HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-06 - Personnel-Risk Management Committee Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda '"Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PERSONNEL -RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, May 6, 2014, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Phil Hawkins, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Gary T. Melton Gina Knight, HR and Risk Manager 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 4.1. Revisions to District's Internship Policy 4.2. Human Resources, Risk Management, and Safety Activity 4.3. Status of Assessment of Job Descriptions and Titles (Verbal Report) 4.4. Status of Performance Evaluations (Verbal Report) 4.5. Status of Policies and Procedures (Verbal Report) 4.6. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The next Personnel -Risk Management Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. Meeting Date To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: AGENDA REPORT May 6, 2014 Personnel -Risk Management Committee Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Gina Knight, HR /Risk Manager Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Budgeted: Funding Source: Reviewed by Legal: Revisions to District's Internship Policy ITEM NO. 4.1 Yes All Funds ZE SUMMARY: In March of 2012, the District adopted a Student Internship Policy. The District now wants to broaden the pool of candidates eligible to participate in internships by adopting an Internship Policy. DISCUSSION: The District previously adopted a Student Internship Policy in March 2012. Under this policy, the District could only employ students who were currently enrolled as college or university students. The District now proposes to expand its program so that both college students and other individuals seeking job experience in areas where the District could offer internships would be able to participate. The District believes that internships are a valuable tool for recruiting, developing and retaining qualified personnel. To be considered for an internship, candidates must demonstrate backgrounds suitable for the type of work they will be performing at the District. Candidates could be considered for internships not only in the administrative offices but also in all operations disciplines. STRATEGIC PLAN: WE 1 -D: Develop Methodologies to Assist Employees in Attaining Career Expectations PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The District budgets for FYS 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13, approved by the Board of Directors, contained two internship positions in Administration, one for public affairs and one for legislative affai rs. ATTACHMENTS: Name: 7010 -011 Internship Policy 04092014.pdf Description: Backup Material Type: Backup Material YL Policies and Procedures Yorba Linda Water District Policy No.: 7010 - 011421 Effective Date: June 1, 2014MaFGh Prepared By: Gina Knight, HR and Risk Manager Amelia Cloonan, Personnel T°GhniGianHR Analyst Applicability: District Wide POLICY: STUDENT-INTERNSHIP POLICY 1.0 PURPOSE A. The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures under which the District will employ °+��t interns. The District's internship program will provide college students and individuals seeking mob experience in an area where the District may offer an internship with the opportunity to apply their skills radiitiE)Ral QEadeiGclassroem lea, Rg—to gain actual work experience. The District believes that internships are an important tool in recruiting, developing and retaining innovative people in the water industry. 2.0 POLICY A. It is the policy of the Yorba Linda Water District to provide an °+��t internship program to develop awareness of the activities, challenges and opportunities found within a water district. 3.0 PROCEDURES: A. For published District internships, candidates will be required to complete a Yorba Linda Water District job application. The application will demonstrate a background suitable to the type of work the candidate will be performing, such as accounting, public administration, finance, engineering, water production and distribution, maintenance of water and sewer systems, information technology, public affairs and human resources. B. Stud ent in+°rnc Interns applying for internships in administration disciplines shall have a working knowledge of the methods and techniques of research, statistical analysis, report preparation, budget preparation and administration. Student +Interns applying for operations internships shall have a working knowledge of the techniques required in operations disciplines. C. StudeRt il Interns, when required, will possess or have the ability to obtain before employment, a valid Class "C" California driver's license. D. In order to qualify for an stwd8Rt internship the st candidate will have to meet the following criteria: �1. Demonstrate strong and clear verbal and written communication skills. 4.2. Meet Department /Division specified qualifications. U- Must establish and maintain effective relationships with co- workers, elected officials and members of the public. E. S+��Interns will be required to meet the employment requirements, such as, passing a background check, post - employment physical tests and if internship is for a safety sensitive position then intern will be required to pass a drug screen. F. Cfi�t Interns in administration shall work under the direct supervision of qualified staff and shall participate and receive training in the administration and operation of the Yorba Linda Water District by assisting in research activities, performing general administrative activities and working on special projects, performing routine administrative assignments and related duties as might be assigned by the respective department to which that intern is assigned. G. Stud8lPlt Innterns in the Operations Department shall work under the direct supervision of qualified staff and shall participate and receive training in the operation of the Yorba Linda Water District by performing routine operations assignments and related duties as might be assigned by the respective department to which that intern is assigned. H. Approval of the General Manager shall be required in order to employ an intern. Each fiscal year during the Budget process, funding for intern wages shall be established as well as assignment of interns to a specific department. J. When a department determines that an intern is needed, a Request to Fill a Vacant Position (RFVP) shall be completed and forwarded to the Human Resources Department. Upon receipt, the Human Resources Department shall determine, through the Finance Department, if sufficient funds exist to hire the intern and proceed with the recruitment if deemed appropriate. K. Internships at the District are limited to 960 hours per fiscal year. ILL. Internships are limited to a term of two years. L-. M Student interns Interns are not eligible for District provided benefits. M-A. Student interns Interns are not eligible for sick, vacation, paid holiday leaves and /or paid leaves of absences provided to regular full -time employees. N-.O Student interns Interns shall be compensated within the parameters as set forth by a Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors with a minimum hourly rate of $10 and a maximum hourly rate of $15. ap Student interns Interns shall be evaluated by the Department Manager based on their On- Boarding Goals /Objectives (Exhibit 2 -5). P—. Q. Scheduling of +nfem's work hours shall be at the mutual agreement of the intern and his /her respective supervisor. Under no condition, shall an intern work more than thirty (30) hours in any work week. $R Sti irden+ interns Interns employed at the District at any given time shall be monitored based on the total annual budget and total wages established for interns per fiscal year. Costs for interns shall not exceed the Board of Directors' approval level. R Student interns Interns serve at the will of the General Manager. 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES A. It is the responsibility of each new sty- intern: 1. To return to the Human Resources Department all the paperwork necessary for the new hire process as soon as possible after their date of hire. 2. To carefully follow all the procedures outlined in their District orientation for both the Human Resources orientation and their department orientation. 3. To cooperate with their supervisor in following procedures that are designed to protect the health, safety and life of District employees and the public. B. It is the responsibility of the Department Manager to ensure: 1. That the On- Boarding Goals /Objectives form (Exhibit 25) is prepared so that the new intern is aware of the District's expectations over their first year of service. 2. Their—new intern is versed in department procedures and is aware of the importance of adhering to those procedures. 3. A new intern is provided with a consistent department orientation that will enable them to safely and effectively perform their job duties. C. It is the responsibility of the Human Resources Department to: 1. Document the new hire process so that the District can be sure the new intern has been made aware of his /her obligations as a District intern. 2. Provide an effective and thorough orientation for the District's new hires so that the new interns are aware of and understand: a. That Tthey shall not receive any benefits the District provides to regular full -time employees. b. The District's policies and procedures, which outline to the new hire their responsibilities to themselves, to their coworkers and to the District. C. Their obligations as District employees to perform their job functions in a safe and responsible manner ensuring the safety of themselves and their coworkers. d. The responsibilities the new intern may have to fulfill in order to grow through participation in training and educational programs. e. The need to return as soon as possible all paperwork requiring action in the new hire process. APPROVED: KeRnethR.VeGGhiarel4+, General Manager Date Exhibit 1: Acknowledgement Form Exhibit 2: Intern DrE)Gessing GheGkIist hihit 3: Intern Orien alien Drrinerl ire rrt�rr��rrrccm-- v-�TCrrtcxl�vmT V CCa-a-rc Exhihi h trr4Employee Data Fe rn Exhibit 5: On- Boarding Goals /Objectives 7010 - 01112 -01 Exhibit 1 ElYorba Linda Water District Student Internship Policy Acknowledgement Form acknowledge that I have received and read the provisions contained in this Studenf Internship Policy. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult my supervisor or the Human Resources Department if I have any questions that are not answered in the Procedure. I also understand that the provisions in this Procedure are guidelines and may not address all circumstances that may arise. In such case, the Human Resources Manager shall apply the procedure based on factors including but not limited to past practices and rules of statutory interpretation. EMPLOYEE'S NAME (printed): EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE: DATE: Distribution: Original to Personnel File Copy: Employee Yorba Linda Water District o 7010-12-04 YL Yorba Linda W Water District 'q QgQQ pf Z III. 'N Nil ON. . . ft Yorba Linda Neater District EE #• Last -- Name: First Flame: Moddle Initial: hlinl e: B: 'eGmal SeGurit y #: - - Driver's I inonco #: Exn• — / —/ Heme /1d race G* Zip Cede: Mamlinn Address: City: Ctv� `in Cede: Cell Dh�_ Heme Ph-one #: terd• YeS nee / \ Same address as hc / \ Different as follows: Name: Relatienohin: Heme Dhene # Work Dhene FF Address: 7010 -011 12-01 EXHIBIT 25 Yorba Linda Water District ON- BOARDING GOALS /OBJECTIVES NAME: POSITION: DEPARTMENT: JOB DUTIES DATE ASSIGNED PRIORITY DATE ACHIEVED/ COMPLETED Priority Ratings: A = 30 Days B = 60 Days C = 90 Days D = 6 Months E = One Year ITEM NO. 4.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 6, 2014 To: Personnel -Risk Management Committee From: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR /Risk Manager Dept: Human Resources /Risk Management Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Subject: Human Resources, Risk Management, and Safety Activity SUMMARY: The attached spreadsheet is updated on a monthly basis for presentation to the Committee. DISCUSSION: The updated Department Activity spreadsheet shows the status of Human Resources, Risk Management and Safety /Wellness activities as well as revisions to the District's policies and procedures, job related and employee development training offered to District employees, claims activity and District sponsored employee events. Items in red have been revised or updated since the last report. Interviews were conducted for candidates for the Associate Engineer position on April 8, 2014. The successful candidate will join the District on May 27, 2014. The recruitment for the GIS Analyst position (formerly GIS Administrator) closed April 8, 2014. The qualified internal candidate who had been acting in the position was appointed on April 9, 2014. A workshop on Debt Handling & Planning for Retirement was held April 30, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. The District received a check from ACWA /JPIA in the amount of $1182.20. This represents the funds paid out by the District for claims the District handled and did not refer to ACWA /JPIA. ACWA/JPIA reimbursed the District and paid an additional $100.00 to the District for each claim as an administrative fee (a total of $500.00). ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type HR DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY fiscal 2013 - 2014 PRM Committee 05- 06- 2014a.doc HR Department Activity Backup Material Budgeted Positions 04- 24- 2014.xlsx Budgeted Positions Backup Material HR DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY FISCAL 2013 -2014 Completed Policy /Procedure Effective Date 7010 -002 - Emergency Leave 10/27/2009 7010 -003 - Personal Appearance of Employees 4/1/2009 7010 -005 - Harassment /Discrimination /Retaliation Prevention 1/1/2012 7010 -006 - Educational Reimbursement 2/1/2014 7030 -001 - Use of Traffic Cones and Vehicle Backing 6/6/2008 7030 -002 - Emergency /Fire Evacuation Plan 1/22/2011 FY 13/14 Assigned Policy/Procedure Action To: 7010 -001 - Family Care and Medical Leave Act Reviewed — no AC updates 7010 -004 - Procedure to Conduct a Recruitment GK 7010 -007 - Employee Time Off Request Final GK 7010 -010 - Employee Performance Evaluations To be submitted to GK Bargaining Unit 7010 -011 - Internship Policy To PERS -RM GK /AC Committee 5/6/14 7010 -012 - Employment Verifications BM 7010 -014 - Safety Footwear Allowance BM /LI 7020 -002 - Driver Record Review AC/1-1 7020 -003 - Use of District Facilities Submitted to Legal AC /LI Counsel for review 7010 — Human Resources 7020 — Risk Management 7030 - Safety FY 13/14 Policy /Procedure Action Assigned To: 7020 -012 - Accident /Injury /Illness Reporting Procedures AC /LI 7030 -012 - IIPP Under major revision LI 7030 -021 - Heat Illness Program In process AC /LI 7030 -022 - Accident Investigation LI FY 14/15 Policy /Procedure Action Assigned To: 7010 -008 - New Hire BM 7010 -009 - Separation /Termination of Employment AC 7010 -013 - Certification /License Reimbursement AC 7020 -001 - Risk Management Claims Handling GK /AC 7020 -004 - Employee's Responsibility for Maintenance of Dist. Vehicles GK 7030 -006 - Respond to OSHA Protocol LI 7030 -010 - Electrical Safety Program AC /LI 7030 -011 - Lock Out/Tag Out (LOTO) LI 7030 -014 - Hearing Conservation Program LI 7030 -015 - Confined Space Program Under major revision LI 7030 -016 - Ergonomics Program Li 7030 -019 - Respiratory Protection Program LI FY 15/16 Policy /Procedure Action Assigned To: 7020 -005 - Risk Management Administration Policy GK /AC 7020 -007 - District Sponsored Recreation Activities AC 7020 -010 - Use of Private Vehicles for District Use GK 7020 -013 - Risk Transfer GK /AC 7020 -014 - Work Place Violence /Office Security BM 7030 -007 - Blood Borne Pathogen Program LI 7030 -009 - Hazard Communications /GHS Program LI 7030 -013 - Fall Protection LI 7030 -017 - Personal Protective Equipment Program LI 7030 -020 - Ladder Safety Program LI FY 16/17 Policy /Procedure Action Assigned To: 7020 -009 - Security of District Facilities GK /LI 7020 -006 - Use of District Vehicles AC /LI 7020 -011 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace ALL 7030 -003 - Department of Transportation LI 7030 -004 - Welding and Cutting Program LI 7030 -005 - Forklift Written Procedure LI 7030 -008 - Trenching, Shoring & Excavation Program LI 7030 -018 - Asbestos Program LI 7030 -023 -Traffic Control and Flagging Procedure LI 7030 -024 - Machines Equipment Guarding Program LI TRAINING - ON SITE /OFF SITE DATE VENDOR CLASS TITLE 01/06/2014 OSHA Standards for the Construction 1 District employee attended 01/06/2014 Industry four -day training class. Interviews took place 2/25 & ACWA/JPIA CalOSHA 10 -hour 3 District employees attended 2/26/2014 Construction Safety training class selected will commence 3/13/2014 PASMA / PARMA Joint Meeting — Exp.Mod. 2 District employees attended 01/06/2014 Rates & Disability Interactive Process Qualified applicant 3/17 -19 3 -Day Training — OSHA Confined Space 1 District employee attended 2014 Training 1/20/2014. 3/25/2014 2014 Water Agency Response Network 2 District employees attended (WARN) Spring Meeting & Emergency 2/05/2014. Candidate Fuel Planning Exercise: Anaheim promoted. 4/16/2014 ADA /FEHA Disability Compliance Training 1 District employee attended 4/16/2014 FMLA Training (Webinar) 1 District employee attended 5/14/2014 ADA /FEHA Disability Compliance Training 2 District employees will 3/30/2014 Maintenance Worker I attend RECRUITMENTS MONTH POSITION APPLICATIONS PROCESSED 01/06/2014 Associate Engineer Interviews took place 4/8/2014. Final candidate selected will commence 5/27/2014. 01/06/2014 Customer Service Representative II Qualified applicant (Internal) commenced in the position 1/20/2014. 1/22/2014 Maintenance Distribution Operator II Recruitment closed (internal) 2/05/2014. Candidate promoted. 3/26/2014 GIS Analyst (internal) Recruitment closed and position was filled by Acting GIS Analyst on 4/9/2014. 3/30/2014 Maintenance Worker I Recruitment closed 4/12/2014. 304 applications received. 58 applicants will be invited to test on 5/1/2014. 4/06/2014 Maintenance Distribution Operator II Second candidate from (internal) 2/05/2014 recruitment was promoted when a position opened up through permanent separation of another employee. CURRENT RISK MANAGEMENT /TORT CLAIM ACTIVITY DATE OF NATURE OF RISK ACTION TAKEN CLAIM HANDLED BY ISSUE/ CLAIM MANAGEMENT DISTRICT REC'D RELATED ISSUE /CLAIM &SUBMITTED TO ACWA/JPIA July 31, 2013 Claim received for incident The item taken to the ACWA/JPIA is handling at Placentia -Linda PRM committee on the claim. As of this Hospital (Tenet 8/13/2013. Board date, no invoices have Healthcare Corporation for rejected and referred been submitted by loss that occurred the claim to ACWA/ Claimant. 4/10/2013. JPIA on 9/12/2013. Oct 28, 2013 Claim received 2/4/2014 Claim investigated. District paid $310.00. for plumbing services on ACWA/JPIA reimbursed Westfield St. District. Nov. 27, 2013 Potential claim received Potential claim to be Claim referred to for damages caused by referred to ACWA/JPIA ACWA/JPIA copper pipe leaking at after agenda reports to residence on Fairmont PRM Committee and Blvd. Board of Directors Dec. 11, 2013 Claim for plumbing bill. Investigation by District District paid $450.00. Line blocked. Toilets, staff underway. ACWA/JPIA reimbursed bathtub & washer District. overflowed. Jan 21, 2014 Main Line Break Claim form provided to ACWA JPIA awaiting Meadowview Drive. Water homeowner's return of a release from damage to property. representative. homeowner. Check for $11,302.12 will be issued. Feb 18 2014 Claim for excessive billing Claim investigated by Credit made to for residence on Westvale District. customer's account for Lane. $580.80. DISTRICT'S CLAIMS ON THE ACWA/JPIA LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM DATE OF INCIDENT NATURE OF RISK MANAGEMENT RELATED ISSUE /CLAIM AMOUNTOF CLAIM CLAIM SUBMITTED TO ACWA/JPIA 11 -20 -2013 Arc Flash incident Closed No CURRENT WORKERS COMPENSATION ACTIVITY DATE OF INJURY NATURE OF W.C. CLAIM STATUS REPORTABLE INCIDENT 11 -20 -2013 Arc Flash incident Closed No 11 -26 -2013 Puncture to left ring finger Closed No 12/09/2013 Needle from sewer punctured employee's hand. Open Yes 04/24/2014 Repetitive Use Wrist Injury Open DISTRICT EMPLOYEE ACTIVITIES /FUNCTIONS MONTH ACTIVITY /FUNCTION DEPARTMENT March 4, 2014 All Hands Meeting and Mardi Gras International Potluck Admin & HR May 17, 2014 District Picnic — announcement sent HR Au ust 2014 Hot Tap Demo & Horseshoe Competition OPS & HR Dec. 17, 2014 Holiday Luncheon Admin & HR DISTRICT SAFETY AND WELLNESS- ACTIVITIES /FUNCTIONS MONTH ACTIVITY /FUNCTION DEPARTMENT 01/06/2014 Check AED's HR /Safety 01/21/2014 Safety Committee Meeting HR /Safety 1/21/2014 Safety Slogan Contest Winner to be selected Safety Committee 2/06/2014 Check AED's HR /Safety 2/19/2014 Safety Committee Meeting Safety Committee 2/3/2014 Check AED's HR /Safety 2/19/2014 Safety Committee Meeting Safety Committee 3/4/2014 Check AED's HR /Safety 3/13/2014 Two sessions of Field Ergonomics Safety 3/25/2014 Two sessions of Office Ergonomics Safety 3/26/2014 Safety Committee Meeting Safety Committee 4/13/2014 Pre Emergency Evacuation Meeting Safety Committee & Managers 4/16/2014 Safety Committee Meeting Safety Committee 4/21/2014 Annual OSHA Required Fire Drill /Emergency Evacuation — District wide Safety Committee 4/21/2014 Post Fire Drill /Emergency Evacuation recap Safety Committee & Managers HR ACTIVITIES /FUNCTIONS MONTH ACTIVITY /FUNCTION DEPARTMENT Feb 20/21, LCW 2014 Public Sector Employment Law HR Staff attended 2014 Conference Mar 19, 2014 Budgeting workshop conducted by Shay 17 District staff Olivarria (2 hours — 7 -9 a.m.) attended April 30, 2014 Debt Handling & Planning for Retirement 27 District staff workshop conducted by Shay Olivarria (2 scheduled to attend hours — 7 -9 am) 5/29/2014 District hosts Orange County HR Group HR meeting As of April 24, 2014 FY 2013 -2014 Budgeted Positions Salary Range Position Classification Budget Emp Status /Comments 1 -11 (Temporary Help) 0 0 12 13 14 15 Customer Service Representative 1 0 0 16 Meter Reader 1 2 1 One position on hold. 17 Accounting Assistant 1 1 1 Customer Service Representative 11 2 3 One CSR 11 is underfilling one CSR III position Engineering Secretary 1 0 Maintenance Worker 1 9 18 Meter Reader II 2 2 19 Customer Service Representative 111 2 1 Records Management Specialist 1 1 ,Operations Assistant 1 1 20 Engineering Technician 1 0 0 Maintenance Distribution Operator 11 8 8 Water Quality Technician 1 0 0 21 Accounting Assistant 11 1 1 Facilities Maintenance 1 1 Mechanic 11 1 1 22 Information Systems Technician 1 1 1 Water Quality Technician II 1 1 23 Maintenance Distribution Operator 111 4 4 Meter Services Lead 1 1 Mechanic 111 1 1 Human Resources Technician 1 1 Plant Operator 11 3 3 24 Construction Inspector 1 1 Engineering Tech 11 2 2 25 Human Resources Analyst 1 1 Instrumentation Technician 1 1 26 GIS Analyst 1 1 Filled on 04/09/2014. Sr. Construction Inspector 1 1 Sr. Fleet Mechanic 1 1 Sr. Maintenance Distribution Operator 4 4 Sr. Plant Operator 1 1 As of April 24, 2014 FY 2013 -2014 Budgeted Positions Salary Range Position Classification Budget Emp Status /Comments 27 Customer Service Supervisor 1 1 Associate Engineer 1 Candidate to commence 05/27/2014. 28 Management Analyst 1 1 Construction Project Supervisor 1 1 Programmer Analyst 1 1 30 Public Information Officer 1 1 Water Maintenance Superintendent 1 1 SCADA Administrator 1 1 Information Systems Administrator 1 1 Temporarily on Acting Assignment Safety and Training Coordinator 1 1 Sr. Accountant 1 1 31 Water Quality Engineer 1 1 Resigned effective 05/01/2014. Water Production Superintendent 1 1 32 Executive Secretary 1 1 34 Sr. Project Manager 1 1 37 Engineering Manager 1 1 Temporarily on Acting Assignment Finance Manager 1 1 Human Resources and Risk Manager 1 1 IT Manager 1 0 IS Administrator assigned to Acting IT Manager Operations Manager 1 1 38 39 40 General Manager 1 0 Temporarly filled through Acting Assignment by Engineering Manager. Total FY 2012 -2013 Budgeted Part- Time /Intern Positions Salary Range Position Classification Budget Emp Status /Comments 1 -11 Public /Governmental Affairs Intern 0.5 0 H R Clerk 0.5 0.5 PT Records Management Clerk 0.5 0 24 GIS Technician 0.5 0 Total 2