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January 8, 1998
January 8, 1998
The January 8, 1998, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was
called to order by President Sterling Fox at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District
Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Directors present at Roll Call:
President Sterling L. Fox
Vice President Carl T. Scanlin
Paul R. Armstrong
Michael J. Beverage
Arthur C. Korn
Directors absent at roll call
Richard Freemen
Staff present:
William J. Robertson, General Manager
Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel
Lee Cory, Operations Superintendent
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager
Roger Lubin, Executive Asst. to the General Manager
Beverly Meza, Business Manager
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
John Townsel, Assistant Operations Superintendent
Item 1. Introduction of Leelon Cory, Operations Superintendent. General Manager William J.
Robertson introduced Leelon Cory, who joined the Yorba Linda Water District as Operations
Superintendent January 5, 1998, replacing Ray Harsma, who retired after 29 years of service.
On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to approve items 3 through 5 of the Consent Calendar.
Item 3. Authorize Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting.
Item 4. Disburse checks and wire transfers totaling $340,135.62
Item 5. Approve the release of guarantee bonds in the amounts of $24,000 for water facilities
installed by J.M Peters Co. Inc., Job 8829, Tract 11747; and $7,000 for water facilities installed
by Warmington Homes, Job 8842, Tract 13581.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted
5-0 to approve item 2 of the Consent Calendar.
Item 2. Minutes of adjourned regular meeting of December 23, 1997, as amended.
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Beverly Meza left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
Item 6. Consider two-year paving contract. This item was removed from the agenda at the
request of the General Manager. It will be considered at a future meeting of the Board of
Item 7. Consider ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee Election Notices. Executive Assistant to
the General Manager Roger Lubin reported that two executive committee positions will be filled
for three-year terms, and that the office of vice president is also up for election.
Director Armstrong stated that he'd like to see Joan Finnegan continue on the Executive
Committee and would support endorsing her candidacy if she is nominated.
No action was taken by the Board of Directors.
Item 8. General Manager's oral report and comments:
a) Semi-annual campaign disclosure filing. Mr. Robertson noted that these documents were
distributed to the Board members.
b) District activities. Mr. Robertson reported that monthly billing is under way. He also
reported that the district suffered no damage from the two earthquakes last week.
Item 9. Legislative Ad-Hoc Committee. The Committee met January 6, 1998. Attending
were Directors Beverage and Fox, and staff member William J. Robertson. District counsel
Arthur G. Kidman reported that Government Code Section 57087 provides that any resolution
that seeks to create a subsidiary district out of an independent special district requires
confirmation from the voters, unless both parties agree that to the consolidation. He also stated
that the same requirements hold true for a merger, but that a special district cannot be merged
into a city unless the district's boundaries are wholly within the boundaries of the city.
Director Beverage asked that Mr. Kidman perform a reasoned analysis of that section of the
Government Code by January 12, to determine if was flawed.
The committee scheduled a meeting for January 12 at 3:30 p.m.
Item 10. Executive-Administration Committee. Will meet January 15 at 8:30 a.m.
Item 11. Finance-Accounting Committee. Will meet January 14 at 8:30 a.m.
Item 12. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. No report.
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Item 13. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. Will meet January 12 at 8:30 a.m.
Item 14. Public Information Committee. Will meet January 13 at 8:30 a.m.
Item 15. Shell Ad-Hoc Committee. No report.
Chuck Gray and Michael Payne left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
Item 16a. Special OCWD Board of Directors Meeting, January 7 (Scanlin): Director Scanlin
reported that the OCWD Board revised the schedule for joint meetings, discussed the seasonal
shift program, and heard an update of the Met-San Diego County Water Authority wheeling rate
Item 16. ISDOC Board meeting, January 6 (Fox): John Whithers reported on the LAFCO
meeting. The attendees discussed AB 1484.
Item 17. MWDOC/OCWD/CMWD Joint Workshop, January 7 (Fox): Director Fox attended
the meeting.
No comments were offered
The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes.
On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 5-0,
at 9:43 a/m,.1o_qdjoumAo Thursday, January 22, 1998 at 8:30 a.m. in the District Boardroom.
Secretary/General Manager