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August 27, 1998
August 27,1998
The August 27, 1998, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors
was called to order by President Sterling Fox at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District
Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Directors present at Roll Call:
President Sterling L. Fox
Vice President Carl T. Scanlin
Paul R. Armstrong
Michael J. Beverage
Arthur C. Korn
Directors absent at roll
Mark Abramowitz
Richard Freeman
Staff present:
William J. Robertson, General Manager
Janet Morningstar, General Counsel
Lee Cory, Operations Superintendent
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Jennifer Hill, Meter Reader
Robin Katz, Customer Service Supervisor
Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager
Roger Lubin, Executive Asst. to the General Manager
Mike Payne, Assistant General Manager
Mike Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant Engineering Manager
Item 1. Introduction of new employee, Jennifer Hill, Meter Reader. Robin Katz introduced
Jennifer Hill, who began work as a meter reader on August 17, to the Board of Directors.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Armstrong the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar.
Item 2. Approve minutes of regular meeting, August 13, 1998.
Item 3. Authorize Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting.
Item 4. Disburse checks and wire transfers totaling $221,619.16.
Robin Katz and Jennifer Hill left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
At the direction of the Chair, the Board deferred consideration of item 5 until the arrival of the
District's bond consultant, Lora Stovall.
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August 27, 1998
Item 6. Consider Wabash sewer construction agreement. Because he owns stock in Royal
Dutch Shell, Director Korn declared a conflict of interest, and did not participate in the
discussion of this item. Engineering Manager Chuck Gray reported that the City of Yorba Linda
has requested Shell-Toll to construct a portion of their 15-inch, oflsite sewer main as part of a
street improvement project. This requires them to enter into an agreement with the District,
authored by the District's legal counsel, for construction of production, storage, and transmission
On a motion by Vice President Scanlin, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors
voted 4-0-1 (abstain: Korn) to authorize the President and Secretary to execute the Wabash
Sewer Construction Agreement.
Item 7. Consider terms and conditions for sewer service with Lloyd C. Betker of 5761 Ohio
Street, Job 9812. Engineering Manager Chuck Gray reported that staff advised Mr. Betker that
to provide sewer service to his property he would have to build a new sewer main The property
owner stated that he believes four of the nine property owners fronting the proposed sewer main
are interested in connecting to the sewer.
On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Vice President Scanlin, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to approve the terms and conditions for sewer service with Lloyd C. Betker for the
construction of a new sewer main in Ohio Street, Job 9812.
Item 8. Consider liability insurance deposit premium for policy year October 1, 1998 through
September 30, 1999. Assistant General Manager Michael Payne reported that the ensuing year's
premium of $76,926 is less than last years $84,986 premium, and reflects a two percent discount
for joining JPIA's property program.
On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to approve the General Liability Insurance deposit premium to JPIA in the amount of
$76,926 for the policy year October 1, 1998 through September 30, 1999.
Item 9. Report on District telephone listings. Assistant Administrator Michael Robinson
reported that the staff plans to implement several changes to make the District's telephone
number more easily found in various directory listings. This was an informational item only; no
action was required.
Item 10. General Manager's oral report and comments:
a) Report by General Counsel: General Counsel Janet Morningstar reported on issues affecting
Orange County Water District.
b) District activities: Mike Robinson distributed copies of the new annual report to the Board
of Directors and guests.
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Item 11. Executive-Administration Committee. No report.
Item 12. Finance-Accounting Committee. Attending the August 20 meeting were directors
Korn and Fox, and staff members Robertson, Meza, and Payne. Lora Stovall, representing
Bartle-Wells, was also present. The Committee discussed the ID No. 2 refunding bonds.
Item 13. Legislative Ad-Hoc Committee. No report.
Item 14. Orange County Water District Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee scheduled a
meeting for August 31, at 3:30 p.m.
Item 15. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. The Committee met August 18, at 4:00 p.m.
Attending were Directors Beverage and Scanlin, and staff members Robertson and Lubin. The
Committee discussed compensation philosophy, Level 3 PERS Survivor Insurance, 2% at 55
retirement formula, Union issues, an upcoming small claims court issue, the JPIA insurance
premium, and a letter opposing a proposal to require new employees to join social security in
addition to PERS.
The Committee scheduled a meeting for September 1 at 4:00 p.m.
Item 16. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. The Committee met August 25, at 8:30
a.m. Attending were Directors Armstrong and Korn, and staff members Payne, Gray, Cory,
Vecchiarelli, and Lemon. The Committee discussed the Richfield Plant renovation, construction
of new chlorinator facilities at various sites, design requirements for a sewer lift station in the
lake bed, the Yorba Linda Heights development, the Richfield Road Pipeline, and the inclusion
of District propane facilities in the existing risk management program.
Item 17. Public Information Committee. No report
Item 18. Shell Ad-Hoc Committee. No report.
Item 19. Yorba Linda City Council meeting, August 18 (Korn). This meeting was canceled.
Item 20. Special District Workers Compensation Authority Finance Committee meeting,
August 19 (Korn): Nothing of concern to the District transpired.
Item 21. OCWD Meeting, August 19 (Scanlin): Director Scanlin reported that attendees heard
an update on OCWD's 2020 Master Plan.
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Item 22. MWDOC meeting, August 19 (Armstrong): Director Armstrong reported that
attendees heard a report by the National Water Research Institute on various studies being
conducted, and they discussed the ultra low-flow toilet replacement program.
Item 23. LAFCO Technical Advisory Committee meeting, August 20 (Fox) Director Fox
reported that they reviewed the proposed consolidation of South Coast Water into the City of
Dana Point.
Item 24. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, August 26 (Armstrong): Director Scanlin
reported that the Commission discussed development plans for the Lakeview-Bastanchury area.
Item 24a. OCWA Master Plan Meeting, August 24 (Scanlin) Director Scanlin reported that
discussion centered around whether a "Policy Committee" should be created.
Mike Robinson left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
President Fox declared a recess at 9:35 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:40 a.m.
Director Armstrong: Raised issues related to the Orange County Sanitary District's fee increases
for commercial accounts, and issues related to sub-metering.
Director Scanlin: Stated that the Dist4rict is getting positive responses on trouble calls. He also
indicated he will be out of the country from October 14 through October 28.
Director Fox: Indicated he will be attending a special meeting at MWDOC to discuss the
composition of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes.
President Fox declared a recess at 10:00 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:30 a.m., with Lora
Stovall joining the meeting.
Item 5. Consider Resolution 98-11, declaring the intention to sell General Obligation
Refunding Bonds for Improvement District 2. General Manager William J. Robertson reported
that by issuing short-term refunding bonds with a maturity schedule to retire the bonds as rapidly
as possible based on revenue from a tax rate of 17 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, taxes
paid by property owners will be reduced by $910,000.
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On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0, on a roll-call, to approve Resolution 98-11, by which the Board of Directors declares
its intention to sell general obligation refunding bonds for Improvement District No. 2, in an
amount not to exceed $10,200,000.
On a motion by Vice President Scanlin, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to authorize the General Manager to execute a consultant agreement with Bartle-Wells
Associates and Stadling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0,
at 11:30 a.m., to adjourn. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 10,
1998, at 8,:30 a.m. in the District Boardroom.
William4. obertson
Secretary/General Manager