HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-02 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting MinutesITEM NO. 106lt MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE August 2, 2007, 4:00 P.M. A meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee was called to order by Committee Chair Paul Armstrong at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the District Administrative Office at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. DIRECTORS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Director Paul R. Armstrong, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant GM Director William R. Mills, Member Lee Cory, operations Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Leon de los Reyes, Water Quality Engineer VISITORS PRESENT: None. DISCUSSION ITEMS: (Items were discussed out of sequence as shown) 7. Status report on monthly groundwater production and purchased imports for July 2007. Staff presented a report on the District's monthly progress toward meeting the basin production percentage (BPP) goal of 62% for FY 2007-08 and discussed the shortfall for the month. Water Quality Engineer, Leon de los Reyes and Chief Plant Operator, John DeCriscio reported on equipment failures at Wells No. 12 and 1 and on potential water quality issues under investigation for Wells 1 and 5. A status report will be presented to the full Board of Directors on August 9th. Mr. Reyes also reported to the Committee that MWD would begin injecting fluoride in their treated water deliveries beginning in late October 2007. The Committee discussed the need for further planning with respects to the District's aging wellfield and in further developing the goals and objectives for a formal Repair and Replacement (R&R) Program. The Committee further discussed opportunities for partnering with Anaheim and Golden State Water Company on future groundwater development projects. Mr. Reyes left the meeting following this discussion. 4. Status Report on Preventative Maintenance Program and Recent Pipeline Failures. Mr. Cory presented a six month progress report on the regular maintenance and repairs of the water and sewer system infrastructure including: system dead end flushing; hydrant and valve maintenance; air vacuum and air release assembly maintenance; and sewer cleaning. The Committee discussed adding sewer system video inspection to the spreadsheet. 1. Final Change Order No. 4 and Final Progress Payment No. 11 for the completed Cast Iron Replacement Project and Various Sewer Projects. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported that staff, Tetra Tech, the District's engineer and construction inspection consultant, and the contractor, Vido Artukovich & Son, Inc./Vidmar, Inc. are negotiating a final change order and final progress payment for the completed project. The final change order is a reconciliation change order based on unit quantity adjustments from the estimates included in the bid to the actual quantities -1- installed in the field. The single highest adjustment was in paving quantities which were underestimated by a considerable amount in the bid item quantities. The Committee provided recommendations to staff following this discussion. 2. Water Pipeline Easement Encroachment at 5052 Grandview Avenue. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported on an unacceptable encroachment over the District's water pipeline and the status of communications between the current homeowner and staff to rectify this situation. 3. Project Schedule for Low Pressure Zone Reconfiguration Project. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported on a meeting with representatives from the East Lake Village Homeowners Association that was held on August 2. A follow up report will be presented to the full Board of Directors on this subject. STANDING ITEMS: 5. Preannexation Agreement with Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District. Discuss the 39-inch Bryant Cross Feeder relocation and new 36-inch North Yorba Linda Cross Feeder alignment. Mr. Vecchiarelli presented plans and reported on coordination efforts between YLWD and PYLUSD representatives to relocate a portion of YLWD's Bryant Cross Feeder Transmission Pipeline. 6. Status report on the meter replacement project for June 2007. No report. 8. Status report on progress of capital improvement projects in progress. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported on the progress of the Lakeview Booster Pump Station and 10 Lakeview Reservoir Projects. The old Bastanchury Booster Pump Station has been completely demolished and removed from the site and the new Lakeview Booster Pump Station is nearing completion. 9. Status report on progress of OCWD Annexation Request. A meeting was scheduled between LAFCO, YLWD and OCWD for August 8`h but has since been postponed and is pending rescheduling. Mr. Vecchiarelli reported on the upcoming agenda for the monthly Groundwater Producers Meeting which will include an annexation discussion. Director Mills requested staff prepare a draft plan for development of the R&R Program and bring this to the Committee for discussion at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The Committee adjourned at 5:25 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Planning- Engineering-Operations Committee will be held September 6, 2007. r -2-