HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-26 - Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE
June 26, 2012
A meeting of the Finance-Accounting Committee was called to order by Director Kiley at
4:04 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E.
Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870.
Director Robert R. Kiley, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Phil Hawkins Stephen Parker, Finance Manager
Mr. Parker explained that while researching information relating to item
2.3, and subsequent to the agenda being posted, staff was made aware of
an opportunity. The opportunity related to financial arrangements with
CalPERS just as item 2.3 does, and by taking immediate action, the
District could save money. As such, Mr. Parker requested to add an
additional item — 2.4 Payoff of CalPERS Side Fund. Directors Kiley and
Hawkins approved adding the item to the agenda.
2.1. Authorization to Invest with Bank of the West
Mr. Parker discussed an opportunity the District was offered to invest in a
money market account with Bank of the West. Mr. Parker explained that
the guaranteed return of 35 basis points (0.35% yield) was similar to the
current LAIF return of 0.36%, and this investment was collateralized 110%
by US Government securities. Mr. Parker added that staff proposing to
transfer $2 million from the District's LAIF investment to the money market
account, but that the District's investment policy calls for Board approval
for investments greater than $1 million in one institution. The Committee
asked a few questions about the investment and supported staff's
2.2. OPEB Liability Pay Down
Mr. Parker presented an action item to the Committee to deposit the
budgeted Annual Required Contribution plus $100,000 from the Employee
Liability Reserve with the District's Other Post-Employment Benefits
(OPEB) trust with CalPERS - the California Employees' Retirement
Benefit Trust (CERBT). Mr. Parker explained that this was the third year
that this action was recommended by staff, but this year staff would make
the deposit at the beginning of the year, and draw down retiree costs at
the end of the fiscal year, which would allow the District to earn the
CERBT's superior investment rate of return in the meantime.
The Committee asked what the rate of return for FY 11/12 was, and Mr.
Parker said that as the year had not ended, he was not aware. He
indicated he was sure that it was higher than the District's current
investment rate yield of 0.82%. The Committee asked that the current
year's investment rate be added to the action item that will go to the
Board, and supported staff recommendation.
2.3. Prepayment of PERS Employer Contribution
Mr. Parker clarified that while obtaining additional information related to
this action item, it was determined that pre-paying the PERS employer
contribution for FY 12/13 would not result in a savings for the District, and
as a result he requested that the action item be pulled. The Committee
2.4. Payoff of CalPERS Side Fund
Mr. Parker explained that while discussing a potential prepayment of
PERS employer contribution with the District's PERS actuary, the actuary
informed Mr. Parker of a practice that many agencies were taking
advantage of as a result of the current investment yields available. The
PERS Side Fund is assessed an assumed 7.75% interest charge on the
amount owed annually.
Mr. Parker explained that the District owes $836,784 as of June 30, 2012
on the side fund, and that this liability is kept separate by PERS from the
remainder of what is paid to PERS annually as a part of a pool. If the
District were to use their operating reserves to pay down the side fund, the
District would yield an effective 7.75% return on the reserves and the
District's Employer Contribution Rate would drop from 11.668% to
10.238% for the upcoming fiscal year, and operating expenses would
decrease by $80,000 or more every fiscal year for the next 14 years.
The Committee asked questions about the impacts on the District's future
reserve levels if this cash outlay were approved now. Mr. Vecchiarelli
indicated that he was not concerned about future cash levels as a result of
taking advantage of this opportunity now. Mr. Parker agreed, adding that
Capital Improvement Projects can be adjusted to accommodate our
current financial situation, which will be re-evaluated every year and with
any significant events. The Committee supported staff recommendation.
3.1. May 2012 Budget to Actual Results
Mr. Parker presented the May Budget to Actual results. He pointed out
that updated information from the 2010 census resulted in some changed
figures in calculating the District's baseline and current gallons per capita
per day calculation. Mr. Parker explained that MWDOC contracted with
CSU Fullerton to estimate the population for the last decade, and that the
reduction in population in the District's service area resulted in a higher
consumption calculation that was provided to the Committee monthly. Mr.
Parker went on to explain that other than the change in numbers of our 20
by 2020 goal, there were no major changes to the budget to actual results
from the previous month. Director Kiley requested that as a future task
Communications expense information broken out by line item or section
be made available. The Committee commented on certain supplies and
services expenses being well below budget, but did not have other
questions for staff.
3.2. Investment Report for Period Ending May 31, 2012
Mr. Parker highlighted that a decrease in the CalTRUST medium term
fund was the main driver for a decrease in total yield to 0.82%.Mr. Parker
also explained that the Maintenance Reserve fund (established in the
current year's Reserves Policy) was shown by itself for the first time.
Previously it had been lumped into the Water Capital Fund. Mr. Parker
also discussed changes in reserve balances. The Committee had no
3.3. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives
Mr. Parker updated the Committee with changes in the status of Fiscal
Responsibility strategic plan initiatives. The most significant changes
related to the budget that was presented in draft version to the Board on
the June 14 Board meeting and the public hearing for rate change and
increase schedule for June 21, 2012.
3.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
The Committee asked that the current year's CERBT investment rate be
included in the action item that will go to the Board on July 12.
Director Kiley requested that as a future task Communications expense
information broken out by line item or section be made available.
4.1. The Committee adjourned at 4:55 p.m. The next meeting of the Finance-
Accounting Committee will be held July 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.