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2013-03-25 - Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda Hater District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 25, 2013, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Daniel Mole, Chair Bill Guse Rick Buck, Vice Chair Fred Hebein Lindon Baker Joe Holdren Carl Boznanski Modesto Llanos Gus Bruner Greg Meyers Oscar Bugarini Sr. Cheryl Spencer-Borden 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 4. PRESENTATIONS 4.1. Water Operations / Water Quality Presentation - Provided by John DeCriscio, Acting Operations Manager and Derek Nguyen, Water Quality Engineer 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5.1. MWDOC Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip 5.2. Committee Structure 5.3. Future Agenda Items 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The next Citizens Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Monday, April 22, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 4.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 25, 2013 Subject: Water Operations / Water Quality Presentation - Provided by John DeCriscio, Acting Operations Manager and Derek Nguyen, Water Quality Engineer Im ATTACHMENTS: NaM6 Description: Type: Operations Activities and Studies-1-24 PowerPoint Presentation Backup Material 12 Board Presentation Final.pdf CAC Presentation Source Water Change 03252013.pdf PowerPoint Presentation Backup Material C ` \ LG perations Activities and Studies John DeCriscio, Acting Operations Manager February 14, 2013 V, %, _.00MAL- Operational Studies and Distribution System Changes • Hidden Hills Reservoir Re-Chlorination Pilot Study • aRuary -N- C> Source Water Change Hidden Hills Reservoir it Re-Chlorination Pilot Stu Background & Challenges•-ft July 1, 2010: 2 40 service million gallon reservoir [JUL III Water quality issues due to reservoir size vs. local water demands �ocal community concerned with water stor mes and operational practices L V -� AW 41pilat Studv� Gools • Increase water � . storage volumes • Maintain water quality standards • Minimiz e flushing \operations V, Solutions Considered `�' i�Stmll1e� o�� of Reservoir��g System :hloramination System ills Re-Chlorination Study � (Completed) 0 V WZ;0# Pilot Study July-December 2012 V 'A& 1. Free ammonia analyzer purchased 2. Temporary Sodium Hypochlorite feed system developed and installed 3. Reservoir flushed for a clean start 4. Several months of testingrv;?th gradual increasin amounts of sodium hypochlorite added to reservoir water c S. Data collected, evaluated and documented 0 n�d' evaluated b� Production Dept., Water Quality Dept. and CA Dept. of Public Health r 1 6 Hidden Hills Res (52520 12 3:3026 PM)1.K PPM 0400121p4226AM)067 PPM 541 x 1 -0.90 FFM Tay Name ❑ L SA Stalon.now ® L HHR Reservoir.Leval ❑ JL SA PunvUtun ❑ ,L SA Station.Disehergahesmre ® L HHR_StatimOukWD2ResiduaI ® L HHR_Swon1ydetCl2R"dua1 Desaiprion Number Flay 3 Reservoir Level 7 The UsaiDe6ned obiecl... 0 Disc sil;ePressure 10 1722 .... 21 11 172221.... 12 172 2�'_ ,HHR Stamrc -.e_�.2Resia:,e - - e.2D 1451 Server Color Urs1s 172.221.... G P14 172.221.... -It It 172221.... FALSER.. 17222.1.... P 1722 .... 21 PPM ■ 172221.... PPM D1' 6P MWmum Maxinrm 10 Address Tiro OIfW Source Tay Source Server Value at X1 VaVue a 0.00 150(100 \UNSQLSFMInSQL_M... (100:00.000 0.00 (100 0.00 1500 WN5QLSRVIInSQL M... (100:00.000 1076 6.79 -1.00 200 1\INSQLSRVIInSQL_M (100:00.000 FALSE FALSE 000 30(100 \\INSQLSRV%1nSQL_M... (100:00.000 174.30 174.38 (100 15-00 1\INSQLSRVVnSQL_M.-. 0:00:00000 153 060 0.00 15.00 \\INSQLSRVVnSQL`M... (100:00000 1.57 067 Pilot Study Result (&30,7012 3:43:55 AM)1.81 PPM Green: Chlorine Residual ($1312012 3:27:37 PM) 1.68 PPM Blue: Reservoir Level -012 PPM(14 days,11:43:42) 3:43:55 AM 8:42:33 AM 1:41:12 PM 6:39:50 PM 11:38:29 PM 4:37:07 AM 9:35:46 AM 2:34:24 PM 7:33:03 PM 12:31:41 AM 5:30:20 AM 10:28:58 AM 3:27:37 PM 172.22.1 12 HHR_Station.0detCl2Residual[Cyclic-00 00:47:08.386] Study -Concl usions and Recommendation Re-chlorination is viable, cost effective i means of managing water quality while increasing reservoir storage volumes r ek"" "01r. - — - - 'A Benefits: Low capital cost, low operational cost, portable, operational flexibility Recommen ations: District proceed with more permanent chlorination system instead of previously proposed chloramination system Research additional reservoirs that can benefit from a similar system 4 <G� r YRBBA LINDA !!lIA��B DI§TBICT Source Water Change Presented By: Derek Nguyen, M.S., P.E. PhD Candidate Water Quality Engineer Citizens Advisory Committee ^ ( J March 25, 2013 f OC-51 • • Gardenia Reservoir Little Canyon Reservoir Quarter Horse Reservoir Paso Find BPS Valley View BPS Elev: 428-ft Chino Hills Reservoir Hidden Hills Reservoir Elev: 1390-ft . ,< Santiago Reservoir M-` Timber Ridge BPS Spring View Spring View BPS View Reservoir Highland Fairmont BPS 0. Lakeview Reservoir Lakeview BPS �P U Highland BPS Palm BPS 1, HiddenlHllls BPS r Elk Mountain Reservoir Santiago BPS A,&_ Fairmont Reservoir Camino De Bryant Reservoir Elk Mt BPS Bryant Ranch Reservoir District Facilities: ➢ 10 Wells ➢ 14 Reservoirs ➢ 12 Booster Pump Stations ➢ 3 MET Connections JAI. _ - 1 Well 1 Well 5 Well 7 Well 10 Well 11 Well 12 Well 15 Well 18 Well 19 Well 20 �7'. BUENA VISTA / I C no za1E ACA] ,, ,�:m+E�•w LA PALYA 1 I 1111 � fi � ,xozolE�caj e „000zol�y� �_moo 11"ZONE(co) rLOCKERANCH IGOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY) i < Lewm Proome Zan" .....m.zolr 26WN10 NMM0q AM%f. O WhYE;ey ge.A+,m Q Si0311E R, 'AN®D1t Q Erb 20,E 11r4 ,AEIJAA,M Q OM 2011E f>01 91,son Q ral D011E L1y1.3Y nEID1E PW11 10Ame �nn,Ra1E+N 1x�AN Q noo 2tl1E1wi ,}1Ab7+1 Q ro��t�1 >s..oEZm1 011a+mEHar w.,n,,n �me201E pBY,I n—An Oara-tw m—AN O m,2a1rt tnl ��� Q„I1201E R01 ,zma �1m201E M] �?.Mm Q 1E62en,1•J11 1If YY)S1 Q,100201E 1eYr Ee..Jft 0,.�201E11G� r�� ncszanpu� ��,, `!l1ZOIEI�1 A �� nE � ©undwater m u PAL" IN I J. r LOCKE RANCH! (GOLDEN STATE WATER COMPANY) � n� ➢ �- f J_ ` 4 Drinking Water Disinfection CDPH requires min. of 0.2 mg/L residual in distribution system Most common disinfection methods (Chlorine or Chloramine) YLWD uses Chlorine for Groundwater MWD uses Chloramine for Imported Water If Chlorine is used, breakpoint chlorination must be achieved If Chloramine is used, maintain 5:1 ratio as much as possible and avoid breakpoint ' ♦� ' ,nom.•� n w i ■ Why use Chlorine or Chloramine 9 Widely used and readily available Highly Reactive, Powerful Disinfectant 200 times more effective than chloramine Less reactive, form less DBPs Residual more stable and lasts longer Better protection against biofilm regrowth Source: EPA Guidance Disinfectants & Oxidants April 1999 Source Water Changes (Demand & Weather conditions) Jan 3, 2013 — Imported areas were supplied w/ GW (except HH & CdB) Jan 14, 2013 — Reverted back to normal operation Oiiii��a I What happens when we mix? Taste & Odors Chlorine Dosage Added Free Chlorine - GW Sect- Section 2 ivite. , Section 3 ion 1 m Formation of Monochloramine i monochloramine& : destroyed forming organochloramines ; dichloramine. hiorine fJ O -troyed v aod` CJ Chlorine-NH3 (These can create educing 1 gents. 1 1 ■ ■ taste and odor issues at low levels xampte: down to 0.8 mglq langan"I .1fide ■ ■ ivite. , _ !'..5:1 CIS: NH,-S N Ratio by welght)� 1 � ' Total Ammonia mglE ' wry! 1 1 � AA� o,d fJ O r`� Combined aod` CJ Chlorine-NH3 Residuals 1 0�1� w Section 4 Free Available Chlorine Residual (HQCI e-*H'+OCl") (50%of each specie @ pH 7.5) Breakpoint All ammonia is oxidized to nitrogen gas,nitrate, or nitrogen trichloride (trichloramine). / / Free Chlorine Residual I 0 3 5 6 7.6 (Numbers on this scale indicate the ratio of chlorine to ammonia N, not total chlorine) Chloramine — Imported Water ■" , - ■ Questions? ITEM NO. 5.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 25, 2013 Subject: MWDOC Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Colorado River Trip Slide Show opt.pdf Photographs Backup Material J t 4V 4171 ? A aw'•u r '�" g. � R a a � �, - �: - f 1, �� �'�Y•*.3Y, 'e'er i.�` �y` #/�� '• ;�'�� A � yi s. r y, zw- AA .. T� � - + �,+111 • 15 �, y. M _ � -,^1-�-�`y�ry'����. . _._}.` ate.• 1•'R � yZ�� 54 �� �n f �. r 5-c- C 1 '� r �.• � Mjj: cq r It kr.' W� AL op T , �► , ,� j � I 6) � r s � - 4 n r i d � I I c� -,MOO,. MP + �lg,4l, ... .... pp II �.�! �, 1♦Y.r `� r 1•,' der fi k. � �� 7 �, :pl, � ,v,' ,,�., .l�;,f � •f 444 �� _, �,� 4 � �+ � '�� ��' i � FF... . ...... ... '00/ n S en l` v r ,r r� .�i } w 9 - r I r O Mark Schock 2013 i � -� f fey '~ � \ I'�..� I •�� .3 X ��. � e e r ' f � All (D.Mark Schock 22013 oil YG7C , �CL IN �[ La I C[pill ar;cea°D r � C4LL. 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AM f i - - Y 1 f M o p O 04 r_ 5 .y �w PL- 4 'Wo 44 1 F REDUCED " SPEED AHEAD NO STOPPING f j ' - ON ROADWAY S RIP Flt"iNrs - T Jor Y� .ri `• �� °''' �}� fir. �• :r� 'fir .�� ,�,i.. 3� O Mark Schock 2013 'Y r, S- 1 - 111 Sflll '-' 'Y'x o 11111111`' IIIHII� Ali r J 1 c FIT 11111111111` _ - �, no •'f 'r � `'� 111 �. P: � •.},:Y 1 ' Y� L i r b JiL IL f+tJOIN, r S F �r 001, a }.� l d - . r 9 'L Fh: 1 "1 4•{4��ry 1 is•�•S. I 4 - /1 . � T s 9 i r ' 1]y ! :b.Y y��.• s f / 5 3 ,f��frfi���rfl �f,l/r�fflfl fffrflfffff/ �f,rff;fflff f ffrf f r ff1 �fff�f f� ,��f�fffff/flff��r .��1�f1 f1 f ff ff ff f m/ ti,✓,Jf f � f f f, f a ro bk VAT .t f