of the Citizens Advisory Committee was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by
Chair Daniel Mole. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Bill Guse Greg Meyers
Carl Boznanski Joe Holdren
Cheryl Spencer-Borden Lindon Baker
Daniel Mole Oscar Bugarini
Fred Hebein Rick Buck
Michael J. Beverage, Director Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Cindy Botts, Management Analyst
Harold Hulbert, Engineering Secretary
Cody Peterson, Public Affairs Intern
Mike Hooper, Willdan Homeland Solutions
Gary Schantz
James Scherler
Mark Schock
2.1. Introduction of Cody Peterson, Public Affairs Intern
Cody Peterson was introduced as the new Public Affairs intern by Ms.
Botts to the committee.
2.2. District Emergency Response Planning
Mr. Vecchiarelli gave a PowerPoint presentation on the new Incident
Command System being adopted by the District with regards to
emergency operations. After any questions were answered, the
Committee was directed to the Emergency Operations Center and shown
how the system would work in the event of an emergency.
2.3. Future Agenda Items
• Golden State Water Company
• District Public Affairs Efforts
• YLWD Budget and CIP's
• Water Rate Projections
3.1. The Committee adjourned at 10:00 a.m. The next regular meeting of the
Citizens Advisory Committee will be held April 23, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
ITEM NO. 8.1
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held March 22, 2012
That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented.
Name: Description: Type:
032212 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 03/22/12 Minutes
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RC/RK 5-0
March 22, 2012
The March 22, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of
Directors was called to order by President Hawkins at 4:00 p.m. The meeting
was held in the Board Room at the District's Administrative Building located at
1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870.
Director Hawkins led the pledge.
Phil Hawkins, President Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Gary T. Melton, Vice President Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Michael J. Beverage Lee Cory, Operations Manager
Ric Collett Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager
Robert R. Kiley Stephen Parker, Finance Manager
Art Vega, Interim IT Manager
John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator
Cindy Botts, Management Analyst
Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary
Nancy Rikel, Councilmember, City of Yorba Linda
Art Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP
Andrew Gagen, Partner, Kidman Law LLP
Eddy Beltran, Senior Associate, Kidman Law LLP
Robert Kostrenich, Attorney, Barber & Bauermeister
David Ramocinksi
Bob Short
Kathy Short
Mark Schock
Mr. Vecchiarelli requested that Item No. 7. be taken before Item No. 6. President
Hawkins agreed.
President Hawkins opened the meeting to public comments not related to
matters on the agenda. Mr. Schock stated that he would like to address the
Board when Item Nos. 6. and 10.4. were discussed. No other comments were
provided at this time.
Director Beverage requested to remove Item No. 7.9. from the Consent
Calendar. Director Collett stated that he would need to abstain from voting on
Check No. 58739 on Item No. 7.2. as has a financial interest with the vendor.
Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to approve the
remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0.
7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held March 8, 2012
Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as
7.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds and Wire Transfers
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize
disbursements in the amount of$1,400,304.13.
7.3. Progress Payment No. 1 for Construction of Green Crest Lift Station
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress
Payment No. 1 in the net amount of $3,715.35 to Pascal & Ludwig
Constructors for construction of the Green Crest Lift Station Repairs, Job
No. 2011-16S.
7.4. Progress Payment No. 4 for Well No. 20 Well Head Project
Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Progress
Payment No. 4 in the net amount of $116,526.15 to Pascal & Ludwig
Constructors for construction of the Well No. 20 Well Head Equipping
Project, Job No. 200711.
7.5. Progress Payment No. 14 for the Highland Booster Pump Station Project
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Progress
Payment No. 14 in the net amount of $198,360.00 to Pacific Hydrotech
Corporation for construction of the Highland Booster Pump Station
Project, Job No. 200814.
7.6. Final Progress Payment No. 6 for Construction of the Ohio St and Oriente
Dr Pipeline Replacement Project
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Final Progress
Payment No. 6, in the net amount of$148,558.50, to Mamco Construction
and 10% retention of $16,506.50; authorize staff to file the Notice of
Completion and release the retention thirty five days following recordation,
if no liens have been filed; release the Labor and Material Bond; and
release the Faithful Performance Bond in one year if no defects have been
found for the construction of the Ohio Street and Oriente Drive Pipeline
Project, Job No. 201006.
7.7. Change Order No. 1 for Fairmount Reservoir Valve Replacement Project
Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Change Order
No. 1 in the amount of $0.00 (a no-cost time extension) and a 37
calendar-day time extension to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. for the
Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project.
7.8. Well No. 20 Engineering Services Amendment No. 4 with Civiltec
Engineering, Inc.
Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize approval of
Engineering Services Amendment No. 4 with Civiltec Engineering, Inc. for
additional services not to exceed $6,730, resulting in a total fee of
7.9. Award of Construction Contract for Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project
Director Beverage requested additional clarification regarding the
information provided to staff concerning the performance of Garcia Juarez
Construction, Inc. (GJC). Mr. Conklin summarized staff's review process
of GJC's bid, references, and supplemental documentation. Director
Beverage inquired about the justification for recommending that the
contract be awarded to GJC instead of the second lowest responsible
bidder. Mr. Kidman explained the legal requirements involved with
reviewing bids and awarding public works contracts.
Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to authorize
the President and Secretary to execute a construction agreement between
Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. and the Yorba Linda Water District for the
Yorba Linda Blvd. Pipeline Project in the amount of$1,681,650, subject to
the approval as to form by General Counsel. Motion carried 4-1 with
Director Beverage voting No.
Mr. Schock requested that the Board of Directors consider taking Item No. 10.4.
following Item No. 6.1. as the topics were related. President Hawkins agreed.
Mr. Shock then addressed the Board regarding some trees near the Hidden Hills
booster pump station. Mr. Schock was concerned that they may pose a fire
hazard to the structure and stated that he previously requested that the District
consider removing them in February, June and October of 2009. Director
Beverage requested staff to review the minutes from the Board meetings during
these months and report back to the Board regarding this matter.
6.1. Operational Practices During Red Flag Days
Mr. DeCriscio provided the Board with a PowerPoint presentation
concerning water production operations during red flag/high wind
warnings. Mr. DeCriscio and Mr. Vecchiarelli then responded to questions
from the Board regarding water quality issues and reserve levels for
District reservoirs.
Mr. Schock addressed the Board and commented on his attendance at a
recent Planning-Operations-Engineering (PEO) Committee meeting and
the status of a request for public records he had submitted. Mr. Shock
explained that the purpose of his records request was to evaluate the fill
levels for District reservoirs on days when a flag warning had been issued.
Mr. Schock further stated that he didn't believe that enough detail had
been provided in the minutes of the PEO Committee meeting where this
matter was previously discussed and that he would be happy to provide
staff a copy of his audio recording of the meeting so that the minutes could
be revised.
Mr. Ramocinski addressed the Board and commented on his attendance
at the same PEO Committee meeting. Mr. Vecchairelli then responded to
questions from Mr. Ramocinski regarding the method used to pump water
up to the Hidden Hills reservoir, upgrades to the Santiago booster pump
station since the Freeway Complex Fire, and fill levels of the new Hidden
Hills reservoir. Mr. Ramocinski then inquired about the status of the
Santiago booster pump station during the Freeway Complex Fire. Mr.
Vecchiarelli explained that he could not comment any further as Mr.
Ramocinski and other members of the audience were parties in pending
litigation related to this matter. Mr. Ramocinksi then asked about the
District's priorities in regards to water storage for regular consumption, fire
flow, and emergency reserves.
Mr. Kidman briefly commented on the District's provision of potable water
as its primary service, the provision of fire flow as an auxiliary service, and
associated legal concerns.
Mr. Ramocinski concluded his comments and expressed concern
regarding the fill levels of District reservoirs during red flag warnings.
Mr. Short addressed the Board and asked for confirmation that the District
was not legally obligated to provide water for firefighting purposes.
Mr. Kidman agreed with this statement.
Mr. Vecchiarelli summarized staff's efforts to provide fire flow in all of its
reservoirs while maintaining water quality.
Director Hawkins asked Mr. Schock if he could leave a copy of his audio
recording of the PEO meeting with Ms. Alexander. Mr. Schock agreed.
Mr. Schock then described the information he was seeking in his initial
request for records. Following further discussion, Mr. Vecchiarelli stated
that a copy of Mr. Schock's original request and subsequent revised
request would be forwarded to the Board and copied to Mr. Schock for
their reference.
Director Beverage requested that staff prepare a public records request
policy for review by the Executive-Organizational-Administrative and
Citizens Advisory Committees after which it would be presented to the
Board for consideration.
Mr. Schock concluded his comments and volunteered his time to assist
staff in obtaining the records he was seeking.
8.1. CSDA Board of Directors Call for Nominations
Mr. Vecchiarelli explained that CSDA was seeking nominations for a seat
on their Board of Directors. The Board could choose to nominate one of
the Directors or the General Manager to serve in this capacity. Following
posting and distribution of the agenda, staff also received a request from
the Vista Irrigation District to adopt a resolution nominating Jo MacKenzie
for this seat. A copy of this request was provided to the Board at the
meeting. Mr. Vecchiarelli suggested that the Board consider making a
nomination after the District had completed participation in CSDA's District
of Distinction program. Following brief discussion, no Directors expressed
an interest in making a nomination at this time.
8.2. Training Opportunities for Board and Executive Staff
Mr. Vecchiarelli provided an overview of the training needed for the Board
and management staff in order for the District to apply for CSDA's District
of Distinction accreditation.
Director Melton made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to
commence initial training at the District of Distinction level for itself and for
management staff, with voluntary additional training in the future towards
further recognition, potentially including CSDA's Leadersip Academy and
Recognition in Special District Governance. Motion carried 5-0.
9.1. President's Report
9.2. Directors' Reports
MWD San Jacinto Tunnel Inspection Tour— March 15, 2012 (Melton)
Director Melton provided a report on his attendance of this tour.
WACO Municipal Bond & Debt Financing Workshop — March 21 , 2012
Director Hawkins provided a report on his attendance at this meeting.
9.3. General Manager's Report
9.4. General Counsel's Report
9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
No other tasks were assigned to staff at this time.
10.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee
Minutes of the meeting held March 14, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in
the agenda packet.
Next meeting is scheduled April 16, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
10.2. Finance-Accounting Committee
Next meeting is scheduled March 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
10.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee
Minutes of the meeting held March 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in
the agenda packet.
Minutes of the meeting held March 20, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided
at the next regular Board meeting.
Next meeting is scheduled April 10, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
10.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
Minutes of the meeting held March 12, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in
the agenda packet.
Director Collett requested staff to revise these minutes using the audio
recording provided by Mr. Schock and present them to the Board for
review at the next regular meeting.
Next meeting is scheduled April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
10.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee
Minutes of the meeting held March 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in
the agenda packet.
Minutes of the meeting held March 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided
at the next regular Board meeting.
Next meeting is scheduled April 2, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (This meeting was
subsequently rescheduled to April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.)
10.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee
Next meeting is scheduled March 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
10.7. Citizens Advisory Committee
Next meeting is scheduled March 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
11.1. YL City Council — March 20, 2012 (Melton)
Director Melton attended and commented on the contract for police
service which was discussed during the meeting.
11.2. MWDOC Board — March 21, 2012 (Melton/Staff)
Director Melton and reported that a new Board member had been
11.3. OCWD Board — March 21, 2012 (Kiley/Staff)
Director Kiley attended and commented on the availability of
replenishment water and below average rainfall which were discussed
during the meeting.
12.1. Meetings from March 23, 2012 — April 30, 2012
Mr. Vecchiarelli announced that the Board Workshop meeting originally
scheduled for Thursday, April 5, 2012 had been rescheduled to
Wednesday, April 11, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Director Collett announced that
he would not be able to attend the ISDOC meeting on March 29, 2012.
Director Kiley stated that he could attend in Director Collett's place if
needed. No other changes were made to the listed meetings.
13.1. MWDOC Elected Officials Forum — April 5, 2012
MWD Spring Green Expo — May 3, 2012
ACWA/JPIA Spring Conference - May 7-8, 2012
ACWA Spring Conference — May 8, 2012
OC Water Summit — May 18, 2012
Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to
authorize Director attendance at the above listed events. Motion carried
5-0. Director Melton was designated to attend the MWDOC Elected
Officials Forum as the District's official representative.
The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 6:11 p.m. All Directors were
present. Also present were Messrs. Vecchiarelli, Kidman, Beltrans, and Gagen,
and Mrs. Knight.
14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation
Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California
Government Code
Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No.
Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court —
Case No. 00125994)
Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD
(OC Superior Court — Case No. 00311353)
Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No.
Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case
No. 00320239)
Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD
(OC Superior Court - Case No. 00327152)
Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case
No. 00332968)
Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs.
YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00348304)
Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No.
Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs.
YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00425404)
Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the
State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court —
Case No. 00486884)
Messrs. Vecchiarelli, Kidman, Beltrans, and Gagen left the Closed Session following
discussion of this item.
14.2. Public Employee Performance Evaluation
Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code
Title: General Manager
The Board reconvened in Open Session at 6:50 p.m. President Hawkins announced
that no action was taken during either Closed Session that was required to be reported
under the Brown Act.
15.1. The meeting was adjourned at 6:51 p.m. The next regular meeting of the
Board of Directors will be held April 12, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli
Board Secretary
ITEM NO. 8.2
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held April 2, 2012
That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented.
Name: Description: Type:
040212 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 04/02/12 Minutes
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RC/RK 5-0
April 2, 2012
The April 2, 2012 Special Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of
Directors was called to order by President Hawkins at 1:01 p.m. The meeting
was held in the Board Room at the District's Administrative Building located at
1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870.
Director Hawkins led the pledge.
Phil Hawkins, President Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager
Gary T. Melton, Vice President Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary
Michael J. Beverage
Ric Collett
Robert R. Kiley
Art Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP
Andrew Gagen, Partner, Kidman Law LLP
The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 1:02 p.m. All Directors were
present. Also present were Mrs. Knight and Messrs. Kidman and Gagen.
5.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation
Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California
Government Code
Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No.
Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court —
Case No. 00125994)
Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD
(OC Superior Court — Case No. 00311353)
Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No.
Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case
No. 00320239)
Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD
(OC Superior Court - Case No. 00327152)
Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case
No. 00332968)
Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs.
YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00348304)
Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No.
Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs.
YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00425404)
Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the
State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court —
Case No. 00486884)
The Board reconvened in Open Session at 2:39 p.m. President Hawkins announced
that no action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under
the Brown Act.
6.1. On a motion by Director Kiley, seconded by Director Collett, and
unanimously approved by the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40
p.m. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held April
12, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.
Annie Alexander
Assistant Board Secretary
ITEM NO. 8.3
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes
Total Budget: N/A
To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $2,573,892.67
Funding Source: All Funds
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: N/A
Job No: N/A
Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance
Reviewed by Legal: N/A
Prepared By: Maria Trujillo, Accounting CEQA Compliance: N/A
Assistant I
Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers
Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it
when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby
submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval.
That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $2,573,892.67.
The wires and major item on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of $94,769.40 to ACWA-
HBA for April 2012 health premium; a wire of $935,052.26 to U S Bank for 2003 and 2008
Certificates of Participation April interest payment; a wire of $365,259.04 to MWDOC for February
water purchase; and, a check of $276,323.58 to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors for February Well 20
progress payment. The balance of $431 ,307.37 is routine invoices.
The Accounts Payable check register total is $2,102,711 .65; Payroll Nos. 6 and 7 totals are
$230,239.50 and $240,941 .52, respectively; and, the disbursements of this agenda report are
$2,573,892.67. A summary of the checks is attached.
The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly.
Name: Description: Type:
CkReg41212 BOD.pdf Check Register Backup Material
12-CS 412.doc Cap Sheet Backup Material
12 CC 412.xls Credit Card Summary Backup Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RC/RK 5-0
Yorba Linda Water District
Check Register
For Checks Dated: 3/23/2012 thru 4/12/2012
Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description
58872 04112/2012 ACWA/1PIA 41,286.00 PROPERTY INS 4/2012-2013
58873 04/12/2012 ACWA/JPIA 29,068.00 WORKER COMP PREM JAN-MAR 12
W32712 03/27/2012 ACWA-HBA 94,769.40 HEALTH PREMIUM APRIL
58759 04/12/2012 Aljon Graphics, Inc 616.48 YLWD ENVELOPE SUPPLY
58760 04/12/2012 Alternative Hose Inc. 290.76 FAIRMONT #1 HOSE ABBY
58761 04/12/2012 Anaheim Wheel & Tire 232.00 UNIT 174 MOUNT/BAL.TIRES
58762 04/12/2012 Anthem Blue Cross EAP 168.63 ANTHEM BC EAP APRIL
58763 04/12/2012 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 15,771 .79 WHS STOCK
58764 04112/2012 Aquatic Inspections, Inc. 2,970.00 RESERVOIR INSPECTIONS
58765 04/12/2012 Aramark 730.39 UNIFORM
58766 04/12/2012 Aspen Risk Management Group 6,195.00 SAFETY CONSULTANT
58767 04/12/2012 Associated Laboratories 4,346.70 LAB ANALYSES JANUARY
58771 0411212012 AT & T 45.15 CIRCUIT 33984101725899 MAR
58768 04/1212012 AT & T - Calnet2 3,060.88 COMMUNICATIONS
58770 04/12/2012 AT & T Mobility 155.93 I PHONE MARCH 2012
58769 04/12/2012 AT&T 52.29 LONG DISTANCE
58772 04/12/2012 Autoscribe Corporation 168.50 TRX/PYMT VISION GATEWY FEB
58773 04/12/2012 Ayala Engineering 9,200.00 SWR LINE REPAIR
58776 04/12/2012 B&B Electronics Mfg. Co. 828.57 HIGHLAND BSTR DEVICE SRVR
58774 04/12/2012 Bank Of America 3,355.31 YLWD VISA
58775 04/12/2012 Battery Systems Inc 85.29 UNIT 171 MAINT FREE BATTERY
58777 04/12/2012 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 COLONY ABATEMENT
58778 04112/2012 Brithinee Electric 4,995.91 SANTIAGO BSTR 3 RPR VSS MTR
58793 04112/2012 C. Wells Pipeline 385.81 CLA VAL DIAPHRAGM
58780 04/12/2012 Calif Water Environ Assn (CWEA) 132.00 CWEA DUES 2012 OSTIZ
58781 04112/2012 Calolympic Safety Co. 102.94 CALIBRATION TEST GAS
58782 04/12/2012 COW Government, Inc 2,598.20 CABLING
58783 04/12/2012 Chambers Group Inc. 579.25 HIDDEN HILLS FEBRUARY SVCS
58784 04/12/2012 Citizen's Business Bank 30,702.62 WELL 20 RETENTION FEB
58785 04/12/2012 City Of Anaheim 1,538.96 LAKEVIEW LID 201148 FEBRUARY
58786 04/12/2012 CIVILTEC Engineering, Inc 386.25 WELL 20 CONSULTING SVCS
58787 04/12/2012 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 990.00 LAB ANALYSES FEBRUARY
58788 04/12/2012 Coastal Ignition & Controls 3,442.06 LAKEVW ENG/CATALYST
58789 04/12/2012 Coastline Equipment 101.63 UNIT 139 FLASHERISWITCH
58790 04/12/2012 Cogsdale Services Corporation 31 ,525.00 HLDBK/ORIG SFTWR PURCH
58791 04/12/2012 CPL Systems Ltd. 200.00 PAGE R ENT SUPPORT
58792 04/12/2012 Culligan of Santa Ana 1 ,574.45 WTR SOFTENER SVC
58794 04/12/2012 Datalok Orange County 433.39 DATA STORAGE .
58795 04/12/2012 Dell Marketing L.P. 1 ,885.21 CMMS DELL LATITUDE E6420 ATG
58796 04/12/2012 Delta Wye Electric, Inc. 4,973.00 CTRL ROOM WIREWAY
58797 04/12/2012 Derek.Nguyen 2,442.50 EDUC W2012 PHD NGUYEN,D
58798 04/12/2012 E. H. Wachs Company 17,369.76 AUTO VALVE OPERATOR
58799 04/12/2012 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 1,946.99 437 2PC CVR,READG LID
58800 04/12/2012 Elite Equipment Inc 1,186.49 TRASH PUMP
58801 04/12/2012 Employee Relations, Inc. 49.55 PRE-EMP BKGRND
58804 04/12/2012 EyeMed 1,355.64 VISION APRIL 2012
58802 04/12/2012 Facility Solutions Group Inc 2,006.91 REPAIR POLE LIGHT FIXTURE
58803 04/12/2012 Federal Express 31.88 FEDEX CHARGES FEBRUARY
58805 04/12/2012 Firefold 71.19 NETWORK PATCH CABLE
58806 04/12/2012 Fleet Services, Inc 286.26 MISC VEHICLE PARTS
58807 04/12/2012 Flex Advantage 108.00 FLEX A/C PROCESSING MARCH
58808 04/12/2012 Fry's Electronics 568.71 BROTHER TONER
58809 04/12/2012 Fullerton Paint & Flooring 387.13 MARKING BLUE CAUTION
58811 04/12/2012 G.M. Sager Construction Co., Inc. 9,700.00 PAVING REPAIR
58810 04/12/2012 Gerardo Huizar, Jr. 70.00 CERT WTR DISTR GR D1 HUIZAR
58812 04/12/2012 Graybar Electric Co 8,242.57 XANTREX BATT CHARGER
58813 04/12/2012 Hacker Equipment Co. 1 ,113.43 UNIT 136 SCROLL SHAFT FOLLOWE
58814 04/12/2012 Hall & Foreman, Inc 18,528.96 PRS UPGRD CONSULTING FEB
58815 04/12/2012 Home Depot 553.67 SOD
58816 04/12/2012 Infosend Inc. 11,528.12 BILL MAILING
58817 04/12/2012 Inland Group 3,476.43 NEWSLETTER PRINT
58818 04/12/2012 Instrument & Valve Service Co 3,339.17 PRESSURE TRANSMITTER BASE
58819 04/12/2012 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 612.49 UNIT 97 ALTERNATOR
58820 04/12/2012 John Lent 105.00 CERT DISTRBTN V LENT
58821 04/12/2012 John R Brundahl III 90.00 CERT DISTR III BRUNDAHL
58822 04112/2012 Killingsworth Gear 7,117.71 WELL 7 GEARDRIVE INSPECTION
58823 04/12/2012 Konica Minolta Business 55724 COPY CHARGE C220
58824 04/12/2012 Leighton Consulting, Inc. 6,951.50 OHIO ST PIPL OCT-FEB SVCS
58825 04112/2012 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 270.00 GENERAL/HR ISSUES FEBRUARY
58826 04/12/2012 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 345.93 PURCH MARCH 2012
58827 04/12/2012 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. 116.43 HELICOIL KIT
58828 04/12/2012 MCR Technologies Inc. 456.92 PRS UPGRD SENSOR CABLE
58829 04/12/2012 Measurement Control Systems, Inc 107.76 GAUGE
58830 04/12/2012 Microcom Technologies Inc 1 ,159.23 ANALYZER,EXT ANTENNA
58831 04/12/2012 Minuteman Press 236.94 BOOK II EOP
58832 04/12/2012 Monte Haberman 300.00 MANHOLE HOOKS
W41212 04/12/2012 Municipal Water District 365,259.04 WATER PURCH FEBRUARY
58833 04/12/2012 Nextel Of California 1,693.84 NEXTEL FEBRUARY
58834 04/12/2012 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 13,354.93 FUEL MARCH
58835 04/12/2012 Ninyo & Moore 639.25 HIGHLAND BSTR CONSULT FEB
58836 04/12/2012 Nobel Systems 3,020.00 GIS CONVRSN/SWR FACILITIES
58837 04/12/2012 Office Solutions 1,005.47 COFFEEMAKER
58838 04/12/2012 One Source Distributors, LLC 316.64 NV MORNINGSTAR PIMS
58839 04/12/2012 Orange County - Tax Collector 87.50 ROW PERM/INSP LABOR
58840 04/12/2012 Orange County Water Assn.-Dues 50.00 OCWA DUES CORY
58845 04/12/2012 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1,539.66 ROAD MATERIAL
58562 03129/2012 Pacific Safety Council (1 ,398.00) VOID CHECK
58841 04/12/2012 Pacific Safety Council 255.00 MEMBERSHIP MAY 2012-MAR 2013
58842 04/12/2012 Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc 276,323.58 WELL 20 FROG PAY FEB
58843 04/12/2012 Praxair Distribution 697.85 OXYGEN,ACETYLENE
58480 03/29/2012 Professionals in Human Res Assn (125.00) VOID CHECK
58566 03/29/2012 Professionals in Human Res Assn (250.00) VOID CHECK
58844 04/12/2012 Prudential Group Insurance 2,992.82 L/r DISABILITY APRIL 2012
58846 04/12/2012 Quinn Power Systems Associates 4,210.45 MISC PARTS
58847 04/12/2012 RBF Consulting 3,049.00 2010 WfRLN CONSULT FEB
58848 04/12/2012 Sancon Engineering Inc. 15,600.00 SEWER LINING SVCS
58849 04/12/2012 Severn Trent Services 1,397.48 FLO SVC/RECTIFIER PROBLEM
58850 04/12/2012 Shred-It USA Inc 82.12 CONFIDENTIAL DOC SHRED
58852 04/12/2012 So California Door Masters 1,400.00 SO VEH EXIT/SAFETY LOOP REPAR
58851 04/12/2012 Southern Calif Edison Co. 38,248.59 ELECTRICAL CHGS MARCH
58853 - 04/12/2012 Southern Calif Gas Co. 8,732.97 ALL SITES MARCH SVCS
58859 04/12/2012 St.lude Hospital Yorba Linda 255.00 DOT EXAMS FEBRUARY
58854 04/12/2012 Staples Business Advantage 282.50 OFFICE SUPPLY
58779 04/12/2012 State of CA - Dept of Public Health 8,983.80 WTR SYS 3010037 JUL-DEC 2011
58855 04/12/2012 Stater Bros. Markets 41 .39 SAFETY ORIENTATION
58858 04/12/2012 Stephen Parker/ Petty Cash 391 .04 PETTY CASH/OFFICE
58856 04/12/2012 Steve Clayton 90.00 CERT TREATMENT III CLAYTON
58857 04/12/2012 Steven Engineering 1 ,659.50 PWR SUPPLY ETC
58860 04/12/2012 Sunrise Medical Group 95.00 HEPA B SHOT
58861 04/12/2012 Terminix Processing Center 185.00 PEST CONTROL
58862 04/12/2012 Tetra Tech, Inc. 2,416.00 OHIO ST PIPLN REEL FEB
58863 04/12/2012 Time Warner Cable 447.32 HIGH SPEED OIL
58866 04/12/2012 U S Bank 2,500.00 2008 COP ADMIN FEE
W32912 03/29/2012 USBank 935,052.26 2003,2008 COP INTEREST APRIL
58867 04/12/2012 U 5 Postmaster 40.00 PSTG DUE A/C
58864 04112/2012 United Industries 126.71 SIMPLE GREEN CLNR
58865 04/12/2012 USA Blue Book 1 ,788.62 D CHLOR TABLETS
58868 04/12/2012 Village Nurseries 202.73 SOD
58869 04/12/2012 Wells Supply Co 5,729.06 WHS STOCK
58871 04/12/2012 Westin Engineering, Inc. 1,150.00 CMMS FEBRUARY SVCS
58870 04/12/2012 Westside Building Material 208.27 WHEEL CUTOFF METAL
Total $2,1029711.65
April 12, 2012
Void Checks 58480, 58562, and
58566 $ (1,773.00)
Computer Checks 58759-58873 $ 709,403.95
$ 707,630.95
W-32712 ACWA-HBA $ 94,769.40
W-32912 U S Bank $ 935,052.26
W-41212 MWDOC $ 365,259.04
$ 1,395,080.70
Employee Checks/
Direct Deposits 5222 $ 145,181.73
Third Party Checks 5223-5233 $ 46,715.57
Payroll Taxes $ 38,342.20
Employee Checks/
Direct Deposits 5234-5236 $ 156,452.05
Third Party Checks 5237-5245 $ 43,150.03
Payroll Taxes $ 41,339.44
TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $ 471,181.02
DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 2,573,892.67
Cash Rewards Credit Card
Bank of America
Date Vendor Name Amount Description
19-Mar Mail Finance 313.30 Mail machine lease Feb-Apr
22-Mar Stefano's Goldn Baked Ham 197.01 Lunch/Safety Training
22-Mar Oakstone Wellness 486.11 Wellness posters
23-Mar Yorba Linda Golf Club 500.00 Deposit/Emp Recognition
24-Mar Northern Tool 238.88 Hand Truck/water deliveries
26-Mar Cal-OSHA Reporter 395.00 Cal-OSHA Reporter
2-Apr Answer One Comm 1,079.33 Answering Service
2-Apr Orange County Register 145.68 OC Register delivery 26 weeks
TOTAL 3,355.31
ITEM NO. 8.4
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes
Total Budget: $1 ,500,000
To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $1 ,134,109
Funding Source: Water Capital
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700
Job No: 200711
Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering
Reviewed by Legal: N/A
Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: Exempt
Subject: Progress Payment No. 5 for Well No. 20 Well Head Project
Work is proceeding on construction of the Well No. 20 Well Head Equipping Project. It includes
installation of a new well head, pump and electric motor, electrical controls and equipment, a
concrete well pad, various yard piping and new paving at the well site.
That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 5 in the net amount of $276,323.58 to
Pascal & Ludwig Constructors for construction of the Well No. 20 Well Head Equipping Project, Job
No. 200711 .
In accordance with the contract documents, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors submitted a request for
Progress Payment No. 5, in the amount of $307,026.20 for completed work through February 29,
2012. During this period, the contractor constructed and installed conduit for the light standard base
and also graded and compacted the site in preparation for paving. Work was completed on the well
pump and the overhead canopy for the control building. The status of the construction contract with
Pascal & Ludwig Constructors is as follows:
• The current contract is $1 ,134,109.00 and 194 calendar days starting September 29, 2011
(Includes Change Order No. 1 which added 74 calendar days).
• If approved, Progress Payment No. 5 is $307,026.20 (27.1% of the total contract amount),
less 10% retention of $30,702.62 for a net payment of $276,323.58.
• If approved, total payments to date including retention will be $788,042.70 (69.5% of the total
contract amount).
• As of February 29, 2012, 154 calendar days were used (79.4% of the contract time).
Staff reviewed the contractor's progress payment and recommend approval. A copy of Progress
Payment No. 5 is attached for your reference.
SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with
adopted amendments
The Board has approved four progress payments to date for this project, the last which was
approved March 22, 2012.
Name: Description: Type:
P L Well 20 Project Progress Pay Request 5.odf Well 20 Progress Pay No. 5 for Pascal&Ludwig Backup Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RC/RK 5-0
CONTRACTOR (Pascal & Ludwig Constructors IDATE 3927702
REVISED OON7RAC7 AIMCUN7: 1 ,134,109,00
PROGRESS FAY EST MATE FOR PER= February 1 , 2012 TO February 29, 2012
VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 481 ,016.50 $ 307,026.20 $ 7889042.70
TOTAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 4890016.50 $ 3070026.20 $ 788,042.70
LESS RETENTION 10% $ 432,994.85 $ 275,323.58 $ 709,238.43
NET EARNED TO DATE $ 709,238.43
M070CE 70 PROCEED sep2ambey 220 2 099
K iser, Proj n ger, PascaO 9 Ludwig
oe Polimino, Project Engineer, YLWD
eve Conklin, Engineering Manager, YLWD
ITEM NO. 8.5
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes
Total Budget: $237,000
To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $41 ,286
Funding Source: All Funds
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 1-7020-0690-00
Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human
Reviewed by Legal: N/A
Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Personnel
Subject: ACWA/JPIA Property Program Renewal Billing
The District has received the ACWA/JPIA Property Program Renewal Billing for the period 4/1/2012
to 4/1/2013.
That the Board of Directors approve payment to ACWA/JPIA for the Property Program Renewal for
the period 4/1/2012 to 4/1/2013 in the amount of $41 ,286.
The Personnel-Risk Management Committee was presented with the ACWA/JPIA Property
Program Renewal Invoice at its meeting held March 20, 2012.
The District pays its Property Program Renewal Billing annually to ACWA/JPIA. The total for the
period 4/1/2012 to 4/1/2013 is $41 ,286. The billing for the period 4/1/2011 to 4/1/2012 totalled
$34,258. Thus, there was an increase of $7,028 for this program renewal period over the last
program renewal period.
The increase occurred in the Licensed Vehicle category, Comprehensive and Collision. For this
billing period, the District added to the policy: 6 passenger vehicles, 30 light trucks, 1 SUV/Jeep, 1
Van and 6 All Other. Additionally, there were small increases in the premiums for Building Value
($358), Fixed Equipment Value ($442) and Personal Property Value ($130).
The District's JPIA Multiple Program Discount (5%) increased this billing period to $2173 from
$1803 for the previous billing period.
Name: Description: Type:
fu iitsufi60002201 20402161717.odf ACWA/JPIA Billings 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 Backup Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RC/RK 5-0
Property Program Renewal Billing for MemberXY002
4/1/2012 = 4!1/2013 Yorba Linda Water District
P.O. Box 309
Invoice Date: 311/2012 Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309
Basic Property Billable Total Rate Premium
A. Buildings Value $12,690,991 $12,690,991 0.00100 $12,691
B. Fixed Equipment Value $9,343,358 $9,343,358 0.00100 $99343
C. Personal Property Value $25100,012 $2,100,012 0.00100 $2,100
$24,134,362 X 0.00100 = $249134
Credit for $1 ,000 Deductible Amount - $0
Mobile Equipment
A. Mobile Equipment Value $83,200 X 0.00150 = $125
Credit for $1 ,000 Deductible Amount - $0
Licensed Vehicle
A. Comprehensive and Collision Count Value Rate Premium
1 . Passenger Car 6 X $107 = $642
2. Light Truck 32 X $125 = $4,000
3. SUV/Jeep 1 X $149 = $149
4. Van 1 X $123 = $123
5. All Other 21 $1 ,680,733 X 0.00850 = $14,286
Total Vehicle Premium = $19,200
Credit for $500 Deductible Amount - $0
B. Catastrophic Coverage Billable Total Rate Premium
1 . Basic $0 $100,000 X 0.00000 = $0
2. Extra $0 $0 X 0.00130 = $0
Credit for $1 ,000 Deductible Amount - $0
Sub Total $43,459
JPIA Multiple Program Discount (5%) - ($2,173)
Deposit Premium = $41 ,286
Premium Adjustment + $0
Total Amount Due = $41 ,286
Payment due within 30 Days
P.O. Box 619082 , Roseville, CA 95661 -9082- (800) 231 -5742 - www.acwajpia.com
Property Program Renewal Billing for 1kember #Y002
4/1 /2011 - 4/1 /2012
Yorba Linda Water District
Invoice Date: 3/8/2011 P. O. Box 309
Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309
Basic Property
A Buildings Value Billable — — — — — — -- --
Total Rate Premium
. 325 333.
512.333.325 $12,
B. Fixed Equipment Value 0.00100 $ 12.333
$8.901 , 136 $8,901 , 136 0.00100 $8,901
C. Personal Property Value $1 .969.522 $1 .969.522
_ _-- — 0.00100 51 ,970
$23.203,983 X 0.00100 = $23,204
Mobile Equipment Credit for $1 .000 Deductible Amount - $0
A. Mobile Equipment Value 596.200
X 0.00150 = 5144
Licensed Vehicle Credit for $1 .000 Deductible Amount - s0
A. Comprehensive and Collision Count
Value Rate Premium
1 . Passenger Car 0
2. Light Truck X $107 = s0
3. SUV/Jeep 2 0 X $125 = $250
4. Van X $ 149 = $0
5 0 X $123 = s0
. All Other 15 $ 1 .466. 169
X 0.00850 = 512.462
Total Vehicle Premium = $12.712
Credit for $500 Deductible Amount - s0
B. Catastrophic Coverage Billable
1 . Basic Total Rate Premium
2. Extra $100,000 X 0.00000 = $0
$0 s0 X 0.00130 $0
Credit for $1 .000 Deductible Amount - $0
Sub Total $36,061
JPIA Multiple Program Discount (5%) - ($1 ,803)
Deposit Premium = $34,258
Premium Adjustment + s0
Total Amount Due = $34.258
Payment due within 30 Days
vl , WWW.aCWd/pid.com
ITEM NO. 9.1
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
To: Board of Directors
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Dept: Finance
Reviewed by Legal: No
Prepared By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager
Subject: Opportunity to Advance Refund the 2003 Certificates of Participation
That the Board of Directors approve moving forward with advance refunding of the 2003 Certificates of
The Finance-Accounting Committee discussed this item at its meeting held March 26 and supports staff's
Joshua Lentz from Fieldman Rolapp & Associates will present the Board with the attached PowerPoint
presentation about the advance refunding opportunity.
A brief summary of the presentation:
Due to current municipal bond market conditions, there is an opportunity for the District to advance refund
the 2003 Certificates of Participation (GOP's). The amount of savings depends on the interest rates in effect
at the time of refunding, but with current rates the net present savings is approximately $500,000, with an
average annual savings of $31,000.
The average annual savings identified is inclusive of all fees related to the refunding. The majority of the
fees associated with the advance refunding would be contingent on the District completing the refunding.
The next step would be to engage bond counsel and mobilize the finance team. The entire timeline for the
process would be between 90 and 120 days.
Nam( Description: Type:
FRA132802 v1 O.Ddf Opportunity to Refund 2003 COP Backup Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba
Linda Water District
MB/RK 5-0
Yorba Linda Water District
YoTba Linda
Water District
The Municipal Market & Opportunity to Refund
2003 Certificates of Participation
April 12, 2012
Overview of Existing certificates of Participation
Yorba Linda
Water District
2003 Certificates of Participation
• District sold in September, 2003 $ 10.645 million of Certificates of Participation
("2003 Certificates")
• Proceeds from the 2003 Certificates were used:
- Finance the following 2003 Projects:
Richfield Plant - Phase 3
Highland Reservoir Renovation
Purchase a surety bond from FGIC to funded the reserve requirement
Purchase a bond insurance policy from FGIC
- Pay delivery costs
• 2003 Certificates have maturities from October 1, 2004 through October 1,
• 2003 Certificates are reinsured by National Public Finance Guarantee
Corporation (formerly MBIA)
• 2003 Certificates are currently rated:
- Standard & Poor's : AA+ (Underlying Rating)
- Fitch: AA (Underlying Rating
Overview of Existing certificates of Participation
Yorba Linda
Water District
2008 Certificates of Participation
District sold in February, 2008 $34.995 million of Certificates of
Participation ("2008 Certificates")
� Proceeds from the 2008 Certificates were used:
• Some of the various 2008 Projects (as identified on the page)
• Cash fund a reserve fund for the 2008 Certificates
• Pay delivery costs
* 2008 Certificates have maturities from October 1, 2008 through
October 1, 2038
• 2008 Certificates are currently rated:
• Standard & Poor's : AA + (Underlying Rating)
• Fitch: AA (Underlying Rating)
Overview of Existing Certificates of Participation
2008 Projects Water Linda
A Hidden Hills Reservoir and Santiago Booster Anaheim Intertie Connection Improvements
Completion of the Lakeview Reservoir
A Elk Mountain Reservoir Improvements
A Lakeview Booster Pump Station
(4) Palm Avenue Booster Pump Station and Yorba
Linda Boulevard Pipeline
(4) Zone 1000 Booster Pump Station
Fairmont Booster Pump Station
Well No. 19 Long Term Storage Program
* Well No. 20
* Groundwater Capacity Restoration
* OC-51 Upgrade; (Xii) 2005 C.I. Replacements
(Ohio Street, Buena Vista and Grandview
* Zone 3 Transmission Pipeline, S&S Reach 5
6 Zone 4 Transmission Pipeline, S&S Reach 5
Fire Flow Improvement (Via Sereno and Ohio)
Zone 4C Reconfiguration
Foxtail Drive Pipeline
Meter Replacement Program, Phase I
8 Meter Replacement Program, Phase II
,A) Radio Read Water Meter Conversion Project,
Phase I
Fairmont Booster Pump Station Site Improvements
Edison Power Pole Relocations
Richfield Road Widening
Mira Loma Through Street Improvements
Mira Loma Storm Drain Project
District Geographical Information System Project
Extension of Pressure Zone 4C Reconfiguration
i" Completion of the Highland Reservoir
Municipal Market Update
Yorba Linda
Water District
Municipal Market has rallied since Thanksgiving 2011
• Municipal new issuance supply was down by 41. 1% in 2011 compared to 2010
• Active secondary market for municipal bonds
• Municipal market outperforming US Treasuries
Lack of new issuances and investors demand for municipal paper
equates to low interest rate environment
Institutional investors - buying maturities go out 10 years and after
• Retail investors - buying maturities within first 10 years
Municipal Mutual funds in flows moving in right direction
• Fund flows positive since August 31
• Funds experience record cash outflows from November 2010 through
May 2011
Municipal Market Update — Continued
(A� "Municipal bonds have
where no municipal
have gone before"
• Tax-Exempt yields have hit all-time
new lows in February
• Credit spreads have improved
among all credit types
• Significant gap between short-term
rates and long-term rates
• Strong demand for essential service
credits such as Yorba Linda Water
08/01/08 02/01/09 08/01/09 02/01/10 08/01 110 02/01/11 08/01/11 02101112
Yorba Linda
Water District
Historical Change in'AAA'MMD Vielcis
-AAA'MbID 5U Year Yields -'AAA'hUvID 14 Year Yields
Jan-08 M2y-08 Oa-08 Mac-09 Aug-09 Dee-09 Mag-10 Oct-10 Mar-11 At-11 De 11
30-Year MMD Credit Spreads
janumy 1,2008 through April 2,2012
—'BAA'MNID Sp..ads to'AAA' —'A'h1Vi ID Spreads to'AAA' —'AA'I WD Spreads t0'AAA'
Refunding of ?003 Certificates
Yorba Linda
Water District
v 2003 Certificates are eligible for refunding in advanced of the
October 1, 2013 prepayment date based on the current low
interest rate environment
Current savings:
$685,000 Gross Savings
• $500,000 Net Present Savings
• = 5.61% Refunding Savings
• = $31,000 Average Annual Savings
1. Yorba Linda Water District AA+/AA category credit rating
2. No funding of debt service reserve fund
3. Based on market conditions and are subject to change
Next Steps
Yorba Linda
Water District
(k Board approves moving forward with refunding of
2003 Certificates
6 Engage Bond Counsel
A) Mobilize the Financing Team
4 Issue Revenue Refunding Bonds - Government Code
Section 53570-53572
Implement similar legal structure used on prior
Procure ratings from Standard & Poor's & Fitch Ratings
Questions and Discussion
Yorba Linda
Water District
ITEM NO. 9.2
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes
Total Budget: $450,000
To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $210,000
Funding Source: Water Capital
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 101-2700
Job No: 201011
Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering
Reviewed by Legal: N/A
Prepared By: Derek Nguyen, Water Quality CEQA Compliance: Exempt
Subject: Change Order No. 3 for Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project
Work is nearing completion for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project. The newly
installed butterfly valves have shorter operator units and as a result, the existing valve key
extensions must be lengthened to accommodate the new valves. Pascal & Ludwig (P&L)
Constructors, Inc. is requesting Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $1 ,024 to weld and extend the
valve keys. Also, as previously approved by the General Manager, P&L will install 24" flex couplings
to replace the original non standard victaulic couplings; however, additional time is required to
manufacture and ship the couplings. P&L is requesting an 11 calendar-day time extension to allow
time for delivery and installation.
That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $1 ,024 and an 11-
calendar day time extension to Pascal & Lugwig Constructors, Inc. for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve
Replacement Project, Job No. 201011 .
The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will consider this item at its April 9, 2012 meeting.
This item is proposed for consideration for the April 12, 2012 Board meeting due to time constraints
in order to return Fairmont Reservoir to service as soon as possible.
The newly installed butterfly valves have shorter operator units than those replaced. As a result, the
existing valve key extensions have to be lengthened to accommodate the new valves. The cost for
the valve key extension is $1 ,024 as detailed in the attached cost proposal.
Under Change Order No. 2, the General Manager approved new sleeve couplings to replace the
old, corroded victaulic couplings as requested by District staff. Additional time is required for the
manufacturing, shipping and installation of the 24" flex couplings. As a result, the original project
completion date of March 30, 2012 could not be accomplished. Accordingly, P&L is requesting an
11 calendar-day time extension for material delivery and installation. The new proposed project
completion date is April 10, 2012.
District staff has reviewed the attached time extension request and change order request for the
valve key extension and determined that they are necessary and appropriate.
In order to restore the reservoir back to full service as soon as possible, staff is submitting the
agenda report to the Board of Directors for consideration on April 12 instead of the following
meeting on April 26, 2012.
SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with
adopted amendments
On October 13, 2011 , the Board of Directors awarded construction of the Fairmont Reservoir Valve
Replacement Project for $203,800 to Pascal & Lugwig Constructors, Inc.
On March 22, 2012, the Board of Directors approved Change Order No. 1 for a 37-calendar day
time extension to accommodate the longer lead time for the butterfly valves than previously
On March 20, 2012, the General Manager approved Changed Order No. 2, in the amount of $5,466
which is 2.7% of the total project cost of $203,800 for the substitution of the new 24" flex couplings
in lieu of the original non standard victaulic couplings.
Name: Description: Type:
CO3 Valve Key Extension 11
Change Order No.3 Request Backup Material
day extension 04022012.pdf
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RC/GM 5-0
DATE March 20, 2012
CONTRACT NAME: Fairmont Reservoir Valve Raplacefront CONTRACT AMT.: $203,800.00 GAYS: 157
CONTRACTOR: Pascal & Ludwig ConsWCtols, Inc._ THIS CHANGE: 81,024 DAYS: 0
OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: 8210,200.00 DAYS: 188
This Change Older covers Changes M Me WAOU .0a as desdMed herein. The Contractor shad Construe, Tarnish amipmehe and maarul
and mdprm ae work as necessary W required a complete are Change Older Items for a lump sum price agreed upon between Me Contractor
Mid YoNa Lida Walter District Otherwise relerred W as Denver.
Valve key exlensions $1.024 I 0
11-tlay Ome extenaon to install 23' Oex c0up$rhgs $0
NET CHANGE 81,024 l 11
fhe amount of tom contract we be increased by the sum of $1,024 and me contract time shall W kcrear a by 11 Calendar days. The
undersigned Coovador approves me Wegeing Change Older as w me chariaps. d any, in Me Contract prim spedged for ead+ ilem irMwap
anyand lag of the enton case and Omer mismlaneohrs Costs relating to the Change in work, and as to Me exlensfon d INIe slowed. R arty, for
ComGktion of the entire work on account Of said Change Order. The Cantradcr agrees id Nresn all oabor and martinets and perform a4 other
necessary work, indmive Of that directly on indirectly reaped in m9 approved time expansion, mwitm to complete me Change Order hams.
This document WN become a supplement of Me contract and all provisions Vin apply hereto. It is understood Iran the Charge Order shall be
attack" when approved by Iho Owner. This Change Order Cu ulates fua. tiire), and complels cempensalion b the Contractor air se man.
expenses. ovemsed. prod, and any damages of every kind that Me Corwadar may inmr in Connection with Ab above referenced Carley in
Me work. hndudirg airy impact an the referenced work of any Other work under the contrecl. any dhasaes in Me sequences of any work, any
delay a any work, any disruption of any wW; any rescheduling of any work, and any olherefocl m any d me wcrk under Ws mntrad. By
me eleWlNn of are Goatee Wrier. the Con '
accepts me Cmlreat ponce chance and the contract Completion data change, if arty, and
expressly waives are came for any additional conpensaAOn. damages or note edernsxhns. in mnnemon war Me abeva-referenced
-- - -'� OWNER DATE:
-Shiva Conklin, Engineering Manager -
Alan Lu ig, Presitl —
Pascal a Ludwig Construchl, Inc.
Kan Veechlarelll, Genml Manager —' - - -
2049 ONTARIO. IFOR a 91761 FAX (9N9) 9414]22
March 29, 2012
Yorba Linda Water District
1717 E. Miraloma Ave.
Placentia, CA 92870
G Attention: Derek Nguyen
I Reference: Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project
N Subject: Time Extension Request — Flex Coupling Change Order
E Dear Derek,
R The 24" flex couplings are scheduled to ship from the manufacturers facility in Texas on
S Friday (30MAR12). There is an approximate 7 day lead time for the shipping process from
Texas to California. The tentative delivery date for the Rex couplings is Friday (6APR12).
& Pascal & Ludwig's crew will be available Monday (9APR12) to install the couplings. On
C Tuesday (10APR12), the balance of cleanup and disinfection will be completed.
O Pascal & Ludwig respectfully requests 11 day time extension to complete the additional
S work to provide and install the 24" flex couplings.
R Please find attached the necessary backup material for your review. If you have any
U questions, please give me a call at (909)706-7665.
0 Respectfully,
;Bryan Kaiser
Pascal & Ludwig Constructors
2049 EAST FRANCIS STREET ® (909) 9)9474
FAX: (909) 722
April 2, 2012
Yorba Linda water District
1717 E. Miraloma Ave.
Placentia, CA 9287D
G Attention: Derek Nguyen
I Reference: Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Project
N Subject: Change Order - valve Key Extensions
E Dear Derek,
R As determined in the field, the existing 30" butterfly valve key extensions had to be
S lengthened to accommodate the new 30"butterfly valves. Find below a cost breakdown
for this additional work.
Field Welder $ 580.00
O 3" SS Pipe Material S 302.00
O Subtotal $ 882.00
N OH/Markup $ 132.00
S Bond
T 10.00
R Total $1,024.00
C If you have any y questions, please give me a call at (909)706-7665.
R Respectfully,
Cyan Kiser
Pascal &•L wig Constructors
ITEM NO. 9.3
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
To: Board of Directors
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General
Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human
Reviewed by Legal: Yes
Prepared By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager
Subject: Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Management Employees for
Fiscal Years 2012-2015
The District's Management Employees are unrepresented and do not bargain with the District over
compensation and benefits. In the past, this group has followed suit with any provisions the District
bargained and agreed upon with the District's represented employees group.
That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-07, the Employee Compensation and Terms of
Employment for Management Employees.
The Personnel-Risk Management Committee discussed this item at their March 20, 2012 meeting
and supported the item for presentation to the Board of Directors for their consideration.
In the past, the District's Management Employees followed suit with the provisions that were
negotiated between the District and the District's represented employees. At the request of the
Board of Directors, staff was instructed to prepare and present a compensation letter for the
Management Employee Group for consideration of the Board of Directors during the Budget
On March 6, 2012, staff presented a draft Management Employee Compensation Letter to the
Personnel-Risk Management Committee for review and discussion. The Committee recommended
revisions to the documents to reflect a three-year proposal versus the one-year proposal originally
presented to the Committee.
Staff presented the revised documents to the Personnel Committee on March 20, 2012. The revised
documents reflect a three-year term for the Management Employee Group for Fiscal Years 2012-
2015. The highlights of the 2012-2015 Management Employee Compensation Letter include:
1 . Three-year agreement;
2. Continuation of a 4/10 work schedule,
3. Merit Increases based on job performance,
4. Requiring all Management Employees to pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS employee
contribution rate to CalPERS by the end of the three year term;
5. Auto allowance increase of $50/month;
6. Vacation accrual increases for 10 to 15 years of service and 20+ years of service at the rate
of .769 hours per pay period (additional 20 hours or one half week per year);
7. Deferred Compensation with matching deposited funds not to exceed 2% of employee's
8. Sick Leave cash outs for employees who are laid off from District employment after being
employed by the District for five or more complete years of continuous employment;
9. Attached salary schedules for Fiscal Years 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
Resolution No. 12-07 is attached to this report for the Board of Director's consideration.
Name: Description: Type:
Resolution 12-07-Final-4-12-2012.doc Resolution 12-07 Backup Material
Management Compensation Letter - Exhibit A- Management Compensation Letter-Exhibit A- Final
Backup Material
Final FYs 2012-2015-4-12-2012.doc FYs 2012-2015
Backup Material
Exhibit B- FYs 2012-2015 - Final-4-12-2012.doc Classifications for FYs 2012-2015
ME 9step- 2012-2013 ME 3%.pdf ME Salary Matrix FY 2012-2013 Backup Material
ME 9step- 2013-2014 ME 3%.pdf ME Salary Matrix FY 2013-2014 Backup Material
ME 9step- 2014-2015 ME 3%.pdf ME Salary Matrix FY 2014-2015 Backup Material
DOCSLA-#35031 0-v1-Exhibit F Holiday Schedule FYs 2012
FYs 2012-2015 Holiday Schedule Backup Material
2015 - Final-4-12-2012.doc
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
MB/RC 5-0 Roll Call
WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District's Management Employees exist as a group
separate from the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association; and
WHEREAS, the last Management Employees compensation letter was adopted on
December 8, 2011; and
WHEREAS, the Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan with the Management
Employees for fiscal year 2011-2012 shall expire on June 30, 2012.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District as follows:
Section 1. The General Manager is authorized to execute the Management
Employee Compensation Letter for fiscal years 2012-2015 as attached
hereto and by this reference incorporated as Exhibit "A".
Section 2. The Pay Plan, Salary Ranges and Authorized Classifications and Holiday
Schedule for Management Employees are approved and adopted as
attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as Exhibits "B"
through "F".
Section 3. That Resolution 11-22 is hereby rescinded effective June 30, 2012.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April 2012, by the following called vote:
Phil Hawkins, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Resolution No. 12-07 Adopting Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Management Employees for FYs 2012-2015 1
Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by General Counsel:
Arthur G. Kidman, Esq.
Kidman Law, LLP
Resolution No. 12-07 Adopting Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Management Employees for FYs 2012-2015 2
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 12-07
Employee Compensation Letter
And Pay Plan for Management Employees
Fiscal years: 2012-2015
I. The General Manager shall prepare an Employee Compensation Letter for
consideration by the Board of Directors. The Employee Compensation
Letter shall describe the salaries, benefits and special conditions offered by
the District to its Management Employee Group (Exhibit B).
I I. Effective July 1, 2012, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit C
shall be in effect for fiscal year 2012-2013.
111. Effective July 1, 2013, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit D
shall be in effect for fiscal year 2013-2014.
IV. Effective July 1, 2014, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit E
shall be in effect for fiscal year 2014-2015.
V. The District's current contract with CalPERS is for a retirement benefit
based on the single highest year with a Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor
Benefit Program.
VI. Effective July 1, 2012, all Management Employees shall pay 43% of the
7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution rate to CalPERS (equivalent
to 3% of compensation).
VII. Effective July 1, 2013, all Management Employees shall pay 71% of the
7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution rate to CalPERS (equivalent
to 5% of compensation).
VIII. Effective July 1, 2014, all Management Employees shall pay 100% of the
statutory CalPERS employee contribution rate to CalPERS.
Individuals hired by the District on or after January 26, 2012, the date
Resolution No. 12-01 was adopted, shall be enrolled in the 2% @ 60
retirement formula and shall pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS employee
contribution rate to CalPERS.
All payments will be credited to the employee's individual account with
IX. The District shall continue to maintain a "414(h)(2)" plan under the Internal
Revenue Code for the purpose of treating contributions to PERS as
deferred income for tax purposes to the extent permitted by law.
Contributions will continue to be deducted from the employee's actual
Management Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
gross salary as reflected on the employee's pay stub. Employees shall
otherwise be responsible for all taxes related to fringe and reimbursement
benefits and the District shall make deductions in accordance with the law.
X. Each employee will be annually reviewed on a one-year interval following
completion of their probationary period. An employee who receives a
meets job expectations evaluation will be entitled to move one (1) step and
an employee who receives an exceeds job expectations evaluation, shall
be allowed to move up to two (2) steps. Movement shall take place until
an employee has reached Step 9. The District shall endeavor to have
performance reviews completed within two (2) weeks after the employee's
anniversary date with the effective date of any merit salary increase being
on the anniversary date. If the evaluation is delayed, any subsequent
salary increase to which the employee could otherwise be entitled shall be
retroactive to the anniversary date.
XI. All new hires shall be subject to a twelve (12) month probationary period.
Such new hires shall accrue vacation commencing with the start of
employment but shall be ineligible to use accrued vacation time prior to
successful completion of six (6) months of service. An existing employee
who has been promoted to a new position will be required to serve a six (6)
month promotional probationary period in the new position.
XII. Management Employees shall accrue vacation leave time with pay as
Duration of Continuous Hours Accrued per Pay Period
Regular Employment
During 1 st through 60th month 3.077 hrs = 2.0 weeks/yr
During 61 st through 120th month 4.615 hrs = 3.0 weeks/yr
During 121St through 180th month 5.384 hrs = 3.5 weeks/yr
During 181St through 240th month 6.153 hrs = 4.0 weeks/yr
During 241St month and thereafter 6.922 hrs = 4.5 weeks/yr
XIII. The District shall continue to provide group life insurance in the amount of
one times basic annual salary rounded to the next higher multiple of
$1,000, for each full-time regular Management Employee under age 70, on
the first day of the month following their date of hire, in accordance with the
provisions of the contract between the District and any company of the
District's choosing providing such coverage. Management Employees may
increase the coverage up to five time's annual salary not to exceed
$300,000 by authorizing the additional premium to be deducted from
his/her salary.
XIV. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for hospital and medical
insurance for all Management Employees who work in excess of 30 hours
Management Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
per week, after they have worked for two calendar months, and up to 2/3 of
the additional premium toward Management Employee dependent
coverage for covered employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the
additional premium toward Management Employee dependent coverage
for covered Management Employees with more than one dependent in
accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and
any company or companies of the District's choosing. The Management
employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted
from his/her salary to cover the employee's share of the dependent
coverage. The Management Employees shall have the option of selecting
a District-designated Health Maintenance Organization ("HMO"). The
District contribution for HMO coverage will be in accordance with this
XV. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for dental insurance for all
Management Employees who work 30 hours or more per week, after they
have worked for two calendar months and up to 2/3 of the additional
premium toward Management Employee dependent coverage for covered
Management Employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional
premium toward Management Employee dependent coverage for covered
Management Employees with more than one dependent in accordance
with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company
or companies of the District's choosing. The individual Management
Employees shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted
from his/her salary. The Management Employees shall have the option of
selecting "Delta Care" with the contribution for "Delta Care" to be in
accordance with this paragraph.
XVI. District shall pay 100% of the premium for vision insurance for
Management Employees who work more than 30 hours per week, on the
first day of the month following their date of hire and up to 2/3 of the
additional premium toward dependent coverage for covered Management
Employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional premium
toward dependent coverage for covered Management Employees with
more than one dependent, in accordance with the provisions of any
contract between the District and any company or companies of the
District's choosing. The individual Management Employee shall pay the
cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary.
XVII. For a period of time which is equivalent to one (1) year or pro-ration thereof
on a monthly basis for each three (3) years of service to the District or pro-
ration thereof on a quarterly basis, and subject to carrier approval, the
District shall pay the amounts provided in the paragraphs XIV, XV and XVI
of this agreement for any Management Employee who was employed by
the District on or before December 8, 2011, the date Resolution No. 11-22
was adopted and who retires from the District.
Management Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
To be eligible for this benefit, the employee must be at least 50 years of
age, must have five (5) complete years of service with the District, must
provide ninety (90) days notice of intent to retire must remain in a retired
status and must retire from the District in good standing.
When the Management retiree or his/her spouse reaches ages 65, and is
eligible for Medicare, the coverage will convert to Medicare Supplement for
the remainder of the benefit period.
For purposes of this Agreement, retired status means that the
Management Employee shall not work for compensation for more than
nine hundred sixty (960) hours in any fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).
The District shall require a Management Employee to certify under penalty
of perjury that the Management Employee has remained on retired status
and/or to submit to such additional verification, as the District deems
necessary to demonstrate retired status.
The retired Management Employee must make any contribution required of
a regular Management Employee pursuant to paragraph XIV, XV and XVI
prior to the first day of the month in which coverage is to be extended.
Failure of a Management Employee to make such payment shall result in
termination of coverage and termination of any right to any benefit
pursuant to this section.
Management Employees hired after the adoption of Resolution 11-22 (12-
8-2011) shall be ineligible to receive this benefit.
A Management Employee who retires (in accordance with the Public
Employees' Retirement System qualifications) shall be paid at the rate of
his final salary for 3/8 of his/her accumulated days of sick leave, if any, at
the time of separation from active employment. The remaining 5/8 of
his/her accumulated days of sick leave will be converted into CalPERS
service credit. If the Management Employee should die, his/her estate
shall be entitled to such payment.
XVIII. Management Employees who are laid off from District employment after
being employed by the District for five (5) or more complete years of
continuous regular employment, shall be compensated for accumulated,
unused sick leave above 400 hours as follows:
5 through 9 20%
10 through 15 25%
Management Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
16 through 20 and above 30%
Employees who are terminated from the District for cause, or who resign in
lieu of termination, shall not be eligible for this benefit.
XIX. To the extent possible, the District shall extend its current plan under
Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code to cover Management
XX. The District shall provide a long-term disability plan for Management
Employees which has a 90-day elimination period and provides at least
sixty percent (60%) of salary for a designated period of time in accordance
with coverage procured by the District from a carrier to be determined at
the District's sole discretion.
XXI. Effective July 1, 2012, the District will match dollar for dollar not to exceed
2% of a Management Employee's salary per year of his/her deposits in a
Deferred Compensation Plan.
XXII. Management Employees shall continue to be assigned to a four (4) day
workweek, consisting of ten (10) scheduled hours of work each day (a 4/10
schedule Monday through Thursday). The Board of Directors clearly and
unequivocally has the right to terminate the 4/10 schedule at any time
during the term of this employee compensation letter. In such case, the
schedule shall revert to the 9/80 schedule as existed immediately prior to
implementation of the 4/10 schedule.
XXIII. In situations where a Management Employee has been injured in a non-
duty accident and his/her disability leave exceeds one calendar month or
the total of his/her accumulated leaves, including sick leave, paid time off
and vacation, that portion of the leave exceeding 30 days or the total of
accumulated leaves, whichever is more, shall constitute a break in service
and his/her merit review dates and anniversary date will be adjusted
XXIV. The District will pay up to a total of $2,000 annually to establish and
administer a tax-advantaged flexible benefit plan, and a total of $5,000
annually to establish a tax advantaged dependent care plan. Plans will
conform to the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code,
and permits Management Employees to convert their share of insurance
premiums, un-reimbursed medical expenses, child care and other
qualifying expenditures to pretax dollars. Savings to the District through
reductions to the payroll and worker's compensation tax base will accrue to
the District and offset the costs of establishing and administering this
Management Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
XXV. The District shall reimburse Management Employees for sums paid to the
appropriate agencies for obtaining, or renewing treatment and/or
distribution certificates, and other professional certifications, registrations
and job related training.
XXVI. Management Employees who are required to wear safety boots in the
performance of their job, as determined by the General Manager, shall be
eligible for District-purchased boots in an amount not to exceed $200.00,
provided that the boots are from a list pre-approved by the General
Manager or his/her designee. The difference between $200.00 and the
amount actually used may be carried over for one year and combined with
a subsequent allocation for boot reimbursement.
XXVI I.The District shall provide educational reimbursement to Management
Employees for costs of tuition, fees, books and parking relating to
educational courses taken and completed at accredited institutions at a
rate not to exceed standard resident fees as charged by the California
State University. Course work must be job related as determined and
approved in advance by the General Manager. Proof of payment and
successful completion of the course must accompany the reimbursement
request on a form provided by the District. Management Employee shall
be responsible for any tax consequences as a result of education
reimbursement. If for any reason, the employee separates from District
employment prior to completion of one (1) calendar year from the date of
distribution by the District of funds provided for herein, all such amounts
distributed during that one (1) calendar year period shall be considered a
judgment due and owing to the District. The judgment amount shall be
deducted from the employee's closing check. Any remaining non-
reimbursed amount shall be paid to the District within ninety (90) calendar
days of separation from District employment. Each employee receiving
funds pursuant to this section shall sign a written agreement to comply with
the terms of this section as a condition precedent to receipt of any such
XXVIII. Management Employees who have been employed by the District for
more than one year may sell to the District up to forty (40) hours of accrued
unused vacation time upon thirty (30) days prior notice, provided that the
Management Employee takes a minimum of one-half the vacation time to
which he/she is entitled within the same annual period of the sold vacation
time. A member who has been employed by the District for more than one
year may also buy from the District up to an additional forty (40) hours of
vacation time within any calendar year for use during the same calendar
year, provided that full and complete payment has been made for the
purchased vacation time by salary modification prior to use of the vacation
time. It is expressly understood that this benefit is provided at the sole
discretion of the District and shall automatically terminate upon the
Management Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
expiration of this Management letter unless an extension is expressly
agreed to by the District.
XXIX. Management Employees will be entitled to either a District provided vehicle
or a car allowance of $400.00/month as determined by the General
Manager. The Engineering Manager, Finance Manager, IT Manager and
Human Resources Manager positions shall receive a car allowance of
$400.00 per month.
XXX. Management Employees shall receive a maximum of forty (40) hours of
administrative leave with pay each fiscal year. Unused administrative
leave time at the end of each fiscal year, June 30, will be paid during the
following month of July with said time being calculated at the employee's
then straight time hourly rate. There will be no carry-over of administrative
leave time to the next fiscal year.
XXXI. The Holiday schedule attached hereto as Exhibit F shall be in effect for full-
time Management Employees covered by this Management letter. For
purposes of holiday compensation, compensation shall be equal to the
number of hours that the Management Employee normally would have
worked other than for the holiday.
For those Management Employees whose scheduled work week is
Monday through Thursday, a holiday falling on a Friday or Saturday shall
not result in Thursday being a holiday and a holiday falling on a Sunday,
shall not result in Monday being a holiday. Instead observed holidays that
fall on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday shall be recognized as floating
holidays earned. The floating holidays earned as a result of the above
situation shall be used within 12 months following the accrual of each
floating holiday.
In order to be eligible for holiday pay, a Management Employee must be
either at work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly scheduled
workday immediately preceding the day observed as the holiday and the
regularly scheduled workday immediately following the day observed as the
The term of this Compensation Letter for Management Employees is for
the period of July 1 , 2012 to June 30, 2015.
Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Date
General Manager
Management Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
7-1-2012 through 6-30-2015
Engineering Manager ME37 EXEMPT
Finance Manager ME37 EXEMPT
Human Resources and Risk Manager ME37 EXEMPT
Information Technology Manager ME37 EXEMPT
Operations Manager ME37 EXEMPT
Exhibit "C"
Pay Plan Management Employees
Effective July 1st, 2012 thru June 30, 2013
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 30 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022
Monthly $6,595.9758 $6,760.8752 $6,929.8971 $7,103.1445 $7,280.7231 $7,462.7412 $7,649.3097 $7,840.5424 $8,036.5560
Hourly $38.0537 $39.0050 $39.9802 $40.9797 $42.0042 $43.0543 $44.1306 $45.2339 $46.3647
ME 31 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374
Monthly $6,925.7746 $7,098.9189 $7,276.3919 $7,458.3017 $7,644.7592 $7,835.8782 $8,031.7752 $8,232.5696 $8,438.3838
Hourly $39.9564 $40.9553 $41.9792 $43.0287 $44.1044 $45.2070 $46.3372 $47.4956 $48.6830
ME 32 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742
Monthly $7,272.0633 $7,453.8649 $7,640.2115 $7,831.2168 $8,026.9972 $8,227.6721 $8,433.3639 $8,644.1980 $8,860.3030
Hourly $41.9542 $43.0031 $44.0781 $45.1801 $46.3096 $47.4673 $48.6540 $49.8704 $51.1171
ME 33 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129
Monthly $7,635.6665 $7,826.5581 $8,022.2221 $8,222.7776 $8,428.3471 $8,639.0557 $8,855.0321 $9,076.4079 $9,303.3181
Hourly $44.0519 $45.1532 $46.2821 $47.4391 $48.6251 $49.8407 $51.0867 $52.3639 $53.6730
ME 34 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536
Monthly $8,017.4498 $8,217.8860 $8,423.3332 $8,633.9165 $8,849.7644 $9,071.0085 $9,297.7837 $9,530.2283 $9,768.4840
Hourly $46.2545 $47.4109 $48.5962 $49.8111 $51.0563 $52.3327 $53.6411 $54.9821 $56.3566
ME 35 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963
Monthly $8,418.3223 $8,628.7803 $8,844.4998 $9,065.6123 $9,292.2526 $9,524.5590 $9,762.6729 $10,006.7398 $10,256.9082
Hourly $48.5672 $49.7814 $51.0260 $52.3016 $53.6091 $54.9494 $56.3231 $57.7312 $59.1745
ME 36 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411
Monthly $8,839.2384 $9,060.2193 $9,286.7248 $9,518.8929 $9,756.8653 $10,000.7869 $10,250.8066 $10,507.0767 $10,769.7537
Hourly $50.9956 $52.2705 $53.5773 $54.9167 $56.2896 $57.6968 $59.1393 $60.6178 $62.1332
ME 37 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881
Monthly $9,281.2003 $9,513.2303 $9,751.0611 $9,994.8376 $10,244.7085 $10,500.8263 $10,763.3469 $11,032.4306 $11,308.2413
Hourly $53.5454 $54.8840 $56.2561 $57.6625 $59.1041 $60.5817 $62.0962 $63.6486 $65.2399
ME 38 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375
Monthly $9,745.2603 $9,988.89181 $10,238.6141 $10,494.57951 $10,756.94401 $11,025.86761$11,301.51431$11,584.05211 $11,873.6534
Hourly 1 $56.2227 $57.62821 $59.0689 $60.54571 $62.05931 $63.61081 $65.20101 $66.83111 $68.5018
(Page 2 of 3) Exhibit C
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 39 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375 $10,894
Monthly $10,232.5233 $10,488.3364 $10,750.5448 $11,019.3085 $11,294.7912 $11,577.1609 $11,866.5900 $12,163.2547 $12,467.3361
Hourly $59.0338 $60.5096 $62.0224 $63.5729 $65.1623 $66.7913 $68.4611 $70.1726 $71.9269
ME 40 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375 $10,894 $11,439
Monthly $10,744.1495 $11,012.7532 $11,288.0721 $11,570.2739 $11,859.5307 $12,156.0190 $12,459.9195 $12,771.4174 $13,090.7029
Hourly $61.9855 $63.5351 $65.1235 $66.7516 $68.4204 $70.1309 $71.8842 $73.6813 $75.5233
ME 41
Monthly $11,281.3570 $11,563.3909 $11,852.4757 $12,148.7876 $12,452.5073 $12,763.8199 $13,082.9154 $13,409.9883 $13,745.2380
Hourly $65.0848 $66.7119 $68.3797 $70.0892 $71.8414 $73.6374 $75.4784 $77.3653 $79.2995
ME 42
Monthly $11,845.4248 $12,141.5604 $12,445.0995 $12,756.2269 $13,075.1326 $13,402.0109 $13,737.0612 $14,080.4877 $14,432.4999
Hourly $68.3390 $70.0475 $71.7987 $73.5936 $75.4335 $77.3193 $79.2523 $81.2336 $83.2644
ME 43
Monthly $12,437.6961 $12,748.6385 $13,067.3544 $13,394.0383 $13,728.8893 $14,072.1115 $14,423.9143 $14,784.5121 $15,154.1249
Hourly $71.7559 $73.5498 $75.3886 $77.2733 $79.2051 $81.1853 $83.2149 $85.2953 $87.4276
ME 44
Monthly $13,059.5809 $13,386.0704 $13,720.7222 $14,063.7402 $14,415.3337 $14,775.7171 $15,145.1100 $15,523.7377 $15,911.8312
Hourly $75.3437 $77.2273 $79.1580 $81.1370 $83.1654 $85.2445 $87.3756 $89.5600 $91.7990
ME 45
Monthly $13,712.5599 $14,055.3739 $14,406.7583 $14,766.9272 $15,136.1004 $15,514.5029 $15,902.3655 $16,299.9246 $16,707.4227
Hourly $79.1109 $81.0887 $83.1159 $85.1938 $87.3237 $89.5067 $91.7444 $94.0380 $96.3890
ME 46
Monthly $14,398.1879 $14,758.1426 $15,127.0962 $15,505.2736 $15,892.9054 $16,290.2281 $16,697.4838 $17,114.9208 $17,542.7939
Hourly $83.0665 $85.1431 $87.2717 $89.4535 $91.6898 $93.9821 $96.3316 $98.7399 $101.2084
M E 47
Monthly $15,118.09731 $15,496.04971 $15,883.45101 $16,280.53731 $16,687.5507 $17,104.73951$17,532.35791$17,970.66691 $18,419.9336
Hourly $87.21981 $89.40031 $91.63531 $93.92621 $96.27431 $98.68121 $101.14821 $103.67691 $106.2688
* In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
(Page 3 of 3) Exhibit C
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 48
Monthly $15,874.0022 $16,270.8522 $16,677.6235 $17,094.5641 $17,521.9282 $17,959.9764 $18,408.9758 $18,869.2002 $19,340.9302
Hourly $91.5808 $93.8703 $96.2171 $98.6225 $101.0880 $103.6152 $106.2056 $108.8608 $111.5823
ME 49
Monthly $16,667.7023 $17,084.3948 $17,511.5047 $17,949.2923 $18,398.0246 $18,857.9753 $19,329.4246 $19,812.6602 $20,307.9768
Hourly $96.1598 $98.5638 $101.0279 $103.5536 $106.1424 $108.7960 $111.5159 $114.3038 $117.1614
ME 50
Monthly $17,501.0874 $17,938.6146 $18,387.0799 $18,846.7569 $19,317.9259 $19,800.8740 $20,295.8959 $20,803.2933 $21,323.3756
Hourly $100.9678 $103.4920 $106.0793 $108.7313 $111.4496 $114.2358 $117.0917 $120.0190 $123.0195
* In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
Exhibit "D"
Pay Plan Management Employees
Effective July 1st, 2013 thru June 30, 2014
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 30 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022
Monthly $6,793.8550 $6,963.7014 $7,137.7939 $7,316.2388 $7,499.1447 $7,686.6234 $7,878.7889 $8,075.7587 $8,277.6526
Hourly $39.1953 $40.1752 $41.1796 $42.2091 $43.2643 $44.3459 $45.4546 $46.5909 $47.7557
ME 31 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374
Monthly $7,133.5478 $7,311.8865 $7,494.6836 $7,682.0507 $7,874.1020 $8,070.9545 $8,272.7284 $8,479.5466 $8,691.5353
Hourly $41.1551 $42.1840 $43.2386 $44.3195 $45.4275 $46.5632 $47.7273 $48.9205 $50.1435
ME 32 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742
Monthly $7,490.2251 $7,677.4808 $7,869.4178 $8,066.1532 $8,267.8071 $8,474.5022 $8,686.3648 $8,903.5239 $9,126.1120
Hourly $43.2128 $44.2932 $45.4005 $46.5355 $47.6989 $48.8914 $50.1136 $51.3665 $52.6506
ME 33 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129
Monthly $7,864.7364 $8,061.3548 $8,262.8887 $8,469.4609 $8,681.1974 $8,898.2274 $9,120.6830 $9,348.7001 $9,582.4176
Hourly $45.3735 $46.5078 $47.6705 $48.8623 $50.0838 $51.3359 $52.6193 $53.9348 $55.2832
ME 34 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536
Monthly $8,257.9732 $8,464.4226 $8,676.0331 $8,892.9339 $9,115.2573 $9,343.1387 $9,576.7172 $9,816.1351 $10,061.5385
Hourly $47.6422 $48.8332 $50.0540 $51.3054 $52.5880 $53.9027 $55.2503 $56.6315 $58.0473
ME 35 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963
Monthly $8,670.8719 $8,887.6437 $9,109.8348 $9,337.5806 $9,571.0202 $9,810.2957 $10,055.5531 $10,306.9419 $10,564.6154
Hourly $50.0243 $51.2749 $52.5567 $53.8707 $55.2174 $56.5979 $58.0128 $59.4631 $60.9497
ME 36 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411
Monthly $9,104.4155 $9,332.0259 $9,565.3265 $9,804.4597 $10,049.5712 $10,300.8104 $10,558.3307 $10,822.2890 $11,092.8462
Hourly $52.5255 $53.8386 $55.1846 $56.5642 $57.9783 $59.4278 $60.9134 $62.4363 $63.9972
ME 37 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881
Monthly $9,559.6363 $9,798.6272 $10,043.5928 $10,294.6827 $10,552.0497 $10,815.8510 $11,086.2472 $11,363.4034 $11,647.4885
Hourly $55.1517 $56.5305 $57.9438 $59.3924 $60.8772 $62.3991 $63.9591 $65.5581 $67.1970
ME 38 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375
Monthly $10,037.6181 $10,288.55851 $10,545.7725 $10,809.41681 $11,079.6522 $11,356.64351$11,640.55961$11,931.57361 $12,229.8629
Hourly 1 $57.9093 $59.35711 $60.8410 $62.36201 $63.9211 $65.51911 $67.15711 $68.8360 $70.5569
(Page 2 of 3) Exhibit D
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 39 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375 $10,894
Monthly $10,539.4990 $10,802.9864 $11,073.0611 $11,349.8876 $11,633.6348 $11,924.4757 $12,222.5876 $12,528.1523 $12,841.3561
Hourly $60.8048 $62.3249 $63.8830 $65.4801 $67.1171 $68.7951 $70.5149 $72.2778 $74.0847
ME 40 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375 $10,894 $11,439
Monthly $11,066.4739 $11,343.1358 $11,626.7142 $11,917.3820 $12,215.3166 $12,520.6995 $12,833.7170 $13,154.5599 $13,483.4239
Hourly $63.8450 $65.4412 $67.0772 $68.7541 $70.4730 $72.2348 $74.0407 $75.8917 $77.7890
ME 41
Monthly $11,619.7976 $11,910.2926 $12,208.0499 $12,513.2511 $12,826.0824 $13,146.7344 $13,475.4028 $13,812.2879 $14,157.5951
Hourly $67.0373 $68.7132 $70.4311 $72.1918 $73.9966 $75.8465 $77.7427 $79.6863 $81.6784
ME 42
Monthly $12,200.7875 $12,505.8072 $12,818.4524 $13,138.9137 $13,467.3865 $13,804.0712 $14,149.1730 $14,502.9023 $14,865.4748
Hourly $70.3892 $72.1489 $73.9526 $75.8014 $77.6965 $79.6389 $81.6298 $83.6706 $85.7624
ME 43
Monthly $12,810.8269 $13,131.0975 $13,459.3750 $13,795.8593 $14,140.7558 $14,494.2747 $14,856.6316 $15,228.0474 $15,608.7486
Hourly $73.9086 $75.7563 $77.6502 $79.5915 $81.5813 $83.6208 $85.7113 $87.8541 $90.0505
ME 44
Monthly $13,451.3682 $13,787.6524 $14,132.3437 $14,485.6523 $14,847.7936 $15,218.9885 $15,599.4632 $15,989.4498 $16,389.1860
Hourly $77.6040 $79.5441 $81.5328 $83.5711 $85.6603 $87.8019 $89.9969 $92.2468 $94.5530
ME 45
Monthly $14,123.9366 $14,477.0350 $14,838.9609 $15,209.9349 $15,590.1833 $15,979.9379 $16,379.4363 $16,788.9222 $17,208.6453
Hourly $81.4842 $83.5214 $85.6094 $87.7496 $89.9434 $92.1919 $94.4967 $96.8592 $99.2806
ME 46
Monthly $14,830.1335 $15,200.8868 $15,580.9090 $15,970.4317 $16,369.6925 $16,778.9348 $17,198.4082 $17,628.3684 $18,069.0776
Hourly $85.5585 $87.6974 $89.8899 $92.1371 $94.4405 $96.8015 $99.2216 $101.7021 $104.2447
ME 47
Monthly $15,571.6401 $15,960.93111 $16,359.95441 $16,768.95331 $17,188.17711 $17,617.88151$18,058.32861$18,509.78681 $18,972.5314
Hourly $89.8364 $92.08231 $94.38441 $96.74401 $99.16261 $101.64161 $104.18271 $106.78721 $109.4569
* In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
(Page 3 of 3) Exhibit D
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 48
Monthly $16,350.2221 $16,758.9777 $17,177.9521 $17,607.4009 $18,047.5860 $18,498.7756 $18,961.2450 $19,435.2761 $19,921.1580
Hourly $94.3282 $96.6864 $99.1036 $101.5812 $104.1207 $106.7237 $109.3918 $112.1266 $114.9298
ME 49
Monthly $17,167.7332 $17,596.9266 $18,036.8497 $18,487.7710 $18,949.9652 $19,423.7144 $19,909.3072 $20,407.0399 $20,917.2159
Hourly $99.0446 $101.5207 $104.0587 $106.6602 $109.3267 $112.0599 $114.8614 $117.7329 $120.6762
ME 50
Monthly $18,026.1199 $18,476.7729 $18,938.6922 $19,412.1595 $19,897.4635 $20,394.9001 $20,904.7726 $21,427.3919 $21,963.0767
Hourly $103.9968 $106.5968 $109.2617 $111.9932 $114.7931 $117.6629 $120.6045 $123.6196 $126.7101
* In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
Exhibit "E"
Pay Plan Management Employees
Effective July 1st, 2014 thru June 30, 2015
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 30 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022
Monthly $6,997.6707 $7,172.6125 $7,351.9278 $7,535.7260 $7,724.1191 $7,917.2221 $8,115.1527 $8,318.0315 $8,525.9823
Hourly $40.3712 $41.3805 $42.4150 $43.4753 $44.5622 $45.6763 $46.8182 $47.9886 $49.1884
ME 31 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374
Monthly $7,347.5543 $7,531.2431 $7,719.5242 $7,912.5123 $8,110.3251 $8,313.0832 $8,520.9103 $8,733.9331 $8,952.2814
Hourly $42.3897 $43.4495 $44.5357 $45.6491 $46.7903 $47.9601 $49.1591 $50.3881 $51.6478
ME 32 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742
Monthly $7,714.9320 $7,907.8053 $8,105.5004 $8,308.1379 $8,515.8414 $8,728.7374 $8,946.9558 $9,170.6297 $9,399.8955
Hourly $44.5092 $45.6220 $46.7625 $47.9316 $49.1299 $50.3581 $51.6171 $52.9075 $54.2302
ME 33 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129
Monthly $8,100.6786 $8,303.1955 $8,510.7754 $8,723.5448 $8,941.6334 $9,165.1743 $9,394.3036 $9,629.1612 $9,869.8902
Hourly $46.7347 $47.9031 $49.1006 $50.3281 $51.5863 $52.8760 $54.1979 $55.5529 $56.9417
ME 34 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536
Monthly $8,505.7125 $8,718.3553 $8,936.3142 $9,159.7220 $9,388.7151 $9,623.4330 $9,864.0188 $10,110.6193 $10,363.3848
Hourly $49.0714 $50.2982 $51.5557 $52.8446 $54.1657 $55.5198 $56.9078 $58.3305 $59.7888
ME 35 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963
Monthly $8,930.9981 $9,154.2731 $9,383.1299 $9,617.7082 $9,858.1509 $10,104.6046 $10,357.2197 $10,616.1502 $10,881.5540
Hourly $51.5250 $52.8131 $54.1334 $55.4868 $56.8739 $58.2958 $59.7532 $61.2470 $62.7782
ME 36 $7,742 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411
Monthly $9,377.5480 $9,611.9867 $9,852.2864 $10,098.5936 $10,351.0584 $10,609.8349 $10,875.0807 $11,146.9577 $11,425.6317
Hourly $54.1012 $55.4538 $56.8401 $58.2611 $59.7176 $61.2106 $62.7409 $64.3094 $65.9171
ME 37 $8,129 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881
Monthly $9,846.4254 $10,092.5861 $10,344.9007 $10,603.5232 $10,868.6113 $11,140.3266 $11,418.8348 $11,704.3056 $11,996.9133
Hourly $56.8063 $58.2265 $59.6821 $61.1742 $62.7035 $64.2711 $65.8779 $67.5248 $69.2130
ME 38 $8,536 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375
Monthly $10,338.7467 $10,597.21541 $10,862.1458 $11,133.69941 $11,412.04191 $11,697.34291$11,989.77651$12,289.52091 $12,596.7589
Hourly 1 $59.6466 $61.13781 $62.6662 $64.23291 $65.83871 $67.48471 $69.17181 $70.9011 $72.6736
(Page 2 of 3) Exhibit E
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 39 $8,963 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375 $10,894
Monthly $10,855.6840 $11,127.0761 $11,405.2530 $11,690.3844 $11,982.6440 $12,282.2101 $12,589.2653 $12,903.9970 $13,226.5969
Hourly $62.6289 $64.1947 $65.7995 $67.4445 $69.1306 $70.8589 $72.6304 $74.4461 $76.3073
ME 40 $9,411 $9,881 $10,375 $10,894 $11,439
Monthly $11,398.4682 $11,683.4299 $11,975.5157 $12,274.9036 $12,581.7762 $12,896.3206 $13,218.7286 $13,549.1968 $13,887.9267
Hourly $65.7604 $67.4044 $69.0895 $70.8168 $72.5872 $74.4018 $76.2619 $78.1684 $80.1227
ME 41
Monthly $11,968.3917 $12,267.6014 $12,574.2915 $12,888.6488 $13,210.8650 $13,541.1366 $13,879.6650 $14,226.6567 $14,582.3231
Hourly $69.0484 $70.7746 $72.5440 $74.3576 $76.2165 $78.1219 $80.0750 $82.0769 $84.1288
ME 42
Monthly $12,566.8112 $12,880.9815 $13,203.0061 $13,533.0812 $13,871.4082 $14,218.1934 $14,573.6483 $14,937.9895 $15,311.4392
Hourly $72.5008 $74.3134 $76.1712 $78.0755 $80.0274 $82.0280 $84.0787 $86.1807 $88.3352
ME 43
Monthly $13,195.1518 $13,525.0306 $13,863.1564 $14,209.7353 $14,564.9786 $14,929.1031 $15,302.3307 $15,684.8890 $16,077.0112
Hourly $76.1259 $78.0290 $79.9797 $81.9792 $84.0287 $86.1294 $88.2827 $90.4897 $92.7520
ME 44
Monthly $13,854.9094 $14,201.2821 $14,556.3142 $14,920.2220 $15,293.2276 $15,675.5583 $16,067.4472 $16,469.1334 $16,880.8617
Hourly $79.9322 $81.9305 $83.9787 $86.0782 $88.2302 $90.4359 $92.6968 $95.0142 $97.3896
ME 45
Monthly $14,547.6549 $14,911.3462 $15,284.1299 $15,666.2331 $16,057.8890 $16,459.3362 $16,870.8196 $17,292.5901 $17,724.9048
Hourly $83.9288 $86.0270 $88.1777 $90.3821 $92.6417 $94.9577 $97.3317 $99.7649 $102.2591
ME 46
Monthly $15,275.0376 $15,656.9135 $16,048.3364 $16,449.5448 $16,860.7834 $17,282.3030 $17,714.3606 $18,157.2196 $18,611.1501
Hourly $88.1252 $90.3283 $92.5866 $94.9012 $97.2738 $99.7056 $102.1982 $104.7532 $107.3720
ME 47
Monthly $16,038.7895 $16,439.75921 $16,850.75321 $17,272.02201 $17,703.82261 $18,146.41811$18,600.07861$19,065.08061 $19,541.7076
Hourly $92.5315 $94.84481 $97.21591 $99.64631 $102.13741 $104.69091 $107.30811 $109.99081 $112.7406
* In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
(Page 3 of 3) Exhibit E
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
ME 48
Monthly $16,840.7290 $17,261.7472 $17,693.2909 $18,135.6231 $18,589.0137 $19,053.7390 $19,530.0825 $20,018.3346 $20,518.7930
Hourly $97.1581 $99.5870 $102.0767 $104.6286 $107.2443 $109.9254 $112.6736 $115.4904 $118.3777
ME 49
Monthly $17,682.7654 $18,124.8345 $18,577.9554 $19,042.4043 $19,518.4644 $20,006.4260 $20,506.5867 $21,019.2513 $21,544.7326
Hourly $102.0160 $104.5664 $107.1805 $109.8600 $112.6065 $115.4217 $118.3072 $121.2649 $124.2965
ME 50
Monthly $18,566.9037 $19,031.0763 $19,506.8532 $19,994.5245 $20,494.3876 $21,006.7473 $21,531.9160 $22,070.2139 $22,621.9692
Hourly $107.1168 $109.7947 $112.5395 $115.3530 $118.2369 $121.1928 $124.2226 $127.3282 $130.5114
* In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
1. Independence Day
2. Labor Day
3. Veterans Day
4. Thanksgiving
5. Day after Thanksgiving
6. Christmas Eve
7. Christmas Day
8. New Years Day
9. Presidents Day
10. Memorial Day
11. Employee Chosen Floater
350310.1 Y0030-008
ITEM NO. 9.4
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
To: Board of Directors
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General
Presented By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Dept: Human
Reviewed by Legal: Yes
Prepared By: Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager
Subject: Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential
Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015
The District's Supervisory and Confidential Employees are unrepresented and do not bargain with
the District over compensation and benefits. In the past, this group has followed suit with any
provisions the District bargained and agreed upon with the District's represented employees group.
That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-08, the Employee Compensation and Terms of
Employment for Supervisory and Confidential Employees.
The Personnel-Risk Management Committee discussed this item at their March 20, 2012 meeting
and supported the item for presentation to the Board of Directors for their consideration.
In the past, the District's Supervisory and Confidential Employees followed suit with the provisions
that were negotiated between the District and the District's represented employees. At the request
of the Board of Directors, staff was instructed to prepare and present a compensation letter for the
Supervisory and Confidential Employee Group for consideration of the Board of Directors during the
Budget process.
Staff prepared and presented a draft Employee Compensation Letter for the Supervisory and
Confidential Employee Group to the Personnel-Risk Management Committee on March 20, 2012.
The draft documents reflect a three-year term for the Supervisory and Confidential Employee Group
for Fiscal Years 2012-2015. The highlights of the 2012-2015 Supervisory and Confidential
Employee Compensation Letter include:
1 . Three-year agreement;
2. Continuation of a 4/10 work schedule;
3. Merit Increases based on job performance;
4. Requiring all Supervisory and Confidential Employees to pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS
employee contribution rate to CalPERS by the end of the three year term,
5. Vacation accrual increases for 10 to 15 years of service and 20+ years of service at the rate
of .769 hours per pay period (additional 20 hours or one half week per year);
6. Deferred Compensation with matching deposited funds not to exceed 2% of employee's
7. Sick Leave cash outs for employees who are laid off from District employment after being
employed by the District for five or more complete years of continuous employment,
8. Attached salary schedules for Fiscal Years 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
Resolution No. 12-08 is attached to this report for the Board of Director's consideration
Name: Description: Type:
Resolution 12-08-Final-4-12-2012.docx Resolution 12-08 Backup
SUPERVISORY CONFIDENTIAL Compensation Letter Exhibit A - FYs 2012-2015-Final-4-12- Supervisory and Confidential Backup
2012.doc Compensation Lettter-Exhibit A- Material
Final FYs 2012-2015
Supervisory and Confidential
2015-Final-4-12-2012.doc Classifications for FYs 2012- Material
9step- 2012-2013 SC 3%.pdf SC Salary Matrix FY 2012-2013 Backup
9step- 2013-2014 SC 3%.Pdf SC Salary Matrix FY 2013-2014 Backup
9step- 2014-2015 SC 3%.pdf SC Salary Matrix FY 2014-2015 Backup
DOCSLA-#35031 0-v1-Exhibit F Holiday Schedule FYs 2012-2015- Final.doc FYs 2012-2015 Holiday Backup
Schedule Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
MB/RC 5-0 Roll Call
WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District's Supervisory and Confidential Employees
exist as a group separate from the Yorba Linda Water District Employees
Association; and
WHEREAS, the last Supervisory and Confidential Employees compensation letter was
adopted on December 8, 2011; and
WHEREAS, the Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan with the Supervisory
and Confidential Employees for fiscal year 2011-2012 will expire on June
30, 2012; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desires to review the Supervisory and Confidential
Compensation Letter and adjust the Pay Plan for the Supervisory and
Confidential Employees for fiscal years 2012-2015.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District as follows:
Section 1. The General Manager is authorized to execute the Supervisory and
Confidential Employee Compensation Letter for fiscal years 2012-2015 as
attached hereto and by this reference incorporated as Exhibit "A".
Section 2. The Pay Plan, Salary Ranges and Authorized Classifications and Holiday
Schedule for Supervisory and Confidential Employees are approved and
adopted as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as
Exhibits "B" through "F".
Section 3. That Resolution 11-21 is hereby rescinded effective June 30, 2012.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April 2012 the following called vote:
Phil Hawkins, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Resolution No. 12-08 Adopting Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees for FYs
2012-2015 1
Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by General Counsel:
Arthur G. Kidman, Esq.
Kidman Law, LLP
Resolution No. 12-08 Adopting Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees for FYs
2012-2015 2
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 12-08
Employee Compensation Letter
And Pay Plan for Supervisory and Confidential Employees
Fiscal years: 2012-2015
I. The General Manager shall prepare an Employee Compensation Letter for
consideration by the Board of Directors. The Employee Compensation
Letter shall describe the salaries, benefits and special conditions offered by
the District to its Supervisory and Confidential Employee Group (Exhibit B).
II. Effective July 1, 2012, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit C
shall be in effect for fiscal year 2012-2013.
III. Effective July 1, 2013, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit D
shall be in effect for fiscal year 2013-2014.
IV. Effective July 1, 2014, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit E
shall be in effect for fiscal year 2014-2015.
V. The District's current contract with CaIPERS is for a retirement benefit
based on the single highest year with a Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor
Benefit Program.
VI. Effective July 1, 2012, all Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall
pay 43% of the 7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution rate to
CalPERS (equivalent to 3% of compensation).
VII. Effective July 1, 2013, all Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall
pay 71% of the 7% statutory CalPERS employee contribution rate to
CalPERS (equivalent to 5% of compensation).
VIII. Effective July 1, 2014, all Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall
pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS employee contribution rate to
Individuals hired by the District on or after January 26, 2012, the date
Resolution 12-01 was adopted, shall be enrolled in the 2% @ 60
retirement formula and shall pay 100% of the statutory CalPERS
employee contribution to CalPERS.
All payments will be credited to the employee's individual account with
IX. The District shall continue to maintain a "414(h)(2)" plan under the Internal
Revenue Code for the purpose of treating contributions to CalPERS as
deferred income for tax purposes to the extent permitted by law.
Contributions will continue to be deducted from the employee's actual
gross salary as reflected on the employee's pay stub. Employees shall
otherwise be responsible for all taxes related to fringe and reimbursement
benefits and the District shall make deductions in accordance with the law.
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
X. Each employee will be annually reviewed on a one-year interval following
completion of their probationary period. An employee who receives a
meets job expectations evaluation will be entitled to move one (1) step
and an employee who receives an exceeds job expectations evaluation
shall be allowed to move up to two (2) step. Movement shall take place
until an employee has reached Step 9. The District shall endeavor to
have performance reviews completed within two (2) weeks after the
employee's anniversary date with the effective date of any merit salary
increase being on the anniversary date. If the evaluation is delayed, any
subsequent salary increase to which the employee could otherwise be
entitled shall be retroactive to the anniversary date.
XI. All new hires shall be subject to a twelve (12) month probationary period.
Such new hires shall accrue vacation commencing with the start of
employment but shall be ineligible to use accrued vacation time prior to
successful completion of six (6) months of service. An existing employee
who has been promoted to a new position will be required to serve a six
(6) month promotional probationary period in the new position.
XII. Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall accrue vacation leave
time with pay as follows:
Duration of Continuous Hours Accrued per Pay Period
Regular Employment
During 1 st through 601h month 3.077 hrs = 2.0 weeks/yr
During 61 st through 120th month 4.615 hrs = 3.0 weeks/yr
During 121St through 180th month 5.384 hrs = 3.5 weeks/yr
During 181St through 240th month 6.153 hrs = 4.0 weeks/yr
During 241St month and thereafter 6.922 hrs = 4.5 weeks/yr
XIII. The District shall continue to provide group life insurance in the amount of
one times basic annual salary rounded to the next higher multiple of
$1,000, for each full-time regular Supervisory and Confidential Employee
under age 70 on the first day of the month following their date of hire, in
accordance with the provisions of the contract between the District and
any company of the District's choosing providing such coverage.
Supervisory and Confidential Employees may increase the coverage to up
to five time's annual salary not to exceed $300,000 by authorizing the
additional premium to be deducted from his/her salary.
XIV. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for hospital and medical
insurance for all Supervisory and Confidential Employees who work in
excess of 30 hours per week, after they have worked for two calendar
months, and up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Supervisory and
Confidential Employee dependent coverage for covered employees with
one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional premium toward Supervisory
and Confidential Employee dependent coverage for covered Supervisory
and Confidential Employees with more than one dependent in accordance
with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
or companies of the District's choosing. The Supervisory and Confidential
Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted
from his/her salary to cover the employee's share of the dependent
coverage. Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall have the option
of selecting a District-designated Health Maintenance Organization
("HMO"). The District contribution for HMO coverage will be in
accordance with this paragraph.
XV. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for dental insurance for all
Supervisory and Confidential Employees who work 30 hours or more per
week, after they have worked for two calendar months, and up to 2/3 of
the additional premium toward Supervisory and Confidential Employee
dependent coverage for covered Supervisory and Confidential
Employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the additional premium
toward Supervisory and Confidential Employee dependent coverage for
covered Supervisory and Confidential Employees with more than one
dependent, in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the
District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The
individual Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall pay the cost of
the difference in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary.
Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall have the option of
selecting "Delta Care" with the contribution for "Delta Care" to be in
accordance with this paragraph.
XVI. District shall pay 100% of the premium for vision insurance for Supervisory
and Confidential Employees who work more than 30 hours per week, on
the first day of the month following their date of hire, and up to 2/3 of the
additional premium toward dependent coverage for covered Supervisory
and Confidential Employees with one dependent or up to 2/3 of the
additional premium toward dependent coverage for covered Supervisory
and Confidential Employees with more than one dependent, in
accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and
any company or companies of the District's choosing. The individual
Supervisory and Confidential Employee shall pay the cost of the difference
in premium, to be deducted from his/her salary.
XVII. For a period of time which is equivalent to one (1) year or pro-ration
thereof on a monthly basis for each three (3) years of service to the
District or pro-ration thereof on a quarterly basis, and subject to carrier
approval, the District shall pay the amounts provided in paragraphs XIV,
XV and XVI of this agreement for any Supervisory and Confidential
Employee who was employed by the District on or before December 8,
2011, the date Resolution No. 11-21 was adopted and who retires from
the District.
To be eligible for this benefit, the employee must be at least 50 years of
age, must have five (5) complete years of service with the District, must
retire from the District after the date of this Agreement while in good
standing and upon ninety (90) days written notice and must remain in
retired status.
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
When the Supervisory and Confidential retiree or his/her spouse reaches
ages 65 and is eligible for Medicare, the coverage will convert to Medicare
Supplement for the remainder of the benefit period.
For purposes of this Agreement, retired status means that the Supervisory
and Confidential Employee shall not work for compensation for more than
nine hundred sixty (960) hours in any fiscal year (July 1 through June 30).
The District may require a Supervisory and Confidential Employee to
certify under penalty of perjury that the Supervisory and Confidential
Employee has remained on retired status and/or submit to such additional
verification, as the District deems necessary to demonstrate retired status.
The retired Supervisory and Confidential Employee must make any
contribution required of a regular Supervisory and Confidential Employee
pursuant to paragraph XIV, XV and XVI prior to the first day of the month
in which coverage is to be extended. Failure of a Supervisory and
Confidential Employee to make such payment shall result in termination of
coverage and termination of any right to any benefit pursuant to this
Supervisory and Confidential Employees hired after the adoption of
Resolution 11-21 (12-8-2011) shall be ineligible to receive this benefit.
A Supervisory and Confidential Employee who retires (in accordance with
the Public Employees' Retirement System qualifications) shall be paid at
the rate of their final salary for 3/8 of their accumulated days of sick leave,
if any, at the time of separation from active employment. The remaining
5/8 of his/her accumulated days of sick leave will be converted into
CalPERS service credit. If the Supervisory and Confidential Employee
should die, his/her estate shall be entitled to such payment.
XVIII. Supervisory and Confidential Employees who are laid off from District
employment after being employed by the District for five (5) or more
complete years of continuous regular employment, shall be compensated
for accumulated, unused sick leave above 400 hours as follows:
5 through 9 20%
10 through 15 25%
16 through 20 and above 30%
Employees who are terminated from the District for cause, or who resign
in lieu of termination, shall not be eligible for this benefit.
XIX. To the extent possible, the District shall extend its current plan under
Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code to cover Supervisory and
Confidential Employees.
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
XX. The District shall provide a long-term disability plan for Supervisory and
Confidential Employees which has a 90-day elimination period and
provides at least sixty percent (60%) of salary for a designated period of
time in accordance with coverage procured by the District from a carrier to
be determined at the District's sole discretion.
XXI. Effective July 1, 2012, the District will match dollar for dollar not to exceed
2% of a Supervisory and Confidential Employee's salary per year of
his/her deposits in a Deferred Compensation Plan.
XXII. Supervisory and Confidential Employees shall continue to be assigned to
a four (4) day workweek, consisting of ten (10) scheduled hours of work
each day (a 4/10 schedule Monday through Thursday). The Board of
Directors clearly and unequivocally has the right to terminate the 4/10
schedule at any time during the term of this employee compensation
letter. In such case, the schedule shall revert to the 9/80 schedule as
existed immediately prior to implementation of the 4/10 schedule.
XXIII. In situations where a Supervisory and Confidential Employee has been
injured in a non-duty accident and his/her disability leave exceeds one
calendar month or the total of his/her accumulated leaves, including sick
leave, paid time off and vacation, that portion of the leave exceeding 30
days or the total of accumulated leaves, whichever is more, shall
constitute a break in service and his/her merit review dates and
anniversary date will be adjusted accordingly.
XXIV. The District will pay up to a total of $2,000 annually to establish and
administer a tax-advantaged flexible benefit plan, and a total of $5,000
annually to establish a tax advantaged dependent care plan. Plans will
conform to the requirements of Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code,
and permit Supervisory and Confidential Employees to convert their share
of insurance premiums, un-reimbursed medical expenses, child care and
other qualifying expenditures to pretax dollars. Savings to the District
through reductions to the payroll and worker's compensation tax base will
accrue to the District and offset the costs of establishing and administering
this program.
XXV. The District shall reimburse Supervisory and Confidential Employees for
sums paid to the appropriate agencies for obtaining or renewing treatment
and/or distribution certificates and other professional certifications,
registrations and job related training.
XXVI. Supervisory and Confidential Employees who are required to wear safety
boots in the performance of their job, as determined by the General
Manager, shall be eligible for District-purchased boots in an amount not to
exceed $200.00, provided that the boots are from a list pre-approved by
the General Manager or his/her designee. The difference between
$200.00 and the amount actually used may be carried over for one year
and combined with a subsequent allocation for boot reimbursement.
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
XXVII. The District shall provide educational reimbursement to Supervisory and
Confidential Employees for costs of tuition, fees, books and parking
relating to educational courses taken and completed at accredited
institutions at a rate not to exceed standard resident fees as charged by
the California State University. Course work must be job related as
determined and approved in advance by the General Manager. Proof of
payment and successful completion of the course must accompany the
reimbursement request on a form provided by the District. Supervisory
and Confidential Employee shall be responsible for any tax
consequences as a result of education reimbursement. If for any reason,
the employee separates from District employment prior to completion of
one (1) calendar year from the date of distribution by the District of funds
provided for herein, all such amounts distributed during that one (1)
calendar year period, shall be considered a judgment due and owing to
the District. The judgment amount shall be deducted from the
employee's closing check. Any remaining, non-reimbursed amount shall
be paid to the District within ninety (90) calendar days of separation from
District employment. Each employee receiving funds pursuant to this
section shall sign a written agreement to comply with the terms of this
section as a condition precedent to receipt of any such funds.
XXVIII. Supervisory and Confidential Employees who have been employed by
the District for more than one year may sell to the District up to forty (40)
hours of accrued unused vacation time upon thirty (30) days prior notice,
provided that the Supervisory and Confidential Employee takes a
minimum of one-half the vacation time to which he/she is entitled within
the same annual period of the sold vacation time. A member who has
been employed by the District for more than one year may also buy from
the District up to an additional forty (40) hours of vacation time within any
calendar year for use during the same calendar year, provided that full
and complete payment has been made for the purchased vacation time by
salary modification prior to use of the vacation time. It is expressly
understood that this benefit is provided at the sole discretion of the District
and shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of this Supervisory
and Confidential letter unless an extension is expressly agreed to by the
XXIX. The Holiday schedule attached hereto as Exhibit F shall be in effect for
full-time Supervisory and Confidential Employees covered by this
Supervisory and Confidential letter. For purposes of holiday
compensation, compensation shall be equal to the number of hours that
the Supervisory and Confidential Employee normally would have worked
other than for the holiday.
For those Supervisory ad Confidential Employees whose scheduled work
week is Monday through Thursday, a holiday falling on a Friday or
Saturday shall not result in Thursday being a holiday, and a holiday falling
on a Sunday shall not result in Monday being a holiday. Instead observed
holidays that fall on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday shall be recognized as
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
floating holidays earned. The floating holidays earned as a result of the
above situation shall be used within 12 months following the accrual of
each floating holiday.
In order to be eligible for Holiday pay, a Supervisory and Confidential
Employee must be either at work or on paid leave of absence on the
regularly scheduled workday immediately preceding the day observed as
the holiday and the regularly scheduled workday immediately following the
day observed as the holiday.
XXX. The District shall reimburse Supervisory and Confidential Employees for
sums paid to the appropriate state agencies for obtaining or renewing of
production or distribution certificates. In addition, a one-time per fiscal
year payment of $150.00 per certificate shall be provided to an affected
employee who has qualified for and been issued a State of California
Department of Health Services Treatment and/or Distribution Certificate,
which has been determined in the sole discretion of the General Manager
to be relevant to the employee's duties and which is other than a
certificate that is a job requirement. The $150.00 payment shall apply for
any Distribution and/or Treatment Certificates issued by the State of
California Department of Health Services that are required above and
beyond the required certification for a specific classification within the
District's Operations Department and shall be issued during each year in
which the applicable certificate(s) remains valid and remains other than a
certificate which is a job requirement. The table below identifies the
positions that require specific State of California Certifications.
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
The term of this Compensation Letter for Supervisory and Confidential
Employees is for the period of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2015.
Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli Date
General Manager
Supervisory and Confidential Compensation Letter FYs 2012/2015
7-1-2012 through 6-30-2015
Chief Plant Operator SC31 EXEMPT
Customer Service Supervisor SC27 EXEMPT
Executive Secretary SC25 NON-EX
Human Resources Analyst SC25 EXEMPT
Information Systems Administrator SC30 EXEMPT
Management Analyst SC28 EXEMPT
Personnel Technician SC23 NON-EX
Public Information Officer SC30 EXEMPT
SCADA Administrator SC30 EXEMPT
Sr. Accountant SC25 EXEMPT
Sr. Construction Inspector SC26 NON-EX
Sr. Project Manager SC34 EXEMPT
Water Maintenance Superintendent SC30 EXEMPT
Water Quality Engineer SC29 EXEMPT
Exhibit "C"
Pay Plan Supervisory & Confidential Employees
Effective July 1st, 2012 thru June 30, 2013
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
SC 21 $3,724 $3,910 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527
Monthly $4,251.8248 $4,358.1204 $4,467.0734 $4,578.7503 $4,693.2190 $4,810.5495 $4,930.8132 $5,054.0836 $5,180.4357
Hourly $24.5298 $25.1430 $25.7716 $26.4159 $27.0763 $27.7532 $28.4470 $29.1582 $29.8871
SC 22 $3,910 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753
Monthly $4,464.4160 $4,576.0264 $4,690.4271 $4,807.6878 $4,927.8800 $5,051.0770 $5,177.3539 $5,306.7877 $5,439.4574
Hourly $25.7562 $26.4002 $27.0602 $27.7367 $28.4301 $29.1408 $29.8693 $30.6161 $31.3815
SC 23 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991
Monthly $4,687.6368 $4,804.8278 $4,924.9485 $5,048.0722 $5,174.2740 $5,303.6308 $5,436.2216 $5,572.1271 $5,711.4303
Hourly $27.0441 $27.7202 $28.4132 $29.1235 $29.8516 $30.5979 $31.3628 $32.1469 $32.9506
SC 24 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240
Monthly $4,922.0187 $5,045.0691 $5,171.1959 $5,300.4758 $5,432.9877 $5,568.8124 $5,708.0327 $5,850.7335 $5,997.0018
Hourly $28.3963 $29.1062 $29.8338 $30.5797 $31.3442 $32.1278 $32.9310 $33.7542 $34.5981
SC 25 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502
Monthly $5,168.1196 $5,297.3226 $5,429.7557 $5,565.4996 $5,704.6371 $5,847.2530 $5,993.4343 $6,143.2702 $6,296.8519
Hourly $29.8161 $30.5615 $31.3255 $32.1087 $32.9114 $33.7342 $34.5775 $35.4419 $36.3280
SC 26 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777
Monthly $5,426.5256 $5,562.1887 $5,701.2435 $5,843.7745 $5,989.8689 $6,139.6156 $6,293.1060 $6,450.4337 $6,611.6945
Hourly $31.3069 $32.0896 $32.8918 $33.7141 $34.5569 $35.4209 $36.3064 $37.2140 $38.1444
SC 27 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066
Monthly $5,697.8519 $5,840.2982 $5,986.3056 $6,135.9633 $6,289.3623 $6,446.5964 $6,607.7613 $6,772.9554 $6,942.2792
Hourly $32.8722 $33.6940 $34.5364 $35.3998 $36.2848 $37.1919 $38.1217 $39.0747 $40.0516
SC 28 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370
Monthly $5,982.7445 $6,132.3131 $6,285.6209 $6,442.7614 $6,603.8305 $6,768.9262 $6,938.1494 $7,111.6031 $7,289.3932
Hourly $34.5158 $35.3787 $36.2632 $37.1698 $38.0990 $39.0515 $40.0278 $41.0285 $42.0542
SC 29 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688
Monthly $6,281.88171 $6,438.9287 $6,599.9020 $6,764.8995 $6,934.0220 $7,107.3725 $7,285.0569 $7,467.1833 $7,653.8629
Hourly 36.2416 37.1477 $38.07641 $39.02871 $40.00T $41.00411 $42.02971 $43.0799'----74-41569
(Page 2 of 2) Exhibit C
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
SC 30 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022
Monthly $6,595.9758 $6,760.8752 $6,929.8971 $7,103.1445 $7,280.7231 $7,462.7412 $7,649.3097 $7,840.5424 $8,036.5560
Hourly $38.0537 $39.0050 $39.9802 $40.9797 $42.0042 $43.0543 $44.1306 $45.2339 $46.3647
SC 31 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374
Monthly $6,925.7746 $7,098.9189 $7,276.3919 $7,458.3017 $7,644.7592 $7,835.8782 $8,031.7752 $8,232.5696 $8,438.3838
Hourly $39.9564 $40.9553 $41.9792 $43.0287 $44.1044 $45.2070 $46.3372 $47.4956 $48.6830
SC 32 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742
Monthly $7,272.0633 $7,453.8649 $7,640.2115 $7,831.2168 $8,026.9972 $8,227.6721 $8,433.3639 $8,644.1980 $8,860.3030
Hourly $41.9542 $43.0031 $44.0781 $45.1801 $46.3096 $47.4673 $48.6540 $49.8704 $51.1171
SC 33 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129
Monthly $7,635.6665 $7,826.5581 $8,022.2221 $8,222.7776 $8,428.3471 $8,639.0557 $8,855.0321 $9,076.4079 $9,303.3181
Hourly $44.0519 $45.1532 $46.2821 $47.4391 $48.6251 $49.8407 $51.0867 $52.3639 $53.6730
SC 34
Monthly $8,017.4498 $8,217.8860 $8,423.3332 $8,633.9165 $8,849.7644 $9,071.0085 $9,297.7837 $9,530.2283 $9,768.4840
Hourly $46.2545 $47.4109 $48.5962 $49.8111 $51.0563 $52.3327 $53.6411 $54.9821 $56.3566
SC 35
Monthly $8,418.3223 $8,628.7803 $8,844.4998 $9,065.6123 $9,292.2526 $9,524.5590 $9,762.6729 $10,006.7398 $10,256.9082
Hourly $48.5672 $49.7814 $51.0260 $52.3016 $53.6091 $54.9494 $56.3231 $57.7312 $59.1745
SC 36
Monthly $8,839.2384 $9,060.2193 $9,286.7248 $9,518.8929 $9,756.8653 $10,000.7869 $10,250.8066 $10,507.0767 $10,769.7537
Hourly $50.9956 $52.2705 $53.5773 $54.9167 $56.2896 $57.6968 $59.1393 $60.6178 $62.1332
SC 37
Monthly $9,281.2003 $9,513.23031 $9,751.0611 $9,994.8376 $10,244.7085 $10,500.8263 $10,763.3469 $11,032.4306 $11,308.2413
Hourly $53.5454 $54.88401 $56.2561 $57.6625 $59.1041 $60.5817 $62.0962 $63.6486 $65.2399
In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
Exhibit "D"
Pay Plan Supervisory & Confidential Employees
Effective July 1st, 2013 thru June 30, 2014
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
SC 21 $3,724 $3,910 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527
Monthly $4,379.3795 $4,488.8640 $4,601.0856 $4,716.1127 $4,834.0156 $4,954.8659 $5,078.7376 $5,205.7060 $5,335.8487
Hourly $25.2657 $25.8973 $26.5447 $27.2083 $27.8886 $28.5858 $29.3004 $30.0329 $30.7837
SC 22 $3,910 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753
Monthly $4,598.3485 $4,713.3072 $4,831.1399 $4,951.9184 $5,075.7163 $5,202.6092 $5,332.6745 $5,465.9913 $5,602.6411
Hourly $26.5289 $27.1922 $27.8720 $28.5688 $29.2830 $30.0151 $30.7654 $31.5346 $32.3229
SC 23 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991
Monthly $4,828.2659 $4,948.9726 $5,072.6969 $5,199.5143 $5,329.5022 $5,462.7397 $5,599.3082 $5,739.2909 $5,882.7732
Hourly $27.8554 $28.5518 $29.2656 $29.9972 $30.7471 $31.5158 $32.3037 $33.1113 $33.9391
SC 24 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240
Monthly $5,069.6792 $5,196.4212 $5,326.3317 $5,459.4900 $5,595.9773 $5,735.8767 $5,879.2736 $6,026.2555 $6,176.9118
Hourly $29.2481 $29.9794 $30.7288 $31.4971 $32.2845 $33.0916 $33.9189 $34.7669 $35.6360
SC 25 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502
Monthly $5,323.1632 $5,456.2422 $5,592.6483 $5,732.4645 $5,875.7761 $6,022.6705 $6,173.2373 $6,327.5682 $6,485.7574
Hourly $30.7106 $31.4783 $32.2653 $33.0719 $33.8987 $34.7462 $35.6148 $36.5052 $37.4178
SC 26 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777
Monthly $5,589.3213 $5,729.0544 $5,872.2807 $6,019.0877 $6,169.5649 $6,323.8041 $6,481.8992 $6,643.9466 $6,810.0453
Hourly $32.2461 $33.0522 $33.8785 $34.7255 $35.5936 $36.4835 $37.3956 $38.3305 $39.2887
SC 27 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066
Monthly $5,868.7874 $6,015.5071 $6,165.8948 $6,320.0421 $6,478.0432 $6,639.9943 $6,805.9941 $6,976.1440 $7,150.5476
Hourly $33.8584 $34.7048 $35.5725 $36.4618 $37.3733 $38.3077 $39.2654 $40.2470 $41.2532
SC 28 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370
Monthly $6,162.2268 $6,316.2824 $6,474.1895 $6,636.0442 $6,801.9453 $6,971.9940 $7,146.2938 $7,324.9512 $7,508.0749
Hourly $35.5513 $36.4401 $37.3511 $38.2849 $39.2420 $40.2230 $41.2286 $42.2593 $43.3158
SC 29 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688
Monthly $6,470.3381 $6,632.0966 $6,797.8990 $6,967.8464 $7,142.0426 $7,320.5937 $7,503.6085 $7,691.1987 $7,883.4787
Hourly 37.3289 38.2621 39.2186 40.1991 41.2041 42.2342 43.2900 44.3723 45.4816
(Page 2 of 2) Exhibit D
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
SC 30 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022
Monthly $6,793.8550 $6,963.7014 $7,137.7939 $7,316.2388 $7,499.1447 $7,686.6234 $7,878.7889 $8,075.7587 $8,277.6526
Hourly $39.1953 $40.1752 $41.1796 $42.2091 $43.2643 $44.3459 $45.4546 $46.5909 $47.7557
SC 31 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374
Monthly $7,133.5478 $7,311.8865 $7,494.6836 $7,682.0507 $7,874.1020 $8,070.9545 $8,272.7284 $8,479.5466 $8,691.5353
Hourly $41.1551 $42.1840 $43.2386 $44.3195 $45.4275 $46.5632 $47.7273 $48.9205 $50.1435
SC 32 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742
Monthly $7,490.2251 $7,677.4808 $7,869.4178 $8,066.1532 $8,267.8071 $8,474.5022 $8,686.3648 $8,903.5239 $9,126.1120
Hourly $43.2128 $44.2932 $45.4005 $46.5355 $47.6989 $48.8914 $50.1136 $51.3665 $52.6506
SC 33 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129
Monthly $7,864.7364 $8,061.3548 $8,262.8887 $8,469.4609 $8,681.1974 $8,898.2274 $9,120.6830 $9,348.7001 $9,582.4176
Hourly $45.3735 $46.5078 $47.6705 $48.8623 $50.0838 $51.3359 $52.6193 $53.9348 $55.2832
SC 34
Monthly $8,257.9732 $8,464.4226 $8,676.0331 $8,892.9339 $9,115.2573 $9,343.1387 $9,576.7172 $9,816.1351 $10,061.5385
Hourly $47.6422 $48.8332 $50.0540 $51.3054 $52.5880 $53.9027 $55.2503 $56.6315 $58.0473
SC 35
Monthly $8,670.8719 $8,887.6437 $9,109.8348 $9,337.5806 $9,571.0202 $9,810.2957 $10,055.5531 $10,306.9419 $10,564.6154
Hourly $50.0243 $51.2749 $52.5567 $53.8707 $55.2174 $56.5979 $58.0128 $59.4631 $60.9497
SC 36
Monthly $9,104.4155 $9,332.0259 $9,565.3265 $9,804.4597 $10,049.5712 $10,300.8104 $10,558.3307 $10,822.2890 $11,092.8462
Hourly $52.5255 $53.8386 $55.1846 $56.5642 $57.9783 $59.4278 $60.9134 $62.4363 $63.9972
SC 37
Monthly $9,559.6363 $9,798.62721 $10,043.5928 $10,294.6827 $10,552.0497 $10,815.8510 $11,086.2472 $11,363.4034 $11,647.4885
Hourly $55.1517 $56.53051 $57.9438 $59.3924 $60.8772 $62.3991 $63.9591 $65.5581 $67.1970
In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
Exhibit "E"
Pay Plan Supervisory & Confidential Employees
Effective July 1st, 2014 thru June 30, 2015
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
SC 21 $3,724 $3,910 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527
Monthly $4,510.7609 $4,623.5300 $4,739.1182 $4,857.5962 $4,979.0361 $5,103.5120 $5,231.0998 $5,361.8773 $5,495.9242
Hourly $26.0236 $26.6742 $27.3411 $28.0246 $28.7252 $29.4433 $30.1794 $30.9339 $31.7073
SC 22 $3,910 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753
Monthly $4,736.2990 $4,854.7065 $4,976.0741 $5,100.4760 $5,227.9879 $5,358.6876 $5,492.6548 $5,629.9711 $5,770.7204
Hourly $27.3248 $28.0079 $28.7081 $29.4258 $30.1615 $30.9155 $31.6884 $32.4806 $33.2926
SC 23 $4,106 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991
Monthly $4,973.1139 $5,097.4418 $5,224.8778 $5,355.4998 $5,489.3873 $5,626.6220 $5,767.2875 $5,911.4697 $6,059.2564
Hourly $28.6910 $29.4083 $30.1435 $30.8971 $31.6695 $32.4613 $33.2728 $34.1046 $34.9572
SC 24 $4,311 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240
Monthly $5,221.7696 $5,352.3139 $5,486.1217 $5,623.2748 $5,763.8566 $5,907.9530 $6,055.6519 $6,207.0432 $6,362.2193
Hourly $30.1256 $30.8787 $31.6507 $32.4420 $33.2530 $34.0843 $34.9365 $35.8099 $36.7051
SC 25 $4,527 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502
Monthly $5,482.8581 $5,619.9296 $5,760.4278 $5,904.4385 $6,052.0495 $6,203.3507 $6,358.4345 $6,517.3953 $6,680.3302
Hourly $31.6319 $32.4227 $33.2332 $34.0641 $34.9157 $35.7886 $36.6833 $37.6004 $38.5404
SC 26 $4,753 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777
Monthly $5,757.0010 $5,900.9260 $6,048.4492 $6,199.6604 $6,354.6519 $6,513.5182 $6,676.3562 $6,843.2651 $7,014.3467
Hourly $33.2135 $34.0438 $34.8949 $35.7673 $36.6615 $37.5780 $38.5174 $39.4804 $40.4674
SC 27 $4,991 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066
Monthly $6,044.8511 $6,195.9723 $6,350.8717 $6,509.6434 $6,672.3845 $6,839.1941 $7,010.1740 $7,185.4284 $7,365.0641
Hourly $34.8741 $35.7460 $36.6396 $37.5556 $38.4945 $39.4569 $40.4433 $41.4544 $42.4908
SC 28 $5,240 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370
Monthly $6,347.0936 $6,505.7710 $6,668.4152 $6,835.1256 $7,006.0038 $7,181.1539 $7,360.6827 $7,544.6998 $7,733.3173
Hourly $36.6178 $37.5333 $38.4716 $39.4334 $40.4193 $41.4297 $42.4655 $43.5271 $44.6153
SC 29 $5,502 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688
Monthly $6,664.44831 $6,831.0595 $7,001.8360 $7,176.8819 $7,356.3040 $7,540.2115 $7,728.7168 $7,921.9348 $8,119.9831
Hourly 1 $38.44871 $39.41751 40.3952 $41.40511 $42.4402' $43.50171 $44.5887 $45.70351 $46.8461
(Page 2 of 2) Exhibit E
Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
SC 30 $5,777 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022
Monthly $6,997.6707 $7,172.6125 $7,351.9278 $7,535.7260 $7,724.1191 $7,917.2221 $8,115.1527 $8,318.0315 $8,525.9823
Hourly $40.3712 $41.3805 $42.4150 $43.4753 $44.5622 $45.6763 $46.8182 $47.9886 $49.1884
SC 31 $6,066 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374
Monthly $7,347.5543 $7,531.2431 $7,719.5242 $7,912.5123 $8,110.3251 $8,313.0832 $8,520.9103 $8,733.9331 $8,952.2814
Hourly $42.3897 $43.4495 $44.5357 $45.6491 $46.7903 $47.9601 $49.1591 $50.3881 $51.6478
SC 32 $6,370 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742
Monthly $7,714.9320 $7,907.8053 $8,105.5004 $8,308.1379 $8,515.8414 $8,728.7374 $8,946.9558 $9,170.6297 $9,399.8955
Hourly $44.5092 $45.6220 $46.7625 $47.9316 $49.1299 $50.3581 $51.6171 $52.9075 $54.2302
SC 33 $6,688 $7,022 $7,374 $7,742 $8,129
Monthly $8,100.6786 $8,303.1955 $8,510.7754 $8,723.5448 $8,941.6334 $9,165.1743 $9,394.3036 $9,629.1612 $9,869.8902
Hourly $46.7347 $47.9031 $49.1006 $50.3281 $51.5863 $52.8760 $54.1979 $55.5529 $56.9417
SC 34
Monthly $8,505.7125 $8,718.3553 $8,936.3142 $9,159.7220 $9,388.7151 $9,623.4330 $9,864.0188 $10,110.6193 $10,363.3848
Hourly $49.0714 $50.2982 $51.5557 $52.8446 $54.1657 $55.5198 $56.9078 $58.3305 $59.7888
SC 35
Monthly $8,930.9981 $9,154.2731 $9,383.1299 $9,617.7082 $9,858.1509 $10,104.6046 $10,357.2197 $10,616.1502 $10,881.5540
Hourly $51.5250 $52.8131 $54.1334 $55.4868 $56.8739 $58.2958 $59.7532 $61.2470 $62.7782
SC 36
Monthly $9,377.5480 $9,611.9867 $9,852.2864 $10,098.5936 $10,351.0584 $10,609.8349 $10,875.0807 $11,146.9577 $11,425.6317
Hourly $54.1012 $55.4538 $56.8401 $58.2611 $59.7176 $61.2106 $62.7409 $64.3094 $65.9171
SC 37
Monthly $9,846.4254 $10,092.5861 $10,344.9007 $10,603.5232 $10,868.6113 $11,140.32661$11,418.8348 $11,704.30561 $11,996.9133
Hourly $56.8063 $58.2265 $59.6821 $61.1742 $62.7035 $64.27111 $65.8779 $67.52481 $69.2130
In the event of a keying/formula discrepancy, all pay plans (salary matrices) are calculated @ 2.5% between each step and 5.0% between each range.
1. Independence Day
2. Labor Day
3. Veterans Day
4. Thanksgiving
5. Day after Thanksgiving
6. Christmas Eve
7. Christmas Day
8. New Years Day
9. Presidents Day
10. Memorial Day
11. Employee Chosen Floater
350310.1 Y0030-008
ITEM NO. 9,5
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012 Budgeted: Yes
Total Budget: $5.5M
To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $5.5M
Funding Source: Water Revenue
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, Account No: 101-2700
General Manager
Job No: J2008-14
Presented By: Steve Conklin, Dept: Engineering
Engineering Manager
Reviewed by N/A
Prepared By: Joe Polimino, CEQA MND
Project Engineer Compliance:
• Subject: Change Order No. 3 for Highland Pump Station Replacement Project
Work is proceeding on construction of the Highland Pump Station Replacement Project. The
District's contractor, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation, has submitted for consideration Change
Order No. 3.
That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 3 in the
amount of $23,584.51 and 38 additional work days for Pacific Hydrotech Corporation for
construction of the Highland Pump Station Replacement Project, Job No. 200814.
The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee considered this item at its April 9, 2012
meeting and supports staff's recommendation.
• In accordance with the contract documents, Pacific Hydrotech Corporation submitted Change
Order No. 3 due to additions and modifications, as well as District-initiated changes requested
during the course of construction to date. Proposed Change Order No. 3 also
incorporates credits to the District for the reconfiguration of the Automatic Power Transfer
• System (APTS) and elimination of some electrical conduit and wiring. A copy of Change
Order No. 3 is attached for review and details are provided below for more information.
Item 1: The pump station design originally specified an APTS be installed as part of
the project. The purpose of the APTS was to automatically switch electric power from the
District's existing generator back to the Edison grid after power was restored following a power
outage. On further review and discussion of the proposed APTS with District Operations
Department staff, it was determined that in the event of a power failure, sufficient water
supply would be available using the gas-engine pumps and water from Lakeview Reservoir to
meet demand while the three electric-motor-driven pumps are without power. This would give
Operations staff more time to re-evaluate the water system and then perform a re-start of the
electric pumps, as opposed to automatically starting them using the APTS. Accordingly, a
design change was made and a credit was negotiated, in the amount of $28,112.68.
Item 2: This item is for additional electrical work, which includes elements added for District
use, including external outlets, and conduit and wiring for AQMD-compliance monitoring. Other
additional items include extra conduit and wiring found to be necessary during the course of
the work, as well wiring for added block heaters for the gas engines for improved cold-starts
and to preclude condensation while not running. This work adds $11,828.03 and a total of 18
additional work days to the project.
Item 3: This District-requested item is for the installation of a District-supplied 30-inch valve on
• the discharge piping of the existing Highland Reservoir. The placement of the valve is such
that it will allow Operations staff to isolate each reservoir bay or outlet piping separately for
maintenance, add more flexibility to the system by allowing the supply of water to
separate zones, or take the pump station or inlet piping out of service for maintenance. The
cost of this District-initiated improvement is $24,569.79 and an additional 10 work days. This
District-owned valve was formerly in place at the recently completed Highland Reservoir and
was available for relocation after the new booster station piping was installed.
Item 4: During construction, it was noted that the design plans did not include the new cooling
lines to the new pump station for the existing generator on-site. This additional work
item is potholing, trenching, shoring, labor and materials for new copper coolant lines, valves
and appurtenances to supply cooling water to the existing generator. The cost of this item is
$15,299.37 and 10 additional work days. The design engineering and construction services
required to address this issue were performed by the District's design engineer, MWH
Engineers, at no cost to the District.
The status of the construction contract with Pacific Hydrotech Corporation is as follows:
• The current contract is $4,655,065.72 and 352 work days starting November 1, 2010.
• If approved, Change Order No. 3 adds $23,584.51 (0.5% of the current contract
amount) and 38 work days.
• If approved, the revised construction contract amount will be $4,678,650.23 and 390
• work days. If so approved, the increase in the project construction cost to date, on a
complex retrofit project nearing conclusion, will be approximately 3.3%.
Staff and MWH Engineers, the District's construction management consultant, reviewed the
change order request items and recommend approval.
SR 3-a: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015
with adopted amendments.
A construction contract in the amount of $4,525,800 was awarded to the low bidder, Pacific
Hydrotech Corporation on August 12, 2010. The Board approved Change Order No. 1 on June
9, 2011 which added 21 work days to the project due to rain. The Board approved Change
Order No. 2 on September 22, 2011 in the amount of $129,265.72 and 45 work days. The
Board has approved fourteen progress payments to date for this project, the last of which was
approved on March 22, 2011.
DATE 3126/12
Page 1 or 1
CONTRACT NAME: Highland Booster Station Project CONTRACT AMT.: $4,666,086.72 DAYS: 352
CONTRACTOR: Pacific Hydrotsch Corporation THIS CHANGE: $23,884.81 DAYS: 38
PROJECT NO. J-20081 (0.6%)
OWNER: Yorba Linde Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $4,678,650.23 DAYS: 390
This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein.The Contractor shall conelruct,furnish equipment and materials,and
perform all work as necessery or required to complete the Change Order Items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba
Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner.
AMOUNT (Work Days)
Electrical Credits:Change to ATS, delete conductors and conduit to generator,
conduit 23a 24a 88c FIT 10 relocation. ($28,112.68) 0
Electrical Additional Costs:External building receptacles,Tdmax work, added
conduit 24c 88c 94c and engine block heater conduit and wiring. $11,828.03 18
Install an additional 30-Inch valve In the reservoir outlet piping to Isolate the reservoir
bays if necessary, as re nested by District O rations Department. $24,569.79 10
Installation and lie-In of new copper coolant lines and miscellaneous valves,etc., to and
from the existina on-site generator. $16,299.37 10
$23,684.51 38
$4,670,660.23 390
The amount of the contract will be Increased decieosed>by the sum of$23,684.61 and the contract time shall be Increased<deoreased>by
39 work days.The undersigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes,If any,In the contract price specified for
each item Including any and all supervalon costs and other miscellaneous costs relating to the change In work, and as to the extension of time
allowed,If any,for completion of the entire work on account of sold Change Order.The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor antl materials and
perform all other necessary work,Inclusive of that directly or Indirectly related to the approved time extension,required to complete the Change
Order Items.This document will became a supplement of the contract and all provlelons will apply heret).It to understood ihal the Change Order
shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This Change Order constitutes full,final,and complete compensation to the Contractor for all
costs, expanses, overhead, profit, and any damages or every kind that the Contractor may Incur in connection with the above referenced
changes In the work,Including any Impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contracL any changes N the sequences of any
work,any delay to any work, any disruption of any work, any rescheduling of any work,and any other effect on any of the work under this
contract. By the execution of the Change Order,the Contractor accepts the contract price change and the contract completion date change,If
any,and expressly waives any claims for any additional compensation, damages or time extensions, In connection with the above-referenced
Michael Moore,Project Manager,MWH
Bob Owens,Project Manager,PHC
Kenneth R.Vacchierelll
General Manager
ITEM NO. 11.2
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Finance-Accounting Committee
Minutes of meeting held March 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
• Meeting scheduled April 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Name: Description: Type:
032612 FA - Minutes.doc FA Mtg Minutes 03/26/12 Minutes
March 26, 2012
A meeting of the Finance-Accounting Committee was called to order by Director Kiley at
4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E.
Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director Robert R. Kiley, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Phil Hawkins Stephen Parker, Finance Manager
Thomas DeMars, Managing Principal, Fieldman Rolapp & Associates
Joshua Lentz, Assistant Vice President, Fieldman Rolapp & Associates
2.1. Opportunity for Refunding of 2003 Certificates of Participation
Mr. DeMars and Mr. Lentz from Fieldman Rolapp & Associates went
through the slides of a PowerPoint presentation they had created for the
committee. They shared that the current bond market for municipal bonds
was excellent, with demand high and a small number of new issuances.
As such, there is an opportunity for the District to advance refund the 2003
COP's, and save around $500,000 in net present savings, with an average
annual savings of $31,000. Mr. Lentz explained that the market for this
could change, but the majority of fees associated with the advance
refunding would be contingent on the market staying strong and the
District completing the refunding. The next steps included the Board
authorizing moving forward with advance refunding the 2003 COP's,
engaging bond counsel and mobilizing the finance team. The total
timeline for the process would be between 90 and 120 days. The
Finance-Accounting Committee supported staff's recommendation of
proceeding forward with advance refunding and recommended having the
Fieldman Rolapp & Associates team present this option at the next Board
meeting. Mr. DeMars and Mr. Lentz left the meeting at this time.
3.1. Line of Credit Financing Option
Mr. Parker shared that staff had been exploring a line of credit financing
option with Wells Fargo bank, the District's primary financial institution.
Mr. Parker explained that as a result of the District's strong credit rating
and history with Wells Fargo, the terms of obtaining a line of credit were
very favorable. In addition, staff considers this an effective tool to limit the
amount of future rate increases or maximize the CIP projects that the
District could finance. Mr. Parker explained that staff would present the
line of credit as a financing option in the upcoming budget workshop. If
the Board supported moving forward with this option, the next step would
be to have bond counsel look into the terms and contract proposed by
Wells Fargo.
3.2. February 2012 Budget to Actual Results
Mr. Parker indicated that the budget to actual results were similar to the
previous month, and that almost all line items other than ones that had
been previously mentioned were following in line with being two thirds of
the way through the fiscal year. He did point out the newest change was
that Sewer Fund's materials and maintenance accounts were higher than
expected budget due to unexpected sewer main repairs in a number of
areas. The committee had no further questions.
3.3. Investment Report for Period Ending February 2012
Mr. Parker indicated that the District's yield raised to 1.07% as a result of
spending down most of the 2008 COP proceeds and CaITRUST's Medium
Term portfolio increasing. Major activity for the month included spending
over $500,000 of the Water Capital Projects fund for CIP project activity
and moving money in the Reserve for Debt Service fund to Cal-TRUST's
Short-Term portfolio to allow the interest portion of the 2003 and 2008
COP's to be paid at the end of March. The committee had no further
3.4. Comparison of Investment Types and Yields of Local Water Districts
Mr. Parker offered the committee a comparison of YLWD's investment
types and yields to other local water districts per previous requests by the
committee. Mr. Parker explained that as water districts must all abide by
the State of California Government Code, most investments within that
group will be similar, including investments in Local Agency Investment
Fund, money market accounts, and federal securities. The Committee
noted that the District's yield was higher than all others except Mesa
Consolidated Water District, which was higher by the slightest of margins
— one one-hundredth of a percent.
Mr. Parker pointed out that Mesa had a large amount of their reserves
wrapped up in long-term investments, and the District's current financial
position did not allow for similar investments to be made. Mr. Parker also
indicated that the District's yield was high because of its investment in
CaITRUST, but that investment also subjected the principal to gains and
losses, while federal securities — as long as they are held to maturity — do
not. This is something that has been discussed before with the
committee, and Mr. Parker indicated he would like to pursue some
diversification of the portfolio as a result of that risk.
3.5. Draft Reserve Policy for FY 2012/13
Mr. Parker presented the draft reserve policy for FY 2012/13. He
explained that there were two main changes from the prior years' version.
The first change was to revise the District's Operating Reserve target from
5-8% up to the Government Finance Officers Association's
recommendation of 8-17%. The second change is to adjust the
Maintenance Reserve to include a target of $200,000 instead of annual
funding of $200,000. The remaining changes were mostly updating
figures that needed to be updated annually.
Mr. Parker explained that the draft reserve policy would be presented as a
part of the Budget Workshop.
3.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
The committee asked that staff present a comparison of the District's
investment types and yields to other local water districts on an annual
4.1. The Committee adjourned at 5:04 p.m. The next meeting of the Finance-
Accounting Committee will be held April 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
ITEM NO. 11.3
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Personnel-Risk Management Committee
• Minutes of meeting held March 20, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Minutes of meeting held April 10, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the
next regular Board meeting.)
• Meeting scheduled May 8, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Name: Description: Type:
032012 PRM - Minutes.doc PRM Mtg Minutes 03/20/12 Minutes
March 20, 2012
A meeting of the Personnel-Risk Management Committee was called to order by
Director Beverage at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative
Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Ric Collett Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager
Lee Cory, Operations Manager
Joann Gitmed, Accounting Assistant II
2.1. Request for Proposals for an Organizational Efficiency Study
At the request of the Personnel-Risk Management Committee's Chair,
staff placed on the agenda for action and discussion the potential hiring of
an outside firm to assess the District's organizational makeup for
opportunities to gain efficiencies. The Chair requested the study include
an assessment of merging the Customer Service Section of the Finance
Department with the Public Affairs Section of the Administration
Department. In addition, the study would also focus on the efficiency of
combining the Information Technology Department with the Public Affairs
Section. The Committee requested this action item be brought to the full
Board of Directors for discussion to consider the authorization of staff to
prepare a Request for Proposals for Professional Services toward the
preparation of an Organizational Efficiency Study at the next Budget
workshop. The date of the workshop is scheduled for April 11 , 2012.
3.1. Draft Human Resources Department Budget for FY 2012-2013
Staff presented the Draft Human Resources Department Budget for FY
2012-2013. It is anticipated that the District's Property and Liability
insurance premiums will increase by 17%. This is due to an increase in
claims activity and the additional cost for comprehensive and collision
insurance for approximately 41 District vehicles. Overall the Department's
Budget reflects a 5.5% increase attributed to the projected Property and
Liability insurance premiums increases.
3.2. Draft Salary and Benefits Budget for FY 2012-2013
Finance presented the Committee with a preliminary Personnel Salaries &
Benefits Budget for FY 2012-13. The District's proposed budget for FY
2012-13 is approximately $7,900,000, a slight decrease (39K) over the
adopted FY 2011-12 Salaries & Benefits budget. The decrease is
attributed by the elimination of the Assistant General Manager position
and the filling of an Acting IT Manager.
3.3. Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Management
Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015
Staff prepared and presented a second draft proposal for the Management
Employees Compensation Letter to include a three year term. The
documents were reviewed and staff was directed to make some minor
adjustments and present the revised document to the full Board of
Directors at the April 12, 2012 regular Board meeting.
3.4. Employee Compensation Letter and Pay Plan for Supervisory and
Confidential Employees for Fiscal Years 2012-2015
Staff prepared and presented a draft proposal for the Supervisory and
Confidential Compensation Letter. The documents were reviewed and
staff was directed to make minor adjustments and present a revised
document to the full Board of Directors at the April 12, 2012 regular Board
3.5. Student Internship Policy (Verbal Report)
Staff reported that the District's Department Managers were reviewing the
draft Student Internship Policy. Staff will bring back the revised policy to
the next Personnel-Risk Management Committee meeting of April 10,
2012 for review.
3.6. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives
Staff presented a draft job description questionnaire that will be used to
assess current job duties, education, skills and/or certificates required for
all classifications. This will help staff revise the current job descriptions to
identify what type of computer skills are needed to perform specific duties
within each job classification. Eventually when all the job descriptions are
revised, staff will then focus of developing a succession/workforce plan.
3.7. Backhoe Incident on March 12, 2012 (Verbal Report)
Staff informed the Committee about the Back Hoe accident of March 12,
2012 Staff will conduct an investigation and with the help of the Safety
Consultant review the current procedures to determine if revisions to our
current procedures need to be made.
3.8. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
Staff informed the Committee members that the invoice for Property
insurance was received and would be presented for payment at the April
12, 2012 Board meeting.
4.1. The Committee adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next meeting of the
Personnel-Risk Management Committee will be held April 10, 2012 at
4:00 p.m.
ITEM NO. 11.4
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
• Revised minutes of meeting held March 12, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Minutes of meeting held April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next
regular Board meeting.)
Meeting scheduled May 3, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Name: Description: Type:
031212 - PEO Minutes (Revised).docx PEO Mtg Minutes 03/12/12 Minutes
March 12, 2012
A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by
Director Collett at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office
at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director Ric Collett, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Robert R. Kiley Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Lee Cory, Operations Manager
John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator
Residents of the Hidden Hills community, including Mark Schock, David Ramocinski,
Cheri Abercrombi, Bob Short, Kathy Short, John Kirby, Teresa Kirby and Shannon Lew.
2.1. Operational Practices During Red Flag Days (Verbal Report)
Mr. Vecchiarelli opened the discussion with information on when and how
the District will be able to respond to the Public Records Request (PRR)
by Mr. Schock for water storage information for various reservoirs at the
time of Red Flag Warning (RFW) notifications by OCFA. He noted that
compliance with the PRR requires that a public agency provide records
that are available, but does not require that new records be created or
prepared. Mr. Vecchiarelli commented that complying with the recent
PRR by Mr. Schock would require an estimated 30-60 hours of staff time
to create and compile the requested documents, which is beyond that
required in the PRR. Mr. Schock indicated that the purpose of his PRR
was to obtain reservoir fill information during RFW periods. He noted that
it was his understanding that the reservoirs would be filled to 90-95% full
during RFW events in accordance with District policy, as reported in the
OC Register. Mr. Vecchiarelli commented that he was not aware of any
policy established by the Board concerning operation during RFW events.
This was followed by a report by Mr. DeCriscio on reservoir operational
practices of the District. He noted that the primary requirement is to
operate the water system and reservoirs to meet water quality standards
for the delivery of potable water for the use of all customers. Concerning
the operation of Hidden Hills (HH) Reservoir, Mr. DeCriscio indicated that
in order to maintain water quality, the volume of water in the reservoir is
currently drawn down to 3 ft deep, and then pumped-fill begins, in order to
bring in fresher water. He noted that at the 3 ft minimum depth, the
volume still exceeds the 180,000-gallon volume established by the Orange
County Fire Authority (OCFA) for one residential fire. He also noted that
the measure of water quality is the chlorine residual concentration, which
is continuously monitored with a chlorine residual analyzer in HH
Mr. Vecchiarelli indicated that delivery of water for fire protection is
secondary to complying with water quality standards. He also noted that
the water system is designed to deliver fire flow for one residential fire at a
time in each service zone, which is the standard of the water industry. He
stated that the District will endeavor to deliver above and beyond this
design standard if there is more than one fire in a water service zone, as
was the case during the Freeway Complex Fire, but the District cannot
guarantee to meet all water demands, such as in this catastrophic wild
Mr. DeCriscio indicated that in normal operation, reservoirs may operate
with a volume less than 50% full so as to cycle the water out into the
system for use, and not allow it to remain in storage for more than a few
days. This is necessary in order for the water to maintain its chlorine
residual and to comply with water quality standards. This can be
challenging with the water stored in Hidden Hills (HH) Reservoir because
there are less than 140 homes served by this reservoir. On a normal day,
the water used by the residents of these homes is in the range of 100,000
to 150,000 gallons. The storage capacity of the reservoir is two million
gallons, which means that if the reservoir was kept full, only 5% to 8% of
the volume would be used on an average day. This would result in old or
"stale" water that would not meet water quality standards. As a result, HH
Reservoir is normally operated between a low-water volume of 200,000
gallons and a high-water volume of 600,000-700,000 gallons, with water
stored in only one bay of the two-bay reservoir.
Mr. DeCriscio noted that HH Reservoir minimum volume is 200,000
gallons, which is the volume established by OCFA to fight one residential
fire. Drawing down to this volume allows capacity for new, fresh water to
be pumped in on a regular basis. He also noted that he receives a text
message of an impending Red Flag condition, or of an impending windy
condition. In these impending conditions, he directs staff to activate
pumps and initiate a fill cycle in HH Reservoir and other reservoirs.
Discussion followed on how the District works to make use of the extra
volume pumped in after the end of a RFW, and minimize any dumping of
water to waste.
Mr. Schock commented that if HH reservoir volume is 200,000 gallons at
the time a RFW is received and the pumps at Santiago are activated and
can discharge 2,000 gpm to HH reservoir, it would take 1000 minutes (16
hours) to feed 2 million gallons to the reservoir. Mr. DeCriscio noted that
the District tries to get a head start by initiating pumping at the first sign of
wind. Mr. Vecchiarelli commented that the 2008 Fire was larger than
could be handled by a public water system designed in accordance with
water industry standards.
On the issue of water storage and water quality, Mr. Schock asked if HH
reservoir could be used as storage to serve all of the hill area to increase
the use of HH reservoir. Mr. DeCriscio responded that the same volume
of storage must be provided between Santiago and HH reservoirs to meet
demands. Mr. Vecchiarelli commented that there are five pressure zones
in the Hidden Hills area, two zones served from HH reservoir and three
from Santiago. To serve all five zones from HH reservoir would be
expensive and would waste energy, because the water would have to be
pumped up to HH reservoir and then served sequentially back down the
hills through five pressure zones.
Mr. Short asked, following a RFW and the filling of HH reservoir, how long
can the high reservoir level be maintained? Mr. DeCriscio answered that
the high level must be cycled down in about three days. In that period, the
District will monitor the chlorine residual and will draw down the level
through normal water consumption by residential use.
Concerning the issue of District policy during RFWs, Mr. Vecchiarelli
commented that he was not aware of any, but will check. Directors Collett
and Kiley indicated that they were not aware of any formal Board policy on
this matter. Director Kiley commented that the City of YL is reviewing
building code requirements for residential areas in the fire zone.
Questions and comments that came out of the discussion include the
• The Committee asked that this information presented by staff be
made to the full Board at its March 22 meeting.
• That the meeting time be rescheduled to 4 pm that day, if
possible, to accommodate attendance by the residents and others.
• What is the District's policy or goal for water storage in Red Flag
Warning conditions?
• Mr. Schock made a verbal request to modify his Public Information
Request to be water volume stored in Hidden Hills, Santiago, and
Chino Hills reservoirs for the time period of Yorba Linda Red Flag
Warning Dates and times, as listed in a table provided by Mr.
Schock, from October 2011 to January 2012.
• The Committee asked staff to determine what would be required
to have the above data retrievable on a continuing rolling basis for
the current six-month period.
At the close of this discussion item, all of the attendees from the Hidden
Hills community departed, except for Mr. Schock, who stayed until the end
of the meeting.
3.1. Award of Construction Contract for Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project
Mr. Conklin reported that 19 bids were received for the construction of the
subject project, with Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc (GJC) as the low
bidder. The bid package and references of GJC were reviewed by staff
and found to be in order. In addition, there was material received from the
Center for Contract Compliance, a labor-management organization, with
information of concern regarding past performance by GJC. District staff
and legal counsel reviewed the information and met with the president of
GJC to discuss the information. All of the questions and concerns were
adequately addressed to the satisfaction of staff and legal counsel. After
discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the
Board award the contract for construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline
Project to GJC for $1,681,650.
3.2. Well No. 20 Engineering Services Amendment No. 4 with Civiltec
Engineering, Inc.
Mr. Conklin reported that additional construction management services
were required beyond that specified in the Professional Services
Agreement and that an amendment is requested to provide the additional
necessary services. Following discussion, the Committee supported the
staff recommendation that the Board authorize approval of Engineering
Services Amendment No. 4 for $6,730 with Civiltec Engineering, resulting
in a total fee of $103,065.
3.3. Change Order No. 1 for the Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement
Mr. Conklin reported that work is proceeding with construction of the
subject project and should be complete by the end of March. However,
after the contract was awarded to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors on
October 13, 2011, it was found that the necessary valves would require 12
weeks fabrication time (as confirmed in writing by the supplier) rather than
the earlier quoted 6 weeks. Following discussion, the Committee
supported the staff recommendation that the Board approve Change
Order No. 1, a no-cost, 37 calendar-day contract time extension for the
4.1. Draft FY 2012/13 Engineering Department Budget
Mr. Conklin presented the draft Engineering Department Budget. He
reported that the Supplies and Services Budget was reduced by 48% from
the current year, primarily due to a reduction in the budgeting of
professional services, specifically consulting services. He noted that if the
need for these services arises, and if approved by the General Manager or
Board as necessary, funding will be provided from a reserve account for
this purpose. The Committee reviewed the numbers and had no
4.2. Draft FY 2012/13 Operations Department Budget
Mr. Cory presented the draft Operations Department Budget. He reported
on the elements of the draft Supplies and Services Budget and noted that,
overall, it will be reduced by $85,625 (5.5%) from the current year. The
Committee reviewed the numbers and had no questions.
4.3. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report
Mr. Cory reported on PM status for February, noting that our crews are on
target for the work elements listed. He pointed out two new categories
listed, Water Leaks and Meters, with the work elements for each. It was
also noted that our crews are making good progress now on sewer
televising and are approaching the target goal.
4.4. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report
Mr. Conklin reported that for the month of February, water demand was
11% above our projected value; however, for the FY to date (8 months)
we are 4.4% under our demand projection. Our groundwater use remains
high, at 68% of our total use for the month, and cumulatively to date it is
almost 43% for the FY.
4.5. Development of a Monthly Production Summary Report
Mr. Cory reported that the Production Department is developing a new
monthly report to provide a summary of key operational information. The
purpose of the new report will be to apprise the Board of important
operational information in a brief summary format. Draft report layouts
were presented to the Committee to review. Following discussion, the
Committee favored the report that presented the information in tabular box
4.6. Groundwater Producers Meeting Report
Mr. Conklin reported on the items discussed at the February 8 GWP
4.7. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress
Mr. Conklin reported on the status of capital projects currently in planning,
design and construction.
4.8. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives
Mr. Conklin reported on the status of strategic plan objectives that relate to
engineering and operations.
4.9. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
5.1. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. The next meeting of the Planning-
Engineering-Operations Committee will be held April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
ITEM NO. 11.5
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee
Minutes of meeting held March 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Minutes of meeting held April 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next
regular Board meeting.)
Meeting scheduled May 7, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Name: Description: Type:
031912 PACT - Minutes.docx PACT Mtg Minutes 03/19/12 Minutes
March 19, 2012
A meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee was called to
order by Director Melton at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's
Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Michael J. Beverage Art Vega, Interim IT Manager
Cindy Botts, Management Analyst
Hank Samaripa, Project Engineer
Derek Nguyen, Water Quality Engineer
Freddie Ojeda, Plant Operator
Ruben Maldonado, Water Quality Technician
Cody Peterson, Public Affairs Intern
2.1. Introduce Cody Peterson, Public Affairs Intern
Cody Peterson was introduced as the new Public Affairs intern by Ms.
Botts to the Committee.
3.1. OCWD Water Education Festival Presentation
Mr. Maldonado, Mr. Nguyen, Mr. Ojeda, and Mr. Samaripa gave an
overview of their OCWD Water Education Presentation complete with
visual aids and addressed any questions Committee members presented.
4.1. Status of OCWD Water Education Festival (Verbal Report)
Ms. Botts updated the Committee on the OCWD Water Education Festival
and answered questions regarding the event.
4.2. Status of Website Redesign (Verbal Report)
Ms. Botts and Mr. Vega informed the Committee of the progress made
with regards to the website's redesign and showed them the new site still
under development.
4.3. Status of Public Affairs Tasks (Verbal Report)
Ms. Botts answered questions the Committee had regarding the progress
of Public Affairs tasks which Mr. Micalizzi was working on before his
4.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. The next meeting of the Public
Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee will be held April 2, 2012
at 4:00 p.m. (This meeting was subsequently rescheduled to April 9, 2012
at 4:00 p.m.)
ITEM NO. 13.1
Meeting Date: April 12, 2012
Subject: Meetings from April 13, 2012 - May 31 , 2012
Name: Description: Type:
BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf BOD Activity Calendar Backup Material
Board of Directors Activity Calendar
Event Date Time Attendance by:
April 2012
District Offices Closed Fri, Apr 13 7:OOAM
WACO Fri, Apr 13 7:30AM Hawkins/Kiley
Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 16 4:OOPM Hawkins/Melton
Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Apr 17 6:30PM Melton
MWDOC Board Wed, Apr 18 8:30AM Melton/Staff
OCWD Board Wed, Apr 18 5:30PM Kiley/Staff
Board of Directors Special Meeting Thu, Apr 19 4:OOPM
District Offices Closed Fri, Apr 20 7:OOAM
Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 23 8:30AM Beverage
Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Apr 23 4:OOPM Kiley/Hawkins
Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Apr 25 7:OOPM Collett
Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Apr 26 8:30AM
District Offices Closed Fri, Apr 27 7:OOAM
May 2012
Yorba Linda City Council Tue, May 1 6:30PM Hawkins
MWDOC/MWD Workshop Wed, May 2 8:30AM Melton/Staff
OCWD Board Wed, May 2 5:30PM Kiley/Staff
Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Thu, May 3 4:OOPM Collett/Kiley
District Offices Closed Fri, May 4 7:OOAM
WACO Fri, May 4 7:30AM Hawkins
Pub Affairs-Communications-Tech Committee Meeting Mon, May 7 4:OOPM Melton/Beverage
Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, May 8 4:OOPM Beverage/Collett
LAFCO Wed, May 9 9:OOAM Beverage
Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Wed, May 9 4:OOPM Hawkins/Melton
Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, May 9 7:OOPM Kiley
Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, May 10 8:30AM
District Offices Closed Fri, May 11 7:OOAM
Yorba Linda City Council Tue, May 15 6:30PM Melton
MWDOC Board Wed, May 16 8:30AM Melton/Staff
OCWD Board Wed, May 16 5:30PM Kiley/Staff
District Offices Closed Fri, May 18 7:OOAM
Joint Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Tue, May 22 4:OOPM Hawkins/Beverage
Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, May 23 7:OOPM Collett
Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, May 24 8:30AM
District Offices Closed Fri, May 25 7:OOAM
District Offices Closed Mon, May 28 7:OOAM
Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, May 28 8:30AM Beverage
Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, May 28 4:OOPM Kiley/Hawkins
ISDOC Thu, May 31 11:30AM Collett
4/5/2012 8:32:07 AM