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2014-10-21 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda '"Water District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia, CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Robert R. Kiley, President Ric Collett, Vice President Michael J. Beverage Phil Hawkins Gary T. Melton 4. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Introduce Brian Vargas, Newly Promoted to Senior Maintenance Distribution Operator 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held September 25, 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,601,768.07. 7.3. Purchase of an Annual EADOC Project Management System Subscription for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station and other YLWD Projects Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the purchase of an annual EADOC Project Management System subscription for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Project and other YLWD Projects in the amount of $6,100. 7.4. Brand Name Requirement for Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the brand name requirement for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project for the items as specified. 7.5. Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement for Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with MWH, in the amount of $59,000, for additional engineering services for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project, increasing the total fee from $549,584 to the new total of $608,584, for engineering design, bid -phase services, and services during construction. 7.6. Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with CDM Smith, Inc. for Hydrogeologic Services for Well No. 21 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 2 to the PSA with CDM Smith, Inc. in the amount of $9,785, which will increase the contract amount of $128,360 to a total revised contract amount not to exceed $138,145. 7.7. Authorization to Reject Bids for Richfield Gate Modifications and Readvertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize to reject all bids for the Richfield Gate Modifications Project and readvertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project. 7.8. Sole- Source Justification for Vactor Manufacturing Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the sole- source of Vactor Manufacturing for the purchase of the District's combination sewer cleaning vehicle. 7.9. Claim Filed by William P. Austell, Jr. Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject the claim and refer it to ACWA -JPIA. 7.10. Claim Filed by Brett M. Murdock, Esq. on Behalf of Sharla Worth Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject the claim and refer it to ACWA/JPIA. 7.11. Claim Filed by Hari Soeharjono Recommendation: That the Board of Directors reject the claim and refer it to ACWA -JPIA. 8. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 8.1. Resolution in Support of Proposition 1 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 14 -15 In Support of Proposition 1, the Water Quality Act, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. 8.2. Amendments to the District's Conflict of Interest Code and Reaffirmation of the District's Ethics Policy Recommendation: That the Board of Directors: (a) Approve Resolution No. 14 -16 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code which Supersedes all Prior Conflict of Interest Codes and Amendments Previously Adopted; and (b) Reaffirm the policies set forth in Resolution No. 10 -05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees. 8.3. Identification of Agency Designated Representative(s) for Labor Negotiations Recommendation: That the Board of Directors identify designated representative (S) for labor negotiations with the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association. 9. REPORTS. INFORMATION ITEMS. AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report CASA Funding Opportunities Seminar - October 16, 2014 9.2. Directors' Reports OCWD Water Supply Series - October 14, 2014 (Collett) 9.3. General Manager's Report 9.4. General Counsel's Report 9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Executive - Administrative - Organizational Committee (Kiley / Collett) • Minutes of the meeting held October 13, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 10, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Finance - Accounting Committee (Hawkins / Beverage) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 27, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 10.3. Personnel -Risk Management Committee (Hawkins / Melton) Minutes of the meeting held October 14, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 12, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 10.4. Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee (Melton / Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held October 8, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 4, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 10.5. Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee (Collett / Kiley) • Minutes of the meeting held October 6, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 3, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 10.6. YLWD -City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee (Beverage / Melton) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 10, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. 10.7. YLWD -City of Yorba Linda Joint Agency Committee (Kiley / Collett) Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 28, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. 10.8. YLWD - MWDOC -OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Kiley / Beverage) Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 25, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 10.9. Citizens Advisory Committee (Kiley) Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 27, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11.1. YL LMCAC - October 9, 2014 (Beverage) 11.2. MWDOC Board - October 15, 2014 (Melton) 11.3. OCWD Board - October 15, 2014 (Collett) 11.4. YL Planning Commission - October 15, 2014 (Beverage) 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from October 22, 2014 - November 30, 2014 13. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS This section of the agenda is for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance at the listed events. 13.1. OCWD Water Supply Series - (Multiple Dates) CASA Funding Opportunities Seminar - October 16, 2014 MWDOC Elected Officials' Forum - November 6, 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize and /or ratify Director attendance at these events if desired. 14. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and /or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 14.1. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representatives: To Be Announced Employee Organization: Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association 14.2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Related to written communication received by the District. Number of Potential Cases: One 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, November 13, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non - exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy -two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http: / /www.ylwd.com /. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability - related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714 - 701 -3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 -0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability - related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 ITEM NO. 7.1 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held September 25, 2014 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 092514 BOD - Minutes.doc Minutes Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, September 25, 2014, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The September 25, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Kiley at 8:32 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia. California 92870. Robert R. Kiley, President Ric Collett, Vice President Michael J. Beverage Phil Hawkin- Gary T. Mel STAFF PRESENT Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Gina Knight, Human Resources / Risk Manager Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer ALSO PRESENT Brett Barbre, Director, MWDSC and MWDOC Gene Hernandez, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Yorba Linda Art Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP (Arrived at 8:37 a.m.) Eddy Beltran, Partner, Kidman Law LLP 4. ADDITIONS /DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5 -0. 6.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held August 14, 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 1 7 6.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held August 28, 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 6.3. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held September 3, 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 6.4. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held September 4, 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 6.5. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,649,651.19. ACTION CALENDAR Mr. Kidman joined the meeting at this time. Director Collett made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to adopt Resolution No. 14 -13 Approving the Revised Budgeted Positions for the Remainder of Fiscal Year 201412015 and Rescinding Resolution No. 14- 04. Directors Collett, Kiley, Hawkins and Melton voted "Aye ". Director Beverage voted "No ". Mr. Beltran indicated that the vote for this resolution would need to be taken by roll call. He also noted that if the vote had been unanimous, it would not be required to be taken by roll call due to a special provision in the water code. Mr. Marcantonio then responded to additional questions regarding the proposed salary range for this position. Motion carried 3 -2 on a Roll Call vote with Directors Beverage and Melton voting No. 7.2. Progress Payment No. 1 and Change Order No. 1 for the YLHS Park Bryant Cross Feeder Pipeline Relocation Project Mr. Conklin explained that the contractor had ordered all the necessary pipe for this project. This progress payment is for 50% of the cost of manufacturing, the remainder of which will be paid after the pipe is delivered to the project site. Pre - ordering of these materials was necessary due to the short duration for construction being allowed by PYLUSD. This has also made it necessary for the contractor to submit a change order requesting to add an additional 98 days to the contract for submittal review and manufacturing ahead of the construction window. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to approve Progress Payment No. 1 in the net amount of $58,723.11 and Change Order No. 1 adding an additional 98 calendar days to Vido Samarzich, Inc. for construction of the YLHS Park Bryant Cross Feeder Pipeline Relocation Project, Job No. 2012 -13. Motion carried 5 -0. 7.3. JPIA Liability Program Rate Decrease Mrs. Knight explained that JPIA's Executive Committee had approved a 10% reduction in the rate used to calculate deposit premiums for participants in its liability insurance program. This is due to a decrease in excess insurance costs relative to last year's projected excess insurance costs and a change in the formula used to allocate JPIA's overhead expenses. The District's basic premium was $190,808 with an experience modification factor of 1.14 equaling a gross premium of $217,521. With a 0.95 multiple program discount, the District's adjusted deposit premium is $206,645. Director Hawkins noted that the Personnel -Risk Management Committee had discussed this matter at its most recent meeting. Mrs. Knight then responded to questions from the Board regarding the budgeted amount for this expense and various anticipated claims. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to approve the payment to JPIA for the Auto and General Liability Program Invoice dated 0812112014 for the Policy Year 101112014 through 101112015. Motion carried 5 -0. 3 7.4. Election of Independent Special District of Orange County ( ISDOC) Officers Mr. Marcantonio explained that ISDOC was conducting a vote of regular special district members for its election of officers. At this time, there is only one nomination per position as indicated on the ballot. However, any elected or appointed official from a regular member district has the ability to run for an officer position as a write -in candidate. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to vote for the previously nominated individuals as listed on the ballot. Motion carried 5 -0. 7.5. Reschedule Board and Committee Meetings Mr. Marcantonio explained that there were a few conflicts with upcoming meetings due to holidays in November and December. Staff is proposing that the Board consider rescheduling these meetings. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Collett, to reschedule the Personnel -Risk Management Committee Meeting on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 to Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.; reschedule the Regular Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, November 27, 2014 to Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 8:30 a.m.; and reschedule the Regular Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, December 25, 2014 to Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Motion carried 5 -0. 8. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS AND COMMENTS Mr. Conklin reported on the status of various construction projects in progress including the Yorba Linda Boulevard Booster Pump Station, demo of the Palm Avenue Pump Station, design of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station, design of Well 21, and determination of a site location for Well 22. 12 Mr. DeCriscio reported that water production had decreased by 1 million gallons per day on average. Staff will be conducting dead end flushing shortly. Mr. Conklin noted that the District had received 61 applications for participation in the turf removal program, the largest response so far among special districts. 8.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Beltran commented on a provision in the water code that allows a unanimous vote by the Board not to be taken by roll call. 8.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 9.1. Executive - Administrative - Organizational Committee (Kiley / Collett) • Minutes of the meeting held September 8, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. �p • Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 13, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. tag. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 27, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 9.3. Personnel -Risk Management Committee (Hawkins / Melton) ■ Minutes of the meeting held September 15, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 14, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 9.4. Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee (Melton / Beverage) ■ Minutes of the meeting held September 4, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. 5 ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 8, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 9.5. Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee (Collett / Kiley) ■ Minutes of the meeting held September 2, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 6, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 9.7. YLWD -City of Yorba Linda Joint Agency Committee (Kiley / Collett) ■ Minutes of the meeting held August 26, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 28, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. 9.8. YLWD - MWDOC -OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Kiley / Beverage) ■ Minutes of the meeting held September 23, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 25, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 9.9. Citizens Advisory Committee (Kiley) ■ Minutes of the meeting held September 22, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held October 27, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. President Kiley noted that beginning in October, he would like to ask each Committee Chair to provide a brief report on 3 of the top issues being discussed in their respective committees. I 10. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 10.1. YL LMCAC - September 11, 2014 (Beverage) Director Beverage attended and commented on the various outreach meetings, potential policy changes, a water conservation pilot project, and the Engineer's report which were discussed during the meeting. 10.2. YL City Council - September 16, 2014 (Kiley) Director Kiley attended and reported that Mr. Marcantonio had been introduced to the Council, Mr. Conklin was recognized for his service as Acting General Manager, and staff provided an overview of the statewide drought. Director Kiley also commented on a business permit and zoning code amendment that were discussed during the meeting. 10.3. MWDOC Board - September 17, 2014 (Melton) Director Melton attended and noted that their Board had voted in favor of supporting Proposition 1 on the November ballot. Director Melton and Director Barbre briefly commented on legislation being pushed by Assemblymember Diane Harkey related to special district property tax allocations. 10.4. OCWD Board - September 17, 2014 (Collett) Director Collett attended and commented on a presentation provided by Townsend Public Affairs regarding Proposition 1. Also discussed was the status of the groundwater basin, the potential lowering of the Basin Production Percentage, and the recent shutdown of the Groundwater Replenishment System. Director Collett noted that he would not be able to attend the next meeting on October 1, 2014. 10.5. YL Planning Commission - September 24, 2014 (Melton) Director Melton attended and commented on a presentation provided by OCTA regarding the Lakeview Avenue Railroad Overcrossing Project and the denial of a permit for a deck addition. 10.6. OCSD - September 24, 2014 (Kiley) Director Kiley attended and commented on predetermined bid qualifications and the proposed increase of security services which were discussed during the meeting. Mayor Pro Tern Hernandez briefly commented on a previous threat assessment performed by Pinkerton Security. YL Planning Commission — September 15, 2014 (Beverage) Director Beverage attended and commented on a continued public hearing to consider a Conditional Use Permit for a residential development being designed by Brandywine Homes. 7 11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 11.1. Meetings from September 26, 2014 —October 31, 2014 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no additional changes. Ms. Alexander will distribute an updated calendar following the meeting. 12. CONFERNCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS 12.1. Placentia Chamber of Commerce Meet the Mayor Luncheon - October 8, 2014 CSDA Special District Leadership Academy Conference - November 17- 19, 2014 ACWA/JPIA Fall Conference - December 1 -2, 2014 ACWA Fall Conference - December 2 -5, 2014 CRWUA Annual Conference - December 10 -12, 2014 Director Beverage expressed an interest in attending the CRWUA conference. 13. ADJOURNMENT 13.1. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 a.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Prepared By: Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I Budgeted: Cost Estimate: Funding Source: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: CEQA Compliance: Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: ITEM NO. 7.2 Yes $1,601,768.07 All Funds Finance N/A N/A Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,601,768.07. DISCUSSION: The major items and wires on this disbursement list are as follows: A check of $109,216.24 to ACWA /JPIA for November's 2014 medical & dental premium; a wire of $903,429.00 to MWDOC for August 2014 water purchases; and a wire of $93,598.39 to Southern California Edison for September 2014 electrical charges. The balance of $235,916.72 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $1,342,160.35; Payroll No. 21 total is $259,607.72; and the disbursements of this agenda report are $1,601,768.07. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi - monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name. CkRegl02l l4.pdf 14 -CS 1021.pdf 14 CC 1021.pdf Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/2112014 PH /RC 5 -0 Description: CHECK REGISTER CAP SHEET CREDIT CARD SUMMARY Type: Backup Material Backup Material Backup Material Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 10/10/2014 thru 10/21/2014 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 64358 10/21/2014 A & Y Asphalt Contractors Inc. 10,000.00 ASPHALT REPAIR 64355 10/21/2014 A Plus Awards By Dewey 31.32 NAME PLATES FOR MARC & MICALIZZI 64351 10/21/2014 A -1 Fence 3,189.00 INSTALL IRON FENCE 64352 10/21/2014 ACWA /JPIA 109,216.24 MEDICAL & DENTAL- NOVEMBER2014 64353 10/21/2014 ACWA /JPIA 29,978.00 WORKERS COMP- 07/01- 09/30/2014 64354 10/21/2014 Anaheim Wheel & Tire 100.00 MOUNT AND BALANCE - #174 64356 10/21/2014 Aramark 369.58 UNIFORM SERVICE 64357 10/21/2014 Art Vega 12.55 IT /DEV CONNECTIONS - REIMBURSEMENT EXPENSE 64360 10/21/2014 CalCard US Bank 6,827.58 CREDIT CARD EXPENSES FROM JULY -SEPT. 2014 64359 10/21/2014 Calolympic Safety Co. 597.67 CAL GAS MIX 64361 10/21/2014 CDW Government, Inc 151.88 HP PRO 8610 PRINTER 64362 10/21/2014 Chambers Group Inc. 7,326.70 PROF. SVCS - SEPTEMBER 2014 64363 10/21/2014 Cogsdale Services Corporation 2,392.50 UPGRADE GP /CSM V10 64364 10/21/2014 Daniels Tire Service 2,293.75 P225/70R15 TIRES 64343 10/21/2014 DEBORAH AOKI 120.99 CUSTOMER REFUND 64422 10/21/2014 Delia Lugo 140.50 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT - EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 64365 10/21/2014 Delta Wye Electric, Inc. 962.49 WALNUT SUMP PUMP POWER 64367 10/21/2014 Don Wolf & Associates Inc. 821.00 PARTS FOR TEST 350XL 64368 10/21/2014 EADOC LLC 6,100.00 SCADA SUPPORT NOV -DEC09 64369 10/21/2014 Eisel Enterprises, Inc. 91.04 438 & 666 MTR BOX AND COVER 64370 10/21/2014 Energy Environmental Soln, Inc 2,400.00 ICE TESTING - WELL 18 64371 10/21/2014 Environmental Engineering & Contracting Inc. 6,050.00 PROF SVCS - AUGUST 2014 64341 10/21/2014 ERA REAL ESTATE 404.89 CUSTOMER REFUND 64372 10/21/2014 EyeMed 1,355.52 EYE MEDICAL PREMIUM - OCT 2014 64373 10/21/2014 Fleet Services, Inc 741.05 DPF SERVICE 64374 10/21/2014 Flex Advantage 99.00 FLEX - 21 PARTICIPANTS - SEPTEMBER 2014 64339 10/21/2014 FRANCINE DYER 21.54 CUSTOMER REFUND 64375 10/21/2014 Fry's Electronics 4,039.75 IT HARDWARE /SUPPLIES 64376 10/21/2014 Graybar Electric Co 6,446.42 FLOW METER, MANIFOLD & SUPPORT 64344 10/21/2014 HENRY CAMPBELL 159.25 CUSTOMER REFUND 64377 10/21/2014 Hydrex Pest Control 175.00 PEST CONTROL 64378 10/21/2014 Infosend Inc. 2,575.64 PRINT & POSTAGE FEES 64379 10/21/2014 Instrument & Valve Service Co 1,755.00 CALIBRATION FOR WELL FLOWS 64381 10/21/2014 J & S Construction 4,985.00 TRAILVIEW & RICHFIELD RD 64380 10/21/2014 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 82.63 RELAY - UNIT 178 & WIPER BLADES 64337 10/21/2014 JERRY NEWBERRY 140.50 CUSTOMER REFUND 64382 10/21/2014 Kidman Law 5,967.00 LEGAL SERVICE 64383 10/21/2014 Kimco Staffing Services Inc 2,055.68 CUSTOMER SERVICE - MORENO, P 64384 10/21/2014 Konica Minolta Business 908.55 BIZHUB C224, C552 & C181 LEASE 64385 10/21/2014 Lee & Ro, Inc. 3,289.00 J2008 -17B - PROF. SVCS SEPT 14 64386 10/21/2014 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 120.50 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - AUGUST 2014 64338 10/21/2014 MARI LADAWN 2.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 64387 10/21/2014 Marina Landscape, Inc 5,459.68 MAINTENANCE - SEPTEMBER 2014 64342 10/21/2014 MATTHEW COOPER 49.02 CUSTOMER REFUND 64388 10/21/2014 Mc Fadden -Dale Hardware 654.61 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 64389 10/21/2014 Mc Master -Carr Supply Co. 141.42 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 64390 10/21/2014 MCR Technologies Inc. 300.36 PULSAR AIMING KIT 64391 10/21/2014 MISCO 1,164.58 CL2 PARTS 64392 10/21/2014 Mobile Industrial Supply 20.29 WELDING SUPPLIES 64393 10/21/2014 MSKW Company 233.28 PINK PUMICE GEL 64421 10/21/2014 Municipal Water District 351.00 SMART TIMER PROGRAM W101514 10/15/2014 Municipal Water District 903,429.00 MWDOC WTR PURCH - AUGUST 2014 64394 10/21/2014 NatPay Online Business Solutions 46.20 DOCULIVERY - AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2014 64395 10/21/2014 NEOGOV, Inc. 5,000.00 TWELVE MONTH PERFORMANCE EVALUATION MODULE 64396 10/21/2014 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 6,151.68 FUEL 64336 10/21/2014 NOEMI RUEDAS 38.43 CUSTOMER REFUND 64397 10/21/2014 Norman A. Traub Associates 3,130.95 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 64398 10/21/2014 ONLINE Information Services, Inc. 94.68 COLLECTION SVC - AUGUST & SEPTEMBER'14 64399 10/21/2014 Orange County - Tax Collector 455.50 PERMIT #2014- 00474, 2014 -00677 & 2014 -00713 64405 10/21/2014 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc. 1,324.75 +30 FILL SAND, BASE 3/4" CL2 64400 10/21/2014 Parts Source Anaheim 104.87 AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE PARTS 64401 10/21/2014 Paulus Engineering Inc. 22,190.00 5785 HIGHLAND AVE 64402 10/21/2014 Placentia Chamber Of Commerce 415.00 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP 64403 10/21/2014 Powerstride Battery 184.11 GROUP BATTERIES 64404 10/21/2014 Process Solutions, Inc. 292.49 BLOWER - WELL 15 64349 10/21/2014 PS ASSETS 384.83 CUSTOMER REFUND 64410 10/21/2014 Rachel Padilla /Petty Cash 108.45 PETTY CASH 64406 10/21/2014 RBF Consulting 5,981.13 J2011 -20 - PROF SVCS AUGUST 14 64347 10/21/2014 RICK FOREHAN 147.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 64407 10/21/2014 Safety -Kleen Systems Inc 340.57 SPILL CLEANUP - OIL & CLAY 64408 10/21/2014 Sanders Paving, Inc. 3,400.00 ASPHALT REPAIR - WELL 10 64409 10/21/2014 Security Solutions 2,268.00 YORBA LINDA BOOSTER PUMP STATI 64340 10/21/2014 SHANNON NGUYEN 35.91 CUSTOMER REFUND 64346 10/21/2014 SHASTIN ANGEL 19.00 CUSTOMER REFUND W101414 10/14/2014 Southern Calif Edison Co. 15,564.71 2707 - YORBA LINDA BL- AUGUST 14 W102014 10/20/2014 Southern Calif Edison Co. 93,598.39 ELECTRICAL CHARGES - SEPTEMBER 2014 W101614 10/16/2014 Southern Calif Gas Co. 24,736.24 RICHFIELD - AUGUST 2014 64411 10/21/2014 Step Saver Inc 371.82 EXTRA COURSE SALT 64412 10/21/2014 Steven Engineering 209.26 SPRINGVIEW ANTENNA 64413 10/21/2014 Superior Water Technologies 500.00 ACID WAS - PSI 100# 64348 10/21/2014 TASIA DUARTE 84.78 CUSTOMER REFUND 64345 10/21/2014 TERRI CLUFF 51.32 CUSTOMER REFUND 64414 10/21/2014 Terryberry Company 363.35 RETIREMENT AND SVC AWARD 64415 10/21/2014 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. 5,000.00 CONSULTING SVC - OCTOBER 2014 64416 10/21/2014 Underground Service Alert 204.00 YLWDIST NEW TICK CHRGS 64417 10/21/2014 United Industries 252.10 PPE EQUIPMENT 64418 10/21/2014 Vido Samarzich Inc 2,471.40 REMOVE & REPLACE STEEL DISCHAR 64419 10/21/2014 Westside Building Material 315.86 WAREHOUSE PARTS 64366 10/21/2014 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 5,645.00 FINAL BILLING - AUDIT 6/30/14 64420 10/21/2014 Wrap One LLC 4,323.54 FULL WRAP 25'X7'X8' TRAILER 64350 10/21/2014 ZEYNEP AYTUG 54.03 CUSTOMER REFUND 1,342,160.35 October 21, 2014 CHECK NUMBERS: Computer Checks 64336 -64422 $ 304,832.01 $ 304,832.01 WIRES: W101414 SO. CAL EDISON $ 15,564.71 W101514 MWDOC $ 903,429.00 W101614 SO. CAL GAS CO. $ 24,736.24 W 102014 SO. CAL EDISON $ 93,598.39 $ 1,037,328.34 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $1,342,160.35 PAYROLL NO. 21: Direct Deposits $ 166,078.40 Third Party Checks 5983 -5990 $ 48,665.04 Payroll Taxes $ 44,864.28 $ 259,607.72 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $259,607.72 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $1,601,768.07 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF October 21, 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 7/10/14- 10/08/14 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 7/10/2014 Food Service Warehouse 116.98 Glass filler with hose for water trailer 8/7/2014 Aria Resort & Casino 200.48 Lodging - Vega, A (Deposit) IT /DEV Connection Conf. 9/16/2014 Aria Resort & Casino 22.38 Aria Cafe - Meal 9/17/2014 Aria Resort & Casino 30.48 Aria Cafe - Meal 9/18/2014 NYNY Hotel & Casino 25.59 America Bar - Meal 9/18/2014 Aria Resort & Casino 19.76 Five50 - Meal 9/22/2014 Aria Resort & Casino 925.12 Lodging - Vega, A IT /DEV Connection Conf. 9/23/2014 Ferguson Enterprise 143.31 13 Button remote control for Admin faucet 9/29/2014 Placentia Chamber of Commerce 60.00 Meet the Mayor - Collet, Micalizzi, & Marcantonio 9/29/2014 CRWUA Annual Conference 445.00 2014 CRWUA Annual Conference - Melton, G 9/29/2014 CRWUA Annual Conference 445.00 2014 CRWUA Annual Conference - Beverage, M 9/29/2014 Orchard Supply 14.82 Parts for landscape repair 9/30/2014 CALAFCO 132.87 Award Ceremony - Marcantonio, M. 9/30/2014 ACWA 695.00 Fall Conference - Kiley, R 9/30/2014 Harrington Industrial 27.93 Parts for Highland - Filter Housing 10/1/2014 Minuteman Press 490.05 90 copies of open enrollment material 10/1/2014 Chili's Grill 81.84 Sr. Maintenance Operator - Panel Lunch (interview) 10/1/2014 ACWA 695.00 Fall Conference - Marcantonio, M 10/1/2014 RENAISSANCE HOTEL 8.00 Parking Fee 10/1/2014 Mariscos Play de Co. 76.90 Lunch with Dept. of Health Services 10/2/2014 Thai Lingo Restaurant 68.16 Supervisor Meeting - Lunch 10/2/2014 Bangkok Spice Thai 54.76 Lunch with Dept. of Health Services 10/2/2014 Home Depot 4.07 Hardware supplies 10/2/2014 Orchard Supply 8.65 Parts for repairs at Hidden Hill Rd. 10/6/2014 Praxair 104.71 Welding Supplies 10/6/2014 KB Design 1,101.60 Bell caps and sun hats - Uniforms 10/7/2014 Home Depot 132.84 Sump pump for Well 20 10/7/2014 Village Nurseries 66.85 Landscape supplies 10/8/2014 FTP Today 49.95 ylwd.ftptoday.com - October 2014 10/8/2014 Staples 353.58 Office Supplies & Printer Ink 10/8/2014 Fullerton Paint 75.90 Paint supplies for Well 10 10/8/2014 Dan Copp Crushing 150.00 Landfill - Dump TOTAL 6,827.58 Meeting Date To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Board of Directors Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 7.3 Yes $6,500 $6,150 Water Capital Reserves 101 -2700 201011 B Engineering N/A N/A Purchase of an Annual EADOC Project Management System Subscription for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station and other YLWD Projects The purchase of an annual EADOC Project Management System Subscription is recommended to aid in the tracking and review of Construction Management documents, to increase communication among all parties and to minimize potential change orders for construction projects. EADOC was used for the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project and the Highland Booster Station Project which has proven to be a valuable and effective tool for construction management, contract administration and record keeping. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the purchase of an annual EADOC Project Management System subscription for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Project and other YLWD Projects in the amount of $6,100. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee considered this item at its meeting held on October 8, 2014, and supports staffs recommendation. DISCUSSION: EADOC is an online service that allows sharing, transferring and managing information electronically between all parties for construction projects. It was developed specifically to aid in construction management document - control, where otherwise it is a challenge to manage project information and communication, with large amounts of shop drawings and other documentation mailed via multiple hard copies between the owner, contractor and other project team members and suppliers. EADOC provides a means to eliminate numerous paper copies of submittals, pay estimates, requests- for - information and change orders. The service also focuses on electronic communication and information exchange across the entire project team, which provides benefits of integrating the team with a single application. This allows both owners and contractors to get in contact and communicate much faster when problems arise and ultimately provide quick solutions to project problems by increasing communications, usually resulting in less change orders. At the conclusion of the project, EADOC provides all of the electronic project files to the District on CDs for permanent archives. This service was used for the construction of the new Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project and the Highland Pump Station Project and it is very successful with document management providing thorough communications between the owner, contractor and design engineer. By extending the subscription with the District (using the existing account used for the Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station Project), the cost is $6,100. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Yorba Linda Water District EADOC Subscription 2014 - 2015.pdf EADOC Annual Subscription 2014 -2015 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 EADOC Customer Proposal EADOC LLC 180 Grand Ave, Suite 995 eadoc Oakland, CA 94612 www. eadocs csoftware. com Customer Account Name Yorba Linda Water District Contact Name Joe Polimino Bill To 1717 E. Miraloma Ave. Phone (714) 701 -3104 Placentia, CA 92870 Email jpolimino @ylwd.com USA EADOC Prepared By Art Nicholson III Quote Number 00000602 Phone (510) 903 -9658 x712 Created Date 8/13/2014 E -mail art.nicholson @eadocsoftware.com Expiration Date 11/11/2014 Project or Program Name Yorba Linda WaterDistrict- Projects- 2014 -2015 Proposal Details Project Value $4,210,790.00 Project Start Date 9/1/2014 Subscription Lumpsum Contract 12 Payment Duration (months) Contract Type Annual EADOC Subscription EADOC Subscription $5,500.00 1.00 $5,500.00 Standard support (web support, 6am -6pm M -F PST) EADOC Customer Support M -F 6am -6pm PT $0.00 1.00 $0.00 Training Hours EADOC customer training $300.00 2.00 $600.00 Subtotal $6,100.00 Grand Total $6,100.00 Proposal Terms 1. Proposal. This Customer Proposal (the "Proposal ") contains estimated Project parameters provided by EADOC to Customer based on required hosted Construction Management Software Services. 2. Modification and Price Adjustments. Service pricing is based upon engineer's estimate for the Project and estimated duration of the Project. If the actual cost of the Customer's construction is 10% higher than the original estimate, EADOC reserves the right to adjust the subscription price. 3. Service Agreement. By approving this Proposal, Customer acknowledges that the Parties shall fully execute and agree to the Terms of the EADOC LLC Master Services Agreement (the "Services Agreement ") prior to the commencement of Services. Customer further acknowledges that the Estimates contained herein will be incorporated by reference into the Agreement as though they were part of the same. In the event of any conflict between this Proposal and the Services Agreement, the terms of the Services Agreement shall prevail. EADOC Customer Proposal eadoc EADOC LLC 180 Grand Ave, Suite 995 Oakland, CA 94612 www.eadocsoftware.com 4. Service Levels. Service Levels, including System Availability, Response Time, Support Resolution Time, Customer Notification and Credits procedures shall be contained in a Service Level Agreement (the "SLA "), as amended from time to time, attached to the Agreement as Exhibit A shall be incorporated by reference (alternatively available at http: / /www. eadocsoftware. com/ pdf/ EADOC _Service_Level_Agreement.pdf). 5. Term. 1. An approved Proposal is valid for a project start date of +/- three (3) months from the estimated start date listed. 2. If the Project is delayed more than three (3) months or canceled this Proposal is void unless EADOC extends the terms in writing. 3. This Proposal is valid for ninety (90) days from date of issue. Contacts Data notification Joe Polimino contact Approval Date: -2014 Signed: CUSTOMER ( "Customer ") Implementation Joe Polimino Contact Signed: 2014 EADOC ( "Service Provider ") Title: Founder /CEO Meeting Date To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Board of Directors Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Bryan Hong, Associate Engineer CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 7.4 Yes $6M $6M All Water Funds 101 -2700 2010 -11 B Engineering No MND Brand Name Requirement for Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project District staff determined that several key design components and parts from a specific supplier were desired in order to match other products already in use in the District's water system. Previously, legal counsel determined that per Public Contract Code Section 3400, a Board finding is required to approve a brand name requirement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the brand name requirement for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project for the items as specified. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee discussed this item at its meeting held on October 8, 2014, and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: During the design process and review, District staff determined that several key design components and manufactured parts were desired from specific suppliers in order to match products already in use in the District's water system. Legal counsel informed District staff that a brand -name requirement cannot be used unless the Board makes a finding per Public Contract Code Section 3400. The brand -name requirement is necessary in order to match other products already in use in the District's water system. Attached is a copy of the Staff Report setting forth the reasons for requiring brand -name components and parts for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3 -A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011 -2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 11, 2013, the Board of Directors authorized execution of a Professional Services Agreement with MWH Americas, Inc., in the amount of $549,584 for engineering design, bid support services, and construction phase services for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project, Job No. 2010 -11 B. ATTACHMENTS: Name. Description: Type: Staff Report request for brand name 2014- 0925.pdf Staff Report - Fairmont Brand Name Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 Yorba Linda Water District STAFF REPORT DATE: SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 TO: STEVE CONKLIN FROM: BRYAN HONG SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR BRAND NAME COMPONENTS AND PARTS FAIRMONT BOOSTER PUMP STATION PROJECT (J2010 -11B) BACKGROUND During the planning and design phase for a District improvement project, the Engineering Department meets with and solicits input from the Operations Department. The Operations Department has certain maintenance history and training with certain brand name components and parts in the District's system. For certain projects, the Operations Department has requested that bid specifications require a part by brand name in order to improve the efficiency of operating and maintaining the District's water system. However, Public Contracts Code Section 3400 (b) prohibits the drafting of specifications in a manner that will limit bidding to one specific concern, or call for a designated item by specific brand or trade name, unless the specifications are followed by the words "or equal" and which would allow the bidders to furnish an equal item. However, there are exceptions to this rule that support requiring brand name components and parts if the District's Board makes certain findings. Per Section 3400 (c), the "or equal" rule is not applicable when the awarding authority makes a finding that the item as specified by the brand name is needed for one of the following reasons: (1) In order that a field test or experiment may be made to determine the product's suitability for future use. (2) In order to match other products in use on a particular public improvement either completed or in the course of completion. (3) In order to obtain a necessary item that is only available from one source. (4) In an emergency situation as described in detail in Section 3400. WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS AND PARTS The District has a complex assortment of mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation parts /components that are integrated into one public improvement — its water system. The use of different brand name components and parts for its water system creates inefficiency because the District must maintain a large inventory of said parts. In addition, the District's staff must be familiar with different maintenance and repair schedules /procedures for these parts, thus requiring a large amount of training. Requiring a brand name for certain components and parts would permit the District to maintain a smaller inventory (for example, one part in inventory could serve as a back -up replacement for several sites, whereas, if five sites had five parts made by five different manufacturers, the District would be required to keep one back -up part for each site), lessening the risk of incompatible products, lessening the amount of time required to diagnose problems, and lessening training costs related to maintenance and repair. During the final design development for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Project, it was determined that several key operating components and parts for the project should be specified with a brand name in order to match other components and parts in use in the District's water system. As set forth in the attached Exhibit A, the components and parts listed are either already in a vast majority of District facilities or are part of a movement to modernize and standardize District facilities. SUMMARY Requiring brand name components and parts to match other components and parts already in use in the District's water system is in the best interest of the District for the reasons noted above. Therefore, it is the recommendation of Engineering and Operations staff that the specified components and parts in Exhibit A be specified by brand name for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Project in order to match other products already in use in the District's water system. f1:1:11311 re1 1 x_1►117► /a1A,Is tillIIs10-119IQL1I 1_11:7AA Is] ►>ta: 1019111 a:4l01AiIaIr_IIfQ►1: a .10IX49 September 25, 2014 Name of Reviewers: Javier Martinez and Rick Walkemeyer Departments: Operations and Information Technology Product Function Manufacturer 1. Diaphragm Control Valves Controls water flows Cla -Val Use in water system: 52 control valves at District pump stations are Cla -Val. 2. Pressure Transmitters Measures pressures and transmits data Rosemont Use in water system: 18 of 20 pressure transmitters at District facilities are Rosemont. 3. Magnetic Flow Meter Measures flow of the booster station ABB Use in water system: 11 of 11 magnetic flow meters at District facilities are ABB. 4. Chlorine Analyzer Continuously measures chlorine residual Depolox 3 Use in water system: 6 of 13 chlorine analyzers at District pump stations are Depolox 3. 5. Pressure Switches Measures high and low pressure in system Mercoid Use in water system: 42 of 46 pressure switches at District facilities are Mercoid. 6. Process Controller (PLC) Systems Operates Automatic control logic Schneider Electric Use in water system: 26 of 26 process controller systems at District facilities are Schneider Electric. 7. Wall Mount Sleeve Supports mast for confined space entry /rescue DBI -SALA Use in water system: Compatible with the Advanced series hoist system currently used by the District. 8. Card Access /Software Allows personnel access to pump station Lenel OnGuard Use in District security: 15 of 15 card access readers at District facilities are Lenel OnGuard. 9. Diesel Generator Provides backup power to pump station Caterpillar /Cummins -Onan Use in District security: All generators and gas engines at District facilities are Caterpillar or Cummins -Onan. Meeting Date To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Board of Directors Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source Account No: Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Bryan Hong, Associate Engineer CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 7.5 Yes $6M $59,000 All Water Funds 101 -2700 2010 -11 B Engineering N/A MND Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement for Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project The District retained MWH Americas, Inc. (MWH) for engineering services for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project. During recent discussions of various project elements, District staff determined that design changes are needed that were not included in the original scope of work. Following a negotiation process with MWH, MWH prepared a proposal for the additional engineering services that staff reviewed and is recommending for approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with MWH, in the amount of $59,000, for additional engineering services for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project, increasing the total fee from $549,584 to the new total of $608,584, for engineering design, bid - phase services, and services during construction. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee discussed this item at its meeting held on October 8, 2014, and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: During the design review and coordination process, District Engineering and Operations staff determined that other design changes are needed and require additional design work including: • Additional project management by MWH • Deletion of 920 zone discharge • Design for a motor operated valve • Addition of temporary server • Addition of truck to truck communication system • Relocation of freestanding antennae tower • Relocation of the salt tank and generator • Revised architectural style of roof • Revised sanitary sewer connection • Addition of backup HVAC unit • Relocation of fiberoptic connection • Revision to site repaving • Addition of gate . Addition of pumpouts . Addition of reservoir flap gates District staff also determined that the District is owed a credit for the following: • Deletion of second pressure reducing station • MWH did not submit a 50% design submittal and cost estimate • MWH did not submit a cost estimate at the 70% design phase MWH prepared an engineer's cost estimate at the 90% design phase that exceeded the project's construction budget. District staff then performed a value engineering exercise and determined that certain project elements could be deleted or modified. District staff directed the design team to remove or amend the following: • Delete decorative architectural elements • Delete pressure reducing valve • Amend the pipeline alignment to avoid the western gate • Amend the sodium hypochlorite generation unit as an optional bid item During the discussions for all of the above, MWH originally requested $96,423 for the changes to the original plans and $15,000 for the changes requested by the District following value engineering. Thereafter, during extended negotiations, District staff incorporated the credits into the discussion and negotiated the final change order amount down to $59,000. MWH's proposal of $59,000 for the described additional services (copy attached) was reviewed by District staff and determined to be necessary and appropriate for the required work. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3 -A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011 -2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On July 11, 2013, the Board of Directors authorized execution of a PSA with MWH, in the amount of $549,584 for engineering design, bid support services, and construction phase services for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project, Job No. 2010 -11 B. ATTACHMENTS: Name: 20140929 CO Letter.pdf Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 Description: Fairmont Amend 1 Letter Type: Backup Material Q MWH BUILDING A BETTER WORLD September 29, 2014 Yorba Linda Water District Mr Bryan Hong Associate Engineer 1717 E. Miraloma Ave., Placentia, CA 92870 Subject: Fairmont Pump Station Changes to the Scope of Work Dear Mr. Hong; Per our discussions over the past month MWH accepts the offer of $59,000 in change orders for work completed, credits to the job, and work to- be- completed. These items consist of the following work elements: Work Already Completed Project Management • The additional design elements have increased the complexity of the project and increased MWH's project management expenditures. Pump Station • Modifications to Mechanical Plans Due to Deletion of 920 Zone discharge: The pump station discharge side pipe has been modified to delete the 920 Zone discharge. • MOVs on 675 & 780 Zone Pipe: MWH will design a motor operated valve (MOV) to be installed on the 675 zone piping near the to- be- installed tee. This location has been amended from the 70% design submittal and requires some rework. Previously we conducted preliminary design activities related to installation of an MOV on 780 zone piping near the intersection of Bastanchury Road and Fairmont Boulevard. This MOV has been deleted and the preliminary design drawings had to be modified. The 675 zone MOV will be supplied with 480V 3 phase power from the new pump station building. • Temporary Server Location: Based on direction from YLWD, MWH has set aside space inside the new building including planning for additional wire and conduits for a temporary server. • Truck to Truck to Communication System: Based on Direction from YLWD MWH will prepare plans and specifications for a truck to truck communication system to be mounted on the new antennae. 618 Michillinda Avenue TEL 626 796 9141 Suite 200 FAX 626 568 6101 Arcadia, CA 91007 www.mwhglobal.com • Relocation of the Antennae: MWH will provide engineering services to locate a new antenna on the reservoir site. The new antennae cannot be mounted on the new pump station and will need to be a freestanding antennae tower. Based on review comments on the 70% design this tower will be located adjacent to the salt tank. • Relocation of the salt tank and generator. MWH will provide a design to locate the salt tank and generator set on new concrete pads adjacent to the reservoir. This task will consist of the following work items: • Retaining walls • Additional concrete pads • Extended potable water connection • Larger brine metering pump • External cable and wire gallery • Increase the generator size from the initially planned 200 kW to 500 kW and coordinate noise and AQMD requirements with the manufacturer. • Architectural Style: The reservoir structure was changed to a gabled roof structure from a Mansard Style roof. • Sanitary Sewer Connection: MWH will prepare drawings to provide a new sanitary sewer service for the new Fairmont Pump Station. Previously we had anticipated connecting to the existing sanitary sewer service. • Backup HVAC Unit: MWH will provide drawings and specifications for a second HVAC unit. • Fiberoptic relocation: Based on direction from the YLWD the fiberoptic connection was not included in the 70% design submittal. This decision was amended in the review comments and will be incorporated into the design. Site • Site Repaving: MWH will prepare repaving plans for the Fairmont Pump Site. Previously we had not anticipated repaving the site, only the demolished existing Fairmont Pump Station. • Gate: MWH will prepare details for a gate at the southeast corner of the property. • Pumpouts: MWH will prepare plan and profile drawings for pumps for the 675, 780, and 100 zones. MWH will use the details previously prepared for the YLWD. Reservoir • New flap gates: MWH will provide a design to remove and replace the existing flap gates in the Fairmont Reservoir. Credits • Pressure Reducing Station: MWH will provide a credit to the project for deletion of a pressure reducing station that has been deleted from the scope of work. • 50% Submittal: MWH will provide a credit to the project for deletion of the 50% Submittal. • 70% Cost Estimate: MWH will provide a credit to the project for deletion of the 70% Cost Estimate. New Work • Deletion of Architectural Elements: MWH will delete architectural elements from the 90% drawings consisting of decorative trellises and other architectural elements. • Deletion of PRV: MWH will delete the pressure reducing valve inside the Fairmont Pump Station. • Revisions to Yard Piping: MWH will amend the pipeline alignment to avoid the western gate. • Amend NaOCL Unit to Optional Bid Item: MWH will amend the sodium hypochlorite generation unit to be an optional bid item. The total cost for this work is depicted in Attachment A to this letter. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding. If you have any questions please let me know Sincerely, 44,2L 4x�- Christopher Mote Project Manager Cc: Anthony Manzano, Senior Project Manager Steven P. Weber, PhD Vice President and Southwest Business Unit Leader Table 1: Hours and Budget already Expended Yorba Linda Water District Fairmont Pump Station Change Order 01 9/29/2014 MWH - Project Engineering and Management Personnel RBF - Project Engineering and Management Personnel Contract Hourly Rate $225 $225 $190 $175 $160 $145 $130 $125 $105 $80 $236 $184 $166 $121 $86 _ `o y N U O N E a • 'Fi o o m �, a O O N N 10 .2 E C C N O w C O Q y y N .N. N is N N OL O O O. U) W C ..-. W C .-. O U y W C (n K O U • ,r O. O W D C W t= .,�., W C_ W 7 W C O. O. C N O C O .W. p �'' y O W W 2 E LL W W E i N `, C C 'y O 2 LL R CL 17 O. 17 O. O. O N N •5 U .0 �? L J f.1 W Q W R fY i al O d A U W W U W C J fY O 0 Activity C C E CL C w N C E A H O C m O R L _ O a 2 0 E ~ m t LL • No. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION y a a t'n to a a to Q t7 a 2 � a 2 O g a y a U Q F- O Project Management 50 50 S 8,750 $ 8,750 0 $ $ - $ 8,750 1 "t' 53.5 34 1@11 76 1 7 W175,880 $ .00 .•Y 920 Zone Discharge Deletion 4 4 6 6 20 $ 3,110 $ 190 $ 3;300 0 $ - $ - $ 3,300 Motor Operated Valve 6 6 10 10 32 $ 4,940 $ 147 $ 5,087 1 2 8 8 19 $ 2,895 $ 18 $ 2,913 $ 8,000 Temporary Server Location 1 1 3 5 $ 850 $ 33 $ 883 1 1.5 2 5 $ 674 $ 43 $ 717 $ 1,600 Truck to Truck Communcations System 0 $ - $ - 2 12 14 $ 2,355 $ 2,355 $ 2,355 Relocation of the Antennae 2 2 4 $ 640 $ 640 1 8 2 11 $ 1,750 $ 41 $ 1,791 $ 2,431 Relocation of the Salt Tank and Generator 7 20 20 17 64 $ 11,340 $ 255 $ 11,595 1 2 14 10 7 34 $ 4,733 $ 2 $ 4,735 $ 16,330 Architectural Style 6 8 14 $ 2,510 $ 70 $ 2,580 0 $ - $ 20 $ 20 $ 2,600 Sanitary Sewer Connection 6 12 18 $ 2,520 $ 201 $ 2,721 0 $ - $ - $ 2,721 Backup HVAC Unit 6 6 8 20 $ 3,350 $ 3,350 1 2 4 7 $ 998 $ (0) $ 998 $ 4,348 Fiberoptic Relocation 2 2 4 $ 730 $ 730 1 8 8 17 $ 2,475 $ 0 $ 2,475 $ 3,205 3.0 0 0 7 0 15 44L 18] "C) '1 =J0 1 . Site Repaving 6 10 12 28 $ 4,300 $ 180 $ 4,480 0 $ $ $ 4,480 Gate 2 2 4 $ 580 $ 580 0 $ $ $ 580 Pumpouts 1 3 4 8 $ 1,190 $ 10 $ 1,200 0 $ $ $ 1,200 4.0 Reservoir 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 $ 1,41M 55 $ 1,50 0 0 1,500 New Flap Gates 3 5 8 $ 1,445 $ - $ 55 $ 1,500 $ - 0 $ $ - $ $ 1,500 New Instrumentation 0 0 $ $ - SUBTOTAL 0 14 49 95 0 0 0 279 10 54 34 7 107 :1 $16,004 11 Table 1: Hours and Budget already Expended ITEM NO. 7.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $128,360 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $138,145 Funding Source: All Water Funds From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Job No: J2009 -22 Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Alex Thomas, Water Quality CEQA Compliance: N/A Engineer Subject: Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with CDM Smith, Inc. for Hydrogeologic Services for Well No. 21 SUMMARY: Staff requested a letter proposal from CDM Smith, Inc. to perform a feasibility study for the proposed YLWD Well No. 22 site that focuses on assessing groundwater quality and identifies potential construction and permitting issues. The proposed YLWD No. 22 site is located east of the Fee Ana Street cul -de -sac, adjacent to the Huckleberry Basin on Orange County Water District (OCWD) property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Amendment No. 2 to the PSA with CDM Smith, Inc. in the amount of $9,785, which will increase the contract amount of $128,360 to a total revised contract amount not to exceed $138,145. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee considered this item at its meeting held on October 8, 2014 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: On October 1, 2014, the OCWD Board of Directors conceptually approved the well site location and granted permission to proceed with the evaluation of the well site with the intent to prepare a lease agreement with OCWD. As a precautionary approach, YLWD staff deemed it appropriate to conduct the above described feasibility study before significant negotiations are conducted between YLWD and OCWD regarding the lease of the YLWD Well No. 22 site. The feasibility study will help YLWD determine if the proposed site can provide a high capacity well with water quality similar to YLWD Well No. 20 & 21 at a reasonable cost. A copy of the letter proposal with the fee schedule is attached for reference. STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3 -A: Complete Implementation of Five Year Capital Improvement Plan from FY 2011 -2015 with adopted amendments PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On December 20, 2012, the Board of Directors approved a PSA with CDM Smith, Inc. in the amount of $117,740 to provide hydrogeologic services to evaluate two potential well sites and provide well drilling design, specifications and inspection services. On October 10, 2013, the Board of Directors approved Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with CDM Smith, Inc. in the amount of $10,620 to provide full -time oversight monitoring during the drilling of Well No. 21. The revised contract did not exceed $128,360. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Well 22 feasibility study letter proposal 100814.pdf Letter Proposal for Amendment No. 2 with CDM Smith Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 Smith 111 Academy Way, Suite 150 Irvine, CA 92617 tel: 949- 752 -5452 October 7, 2014 Alex Thomas, Water Quality Engineer Yorba Linda Water District 1717 East Miraloma Avenue Placentia, California 92870 Subject: Proposal for a Feasibility Study for YLWD Well No. 22 Dear Mr. Thomas: In response to your email request received on Friday, October 2, 2014, CDM Smith is pleased to submit to Yorba Linda Water District (YLWD) this letter proposal to perform a feasibility study for the proposed YLWD Well No. 22 site that focusses on assessing groundwater quality and identifies potential construction and permitting issues. The proposed YLWD No. 22 site is located adjacent to Huckleberry Basin on Orange County Water District (OCWD) property as shown on Exhibit A. Scope of Work The following tasks will be performed as a part of the feasibility study. Task 1 Groundwater Quality Review The groundwater quality for nearby monitoring and production wells will be obtained, reviewed, graphed and compared to current regulatory limits. Constituents of concern to be evaluated for the area are expected to include volatile organic compounds, arsenic, lead, uranium, radium -226 and 228, and total trihalomethanes. Groundwater quality data from nearby monitoring and production wells was previously summarized as part of the preliminary design reports for YLWD Wells No. 20 and No. 21. These data will be supplemented with recent water quality data which will be obtained from YLWD and OCWD. Water quality for the proposed well will be estimated based on the data collected and evaluated during this task and presented in a technical memorandum (TM) (Task 3). Task 2 Site Constraints and Permitting The proposed well site is located on a small parcel of land located adjacent to the Huckleberry Basin on OCWD property. During this task, CDM Smith will review the proposed site for potential site constraints and permitting issues. Siting will include a review of the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water (DDW) setback requirements that may affect the siting of water production wells as well the proximity of the proposed well to the recharge basin. YLWD will assist in the Study by determining the distances to storm drains and sewers. CJ WATER + ENVIRONMENT + TRANSPORTATION + ENERGY + FACILITIES CDM Smith Alex Thomas October 7, 2014 Page 2 A point of immediate concern is the proximity of the proposed YLWD Well No. 22 well site to Huckleberry Basin. Based on aerial imagery, it appears unlikely that Well No. 22 will be able to be constructed at a distance greater than the required DDW 100 -foot setback from the basin as currently sited. This presents the possibility that the DDW may deem the well to be under the influence of surface water and therefore subject to additional permitting requirements. As the site is relatively small, YLWD will investigate the feasibility of utilizing Fee Ana Street during the well drilling, testing, and construction phases in order to locate the well as far from the basin as possible and at least greater than the required 100 feet. YLWD will also investigate the types of commercial businesses within an approximate radius of 200 feet of the proposed well. Facilities that manufacture, store, or utilize chemicals that have the potential to impact groundwater may be of concern to DDW. Permits will also be identified for well construction and operation and the requirements to obtain them will be documented in the Feasibility Study TM. Task 3 Feasibility Study Memorandum The Feasibility Study TM will focus on potential water quality results based on water quality data from wells in close proximity. In addition, the TM will also describe well permitting issues. Other issues that may hinder the development of YLWD Well 22 at this particular location will also be addressed in the TM. A draft TM will be submitted to YLWD for review and comment. The TM will incorporate YLWD's comments and a final TM will be submitted. Schedule and Costs The draft TM will be completed within four weeks of receiving the data from OCWD and YLWD. The final TM will be completed two weeks after comments are received from YLWD. A line -item work breakdown structure and cost estimate attached as Exhibit B. If approved, the services for this feasibility study shall be amended to the existing Well 21 Hydrogeologic Services Contract between CDM Smith and YLWD. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact Suzanne Rowe or me. Very truly yours, ' Mike Hoffman, CHG Hydrogeologist CDM Smith Inc. cc: Steve Conklin /YLWD Suzanne Rowe, CHG /CDM Smith J: \Proposal - Water \YLWD \Well 22 Feasibility Study \Well 22 feasibility study letter proposal 1oo814.docx I 3 ip QI :V V N a 36:1 � h -IE %7 ' 11 1 M■ • � a ?.]= - ■ 1 � :V 1 J JI � U N L I 11 41 M , L F 7 'i 3 ip QI :V V N a 36:1 � h -IE %7 ' 11 1 M■ • � a ?.]= - ■ 1 � :V 1 J JI � U N L I 11 41 M , L F E } _ Too f I. - -- -------- --- r------------ - - - - -- -T= low slol, / 4 =M. ATTACHMENT B ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT WELL 22 FEASIBILITY STUDY Officer in Senior Tech Review Project Staff Drafter Clerical/ Total Total Other Total Charge Hydro. Individual Hydro. Hydro. Contract. Admin Labor Labor Direct Task $185 $205 $215 $165 $130 $100 $85 Hours Dollars 4L Costs Costs Meeting Date To: From: Presented By Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Board of Directors Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Budgeted: Total Budget: Cost Estimate: Funding Source Job No: Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Bryan Hong, Associate Engineer CEQA Compliance: ITEM NO. 7.7 Yes $55,000 $90,000 Operating Funds 2014 -10 Engineering No N/A Authorization to Reject Bids for Richfield Gate Modifications and Readvertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project On September 18, 2014, bids were received from two contractors for construction of the Richfield Gate Modifications Project. Following review of the bids, staff recommends to reject all bids and readvertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize to reject all bids for the Richfield Gate Modifications Project and readvertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee discussed this item at its meeting held on October 8, 2014, and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: Staff completed in -house plans and specifications and solicited bids from 12 specialty fence contractors. On September 18, 2014, sealed bids were received from only two contractors, as shown below. The bid tabulation and bid documents from both bidders were reviewed and confirmed by District staff. One of the bids was found to be non - responsive. Since only one bid was found to be responsive and fully in order, for a higher than expected amount, staff recommends rejecting all bids. NO. COMPANY BID 1 A -1 Fence Company $94,249.00 2 Community Controls $104,056.57 [NON- RESPONSIVE] The approved budget for the Richfield Gate Modifications Project is $55,000. During design, staff found that the approved budget was based on a design that did not include all of the necessary elements. It is also evident in the received bids that the project was underbudgeted. Staff also completed in -house plans and specifications for another project, the Richfield Campus Spoils Project, which has an approved budget of $150,000. Staff recommends to combine the approved budgets for both projects and bid the two projects together as one project. This approach is expected to reduce construction costs for each project by enabling the contractor to mobilize one time to the same location and lowering unit prices for materials. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approved budgets in the amounts of $55,000 for the Richfield Gate Modifications Project, Job No. 2014 -10, and $150,000 for the Richfield Campus Spoils Project, Job No. 2014 -13S. Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Prepared By: John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Dept: ITEM NO. 7.8 Operations Reviewed by Legal: N/A Subject: Sole- Source Justification for Vactor Manufacturing SUMMARY: Staff has researched several manufacturers of combination sewer cleaning vehicles and our research supports sole- sourcing of Vactor Manufacturing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the sole- source of Vactor Manufacturing for the purchase of the District's combination sewer cleaning vehicle. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee discussed this item at its meeting held October 8, 2014 and supports staff's recommendation. ATTACHMENTS: Vactor Sole- source Justification 9 4 2014.docx Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 Description: Vactor Sole- source Type: Backup Material Evaluation and Justification for the Sole- Source Purchase of Vactor Brand Equipment District staff considered three manufacturers for the planned replacement of its combination Jetter /Vacuum sewer - cleaning truck budgeted for FY 2014/15, Vactor, Vac -con and GapVax. In summary staff determined the "Vactor" Model 2100 Plus will best -suit the requirements of the District. Vactor has demonstrated to be more reliable, easier to operate, requires less maintenance, and shares our existing spare parts inventory. Several key components or factors were evaluated that led staff to the recommendation for Vactor. They included the jet - rodder pump, water tank capacity, hose reel operation, single- engine operation, parts and service support, truck design configuration and construction quality. In addition, Vactor was also the only manufacturer that could demonstrate a truck configured to District specifications. The Vactor's rodder pump is a simple, single piston design exclusive to Vactor. Vactor has chosen this water pump over the years because of its reliability. The water pump is specifically designed for sewer cleaning, providing 100gpm (at the nozzle) and up to 2500psi of water pressure at an average of 23 RPMs (i.e., slow rotation). The water pump has an average life of 7 -10 years without rebuilding or maintenance. Vactor mounts the water pump below the water tanks providing a flooded inlet and using all 1,000 gallons of water. Vactor hydraulically drives the water pump for ultra -low maintenance (no belts to adjust and replace) but also gives the operator a "multi -flow design" allowing the machine to operate with a wide variety of nozzles at any pressure. The other manufacturers we evaluated use tri -plex style pumps. These pumps are designed for oil field use not sewer cleaning. In a sewer cleaning application the pumps require yearly rebuilds and are expensive to maintain. The pumps are mounted above the water tanks which at times cause them to run dry. These water pumps need to run at 500 RPMs creating heat and break downs. The Vactor water pump has 5 moving parts. The other style pumps have up to 25 -40 moving parts, they are belt or PTO driven and require frequent adjusting and daily /weekly greasing of the pump's components. With the Vactor water pump design, it provides the lowest cost of maintenance over the life of the unit and has reduced downtime due to the need for less rebuilds. Concerning water tank capacity, it is restricted by DOT (Department of Transportation) allowable axle weights. Tank and component location on the Vactor is distributed between the 2 axles in a manner that allows a greater tank capacity. Vactor is the only manufacturer to give a true 1,000 gallon water capacity legal payload. Our maintenance personnel prefer the Vactor hose reel. The rotation and extension features allow for easier positioning for access to a sewer manhole. The Vactor has a 270 - degree telescoping /rotating hose reel. This hose reel is the only hose reel in the industry that can give an operator complete access to the 10' extendable boom or boom -to- hose -reel intersection. This hose reel gives an operator complete access to all sewer lines in and out of a given manhole. The operator can set up once per manhole and run multiple lines without having to move the truck. The Vactor hose reel rotates rather than pivots. Having a reel that rotates keeps the operator safely in front of the truck at all times, out of traffic. In addition, when working on the driver -side of the truck, the operator can set up without closing 2 lanes of traffic. Vactor has the only hose reel with controls on the backside of the hose reel (dual controls). This feature keeps the operator safe, facing the truck and traffic. Other designs have single controls which means the operator has to be between the truck and hose reel while operating the unit. Hose reels that pivot only have a 180 - degree limit for access to the boom. They pivot outside the width of the vehicle putting the operator in traffic or requiring the closure of 2 lanes of traffic for the safest operation. Another factor considered by staff is single- engine design, which results in decreased chassis weight and maintenance. Vactor is the only manufacturer we evaluated that utilizes single- engine operation in its standard format. The other manufacturers normally include an auxiliary engine for operations, which adds weight and requires a second permit from the AQMD. However, Vac -con did state they could build a single engine Jet / Vactor vehicle, but were not able to demonstrate to our satisfaction a vehicle that was set up in this configuration nor could they provide a responsible contact for one they had previously built. They did provided several contacts in the Bay Area, but we weren't able to get a response from them after leaving several messages. Vactor has worked with individual chassis manufacturers and has taken the time to get the body approved for mounting on different choices of chassis. The chassis arrive to the Vactor factory with cross members in the correct position, frame holes drilled in correct places and an approved engine and transmission combination installed. This reduces problems with chassis warranty claims and overstressing components that are not designed for this application. Other manufacturers take a chassis and cut it up to make components fit. They bolt components onto it without approval from the manufacturers of those components. This can cause chassis break downs and non- warranty coverage for items that are not approved by chassis manufacturers. Concerning local factory- authorized service, Vactor trucks are serviced at Haaker Equipment, which has always been outstanding. Haaker is unmatched with their massive repair facility, parts inventory, numerous service technicians and additional support staff. In addition to the District's own experience of excellent service and reliability with our previously -owned Vactor trucks, the following statements from Irvine Ranch Water District and Moulton Niguel Water District maintenance personnel confirmed many of the same findings with Vactor equipment: Moulton Niguel has five Vac Con trucks and two Vactor trucks. They have experienced more failures and higher maintenance costs with their Vac Con trucks when compared to the Vactor. They indicated that there is a big difference in quality between the two brands and are currently phasing out all Vac Con trucks and replacing them with Vactors. • Irvine Ranch has one Vac -Con, three Vactor combo -units and three Vactor Jetter -only trucks. They prefer the Vactor units because of better quality and support. They also indicated that the Vac —Con truck has more downtime related to maintenance issues. In conclusion, based on our findings, District staff is requesting authorization to sole- source to Vactor and the purchase of a Vactor 2100 Plus as the sewer cleaning vehicle to be purchased under the 2014/15 Sewer Capital Outlay Budget. Further, we are also recommending that the District make Vactor the sole- source vehicle manufacturer for future Jetter, Vacuum, and excavator -style vehicles purchased for the District. Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: ITEM NO. 7.9 AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Board of Directors Funding Source: N/A Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Gina Knight, HR /Risk Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Claim Filed by William P. Austell, Jr. A claim was received by the District on September 9, 2014 for damage that occurred in his home after the replacement of his meter by the Yorba Linda Water District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors reject the claim and refer it to ACWA -JPIA. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel -Risk Management Committee discussed this item at its meeting held October 14, 2014 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: Claimant states that on September 2, 2014 at approximately 3:00 a.m., he found water pouring from the water meter box. The District replaced the meter, but the flow of water was low, and there was debris in the toilets and downstairs bathtub. Mr. Austell is seeking payment for his plumbing bills. The initial claim total has changed due to additional service calls of the plumber to correct on -going problems. The claim form and supporting documents are on file and available for review in the office of the General Manager. The District wishes to reject and refer this claim to ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority for investigation, appraisal and handling. ATTACHMENTS: Name: BOD - Agenda Attachment.doc Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 Description: Backup Material Type: Backup Material PLEASE CONTACT YLWD RECORDS DIVISION FOR THIS ATTACHMENT (714) 701-3101 records@ylwd.com C . Gi�'Z.� -Ca' T � GU's Lc.%•e''7�C'...% �p'a� � /1.E4..ti —E' �i"Gi -�. Gci Gh' �-� i'21 Gi' : C� �!� �'�,� <�E• �F��. 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" "` TECHNICAL SERVICE TIME TAX TECHNICIAN i ez ON CASH OF WORKL --- TOTAL iJLI signature below performed constitutes acceptance of above that service equipment performed as being satisfactory - and that equipment has been left in good condition. j� y +�"`"` f; a C...�-'i t- `"G.•� 17922 i. I Y IPHWS WATER WORKS 6819 Jtmalhan Avenue Cypress, Caionrr is 90630 (714) 995 -0216 Fax (7 1,4) 995 -02 UC, #C55 C36 743794 COMMENTS TOTAL MATERIALS - .. r r TECHNICAL SERVICE TIME I a DATE COMPLETED TAX TECHNICIAN CASH OF WORK-i TOTAL C CM i Signature below constitutes acceptance of above service Performed as being satisfactory — and that equipment has been left in good condition. Oct.08.2014 09:46 PM WPA Incorporated 7147776829 PAGE, 3/ 6 W95 N PULLMAN STREET ANAtIEIM, CA 9280.7 (714 )911 °1215 RAI ()0(1')9 R366:r 09/05/14 02 :00 PM CASHff,R S(_I.I CHECK OUT - S1.:0159 039)961000026 TANK VALVE <Ar 7148 '1OOA 41'0111.1 TANK REPAIR F•fl..l, VALVE SUB 101k 7.48 SAI..E$ TAX 0.610 TOTAL $8,08 Xxxxxxxxxxxx4h?i VISA 8108 AUTH WDE 0411047/15041182 TA 61:143 59 8366:1 09/05/2014 6968 fll "T16+N POLICY DEFINT.11ONS Nr'I 1[ ;Y W DAYS POLICY EXPIRES ON 1 90 12/(k1/2D14 Trf1: HOW; DEl"Ol RESFRVES [HE FLIGHT TO 111MIT / DENY RETURN!) . PLEASE SEE THE RETURN POLICY SIGN IN STORES FOR DETAILS. 'A'xaakKRY;AR'RR RRk RxRxx�xN MW'XRYf'k RR RRk *xaxx f:N rETR F-(.:)F2 A (r`[ IANCE r(l WTN A $50000 C ;ARE,3 I share Yrx.ir ov1nirnl Wi tit Ust compiste the br• f e'f amt-vary ribout your store visit and efiter for a chancre to wtrl at: www. . homvdel..4 t, <.;C,m /op I n i or r COMPARTA W OPIN.I'ON EN UNA 8REVL• E.NCutSTA PARA LA OPORTUNTDAD DE CANAR. tjlsror•• In" 1 ••742138 1,157674 P ass, WcarCI 1F�I�rti Ez a.6'!ES'L'.:i Er t tr'• I cas must be entered bV 10/05/201q, Entrants must 1A 18 or, older to enter-. `f*e 60mK )lets rules on webslta. No Purchase necessary. TNm'I' R(,)0U(:;INV WWW . F2EC7"�AGON . COM Free cluote5 by trusted home Service pros Visit our website or Download the Mobile App p4zbr1s .fit^oV 5ct�, _� �� 3.. ",�' a �� Amelia Cloonan From: Bill &Darla <waustell @sbcglobal.net> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 10:52 PM To: Amelia Cloonan Cc: William Austell Subject: Re: [BULK] Re: The Claim You Submitted to the District Importance: Low Amelia, We have had continuing problems since the water meter incident. The initial service from the plumbing company got most of the problems but since then we had had two shower valves corrupted with rocks and sand resulting in the valves not shutting off completely. In addition, we had additional shower heads clogged resulting in reduced pressure. So since the initial visit from the plumbers which is the bill you have, we have. had three other visits. The three invoices are attached. They need to be added to the claim. Regards, William Austell 1 -TOM'S Quality Plumbing, Inc. SERVICE, REPAIR, SEINER & DRAIN CLEANING 00'1129 S_ Dover Circle, Anaheim, CA 92805 Office & Fax (714) 635 -8828 - Mobile (714) 269 -6066 • St. Lic. #823548 DATE 1. 2 5 " /4` INVOICE DUMBER 5108$ SEND NOTICES TO THE ADDRESS ON THE LEFT. SEE NOTICE TO OWNER STATEMENT REQUIRED ON REVERSE SIDE! PHONE { ? �- ?:X PHONE ) NAME � I [ � � -- F /Z NAME ADDRESS 0 2 Alf CZ = ADDRESS ni CITY ZIP CITY ZIP DIAGNOSIS I SOLUTION 1 CONTRACT DESCRIPTION JdCONITRACT © ESTIMATE ONLY - CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE 4 :- � � ` ---� `-� r' �,• r� �.. E c �'=. i ! fir. L - ' =� s�'',� - �'� ; 7 , u ova Change Order: Authorzied Signature X Amount: $ Description: &Labor Warranty ❑ Manufacturers Warranty iNoibe that failure of the contractor without lawful Ei 6use to substantially commence nark within 20 days from the approximate date specified in the contract when work will begin is a violation of &.rsiness and Professions Code Section 7159, Substantial co9nme;rcement of work is defined as delivery of the materials to the job site Liability Insurance, Bond and Workmans Comp Insurance or performance of more than t hours labor otherthan the writing of any contracts or proposals. The approximate date of when construction is to begin, if this cmtract signifies construction work, is one calender week after the acceptance date detailed below, or if no date is detaiM befew, the date detailed above. The approximate Policy hi effect. Permit Fees and Ospection ind tided if rLqulred- compietion of all construction is one calander month after the approximate commencement date unlessotiser anarWments have been made in writing. I understand and 0,/ �: i accept that unless ottwv arrangements have been made in advance and are included in writing, this invoice is due an payable upon receipt. I. the rmdersgrred, am the � 4 � ' Check 9 Amt. Date � - yT initiatthg authorized representative of the premises at which the workis to be performed. I authorize Tom's Quality Rumbing to perfwm the work vattten using labor and . materials as they deem necessary. "Sou, the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third 'business day afterthe date of this transaction. See Ore attached notice of cancellation form far an explanation of this right.` she right of carrellation has substantial lion Cations and I understand that I may be still be Check # Amt Date obligated to pay for services rendered. If your check bounces, you could Le liable `or damages of at least $t 00.00 or three times tl: amountof the checkup to 5500.00. I agreed m pay attorneys fees and oaurt casts in the event of legal action.] acknowledge that I have read, agreed to, and received a copy of this oantraciasrd Notice to Check Amt Date Orvrer. b agree Ihatthis vmuen contract is the only contractand ttrat w oral contract has been entered into. Please proceed at tie fiat rat of: ; Initial Authorized Amount .. ...... ........................5 {} Todays Nta ? Date& Srgnp�-rorm nMrkagl Authorized signature x Authorized Change Order, ...... ................. $ ACCEPTANCE Of WORK PERFORMED:I find the service and maferials rendered and installed in connection with the above work mentioned to have been Damplefed in a satisfactory manner. l agrae that theamount set torth on this contract in the space labeled "Grand Total' to be the total and complete flat ratetmirr mum charge and that Add. Invoice # .........$ no lurttw6ucounts are due and also agree that no oral contract exists. I agree that all warrantees for said vrorkare in vdrditg contained wflfrinthis document. I agree that no oral warranties or implied warranties exist and have knowIledge that no persaa may offer ore>tend any warranty given-by the company. Minimum charge of $25 -00 l forchecks retuned forany reason_ 0gnhere Xler-workis compfetBd) GRAND TOTAL.......... ......... ...........,,.................$ Authorized Signature X 0 0 rr 0 00 N 0 H 0 00 b b H 0 Fd 0 Ff Pi rf m J v rn 00 nr b t�J rn Coil w C4 w rn N W r r-i t` 'd d] 4J rd 0 IDA H 0 U H KC W a r• rn 0 KZT 0 N co O U O 'poi 's Quality Plumbing, Inc. SERVICE, REPAIR, SEINER 8 DRAIN CLEANIHE 1129 S. Dover Circle, Anaheim, CA 92805 Office & Fax (714) 635 -8828 w Mobile (714) 269 -6066 • St. Lic. #823548 DATE f INVOICE NUMBER 5072 SEND NOTICES TO THE ADDRESS ON THE LEFT. SEE NOTICE TO OWNER STATEMENT REQUIRED ON REVERSE SIDLE! PHONE (7j ` u1 ' i ;` x PHONE 7 j < '- NAME' ; < NAME ADDRESS' > f -! J5 ADDRESS CITY Z[P CITY Z[P DIAGNOSIS I SOLUTION I CONTRACT DESCRIPTION CONTRACT ❑ ESTIMATE ONLY — CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE 3 L_' LJ Change Order: Authorzied Signature X Amount: $ Description: Labor Warranty ❑ Manufacturer's Warranty Notice that fai`rae of the contractor without vriul excuse to subsiantially commence work within 20 days from the approximate date specified in the roniract when work rMll begin is a violation of Business • d Professions Code Section 7159. Substantial commencement of work is defined as delivery of the materials to Ihejob site Liability Insurance, Bond and Workmans Comp Insurance or performance Df more than I hours tabor other than the writing of any contracts or proposals. The approximate date of when construction is to begin, if this contract signifies construction work; is ores Wender week after the acceirlarce; date detailed below, or if no date is detailed below, fire data detailed above. The approximate Pfllicy in effect. Permit Fees and Inspection included if required. completion of all omstruchon is one caleWer month after theappro amate commencement date unless other arrangements bane been made in writing. I understand and --, accept that u0ess other arrangements bare been made in advance and are included in writing, this invoice is due an payable upon "t. I! the undersigned, am the J initiating authorized represenlative of the prembesat which the work w to be performed. I authorize Tom's ikolity Plumbingto perform the work written using labor and Check k `' Arnt.. Data materials as they deem necessary_ You, the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to nddr fight of the third business day after the date of this t wiisaction. See the attached notice of rancelfaWrr f4m for an eVianation of this right" The right of camellaiion bas s*sbntial lim:talbas and I understand that I may be still be Check # A(nt. Date obligated br payfor services rendered. Ifyour check bounces, you could be Iiablefor damages of at least $100.00 erthree times the amount of the check Lip t ©$500.00_ I agreed to pay attamey's fees and court cost in the event of legal action. I acknowledge that 1 have read, agreed to: and received a copy of this contract and Notice to Dwner_ I agree Mat this written contract is the only ce tract and that no oral cu act has been entered into. Check # Atilt. Date Please proceed attire flat rate af: $ � 41 Twer's na te, pale &Sgnprortgwonvmg) Initial Authorized Amount .. .............I...- -,....,_.,..S Auifiorimd Signature ]( Authorized Change Order . ............................... S ACCEPTANCE OFWWK PERFORMED: I firaf the service and materials rendered and installed in comectforr with the above work mentioned to have been completed in a satisfactory manner. I agree that the amolsntset forth onthis contract in the space labeled "Grand Total` to be the total and ownpletetlat ratarminimum charge and that pad, Invoice # S no further discounts are due and also agree that no oral contract exists. I agree that all warrantees for sand work are in wrstiog contained w thi ithin s m docuent l agree that no oral warranties or implied warranties existand have knowledge that no p%son may offeror extend any vraranty given by the cornparry. Minimum charge of $25.00 for for / ( -ZXv checks returned any reason. (Srgn teem afmr wank +s compkied) GRAND TOTAL ........ ...................................... , $ kithorized Signature K oct.02.2014 09:47 PM WPA Incorporated 7147776829 PAGE, 4/ 6 NAMC • I)ATF �..- ..�._..,..---� kk j.+,,� " °i;:. t.:S il1lL Si f. f. �t lJn/Pto °t—, ..� ADDRESe CITY PHONF —Y 4... •y MODEL SCRIAL NO. U C.O.D. t ob �4'T �•� 'i?,k: a * < <;ST°.',f1SC� ..ti. R ICHARGE NATURE OF 9aRVICIF " PROMISED % • • ;UMPIIIIIIIIIII • i f'f' ,' �Vf" $�' N14(,Tlt ,r'-'> Y t i ;J * 'v:) To m rod ' 3 i��2•rJ1 #d I6 J Icr i1�7 4 1 1i�eac: iY'W�.3�d: T�.t %L•. hl? �'Y'LrV'=:R j'I:f `d f•'��^�•. .. .... ..w B Ph, -+`C1'.t`-4 =`"_' o"ji`ia�j'SJ('. ➢ =` ,... .....A7ite -' / w }> rbUa! birr?T'2 �`.� R' "i''C�'. r �� G %r ►' 9 "Y7}E'�Y t fJtii� L'C'f i'ftY t`iv `f rk 1 10 ~ obboboo—bobbbbbbb b... . -- — GUMMEN'1'S TOTAL. MATCHIAi S I I'0INICAL aERVICE TIM DATE COMPLETED / / TAX -arar I;.�AN CASH Or COMPLETION TOTAL t. �. - - -�.. ...__. _..._... - -- - - COPY Signature below cone6tutas acceptance of above (''�j� n �] service performed as being aeNRfanton/ -• AnrJ *" that Nuipmont Im,t?ean lOtj•If good cgpctition. 4 i�� rrrrr1 ttttJJ -.l'L J u AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 To: Board of Directors ITEM NO. 7.10 Funding Source: N/A From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Gina Knight, HR /Risk Manager Reviewed by Legal: No Prepared By: Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Subject: Claim Filed by Brett M. Murdock, Esq. on Behalf of Sharla Worth SUMMARY: A claim was received by the District on September 23, 2014 for an injury that occurred on March 28, 2014. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors reject the claim and refer it to ACWA /JPIA. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel -Risk Management Committee discussed this item at its meeting held October 14, 2014 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: Claimant states that on March 28, 2014 at 11:15 a.m., his client suffered a trip- and -fall accident in the Mimi's Cafe parking lot located at 18342 Imperial Highway, Yorba Linda, CA. The circumstances involve a Yorba Linda Water District valve cover surrounded by deteriorating asphalt. The claim form and supporting documents are on file and available for review in the office of the General Manager. The District wishes to reject and refer this claim to ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority for investigation and handling. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: BOD - Agenda Attachment.doc Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 PLEASE CONTACT YLWD RECORDS DIVISION FOR THIS ATTACHMENT (714) 701-3101 records@ylwd.com Brett Murdock Attorney at Law September 19th, 2014 Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E Miraloma Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 701 -3000 Re: Representation of Sharla Worth Dear YLWD Representive, SEP, 2.3 2014 HR / RISK MGMT. /2 :0o PP-1 AZ Sent Via Personal Delivery I have been retained by Sharla Worth to represent her in the matter involving a trip -and- fall accident that occurred on March 28, 2014 in the Mimi's Cafe Parking Lot located at 18342 Imperial Hwy, Yorba Linda, CA 92886. Attached please find the Claim Form and two photos of the subject YWLD valve cover. Please note my contact information as follows: Address: 324 S. Brea Blvd. Brea, CA 92821 Email: BrettMurdockl @gmail.com Phone #: 1 (714) 504 -1581 Fax #: 1 (714) 529 -7237 Please contact me at your convenience to discuss this matter. Sincerely, Brett M. Murdock, Esq. 418 S. Brea Blvd. Brea, CA 92821 BrettMurdockl @gmail.com P 714.504.1581 F 714.990.1811 vvi ut - °UrU-1 vii1v� t.ujjy r reuow-- VJSTrICi tsrnoe Dopy I Pink -- Claimant Copy tteASea September2, 2009 '- , 4 ;. M• '�r �\ M i �I t; �. JE .� ��+' ►_ f..'• � S'L�� V �� ►_ f..'• � S'L�� V I ` � w 1p live L � ' i ra ;,. • • .a. ' ' ... �` Tye • i err it Ompkirc.fi ACC .:. •mil' . f �4 - ��iFlw yWn I 1%%pwf � ,F:. r IF Mir 0- 1 1 I� � � � .. n•�.�,.•�1y �T� y_ � ',�. sue. VA. Owa„Mr Ik • i�)• `V ry .L e , h! AV VA Y c i T S t fl r if � t i "4r Meeting Date: To: From: Presented By: Prepared By: Subject: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Board of Directors Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Gina Knight, HR /Risk Manager Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Claim Filed by Hari Soeharjono ITEM NO. 7.11 Funding Source: N/A Reviewed by Legal: No A claim was received by the District on September 9, 2014 for damage that occurred to Mr. Soeharjono's residential water softener. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors reject the claim and refer it to ACWA -JPIA. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel -Risk Management Committee discussed this item at its meeting held October 14, 2014 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: Claimant states that on or about August 6, 2014, the Yorba Linda Water District repaired the water meter for Mr. Soeharjono's residence. Subsequently, water was leaking on the plumbing feeding the water softener. Mr. Soeharjono claims that the leak was caused when the water supply was turned back on. The claim form and supporting documents are on file and available for review in the office of the General Manager. The District wishes to reject and refer this claim to ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority for investigation and handling. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: BOD - Agenda Attachment.doc Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 PLEASE CONTACT YLWD RECORDS DIVISION FOR THIS ATTACHMENT (714) 701-3101 records@ylwd.com Claim Form u� SEP p 9 2014 ►I1► (A claim shall be presented by the claimant or by a person acting on his beh If.) HR / RISK NIGMT, U NAME OF DISTRICT: v04e&k L /n1PA J/JA tE DlS7Q /CT- 1 Claimant name, address (mailing address if different), phone number, social security number, and date of birth. Name: KAY./ 5©15H- AK�' ,fnNo Phone Number: / (7 ) 976 6 3 8 7 Address(es): / &7,02 ©f�4n1 GE DRI Vg Y&< LrA-)PR - G9 42886 Social Security Number: C>6? 60 6 8 C?1�4 Date of Birth: /p — 02 — / % 3 2 List name, address, and phone number of any witnesses. Name: Address: Phone Number: ( ) 3 List the date, time, place, and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction, which gave rise to the claim asserted. Date 4— — 01t f rime: 4 ro . o-z:' //0-" Place: /6 76 2 DRAG F PRrVE Yp/)g/q' L //u L>lq Tell What Happened (give complete information): M07Ja/r� - as �y, J�Q rZ�u- ^(/(:/ AA) C+Oftl6 -ID M y H15U Sc A- /x.3.3 PAi p,-er5 rD Yet K)ATj5F4 WA5 GE fl K /NC rkt-C LvMi3/ni6 F l)/NG TF/E 6A.1147 50F )E�ur Pc.varg�n� efDMPA1L)Y w1*> DiA 77�-E�ZEPA112 AjpkK, 5/465 77441 &4j1/XF1j SIJAD�J /�R�Shf 7 /2E55C> �A�I,4��DF ffvvSE PC�u�yr3�ni� NOTE. Attach any photographs you may have regarding this claim. 4 Give a general description of the indebtedness, obligation, injury, damage, or loss incurred so far as it may be known at the time of presentation of the claim. 5 Give the name or names of the public employee or employees causing the injury, damage, or loss, if known. /l96 T- /'K s The amount claimed if it totals less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) as of the date of presentation of the claim, including the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of the claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed. If the amount claimed exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000), no dollar amount shall be included in the claim. However, it shall indicate whether the claim would be a limited civil case. PLUM r3 /k) G ZLELLY Y Da te:- 9_�C�( Time: Z , 3b /7k''I Signature: ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. OMITTING INFORMATION COULD MAKE YOUUFFICIENT! White - -JPIA Office Copy ! Yellow -- District Office Copy / Pink -- Claimant Copy Revised September 2, 2009 The Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Ave, Placentia, CA, Re: Claim $ 365.00 Plumbing damage Dear Sir /Madam, Hari Soeharjono 16702 Orange Dr Yorba Linda. CA 92886 387 8- X20 -20 4 j `$D3 Around Monday 8 -6 -2014, your technician came to my house and repair parts of your meter on +jhe side walk. Upon completion of his work, water was leaking on the plumbing feeding the water softener. Your technician has left, so I called your Office Maintenance Department and I spoke to Harold. He suggested to go ahead have it repaired and make a claim to your Office. I called Sears where I bought the water softener, and they came one week later and they said nothing wrong with the water softener and I need a plumber. I called Code Plus Plumbing, Inc and they did the repair work on 8 -13 -2014. They said, that your technician shut down the water during the repair. After the repair, water was opened to the house, the sudden pressure damage the house plumbing. A piece of the pipe cut by the plumber for the repair is accompanying this letter. Their fee is $359.00.1 bought a $6 red tape for temporary seal during the seven days leakage. The total claim I requested is $ 365.00. Thank you, Hari Soeharjono. HR / RISK MGmT. Yorba Linda Water District Number: SORD00000071636 SERVICE ORDER Service Address: 16702 ORANGE DR YORBA LINDA CA USA 92886 Account No: Bill To: Phone: Scheduled Date Scheduled Time Cycle CYC 1 Route 10 Task ID REPLACE METE UPDATE ACCT 951265- 112931 HARISOEHARJONO (714) 996 -6387 07/30/2014 12:00 am Description /Comments: READ: Mtr Serial Number Meter Type MXU 53638079 METER 3/4" 131612834 � g�S Last Read Manufacturer Dt Lst Read 1015 07/28/2014 Request: REPLACE M E � Description mpleted5��� Replace Meter - Stuck Brkn MXU No �l/ Note & Update Affected Account No yeU/ kefei d # (!11 TX11i4 S�r�Slis' /V G / L®/' STUCK. CURRENT CONSUMPTION HISTORY Date Read Equipment Connection Read Cons 07/28/2014 53638079 1 1015 0 06/30/2014 53638079 1 1015 4 05/27/2014 53638079 1 1011 9 04/28/2014 53638079 1 1002 6 03/31/2014 53638079 1 996 7 02/24/2014 53638079 1 989 8 01/27/2014 53638079 1 981 9 12/30/2013 53638079 1 972 7 11/25/2013 53638079 1 965 7 10/28/2013 53638079 1 958 9 09/30/2013 53638079 1 949 14 REMARKS: Date/Time Completed: Service Representative: 7/30/2014 Taken by: jhill Page 1 of 1 44 cu Pi c Tf y '� 1 ,e• } I � f �, J 1 ��Y r r w i op z vie L.dokvf� i. Sri r wil { w l� N " 48 U A 71s7E0 t = a X� 1�= Sit,WONE SEAUN6 TAPE 1 s f 4r4 CODE PLUS PLUMBING, INC. Courtesy *Quality* Value JOB NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE EMAIL 2479 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Fullerton, CA 92831 (714) 526 =9341 Fax (714) 526 -9345 State License N 663598 www.codeplusplumbing.com BILL TO ADDRESS CITY PHONE EMAIL WORK ORDER / INVOICE 04381 DATE: Reason for call. Club Member? Yes /No I hereby authorize Code Plus Plumbing to proceed with the diagnosis with a service charge of $ Level Service Description Quantity Standard Rate Club Rate Extended I hereby authorize you to proceed with the above work at the price of $ Customer Initial: Club Membership Subtotal of Service Repairs Coupons Other Discounts Total After Discounts Service Fee (From Above) Total Amount Due Total Club Savings $ _$ _$ $ $ $ $ ❑ Enroll me in a pub Membership today ❑ 1 decline Club Membership today ❑ Diamond Club $11.95 monthly • Improper maintenance may shorten your system life and affect your warranties ❑ We Time Diamond club $14.95 monthly Customer Initials Water - Quality Solutions ❑ Complete Harmony ❑ Water Pressure PSI ❑ Soft Harmony ❑ Water Hardness Chlorine ❑ Whole Harmony ❑ 1 decline to have my water tested today ❑ Simple Harmony ❑ Customer Initials Acceptance of work performed: 1 acknowledge satisfactory completion of the above work and that the premise has been left in satisfactory condition. I understand that if my check does not clear, I am liable for the check and any charges from the bank. I agree to pay 1.75% per month for past -due contracts (min. charge $15). In the event that collection efforts are initiated against me, I shall pay for all associated fees at the posted rates as well as all collection fees and reasonable attorney fees. 1 agree that the amount set forth in the space marked'Total Amount Due" Is the total u root price I have reed to. Payment Method Cash ❑ Check 0 visa 0 M/C 0 Amex Work Performed To My Satisfaction Performed Work to Customers satisfaction # /Exp date /CIV or Check # AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Dept: Reviewed by Legal: Subject: Resolution in Support of Proposition 1 SUMMARY: ITEM NO. 8.1 Board of Directors Yes With the state in the midst of a water crisis, California voters will consider a $7.5 billion water bond this November. After 5 years of retooling in the Legislature, the bond will appear on the ballot as Proposition 1. This bond, if approved, contains $7.1 billion of new debt and $425 million of repurposed bond funds previously approved by voters. If approved, Proposition 1 will provide funding for new much needed water storage projects, watershed protection, sustainable groundwater management and cleanup, water recycling — including desalination projects, water conservation and water use efficiency projects, statewide flood management, and safe drinking water. While Prop 1 won't help with this drought, nor will it guarantee against water rationing during future droughts, the projects it would fund would provide a greater cushion when we find ourselves dealing with prolonged water shortages in the future. Below are some of the designated funding areas in the current water bond, as well as potential areas of impact beneficial to Orange County as prescribed by MWDOC, whose Board of Directors Approved Supporting Proposition 1 at their August 20, 2014 Board Meeting: . Funding for IRWM program section provides: . $63 million for Santa Ana sub - region . $52.5 million for San Diego sub - region South Orange County is included in the San Diego sub - region . $725 million Water Recycling Desalination is an eligible project . $810 million Regional Water Reliability . $100 million in water conservation will be directed to DWR for competitive grant purposes . $200 for storm water management . $100.5 million to State Coastal Conservancy . Santa Ana Watershed is eligible for funding from this source STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 14 -15 In Support of Proposition 1, the Water Quality Act, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Executive - Administrative - Organizational Committee reviewed this item at its meeting held October 13, 2014 and supports staff's recommendation. DISCUSSION: In January, Senator Wolk introduced SB 848 (Wolk) as her new water bond vehicle. The bill was introduced as a verbatim version of the September 11, 2013 version of SB 42, a $6.72 billion water bond (later amended to $7.5 billion) to replace the $11.2 billion water bond on the November 2014 ballot that has been carried over since 2010. AB 1331 (Rendon), an $8.2 billion proposal was introduced as the Assembly version of the water bond. As the session continued, both Assemblymembers Perea and Bigelow introduced their own $8+ billion proposals. In late July, Governor Brown weighed in on the issue with his own $6 billion proposal indicating he wanted a "no frills, no pork" water bond that invests in the most critical projects. As negotiations continued into August, Senate Republicans also introduced a working proposal, SB 1013 (Vidak) . Finally on August 13, 2014, with the deadline looming — a compromise was struck. AB 1471 (Rendon, Atkins & Gomez) and SB 866 (Steinberg & Wolk) were identical bills going through the Senate and Assembly, with AB 1471 being signed by Governor Jerry Brown late in the evening on August 13, 2014. Both bills were approved unanimously by the Senate, and by a vote of 77 - 2 in the Assembly with Assemblymembers Chesbro and Donnelly voting no. This measure will be Proposition 1 — the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 going to the voters in November. ATTACHMENTS: Proposition 1.pdf Description: Backup Material Type: Backup Material Resolution No. 14 -15 - Water Bond.doc Resolution Resolution Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 MB /PH 5 -0 Roll Call Proposition 1 HOME POLICY AREAS PUBLICATIONS THE 2014 -15 BUDGET PROPOSITIONS AND INITIATIVES STAFF CAREERS ABOUT THE LAO November 4, 2014 Proposition 1 Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014. AB 1471 (Chapter 188, Statutes of 2014), Rendon. Bond Measure. Yes /No Statement A YES vote on this measure means: The state could sell $7.1 billion in additional general obligation bonds —as well as redirect $425 million in unsold general obligation bonds that were previously approved by voters for resource - related uses —to fund various water - related programs. A NO vote on this measure means: The state could not sell $7.1 billion in additional general obligation bonds to fund various water - related programs. In addition, $425 million in unsold general obligation bonds would continue to be available for resource - related uses as previously approved by voters. Summary of Legislative Analyst's Estimate of Net State and Local Government Fiscal Impact ■ Increased state bond repayment costs averaging $360 million annually over the next 40 years. ■ Savings to local governments related to water projects, likely averaging a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades. State Bond Cost Estimates Authorized new borrowing $7.1 billion Average annual cost to pay off bonds $360 million Likely repayment period 40 years Source of repayment General tax revenues Ballot Label Fiscal Impact: Increased state bond costs averaging $360 million annually over 40 years. Local http : / /www.lao.ca.gov/ballot/2014 /prop- 1- 110414.aspx[ 10/6/2014 8:50:31 AM] Proposition 1 government savings for water - related projects, likely averaging a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades. Background Sources of Water in California. A majority of the state's water comes from rivers, much of it from Northern California and from snow in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Water available underground (referred to as "groundwater ") makes up roughly a third of the state's water use and is more heavily relied on in dry years. A small share of the state's water also comes from other sources, such as capturing rainwater, reusing wastewater (water recycling), and removing the salt from ocean water (desalination). Meeting the State's Water Needs. Providing clean water throughout California while protecting the environment presents several key challenges. First, water is not always available where it is needed. For example, water from Northern California is delivered to other parts of the state, such as farmland in the Central Valley and population centers in the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California. Second, the amount of water available can change widely from year to year. So, when less water is available in dry years, it can be difficult to provide all of the water that people want throughout the state. This can include providing enough water to maintain natural habitats —such as wetlands —for endangered species as is required under state and federal laws. However, in very wet years the state can sometimes experience floods, particularly in the Central Valley. Third, water is sometimes polluted, making it unsuitable for drinking, irrigating crops, or fish habitat. Fourth, parts of the state's water system have affected natural habitats. For example, providing more water for drinking and irrigation has reduced the water available for fish. In order to address these challenges, California has built various projects. Some projects use natural rivers — as well as pipelines, pumping stations, and canals —to deliver water used for drinking or farming throughout the state. These projects also include dams and other types of water storage to hold water for when it is needed. Other projects to meet the state's water challenges include water treatment plants to remove pollutants from drinking water and wastewater, systems to clean up runoff from storms, and levees to prevent floods. Environment and Water System Are Linked. The state's water system and the environment are linked in several ways. As noted above, the use of water for irrigation and drinking water affects natural habitats used by fish and wildlife. These effects on natural habitats are made worse by pollution, which harms water quality for fish, wildlife, and people. The state has taken a variety of actions to improve natural habitats and water quality. These include restoring watersheds (an area of land that drains into a body of water) by reintroducing native plants and animals. The state has also provided water to rivers when needed by fish species. Roles of Various Governments in Water System. The state, federal, and local governments play important roles in providing clean and reliable water supplies. Most spending on water programs in the state is done at the local level, such as by water districts, cities, and counties. In recent years, local governments have spent about $26 billion per year to supply water and to treat wastewater. About 80 percent of this spending is paid for by individuals as ratepayers of water and sewer bills. In addition, local governments pay for projects using other sources, including state funds, federal funds, and local taxes. While most people get their water from these public water agencies, about one -sixth of Californians get their water from private water companies. The state runs programs to (1) conserve, store, and transport water around the state; (2) protect water quality; (3) provide flood control; and (4) protect fish and wildlife habitat. The state provides support for these programs through direct spending, as well as grants and loans to local governments, nonprofit organizations, and privately owned water companies. (The federal government runs similar programs.) Funding for these state programs usually comes from bonds and fees. Since 2000, voters have approved about $20 billion in bonds for various environmental purposes, including water. Currently, about $900 million (5 percent) of these bonds remain available for new projects. Proposal This measure provides a total of $7.5 billion in general obligation bonds for various water - related programs. First, the measure allows the state to sell $7.1 billion in additional bonds. Second, the measure redirects http : / /www.lao.ca.gov/ballot/2014 /prop- 1- 110414.aspx[ 10/6/2014 8:50:31 AM] Proposition 1 $425 million in unsold bonds that voters previously approved for water and other environmental uses. The state repays these bonds, with interest, using the state's General Fund. (The General Fund is the state's main operating account, which pays for education, prisons, health care, and other services.) Uses of Funds As shown in Figure 1 and described below, the bond measure provides funding to (1) increase water supplies, (2) protect and restore watersheds, (3) improve water quality, and (4) increase flood protection. The bond money would be available to state agencies for various projects and programs, as well as for loans and grants to local governments, private water companies, mutual water companies (where water users own the company), Indian tribes, and nonprofit organizations. Figure 1 Uses of Proposition 1 Bond Funds (In Millions) Water Supply $4,235 • Dams and groundwater storage —cost share associated with public $2,700 benefits. • Regional projects to achieve multiple water - related improvements (includes 810 conservation and capturing rainwater). • Water recycling, including desalination. 725 Watershed Protection and Restoration $1,495 • Watershed restoration and habitat protection in designated areas around S515 the state. • Certain state commitments for environmental restorations. 475 • Restoration programs available to applicants statewide. 305 • Projects to increase water flowing in rivers and streams. 200 Improvements to Groundwater and Surface Water Quality $1,420 • Prevention and cleanup of groundwater pollution. $800 • Drinking water projects for disadvantaged communities. 260 • Wastewater treatment in small communities. 260 • Local plans and projects to manage groundwater. 100 Flood Protection $395 • Repairs and improvements to levees in the Delta. $295 • Flood protection around the state. Total 100 $7,545 Funds for Water Supp lies ($4.2 Billion). About $4.2 billion would fund projects intended to improve water supplies, in order to make more water available for use. Specifically, the bond includes: $2.7 Billion for New Water Storage. The bond includes $2.7 billion to pay up to half of the cost of new water storage projects, including dams and projects that replenish groundwater. This funding could only be used to cover costs related to the "public benefits" associated with water storage projects, including restoring habitats, improving water quality, reducing damage from floods, responding to emergencies, and improving recreation. Local governments and other entities that rely on the water storage project would be responsible for paying the remaining project costs. These costs would generally be associated with private benefits (such as water provided to their customers). $810 Million for Regional Water Projects. The bond also provides $810 million for regional projects that are included in specific plans developed by local communities. These projects are intended to improve water supplies, as well as provide other benefits, such as habitat for fish and flood protection. The amount provided includes $510 million for allocations to specific regions throughout the state and $300 million for specific types of water supplies, including projects and plans to manage runoff from storms in urban areas and water conservation projects and programs. ■ $725 Million for Water Recycling. The bond includes $725 million for projects that treat wastewater http : / /www.lao.ca.gov/ballot/2014 /prop- 1- 110414.aspx[ 10/6/2014 8:50:31 AM] Proposition 1 or saltwater so that it can be used later. For example, the funds could be used to test new treatment technology, build a desalination plant, and build pipes to deliver recycled water. Funds to Protect and Restore Watersheds ($1.5 Billion). These monies would fund projects intended to protect and restore watersheds and other habitat throughout the state. This funding could be used to restore bodies of water that support native, threatened, or endangered species of fish and wildlife; purchase land for conservation purposes; reduce the risk of wildfires in watersheds; and purchase water to support wildlife. These funds include $515 million to restore watersheds in designated regions around the state (including $140 million specifically for projects in the Sacramento -San Joaquin Delta [Delta]) and $475 million to pay for certain state commitments to fund environmental restorations. The remaining funding would be available to applicants statewide for programs that restore habitat and watersheds ($305 million) and increase the amount of water flowing in rivers and streams, for example by buying water ($200 million). Funds to Improve Groundwater and Surface Water Quality ($1.4 Billion). The bond includes over $1.4 billion to improve groundwater and surface water quality. More than half of this funding ($800 million) would be used for projects to clean up and prevent polluted groundwater that is, or has been, a source of drinking water. The remaining funds would be available to (1) improve access to clean drinking water ($260 million), (2) help small communities pay for wastewater treatment ($260 million), and (3) provide grants to local governments to develop and implement plans to manage their groundwater supply and quality ($100 million). Funds for Flood Protection ($395 Million). The bond provides $395 million for projects that both protect the state from floods and improve fish and wildlife habitat. While $100 million of this funding could be spent on flood control projects anywhere in the state, $295 million is set aside to improve levees or respond to flood emergencies in the Delta. Requirements for Allocating and Spending Funds How Projects Would Be Selected. The measure includes several provisions that would affect how specific projects are chosen to receive bond funds. The California Water Commission —an existing state planning and regulatory agency —would choose which water storage projects would be funded with the $2.7 billion provided in the bond for that use. The Commission would not have to go through the state budget process to spend these funds. For all other funding provided in the measure, the Legislature generally would allocate money annually to state agencies in the state budget process. While the Legislature could provide state agencies with some direction on what types of projects or programs could be chosen, the measure states that the Legislature cannot allocate funding to specific projects. Instead, state agencies would choose the projects. In addition, none of the funding in the measure can be used to build a canal or tunnel to move water around the Delta. Requirements for Matching Funds. Of the $7.5 billion in funds made available by the measure, $5.7 billion is available only if recipients — mostly local governments — provide funding to support the projects. This matching requirement only applies to the water supply and water quality projects funded by the measure. The required share of matching funds is generally at least 50 percent of the total cost of the project, although this can be waived or reduced in some cases. Fiscal Effects Fiscal Effects on State Government. This measure would allow the state to borrow up to $7.1 billion by selling additional general obligation bonds to investors, who would be repaid with interest using the state's general tax revenues. We assume that (1) the interest rate for the bonds would average just over 5 percent, (2) they would be sold over the next ten years, and (3) they would be repaid over a 30 -year period. Based on these assumptions, the cost to taxpayers to repay the bonds would average about $360 million annually over the next 40 years. This amount is about one -third of a percent of the state's current General Fund budget. We assume that redirecting $425 million in unsold bonds from previously approved measures would not increase the state's anticipated debt payments. This is because, without this measure, these bonds likely would have been sold in the future to support other projects. (For more information on the state's use of bonds and the impact of this proposed bond measure on the state's budget, see "Overview of State Bond Debt" later in this guide.) Fiscal Effects on Local Governments. The availability of state bond funds for local water projects would http : / /www.lao.ca.gov/ballot/2014 /prop- 1- 110414.aspx[ 10/6/2014 8:50:31 AM] Proposition 1 affect how much local governments, primarily water agencies, spend on water projects. In many cases, the availability of state bonds could reduce local spending. For example, this would occur in cases where state bond funds replaced monies that local governments would have spent on projects anyway. Local savings would also occur in cases where the availability of state bond funds allowed local governments to build projects that reduced operating costs, such as by increasing efficiency or using a new water source that allows them to purchase less water. However, in some cases, state bond funds could increase spending on water projects by local governments. For example, the availability of bond funds might encourage some local governments to build additional or substantially larger projects than they would otherwise. These projects could also be more expensive to operate. On balance, we estimate that this measure would result in savings to local governments on water - related projects. These savings would likely average a couple hundred million dollars annually over the next few decades. An individual local government might use these savings in various ways. For example, it might use the savings to build other new facilities or for maintenance and repair of existing facilities. In other cases, a government might use the savings to keep water rates lower than they otherwise would be by delaying or reducing future rate increases. Since the amount of statewide savings in any given year is likely to be small relative to the overall amount spent by local governments on water, any effect on rates would likely be small for most ratepayers. Return to Propositions Return to Legislative Analyst's Office Home Page http : / /www.lao.ca.gov/ballot/2014 /prop- 1- 110414.aspx[ 10/6/2014 8:50:31 AM] RESOLUTION NO. 14 -15 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT IN SUPPORT OF PROPOSITION 1, THE WATER QUALITY, SUPPLY AND INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 2014 WHEREAS, California is in a severe, multi -year drought and faces a growing list of challenges associated with aging infrastructure, climate change, population growth and other factors; and WHEREAS, water managers and top leaders including Governor Jerry Brown agree that we need a comprehensive, statewide water plan to create a more resilient water system to meet the co -equal goals of improved water supply reliability and ecosystem health; and WHEREAS, the Legislature has approved and Governor Brown has signed the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Act of 2014, which will appear as Proposition 1 on the November 4, 2014 ballot and provide much needed funding to advance a statewide comprehensive water plan to enhance the state's water future; and WHEREAS, if approved by voters, the measure would provide $7.545 billion in bond funding for new surface and groundwater storage projects, regional water reliability, sustainable groundwater management and cleanup, water recycling, water conservation, watershed protection and safe drinking water, particularly for disadvantaged communities, and other programs the Association of California Water Agencies and its members have long advocated as part of a statewide comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, ACWA's Board of Directors voted unanimously to formally support Proposition 1 in a special meeting on August 19, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of Yorba Linda Water District does hereby formally support Proposition 1, the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 on the November 2014 ballot. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21St day of October 2014, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Robert R. Kiley, President Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No. 14 -15 Supporting Proposition 1 ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law LLP Resolution No. 14 -15 Supporting Proposition 1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Marc Marcantonio, General Dept: Manager Prepared By: Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary ITEM NO. 8.2 Administration Subject: Amendments to the District's Conflict of Interest Code and Reaffirmation of the District's Ethics Policy STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors: (a) Approve Resolution No. 14 -16 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code which Supersedes all Prior Conflict of Interest Codes and Amendments Previously Adopted; and (b) Reaffirm the policies set forth in Resolution No. 10 -05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees. DISCUSSION: In compliance with Section 87300 of the California Government Code, the Board of Directors has adopted a Conflict of Interest Code, governing the disclosure of financial interests by certain designated employees of the District. The Political Reform Act requires every local government agency to review its code on a biennial basis. Staff recently reviewed the District's code and has identified the following minor revisions: • The position of Senior Fleet Mechanic was added. • The position of Public Information Officer was reclassified to Public Information Manager. The attached exhibits reflect these modifications. Amendments must be submitted in the County's eDisclosure System by December 30, 2014. No revisions are required for the Public Financing Corporation's Conflict of Interest Code at this time. Additionally, the District's Ethics Policy contains comprehensive rules and procedures relative to the conduct of Board members and District employees, above and beyond the Conflict of Interest Code. In the spirit of encouraging the highest standards of ethics, personal honesty, fairness and transparency, staff felt that it would be beneficial for the Board to consider reaffirming the policies set forth in Resolution No. 10 -05. Following action taken by the Board, a copy of both these resolutions will be distributed to all affected employees for review and formal acknowledgement. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The District's Conflict of Interest Code was last amended on February 27, 2014 by Resolution No. 14 -02. The District's Ethics Policy was adopted on March 25, 2010 by Resolution No. 10 -05. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Resolution No. 14 -16 - Conflict of Interest Code.doc Resolution Resolution Exhibits.pdf Exhibits Exhibit Resolution No. 10 -05 - Ethics Policy.pdf Resolution Resolution Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 MB /RC 5 -0 Roll Call Approving Resolution No. 14 -16. MB /RC 5 -0 Reaffirming Resolution No. 10 -05. RESOLUTION NO. 14 -16 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE WHICH SUPERSEDES ALL PRIOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODES AND AMENDMENTS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED WHEREAS, the Political Reform Act of 1974, Government Code Section 81000 et. seq. ( "the Act "), requires a local government agency to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District has previously adopted a Conflict of Interest Code and that Code now requires updating; and WHEREAS, amendments to the Act have in the past and foreseeably will in the future require conforming amendments to be made to the Conflict of Interest Code; and WHEREAS, the Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation, Title 2, California Code of Regulations, Section 18730, which contains terms for a standard model Conflict of Interest Code, which, together with amendments thereto, may be adopted by public agencies and incorporated by reference to save public agencies time and money by minimizing the actions required of such agencies to keep their codes in conformity with the Political Reform Act. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. The terms of Title 2, California Code of Regulations, Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference and, together with Exhibits A and B in which positions are designated and disclosure categories are set forth, constitute the Conflict of Interest Code of the Yorba Linda Water District. Section 2. The provisions of all Conflict of Interest Codes and Amendments thereto previously adopted by the Yorba Linda Water District are hereby superseded. Section 3. The Filing Officer is hereby authorized to submit the updated Conflict of Interest Code to the Clerk of the Orange County Board of Supervisors for review and approval by the Orange County Board of Supervisors as required by California Government Code Section 87303. Resolution No. 14 -16 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21St day of October 2014, by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Robert R. Kiley, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law LLP Resolution No. 14 -16 Adopting a Conflict of Interest Code ��lOFO� Conflict of 1 1 X. 2p74 EXHIBIT A (Final Draft) �9LIfi RN1P Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Position Disclosure Category Files With Status Associate Engineer OC -05 COB Unchanged Attorney OC -01 COB Unchanged Construction Project Supervisor OC -05 COB Unchanged Consultant OC -30 Agency Unchanged Customer Service Supervisor OC -05 COB Unchanged Engineering Manager OC -41 COB Unchanged Human Resources and Risk Manager OC -41 COB Unchanged Information Systems Administrator OC -05 COB Unchanged Information Technology Manager OC -41 COB Unchanged Management Analyst OC -05 COB Unchanged Operations Manager OC -41 COB Unchanged Operations/Warehouse Assistant OC -05 COB Unchanged Public Information Manager OC -41 COB Added Reason: The position of Public Information Officer was reclassified as Public Information Manager. Public Information Officer OC -05 COB Deleted Reason: The position of Public Information Officer was reclassified as Public Information Manager. SCADA Administrator OC -05 COB Unchanged Senior Accountant OC -05 COB Unchanged Senior Fleet Mechanic OC -05 COB Added Reason: The duties assigned to this position have been determined to include making and/or participating in the making of governmental decisions. Senior Project Manager OC -05 COB Unchanged Water Maintenance Superintendent OC -05 COB Unchanged Water Production Superintendent OC -05 COB Unchanged Water Quality Engineer OC -05 COB Unchanged Total: 21 OFFICIALS WHO ARE SPECIFIED IN GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 87200 Officials who are specified in Government Code section 87200 (including officials who manage public investments, as defined by 2 Cal. Code of Regs. § 18701 (b)), are NOT subject to the Agency's Conflict of Interest Code, but are subject to the disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act, Government Code section 87100, et seq. Gov't Code § 87203. These positions are listed here for informational purposes only. The positions listed below are officials who are specified in Government Code section 87200: Run date /time: Monday, September 29 2014 11:40:06 AM Page 1 of 2 ��lOFO� Uo�.� 1 1 road ��5 188. 2p74 �// 1 �N . 1. Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Finance Manager (Treasurer) Files with COB Unchanged General Manager (Secretary) Files with COB Unchanged Member of the Board of Directors Files with COB Unchanged The disclosure requirements for these positions are set forth in Government Code section 87200, et. seq. They require the disclosure of interests in real property in the agency's jurisdiction, as well as investments, business positions and sources of income (including gifts, loans and travel payments). Run date /time: Monday, September 29 2014 11:40:06 AM Page 2 of 2 �/�C�y5.1889 2plg �`9LtF RN1P Disclosure Descriptions EXHIBIT B (Final Draft) Entity: Water Districts Agency: Yorba Linda Water District Disclosure Category Disclosure Description Status All interests in real property in Orange County, the authority or the District OC -01 as applicable, as well as investments, business positions and sources of Unchanged income (including gifts, loans and travel payments). All investments in, business positions with and income (including gifts, loans and travel payments) from sources that provide services, supplies, OC -05 materials, machinery, equipment (including training and consulting Unchanged services) used by the County Department, Authority or District, as applicable. Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest category in the code subject to the following limitation: The County Department Head/Director /General Manager /Superintendent /etc. may determine that a particular consultant, although a "designated position," is hired to perform a range of duties that OC -30 is limited in scope and thus is not required to fully comply with the Unchanged disclosure requirements in this section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure required. The determination of disclosure is a public record and shall be filed with the Form 700 and retained by the Filing Officer for public inspection. All interests in real property in Orange County, the District or Authority, as applicable, as well as investments in, business positions with and income OC -41 (including gifts, loans and travel payments) from sources that provide Unchanged services, supplies, materials, machinery, vehicles, or equipment (including training and consulting services) used by the County Department, Authority or District, as applicable. Total: 4 Run date /time: Monday, September 29 2014 11:40:06 AM Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 10 -05 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING RULES AND PROCEDURES RELATIVE TO THE CONDUCT OF BOARD MEMBERS AND DISTRICT EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the mission of the Yorba Linda Water District (District) is to provide reliable, high quality water and sewer services in an environmentally responsible manner at the most economical cost to customers; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (Board) and the employees of the District are responsible for fulfilling the mission; WHEREAS, Board members, and District employees should be dedicated to the highest standards of integrity and accountability, while earning and maintaining the trust, confidence and support for the public they serve; WHEREAS, the objective in adopting a formal ethics policy is to supplement state law, to provide guidance with ethical issues as they arise and to heighten awareness of ethical behavior This policy is not intended to limit the scope of or abrogate state law applicable to the District. To the greatest extent possible, this policy shall be interpreted to avoid conflict with state law; WHEREAS, in compliance with Government Code § 87300, the Board has adopted a Conflict of Interest Code, governing the disclosure of financial interests by certain designated employees of the District. Nothing contained in this Policy is intended to limit or abrogate the requirements of the District's Conflict of Interest Code; WHEREAS, in compliance with Government Code § 53232 et seq (AB 1234 Rules) the Board has adopted rules related to Board member compensation, Board member and staff attendance at conferences, seminars and similar activities, and reimbursement of expenses incurred on District business. Nothing contained in this Policy is intended to limit or abrogate the requirements of the District's AB 1234 Rules; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows_ Section 1. Purpose and Scope It is the policy of the District to require the highest standards of ethics from its Board members and employees. The operation of the District requires that decisions and policy be made within the proper channels of governmental structure, that the public office not be used for personal gain, and that all individuals associated with the District remain impartial and responsible towards the public. Accordingly, it is the policy of the District that Board members and employees shall maintain the highest standard of Resolution No, 10-05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees personal honesty and fairness in carrying out their duties. This policy sets forth the ' guidelines for ethical conduct to be followed by the Board of Directors and employees of the District. Section 2. Responsibilities of Public Service Board members and employees are obligated to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and to uphold the laws of national, state and local governmental agencies. Board members and District employees shall comply with all applicable laws regulating their conduct, including conflict of interest, financial disclosure and open government laws. It is the responsibility of Board members and District employees to conduct themselves both professionally and personally in a manner above reproach and to avoid the appearance of impropriety Section 3. Fair and Equal Treatment Board members and employees in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities will neither harass nor discriminate against any person on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, age, marital status, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, medical condition or disability No Board member or employee shall grant any unfair or inappropriate consideration, treatment, or advantage to any person or group beyond that which is available to others or groups with the same circumstances. Section 4. Use of District Propertv and Resources Except where specifically authorized by the General Manager in the public interest, no Board member or employee shall knowingly use or permit the use of District -owned vehicles, equipment, telephones, materials or property, nor require a District employee to perform services for personal convenience or profit. Board members and employees shall safeguard the District's property, equipment, moneys, and assets against unauthorized use or removal, as well as from loss due to criminal act or breach of trust. Section 5. Confidential Information Board members and employees will not disclose information that legally qualifies as confidential to unauthorized individuals without approval from the Board. This includes information that (1) has been received during a closed session Board meeting, (2) is protected from disclosure under the attorney /client or other evidentiary privilege, or (3) is not required to be disclosed under the California Public Records Act. A Board member may make a confidential inquiry or complaint to a district attorney or grand jury concerning a perceived violation of law, including disclosing facts to a district attorney or grand jury necessary to establish the alleged illegality of a District action. Prior to disclosing confidential information, however, a Board member will first bring the matter to the attention of either the President of the Board or the full Board. Section 6. Conflict of Interest Board members and District employees shall avoid conflicts, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with District decisions and activities. Resolution No. 10-05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees 2 (a) A Board member or employee shall not have a financial interest in a contract with the District, which includes the purchase or sale of goods and services. The Board shall not authorize any District contract if a Board member is financially interested in the contract. (b) A Board member shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on a matter before the Board, or attempt to influence a decision of the Board, if the Board member has a financial interest, which is prohibited under California law If a Board member believes that he or she may be disqualified from participation in the discussion, deliberations or vote on a particular matter due to a financial interest, the following procedure shall be followed: 1 If a Board member becomes aware of the potential conflict of interest before the Board meeting at which the matter will be discussed or acted on, the Board member will notify the District's General Manager and the District's legal counsel of the potential conflict of interest, so that a determination can be made whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest; 2. If not possible for the Board member to discuss the potential conflict with the General Manager and legal counsel before the meeting, or if the Board member does not become aware of the potential conflict until during the meeting, the Board member will immediately disclose the potential conflict during the Board meeting, so that there can be a determination whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest; and 3 Upon a determination that there is a disqualifying conflict of interest, the Board member (a) shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on the matter for which a conflict of interest exists, which will be so noted in the Board minutes, and (b) leave the room until after the discussion, vote and any other disposition of the matter is concluded. (c) A Board member shall not recommend the employment of a relative to the District or to a vendor, contractor or consultant known by the Board member to be bidding or negotiating a contract with the District. Section 7. Post -Em to ment Relationships For a period of one year after leaving office or employment with the District: (a) Former Board members shall not represent any non - governmental entities before the District for compensation. (b) Former employees of the District shall not represent any non - governmental entity before the District, for compensation, with regard to any issue(s) which the Resolution No. 10 -05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees 3 1 employee had decision - making authority during the one year, prior to leaving employment. (c) These restrictions shall not apply to government entities. Section 8. Soliciting Political Contributions Board members and employees are prohibited from soliciting political funds or contributions at District facilities and prohibited from using the District's seal, trademark, logo, branding, stationary or other indicia of the District's identity, in any solicitation for political contributions contrary to State law A Board member will not accept, solicit or direct a political contribution from: (a) District employees, consultants or contractors used by the District in the past 12 months, or (b) Vendors of consultants, sub - consultants, contractors, or sub - contractors who have a financial interest in a contract or other matter while that contract or matter is pending before the District. Section 9. Incompatibility of Offices The appointment or election of a Board member to a public entity, other than the District, may result in action that is contrary or inconsistent with the interests of the District and could result in loss of the member's position of the Board. Board members may, with consent of the Board, consult with District legal counsel and the Board may authorize a request for an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of California as to the incompatibility of offices. Section 10. Gifts and Gratuities No Board member or District employee shall receive or agree to receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, reward, honoraria or gift from any source except for recognition from the District for any action related to the conduct of the District's business. A Board member or employee will not accept gifts that exceed the limitations specified in California law Any and all gifts, campaign contributions, income and financial information, shall be disclosed as required under the District's Conflict of Interest Code and the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 and applicable regulations adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission. Section 11. Compliance with the Brown Act Board members and persons elected or appointed, who have not yet assumed office as members of the Board of Directors, will fully comply with the provisions of the State's open meeting law for public agencies (Brown Act) Resolution No. 10 -05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees 1 Section 12. Board Member -- General Manager /Employee Relationship Board members will provide policy direction and instructions to the General Manager on matters within the authority of the Board by a majority vote of the Board during a duly convened meeting of the Board and /or Committee meeting. Board members will address matters within the authority of the General Manager through the General Manager, not directly through District employees. In the event the General Manager is unavailable in person or by technological means, Board members, at their discretion, may contact the Assistant General Manager If the General Manager anticipates being unavailable, he /she shall notify the Board in advanced and provide a designee contact, i.e. the Assistant General Manager. Board members shall refrain from making requests directly to District employees to undertake analysis, perform work assignments or change the priority of work assignments. District employees shall notify the General Manager of all requests received by a Board member within 48 hours of a request. Section 13. Improper Activities and Reporting of Such Activities The General Manager has primary responsibility for (1) ensuring compliance with the District's personnel policies and procedures, (2) ensuring that District employees do not engage in improper activities, (3) investigating allegations of improper activities, and (4) taking appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions. The Board ensures that the General Manager is operating the District according to the law and the policies approved by the Board. (a) Board members will disclose to the General Manager, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper activities within their knowledge. Board members will not interfere with the General Manager's responsibilities in identifying, investigating and correcting improper activities, unless the Board determines the General Manager is not properly carrying out these responsibilities. (b) A Board member will not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence of the position to intimidate, threaten, coerce, command or influence any person for the purpose of preventing such person from acting in good faith to bring to the attention of the General Manager or the Board any information that, if true, would constitute a work - related violation by a Board member or District employee of any law or regulation. This includes, but not limited to: (1) misappropriation or waste of District funds, (2) abuse of authority, (3) creating substantial danger to public health or safety by an act or omission of a District official or employee, (4) use of a District office or position or of District resources for personal gain, or (5) a conflict of interest of a District Board member or District employee. Resolution No 10 -05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees 5 1 Section 14. Training and Education All elected or appointed Board members shall receive ethics training, as soon as practical, but not exceeding one year following election or appointment to the Board. Refresher training shall be conducted for each Board member and District department manager every two years. Section 15. Violation of Ethics Policy A minor infraction of this Policy by a Board member may be addressed by internal remedies imposed by the Board of Directors such as disapproving expense reimbursement requests, de- authorizing attendance at conferences, seminars and other activities at District expense, removal of the member from Board committees, adopting a censure resolution or such other remedies as are deemed appropriate by the Board. Violations of state law by a Board member may be referred to proper authorities for possible investigation, enforcement or prosecution. Violations of this Policy by a District employee may result in appropriate disciplinary action as provided in the District personnel rules up to and including termination. Section 16. SeverabilitY If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause or phrase of this Resolution is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the entire Resolution or any of the remaining portions thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of March, 2010, by the following called vote: AYES. NOES. ABSTAIN ABSENT ATTEST Beverage, Collett, Hawkins, Mills and Summerfield None None None :�" z Ken Vecchiarelli, Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: 'Kid �/� Arthur G. Kt�man, Esq. McCormick, Kidman and Behrens William R. Mills, Pre*dent Yorba Linda Water District Resolution No 10 -05 Adopting Rules and Procedures Relative to the Conduct of Board Members and District Employees Meeting Date Subject: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM NO. 10.4 AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee (Melton / Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held October 8, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 4, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Name: Description: Type: 100814 - PEO Minutes.docx Minutes Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING - ENGINEERING - OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 4:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 3 4 The October 8, 2014 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Planning - Engineering- Operations Committee was called to order by Director Melton at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. ROI I CAI I COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Director Gary T. Melton, Chair Director Michael J. Beverage OTHER ATTENDEES Michael Kiddie, Sr. Fleet Mechanic Alex Thomas, Water Quality Engineer PUBLIC COMMENTS None ACTION CALENDAR STAFF PRESENT Marc Marcantonio, General Manager John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Anthony Manzano, Sr. Project Manager 4.1. Purchase of an Annual EADOC Project Management System Subscription for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station and Other YLWD Projects. Anthony reported that EADOC is a cloud based software project construction management system used to increase communication with all construction parties and has been successfully used during the Highland and Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station construction. Director Beverage asked if this will be used at the Fairmont Booster Pump Station project only, or if it can be used at other projects. Anthony confirmed that this could be used for multiple projects during the 12 -month prescription period. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board approve the purchase of an annual EADOC Project Management System subscription for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station Project and other YLWD Projects in the amount of $6,100. 1 4.2. Brand Name Requirement for Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Anthony reported that the purpose of this request is to seek Board approval to make brand name requirements for key items for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade project to match items that are already in use at the District and would minimize spare parts storage and maintenance, including CLA -VAL and several instrumentation products. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board approve the brand name requirement for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project for the items as specified. 4.3. Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement for Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project Anthony reported that staff is seeking authorization to amend the PSA with design consultant MWH, in the amount of $59,000, for additional engineering services at the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project. Anthony also reported that the additional services are required by MWH to accommodate changes made for some out of scope items including a Motor Operated Valve, some architectural modifications to match the surrounding developments, accommodation of some instrumentation changes, and to reduce some improvements. Director Melton stated that if any items are reduced, he preferred they not be added later for a much higher cost, and without impacting the effectiveness of this pump station given the importance of this facility. After an in -depth discussion with the Committee Members and staff, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board approve Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with MWH, in the amount of $59,000, for additional engineering services for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project, increasing the total fee from $549,584 to the new total of $608,584, for engineering design, bid - phase services, and services during construction. As a follow -up, staff re- confirmed that the current design of this project will not limit operations. 4.4. Authorization to Reject Bids for Richfield Gate Modifications and Re- advertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project Anthony reported that bids were received from two contractors, only one of which was responsive, and because the prices were higher than anticipated and since the specialty fence contractors were not comfortable biding the multiple disciplines required, staff recommends rejecting all bids and re- advertising with the Richfield Campus Spoils Project. Anthony also added that by bidding -out as one, more competitive, larger construction project, the bids are expected to be lower. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board reject all bids for the Richfield Gate Modifications Project and re- advertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project. 4.5. Sole- Source Justification for Vactor Manufacturing John reported that staff researched several manufacturers of sewer cleaning vehicles and supports sole- sourcing Vactor Manufacturing because the other manufacturers considered can't meet District 2 specifications and the Vactor brand has demonstrated to be more reliable, easier to operate, requires less maintenance, and shares the District's existing spare parts inventory. John also deferred to District Sr. Fleet Mechanic, Michael Kiddie, and Michael stated that this brand is the only one that meets our needs. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board authorize the sole- source of Vactor Manufacturing for the purchase of the District's combination sewer cleaning vehicle. 4.6. Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with CDM Smith, Inc. (CDM) for Hydrogeologic Services for Well No. 21 (for the Well 22 feasibility study). At the request of Mr. Conklin, this item was added to the agenda as an Action Item. District Water Quality Engineer, Alex Thomas, reported that last week the OCWD Board of Directors conceptually approved the Well 22 location and granted permission to proceed with the evaluation of this well site with the intent to prepare a lease agreement with OCWD. Alex also reported that CDM was used as the District's hydrogeologist for the Well 21 project and since they did quality work, staff recommends using them for Hydrogeologic Services for Well 22 by amending the existing Well No. 21 PSA with CDM, for $9,785. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board approve Amendment No. 2 to the PSA with CDM in the amount of $9,785 which increases the contract amount of $128,360 to a total revised contract not to exceed $138,145. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Status of Well Siting (Verbal Report) Anthony reported that the Well 22 update was previously discussed as Item 4.6. 5.2. Status of Cielo Vista and Esperanza Hills Developments (Verbal Report) Anthony reported that there are no new developments on these projects, other than Mr. Marcantonio being introduced to the developer's as the new General Manger. 5.3. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report Mr. DeCriscio reported that water production for September was 5% below projected, due to ongoing conservation efforts from our customers. For July through September, demand is cumulatively 7.6% below the projection. Groundwater production was 53.2% for September, and cumulatively 53.7% for the FY to date, as we work to achieve our groundwater BPP of 70% and our CUP obligation of 2,741 acre feet. 3 5.4. Monthly Preventive Maintenance Report Mr. DeCriscio reported on PM to date, noting that our crews are on target to achieve PM goals for the year. He also noted the District had a Sanitary Sewer Overflow this month of approximately 600 gallons. 5.5. Monthly Production Summary Report Mr. DeCriscio reviewed the above report with the Committee, describing water production, weather conditions, water quality, and equipment taken out and restored to service. He also noted the State Water Resources Control Board, Sanitary Engineer Survey went well. 5.6. Groundwater Producer Meeting Notes Mr. DeCriscio reported that staff wasn't able to attend the meeting; the meeting minutes were attached to the PEO agenda packet for the Board of Directors. 5.7. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress Anthony reported on the status of capital projects currently in planning, design and construction. 5.8. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None 6. ADJOURNMENT JD /AM 6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. The next Planning-Engineering- Operations Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. 12 Meeting Date Subject: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM NO. 10.5 AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Public Affairs - Communications - Technology Committee (Collett / Kiley) Minutes of the meeting held October 6, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 3, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Name: Description: Type: 100614 PACT - Minutes.docx Minutes Minutes MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC AFFAIRS - COMMUNICATIONS - TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, October 6, 2014, 4:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 3. 4 The October 6, 2014 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Public Affairs - Communications- Technology Committee was called to order by Director Collett at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. ROI I CAI I COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Director Ric Collett, Chair Director Robert R. Kiley STAFF PRESENT Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Art Vega, Acting IT Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager PUBLIC COMMENTS None. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. Committee Activities Review for IT The Committee reviewed items that have been discussed and /or acted upon over the past year. Mr. Vega discussed projects such as CMMS (Computerized Maintenance and Management System) and the Storage Solution and Recovery Plan. Mr. Vega also discussed upgrades and contracts such as the Dynamics GP upgrade, the Professional Service Agreements with ECS (Environmental Engineering & Contracting) and RKI Engineering. 4.2. Status of GIS Upgrade (Verbal Report) Mr. Vega updated the Committee on the status of this project. Mr. Vega informed the Committee that this upgrade has been completed. IT staff upgraded to the latest version of the ESRI GIS server software and also upgraded the database software for the GIS data. There are only some minor issues left to be resolved. 4.3. GIS Data Sharing with the City of Yorba Linda (Verbal Report) Mr. Vega informed the Committee that IT staff has been unable to obtain the GIS data requested from the City of Yorba Linda. Mr. Vega then discussed what actions IT staff has made in order to communicate with City staff. 1 Director Kiley wanted this matter discussed at the next City of Yorba Linda Joint Agency Committee. 4.4. Status of CMMS (Verbal Report) Mr. Vega updated the Committee on the status of this project. Mr. Vega informed the Committee that IT staff has upgraded CityWorks AMS to the latest version. Mr. Vega also informed the Committee that ECS has completed a rough draft of the Strategic Plan and briefly went over it with the Committee. The District is still providing comments to ECS on the draft and will provide it to the Committee when it's completed. 4.5. Committee Activities Review for Public Affairs The Committee reviewed items that have been discussed and /or acted upon over the past few years. Mr. Micalizzi highlighted such items as the Joint Agency Town Hall Meeting and updated the Committee on plans for the District's History Wall Project and Digital Agenda Display for the Lobby. 4.6. Implementation of Stage 1 of the District's Conservation Ordinance Drought - Communications and Customer Response Mr. Micalizzi updated the Committee on the Community's response to the materials sent out regarding the Conservation Ordinance. He noted that while the majority of calls are from people pointing out violations in their neighborhoods, the rest of the calls have, for the most part, been from people wanting to ensure that they are adhering to the Ordinance. 4.7. District Community Outreach /Emergency Response Trailer (Verbal Report) Mr. Micalizzi updated the Committee on the progress in wrapping the District's Water Trailer, with anticipated completion by October 10, 2014. 4.8. Signs for Water Conservation Demonstration Project with City of Placentia After it was mentioned during a Board Meeting, Mr. Micalizzi informed the Committee that he had reached out to the City of Placentia regarding the signs posted in the islands on Yorba Linda Boulevard for the Water Conservation Demonstration Project. Replacing those signs will be discussed that the next joint agency meeting with the city. 4.9. Draft Fall Newsletter Mr. Micalizzi presented to the Committee the Draft Fall Newsletter. The Newsletter was approved with only minor edits. 4.10. History Video Update (Verbal Report) Mr. Micalizzi updated the Committee that he had scheduled the first interview for the District's History Video, with Ralph Shook on October 16, 2014. 2 4.11. Future Media Outreach and Press Relations (Verbal Report) Mr. Micalizzi updated the Committee on upcoming news and media reports that may be pertaining to the District. He made note of the recent round of latest layoffs at the OC Register. 4.12. Status of Current Public Outreach Activities The Committee reviewed the report and Mr. Micalizzi discussed the plans for the District's Participation at the upcoming City of Placentia Heritage Festival. 4.13. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. The next Public Affairs - Communications- Technology Committee meeting will be held Monday, November 3, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. AV /DM 3 Meeting Date Subject: ATTACHMENTS: AGENDA REPORT October 21, 2014 Meetings from October 22, 2014 - November 30, 2014 ITEM NO. 12.1 Description: Type: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: October 2014 Health and Benefits Fair Wed, Oct 22 11:30AM OCSD Wed, Oct 22 6:30PM Kiley OCWD Groundwater Adventure Tour Thu, Oct 23 8:OOAM Beverage /Collett /Kiley /Melton Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu, Oct 23 6:30PM Collett Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Oct 27 8:30AM Kiley Joint Committee Meeting with City of Yorba Linda Tue, Oct 28 5:OOPM Finance - Accounting Committee Meeting Wed, Oct 29 4:OOPM Beverage /Hawkins Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Oct 29 6:30PM Melton ISDOC Thu, Oct 30 11:30AM Hawkins /Kiley November 2014 Pub Affairs - Communications -Tech Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 3 4:OOPM Collett/Kiley Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee Meeting Tue, Nov 4 4:OOPM Melton /Beverage Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Nov 4 6:30PM Collett MWDOC Wed, Nov 5 8:30AM Melton OCWD Wed, Nov 5 5:30PM Collett MWDOC Elected Officials' Forum Thu, Nov 6 5:30PM Kiley WACO Fri, Nov 7 7:45AM Kiley /Hawkins Joint Committee Meeting with City of Placentia Mon, Nov 10 10:OOAM Beverage /Melton Exec - Admin- Organizational Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 10 4:OOPM Kiley /Collett District Offices Closed Tue, Nov 11 7:OOAM LAFCO Wed, Nov 12 8:30AM Beverage Personnel -Risk Management Committee Meeting Wed, Nov 12 4:OOPM Hawkins /Melton Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Nov 12 6:30PM Beverage Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Nov 13 8:30AM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu, Nov 13 6:30PM Beverage SDLA Conference Mon, Nov 17 8:30AM Collett /Kiley SDLA Conference Tue, Nov 18 8:30AM Collett/Kiley Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Nov 18 6:30PM Kiley SDLA Conference Wed, Nov 19 8:30AM Collett/Kiley MWDOC Wed, Nov 19 8:30AM Melton OCWD Wed, Nov 19 5:30PM Collett OCSD Wed, Nov 19 6:30PM Kiley Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 24 8:30AM Kiley Finance - Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Nov 24 4:OOPM Beverage /Hawkins Joint Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWD Tue, Nov 25 4:OOPM Kiley /Beverage Board of Directors Regular Meeting Wed, Nov 26 8:30AM Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Nov 26 6:30PM Melton District Offices Closed Thu, Nov 27 7:OOAM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu, Nov 27 6:30PM Collett 10/16/2014 11:57:46 AM December 2014 Pub Affairs - Communications -Tech Committee Meeting Mon, Dec 1 4:OOPM Collett/Kiley Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Dec 2 6:30PM Collett MWDOC Wed, Dec 3 8:30AM Melton OCWD Wed, Dec 3 5:30PM Collett Planning- Engineering- Operations Committee Meeting Thu, Dec 4 4:OOPM Melton /Beverage MWDSC Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip Fri, Dec 5 8:OOAM MWDSC Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip Sat, Dec 6 8:OOAM MWDSC Colorado River Aqueduct Inspection Trip Sun, Dec 7 8:OOAM Exec - Admin- Organizational Committee Meeting Mon, Dec 8 4:OOPM Kiley /Collett LAFCO Wed, Dec 10 8:30AM Beverage CRWUA Annual Conference Wed, Dec 10 2:OOPM Beverage /Melton Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Dec 10 6:30PM Beverage Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Dec 11 8:30AM CRWUA Conference Thu, Dec 11 9:OOAM Beverage /Melton Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu, Dec 11 6:30PM Beverage WACO Fri, Dec 12 7:45AM Kiley /Hawkins CRWUA Conference Fri, Dec 12 9:OOAM Beverage /Melton Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Dec 15 8:30AM Kiley Personnel -Risk Management Committee Meeting Tue, Dec 16 4:OOPM Hawkins /Melton Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Dec 16 6:30PM Kiley MWDOC Wed, Dec 17 8:30AM Melton OCWD Wed, Dec 17 5:30PM Collett OCSD Wed, Dec 17 6:30PM Kiley Finance - Accounting Committee Meeting Mon, Dec 22 4:OOPM Beverage /Hawkins Board of Directors Regular Meeting Tue, Dec 23 8:30AM District Offices Closed Wed, Dec 24 7:OOAM Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Dec 24 6:30PM Melton District Offices Closed Thu, Dec 25 7:OOAM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu, Dec 25 6:30PM Collett 10/16/2014 11:57:46 AM ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: October 21, 2014 Subject: OCWD Water Supply Series - (Multiple Dates) CASA Funding Opportunities Seminar - October 16, 2014 MWDOC Elected Officials' Forum - November 6, 2014 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize and /or ratify Director attendance at these events if desired. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: OCWD Series.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CASA Seminar.0 Backup Material Backup Material MWDOC Forum.odf Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 10/21/2014 PH /RC 5 -0 range County Water Supply Series Upcoming Events in Your Community Newport Beach Tuesday. October 14 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Civic Center Community Room 100 Civic Center Drive Newport Beach. CA 92660 Santa Anc Thursday. October 30 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Santa Ana City Council Chambers 22 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 92701 Additional Community Briefings Also Held at: Anaheim Public Irvine City Council Newport Beach Utilities Board City Council Wednesday. October 22 at 5:00 p.m. n�!� f r, 71�t •p1s`'. Tuesday. October 28 Wednesday. November 12 at 5:00 p.m. at 7:00 p.m. 'Schedule Subject to Change i The Orange County Water District (OCWD) has been the entrusted guardian of the Orange County Groundwater Basin for more than 80 years. It is an industry leader in groundwater management. advanced water purification. and water quabty monitoring and testing. For more information about the Orange County Water District. call (714) 378.3200 or visit wwvr.ocvrd.com. Keep in Touch with Public Sector Funding - Join CASA for an upcoming one -day seminar that will explore funding opportunities specific to the wastewater sector. You won't want to miss this unique event! Featured speakers include: Kevin M. Hardy, General Manager, Encina Wastewater Authority Thursday, October 16, 2014 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Orange County Sanitation District To register for the October 16th Orange County Seminar, click here. Prabhakar Somavarapu, District Engineer, Regional San Thursday, October 23, 2014 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District To register for the October 23rd Sacramento Seminar, click here. Kevin M. Hardy and Prabhakar Somavarapu will welcome participants and present a brief overview of why these financing mechanisms are essential to wastewater agencies. See a live demonstration of new State Water Board funding tools and hear from the agencies administering the grant and loan programs. The seminar program includes presentations from colleagues and finance experts about what clean water agencies large and small can do to keep pace with funding opportunities in the wastewater sector. 0 Ogg Street Address: 18700 Ward Street Fountain Valley, California 92708 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 20895 Fountain Valley, CA 92728 -0895 (714) 963 -3058 Fax: (714) 964-9389 www.mwdoc.coni Joan C. Finnegan President Jeffery M. Thomas Vice President Brett R. Barbre Director Larry D. Dick Director Wayne A. Clark Director Susan Hinman Director Wayne Osborne Director Robert J. Hunter General Manager r City of Brea City of Buena Park East Orange County Water District El Toro Water District Emerald Bay Service District City of Fountain Valley City of Garden Grove Golden State Water Co. City of Huntington Beach Irvine Ranch Water District Laguna Beach County Water District City of La Habra City of La Palma Mesa Water District Moulton Niguel Water District City of Newport Beach City of Orange Orange County Water District City of San Clemente City of San Juan Capistrano Santa Margarita Water District City of Seal Beach Serrano Water District South Coast Water District Trabuco Canyon Water District City of Tustin City of Westminster Yorba Linda Water District October 1, 2014 The Honorable Robert Kiley President Yorba Linda Water District 5028 Vista Montana Yorba Linda, CA 92886- 4594 Dear Presi iley: t A Subject: MWDOC Board and Member Agency Elected Officials' Forum November 6, 2014 — 5:30 to 7:30 pm The Municipal Water District of Orange County ( MWDOC) is the wholesale water provider and regional planning agency for twenty -seven water retailers and the Orange County Water District. Our activities include Metropolitan representation, Metropolitan policy and rate development and implementation, water use efficiency, water resource planning, Federal and State grant procurement, governmental relations and public information and education in support of our member agencies. We would like to invite you to our 7th Elected Officials' Forum to increase elected officials' knowledge of and input to MWDOC and its activities. We are holding our meeting on Thursday, November 6, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at our office at 18700 Ward Street in the Boardroom. We request that each City and water district designate an elected official to attend the meeting as their official representative. Other elected officials or staff are, of course, welcome. Because of the hour, we will provide a light meal of sandwiches and salads. We strive to provide an educational and relevant experience for all attendees of our biannual Elected Officials' Forum, and we are soliciting your input. The agenda will include a discussion of the Water Bond; our Communications Plan; and the Drought. As we finalize the agenda, we would like to know what additional topics interest you. If you have an item you'd like to suggest, please go to this survey link: http://tig)aLrl.com/qfsfewo, Thank you for your participation in this event. In order to provide name plates and sufficient seating, please notify Pat Meszaros at 714/593 -5025 or by email at pmeszarosnmwdoc.com of your official designee and number of persons who will attend. Or, you can access our on -line registration at this link: http : / /tinyurl.com/M"OCElected2Ol4. Please do not hesitate to call our General Manager, Rob Hunter, at 714/593 -5026 (rhunter @mwdoc.com) should you have any questions or suggestions. Sincerely, Brett R. Barbre Director, Division 1 c: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager