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February 11, 1999
February 11, 1999
The February 11, 1999 regular meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors
was called to order by President Arthur C. Korn at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District
Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Directors present at Roll Call:
President Arthur C. Korn
Vice President Michael J. Beverage
Mark Abramowitz
Paul R. Armstrong
Brett R. Barbre
Directors absent at roll call
Staff present:
William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager
Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel
Lee Cory, Operations Superintendent
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager
Roger Lubin, Executive Asst. to the General Manager
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Brian Vargas, Maintenance Worker
Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant Engineering Manager
Item 1. Introduction of new employee, Brian Vargas, Maintenance Worker. Operations
Superintendent Lee Cory introduced Brian Vargas, who joined the District as a Maintenance
Worker on February 8, 1999.
On a motion by Vice President Beverage, seconded by Director Barbre, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar.
Item 2. Minutes of regular meeting, January 28, 1999.
Item 3. Minutes of adjourned regular meeting, February 4, 1999.
Item 4. Authorize Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting.
Item 5. Disbursements of $930,719,33.
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Item 6. Amendment to the consulting agreement with Howard Parsell Company, in the amount
of $ 13,000, for additional design efforts on Phase II of the Richfield Plant Renovation, Job 9318.
Item. 7. Consider 1999 ACWA/Joint Powers Insurance Authority, Executive Committee
Election. Assistant General Manager Mike Payne reported that staff was directed at the last
board meeting to prepare a resolution of support for Edward N. Layton, from Walnut Valley
Water District, as a candidate for the Executive Committee of ACWA/JPIA.
On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Vice President Beverage, the Board of
Directors voted 5-0 on a roll call to adopt Resolution 99-01, concurring in the nomination of
Edward N. Layton to the Executive Committee of ACWA/JPIA.
At the direction of the Chair, the Board considered Item 9 next.
Item 9. General Counsel Arthur G. Kidman conducted a workshop for the Board of Directors
on the Brown Act and California's conflict of interest code. He reviewed the relationship of
legal counsel to the Board and the General Manager, the California Open Public Meetings Law
(Ralph M. Brown Act), agenda requirements, special meetings, closed sessions, and laws dealing
with conflicts of interest.
This item was for information only, and no Board action was required.
President Korn declared a recess at 9:35 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:55.
Item 8. Barry Brokaw, of Sacramento Advocates, reported on legislative activities. This
included a history of Sacramento Advocates' relationship with the District, their efforts on the
District's behalf to defeat the Pringle Bill, the current makeup of the state legislature - with 28
new assemblymen and 11 new senators. He discussed Governor Gray Davis' views on the
Educational Revenue Allocation Fund, and provided the Board with his view of the Governor's
legislative priorities for 1999.
This item was for information only, and no Board action was required.
Barry Brokaw left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
Item 10. General Manager's oral report and comments:
a) District Facilities Tour, February 22, 1999
b) Form 700 - Statement of Economic Interests, due April 1, 1999
c) District Activities
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Item 11. Executive-Administration Committee. Will meet February 17 at 9:00 a.m.
Item 12. Finance-Accounting Committee. No report.
Item 13. Orange County Water District Ad-hoc Committee.
a) The Committee met January 25, 1999. Attending were Directors Kom and Barbre, along
with staff members Robertson and Payne, and OCWD representatives Director Larry
Kraemer and General Manager William Mills. The Committee discussed various
components of the OCWD Master Plan and annexation policies.
b) The Committee will meet February 22 at 4:00 p.m.
Item 14. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. No report.
Item 15. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. The Committee met February 2, 1999.
Attending were Directors Armstrong and Barbre, and staff members Robertson, Cory, Gray,
Vecchiarelli, and Lemon. The committee discussed the Richfield Plant remodeling project, and
the Yorba Linda Heights development project.
Item 16. Public Information Committee. The Committee meeting scheduled for February 8 was
be rescheduled for February 18 at 3:00 p.m.
Item 17. Shell Ad-Hoc Committee. The committee met February 3 at 8:30 a.m. Attending were
directors Beverage and Armstrong, and staff members Robertson, Gray, and Vecchiarelli. The
Committee reviewed capital facilities, project planning and the progress of reservoir, booster
station, and OC-51 connection designs.
Item 18. Yorba Linda City Council meeting, February 2 (Korn): Nothing of concern to the
District transpired.
Item 19. OCWD meeting, February 3 (Barbre): Attendees were informed that there will be a
workshop on April 28. The Yorba Linda Water District will present their opposition to OCWD's
annexation policies at that time.
Item 20. WACO meeting, February 5 (Abramowitz): The committee discussed the impact of
the dairy industry on the Santa Ana River watershed.
Item 21. Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting, February 10 (Armstrong): Director
Armstrong did not attend this meeting.
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Director Barbre: Asked that a letter to non-sewer customers be discussed as an agenda item
during the first Board meeting in March.
The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes.
The Board entered closed session at 11:02 a.m., with all members in attendance, along with
General Counsel Arthur G. Kidman, General Manager William J. Robertson, and Assistant
General Manager Michael Payne.
Item 22. Conference with legal counsel - Existing litigation (Subdivision (a) of Section
a) City of Atascadero v. Merrill Lynch
b) Markin v. YLWD
c) 7W Contracting v. YLWD
Item 23. Conference with legal counsel - Anticipated litigation
Significant exposure to litigation (Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9). One case.
Item 24. Conference with legal counsel - Anticipated litigation Initiation of litigation.
(Subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9). One case.
The Board of Directors exited closed session at 11:49 a.m.
On a motion by Vice President Beverage, seconded by Director Barbre, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0, at 11:50 a.m., to adjourn to Tuesday, February 25, 1999, at 8:30 a.m. in the District
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Secretary/General Manager