HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-25 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes2002-47
April 25, 2002
8:30 A.M.
The April 25, 2002 meeting of the Yorba Linda
order by President Arthur C. Korn at 8:30 a.m.
4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Water District Board of Directors was called to
The meeting was held at District Headquarters,
Directors Present at Roll Call
Arthur C. Korn, President
John W. Summerfield, Vice President
Mark Abramowitz
Paul R. Armstrong
Michael J. Beverage
Staff Present:
William J. Robertson, General Manager
Beverly Meza, Business Manager
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Gloria Lujan, Management Analyst
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Ken Vecchiarelli, Engineering Manager
Amelia Cloonan, Executive Secretary
Vince Blundo, Maintenance Supervisor
Carlos Collazo, Maintenance Worker I
Eddie Gutierrez, Maintenance Worker I
Daniel Ornelas, Maintenance Worker I
Visitors present: Michelle O'Brien, The Keith Companies, Scott Wright, Pulte Home
Corporation, Carl Kymla, Consultant for Pulte.
1. Vince Blundo, Maintenance Supervisor, introduced Carlos Collazo, Eddie Guttierrez and
Daniel Ornelas, all three who are Maintenance Worker I's, and asked they be recognized
for their efforts to attain their California Class A Drivers' license.
Vince Blundo, Carlos Collazo, Eddie Gutierrez and Daniel Ornelas left the meeting at 8:33 a.m.
Arthur G. Kidman, District General Counsel, entered the meeting at 8:34 a.m.
Director Abramowitz asked that Consent Calendar item 5 be pulled for discussion.
On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to approve Consent Calendar items 2, 3 and 4.
2. Approve minutes of regular meeting, April 11, 2002.
3. Authorize directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting.
4. Approve disbursements of $537,626.17.
5. Approve a Consultant Agreement with Carollo Engineers to conduct an engineering study
and recommendation for Water Reservoir Nitrification Prevention and Control.
Staff was queried if this item had been put before the full Board previously. Ken
Vecchiarelli, Engineering Manager, responded it had not. He commented the District
needs to comply with Title 22 and requests the assistance of consultants to insure there are
no problems. There were questions about the bids and why this item is in the capital fund.
On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of
Directors voted 5-0 to approve a consultant agreement with Carollo Engineers to conduct
an engineering study and recommendation for water reservoir nitrification prevention and
6. Consider Item 10 of the Minutes of the regular meeting held March 28, 2002. (Continued
from the Board meeting held April 11, 2002.) President Korn asked if the Board concurred
that this item could be moved to the end of the Agenda. The Board members concurred.
7. Consider participating in a Community Facilities District with the Placentia-Yorba Linda
Unified School District. William J. Robertson, General Manager, presented the report.
Questions were asked and comments were made regarding issuance of bonds by the school
district, concerns about Mello Roos, the interests of the District and the impact on the
District, the fees being charged by the District, the manner in which these fees are to be
charged, and concern for the District's customers. Scott Wright of Pulte Homes
On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of
Directors voted 5-0 to deny authorizing staff to pursue a Joint Financing Agreement with
the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District.
Scott Wright and Carl Kymla left the meeting at 9:20 a.m.
8. Consider Richfield Plant On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation and Disinfection
System Project and Well #18 Pumping Facilities Project. Kenneth Vecchiarelli,
Engineering Manager, reported. Questions were asked, and a discussion was held
regarding the question of bringing the two projects together, negative declarations, and
CEQA concerns. General Counsel Kidman commented on the CEQA concerns.
On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of
Directors voted 5-0 to approve a Consultant Agreement with Tetra Tech, Incorporated for
engineering design, construction management, and inspection services for the construction
of the following projects:
1) Richfield Plant On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite Generation (OSHG) and
Disinfection System, Job No. 200207
2) Well No. 18 Pumping Facilities and Appurtenances, Job No. 200104.
9. General Manager's oral report and comments.
a) General Counsel Kidman presented a copy of the publication prepared by McCormick,
Kidman and Behrens, and published by ACWA, which gives guidance on what SB 221
and SB 610 mean for Water Districts. He gave an outline of the information contained
in the publication and stated additional copies would have to be purchased from
A recess was declared at 9:35 a.m. Michelle O'Brien and Beverly Meza left the meeting. The
meeting reconvened at 9:45 a.m. with all Directors present. Also present were William
Robertson, Arthur Kidman, Michael Payne, Michael Robinson, Gloria Lujan and Amelia
b) William I Robertson, General Manager, reported the Employee Association has hired
CEA (City Employees Association) to help with their representation.
c) District activities. Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator, distributed information
regarding a rebate program for front loading clothes washers. These are water and
energy efficient. He also reported on a call from the City of Placentia. On Tuesday,
May 7 at 7:00 p.m., they will present a proclamation to the District. Vice President
Summerfield will plan to attend.
10. Executive-Administration Committee (Korn/Summerfield)
Report of meeting held April 18, 4:00 p.m. President Korn reported there was a question
about why the District video had not been shown on TV. The question was referred to the
General Manager. The request from Pulte (Agenda Item 7) was discussed.
A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 2 at 4:00 p.m. General Manager's contract.
11. Finance-Accounting Committee (Beverage/Kom)
12. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Abramowitz/Armstrong)
The minutes of the meeting held April 10 jointly with the Public Information Committee
were included in the Agenda.
A meeting is scheduled for Thursday May 2, 9:00 a.m. Employee survey, health insurance,
property insurance deductibles, risk management update, OCWA salary survey, liability
Director Abramowitz reported he was able to access the website with all his browsers after
Art Vega made a change.
13. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Summerfield/Beverage)
Report of meeting held April 17, 4:00 p.m. is included in the Agenda. Richfield Plant
renovation update. Vista del Verde development: proposed phasing agreement
amendments, Bastanchury sewer FFDCA, Well No. 18 construction update. District project
update: proposals for reservoir nitrification prevention and control study, sodium
hypochlorate generator, Well No. 18 equipment.
Director Armstrong asked about the possibility of the Directors going up to the
Bastanchury extension now it is paved. Kenneth Vecchiarelli, Engineering Manager, stated
this is still a construction site. He will try to set up a tour for the members of the Board.
This item will be put on the next Agenda for scheduling.
14. Public Information Committee (Armstrong/Abramowitz)
The minutes of the meeting held April 10 jointly with the Personnel-Risk Management
Committee were included in the Agenda.
15. Orange County Water District Ad Hoc Committee (Beverage/Kom)
Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 6, 4:00 p.m. Introductions, Huntington Beach
litigation, adaptive management plan.
16. MWDOC Ad Hoc Committee (Kom/Abramowitz)
17. Yorba Linda City Council, Tuesday, April 16, 6:30 p.m. (Korn)
President Korn attended. Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) notices about
increased rates were in the agency report. President Korn had a call from a constituent
whose home is on a septic tank but who nevertheless received the notice. Jim Winder
expressed an interest in attending Board meetings, perhaps once a quarter.
18. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Wednesday, April 24, 7:30 p.m. (Armstrong)
Director Armstrong did not attend as there was nothing of significance to the District on the
agenda. He wanted to bring to the attention of the other Directors the fact that in the
Planning Commission agenda there is an interesting summary of various types of actions in
which the Planning Commission has been involved.
OCWD, Wednesday, May 1, 6:00 p.m.
WACO, May 3, 7:30 a.m.
ISDOC Board, May 7, 7:30 a.m.
Yorba Linda City Council, Tuesday, May 7, 6:30 p.m.
MWDOC/Met A Workshop, Wednesday, May 8, 9:00 a.m.
Yorba Linda Planning Commission, Wed., May 8, 7:30 p.m.
Vice President Summerfield reported on a GIS meeting he had with Ken Vecchiarelli and Nem
Ochoa, Engineering Department. He gave them his concerns. They are in the process of
preparing a report, which will go to the PEO Committee and then to the Board.
Director Abramowitz stated that at the request of another Board member, the staff was asked to
look at the parking situation. In the agenda packets, there was an agenda report that did not
make it on the Agenda. He would like this to actually appear in an agenda. The Board should
have the opportunity to direct action if it wishes to or get some more in depth information. There
was no form for discussion. There was a lengthy discussion about putting this item on a Board
agenda. General Counsel Kidman stated it would not be a violation of the Brown Act to have a
motion to put the item on a future agenda.
Director Armstrong moved to put the parking issue on a future agenda. Director Abramowitz
seconded. The Board did not vote on this issue. President Korn asked the Personnel-Risk
Management Committee to oversee this item.
Vice President Summerfield suggested looking at the possibility the Plumosa Drive property
could be sold to the city. Director Abramowitz said the District has right of refusal for the
community college property on Fairmont. The city is looking at selling a portion of the land it is
getting from Shell. The District may want to put its name on the right of refusal list for this
property also.
6. Consider Item 10 of the Minutes of the regular meeting held March 28, 2002. (Continued
from the Board meeting held April 11, 2002.) Director Abramowitz suggested a change in
the language of this item. Discussion.
Director Abramowitz moved to add additional words to Item 10 of the Minutes of the
regular meeting held March 28, 2002. Director Armstrong seconded. The Board of
Directors voted 2-3, with Directors Summerfield, Beverage and Korn voting No. The
motion failed.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Vice President Summerfield, the Board of
Directors voted 4-1, with Director Abramowitz voting No, to approve the Minutes of the
regular meeting held March 28, 2002 as written.
A recess was declared at 10:36 a.m. Ken Vecchiarelli, Gloria Lujan, Mike Robinson and Amelia
Cloonan left the meeting. The meeting reconvened in Closed Session at 10:45 a.m. with all
Directors present. Also present were William Robertson, General Manager, Arthur Kidman,
General Counsel, and Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager.
19. Discussion of pending litigation to which the District is a party, (Subsection (a) of Section
54956.9), Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Central Justice Center, Case No.
OOCC 14623, Keith Ranby Saul v. Yorba Linda Water District, et al.
Michael Payne departed after discussion of this item.
20. Discussion of pending litigation to which the District is a party, (Subsection (a) of Section
54956.9), Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Central Justice Center, Case No.
815921 Huntington Beach vs. OCWD, and Case No. 818852 Fountain Valley vs. OCWD.
21. Performance Evaluation of General Manager (Pursuant to Government Code Section
President Korn excused William Robertson and Arthur Kidman.
The Board of Directors came out of Closed Session at 11:55 a.m. No action was taken by the
Board in Closed Session.
Agenda Item 21 was continued to the next Board meeting.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to adjourn at 11:55 a.m.
The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 2002 at 8:30 a.m., at
the District Headauarters.
Secretary/General Manager