HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-02 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, August 2, 2012, 3:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Lee Cory, Operations Manager 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 2. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 2.1. Approval of Change Orders No. 2 & 3 for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Phase 1 Recommendation. That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Orders No. 2 & 3 for 3 additional work days and$14,904.07 to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for construction of the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Job No. 201108. 2.2. Response to NOP for Proposed Cielo Vista Project Recommendation. That the Committee provide review comments and direct staff to prepare and submit a letter to the County of Orange with the District's project- related concerns relative to the planned preparation of the EIR for the Cielo Vista Project. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 3.1. Monthly Production Division Report 3.2. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 3.3. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 3.4. Groundwater Producers Meeting Report (July meeting was canceled.) 3.5. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress 3.6. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives 3.7. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The next meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held Thursday, September 6, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 2.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $750,000 To: Planning-Engineering- Cost Estimate: $14,904 Operations Committee Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: J-201108 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Derek Nguyen, Water Quality CEQA Compliance: Exempt Engineer Subject: Approval of Change Orders No. 2 & 3 for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Phase 1 SUMMARY: Construction is in progress for the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project. Submitted for consideration are Change Orders No. 2 & 3 for 3 work days and $14,904.07 for additional time, labor and materials for the change in condition for the Van Buren site. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Orders No. 2 & 3 for 3 additional work days and $14,904.07 to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for construction of the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Job No. 201108. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Vido Samarzich, Inc. submitted Change Orders No. 2 & 3 for changed conditions for the removal of the concrete vault for Van Buren Pressure Regulating Station. Proposed Change Orders No. 2 & 3 request a combined additional 3 work days required to demo the concrete vault with wall thicknesses ranging from 18 to 36-inches with double mat rebar which is different than the 9-in thickness shown on record drawings. The change in wall thickness required additional labor, new shoring, additional dump fees, and placement of 20 cubic yard of slurry due to the enlarged size of excavation. District staff and its engineering consultant have reviewed the changed conditions and the time request and recommend approval. Copies of Change Orders No. 2 & 3 are attached for review and information. The status of the construction contract with Vido Samarzich is as follows: . The current contract is $597,020.00 with 138 working days starting June 12, 2012. • If approved, Change Orders No. 2 & 3 add 3 work days (2.2% of current contract days) and $14,904.07 (2.5% of current contract cost) for additional cost. • If approved, the revised construction contract is $611,924.07 and 141 days. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): • On May 10, 2012 the Board of Directors awarded the construction contract in the amount of $597,020 to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for the construction of the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade, Job No. 2011-08. • On July 12, 2012 the Board of Directors approved Change Order No. 1 for 27 additional work days and no additional cost to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for the Construction of the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade, Job No. 2011-08. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CO 2&3—Removal of Concrete Vault—Van Buren CO2 CO3 Removal of Concrete Vault Van Buren PRS.pdf PRS Backup Material V I DO 5AMARZ I C H INC. General Engineering Contractor No.433210 A 4972 Crestview Place, Alta Loma, California 91701 TELEPHONE 909-987-6377 FAX 909-987-8988 July 17, 2012 Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miralorna Avenue Placentia, Ca 92870 Attention- Mr. Derek Nguyen, M.S.,P.E. Subject: REQUEST FOR CHANGE ORDER#2 ADDITIONAL WORK REQUIRED TO REMOVE CONCRETE VAULT AT VAN BUREN STATION PRESSURE REGULATING STATIONS UPGRADE PROJECT- CONTRACT#J 2411-08 Dear Mr. Nguyen: Please consider this our firm's request for CHANGE ORDER#2 in the amount of$9,193.50 and 2.5 additional calendar days for additional work required to remove the concrete vault at the Van Buren station. Plan sheet C-2 shows the existing vault with 9" wail thickness and the actual is 18"thick with a double mat of rebar. The estimated time to complete the removals is 4 calendar days,with 2.5 calendar days being allocated to the additional work. I have included a Daily Extra Work Report#1 dated July 16, 2012 for your reference as well as a completed Change Order#2 on the District provided worksheet. I will review the Daily Extra Work Report#1 with the District inspector,Jesus 5osa this morning. If you should have any questions, please contact me at(626)926-2216. Sincerely. Vido 5amarzich Jr Vice President YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 DATE July 17,20ii- Page i Of 1� CONTRACT NAME- Pressure Regulating Stallorrs Upgrade CONTFiAC f AM]. $597,020.90 DAYS: 138 CONTRACTOR: Vido Samarzich,Inc. THIS CHANGE, 69,E°3.50 DAYS' Z.5 PROJECT NO: 2011-05 OWNER- Yorba Linda Watar District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $606,213.60 DAYS: 140 5 This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein.The Contractor shall construct.furnish equipmenl and materials. and perform all work as necessary or required to complete the Change Order items for a lump sum gripe agreed upon between the Canuactor and Yorto Linda Water District othorynse referred to as Owner- +INCRFA9F CONTRACT TIME DESCRIPTION OF CHANCES ?OR *EXTENSIONI —DECREASE IN OR-RCDUCTION CONTRACT (DAYS) AMMINT tsy Additional work required to remove existing vault at Van Buren station-plans show approx- 59,19150 2.5 9'wall thickness and actuat is approximately 18'with double mat of mbar NET CHANGE $9,193.50 2.5 RFViSFD CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME $6061213,50 140.5 The amount of tho contract will be rncreasad by the sun*of 69,193,50 and the contract time shall be indsased by 2.6 calendar days-The undamigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes,it any,in the contract pricd specified for each item including any and all supervision Costa and other mWoellaneous Costs relating to the change in work,and as to tha exlenseon of tlma allowed,if any,for compl9tlon of the entire work on account of said Change Order-The Contractor agrees to turn ish all labor and materlalt:end perform ell ether necessary work,inclusive of that difecly of End ifectly related to the approved time extension,required to complete the Change Order items, This document will become a supplement of the contract and all prwHSions will apply hereto-It is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. Thia Change Order canetdutes full,final,and complete 00(hgd"ation to the CnntradtOr for all costs, expenses,overhead,profit,and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may incur in connection with the above referenced changes in the work,indudarg any inpect on the referenced work of any other work under the contract,any Changes In the sequences of any work,any delay to any work,any disruption of any work,any rescnoduring of any work,and any other effect on any of the work under this contract By the execution of the Change Order,the Contractor eompta the contract price change and the contract completion date change,if any,and expressly waives any claims for any additional compensation, damages or tine extensions, in connection with the tiWve•roferenced Changes. _� {/6} RECOMMENDED OWNER DAft: 7123111 le' Derek n,�R`mt era or � 1 ACCEPTED: LI CONTRACTOR DATE: 7 23J SamarziC1Ce ident TT Vido Sam zich,Inc. APPROVED: OWNER DATE' _ Steve Conklin,Engineering Manager VI DO SAMARZICH, INC. General Engineering Contractor No.433210 A 4972 Crestview Place, Alta Loma, California 91701 TELEPHONE 909-987-6377 FAX 909-987-8988 July 20, 2012 Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue Placentia,Ca 92870 Attention: Mr. Derek Nguyen, M.S.,P.E. Subject: REQUEST FOR CHANGE ORDER#3 ADDITIONAL WORK REQUIRED TO REMOVE EAST CONCRETE WALL AT VAN BUREN STATION PRESSURE REGULATING STATIONS UPGRADE PROJECT- CONTRACT#12011-08 Dear Mr. Nguyen: Please consider this our firm's request for CHANGE ORDER#3 in the amount of$5,710.57 and .5 additional calendar days for additional work required to remove the East wall of the concrete vault at the Van Buren station. Plan sheet C-2 shows the existing vault with 9" wall thickness and the actual is 36"thick with a double mat of rebar. Change Order#3 includes all work in excess of Change Order#2 to complete the demo of the Van Buren vault and also includes new shoring, additional dump fees, and additional placement of 20 cy of slurry due to the size of the excavation. I have included a Daily Extra Work Report#2 and#3 dated July 19,2012 for your reference as well as a completed Change Order#3 on the District provided worksheet. if you should have any questions, please contact me at(626)926-2216. Sincerely: Vido Samarrich Jr Vice President YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 DATE July 20,2012 Page 1 Of 1 CONTRACT NAME: Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade CONTRACT AMT.: $608,213M DAYS: 140 .5 CONTRACTOR: Vido Samarzich,Inc. THIS CHANGE- $5,710.S7 DAYS: 0.5 PRCQECT NO: 2911.0 OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: ;811,924.x7 DAYS: 141 TMs Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as desculbed Jiemi r.-The Contractor shall construct,fumcsh equipment and materials, and perform all work as necessary or requlfed to comp9ele the Change Order items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Conlractor and Yorba Linda Water District olherwim rafu rred to as Owner. --- - --_ +INCREASE CONFRACT TIME OESCRIPTION OF CHANGES i OR +EXTENSION! -DECREASE IN OR-REDACTION CON7RACT (DAYS} AMOUNT f51 Additional work,in excess of Change Order#2,required to remove existing Van Buren $5,776.57 0.5 concrete vault-Es at wall approximately 35'thick w double rebar mat,includes now shoring,additional durnp fees,and additional placement of approx 20 cy of slurry due to the size of the excavation NET CFiANGE $5,710-57 0.8 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME 567 7,924-07 141 The amount of the contract will be increased by the sum of$6,710.57 and the contract time shall be increased by 0.5 calendar days.The hndemigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes,It any,to"contract price specified for each item including any and all supervision costs and other miscellaneous costs relating to the change in work,and as to the extension of time allowed d any,for completion of the entire work on account or said Change Order.The Contractor agrees to furn ish all labor and materials and oftmi7 all other necessary work,inclusive of that directly or Indirectly related to the approved Um extension,required to complete the Change Order items. This document will became a supplement of the contract and all provisions will apply hereto.It is understood that the Change Orders h2 J be effective when approved by the Owner. Thia Change Order oonstautes full,final,and complete compensation to the Contractor for all costs. expenses,overhead,proft and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may incu r in connection with the above referenced changes in the work,including any impact on the referenced work of any other work under the dontract,any the ages in the sequences of any work,any delay to any worn,any dlsrupdon of any work,any re5Gleduling of any work,and any other effect on any of the work under inm contract. ay the amcutton of the Change Order,the Contractor accepts the contract price mange and the contract completion dale change,if any,and expressly waives any claims for arty additional oomperaatlon,damages or lime extensions, in connection with the above-referenced changes. �y J RECOMMENDED: Q OWNER DATE: �r- Demk N rx.P_j r= .. .r ACCEPTED: _ ..-./ —CONTRACTOR '3ATF,: _7/ rdo Sarnar ti Vlce46resldent T Vido Samarxlch,Inc. APPROVED; _ OWNER DATE: Steve Conklin,E l *—nng Manager ITEM NO. 2.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2012 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Subject: Response to NOP for Proposed Cielo Vista Project SUMMARY: A draft letter has been prepared by staff presenting the District's concerns to be addressed in the EIR to be prepared through the County for the proposed Cielo Vista Project. Review comments by the PEO Committee are requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee provide review comments and direct staff to prepare and submit a letter to the County of Orange with the District's project-related concerns relative to the planned preparation of the EIR for the Cielo Vista Project. DISCUSSION: On July 2, 2012, the District received a letter titled Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Notice of Scoping Meeting from the County of Orange Planning Division regarding the proposed Cielo Vista Project. The County is the Lead Agency for the Project and will be responsible for the EIR preparation. The County is requesting written comments from potential Responsible and Trustee Agencies presenting Project-related concerns regarding the proposed 84-acre, 112-unit single- family residential development. The Project location is in unincorporated County area, between San Antonio Road and the Hidden Hills community. At the July 12 Board meeting, staff reported to the Board that a letter was being drafted and that it must be submitted to the County by August 6, 2012. As requested by the Board, staff is submitting its draft letter to the PEO Committee for review. The letter, as approved by PEO, will be submitted to the County by August 6, and a copy provided to the Board. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Cielo Vista Prom Resp to NOP JuIV2012.docx Draft Letter re Cielo Vista Project Backup Material July 23, 2012 Ms. Channary Leng OC Public Works/OC Planning 300 N. Flower Street Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 Subject: Comments regarding the Notice of Preparation (NOP) of EIR For Proposed Cielo Vista Project (Project No. PA100004) This is in response to the NOP for the subject project, dated July 5, 2012. Yorba Linda Water District (District) is the water service provider and sewer collection service provider for the proposed project area. On February 10, 2010 and June 6, 2012, the District provided Conditional Will-Serve Letters for water and sewer services, respectively, for the subject project. In those letters the following conditions were noted: 1%0161 lab, This letter is issued at the request of the developer for the entitlement process. Accordingly, this Conditional Will-Serve Letter is not a contractual offer or commitment to provide service, but a representation that the proposed development area is in, or may be annexed to the Yorba Linda Water District. The applicant must satisfy certain conditions specified by the District and agreed to by the applicant before service will be available to supply the project. Any future, binding commitment by the District to service this project will be subject to the availability of sewer facilities and the planning, design, and construction of adequate facilities to meet the demands of the project in accordance with (1) the terms and conditions of a Pre-annexation Agreement to be executed by the applicant and the District; and (2) the terms and conditions of an Application to an Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Water and Sewer Service executed by the applicant and the District; both in accordance with the District's policies existing at the time such agreements are executed. In addition to the conditions noted above, District staff has had recent meetings with representatives for the proposed Cielo Vista Project. Meetings have also taken place with representatives for another proposed single-family residential project referred to as the Yorba Linda Estates Project. This latter project would be located northeasterly of the Cielo Vista Project. These two proposed projects would develop the last major undeveloped parcels in the District's service area. The representatives for each of the two projects were advised that water and sewer services and facilities for the two projects must be planned and designed in concert to serve the combined area. That is, separate or piece-meal development of water and sewer services is not acceptable. In this regard, they were advised that the District is proceeding with a project called the Northeast Area Water Service Planning Study. The study will be based on hydraulic modeling to determine the various alternative means to service the potential new residential developments as well as to meet the ultimate needs and goals of the District for this portion of the water service area. The study is expected to begin about August 1, 2012, and may be completed by January 2013. In Section 6 of the Cielo Vista Project Description Summary, Utilities and Infrastructure, Potable Water, it states that "Points of connection for water utilities that would serve the project exist in Aspen Way and Via del Agua." This is an assumption that has not been validated. Connection at these points assumes that water can be made available from the existing water facilities and infrastructure near the proposed project. This is yet to be determined; additional water facilities are likely necessary, the cost of which will be proportionately borne by the proposed project. Concerning sewer services for the projects, the representatives for the two projects were advised that the District will require gravity-sewer service from all areas of the Yorba Linda Estates Project, with such service extending southerly and westerly downward to and through the Cielo Vista Project to connect to existing District sewers. Engineering studies by the project developers will be required to confirm the size of the sewer lines throughout the projects, and to confirm that the existing downstream sewers have adequate existing capacity for the additional flow. &1h, Nor 19 Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me at (714) 701- 3102, or via email at sconklin@vlwd.co Sincerely, Steve Conklin, P.E. Engineering Manager ITEM NO. 3.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2012 Subject: Monthly Production Division Report ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Monthly Production Division Status Report July 2012 Final.pdf Monthly Production Report Backup Material Monthly Production Summary Report July 25,2012 Water Production Groundwater 33.25 Import Water 65.75 Max Day 27.47 Min Day 21.48 Average Day 24.5 Weather Conditions Number of PM's Performed Max Temperature 93 Min Temperature 76 #of High Wind Days 0 #of Red Flag Days 0 Inches of Rain 0.05 Water Quality Location Average C12 Dose Richfield (North Loop) 1.29 Richfield (South Loop) 1.24 Lakeview Booster(Zone 2) 1.22 Lakeview Booster(Zone 3) 2.00 Well# 15 N/A Well# 20 N/A Location Average C12 Residual Highland Booster 1.25 Valley View Booster 1.85 Paso Fino Booster 2.15 Hidden Hills Reservoir 1.23 Camino de Bryant Reservoir 1.14 No chanages to sourse water expected this next month. collected. Out of Service Equipment Equipment Name Reason for Out of Service Well #5 Engine problems Timber Ridge Booster#4 Exhaust leak on gas engine Richfield Cl2 System PLC upgrade project Timber Ridge Booster #1 Pump. Getting quotes to remove and evaluate 7/5/2012 Number of PM's Performed Pumps& Motors 6 Returned to Service Equipment Name Date Well #5 7/21/2012 Timber Ridge Booster#4 7/12/2012 Box Canyon Ball Valve 7/13/2012 Santiago Motor#3 7/5/2012 Number of PM's Performed Pumps& Motors 6 CL2 Systems 5 Reservoirs 2, Hidden Hill and CDB res. Flush. And H.H. tank Cl2 Wells N/A After Hours Responses Hi/Lo Water Levels 3 Hi/Lo Cl2 Levels 5 Power Failures 0 Communication 8 Pump Alarms 3 Intrusion Alarms 2 Still working to get Well#20 on line, needs to be flushed and water quality samples need ITEM NO. 3.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2012 Subject: Monthly Preventative Maintenance Report (To be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: PM 2012-13 Jul.xls PM Report Backup Material PREVENTATIVE AND REACTIVE MAINTENANCE FISCAL 2012/13 Fiscal 2012-13 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 75% 83% 92% 100% HYDRANTS(3,881) Target;all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 361 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 361 %OF TOTAL VALVES(10,706/2=5,353) Target;all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 486 OPERATED THIS YEAR 486 %OF TOTAL 9.1% DEAD ENDS(155 X 2=310) Target;all dead ends to be flushed twice each year. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 0 %OF TOTAL 0.0% AIR VACS(330) Target;all air/vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 0 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 0 %OF TOTAL 0.0% PRVs(150) 40 STATIONS Target;all PRVs to be serviced biannual!y. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 4 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 4 %OF TOTAL 2.7% WATER LEAKS Target;all leaks repaired at first available opportunity. MAIN REPAIRED 1 SERVICE REPAIRED 4 SERVICE REPLACED 11 AMS REPLACED 6 METERS Target;all meter work completed no later than next working day. NEW INSTALL 6 STUCKS 4 PREVENTATIVE AND REACTIVE MAINTENANCE FISCAL 2012/13 SEWER CLEANING(235 M) Target;all sewers to be cleaned annually. CLEANED THIS MONTH 25.72 CLEANED THIS YEAR 25.721 1 %OF TOTAL SEWER TELEVISING(39.17M) Target;all sewers to be televised every 6 years. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 3.75 TELEVISED THIS YEAR 3.75 %OF TOTAL 9.57 OTHER SEWER WORK. S.S.OVERFLOWS 0 SERVICE CALLS 0 ROOT CONTROL 0 REHAB FOOTAGE 15 MAIN REPAIRS 1 MANHOLE ROOT CLEANING 2 MANHOLE REPAIRS 3 ITEM NO. 3.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2012 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) Im ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Import 2012-13 Jul.pdf Water Report Backup Material YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY FY 2012-13 IN-LIEU ACTUAL ADJUSTED TOTAL MONTHLY YTD BUDGET GW GW IMPORT DEMAND GW GW (Demand Est.) DELTA MONTH (AF) (AF) (AF) (AF) (%) (%) (AF) (%) Jul-12 - 785.3 1,622.6 2,407.8 32.6% 32.6% 2,354.0 2.3% Aug-12 2,316.0 Sep-12 2,032.0 Oct-12 1,714.0 Nov-12 1,354.0 Dec-12 1,218.0 Jan-13 1,062.0 Feb-13 1,016.0 Mar-13 1,204.0 Apr-13 1,506.0 May-13 1,992.0 Jun-13 2,232.0 FYTD - 785.3 1 1,622.6 1 2,407.8 1 1 32.6% 1 2,354.0 2.3% Red denotes In-Lieu month Allowable GW(YTD) 1,158.2 (AF) Underpumped 372.9 (AF) GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 80.0% MONTHLY GW(%) 75.0% tYTD GW(%) 70.0% -gpp GOAL 50.3% 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Month WATER SUPPLY FY 2012-13 July 2012 Water Supply IN-LIEU GW 0.0% GW 32.6% IMPORT 67.4% 2012-13 YTD Water Supply GW 32.6% IMPORT 67.4% GW BPP GOAL 50.3% LL Q G) E O 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 111 TOTAL WATER USE FY 2012-13 73.0 Monthly Average Mean Temperature (°F) 010-11 GW 1310-11 IMPORT 71 4 72.9 73.2 011-12 GW 011-12 IMPORT 69.7 0 12-13 GW 012-13 IMPORT 70.8703 67. 66.4 65.3 63.8 66.4 62.4 65.4 59.7 58.0 61.5 62.0 55.5 59.6 57.6 60.0 55.2 58.7 56.4 I I o�-o,- o�- �`'�`'�`' m����� �,o���� PPP 5 5 5 owl " ' " A Month 22,000 " : 16,000 14,000 UL a 12,000 E 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Jul-12 FY 2012-13 YTD Water Supply Budgeted Total GW+ Import —00-Actual Total GW+ Import BPP GW Goal 50.3% Actual GW Production —0--Actual Total GW+ Import 2011-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Month ITEM NO. 3.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2012 Subject: Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CIP Rept Aug2012.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: August 1, 2012 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Highland Booster Station Upgrade District attained "Beneficial Final walkthrough Anticipate completion in August Budget: $5,000,000 Job No. 200814 Use." Contractor completing inspection to be scheduled 2012. Project Contact: Joe Polimino punch-list items and awaiting after contractor completes Planned Completion Date: July 2012 AQMD gas engine test results. work. 2 Well 20 Equipping Contractor coordinating start-up When internal SCADA Anticipate completion in August Budget: $1,200,000 Job No. 200711 and testing with District. programming and water 2012. Project Contact: Joe Polimino SCADA programming quality testing is complete, Planned Completion Date: June 2012 continues by District staff. start-up will be scheduled. 3 Green Crest Lift Station Upgrades Work in wet well including new Issue Notice of Close the job and update record Budget: $100,000 Job No. 2011165 pipe, refurbishing elec. conduit, Completion and file with drawings. Project Contact: Hank Samaripa and installation of 3�d float, to County Recorder. Planned Completion Date: July 2012 be completed by August Is' 4 Fairmont Reservoir Valve Replacement Notice of Completion issued Inlet check valves not working Budget: $210,000 Job No. 201011 and filed with County Recorder. as expected; staff continuing to Project Contract: Derek Nguyen work with vendor for credit& Planned Completion: May 2012 replacement. 5 Yorba Linda Blvd. Pipeline Contractor installed pipe from Contractor will continue Contractor placed four electronic Budget: $1.6M Job No. 2008-17 east end to Gun Club Rd. &re- installing pipe from Ohio message boards through-out site, Project Contact: Joe Polimino mobilized at Ohio St., installing Street, working east. updating the public daily of Planned Completion Date: November 2012 pipe from the project's west current construction operations. end. 6 Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Construction is in progress. Expected completion for Next station is Jefferson PRS. Budget: $1,000,000 Job No.: 201108 Contractor working on Van Van Buren is Y week of Construction scheduled to begin Project Contact: Derek Nguyen Buren PRS site. August. 2nd week of August. Planned Completion: October 2012 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: August 1, 2012 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Lakeview Grade Separation (OCTA Project) Negotiating OCTA cost After cost-sharing is Awaiting final cost sharing Budget: $700,000 Job No. 201002 sharing. resolved, staff to receive and decision and design submittal Project Contact: Anthony Manzano approve final design. from OCTA's consultant. Planned Completion Date: Late 2013 2 2010 Waterline Repl.,Ph.II.: Tamarisk,Hidden Finalizing plans & specs. Advertise mid August with a Construction expected to start Hills, Catalina Ct., Gordon Ln. & Richfield Rd. All permits issued. bid due date of September January 2012, with Richfield Budget: $13M Job No. 201120 Awaiting YLCC approval 201'. Road work starting first. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano of Agreement. Planned Completion Date: Late 2013 3 Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Currently reviewing 100% Advertise on August 22, Projected construction start of Budget: $23M Job No. 200817B design drawings and specs. 2012. Bid date is September December 2012. Schedule pre- Project Contact: Hank Samaripa 20th. Award to follow. con meeting with Contractor. Planned Completion Date: Dec 2013 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: August 1, 2012 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Northeast Area Planning Study Board awarded project to Carollo Execute PSA and complete Anticipating December Budget: $120,000 Job No. 201011B Engineers, Inc. (Carollo) on July kick-off meeting with 2012 completion of NE Project Contact: Anthony Manzano 12th. Carollo. Area Planning Study Planned Completion Date: January 2013 2 Fairmont BPS & Site Improvements Prepare conceptual site plan, to Prepare draft RFP for Northeast Area Planning Budget: $6,000,000 Job No. 201011B be part Fairmont BPS upgrade Engineering, Design, and Study and hydraulic Project Contact: Hank Samaripa RFP. Construction Services. analysis will provide key Planned Completion Date: Jan 2014/15 data. 3 Well 21 Project OCWD Board approved use of Will review proposed lease Will begin preparation of Budget: $2,300,000 Job No. 200922 Well 21 site. Met with OCWD and easement costs with license agreement with Project Contact: Anthony Manzano staff to discuss agreement YLWD Board. If approved, OCWD for access and Planned Completion Date: TBD conditions and proposed cost of will prepare RFP for well- drilling of well. lease and easement areas. drilling consultant. ITEM NO. 3.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2012 Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Strat PI Tracking- July20l2.xlsx Strategic Plan Tracking Backup Material Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Strategies Start Date Completion Lead Party July 2012 Progress Date FR 2: Increase Reserve Funding Analyze the Asset Annual Review Completing construction of upgrades to FR 2-B Management Plan to Dec-11 Prior to Budget Engineering Greencrest Sewer Lift Station. Preparing Determine Future and CIP Manager GIS database for eastside sewers. Needs Update SR 1: Work Toward Service Reliabilitv and Efficiency Service Demand Projections were examined SR 1-13 Forecast Service Oct-10 Jun-11 Engineering and incorporated into the District's 2010 Demand Projections Manager Urban Water Management Plan (dated May 2011) out to Year 2035 Met with OCWD staff on July 18 re site for SR 1-E Develop Additional Mar-11 Jun-12 Engineering Well 21 to discuss deal points and lease Well Sites Manager and easement area requirements. OCWD to respond with proposed cost data. SR 3: Continue Implementation of Ca itaI Im rovement Project Plan 2007-2012 Complete Implementation of Current status is approximately $8.7 Five-Year Capital Engineering million of projects in construction phase SR 3-A Improvement Plan On-going On-going Manager and $18.3 million in the planning and from FY 2007-2012 design phases. with Adopted Amendments Continue Planning for Board authorized agreement with Carollo SR 3-B Long-Term Capital On-going On-going Engineering Engineers for preparation of Northeast Area Improvements and Manager Planning Study. Preparing response to Replacements County for Cielo Vista EIR preparation.