HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-06-08 - Resolution No. 95-07i • RESOLUTION NO. 95-07 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING THE EMPLOYEE COMPENSATION LETTER AND A PAY PLAN FOR THE MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISORY AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District's Management, Supervisory and Confidential employees exist as a group separate from the Bargaining Unit employees; and, WHEREAS, the 1995-96 and 1996-97 Management, Supervisory and Confidential employees compensation letter was adopted on June 8, 1995; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors desire to review the Employee Compensation Letter and adjust the Pay Plan for the Management, Supervisory and Confidential employees for fiscal year 1995-96 and 1996-97. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. The General Manager is authorized to execute the 1995-96 and 1996-97 Management, Supervisory and Confidential Employee Compensation Letter, as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". Section 2. The fiscal 1995-96 and 1996-97 Pay Plan for the Management, Supervisory and Confidential employees is approved and adopted as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as Exhibits "B 1 and "B2." PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of June, 1995 by the following called vote: Ayes: 3- Michael Beverage, Paul Armstrong & Carl Scanlin Noes: 1- Arthur C. Korn Absent: 1- Sterling Fox Abstain: 0- Arthur C. Korn, Presi t Yorba Linda Water I3fst *ct ATTEST: Willi on, Yorba Linda Water District s i Exhibit "B1" Resolution 95-07 PAY PLAN ;Management. Supervisory and Confidential Employees Effective July 1. 1995 (Range 10. Step 1 = 510.0614/hr*2080/12) Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 1 1 51,124 51,180 I $1,239 I $1,301 I $1,366 2 I $1,180 ( S1,239 51,301 I $1,366 I $1,435 3 1 51,239 1 51,301 51,366 I $1,435 1 51,507 4 51,301 I S1,366 I $1,435 I $1,507 I $1,582 I 5 51,366 1 51.435 I $1.507 I $1,582 1 51,661 6 1 51,435 1 51,507 1 51,582 I $1,661 I $1,744 7 1 51,507 1 51.582 I S1,661 $1,744 I $1,831 8 1 51,582 51,661 51,744, $1,831 I $1,923 I 9 $1,661 51.744 51,831 I $1,923 $2,019 10 51,744 1 51.831 I $1,923 I $2,019 $2,120 11 I $1,831 I $1.923 I $2,019 I $2,120 I $2,226 12 I S1,923 1 52.019 1 52.120 I $2,226 I $2,337 13 1 52,019 52.120 52,226 I $2.337 1 52.454 14 52,120 S2?26 S2.337 $2,454 1 52.577 15 52.226 1 52.337 1 52,454 $2,577 1 52,705 16 152,337 1 52.454 ( S2.577 I $2.705 52,841 17 S2,454 I S2.577 52,705 I $2,841 52,983 18 S2,577 1 52.705 52,841 I $2,983 1 53,132 19 152,705 1 52.841 I S2,983 $3,132 $3,289 20 152,841 1 52.983 1 53,132 $3,289 $3.453 21 52,983 I S3.132 1 53,289 1 53,453 $3,626 22 53,132 1 53.289 1 53,453 I $3.626 ( $3,807 23 153.289 53.453 1 53,626 1 53.807 1 53,997 24 53,453 53.626 53,807 $3.997 $4,197 25 I $3.626 153.807 $3,997 54,197 I $4,407 I 26 $3,807 $3.997 $4,197 $4,407 $4,627 27 $3,997 1 54.197 54,407 I $4,627 I $4,859 28 $4,197 I $4.407 54,627 I $4,859 I $5,102 29 $4.407 $4.627 54,859 $5,102 $5,357 30 I $4,627 I $4.859 I $5,102 I $5,357 I $5,624 31 I $4,859 155.102 I $5,357 I $5,624 I $5,906 32 I $5,102 155,357 $5,624 $5,906 I $6,201 I 33 I $5,357 I $5,624 I $5,906 $6,201 I $6,511 I 34 I $5,624 I $5.906 $6,201 I $6,511 I $6,837 I 35 I $5,906 I $6.201 $6,511 I $6,837 I $7,178 I N/A I (Salary set by Board of Directors) I Classification Secretary to the General Manaser Customer Service Supervisor Maintenance Foreman Senior Engineering Technician Chief Plant Operator Assistant Administrator Assistant Engineering Manager Assistant Operations Superintendent Business Manager Engineering Manager Executive Asst. to General Manager Operations Superintendent Assistant General Manager General Manager 1 Exhibit "B2" • Resolution 95-07 PAY PLAN Management, Supervisory and Confidential Employees Effective July 1, 1996 (Rangel0, Stepl = S10.31294ft*2080/12) Range Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 1 I $1,152 $1,210 I $1,270 I $1,334 I $1,401 2 $1,210 $1,270 I $1,334 I $1,401 I $1,471 3 $1,270 I $1,334 $1,401 I $1,471 $1,544 4 I $1,334 I $1,401 $1,471 I $1,544 $1,621 5 I $1,401 I $1,471 I $1,544 I $1,621 I $1,702 6 1 51,471 $1,544 I $1,621 I $1,702 I $1,788 7 I $1,544 $1,621 I $1,702 $1,788 I $1,877 8 I $1,621 I $1,702 I $1,788 $1,877 I $1,971 9 I $1,702 I $1,788 I $1,877 $1,971 I $2,069 10 I $1,788 I $1,877 I $1,971 I $2,069 I $2,173 11 I $1,877 I $1,971 I $2,069 I $2,173 I $2,281 12 I $1,971 I $2,069 I $2,173 $2,281 I $2,396 13 I $2,069 I S2,173 I $2,281 $2,396 I $2,515 14 I S2,173 I $2.281 I S2,396 I $2,515 I $2,641 15 I S2,281 I S2,396 I $2.515 I $2,641 I $2,773 16 1 52,396 I S2,515 ( $2.641 I $2,773 $2,912 17 I S2,515 1 52.641 I S2,773 I $2,912 $3,057 18 I S2,641 I $2,773 I $2,912 I $3,057 I $3,210 19 S2,773 I $2,912 I $3,057 $3,210 I $3,371 20 $2,912 I $3,057 I $3,210 S3,371 I $3,539 21 I S3,057 I $3.210 I $3,371 I $3,539 i $3,716 22 S3,210 I $3.371 I $3.539 I S3.716 $3,902 23 $3,371 I S3,539 I $3.716 I S3.902 I $4,097 24 $3,539 $3,716 $3,902 $4,097 54,302 25 I $3,716 $3,902 I $4,097 $4,302 26 $3,902 $4,097 $4,302 $4,517 27 I $4,097 I $4,302 I S4,517 I $4,743 28 154,302 1 54,517 I $4,743 I $4,980 29 S4,517 $4,743 $4,980 $5,229 30 I $4,743 $4,980 I $5,229 I $5,491 31 I $4,980 $5,229 I $5,491 I $5,765 I 32 I $5,229 I $5,491 I $5,765 $6,053 33 I $5,491 I $5,765 I $6,053 $6,356 I 34 I $5,765 I $6,053 i $6,356 I $6,674 35 I $6,053 I $6,356 I $6,674 I $7,008 I N/A I (Salary set by Board of Directors) $4,517 $4,743 $4,980 $5,229 I $5,491 $5,765 $6,053 $6,356 $6,674 $7,008 $7,358 Classification Secretary to the General Manager Customer Service Supervisor Maintenance Foreman Senior Engineering Technician Chief Plant Operator Assistant Administrator Assistant Engineering Manager Assistant Operations Superintendent Business Manager Engineering Manager Executive Asst. to General Manager Operations Superintendent Assistant General Manager General Manager