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2012-07-26 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 26, 2012, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Phil Hawkins, President Gary T. Melton, Vice President Michael J. Beverage Ric Collett Robert R. Kiley 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Recognition of Employees for Their Service to the District • Dave Barmer, Senior Maintenance Distribution Operator (25 Years) • John Brundahl, Senior Plant Operator (25 Years) • Lynn Nuzman, Senior Maintenance Distribution Operator (25 Years) • Mando Raya, Maintenance Distribution Operator III (25 Years) 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 12, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$1,984,561.43. 7.3. Progress Payment No. 1 for the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 1 in the net amount of$305,045.00 to Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. for construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project, Job No. 200817. 7.4. Progress Payment No. 2 for Construction of Green Crest Lift Station Repairs Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 2 in the net amount of$44,233.20 to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors for construction of the Green Crest Lift Station Repairs , Job No. 2011-16S. 7.5. Response to OC Grand Jury Report Recommendation. That the Board of Directors review and approve the District's response to the Orange County Grand Jury 2011-2012 Report, "Let There Be Light- Dragging Special Districts From the Shadows". 8. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 8.1. Change Order No. 3 Green Crest Lift Station Repairs Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 3 for no additional cost and a contract extension of 20 calendar days to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors for completing the Green Crest Lift Station Repairs, Job No. 2011- 16S. 8.2. Sewer Charges Collected on the Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2012/13 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-16 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the Fiscal Year 2012113 Tax Roll and Superceding Resolution No. 11-18. 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report 9.2. Directors' Report • MWDOC Water Policy Forum & Dinner - July 25, 2012 (Hawkins/Kiley/Melton) 9.3. General Manager's Report 9.4. General Counsel's Report 9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Hawkins/Melton) • Meeting scheduled July 30, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kiley/Hawkins) • Minutes of meeting held July 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled August 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) • Minutes of meeting held July 10, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled August 7, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) • Minutes of meeting held July 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled August 2, 2012 at 3.00 p.m. 10.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Melton/Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held July 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled August 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Hawkins/Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held July 24, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled September 25, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.7. Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held July 23, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled August 27, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11.1. WACO - July 13, 2012 (Hawkins) 11.2. YL City Council - July 17, 2012 (Melton) 11.3. MWDOC Board - July 18, 2012 (Melton/Staff) 11.4. OCWD Board - July 18, 2012 (Kiley/Staff) 11.5. YL Planning Commission - July 25, 2012 (Collett) 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from July 27, 2012 - August 31, 2012 13. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS This section of the agenda is for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance at the listed events. 13.1. OCSD/OCWD Community Open House - July 28, 2012 SOCOD Pilot Plant Open House -August 3, 2012 CSDA Board's Role in Finance/Fiscal Management - September 6, 2012 CSDA Governance Foundations - September 24, 2012 CSDA Annual Conference - September 24-27, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. 14. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Itani, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00124906) Name of Case: Johnson, et al vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court— Case No. 00125994) Name of Case: State Farm General Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00311353) Name of Case: Weiss vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00319080) Name of Case: Lindholm vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00320239) Name of Case: Travelers Commercial Insurance Company vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00327152) Name of Case: Manista vs. YLWD, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00332968) Name of Case: American Security Insurance Company, et al vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00348304) Name of Case: Buc vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00409755) Name of Case: Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club vs. YLWD (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00425404) Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00486884) 14.2. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.7 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representatives: Gina Knight Richard Kreisler Employee Organization: Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held Thursday, August 9, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held July 12, 2012 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name Description: Type: 071212 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 07/12/12 Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 RK/RC 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 12, 2012, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The July 12, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Hawkins at 8:31 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administrative Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Hawkins led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Gary T. Melton, Vice President Lee Cory, Operations Manager Michael J. Beverage Gina Knight, Human Resources Manager Ric Collett Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Robert R. Kiley Art Vega Interim IT Manager Rick Walkemeyer, SCADA Administrator John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator George Baltierra, Maintenance Worker I Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary ALSO PRESENT Nancy Rikel, Councilmember, City of Yorba Linda Art Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Eddy Beltran, Senior Counsel, Kidman Law LLP Richard Kreisler, Partner, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore (Attended Closed Session Only) Daniel Mole, President, YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Introduce George Baltierra, Newly Hired Maintenance Worker I Mr. Cory introduced Mr. Baltierra and provided the Board with an overview of his background and work experience. The Board welcomed Mr. Baltierra to the District. 1 Mr. Baltierra left the meeting at this time. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) (Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held June 25, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Mr. Mole provided a report regarding matters discussed during the meeting including a presentation provided by staff regarding the District's SCADA system, status of the litigation related to the Freeway Complex Fire, and concerns regarding fire protection for two proposed residential development projects in an urban wildland interface area in Yorba Linda. Director Beverage commented on the proposed development projects and stated that he planned to request to remove Item No. 8.8. from the Consent Calendar as he had been contacted by a resident regarding some of the specifications listed in the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Water Service Planning Study to be conducted in this area. Mr. Mole then suggested that the Board provide the CAC with additional information regarding the lawsuit including related ramifications should the District be held liable. %,A�IV The Board and Mr. Kidman explained that further details regarding the status of the lawsuit would be provided to the CAC and the community once the case was concluded and the information could be made public. Director Kiley noted that the Orange County Public Works Department would be holding a Scoping Meeting for the proposed development projects on Thursday, July 19, 2012 from 7-9:00 p.m. at the Travis Ranch Activity Center in Yorba Linda. He encouraged anyone interested, including members of the CAC, to attend. The next CAC meeting is scheduled July 23, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Beverage requested to remove Item No. 8.8. from the Consent Calendar. Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Beverage, to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held June 21, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 2 8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held June 28, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.3. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting Held July 2, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.4. Payments of Bills, Refunds and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$1,247,779.53. 8.5. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Remarc Management, Inc. 'WhI 14=6 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Remarc Management, Inc., Job No. 201211. 8.6. Approval of Change Order No. 1 for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Phase 1 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 1 for 27 additional work days and no additional cost to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for construction of the Pressure Regulating Stations 0+t Upgrade Project, Job No. 201108. Change Order No. 2 for Green Crest Lift Station Repairs Project 1%W 19wh� Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of$20,745 and 10 additional calendar days to Pascal and Ludwig Constructors for construction of the Green Crest Lift Station Repairs Project, Job No. 2011-16S. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION 8.8. Northeast Area Planning Study Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $102,883 to provide professional services to update, calibrate, and analyze the District's water system hydraulic model and to prepare a Northeast Area Planning Study. 3 Director Beverage explained that he had requested to remove this item from the Consent Calendar as it was an important matter and that he wanted to have the Board's discussion regarding this issue on record. He then asked Mr. Conklin to describe the purpose of the study as well as comment on the impact the Orange County Fire Authority's (OCFA) fireflow requirements for the proposed residential developments might have on the study results. Mr. Conklin explained that the Board previously authorized staff to issue an RFP to perform a planning study which would include the completion of a computer based model that will be used to evaluate water services needed for the proposed developments. Staff has reviewed the responses to the RFP and has made a recommendation for award. Once the model has been completed, staff will be able to input OCFA's fireflow requirements for these developments once they have been determined. Mr. Conklin further reported that staff was planning to attend the Scoping Meeting later this month and has been actively communicating with OCFA's Fire Marshal regarding this project. Mr. Conklin then responded to questions from the Board concerning the Orange County Board of Supervisors approval process for the projects and the party responsible for funding the construction of related water and sewer infrastructure. mqmpft- V `4� % A brief discussion followed regarding the City's involvement in the review process of these projects. VW Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to approve Item No. 8.8. Motion carried 5-0. 9. ACTION CALENDAR AL, 9.1. Purchase of a 2012 (8-10 Yard) Dump Truck Mr. Cory provided an overview of the specifications developed for the vehicle and the proposals received. Staff compared all of the vehicles and is recommending the purchase of a Kenworth dump truck from Inland Kenworth. This truck will have the same chassis and body style as the new vactor truck so parts may be easily interchangeable if needed. Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to authorize the General Manager to execute a Purchase Agreement with Inland Kenworth (Montebello) for a Kenworth dump truck, with a Scelzi/Paramount dump body, in the amount of $147,639.29. Motion carried 5-0. 4 9.2. Replacement of Richfield Chlorine System Programmable Logic Controllers Mr. Cory explained that the chlorine generating system located on the Richfield campus is in need of an upgrade. The manufacturer has evaluated the system and is recommending the installation and programming of four new computerized controllers. Mr. Cory and Mr. DeCriscio then responded to questions from the Board regarding the life expectancy of the system, the cost of the upgrade, and funding for this unexpected expense. Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to ratify the purchase and authorize the programming and installation of four new computerized controllers and necessary components needed to upgrade the chlorine generating system. The cost of the equipment is approximately $16,000 and the programming is estimated not to exceed $18,400. Motion carried 5-0. Mr. DeCriscio and Mr. Walkemeyer left the meeting at this time. 9.3. OPEB Liability Pay Down IMEWEV 1W Mr. Parker explained that in order to take advantage of a higher investment rate, staff was recommending that the District pre-fund both the OPEB and CERBT liabilities for FY 2012/13. Mr. Parker then responded to questions from the Board regarding the rate of return being offered by CERBT versus what the District was currently receiving on its reserve funds. Director Melton made a motion seconded by Director Collett, to authorize staff to deposit $275,297 to the California Employees' Retirement Benefit Trust (CERBT) for FY 2012113. Motion carried 5-0. 9. Payoff of PERS Side Fund Mr. Parker explained that staff had identified an opportunity to lower the District's PERS liability. This would involve paying off the amount the District owes on its side fund in one lump sum versus making annually payments over the next 14 years. Mr. Parker then responded to questions from the Board regarding funds to be utilized for this payment and the estimated cost savings. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to authorize the General Manager to use operating reserves in the amount of $835,099 to pay off the CaIPERS Side Fund in July 2012. Motion carried 5-0. 5 9.5. Authorization to Invest with Bank of the West Mr. Parker explained that Bank of the West had offered the District a guaranteed return of 35 basis points for investments in their money market deposit account. Staff is recommending the transfer of $2,000,000 from the District's investment in the Local Agency Investment Fund to this new savings account. Mr. Parker then responded to questions from the Board regarding applicable penalties should the District make more than 3 withdrawals a month. Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to authorize the General Manager to approve a contract to invest $2,000,000 in a money market account with Bank of the West and authorize the General Manager, Finance Manager and Senior Accountant to act on behalf of the District as it relates to that money market account. Motion carried 5-0. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. President's Report 19M %h�, President Hawkins commented on his attendance at the City's 4t" of July celebration and commended staff on their work on the Yorba Linda Blvd. pipeline construction project. 10.2. Directors' Report %N� Director Collett also commented on the City's 4t" of July celebration and complimented staff regarding the pipeline construction project on Yorba Linda Blvd. Mr. Conklin then responded to questions from the Board regarding the status of this project and the expected timeline for completion. ■ MWDOC Water Policy Forum & Dinner — July 25, 2012 (Hawkins/Kiley/Melton) (A report regarding Director attendance at this will be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) 10.3. General Manager's Report Mr. Conklin reported that the annual water quality report had been mailed out and was available on the District's website. ■ CSDA General Manager Leadership Summit— July 15-17, 2012 (A report regarding Mr. Vecchiarelli's attendance at this event will be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) 10.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Kidman reported that after looking into the matter, he was recommending that Director Collett continue to abstain from voting on payments made to Placentia Disposal for at least the next 12 months. 6 10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 11.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Hawkins/Melton) Next meeting is scheduled July 30, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kiley/Hawkins) 'J& Minutes of the meeting held June 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. IdEw Next meeting is scheduled July 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 11.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) Minutes of the meeting held July 10, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. AMMMmb4 Ahob, X The meeting scheduled August 14, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. was rescheduled to August 7, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 11.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) limb, .9401b" W Minutes of meeting held July 5 2012 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Next meeting is scheduled August 2, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. 11.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Melton/Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held July 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Next meeting is scheduled August 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 11.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Hawkins/Beverage) Next meeting is scheduled July 24, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 7 Mr. Conklin confirmed with Directors Collett and Kiley that all future Planning- Engineering-Operations Committee meetings would begin at 3:00 p.m. instead of 4:00 p.m. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 12.1. MWDOC/MWD Workshop — July 3, 2012 (Melton/Staff) Director Melton was unable to attend this meeting. 12.2. YL City Council — July 3, 2012 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins attended and commented on the provision of police services which was discussed at length during the meeting. 12.3. WACO — July 6, 2012 (Hawkins) #"%6, (The date of this meeting was incorrectly listed and is scheduled for July 13, 2012.) AMMW 1%061 Director Hawkins reported on his attendance at the WACO meeting held June 1, 2012 and commented on a presentation regarding the status of the One Water One Watershed Plan which was provided at the meeting. 12.4. YL Planning Commission — July 11, 2012 (Kiley) Director Kiley attended and commented on the Scoping Meeting for the proposed development projects and the relocation of a water meter as a requirement for a conditional use permit which were discussed during the meeting. Im 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from July 13, 2012 —August 31, 2012 The Board reviewed the meetings calendar and made no changes. V '%14. CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 9:36 a.m. All Directors were present. Also present were Messrs. Conklin, Kidman and Beltran. 14.1. Conference with Real Property Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.8 of the California Government Code Property: APN 343-431-20 Agency Negotiator: Steve Conklin Negotiating Parties: Amy Payne and Joshua Kliner Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment Mr. Conklin left the Closed Session following discussion of this matter. 8 14.2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00486884) Mr. Beltran left the Closed Session and Mrs. Knight and Mr. Kreisler joined the Closed Session following discussion of this matter. (The following items were taken out of order.) 14.4. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: General Manager 4K I%k Mr. Kidman left the Closed Session following discussion of this matter. 14.3. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54956.7 of the California Government Code WL Agency Designated Representatives: Ken Vecchiarelli Gina Knight Richard Kreisler Employee Organization: Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association The Board reconvened in Open Session at 11:39 a.m. President Hawkins announced that in regards to Item No. 14.1., the Board of Directors authorized Mr. Conklin to negotiate and set parameters for a settlement to acquire an easement for the installation of a water pipeline across the listed real property. No other action was taken during the other Closed Session's that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held July 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary 9 ITEM NO. 7.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Budgeted: Yes To: Board of Directors Funding Source: All Funds From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Prepared By: Maria Trujillo, Accounting Assistant I Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$1,984,561.43. DISCUSSION: The wire and major items on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of$835,943.00 to California Public Employees' Retirement System for CalPers Side fund payout; a check of$305,045.00 to Garcia Juarez Construction, Incorporated for Palm Avenue June progress payment; and, a check of$174,403.75 to MWDOC for 2012-2013 Retail Service Connection and Smart Timer Rebate program. The balance of $432,884.74 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $1,748,276.49; Payroll No. 14 total is $236,284.94; and, the disbursements of this agenda report are $1,984,561.43. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CkReg72612 BOD.pdf Check Register Backup Material 12-CS 726.doc Cap Sheet Backup Material 12 CC 726.xls Credit Card Summary Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 RK/RC 5-0 RC abstained from voting on Check No.59573 as he has a financial interest with the vendor. Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 7/13/2012 thru 7/26/2012 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 59503 07/26/2012 ACWA/JPIA 25,37$.00 WORKERS COMP APR-JUN 59500 07/26/2012 ALAISTAR OLDFIELD 17.23 CUST REFUND 59501 07/26/2012 ALLAN LIBBY 45.92 CUSTOMER REFUND 59504 07/26/2012 American Fence Company Inc 1,500.00 HIGHLAND/CHAIN LINK PANL 59505 07/26/2012 Apollo Technologies Inc. 430.00 WTR TRTMT/CLSD LOOPS 59506 07/26/2012 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 22,242.38 MXU 59507 07/26/2012 Aramark 869.80 UNIFORM 59525 07/26/2012 ARC 20.00 PLANWELL DATA NETWK 59508 07/26/2012 Arrow Hardware 10622 PURCH JUNE 2012 59491 07/26/2012 ARTHUR TREVORROW 29.02 CUST REFUND 59509 07/26/2012 AT&T Mobility 149.11 1 PHONE JUNE 2012 59510 07/26/2012 Autoscribe Corporation 179.25 TRXIPYMT VISION GATEWY JUNE 59512 07/26/2012 B&M Lawn and Garden Inc 30.01 MISC OP SUPPLIES 59600 07/26/2012 Bank Of America 643.72 YLWD REWARDS VISA 59499 07/26/2012 BEL ESPRIT BUILDERS INC 41.28 CUST REFUND 59511 07/26/2012 Bill Mc Cue 80.00 CERT WTR DiSTR OP D2 MCCUE 59514 07/26/2012 CalCard U5 Bank 6,692.92 YLWD VISA 59513 07/26/2012 Calolympic Safety Co. 99.76 TYGON TUBING W71712 07/17/2012 CaIPER5 835,94300 CALPERS SIDE FUND PAYOUT 59517 07/26/2012 CDW Government, Inc 4,39129 NETMOTIONIPOLICY PILOT ETC 59518 07/26/2012 Chambers Group Inc. 4,409.45 HIDDEN HILLS MAY 2012 59497 07/26/2012 CHRISTY TAYLOR 16.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 59494 07/26/2012 CHUCK BINKS 378.01 CUST REFUND 59519 07/26/2012 City Of Anaheim 1,997.52 LAKEVW,RICHFIELD JUNE 59520 07/26/2012 City Of Placentia 4,625-63 SEWER FEESIPLACENTIA JUN 59521 07/26/2012 City Of Placentia 338.50 ROW PERM 59522 07/26/2012 CIVILTEC Engineering,Inc 977.50 WELL 20 JUNE SVCS 59523 07/26/2012 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern. 1,540.00 LAB ANALYSES JUNE 59524 07/26/2012 Community Bank 16,055.00 PALM AV RETENTION PP1 JUNE 59526 07/26/2012 Culligan of Santa Ana 1,663.00 WTR SOFTENER SVC 59527 07/26/2012 Cummins Cal Pacific, LLC 719.38 UNIT 175 REPAIR GENERATOR 59528 07/26/2012 Dapper Tire Co. Inc. 964.31 TIRES 59529 07/26/2012 Datalok Orange County 308.70 DATA STORAGE 59530 07/26/2012 David W. Barmer 120.00 CERT WTR DISTR OP D3 59531 07/26/2012 Dell Marketing L.P. 49.62 CMMS CUSTOM CVRIDELL LAT 59533 07/26/2012 Delta Wye Electric, Inc. 5,367.09 SANTIAGO, ELK MTN REPAIRS 59532 07/26/2012 DeltaCare USA 376.59 DENTAL JULY 2012 59534 07/26/2012 Derek Nguyen 87.69 MILEAGE REIMB JULY 59487 07/26/2012 DOUG GRESCH 7519 CUST REFUND 59535 07/26/2012 EyeMed 1,409.16 VISION JULY 2012 59536 07/26/2012 Flex Advantage 108.00 FLEX A/C PROCESSING JUNE 59537 07/26/2012 Fry's Electronics 397.38 MISC IT SUPPLIES 59538 07/26/2012 Garcia Juarez Construction Inc 305,045.00 PALM AVE PROG PAY JUN 59539 07/26/2012 Grainger 135.77 UNIT 107 MESH REPLACEMENT 59540 07/26/2012 Graybar Electric Co 19,477.56 CHLORINE GEN SYS 59541 07/26/2012 Haaker Equipment Co. 1,803.41 UNIT 168 PARTS,REPAIR LABOR 59542 07/26/2012 Hall& Foreman, Inc 7,721.79 PRS UPGRADES JUNE SVCS 59543 07/26/2012 Infosend Inc. 14,298.26 BILL MAIL JUN-JUL,EBILL PROC 59489 07/26/2012 JEFF WACKERMAN 143,00 OUST REFUND 59544 07/26/2012 John Bogosian 532.86 COMPRESSION TESTER ETC 59485 07/16/2012 Joshua Kiiner 1,500.00 J1120 EASEMENT/FMV PAYMT 59545 07/26/2012 Kidman Law 51,013.17 LEGAL SERVICES JUNE 59546 07/26/2012 Konica Minolta Business 404.36 COPY CHARGE C220,C552 59547 07/26/2012 Konica Minolta Business 1,698.50 BIZHUB C220,C552, 181 59548 07/26/2012 Lee& Ro, Inc. 12,682.35 YL BLVD BPS SVCS JUNE 59549 07/26/2012 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 12,411.00 HR ISSUES 59496 07/26/2012 LINDA PETERS 39.94 CUST REFUND 59490 07/26/2012 MAJDI GAMMON 65.11 CUST REFUND 59486 07/26/2012 MARIA CARMEN RODRIQUEZ 51.68 CUST REFUND 59551 07/26/2012 Marina Landscape,Inc 9,666.57 LANDSCAPE QTR MAINT 59552 07/26/2012 Mc Crometer Inc 1,065.45 TOPPLT ASSY 59553 07/26/2012 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 144.60 PURCH JULY 59554 07/26/2012 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co. 142.10 UNIT 168 HOSE:CPLG 59555 07/26/2012 Merchants Building Maintenance LL( 5,711.93 JANITORIAL JULY 59557 07/26/2012 Municipal Water District 174,403.75 RETAIL SVC CONN, SMART TIMER 59558 07/26/2012 Muzak LLC 70.88 MUZAK VOICE JULY 59559 07/26/2012 MWH Americas, Inc. 20,301.98 HIGHLAND MAR-MAY SVCS 59560 07/26/2012 Nat Pay Office Solutions 4,000.00 IMPLEM PPRLESS P/R STATEMT 59561 07/26/2012 Nextel Of California 1,622.95 NEXTEL JUNE 59562 07/26/2012 Nicholas A. Hoilon 394.00 EDUC SPR12 HOLLON 59563 07/26/2012 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,180.59 FUEL JUNE 2012 59564 07/26/2012 Occu-Med, Ltd. 244.00 OUT OF AREA EXAMS/APRIL 59565 07/26/2012 One Stop Parts Source 370.72 MISC VEHICLE PARTS 59566 07/26/2012 Orange County-I W M D 1,086.00 REFUSE DISPOSAL JUNE 59568 07/26/2012 Orange County-Tax Collector 24,655.54 LAFCO 2012-2013 59567 07/26/2012 Orange County Register 261.91 YL BLVD BPS TRAFFIC ALERT 59569 07/25/2012 Orvac Electronics 310.68 SCADA COMPONENTS 59570 07/26/2012 Pacific Communications Tech 3,582.84 BOX CANYON RADIO INSTALL 59571 07/26/2012 Parts Source Anaheim 86-15 UNIT 181 BATTERY 59572 07/26/2012 Pascal& Ludwig Constructors, Inc 44,233.20 GRN CREST PROG PAY MAR-JUN 59573 07/26/2012 Placentia Disposal#676 469.58 DISPOSAL JUNE 59574 07/26/2012 Praxair Distribution 119.15 ALL G/E CYLINDER RENTAL 59575 07/26/2012 Process Solutions,Inc. 575.00 ACID WASH WELL 15 59576 07/26/2012 Public Relations Society of America 330.00 PRSA DUES 2013 BOTTS 59577 07/26/2012 Quinn Power Systems Associates 2,032.71 MISC WELL ENGINE PARTS 59578 07/26/2012 RBF Consulting 5,583.64 2010 WTRLINE JUNE SVCS 59579 07/26/2012 Reed&Davidson, LLP 385.15 PROFESSIONAL SVCS 59495 07/26/2012 RICHARD GUNDELFINGER 69.41 CUST REFUND 59580 07/26/2012 RKI Engineering, LLC 9,550.00 SCADA CTRL SUPPORT 59581 07/26/2012 Robyn Shaw 1,058.40 CITYWORKS/CMMS CONF 59582 07/26/2012 Rutan &Tucker, LLP 2,325,00 FIRE CASES JUNE 59583 07/26/2012 Safety-Kleen Corp. 330.79 PARTS WASHER 59584 07/26/2012 Sancon Engineering Inc. 9,633.00 SEWER SLIP LINE/ACORN CT 59515 07/26/2012 SARBS-CWEA 75.00 SARBS WORKSHOP LOPEZ 59516 07/26/2012 SARBS-CWEA 330.00 SARBS WORKSHOP 7 OPS W72412 07/24/2012 Southern Calif Edison Co. 3,778.71 MIRALOMA , PLUMOSA JUNE 59585 07/26/2012 Southern Calif Gas Co. 13,930.09 RICHFIELD 01241070000 JUN 59586 07/26/2012 Staples Business Advantage 322.77 INDEX MAKER,RED6 TABS 59587 07/26/2012 State Of CA-EPA 175.00 EPA NUMBER FEE 59588 07/26/2012 Stater Bros. Markets 7.00 GROCERY/EMP RECOG 59589 07/26/2012 Step Saver Inc 32.30 SALES TAX_JNV 117484 59590 07/26/2012 Stephen Parker/Petty Cash 38.57 PETTY CASH/OFFICE 59591 07/26/2012 Suburban Propane 69.06 PROPANE/FCRKLIFT 59592 07/26/2012 Terminix Processing Center 185.00 PEST CONTROL 59550 07/26/2012 The Lighthouse Inc. 868.94 LED WORKLAMP,LIGHTBAR 59492 07/26/2012 THOMAS SHEFFIELD 505-85 CUST REFUND 59502 07/26/2012 TIMOTHY SHORT 3.45 CUST REFUND 59593 07/26/2012 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. 5,000 A0 CONSULTING JULY 2012 59488 07/26/2012 TRISH BAGLEY 75.19 CUST REFUND 59594 07/26/2012 Underground Service Alert 151.50 NEW TICKETS JUNE 59493 07/26/2012 VICTORIA TEJEDA 225.00 OUST REFUND/DEP ON HAND 59595 07/26/2012 Village Nurseries 14.82 SOD 59498 07/26/2012 VOIT PLACENTIA PARTNERS LLC 15.61 OUST REFUND 59596 07/26/2012 Web Cam Pro Shop 1,560.22 OCULARIS UPGRADE 59597 07/26/2012 Wells Supply Co 8,943.32 WHS STOCK, SCADA SUPPLIES 59598 07/26/2012 Westin Engineering, Inc. 10,092.56 CMMS JUNE SVCS 59556 07/26/2012 Wonderware West 1,916.56 HMI REPORTS 59599 07/26/2012 Yorba Linda Hardware 63.33 PURCH JUNE Total $1,748,276.49 July 26, 2012 CHECK NUMBERS: Manual Check 59485 $ 1,500.00 Computer Checks 59486-59600 $ 907,054.78 $ 908,554.78 WIRE: W-71712 CalPERS $ 835,943.00 W-72412 Southern Cal Edison $ 3,778.71 $ 839,721.71 TOTAL OF CHECKS AND WIRE $ 1,748,276.49 PAYROLL NO. 14: Employee Checks/ Direct Deposits 5327 $ 150,936.73 Third Party Checks 5328-5336 $ 44,212.14 Payroll Taxes $ 41,136.07 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 236,284.94 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 1,984,561.43 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF JULY 26, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cash Rewards Credit Card Bank of America 7/03/12-7/17/2012 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 07/03/12 Home Depot 343.72 Window A/C 07/11/12 MWDOC 300.00 Wtr Policy Forum/BOD, GM TOTAL 643.72 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 7/03/2012-7/17/2012 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 07/03/12 41mprint 1149.68 Ultra Fit Table Covers 07/03/12 AWWA 238.00 Dues Hulbert 07/03/12 Amazon 39.80 Scotch-lok gelcaps 07/06/12 Office Solutions 583.79 Brother Typewriter 07/10/12 USA Bluebook 998.39 CL2 System parts 07/10/12 Just Host 180.00 Web hosting 48 months 07/11/12 Home Depot 363.33 Concrete and supplies 07/11/12 NeoGov 3,000.00 Insight Enterprise user license/HR 07/12/12 Los Gallos 36.01 Lunch meeting/Stephen,Delia,Rachel 07/12/12 Verizon 103.92 Extended Battery w/cover TOTAL 6,692.92 ITEM NO. 7.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $2.25 M To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $1.7 M Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Account No: 101-2700 Manager Job No: J-200817 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: MND Subject: Progress Payment No. 1 for the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project SUMMARY: Work has begun on construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project. It includes 5,170 lineal feet of 20-inch diameter water transmission main, various valves, blow-off and air-release installations in Yorba Linda Blvd. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 1 in the net amount of $305,045.00 to Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. for construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project, Job No. 200817. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. submitted a request for Progress Payment No. 1, in the amount of $321,100.00 for completed work through June 30, 2012. During this period, the contractor mobilized on site, set up all traffic controls and signs, and installed approximately 1050 feet of 20-inch pipe. They also installed one butterfly valve. The status of the construction contract with Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. is as follows: • The current contract is $1,681,650.00 and 182 calendar days starting May 29, 2012. • If approved, Progress Payment No. 1 is $321,100.00 (19.1% of the total contract amount), less 5% retention of$16,055.00 for a net payment of $305,045.00. • If approved, total payments to date including retention will be $321,100.00 (19.1% of the total contract amount). • As of June 30, 2012, 33 calendar days were used (18.1% of the contract time). Staff reviewed the contractor's progress payment and recommend approval. A copy of Progress Payment No. 1 is attached for your reference. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board authorized the President and Secretary to execute a construction agreement in the amount of $1,681,650.00 for the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project with Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. on May 24, 2012. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: GJC Progress Pay Report 1.pdf GJC Progress Payment No. 1 for YL Pipeline Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 RK/RC 5-0 %�70C J7�' PL, L/ !J�J; j,C PF10fsRESS PAY REPORT PROJECT _Yorba Linda Blvd.Pipeline Project _ PROGRESS PAY REQUEST NO. 001 LOCATION Yorba Linda,CA PROJECT NO. 200817 PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES CONTRACTOR Garcia Juarez Construction DATE 7/16112 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 1,681,650.00 AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS: S - REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD May 29,2012 TO June 30,2012 PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TO DATE VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ - $ 321,100.00 $ 321,100.00 CHANGE ORDER WORK COMPLETED $ _ $ _ $ _ TOTAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ - $ 321,100.00 $ 321.100.00 LESS RETENTION 5% $ - $ 305,045.00 $ 305,045.00 LESS OTHER DEDUCTIONS Electronic Wire Fees NET EARNED TO DATE $ 305,045.00 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID $ _ BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE Is 305,045.00 NOTICE TO PROCEED May 29,2012 COMPLETION TIME 182 CALENDAR DAYS APPROVED TIME EXTENSIONS 0 CALENDAR DAYS TOTAL CONTRACT TIME 182 CALENDAR DAYS TIME EXPENDED TO DATE 33 CALENDAR DAYS TIME REMAINING 149 CALENDAR DAYS REQUESTED BY: DATE: 7 f f i son,Project Manager,GJC RECOMMENDED: DATE: Joe Polimino,Project Engineer,YLWD "- APPROVED BY: � DATE: Steve Conklin,Engineering Manager,YLWD ITEM NO. 7.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $175,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $175,000 Funding Source: Sewer Capital Reserves From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Account No: 201-2700 Manager Job No: J2011-16S Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Hank Samaripa, Project CEQA Compliance: Exempt Engineer Subject: Progress Payment No. 2 for Construction of Green Crest Lift Station Repairs SUMMARY: Work is proceeding on construction of repairs and upgrades to the Green Crest Sewer Lift Station. Pascal & Ludwig has completed the installation of five valves, new valve vault access hatch, patching existing paving, and re-coated the valve vault. The wet well cleaning, sealing of electrical conduits, and installation of the discharge piping remains to be completed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 2 in the net amount of $44,233.20 to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors for construction of the Green Crest Lift Station Repairs , Job No. 2011-16S. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors submitted a request for Progress Payment No. 2, in the amount of $49,148.00 for completed work through June 30, 2012. During this period, the contractor field measured, installed five valves, new access hatch, pressure washed and coated the valve vault. The status of the construction contract with Pascal & Ludwig Constructors is as follows: • The original contract is $90,580.00 and 171 calendar days starting January 12, 2012. • Authorized change orders to date total $2,664.82 (2.9% of the original contract amount) and 0 calendar days (5.7% of original contract calendar days). • The revised construction contract amount and contract calendar days are $93,244.82, and 171 days respectively. • If approved, Progress Payment No. 2 is $49,148.00 (52.7 % of the total contract amount), less 10% retention of$4,914.80 for a net payment of $44,233.20. • If approved, total payments to date including retention will be $53,275.06 (57.1% of the total contract amount). • As of January 12, 2012, 170 calendar days were used (93.9% of the revised contract time). Staff reviewed the contractor's progress payment request and recommend approval. A copy of Progress Payment No. 2 is attached for your reference. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors authorized the Sewer Transfer Agreement from the City for the transfer of all the City remaining wastewater pipelines and one lift station. As part of the agreement, the City transferred their sewer fund balance of $267,000, which in part was to be utilized for refurbishments to this infrastructure. A construction contract in the amount of $90,580.00 was awarded to the low bidder, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors on August 11, 2011. General Manager approved Change Order No. 1 for $2,664.82 for payment bond and added float switch in wet well. Revised contract amount is now $93,244.82 and 171 days. Board of Directors approved one progress payment on March 22, 2012. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: ProgPay2 07912.pdf Prog Pay 2 07912 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 RK/RC 5-0 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROGRESS PAY REPORT PROJECT Green Crest Lift Station Repairs PROGRESS PAY REQUEST NO. 2 LOCATION Yorba Linda,CA PROJECT NO. 2011- PAGE 1 OF 1 PAGES 16S _ CONTRACTOR Pascal&Ludwig Constructors DATE 7126112 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ _901680.00 AUTHORIZED CHANGE ORDERS: $ 2,664.82 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $ 93c2".82 PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE FOR PERIOD January 1,2012 TO June 30 2012 PREVIOUS THIS MONTH TO DATE VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 2,530.00 $ 48,148.00 $ 51,678.00 CHANGE ORDER WORK COMPLETED $ 1,597.06 $ - $ 1,597.06 TOTAL VALUE OF WORK COMPLETED $ 4,127.06 $ 49148.00 $ 53,275.06 LESS RETENTION 10% $ 3,714.35 $ 44,233.20 $ 47,947.55 LESS OTHER DEDUCTIONS Electronic Wire Fees NET EARNED TO DATE $ 47,947.55 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID $ 3,714.35 BALANCE DUE THIS ESTIMATE $ 44,233.20 NOTICE TO PROCEED January 12,2012 COMPLETION TIME 171 CALENDAR DAYS APPROVED TIME EXTENSIONS 0 CALENDAR DAYS TOTAL CONTRACT TIME 171 CALENDAR DAYS TIME EXPENDED TO DATE 470 CALENDAR DAYS TIME REMAINING 4 CALENDAR DAYS REQUESTED BY: 9) :±� DATE: Rob Temple,Project Manager,Pascal&Ludwig 1 RECOMMENDED: DATE: 12— Ha k S ripe,Project Engineer,Y—7 APPROVED BY: DATE: `� (,-2 lave Conklin,Engineering Manager,YLWD ITEM NO. 7.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Budgeted: N/A To: Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Presented By: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Dept: Administration/Public Manager Affairs Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management CEQA Compliance: N/A Analyst Subject: Response to OC Grand Jury Report SUMMARY: In accordance with Penal Code sections 933 and 933.05, the Yorba Linda Water District is required to provide a written response to the Orange County Grand Jury 2011-2012 Report, "Let There Be Light- Dragging Special Districts From the Shadows". STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors review and approve the District's response to the Orange County Grand Jury 2011-2012 Report, "Let There Be Light- Dragging Special Districts From the Shadows". COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Due to the July 26, 2012 deadline to submit this response, this item was not reviewed by a Committee. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 1-E: Effectively Use Broad Spectrum Communication Opportunities PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The District has responded to Grand Jury Reports in the past, with the most recent being the 2010- 2011 Report: "Compensation Survey of Water and Sanitation Districts" ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Grand Jury Response Real FINAL DRAFT.docx Grand Jury Response-Let There Be Light Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 M B/R K 5-0 Approved as revised. July 26, 2012 The Honorable Thomas J. Borris, Presiding Judge Superior Court 700 Civic Center Drive West Santa Ana, CA 92701 Dear Judge Borris: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the "Let There Be Light— Dragging Special Districts from the Shadows" report. The comments provided address the findings and recommendations requiring a response from the Yorba Linda Water District(YLWD). Fl. "Most Orange County special districts, with or without the assistance of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO), have been incapable or unwilling to consolidate, absorb or eliminate those outmoded and/or redundant agencies. LAFCO typically addresses larger issues such as the merging of cities and the elimination of islands within the county. The special districts themselves have not worked seriously toward their consolidation or demise. In this regard, the enterprise special districts and the non-enterprise special districts require independent evaluation and handling. " Response: Disagrees with Finding. The ability or willingness of an overburdened city to provide yet another service does not make it an improvement over the focused, expert capabilities a special district provides. Overwhelmed and understaffed, the City of Yorba Linda, in 2011, requested that YLWD assume responsibility for their sewer system in a cooperative move aimed at improving service quality for the community. In its own words, the Grand Jury states that special districts were created "to provide services that neither the county nor the local cities were able or willing to provide. " The 2011 sewer transfer transition supports this statement as still appropriate. The Grand Jury's use of the past tense in the statement, however, explains its one-size-fits-all, top-down approach to reforming special districts. If nothing else, YLWD's experience supports the fact that deliberate study and planning at the local level is necessary to ensure viability and identify efficiencies. Ultimately, the power to reorganize local services should always rest with the local citizens who established them and depend on them. F2. "Special Districts have made very little progress in complying with the recommendations made by various government agencies. To ensure recommendations are followed, more coordination and cooperation is needed from the city and county agencies. " Response: Disagrees with Finding. To the best of YLWD's knowledge, it has never received recommendations from city or county agencies. However, in the event that such a recommendation were to be given it would be considered inappropriate given that YLWD is a sovereign agency and not beholden to either the city or county. While YLWD supports coordination and cooperation amongst local agencies, it retains that it cannot and should not be mandated to follow the recommendations of external agencies. F5. "The sixteen enterprise districts typically started as local agricultural irrigation providers and sanitation providers for local communities. These special districts have transitioned into providers of potable water and sewage disposal for the cities that blossomed around them after 1950. These districts grew until their boundaries met a neighboring special district that was also growing. Some of these local small providers have already been absorbed by the larger districts under one management. " Response:Agrees with Finding. F6. "The sixteen enterprise districts of Orange County founded between 1919 and 1964 have grown with the urbanization of the county. Thirteen of these special districts rely upon taxes collected by the county while three rely on fees and other sources for their revenue. This suggests that all of these enterprise special districts could wean themselves from tax subsidies and rely on fees for their revenue. Severance from the tax subsidies would enable financial transparency and let the customers see the true cost of the services provided." Response: Disagrees with Finding Financial transparency is independent of the true cost of service. The Grand Jury's focus on financial transparency would not be furthered by an increase in fees or a reduction in property tax revenue. Currently, every property tax dollar received is budgeted and factored into the premier level of service that is offered by YLWD. Though the true cost of service of governmental agencies provided to the general public is a valid issue, it tends to be "hidden" more in cities and counties than in special districts. Recent concerns with local cities have highlighted the fact that fees paid for specialized services, including those of water and sewer, often are supplementing other aspects of the city. Special districts focus on specialized services and while property taxes may be used to lower fees associated with those services, property taxes are NOT diverted to other government programs as revenues could be by a city or county. YLWD agrees that severance from property taxes would allow customers to see the true cost of the services provided. However, YLWD does not agree that severance from property taxes would be in the best interest of the public. The loss of property tax revenue requires raising rates to compensate for the revenue losses in order to maintain operations. The three special districts referred to did not voluntarily wean themselves from taxes collected by the county, but rather never had access to them. It would be irresponsible of a public agency not to utilize every possible source of revenue so as to maintain the lowest practical fees for their customers. F7. "The unrestricted reserves of the special districts are available to the governing boards to spend as they please. Local citizens are not openly informed of this wealth when agencies ask for fee increases, special assessments, or bond measures. Most of the special districts do not appear to have specific criteria for amassing these reserves nor do they have published long-range plans for their constructive use." Response: Disagrees with Finding YLWD finds the majority of this finding to be blatantly false. While YLWD does agree that unrestricted reserves are able to be spent at the discretion of the Board, governing boards are just that—elected by the public to make policy decisions; such as in the case of reserves. At YLWD, a Financial Reserves Policy is adopted annually to give guidance over reserves and target balances. For each reserve, the policy defines the reserve, identifies target levels and establishes requirements for its use. Long-range plans are detailed in the annual budget, which is available to the public for comment prior to its adoption and at all times on the District's website. Reserves are reviewed by the Board and available to the public on a monthly basis. F8. "The twenty-seven special districts in Orange County have amassed unrestricted reserves of over $866,000,000. That is enough money to fund all of these special districts for more than year without taxes,fees, interest, or other sources of revenue. The boards of directors have the sole discretion to spend these unrestricted reserves. " Response: Disagrees with Finding To date, YLWD's reserves have not exceeded the guidelines set forth in the Financial Reserves Policy. The District's current concern is one of being below a prudent reserve level rather than that of amassing excessive unrestricted reserves. The Grand Jury is making the assumption that "unrestricted reserves" are actually undesignated reserves - available for any purpose at any time. The Grand Jury is not considering that governmental agencies are unable to legally call reserves that are designated for particular purposes, such as capital improvements or emergency funds, "restricted reserves". "Restricted reserves" are only monies that an external source has legally restricted. An example of this is an improvement district or community services district voting to issue a bond to fund infrastructure while pledging to pay off the bond from proceeds on their property tax rolls. As of June 30, 2012, YLWD has 4 unrestricted, yet designated reserves - Emergency Reserve, Capital Replacement Reserve, Maintenance Reserve and Employee Liabilities Reserve. YLWD has only one legally restricted reserve - US Bank 2008 COP Reserve, which is required as a part of our bond agreement. The only "undesignated" reserve YLWD has is an Operating Reserve, which contains one to two months of annual operating expenses, as recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association. F9. "The Orange County Auditor-Controller allocated nearly $35,000,000 to four enterprise special districts (Costa Mesa Sanitary District, South Coast Water District, Trabuco Canyon Water District, and Yorba Linda Water District) that did not show this revenue in their budgets provided to the Grand Jury. What happened to that money is not clearly recorded. Budgeting without the allocated taxes indicates that, along with the three other enterprise special districts that do not rely on tax revenue, these enterprise special districts could function without tax revenues. " Response: Disagrees with Finding The Grand Jury never approached YLWD to obtain budgets. The budget referred to in the comment is not identified by year. The District has posted all budgets from FY 09/10 to the current on its website. In all of those budgets, the District has clearly recorded property tax revenue as a Non-Operating Revenue. Without those tax revenues, the District would require an immediate increase in the water rate to meet debt service coverage requirements and budget prudently. F10. "The enterprise special districts could save millions of dollars in administration costs by consolidation into regional special districts. Five or six such enterprise special districts within Orange County could save at least$500,000 per year for each special district beyond." Response: Disagrees with Finding It is unclear how the Grand Jury chose 'five or six" enterprise districts or arrived at the figure of "at least $500,000," however, YLWD sees such a consolidating effort as an inevitable disaster. YLWD services the communities of Yorba Linda and a small portion of Placentia. This allows customers to elect their board from their community and attend the meetings which are held locally. To construct massive consolidated conglomerates would only serve to further distance customers from their special districts as well as prove a monumental task with regards to managing services across such large areas. F14. "The true cost of water and sanitary sewers in the enterprise special districts is hidden when both taxes and fees fund these districts. Only when the monthly service bills to the customers include all the costs for these services without the tax subsidy will the public understand the true cost of these services and achieve financial transparency." Response: Disagrees with Finding Please refer to the response to F6 above as it applies to this finding as well. F15. "Only one of the special districts, The South Coast Water District, has had recent performance audits. The lack of performance audits for the remaining special districts leaves the potential for inefficiencies, poor practices, outmoded operations, etc. hidden from the governing boards and the communities they serve. The lack of published performance audits has contributed to the public's ignorance of these districts." Response: Disagrees with Finding YLWD participated in an American Water Works Association (AWWA) run, anonymous self- evaluation by employees 2 years ago. The employees knew best the areas for further improvement in their respective departments and since the evaluation YLWD has been working toward addressing and improving upon these areas. It is also important to note that had the Grand Jury discussed the referenced performance audit with The South Coast Water District, it would have found that it was a raging disaster. The auditor had no experience working with special districts and even went so far as to recommend a decrease in service quality because the potentially catastrophic risk imposed on the community was considered more cost effective than regular maintenance. Rl: "All special districts (except the Vector Control District and the County Cemetery District) should be eliminated from the county tax rolls and should rely solely on fees or the services of surrounding governments." Response: The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not reasonable The legal definition of a tax is a charge levied against a transaction for revenue to be spent in an unrelated activity. An example of this is the referenced County property tax which is not being used to pay for costs incurred by the County as a result of the property but, in the case of YLWD, to subsidize water and sewer. The legal definition of a fee is a charge levied to support the actual governmental cost of an activity. This means that should this recommendation be adhered to, the cities of Yorba Linda and Placentia would have to either absorb YLWD so that the increased charge to the community could be called a fee, raise taxes in any number of ways to subsidize the loss of revenue to YLWD as a result of the County cuts, or remove themselves from the equation all together leaving YLWD with no choice but to raise their fees to make up for said cuts. It is also important to highlight the fact that, as stated in the response to F6, this recommendation does not propose to cut the tax roll of the County, but instead removes YLWD's access to the tax revenue stream. This would result in a greater cost to the community who would see those taxes levied against them by the County remain the same while the taxes and fees of their city and/or YLWD increase. R4. "Water and sewer districts should be consolidated into no more than six regional districts. Consideration should be given to including the city water agencies in the consolidation. LAFCO should meet with the water and sewer districts before October 31, 2012 to develop plans and schedules for consolidation. " Response: The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not reasonable According to the 2010 census, the population of Orange County is 3,010,232 people. Given the Grand Jury's recommendation that all of the county's water and sewer be provided by six districts, that means that each new district would provide both services to over 500,000 customers. YLWD currently provides water and sewer to just under 25,000 customers and regularly experiences the difficulties involved in attempting to balance the often competing needs and concerns of its customers. Simply by making a district more than 20 times larger than YLWD, it will become virtually impossible to maintain this level of customer service. It is for this reason that YLWD does not intend to meet at any time in the foreseeable future over matters of such broad scale consolidation. R5. "Water and sewer districts should be removed from the tax rolls and operate solely on fees and other revenues for their services. Consideration should be given to forming non-profit agencies with ownership shared by the constituents. These districts should meet with county officials before October 31, 2012 to prepare plans and schedules to remove themselves from the county tax rolls. " Response: The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not reasonable Please see responses to F6 and R1. R6. "Special districts should adopt "board of director's practices" for all their reserves, restricted and unrestricted. All reserves should be classified in their 2013-2014 budgets according to GASB Standard No. 54. LAFCO should work with the special districts to prepare standard criteria for accumulating reserves according to the new classifications by December 15, 2012. These standards should be used in preparing the 2013-2014 budgets." Response: Disagrees with finding GASB 54 was written solely for agencies recording governmental activities. YLWD, as well as the vast majority of all the special districts in Orange County, operates as a type of proprietary fund, and is exempt from the standards written in GASB 54. YLWD annually adopts a Financial Reserves Policy, which defines, identifies target levels, requirements for the use, and requires periodic review requirements for each reserve. With each special district being so unique and facing unique circumstances, creating standard criteria for accumulating reserves would be difficult at best, and would absolutely fall outside of the purpose of LAFCO. R7. "Excessive unrestricted reserves should be used to reduce existing debts. Future revenues should be reduced to avoid the accumulation of unallocated revenue that does not meet the adopted new standards. " Response:Agrees with finding It is difficult to determine what the Grand Jury defines as "excessive unrestricted reserves". Regardless of the definition, however, YLWD believes that their reserves would not fall into this category. YLWD annually adopts a Financial Reserves Policy by resolution, which sets target levels for reserves to ensure that the District never reaches "excessive unrestricted reserves". R8. "Each special district should have an independent performance audit at least every three years. The executive summary of the performance audit should be distributed to all the taxpayers of each special district. Each of the special districts that has not had a performance audit within the last five years should contract with an independent outside consultant to conduct such an audit during 2012. These audits should be repeated at least every three years." Response: The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not reasonable Please see response to F15. R9. "Each special district should contribute I% of its unrestricted reserve fund to LAFCO to help finance preparing and directing the consolidation, absorption, or elimination, and the setting of standards for reserves for special districts. These funds should be included in LAFCO's future programs and budgets until the consolidation, absorption or eliminating of each special district is achieved. With these additional funds, LAFCO should begin meeting with each special district before the 2014 fiscal year is budgeted for consolidation, absorption, and/or elimination of these districts. " Response: The recommendation will not be implemented because it is not reasonable If all special districts followed the Grand Jury's recommendation, the immediate impact would be that every special district customer would have their rates increased or a significant level of service decrease to counter the revenue lost by a new "unfunded mandate". Fortunately the Grand Jury is not able to create this mandate, just to recommend it. YLWD believes our 1% would result in zero consolidations, absorptions or eliminations. The City of Yorba Linda has no interest in taking on the responsibility of the local area's water and sewer pipelines, as is evidenced by the City's transfer of their sewer system to YLWD in July 2011. No special district shares a boundary with YLWD, and while Golden State Water Company does, the Grand Jury would be hard pressed to find any customer of YLWD who is requesting to have a for-profit company provide their water. ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $175,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $0 Funding Source: Sewer Capital Reserves From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Account No: 201-2700 Manager Job No: 20011-16S Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Hank Samaripa, Project CEQA Compliance: Exempt Engineer Subject: Change Order No. 3 Green Crest Lift Station Repairs SUMMARY: Work has resumed on repairs and upgrades to the Green Crest Sewer Lift Station. The contractor, Pascal & Ludwig (P&L) Constructors ordered the replacement stainless steel pipe for the wet well. However to complete the balance of the job, contractor requires an additional 20 calendar days for fabrication and installation of new pipe, sealing electrical conduits, and installation of high-water- alarm float. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 3 for no additional cost and a contract extension of 20 calendar days to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors for completing the Green Crest Lift Station Repairs, Job No. 2011-16S. DISCUSSION: On July 12, the Board approved Change Order No. 2 for the replacement of deteriorating pipe in the lift station wetwell with stainless steel pipe and fittings, and 10 additional calendar days. Unfortunately, after placing the order for the new stainless steel pipe and fittings, it was determined that additional time will be needed to complete fabrication, installation and the balance of the work. Staff has discussed this with the contractor and supports the request from P&L for Change Order No. 3 for no added cost and 20 additional calendar days. The status of the construction contract with Pascal & Ludwig is as follows: • The current contract is $113,989.82 and 181 calendar days starting January 12, 2012 • If approved, Change Order No. 3 increases the contract 20 calendar days with contract ending July 31, 2012. This issue came to the attention of staff after the July 12 Board meeting. It order for the construction to be completed by the end of July, this request for Change Order No. 3 is being brought directly to the Board without prior review by the PEO Committee. However, the PEO Committee members have been advised of this change order request and acknowledge that item needs to come to the full Board for consideration in order to expedite completion of construction. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011-2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors authorized the Sewer Transfer Agreement, effective July 1, 2011, for the transfer of all remaining wastewater pipelines and one sewer lift station from the City of Yorba Linda to YLWD. As part of the agreement, the City transferred their sewer fund balance of $267,000, which was used in part for refurbishments of the lift station. A construction contract in the amount of $90,580.00 was awarded to the low bidder, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors on August 11, 2011, for lift station refurbishment. The General Manager approved Change Order No. 1 for $2,644.82 for an added float switch in the wet well and to add a payment bond. Revised contract amount was $93,244.82. The Board of Directors approved Change Order No. 2 for $20,745 for replacement stainless steel pipe and 10 day extension on July 12, 2012. The Board of Directors approved one progress payment to date on March 22, 2012. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 20dayExtLtr 071812.pdf 20dayExtLtr Backup Material Change Order No. 3 signed 071812.pdf Change Order No.3 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 RC/RK 5-0 PASCAL & LUDWIG CONSTRUCTORS TELEPHONE: 2049 EAST FRANCIS STREET (909)947-4631 ONTARIO,CALIFORNIA 91761 FAX:(909)947-4722 July 18, 2012 Yorba Linda Water District PO Box 309 E Yorba Linda, CA 92885 N Attention: Hank Samaripa G I Re: Green Crest Lift Station Repairs N Job No.J-2011-1 6S E E Subject: Time Extension R S Dear Mr. Samaripa: & We request a time extension of 20 calendar days for procurement and fabrication of the C stainless steel pipe added to the project in Change Order No. 2. O Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions of require additional information. N S S Sincerely, R PASCAL& LUDWIG CONSTRUCTORS C T C O R Rob Temple S Project Sponsor YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 Date July 18, 2012 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACT NAME: Green Crest Lift Station R#pairs CONTRACT AMT.: _$113t989.82 DAYS: 181 CONTRACTOR: Pascal&Ludwig THIS CHANGE: $0 DAYS: 20 OWNER: Yorba Linda water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $1`13,989.82 DAYS: 201 This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein.The Contractor shall construct,furnish equipment and materials, and perform all work as necessary or required to Complete the Change Order items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner. +INCREASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES /OR TIME +EXTENSION! —DECREASE IN OR-REDUCTION CONTRACT (DAYS) AMOUNT !$3 1. Provide all labor and material to replace existing corroded steel discharge piping In the wet well with 318 stainless steel including float swftch at wet +0 +20 NET CHANGE +0 +20 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME $113,989.82 201 The amount of the contract wilt be increased by the sum of $0.00and the contract time shall be increased by20calendar days. The undarsigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Omer as to the changes,if any,in the contract price specified for each item including any and all supervision coats and other miscellaneous ousts relating to the change In work,and as to the extension of time allowed,if any,for Completion of the entire work on account of said Change Order.The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials and perform all other necessary work.Inclusive of that directly or indirectly related to the approved time extension,required to complete the Change Order items. This document will become a supplement of the contract and all provisions will apply hereto.it is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This Change Order constitutes full,final,and complete compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses,overhead,profit,and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may incur In connection with the above referenced changes In the work.Including any Impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contract,any changes in the sequences of any work,any delay to any work,any disruption of any work,any rescheduling of any work,and arty other effect on any of the work under this contract. By the execution of the Change Order, the Contractor accepts the contract price change and the contract completion date change, If any, and expressly waives any claims for any additional compensali n, damages or time extensions, In connection with the above-referenced changes. RECOMMENDED: OWNER DATE; 7 !Z n,Engineering Manager ACCEPTED: CONTRACTOR DATE, ? 1$ I�..- Rob Tom pie,Project Sponsor ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $600 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $600 Funding Source: Sewer Operating Fund From: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Joann Gitmed, Accounting Assistant II Subject: Sewer Charges Collected on the Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2012/13 SUMMARY: Each year at this time, the Board of Directors elects to collect certain sewer maintenance charges on the property tax rolls. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 12-16 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the Fiscal Year 2012/13 Tax Roll and Superceding Resolution No. 11-18. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Finance-Accounting Committee will discuss this item at its meeting being held July 23, 2012. Staff will report the Committee's recommendation at the Board meeting. DISCUSSION: The District collects the Sewer Maintenance Charge by adding it to the water bill of customers where the District provides water service and the customer also has a connection to the sewer system. For customers connected to the District sewer system that receive water service from another purveyor or those customers that do not receive a water bill from the District, the Sewer Maintenance Charge is collected through the property tax rolls prepared by the County of Orange Auditor/Controller. This process is legally authorized and established by Resolution of the Board. Residents of the Locke Ranch area do not receive water from the District, so their sewer charges are collected on the tax roll. In addition, due to the disparity in rates between the City of Yorba Linda and the District's Sewer Maintenance Charges, it has been determined that those classifications with rate differences need to be placed on the tax roll for collection until a Proposition 218 process can be completed to equalize the rates. The Sewer Maintenance Charges are subject to the substantive and procedural requirements of Proposition 218 (California Constitution Article XIII D) barring an increase in the rates and/or a discretionary CPI increase of more than 5%, except with proper notification to the property owners affected allowing adequate opportunity to protest any such increases. Staff is not recommending a change to the current sewer maintenance charge at this time. To collect the current maintenance charges on the tax rolls for Fiscal Year 2012/13, the County of Orange Auditor/Controller's Office requires a certified Resolution by the Board of Directors directing their office to add the charges to the tax rolls for the properties assessed. The County establishes a deadline in August to receive this information. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 28, 2011 the Board of Directors passed Resolution No. 11-18 electing to have certain sewer maintenance charges collected on the Fiscal Year 2011/12 tax roll. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Resolution No. 12-16.docx Resolution Resolution Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 MB/RK 5-0 Roll Call RESOLUTION NO. 12-16 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ELECTING TO HAVE CERTAIN SEWER MAINTENANCE CHARGES COLLECTED ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 TAX ROLL AND SUPERCEDING RESOLUTION NO. 11-18 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 11-17 set out sewer rates for the Yorba Linda Water District ("District") and via Resolution 07-13 these rates are in compliance with substantive and procedural requirements of Proposition 218 (California Constitution Art. XIII D); and WHEREAS, under the authority of the California Water Code Sections 31100 the District may provide sewer service to property located outside the District boundaries and the District's Regulations for Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service include a provision that a sewer maintenance charge is adopted by Resolution; and WHEREAS, under authority of California Water Code Sections 31101 and 31102 the District may prescribe and collect charges for sewer services and facilities and may collect sewer charges in any lawful manner; and WHEREAS, under California Health and Safety Code Sections 5471 and 5473 the District may elect to have the County of Orange Auditor/Controller collect sewer charges on the Orange County Property Tax Roll. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District to adopt Sewer Maintenance Charge as follows: Section 1. The Board of Directors elects to have the County of Orange Auditor/Controller collect the charges fixed herein on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time and together with and not separately from County of Orange taxes. Section 2. The General Manager or his designee is authorized and directed to file with the County of Orange Auditor/Controller a copy of this Resolution together with the listing of parcel numbers and amounts of charges shown in Exhibit "A" and such other documentation as the County Auditor/Controller may require in order to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution. Section 3. Resolution No. 11-18 is superseded effective immediately by the adoption of this Resolution. Resolution No. 12-16 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2012/13 Tax Roll 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of July 2012 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Assistant Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law LLP Resolution No. 12-16 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2012/13 Tax Roll 2 ITEM NO. 10.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Subject: Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) • Minutes of meeting held July 10, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled August 7, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 071012 PRM - Minutes.doc PRM Mtg Minutes 07/10/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL-RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING July 10, 2012 A meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Personnel-Risk Management Committee was called to order by Director Beverage at 3:04 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Gina Knight, Human Resources Mgr Director Ric Collett 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1. Status of Recruitments and Budgeted Positions Staff reported to the Committee that interviews for the part-time Records Management intern position were conducted on July 10, 2012. 2.2. Human Resources/Risk Management/Safety Activity Staff informed the Committee that thirty-eight (38) employees were tested during the annual hearing test conducted by Bio-Acoustical. The Committee inquired about the status of several policies and procedures and directed staff to report the status of each standing policy and/or procedure listed in the HR Activity log for the next Personnel/Risk Management Committee meeting. The Committee discussed dispensing tickets for the lunch meal served during the Benefits Fair as well as having boxed lunches during this event. 2.3. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks The Chair directed staff to add the following item: status of GP-HR software to future agendas. Staff informed the Committee that language to clarify the District's matching of the deferred compensation plan was being considered for both the Management and Supervisory/Confidential employees. The Committee approved the revised language and directed staff to present this issue to the full Board of Directors. 3. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. The next meeting of the Personnel-Risk Management Committee will be held Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 1 ITEM NO. 10.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Subject: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) • Minutes of meeting held July 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled August 2, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 070512 - PEO Minutes.docx PEO Mtg Minutes 07/05/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING July 5, 2012 A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by Director Collett at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. ACTION CALENDAR 2.1. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Remarc Management, Inc. Mr. Conklin reported that Remarc Management, Inc. is proposing to develop an Orchard Supply Hardware store within an existing building at the shopping center at 17474 Yorba Linda Blvd. The new facility will require modification to water and sewer lines serving the site. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board approve proposed Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service for the proposed project. 2.2. Approval of Change Order No. 1 for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Phase 1 Mr. Conklin reported that construction has begun in early July for the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project. Submitted for consideration is Change Order No. 1 for 27 work days and no added cost for fabrication and delivery of the precast concrete vault for the Van Buren site, due to changed conditions in the field. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board approve C.O. No. 1 for 27 additional work days and no additional time for Vido Samarzich, Inc for construction of the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project. 2.3. Change Order No. 2 for Green Crest Lift Station Repairs Mr. Conklin reported that work is proceeding on repairs and upgrades to the Green Crest Sewer Lift Station. The contractor has completed installation of new valves and fittings within a new vault. However, during the pressure-washing and cleaning of the sewer wet well it was found that 1 the 23-year-old discharge piping was beginning to disintegrate and will require replacement. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $20,745 to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors for discharge pipe replacement for the Green Crest Lift Station Repairs Project. 2.4. Northeast Area Planning Study Mr. Conklin reported that, following authorization by the Board, staff issued a RFP to six firms and received four proposals for preparation of the subject study. He described the formal process by the Review Team to evaluate and score the proposals. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $102,883 to provide professional services to update, calibrate, and analyze the District's water system hydraulic model and to prepare a Northeast Area Planning Study. 2.5. Richfield Chlorine System Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC's) Replacement Mr. DeCriscio reported that the disinfection system operating in the Richfield Yard produces and doses sodium hypochlorite for groundwater pumped from on-site wells. An inspection of the 14-year—old system indicated that the mechanical elements are in good condition. However, the computer components are outdated, subject to failure and are no longer available. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board approve the purchase of four new Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and related equipment to upgrade the system to current standards, at a cost of $15,887.15. Further, the new PLCs will need to be programmed by the chlorine-system manufacturer because this is a proprietary system and they are the only ones authorized to perform this work. It was noted by staff that it was originally estimated that this outside programming may cost up to $18,000; however, District staff was able to complete part of the installation in- house, which will reduce the cost of the outside work. 2.6. Purchase of a 2012 (8-10 Yard) Dump Truck Mr. Cory reported that the Board-approved FY12-13 Budget includes $152,000 for the purchase of an 8-10 cubic-yard capacity dump truck. Staff developed specifications for a vehicle with that capacity, with airbrakes, capable of towing a trailered backhoe. Further, the specs called for a truck durable enough to provide a long service life with a minimum of parts inventory. He noted that bids were solicited and five proposals were received. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board authorize the General Manger to execute a contract with Inland Kenworth (Montebello) for the specified dump truck, with a Scelzi/Paramount dump body, in the amount of $147,639.29. 2 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1. Monthly Preventative and Reactive Maintenance Report Mr. Cory reported that, except for Sewer Televising, all PM targets were met for FY11-12. He noted that for Sewer Televising, we achieved 91% of our goal, with a strong effort the last few months. Mr. Cory also noted that our crews serviced our 40 PRV stations 2+ times this year, which is important due to our multiple zones and hilly environment. Our new goal for next year will be two services for all PRVs. He also noted that the same crew that services the PRVs also services the 330 Air Vacs and the 155 Dead-Ends. Mr. DeCriscio reported on the Water Production Summary Report for June 2012. He noted that for the month, our max demand day was 28.1 MG and our minimum demand day was 16.6 MG, with an average demand of 23.1 MG. 3.2. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report Mr. DeCriscio reported that for June, our water use was 12.4% under our budgeted projection, of which 49.2% was groundwater. He also noted that we achieved our BPP Goal of 48.1% as of June 30, 2012. 3.3. Groundwater Producers Meeting Report Mr. Conklin reported on items discussed at the June 13 Groundwater Producers meeting at OCWD. 3.4. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Mr. Conklin reported on the status of capital projects currently in planning, design and construction. 3.5. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives Mr. Conklin reported on the status of the above that relate to engineering and operations. 3.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks The Committee asked that staff prepare a short presentation to the Committee or to the Board on recent and planned preparation for the upcoming fire season. 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The meeting adjourned at 5:38 p.m. The next meeting of the Planning- Engineering-Operations Committee will be held Thursday, August 2, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. However, the Committee commented that they are considering moving the meeting time to starting at 3:00 pm. 3 ITEM NO. 10.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Subject: Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Melton/Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held July 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled August 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 070912 PACT - Minutes.docx PACT Mtg Minutes 07/09/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC AFFAIRS-COMMUNICATIONS-TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING July 9, 2012 A meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee was called to order by Director Melton at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Art Vega, Interim IT Manager Director Michael J. Beverage Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Cody Peterson, Public Affairs Intern 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1. Computerized Maintenance and Management System Project Status Mr. Vega presented the updated CMMS Project status. Director Beverage had a question on the budgeting and whether or not there would be enough funding to continue the program. Mr. Vega and Mr. Parker explaining that the listed sum was the FY11-12 and not the FY12-13 budget amount. At this point, Mr. Parker left the meeting. 2.2. Response to OC Grand Jury Report (Verbal Report) Ms. Botts presented the current status of the Grand Jury response and it was decided that the Final Report would be added to the consent calendar for the July 19th Board meeting for the full Board's review. 2.3. Promotional Collateral Inventory and Replacement Possible public relations purchases were discussed with the Committee who requested list of items be presented at the next meeting and the new table cloth was shown off. 2.4. Large-Scale Bottled Water Donation Requests Ms. Botts presented requests for large scale water donation. These requests have traditionally been granted, as they are once a year only and include the Plymouth Rock N Run, the YL Relay for Life, and the Honkers Marathon. The Committee agreed to grant all requested water donations and staffing requirements. 1 2.5. Bottled Water Label Art Contest Ms. Botts informed the Committee that the 3rd annual Bottled Water Label Art competition needed a topic and it was decided that this year it would be "The Many Uses of Water." The competition will be advertised in the newsletter and run from September 241" - October 121" 2.6. Fall News Letter Draft Content The Committee decided that the fall issue of Waterlines would lead with the bottle water competition story and contain the first in the 3 part series announced in the last issue, the General Manager's letter on the Yorba Linda Blvd construction project, and a story highlighting the CMMS program. 2.7. Placentia Heritage Festival & Parade Participation Ms. Botts presented the Placentia Heritage Festival application, which the Committee discussed, and it was decided that the District would participate in the Placentia Heritage Festival & Parade as well as Yorba Linda Fiesta Days. Staffing for both events was approved, as well as a water donation for the YL Fiesta Days event. 2.8. Public Outreach Activities Ms. Botts informed the Committee that classes at the Fullerton Arboretum have come to a close and over 24,000 bottles of water were given away this year. 2.9. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives Mr. Vega announced that employees needed additional training on setting up alerts and reports on the vehicle GPS software (Networkfleet) in order to maximize system potential. Training for Networkfleet software has been scheduled for August. The quote for the Cogsdale training received last month was presented as well per the Committee's request last meeting. 2.10. Future Agenda Items Director Beverage requested research be done into listing YLWD's mission statement, 5 core values, and other morale building material. 3. ADJOURNMENT 3.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. The next meeting of the Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee will be held August 6, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 2 ITEM NO. 12.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Subject: Meetings from July 27, 2012 - August 31, 2012 ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: July 2012 Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Mon, Jul 30 4:OOPM Hawkins/Melton August 2012 MWDOC/MWD Workshop Wed, Aug 1 8:30AM Melton/Staff OCWD Board Wed, Aug 1 5:30PM Kiley/Staff Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Thu, Aug 2 3:OOPM Collett/Kiley WACO Fri, Aug 3 7:30AM Hawkins Pub Affairs-Communications-Tech Committee Meeting Mon, Aug 6 4:OOPM Melton/Beverage Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Aug 7 4:OOPM Beverage/Collett Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Aug 7 6:30PM Hawkins LAFCO Wed, Aug 8 9:OOAM Beverage Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Aug 9 8:30AM MWDOC Board Wed, Aug 15 8:30AM Melton/Staff OCWD Board Wed, Aug 15 5:30PM Kiley/Staff Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Aug 15 7:OOPM Collett Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Mon, Aug 20 4:OOPM Hawkins/Melton Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Aug 21 6:30PM Melton Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Aug 23 8:30AM Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Aug 27 8:30AM Beverage Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Aug 27 4:OOPM Kiley/Hawkins Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Aug 29 7:OOPM Kiley ISDOC Thu, Aug 30 11:30AM Collett 7/19/2012 2:23:27 PM ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 26, 2012 Subject: OCSD/OCWD Community Open House - July 28, 2012 SOCOD Pilot Plant Open House - August 3, 2012 CSDA Board's Role in Finance/Fiscal Management - September 6, 2012 CSDA Governance Foundations - September 24, 2012 CSDA Annual Conference - September 24-27, 2012 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: OCWD Open House.pdf Backup Material Backup Material SOCOD Open House.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CSDA BOD Role in Finance.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CSDA Gov Foundations.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CSDA Conference.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 7/26/2012 MB/RC 5-0 Authorizing Director attendance at CSDA sponsored events listed above. Orange County Sanitation District and Orenge County Water District . 0 S 'Working together for you!" Saturday, July 28, 201 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your fornlly, frlands and noighbomf a Tour tho C CSD wmtcwmrrr plait and loom more about the The Fouroaln Volley Pdlce Deporfirteni WIN uAb�e or�ite coNro ng alt mpimd and unared medlt M W ord d S . 197fl Wrraot 1 GOA+4 Ella Avenua f«more urtarmarion,+isll "'''17 F4UntOln'faIIey RQkMgln VaAley Ithlp lfeM.Ib al KdwrrYabe6l,alrr. ]ry'W R 5 w .orwd.rom www r�.rom C For the event information, please click on http://www.ocwd.com/Events/ca-186.aspx. OCWD & OCSD Community Open House "Working together for you!" You're invited to see first-hand the cutting-edge work conducted at the Orange County Water District (OCWD) at a Community Open House with the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) on Saturday, July 28 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aside from fun, food and activities; it's the perfect opportunity to tour the world renowned Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) that draws visitors from every corner of the globe. Tours of OCSD's wastewater treatment plant will also be offered hourly during the event. Kids will love OCWD's activities planned especially with them in mind, such as pHun with Water, Watershed Wildlife, Separate the Molecules, and Build an Aquifer. We hope these activities will help kids appreciate the vast groundwater basin that provides a reliable source of drinking water for 2.5 million people in Orange County. To demonstrate how an aquifer system works, kids and kids at heart attending the open house can build their own mini groundwater model complete with a "production well." Attendees will also learn how we use microfiltration, reverse osmosis and ultra violet light to purify water. At the Watershed Wildlife booth, guests at the open house will learn about OCWD's work in the upper watershed and its habitat restoration programs. Santa Ana River water replenishes the groundwater basin after having traveled through OCWD's wetlands above Prado Dam. The river not only supports fish and bird habitats in the Prado basin, but it's a significant source of water utilized by OCWD to replenish the groundwater basin. As part of a conservation agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), OCWD has created more than 460 acres of habitat for the endangered least Bell's vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, and funded more than $3 million in mitigation and monitoring measures for the vireo program. So, we hope to see you on July 28. Bring your family, friends and neighbors for food, activities, prizes, entertainment and more! You can also help us keep pharmaceuticals out of the sewers. The Fountain Valley Police Department will be on-site to collect and properly dispose of expired and unused medications. You may enter the event at either location: 18700 Ward Street (OCWD) or 10844 Ellis Avenue (OCSD) in Fountain Valley. For more information, call OCWD at (714) 378-3202. { r Y a pINFICI • The Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC), the __ Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD) and ��• the project participants of South Coast Water District, Moulton Niguel Water District, Laguna Beach County Water District, the • City of San Juan Capistrano and the City of San Clemente, • • • would like to invite you to join us for an extension of your water education and a personally guided tour of the South Orange Coastal Ocean Desalination (SOCOD) Pilot Plant on Friday, August 3, 2012, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. _ _ .• _ •• - We've put together this very special open house so that �. . -• previous inspection trip participants and their guests will have an opportunity to see and hear what new and exciting developments have been unfolding in the Southern California DANA NILLi },!� world of water since you last joined us. The event begins at Dana Point 9:30 a.m. We will have state and regional water updates from both MWDOC and MWD and the day will conclude ViLUw�� around 12:00 p.m. with tours conducted by lead project engineers of the SOCOD pilot plant, a ground breaking water H,..-.6QR ;. supply plan for Orange County's future. MWDOC staff, MWD h staff, and the SOCOD team of experts will be available throughout the day to answer any questions you might have. Capistran 2012NAVTEQ Register Now! 2012 M icresoft Corporation Driving Directions The pilot plant is located adjacent to San Juan Creek in the Doheny State Beach parking lot. When you arrive, notify the park ranger at the security gate that you are attending a tour of Friday August 3,2012 from 9:30 AM the pilot plant and your parking fee will be waived. Once to 12:00 PM PDT through the main gate, follow the road approximately 1,000 feet Add to and look for the tan trailer and green fence. Parking is located directly in front of the project trailer. We sincerely hope that you will be able to take advantage of this unique opportunity! OFST RICT Sincerely, www.mwdo • Jeff Thomas President Municipal Water District of Orange County CSDA - Event Details Page 1 of 2 Board's Role in Finance & Fiscal Accountability Back Instructor: Harry Ehrlich, Project Resource Specialists This course will focus on how to develop a method for approving the district's annual budget, communicate budget information to the public, establish financial goals for the district, review district finances, develop and analyze capital inprovement plans and reserve guidelines, comprehend the relationship between district finance and district belief and values as set forth in the district mission and strategic goals. 08:30 am - 09:00 am Sign-in & Registration 09:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm Lunch (On Your Own) 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm Workshop $225 CSDA Member $250 SDLF Sponsoring Org Member -- Call us at (916) 442-7887 $375 Non-Member Sign up for all four academy courses and save $$$ $800 CSDA Member $900 SDLF Sponsoring Org Member -- Call us at (916) 442-7887 $1400 Non-Member Cancellations must be made IN WRITING and received via fax, mail, or email no later than three days prior to the seminar. All cancellations made within the specified time will be refunded less a $25 processing fee. 08:30 am - 09:00 am Sign-in & Registration 09:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm Lunch (On Your Own) 01:00 pm - 04:00 pm Workshop Start Date: Thursday, September 06, 2012 End Date: Thursday, September 06, 2012 Coordinators: Sharon Foster, Education Assistant - sharonf @csda.net Address: Vista Irrigation District 1391 Engineer Street Vista, CA 92081 You must loq on before continuing through the checkout process. Thank you for using the CSDA web site. http://www.csdamembers.net/C SDAWEB/Core/Events/eventdetails.aspx?iKeyBRFF090... 7/19/2012 CSDA - Event Details Page 1 of 2 Governance Foundations Instructor: David Aranda, North of the River Municipal Water District This course teaches the foundational knowledge and skills that identify and define the essential building blocks of a successful board, focusing on the critical elements of governance: effective trustees, board mindset, structure, process and protocols, individual/team standards, and board's role and responsibilities. 09:00 am - 04:00 pm $225 CSDA Member $375 Non-Member Sign up for all four academy courses and save $$$ CSDA Member - $800, Non-Member - $1400 Call CSDA at (877) 924-2732 Cancellations must be made IN WRITING and received via fax, mail, or email no later than three days prior to the seminar. All cancellations made within the specified time will be refunded less a $25 processing fee. 08:30 am - 09:00 am Sign-in & Registration 09:00 am - 12:00 pm Workshop 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm Lunch (On Your Own) 01 :00 pm - 04:00 pm Workshop Start Date. Monday, September 24, 2012 End Date: Monday, September 24, 2012 Coordinators Sharon Foster, Education Assistant - sharonf @csda.net Address: The Westin Gaslamp Quarter Hotel 910 Broadway Circle San Diego, CA 92101 You must log on before continuing through the checkout process. Thank you for using the CSDA web site. http://www.csdamembers.net/CSDAWEB/Core/Events/eventdetails.aspx?iKey=GOVF092... 7/19/2012 "These conferences . great, 1 Mondap, September 21 opportunitp for special elected officials 9:00—11:00 a.m. Special District Administrator(SDA) Exam and , , •ers to share and by The Special District Leadership Foundation learn among our peers" 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Workshop #1 (Pre-Registration/Payment Required) Special District Leadership Academy Module 1: Joe Barget, age Governance Foundations Community As the core of CSDA's Special District Leadership Academy,this csD&% workshop serves as the"foundation"for the series on effective N, , governance of special districts. $225 Member 1 $375 Non-member I Earn SDRMA CIPs 9:00 a.m.—4:00 p.m. Workshop #2 (Pre-Registration/Payment Required) Organizational Assessment and Strategic Planning In this workshop,attendees will examine six critical areas of good public agency organizational health and how to integrate those areas with long-term strategic planning for special districts. $225 Member $375 Non-member Con efrence r • • 1 1 • • • I ent's ton WIM tfie gito Tdi r 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Food,Drink and 6H �Innua` gd``j lournament Riverwalk Golf Club $125 includes golf with cart,lunch,and prizes! 1:30—3:30 p.m. G•3 �� jdiiartfci. eynas groundwater esatnation < <* `Facliglour rs } $10 per person includes transportation to/from hotel. ONIYBEGISTEBEO CSOA CONIIHINEIATTINDIIS OB BEGISTEBEO GUESTS AHIRI GIB UTOATTINO.BEGISTIH1AB1Y,SPAHIS11MITEO. `Yuma W&g i i u r One of downtown's first brick structures,the building was first owned bg Captain Wilcox,who arrived in Mn Diego in 1810 at the holm of the UA Invincible. CfIEIFORNRI SPECIf 1,DISTRICTS ObOCIfiTION I CONFERENCE.CSDUET 6 luesdag 69tember 25 7:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open 7:30—8:30 a.m. Coffee with Exhibitors(Raffle) 9:00—10:45 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Opening Keynote Presentation:J.R. Martinez "Plug in to your Potential:Spark Endless Possibilities through Goal-Setting for Yourself and Your District" 11:00 a.m.—12:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions •The Cost of Poor Benefits Plan Design&Some Win-Win Fixes,Chang,Ruthenberg&Long PC •What's New About LAFCo,CALAFCO •Got Work?When Do You Have to Pay for it Under the FLSA?,Nossaman LLP(CIP) •New Developments:The Brown Act and Public Records Act,Liebert Cassidy Whitmore(CIP) •Serving the Public Through Best Board Practices,BHI Management Consulting(CIP) •Measure WW:Lessons in Presenting Successful Ballot Measures,Communication Advantage 12:15—1:30 p.m. Lunch onYour Own (exhibit hall open) 1:30—3:00 p.m. Exhibitor Showcase Finale—Dessert/Grand Prizes 3:15—4:30 p.m. Super Session: Barbara Sanfilippo,"Lead in High Definition—Engage Staff,Inspire Leaders,Dream Big!" Tuesday 9:00—10:45 a.m. J.%Martinez -L Plug in to your Potential: Spark Endless Possibilities through Goal-Setting foryourself andYour District 2011 turned out to be a banner year for former"All My Children"star,.B.Martinez.Not only did he and his dance partner Karina Smirnoff take ABC's"Dancing With The Stars"season 13 coveted mirror ball trophy,he was also named the 2012 Tournament of Roses Grand Marshal.He was on the November 7 cover of People Magazine,featured in the Sexiest Man Alive issue and was one of their 25 Most Intriguing People of the year CSDA is pleased to have him at this year's conference to inspire and motivate attendees to reach their potential personally and professionally. Tuesday 3:15—4:30 p.m. -bar%ara &nffino �A`'N,iT�-i{t?�o„k-base�a�' Lead in High Definition—Engage Staff, �4`' NeLWor-komi g, Tooth Tun! Inspire Leaders, Dream Big! 5:30—7:00 p.m. Despite the sluggish econ- Tailgate Party with the Exhibitors at omy, lean staffing and chal- Petco Park lenging environment, the 'j 10 '' good news is we can turn 7:00 p.m. anxiety into action and pes- Padres VS Dodgers Tetco `Part simism into passion--if we Join our exhibitors in a unique event at the ballpark! This focus on what we can con- event begins with a tailgate party reception at the ballpark retco Park has become a destination ar._ _tj the trol. In this idea-packed and and then you'll watch the Padres take on the Dodgers park in the Park and nearby bars and restaurants,game entertaining program, Barb from atop the Western Metal Rooftop Bleachers, an area days are festive.This is a good ballpark to walk around will share proven and fun ideas to engage employees, reserved exclusively for CSDA attendees.Your all-inclusive during the game and there are plcmt of places to stand. improve service, raise performance,be an inspirational ticket includes: entry into the game, a pre-game buffet, The Padres even provide railings for food and drink on coach,and,most of all,help you and your staff embrace ballpark snacks,and hosted beverage service(soda&draft their lower level concourse,which has views of the play- a success mindset regardless of circumstances. In this beer)for CSDA's cost of only$50 per person.Transporation ing field. San Diego may be a laid back town but the energizing and interactive session you'll leave inspired to/from the conference hotel is also included. crowd gets into the game,especially when their fiercest and armed with proven ideas to encourage employees. � OPTIONRt,tIMITEO SPAR,HIGISTIH[ARY! rival,the Dodgers,are in town. 1 2012 CSDfI ffNNUfIL CONFERENCE&EXHIBITOR MOWCOE cfthesta$ 69tombor 26 8:30—9:00 a.m. SDRMA Sponsored Full Plated Breakfast 1W A110INDIIS011101T00SWIMMI 9:00—10:45 a.m. SDRMA General Session,Safety Awards, Keynote Keynote by Jeff Havens:"Becoming a More Annoying You" 11:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Breakouts •Cost Saving Early Retirement Incentives,PARS •The Nurse Will Listen to You Now,SDRMA/Company Nurse(CIP) •There's an App for That!,SDRMA/TargetSolutions(CIP) •AB1234 Required Ethics Training(part 1 of 2,must attend both sessions for credit),Meyers Nave(CIP) •The Alternative Workforce—Independent Contractors,Retired Annuitants,and Volunteers,Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann&Girard •How to Avoid Disability Discrimination Claims in the Workplace,Best,Best&Krieger(CIP) •CSDA Finance Corporation Board and Annual Meeting 12:00—1:30 p.m. CSDA Annual Awards Luncheon Join us as we celebrate the best of special districts with awards including:Board President of the Year,General Manager of the Year, the prestigious William Hollingsworth Award of Excellence and more!JW AIIATTIND11SWIMMI 1:45—2:45 p.m. Breakouts •SDRMA—Pool Coverage— Do I Need a Life Vest?,SDRMA(CIP) •Building a Positive Working Relationship with Your Governing Body,Liebert Cassidy Whitmore(CIP) •Assessing Your Organization for Efficiency,BHI Management Consulting •AB1234 Required Ethics Training(part 2),Meyers Nave •Streamlining Payment Processes for Local Government,Bank of the West •Strategic Performance Management:Using Logic Models to Drive Results,CPS HR Consulting 3:00—4:30 p.m. Breakouts •Can I Accept That Gift?What you need to know about the updated FPPC Gift Regulations,Meyers Nave •Capital Funding in the Wake of the Great Recession,CSDA Finance Corporation •Rate Rollback:Proposition 218 and Initiative Measures,KronickMoskovitz Tiedemann&Girard and Foresthill Public Utility District •Revenues—Where's the Fire?!Where's the Water?!,NBS •A-B-C EGA,Bergman Dacey Goldsmith •An Update on ABx1 26(RDA Dissolution)—Is It Working?,Lewis,Brisbois,Bisgaard&Smith 5:30—7:30 9:00 1:45 a.m. lasto of tfio U t ,Newtion Joj havens �..� From San Diego's"Little Italy"to fresh seafood to the influence of Becoming a More Annoying the Mexican culture on San Diego's cuisine,join us for an evening of You food tasting inspired by the city of San Diego. Full of reverse psychology and Jeff's trademark wit, "Becoming a More An- Attendees at this reception will have the opportunity to participate noying You!" will help improve your in the Special District Leadership Foundation(SDLF)silent auction professional behavior by "encouraging" �p to raise funds for scholarships for the Special District Leadership you to engage in all kinds of bad work- Academy programs.A special wine raffle will also be held at 7:00 place behaviors.This is flat out the most Sponsored by. p.m. Be sure to purchase tickets throughout the conference for the hilarious professional etiquette seminar w chance to win a deluxe 35 bottle wine cellar fully stocked with 35 Sponsored by you're ever going to attend, filled with Abottles of wine...almost a$1,000 value.You must be present to win! all the takeaways and useful information of a more straightforward presentation SDLF is an independent, non-profit organization formed to promote and all the entertainment and value of good governance and best practices among California's special districts a comedy show.Because improving your through certification,accreditation and other recognition programs.The district culture doesn't have to be boring. SDLF and its activities are supported through the California Special Dis- tricts Association and Special District Risk Management Authority. CfiLIFORMfi SFECIfiL DISTRICTS f bbOCIfiTION ) CONFERENCE.CSDfI.NET 5 ' I -I a Iflursta 6c.ptcmbcr U 8:30—10:00 a.m. Breakout Sessions •Chapter Roundtable Discussion •What to Expect When You're Needing Community Support,SCI Consulting Group •Nightmare to Hollywood Ending:Special Districts Getting Out of the Red,Fox Rothschild,LLP •Accommodating Bad Behavior:We're Not Going to Take It!LiebertCassidyWhitmore(CIP) •What's REALLY Going On!The Latest Update on Prevailing Wage,CMU,and ABBA Requirements,Contractor Compliance&Monitoring,Inc. •21 st Century Privacy Issues in the Workplace,Liebert Cassidy Whitmore(CIP) •Local Investing for Special Districts through County Treasurer-Tax Collectors:What Are the Options&Benefits? Treasurer-Tax Collector Panel 10:15 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Closing Brunch: Legislative Roundup: Ralph Heim and Kyle Packham Sacramento's Impact on Your District and the Future of Special Districts Thursday 10:15 a.m.—12:00 p.m. lat-R ceim Sacramento's Impact onYour District and the Future of Special Districts Ralph Heim of Public Policy Advocates and CSDAAdvocacy&Public Affairs Director Kyle Packham will present attendees with the most up- to-date information on the outcome of the biggest state budget and legislative issues impacting special districts in 2012.This year included major action on property taxes,public employee pensions,LAFCO and public contracting,Get all the latest legislative results and what it means for special districts going forward. •• * Chapter of theYear Award Presentation 04 rcua.sa.�= trknA►w. ftfl �eognizes tfic best cffmon �pcc1aT 1�istricts Do you have a board member, staff member, local chapter or program that you feel deserves recognition? Each year,CSDA presents various awards during the CSDA Annual Conference and Exhibitor Showcase.There are a number of different categories.Please consider outstanding individuals within your districts for individual awards. Chapter awards and district awards are also open for nominations. Visit the Awards section of our conference website at conference.csda.net for more information. "The annual conference always Questions?If you have any questions regarding the awards or the awards process,please contact Charlotte gives me something I can use in Lowe, executive assistant, at the CSDA office toll-free at 877.924.2732 or by email at charlottelQcsda.net. my role as a board member." DEADLINE for submissions is FRIDAY,AUGUST 24,2012.All applicants will be notified prior to the Annual Conference who the winner is.Winners will be awarded at the CSDA Annual Conference&Exhibitor Showcase Michael Seaman,Fulton-El Camino BPD in San Diego during the Awards Luncheon on Wednesday,September 26. 6 2012 CSDfI flNNEOIL CONFERENCE&EMIDITOR SHOWCf bL ATTENDEE REGISTRATION FORM 2012 CSDA Annual Conference and Exhibitor Showcase San Diego,California (Please print)All future correspondence will be sent to the key contact. p©pp One form per attendee. Three Ways to Register Registration fees include: 1.ONLINE by visiting the CSDA Annual Conference website at conference.csda.net • President's Reception with the Exhibitors Monday evening 2.FAX your registration form to 916-442-7889.All faxed forms must include payment. • Keynote Sessions and Super Session 3.MAIL CSDA,1112 1 Street,Suite 200,Sacramento,CA 95814,please include registration form along with payment. • Exhibitor Showcase Dessert on Tuesday Check should be made payable to:California Special Districts Association. • Exhibitor Showcase on Monday and Tuesday • SDRMA Full Plated Breakfast on Wednesday Who qualifies for member rates? • Awards Luncheon on Wednesday All California Special Districts Association and Special District Risk Management Authority members.Contact the • All Breakout Sessions on Tuesday,Wednesday,and Thursday CSDA office toll-free 877-924-2732 to find out if you are already a member.It's not too late to become a CSDA member. • SDLF"Taste of the City"Reception Simply contact Cathrine Lemaire at cathrinel @csda.net or call toll-free at 877-924-2732. • Closing Brunch on Thursday Name: Title: District: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Member status: ❑ Member ❑ Non-member ❑Vegetarian ❑Any Special Needs: Conference Registration Fees . . • . Regular(after Aug.17) SUBTOTAL ❑CSDA Member-Full Conference $525.00 $550.00 ❑ Non-member-Full Conference $685.00 $710.00 •Guest-Full Conference(Cannot be from a district) ❑Vegetarian $250.00 $300.00 •CSDA Member-One-day registration ❑Tuesday ❑Wednesday ❑Thursday $250.00 each day $275.00 each day • Non-member-One-day registration ❑Tuesday ❑Wednesday ❑Thursday $410.00 each day $435.00 each day Separate Registration Fees Member Non-member SUBTOTAL • Pre-Conference Workshop:SDLA Module 1:Governance Foundations-Sept.24 $225.00 $375.00 • Pre-Conference Workshop:Organizational Assessessment&Strategic Planning-Sept.24 $225.00 $375.00 •CSDA GoIfTournament-Sept.24 $125.00 ❑ Richard A.Reynolds Groundwater Desalination Facility Tour-Sept.24 $ 10.00 (includes transportation)(limited seating) ❑Tailgate Party with the Exhibitors/Padres vs.Dodgers Game-Sept.25 $ 50.00 (includes game,food&drinks) (limited seating) ❑CSDA Awards Luncheon(Guests only)-Sept.26 $ 40.00 ❑SDLF"Taste of the City"Reception(Guests only)-Sept.26 $ 50.00 TOTAL Payment type: ❑Check ❑Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑AMEX ❑ Discover Account name: Account Number: Expiration date: Authorized Signature: TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 25,2012 WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 26,2012 THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 27,2012 z 11:00 a.m.-12:15p.m. 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 1:45—2:45 p.m. 3:00—4:30 p.m. 8:30-10:00 a.m. z Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions Breakout Sessions ❑The Cost of Poor Benefits ❑Cost Saving Early Retirement ❑SDRMA—Pool Coverage ❑Can I Accept That Gift? ❑Chapter Roundtable Discussion w Plan Design&Some Win Incentives —'Do I Need a Life Vest?" What you need to know ❑Whatto Expect When You're Win Fixes ❑No Cost Safety Training—'There's an SDRMA about the updated FPPC Needing Community Support ❑What's New About LAFCo App for That!' ❑Building a Positive Working Gift Regulations ❑Nightmare to Hollywood Ending: > ❑Got Work?When Do You ❑Company Nurse Program—'The Relationship with Your ❑Capital Funding in the Wake Special Districts Getting Out ofthe Red z Have to Pay for it Under the Nurse Will Listen to You Now.' Governing Body of the Great Recession ❑Accommodating Bad Behavior: FLSA? ❑AB1234 Required Ethics Training ❑Assessing Your Organization ❑An Update on ABxl 26(RDA We're Not Going to Take It! ❑New Developments:The (part 11 for Efficiency Dissolution)Is It Working? ❑What is REALLY Going On!The Latest Brown Act and Public ❑The Alternative Workforce— ❑AB1234 Required Ethics ❑Rate Rollback:Proposition Update on Prevailing Wage,CIVIL, Records Act Independent Contractors,Retired Training(part 2) 218 and Initiative Measures ARRA Requirements w ❑Serving the Public Through Annuitants,and Volunteers ❑Streamlining Payment ❑Revenues:Where's the ❑21 st Century Privacy Issues in the Best Board Practices ❑How to Avoid Disability Processes for Local Fire?!Where's the Water?! Workplace ❑Measure WW:Lessons in Discrimination Claims in the Government ❑A-B-CEQA ❑Local Investing for Special Districts v Presenting Successful Ballot Workplace ❑Strategic Performance through County Treasurer-Tax Measures Management:Using Logic Collectors:What Are the Options& Models to Drive Results Benefits? Cancellation/Substitution Policy: Cancellations must be in writing and received by CSDA not later than August 30.All cancellations received by this date will be refunded less a$75 processing fee.There will be no refunds for cancellations made after August 30,2012.Substitutions are acceptable and must be done in writing no later than September 14,2012.Please submit any cancellation notice or substitution request to sharonf@csda.net or fax to 916- 442-7889.Consent to Use of Photographic Images:Hegistration and attendance at,or participation in,CSDA meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to CSDAs use and distribution(both now and in the future)of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs,videotapes,electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events and activities.