HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-19 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes2013 -241
Thursday, December 19, 2013, 2:00 p.m.
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870
The December 19, 2013 Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors Special
Meeting was called to order by President Melton at 2:00 p.m. The meeting was
held in the Board/Training Room at the District's Administration Building located
at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870.
President Melton led the pledge.
Gary T. Melton, President
Robert R. Kiley, Vice President
Michael J. Beverage
Ric Collett
Phil Hawkins
Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager
John DeCriscio, Operations Manager
Gina Knight, Human Resources and Risk Manager
Delia Lugo, Finance Manager
Art Vega, Acting IT Manager
Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary
Art Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP
Daniel Mole, Chair, YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee
Report from YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee Regarding Draft of
Organizational Performance Review — Provided by Chair, Daniel Mole
Mr. Mole provided a report to the Board regarding comments received
from members of the Citizens Advisory Committee related to the content
of the study. He noted that Mr. Lindon Baker had submitted several
questions which were then forwarded to Koff & Associates for response.
He stated that overall the study didn't seem to reveal any issues that the
Board wasn't already aware of. Mr. Mole noted that the Board has had to
take a more hands on approach in the management of the District due to
the absence of a General Manager. He further stated that the District's
rates were reasonable, its customers were happy, and that YLWD was a
safe organization.
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The Board then discussed a few of the issues touched on in the study
including staffing allocations and roles of the Board and General Manager.
Mr. Kidman briefly commented on the responsibilities of the Board and
General Manager. He also noted that the General Manager's position was
missing from the org chart on page 10 and did not appear in the Human
Resources org chart on page 33 even though this position was
responsible for the employment of District personnel. Director Kiley noted
that copies of the comparator agencies' org charts were not included with
the study. Director Beverage commented on the proposed ideal org chart
explaining that Koff was recommending the placement of an
Administrative Services Director over the Human Resources, Information
Technology and Finance Departments in order to increase organizational
efficiency. He also commented on Koff's suggestion to centralize the
District's purchasing efforts. Mr. Mole stated that he thought that the
District may be management heavy compared to the total number of
employees. Director Beverage expressed his gratitude for Mr. Mole's
leadership and service on the Citizens Advisory Committee. Director
Melton also thanked Mr. Mole for his dedication and asked that he please
pass on the Board's appreciation to the Committee members.
Mr. Mole left the meeting at this time.
Mr. Kidman asked if the final draft of the report was to be presented to the
Board at a later time for acceptance. Director Beverage explained that the
Ad Hoc Committee would be working with Koff regarding additional
revisions resulting from the comments being provided at this meeting.
5.2. Final Draft of Organizational Performance Review
The Board then determined to invite each of the Department Manager's
individually into the meeting to provide their comments regarding their
Department's respective section of the study.
Engineering Department
Mr. Conklin joined the meeting at this time. He stated that he felt the
Engineering Department was operating appropriately when fully staffed.
At this time, Mr. Conklin is filling both the Acting General Manager and
Engineering Manager positions. He noted that alternative plans have
been made for the duties assigned to the Engineering Secretary position.
He also indicated that one of the positions for Engineering Technician II
will continue to remain unfilled. The incumbent in the Project Coordinator
position will soon be retiring. Staff determined that the District has a long
term need for this position however the title will be renamed to "Associate
Engineer" prior to being opened for recruitment. Mr. Conklin then
responded to questions from the Board regarding the filling of key
positions, the Engineering Department's org chart, and improvements to
communications between the Engineering and Operations Departments
related to project design and construction. Director Beverage noted that
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the Project Coordinator's title in the org chart on page 24 would need to be
updated to Associate Engineer. Mr. Conklin left the meeting at this time.
Finance Department
Mrs. Lugo joined the meeting at this time. She noted that some of the
comments made by staff during the interview process may have been
interpreted incorrectly in the study. She stated that once fully staffed, the
Finance Department would operate sufficiently. At this time the Senior
Accountant position is vacant and staff does not see the need to fill the
fifth Meter Read I position. She mentioned that all departments would
greatly benefit with help of a "floating" clerical position to help with filing
and other duties. Mrs. Lugo commented on plans for the upcoming
budget process with the expectation that a final draft would be presented
to the Board at the end of May 2014. Mrs. Lugo then pointed out that the
statement on page 29 regarding significant turnover in Accounting due to
the required amount of overtime was inaccurate. Previous staff members
in this division actually left due to retirement or for offers of employment
with higher compensation. Mrs. Lugo further noted that some of the
statements regarding the Cogsdale system on page 30 were also
incorrect. Staff has been working with the vendor regarding some issues
which aren't considered to be exceedingly problematic or exposing the
District to potential risk. Mrs. Lugo then responded to questions from the
Board regarding the Cogsdale system, staff training and meter
replacement. She then stated that she felt that standard operating
procedures needed to be completed for all positions, that centralizing the
purchasing function would be highly useful, and that staff would benefit
from the formation of a "technology forum." This group could help train
personnel on existing technological resources available at the District.
Mrs. Lugo left the meeting at this time.
A recess was declared at 3:45 a.m.
The meeting was reconvened at 3:55 p.m.
Human Resources Department
Mrs. Knight joined the meeting at this time. She clarified that the Human
Resources Clerk position identified in the org chart on page 33 was
actually serving as a clerical "floater" in various departments. She also
stated that the number of full time employees in the Human Resources
departments of several of the comparator agencies were actually higher
than as noted in the report. These inaccuracies make it appear as if the
District's HR department may be overstaffed. Mrs. Knight then responded
to questions from the Board regarding the potential for the HR Department
to develop District wide policies and procedures as well as update the
current job descriptions. Mrs. Knight left the meeting at this time.
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Information Technology Department
Mr. Vega joined the meeting at this time. Mr. Vega clarified that the use of
the term "crash" in reference to a system issue as used in the study was
incorrect. He then explained that he had been filling both the Acting IT
Manager and Information Systems Administrator positions for quite some
time now. The GIS Technician is also currently serving as the Acting GIS
Administrator as the former incumbent recently accepted a position with
another agency. Staff is working with a vendor to update the District's GIS
Master Plan before taking action to fill this vacancy. Staff is also
considering the possibility of renaming the job title for this position to GIS
Analyst instead of GIS Administrator. Mr. Vega stated that it was very
difficult for him to fill both roles he has had to work overtime on a regular
basis. He then responded to questions from the Board regarding the
Cogsdale system, policies and procedures for the IT Department, the
Department's org chart, and the possibility of hiring an in -house
electrician. Mr. Vega noted that he would like to consider moving the GIS
Division under the IS Administrator and that he was in favor of hiring an in-
house electrician that could be shared with the Operations Department.
Mr. Vega left the meeting at this time.
Operations Department
Mr. DeCriscio joined the meeting at this time. Mr. DeCriscio stated that he
has been looking into restructuring the Department in order to balance out
the staffing ratios between Divisions. This would also facilitate cross -
training which is very helpful in the event of an emergency. Mr. DeCriscio
noted that the comment regarding staff being required to bring their own
tools was inaccurate. He then responded to questions from the Board
regarding current staffing levels, meter replacement, and coordination with
the Engineering Department. Mr. DeCriscio left the meeting at this time.
5.3. Additional Proposals Requested from Koff & Associates
Copies of proposals to conduct a classification study, develop Human
Resources policies, and develop a succession plan were included in the
agenda packet. No discussion regarding these documents took place at
this time.
6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:05 p.m. The next Regular Board of
Directors Meeting will be held Monday, December 23, 2013 at 8:30 a.m.
Annie Alexander
Assistant Board Secretary