HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-24 - Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda
Water District
Wednesday, October 24, 2012, 1:00 PM
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870
Director Robert R. Kiley, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager
Director Phil Hawkins Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant
Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they
wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment
when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to
matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes.
This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for
which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include
items for information only.
2.1. Budget to Actual Results for September 2012
2.2. Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2012
2.3. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives
2.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
3.1. The next meeting of the Finance-Accounting Committee will be held Monday, November 26,
2012 at 4:00 p.m.
Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting
Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are
distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public
inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular
business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at
Accommodations for the Disabled
Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to
participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water
District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of
accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may
discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with
adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation.
ITEM NO. 2.1
Meeting Date: October 24, 2012
To: Finance-Accounting Committee
From: Steve Conklin, Acting General
Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance
Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant
Subject: Budget to Actual Results for September 2012
Attached are the District's budget to actual summary results for the Water Fund, Sewer Fund and a
combined statement for both funds pertaining to the reporting month of September 2012.
For the month of September 2012, the District water revenue is 33.1% of annual budget, which is
within a half a percent of the historic trend. Our water consumption baseline is 298 gallons per
capita per day (GPCD), with a 20% reduction by 2020 target of 238.5 GPCD. For the current fiscal
year through September 2012, our average consumption is 267 GPCD, which is 52% of the way to
our goal.
Variable water costs are higher than budgeted due to the District's intentional strategy to use a
greater percentage of the more expensive imported water in the first half of the year, before MWD's
rate increase goes into effect.
The majority of the Water Fund's individual Supplies and Services expenses are trending below or
near budget. Dues and Memberships and Insurance are over due to the timing of receiving and
paying annual invoices. Non-Capital Equipment, Office Expense and Professional Services are all
trending more than a month ahead of schedule.
Non-Capital Equipment is higher due to the purchase of replacement switches for the ring network
communications for the wells and purchase of components for the Redundant SCADA
Communication Radio System. Office Expense is higher primarily due to over $6,000 in charges for
a reprinting of the District's water Atlas Maps, which was budgeted in the prior year, but delays
caused them to not be delivered until the current year. Professional Services is higher primarily due
to over $112,000 being charged for the settlement and mutual release of the District's former
General Manager. Staff is researching to determine if there is a more appropriate place to charge
these amounts.
Sewer Other Operating Revenue is well over budget due to the timing of invoicing and receiving
payments for FOG fees.
The Sewer Funds Supplies and Services expenses are trending below or on budget, with most of
the exceptions being line items mentioned for the Water Fund, as the Sewer Fund receives a 7%
allocation of most Water Fund expenses. In addition to the items described in Water, Fees &
Permits and Vehicle Equipment are trending higher in Sewer.
Fees & Permits was higher primarily due to the District's having already received two quarterly
invoices for OCHA FOG/BMP inspection fees from Orange County Health Care Agency. Vehicle
Equipment was higher than budgeted due to Unit 154, a Vactor truck, needing over $15,000 in
repairs for rebuilding the main high-pressure water pump.
FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a
Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies
—ime: Description: Type:
September 2012 Combined.xlsx September 2012 Consolidated Statement Backup Material
September 2012 Water.xlsx September 2012 Water Fund Backup Material
September 2012 Sewer.xlsx September 2012 Sewer Fund Backup Material
Yorba Linda Water District
Summary Financial Report
Water&Sewer Funds
For Three Months Ending September 30, 2012
Original YTD YTD YTD
Budget Actual Under(Over) %of
FY 2013 FY 2013 Budget Budget
Revenue (Operating):
Water Revenue (Residential) $15,405,197 $5,297,139 $10,108,058 34.39%
Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,822,665 567,352 1,255,313 31.13%
Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation) 4,035,121 1,480,325 2,554,796 36.69%
Water Revenue (Service Charge) 3,755,191 905,223 2,849,968 24.11%
Sewer Charge Revenue 1,548,682 398,784 1,149,898 25.75%
Locke Ranch Assessments 198,433 1,112 197,321 0.56%
Other Operating Revenue 643,737 246,219 397,518 38.25%
Total Operating Revenue: 27,409,026 8,896,154 18,512,872 32.46%
Revenue (Non-Operating):
Interest 170,000 21,881 148,119 12.87%
Property Tax 1,244,320 39,079 1,205,241 3.14%
Other Non-Operating Revenue 494,437 178,879 315,558 36.18%
Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,908,757 239,839 1,668,918 12.57%
Total Revenue 29,317,783 9,135,993 20,181,790 31.16%
Expenses (Operating):
Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import& Power) 12,953,024 5,001,529 7,951,495 38.61%
Salary Related Expenses 7,648,891 1,648,312 6,000,579 21.55%
Supplies &Services 3,849,602 1,147,495 2,702,107 29.81%
Total Operating Expenses 24,451,517 7,797,336 16,654,181 31.89%
Expenses (Non-Operating):
Interest on Long Term Debt 2,011,395 467,814 1,543,581 23.26%
Other Expense 124,210 8,841 115,369 7.12%
Total Non-Operating Expenses: 2,135,605 476,655 1,658,950 22.32%
Total Expenses 26,587,122 8,273,991 18,313,131 31.12%
Net Income(Loss) Before Special Item 2,730,661 862,002 1,868,659 31.57%
Special Item - 835,943 (835,943) 0.00%
Net Income(Loss) Before Depreciation 2,730,661 26,059 2,704,602 0.95%
Depreciation &Amortization 6,602,339 1,667,574 4,934,765 25.26%
Total Net Income(Loss) ($3,871,678) ($1,641,515) ($2,230,163) 42.40%
Yorba Linda Water District
Water Fund
For Three Months Ending September 30, 2012
Budget Actual Actual Under(Over) % of
FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Budget Budget
Water Revenue(Residential) $15,405,197 $1,713,105 $5,297,139 $10,108,058 34.39%
Water Revenue(Commercial & Fire Det.) 1,822,665 179,729 567,352 1,255,313 31.13%
Water Revenue(Landscape/Irrigation) 4,035,121 490,505 1,480,325 2,554,796 36.69%
Water Revenue(Service Charge) 3,755,191 311,550 905,223 2,849,968 24.11%
Other Operating Revenue 585,929 86,306 215,216 370,713 36.73%
Total Operating Revenue: 25,604,103 2,781,195 8,465,255 17,138,848 33.06%
Interest 150,000 8,216 18,703 131,297 12.47%
Property Tax 1,244,320 34,881 39,079 1,205,241 3.14%
Other Non-Operating Revenue 490,262 46,194 170,156 320,106 34.71%
Total Non-Operating Revenue: 1,884,582 89,291 227,938 1,656,644 12.09%
Total Revenue 27,488,685 2,870,486 8,693,193 18,795,492 31.62%
Expenses (Operating):
Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import& Power) 12,953,024 1,952,961 5,001,529 7,951,495 38.61%
Salary Related Expenses 6,741,403 496,062 1,440,349 5,301,054 21.37%
Supplies &Services:
Communications 280,232 19,497 30,512 249,720 10.89%
Contractual Services 455,041 49,191 104,141 350,900 22.89%
Data Processing 125,866 6,158 22,393 103,473 17.79%
Dues& Memberships 57,609 734 24,633 32,976 42.76%
Fees& Permits 139,165 18,799 30,048 109,117 21.59%
Board Election 59,055 - - 59,055 0.00%
Insurance 259,656 200,336 209,355 50,301 80.63%
Materials 455,226 56,096 139,511 315,715 30.65%
District Activities, Emp Recognition 17,298 1,317 2,668 14,630 15.42%
Maintenance 310,320 25,326 52,487 257,833 16.91%
Non-Capital Equipment 81,370 7,546 32,098 49,272 39.45%
Office Expense 37,702 1,846 12,965 24,737 34.39%
Professional Services 749,878 126,951 273,882 475,996 36.52%
Training 41,353 5,310 5,888 35,465 14.24%
Travel &Conferences 41,902 494 2,083 39,819 4.97%
Uncollectible Accounts 36,270 - (403) 36,673 -1.11%
Utilities 79,050 3,566 22,572 56,478 28.55%
Vehicle Equipment 282,400 16,246 76,389 206,011 27.05%
Supplies &Services Sub-Total 3,509,393 539,413 1,041,222 2,468,171 29.67%
Total Operating Expenses 23,203,820 2,988,436 7,483,100 15,720,720 32.25%
Expenses (Non-Operating):
Interest on Long Term Debt 2,009,777 155,938 467,814 1,541,963 23.28%
Other Expense 118,210 2,947 8,841 109,369 7.48%
Total Non-Operating Expenses: 2,127,987 158,885 476,655 1,651,332 22.40%
Total Expenses 25,331,807 3,147,321 7,959,755 17,372,052 31.42%
Net Income(Loss) Before Special Item 2,156,878 (276,835) 733,438 1,423,440 34.00%
Special Item - - 835,943 (835,943) 0.00%
Net Income(Loss) Before Depreciation 2,156,878 (276,835) (102,505) 2,259,383 -4.75%
Depreciation &Amortization 5,332,175 449,583 1,348,749 3,983,426 25.29%
Total Net Income(Loss) ($3,175,297) ($726,418) ($1,451,254) ($1,724,043) 45.70%
Yorba Linda Water District
For Three Months Ending September 30,2012
Budget Actual Actual Under(Over) %of
FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Budget Budget
Sewer Charge Revenue $1,548,682 $132,251 $398,784 $1,149,898 25.75%
Locke Ranch Assessments 198,433 545 1,112 197,321 0.56%
Other Operating Revenue 57,808 387 31,003 26,805 53.63%
Total Operating Revenue: 1,804,923 133,183 430,899 1,374,024 23.87%
Interest 20,000 1,587 3,178 16,822 15.89%
Other Non-Operating Revenue 4,175 - 8,723 (4,548) 208.93%
Total Non-Operating Revenue: 24,175 1,587 11,901 12,274 49.23%
Total Revenue 1,829,098 134,770 442,800 1,386,298 24.21%
Salary Related Expenses 907,488 70,156 207,963 699,525 22.92%
Communications 23,018 1,531 2,490 20,528 10.82%
Contractual Services 34,280 4,000 8,379 25,901 24.44%
Data Processing 9,474 218 1,440 8,034 15.20%
Dues&Memberships 4,583 (215) 1,584 2,999 34.56%
Fees&Permits 12,155 1,253 4,514 7,641 37.14%
Board Election 4,445 - - 4,445 0.00%
Insurance 19,544 15,079 15,757 3,787 80.62%
Materials 34,799 961 1,904 32,895 5.47%
District Activities, Emp Recognition 1,302 99 200 1,102 15.36%
Maintenance 71,650 3,568 22,227 49,423 31.02%
Non-Capital Equipment 16,130 480 3,548 12,582 22.00%
Office Expense 2,823 139 976 1,847 34.57%
Professional Services 37,582 9,607 16,003 21,579 42.58%
Training 4,747 400 1,170.0 3,577 24.65%
Travel&Conferences 3,498 - 119 3,379 3.40%
Uncollectible Accounts 2,730 - (35) 2,765 -1.28%
Utilities 5,950 331 1,906 4,044 32.03%
Vehicle Equipment 51,499 1,197 24,091 27,408 46.78%
Supplies&Services Sub-Total 340,209 38,648 106,273 233,936 31.24%
Total Operating Expenses 1,247,697 108,804 314,236 933,461 25.19%
Interest Expense 1,618 - - 1,618 0.00%
Other Expense 6,000 - 6,000 0.00%
Total Non-Operating Expenses: 7,618 - - 7,618 0.00%
Total Expenses 1,255,315 108,804 314,236 941,079 25.03%
Net Income(Loss) Before Depreciation 573,783 25,966 128,564 445,219 22.41%
Depreciation&Amortization 1,270,164 106,275 318,825 951,339 25.10%
Total Net Income(Loss) ($696,381) ($80,309) ($190,261) ($506,120) 27.32%
ITEM NO. 2.2
Meeting Date: October 24, 2012
To: Finance-Accounting Committee
From: Steve Conklin, Acting General
Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Dept: Finance
Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant
Subject: Investment Report for Period Ending September 30, 2012
Staff is submitting the September 2012 Monthly Investment Report for the Committee's review.
The Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District
investments by institution. The Investment Report Summary includes budget and actual interest and
average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories.
The total yield for the month ending September 2012 increased to 0.78%. This is the result of the
yield change of investments held in CaITRUST's Medium Term portfolio from 0.88% to 0.90% and
Short Term portfolio from 0.37% to 0.38%.
The overall decrease in the investment balance from the previous month is approximately $1.9
million. A couple of the larger balance changes include a decrease in the Reserve for Debt Service
fund of $1.5 million due to the September 30, 2012 Debt Service principal and interest payment in
the amount of $1,874,000 and a decrease of $1 million in the Water Capital Project Reserve due to
the spending on CIP projects.
FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a
Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies
Description: Type:
Investment Report for Period Ending September 30,
Invst Rpt 9-12.xlsx Backup Material
Invst Agenda Backup - September 2012.xlsx Agenda Back-up Backup Material
Yorba Linda Water District
Investment Portfolio Report
September 30, 2012
Market % Percent
Value Cost of Total Institution Yield
Checking Account:
$ 185,526 $ 185,526 Wells Fargo Bank
$ 185,526 $ 185,526 1.04% Total 0.00%
Money Market Accounts:
$ 54,936 $ 54,936 Wells Fargo Money Market 0.05%
2,000,629 2,000,629 Bank of the West 0.35%
2,700 2,700 US Bank(2008 Bond Reserve) 0.04%
$ 2,058,265 $ 2,058,265 11.51% Total 0.34%
Federal Home Loan Bank:
2,156,835 $ 2,144,397 US Bank(2008 Bond Reserve) 1.35%
$ 2,156,835 $ 2,144,397 12.06% 1.35%
Pooled Investment Accounts:
$ 2,990,701 $ 2,990,701 Local Agency Investment Fund 0.38%
201,189 201,189 Ca1TRUST Short Term 0.37%
10,285,568 10,237,886 Ca1TRUST Medium Term 0.88%
$ 13,477,458 $ 13,429,776 75.39% 0.76%
$ 17,878,084 $ 17,817,964 100% Total Investments 0.78%
Per Government Code requirements,the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba
Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet
budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months.
Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant
Investment Summary Report
Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of September 2012:
Avg. Portfolio Avg. Portfolio #of
Month Yield Without Yield With Days to
of 2012 CaITRUST CaITRUST Maturity
September 0.63% 0.78% 93
Below is are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years.
Actual Interest 9/30/2011 9/30/2012
Monthly-September $ 23,259 $ 9,803
Year-to-Date $ 48,083 $ 21,881
Budget 2011/2012 2012/2013
Interest Budget, September YTD $ 47,500 $ 37,500
Interest Budget, Annual $ 190,000 $ 150,000
Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment.
Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month
The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds
is as follows:
August 2012 %Alloc September 2012 %Alloc
Fund Description Balance 8/31/2012 Balance 9/30/2012
Water Operating Reserve $ 1,965,551 6.63% $ 2,618,551 14.80%
Water Emergency Reserve 1,004,574 5.47% 1,005,326 5.68%
Water Capital Project Reserve 10,172,163 54.64% 9,146,146 51.69%
Water Reserve for Debt Service 1,590,419 7.13% 137,513 0.78%
Maintenance Reserve 200,214 1.09% 200,214 1.13%
COP Revenue Bond 2008- Reserve 2,161,078 11.77% 2,159,534 12.21%
COP Revenue Bond 2008 14,550 0.08% - 0.00%
Sewer Operating 161,475 0.88% 161,488 0.91%
Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,003,570 5.46% 1,004,321 5.68%
Sewer Capital Project Reserve 1,258,642 6.85% 1,259,464 7.12%
$ 19,532,235 100.00% $ 17,692,557 100.00%
Wells Fargo Bank Checking
Water Operating 198,531 100,153
Sewer Operating 48,882 85,374
247,413 185,527
Totals $ 19,779,648 $ 17,878,084
ITEM NO. 2.3
Meeting Date: October 24, 2012
Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives
Attached are the strategies identified in the 2011-2013 Strategic Plan that relate to Fiscal
Responsibility, which are overseen by the Finance-Accounting Committee. Included is an update on
each strategy relating to Fiscal Responsibility.
Name: Description: Type:
Strategic Plan Tracking- FA.Pdf Strategic Plan Tracking-FA Backup Material
Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report
Finance-Accounting Committee
Lead Party
October 2012 Progress
FR 1: Maintain Fiduciary Res onsibilit
Revise the Water and Sewer Rules
Complete Study in House
Updated Customer Service Fee Schedule presented to Finance-Accounting
FR 1-C
and Regulation and Evaluate Fee
and Recommend Fees
Committee on September 26. Sewer Rules and Regulations and Fee Schedule will be
Schedules Regularly for Proper
Structure Update for
brought before the Board at the end of 2012.
Cost of Service Coverage
Adoption by December 2011
Continue to Record and Report
Quarterly the Board receives
the Fairly Stated Financial
full-accrual financial
The Board received the June 2012 investment report at the August 9th Board
FR 1-F
Activities of the District in a
statements. The annual
meeting and the 4th quarter full-accrual financial statements at the September 13th
Timely and Transparent Manner
audit is provided timely to
Board meeting.
to the Board of Directors and
the Board and public.
Member Agencies
Continue to Improve
Monthly financial
Communications of the District's
information is provided to
The Finance-Accounting Committee received the September 2012 budget to actual
FR 1-G
Financial Information to the Board
management and the
financial statements and the September 2012 investment report at the October 24
of Directors,Member Agencies,
Committee meeting.
Management,and the Financial
Lead Party
October 2012 Progress
Finance Accounting
Multi-year financial plan provided to the Board during April 11 workshop. A
Develop a Comprehensive Multi-
Committee to consider
FR 1-A
Year Financial Plan
Adding Sewer Model to
comprehensive version is included in the FY 2012/13 budget,which was presented
to the Board on June 14, 2012.
Contract in Jun-11
Prepare a High Level Annual
FY 2011/12 Budget and CAFR for period ending June 30, 2011 received
Budget Document and
Government Finance Officer's Association awards for excellence. FY 2012/13
Comprehensive Annual Financial
Include Fees in FY 2011/12
Budget approved by the Board on June 28, 2012. Staff submitted for the CSMFO
FR 1-13
Report and Compete for
budget award in August and the GFOA budget award in September.The Board
Recognition by the Government
accepted the 2012 CAFR on October 11, 2012 and staff submitted the CAFR for
Finance Officers Association
the GFOA award in October.
Evaluate and Revise the Sewer
Revised Allocation included
Completed March 2011. Consider changing allocation methodology in conjunction
FR 1-D
Fund Allocation
in FY 2011/12 Budget
with FY 2013/14 budget process.
Substantial Rate Increase
Maintain Commitment to Strong
Board of
Adopted in Sept 2009
Quarterly review of debt service ratios will continue as well as integrating the ratio
FR 1-E
Debt Services Ratio
followed by Pass Through
into forward financial projections.
Increase in Aug 2010
Latest Revisions Reviewed by
Review the Reserve Policy and
Completed review/revision of reserve policy for FY 12/13. Reserve policy adopted by
FR 2-A
Funding Levels Annually
Committee for Board of
the Board on June 14, 2012.
of Directors
Directors to Consider in Jun-
Financial model allowed review of reserves on a long-term basis. Staff recommended
Implement an Approach to Ensure
Rates, COP's and Other
a 3-year rate increase to ensure reserves are responsibly funded. Board voted to
FR 2 C
Reserves are Responsibly Funded
Capital Financing Options
approve 1.5, 1.5, 2.5%rate increase on the charge plus a change in the fixed
of Directors
charge to be based on the meter size at the Public Hearing on June 21.
Review Opportunities to Earn
Card Options Discussed with
"Cash Back"on Operating
FR 3-B
Expense through Commercial
Committee in March-Add'1
YLWD is online with Cal-CARD.
Credit Card Accounts
research Required
Manage Cash Flow to Maximize
Track Opportunities and
Delia Lugo, Senior Accountant reviews the cash balances and needs daily. Mutliple
FR 3-C
Effectiveness with Quarterly
times a month,excess cash is transferred to investments to earn interest until the
Investment Income
Investment Reports
next check register.
Board to Consider Rate
The January 16, 2012 Board Workshop showed the end product of the cost of service
Complete the Cost of Service and
and water rate study. Raftelis Financial Consultants completed a document to
FR 4-A
Water Rates Study
Structure Alternatives in Oct
support the District's Prop 218 notice,which was received and filed by the Board on
of Directors
April 26.
Board of
A recommendation to update the current fixed charge with a volumetric approach
Evaluate Equitable Rate
Board to Consider Rate
was presented to the Board during the April 11 Workshop. The Rate Increase Notice
FR 4-13
Structures that Promote
Structure Alternatives in Oct
approved by the Board on April 26 to be mailed to the District's customers reflects
Conservation and Efficiency
those proposed changes.The public hearing on those changes occurred on June 21,