HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-03 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda '"Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING - ENGINEERING - OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, March 3, 2014, 10:00 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Michael J. Beverage John DeCriscio, Operations Manager 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 4.1. Draft FY 14/15 Engineering Department Budget 4.2. Draft FY 14/15 Operations Department O &M Budget 4.3. Water Operating Plan for Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 4.4. Status of OCWD Annexation Process (Verbal Report) 4.5. Status of Cielo Vista and Esperanza Hills Development Projects (Verbal Report) 4.6. Siting of Wells 21 and 22 (Verbal Report) 4.7. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 4.8. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 4.9. Monthly Production Summary Report (To be provided at the meeting.) 4.10. Groundwater Producer Meeting Report 4.11. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress 4.12. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The next Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Prepared By: Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Dept: Subject: Draft FY 14/15 Engineering Department Budget DISCUSSION: ITEM NO. 4.1 Engineering The Engineering Department proposes to decrease its Supplies and Services budget for Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 by 2 %, to $170,273. The largest portion of this decrease is in contractual services, related to Hidden Hills. The Engineering Department consists of four sections, Administration, Planning & Design, Construction, and Water Quality. Of the total department budget, 53% relates to the Water Quality Section, with microbiological examination, distribution system disinfection monitoring, and State Department of Public Health fee accounting for most all of the section's budget. The Planning & Design Section has 42% of the budget, most of which relates to consulting services for the additional environmental mitigation at Hidden Hills, as well as cathodic protection and underground service alerts. The Construction Section has 5% of the budget, most of which relates to non - capital equipment. Lastly, the Administration Section accounts for less than 1 % of the total department budget. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1 -B: Prepare a High Level Annual Budget Document and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Compete for Recognition by the Government Finance Officers Association ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Ena S S Comparison.xlsx Engineering Supplies & Services Comparison Backup Material 4010 FY 2015 Budaet.pdf 4010 Budget Backup Material 4020 FY 2015 Budaet.pdf 4020 Budget Backup Material 4030 FY 2015 Budaet.pdf 4030 Budget Backup Material 4040 FY 2015 Budaet.pdf 4040 Budget Backup Material Engineering Department Supplies & Services Comparison FY 2013/14 FY 2014/15 Budget Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 111,380 $ 96,160 Dues & Memberships $ 3,063 $ 2,963 Fees & Permits $ 27,875 $ 28,050 Materials $ 2,000 $ 2,000 Non - Capital Equipment $ 1,400 $ 5,000 Office Expense $ 2,450 $ 2,950 Professional Services $ 20,000 $ 26,000 Professional Development $ 2,950 $ 3,850 Travel & Conferences $ 3,300 $ 3,300 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 174,418 $ 170,273 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Eng (Admin) (4010) FY 2015 Primary GL Category M Sub Acct No./Sub Category M Detail Item Description w 1- 4010 - 0640 -00 $300 1- 4010 - 0640 -00 300 Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions 300 Dues, Memberships, & DUES,MEMBERSHIPS,SUBSCRIPTI Subscriptions ONS (E) 1- 4010 - 0810 -00 $200 1- 4010 - 0810 -00 200 Training 200 Professional Development Training 1- 4010 - 0830 -00 $800 1- 4010 - 0830 -00 800 Travel & Conferences 800 Travel & Conferences TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $1,300 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Eng (Planning & FY 2015 Design) (4020) Primary GL Category Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1- 4020 - 0600 -00 $35,000 1- 4020 - 0600 -00 35,000 The Chambers Group (Hidden Hills) 35,000 Contractual Services Contractual Services 1- 4020 - 0645 -00 $6,050 1- 4020 - 0645 -00 4,050 OCWD/ Well 21 Lease Agreement Fee 4,050 Fees & Permits Fees & Permits 4020 - 0645 -20 2,000 USA Underground Service Alerts 2,000 USA Underground Service Alerts F1- 1- 4020 - 0640 -00 $500 1- 4020 - 0640 -00 500 AWWA 250 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions ASCE 250 1- 4020 - 0760 -00 $1,800 1- 4020 - 0760 -00 1,500 Office Expense 1,500 Office Expense Office Expense 1- 4020 - 0760 -30 300 Library Reference Books 300 Books & Publications 1- 4020 - 0780 -00 $26,000 1- 4020 - 0780 -00 3,000 Cathodic Protection Consulting Services 3,000 Professional Services Professional Services 1- 4020 - 0780 -36 15,000 Water Consulting Services 15,000 Professional Serviices - Water Related 1- 4020- 0780 -39 8,000 Sewer Consulting Services 8,000 Professional Services - Sewer Related 1- 4020 - 0810 -00 $1,000 1- 4020 - 0810 -00 1,000 AWWA 500 Professional Development Professional Development Certification Courses 500 1- 4020- 0830 -00 $500 1- 4020- 0830 -00 500 Cathodic Protection 500 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences Section Total $70,850 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Eng (Construction) FY 2015 (4030) Primary GL Category Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Detail Item Description 1- 4030 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions $500 1- 4030 - 0640 -00 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions 500 Construction Management Association of America 350 AWWA 150 1- 4030 - 0750 -00 Non - Capital Equipment $5,000 1- 4030 - 0750 -00 Non - Capital Equipment 5,000 Inspection Related Tools & Equipment 1,400 Locator 3,600 1- 4030 - 0760 -00 Office Expense $850 1- 4030 - 0760 -00 Office Expense 350 Office Supplies 350 1- 4030 - 0760 -30 Books & Publications 500 Code Books 500 1- 4030 - 0810 -00 Professional Development $1,800 1- 4030 - 0810 -00 Professional Development 1,800 Inspector Certification 1,200 Training 600 Section Total $8,150 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Eng (Water Quality) FY 2015 (4040) Primary GL Category Category Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category I Detail Item Description 1- 4040 - 0600 -00 $61,160 1- 4040 - 0600 -00 3,000 System Disinfection /Blending 3,000 Contractual Services CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (E) 1- 4040 - 0600 -12 350 Backflow Device Repair 350 Backflow Device Rep 1- 4040 - 0600 -25 5,590 Distribution System Disinfection 5,590 Distrubution System Disinfection 1- 4040 - 0600 -50 220 220 Uniforms 1- 4040 - 0600 -60 52,000 Microbiological Examination 52,000 Microbiological Examination 1- 4040 - 0640 -00 $1,663 1- 4040 - 0640 -00 1,663 American Academy of Environmental Engineers (Nguye 100 Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions Dues, Memberships, & Subscriptions ABPA (Maldonado) 100 Water Purveyor Membership 1,000 American Society of Civil Engineers (Nguyen) 225 AWWA (Nguyen) 238 1- 4040 - 0645 -00 $22,000 1- 4040 - 0645 -10 22,000 Dept. of Health Services 22,000 Fees & Permits Dept of Health Services 1- 4040 - 0710 -00 $2,000 1- 4040 - 0710 -20 2,000 Wtr Quality Test Reagents 2,000 Materials Wtr Quality Test Kit Reagents 1- 4040 - 0760 -00 $300 1- 4040 - 0760 -30 300 AWWA Books 300 Office Expense Books & Publications 1 -4040- 0810 -00 $850 1- 4040 - 0810 -00 850 Training 850 Professional Development Professional Development 1- 4040 - 0830 -00 $2,000 1- 4040- 0830 -00 2,000 Travel and Conferences 2,000 Travel & Conferences TRAVEL & CONFERENCES (E) Section Total $89,973 Meeting Date To: From: Presented By: Prepared By Subject: DISCUSSION: AGENDA REPORT March 3, 2014 Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Budgeted Funding Source: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: CEQA Compliance: Draft FY 14/15 Operations Department O &M Budget ITEM NO. 4.2 N/A N/A Operations N/A N/A The Operations Department proposes to increase its Supplies and Services budget for Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 by 3 %, to $ 1,699,600 from $1,653,500 in FY13/14. The largest portion of this increase is related to Contract Services and Materials. . We are proposing Contract Services to go up by $22,600 from $153,900 in FY 13/14 to $176,500 in FY 14/15. Much of this is due to under - budgeting in the previous year for some of these services. Additionally the current contracts for Landscape Maintenance and for Uniforms are expected to increase by the Consumer Price Index approximately 1 %. The uniform contract was under budgeted in the previous year and is currently projected to be over budget. We are proposing Materials to go up by $65,400 from $548,500 in FY 13/14 to $613,900 in FY 14/15. Approximately $20,000 in additional Valve and Sewer Lid adjustments are expected as part of the City of Yorba Linda Paving projects. Additional large increases are related to the chlorine pump rebuilds scheduled for this year and the hydrant repair crew is currently projected to go over budget by $15,000. The Operations Department consists of six divisions, Administration, Water Operations and Maintenance, Sewer Operations and Maintenance, Water Production, Mechanical Services and Facilities Maintenance. Of the total department budget, 3% relates to Administration, Water Operation Division has 42 %, Sewer Division has 11 %, Water Production Division has 7 %, Mechanical Services Division has 19 %, and Facilities Maintenance Division has 18% . ATTACHMENTS: Name: OPS 2015 Department Budget Summarv.xlsx 5010 FY 2015 Budget.xlsx 5020 FY 2015 Budget.xlsx Description: Operations Department Budget Summary 5010 5020 Type: Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material 5030 FY 2015 Budciet.xlsx 5030 Backup Material 5040 FY 2015 Budget.xlsx 5040 Backup Material 5050 FY 2015 Budget.xlsx 5050 Backup Material 5060 FY 2015 Budaet.xlsx 5060 Backup Material Operations Budget Document Proposed For Fiscal Year 2014/15 FY 2014/15 FY 2013/14 Proposed Budget Budget Expenses (Operating) Supplies & Services Communications $ 500 $ 500 Contractual Services $ 153,900 $ 176,500 Dues & Memberships $ 700 $ 700 Fees & Permits $ 37,900 $ 37,050 Materials $ 548,500 $ 613,900 District Activities & Events $ 1,500 $ 1,200 Maintenance $ 393,900 $ 362,600 Non - Capital Equipment $ 34,100 $ 32,100 Office Expense $ 9,500 $ 7,500 Professional Services $ - $ - Training $ 10,900 $ 12,750 Travel & Conferences $ 4,150 $ 5,600 Utilities $ 90,800 $ 90,800 Vehicle Expense $ 367,150 $ 358,400 Supplies & Services Sub -Total $ 1,653,500 $ 1,699,600 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Ops (Admin) (5010) FY 2015 Primary GL Category--�ategory Total Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Detail Item Description Detail 1 -5010- 0600 -00 $30,0001 -5010- 0600 -50 Total 30,000 Uniforms (District wide) 30,000 Contractual Services Uniforms 1 -5010- 0710 -00 $12,000 1 -5010- 0710 -65 12,000 PPE Equipment 12,000 Materials Uniforms 1 -5010- 0715 -00 $1,2001 -5010- 0715 -50 1,200 Meeting Supplies 1,200 District Activities and Events Meeting Supplies 1 -5010- 0760 -00 $7,500 1 -5010- 0760 -00 2,000 Misc Supplies 2,000 Office Expense Office Expense 1 -5010- 0760 -10 400 Paper Supplies 400 Paper 1 -5010- 0760 -20 2,000 Printer Ink 2,000 Printer Ink 1 -5010- 0760 -30 100 Manuals /Books /Magazines 100 Books & Publications 1 -5010- 0760 -40 3,000 Breakroom Supplies 3,000 Breakroom Supplies 1 -5010- 0810 -00 $700 1 -5010- 0810 -00 500 Training 500 Training Training 1 -5010- 0810 -40 200 Certificate Reimbursement 200 Certificate Reimbursment 1- 5010 - 0830 -00 $1,200 1 -5010- 0830 -10 1,200 AWWA Fall Conference 1,200 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences Section Total $52,600 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Ops (Water Ops & FY 2015 Maintenance) (50201 Primary GL Category Category-rotal Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Detail Description Detail 1 -5020- 0645 -00 $21,600 1 -5020- 0645 -25 Total 2,100 NPDES Deminimus (RWQCB) 2,100 Fees & Permits NPDES /RWQCB 1 -5020- 0645 -45 14,000 Landfill (Orange County & Dan Coop) 14,000 Landfill (Orange County & Dan Copp) 1 -5020- 0645 -55 5,500 Encroachment Permits 5,500 Encroachment Permits 1 -5020- 0710 -00 $477,000 1 -5020- 0710 -05 27,500 Road Material 27,500 Materials Road Material 1 -5020- 0710 -13 3,000 Air -Vac parts 3,000 Air -Vac Parts 1 -5020- 0710 -15 18,000 Cla Valve Parts 18,000 Cla -Valve Parts 1 -5020- 0710 -25 75,000 Hydrant Repair Parts 75,000 Hydrant Repair Parts 1 -5020- 0710 -30 65,000 Valve Repair Parts 65,000 Valve Repair Parts 1 -5020- 0710 -36 10,000 City of Yorba Linda Valve Adjustments 10,000 City of Yorba Linda Valve Adjustments 1 -5020- 0710 -40 140,000 Replacement Meters 140,000 Replacement Meters 1 -5020- 0710 -50 10,000 MXU's 10,000 Replacement MXU 1 -5020- 0710 -55 9,000 Meter Boxes /Lids /Vaults 9,000 Meter Boxes /Lids /Vaults 1 -5020- 0710 -60 6,500 Hardware Supplies 6,500 Hardware Supplies 1 -5020- 0710 -81 1,500 Welding Supplies 1,500 Welding Supplies 1 -5020- 0710 -85 7,000 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 7,000 Cleaning /Painting Supplies 1 -5020- 0710 -90 85,000 Water Service Repair Parts 85,000 Water Service Repair Parts 1 -5020- 0710 -94 12,000 Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 12,000 Miscellaneous Warehouse Parts 1 -5020- 0710 -96 2,500 Ready Mix Concrete 2,500 Ready Mix Concrete 1 -5020- 0710 -98 5,000 Landscape Supplies 5,000 Landscape Supplies 1 -5020- 0730 -00 $190,300 1 -5020- 0730 -00 5,000 Maintenance 5,000 Maintenance MAINTENANCE (E) 1 -5020- 0730 -66 150,000 Asphalt Paving 150,000 Asphalt Paving 1 -5020- 0730 -67 35,000 Concrete Repair 35,000 Concrete Repair 1 -5020- 0730 -72 300 Safety Equipment Repairs 300 Safety Equipment Repairs 1 -5020- 0750 -00 $10,000 1 -5020- 0750 -15 500 Equipment Rental 500 Non - Capital Equipment Equipment Rental 1 -5020- 0750 -30 8,500 Tool & Equipment 8,500 Tool & Equipment 1 -5020- 0750 -50 1,000 Traffic Cones, Barricades, and Signs 1,000 Safety Equipment 1 -5020- 0810 -00 $7,500 1 -5020- 0810 -00 6,100 Training 6,100 Training Training 1 -5020- 0810 -40 1,400 Certificate Reimbursement 1,400 Certificate Reimbursment 1 -5020- 0830 -00 $2,000 1 -5020- 0830 -10 2,000 AW WA Spring Conference (5 Empolyees) 2,000 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences Section Total $708,400 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Ops (Sewer Ops & FY 2015 Maintenance) (50301 Primary GL Category categoryrotal Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Detail Item Description Detail 2 -5030- 0580 -00 $500 2 -5030- 0580 -00 Total 500 FOG Materials 500 Communications COMMUNICATIONS (E) 2 -5030- 0640 -00 $300 2 -5030- 0640 -00 300 CWEA Memberships 300 Dues, Memberships, Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions 2 -5030- 0645 -00 $4,000 2 -5030- 0645 -20 1,000 1,000 Fees & Permits FOG Inspection & Fees (OCSD) 2 -5030- 0645 -30 2,000 WDR- SSO(SWRCB) 2,000 WDR - SSO (SWRCB) 2 -5030- 0645 -55 1,000 Encroachment Permits 1,000 Encroachment Permits 2 -5030- 0710 -00 $35,900 2 -5030- 0710 -60 900 Hardware Supplies 900 Materials Hardware Supplies 2 -5030- 0710 -86 10,000 City of Yorba Linda Manhole Adjustments 10,000 Hardware Supplies 2 -5030- 0710 -92 25,000 Sewer Main Repair Parts 25,000 Sewer Main Repair Parts 2 -5030- 0730 -00 $87,800 2 -5030- 0730 -59 60,000 Sewer Line Repairs 60,000 Maintenance Sewer Line Repairs 2 -5030- 0730 -65 7,000 Vector Control in Manholes 7,000 Vector Control In Manholes 2 -5030- 0730 -66 10,000 Asphalt Paving 10,000 Asphalt Paving 2 -5030- 0730 -67 500 Concrete Repair 500 Concrete Repair 2 -5030- 0730 -71 10,000 CCTV Repairs 10,000 CCTV Repairs 2 -5030- 0730 -72 300 Safety Equipment Repairs 300 Safety Equipment Repairs 2 -5030- 0750 -00 $9,500 2 -5030- 0750 -30 8,500 Tools & Equipment 8,500 Non - Capital Equipment Tools & Equipment 2 -5030- 0750 -50 1,000 Traffic Cones, Barricades, and Signs 1,000 Safety Equipment 2 -5030- 0810 -00 $2,200 2 -5030- 0810 -00 1,800 PACP Training Coourse 1,800 Training Training 2 -5030- 0810 -40 400 Certificate Reimbursement 400 Certificate Reimbursement 2 -5030- 0830 -00 $1,200 2 -5030- 0830 -10 1,200 PACP Conference 1,200 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences 2 -5030- 0870 -00 $800 2 -5030- 0870 -10 800 800 Utilities Electric 2 -5030- 0890 -00 $56,100 2 -5030- 0890 -46 25,000 OPS- Sewer Vehicle Maint 25,000 Vehicle Expenses Vehicle Expense: Sewer Vehicle Maintenance 2 -5030- 0890 -47 1,000 OPS - Sewer - Equipment Maintenance 1,000 Vehicle Expense: Sewer Equipment 2 -5030- 0890 -48 9,100 OPS - Sewer - Gas 9,100 Vehicle Expense: Sewer Gas 2 -5030- 0890 -49 21,000 OP S -Sewer-Diesel 21,000 Vehicle Expense: Sewer Diesel Section Total $198,300 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Ops (Water Production) FY 2014 (5040) Primary GL Category Categoryrotal -Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Detail item Description D-e-t aTrA R & 1 -5040- 0600 -00 $2,500 1 -5040- 0600 -25 2,500 Distribution System Disinfection 2,500 Contractual Services Distribution System Disinfection 1 -5040- 0640 -00 $400 1 -5040- 0640 -00 350 AW WA Memberships 350 Dues, Memberships, Dues, Memberships & Subscriptions 50 OCWA Memberships 50 Subscriptions 1 -5040- 0710 -00 $76,000 1 -5040- 0710 -17 4,000 Pump Parts 4,000 Materials Pump Repair Parts 1- 5040 - 0710 -35 14,000 CL2 Parts 14,000 CL2 Parts 1 -5040- 0710 -60 2,500 Hardware Supplies 2,500 Hardware Supplies 1 -5040- 0710 -75 35,000 Salt 35,000 Salt 1 -5040- 0710 -84 20,000 Valves, Gauges, AV, etc. 20,000 Production Repair Parts 1 -5040- 0710 -85 500 Cleaning /Painting Supplies 500 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 1 -5040- 0730 -00 $32,500 1 -5040- 0730 -05 4,500 CL2 System Service 4,500 Maintenance CL2 System Service 1 -5040- 0730 -10 5,000 Electrical Motor Repairs /Services 5,000 Electrical Motor Repairs 1 -5040- 0730 -20 10,000 Electric General Maintenance 10,000 Electrical General Maintenance 1 -5040- 0730 -24 2,000 Reservoir Repairs 2,000 Reservoir Repairs 1 -5040- 0730 -25 6,000 Reservoir Inspections & Cleaning 6,000 Reservoir Inspections & Cleaning 1 -5040- 0730 -75 5,000 Pump Station Repairs 5,000 Pump Station Repairs 1 -5040- 0750 -00 $3,500 1 -5040- 0750 -30 1,000 Tools & Equipment 1,000 Non - Capital Equipment Tools & Equipment 1 -5040- 0750 -90 2,500 Hoses / Fittings /Cabling for Pumps /Generators 2,500 Emergency Equipment Supplies 1 -5040- 0810 -00 $2,100 1 -5040- 0810 -00 1,500 Training 1,500 Training Training 1 -5040- 0810 -40 600 Certificate Reimbursment 600 Certificate Reimbursement 1 -5040- 0830 -00 $1,200 1 -5040- 0830 -10 1,200 AWWA Spring Conference (2 Employees) 1,200 Travel & Conferences Travel & Conferences Section Total 1 $118,200 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Ops (Mechanical FY 2015 Services) (5050) tal Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Acct Detail Item Description �- 1 -5050- 0645 -00 $9,950 1 -5050- 0645 -05 8,000 AQMD Permits 8,000 Fees & Permits AQMD Permits 1 -5050- 0645 -15 350 E.P.A. Fees 350 E.P.A.. Fees 1 -5050- 0645 -35 100 HAZ Mat Fees (OCFA) 100 Haz Mat Fees (OCFA) 1 -5050- 0645 -60 1,500 C.A.R.13 Fee 1,500 CARB Fees 1 -5050- 0710 -00 $4,000 1 -5050- 0710 -60 2,000 Hardware Supplies 2,000 Materials Hardware Supplies 1 -5050- 0710 -80 1,500 Mech. Shop Supplies 1,500 Mech. Shop Supplies 1- 5050- 0710 -81 500 Welding Supplies 500 Welding Supplies 1 -5050- 0750 -00 $8,000 1 -5050- 0750 -40 8,000 Misc Mech Shop Equipment /Tools 8,000 Non - Capital Equipment Mech Shop Equipment 1 -5050- 0810 -00 $250 1- 5050- 0810 -40 250 Certificate Reimbursment 250 Training Certificate Reimbursment 1 -5050- 0890 -00 $302,300 1 -5050- 0890 -20 13,200 Finance - Gas 13,200 Vehicle Expenses Finance - Gas 1 -5050- 0890 -21 4,000 Finance - Vehicle Maint 4,000 Finance - Vehicle Maint 1 -5050- 0890 -30 5,500 Engineering - Gas 5,500 Engineering - Gas 1- 5050- 0890 -31 2,000 Engineering - Vehicle Maint 2,000 Engineering - Vehicle Maint 1 -5050- 0890 -42 50,000 OPS Water Vehicle Maintenance 50,000 OPS - Water- Vehicle Maint 1- 5050- 0890 -43 5,000 OPS- Water Equipment Maintenance 5,000 OPS- Water- Equipement Maint 1 -5050- 0890 -44 63,000 OPS- Water - Gas 63,000 OPS - Water - Gas 1 -5050- 0890 -45 19,000 OPS - Water - Diesel 19,000 OPS - Water - Diesel 1 -5050- 0890 -50 2,000 OPS - Production Vehicle Maint 2,000 OPS - Production Vehicle Maint 1- 5050- 0890 -51 500 OPS - Production Equipment Maint 500 OPS - Production Equipment Maint 1 -5050- 0890 -52 12,000 OPS - Production - Gas 12,000 OPS - Production - Gas 1- 5050- 0890 -53 2,000 OPS Mech Svcs - Vehicle Maint 2,000 OPS - Mech Svcs - Vehicle Maint 1 -5050- 0890 -54 4,200 OPS - Mech Svcs - Gas 4,200 OPS - Mech Svcs - Gas 1 -5050- 0890 -55 1,000 OPS - Facilities - Vehicle Maint 1,000 OPS - Facilities - Vehicle Maint 1 -SOSO- 0890 -56 1,400 OPS - Facilities - Gas 1,400 OPS - Facilities - Gas 1- 5050- 0890 -57 1,000 OPS -Tool Repair 1,000 OPS -Tool Repair 1 -5050- 0890 -70 1,000 IT - Vehicle Maintenance 1,000 IT - Vehicle Maint 1 -5050- 0890 -71 3,000 IT -Gas 3,000 IT - Gas 1 -5050- 0890 -80 100,000 Stationary Engine Maint Stationary Engine Maint 1 -5050- 0890 -81 11,000 Stationary Engine Emissions Testing Stationary Engine Emissions Testing 1 -5050- 0890 -90 1,500 Haz Mat Disposal Hazardous Materials Disposal Section Total 1 $324,5001 1 1 Section Detail Expense Budget Dept /Section: Ops (Facilities FY 2015 Maintenance) (5060) Primary GIL Category Catego Sub Acct No./Sub Category Sub Ac Detail Description 1 -5060- 0600 -00 $144,000 1 -5060- 0600 -05 25,000 AC & Heating 25,000 Contractual Services AC & Heating 1 -5060- 0600 -29 5,500 Disposal Service 5,500 Disposal Service 1 -5060- 0600 -35 65,000 Janitorial Service 65,000 Janitorial Service 1 -5060- 0600 -40 45,000 Landscape Service 45,000 Landscape Service 1 -5060- 0600 -45 3,500 Pest Control Service 3,500 Pest Control Service 1 -5060- 0645 -00 $1,500 1 -5060- 0645 -35 1,500 Haz Mat Fees (OCFA), Permits 1,500 Fees & Permits Haz Mat Fees (OCFA) 1 -5060- 0710 -00 $9,000 1 -5060- 0710 -00 1,000 General Materials 1,000 Materials Materials 1 -5060- 0710 -10 2,500 Building Repair Parts 2,500 Building Repair Parts 1 -5060- 0710 -60 3,000 Hardware Supplies 3,000 Hardware Supplies 1 -5060- 0710 -85 2,000 General Cleaning /Painting Supplies 2,000 Cleaning/Painting Supplies 1 -5060- 0710 -98 500 Landscape Supplies 500 Landscape Supplies 1 -5060- 0730 -00 $52,000 1 -5060- 0730 -00 25,000 Misc Facility Maint (Doors, fences, etc.) 25,000 Maintenance Maintenance 1 -5060- 0730 -20 5,000 Electrical Repair Work 5,000 Electrical General Maintenance 1 -5060- 0730 -35 2,000 Fire Extinguisher Maint /Calibration 2,000 Fire Extinguisher Maint /Calibration 1 -5060- 0730 -50 10,000 Painting 10,000 Painting & Fencing 1 -5060- 0730 -66 5,000 Asphalt Paving 5,000 Asphalt Paving 1 -5060- 0730 -67 5,000 Concrete Repair 5,000 Concrete Repair 1 -5060- 0750 -00 $1,100 1 -5060- 0750 -00 100 General Tools /Parts 100 Non - Capital Equipment Non - Capital Equipment 1 -5060- 0750 -30 1,000 Tools & Equipment 1,000 Tools & Equipment 1 -5060- 0870 -00 $90,000 1 -5060- 0870 -10 90,000 Electric 90,000 Utilities Electric Section Total $297,600 ITEM NO. 4.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Budgeted: N/A To: Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Funding Source: N/A From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: John DeCriscio, Operations Dept: Operations Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: John DeCriscio, Operations CEQA Compliance: N/A Manager Subject: Water Operating Plan for Fiscal Year 2014 -2015 SUMMARY: In preparing the annual budget the Water Operations Department develops a Water Operating Plan. This year we are anticipating several key changes that will impact the ability to achieve the basin production percentage. These items will be discussed with the PEO committee in a verbal report. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 ITEM NO. 4.7 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report (To be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: M<,,,!e: Description: Type: Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior GW Production and Purchased Import Water Report.pdf Backup Material to the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 4.7. YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY FY 2013 -14 Allowable GW (YTD) 7,793.1 (AF) Underpumped 380.9 (AF) IN -LIEU GW (AF) ACTUAL GW (AF) ADJUSTED IMPORT (AF) TOTAL DEMAND (AF) MONTHLY GW ( %) YTD GW ( %) BUDGET (Demand Est.) (AF) DELTA ( %) MONTH Jul -13 1,286.5 1,105.4 2,391.8 53.8% 53.8% 2,477.9 -3.5% Aug -13 - 824.9 1,581.0 2,405.8 34.3% 44.0% 2,437.9 -1.3% Sep -13 - 762.2 1,521.2 2,283.4 33.4% 40.6% 2,139.0 6.8% Oct -13 45.0% 1,048.7 941.6 1,990.3 52.7% 43.2% 1,804.2 10.3% Nov -13 948.9 661.9 1,610.7 58.9% 45.6% 1,425.3 13.0% Dec -13 844.1 612.8 1,456.9 57.9% 47.1% 1,282.1 13.6% Jan -14 - 944.4 689.0 1,633.3 57.8% 48.4% 1,117.9 46.1% Feb -14 752.6 519.7 1,272.3 59.2% 49.3% 1,069.5 19.0% Mar -14 1,267.4 Apr -14 1,585.3 May -14 2,096.9 Jun -14 2,349.5 FYTD - 7,412.2 7,632.4 15,044.6 49.3% 13,753.9 9.4% Allowable GW (YTD) 7,793.1 (AF) Underpumped 380.9 (AF) GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 80.0% MONTHLY GW (% ) 75.0% tYTD GW (% ) 70.0% -BPP GOAL 51.8% 65.0% 60.0 % - 55.0% IL 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% Jul -13 Aug -13 Sep -13 Oct -13 Nov -13 Dec -13 Jan -14 Feb -14 Mar -14 Apr -14 May -14 Jun -14 Month 22,000 20,000 111 16,000 14,000 LL a 12,000 E 0 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 7-- 0 Jul -13 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 4.7. FY 2013 -14 YTD Water Supply Budgeted Total GW + Import --I&--Actual Total GW + Import —*--BPP GW Goal 51.8% Actual GW Production —0--Actual Total GW + Import 2012 -13 Aug -13 Sep -13 Oct -13 Nov -13 Dec -13 Jan -14 Feb -14 Mar -14 Apr -14 May -14 Jun -14 Month ITEM NO. 4.8 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Subject: Monthly Preventative Maintenance Report (To be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 2013 -14 PM.pdf Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 4.8. PREVENTATIVE AND REACTIVE MAINTENANCE FISCAL 2013/14 Fiscal 2013 -14 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 8% 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 75% 83% 92% 100% HYDRANTS (3,966) Target; all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 319 2851 2521 349 3451 105 381 322 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 319 6041 8561 1,205 1 1,550 1 1,655 1,693 1 2,015 % TOTAL 8.0% 15.2%1 21.6%1 30.4%1 39.1%1 41.7% 42.4% :018,`;, VALVES (11,822/2= 5,911) Target; all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 518 582 6441 654 6611 7301 859 641 OPERATED THIS YEAR 518 1100 1,7441 2,398 3,059 1 3,789 1 4,648 5,289 OF TOTAL 8.8 % 18.6%1 29.5%1 40.1% 51.8%1 64.1%1 78.6%. DEAD ENDS (155 X 2 = 310) Target; all dead ends to be flushed biannually. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 01 0 01 155 01 01 0 0 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 01 0 01 155 1551 1551 155 155 OF TOTAL 0.0%1 0.0%1 0.0%1 50.0% 50.0%1 50.0%1 50.0%. -' AIR VACS (499) Target; all air /vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 3 0 11 1 11 1051 400 4 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 3 3 41 5 61 1111 511 515 % TOTAL 0.6% 0.6%1 0.8%1 1.0% 1.2%1 22.2%1 102.4 % PRVs (150) Target; all PRVs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 101 18 111 2 1 1 141 34 24 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 101 28 391 41 431 571 91 115 OF TOTAL 1 6.7%1 18.7%1 26.0%1 27.3% 28.7%1 38.0%1 60.7%. "! WATER LEAKS Target; all leaks repaired at first available opportunity. MAIN REPAIRED 1 1 01 01 1 01 11 1 SERVICE REPAIRED 10 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 SERVICE REPLACED 11 15 181 291 12 121 ill 6 AMS REPLACED 12 11 101 151 12 101 91 7 METERS Target; all meter work completed no later than next working day. NEW INSTALL 13 1 33 1 31 30 19 1 101 101 30 STUCKS 1 41 41 21 51 161 51 91 10 SEWER CLEANING (235 M) Target; all sewers to be cleaned annually. CLEANED THIS MONTH 20.35 19.561 16.731 31.56 21.461 13.021 18.62 23.31 CLEANED THIS YEAR 20.35 39.911 56.641 88.20 109.661 122.681 165.69 189.00 OF TOTAL 8.70 % 16.98%1 24.10%1 37.53% 46.66%1 52.20%1 70.51% 80.43 SEWER TELEVISING (29.38M) Target; all sewers to be televised every 8 years. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 4.08 1 3.47 1 1.64 1 3.60 2.98 1 3.42 1 5.20 6.26 TELEVISED THIS YEAR 4.08 1 7.55 1 9.19 1 12.79 15.77 1 19.19 1 24.39 1 30.65 OF TOTAL 13.90%1 25.70%1 31.28%1 43.53%1 53.68%1 65.32%1 83.00 OTHER SEWER WORK. S.S. OVERFLOWS 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ROOT FOOTAGE 4,020 0 335 0 0 2,511 5,783 2,231 EMAs AND SYPHONS 4.46 2 3.12 1.23 2.32 6.35 0 2.42 SERVICE CALLS 3 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 REHAB FOOTAGE 0 0 0 0 498 491 0 0 MAIN REPAIRS 0 0 0 9 1 0 3 1 MANHOLE ROOT CLEANING 0 2191 1 21 6 3 6 8 MANHOLE REPAIRS 1 61 21 81 01 01 01 1 8 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 ITEM NO. 4.9 Subject: Monthly Production Summary Report (To be provided at the meeting.) ATTACHMENTS: „ Description: Type: Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Monthly Production Summary Report - February.pdf Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Monthly Production Summary Report DATE: February -2014 Water Production Equipment Name • Groundwater 59.90% • Import Water 40.10% Max Day Consumption 31.058 MG Min Day Consumption 8.708 MG Average Day 14.611 MG Weather Conditions Max Temperature 84 Min Temperature 58 # of High Wind Days 0 # of Red Flag Days 0 Inches of Rain 2.07" Water Quality Location Average Cl2 Dose Richfield (North Loop) 1.34 Mg /I Richfield (South Loop) 1.09 Mg /I Lakeview Booster (Zone 2) .90 Mg /l Lakeview Booster (Zone 3) 1.22 Mg /I Well # 15 1.09 Mg /l Well # 20 .68 Mg /l Location Average Cl2 Residual Highland Booster 1.14 Mg /I Valley View Booster 2.00 Mg /l Paso Fino Booster 2.29 Mg /l Hidden Hills Reservoir 1.73 Mg /l Camino de Bryant Reservoir 1.87 Mg /l Out of Service Equipment Equipment Name Reason for Out of Service Well 18 Fuel valve failure Well 19 VFD failure Well 11 & Well 20 C12 Analyzer feed line failure SCADA lVarious SCADA failures Returned to Service Equipment Name Date Well 11 & 20 2/26/2014 Water System Equipment Maintenance & Repairs Well 15 & 20 Cl2 equipment trouble shooting and testing Richfield Chemical feed pump rebuilds Well 11 & 20 Cl2 analyzer feed line repair Wells & Pump Stations Started SCE efficiency testing Notes: The Production Staff and SCE has started Efficiency Testing on the District wells and boosters. The Efficiency tests provided by SCE serve as a first stage indicator that a well or booster may be operating inefficiently and may require rehabilitation or repair in the near future. The testings serves as a fundamental tool of a proactive approach to scheduling and budgeting the maintenance of the wells and boostersand avoid unplanned failures of equipment. Meeting Date Subject: ATTACHMENTS: AGENDA REPORT March 3, 2014 Groundwater Producer Meeting Report Description: GWP Mtq Notes February 2014.docx GWP Meeting for Feb 2014 ITEM NO. 4.10 Type: Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District MEMORANDUM DATE: February 12, 2014 TO: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager FROM: John DeCriscio, Operations Manager SUBJECT: Groundwater Producers Meeting February 12, 2014 Steve Conklin and I attended the Groundwater Producers (GWP) meeting on February 12, 2014 at Orange County Water District (OCWD). A summary of the item discussed is as follows: 1. Accumulated Overdraft Update /Purchase Additional Water from Reserves: This year groundwater storage is expected to drop between 61,000 and 104,000 acre feet. In addition, OCWD is expecting Metropolitan Water District to make a request for the extraction of 25,000 acre feet of water it has in storage in the groundwater basin. This program, with YLWD as a participant, is referred to as the Conjunctive Use Program ( "CUP "). In an effort to mitigate a greater drop in the water level in the groundwater basin and reduce overall water purchase cost for the groundwater producers, OCWD is planning to expend $19.4 million from its Water Reserve Fund to purchase 29,000 acre feet of untreated import water. This water will be directly recharged into the groundwater basin by June of 2014. YLWD will lose approximately 2,000 acre feet of groundwater production when the CUP is called for next fiscal year. Additionally the lower amounts of natural recharged water have had a negative effect on the groundwater levels in the upper basin. 2. Fiscal Year 2014/15 RA and BPP estimates: OCWD reported that they are planning on using a "Commercial Paper" low- interest loan program to purchase an additional 25,000 acre feet of recharge water. They are using this loan program because the interest rate is very favorable at this time and they want to keep the RA down to an estimated $294 /acre foot for FY 2014 -15. The projection is for the BPP to be set to 72 %. 3. Consideration of purchasing additional Panattoni property: OCWD staff was directed by its Board to look into purchasing an addition piece of the Panattoni Property, in the vicinity of Miraloma and Kraemer. The though is that if this property is purchased and developed into a recharge basin, all Groundwater Replenishment System (GWRS) water can be recharged at new basins at the former Panattoni properties. In addition, under this scenario, the District's Miraloma basin could be used exclusively as an MWD import water recharge basin. The groundwater producers discussed the pros and cons of purchasing additional land for another recharge basin. The unanimous vote of the groundwater producers was that there be no purchase of additional Panattoni property because the current recharge capacities at Miraloma Basin and the existing Panattoni Basin are more than sufficient for GWRS and Import water recharge capacities. The producers would rather see the money spent to improve the mid -basin recharge areas, or other improvements. Next Meeting: Wednesday March 12, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. ITEM NO. 4.11 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: March 3, 2014 Subject: Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CIP Rept Mar2014.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 2012 Waterline Repl., Ph. II: Tamarisk, Hidden Board approved open trench Contractor will continue Project expected to be complete Hills, Catalina Ct., Gordon Ln. & Richfield Rd. install; TBU started work by to install pipe on the golf by April 2014. Budget: $1.17M Job No.: 201120 excavating to hilltop in golf course side, then move to Project Contact: Joe Polimino course and began pipe Sunwood Ln. slope. Planned Completion: Early 2014 installation. 2 Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Contractor continuing with Will continue with Submittals nearly complete. Budget: $2.65M Job No.: 200817B electrical conduits and wiring electrical installations, Project expected to be complete Project Contact: Joe Polimino and hydrostatic testing the pipe. then backfill pipe after mid -2014. Planned Completion: April 2014 hydro -test is complete. 3 Well 21 Drilling Project Contractor installed conductor Pilot hole drilling to begin Anticipate drilling to finish May Budget: $800,000 Job No.: 200922 #21 casing. early March, 2014. 2014. Project Contact: Derek Nguyen Planned Completion: Early 2014 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Lakeview Grade Separation (OCTA Project) OCTA awarded contract. Utility relocation work, incl. Bridge work requires complete Budget: $700,000 Job No.: 201002 Staff awaiting OCTA our waterline relocation, to closure, after completion of Project Contact: Anthony Manzano notification for pre- begin early to mid -2014. utility relocations. Planned Completion Date: Early 2014 construction meeting. 2 YL High School Park Pipe Relocation YLWD work must be PYLUSD committed to Pipeline relocation work Budget: $350,000 Job No.: 201213 independent of PYLUSD begin grading Spring 2014. planned for Spring 2014. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano work. Final plans and draft YLWD to solicit pipeline Planned Completion Date: Summer 2014 specs are complete. relocation bids in April. 3 Well 21 Equipping Project PSA executed with Stantec Awaiting 1St design Estimated equipping design Budget: $150,000 Job No.: 200922 #21 Consulting. District submittal. completion, Summer 2014. Project Contact: Derek Nguyen provided design Planned Completion Date: Late 2015 information to Stantec. 4 Elk Mountain Surge Tank Construction Agreement Tank requires a minimum 4 Anticipate completion Fall Budget: $100,000 Job No. 201312 executed with Pascal & month lead. Will issue NTP 2014. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Ludwig (P &L). Approved with a June 2014 start date. Planned Completion Date: January 2014 submittal returned to P &L. 5 Fairmont BPS Upgrade Staff approved Preliminary 70% design submittal due Design estimated to be Budget: $6,000,000 Job No. 201011B Design Report. mid -April, 2014. complete mid -2014. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Construction estimated to be Planned Completion Date: Early 2016 complete mid -2016. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments No major CIP Projects currently in Planning (Next up: Pipeline R &R Project and Timber Ridge BPS Engine Replacement Project) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: March 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Olson Co. T17489 (N. of Golden Ave., Placentia) Developer continuing Prepare Declaration of Estimate 33 -unit condo tract Budget: TBD Job No.: 201301 water facility construction. Restrictive Covenants for completion by 2016 -17. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani water main easement run. 2 Brandywine Homes T17548 (S. of Nixon Lib.) Completed 1 st Plan Check. Continue plan check process, Developer will negotiate Budget: TBD Job No.: 201304 Generate Agreements & fee easement acquisitions. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani schedule for execution. 3 Buy -Buy Baby (Savi Ranch) Improvement Plans Developer to submit Parcel Estimate construction start date Budget: TBD Job No.: 201309 finalized, remaining fees Map & execute Agreements. in early 2014 & building Project Contact: Ariel Bacani paid. Awaiting mylars. completion by early 2015. 4 Costco Gas Station/Mirage Street Vacation After gas station design is Seek Board approval for Costco to complete new gas Budget: TBD Job No. 201310 submitted, Agreement to easement execution. Review station & improvements by mid Project Contact: Anthony Manzano be executed. design early to mid -2014. to late 2014. 5 Yavitz Company — Valley View Retail Developer submitted final Developer to finalize Parcel Estimate construction start date Budget: TBD Job No.: 201313 Improvement Plans. Map before District approves in early 2014 & retail center Project Contact: Ariel Bacani Improvement Plans. completion by 2015. 6 Shapell Homes T17652 (West of YLHS) Received executed Seek General Manager Estimate construction start date Budget: TBD Job No.: 201315 Agreements & payments. approval of Plans. mid 2014 & 49 -lot housing tract Project Contact: Ariel Bacani Awaiting Improvement completion by 2018. Plan mylars & Tract Map.