HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-01 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda '"Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING - ENGINEERING - OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, May 1, 2014, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Director Michael J. Beverage John DeCriscio, Operations Manager 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 4. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 4.1. Proposed Change Order No. 2 for the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project. Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $0.00 and 39 additional days to Environmental Construction, Inc., for construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project, Job No. 2008 -17b. 4.2. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the City Ventures Communities, LLC Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with City Ventures Communities, LLC, Job No. J2014 -05. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5.1. Status of Well Siting (Verbal Report) 5.2. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report 5.3. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Report (To be provided at the meeting). 5.4. Monthly Production Summary Report (To be provided at the meeting). 5.5. Groundwater Producer Meeting Notes 5.6. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress 5.7. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The next Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. Meeting Date To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT May 1, 2014 Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 4.1 Yes $2.6M $2.3M All Water Funds 101 -2700 200817B Engineering No MND Proposed Change Order No. 2 for the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project. Work is proceeding on construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project. Submitted for consideration is construction Change Order No. 2. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $0.00 and 39 additional days to Environmental Construction, Inc., for construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project, Job No. 2008 -17b. DISCUSSION: In accordance with the contract documents, Environmental Construction Inc., submitted the proposed Change Order No. 2 due to unforeseen events encountered during the course of construction to date. A copy of Change Order No. 2 is attached for your review and details are provided below. ECI is requesting a 39 day no -cost time extension due to a defective part in one of the vertical turbine pumps. On January 9, 2014, the pump supplier, Grundfos /Peerless installed all of the pump seals. On January 10, 2014 ECI discovered one of the pump seals was leaking. It was found that the seal "container" was manufactured incorrectly and had to be re- manufactured and re- installed. Consequently, ECI could not complete or hydro -test any piping, the roof could not be installed (due to open trenches) and other associated critical path items of the work stopped. The seal container was successfully replaced on March 5, 2014. The status of the construction contract with Environmental Construction Inc. is as follows: • The current contract is $1,607,050.37 and 424 calendar days starting April 1, 2013. • If approved, Change Order No. 2 adds $0.00 (0.0% of the current contract amount) and 39 additional calendar days. If approved, the revised construction contract amount is $1,607,050.37 (0.0% changes from the original contract amount) and 463 calendar days, with a contract completion date of July 7, 2014. Staff and Lee & Ro, the District's design engineer, discussed the change order request and recommend approval. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3 -A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011 -2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On December 20, 2012, the Board of Directors authorized the President and Secretary to execute a construction agreement between Environmental Construction, Inc. (ECI), and the Yorba Linda Water District for the Construction of the Yorba Linda Blvd Pump Station Project in the amount of $1,581,179.00. The Board of Directors has approved twelve progress payments to date, the last of which was approved on April 10, 2014. ATTACHMENTS: Name: ECI Change Order No 2 signed.pdf Description: YL Blvd. Pump Station CO 2 ECI Construction Type: Backup Material YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CONTRACT NAME: Yorba Linda Blvd. Pub Station CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 DATE 4/21/2014 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACT AMT.: $1,607,050.37 DAYS: 424 CONTRACTOR: Environmental Construction Inc. THIS CHANGE PROJECT NUMBER: 2008 -17b OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT AMT: $0.00 DAYS: 39 (0 %) $1,607,050.37 DAYS: 463 This Change Order covers changes to the subject contract as described herein. The Contractor shall construct, furnish equipment and materials, and perform all work as necessary or required to complete the Change Order items for a lump sum price agreed upon between the Contractor and Yorba Linda Water District otherwise referred to as Owner_ DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES +INCREASE CONTRACT TIME / OR +EXTENSION — DECREASE IN / OR - CONTRACT REDUCTION AMOUNT ($) (DAYS) 1) Additional days for delays in the installation and testing of the vertical pump seals, which prevented exterior pipe backfill and final hydro -test. This also delayed the roof installation. $0.0 39 NET CHANGE $0.0 39 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT AND TIME $1,607,050.37 463 The amount of the contract will be increased 4desreased> by the sum of $0.0 and the contract time shall be increasec 4desreased> by 39 calendar days. The undersigned Contractor approves the foregoing Change Order as to the changes, if any, in the contract price specified for each item including any and all supervision costs and other miscellaneous costs relating to the change in work, and as to the extension of time allowed, if any, for completion of the entire work on account of said Change Order. The Contractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials and perform all other necessary work, inclusive of that directly or indirectly related to the approved time extension, required to complete the Change Order items. This document will become a supplOh6nt 01 the contract and all provisions will apply hereto. It is understood that the Change Order shall be effective when approved by the Owner. This Change Order constitutes full, final, and complete compensation to the Contractor for all costs, expenses, ovbfttead, profit, and any damages of every kind that the Contractor may incur in connection with the above referenced changes in the Work, including any impact on the referenced work of any other work under the contract, any changes in the sequences of any work, any delay to any work, any disruption of any work, any rescheduling of any work, and any other effect on any of the work under this contract. By the execution of the Change Order, the Contractor accepts the contract price change and the contract completion date change, if any, and expressly waives any claims fo'r'bny additional compensation, damages or time extensions, in connection with the above - referenced changes. t RECOMMENDED: /ENGINEER OR DATE: J P limino Co st do S pervisor, YLWD ACCEPTED: I% ` /CONTRACTOR Mike Domanski Project Manager, Environmental Construction, Inc. APPROVED: /OWNER Steve Conklin Acting General Manager, YLWD DATE: DATE: Meeting Date To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT May 1, 2014 Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager Funding Source: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal Ricardo Hipolito Jr., Engineering CEQA Compliance: Tech II ITEM NO. 4.2 Developer Funded J2014 -05 Engineering N/A N/A Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with the City Ventures Communities, LLC City Ventures Communities, LLC is proposing to develop Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 17547 into 18 condominium units,within Pressure Zone 2 of the District's Western Service Area. The project consists of approximately 1.86 acres and is located at the southeast corner of Rose Drive and Wabash Avenue, as shown in the attached exhibit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with City Ventures Communities, LLC, Job No. J2014 -05. DISCUSSION: The District has existing water facilities in Wabash Avenue and Rose Drive that front this project. The water facilities are adequate in size and of sufficient pressure to serve the project. Staff will require that the applicant construct a looped water main through the proposed development. TTM 17547 is located within Drainage Area "2" of the District's Sewer Service Area. The District has existing sewer facilities in Wabash Avenue that front this project. The sewer facilities are adequate in size to meet the demands of this project. The applicant will be required to extend the sewer main and to install a manhole connection to the existing public sewer main to serve the proposed development. The proposed Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with City Ventures Communities, LLC are attached for your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: 201405 T C.pdf Terms & Conditions for Water & Sewer Service with the Backup Material City Ventures Communities, LLC 201405 Exhibit.pdf Exhibit of Proposed Water & Sewer Improvements for Backup Material City Ventures Communities, LLC Date: MAY 1, 2014 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY VENTURES COMMUNITIES, LLC LOCATION OF PROJECT: SE CORNER OF ROSE DRIVE & WABASH AVENUE TRACT NUMBER: TTM 17547 JOB NUMBER: 201405 LOT(S): 18 The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an "X" following the number. 1) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) X The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 1 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1 % Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. I. 4) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 2 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1 % Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. 2. 5) X The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 6) X Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY VENTURES COMMUNITIES, LLC LOCATION OF PROJECT: SE CORNER OF ROSE DRIVE & WABASH AVENUE — TTM 17547 7) X The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 8) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract /Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 9) X The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. 10) X The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24 -hour emergency telephone number prior to the District's approval of the construction plans. 11) X The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 12) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 13) X The applicant shall provide per the District specifications one complete set of "As Built" mylars and electronic copy of ACAD drawings (version 2008 or later) for the Water facilities. 14) X The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Water Service. 15) X The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 16) X The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 17) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Water Service. 18) X The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY VENTURES COMMUNITIES, LLC LOCATION OF PROJECT: SE CORNER OF ROSE DRIVE & WABASH AVENUE — TTM 17547 19) X The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the District's Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 20) X The applicant's water facilities (on -site) shall be Publicly owned and maintained. 21) X The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 22) X The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 23) The applicant shall install one 1 water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District's Standard Plans. 24) X The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 25) X The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 26) X All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 27) X The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 28) X The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 29) X The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 30) X The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all dwellings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 31) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Water Permit for all water that will be used through the new water services to serve the new dwellings. Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY VENTURES COMMUNITIES, LLC LOCATION OF PROJECT: SE CORNER OF ROSE DRIVE & WABASH AVENUE — TTM 17547 32) X The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. 33) X The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 34) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly prior to the water meters being turned on for service. 35) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 36) X The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District's Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross - Connections. 37) The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 38) X The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Sewer Service. 39) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service. 40) X The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 41) X The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 42) X The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 43) X The applicant's sewer facilities (on -site) shall be Publicly owned and maintained. Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: CITY VENTURES COMMUNITIES, LLC LOCATION OF PROJECT: SE CORNER OF ROSE DRIVE & WABASH AVENUE — TTM 17547 44) X The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District's Plans and Specifications. 45) X The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. 46) X The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 47) X The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 48) X The applicant shall loop the proposed public onsite water system onto the existing 8" water main at Wabash Avenue, per approved plans and District Specifications. 49) X The applicant shall connect the public onsite sewer system with an 8" sewer lateral and manhole connection to the existing 8" sewer main at Wabash Avenue, per approved plans and District Specifications. 50) X The applicant shall cut and plug all existing sewer laterals at the main that are not useable in the new plan. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the May 8, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Application To and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Sewer Service is not executed for the project under consideration. Steve Conklin, P.E., Acting General Manager I 1 I I � I r� I Im I � I EX. WATER SERVICE TO �BE ABANDON -------------------------------------------------------------- �., ......__- *EX. F.H. I I I I I LOCATION MAP N 1 1 1Mp </q( VICINITY MAP N SCALE: EXHIBIT PREPARED BY: N.T.S. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED WATER AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS DATE: 1717 E. M I RALOMA AVE N U E FOR TRACT 17547 5/1/2014 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 CITY VENTURES COMMUNITIES, LLC FILENAME: (714) 701 -3100 1 1 J- 201405 ITEM NO. 5.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 1, 2014 Subject: Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report ATTACHMENTS: Na me: Description: Type Import 2013 -14 Apr.pdf Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY FY 2013 -14 Allowable GW (YTD) 9,403.8 (AF) Underpumped 197.9 (AF) CUP Obligation FY 2014 -15 2,741.0 (AF) Monthly CUP Pumping (AF) 280.0 (AF) YTD CUP Pumping (AF) 280.0 (AF) YTD CUP Achieved ( %) 10.2% ADJUSTED GW (AF) ACTUAL IMPORT (AF) CUP (AF) TOTAL DEMAND (AF) MONTHLY GW (%) YTD GW (%) BUDGET (Demand Est.) (AF) DELTA (%) MONTH Jul -13 1,286.5 1,105.4 2,391.8 53.8% 53.8% 2,477.9 -3.5% Aug -13 824.9 1,581.0 2,405.8 34.3% 44.0% 2,437.9 -1.3% Sep -13 762.2 1,521.2 2,283.4 33.4% 40.6% 2,139.0 6.8% Oct -13 1,048.7 941.6 1,990.3 52.7% 43.2% 1,804.2 10.3% Nov -13 948.9 661.9 1,610.7 58.9% 45.6% 1,425.3 13.0% Dec -13 844.1 612.8 30.0% 1,456.9 57.9% 47.1% 1,282.1 13.6% Jan -14 944.4 689.0 1,633.3 57.8% 48.4% 1,117.9 46.1% Feb -14 752.6 519.7 1,272.3 59.2% 49.3% 1,069.5 19.0% Mar -14 865.2 506.6 1,371.8 63.1% 50.4% 1,267.4 8.2% Apr -14 928.6 529.1 280.0 1,737.7 53.4% 50.7% 1,585.3 May -14 2,096.9 Jun -14 2,349.5 FYTD 9,206.0 8,668.2 280.0 18,154.1 50.7% 16,606.6 9.3% Allowable GW (YTD) 9,403.8 (AF) Underpumped 197.9 (AF) CUP Obligation FY 2014 -15 2,741.0 (AF) Monthly CUP Pumping (AF) 280.0 (AF) YTD CUP Pumping (AF) 280.0 (AF) YTD CUP Achieved ( %) 10.2% GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 80.0% MONTHLY GW (% ) 75.0% YTD GW (%) 70.0% <. BPP GOAL 51.8% 65.0% 60.0% 55.0% 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% Jul -13 Aug -13 Sep -13 Oct -13 Nov -13 Dec -13 Jan -14 Feb -14 Mar -14 Apr -14 May -14 Jun -14 Month 22,000 20,000 111 16,000 14,000 LL a 12,000 E 0 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Jul -13 Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting FY 2013 -14 YTD Water Supply Budgeted Total GW + Import --I&--Actual Total GW + Import —*--BPP GW Goal 51.8% Actual GW Production —0--Actual Total GW + Import 2012 -13 Aug -13 Sep -13 Oct -13 Nov -13 Dec -13 Jan -14 Feb -14 Mar -14 Apr -14 May -14 Jun -14 Month Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: ATTACHMENTS: Name: PM 2013- 14.pdf ITEM NO. 5.3 AGENDA REPORT May 1, 2014 Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Ken Mendum, Water Maintenance Superintendent Monthly Preventative Maintenance Report (To be provided at the meeting). Description: Type: Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to Backup Material the Meeting Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting PREVENTATIVE AND REACTIVE MAINTENANCE FISCAL 2013/14 Fiscal 2013 -14 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Percent of target 8% 17% 25% 33% 42% 50% 58% 67% 75% 3, 92% 100% HYDRANTS (3,966) Target; all hydrants to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 3191 285 2521 3491 3451 1051 381 3221 3191 6011 1 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 3191 6041 8561 1,205 1 1,550 1 1,655 1 1,693 1 2,015 1 2,334 1 2,935 % OF TOTAL 8.0%1 15.2%1 21.6%1 30.4%1 39.1%1 41.7%1 42.4%1 50.8%1 58.9 VALVES (11,822/2 = 5,911) Target; all valves to be operated every two years OPERATED THIS MONTH 5181 5821 6441 654 1 6611 7301 8591 6411 554 1 622 OPERATED THIS YEAR 5181 11001 1,7441 2,3981 3,059 1 3,789 1 4,6481 5,289 1 5,843 1 6,465 % OF TOTAL 8.8%1 18.6%1 29.5%1 40.1%1 51.8%1 64.1%1 78.6%1 89.5%1 98.9 DEAD ENDS (155 X 2 = 310) Target; all dead ends to be flushed biannually. FLUSHED THIS MONTH 01 0 01 1551 01 01 01 01 01 01 1 FLUSHED THIS YEAR 01 01 01 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1551 1 % OF TOTAL 0.0%1 0.0%1 0.0%1 50.0%1 50.0%1 50.0%1 50.0%1 50.0%1 50.0 AIR VACS 499 Target; all air /vacs to be serviced annually. INSPECTED THIS MONTH 31 01 11 11 1 105 4001 4 1 0 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 31 31 41 51 61 1111 5111 5151 5161 516 %OFTOTAL 0.6%1 0.6%1 0.8%1 1.0%1 1.2%1 22.2%1 102.4% 1012% 103.4%1 10 2. 1 PRVs (150) Target; all PRVs to be serviced annual! . INSPECTED THIS MONTH 10 18 ill 21 1 1 14 34 241 22 5 INSPECTED THIS YEAR 10 281 391 411 431 571 911 115 1 137 1 142 % TOTAL 6.7%1 18.7%1 26.0%1 27.3%1 28.7%1 38.0%1 60.7%1 76.7%1 91.3% WATER LEAKS Target; all leaks repaired at first available opportunity. MAIN REPAIRED 1 1 01 01 1 01 11 11 11 0 SERVICE REPAIRED 10 3 21 21 1 11 21 31 41 31 1 SERVICE REPLACED 11 15 181 291 12 121 ill 61 81 181 1 AMS REPLACED 12 11 101 151 12 101 91 71 131 121 1 METERS Target; all meter work completed no later than next working day. NEW INSTALL 1 13 1 33 1 31 1 30 1 19 1 101 101 301 301 41 1 STUCKS 1 41 41 21 51 161 51 91 101 191 131 1 SEWER CLEANING 235 M Target; all sewers to be cleaned annuall . CLEANED THIS MONTH 20.351 19.56 16.731 31.561 21.461 13.02 18.62 23.311 13.52 26.14 CLEANED THIS YEAR 20.351 39.911 56.641 88.201 109.661 122.681 165.691 189.001 202.521 228.661 1 % OF TOTAL 8.70%1 16.98%1 24.10%1 37.53%1 46.66%1 52.20%1 70.51%1 80.43%1 86.18 SEWER TELEVISING 29.38M) Target; all sewers to be televised every 8 ears. TELEVISED THIS MONTH 4.08 1 3.47 1.64 1 3.60 1 2.98 1 3.42 1 5.20 6.26 6.31 7.76 TELEVISED THIS YEAR 4.08 1 7.55 9.19 1 12.79 1 15.77 1 19.19 1 24.39 1 30.65 1 36.96 1 44.72 % OF TOTAL 13.90%1 25.70%1 31.28%1 43.53%1 53.68%1 65.32%1 83.00%1 104.32%1 125.80 OTHER SEWER WORK. S.S. OVERFLOWS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 ROOT FOOTAGE 4,020 0 335 0 0 2,511 5,783 2,231 1,900 2,416 EMAs AND SYPHONS 4.46 2 3.12 1.23 2.32 6.35 0 2.42 6.3 1.10 SERVICE CALLS 3 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 6 8 REHAB FOOTAGE 0 0 0 0 498 491 0 0 0 200 MAIN REPAIRS 0 01 0 9 1 01 3 1 1 1 1 MANHOLE ROOT CLEANING 1 01 2191 11 21 61 31 6 8 21 8 MANHOLE REPAIRS 1 61 21 81 01 01 01 1 8 41 81 1 Meeting Date: Subject: ATTACHMENTS: AGENDA REPORT May 1, 2014 ITEM NO. 5.4 Monthly Production Summary Report (To be provided at the meeting). Description: Monthly Production Summary Report April 2014.pdf Backup Material Type: Backup Material Monthly Production Summary Report DATE: April -2014 Water Production Equipment Name • Groundwater 71% • Import Water 29% Max Day Consumption 22.45 MG Min Day Consumption 13.44 MG Average Day 18.04 MG Weather Conditions Max Temperature 92 °F Min Temperature 447 # of High Wind Days 0 # of Red Flag Days 0 Inches of Rain .25" Water Quality Location Average Cl2 Dose Richfield (North Loop) 1.40 Mg /I Richfield (South Loop) 1.30 Mg /I Lakeview Booster (Zone 2) 1.00 Mg /I Lakeview Booster (Zone 3) 1.30 Mg /I Well # 15 off Well # 20 1.00 Mg /I Location Average Cl2 Residual Highland Booster 1.20 Mg /I Valley View Booster 1.20 Mg /I Paso Fino Booster 1.25 Mg /I Hidden Hills Reservoir 1.50 Mg /I Camino de Bryant Reservoir 1.30 Mg /I Notes: Out of Service Equipment Equipment Name Reason for Out of Service Highland Gas Engine #5 Spark plug failure. South Loop C12 analyzer Motor assembly failed. Richfield C12 Tank Level Indicator failed. SCADA System Various system issues. Returned to Service Equipment Name Date Highland Gas Engine #5 4/10/2014 Water System Equipment Maintenance & Repairs Lakeview Cl2 feed system Rebuild pump system discharge piping. Well 20 C12 feed pump #2 Rebuild pump due to leak. Richfield sump pump Installed new conduit and wiring to pull box. Lakeview C12 storage tank Repair a leak on the inlet to the tank. The Production Staff and SCE have completed the Efficiency Testing and Infrared MCC maintenance for the Fiscal Year 2013 -2014. The water system continues to serve groundwater to zones 4 and 5 in order to comply with the CUP call out on April 1st. The Production Staff, Cla -Val Crew, and the SCADA programmer will be coordinating to perform a modification at the Trentino PRS station to control the flow. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 1, 2014 ITEM NO. 5.5 Subject: Groundwater Producer Meeting Notes ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: GWP Mtq Notes April 2014.docx GWP Meeting for April 2014 Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District MEMORANDUM DATE: April 14, 2014 TO: File FROM: Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager SUBJECT: Groundwater Producers Meeting April 9, 2014 attended the Groundwater Producers (GWP) meeting on April 9, 2014 at Orange County Water District (OCWD). A summary of the item discussed is as follows: 1. Long -Term Facilities Plan (LTFP) Review. Greg Woodside of OCWD described the LTFP as a strategic planning tool used to identify, evaluate and prioritize future potential projects. Projects should meet OCWD's objectives of: 1) increase water supply reliability and sustainable yield; 2) protect and enhance groundwater quality; and 3) increase operational efficiency. OCWD staff identified 62 potential projects that were short - listed to 13 priority projects. Following discussion, a meeting was scheduled on April 30 at 8:00 am at the City of Santa Ana for the Producers to review and discuss the LTFP projects with OCWD staff. 2. Proposed OCWD FY 14115 Capital Improvement Program. The proposed CIP budget is $74.3 million, of which $59.5M is for construction of the GWRS Initial Expansion. The balance is to fund 16 other projects. The proposed projects and their budgets were reviewed and discussed with the Producers. 3. Ocean Desalination Update. It was reported that OCWD is currently seeking proposals to assist the District in evaluating financing alternatives and other issues related to the proposed Poseidon Project. The estimated cost for the study is in the range of $120,000. The goal is to complete this evaluation by August. 4. MWD's Conjunctive -Use Program (CUP) Call for Water. The CUP call for water was reiterated, being 27,000 AF of pumping by the seven participating Producers (including YLWD), between April 2014 and December 2015 (15 months). It is anticipated that MWD will call for the balance of its water in the basin (approx. 20,000 AF) in 2016. 5. Coastal Pumping Transfer Program (CPTP) Update. OCWD's CPTP was established to encourage inland producers to pump more groundwater and coastal producers to pump less. The goal of this is two -fold: 1) to help reduce groundwater losses to LA County, and 2) to reduce the gradient for seawater to travel inland. The original CPTP participants included Anaheim and Buena Park, which now will be taken out so that they can meet their CUP pumping obligations. Five new Producers were brought into the CPTP. 6. Monthly Update on the North and South Basin Lawsuits. Mike Markus reported that there is nothing new to report on the South Basin suit. Regarding the North Basin suit, he reported that the OCWD Board has voted to follow the National Contingency Plan (NCP), which is typically used by the federal government in major cleanups. He noted that AB2712 was pulled from Assembly committee consideration until April 29, to allow more time for negotiations with the OCBC on a compromise. OCWD has retained a specialty PR firm to assist in this effort. OCWD may be requesting letters of support from the Producers in opposition to AB2712 in its current form. 7. Other. There was a brief discussion on MWDOC budget issues. In closing, John Kennedy noted that the FY 14 -15 BEA will be calculated slightly differently to account for Producer groundwater treatment cost and incremental additional O &M cost. 2 ITEM NO. 5.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: May 1, 2014 Subject: Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: CIP Rept May2014.pdf Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Backup Material CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: May 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN CONSTRUCTION Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 2012 Waterline Repl., Ph. II: Tamarisk, Hidden Contractor completed pipe Contractor to complete Project expected to be complete Hills, Catalina Ct., Gordon Ln. & Richfield Rd. installation from golf course to punch list items. end of May 2014. Budget: $1.17M Job No.: 201120 Sunwood Ln.; completing Project Contact: Joe Polimino Pressure Reducing Station in Planned Completion: Early 2014 Sunwood Ln. 2 Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Contractor continuing with Contractor will soon begin Submittals nearly complete. Budget: $2.65M Job No.: 200817B wiring, irrigation system, site curb, gutter, paving, and Project expected to be complete Project Contact: Joe Polimino grading, roofing system and landscaping. Continuing mid -2014. Planned Completion: April 2014 fencing. with electrical work. 3 Well 21 Drilling Project Contractor continues to develop Design capacity will be Anticipate drilling to finish May Budget: $800,000 Job No.: 200922 #21 well by cleaning, swabbing and based on test pump 2014. Project Contact: Derek Nguyen surging, to maximize yield. Test results. Planned Completion: Early 2014 pump scheduled for late April. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: May 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN DESIGN Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Lakeview Grade Separation (OCTA Project) OCTA awarded contract. Utility relocation work to Bridge work requires complete Budget: $700,000 Job No.: 201002 OCTA met with District begin July 2014. Assume 1 closure, after completion of Project Contact: Anthony Manzano staff and discussed yr. for all utility relocations. utility relocations. Planned Completion Date: Early 2014 tentative start of July 2014. 2 YL High School Park Pipe Relocation YLWD bids due 05/14/14. PYLUSD scheduled to begin YLWD Pipeline relocation Budget: $350,000 Job No.: 201213 Coordinated work with grading summer 2014. work tentatively planned for Project Contact: Anthony Manzano PYLUSD construction late summer 2014. Planned Completion Date: Summer 2014 manager and contractors. 3 Well 21 Equipping Project PSA executed with Stantec Awaiting 1St design Estimated equipping design Budget: $150,000 Job No.: 200922 #21 Consulting. District submittal. completion, summer 2014. Project Contact: Derek Nguyen provided design Estimated construction Planned Completion Date: Late 2015 information to Stantec. completion spring 2015. 4 Elk Mountain Surge Tank Construction Agreement Tank requires a minimum 4 Anticipate completion early Budget: $100,000 Job No. 201312 executed with Pascal & month lead. Will issue NTP summer 2014. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano Ludwig (P &L). Approved with a May 2014 start date. Planned Completion Date: January 2014 submittal returned to P &L. 5 Fairmont BPS Upgrade Staff is currently 70% design submittal to be Design estimated to be Budget: $6,000,000 Job No. 201011B reviewing 70% design returned to consultant mid- complete mid -2014. Project Contact: Anthony Manzano submittal. May, 2014. Construction estimated to be Planned Completion Date: Mid 2016 complete mid -2016. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: May 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red IN PLANNING Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Well 22 Site Acquisition Staff completed preliminary Select a site, seek Board Staff's goal is to procure a Budget: $450,000 Job No. 2009 -22 #22 water quality, geotechnical and authorization, negotiate site by late 2014 and Project Contact: Anthony Manzano field research for several terms and enter into an prepare to drill pilot hole. Planned Completion Date: Late 2014 potential locations. Agreement. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS STATUS REPORT Date: May 1, 2014 New Information since Last Report is Shown in Red PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Project Current Status Next Actions Comments 1 Olson Co. T17489 (N. of Golden Ave., Placentia) Developer continuing Prepare Declaration of Estimate 33 -unit condo tract Budget: TBD Job No.: 201301 water facility construction. Restrictive Covenants for completion by 2016 -17. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani water main easement run. 2 Brandywine Homes T17548 (S. of Nixon Lib.) Completed 1st Plan Check. Continue plan check process, Developer will negotiate Budget: TBD Job No.: 201304 Generate Agreements & fee easement acquisitions. Project Contact: Ariel Bacani schedule for execution. 3 Buy -Buy Baby (Savi Ranch) Improvement Plans were Developer's contractor will Estimate construction start date Budget: TBD Job No.: 201309 approved by District. schedule preconstruction early 2014 & building Project Contact: Ariel Bacani meeting with District. completion early 2015. 4 Costco Gas Station /Mirage Street Vacation After gas station design is Seek Board approval for Costco to complete new gas Budget: TBD Job No. 201310 submitted, Agreement to easement execution. Review station & improvements by mid Project Contact: Anthony Manzano be executed. design early to mid -2014. to late 2014. 5 Yavitz Company — Valley View Retail Developer submitted final Developer to finalize Parcel Estimate construction start date Budget: TBD Job No.: 201313 Improvement Plans. Map before District approves in early 2014 & retail center Project Contact: Ariel Bacani Improvement Plans. completion by 2015. 6 Shapell Homes T17652 (West of YLHS) Received executed Seek General Manager Estimate construction start date Budget: TBD Job No.: 201315 Agreements & payments. approval of Plans. mid 2014 & 49 -lot housing tract Project Contact: Ariel Bacani Awaiting Improvement completion by 2018. Plan mylars & Tract Map.