HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-25 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Hater District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, October 25, 2012, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Phil Hawkins, President Gary T. Melton, Vice President Michael J. Beverage Ric Collett Robert R. Kiley 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 6.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 11, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 6.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$537,489.19. 7. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 7.1. Amendments to the District's Conflict of Interest Code Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 12-26 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for the Yorba Linda Water District. 7.2. ISDOC Quarterly Meeting and Election of Executive Committee for 2013/14 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors designate Director Kiley as the primary representative and Director Hawkins as the alternate representative to vote on the District's behalf in the election of ISDOC's Executive Committee. 8. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the District's interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 8.1. Consider Rescheduling Board of Directors Regular Meetings on Thursday, December 13, 2012 and Thursday, December 27, 2012 Consider Rescheduling Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting on Monday, December 24, 2012 Consider Scheduling Board of Directors Workshop Meetings on Monday, January 14, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Facilitated by Liebert Cassidy Whitmore) 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report 9.2. Directors' Report • OC Water Use Efficiency Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop - October 15, 2012 (Kiley) • Yorba Linda Mayor's Prayer Breakfast - October 18, 2012 (Hawkins/Kiley/Melton) • OCWD Groundwater Adventure Tour - October 18, 2012 (Collett) • ACWA/JPIA Harassment Prevention for Managers Training - October 24, 2012 (Collett) 9.3. Acting General Manager's Report 9.4. General Counsel's Report 9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Hawkins/Melton) • Minutes of meeting held October 15, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled November 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kiley/Hawkins) • Minutes of meeting held October 24, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) • Minutes of meeting held October 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Minutes of meeting held October 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 13, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) • Minutes of meeting held October 4, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled November 1, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. 10.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Melton/Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held October 24, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 5, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Hawkins/Beverage) • Meeting scheduled November 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 10.7. Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) • Minutes of meeting held October 22, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided at the next regular meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 26, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11.1. YL City Council - October 16, 2012 (Melton) 11.2. MWDOC Board - October 17, 2012 (Melton/Staff) 11.3. OCWD Board - October 17, 2012 (Kiley/Staff) 11.4. YL Planning Commission - October 24, 2012 (Collett) 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from October 26, 2012 - November 30, 2012 13. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS This section of the agenda is for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance at the listed events. 13.1. ACWA/JPIA Harassment Prevention for Managers Training - October 24, 2012 (Ratify Director Collett's attendance.) DWR/NWRI Drought Response Workshop - November 6, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. 14. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00486884) Name of Case: MAMCO, Inc. vs. Yorba Linda Water District (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00595177) 14.2. Conference with Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One Existing Facts and Circumstances under Section 54956.9(b)(3)(B): Dispute with Orange County Transportation Authority over payment of cost to relocate District water pipelines to make way for construction of Lakeview Avenue overcrossing of ATSF rail tracks and Orangethorpe Avenue. 14.3. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: Acting General Manager 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 6.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 11, 2012 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name Description: Type: 101112 BOD - Minutes.doc BOD Mtg Minutes 10/11/12 Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/25/2012 RC/RK 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, October 11, 2012, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The October 11, 2012 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Hawkins at 8:32 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administrative Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Hawkins led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT 'STAFF PRESENT Phil Hawkins, President Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Gary T. Melton, Vice President Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager Michael J. Beverage Lee Cory, Operations Manager Ric Collett Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Robert Kiley Art Vega, Interim IT Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary ALSO PRESENT Steve Clayton, Plant Operator II Brett Barbre, Director, MWDOC Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer Art Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Cody Peterson, Public Affairs Intern Eddy Beltran, Senior Counsel, Kidman Law Daniel Mole, Chair, YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee Craig Stehsel, Business Account Executive, Southern California Edison 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. President Hawkins announced that the meeting may need to be adjourned to Closed Session before it was listed on the agenda to facilitate a conference call scheduled at 9:15 a.m. (Item Nos. 5. and 6. were taken out of order.) 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Recognize Steve Clayton, Plant Operator II, for Completion of the ACWA/JPIA Supervisor Basics Certification Program Mr. Cory provided a brief summary of Mr. Clayton's work history and the efforts he made to complete this certification program. Mr. Conklin presented Mr. Clayton with a plaque commemorating his accomplishment. Mr. Clayton left the meeting at this time. 1 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held September 24, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Mr. Mole addressed the Board and provided a report regarding matters discussed during the meeting. Director Beverage mentioned that the Orange County Fire Authority was scheduled to provide a presentation regarding their services at the next CAC meeting. Directors were invited to attend if they were interested. Mr. Kidman noted that Board members could feel free to attend but that they should avoid participating in the meeting. Mr. Conklin stated that he expected a large number of attendees at the meeting. Next meeting is scheduled October 22, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Mole left the meeting at this time. 8. PRESENTATIONS 8.1. Presentation by Craig Stehsel, Business Account Executive for Southern California Edison, Regarding District's Receipt of $36,936 Rebate Check for Participation in Energy Efficiency Program Mr. Stehsel addressed the Board and briefly explained SCE's rebate program. He will be working with staff to apply for an additional rebate associated with the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project. Mr. Stehsel left the meeting at this time. 9. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Melton requested that the minutes from the Board of Directors Regular meeting held September 27, 2012 be corrected to reflect that he led the pledge of allegiance instead of Director Hawkins. (Director Hawkins was absent at this meeting.) Director Melton made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to approve the Consent Calendar as corrected. Motion carried 5-0. 9.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held September 27, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 2 9.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held October 3, 2012 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 9.3. Payments of Bills, Refunds and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$2,292,133.93. 9.4. Progress Payment No. 3 for Pressure Regulating Station Upgrades, Phase 1 Aa Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 3 in the amount of $139,178.34 to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for construction of Pressure Regulating Station Upgrades Project, Phase 1 Job No. J-201108. 9.5. Progress Payment No. 4 for the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Progress Payment No. 4 in the net amount of $126,060.00 to Garcia Juarez Construction, Inc. for construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd Pipeline Project, Job No. 200817. IV 9.6. Amendment No. 4 to MWH Americas Professional Services Agreement — Construction Support Services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 4 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with MWH Americas, in the amount of $9,998 for additional construction support services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement and Expansion Project, Job No. 200814. 9.7. Approval of Change Order Nos. 7-10 for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Phase 1 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve Change Order Nos. 7-10 for one-half additional work day and $2,820.33 to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for construction of the Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Job No. 201108. 3 10. ACTION CALENDAR 10.1. Affirmation of Compliance with the Brown Act Mr. Conklin explained that the California Special Districts Association has encouraged local agencies to continue to comply with all aspects of the Brown Act, including those that have been suspended. Both MWDOC and the City of Yorba Linda have adopted similar resolutions to this effect. Director Hawkins stated that the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee had reviewed this matter during its most recent meeting and supported staff's recommendation. Am Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to adopt Resolution No. 12-21 Affirming of Compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote. '1% 10.2. Memorandum of Understanding Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Mrs. Knight explained that staff met and conferred with representatives of the YLWD Employees Association from May through July 2012 to negotiate an MOU for FY's 2012/15. The association held an election and agreed to accept the MOU on August 1, 2012. Mrs. Knight then provided an overview of the major points included in the agreement. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to adopt Resolution No. 12-22, the Memorandum of Understanding and Pay Plans with the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote. 10.3. Authorization to Invest in Local Agency Investment Fund Mr. Parker explained that LAIF had requested an updated resolution reflecting the title change for the position of Finance Director to Finance Manager. % N Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to approve Resolution No. 12-23 Authorizing Investment of Monies in the Local Agency Investment Fund and Rescinding Resolution No. 11-14. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote. 10.4. Authorized Officers for Investments Held at Pershing Mr. Parker explained that approval of the associated resolution would authorize staff to act on behalf of the District relating to its investments held at Pershing as well as allow the District to utilize the company as a custodian of these investments at no charge. Mr. Parker then responded to questions from the Board as to whether or not staff would have the ability to act independently while managing these investments. Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to approve Resolution No. 12-24 Authorizing the Acting General Manager and Finance Manager to Act on Behalf of the District Relating to District Investments Held at Pershing LLC. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote. 4 10.5. Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees Mr. Parker explained that with the recently adopted Elective Meter Resizing Policy, the District's Water Development and Customer Service Fees schedule needed to be revised to include costs associated with the up-sizing or down-sizing of a meter. Additional revisions to the schedule include (a) clarifying language indicating that a customer would not be responsible for the cost of changing the size of their meter if it was already scheduled for replacement; and (b) changing the Late Payment Fee to equal 10% of the past due balance with a maximum of $10. Mr. Parker then responded to questions from the Board regarding current charges for copies of records. Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to approve Resolution No. 12-25 Adopting Water Development and Customer Service Fees and Rescinding Resolution No. 12-06. Motion carried 5-0 on a roll call vote. Nk 10.6. Audit Reports for Fiscal Year 2011/12 Mr. Parker reported that White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP had completed its audit of the District's financials for the previous fiscal year and rendered an unqualified or "clean" opinion. Staff will once again be submitting the District's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to the Government Finance Officers Association for consideration of the Excellence in Financial Reporting award. 0%0 , Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to receive and file the FY 2011112 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the Report on Internal Control and the Communication to Those In Governance Letter. Motion carried 5-0. 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1. President's Report President Hawkins thanked Vice President Melton for chairing the previous Board meeting in his absence. President Hawkins also mentioned that he would not be in attendance at the Board meeting scheduled November 8, 2012. 11.2. Directors' Report ACWA CLE Risk Management Workshop — October 4, 2012 (Melton) Director Melton reported on his attendance at this workshop and commented on the Brown Act, Public Records Act, and pension reform which were topics of discussion during the event. 11.3. Acting General Manager's Report Mr. Conklin noted that payment for the new dump truck was included on this meeting's disbursement of bills. The new truck has been delivered and is in the process of being outfitted. Staff can arrange for the Board to 5 view the equipment following the next meeting if desired. Mr. Cory mentioned that staff training for the vehicle will be conducted in house. Mr. Conklin continued his report and mentioned that the Orange County Fire Authority will be providing a presentation at the next Citizen's Advisory Committee meeting. The Human Resources and Risk Management Department will be hosting a benefits fair on October 24, 2012 to which the Directors are invited. Flu shots will be provided and those interested will need to RSVP to Human Resources. District staff will be providing water at the upcoming Placentia Heritage Festival Parade and Mr. Cory has offered the use of his classic truck for the Yorba Linda Fiesta Days Parade. '14, Mr. Conklin then concluded his comments by mentioning that the City of Yorba Linda had graciously provided the District with use of a pumper truck to help clean the sediment out of Little Canyon reservoir after it was drained. 11.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Kidman briefly commented on the content of the ACWA CLE workshop attended by Director Melton and Mr. Beltran. He also mentioned that he may be invited to speak at the ACWA spring conference regarding his experience with the Freeway Complex Fire litigation. 11.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. IN 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 12.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Hawkins/Melton) Minutes of the meeting held September 21, 2012 at 12:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled October 15, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 12.2. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kiley/Hawkins) Minutes of the meeting held September 26, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Next meeting is scheduled October 22, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 6 12.3. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) Minutes of the meeting held October 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Next meeting is scheduled October 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 12.4. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) Am Minutes of the meeting held October 4, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Next meeting is scheduled November 1, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. 12.5. Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee (Melton/Beverage) INE16 1410h, Minutes of the meeting held October 1, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Ak Next meeting is scheduled October 24, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 6 No 12.6. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Hawkins/Beverage) Im Minutes of the meeting held September 25, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. were 4Lprovided in the agenda packet. IVE6, Next meeting is scheduled November 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 13. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 13.1. YL City Council — October 2, 2012 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins attended and commented on two presentations provided during the meeting regarding expansion of the Orange County Sheriff's substation and the North Orange County YMCA. 13.2. MWDOC/MWD Workshop — October 3, 2012 (Melton/Staff) Director Melton was unable to attend this meeting as a Special Board of Directors meeting had been scheduled the same morning. 13.3. OCWD Board — October 3, 2012 (Kiley/Staff) Director Kiley attended but did not have any District related business to report. 7 13.4. WACO — October 5, 2012 (Hawkins) Directors Hawkins and Kiley attended and commented on a presentation regarding Poseidon Resources' seawater desalination efforts and another presentation regarding management of the Santa Ana River Watershed which were provided at the meeting. 13.5. YL Planning Commission — October 10, 2012 (Kiley) Director Kiley attended and commented on a presentation provided by RBF Consulting regarding the General Plan update and the Parks and Recreation Master Plan update process which was provided at the meeting. "r 14. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 14.1. Meetings from October 12, 2012 — November 30, 2012 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no changes. 14.2. Scheduling of Board of Directors Workshop Meeting to Discuss Study Goals and Work Tasks Associated with Organizational Efficiency Study and Development of Job Description for the Position of General Manager President Hawkins stated that he would like to schedule a workshop to discuss the above listed topics. Following brief discussion, the workshop meeting was scheduled for Thursday, November 15, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. 15. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS 15.1. OC Water Use Efficiency Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop — October 15, 2012 Director Kiley expressed an interest in attending this event. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to authorize Director attendance at the above listed workshop. Motion carried 5-0. 16. CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 9:19 a.m. All Directors were present. Also present were Mrs. Knight and Messrs. Conklin, Kidman, and Beltran. 16.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00486884) Name of Case: MAMCO, Inc. vs. Yorba Linda Water District (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00595177) 8 16.2. Conference with Legal Counsel —Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One Existing Facts and Circumstances under Section 54956.9(b)(3)(B): Dispute with Orange County Transportation Authority over payment of cost to relocate District water pipelines to make way for construction of Lakeview Avenue overcrossing of ATSF rail tracks and Orangethorpe Avenue. The Board reconvened in Open Session at 10:30 am. President Hawkins announced that the Board of Directors had directed legal counsel to defend the MAMCO case. No other action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 17. ADJOURNMENT '% 'A X 17.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 am. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be held Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Secretary 9 ITEM NO. 6.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Budgeted: Yes To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $537,489.19 Funding Source: All Funds From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Stephen Parker, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Prepared By: Maria Trujillo, Accounting Assistant I Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $537,489.19. DISCUSSION: The wire and major item on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of$29,833.77 to Southern California Gas Company for payment reissue as checks had been lost; and, a check of$85,592.00 to Kidman Law for September legal services rendered. The balance of $193,694.65 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $309,120.42; Payroll No. 21 total is $228,368.77; and, the disbursements of this agenda report are $537,489.19. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: CkReg102512 BOD.pdf Check Register Backup Material 12-CS 1025.doc Cap Sheet Backup Material 12 CC 1025.xls Credit Card Summary Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/25/2012 RC/RK 5-0 RC abstained from voting on Check No.60095 as he has a financial interest with the vendor. Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 10/12/2012 thru 10/25/2012 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 60047 10/25/2012 A-1 Fence 0.00 VOID CHECK 60117 10/25/2012 A-1 Fence 2,483.00 CHAIN LINK FENCE 60048 10/25/2012 ACWA/JP{A 0.00 VOID CHECK 60118 10/25/2012 ACWA/JP1A 27,011.04 WORKERS COMP PREM JUL-SEP 60449 10/25/2012 Anaheim Wheel&Tire 0.04 VOID CHECK 60119 10/25/2012 Anaheim Wheel&Tire 60.04 UNIT 183 MOUNT/BAL TIRES 60050 10/25/2012 Apollo Technologies Inc. 430.00 WTR TRTMTICLSD LOOPS 60051 10/25/2012 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 65.75 STRAINER 60052 10/25/2012 Aramark 361,53 UNIFORM 60053 10/25/2012 AT&T 45.51 CIRCUIT 33984101725899 OCT 60054 10/25/2412 Autoscribe Corporation 293.75 TRXIPYMT VISION GATWY SEPT 60055 10/25/2012 Bank Of America 3,554.68 YLWD REWARDS VISA 60056 10/25/2012 Battery Systems Inc 442.08 HIGHLAND/BATTERY 60063 10/25/2012 C&L Refrigeration Corp. 1,649.32 SERVICE CALL MIRALOMA 60066 10/25/2012 C.Wells Pipeline 730.55 2"CRISPIN UL20 60057 10/25/2012 CalCard U5 Bank 18,343,25 YLWD CAL CARD VISA 60058 10/25/2012 Caroll❑Engineers 14,326.73 FAIRMONT BPS CONSULT SEPT 60059 10/25/2012 City Of Anaheim 2,014.08 SEPT SVCS 60060 10/25/2012 City Of Placentia 6,235.09 SWR FEES/PLACENTIA SEPT 60061 10/25/2012 CIVILTEC Engineering, Inc 316.25 WELL 20 CONSULITNG SEPT 60062 10/25/2012 Clinical Lab,Of San Bern. 2,150.00 LAB ANALYSES SEPT 60064 10/25/2012 Cogsdale Services Corporation 1,615.51 ONSITE TRAINiNGIEXPS 60065 10/25/2012 Culligan of Santa Ana 1,654.45 WTR SOFTENER SVC 60067 10/25/2012 Dell Marketing L.P. 8,772.74 POWER EDGE R720 60068 10/25/2012 DeltaCare USA 432.24 DELTA DENTAL OCTOBER 60069 10/25/2012 Denise Salazar 595.04 REIMBURSEIDEDUCTION MOD 60070 10/25/2012 Diane Dalton 80.00 CERT COLL SYS II DALTON,D 60072 10/25/2012 Diebold 150.93 OPEN VAULTIPLUMOSA 60073 10/25/2012 Dunweizer Fabrication, Inc. 398.68 HIGHLAND AIR INTAKE ELBOWS 60074 10/25/2412 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 1,006.76 GRADE RING,CAST 1RON CVR 60075 10/25/2412 Equadus Waterworks 10,744.83 METER R9001 60045 10/25/2012 ERNEST DARE 0.04 VOID CHECK 60115 10/25/2012 ERNEST DARE 167.94 CUSTOMER REFUND 60076 10/25/2012 Federal Express 164.51 FEDEX CHARGES SEPT 60077 10/25/2012 Glorria Morrison&Associates 5,000.00 JOINT AGENCY TABLTOP EXERCISE 60046 10/25/2012 GREGORY YORGA 0.00 VOID CHECK 60116 10/25/2012 GREGORY YORGA 192.04 CUSTOMER REFUND 60078 10/25/2012 Hall& Foreman, Inc 105.00 VALLEY VW CTR CONSULT SEPT 60079 10/25/2012 Infosend Inc. 7,297.50 BILL MAILING 60081 10/25/2012 J&S Construction 11,850.00 CONCRETE REPAiRIVAR LOC 60080 10/25/2012 John Decriscio 105.00 CERT DISTRIBTN GR 5 DECRISCIO 60082 10/25/2012 Kidman Law 85,592.00 LEGAL SERVICES SEPT 60083 10/25/2012 Kimco Staffing Services Inc 738.20 C.HOLLAND W/E:9130 60084 10/25/2012 Konica Minolta Business 849.25 COPIER LEASE PAYMENT 60085 10/25/2012 Konica Minolta Business 96.99 COPY CHARGE C220 60086 10/25/2012 Linda B. Patti 120.09 REIMBURSE/COL LIFE PYMT 60087 10/25/2412 Mark IV Network Systems 804.82 MULTIMODE CONNECTOR,LABOR 60088 10/25/2412 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 592.92 PURCH SEPT, OCT 60089 10/25/2012 Merchants Building Maintenance LL[ 6,251.80 JANITORIAL OCTOBER 60090 10/25/2012 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,648.27 FUEL SEPTEMBER 60091 10/25/2012 Office Solutions 513.49 TONER, REPL PAD/STAMP 60092 10/25/2012 Orange County-I W M D 910.28 REFUSE DISPOSAL SEPTEMBER 60093 10/25/2012 Orvac Electronics 157.32 SEALED BATTERY 60094 10/25/2012 Pascal&Ludwig Constructors, Inc 10,236.98 GRNCRST LIFT STN RETENTN REL 60095 10/25/2012 Placentia Disposal#676 480.66 DISPOSAL SEPTEMBER 60096 10/25/2012 Powerstride Battery 190.83 BATTERY 60097 10/25/2012 RBF Consulting 1,667.98 2010 WTRLN CONSULT AUG 60098 10/25/2012 Reed& Davidson, LLP 1,365.00 SVGS/FAIR POL PRACTICES 60099 10/25/2012 Rick Walkemeyer 570.38 AWWA CONF WALKEMEYER 60100 10/25/2012 RKI Engineering, LLC 3,500.00 SCADA CTRL SUPPORT 60101 10/25/2012 Shred-It USA Inc 107.85 CONFIDENTIAL DOC SHRED 60102 10/25/2012 South Coast AQMD 3,300.00 NOTICE OF VIOLATION/P56082/1 W102212 10/22/2012 Southern Calif Edison Co. 5,838.88 MIRALOMA SEPTEMBER 59737 10/12/2012 Southern Calif Gas Co. (14,144.99) STOP PAYMENT/CK LOST 59936 10/12/2012 Southern Calif Gas Co. (15,688.78) STOP PAYMENT/CK LOST 60103 10/25/2012 Southern Calif Gas Co. 14,052.79 RICHFIELD 01241070000 W10812 10/12/2012 Southern Calif Gas Co. 29,833.77 REISSUE/CKS LOST 60107 10/25/2012 St.Jude Hospital Yorba Linda 35.00 DMV PHYSICAL EXAM 60104 10/25/2012 Staples Business Advantage 502.38 TONER, FILE FOLDERS 60105 10/25/2012 State Chemical Manufacturing 355.70 LUBRICANT, KLEEN UP SOAP 60106 10/25/2012 Stephen Parker/Petty Cash 308.05 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT 60108 10/25/2012 Strad ling,Yocca,Carlson&Rauth 21,613.00 2012 LINE OF CREDIT 60109 10/25/2012 Terminix Processing Center 185.00 PEST CONTROL 60110 10/25/2012 Time Warner Cable 44732 HIGH SPEED OIL 60111 10/25/2012 Townsend Public Affairs,Inc. 5,000.00 CONSULTING OCTOBER 60044 10/25/2012 TY TUNG YUAN WU 0.00 VOID CHECK 60114 10/25/2012 TY TUNG YUAN WU 105.02 CUSTOMER REFUND 60071 10/25/2012 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 4,960.00 FINAL BILLING/AUDIT FYE 63012 60120 10/25/2012 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 275.00 GOVT TAX SEMINAR LUGO 60112 10/25/2012 Wireland Acoustics Inc 1,820.00 HIGHLAND UPGRD ANALYSIS 60113 10/25/2012 Yorba Linda Hardware 81.47 PURCH SEPTEMBER Total $309,120.42 October 25, 2012 CHECK NUMBERS: Void Checks 59737 and 59936 $ (29,833.77) Computer Checks 60044-60120 $ 303,281.54 $ 273,447.77 Void Checks 60044-60049 WIRES: W-10812 Southern Cal Gas Co $ 29,833.77 W-102212 Southern Cal Edison $ 5,838.88 $ 35,672.65 TOTAL OF CHECKS AND WIRES $ 309,120.42 PAYROLL NOS. 21: Direct Deposits $ 145,664.78 Third Party Checks 5401-5409 $ 42,429.42 Payroll Taxes $ 40,274.57 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $ 228,368.77 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $ 537,489.19 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF OCTOBER 25, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cash Rewards Credit Card Bank of America 10/3/2012-10/15/2012 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 10/03/12 Inland Group 3,554.68 Fall Newsletter TOTAL 3,554.68 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 10/3/2012-10/15/2012 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 10/03/12 CAPIO 225.00 CAPIO dues Micalizzi 10/03/12 PRSA 330.00 PRSA dues Micalizzi 10/03/12 Quinn Company 4,117.65 August, Sept invoices 10/03/12 Wells Supply 3,397.48 September invoices 10/03/12 CalPERS 300.00 Educ Forum Parker 10/03/12 Caesar's Palace 127.68 Lodging-dep/CRWUA conf Beverage 10/03/12 YL Mayor Prayer Breakfast 82.11 YL Mayor Prayer Breakfast-Directors 10/03/12 CRWUA 445.00 Conference,Dues Beverage 10/03/12 ACWA 300.00 Cont Legal Educ workshop Melton 10/03/12 Harrington Industrial 34.62 Tube fittings/Hidden Hills chem sys 10/03/12 West Coast Safety Supply 48.79 Rubber cap/nozzle 10/03/12 Light Bulbs Etc 265.39 Light bulbs for buildings 10/03/12 Bell Pipe 146.08 Ball valves 10/04/12 Holiday Inn Express 96.62 Lodging/CaIPERS Educ forum Parker 10/04/12 Wings Restaurant 38.13 Lunch/Customer Service Appreciation 10/04/12 Wonderware 799.00 Training Tobias 10/04/12 Cobra Solutions 445.00 Annual Membership Gold Ed 10/04/12 Sunstate 34.48 Propane 10/04/12 Bell Pipe 114.09 SCH80 pipe matl 10/08/12 CRWUA 445.00 Conference,Dues Melton 10/08/12 Southwest Airlines 69.80 Travel/CRWUA conf Melton 10/08/12 Caesar's Palace 127.68 Lodging-dep/CRWUA conf Melton 10/08/12 Westside Building Matl 864.37 Tools, batteries 10/08/12 Smart& Final 155.88 Coffee/District 10/08/12 Rootx 4,769.48 Rootx cases 10/09/12 Monoprice 15.79 Cable/Admin Sec desk 10/09/12 Stefano's 197.50 Lunch/JOOMLA Training 10/09/12 Stater Bros 25.41 Beverages/JOOMLA Training 10/09/12 Home Depot 306.99 Tools, batteries 10/10/12 Waterfront Restaurant 18.23 Lunch/Labor Reltn Aca Cert Program TOTAL 18,343.25 ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Budgeted: N/A Total Budget: N/A To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: N/A Funding Source: N/A From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Dept: Administration Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Annie Alexander, Executive CEQA Compliance: N/A Secretary Subject: Amendments to the District's Conflict of Interest Code STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 12-26 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for the Yorba Linda Water District. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee discussed this item at its meeting held October 15, 2012 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: The Political Reform Act requires every local government agency to review its Conflict of Interest Code (COI) biennially and to notify the code reviewing body if their current code is accurate or if it requires amendment. State law stipulates that the Orange County Board of Supervisors is the code reviewing body for the District. Staff reviewed the District's COI and has identified the following minor revisions: • The positions of Finance Director (Auditor), Human Resources Manager, Information Technology Director, and Public Information Specialist have been changed to Finance Manager (Treasurer), Human Resources and Risk Manager, Information Technology Manager and Public Information Officer. • The positions of Assistant General Manager (Assistant Secretary) and Storekeeper are not budgeted at this time. The attached exhibits reflect these modifications and have been reviewed by General Counsel along with the associated resolution. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Conflict of Interest Code for the District was last amended on June 10, 2010 by Resolution No. 10-15. ATTACHMENTS: .._..._. Description: Type: Resolution No. 12- Resolution Resolution 26 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code.doc YLWD COI 2012 Update Redline.pdf Redline Exhibits Exhibit YLWD COI 2012 Update Final Draft.pdf Final Exhibits Exhibit Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/25/2012 RC/GM 5-0 Roll Call RESOLUTION NO. 12-26 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE WHICH SUPERSEDES ALL PRIOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODES AND AMENDMENTS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED WHEREAS, the Political Reform Act of 1974, Government Code Section 81000 et. seq. ("the Act"), requires a local government agency to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District has previously adopted a Conflict of Interest Code and that Code now requires updating; and WHEREAS, amendments to the Act have in the past and foreseeably will in the future require conforming amendments to be made to the Conflict of Interest Code; and WHEREAS, the Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation, Title 2, California Code of Regulations, Section 18730, which contains terms for a standard model Conflict of Interest Code, which, together with amendments thereto, may be adopted by public agencies and incorporated by reference to save public agencies time and money by minimizing the actions required of such agencies to keep their codes in conformity with the Political Reform Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. The terms of Title 2, California Code of Regulations, Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference and, together with Exhibits A and B in which positions are designated and disclosure categories are set forth, constitute the Conflict of Interest Code of the Yorba Linda Water District. Section 2. The provisions of all Conflict of Interest Codes and Amendments thereto previously adopted by the Yorba Linda Water District are hereby superseded. Section 3. The Filing Officer is hereby authorized to submit the updated Conflict of Interest Code to the Clerk of the Orange County Board of Supervisors for review and approval by the Orange County Board of Supervisors as required by California Government Code Section 87303. Resolution No. 12-26 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of October 2012, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Phil Hawkins, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Annie Alexander, Assistant Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law, LLP Resolution No. 12-26 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code 2 XtraExport https:Hcobcoi.ocgov.com/eDisclosure/ContactPerson/CodeAmendments.aspx Conflict of Interest Code EXHIBIT A (Final Draft) Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Position Disclosure Files With Status Category Attorney OC-01 COB Unchanged Chief Plant Operator OC-05 COB Unchanged Consultant OC-30 Agency Unchanged Customer Service Supervisor OC-05 COB Unchanged Engineering Manager OC-41 COB Unchanged Human Resources and Risk Manager OC-41 COB Added Human Resources Manager OC-41 COB Deleted Information Systems Administrator OC-05 COB Unchanged Information Technology Director OC-41 COB Deleted Information Technology Manager OC-41 COB Added Management Analyst OC-05 COB Unchanged Operations Assistant OC-05 COB Unchanged Operations Manager OC-41 COB Unchanged Project Engineer OC-05 COB Unchanged Public Information Officer OC-05 COB Added Public Information Specialist OC-05 COB Deleted SCADA Administrator OC-05 COB Unchanged Senior Accountant OC-05 COB Unchanged Senior Project Manager OC-05 COB Unchanged Storekeeper OC-05 COB Deleted Water Maintenance Superintendent OC-05 COB Unchanged Water Quality Engineer OC-05 COB Unchanged Total:22 OFFICIALS WHO MANAGE PUBLIC INVESTMENTS Officials who manage public investments,as defined by 2 Cal.Code of Regs.§18701(b),are NOT subject to the Agency's code,but are subject to the disclosure requirement of the Act(Government Code Section 87200 et seq.).[Regs.§18730(b)(3)]These positions are listed here for informational purposes only.It has been determined that the positions listed below are officials who manage public investments: Assistant General Manager(Assistant Secretary) Files with COO-Paper Filings Deleted Y Run date/time:Tuesday,October 09 2012 09:48:04 AM Page 1 of 2 1 of 9 10/9/2012 9:48 AM XtraExport https:Hcobcoi.ocgov.com/eDisclosure/ContactPerson/CodeAmendments.aspx Confect of Interest Code EXHIBIT A (Final Draft) Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Finance Director(Auditor) Files with COO-Paper Filings Deleted Y Finance Manager(Treasurer) Files with COB-Paper Filings Only Added General Manager(Secretary) Files with COO-Paper Filings Unchanged Y Member of the Board of Directors Files with COO-Paper Filings Unchanged Y The disclosure categories and requirements for these positions are set forth in article 2 of chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Government Code section 87200 et.seq.They generally require the disclosure of interests in real property in the agency's jurisdiction, as well as investments,business positions and sources of income(including gifts,loans and travel payments). Run date/time:Tuesday,October 09 2012 09:48:04 AM Page 2 of 2 XtraExport https:Hcobcoi.ocgov.com/eDisclosure/ContactPerson/CodeAmendments.aspx Disclosure Descriptions EXHIBIT B (Final Draft) Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Disclosure Category Disclosure Description Status It has been determined that this position manages public investments and 87200 Filer will file a statement of economic interests pursuant to Government Code Unchanged Section 87200. All interests in real property in Orange County,the authority or the District OC-01 as applicable,as well as investments,business positions and sources of Unchanged income(including gifts,loans and travel payments). All investments in,business positions with and income(including gifts, loans and travel payments)from sources that provide services,supplies, OC-05 materials,machinery,equipment(including training and consulting Unchanged services)used by the County Department,Authority or District,as applicable. Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest category in the code subject to the following limitation: The County Department Head/Director/General Manager/Superintendent/etc.may determine that a particular consultant, although a"designated position,"is hired to perform a range of duties that OC-30 is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the Unchanged disclosure requirements in this section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and,based upon that description,a statement of the extent of disclosure required. The determination of disclosure is a public record and shall be filed with the Form 700 and retained by the Filing Officer for public inspection. All interests in real property in Orange County,the District or Authority,as applicable,as well as investments in,business positions with and income (including gifts,loans and travel payments)from sources that provide OC-41 services,supplies,materials,machinery,vehicles,or equipment(including Unchanged training and consulting services)used by the County Department,Authority or District,as applicable. Total:5 Run date/time:Tuesday,October 09 2012 09:48:04 AM Page 1 of 1 3 of 9 10/9/2012 9:48 AM Conflict of Interest Code EXHIBIT A (Final Draft) Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Position Disclosure Files With Category Attorney OC-01 COB Chief Plant Operator OC-05 COB Consultant OC-30 Agency Customer Service Supervisor OC-05 COB Engineering Manager OC-41 COB Human Resources and Risk Manager OC-41 COB Information Systems Administrator OC-05 COB Information Technology Manager OC-41 COB Management Analyst OC-05 COB Operations Assistant OC-05 COB Operations Manager OC-41 COB Project Engineer OC-05 COB Public Information Officer OC-05 COB SCADA Administrator OC-05 COB Senior Accountant OC-05 COB Senior Project Manager OC-05 COB Water Maintenance Superintendent OC-05 COB Water Quality Engineer OC-05 COB Total: 18 OFFICIALS WHO MANAGE PUBLIC INVESTMENTS Officials who manage public investments, as defined by 2 Cal. Code of Regs. § 18701 (b), are NOT subject to the Agency's code,but are subject to the disclosure requirement of the Act. (Government Code Section 87200 et seq.). [Regs. § 18730(b) (3)] These positions are listed here for informational purposes only. It has been determined that the positions listed below are officials who manage public investments: Finance Manager(Treasurer) Files with COB-Paper Filings Only General Manager(Secretary) Files with COB-Paper Filings Only Member of the Board of Directors Files with COB-Paper Filings Only The disclosure categories and requirements for these positions are set forth in article 2 of chapter 7 of the Political Reform Act, Government Code section 87200 et. seq. They generally require the disclosure of interests in real property in the agency's jurisdiction, as well as investments, business positions and sources of income (including gifts, loans and travel payments). Run date/time: Wednesday, October 17 2012 09:50:10 AM Page 1 of 1 Disclosure Descriptions EXHIBIT B (Final Draft) Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Disclosure Category Disclosure Description 87200 Filer It has been determined that this position manages public investments and will file a statement of economic interests pursuant to Government Code Section 87200. All interests in real property in Orange County,the authority or the District as OC-01 applicable, as well as investments,business positions and sources of income (including gifts,loans and travel payments). All investments in,business positions with and income (including gifts, loans and OC-05 travel payments) from sources that provide services, supplies, materials, machinery, equipment(including training and consulting services)used by the County Department,Authority or District, as applicable. Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest category in the code subject to the following limitation: The County Department Head/Director/General Manager/Superintendent/etc. may determine that a particular consultant, although a"designated position," is hired to OC-30 perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirements in this section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and,based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure required. The determination of disclosure is a public record and shall be filed with the Form 700 and retained by the Filing Officer for public inspection. All interests in real property in Orange County,the District or Authority, as applicable, as well as investments in,business positions with and income (including OC-41 gifts, loans and travel payments) from sources that provide services, supplies, materials, machinery, vehicles, or equipment(including training and consulting services)used by the County Department,Authority or District, as applicable. Total: 5 Run date/time: Wednesday, October 17 2012 09:50:10 AM Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. 7.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Budgeted: N/A Total Budget: N/A To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: N/A Funding Source: N/A From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Account No: N/A Manager Job No: N/A Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Dept: Board of Directors Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Annie Alexander, Executive CEQA Compliance: N/A Secretary Subject: ISDOC Quarterly Meeting and Election of Executive Committee for 2013/14 SUMMARY: In conjunction with its regular quarterly meeting on November 29, 2012, the Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) will be conducting an election of its Executive Committee. The successful candidates will serve a 2-year term beginning January 1, 2013 and ending December 31, 2014. ISDOC has requested that the Board of Directors designate in writing, one primary representative and one alternate representative to vote in the election on the District's behalf at this meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors designate Director Kiley as the primary representative and Director Hawkins as the alternate representative to vote on the District's behalf in the election of ISDOC's Executive Committee. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee discussed this matter at its meeting held October 15, 2012 and recommended that Director Kiley be designated as the District's primary representative and Director Hawkins as the alternate representative to vote on the District's behalf in this election. DISCUSSION: The ISDOC Nominating Committee has recommended election of the following candidates to the Executive Committee for the next term: President Hon. Rich Freschi, Serrano Water District 1 st Vice President Hon. Bob Moore, South Coast Water District 2nd Vice President Hon. Mike Scheafer, Costa Mesa Sanitary District 3rd Vice President Hon. Saundra Jacobs, Santa Margarita Water District Secretary Leslie Keane, Trustee, Orange County Cemetery District Treasurer Hon. Joan Finnegan, Municipal Water District of Orange County Member districts may vote for the above slate of candidates or vote for candidates individually by position. Any individual who is not included on the slate or who would like to run for a position on the Executive Committee may seek election and must be nominated from the floor at the meeting. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board periodically designates Board and staff member attendance at ISDOC meetings to vote on behalf of the District as needed. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: ISDOC.pdf Election Notice Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/25/2012 MB/GM 5-0 Designating RK as the primary representative and PH as the alternate representative. ISID . C p C°°� NOTICE OF E Mailing Address P.O.Box 20895 ISDOC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Fountain Valley,CA 92728 (2013/2014) Meeting Location MWDOCIOCWD 18700 Ward Street THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2012 Fountain Valley,CA 92708 12:00 P.M. (714)963-3058 (714)964-5930 fax MWDOC/OCWD BOARD ROOM www.mwdoc.comiisdoc 18700 WARD STREET, FOUNTAIN VALLEY Executive Committee This letter shall serve as official notice that the Independent President Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) will conduct an Hon.Rich Freschi Serrano Water District election of its Executive Committee for 2013/14 at its quarterly meeting on Thursday, November 29, 2012. The election will Hon.John begin promptly at 12:00 m. in the MWDOC/OCWD Board Hon.John Withers 9 p p Y p• Irvine Ranch Water District Room (18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley). The Executive 2nd Vice President Committee will serve a two-year term beginning January 1, 2013 Hon.Bob Ooten and ending December 31, 2014. Costa Mesa Sanitary District 3rd Vice President The governing body of each regular special district member agency Hon.Bob Moore shall designate to the ISDOC Secretary, in writing, one South Coast Water District representative who shall exercise the right of the District to vote, Secretary and one alternate who shall have the right to vote in the absence Mal Richardson Best Best&Krieger,LLP of the primary representative. The written designation may take Treasurer the form of meeting minutes in which the representatives were Hon.Joan C.Finnegan selected or a signed letter on District letterhead. The individuals Municipal Water District of designated to vote on the District's behalf may be elected officials Orange County or staff of the District. Immediate Past President Hon.Saundra Jacobs Santa Margarita Water District The member districts may either vote for the slate of candidates, as recommended by the ISDOC Nominating Committee, or they may vote for each candidate individually Staff Administration by position. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor at David Cordero the meeting. In the event that any race is contested, voting for all Municipal Water District of Orange positions will be done via printed ballot. In the absence of any County contested races, the membership will be asked to elect the slate of Robert Ennis candidates by acclamation, unless there is a request that voting be Orange County Water District done via printed ballots. continued... ISDOC Executive Committee Election on Thursday, November 29, 2012 October 3, 2012 2/2 The ISDOC Nominating Committee recently conferred and evaluated the individuals who had expressed interest in running for ISDOC Executive Committee. The committee hereby recommends election of the following slate of candidates: • President— Hon. Rich Freschi, Serrano Water District • 1st Vice President— Hon. Bob Moore, South Coast Water District • 2nd Vice President— Hon. Mike Scheafer, Costa Mesa Sanitary District • 3rd Vice President— Hon. Saundra Jacobs, Santa Margarita Water District • Secretary — Leslie Keane, Trustee, Orange County Cemetery District • Treasurer — Hon. Joan Finnegan, Municipal Water District of Orange County If you have questions regarding the slate of candidates or the election, please contact David Cordero at 714-593-5012 or dcordero @mwdoc.com. Sincerely, r Rich A. Freschi ISDOC President ITEM NO. 10.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Subject: Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Hawkins/Melton) • Minutes of meeting held October 15, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled November 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 101512 EAO - Minutes.doc EAO Mtg Minutes 10/15/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EXEC-ADM IN-ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETING October 15, 2012 A meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee was called to order by Director Hawkins at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia, CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Phil Hawkins, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Gary T. Melton Damon Micalizzi, Public Info Officer Stephen Parker, Finance Manager OTHER ATTENDEES Arthur G. Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Matthew Hicks, Associate, Townsend Public Affairs (by telephone) 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1 Legislative Affairs Update This item was moved up to accommodate Mr. Hicks, joining the meeting by telephone. Mr. Hicks reported on issues relating to water matters in Sacramento and locally. At the completion of this item, Mr. Hicks ended his telephone connection to the meeting. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. ACTION CALENDAR 2.1. Amendments to the Conflict of Interest Codes for the District and the Public Financing Corporation Mr. Conklin reported that the Political Reform Act requires each local government agency to review its Conflict of Interest Code biennially and to notify the code-reviewing body (i.e., the County Board of Supervisors for us) of its accuracy or need for amendment. Presented to the Committee were the recommended amendments. Following review, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that (following review as to form by legal counsel) the Board approve the amended Codes and filing with the County. 1 2.2. ISDOC Quarterly Meeting and Election of Executive Committee for 2013/14 Mr. Conklin reported that at its Nov 29, 2012 meeting, ISDOC will be conducting an election of its Executive Committee. For that election, ISDOC is requesting that the YLWD Board designate in writing one primary and one alternate representative to vote YLWD's selection for the election. Following discussion the Committee recommended that the Board select Dir Kiley and Dir Hawkins as the primary and alternate representative, respectively. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.2. Past-Due Reminder Notice Mr. Parker joined the meeting at this time for the discussion on this item. Mr. Conklin reported on the chronology of committee and board actions that lead to the establishment of the Past-Due Reminder Notice for delinquent payment of a water bill. In discussion with the Committee, Mr. Parker described the process and timing of the Notices. Following discussion, the Committee asked that the threshold amount triggering mailing of a Past-Due Reminder Notice to a customer be raised to $75. Mr. Parker left the meeting at the conclusion of this item. 3.3. Customer Service Feedback Report The above report, showing customer service calls by category and customer feedback responses for January through September 2012, were reviewed with the Committee. 3.4. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives The status of the initiatives was discussed with the Committee. 3.5. Agenda for Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Scheduled November 15, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Conklin provided the Committee with a first draft of the new proposed contract for the General Manager position. He confirmed that a job description is also in the works for the GM position. The Committee asked that staff investigate the cost of hiring a search firm for the selection process and report back to the Committee. The discussion then moved on to the goals, direction, timing and work scope for the District's proposed Operations and Efficiency Study. Following discussion, the Committee asked staff to contact representatives at the MAP Program for ideas and potential recommendations, to contact general managers at other agencies that have gone through change for their thoughts and recommendations, and to contact other agencies that have had similar studies performed for their recommendations and suggestions. 2 3.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Staff was asked to update the website. The Committee adjourned to Closed Session at 5:10 p.m. Directors Hawkins and Melton were present. Also present were Messrs. Conklin and Kidman. 4. CLOSED SESSION 4.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA/JPIA, et al vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00486884) Name of Case: MAMCO, Inc. vs. Yorba Linda Water District (OC Superior Court — Case No. 00595177) 4.2. Conference with Legal Counsel —Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: One Existing Facts and Circumstances under Section 54956.9(b)(3)(B): Dispute with Orange County Transportation Authority over payment of cost to relocate District water pipelines to make way for construction of Lakeview Avenue overcrossing of ATSF rail tracks and Orangethorpe Avenue. Mr. Conklin left the meeting after this item. 4.3. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: Acting General Manager The Committee reconvened in Open Session at 5:25 pm. Director Hawkins announced that no action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm. The next meeting of the Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee will be held Monday, November 19, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 3 ITEM NO. 10.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Subject: Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Beverage/Collett) • Minutes of meeting held October 9, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. • Minutes of meeting held October 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Meeting scheduled November 13, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 100912 PRM - Minutes.doc PRM Mtg Minutes 10/09/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL-RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING October 9, 2012 A meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Personnel-Risk Management Committee was called to order by Director Beverage at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Michael J. Beverage, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Ric Collett Gina Knight, HR/Risk Manager 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2.1. Alternate Time on District Books At the request of the Committee's Chairperson, staff reported on the total balance of alternate time on the District's books, being 1,508.54 hours. Of the reported hours, ten employees had a balance that exceeded fifty hours. Of those ten employees, three employees had more than one hundred and twenty hours on the books. 2.2. Job Reclassifications (Verbal Report) Staff requested that the Committee consider the reclassification of several positions within the District as well as possible salary adjustments to specific job classifications. The Committee directed staff to wait until next year's budget process to present the recommendations for salary adjustments. Prior to the budget process, staff will conduct salary studies for the specific positions being considered and bring back the results for the Committee's review and consideration. 2.3. Revised General Manager Job Description At the request of the Board of Directors, staff revised the job description for the General Manager position. The Committee Chair directed staff to prepare a final clean copy of the revised job description to present along with the draft copy of the job description to the full Board at a future Board of Directors workshop. 2.4. Human Resources/Risk Management/Safety Activity and Status of Recruitments and Budgeted Positions The Committee reviewed and discussed the department's activity log. In addition, staff gave an update on the following recruitments: Accounting Assistant II, Water Quality Tech II and Maintenance Distribution Operator II. Second interviews for the top two candidates for the Accounting 1 Assistant II were scheduled for October 10, 2012. A recommendation for promoting three internal candidates was being considered one for the Water Quality Tech II position and two for the Maintenance Distribution Operator II positions. 2.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks The Committee approved the District's Core Values to be incorporated into the text of job announcements on the NEOGOV online application process. The Committee's Chairperson directed staff to look at possible communication classes to be available for District staff. The focus for these classes will be to improve communications between departments, provide verbal tools to diffuse and resolve conflict and avoid conversational misunderstandings, enhance customer service skills as well as incorporate the District's core values throughout the organization. 3. ADJOURNMENT 3.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:58 p.m. The next meeting of the Personnel-Risk Management Committee will be held Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. 2 ITEM NO. 10.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Subject: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Collett/Kiley) • Minutes of meeting held October 4, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. • Meeting scheduled November 1, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 100412 - PEO Minutes.docx PEO Mtg Minutes 10/04/12 Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING October 4, 2012 A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by Director Collett at 3:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District's Administrative Office at 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870. COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Lee Cory, Operations Manager Stephen Parker, Finance Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Mike Kiddie, Senior Fleet Mechanic Jennifer Hill, Meter Services Lead After Director Collett opened the meeting, Mr. Conklin requested that an item, Payment for AQMD Violation for Late Submittal, be added to the agenda, as this issue came up after the posting of the agenda, and is an issue that the Committee needs to review and consider at its October 2012 meeting due to the need to respond to AQMD. The Committee voted to add this to the agenda as Item 2.3. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 2. ACTION CALENDAR 2.1. Approval of Change Orders No. 7-10 for Pressure Regulating Stations Upgrade Project, Phase 1 Mr. Conklin reported that work is progressing on the project, with three sites complete and work beginning at Timber Ridge, the fourth site. He noted that extra work was required at the Camino de Bryant site that was not part of the original project. The extra work was presented and discussed as proposed change orders no. 7 through 10. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board approve payment of Change Orders No. 7 thru 10 for one-half additional work day and $2,820.33 added cost. 2.2. Amendment No. 4 to MWH Americas Professional Services Agreement — Construction Support Services for the Highland Booster Pump Station Replacement Mr. Conklin recalled that the Board approved the Notice of Completion in September 2012 for the Highland BPS Project and that the station is working well. He noted that the District's engineering consultant on the project, MWH Americas, had a Professional Services Agreement to provide construction support services based upon a project completion 1 date of March 2012. However, while the District was able to begin using the facility to deliver water, final completion of the project was not achieved until September 2012, six months later than anticipated. During the last six months, MWH continued to provide construction support services to the District, including contractor coordination, scheduling and sub-consultant management. These out-of-scope services provided by MWH were reviewed and discussed with the Committee. Following discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation that the Board approve Amendment No. 4 for MWH in the amount of $9,998 for additional support services for the subject project. 2.3. Payment for AQMD Violation for Late Submittal Mr. Cory reported that a Notice of Violation was received from the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) on October 1, 2012, because the District did not submit emission tests to AQMD until after their due date. He noted that there was no emissions violation. The violations are for late submittal of the test results for which a penalty payment of $3,300 is requested from AQMD. Mr. Cory and Mr. Kiddie discussed AQMD's required testing program for natural-gas powered engines. Mr. Kiddie reviewed the situation that lead to the late submittal of test results as well as the plan to meet submittal deadlines for the future. It was noted that the violation letter called for payment by October 11, 2012, and that Mr. Kiddie placed a call to AQMD requesting a time extension to respond. After discussion, the Committee supported the staff recommendation to proceed with processing of a check for $3,300 to settle the violation. Mr. Kiddie left the meeting at the completion of this item. 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3.1. Meter Testing Update Mr. Parker and Ms. Hill provided a status report on the District's water meter program at the September 2012 PEO Committee meeting and provided a response today to questions asked in September. Items noted included: • After investigating the potential for outsourcing testing of meters, it does not appear to be a viable or cost-effective option. • After contacting six other water providers in the area, none were interested in a reciprocal meter cross-testing arrangement. • Two local providers, IRWD and MNWD, invited YLWD staff to visit their meter testing facilities and see testing methods. • Discussed the potential costs and benefits and reasonable timeline for the change-out of meters on the east side to radio-read units. • Discussed the existing customers (relatively few) that tend to have high water demands that are above the top-end rated capacity of their meters. Under this condition, over time, the meters are overtaxed, may under register, and may require replacement sooner than specified by the manufacturer. 2 Following discussion on the above, the Committee asked staff to investigate the following and provide feedback to the Committee: • Further investigate and determine the estimated ROI (return-on- investment) for change-out of the east side meters. • Report on visits to meter testing facilities at IRWD and MNWD. • Report on cost and viability of building and equipping a bench and system for in-house testing of meters. • Concerning the issue of customers who operate meters with demands that typically exceed the high-end specifications, return with ideas for discussion for a potential policy on testing of meters, and for the required upsizing of meters, if use is out of spec over a given time frame. 3.2. Highland Reservoir Ingress/Egress Easement Mr. Conklin reported that representatives for a potential residential development of a 5-acre undeveloped parcel at 5225 Highland Avenue met with District staff to determine if the District might be amenable to granting an ingress/egress easement for the land-locked parcel. He noted that staff performed a preliminary investigation and found no reason not to further pursue the granting of the easement along the northerly edge of the District's Highland Reservoir site. Mr. Conklin also reported that the representatives indicated a willingness to purchase a 5,000 SF easement at a fair-market value of $22.50/SF, for a total cost of $112,500. Following discussion, the Committee asked staff to proceed, working with the representatives and the developer (upon payment of District-required Development Fees), on documents necessary for the easement, and water and sewer service for the potential residential development, and to advise the Committee as the project advances. 3.3. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report. Mr. DeCriscio reported that water demand in September was 14% over the projected demand, and that cumulatively for July through September, demand is 7.9% over that projected. He noted that groundwater has been 32% of our supply and that we are making the changes to ramp up our use of groundwater to achieve our goal of 50.3% of our total demand by June 30, 2013. 3.4. Monthly Preventative Maintenance (PM) Report. Mr. Cory reported on the status of PM and Reactive Maintenance through September. He noted that our crews were concentrating on PM on valves and air vacs, and will now transition to other work items to bring those up to target levels. He discussed sewer cleaning and televising of the east side sewers that the District took over in July 2011, and advised that our crews have cleaned all of these sewers and addressed problem areas. In the process, the crews cleaned and maintained sewers and manholes that have not been cleaned in several years. Mr. Conklin noted that Lee Cory, Diane Dalton and Ariel Bacani made a presentation to the Sept CAC 3 Meeting on the District's sewer system and the work required to maintain it. Mr. Conklin commented that the CAC presentation was well received, with an extensive discussion. 3.5. Monthly Production Division Report Mr. DeCriscio reported on the above for September, noting that the max temperature for the month was 108 deg F and the max water-use day was 28.3 million gallons. He reported on water quality parameters, equipment removed from service and returned to service, PMs performed on major equipment and facilities and after-hour responses. 3.6. Groundwater Producers Meeting Report Mr. Conklin reported that no District staff was able to attend the OCWD Groundwater Producers meeting on September 12. Meeting minutes prepared by OCWD were provided and reviewed with the Committee. 3.7. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Mr. Conklin reported on capital projects in planning, design and construction. 3.8. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives Mr. Conklin reported on the status of strategic plan initiatives relating to engineering and operations. 3.9. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks The Committee asked for a status report on the meter program, as noted in Item 3.1 above. 4. ADJOURNMENT 4.1. The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. The next meeting of the Planning- Engineering-Operations Committee will be held Thursday, November 1, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. 4 ITEM NO. 12.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Subject: Meetings from October 26, 2012 - November 30, 2012 ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf BOD Activity Calendar Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: November 2012 Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Thu, Nov 1 3:OOPM Collett/Kiley WACO Fri, Nov 2 7:30AM Hawkins Pub Affairs-Communications-Tech Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 5 4:OOPM Melton/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Nov 6 6:30PM Hawkins MWDOC/MWD Workshop Wed, Nov 7 8:30AM Melton/Staff OCWD Board Wed, Nov 7 5:30PM Kiley/Staff Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Nov 8 8:30AM District Offices Closed Mon, Nov 12 7:30AM Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Nov 13 4:OOPM Beverage/Collett LAFCO Wed, Nov 14 9:OOAM Beverage Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Nov 14 7:OOPM Kiley Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Thu, Nov 15 8:30AM Exec-Admin-Organizational Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 19 4:OOPM Hawkins/Melton Pub Affairs-Communications-Tech Committee Meeting Tue, Nov 20 4:OOPM Melton/Beverage Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Nov 20 6:30PM Melton MWDOC Board Wed, Nov 21 8:30AM Melton/Staff Board of Directors Regular Meeting Wed, Nov 21 8:30AM OCWD Board Wed, Nov 21 5:30PM Kiley/Staff District Offices Closed Thu, Nov 22 7:OOAM District Offices Closed Fri, Nov 23 7:OOAM Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 26 8:30AM Beverage Finance-Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 26 4:OOPM Kiley/Hawkins Joint Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Tue, Nov 27 4:OOPM Hawkins/Beverage Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Wed, Nov 28 4:OOPM Beverage/Collett Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Nov 28 7:OOPM Collett ISDOC Thu, Nov 29 11:30AM Collett 10/18/2012 2:03:03 PM ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 25, 2012 Subject: ACWA/JPIA Harassment Prevention for Managers Training - October 24, 2012 (Ratify Director Collett's attendance.) DWR/NWRI Drought Response Workshop - November 6, 2012 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize Director attendance at these events if desired. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Harassment Prevention Training.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Drought Response Workshop.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/25/2012 GM/RC 5-0 Authorizing Director attendance at the workshop on 11/06/12. Ratification of RC's attendance at the training on 10/24/12 was not necessary as he was unable to attend. JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY PIA 4Announces water-industry training in your area... Sexual Harassment Prevention for Management Course_Descripi i9n_ This course is designed to help our members comp]y with the current law requiring management to take sexual harassment training every two years.The course guides managers through the sexual harassment investigative process including interviewing the complainant,alleged harasser,and "itnesses.The program also covers the emotional aspects of harassment and the importance of creating a safe work environment where employees can report sexual harassment violations without fear of shame or retaliation.Upon completion:of the course,Managers will. + Understand the California and federal Sexual harassment laws + Recognize early signs of sexual harassment + Maintain open communication in a respectful environment + Investigate and resolve sexual harassment complaints Meet the requirement established by Ab-1825 Date: Wednesday,October 24,2012 Time. 8:00-10:00 a.m. Location: El Toro Water District 4251 Los Absos Blvd. Lake Forest,CA 92830 Phone: 949-837-7050 i Instructor: Patricia 5laven,SPHR JPIA Training Manager Cost: No cost to JPIA members S 550 non-member water agencies $99 other organizations Registration with the JPIA is required UAL Use one of three methods: Online-www.acwajpia.com By email -training epia.ca HARASSMENT By phone-800.231.5742.5742 ext.3121 1 REGISTRATION OPEN 1DjrT)URELq Reopame wairlbNop Sponsored By: California Department of Water Resources National Water Research Institute Date/Time: Tuesday,November 6, 2012 of WAr�� 9:00 am - 4:00 pm NWRI By: Orange County Water District 18700 Ward Street vACAUFnc Fountain Valley, CA 92708 About the Workshop: The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) and National Water Research Institute (NWRI) will be holding a"Drought Response"Workshop to review and provide updates on drought planning, response, and mitigation measures. The workshop is intended for water agencies and other public and local agencies involved in drought response and planning efforts. Lunch will be provided. Program: • Statewide Water Conditions and Preparing for a Dry 2013 Jeanine Jones, California Department of Water Resources • California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Mary Scruggs, California Department of Water Resources • Southern California Water Conditions and MWO Water Conservation Activities Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (invited) • State Water Project Delivery Capabilities in Drought Conditions Sushil Arora, California Department of Water Resources Development and Implementation of Drought-Related Messaging Darcy Burke,Municipal Water District of Orange County And presentations by the University of California Irvine, Orange County Water District, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, and San Diego County Water Authority. Registration: There is no cost to attend the workshop. To reserve a seat,please contact Dondra Hall,NWRI, by email at dhall @nwri-usa.org or call (714) 378-3278.