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2013-08-20 - Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT EXEC-ADM IN -ORGAN IZATIO NAL COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, August 20, 2013, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 4. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 4.1. ACWA Election of Region 10 Board for 2014 -2015 Term Recommendation. That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors consider casting its vote for the offices of President, Vice - President and three to five Board Members in the A C WA Region 10 Election. 4.2. Renewal of ISDOC OCCOG Membership Recommendation. That the Committee consider this matter and provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding the renewal of ISDOC's Membership in OCCOG. 4.3. ACWA Committee Appointment Nominees for 2014 -2015 Term Recommendation. That the Committee consider this matter and provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding nominations for ACWA Committee appointments for the next term. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5.1. Status of Legislative Affairs (Verbal Report) 5.2. MWDOC Water Wagon (Verbal Report) 5.3. Status of OCWD Annexation Project (Verbal Report) 5.4. Status of Sage and Esperanza Hills Development Projects (Verbal Report) 5.5. Status of Plumosa Property Sale (Verbal Report) 5.6. Status of YLWD /City of YL Joint Agency Committee Meeting - August 21, 2013 at 6:00 p. M. 5.7. Status of YLWD /City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee Meeting - Date and time to be determined. 5.8. Status of Operations and Efficiency Study (Verbal Report) 5.9. Fire Retardant Evaluation (Verbal Report) 5.10. Revision of District Policies Related to the Acceptance of Gifts (Verbal Report) 5.11. Director's & Acting General Manager Fees & Expense Report 5.12. Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives 5.13. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 6. CLOSED SESSION The Committee may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and /or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 6.1. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: ACWA /JPIA, et al. vs. Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, et al. (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00486884) 6.2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: City of Anaheim vs. Ana J. Matosantos, et al. (Superior Court of CA, Sacramento — Case No. 34- 2013 - 80001529) 6.3. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Related to line break at 1301 North Rose Drive, Placentia CA 92870. Number of Potential Cases: One 6.4. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Related to written communications from potential plaintiffs threatening litigation. Number of Potential Cases: One 7. ADJOURNMENT 7.1. The next Executive - Administrative - Organizational Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, September 10, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2013 To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: CEQA Compliance: Subject: ACWA Election of Region 10 Board for 2014 -2015 Term ITEM NO. 4.1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Administration N/A N/A SUMMARY: ACWA's Region 10 2014 -2015 Board is now open for election. The District is entitled to cast one vote per position. (President, Vice - Present, three to five Board Members) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors consider casting its vote for the offices of President, Vice - President and three to five Board Members in the ACWA Region 10 Election. DISCUSSION: The ACWA President and Vice - President will serve on ACWA's Board of Directors for the next two year term of office beginning January 1, 2014. Additionally, the newly elected President and Vice - President will be required to hold seats on the ACWA Executive Committee and either the President or the Vice - President will hold a seat on the Finance Committee. The EAO Committee discussed nominations for the President and Vice - President positions on June 25, 2013 and the Board of Directors discussed nominations on July 25, 2013. The Committee did not recommend a nomination to the Board for either ACWA position. Similarly, the Board did not take action on a nomination. The District has the option to cast its vote for the slate as recommended by the Region 10 Nominating Committee or cast its vote for individuals for a Region 10 President, Vice - President and three to five board members. A copy of the ballot is attached. The electronic ballot must be received by September 30, 2013. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 2 -D: Enhance the District's Regional Water and Wastewater Industry Participation PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The District has participated in previous ACWA Region 10 elections. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: region -10- ballot -2013 0.Pdf 2014 -2015 ACWA Region 10 Election Ballot Backup Material zo1a -zois' REGION 10 Board Ballot DER"" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Association Nominating Committee's Recommended Slate of California Water Agencies O 1 concur with the Region 10 Nominating Committee's Sin, e1910 recommended slate below. Leadership • Advocacy Information • Service Chair: • OC -Peer Swan, Irvine Ranch Water District Vice Chair: Please return completed ballot SD - DeAna Verbeke, Helix Water District by September 30, 2013 Board Members: • SD - Dave Draper, Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water District E -mail: anat @acwa.com OC - Cathy Green, Orange County Water District Mail: ACWA OC - Larry McKenney, Moulton Niguel Water District 910 K Street, Suite 100 SD - Richard Vasquez, Vista Irrigation District Sacramento, CA 95814 SD - Vacant General Voting Instructions: Individual Board Candidate Nominations You may either vote for the slate recommended by ' O 1 do not concur with the Region 10 Nominating Committee's the Region 10 Nominating recommended slate. I will vote for individual candidates Committee or vote for below as indicated. individual region board Candidates for Chair: (Choose one) members. Please mark the L} OC -Peer Swan, Irvine Ranch Water District appropriate box to indicate Q OC -Larry McKenney, Moulton Niguel Water District your decision. Candidates for Vice Chair: (Choose one) Please complete your agency SD - DeAna Verbeke, Helix Water District information. The authorized Candidates for Board Members: (Max of 5 choices) representative is determined SD - Dave Draper, Rincon del Diablo Municipal Water by your agency in accordance District with your agency's policies and 0 OC - Cathy Green, Orange County Water District procedures. O OC - Saundra Jacobs, Santa Margarita Water District O OC - Larry McKenney, Moulton Niguel Water District Region 10 Rules & O OC - Peer Swan, Irvine Ranch Water District Regulations: Q SD - Richard Vasquez, Vista Irrigation District The chair and vice chair shall be O SD - DeAna Verbeke, Helix Water District fromdifferent counties. The 2014 - •------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2015 Term shall consist of a Chair --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -• and 2 Board Members from Orange County and a Vice Chair and 3 AGENCY NAME Board Members from San Diego County. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DATE Submit------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- -- AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2013 To: Executive-Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Dept: Reviewed by Legal Subject: Renewal of ISDOC OCCOG Membership SUMMARY: ITEM NO. 4.2 Administration No ISDOC is conducting a vote of its membership regarding the renewal of ISDOC's membership in the Orange County Council of Governments ( OCCOG). The OCCOG is a joint powers authority within the Independent Special Districts of Orange County ( ISDOC) that represents its members by monitoring, analyzing and providing Orange County technical and policy recommendations on plans and programs under consideration by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee consider this matter and provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding the renewal of ISDOC's Membership in OCCOG. DISCUSSION: The "Work Plan and OCCOG Milestones for FY 2013- 2014" is attached for review. The cost to ISDOC for renewed membership in OCCOG is $5,000. Completed ballots must be received by 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 29, 2013. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 2 -D: Enhance the District's Regional Water and Wastewater Industry Participation ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: OCCOG Workplan 2013- 2014.pdf OCCOG Workplan 2013 -2014 Backup Material RECEIVED I S D � August 9, 2013 AUG 1 ? 2013 Independent Special Districts of Orange County YORBALINDAWATER DISTRICT Mailing Address Gary Melton P.O. Box 20895 Yorba Linda Water District Fountain Valley, CA 92728 P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309 Meeting Location MWDOCIOCWD RE: OCCOG Membership, ISDOC Bylaws, and Procedural Changes 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Dear member districts, (714) 963.3058 (714) 964 -5930 fax The Independent Special Districts of Orange County ( ISDOC) requests your www.mwdoc.com /isdoc prompt attention to three important issues: A. Vote of the Member Districts on Renewal of ISDOC's Membership in Executive Committee OCCOG President B. Additional Amendments to the Proposed ISDOC Bylaws Hon. Rich Freschi C. Notification of Procedural Changes Serrano Water District ls' Vice President A. Vote of the Member Districts on Renewal of ISDOC's Membership in OCCOG Hon, Bob Moore South Coast Water District ISDOC is conducting a vote of the regular special district members regarding 2nd Vice President renewal of ISDOC's membership in the Orange County Council of Governments Hon. Mike Scheafer Sanitary Costa Mesa Sanitary District OCCOG This letter serves as the official notice of the election; the election ballot (OCCOG). , accompanies this letter. Regular members may vote in person at the August 29th 3rd Vice President Hon. Saundra Jacobs Quarterly meeting or submit their vote via mail or email to Jessica Ouwerkerk Santa Margarita Water District (MWDOC) per the instructions on the Ballot. Completed ballots must be received Secretary by 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 20' in order to be counted. Hon, Leslie Keane Orange County Cemetery District To provide you with a background on OCCOG, the `Work Plan and OCCOG Treasurer Milestones for FY 2013 -14' is attached to this letter. The cost to ISDOC for Hon, Joan C. Finnegan Municipal Wafer District of renewed membership in OCCOG is $5,000. p Orange County B. Additional Amendments to Proposed ISDOC Bylaws Earlier this year, proposed amendments to the ISDOC Bylaws were distributed to Staff Administration the membership for review and solicitation of input. Through this process, some substantive changes to the Bylaws were proposed by special district members; these Jessica H. Ouwerkerk Municipal Water District of Orange amendments were subsequently approved by the ISDOC Executive Committee on County August b. The amendments are as follows: Robert Ennis Orange County Water District a Article 1, Section 11: Language was added to clarify the respective roles and responsibilities of ISDOC and the Orange County Special District Selection. Committee. a Article 1I, Section 11I. Language was added regarding advance notice of changes in dues. • Article III, Section III (H): Language was removed that prevented officials appointed to an elected position from serving as officers of ISDOC. In light of these amendments, we believe the ISDOC member districts should have one final opportunity to review the amended Bylaws (attached to this letter) and provide feedback. Below is the revised Bylaw amendment timeframe: September 20, 2013 - Deadline for special districts to submit to the ISDOC Executive Committee input and /or additional proposed Bylaw amendments for consideration. Amendments must be approved by a regular member special district's board of directors before being submitted to the ISDOC Executive Committee. October 1, 2013 - ISDOC Executive Committee to review any additional input received and vote on additional proposed Bylaws amendments received by the September 2V' deadline. October 31, 2013 - ISDOC Board of Directors to vote on final draft of proposed Bylaws at the Quarterly Meeting. C. Notification of Procedural Changes The following procedural changes will go into effect as of September 1, 2013: 1) Two months' notice of any future votes on dues increases will be provided to the membership. 2) Executive Committee meeting agendas and minutes will be emailed to the General Managers of all ISDOC member districts. If you have any questions or wish to discuss anything further, please contact me or Jessica Ouwerkerk (MWDOC) at (714) 593 -5029 or ' ouwerkerk mwdoc.com. Sincerely, Rich Freschi President Independent Special Districts of Orange County Enclosed: 1) Ballot for Renewal of ISDOC's Membership in OCCOG 2) Work Plan and OCCOG Milestones for FY 2013 -14 3) ISDOC Proposed Bylaw Amendments (revised 8 -2 -13) -2- INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY RENEWAL OF ISDOC'S MEMBERSHIP IN OCCOG The Question: Does your special district, as a regular member in good standing, support or not support renewing ISDOC's membership (annual fee of $5,000) in the Orange County Council of Governments ( OCCOG)? Cast your Vote: Please cast your vote by placing an "X" on the line next to "Yes" or "No" below. YES, I support renewing ISDOC's membership in OCCOG NO, I do not support renewing ISDOC's membership in OCCOG DISTRICT NAME Voting Instructions: Each Regular Member district in good standing shall be entitled to one vote. (Associate Members do not have the right to vote.) The presiding officer of the governing body of each Regular Member district is recognized as the voting representative for his/her district. An alternate governing board member can be designated to vote as per Article 11, Section II of the ISDOC Bylaws. Completed ballots must be received by ISDOC no later than 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 29, 2013 in order to be counted. Ballots are to be submitted to the attention of Jessica Ouwerkerk (MWDOC) through one of the following methods: • Email — isdoc mwdoc.com (email confirming receipt of your ballot will be sent) • U.S. Mail — Jessica Ouwerkerk, MWDOC, P.O. Box 20895, Fountain Valley, CA 92728 • In Person — Ballots can be cast in person at the August 29th Quarterly Meeting 0` COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS WORK FLAN AND GRANGE COUNTY COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS MILESTONES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 -2014 2016 RTTPISC a • Monitor and Provide Advocacy in the Development of the SCAG 2016 RTPISCS • Determine OCCOGIaCTA Delegation for 2016 SCS • Provide Direction and Administration if Delegation Proceeds OCCOGIOCTA Bike Planning • Continue to Provide Assistance and Monitoring of J01nt 0CTA/0CC0G Bike Planning Efforts SCAG • Attend and Monitor all SCAG Regional Council Meetings • Participate and Attend Meetings of the SLAG Subregional Representatives, SCAG Technical Working Group and SCAG Executive Director Meetings Provide Policy Direction and Briefings to QCCOG Board of Directors, as appropriate, for SCAG Meetings of the Regional Council, Policy COMmittees and other Ad -Hoc Committees GCCCG Administration • Establish and Manage the Development of all OCCOG Board of Directors Agendas with the Concurrence of the Executive Committee • Manage of Clerical /Clerk Functions in Support of occoG Activities • Manage TreasuredBookkeeper Function • Finalize No-Fee Facility Use Agreement between OCCDG and 00TA 0--^ j �'; 1) • Finalize Memorandum of Understanding between OCCOG and City of Garden Grove for the Provision of Clerk Services to the Board of Directors • Provide Support to the Center for Demographic Research Management Oversight Committee • Revise Bylaws for OCCOG as Recommended by Executive Management Committee South Cast Air Quality Management District • Continue to Monitor all South Coast Air (duality Management District Policies and Regulations affecting OCCOG Member Agencies • Participate in Committees and TAC Committees, as Appropriate Advocacy • Collaborate with Southern California Subregions and Stakeholders to Enhance Advocacy and Funding Efforts • Continue to Monitor State and Federal Legislation, through Member Agencies, CALCGG, OCTA and Others that Impact OCCOG Funding /Grant Opportunities • Assist in Programming and Administration of Federal and Other Grants • Actively Explore Revenue Enhancement Opportunities for OCCOG and its Member Agencies Community Outreach • Develop OCCOG Collateral and Community Relations Materials • Coordinate Speakers Bureau Activities for Board Members OCCOG Website • Finalize Development of Stand Alone OCCOG Website by June 3t1, 2013 • Continue to Manage Enhancements to Website and Maintenance of Content to Promote OCCOG Activities and Efforts OCCQG Board of Directors Revised: March 26, 2013 Board Member Board feet Re resqn Ing rom Cities of: Miles Mtr nxing SCAG District 12 Aliso Vieio, €3ana Point, Laguna Beach, La una Council [Member, Niguel, San Clemente, City of &!i Viejo San Juan Capistrano Kathryn McCullough Cities of: Mayor Pip Tern, SCAT °r District 13 La una Hills, La uc na Woods, City of Lake Forest Lake Forest, Mission Vi --- lo -, Rancho Santa Mar arita At mate: Dwight Robinson Council Member, City of Lake Forest Steven Choi Mayor, City of Irvine a : SCAG [district 14 City of Irvine �e�Aite >ey Council Member, City of Irvine Leslie Daigle Ce -until lw e —tuber, Aitrn_ cite• SCAG District 15 Cities of: Costa Mesa, Fountain Valiev, City of Newport Heath Newport Beach _ Cheryl Brothers Council Member, City of Fountain Valle John Nielsen SCAG Ustrict 17 Cities of: I Council Member, Orange, TuStlrt, Viia Park City of Tustin Leroy Mills CHAIRMAN - ° � Mayor i Cities of: Pro Tern, i SCAG District 18 Cypress, garden Grove, City of C1 res- Alternate: f La Palma Prakash Natrain Mayor, City of 91press Faris Murray � Council Member, Al ernate: SCAG District 19 City of Anaheim City of Anaheim Gail Eastman Council Member, - Cqy of Anaheim Andy Guath Cities of: or Ma y Pro Tern, Alter SCAG District 20 Los Alamitos, eai aeach, City of West TO Ta Stanton, illtestrninster Mayor, City of West_ _mi_ nster Art Brown SLAG District 21 Cities of_ Council Member, _�_ _ Buen -- rk� Fultprtog City of Bu na Park QCCOG Board of Directors Revised: March 26, 2013 Board Member ; Boarzf Seat Representing...__ From Brett Murdock VICE CHAIRMAN ' SCAG District 22 Cities of Mayor Pro Terms, City of Brea Brea, La Habra, Placentia, AlternM Yorba Linda Mayer, City of Brea Ron Garcia Matthev Harper SCAG District 64 City of Huntington Beach Mayor Pro Tem, - ,--- -- City of H�on Beach Bob Ring Mayor, City of Laguna- Woods Alternate, Cities At -Large Orange: County cities Mayor Pro Tern, Milt Robbins City of Laguna Woods Janet Nguyen County At -Large County of Orange I" District Supervisor, County of Orange Director, Phil Anthony Orange County Water District - Independent Special Alternates; Districts of Orange Orange County special President, Juan Finnegan CountyANater districts /water agencies Municipal Wakef District Afi Agencies (ISDOC) Orange County Rich Frescbi Director, Serrano, Water District Jim Ferryman County Sanitation Districts of Orange County Sanitation Districts of Bird President, Oran_ue Coup No. 1, 2, 3, 5 County (OCS©) 7, 11, 13 and 14 Costa Mesa Sankgnf District Orange County _ Vacant Transportation Orange County, N Authori OCTa} Transportation Authority Vacant SCAG - County SCAG Regional Council Member, County of Grange Representative Board of Supervisors Soutar Coast AQMD - South Coast AQMO Shawn Nelson County Governing Board Member e District Supervisor, Representative representing the County of County of Orange Gran e Governing Boards of: San Joaquin Hills Bert Hack Transportation Trans ortation Corridor Council Member, Corridor Agencies Ac enc and lroothiIVEastern City of Laa3 na Wq2 s Transportation Corridor LqSncX OCCOG Board of Directors Revised: March 26, 2013 Board Member ward Seat Frcam -Representing Beat Swift -Ocio Gran e Coun Division Lea ue of California Cities Mayor, (OCD, LOCO) City of Buena Park ` Vice President for Steven Schuyler &- Officio Pnvate Sector Government Affairs, Building Industry Association of Southern California 1 Assistant !lice Chancellor, Kate Kilmow Community and Government Relations, Unfversity c-f Ex-Officio University Community California. Irvine Alternate: Fred Smaller Direr, Masters of Public Administration, grandman ? University i Bryan Starr I Ex-officio Business Community Senior VP of Government Affairs, Gran e ounly Heath Care /Hospital Industry Business Council Executive Director, Hos ital Association of California. Julie Puentes Ex- Officio ' Orange County Chapter Kaaren Roper Director of Orange County Alternate: Ex-Officio Housing (lion- �Pr0t) Gomrnunitu Services Community Julia Bidwell Deputy Director, grange Co nE Communi Services Carolyn Emery Interim Executive Officer, Orange County focal Agency Orange County ►..A_ FCC Alternate: Ex-Officio Formation Commission Benjamin I_egbandt (LAFCO} Policy Analyst, Orange County LAFCQ Fiscal Year 2€113 -14 OCCOG Annual [ales Schedule City Weighbrd Dues %ref City lame Population" % Population Total Pop. 113 Bas's Duos Total Cues 1 ! ALISC VIEJ© -'ANAHEIM 49,477 1.88% 2,446.95 1,97'1.88 4,418.83 346,161 13.15% 17,119.85 1,971.88 19,091.73 3 6REA� 41,394 1.57% 2,04720 1,971.88 4,019.08 4 BUENAPARK _ 81.9:3 3.11% _ 4,053.10 1,971.88 6,024.96 Si COSTA MESA � 111,358 4.23% -1.84% 6,507.36 1,971.88 7,479.24 6 CYPRESS 46,547 2,400.96 1,971.68 4,372.84 7 DANA POINT i 33,863 _ 1.29% 1,674.74 1,971.88 3,646.62 8 FOUNTAIN VALLEY - 58,180 113% 2,77846 _ _ 1,971.88 4.750.34 9 FULLERTON 138,251 5.25% 6,837.39 - 1,971.58 T 8,809.27 10 GARDEN GROVE _ 173,075 6158% 8,559.66 1,971.88 10,531.54 11 HUNTINGTON BEACH 193,616 7,36_% 9,575.54 � 1,971.88 � � 11,547.42 12 IRVINE 231,117 8.78% 11,430.20 1,971.89 W 13,402.08 13 LA HABrRA 651,202 2.33% � 3,026.83 1,971.58 4,998.71 14 _LA PALMA - 15,818 0,6011/0 782J6 1,971.88 2,754.18 15 LAGUNA BEACH 23,105 0.88% 1,142.69 1,971.68 3,114.57 161 LAGUNA HILLS _T 30,703 - - - -- - 1.179% _ 1,51$8460 1,971.88 3,490,34 17 LAGUNA NIGUEL _- 64.0€6 2.439% 3,168.42 _ 1,971.$$ 5,140.30 18 LAGUNA WOODS 16,600 0.63% 816.03 1,571.8$ 2,787.91 191 LAKE FOREST — 78,501 2.98% 3,1382.37 101.8$ 5,854.25 20 LOS ALAMITOS _— _ _ � 11,626 0.44% 574.38 1,971.88 2,546,86 21 MISSION VIE',10 94,824 3.60% 4,689.661 _ 1,971.88 6,6561.53 22 NEWPORT BEACH -- � 86,436' _ 3.28% � 4274.81 � 6,864.14 _ 2,560.65 2,401.11 � 3,192.01 1,971.88 6,24€3.69 1,971.88 8,836,02 7,971.88 4,532.53 1,971 AB 4,372.39 1,971.88 -_ . 5,16389 23 ORANGE 138,792 51,776 48,550 5.27% 1.97% 1.84% 24 PLACENTIA 25 RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA _26° SAN CL.EMENTE 64,542 _ 2.45% 27 SAN JUAN CAPIST'RANO 35,32'x' 1.34% 1,740.85 1,971,88 � 3,718,73 28 SANTA ANA - See Below _ 29 SEAL BEACH 24,487 0.839'0 1,211.04 1,971.86 3,182.92 301 STANTON � 38,764 1.47% 1,997.13 _ 1,971.88 3,889.01 31 TuSTIN _ 77,983 __. 2.96016 3,856.75 1,971,88 5.828.83 32 'VILLA PARK 5,900 0.22% 291.7_9 1,971,88 33 WESTMINSTER 91.169 3.46% 4,508,88 1,971.88 - - A 6,480.76 34 YORBA LINDA 66,437 2.52% 3,285.73 1,871.88 5,257.51 36 COUNTY OF ORANGE" _ T _ 91000.00 36 37 38 OCTA' TCA- OC SANITATION DISTRICT"` __�_ - — 9,000,00 91000.00 _ 7,500 -00 39 401 ISDOC`" SOUTH COAST AOMC1'" � �� 5,000 -00 7,500.00 MCOWrated Grange County Populatic 2,631,493 Total Dues Owed 242,246M ' Population Estimate as of January 1, 2013 California State Department of Finance {wow do( ca gov). Provided by C Riep, CSUF "Annual rues are fisted "'Population Total excludes Santa Aria and Villa Faris Tonal Annual Dues per adopted budget for FY2012 -13 242,2113.00 County and Agencies with fixed annual dins (47,000.00) Net Dues to be distributed among cities 195,216.00 113 Net Rues (65,072.00) (1,971.88) 2J3 Not Dues allocated based on population {1311,144. 0.00 Vida Park and Santa Ana diswntinued participation and did not pay dues in FY2012 -13 For FY2013 -14, Board did not want to change: allocation schedule for FY2012 -13 members, except for charges due to population, INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY AMENDED AND RESTATED BYLAWS Adopted January 31, 2002 Proposed for Amendment on October 31, 2013 INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY BYLAWS ARTICLE I GENERAL SECTION 1. NAME The name of the organization shall be INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY -, herein Toe r�nization shall also he known and-referred to as �SB9Sthe Organization. ( Formatted: Font: Bald SECTION II. PURPOSE T;e ri of his QFganizatian is to and advocate G -R tfuv4 � fa �� Gre . ldinli The purpose of the Organization is to advance the interests of Orange County F i Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5" special districts through its advocacy of sound public policy, its facilitation of educational opportunities to enhance special district governance and the services provided, and its collaboration with others to elevate awareness of the role special districts play as the form of overnment closest and most directly accountable to the people. The purpose of the Organization shall not include an duties or res onsibilities held by the Orange County Special Districts Selection Committee," which is a separate and unrelated entity from the Organization. Furthermore, these Bylaws shall have no effect on and are independent and distinct from, the BVlaw_ s of the Orange County Special District Selection Committee. SECTION III. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE The administrative office for the transaction of the business of the AsseeiatiaA Organization is located at the Off iGe of +he PFesident of the nssoriati AMunicipal Water District of Oran e Count . The Board of Directors is granted full power and authority to change the administrative office from one location to another any place within the County of Orange, State of California, and such change shall not be considered an amendment of these bylaws. ARTICLE 11 MEMBERSHIP SECTION I. QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP There shall be two Glasses- categories of membership in the AssesiationOrganization: A. REGULAR MEMBERS: Shall be INDEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS whtshthat are Public agencies within the County of Orange, State of California, for the local performance of governmental proprietary functions within limited boundaries, governed by a publicly elected Board of Directors or those officials appointed, in whole or in part, by another governmental body. Independent Special Districts does not include the State, the county. GRycities, County or Sdh school Bi�stristdistricts. Independent Special Districts shall be further defined in accordance with California Government Code Section 56044: "Independent district" or "independent special district" includes any, special district havma a learslafive bade all of whose ---- - - - - -- members are elected by registered voters or landowners within the district, or whose members are appointed to fixed terms. "Independent special district" does not include any district excluded from the definition of district contained in Sections 56036 and 656036.6. B. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Shall be those persons -er,, organizations, or overnmental entities wh4a-that have evidenced interest in the purposes and goals of the AsSGGiationOrganization, but who -are not members of Independent Special Districts. No- eOffcers or members of an Independent Special District saR are ineligible to be an Associate Member. C. APPROVAL OF MEMBERSHIP: The Executive Committee shall review, and approve, all applications for membership, provided _that the applicant meets the established membership criteria. SECTION II. VOTING RIGHTS Each Regular Member Distpietdistrict, in good standing, shall be entitled to one vote on all matters brought before the membership for a vote. The presiding officer of the governing body of each regular-Re ular m,,,ebe= Member ageasy district shall be reco nized by-the Organization as the voting representative for his/her district.; Each district shall designate in writing and submit to the Organization's Secretary alone alternate governing board member who shall have the right to vote in the absence of the assigned voting presiding officer. The Executive Committee may, la- them Fat its discretion, authorize the voting upon any issue by written ballot which shall be sent via U.S. mail and emailmailed to each Formatted: Font: Italic Formatted: Fant: Italic reg4Ia - Regular me_ Member district. Such authorization shall specify the time- aaad -, date and method by which the completed wherlst��written ballots must be received by the P- resk.,+ of the associatkD Organization. A majority vote of all members present at a meeting or of all written ballots_ received by the submission deadline shall be necessary to carry any matter voted upon. Associate Members shall not have the right to vote on any matter before the Assveiationorgan ization. SECTION Ill. ANNUAL DUES Annual dues shall be due and payable on or before the first day of January of each year. New members shall pay their annual dues at the time they are approved for membership in the Assesia#&nOrganization. New member dues for the initial year shall not be pro - rated. The dues of the Association- Organization shall be reviewed and set by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of DiFeGtors each jea far Regular Members and for- Associate Members. Associate Member dues need not be the same as dues for Regular Members. Adequate notice as determined by the Executive Committee) of changes in dues will be provided to the membership. No assessments other than annual dues, shall be levied on the members of the association without an affirmative majority vote of the membership. SECTION IV. TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP Any member in arrears in the payment of dues for a period of thFee4B -o :thirty days after said dues are due and payable shall be notified in writing by the Treasurer of such arrearage, and, if such dues shall continue unpaid for a period of another sixty- thlrtV (6930) days, such member shall automatically cease to be a member of the ^°T GiaziG Organization. Any member that voluntarily terminates membership in the Organization shall not be eligible for a refund of membership dues or other assessment already -paid to the Organization. SECTION V. REINSTATEMENT Of MEMBERSHIP Formatted: Font: Bola Regular and Associate memberships that were previously terminated ma be reinstated after the Executive Committee receives a written petition for reinstatement and payment. of the petitioners annual membership dues and other assessments for the current calendar year have been received by the Organization. ARTICLE III BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION I. NUMBER AND TERM OF OFFICE A. The Board of Directors shall consist ofene ,en±at;ve.the presiding officer from each of the , revAbe4ndependent 5PeG41-D4srt4etsRegular Member district, in good standing. If the designated representa#ve residin officer is not present, the then that district's alternate member re�resentative; shall act in his/her stead. B. The members of the Board of Directors shall serve until replaced by another appointed- board member of his /her kdependePA4 district, Any vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled by the new presiding officer of gv"ve n Bard-Gf#4atthe District from which the vacancy occurred. SECTION II. DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. The Board of Directors shall set policy for the Asseeia#Gn 4aD 1C40rganization, OB. The Board of Directors shall elect, at t4e*-aflPuaVqwa#e4 its final meeting of-in even years, a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Third Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers, along with the immediate Immediate Past President, shall be designated as the Executive Committee whose duty shall be to assist the Board of Directors in setting policy, and conducting the business of the orqaq4a#enOr anization. PC. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for implementing the policies established by the Board of Directors as approved at a General Membership meeting- Meeting or a Special Meeting of the membership. €D. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a two -year term. SECTION III. OFFICERS AND DUTIES A. PRESIDENT The President shall be the chief executive officer of 12DOGthe Organization. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the general membership. The President shall appoint all committees, and all ^hair^ ^^^s ^° G Gh committees with The President shall represent ISDOC he Organization as t#--its official spokesperson and he/she shall also have the right- authority to delegate such responsibility, with approval of the Executive Committee. The President shall be an ex- officio member of all Committees. B. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT The First Vice President, in the absence or disability of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting, he/she shall have the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The First Vice President shall be the Chairman of the Program Committee. C. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT The Second Vice President, in the absence or disability of the President and First Vice President, shall perform all the duties of the President and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Second Vice President shall be Chairman of the Membership Committee. D. THIRD VICE PRESIDENT The Third Vice President, in the absence or disability of the President, First Vice President, and Second Vice President, shall perform all the duties of the President, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. The Third Vice President shall be Chairman of the Legislative Committee. E. SECRETARY The Secretary shall maintain a written record of all business conducted at the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. The Secretary or his/her designee shall be responsible for all correspondence and ma'"ng-the dissemination of information to members. F. TREASURER The Treasurer shalf maintain the complete financial records ande# 19D9G, ° establish and maintain bank accounts in the name of the r #GR0[ �._a_nization, and pay all bills duly approved by the Executive Committee in accordance with the yearly budget. There shall be an annual audit of the books of the Treasurer by a competent accountant or accounting agency, designated by the Executive Committee with a report to be presented to the membership at the Or anization's next membership meeting. G. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT The Immediate Past President shall serve as a voting, ex- officio member of the Executive Committee. H. All officers of the Assesiation Organization shall be elected or appointed officials, of a Regular Member district.. Formatted: Strikethrough - - - - - - -- - - - - -- ?me ! ireotoF&4Rust firs��d- to4hat_ --� before, being -elioible- serve as an ;.ffiGer-�e- Gr-gar ier, iOfficials who wish to seek election or appointment as an officer of the Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Or.. ac�nzation shall first secure from his /her district an official endorsement of „his /her +. Numbering Style: I, II, III, ... + start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5' + Indent at: candidacy in the form of a board resolution. V. Formatted: Indent: First line: 0" ARTICLE IV MEETINGS SECTION I BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. The Board of Directors shall meet quarterly_or no less than three times per calendar year, fThe last q +y meeting of the calendar year shall be designated as the ANNUAL MEETING of the AssesiafienOrganization. B. The SeGretapy-0rganization shall disseminate rna+ - notices of toe -Board Meetings at ]east fethirty (30) days prior to the Meeting. Said notices shall be disseminated via email sent o all Regular and Associate Members, repres-oFital ,res ;,r.r, °'�r„ates. The Notice shall give the date, time location and agenda-fany action items for or-the meeting. C. Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President, any ten (10) Members of the Board of Directors or by a majority of the Executive Committee. The Secrets y-0rganization shall send each Member, eaGh sSGGiate member, each representative and a h alter.. 4 •• �� � �u �r� ���� disseminate notices of the Special Meeting at least five (5) business days prior to the meeting. Said notice shall sentaix� give the date, time, location, and the subject matter of the Special Meeting. Action may only be taken on Only -sucE� matters listed on the Special Meeting agenda at the cr nr� UI_nna ynotice. D. All meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held in Orange County. SECTION II. MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly at the Municipal Water District of Orange County, at a time and place specified by the President and announced in the meeting notice. The monthly meeting may be cancelled by the President if he/she determines that there is not sufficient business to justify a meeting. B. A Special Meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the President or a maoority of the Executive Committee, with five (5) business days advance notice given in writing via email by the Secrntar-yOrganization. Such notice shall state the date, time, location and agenda for the Special Meeting. be-giverl telePhr,.,ir aII ver- baHy- car-inn writing. C. All meetings of the Executive Committee shall take place in Orange County. SECTION III. QUORUM A. A quorum shall be established when the designated representatives of twenty -five (25 %) percent of the Regular ^,°Fs Members are present at a duly noticed peg tlar-Re -ular or special Special MeetiRg Meetinq of the independent 94s# #icA of Grange County Organization. ARTICLE V AMENDMENTS These By -Llaws may be amended by a majority vete -of the Board of Directors n4en )tee present at a duly noticed membership meeting. All proposed amendments shall be disseminated via U.S. Mail and email rnai{ed -to tk each Regular m„ �,;;. ©chnr Member district, +he nta #v of r'c�r'r# no less than thirty (30) days prior to ar}y -the membership meeting F1.A ID] 4:01Vll ENACTMENT OF AMENDMENTS These Amended and Restated By- Laws -laws are to take effect February 1, 2002i immediately upon approval of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V[I PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY All matters not covered under these By -Laws shall be governed by Roberts' Rules of Order. -End- AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2013 To: Executive- Administrative- Organizational Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Dept: ITEM NO. 4.3 Administration Subject: ACWA Committee Appointment Nominees for 2014 -2015 Term SUMMARY: Committees are an integral part of ACWA's activities and policy development. The end of the current committee term is in December 2013 and ACWA has requested nominations from its membership. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee consider this matter and provide a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding nominations for ACWA Committee appointments for the next term. DISCUSSION: ACWA has requested nominations for consideration for upcoming committee appointments for the 2014 -2015 term. Attached are descriptions of each of the committee's purposes and responsibilities including the number and location of meetings held each year. Current committee members must stand again for reappointment by completing and submitting to ACWA the attached committee consideration form by September 30, 2013. Compensation for Directors is set at $150 per meeting with a limit of 10 meetings per month. Directors and staff will be reimbursed for actual costs to attend activities not to exceed: $750 for round trip travel, $400 per night for lodging, $50 per day for meals and $50 per day for actual and necessary expenses. Costs will vary according to the ACWA committee selected. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 2 -D: Enhance the District's Regional Water and Wastewater Industry Participation PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): Mr. Art Kidman is currently serving on the ACWA Legal Affairs Committee. ATTACHMENTS: Name: ACWA Committee Nomination Correspondence. pd Description: Type: ACWA Committee Nomination Correspondence Backup Material Association of California Water Agencies Since 1910 MEMORANDUM August S, 2013 TO: ACWA MEMBER AGENCY BOARD PRESIDENTS ACWA MEMBER AGENCY GENERAL MANAGERS FROM: RANDY RECORD, ACWA PRESIDENT SUBJECT: ACWA COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2014 -2015 TERM RECEIVED AUG 13 20 13 YORRALINDAWQ' -:R DISTRICT PLEASE RESPOND BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 Committees are an integral part of ACWA's activities and policy development. The end of the current committee term is fast approaching and it is time again to request committee nominations from ACWA members. New officers (President/Vice President) will be elected at the fall conference by the general membership, so it is time to prepare to reconstitute all committees for the 2014 -2015 term. In submitting names for consideration, please do so with the understanding that committees need active, involved individuals able to expend the time and provide their expertise if appointed. Please keep in mind that the district is responsible for all costs associated with the participation of its representatives on committees. An important part of helping committees function as effectively as possible is attendance. ACWA's bylaws state, "Two consecutive, unexcused absences from an ACWA limited committee shall constitute a resignation and a replacement will be named as soon as possible." Also, those with a record of repeated, excused absences will be reviewed and considered for replacement. The following information is enclosed in this packet. « ACWA Policy Committee Guidelines • ACWA Committee Purposes and Responsibilities • Committee attendance records (only for limited committees) • Committee consideration form. (before you begirt, please make extra copies) • Sample committee consideration form Association of California Water Agencies 910 K Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, California 95814 -3577 916/441 -4545 F.Ax 916/325 -4849 Haft of the States 400 N. Capitol St., N.W., Suite 357 South, Washington, D.C. 20001 -1512 202/434 -4760 FAx 202/434 -4763 www.acwa.com Committee Appointments Page 2 • Current agency committee representation (if you receive a blank report, this indicates your agency has no committee representation) • Committee timeline All correspondence and forms regarding committee appointments must be in to the ACWA office no later than September 30, 2013 to be eligible for consideration. Committee appointments will be made by the incoming ACWA president in Decmeber. Please contact Paula Quinn at (916) 441 -4545 or paulaq @acwa. com, if you have any questions concerning the committee appointment process. We appreciate your timely attention to this matter. Enclosures UM ACWA POLICY COMMITTEE GUIDELINES Revised May 21, 2013 GENERAL COMMITTEES All committees of the Association shall strive to provide continuity in leadership, shall geographically distribute membership and shall ensure all regions are adequately represented. 2. All committee chairs, vice chairs, and members shall be appointed by the president, and shall serve for a term to coincide with that of the president. 3. Nominations for committee appointments shall be made in writing by members for consideration by the region chair and vice chair. if an agency chooses to designate a representative other than a director or salaried staff member, written confirmation to that effect must be received in the ACWA office prior to appointment consideration. Nomination forms (aka Committee Consideration Form) can be obtained from the Association office or on -line at www,acwa.com. Where membership on a given ACWA committee is limited, only one representative from an agency may be appointed. Since we do not count the chairperson in the maximum count, then one person could be on the committee that is from the same agency as the chairperson. Other individuals representing an agency may serve on subcommittees of that committee. Unlimited committees may have more than one representative from an agency on their committees. 4. The committee chairperson shall: a. chair all meetings of the committee; b. submit a written report regarding committee activities for all meetings of the Board of Directors (with assistance from the ACWA staff committee liaison). pre - schedule meetings and check the ACWA calendar to foster total committee member attendance and avoid conflicts. The vice chairperson shall assume those duties in the chairperson's absence. 5. All committee appointments are made by the ACWA president following recommendations submitted by the region chairs and vice chairs. The appointments are for two years and run simultaneously with the board term. Committee chairpersons may appoint subcommittees as necessary to carry out the committee responsibilities. <The subchair must be a member of the full committee, subcommittee members do not need to be a member of the full committee. W: /Committees/2014 -2015 Committee Tenn ACWA Comwdtteea /Committee Guidelines May 21, 2013 ACWA COMMITTEES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IMPORTANT COMMITTEE INFORMATION ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIMITED COMMITTEES: Two consecutive, unexcused absences from an ACWA limited committee shall constitute a resignation and a replacement will be named as soon as possible. Travel required to any area of the state where a committee meeting is being held, and lack of a travel budget will not constitute an excused absence. * *NOTE: When a committee member is "unable" to attend a meeting and has asked for an excused absence in advance of the meeting, they may send a representative from their agency for monitoring purposes only. However, the committee member will still be recorded with an excused absence from the meeting. The representative does not have a voting right." STATE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ONLY: The State Legislative Committee will allow a member of the committee with an excused absence to designate an alternate. The committee member will be required to secure the concurrence of the an ro riate ACWA Region Chair for the alternate. The committee member should provide the name of the alternate to ACWA's Director of State Relations prior to the con- anittee meeting. The alternate will be authorized to fully participate in all discussions of the committee and to vote on issues before the committee. Committee members, including alternates, act on behalf of the region for which they were appointed to represent. GRASSROOTS OUTREACH. As a tit entber of the conintittee, you will be enrolled as an active participant ill ACWA's Grassroots Outreach Program. See ACWA's website for in ore information on the grassroots outreach program which supports ACWA's legislative and regulatory eff' 'arts. COMMITTEE [ "ACANCIES WILL NOT BE FILLED AFTER THE SPRING CONFERENCE OF AN UPCOMING ELECTION YEAR. BLUE INDICATES BYLAW COMMITTEE LANGUAGE. W7 /C ommittee/Committee Purposes and Responsibilities May 2013 ACWA COMMITTEES PuRPOsES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE 2 COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - STANDING /LINIITE'D (40 MAXIMUM) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: LISA LIEN - 1AGER MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences ® Two at the Sacramento office between conferences The purpose of the ACWA Communications Committee is to develop and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding a comprehensive internal and external communications program for the Association. Programs are crafted to support ACWA and its members' positions on legislative, regulatory, and policy issues. The committee is responsible for developing and updating a comprehensive communications plan for ACWA. The committee promotes the development and implementation of sound public information and education programs and practices among member agencies. It prepares materials that can be duplicated or used by member agencies for their local public information/education efforts. The committee also provides guidance to ACWA's Communications Department. ENERGY COMMITTEE — STANDING/UNLIMITED ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: AB6YSCHNEIDER MEETINGS ARE HELD 2 TIMES A YEAR One at both the Fall and Spring conferences The purpose of the Energy Committee is to recommend policies and programs to the Board of Directors and to the State Legislative Committee and/or Federal Affairs Committee as appropriate. Work with staff in developing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding: • Programs to assure an adequate power supply for member agencies, including energy, availability, pricing, distribution and hydro generation • Policy recommendations relating to the development of new power sources • Recommended positions regarding state and federal legislation to the State Legislative and Federal Affairs Committees • Assistance with the development, direction and work associated with representation before the Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other regulatory agencies dealing with energy • Educate members on all energy matters having impact on their operations W /Conunittee/Conmittee Purposes and Responsibilities May 2013 ACWA COMMPI'mES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE 3 FEDERAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - ,STANDING/LIMITED (S PER REGION) ACWA COMMITTEE ST4FFLIAISON.- DAVID REYNOLDS MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR One at both the Fall and Spring conferences Two between conferences (Jan & Sept) in the Sacramento office DC Conference — Attendance is not REQUIRED, but STRONGLY encouraged The purpose of the Federal Affairs Committee is to review all federal legislative proposals and regulatory proposals affecting members of the Association, after consulting with other appropriate committees, and to develop Association positions consistent with existing policy, where it has been established; recommend sponsorship of bills that will resolve problems or improve conditions for members of the Association; and assist in the establishment of the Association's federal legislative program. The committee shall consist of at least one and no more than five individuals from each region. Coordinates with other ACWA committees regarding their input on any issues directly related to federal issues before both Congress and the Federal administrative branches. The committee currently has four separate subcommittees_ Committee members have the opportunity to sign -up for as many of the subcommittees as they want, plus being supplemented by other members with interest in a focused area. The subcommittees with areas of responsibility are: • Drinking Water & Energy Subcommittee: Responsible for the oversight and policy direction on Environmental Protection Agency and Energy - Water Nexus. • Water Supply Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on the Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act. • Infrastructure & Agriculture Subcommittee: Responsible for r-overrsight and policy direction on the Clean Water Act, and agricultural issues. • Finance Technology & Research Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on financing water infrastructure legislation. FINANCE COMMITTEE - STANDINGILIMITED (2 PER REGION — I SPOT IS FILLED BY REGION CHAIR OR VICE CHAIR; OTHER SPOT IS FILLED BYA REPRESENTATIVE FROM REGION WITHEXPERIENCE IN FINANCIAL MATTERS) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON. FILI GONZALEZ MEETINGS ARE HELD APPROXIMATELY 4 -5 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • All other meetings are held in the Sacramento office W: /CommitteeJComminee Purposes and Responsibilities May 2013 ACWA COMMITTEES PURPOSES AND REsPoNSIBILi`i'IE5 PAGE 4 The purpose of the Finance Committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding annual budgets, dues formula and schedules and other revenue - producing income, annual audit and selection of an auditor, and investment strategies. Makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding annual budgets, investment strategies, annual audits and the selection of the auditor, the dues formula and schedules and other financial matters that may come before the committee. Each committee member will be expected to serve on at least one of the subcommittees, which are: • Audit Subcommittee • Budget Subcommittee • Investment Subcommittee • Revenue Subcommittee • Education Subcommittee GROUNDWATER COMMITTEE - STANDING/UNLIMITED ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON. TO BE ASSIGNED MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • One in Northern California between conferences • One in Southern California between conferences The purpose of the Groundwater Committee is to recommend policies and programs to the Board of Director and to the State Legislative Committee and /or Federal Affairs Committee as appropriate. Monitors state and federal regulations and legislation that could affect the quality or quantity of groundwater, conducts studies, develops policies regarding the management of groundwater and coordinates with other ACWA committees on issues directly related to groundwater. Committee members are expected to participate in a variety of activities including writing legislation, preparing comments for state or federal hearings on groundwater issues, developing programs for workshops and conferences, and providing input on state and federal legislation. PERSONNEL AND BENEFITS COMMITTEE - STANDING /LIMITED —(2 PER REGION) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON. .PAULA QUINN MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • Two in the Sacramento office The purpose of the Personnel and Benefits Committee is to review, on a regular basis, membership salary survey, retirement issues, and other personnel, benefits, and administrative issues pertinent to the management W:ICommittee/Committee Purposes and Responsibilities May 2013 ACWA COMMITTEES PvRPosEs AND REsPONSIBILITMS PAGE 5 of members of the Association. Works with staff in developing, reviewing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the following: • Sponsor special studies on personnel- related problems and issues • Sponsor safety pro grarns for risk management or workers' compensation claims • Define the scope of any audit to be performed by an independent actuary, as needed • Gather, develop and publish comparative data on salary ranges, employee benefits and other personnel and administrative data pertinent to the management of member agencies LEGAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE - .STANDING /LIMITED (45MAXIMUM) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON. WHITNIE WILE MEETINGS ARE HELD APPROXIMA'T'ELY 2 -3 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • As needed in between the conferences The purpose of the Legal Affairs Committee is to support the mission of the Association, and more particularly to deal with requests for assistance involving legal matters of significance to members of the Association, including but not limited to state and federal court litigation, water rights matters, selected regulatory and resources agency matters, proposed bylaw revisions, review of legislation as requested by the State Legislative Committee, etc. The committee shall consider matters and issues submitted to it in order to, determine which ones are of major significance to members of the Association and, assuming a finding of major significance, recommend to the Board of Directors the position(s) which the committee believes the Association should take with respect thereto. The committee shall be composed of between 35 and 45 attorneys, each of whom shall be, or act as, counsel for a member of the Association, representing diverse interests within the Association, including but not limited to, different geographical areas throughout the state, large and small agencies, agricultural and urban agencies, agencies created under the various enabling statues, etc. The committee's primary purpose is to support the mission of the Association, and more particularly, to deal with requests for assistance involving legal matters of significance to ACWA member agencies, water rights matters, proposed ACWA bylaw revisions, etc. The committee also works with staff to produce publications to assist water agency officials in complying with applicable state and federal laws. The committee's areas of responsibility include: • Amicus curia Pilings on important cases • Commenting on proposed regulations and guidelines of state agencies such as Fair Political Practices Commission regulations or opinions and CEQA implementation guidelines • Entering a suit as primary litigant • Dealing with any water rights matters of interest to member agencies W Xornmittee/Cornmittee .Purposes and Responsibilities May 2 013 ACWA COMMITTEES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE & • Reviewing all proposed ACWA bylaws for technical competence and consistency with the nonprofit corporation law and other bylaws LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - STANDING /LIMITED (3 PER REGION) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON; WENDY RIDDERBUSCH MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR One at both the Fall and Spring conferences Two in between the conferences in the Sacramento office The purpose of the Local Government Committee is to recommend policies to the State Legislative Committee, as appropriate, and Board of Directors on matters affecting water agencies as a segment of local government in California. • Recommends policies to the State Legislative Committee and the Board of Directors on matters affecting water agencies as a segment of local government in California, such as planning issues and local government organization and finance • Plans and presents a program at each ACWA conference relating to local governance issues affecting water agencies • Gathers data and disseminates information on the value of special districts • Disseminates information promoting excellence in service delivery • As a member of the committee, you will be enrolled as an active participant in ACWA's Outreach Program. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - STANDING /UNLIMITED ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: TIFFANY GIAMMONA MEETINGS ARE HELD 2 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences The purpose of the Membership Committee is to assist staff in developing membership recruitment and retention programs, make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding membership policies, eligibility, and applications for membership and review and make recommendations to the Finance Committee regarding an equitable dues structure. Takes any suggestions regarding ACWA policy to the ACWA Board of Directors for approval, meets to review and make recommendations regarding membership eligibility and all membership applications; assists the staff with the development of recruitment and retention programs and reviews and makes recommendations regarding an equitable dues structure to the ACWA Finance Committee. W: /Committee/Conunittee Purposes and Responsibilities May 2013 ACWA COMMITTEES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE 7 STATE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE - STANDING /LIMITED (4 PER AEGION) ACWA STAFF LIAISON: WENDY RIDDERBUSCH MEETINGS ARE HELD APPROXIMATELY 10 -12 TIMES A YEAR • Every three weeks during Session in the Sacramento Office • One planning meeting at the end of the year in the Sacramento Office The purpose of the State Legislative Committee is to review all state legislative proposals affecting members of the Association and to establish Association positions, consistent with existing policy, where it has been established; sponsor bills that will resolve problems or improve conditions for members of the Association; and assist in the establishment of the Association's legislative program. Sets state legislative policy for the Associations. Committee members are responsible for reading relevant legislation., developing positions, working with staff to draft appropriate amendments to bills, providing input to the ACWA Board of Directors, and directing ACWA legislative staff on legislative matters. WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE - STANDINGILIMI TED (4 PER REGION) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: DAVE BOLLAND MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • Two between conferences in the Sacramento office The purpose of the Water Management Committee is to recommend policy and programs to the Board of Directors on any area of concern in water management. Work with staff in developing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding policy and programs on significant areas of concern in water management, review and recommend positions regarding legislation and regulations as requested by other committees. The committee is also responsible for the gathering and dissemination of information regarding management of agricultural and domestic water, conjunctive use, water management and conservation activities, development and use of water resources, and wastewater treatment and its reclamation and reuse. WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE - STANDING/UNLIMITED ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: TO BE ASSIGNED MEETINGS ARE HELD BY SUBCOMMITTEES Safe Drinking Water Subcommittee meets 4 times a year • One at both Fall and Spring conferences • One in Northern California between conferences • One in Southern California between conferences Clean Water Subconnnittee meets 3 times a year • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences W: /Conmaittee/Cotnmittee Purposes and Responsibilities May 2013 ACWA COmm=Es PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE 8 The purpose of the Water Quality Committee is to develop and recommend Association policy, positions, and programs to the Board of Directors, to promote cost - effective state and federal water quality regulations that protect the public health, to enable interested members of the Association to join together to develop and coordinate with other organizations, and to present unified comments regarding agricultural and domestic water quality regulations. This committee was established to recommend policy and programs to the Board of Directors, State Legislative Committee and /or Federal Affairs Committee; promote cost effective state and federal water quality regulations affecting both agricultural and domestic water agencies; and provide a means for members to work together to develop and present unified comments on water quality regulations, as well as to coordinate with other organizations. The ACWA bylaws provide authority to the committee to develop and recommend ACWA positions and testimony on water quality regulatory issues. Revised: May 21, 2013 W: /CominifteeXonunittee Purposes and Responsibilities May 2013 Association of California Water Since 1910 Agencies COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION FORM ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 910 K Street, Suite 160 Sacramento, California 95814 -3577 (916) 441 -4545 Fax (9 16) 325 -4849 NAMEITITLE Please print legibly COMMITTEE CT *Rank 1° Lse choice 2° 2�d choice 3= 3 choice l,(cICJ r,v,vJ r rrea�e �ctrr rdu,cr �.tu,rrrr a, ,w�vv,-i { yr of v�- r -���o or emau ar pau�agLacwa.carn. FORM MUST BE COMPLETE TO BE PROCESSED. RECOMMENDATION SUBMITTED BY: District/Company Name Phone SIGNATURE: Title Either the Agency /District General manager or Board President must sign this form. Association of California Water Agencies 910 K Street. Suite 1010, Sacramentn, California 95814 -3577 916/441 -4545 FAX 916/325-4849 Ha][ of the States 400 N. Capitol 5t., N.1N., Suite 357 South, VVashIngfon, D,C. 20001 -1.512 2 02/434 -4760 Fina 20- /434 - .4763 wsn w.acwa.com Association of California Water Agencies Since 7970 COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION FORM ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 910 K Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, California 95814 -3577 (916)441 -4545 Fax(916)325 -4849 NAME /TITLE Please print legibly COMMITTEE " John Doe, General Manager Federal Affairs Committee 1 John Doe, General Manager State Legislative Committee 2 Barbara Smith, President Legal Affairs Committee 1 T.O. Goode Water Management Committee 1 �vr r rvrv�: rrettac udll rdurd w WWI ai AU M11 (y70) 447 -4040 or email at pa Lila q(a)acwa.com. FORM MUST BE COMPLETE TO BE PROCESSED. RECOMMENDATION SUBMITTED BY: District/Company Name Phone SIGNATURE: Title Either the Agency /District General manager or Board President must sign this form. *Rank 1- 1st choice 2= 2`1 choice 3= 3rd choice Association of California Water Agencies 910 K Street, Suite 100, Sacmnientn, California 9,5814 -3577 916/441 -4545 j: ,- 916,325 -4849 Hall of the States 400 v. Capitol St., ;tAV., Suite 35- Soutiz, Washington, D.C. 20001 -1511 202/434 -4760 r%x 2021434 -4763 %1vww.aceva.cam iii r O N 4 r O N �i r _Z 5J L r V w a. W _Z 0 CL L9. LU a W 0 U Cl) T Cl N 4 U C O U a U a 0 -0 !fJ LL L � E w E N O Q] Q a � O 0' L L O 0) a C L r Q U N 4 C E o EO a .2 �r0 (4 4-- L O O 10 ui C 0 Q U C O Oca W c N L m 0 Q d :O U L Q 4 G C OU O W= C '� 4) E �riro0M O O E Q C U C E Q 0 � °(> x «Oj 0 r o E Q o E E o _ o 0 0 U I- JUUN co N a as w c6 Ln O L � O O y U a - QQs CF) 9 E 0 0 0 a 0- D E o O E U us C G O O O 0 O 0 C O 0 Q d E o L UQ 0 c 0 L 0 O E. 7 U) LO O E O co Q E - -0 E E E a O 0 E� �Q 0 E o a E O 2 -O L E U C V7 O -C'� O Q yU, CD U U D 0 LU va O E'er U E 3 o o Z E Q o z o uj (D o 'a� a� (�¢ g G C6 U) U t N O ~ U .� y Q C O a e -E U E sri cz O (D c U E O C E w O 0�7 OU O � N o C C N O Q' O C O � � U- � q� c L L fLU E C o Y y O U � � U °N' c •> cm U :6 O _0 U U cu L c� Q a� L U � C • O U cn � O C cn 0) -a O c o G O ui 0 Z o n w J u, o E v as a_ a a m C w O -N G c� a� E O U G O C di O U .o C O E U E O 0 r U a UJ 0 Z v a is 'U O C : O U) L N ll in QS O � Q 0 v � C a� N 0- (Ci L M� Z-- O U O U U) O � U O Q U U � C � 0 � O EO U O aU o fX] C 0 C U o 0 Q CL (D Q} U � U ro a a E c U) 'o X 0 a L!J m E H 0 E E U C14 N 4 O CV O E O U ++ M L N r LO N M E E E E F C V O C V U t�.1 c a V) 0 z G Z N D D E H 0 E E U C14 N 4 O CV O E O U Association of Standing and Regular Committee Participation by Agency California Water Agencies �i,t[e 1474 Yorba Linda WD Mr. Arthur G. Kidman Legal Affairs Committee 07/09/2013 3:15:06PM Member ITEM NO. 5.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2013 Subject: Status of Legislative Affairs (Verbal Report) ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to OC BOS 2014 Legislative Platform.pdf Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting SHAWN NELSON CHAIRMAN,ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS * SUPERVISOR,FOURTH DISTRICT MA ORANGE COUNTY HALL OF ADMINISTitATION 333 W. SANTA ANA BLVD. • SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 92701 wirer PHONE(714)834-3440 FAX(714)834-2045 shawn.nelson@oogov.com bos.ocgov.com/fourth August 14, 2013 o j Mr. Gary Melton 1'9 President Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Dear Mr. Melton: The County of Orange recognizes the collective strength of its community partners and would like to extend an invitation for you to provide input into the development of our 2014 Legislative Platform. Every August the County of Orange begins a process to develop our legislative platform. This document articulates the key legislative priorities and policies for the County in both Sacramento and Washington D.C. It also provides policy direction and guidance to County departments and staff. Specifically, as the County begins to solicit its own departments and staff for legislative ideas, we invite you to provide suggestions to us on our attached 2013 legislative priorities and policy statements. We hope this process opens the lines of communication between the County and our community partners. If you have a specific legislative proposal in mind,please feel free to share that too. We share much in common — a vision of a safe, strong, and vibrant Orange County — and working collaboratively is the best way to ensure a bright future. Please take some time to look over the attached legislative priorities and let us know of any suggestions by September 19, 2013. Please address your comments or questions to Jay Wong, Manager, CEO/Legislative Affairs, at 714-834-2009, or jay.wong @ocgov.com. On behalf of the County of Orange, I want to extend our thanks for your time and consideration of this important matter. Sincerely, CHAI SHAWN NELSON Board of Supervisors Fourth District Enclosure cc: Steven Conklin, Acting General Manager Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting COUNTY OF ORANGE 2093 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES AND POLICY STATEMENTS The County of Orange recognizes the need to protect its interests in Sacramento and Washington, DC. To be effective in this mission, the County of Orange reviews and establishes priorities and policy statements at the beginning of each legislative year. The Legislative Priorities set forth the County's goals for the current Legislative Session and the Policy Statements provide general direction to the Legislative advocates as they advance County interests during the year. LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES 1. LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING In the event local revenue is jeopardized or reallocated, the State must provide alternative funding sources to local governments. For example, Orange County would be opposed to the State borrowing from local governments using Proposition 1A, or any other source of funding from the State. 2. FISCAL EQUITY Establish an equitable, dependable and predictable revenue stream with distribution formulas for local revenues that address equity with other counties, and that any formula be based on one or more of the following factors: ■ Per capita ■ Caseload ■ Situs (dedicated taxes) ■ Realignment Equity ■ Cost of Living in High Cost Counties ■ Other Objective Measures of Need 3. COST RECOVERY Local governments shall receive full cost reimbursement for all federal and/or state mandated programs. Unfunded or under-funded mandates are a burden which local government cannot afford. The County of Orange will pursue full cost recovery for all expenditures related to natural disasters. 112012 Final Page 1 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting POLICY STATEMENTS 1. Increasing taxes is an inappropriate means of balancing the State's budget. 2. The establishment of equitable, consistent, dependable, and predictable revenue streams with distribution formulas for local revenues that address equity are necessary for the stability of services provided by local government. Proposed funding allocations to counties must be based upon common factors (population, poverty statistics, caseload, or other objective measures of need) applied evenly among counties. 3. The shifting of tax revenues from the County to the State or other local entities harms Orange County's ability to serve its residents. 4. Counties must be given the authority, flexibility, and adequate funding to administer programs and service client needs within their local jurisdictions (no unfunded mandates). As examples, In-Home Supportive Services should be fully funded by the State and Federal governments to lessen the financial burden on local governments; and funding for property tax administration should be reinstated. 5. Realignment proposals must only include programs where counties have control over costs and program operations. 6. Federal maintenance of effort requirements as well as federal penalties and sanctions must remain the responsibility of the State and not passed on to local governments. 7. Homeland security and emergency response efforts shall be coordinated among the federal, state, and local governments with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each. & The State and/or Federal government shall provide full cost recovery for counties and cities for all mandates. State/or federally funded programs (such as Santa Ana River Project, State Child Health Insurance program (CHIP), medical research, housing, law enforcement, older adults and workforce investment, etc.) require adequate and continuous funding. 9. Support collaborative solutions in addressing regional issues and completion of vital flood control, beach erosion control, and watershed projects such as the Santa Ana River Mainstem Project (including Prado Dam), Santa Ana River Interceptor Line (SARI) relocation, Aliso Creek, Mainstem Project, Orange County Beach Erosion Control Project, and other projects as may be appropriate. 112012 Final Page 2 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 10. Orange County will support measures that protect the public against disease and disability and promote health. 11. Funding for alternatives to incarceration, including probation monitoring, that are cost effective and do not endanger the general public shall be pursued. 12. Housing: a. Adequate housing is necessary for economic stability. Parity should be sought between the number of jobs and the availability of housing. The Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) should identify realistically the housing elements needed to achieve fair distribution of housing requirements and should provide for the transfer of housing allocations when annexation or incorporation occur. RHNA should never be used to punitively impact the funding of local government. b. Support removal or minimization of barriers to housing production, including fiscal reform for local government to address disincentives for residential development. c. Support the efforts of County water agencies to insure that an adequate water supply exists for potential development in unincorporated areas and the incorporated cities of Orange County. d. Support the removal of barriers to local flexibility in the administration and allocation of federal homeless assistance funding, so as to allow the County to direct these funds toward innovative programs that will meet the specific needs of its homeless population. 13. Water Resources: a. State — promote coordinated effort between state, County and regional agencies to allow for increased local control for project implementation. b. Federal — increase programs and funding opportunities for purchasing of coastal habitat and resource conservation, preservation and maintenance. Support federal funding for beach nourishment and erosion control for all Orange County shoreline from the mouth of the San Gabriel River to San Mateo Creek. Support sharing of Federal Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) revenues with coastal states to support conservation and wildlife protection programs. c. Local, State and Federal — support state and federal grants for Clean Water Act and Porter-Cologne Act and collaborate on watershed management strategies. d. Support consistent regulatory efforts and oversight within Orange County boundaries. 14. Promote business retention (through insurance, healthcare, and workers' compensation reform) and consider incentives to attract new business. 112012 Final Page 3 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 15. Protect local decision-making and accountability for County Proposition 10 Commissions when statewide financial reporting and fiscal practices are established. 16. El Toro — The local land use decision made regarding MCAS, El Toro and its reuse should be upheld. The County of Orange is opposed to any attempt to change the land use and to the creation of a regional airport authority to place an airport at MCAS, El Toro. 17. Support policies that maximize local control over solid waste management and operational efficiencies at solid waste facilities, and minimize burdensome and duplicative regulation by the state. The County supports measures that maintain and expand existing diversion credits. 18. Implementation of the reauthorized Voting Rights Act should reexamine multilingual ballot requirements to ease unfunded mandates on counties. The regulations should have specific and reasonable fluency thresholds. 19. Support a public safety system that includes local law enforcement services, crime prevention, prosecution of crime, confinement of high-risk and juvenile offenders, and supervision of adults and juveniles placed on court ordered formal probation. 20. Support measures that enhance the quality, affordability, capacity, accessibility, and safety of child care and development programs. 21. Support Completion of the 241 Tollroad, as it affects all transportation decisions as well as Air Quality Management Districts (AQMD) measurements for the County. 22. Support legislative or administrative changes to clarify the requirements for regulatory permits for the maintenance of flood control and drainage facilities, including mitigation requirements; and for streamlining the process when maintenance permits are required. 23. Support legislation that educates, promotes incentives, and provides information to the residents, builders, and businesses of Orange County regarding the adoption, use, and economic benefits of green technology, recycled products and eco-friendly products. 24. Support legislation that ensures Health Care Reform is revenue-neutral to the Health Care Agency and Social Services Agency and allows these agencies to carry out its mandated services and County responsibilities with no increase in Net County Cost. 112012 Final Page 4 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting 25. Pursue the possibility of maximizing the capacity and efficiency of the County's Cogeneration (Cogen) and Central Plant facility by providing its excess load to other governmental agencies within the Santa Ana Civic Center. 26. State water quality regulatory framework: a. Support a change in the California Water Code to bring ex parte communication for the members of the State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards in line with other state boards and commissions. b. Support revisions to the limitation on a board member's income restrictions so that individuals who receive income from an entity subject to waste discharge requirements may serve on the State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards but must recuse themselves from matters pertaining to any entity in which they have a direct or indirect financial interest. 27. Workforce Investment Act (WIA): a. Support the reauthorization of the WIA. b. Support WIA reauthorization provisions that allow Orange County to retain local control in the areas of service delivery design and expenditures. c. Support WIA reauthorization provisions that promote and incentivize regional planning and service delivery. d. Support a WIA reauthorization provision that continues to require oversight Boards to be led by a majority of locally appointed business representatives. e. Oppose any efforts to remove local control provisions allowed under existing legislation at the Federal or State level. 28. Support legislation that promotes renewable energy and alternative technology projects by minimizing burdensome requirements. 112012 Final Page 5 ITEM NO. 5.11 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2013 Subject: Director's & Acting General Manager Fees & Expense Report ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: Travel Expenses 2012- 13.xlsx 4th Qrtr Travel & Expense Report Backup Material Qtrly Report 2012- 13.xlsx 4th Quarter Report for FY 2012 -13 Backup Material FY 2012 -13 YTD Report.xlsx YTD Report - FY 2012 -13 Backup Material M r N r O N LL LL O w LU H a CI H = U ~ � p F- O y LL M Q � o �Oci LU LL LU ~ J z F- LU , p Q J z(�� J z Q H �O Oa �a LU U) z LU CL X LU Q z a J W a F- f� O F- 0 F- 0 i NIH r_ O J N d r> i Q O F-u O J CL d l L E M z Q N H Q J n� l C7 Q L O v L_ Q O 00 1,. 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W H C) H a �c)Oco0� ~ O o2E I� o� aQ o0 I- L U L H L to D e s W a a a � o � Z J L a � m � � F O � J m ) N N r O N a W � J a U i Cl) LL. J a 0 J LU J Z � J aY = z U 0 U U W J a H O H m N Z O I- J W LU W J Y to Z a x H H W J O U W CD 9 W W m 00 O O 'IT O 11* O CC O C) O O O O 00 O 00 O O O 00 O LO N O 1• N C) N O O C1 N CC O CC O N O — L!i M L!i 0 0 0 0 O O O O � � V CO 07 CO 00 O O O O O co O O O LO N O 1- a) a) CO C. CO C. N O N O 69 � O � O � � ecD ecD V N co CN LO CC O O N O N O N O N M CO CD a O 00 O � O � O W) 00 N N 00 O 00 O r 69 EFT — N N 69 Ef-3 E9 EFT 69 EFT M LO M m O O O — O — O O N N V — O O 11* V 11* V V O O N O N O ti 00 N N C" C" r 69 EFT — N — N 69 eR E9 EFT E9 EFT M 1` M O O CC O CC O CC O N M N — C) LO O 00 V M V M 'j- C" O — O — O — O M 00 ow N O O EA 69 EfT 49 � E9 � N N CO m O O O O O O O O O N co O co LO O O 1- O 1- O 4^ Ef-3 69 Ef-3 E9 EFT Cl V CO LO LO LO W) O O LO O LO O LO O N l!') O ti O N O O O W O O LO 00 � - CD - o 69 ER 4^ ER 4^ ER 00 W U Z W ry W D LL H O Np W o25 p to W N W W z W w a w LU W X LU p p 0 W D a U w U W p p 0 p !XG w 0 a' 0 Z p W W W 00 LU LLJ co a Lu W W w W w a W w W Q U) Q ° W � a W co Q a w w w Z W U Z z CM`) to Ur fn 0 Lu m W LL. LLLJ W X J X X W W W 2Ej W W Z W M O LL Z O ~ W °� W W ca 025 LU W LL. W U O U Z W Z fn (n cn W LU W W cn W U W W W W W Q� OO ~~ -j 06 Lu LU J Q O Z LL O� LL- LL LU W >> W J J J W U` 0 L.L LL W 2 H W W W H a H H a w o 0 0 w� w 0 O 1 o 1 O F- O U a U Q O O F AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 20, 2013 ITEM NO. 5.12 Subject: Status of Strategic Plan Initiatives ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: EAO - Strategic Plan Trackinq.xlsx July 2013 Strategic Plan Initiatives Backup Material Strategic Plan Initiatives Status Report Executive - Administrative - Organizational Committee Strategies Start Date Completion lead Party July 2013 Date Progress CP 1: Increase Brand Reco nition within the Communit Have Board of Directors and YLWD Attendance at Staff Attend More Immediately BOD/ / standing CP 1 -C Local and Regional following Nov- On -going Staff Staff inteI a Events and Inter- 2010 election 1 meetings meetings governmental Meetings CP 2: Increase Public Awareness of Water and Wastewater Related Issues (3) Customer received a rebate Provide Financial for Rotating Incentives and Nozzles and /or CP 2 -A Rebates for Water Use Jul -11 On -going BOD /GM /PIO WBIC. MWDOC Efficiency Turf Removal Program & Synthetic Turf Program tabled. Consider Participation in the California Committee Opted Urban Water CP 2 -C Conservation Sep -11 Dec -11 GM Not to Move Council's Best Forward Management Practices Enhance the District's CP 2 -D Regional Water and On -going On -going BOD /GM /Staff On -going Wastewater Industry Participation WE 1: Retain a Highlv Skilled and Ca able Workforce Attended Groundwater Producers Meeting, Water Encourage Staff Use Efficiency Participation in Meetign & Public WE 1 -F Professional On -going On -going General Manager Affairs Meeting. Organizations and Attended Local Civic Groups quarterly OC Water Operations Managers Association meeting. WE 3: Enhance Em to ee Relations Implement a Program On -Hold due to WE 3 -A to Recognize Jul -11 Sep -11 EPIC Committee higher priority Employees for Staff projects in Excellence process WE 3 -13 Conduct Quarterly All- Jul -11 Quarterly General Manager Scheduled for Hands Meetings August 28, 2013 Continue to WE 3 -C Encourage Employee On -going On -going General Manager On -going Training in Leadership and Technology SR 2: Ex lore Service Bound O ortunities Evaluate Feasibility of SR 2 -A Providing Additional Jul -11 Jun -12 General Manager On -going Water Services with the Region Evaluate Feasibility of SR 2 -13 Providing Additional Jul -11 Jun -12 General Manager On -going Wastewater Services with the Region Evaluate Feasibility of SR 2 -C Providing Other Jul -11 Jun -12 General Manager On -going Professional Services with the Region SR 1: Work Toward Service Reliability and Efficiency Continue with Efforts Final EIR is to Annex District scheduled to be SR 1 -A Service Area to Orange On -going On -going General Manager submitted to County Water District OCWD Board in September 2013 Engage with Regional SR 1 -C Agencies on Water On -going On -going General Manager N/A Supply Issues Update of Emergency Strengthen Existing Emergency Response Plan in SR 1 -D Emergency Operations On -going On -going Operations process .Safety Partnerships Coordinator / GM and Training Coordinator position opened for application. FR 3: Identify and DeveloID3 Additional Revenue O tions On -going Research and Obtain assessment FR 3 -A Grant Funding On -going On -going General Manager through Whenever Feasible Townsend Public Affairs OE 2: Address Inefficiencies Identified in the Self- Assessment Survey Revised from Identify Core EPIC Committee Included in OE 2 -A Inefficiencies Jul -11 Jun -12 to Koff & Assoc. Operations & for O &E Study E Efficiency Study Revised from Included in Develop Measurable EPIC Committee OE 2 -13 Productivity Goals Aug -11 Jun -12 to Koff & Assoc. Operations & for O &E Study Efficiency Study E Revised from Engage Employees in EPIC Committee Included in OE 2 -C Methods of Addressing Sep -11 Jun -12 to Koff & Assoc. Operations & Inefficiencies for O &E Study Efficiency Study OE 3: Consider Utilization of a Peer Review Surve Determine the Cost Management Completed at Feb OE 3 -A Benefit Ratio of a Peer Jul -11 Sep -11 Analyst 2012 Meeting Review Survey Establish a Team to Opted Not to OE 3 -13 Determine the Focus Sep -11 Oct -11 EPIC Committee Move Forward of the Survey with Peer Review Survey Institute Guidelines Opted Not to OE 3 -C for Areas to Be Sep -11 Dec -11 EPIC Committee Move Forward Addressed with Peer Review Survey