HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04-09 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 2015-057 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, April 9, 2015, 8:00 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The April 9, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Collett at 8:00 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Collett led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Ric Collett, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Robert R. Kiley John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Gary T. Melton Gina Knight, Human Resources / Risk Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager DIRECTORS ABSENT Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Phil Hawkins Art Vega, Information Technology Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Malissa Tem, Public Affairs Intern ALSO PRESENT Eddy Beltran, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Connie Almond, Attorney, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore (Via teleconference for Closed Session only.) Brett Barbre, Director, MWDOC and MWDOC Tom Lindsey, Mayor Pro Tern, City of Yorba Linda Andy Sells, Chief Financial & Operations Officer, ACWA/JPIA 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. The following items were taken out of order. 1 2015-058 7. CLOSED SESSION The meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 8:02 a.m. All Directors in attendance were present. Also present were Mr. Marcantonio, Mr. Beltran, Mrs. Knight and Ms. Almond (via teleconference). 7.1. Conference with Labor Negotiators Pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California Government Code Agency Designated Representatives: Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager, and Connie Almond, Attorney, Liebert Cassidy Whitmore Employee Organization: Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association The Board reconvened in Open Session at 8:31 a.m. President Collett stated that no action was taken during Closed Session that was required to be reported under the Brown Act. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS CONTINUED None. 6. PRESENTATIONS 6.1. Refund from ACWA/JPIA's Rate Stabilization Fund Mr. Andy Sells, CFOO, for ACWA/JPIA, addressed the Board and explained the purpose of the agency's rate stabilization fund. He then presented the Board with a refund check in the approximate amount of $70,000 and complimented the District on its safety program. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Hawkins being absent. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held February 26, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held March 9, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.3. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$439,525.49. 2 2015-059 9. ACTION CALENDAR 9.1. Senate Bill 355 (Lara) — San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC) Mr. Marcantonio explained that SB 355 would remove one of Orange County's two representatives on the RMC Board, resulting in a reduction of half its voting representation. This would greatly reduce Orange County's ability to acquire its fair share of greatly needed Proposition 1 funding. Much of the funding, including a $30M direct allocation for watershed improvements, and a share of $100M for urban creek restoration, will be allocated through the RMC. Director Brett Barbre addressed the Board and noted that MWDOC had taken the same position regarding this bill. Director Melton made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to (1) take an Oppose Unless Amend position, removing the language eliminating one of Orange County's seats on the Conservancy's Board of Directors; and (2) submit a letter to the author and the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee indicating the District's opposition. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Hawkins being absent. 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10.1. Governor's Executive Order for Mandatory Water Reductions Mr. Marcantonio and Mr. Micalizzi provided an overview of Governor Brown's executive order that mandated a 25% statewide reduction in water use. They also described measures that would have the most impact on Orange County water agencies and the District's current business model. Mayor Pro Tern Lindsey addressed the Board and commented on the number of phone calls the City was receiving in regards to the drought. He requested that the District work closely with the City to develop a unified message to their respective constituents regarding the situation. Director Brett Barbre address the Board and commented on local agency efforts to store water to help protect against the drought. Brief discussion regarding fire protection considerations, exclusion of recycled water from the State's calculations, flushing lines for public health reasons, and the impact of the drought on the District's budget followed. 11. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 11.1. President's Report None. 3 2015-060 11.2. Directors' Reports • NOCLA Monthly Meeting - April 1, 2015 Director Hawkins attended but was not present to provide a report. 11.3. General Manager's Report Mr. Marcantonio provided the Board with an overview of his activities and meeting attendance. He then asked each manager in attendance to provide a report regarding activities within their respective departments. 11.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Beltran briefly commented on Proposition 218 requirements and the required process for implementation of proposed rate increases versus fines or penalties. 11.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 12. COMMITTEE REPORTS 12.1. Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee (Collett / Beverage) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held April 13, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. 12.2. Investment Ad Hoc Committee (Hawkins / Beverage) • Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. 12.3. YLWD-City of Placentia Joint Agency Committee (Melton / Kiley) • Minutes of the meeting held April 7, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. • Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. 12.4. YLWD-City of Yorba Linda Joint Agency Committee (Collett / Beverage) ▪ Next meeting is scheduled to be held April 28, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the District's offices. 4 2015-061 12.5. YLWD-MWDOC-OCWD Joint Agency Committee (Collett / Melton) • Minutes of the meeting held March 24, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. • Next meeting is scheduled to be held May 26, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. 12.6. Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held April 27, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 13. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 13.1. YL Planning Commission - March 25, 2015 (Hawkins) Director Hawkins attended but was not present to provide a report. Director Melton attended and commented on a few items of business which were addressed during the meeting. 13.2. OCSD - March 25, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage) Directors Kiley and Beverage attended and reported on matters discussed during this meeting and the OCSD Operations Committee meeting on April 1, 2015. 13.3. YL LMCAC - March 26, 2015 (Beverage - As Needed) Director Beverage attended and commented on a few matters that were discussed during the meeting. 13.4. MWDOC Board - April 1, 2015 (Kiley) Director Kiley attended and provided a report regarding business addressed during the meeting. 13.5. OCSD Operations Committee - April 1, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage) See Item No. 13.2. 13.6. OCWD Board - April 1, 2015 (Collett) Director Collett attended and provided a report regarding business addressed during the meeting. 13.7. YL City Council - April 7, 2015 (Beverage) Director Beverage attended and commented on a few matters that were considered during the meeting. Director Barbre left the meeting at this time. 5 2015-062 13.8. LAFCO - April 8, 2015 (Beverage - As Needed) Director Beverage did not attend this meeting. 14. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 14.1. Meetings from April 10, 2015 -- May 31, 2015 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no changes. 15. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS 15.1. NOCLA Monthly Meeting - April 1, 2015 NOCLA Elected Officials Reception - April 16, 2015 SCWC Quarterly Luncheon - April 24, 2015 YL Chamber of Commerce Appreciation Breakfast - April 29, 2015 Water Reuse and Desalination Research Conference - May 4-5, 2015 Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to authorize and/or ratify Director attendance at these events if desired. Motion carried 4-0-04 with Director Hawkins being absent. 16. ADJOURNMENT 16.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m. A Board of Directors Special Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary 6