HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-13 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING April 13, 2000 The April 13, 2000, regular meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Michael J.. Beverage at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. Directors present at Roll Call: President Michael J. Beverage Vice President Paul R. Armstrong Mark Abramowitz Brett R. Barbre Arthur C. Korn Directors Absent at Roll Call: None Staff resent: William J. Robertson, General Manager Arthur Kidman, General Counsel Lee Cory, Operation Superintendent Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the Gen. Manager Beverly Meza, Business Manager Jeanne Miller, Customer Service Clerk I Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager Ken Vecchiarelli, Engineering Manager Visitors Present: Mr. Roy Stephenson, Director of Public Works, City of Yorba Linda Mark Jacobs and Linda Chandler, Heritage Communities Councilman John Gullixson arrived at 11:00 a.m. SPECIAL RECOGNITION Item 1. Introduction of new employee Jeanne Miller, Customer Service Clerk I. Ms. Meza. introduced Ms. Jeanne Miller to the Board of Directors. Ms. Miller left after this item. CONSENT CALENDAR Item No. 2, 4 and 6 were removed from the Consent Calendar. On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the following Consent Calendar Items: Item 3. Authorization for directors to leave the State of California prior to the next meeting. Item 5. Approve Progress Payment No. 3 to F. T. Ziebarth in the amount of $21,040, less 10% retention of $2,104, for a net payment of $18,936, for construction of the Well No. 11 rehabilitation project, Job No. 9620. Item 7. Receive and file notification of litigation settlements. ACTION CALENDAR Item 2. Minutes of regular meeting March 23, 2000. Discussion. On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 2-3, Directors Barbre, Beverage and Korn voted no, to amend to the March 23, minutes to: 1) add to Item 2, that Director Abramowitz expressed concern that the March 9, minutes misstated his concerns over the NRDC Arsenic Report, and 2) add to Item 9.e. that Director Abramowitz expressed concern about the District using a domain name reserved for commercial sites instead of a government domain name. The motion failed. On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Director Korn, the Board of Directors voted 4-1, Director Abramowitz voted no, to approve the minutes of the March 23, 2000, meeting as written. Item 4. Approve disbursements. General Manager Robertson reported that ACWA/JPIA changed their invoice after the Agenda was mailed so staff would like to void Check No. 30309 in the amount of $8,534.00 and add Check No. 30413 in the amount of $8,381.00. The total disbursements are reduced to $544,301.03. In addition, Director Abramowitz questioned the amount to Yorba Linda Mobil Service. Mr. Robertson reported the price of gasoline was at an all time high thus the monthly cost was greater than usual. Lastly, Director Abramowitz expressed concern that the payment to KTS Services, combined with the March 23'd payment, avoided the purchasing policy. On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 4-1, Director Abramowitz voted no, to approve disbursements in the amount of $544,301.03. Item 7. Approve Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Heritage Communities for Tract No. 14528 and 15501, Job No. 0007 and 0008. Lengthy discussion concerning full utilization of the Zone 6 reservoir storage and minimum design pressure standards. The Board requested that staff work with the developer to address and resolve the minimum design pressure issues. On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 3-2, Director Abramowitz and President Beverage voted no, to approve Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Heritage Communities for Tract No. 14528 and 15501, Job No. 0007 and 0008. Mark Jacobs and Linda Chandler departed at this point in the meeting. Item 8. Consider new class of service and water rate. President Beverage and Director Korn declared a conflict of interest and departed the room. Mr. Robertson reviewed the staff recommendation to adopt a Resolution adding new class of service and a rate for that class of service. Lengthy discussion about services provided by the District, costs, service during a drought, beneficial uses of water and serving a golf course, differential rates for large water users, public perception and information, Met and MWDOC pricing structures, Best Management Practices, discounted rate versus a surcharge and a fees versus rates. Mr. Stephenson said he concurred with the staff's recommendation. On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 2-1-2 on a roll call vote, Director Abramowitz voted no, and Directors Beverage and Korn were absent, to approve Resolution 00-04, Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District Amending Resolution 95-15 and 99-13 to add a New Class of Service and Water Rate. The motion failed. Vice President Armstrong declared a recess beginning at 9:40 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:54 a.m. with all Directors present. Mr. Stephenson departed at this point in the meeting. President Beverage noted that General Counsel Kidman needed to leave for another meeting, so the Closed Session items were taken out of order. On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Korn, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to go into Closed Session. General Manager Robertson and Assistant General Manager Mike Payne joined the Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION: Item 26. Discussion of litigation to which the District is a party, Section 54956.9 (a), Orange County Central Justice Center, Case No. 815921 and 818852, Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley vs. OCWD respectively. Item 27. Discussion of litigation to which the District is a party, Section 54956.9 (a), Orange County Superior Court, Case No. OOCC00768, City of Yorba Linda vs. Yorba Linda Water District. The Board came out of Closed Session at 10:28 a.m. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 12. General Managers report. a. General Counsel's report. Mr. Kidman reported that Director Abramowitz had a question about a conflict of interest because he owns stock in Nextel which is also a vendor to the District. Mr. Kidman prepared a memo that Director Abramowitz did not have a conflict of interest because he owned less than $10,000 in stock, in a firm that was traded on NASDAQ and the District's annual business was not a significant part to the firm's overall business. President Beverage declared a recess beginning at 10:36 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:40 a.m. with all Board members present. Mr. Kidman departed during the recess. Item 9. Consider Investment Portfolio for February 2000. Ms. Meza had nothing further to add to the staff report. On a motion by Vice President Armstrong, seconded by Director Barbre, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to receive and file the Investment Portfolio Report for February 2000. Item 10. Consider Financial Statements for seven months ended January 31, 2000. Ms. Meza reported positive earnings for the period ending January 31, 2000. Ms. Meza went on to report it was normal for the District's finances to turn positive around this time of year and distributed a chart for the Board to review. On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Barbre, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to receive and file the Financial Statements for seven months ended January 31, 2000. Item 11. Consider letter supporting the Ground Water Replenishment System. Mr. Robertson reported he may have misunderstood the Board's direction on this matter and the letter should be addressed to the City Council and President of the Chamber of Commerce requesting they consider supporting the GWRS program. The Board concurred that City's and Chamber's are urged to endorse the project. On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Barbre, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to-send a letter to the Mayor and President of the Chamber of Commerce requesting they endorse the GWRS project. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT - Continued Item 12. General Managers report. b. Report on sewer service to Club House. Ken Vecchiarelli reported on sewer problems to the City's proposed golf course club house. Councilman Gullixson arrived during discussion of this item and President Beverage asked if he had a comments. Councilman Gullixson reported the judge denied the Imperial Highway environmental litigation and that the Sanitation District has a grant program for sewer related projects. He urged the District staff to look into the San. District program and will urge the City staff to look into them as well. The Board thanked Councilman Gullixson for this action leading to San. District rebates to homeowners incorrectly charged San. District fees. Councilman Gullixson thanked the Board and staff for their assistance. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT - Continued c. Health and Safety Fair, Yorba Linda Community Center, April 9. Mr. Robertson thanked Dave Barmer, John DeCriscio, Pati Medina, Mike Robinson and Director Abramowitz for their effort at the Health Fair. d. District's Open House. Mr. Robertson reported on the May 6, open house. e. District Activities. Stacy Bavol reviewed the new water bill layout and colors. Lengthy discussion. The consensus was to choose the Reflex Blue color and there were other comments on the new bill format that staff will look into. COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 13. The Executive Committee met on April 5, and discussed the Secretary to the General Manager position, status report on JUSA meeting and General Manager's review process. The Committee scheduled a meeting for April 19, at 4:00 p.m. The preliminary agenda is the General Manager's evaluation process and minimum pressure policy. Item 14. The Finance Committee met on March 29, to discuss the bankruptcy accounting and a status report on finding a new bank. Item 15. The Personnel-Risk Management Committee met on March 30, to discuss Compensation and Reclassification issues and a status report on Risk Management activities. The Committee scheduled a meeting for April 20, at 9:00 a.m. to discuss the salary survey, personnel positions and status of workers compensation proposals. Item 16. The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee met on March 28 and April 13, to discuss the golf course water rate, Casino Ridge development, Placentia sewer maintenance, reimbursement for transmission facilities in the western service area, Pulte development, Board tour of facilities and facility finance design and construction agreements for the Shell development. The Committee scheduled a meeting for April 20, at 3:30 p.m. to discuss the Placentia sewer proposal, Richfield Plant renovation and sewer service to the club house. Item 17. The Public Information Committee met on April 11, to discuss the District video, web site, zip code articles and new water bill layout. The April 25, Committee meeting was canceled. Item 18. Orange County Water District Ad Hoc Committee met on April 3, to discuss the Huntington Beach case. INTERGOVERMENTAL MEETINGS Item 19. Joint OCWD/OCSD meeting, March 25. Director Barbre attended and reported the main focus was the GWRS project. Item 20. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, March 29. Vice President Armstrong attended and passed the information to Ken Vecchiarelli. Item 21. Yorba Linda City Council, April 4. Directors Korn attended. The meeting adjourned to April 13. Item 22. Joint MWDOC/CMWD meeting, April 5. Director Abramowitz did not attend. Item 23. OCWD meeting, April 5. Director Barbre attended. Item 24. WACO meeting, April 7. Director Abramowitz did not attend. Item 25. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, April 12. President Beverage did not attend. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS/ITEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Director Barbre requested that staff agendize consideration of membership in NESARC for the first Board meeting in May. Director Abramowitz expressed concern over the request. Discussion about adding items to a future Agenda. Directors Barbre, Armstrong and Beverage nodded their consensus to put this item on a future Agenda. President Beverage referred discussion of a policy on pressure minimums to the Executive Committee for further study. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Barbre, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 11:45 a.m. The next Regular meeting is scheduled for Thursdayt A-~, 2000, at 8:30 a.m. in the District Boardroom. _prH Secretary/General Manager