HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-06-28 - Resolution No. 90-150 0 RESOLUTION NO. 90-15 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADJUSTING COMPENSATION FOR MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISORY, AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the District's Management, Supervisory and Confidential employees exist as a group separate from the bargaining unit employees, and WHEREAS, the 1989-90 Management, Supervisory and Confidential employees compensation letter was adopted on June 22, 1989, and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desire to review and adjust compensation for Management, Supervisory and Confidential employees on a regular basis. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District that the 1990-91 Management - Supervisory - Confidential Employee Compensation Letter is approved. New salary ranges are adopted and are attached as exhibits "A" and "B." PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of June , 1990 by the following called vote: AYES: Arthur C. NOES: o ABSENT: o ABSTAIN: 0 ATTEST: Korn, M. Roy Knauft, Jr., Sterling Fox, Whit Cromwell, and Paul Armstrong President Yorba Linda Water District Secretary, Yorba Linda Water District • • Fiscal Year 1990-91 Management - Supervisory -Confidential Employee Compensation Letter Employees affected by this letter are: Assistant General Manager Assistant Administrator Secretary Business Manager Accounting Supervisor Customer Service Supervisor Engineering Manager Assistant Engineering Manager Operations Superintendent Assistant Operations Superintendent Maintenance Foreman The following adjustments are proposed to the current compensation plan: 1. A 5.0% increase to the salary ranges effective July 1, 1990. 2. A 7.0% increase to the salary ranges effective January 1, 1991. 3. Increase of 20.0% to the maximum cost that the District will pay for employee health insurance premiums. 4. Increase of 20.0% to the maximum cost that the District will pay for employee dental insurance premiums. 5. Safety boot reimbursement is increased from $50.00 to $75.00 per year. 6. Standby pay is increased by $1.00 to $19.00 per day. Page 2 7. Maternity leave with or without pay shall follow the same procedures as leave granted for other disabilities provided, however, that an employee who has exhausted all accrued sick leave, compensatory time and vacation time shall be entitled to an unpaid leave of absence for a total of four months leave when combined with sick leave, vacation and compensatory time, provided that the employee furnishes to District a physician's verification of inability to work. 8. The following holidays will be observed during the 1990-91 fiscal year: Independence Day, Wednesday, July 4, 1990 Labor Day, Monday, September 3, 1990 Columbus Day, Monday, October 12, 1990 Veterans' Day, Monday, November 12, 1990 Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22, 1990 Day after Thanksgiving, Friday, November 23, 1990 Christmas Eve, Monday, December 24, 1990 Christmas Day, Tuesday, December 25, 1990 New Year's Day, Tuesday, January 1, 1991 Washington's Birthday, Monday, February 18, 1991 Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 1991 9. The term of this compensation letter is from July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991. William P. Workman Date General Manager 0 0 EXHIBIT "A" Effective July 1, 1990 PAY PLAN Management, Supervisory and Confidential Employees (RangelO,Stepl = $7.9569/hr"2080/12) Ran a Ste~i 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Stem 5 Classification 1 889 I 933 I 980 11029 11081 I 2 I 933 I 980 11029 11081 11135 I 3 I 980 11029 11081 11135 11191 I 4 1 1029 11081 11135 11191 11251 5 1 1081 11135 11191 11251 11314 I 6 1 1135 11191 11251 11314 11379 7 1 1191 11251 11314 11379 11448 8 I 1251 I 1314 I 1379 I 1448 I 1521 I 9 I 1314 I 1379 I 1448 I 1521 I 1597 10 I 137 I 1448 I 1521 I 1597 I 1676 11 I 1448 I 1521 I 1597 ( 1676 I 1760 1 2 I 1521 I 1597 I 1676 I 1760 I 1848 I 1 3 I 1597 I 1676 I 1760 I 1848 I 1941 I 14 1 1676 11760 11848 11941 2038 I 15 1 1760 11848 11941 12038 2140 16 1 1848 11941 ( 2038 12140 12247 17 1 1941 12038 12140 12247 12359 18 I 2038 I 2140 I 2247 I 2359 I 2477 I Secretary 19 2140 12247 12359 12477 12601 20 2247 12359 12477 12601 12731 I 21 1 2359 12477 12601 12731 12867 I 22 I 2477 I 2601 I 2731 I 2867 I 3011 I Customer Service Supervisor 23 1 2601 ( 2731 12867 13011 13161 I 24 2731 2867 3011 3161 3319 Accounting Supervisor Maintenance Foreman 25 1 2867 13011 13161 13319 13485 26 3011 3161 3319 3485 3659 Assistant Administrator II Assistant Engineering Manager Assistant Operations Superintendant 27 1 3161 13319 13485 13659 13842 28 1 3319 13485 13659 13842 14035 29 3485 3659 3842 4035 4236 Business Manager Engineering Manager Operations Superintendant 30 1 3659 3842 14035 14236 14448 31 1 3842 4035 14236 14448 14670 I 32 1 4035 14236 14448 14670 14904 33 I 4236 I 4448 I 4670 I 4904 I 5149 I Assistant General Manaaer 34 1 4448 14670 14904 15149 15407 35 1 4670 14904 15149 15407 15677 N/A I (Salary set by Board of Directors) I General Manaaer • 0 EXHIBIT "B" Effective January 1, 1991 PAY PLAN Management, Supervisory and Confidential Employees (Range10,Step1 = $8.5139/hr'2080/12) Range Ste 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Classification 1 I 9~1 I 999 1049 1 11 01 I 1156 2 ( 999 11049 11101 11156 11214 I 3 I 1049 I 1101 I 1156 I 1214 I 1275 4 11101 11156 11214 11275 11339 I 5 11156 11214 11275 11339 11405 I 6 11214 11275 11339 11405 11476 I 7 I 1275 I 1339 I 1405 I 1476 I 1550 8 ( 1339 ( 1405 11476 11550 11627 I 9 11405 11476 11550 11627 11708 10 11476 11550 11627 11708 11794 1 1 I 1550 I 1627 I 1708 I 1794 I 1883 1 2 I 1627 I 1708 I 1794 I 1883 I 1978 13 11708 11794 11883 11978 12077 14 11794 ( 1883 1978 ( 2077 12180 15 11$$3 11978 2077 12180 12289 1 6 I 1978 I 2077 I 2180 I 2289 I 2404 17 12077 12180 12289 12404 12524 I 18 I 2180 ( 2289 I 2404 I 2524 I 2650 I Secretary 19 12289 12404 12524 12650 12783 20 ( 2404 12524 12650 12783 12922 21 12524 12650 12783 12922 ( 3068 22 I 2650 I 2783 ( 2922 ( 3068 I 3221 I Customer Service Supervisor 23 12783 12922 13068 ( 3221 13382 I 24 2922 3068 3221 3382 3552 Accounting Supervisor Maintenance Foreman 25 3068 ( 3221 13382 13552 13729 26 3221 3382 3552 3729 3916 Assistant Administrator II Assistant Engineering Manager Assistant Operations Superintendant 27 13382 3552 1 3729 13916 14111 28 13552 3729 3916 14111 1 4317 29 3729 3916 4111 4317 4533 Business Manager Engineering Manager Operations Superintendant 30 13916 14111 4317 14533 1 4759 31 14111 14317 4533 14759 1 4997 32 14317 14533 1 4759 ( 4997 1 5247 I 33 I 4533 I 4759 I 4997 I 5247 I 5510 I Assistant General Manager 34 1475 14997 1 5247 15510 1 5785 I 35 1499 ( 5247 1 5510 5785 1 D 6074 I N/A I (Salary set by Board of irectors) I General Manaaer