HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-06 - Public Affairs-Communications-Technology Committee Meeting Agenda PacketYorba Linda Hater District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUB AFFAIRS - COMMUNICATIONS -TECH COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, October 6, 2014, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE STAFF Director Ric Collett, Chair Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Director Robert R. Kiley Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 4.1. Committee Activities Review for IT 4.2. Status of GIS Upgrade (Verbal Report) 4.3. GIS Data Sharing with the City of Yorba Linda (Verbal Report) 4.4. Status of CMMS (Verbal Report) 4.5. Committee Activities Review for Public Affairs 4.6. Implementation of Stage 1 of the District's Conservation Ordinance Drought - Communications and Customer Response 4.7. District Community Outreach /Emergency Response Trailer (Verbal Report) 4.8. Signs for Water Conservation Demonstration Project with City of Placentia 4.9. Draft Fall Newsletter 4.10. History Video Update (Verbal Report) 4.11. Future Media Outreach and Press Relations (Verbal Report) 4.12. Status of Current Public Outreach Activities 4.13. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The next Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee is scheduled to be held Monday, November 3, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 4.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 6, 2014 To: Public Affairs- Communications- Technology Committee From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Prepared By: Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Subject: Committee Activities Review for IT SUMMARY: For the benefit of bringing the District's new General Manager, Mr. Marcantonio, up to date on the activities of this Committee, staff has prepared a recap of items that have been discussed, considered and /or acted upon recently by PACT Committee. DISCUSSION: The following items of significance were discussed, considered and /or acted upon by the Committee: • GIS (Geographical Information System) Upgrade • CityWorks AMS - CMMS (Computerized Maintenance and Management System) • GIS Data sharing with the City of Yorba Linda • PSA with ECS for GIS and CMMS Consulting Services • Storage Solution and Recovery Plan (4 Phases) 1. Storage Solution 2. Backup 3. Archiving 4. Disaster Recovery • Server Virtualization • Microsoft Software Licensing • IT budget • District network improvements • Dynamics GP HR Consultant • Dynamics GP Upgrade • Big screen for training room • PSA with RKI Engineering for SCADA Control Programming Services Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT October 6, 2014 Public Affairs- Communications- Technology Committee Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Committee Activities Review for Public Affairs ITEM NO. 4.5 With Mr. Marcantonio joining the District as General Manager, staff has prepared a summary of items that have been discussed and /or acted upon over the past few years. DISCUSSION: In addition to content and messaging in District newsletters and other various internal and external communications, the following items of significance were discussed and /or considered by the Committee: • Website Redesign -The District's website was redesigned and launched. • Bottled Water Program • Label Contest • Water Education for Elementary Schools in YLWD • Branding for YLWD Admin Building • Lobby Displays • Freeway Complex Fire Five Year Anniversary Town Hall Meeting • History of YLWD Video • YLWD History Wall . Electronic Agenda Display* . Emergency /Community Outreach Water Trailer* Meeting Date: To: From: Prepared By: Subject: ATTACHMENTS: conservation mailer.pdf ITEM NO. 4.6 AGENDA REPORT October 6, 2014 Public Affairs - Communications Technology Committee Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Implementation of Stage 1 of the District's Conservation Ordinance Drought - Communications and Customer Response s Description: Conservation Mailer Type: Backup Material OL8Z6 VO'eiluaoeld "E)AV ew0leaiW '3 LLL6 431aisla aamA LIpu1l egaoA 10 STAGE 1 Conservation Notice { M What's GOING on? In response to the Governor's statewide drought declaration, Yorba Linda Water District has a water conservation ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance is to prevent the waste of District water and to protect the health and safety of water users within the Yorba Linda Water District. The ordinance outlines permanent, year -round water conservation measures and prohibitions against water waste, as well as a four part contingency plan which can be implemented in stages upon the declaration of water shortages. Violations of any provisions of the ordinance that are observed by members of the District staff will result in penalties that will begin with a warning and follow with fines for subsequent violations. Adhering to the terms of the ordinance will not only allow you to avoid fines, but you will be doing your part to help us avoid extreme restrictions in a water shortage that affects us all. For more conservation info: www.H2Oconserve.org Information on water use efficiency and rebate: www.BeWaterWise.com Water saving opportunities in your home: www.H2Ouse.org Important phone numbers: Customer Service: (714) 701 -3000 Emergency: (714) 701 -3000 For more information about the ordinance, please contact: Phone: (714) 701 -3024 Email: info @ylwd.com If you would like to report a possible violation, please contact: Phone: (714) 701 -3029 Email: info @ylwd.com - Yorba Linda Water District WATER MsEFivwilt Violations of any provisions of the ordinance that are observed by members of the District staff can result in fines that will be collected on the water bill. This brochure is a summary of the residential elements in the ordinance. To read the full text of the ordinance, please visit the Yorba Linda Water District website at www.ylwd.com ? Printed on recycled paper is 41M LET'S GETS SMAF WATER Thank you for helping to conserve water! www.YLWD.com Have questions about the ordinance? Phone: (714) 701 -3000 Email: info @ylwd.com �Wq Permanent, year -round water conservation measures and prohibitions against water waste Watering of Lawns and Plants • Watering is prohibited between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except for the express purpose of adjusting or repairing an irrigation system* • Watering is limited to 15 minutes per station per day* • Watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area is prohibited when it is currently raining or there is a forecasted chance of rain of 50 percent or higher Other Restrictions • No excessive water flow or runoff that causes or allows water to flow onto an adjoining sidewalk, driveway, street, alley, gutter or ditch • No washing down hard or paved surfaces except when necessary to alleviate safety or sanitary hazards • No excessive use, loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks or other malfunctions in the water user's plumbing or distribution system • Re- circulating water required for water fountains and decorative water features • Washing vehicles limited to use of a hand -held bucket or similar container and /or a hand -held hose equipped with an automatic shut -off water nozzle or device The following Shortage Iortage Stages may be de- clared to respond to local or regional water shortage conditions and emergencies. STAGE 1 • Watering: 3 days /week. Odd numbered addresses can irrigate M -W -F, and even numbered addresses on T -TH -SAT. No irrigation on Sundays.* STAGE 2 • Apr. -Oct.: watering limited to 3 days /week. Odd numbered addresses can irrigate M -W -F, and even numbered addresses on T -TH -SAT. Nov. -Mar.: watering limited to 2 days /week. Odd numbered addresses - MON and FRI, and even numbered addresses - TUES and SAT. No irrigation on Sundays. STAGE 3 • Apr. -Oct.: watering limited to 2 days /week (MON and FRI, or TUES and SAT). Nov. -Mar.: watering limited to 1 day /week, in which odd numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate on Monday only and even numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate Saturday only* • Re- filling of more than one -foot, and initial filling of residential swimming pools or outdoor spas is prohibited STAGE 4 • No watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area with potable water. (For exceptions to this restriction, see full text of ordinance) • Leaks must be corrected in no more than 1 day of receiving notice from the District • Upon declaration of a Stage 4 Water Supply Shortage Emergency, no new water service will be provided except to protect the public health, safety, and welfare * Landscape irrigation systems that exclusively use very low -flow drip irrigation where no emitter produces more than 2 gallons of water per hour, and weather based controllers or stream rotor sprinklers that meet a 70% efficiency standard are exempt from these restrictions. water conservation stages STAGE 1 Minimum water shortage reduce usage by 10% STAGE 2 Moderate water shortage reduce usage by 10 % -20% STAGE 3 Severe water shortage reduce usage 20 % -35% STAGE 4 Critical water shortage reduce usage more than 35% Violations Violations of any ordinance items must be personally observed by members of the District staff. The fines for such violations will be collected on the water bill. Failure to pay a fine amount will be treated as nonpayment of the water bill and water service may be terminated as a result. Protests for violations are allowable per Section 8 of the ordinance. The fines for such violations are as follows: • 1st Violation - YLWD will hand deliver a door hanger to the location of the violation and mail a notice to the current billing address • 2nd Violation - A 2nd violation within 12 calendar months of the 1 st violation is punishable by a penalty of $100 • 3rd Violation - A 3rd violation within 12 calendar months of the 1 st or 2nd violation is punishable by a penalty of $250 • 4th and Subsequent Violations - A 4th and any subsequent violation within 12 calendar months of the 1 st or any subsequent violation is punishable by a fine of $500 • In addition to any fines, the District may install a water flow restrictor device • In addition to any fines and the installation of a water flow restrictor, the District may disconnect a customer's water service for willful violations of mandatory restrictions Hardship Variance If, due to unique circumstances, a specific requirement of the ordinance would result in undue hardship, a customer may apply for a variance, according to section 6 of the ordinance, at www.ylwd.com or the District Offices. Dear Customer, In response to the State issuing mandatory water conservation regulations effective July 29, 2014, the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors has adopted a resolution entering Stage One of the District's Conservation Ordinance. This will help reduce demand on current statewide water supplies and extend water reserves. YLWD Customers have historically been extremely vigilant about water consumption during times of drought and those water use efficiency practices have continued. We are in the midst of some of the driest years on record. Water storage across the state, especially in northern California, is approaching dangerously low levels. As we try to do our part in this statewide issue, we once again, ask you to make an effort to reduce your water use. This historic Drought has garnered headlines and news coverage mentioning expensive fines for those who are wasteful with water. However, we know our customers generally want to do the right thing. Though fines for excessive watering are an option, we look at it as a last resort. The District will employ a step up notification process with possible penalties for continued noncompliance. We fully anticipate issues to be resolved through notices and communication rather than resorting to any fine. On the reverse side of this letter, you will find useful information on how you can easily reduce your water use. The District also currently offers financial incentives to customers to encourage the installation of high efficiency clothes washers and toilets, and turf replacement. For more information on available rebates, visit our website at www.ylwd.com. Included in this mailing is a copy of the District's Conservation Ordinance. The Stage One watering restrictions officially go into effect September 2na Again, we thank you for your continued efforts to save water. Sincerely, h Steve Conklin Acting General Manager The average Orange County resident uses to help reduce your water use by Gallons per da Shorten your shower by 5 minutes � , gallons of water per day. MUNICIPAL WATELi oFSTRIGT OF1ANpE ®Yorba Linda Water District LET'S GETS SMARTaWATER Use a broom instead of a hose 44OW4 to clean the driveway -- 2 , 'o Gallons er day! � j&. y Gallons per day! p y' �y *Based on 1 time per week. b err Wash only Adjust your sprinkler system full loads for leaks and overspray. of laundry _ SO+ Gallons per day! M *Based on 7 loads Gallons per day! per week average. Fix leaky toilets Replace a portion of your lawn and faucets_ with California Friendly plants 20 Gallons day! Gallons per day for every 1000 per p y! square feet of turf removed! lo err Install high efficiency toilets V� 19 '4%d Gallons per day! Qau" Install a smart sprinkler timer 4 0 �U Gallons per day! I i For more helpful tips on ways to reduce water use, visit: Exhibit "B" Yorba, Linda Water District As the water supply situation worsens, conservation and use efficiency remain key factors. Please help to do your part. We were in the area and wanted to make you aware of the following restriction: ❑ Watering between 9am and 6pm ❑ Watering more than 15 min per station per day ❑ Excessive Water Flow /Runoff ❑ Washing down of hard surfaces ❑ Watering on the wrong day • Odd- numbered addresses: M -W -F • Even - numbered addresses: T -Th -Sat ❑ Other Need Help? Check out the other side of this hanger for information on Rebates & Conservation Tips Issued by YLWD Employee No Date: Pursuant to Ordinance 09 -01, this Doorhanger serves as a DN I t14 ,� ,� Yorba Linda Water District Please Do YOUR Part to Help Conserve Water! CONSERVATION TIPS • Limit watering to 15 min. per station per day. • Refrain from washing down drive -ways, sidewalks or patios. • Adjust sprinklers to eliminate overspray and runoff. • Step on your grass to check if it needs to be watered. If it pops back up, it doesn't. • Promptly repair all leaks, including those within your sprinkler system. Both Indoor & Outdoor Rebates are available! Online rebate forms can be found at: www.socalwatersmart.com www.ylwd.com More conservation tips can be found at: www.ylwd.com 714.701.3000 Meeting Date: To: From: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: ITEM NO. 4.8 AGENDA REPORT October 6, 2014 Public Affairs- Communications- Technology Committee Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Signs for Water Conservation Demonstration Project with City of Placentia Over the past year, the District and the City of Placentia collaborated on a Joint Turf Replacement Demonstration Project replacing grass with artificial turf on median islands within the YLWD service area. There was discussion regarding providing information to the public for the use of artificial turf as a water - saving measure. It was agreed that the project should include temporary signs during construction and permanent signs thereafter naming the project and the participants. To date, the temporary signs have not yet been replaced. Attached are the images of the signs on display. ATTACHMENTS: actual sign.ipg Description: Actual Sign Type: Backup Material original WaterConservation Poster. pdf Original Proposed Sign Backup Material YY• IMSE RvATIL !� fps turf 1 `�' r �• y I dw i re •1• "1 k Ni Pk ir Yl • 1 } fir• 'rte �- ��• •�' •f4 a� � i WATER CONSERVATION Yorba Linda Water District www.00;TurfAndPuttingGreens.com 888 - 526 -2289 ITEM NO. 4.9 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 6, 2014 To: Public Affairs- Communications- Technology Committee From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Subject: Draft Fall Newsletter ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 342060 Winter14 Newsletter.pdf DRAFT FALL NEWSLETTER Backup Material ®Yorba Linda Water District Independent, Trusted and Reliable Service for more than 100 Years 1717 E. M iraloma Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 701 -3000 1 www.YLWD.com MW PROPOSITION 1 -The Water Quality, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Supply and Infrastructure Act of 2014 PRESIDENT With the state in Bob Kiley Water Bond the midst of a water VICE PRESIDENT crisis, California voters +wagers qe will consider a $7.5 Ric Collett billion water bond this �coWVemn. :iersnm November. After five pOetl DIRECTORS years of retooling in the Legislature, the Michael J. Beverage ., bond will appear on the Phil Hawkins ballot as Proposition 1. •wa..,nd�.� This bond, if approved, Gary Melton contains $7.1 billion of new debt and $425 CIE WELCOME million of repurposed bond funds previously YOURCOMMENTSI approved by voters. The big question... Where would the money go? The $7.5 billion dollar pie will YLWD PUBLIC AFFAIRS be sliced several ways to provide funding for new much needed water storage PublicAffairs@ylwd.com projects, watershed protection, sustainable groundwater management and (714) 701 -3000 cleanup, water recycling — including desalination projects, water conservation twitter.com/ylwd and water use efficiency projects, statewide flood management, and safe drinking water. While Prop 1 won't help with this drought, nor will it guarantee against water rationina durina future drouahts. the oroiects it would fund would provide I C Winter 2014 The BEST in the BUSINESS YLWD tapping team takes FIRST PLACE at OCWA Imagine drilling into a cement - lined, iron pipe to install a tap. It's no easy task. Now imagine doing it in less than two minutes... With no leaks! Leaks - that are a risk to Public Health and a waste of water. It's a test of strength, skill, and speed. YLWD customers should take some solace in knowing that their water workers are some of the best in the business. In fact, this September the YLWD Tapping Team won the Orange County Water Association 2014 Pipe Tapping Contest. Competing against other water professionals from throughout the County, our team, consisting of Brian Vargas, Freddie Ojeda, Jorge Lopez and Edgar Araujo put up a time of 1:52 in the first round. It was the best time of the entire competition, until our YLWD's second round run, which came in even better at 1:44. It was a dominating performance with only one other team coming within ten seconds of their time. When you think about Public Safety, police officers and firefighters typically are the first professions that come to mind. w \C/ATQR II NHS ' 14 "" NEW GM TAKES THE REINS Ifeto r ~ He had barely unpacked his suitcase before coming to work at the crack of dawn on his first day as new General Manager of Yorba Linda Water District. It has ,' feSm been a busy first month for Andrew Marcantonio, who goes by "Marc ". He officially started as YLWD GM on September 3rd. He has been ushered from ' one meeting to the next, introduced to employees and representatives from other Orange County water agencies and cities ever since. "It's a bit overwhelming but exciting at the same time," says Marcantonio. "It's been a flurry of new faces and names. But that comes with being the new guy, from out of town." While it'll take some time for him to get to know the players and the acronyms, Marcantonio is no stranger to Orange County having lived here for 13 of his 23 years of service in the U.S. Army, where he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. His distinguished military career in many vast leadership roles made him the unanimous choice of the YLWD Board of Directors for the appointment. "He knows the water business but the thing that's most impressive about Marc, he's a natural leader," said Board President Bob Kiley. "We as a Board look forward to him leading this District and taking us to the next level." Marcantonio is the first YLWD GM to be hired from outside of the District in more than 20 years - far outside, actually. Marcantonio drove down Labor Day weekend from his home in the state of Washington. He brings with him a dozen years of water utilities management, heading up Mt. View - Edgewood Water Company. While water politics in California are a different beast than in Washington, where water supply is abundant, Marcantonio promises to be a quick study. He also leaves as President of the Regional Water Cooperative of Pierce County, an association of 25 water and wastewater agencies in the Greater Seattle Area. " Yorba Linda Water District is an agency with exciting opportunities, and I am proud to be a part of the team," said Marcantonio. "I look forward to working together with the Board of Directors, staff, and the broader community for the benefit of our customers." After retiring from the Army, Marcantonio worked as a Fisheries Biologist. He is also a professional fisherman and outdoor writer. It's a welcome return home for his wife Roe, a native of La Habra. Their daughter lives here as well. "This is where we wanted to be. This is where our family is. We have good friends here. This will feel like home very fast." WATER SMART HOME PROGRAM www.acwatersmart. corn How does YOUR HOME SCORE? We've all heard of Energy Star homes that use very little energy; now it's time to make our homes water efficient as well! Not sure where to start? YLWD has partnered with the Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) to offering FREE Home Water Use Surveys to help you identify ways to reduce your home's indoor and outdoor water use. The Water Smart Home Program offers single - family detached houses the opportunity to become a certified Water Smart Home. This FREE program includes an indoor and outdoor Home Water Survey of your property and a customized Home Water Use report with water - saving recommendations and rebate opportunities on many water saving devices. You can choose an outdoor -only survey, which looks primarily at the landscape and irrigation system, or an indoor and outdoor survey, which also detects possible leaks and looks at the water -using devices inside the home. Following completion of the survey, you will receive a personalized Home Water Use Report containing your Home Water Use Score. If your score is high enough, your home can qualify as a 'Certified' or 'Gold Certified' Water Smart Home. The report will also contain money- and water - savings recommendations and no -cost activities that can help you become more water efficient and lower your water bill. If you choose to implement any of the recommendations, it will improve your Home Water Use Score and get you closer to achieving certification status. To set up a Survey, visit www.mwdoc.com/watersmarthome. Applications and program guidelines are available online at: vvvvw.OewR1essn "t. Corn. A program representative will contact you to schedule your borne survey. Qn the day of your appA t_ meat, a representative will come out to }roux home to conduct the surrey with you. r�v. I � �, k: 7�, Once your home survey is complete, you will receive a customized report with your personalized home water use evaluation results and recommendatioms. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 6, 2014 To: Public Affairs- Communications- Technology Committee From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Subject: Status of Current Public Outreach Activities ATTACHMENTS: Description: Public Outreach Activities FY 14.15.xlsx Public Outreach Activities ITEM NO. 4.12 Type: Backup Material PUBLIC OUTREACH ACTIVITIES AND DONATIONS FY 2014/15 Date Business Bottles Sport Bottles Pencils Droplets Bags Water Truck /Staff Presence 07/03/14 YORBA LINDA KIDS BASKETBALL 96 50 07/10/14 OCFA FUNDRAISER 360 07/10/14 TOPSOCCER FEST 360 07/16/14 PRIMITAVE CROSS FIT FUNDRAISER 168 07/16/14 ISLAMIC CENTER OF YORBA LINDA 240 07/24/14 TASTE OF YORBA LINDA 480 08/07/14 OLLI -CSUF 504 08/07/14 GENEOLOGICAL SOCIETY 168 08/14/14 YLHS REGISTRATION 576 08/19/14 FRIENDS CHURCH SCHOOL 504 08/19/14 ESPERANZA Ryan Bousquet Memorial 5K Run 312 08/19/14 ESPERANZA WATER POLO 216 09/03/14 YORBA LINDA POP WARNER 408 09/03/14 September Oncology Family Camp 168 09/03/14 Tee it Up for the Troops 312 09/12/14 Valencia High School Quarter Mania 312 09/12/14 Saint Joseph 8th Grade Fundraiser 480 09/18/14 City of Yorba Linda Community Center Kids Community Swap Meet 720 09/18/14 Raman Temple of Yorba Linda Fundraiser 408 10/01/14 El Dorado High School 240 10/04/14 YL Chamber Chili Cook Off /Car Show * ** 2016 50 100 100 Yes/ YLWD Booth 10/11/14 Placentia Heritage Festival Parade 2300 FY TOTALS 11348 1001 1001 100 0 YLWD PUBLIC AFFAIRS