HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-08 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE
Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 4:00 PM
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870
The October 8, 2014 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District's Planning -
Engineering- Operations Committee was called to order by Director Melton at
4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District's
Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia,
California 92870.
Director Gary T. Melton, Chair
Director Michael J. Beverage
Michael Kiddie, Sr. Fleet Mechanic
Alex Thomas, Water Quality Engineer
Marc Marcantonio, General Manager
John DeCriscio, Operations Manager
Anthony Manzano, Sr. Project Manager
4.1. Purchase of an Annual EADOC Project Management System Subscription
for the Fairmont Booster Pump Station and Other YLWD Projects.
Anthony reported that EADOC is a cloud based software project
construction management system used to increase communication with all
construction parties and has been successfully used during the Highland
and Yorba Linda Blvd. Pump Station construction. Director Beverage
asked if this will be used at the Fairmont Booster Pump Station project
only, or if it can be used at other projects. Anthony confirmed that this
could be used for multiple projects during the 12 -month prescription
period. Following discussion, the Committee supported staff's
recommendation that the Board approve the purchase of an annual
EADOC Project Management System subscription for the Fairmont
Booster Pump Station Project and other YLWD Projects in the amount of
4.2. Brand Name Requirement for Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade
Anthony reported that the purpose of this request is to seek Board
approval to make brand name requirements for key items for the Fairmont
Booster Station Upgrade project to match items that are already in use at
the District and would minimize spare parts storage and maintenance,
including CLA -VAL and several instrumentation products. Following
discussion, the Committee supported staff's recommendation that the
Board approve the brand name requirement for the Fairmont Booster
Station Upgrade Project for the items as specified.
4.3. Amendment No.1 to Professional Services Agreement for Fairmont
Booster Station Upgrade Project
Anthony reported that staff is seeking authorization to amend the PSA with
design consultant MWH, in the amount of $59,000, for additional
engineering services at the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project.
Anthony also reported that the additional services are required by MWH to
accommodate changes made for some out of scope items including a
Motor Operated Valve, some architectural modifications to match the
surrounding developments, accommodation of some instrumentation
changes, and to reduce some improvements. Director Melton stated that if
any items are reduced, he preferred they not be added later for a much
higher cost, and without impacting the effectiveness of this pump station
given the importance of this facility. After an in -depth discussion with the
Committee Members and staff, the Committee supported staff's
recommendation that the Board approve Amendment No. 1 to the PSA
with MWH, in the amount of $59,000, for additional engineering services
for the Fairmont Booster Station Upgrade Project, increasing the total fee
from $549,584 to the new total of $608,584, for engineering design, bid -
phase services, and services during construction. As a follow -up, staff re-
confirmed that the current design of this project will not limit operations.
4.4. Authorization to Reject Bids for Richfield Gate Modifications and Re-
advertise with Richfield Campus Spoils Project
Anthony reported that bids were received from two contractors, only one
of which was responsive, and because the prices were higher than
anticipated and since the specialty fence contractors were not comfortable
biding the multiple disciplines required, staff recommends rejecting all bids
and re- advertising with the Richfield Campus Spoils Project. Anthony also
added that by bidding -out as one, more competitive, larger construction
project, the bids are expected to be lower. Following discussion, the
Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board reject all bids
for the Richfield Gate Modifications Project and re- advertise with Richfield
Campus Spoils Project.
4.5. Sole- Source Justification for Vactor Manufacturing
John reported that staff researched several manufacturers of sewer
cleaning vehicles and supports sole- sourcing Vactor Manufacturing
because the other manufacturers considered can't meet District
specifications and the Vactor brand has demonstrated to be more reliable,
easier to operate, requires less maintenance, and shares the District's
existing spare parts inventory. John also deferred to District Sr. Fleet
Mechanic, Michael Kiddie, and Michael stated that this brand is the only
one that meets our needs. Following discussion, the Committee supported
staff's recommendation that the Board authorize the sole- source of Vactor
Manufacturing for the purchase of the District's combination sewer
cleaning vehicle.
4.6. Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with CDM
Smith, Inc. (CDM) for Hydrogeologic Services for Well No. 21 (for the Well
22 feasibility study).
At the request of Mr. Conklin, this item was added to the agenda as an
Action Item. District Water Quality Engineer, Alex Thomas, reported that
last week the OCWD Board of Directors conceptually approved the Well
22 location and granted permission to proceed with the evaluation of this
well site with the intent to prepare a lease agreement with OCWD. Alex
also reported that CDM was used as the District's hydrogeologist for the
Well 21 project and since they did quality work, staff recommends using
them for Hydrogeologic Services for Well 22 by amending the existing
Well No. 21 PSA with CDM, for $9,785. Following discussion, the
Committee supported staff's recommendation that the Board approve
Amendment No. 2 to the PSA with CDM in the amount of $9,785 which
increases the contract amount of $128,360 to a total revised contract not
to exceed $138,145.
5.1. Status of Well Siting (Verbal Report)
Anthony reported that the Well 22 update was previously discussed as
Item 4.6.
5.2. Status of Cielo Vista and Esperanza Hills Developments (Verbal Report)
Anthony reported that there are no new developments on these projects,
other than Mr. Marcantonio being introduced to the developer's as the new
General Manger.
5.3. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Import Water Report
Mr. DeCriscio reported that water production for September was 5% below
projected, due to ongoing conservation efforts from our customers. For
July through September, demand is cumulatively 7.6% below the
projection. Groundwater production was 53.2% for September, and
cumulatively 53.7% for the FY to date, as we work to achieve our
groundwater BPP of 70% and our CUP obligation of 2,741 acre feet.
5.4. Monthly Preventive Maintenance Report
Mr. DeCriscio reported on PM to date, noting that our crews are on target
to achieve PM goals for the year. He also noted the District had a
Sanitary Sewer Overflow this month of approximately 600 gallons.
5.5. Monthly Production Summary Report
Mr. DeCriscio reviewed the above report with the Committee, describing
water production, weather conditions, water quality, and equipment taken
out and restored to service. He also noted the State Water Resources
Control Board, Sanitary Engineer Survey went well.
5.6. Groundwater Producer Meeting Notes
Mr. DeCriscio reported that staff wasn't able to attend the meeting; the
meeting minutes were attached to the PEO agenda packet for the Board
of Directors.
5.7. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress
Anthony reported on the status of capital projects currently in planning,
design and construction.
5.8. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. The next Planning- Engineering-
Operations Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday,
November 4, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.