HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-24 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet Yorba Linda Hater District AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, September 24, 2015, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Ric Collett, President Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Phil Hawkins Robert R. Kiley Gary T. Melton 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Recognition of Marc Marcantonio, General Manager, for 1 Year of Service to the District 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held August 25, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held August 31, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.3. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$1,203,264.39. 7.4. Approval of "Agreement for Sharing Consultant Costs for 2015 Urban Water Management Plan" with MWDOC Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the attached "Agreement for Sharing Consultant Costs for 2015 Urban Water Management Plans" with MWDOC, at a total estimated cost of$40,650, and authorize execution by the General Manager, subject to approval as to form by District legal counsel. 8. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 8.1. President's Report 8.2. Directors' Reports 8.3. General Manager's Report 8.4. General Counsel's Report 8.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 9. COMMITTEE REPORTS 9.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett / Melton) • Minutes of the meeting held September 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held November 24, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. 9.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett / Beverage) • Minutes of the meeting held August 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. • Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. 9.3. Interagency Committee with City of Placentia and Golden State Water (Melton / Kiley) • Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 29, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at YLWD. 9.4. Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) • Minutes of the meeting held August 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 28, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 10. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 10.1. YL LMCAC - September 10, 2015 (Beverage -As Needed) 10.2. YL City Council - September 15, 2015 (Collett) 10.3. MWDOC Board - September 16, 2015 (Melton) 10.4. OCWD Board - September 16, 2015 (Kiley) 10.5. OCSD - September 23, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage) 10.6. YL Planning Commission - September 23, 2015 (Hawkins) 11. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 11.1. Meetings from September 25, 2015 - October 31, 2015 12. ADJOURNMENT 12.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 24, 2015 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held August 25, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 2015-08-25 - BOD - Minutes.doc Minutes Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/24/2015 MB/PH 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Tuesday, August 25, 2015, 3:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The August 25, 2015 Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors Special Meeting was called to order by President Collett at 3:01 p.m. The meeting was held in the Board/Training Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Collett led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL Ir DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Ric Collett, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Phil Hawkins John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Robert R. Kiley Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Gina Knight, Human Resources / Risk Manager DIRECTORS ABSENT Art Vega, Information Technology Manager Gary T. Melton Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Cindy Botts, Water Conservation Supervisor OTHER ATTENDEES Eddy Beltran, Esq., Partner, Kidman Law LLP Brett Barbre, Director, MWDSC and MWDOC Gene Hernandez, Mayor, City of Yorba Linda Eddy Jackson, Resident Rosemarie Sauer, Resident Julia Schultz, Resident Josh Lentz, Vice Principal, Fieldman, Rolapp & Associates Cyrus Torabi, Esq., Shareholder, Stradling Yocca Carlson Rauth Linda Verstuyft, Vice President, US Bank Sheri Ball, Vice President, US Bank 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Rosemarie Sauer addressed the Board and commented on the District's bond covenant. 1 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Presentation by Representatives from Stradling Yocca, Fieldman Rolapp, and US Bank Regarding the District's Debt Covenant Requirements Mrs. Lugo introduced Mr. Josh Lentz, and explained the purpose of the meeting. Mr. Lentz then introduced Mr. Cyrus Torabi, Ms. Linda Verstuyft, and Ms. Sheri Ball. Mr. Lentz and Mr. Torabi then provided an overview of the District's debt portfolio, financial obligations, and the consequences of non-compliance. Discussion followed. Mr. Eddy Jackson addressed the Board and commented on the District's FY 2015/16 budget, the proposed rate increase, and one of his requests for records. ,dh,W IV Ms. Julia Schultz addressed the Board and commented on the consequences of non-compliance with the District's financial obligations and the proposed rate increase. NEL Ms. Sauer addressed the Board and commented on the Proposition 218 hearing process, the consequences of non-compliance with the District's financial obligations, and the potential refinancing of the District's bonds. VL h, lqft Mr. Torabi commented regarding the remedies available to the bond holders should the proposed rate increase not go through. At the request of President Collett, Mr. Eddy Beltran provided an overview of the Proposition 218 hearing process including the tabulation/validation of protests. "44W 6. ADJOURNMENT Lxk 6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 3:59 p.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Monday, August 31, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. NJ — Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary 2 ITEM NO. 7.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 24, 2015 Subject: Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held August 31, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: 2015-08-31 - BOD - Minutes.doc Minutes Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/24/2015 MB/PH 5-0 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Monday, August 31, 2015, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The August 31, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by Vice President Beverage at 8:33 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District's Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director Melton led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL Ir DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Phil Hawkins Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Robert R. Kiley John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Gary T. Melton Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager DIRECTORS ABSENT Art Vega, Information Technology Manager Ric Collett, President Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Marcus Millen, Records Management Specialist Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Cindy Botts, Water Conservation Supervisor Malissa Tem, Public Affairs Specialist ALSO PRESENT Eddy Beltran, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Gene Hernandez, Mayor, City of Yorba Linda Tom Lindsey, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Yorba Linda Daniel Mole, Chair, YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee Mark Powell, Resident Susan Decker, Resident Jeff Decker, Resident Eddy Jackson, Resident TJ DeJong, Resident Judy DesJardin, Resident Bob Labossire, Resident Paul Jones, Resident John Farley, Resident Rita Farley, Resident 1 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Mark Powell, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the District's drought penalty structure and water rules and regulations. Mr. Jeff Decker, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the District's budgets and historical water rates. Mr. John Farley, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the District's mandatory water conservation percentage, drought penalty ordinance, and budgetary practices. IV Ms. Judy DesJardin, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the District's budget, staffing, and future development. NUL Ms. Susan Spicer, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the District's drought penalty structure, variable billing cycle, and budget. Mr. Eddy Jackson, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the District's budget, recent credit card purchases, protests being gathered in opposition of the proposed rate increase, a video appearing on Facebook, staffing, and historical water rates. 640"% 1W Ms. Susan Decker, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the protests being submitted in opposition of the proposed rate increase and the impact of future rainfall on water rates. Mr. TJ De Jong, resident, addressed the Board and commented on the proposed water rates and the impact of future rainfall. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) ■ Minutes of the meeting held August 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Mr. Daniel Mole, addressed the Board and provided a report regarding matters discussed during the meeting including the proposed water and sewer rate increase and the associated Proposition 218 process. He also encouraged members of the public to attend future CAC meetings and commented on the District's budget. Director Melton commended Chairperson Mole and the Citizens Advisory Committee for their efforts during this time. 2 ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 28, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 with Director Collett being absent. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held July 23, 2015 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. A&V 7.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers ok Recommendation. That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$1,491,935.46. NMI 7.3. Quitclaim Easement Deed to Western Pacific Housing, Inc., Tract 17617 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to execute the Quitclaim Easement Deed to Western Pacific Housing, Inc., abandoning the two sets of recorded easements of the Official Records of Orange County, California. 7.4. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with City Ventures, Tract 17459 Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with City Ventures, Tract 17459, Job No. 2015-06. 7. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Robert Nicorici, 17691 Imperial Hwy, Yorba Linda Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Mr. Robert Nicorici, 17691 Imperial Hwy, Yorba Linda, Job No. 2015-07S. 7.6. Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Rezai & Son, LLC, 4240 E La Palma Ave Recommendation. That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Rezai & Son, LLC for the property located at 4240 E La Palma Ave, Job No. 2015-08. 3 8. ACTION CALENDAR 8.1. 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report Mr. Marcantonio explained that this report was prepared by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. and provides the justification and rationale behind the proposed rates scheduled to be considered by the Board on September 17, 2015. The proposed rates have been included in the notice mailed to property owners of record within the District's service area pursuant to Proposition 218. Major objectives of the study included: (1) developing financial plans for the water and sewer enterprises to ensure financial sufficiency that includes the establishment of adequate reserve balances, meeting the operation and maintenance costs, and ensuring sufficient funding for capital refurbishment and replacement needs; (2) conducting a cost-of-service analysis for the water and sewer services; and (3) developing a fair and equitable 5-year water and sewer rate structure to enhance revenue stability for recovering fixed costs while in compliance with Proposition 218. NMI Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to receive and file the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study Report. Motion carried 4- 0-0-1 with Director Collett being absent. '%L 'Mealk, %11L 8.2. Board Position on Potential State Public Goods/Water Tax Mr. Marcantonio explained that the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) had notified its membership of an impending action by the State Legislature to propose a "Public Goods Charge" (PGC) or other tax on water bills. The charge or tax could be framed as a drought response measure to help generate funding for disadvantaged communities. ACWA has taken a position to oppose the charge and is urging its member agencies to do the same in the form of a resolution. Ms. Judy DesJardin, another resident (name unknown), and Mayor Gene Hernandez addressed the Board and commented on the proposed charge. Director Kiley made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to (1) adopt Resolution No. 15-21 taking an Oppose position on the State's action to legislate a public goods charge for water; and (2) submit a letter to local legislators indicating the District's opposition. Motion carried 4-0-0-1 on a Roll Call Vote with Director Collett being absent. Mayor Pro Tem Lindsey addressed the Board and asked if the District would appreciate the City Council's consideration of a similar resolution. 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report President Collett was not in attendance. 4 9.2. Directors' Reports Director Kiley reported on his attendance at the following conferences: • CASA Annual Conference - August 19-21, 2015 • UWI Annual Conference - August 26-28, 2015 9.3. General Manager's Report Mr. Marcantonio provided the Board with an overview of his activities and meeting attendance. He then asked each manager in attendance to provide a report regarding activities within their respective departments. Mayor Pro Tem Lindsey addressed the Board and commented on the watering of City maintained parks and medians. Ms. DesJardin addressed the Board and commented on the District's website and her household watering practices. The managers then continued with their reports. 9.4. General Counsel's Report None. 9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Task Director Beverage requested that staff look into potential cost savings should groundwater production continue at 70% and if it would be sufficient enough to possibly reduce the District's water consumption Ad charge. 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett / Melton) ■ Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Interagency Meeting with City of Placentia and Golden State Water (Melton / Kiley) • Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 29, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at YLWD. 5 10.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett / Beverage) • Minutes of the meeting held July 22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. were provided in the agenda packet. • Minutes of the meeting held August 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. • Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 23, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at YL City Hall. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS jA Each of the Directors reported on their attendance at the following meetings. 11.1. YL LMCAC -August 13, 2015 (Beverage - As Needed) 11.2. YL City Council - August 18, 2015 (Collett) 11.3. MWDOC Board - August 19, 2015 ( ) 11.4. OCWD Board -August 19, 2015 (Collett) 11.5. OCSD -August 26, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage) 11.6. YL LMCAC -August 27, 2015 (Beverage - As Needed) 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 1,,12.1. Meetings from September 1, 2015 — October 31, 2015 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no changes. 13. ADJ %ho MENT UL 13.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 a.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Marc Marcantonio Board Secretary 6 ITEM NO. 7.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 24, 2015 Budgeted: Yes To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $1,203,264.39 Funding Source: All Funds From: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept: Finance Reviewed by Legal: N/A Prepared By: Richard Cabadas, Accounting CEQA Compliance: N/A Assistant I Subject: Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors' approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,203,264.39. DISCUSSION: The major items on this disbursement list are as follows: A check of$214,681.00 to ACWA/JPIA for 2015/2016 Auto and General Liability premium; and a wire of $505,275.70 to MWDOC for July 2015 water purchases. The balance of$223,682.51 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $943,639.21; Payroll No. 19 total is $259,625.18; and the disbursements of this agenda report are $1,203,264.39. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: 15-CS 0924.pdf CAP SHEET Backup Material 15 CC 0924.pdf CREDIT CARD SUMMARY Backup Material CkRe.q092415.pdf CHECK REGISTER Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/24/2015 MB/PH 5-0 September 15, 2015 CHECK NUMBERS & WIRE: Computer Checks 66294-66385 $ 438,363.51 Void Check 66362 $ 0.00 $ 438,363.51 WIRE: W091515 MWDOC $ 505,275.70 $ 505,275.70 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $943,639.21 PAYROLL NO. 19: Direct Deposits $ 167,271.68 Third Party Checks 6230-6237 $ 45,190.41 Payroll Taxes $ 47,163.09 $ 259,625.18 TOTAL OF PAYROLL $259,625.18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $1,203,264.39 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF September 24, 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 7/15/15-9/09/15 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 7/15/2015 Yorba Linda Community Center 120.00 Drought Landscaping workshop 7/20/2015 Harrington Industrial 206.86 Valve replacement for Well 18 8/12/2015 California Special Districts Association 250.00 District of Distinction Re-Accrediation Fee 8/22/2015 Manchester Grand Hyatt 588.02 CASA Conference expense-Dir.Kiley 8/23/2015 DELL 2,755.81 Appasure backup&replication for windows servers 8/25/2015 Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce 15.00 Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce 8/28/2015 Hilton San Diego 448.54 UWI Conference expense-Botts,C 8/31/2015 Michaels 21.59 Certificate frames 9/1/2015 Orvac Elecronics 39.91 Tape wire markers 9/1/2015 Home Depot 199.48 Shovels for Operations Dept. 9/2/2015 Trench Shoring 162.00 Rental for sewer repair 9/2/2015 Sunstate Equipment 114.78 Tamper rental for sewer repair 9/2/2015 Konica Minolta 2,150.25 Copy charges for August 2015-Bizhub 181,C224&C552 9/3/2015 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 59.40 Workbook-Human Resources 9/3/2015 Orange County Water Association 150.00 OC Water event-tapping team 9/8/2015 FTP Today 59.95 Monthly billing for ylwd.ftptoday.com-10 users 9/9/2015 Home Depot 248.08 (10)2.5 Gal Simple Green 9/9/2015 Harrington Industrial 143.97 CL2 Replacements parts 9/9/2015 Village Nursery 129.60 Sod for landscape repairs 9/9/2015 Harbor Freight Tools 30.17 Hardware supplie-Operations department 9/9/2015 KB Design 1,036.80 Caps for Operations Dept. 9/9/2015 Dan Copp 450.00 Asphalt dump fees 9,380.21 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 09/11/2015 thru 9/24/2015 Check No. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 66314 09/24/2015 ACWA/JPIA 214,681.00 AUTO&GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE-10/15-10/16 66306 09/24/2015 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH 940.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 66315 09/24/2015 Anaheim Wheel&Tire 60.00 MOUNT&BALANCE 4 TIRES#182 66316 09/24/2015 Apollo Technologies Inc. 430.00 WATER TREATMENT-SERVICE CLOSED LOOP 66317 09/24/2015 Aqua-Metric Sales Co. 15,290.26 WAREHOUSE STOCK 66318 09/24/2015 Aramark 708.18 UNIFORM SERVICE 66327 09/24/2015 ARC 845.09 J09-22#21-BW COPIES&USER FEES 66319 09/24/2015 Art Vega 98.54 J2015-05-TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 66320 09/24/2015 AWWA-Dues 3,590.00 AWWA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 66321 09/24/2015 Azteca Systems Inc 11,285.00 CITYWORKS-CM MS-9/22/15 TO 9/21/16 66322 09/24/2015 Bee Busters,Inc 150.00 COLONY ABATEMENT-1656 SUREWOOD 66323 09/24/2015 CalCard US Bank 9,380.21 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTION FROM JULY-SEPTEMBER'15 66324 09/24/2015 CDW Government,Inc 267.30 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT/PHONE SYSTEM 66325 09/24/2015 Cla-Val Co. 294.45 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 66326 09/24/2015 Coastal Ignition&Controls 2,956.31 AUTO MAINTENANCE 66341 09/24/2015 Costco Online 85.60 DISTRICT MEETING SUPPLIES 66295 09/24/2015 CUN PRUM 114.11 CUSTOMER REFUND 66328 09/24/2015 Cynthia Botts 140.10 CONFERENCE-TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 66309 09/24/2015 DARLENE R FODEN 59.97 CUSTOMER REFUND 66330 09/24/2015 Dean Criske Trucking 2,279.18 FREIGHT-BASE,COLD MIX&SAND MATERIAL 66310 09/24/2015 EBRAHIM ZMEHIRR 84.76 CUSTOMER REFUND 66331 09/24/2015 Eisel Enterprises,Inc. 7,329.96 METER BOXES/LIDS/COVERS 66332 09/24/2015 Elite Equipment Inc 307.32 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 66333 09/24/2015 Energy Environmental Soln,Inc 4,800.00 ICE TESTING-HIGHLAND 66334 09/24/2015 Enthalpy Analytical,Inc. 120.00 LAB SAMPPLING 66336 09/24/2015 EyeMed 1,382.14 EYEMED-SEPTEMBER 2015 66335 09/24/2015 Federal Express 91.23 SHIPPING FEES 66337 09/24/2015 Firemaster 300.00 FIRE EXTINGUISHER TRAINING 66338 09/24/2015 Flex Advantage 112.50 FLEX FEES-AUGUST 2015 66296 09/24/2015 GRACE SOONG 88.62 CUSTOMER REFUND 66340 09/24/2015 Haaker Equipment Co. 2,026.14 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE-REPLACEMENT PARTS 66313 09/24/2015 HUNTINGTON WEST PROPERTIES,INC 401.75 CUSTOMER REFUND 66342 09/24/2015 Hydrex Pest Control 175.00 PEST CONTROL 66343 09/24/2015 IDEALSTOR LLC 3,000.00 MAINTENANCE FOR IDEALSTOR&WARRANTY 66344 09/24/2015 Infosend Inc. 13,481.70 AUGUST-MONTHLY MAINTENANCE 66345 09/24/2015 Jackson's Auto Supply-Napa 488.15 AUTO MAINTENANCE-#180 66346 09/24/2015 JAMES SCROGGINS 245.00 CERT REIMBURSEMENT-COLL SYS 66307 09/24/2015 KATHLEEN M ELLIS 65.26 CUSTOMER REFUND 66294 09/24/2015 KEVIN WINTERS 14.08 CUSTOMER REFUND 66312 09/24/2015 KEVIN YEE 763.80 CUSTOMER REFUND 66347 09/24/2015 Kidman Law 23,268.95 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE 66348 09/24/2015 Kimball Midwest 101.20 GREASE 66349 09/24/2015 Konica Minolta Business 567.01 BIZHUB 552&181-LEASE 66350 09/24/2015 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 542.35 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE 66352 09/24/2015 Marc Marcantonio 103.26 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT-MARC M 66351 09/24/2015 Marina Landscape,Inc 4,114.68 MAINTENANCE-AUGUST 2015 66353 09/24/2015 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 617.06 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 66354 09/24/2015 Mobile Industrial Supply 77.22 REFILL-NITROGEN 66305 09/24/2015 MOHAMADALBACHA 34.16 CUSTOMER REFUND 66385 09/24/2015 Municipal Water District 292.75 SMART TIMER REBATE PROGRAM W091515 09/15/2015 Municipal Water District 505,275.70 WATER DELIVERIES-JULY 2015 66355 09/24/2015 Murcal,Inc. 1,536.30 AUTOMOBILE MAINTENANCE 66356 09/24/2015 NatPay Online Business Solutions 24.30 DOCULIVERY-JULY&AUGUST 66357 09/24/2015 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 6,101.44 FUEL 66358 09/24/2015 Novusolutions 3,800.00 NOVUS AGENDA-12/15-12/16 66300 09/24/2015 OAKWOOD CORPORATE HOUSING 389.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 66359 09/24/2015 Occu-Med,Ltd. 992.50 POST EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 66360 09/24/2015 Office Solutions 670.32 OFFICE SUPPLIES&PAPER 66298 09/24/2015 P ASSET INC 383.58 CUSTOMER REFUND 66364 09/24/2015 P.T.I.Sand&Gravel,Inc. 650.91 3/4"CL2 BASE 66297 09/24/2015 PAUL WEE 85.46 CUSTOMER REFUND 66361 09/24/2015 Pete's Road Service Inc 805.97 TIRE REPLACEMENTS 66362 09/24/2015 Placentia Disposal#676 0.00 VOID 66363 09/24/2015 Powerstride Battery 159.44 4D BATTERY-FAIRMONT#1 66365 09/24/2015 PULSCO INC. 1,665.00 BLADDER-860 GALLON 66374 09/24/2015 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 316.89 PETTY CASH 66366 09/24/2015 Raftelis Financial Consultants,Inc. 5,440.00 YL 2015 WATER&WASTEWATER STUDY 66367 09/24/2015 Rick Walkemeyer 584.98 J2015-05-TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 66368 09/24/2015 RMJ Technologies 19,801.80 MONITORING SERVICE-9/15-8/16 66369 09/24/2015 Robert Kiley 637.99 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT-DIR.KILEY 66370 09/24/2015 Sanders Paving,Inc. 30,200.00 ASPHALT REPAIR-MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 66371 09/24/2015 SC Prime Source Inc. 7,000.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE 66308 09/24/2015 SHIYUN ZHOU 179.30 CUSTOMER REFUND 66372 09/24/2015 South Coast AQMD 467.98 FY EMISSIONS-FLAT FEE-#8993083 66373 09/24/2015 Southwest Valve 621.28 PRODUCTION REPAIR PARTS 66377 09/24/2015 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 3,508.67 J09-22#21&J14-23-PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 66375 09/24/2015 Staples 389.26 TONER&OFFICE SUPPLIES 66376 09/24/2015 Stater Bros.Markets 39.81 MEETING SUPPLIES 66378 09/24/2015 Superior Water Technologies 1,031.40 ACID WASHED CHLORINE PIPING 66302 09/24/2015 TARA BOUCHER 190.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 66379 09/24/2015 TDI Refrigeration Air Conditioning Inc. 3,448.00 HVAC ON-SITE SERVICE 66339 09/24/2015 The Garden Gate 65.87 BEREAVEMENT ARRANGEMENT-DIR.BEVERAGE 66380 09/24/2015 Time Warner Cable 3,049.48 ETHERNET INTERSTATE&DEDICATED INTERNET ACCESS 66381 09/24/2015 Townsend Public Affairs,Inc. 5,000.00 CONSULTING SERVICE-SEPT 2015 66303 09/24/2015 TRISTONE LLC 426.31 CUSTOMER REFUND 66383 09/24/2015 U S Postmaster 68.32 REPLENISH POSTAGE ACCOUNT#647875 66382 09/24/2015 United Industries 226.07 PPE EQUIPMENT 66304 09/24/2015 WEIDONG SUN 104.10 CUSTOMER REFUND 66329 09/24/2015 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 9,500.00 THIRD INTERIM BILLING-FY AUDIT 66301 09/24/2015 XIANG JUN LI 26.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 66384 09/24/2015 Yorba Linda Hardware 11.60 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 66311 09/24/2015 YUFENG ZHAO 100.36 CUSTOMER REFUND 66299 09/24/2015 ZHUXI GUIZHOU 10.31 CUSTOMER REFUND 943,639.21 ITEM NO. 7.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 24, 2015 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $50,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $41,000 Funding Source: Operating Funds From: Marc Marcantonio, General Account No: 1-4020-0780-00 Manager Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering Dept: Engineering Manager Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Steve Conklin, Engineering CEQA Compliance: N/A Manager Subject: Approval of "Agreement for Sharing Consultant Costs for 2015 Urban Water Management Plan" with MWDOC SUMMARY: The California Water Code requires every urban water supplier serving more than 3,000 customers to prepare and submit an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) every five years. Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) and 23 Orange County water agencies have elected to work collectively to each have their 2015 UWMP prepared by one consultant to reduce preparation costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the attached "Agreement for Sharing Consultant Costs for 2015 Urban Water Management Plans" with MWDOC, at a total estimated cost of $40,650, and authorize execution by the General Manager, subject to approval as to form by District legal counsel. DISCUSSION: As they did in 2010, MWDOC has agreed to provide oversight management and coordination, including administration of the professional services agreement with Arcadis, the consulting firm retained to prepare the 24 UWMPs. Having jointly-prepared planning documents has two significant benefits. The first is that the 24 Orange County water providers share several water supply characteristics, including water sources, regional water management agencies, location, climate history and demographics, which can be included in each document in a uniform manner. Secondly, jointly retaining one consulting firm to prepare all of the documents results in economies of scale, reducing preparation costs for each participating agency. MWDOC and the participating agencies worked together on the Scope of Work that was incorporated into the RFP that was sent to a number of competent consulting firms. Two very good proposals were received. Those were reviewed by staff from MWDOC and a working group from the participating agencies, who recommended selection of Arcadis. YLWD staff participated in the prep of the work scope, reviewed the proposals received, and supports the selection of Arcadis. A project kick-off meeting occurred on August 27, 2015. Data collection will take place in September and October, followed by report preparation. YLWD will be required to conduct a public hearing in the spring, after which the UWMP will be submitted to the State Department of Water Resources in June 2016. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: UWMP Cost Sharing Agreement 2015 DRAFT Agreement for Sharing Consultant Costs Backup Material c2 FINAL 8-31-15.pdf Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 9/24/2015 MB/GM 5-0 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 8-31-15 AGREEMENT FOR SHARING CONSULTANT COSTS FOR 2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLANS THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of 2015, by and between: 1. MWDOC 2. City of Buena Park 3. City of Fullerton 4. City of Garden Grove 5. City of La Palma 6. City of Orange 7. City of Seal Beach 8. City of Tustin 9. City of Westminster 10. Yorba Linda Water District 11. East Orange County Water District 12. City of Anaheim 13. City of Fountain Valley 14. City of Newport Beach 15. City of Santa Ana 16. City of Huntington Beach 17. Mesa Water District 18. City of San Clemente 19. El Toro Water District 20. South Coast Water District 21. City of San Juan Capistrano 22. Trabuco Canyon Water District 23. City of Brea 24. City of La Habra (collectively "Participating Agencies" and individually "Participating Agency") and the Municipal Water District of Orange County ("MWDOC"). The Participating Agencies and MWDOC are also collectively referred to as "Parties." RECITALS WHEREAS, under California Water Code section 10621 , subdivision (a), the Participating Agencies are required to update their respective Urban Water Management Plan ("UWMP") at least once every five years; and WHEREAS, the 2015 UWMP's shall be updated and submitted to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) by July 1 , 2016; and WHEREAS, each Participating Agency has the responsibility to prepare a separate 2015 UWMP for submission by July 1 , 2016; and 1 28057.00001\12361107.1 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 WHEREAS, the Participating Agencies share many water supply characteristics, including water sources, regional water management agencies, location, climate history, and demographics; and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Water Code section 10620, subdivision (d)(2), the Participating Agencies wish to coordinate the preparation of their 2015 UWMPs in the interest of reducing preparation costs; and WHEREAS, the Participating Agencies and MWDOC desire to cooperate with each other to obtain economies of scale and thereby reduce preparation costs for each of the Participating Agencies; and WHEREAS, MWDOC and the Participating Agencies have jointly prepared and agreed to a Scope of Work that was incorporated into a Request for Proposals that was sent to a number of competent Consulting Firms, two of which submitted proposals which were reviewed by a working group of MWDOC and several representatives from the Participating Agencies who recommended selection of Arcadis ("Arcadis" or "Consultant") as the successful consultant to prepare Urban Water Management Plans for the Participating Agencies; and WHEREAS, MWDOC and its staff are willing to coordinate this process, including the preparation and administration of a professional services agreement with the selected consultant; and the administration of the cost sharing provisions of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the payment of money as set forth below and the mutual promises of the Parties hereto, it is agreed: 1 . Engagement of Consultant and Administration of Consultant Agreement MWDOC shall award a professional services agreement for the work identified in the Request for Proposals to Arcadis ("Consultant Agreement"). MWDOC shall use its standard professional services agreement form for the Consultant Agreement and require appropriate types and limits of insurance coverage. Each CGL policy shall identify MWDOC, the Participating Agencies, and their directors, officers, agents, employees, attorneys, consultants and volunteers as additional insureds, or be endorsed to identify these parties as additional insureds using a form acceptable to MWDOC. The Consultant Agreement will require the consultant's insurer(s) to waive all rights of subrogation against MWDOC, the Participating Agencies, and their directors, officers, agents, employees, attorneys, consultants and volunteers. The Consultant Agreement will require consultant to ensure that its sub-consultants, if any, provide similar insurance coverage. 28057.00001\12361107.1 2 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 1.2 MWDOC shall coordinate all aspects of the proposed work with the selected contractor and communicate with each Participating Agency, regularly and upon request of the Participating Agency, regarding the status and substance of its 2015 UWMP; 1.3 MWDOC shall make payments to the Consultant for progress payments as work proceeds. MWDOC shall withhold 10% of each progress payment to Consultant in a retention fund until such time as every Participating Agency has notified MWDOC that it is satisfied with the final UWMP prepared for it by Consultant. 1.4 Each Participating Agency shall provide all documents, information and assistance requested by the selected contractor during the performance of the Consultant Agreement. 2. Cost Sharing by Participating Agencies. 2.1 MWDOC shall: 2.1.1 Collect from each Participating Agency upon execution of this Agreement the full amount of the portion of the total cost allocated to that Participating Agency in the selected contractor's proposal, as attached in Exhibit A; 2.1.2 Inform each Participating Agency of any proposed extra work under the Consultant Agreement that relates to preparation of that Participating Agency's 2015 UWMP and that would result in an increase in that Participating Agency's payment under this Agreement. MWDOC and the affected Participating Agency must both approve such extra work before MWDOC will notify Consultant to proceed with the work. 2.1.3 Be responsible for making progress payments directly to Consultant from funds paid to MWDOC by Participating Agencies (see section 1.3). 2.1.4 Prepare a final accounting and either distribute any remaining funds collected from the Participating Agencies back to the Participating Agencies or issue a final bill to Participating Agencies where there are funds due. 2.2 Each Participating Agency shall: 2.2.1 Pay to MWDOC upon execution of this Agreement the full amount of the portion of the total cost allocated to that Participating Agency in the selected contractor's proposal, as attached in Attachment A; 28057.00001\12361107.1 3 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 2.2.2 Pay to MWDOC, upon approval of any extra work under the Consultant Agreement that relates to preparation of its 2015 UWMP, the full amount owed for the approved work. Each Participating Agency shall bear all costs associated with extra work it approves. 3. Accounting Upon request of any Participating Agency, MWDOC will provide copies of the selected Consultant's invoices and MWDOC's payment records. 4. Independent Contractor Any consultant engaged by MWDOC on behalf of the Participating Agencies as contemplated in this Agreement will not be a party to this Agreement and will not be an employee or agent of MWDOC or any of the Participating Agencies, either as a result of this Agreement or as a result of a professional services agreement between MWDOC and the consultant. Any consultant engaged as contemplated in this Agreement will be an independent contractor to MWDOC. 5. Warranty and Indemnification MWDOC shall use its best efforts in administering the Consultant Agreement, but makes no representations, guarantees or warranties to the Participating Agencies as to the quality or timeliness of work product provided by the selected contractor pursuant to the Consultant Agreement. The Participating Agencies, and each of them, shall indemnify MWDOC, its directors, officers, employees and agents against, and will hold and save them harmless from, any and all actions, claims, penalties, obligations or liabilities, in law or in equity, of every kind or nature whatsoever, that may be asserted or claimed by any person, firm, entity, corporation, political subdivision or other organization arising out of or in any manner directly or indirectly connected with the 2015 UWMPs prepared pursuant to the Consultant Agreement. As between the Participating Agencies, any costs associated with the indemnity and defense obligations set forth in the previous two sentences shall be the financial responsibility of each Participating Agency based on the same pro rata basis as the allocation of costs set forth in Section 2.1 .1 herein and Exhibit A hereto. In the event MWDOC, its directors, officers, employees and agents are made a party to any action or proceeding filed in connection with a challenge to any 2015 UWMP prepared pursuant to the Consultant Agreement, the Participating Agency whose 2015 UWMP is challenged shall provide a complete defense to MWDOC, its directors, officers, employees and agents and shall reimburse MWDOC for all costs and expenses incurred as a result of the action or proceeding, including reasonable attorney's fees. 28057.00001\12361107.1 4 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 LIMP— Final 7-29-15 6. Notice Any notice or communication required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and effective when deposited, first class postage prepaid, with the United States Postal Service addressed to the contracting Parties as follows: Notices to Parties If to: 1. MWDOC Robert J. Hunter, General Manager Municipal Water District of Orange County 18700 Ward St. P.O. Box 20895 Fountain Valley, CA 92728 2. City of Buena Park James B. Vanderpool, City Manager City of Buena Park 6650 Beach Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90622 3. City of Fullerton David Schickling, Deputy Director of Public Works City of Fullerton 303 W. Commonwealth Avenue Fullerton, CA 92832-1775 4. City of Garden Grove Scott Stiles, City Manager City of Garden Grove P.O. Box 3070 Garden Grove, CA 92842 5. City of La Palma Ellen Volmert, City Manager City of La Palma 7822 Walker Street La Palma, CA 90623 6. City of Orange John Sibley, City Manager City of Orange P.O. Box 449 Orange, CA 92866 7. City of Seal Beach Jill R. Ingram, City Manager City of Seal Beach 211 8t" Street Seal Beach, CA 90740 8. City of Tustin Jeffrey Parker, City Manager City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 9. Yorba Linda Water District Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Placentia, CA 92870 28057.00001\12361107.1 5 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 LIMP— Final 7-29-15 10. City of Westminster Eddie Manfro, City Manager City of Westminster 8200 Westminster Blvd. Westminster, CA 92683 11. East Orange County Water Lisa Ohlund, General Manager District East Orange County Water District 185 N. McPherson Rd. Orange, CA 92869 12. City of Anaheim Paul Emery, City Manager City of Anaheim City Hall East, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92805 13. City of Fountain Valley Bob Hall, City Manager City of Fountain Valley 10200 Slater Avenue Fountain Valley, CA 92708 14. City of Newport Beach Dave Kiff, City Manager City of Newport Beach P.O. Box 1768 Newport Beach, CA 92663 15. City of Santa Ana David Cavazos, City Manager City of Santa Ana P.O. Box 1988, M-24 Santa Ana, CA 92702 16. City of Huntington Beach Brian Ragland, Utilities Manager City of Huntington Beach 19001 Huntington Street Huntington Beach, CA 92648-2211 17. Mesa Water District Paul Shoenberger, General Manager Mesa Water District 1965 Placentia Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627-3420 18. City of San Clemente James Makshanoff, City Manager City of San Clemente 100 Avenida Presidio San Clemente, CA 92672 19. El Toro Water District Robert Hill, General Manager El Toro Water District P.O. Box 4000 Laguna Hills, CA 92654 28057.00001\12361107.1 6 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 20. South Coast Water District Andrew Brunhart, General Manager South Coast Water District 31592 West Street Laguna Beach, CA 92651 21. City of San Juan Capistrano Karen Brust, City Manager City of San Juan Capistrano 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 22. Trabuco Canyon Water Hector Ruiz, General Manager District Trabuco Canyon Water District 32003 Dove Canyon Drive Trabuco Canyon, CA 92679 23. City of Brea Bill Gallardo, City Manager City of Brea 1 Civic Center Circle Brea, CA 92821 24. City of La Habra Jim Sadro, City Manager City of La Habra P.O. Box 337 La Habra, CA 90633-0337 7. Jurisdiction and Venue In all matters concerning the validity, interpretation, performance, or effect of this Agreement, the laws of the State of California shall govern and be applicable. The Parties hereby agree and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of California and that venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in Orange County, California. 8. Counterparts and Facsimile This Agreement may be executed by the Parties in counterparts, which counterparts shall be construed together and have the same effect as if all the Parties had executed the same instrument. Counterpart signatures may be transmitted by facsimile, email, or other electronic means and have the same force and effect as if they were original signatures. All parties have participated in the drafting of this Agreement. 9. Severability If any provision of this Agreement shall be held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, in whole or in part, the legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. 28057.00001\12361107.1 7 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 10.Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof; and the Parties have made no agreements, representations, or warranties, either written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof that are not set forth herein. Except as provided herein, this Agreement may not be modified or altered without prior written approval from both parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto affixed their names as of the day and year thereinafter written, which shall be and is the effective date of This Agreement. 28057.00001\12361107.1 8 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 8-31-15 Execution of Agreement by Parties 1. MWDOC Date By: Robert J. Hunter, General Manager Municipal Water District of Orange County Approved as to Form: Date By: Joseph Byrne General Counsel 2. City of Buena Date Park By: James B. Vanderpool, City Manager City of Buena Park Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 3. City of Fullerton Date By: David Schickling, Deputy Director of Public Works City of Fullerton Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 9 28057.00001\12361107.1 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 4. City of Garden Grove Date By: Scott Stiles, City Manager City of Garden Grove Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 5. City of Huntington Beach Date By: Fred Wilson, City Manager City of Huntington Beach Approved as to Form: Date By: Michael Gates City Attorne 6. City of La Palma Date By: Ellen Volmert, City Manager City of La Palma Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 28057.00001\12361107.1 10 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 7. City of Orange Date By: John Sibley, City Manager City of Orange Approved as to Form: Date By: Dave DeBerry City Attorney 8. City of Westminster Date By: Eddie Manfro, City Manager City of Westminster Approved as to Form: Date By: Richard Jones City Attorney 9. City of Seal Beach Date By: Jill R. Ingram, City Manager City of Seal Beach Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 28057.00001\12361107.1 11 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 10. City of Tustin Date By: Jeffrey Parker, City Manager City of Tustin Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 11. City of Anaheim Date By: Paul Emery, City Manager City of Anaheim Approved as to Form: Date By: Daniel A. Ballin, Deputy City Attorney 12. Yorba Linda Water District Date By: Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Yorba Linda Water District Approved as to Form: Date By: General Counsel Arthur Kidman 28057.00001\12361107.1 12 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 13. East Orange County Water Date District By: Lisa Ohlund, General Manager East Orange County Water District Approved as to Form: Date By: General Counsel Joan Arneson 14. City of Fountain Valley Date By: Bob Hall, City Manager City of Fountain Valley Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 15. City of Newport Beach Date By: Dave Kiff, City Manager City of Newport Beach Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 28057.00001\12361107.1 13 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 16. City of Santa Ana Date By: David Cavazos, City Manager City of Santa Ana Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 17. Mesa Water Date District By: Paul Shoenberger, General Manager Mesa Water District Approved as to Form: Date By: Robert Anslow General Counsel 18. City of San Clemente Date By: James Makshanoff, City Manager City of San Clemente Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 28057.00001\12361107.1 14 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 19. El Toro Water District Date By: Robert Hill, General Manager El Toro Water District Approved as to Form: Date By: Gil Granito General Counsel 20. South Coast Water District Date By: Andrew Brunhart, General Manager South Coast Water District Approved as to Form: Date By: Art Kidman General Counsel 21. City of San Juan Date Capistrano By: Karen Brust, City Manager City of San Juan Capistrano Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 28057.00001\12361107.1 15 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP— Final 7-29-15 22. City of Brea Date By: Bill Gallardo, City Manager City of Brea Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 23. City of La Habra Date By: Jim Sadro, City Manager City of La Habra Approved as to Form: Date By: City Attorney 24. Trabuco Canyon Water District Date By: Hector Ruiz, General Manager Trabuco Canyon Water District Approved as to Form: Date By: Bowie, Arneson, Wiles and Giannone General Counsel 28057.00001\12361107.1 16 Cost Sharing Agreement for 2015 UWMP- Final 8-31-15 M W DOC Attachment A List of Potentially Interested MWDOC Agencies _ For Development of Urban Water Management Plans for 2015 Itemized Time and Materials Cost Allowance(Contingency Items) vo oe 9 4y °t Q`a i c�c�\Qy a t ta Jaa a�`u o c�a e\oa°t J4c ati otJo FaQ�\J°v�a ti5 J a yr aa c nti A .aoO�°.o o0. ao � Q oa G e J cP A o° ° °olC ° °ti fGA \G 0 vN � &°t za a9y z�oF`a r°ti o�t'Sc`se�{°�o°ti J t.1 ta 0 O ti ti oFti Q t � &° o° ° 0'* ° e X, e !, 4a titi A1 4 - Q d "dt a aP Jti� � °`p 10 A- C° oQ t ° c `° a e oC yc` F G ; a a 'o°- � ac a r at ce o`ti t d aaz�t a c ao' a\�S P�. pP\� G o ao ea qo 0 $ 900 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $1.200 1 $3.000 $0 1 $0 $0 1 $31.510 4 1 City of Garden Grove $19,040 $18,240 $ 900 1 $3,310 $0 1 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 1 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 1 $5,440 $41,570 5 City of La Palma $3,310 $18,240 $ 900 1 $3,310 $3,000 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 1 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 1 $5,440 $44,570 6 City of Orange $1,800 $18,240 $ $3,000 $3,310 $0 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 $5,440 $40,670 7 City of Seal Beach 1 $1,200 $18,240 $ 1 900 $3,310 $0 19 El Toro Water District $1,200 $ 900 $2,260 $0 $1,800 $25,910 8 City of Tustin $2,260 $18,240 $ 900 $3,310 $3,000 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 $5,440 $44,570 9 Yorba Linda Water District $5,440 $18,240 $ 900 $3,310 $3,000 $1,800 $0 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 $5,440 $40,650 10 City of Westminster 22 Non-OCWD $18.240 $ 900 $3.310 $3.000 $1.800 $3.920 $1.200 $3.000 $2.260 $1.500 $5.440 $44.570 15 ICity of Santa Ana nota part of MWDOC $19,040 0$ $3,310 $3,000 $1,800 $0 $1,200 $0 $2,260 $5,440 $36,050 16 Huntin ton Beach $18,240 $ 900 $3,310 $0 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 $5,440 $41,570 17 South County Mesa Water Agencies with Recycled Water $19,040 $ $3,310 $0 $1,800 $0 $1,200 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $28,350 18 ICity of San Clemente $17,890 N$ 900 1 1 $0 1 $1,800 1 $3,920 1 $1,200 1 1 $2,260 1 $1,500 1 $5,440 1 $34910 19 El Toro Water District $17,890 $ 900 $3,310 $0 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 $5,440 $41,220 20 South Coast Water District $17,890 $ 900 $3,310 $3,000 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 $1,500 $5,440 $44,220 21 ICity of San Juan Capistrano $17,890 N$ 900 $3,310 $0 1 $1,800 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 1 1 $30,360 22 Non-OCWD ITrabuco Canyon Water District Groundwater Agencies $17,890 $ 900 $3,310 $0 1 $1,800 $3,920 $1,200 $3,000 $2,260 1 $1,500 1 $5,440 $41,220 23 !City of Brea i $18,990 $ 900 1 $3,310 1 $3,000 1 $1,800 1 $3,920 1 $1,200 1 $3,000 i $2,260 i $1,500 i $5,440 F7=45,320 24 1 City of La Habra 1 $18.990 $ 900 1 1 $3.000 1 $1.800 1 1 $1.200 1 $3.000 1 $2.260 1 $1.500 1 1 $32.650 (1) EOCWD=Wholesale&Retail Plans under one 17 28057.00001\12361107.1 ITEM NO. 9.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 24, 2015 Subject: Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett / Beverage) • Minutes of the meeting held August 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. • Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. ATTACHMENTS: Name: Description: Type: Minutes 8.26.15.docx Minutes Minutes CITY OF YORBA LINDA YORB,q!Z i � y e 9 PORAZED qa Land of Gracious Living YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT/ CITY COUNCIL JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES August 26, 2015 10:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER The Yorba Linda Water District/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting convened at 10:03 a.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Gene Hernandez ROLL CALL Committee Members City Council: Gene Hernandez, Tom Lindsey Water District: Ric Collett, Mike Beverage Staff Members: Marc Marcantonio, Mark Pulone PUBLIC COMMENTS Rosemarie Sauer, resident, had several questions and spoke regarding fines for excessive water usage. She also inquired about East Lake Village community and paying for private property out of the general fund budget. Nancy Stevens, resident, commented about aquifers in the city. YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Agenda August 26,2015 Page 1 of 3 Kay Dotson, resident, asked whether all sprinklers within the LMAD had been reduced by 36%. ACTION CALENDAR 1. Minutes of the YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting held on July 22, 2015. The YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee approved the minutes of the July 22, 2015 Joint Advisory meeting. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Drought Response, Water Conservation/Drought Penalty Ordinances, and Community Outreach Efforts General Manager Marc Marcantonio updated the Yorba Linda Water District conservation goal mandate and said that in June there was a 38% reduction and in July it was a 43% reduction. So far in August, the reduction was between 30-33%. City Manager Pulone said that the City's efforts to conserve are ongoing and that water has been turned off on all ornamental turf on street medians, side panels and parkways. Public Works Director/City Engineer Michael Wolfe informed the committee that the City is treating every meter the same no matter its location in the city. He also said that consultant Dick Fisher is looking at all of the meters to make recommendations on their adjustment. General Manager Marcantonio spoke about the administrative penalty system and said their objective when putting it together was not to penalize everyone equally but to find an efficient solution that allowed public awareness in regards to actual water use. He said the penalty system would only be there as long as the state mandate was in place. President Ric Collett, responded to public comment regarding aquifers and stated that they use a ground water basin system overseen by the Orange County Water District. He said that 70% of the Yorba Linda Water District is groundwater and the other 30% comes from Metropolitan Water District. Mr. Collett also said that the District is in the process of building two new wells. Rosemarie Sauer, resident, spoke regarding a Proposition 218 vote and bonds. Paul Swiontek, resident, spoke regarding fines and where those funds go. He also commented on aquifers and newly hired staff at the Water District. President Collett said that the fine monies will be used for conservation ordinance related matters such as temporary staff and legal costs. He added that the funds will be earmarked separately and will not be used for the District's ongoing operations. YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Agenda August 26,2015 Page 2 of 3 Nancy Stevens, resident, inquired about further water restrictions by the State. Vice President Mike Beverage explained that the Water District is mandated by the State to cut back 36% of its water usage therefore the District was asking its customers to reduce outside watering to meet that mandate. Kay Dotson, resident, commented on using aquifers for watering the landscaping. 3. Landscape Maintenance Assessment District and Irrigation Systems Rosemarie Sauer, resident, inquired about water reductions in East Lake Village. Public Works Director/City Engineer Wolfe responded that watering has been turned off everywhere that the City maintains turf within the Yorba Linda Water District. 4. Property Owners Parkway Turf Improvements Public Works Director/City Engineer Wolfe reported that he has been working with Yorba Linda Water District staff on the development of a brochure to help the public understand what is and is not allowed in parkways. He said that the information would be available soon through the City's Community Development Department. Rosemarie Sauer, resident, commented about the parkway near her home. 5. Potential Future Agenda Items City Manager Pulone stated that Item No. 2, Drought Response, Water Conservation/Drought Penalty Ordinances, and Community Outreach Efforts, should be included on the next agenda. ADJOURNMENT City Manager Pulone adjourned the meeting at 11:57a.m. to the next Yorba Linda Water District/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 10.00a.m. YLWD/CC Joint Advisory Committee Agenda August 26,2015 Page 2 of 3 ITEM NO. 11.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 24, 2015 Subject: Meetings from September 25, 2015 - October 31, 2015 ATTACHMENTS: Description: Type: BOD - Activities Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Board of Directors Activity Calendar Event Date Time Attendance by: September 2015 Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Sep 28 8:30AM Collett Interagency Meeting with City of Placentia and GSW Tue, Sep 29 2:OOPM Melton/Kiley October 2015 WACO Fri, Oct 2 7:30AM Hawkins/Kiley Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Oct 6 6:30PM Beverage MWDOC Wed, Oct 7 8:30AM Melton OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Oct 7 5:OOPM Kiley/Beverage OCWD Wed, Oct 7 5:30PM Collett Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Oct 8 8:30AM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu, Oct 8 6:30PM Beverage (As Needed) LAFCO Wed, Oct 14 8:OOAM Beverage (As Needed) Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Oct 14 6:30PM Melton Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Oct 20 6:30PM Collett MWDOC Wed, Oct 21 8:30AM Melton OCWD Wed, Oct 21 5:30PM Kiley Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Oct 22 8:30AM Yorba Linda LMCAC Thu, Oct 22 6:30PM Beverage (As Needed) Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Oct 26 8:30AM Collett OCSD Wed, Oct 28 6:30PM Kiley/Beverage ISDOC Thu, Oct 29 11:30AM Hawkins/Kiley 9/21/2015 7:02:36 AM