HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-04-21 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 2014-071
Monday, April 21, 2014, 3:00 p.m.
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870
The April 21, 2014 Workshop Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of
Directors was called to order by President Kiley at 3:04 p.m. The meeting was
held in the Board Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717
East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870.
President Kiley led the pledge.
Robert R. Kiley, President Steve Conklin, Acting General Manager
Ric Collett, Vice President John DeCriscio, Operations Manager
Michael J. Beverage Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager
Phil Hawkins Delia Lugo, Finance Manager
Gary T. Melton Art Vega, Acting IT Manager
Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary
Cindy Botts, Management Analyst
Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Officer
5.1. Draft FY 2014/15 Budget
Mrs. Lugo provided the Board with copies of the PowerPoint presentation,
and the following draft documents:
o Salaries and Benefits Budget Comparison
o Vehicle Equipment and Capital Outlay
o Supplies and Services Comparison for the Board of Directors and
All Departments
A. Operating Budget
Mr. Conklin and Mrs. Lugo provided an overview of the Salaries
and Benefits Budget Comparison and responded to questions from
the Board regarding merit and COLA increases and the District's
OPEB Contribution. Mrs. Lugo explained that the District's OPEB
Contribution had not been included in last fiscal year's budget and
would be due July 2014. Mr. Conklin clarified that that the 3%
COLA increase would be offset by increased employee
contributions to CaIPERS. Mrs. Lugo then provided an overview of
the key budget assumptions and the budget summary and
responded to questions from the Board regarding the difference in
Income (Loss) from the last budget workshop. She explained that
the financial information being provided to the Board today included
depreciation and non-operating costs in revenue and expenses.
Staff then responded to additional questions from the Board
regarding the Salaries and Benefits Budget Comparison. Mrs.
Knight indicated that the costs associated with the 3% COLA and
merit increases would be identified separately in the final draft of
the budget. Mrs. Lugo clarified that the projected revenue in the
draft budget included the 2.5% rate increase. Director Kiley asked
where the estimated expense information for the education
reimbursement program was delineated in the budget. Mrs. Lugo
explained that these costs were included in the Fringe Benefits and
that staff could provide the Board with a spreadsheet breaking
these expenses out. Mrs. Lugo also indicated that the proposed
budget included an assumption of 5% water conservation by
District customers due to the heightened media coverage of the
statewide drought. Mrs. Lugo then provided an overview of the
projected revenues, expenses, variable costs and water purchases.
Mr. Conklin and Mr. DeCriscio responded to questions from the
Board regarding future groundwater and import water purchases as
related to construction of the Fairmont Booster Pump Upgrade
Project. Mrs. Lugo then reviewed the planned water rate increase
(year 3 of 3) in the fixed charges and other agencies water rates in
comparison. Director Melton suggested that the rate comparison
information be made available to District customers. Mr. Micalizzi
explained that staff was planning to include this data in the summer
newsletter. Mr. Conklin added that staff would be providing a
presentation to the Citizens Advisory Committee regarding the
proposed budget at its next meeting. Directors Melton and
Hawkins suggested that staff include water rates for Golden State
Water Company and the Serrano Water District. Mr. Micalizzi
noted that more current rate information for all water agencies
would be available once their budgets were approved in June. Mrs.
Lugo indicated that District customers would not see the new rate
increase reflected on their bill (for July usage) until August. Mrs.
Lugo then reviewed the expense key factors and changes in the
supplies and services.
B. Supplies and Services Budget
• Board of Directors
Mrs. Lugo reviewed the Board of Directors' Supplies and
Services Comparison and detailed proposed budget
expenses. She then responded to questions from the Board
regarding budgeting for election expenses and the increased
cost in dues and memberships.
• Administration
Mrs. Lugo reviewed the Administration Department's
Supplies and Services Comparison and detailed proposed
budget expenses. Staff then responded to questions from
the Board regarding duties of the proposed Public
Information Assistant position and decrease in the cost of
professional development. Mr. Conklin noted that staff
expected a reduction in legal services.
• Finance
Mrs. Lugo reviewed the Finance Department's Supplies and
Services Comparison and detailed proposed budget
expenses. Mrs. Lugo responded to questions from the
Board regarding current debt collection practices and the
possibility of selling customer debts in the future. She also
noted that staff was expected the costs associated with fees
and permits would continue to increase as more customers
sign up for electronic forms of payment. Staff is planning to
research possible lower cost alternatives during the next
fiscal year.
• Human Resources
Mrs. Lugo reviewed the Human Resources Department's
Supplies and Services Comparison and detailed proposed
budget expenses. Mrs. Knight identified various costs
associated with Professional Development and responded to
questions from the Board regarding employees' life
insurance benefits.
• Information Technology
Mrs. Lugo reviewed the Information Technology
Department's Supplies and Services Comparison and
detailed proposed budget expenses. Mr. Vega identified
various costs associated with software license renewals and
GIS contractual services.
C. Capital Improvement Projects
Mr. Conklin reviewed the 5-year Capital Improvement Program
Projections and noted that an increase in operating reserves would
be needed in order to comply with the District's current reserve
D. District Reserves
Mr. Conklin and Mrs. Lugo responded questions regarding the
District's line of credit with Wells Fargo, the possibility of an
extension of the associated credit agreement, the District's bond
ratio, and potential financing opportunities available through CSDA.
Mrs. Lugo explained that staff had provided the Board with 3
scenarios for funding the District's Operating Reserves. Following
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to select the scenario
in which Operating Reserves would be funded at 12%. Mr. Conklin
and Mrs. Lugo noted that staff would be meeting with Mr. Sanjay
Gaur from Raftelis Financial Consultants to review the District's
financial model, discuss the need for a rate study, and potential
financing alternatives.
6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 4:03 p.m. The next Regular Board of
Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 8:30 a.m.
Steven R. Conklin
Board Secretary
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