HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-08 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage 3964 June 8, 2000 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING June 8, 2000 The June 8. 2000, regular meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Michael J. Beverage at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District Headquarters. 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. Directors present at roll call: President Michael J. Beverage Vice President Paul R. Armstrong Mark Abramowitz Brett R. Barbre Arthur C. Korn Directors absent at roll call: None Visitors present: Mr. & Mrs. Sykes & family Mrs. Porter Staff present: Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager Arthur Kidman. General Counsel Lee Cory, Operation Superintendent Beverly Meza, Business Manager Ken Vecchiarelli, Engineering Manager Special Recognition Item 1. Awards of Merit for MWDOC's Poster & Slogan Contest winners: Micala Mendoza, Brandon Weber, Lauren Krueger, Desiree Porter, and Courtney Sykes. President Beverage presented Awards of Merit to Desiree Porter and Courtney Sykes for their Posters and Slogans that won the MWDOC contest. Staff will make arrangements to present the Awards of Merit to the other contest winners. All of the families left the meeting at the conclusion of this item. Consent Calendar On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Director Abramowitz. the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 2. Approve minutes of regular meeting. May 25, 2000. Item 3 . Approve minutes of adjourned regular meeting. June 1. 2000. Page 3965 June 8, 2000 Item 4. Authorize directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 5. Approve disbursements of $592,666.95. Item 6. Approve the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with DSA Commercial Group, Job No. 0013. Action Calendar On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Vice President Armstrong the Board voted 4-1-0 with Director Abramowitz voting no, to add the following item to this agenda as an emergency project which required Board action prior to the next Board of Directors meeting. (Item No. 21). Mr. Rod Muir came into the meeting. Item 21. Engineering Manager Vecchiarelli presented a report on a proposed District Capital Replacement project on Hacienda Lane in the area of new development at 4850 Hacienda Lane. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that the District's water main had been hit as part of the grading for the development. Mr. Vecchiarelli further reported on a mutual agreement that had been discussed with Mr. Muir regarding the relocation of the water main that traversed through his property. The Board of Directors discussed the project as well as the proposed Terms and Conditions for water and sewer service number 16-160 for 4850 Hacienda Lane. On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Director Korn, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the District's Capital Replacement project (Job 0014) and the Terms and Conditions for Rod Muir, 4850 Hacienda Lane; Water Service Number (16-160) and Single Sever Service No. (16-160). Rod Muir left the meeting at the conclusion of this item. President Beverage declared a break a 9:21 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:34 a.m. with all Directors present. Item 7. Consider Financial Statements for nine months ended March 31, 2000. Ms. Beverly Meza highlighted some of the key points of the Financial Statements for nine months ended March 31. 2000. On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to receive and file the Financial Statements for the nine months ended March 31, 2000. Item 8. Consider the 1999 Consumer Confidence Report. Assistant Administrator Michael Robinson presented the 1999 Consumer Confidence Report to the Board for their review and comments. The Board asked several questions about the report. Because new information was distributed at the meeting, the Board requested that this item be continued to June 22. 2000. Page 3966 June 8, 2000 General Manager's Report Item 10. General Manager's oral report and comments. a) Report by General Counsel. Counsel reported that the Eminent Domain case filed by the City of Yorba against the District was dropped in favor of the District. b) Oral report on the changes made on the due dates on the District's water bill. c) Reminder that the Semi Annual Campaign Disclosure Filing deadline is July 31, 2000. d) Reminder about the District's booth at the Main Street Arts & Crafts Fair, June 11 `h. e) District Family Picnic, June 24`h. f) District activities. The Board confirmed the remaining dates for the Board of Directors workshops as June 15, June 29. and July 6. g) Lee Cory reported on a water main break at the flood control channel between Lakeview Avenue and Richfield Road. Committee Reports Item 11. Executive-Administration Committee (Beverage/Armstrong) A meeting has been scheduled for June 20, 2000 at 4 p.m. to discuss the District's Minimum pressure policy. Item 12. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kom/Abramowitz) The Committee requested that a date for a Finance Committee be set at the next Board meeting to discuss the year-end Budget Review. Item 13. Personnel-Risk Management Committee (Kom/Abramowitz) Item 14. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Armstrong/Barbre). The Committee held a meeting on June 7, 2000. The committee discussed the replacement of a water main and terms and conditions for a development on Hacienda Lane; Imperial Highway projects; and a proposal to conduct a water and sewer hydraulic study. Item 15. Public Information Committee (Beverage/Barbre). The Committee held a meeting on June 6, 2000. The committee discussed the Little Hoover Commission; Consumer Confidence Report, web-site, and video script. Item 16. Orange County Water District Ad Hoc Committee (Korn/Barbre). A meeting has been scheduled for June 26, 2000 at 4 p.m. Intergovernmental Meetings Item 17. WACO meeting. June 2 (Abramowitz). Director Abramowitz reported the City of Placentia presented a report on their proposal to have the railroad tracks in their city lowered. Item 18. Yorba Linda City Council meeting, June 6 (Korn). Director Korn did not attend. Item 19. OCWD meeting. June 7 (Barbre). Director Barbre did not attend. Page 3967 June 8, 2000 Board of Directors Activity Calendar The Board asked staff to add the Board workshops and future committee meetings to the activity calendar. Board Member Comments/Items for Future Consideration Director Abramowitz asked if staff attended the June 6`h LAFCO meeting. Staff did not attend. President Beverage requested copies of all future Committee meeting Agendas. Closed Session On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Director Abramowitz, the Board voted 5-0 to go into Closed Session at 10:28 a.m. Item 20. Discussion of pending litigation to which the District is a party, (Subsection (a) of Section 54956.9), County of Orange, Central Justice Center, Case No. 815921 Huntington Beach vs. OCWD, and Case No. 818852 Fountain Valley vs. OCWD, before the Superior Court of the State of California. On a motion by Director Abramowitz, seconded by Director Barbre, the Board voted 5-0 to come out of Closed Session at 10:43 a.m. No action was taken in Closed Session. Annual Board of Directors Facilities Tour Item 9. Annual Board of Directors Tour. The Board of Directors and several staff members toured the reservoirs that are under construction near the Diemer plant, the sodium hypochlorite station and cellular antennae at the Highland plant, the 39" water main project in Richfield Road, Well 11, Well 15, the Pulte development, and various developments in the area of Bastanchury Road and Lakeview Avenue. Adi ournment On a motion by Director Barbre, seconded by Vice President, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 1:30 p.m. to a workshop scheduled for Thursday, June 15, 2000, at 8:30 a.m. at the District Headquarters. Michael A. Payne Assistant Secretary /Assistant General Manager