HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-05-14 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage 3740
May 14, 1998
May 14,1998
The May 14, 1998, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was
called to order by President Sterling Fox at 8:30, a.m. The meeting was held at District
Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Directors present at Roll Call:
President Sterling L. Fox
Vice President Carl T. Scanlin
Michael J. Beverage
Arthur C. Korn
Directors absent at roll
Paul R. Armstrong
Richard Freeman
Ryan Cobb and parents
Staff present:
William J. Robertson, General Manager
Lee Cory, Operations Superintendent
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager
Beverly Meza, Business Manager
Roger Lubin, Executive Asst. to the General Manager
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Cheryl Kielty, Customer Service Representative
At the direction of the Chair, the Board considered Item 2 next.
Item 2. Presentation of Award of Merit to Ryan Cobb. Assistant Administrator Michael
Robinson introduced Ryan Cobb, an eighth grade student from Yorba Linda who's science
project - entitled Water Pressure, Does It Affect You? - was awarded Honors for Outstanding
Achievement, and an Award of Excellence in Water Research from the National Water Research
Institute. The Board of Directors presented Ryan an Award of Merit.
Ryan Cobb and his parents left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
Item 1. Recognition of Cheryl Kielty, Customer Service Representative. Beverly Meza
introduced Cheryl Kielty, the new customer service representative..
Item 3. Presentation of Award of Merit to Brittney Conley and Jamie Petrossi, 4`h and 5`h
graders respectively, at Travis Ranch School, for receiving honorable mention for the entries in
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the Municipal Water District of Orange County's poster and slogan contest. The Board of
Directors presented Awards of Merit to Brittney and Jamie.
At the request of Director Beverage, Item 4 was removed from the Consent Calendar. On a
motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Vice President Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted
4-0 to approve Consent Calendar items five through eight.
Item 5. Approve minutes of adjourned meeting, April 30, 1998.
Item 6. Authorize Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting.
Item 7. Disburse checks and wire transfers totaling $1,298,360.42.
Item 8. Reject and refer claim filed by Charlotte Eggleton to ACWA/JPIA.
On a motion by President Fox, seconded by Vice President Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted
3-0-1 (abstaining: Beverage) to approve Consent Calendar item four.
Item 4. Approve minutes of regular meeting, April 23, 1998.
Beverly Meza left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
Item 9. Consider property insurance coverage. Assistant General Manager Michael Payne
reported that staff is ready to update property insurance coverage following completion of the
well conversion at the Richfield Plant.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 4-0
to authorize staff to update property insurance coverage with ACWA/JPIA to incorporate the
changes identified in the agenda report.
Item 10. Consider motion to authorize Secretary to file the Transmittal of Election Information.
General Manager and Secretary William J. Robertson reported that the election code requires the
District to provide information to the Registrar of Voters regarding the number of directors to be
elected, and related information.
On a motion by Director Korn seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 4-0
to file the Transmittal of Election Information as follows: Three directors to be elected at large:
Sterling Fox, Paul Armstrong, and Carl Scanlin, a statement of qualifications not to exceed 200
words, and the District does not pay for the statement.
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Item 11. General Manager's oral report and comments:
a) Water Awareness Month: Assistant Administrator Michael Robinson reported that more than
100 people attended the District's Open House, May 2, held in conjunction with Water
Awareness Month.
b) Main Street Arts & Crafts Fair, June 7 Michael Robinson reported that the District's
Information Booth will distribute brochures to attendees.
c) Lomas de Yorba West main break: Engineering Manager Chuck Gray reported on the
pipeline that broke when a hillside slope collapsed.
d) District Activities: General Manager William J. Robertson reported that stairs at the
reservoirs have been completed.
Item 12. Executive-Administration Committee. No report.
Item 13. Finance-Accounting Committee. No report.
Item 14. Legislative Ad-Hoc Committee. CSDA Government Affairs Day, April 27, 1998,
Sacramento, CA. Director Beverage reported on meeting held with state legislators in
Item 15. Orange County Water District Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee met April 20,
1998. Attending were Directors Korn and Scanlin, YLWD staff members Robertson and Payne,
and OCWD Director Larry Kraemer, General Manager William Mills, and staff member John
Kennedy. The Committee discussed rate structures, OCWD policy issues, OCWD's long range
master plan, conjunctive use program, variable rate replenishment plan, and other issues of
mutual concern.
The Committee scheduled a meeting for May 18 at 3:30 p.m.
Item 16. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. Scheduled a meeting for May 21 at 8:30 a.m.
Item 17. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. The Committee met April 22, 1998.
Attending were Directors Armstrong and Korn, along with staff members Robertson, Payne,
Gray and Vecchiarelli. The Committee discussed the Well 11 Pipeline situation, a staff report on
methods to achieve the District's goal of 75 percent ground water, the Casa Loma sewer spill,
and Karl Sperling's sewer connection request.
The Committee met May 12, 1998. Attending were Directors Fox and Korn, along with staff
members Robertson, Gray and Vecchiarelli. The Committee discussed the water well
distribution study, the 36-inch Richfield Road pipeline project that's set to go to bid; the
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possibilities of expanding sewer inspection services; and a pipeline failure on Lomas de Yorba
Item 18. Public Information Committee. No report.
Item 19. Shell Ad-Hoc Committee. No report.
Item 20. ACWA Spring Conference, May 6-8 (Armstrong/Fox/Scaniin). President Fox and
Vice President Scanlin reviewed issues discussed at the ACWA Conference.
President Fox declared a recess at 9:25 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:35 a.m.
Item 21. OCWD Special meetings, April 29 and May 13 (Korn). Director Korn reported that
attendees discussed OCWD annexation issues.
Richard Freeman left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
Item 22. ISDOC/LAFCO special meeting, April 30 (Fox): President Fox reported that voting
took place for LAFCO's Special District Representatives.
Item 23. WACO meeting, May 1 (Fox). President Fox reported that Robert Huntley presented a
slide show about Met's governance issues, and the attendees also reviewed water supply issues.
Item 24. Yorba Linda City Council meeting, May 5 (Korn): Nothing of concern to the District
Item 25. SDWCA Quarterly meeting, May 8 (Korn) Director Korn reported that they discussed
the award of insurance for the current year.
Item 26. ISDOC Board meeting, May 12 (Fox) President Fox reported that they discussed the
upcoming election to the LAFCO Advisory Board, which will be held at the July meeting.
Item 26a. LAFCO meeting, May 13 (Fox) President Fox reported that Bill Goodwin was seated
as LAFCO's Special District member.
Item 27. Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting, May 13 (Scanlin) Nothing of concern to
the District transpired
Director Scanlin: Indicated he would be out of town form May 23 through June 2.
President Fox: Stated that he will be out of town from May 23 through June 5.
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The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 4-0,
at 10:41 a.m., to adjourn. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 1998, at
8:30 a.m. in the District Boardroom.
i iam J. Robertson.
Secretary/General Manager