HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-13 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, August 13, 2015, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Ric Collett, President Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Phil Hawkins Robert R. Kiley Gary T. Melton 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 6. SPECIAL RECOGNITION 6.1. Recognize Ruben Gonzales, Facilities Maintenance, for 36 Years of Service to the District 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) · Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. · Next meeting is scheduled to be held August 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 8.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting held July 8, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held July 9, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.3. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held July 16, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 8.4. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,218,717.72. 8.5. Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending June 30, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending June 30, 2015. 8.6. Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Investment Reports for the Period Ending June 30, 2015. 8.7. Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Fourth Quarter FY 2014/15 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Fourth Quarter FY 2014/15. 8.8. Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Christian and Claudia Spaulding Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize the President and Secretary to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Christian and Claudia Spaulding. 9. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 9.1. Construction Contract Award for the Well No. 21 Wellhead Equipping Project Recommendation: That the Board of Directors award the Construction Contract for the Well No. 21 Wellhead Equipping Project to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. for $910,487.00, Job No. 2009-22 #21. 9.2. ACWA Committee Appointment Nominees for 2016-2017 Term Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider nominations for ACWA Committee appointments for the 2016-2017 term, including a nomination for Mr. Art Kidman to continue serving on the the ACWA State Legislative Committee (SLC) of which he has served for 37 of the past 40 years. 9.3. ACWA Region 10 Election of Officers and Board Members for 2016-2017 Term Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider voting for the Nominating Committee's recommended slate or individual candidates in the ACWA Region 10 Election. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. President's Report 10.2. Directors' Reports · MWDOC Water Policy Forum - July 29, 2015 · ISDOC Emergency Response Training - August 11, 2015 · Drought Tolerant Landscaping Workshop - August 11, 2015 10.3. General Manager's Report 10.4. General Counsel's Report 10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett / Melton) · Minutes of the meeting held July 28, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. · Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Interagency Meeting with City of Placentia and Golden State Water (Melton / Kiley) · Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) · Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 29, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at YLWD. 11.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett / Beverage) · Minutes of the meeting held July 22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (To be provided at the next regular Board meeting.) · Next meeting is scheduled to be held August 26, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at YL City Hall. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 12.1. YL Planning Commission - July 29, 2015 (_____) 12.2. ISDOC - July 30, 2015 (Kiley) 12.3. YL City Council - August 4, 2015 (Beverage) 12.4. MWDOC Board - August 5, 2015 (_____) 12.5. OCWD Board - August 5, 2015 (Collett) 12.6. WACO - August 7, 2015 (Kiley) 12.7. YL Planning Commission - August 12, 2015 (_____) 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from August 14, 2015 - September 30, 2015 14. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS This section of the agenda is for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance at the listed events. 14.1. YLWD Drought Tolerant Landscaping Workshop - August 11, 2015 ISDOC Elected Officials Emergency Response Training - August 11 and 26, 2015 YL State of the City Address - October 14, 2015 CSDA Annual Conference - September 21-24, 2015 ACWA/JPIA Fall Conference - November 30 - December 1, 2015 ACWA Fall Conference - December 1-4, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize and/or ratify Director attendance at these events if desired. 15. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 15.1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Number of Potential Cases: Unknown 16. ADJOURNMENT 16.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Monday, August 31, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Subject:Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) · Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. · Next meeting is scheduled to be held August 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 072715_-_CAC_Minutes.docx Minutes Minutes 1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, July 27, 2015, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The July 27, 2015 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District’s Citizens Advisory Committee was called to order at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Training Room at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, California 92870. 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Guse Lindon Baker Joe Holdren Cheryl Spencer-Borden YLWD DIRECTORS PRESENT YLWD STAFF PRESENT Ric Collett, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. District Rate Study and Prop 218 Notice With only four members present, a discussion commenced about the Prop 218 Notice that was about to be mailed to customers and how to best communicate the necessity of the rate changes and the ramifications of not moving forward with the proposed rate. This discussion was extremely valuable to staff as they put the finishing touches on the information paper that would accompany the 218 Notice. The Committee agreed that broad spectrum communication efforts would be essential to informing the public as they are very much polarized on many issues related to City politics and the topic of water and water rates, overlaps into many of those controversial issues. 4.2. Budget for FY 2015/16 This item was not discussed due to lack of time. 4.3. Conservation Update and Monthly Water Supply Report It was reported to the Committee that June conservation numbers came in at 38% and that so far, through July, thanks to rain, conservation has held steady nearing the 40% mark. 2 4.4. President's Report This item was covered during the previous discussions. 4.5. Future Agenda Items None. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. The next Citizens Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Monday, August 24, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. DM ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Subject:Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting held July 8, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 070815_BOD_Workshop_-_Minutes.doc Minutes Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. 1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS WORKSHOP MEETING Wednesday, July 8, 2015, 2:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The July 8, 2015 Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors Workshop Meeting was called to order by President Collett at 2:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Board/Training Room at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Collett led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Ric Collett, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Anthony Manzano, Senior Project Manager Phil Hawkins John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Robert R. Kiley Gina Knight, Human Resources/Risk Manager Gary T. Melton Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Art Vega, Information Technology Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary OTHER ATTENDEES Brett Barbre, Director, MWDSC and MWDOC 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Draft FY 2015/16 Operating Budget The Board reviewed the draft budget and provided feedback and requested revisions to staff. This included additional clarification regarding the following: start date of the mandatory water use restrictions imposed by the state; budgeted revenues; future update of the District’s strategic plan; production capacity of the District’s wells; total water storage capacity; limited term positions being added in response to the Emergency Drought Declaration from the State; and the estimated decrease in water operating revenues. The Board also requested that salary related expenses for the limited term positions be separately identified. Staff then responded to questions from the Board regarding the District’s line of credit. The Board suggested that the graph describing the 2 employees per capita identify which agencies also provided sewer service and that expenses for Board travel be reduced to exclude attendance at the next AWWA conference. Staff then responded to questions from the Board regarding uncollectible accounts. Following discussion, staff indicated that a revised copy of the budget would be provided to the Board for consideration at the meeting scheduled the next day. 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Subject:Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held July 9, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 2015-07-09_-_BOD_-_Minutes.doc Minutes Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. 1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 9, 2015, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The July 9, 2015 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Collett at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board Room at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Collett led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Ric Collett, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Anthony Manzano, Senior Project Manager Robert R. Kiley John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Phil Hawkins Gina Knight, Human Resources / Risk Manager Gary T. Melton Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Art Vega, Information Technology Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Malissa Tem, Public Affairs Specialist ALSO PRESENT Art Kidman, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Daniel Mole, Chair, YLWD Citizens Advisory Committee Sanjay Gaur, Vice President, Raftelis Financial Consultants Khanh Phan, Senior Consultant, Raftelis Financial Consultants 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA Mr. Marcantonio requested to add the following item to the agenda as there was a need to take immediate action and the need for action came to staff’s attention subsequent to the agenda being posted. 8.6. H.R. 2892 (Valadao, R-CA) The Western Water & American Food Security Act of 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors support H.R. 2892 (Valadao, R-CA) and send a letter to the Orange County Congressional Delegation indicating the District’s position. In addition, to sign the letters of support from the Municipal Water District of Orange County and the Orange County Water District. 2 An agenda report related to this item was previously distributed to the Board and made available to the public. President Collett also requested that the Board take Item No. 9.1. immediately following consideration of the Consent Calendar. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Collett to add Item No. 8.6. to the agenda. Motion passed 5-0. 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 6.1. Citizens Advisory Committee (Collett) Minutes of the meeting held June 22, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. were provided in the agenda packet. Mr. Daniel Mole addressed the Board and provided a report regarding matters discussed during the meeting including the drought penalty ordinance, the current water supply situation, and the draft operating budget for the next fiscal year. He also briefly commented on the water conservation ordinance. Next meeting will be held July 27, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held June 11, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Minutes of the Board of Directors Workshop Meeting held June 18, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.3. Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held June 18, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 3 7.4. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held June 25, 2015 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.5. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $476,386.82. The following item was taken out of order. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS 9.1. Water and Wastewater Rate Study Review Mrs. Lugo introduced Mr. Sanjay Gaur and Ms. Khanh Phan from Raftelis Financial Consultants. Mr. Gaur then provided a PowerPoint presentation to the Board regarding the water and wastewater rate study. He explained that the objectives of the study were to: (1) develop a 5-year financial plan for the District’s water and sewer enterprises; (2) calculate the water and sewer rates; and (3) develop an administrative record that would demonstrate the relationship between the District’s costs to provide service and its water and sewer rates. Mr. Gaur then reviewed the importance of financial policies, the need for reserves, and meeting debt service requirements. He also reviewed the District’s current water and sewer financial policies and plans and Raftelis’ proposed financial policies and plans. Mr. Gaur then provided an overview of Rafetlis’ analysis of the District’s cost of service and the resulting proposed water and sewer rate increases. This included a review of potential impacts on a sample single family residence with different usage level scenarios. Mr. Gaur then responded to questions from the Board regarding recommended debt coverage ratios and the District’s bond ratings. Staff also responded to questions from the Board regarding projected costs for sewer maintenance. Mrs. Lugo indicated that staff would be asking the Board to consider receiving and filing the water and wastewater rate study analysis and moving forward with the Proposition 218 process at the special meeting scheduled the following week. A brief recess was declared at 9:36 a.m. Mr. Gaur and Ms. Phan left the meeting at this time. The meeting was reconvened at 9:43 a.m. 4 8. ACTION CALENDAR 8.1. Proposed Budget for FY 2015/16 A revised copy of the budget was distributed to the Board and made available to the public which incorporated revisions as requested by the Board at the workshop meeting held the day prior. Mr. Marcantonio provided an overview of the purpose of the budget. He and Mrs. Lugo then responded to questions from the Board regarding potential revisions to the budget based on results from the water and wastewater rate study and the pending Proposition 218 hearing. Director Beverage requested that any future revisions to the budget describe the “number of customers” as the “number of meter connections”. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to approve Resolution No. 15-16 Adopting the Budget (as amended and provided at the Board meeting) for Fiscal Year 2015/16 and Rescinding Resolution No. 14-08. Motion carried 5-0 on a Roll Call vote. The Board commended staff for their work on the budget. 8.2. Water Conservation Participation Agreement with Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC) Mr. Marcantonio explained that MWDOC administers multiple water conservation rebate programs that the District has participated in since 2004. Traditionally, each rebate program has been approved separately through individual agreements. This year, MWDOC has created an “umbrella” agreement which will allow agencies to more easily adjust their funding amounts. The District’s FY 2015/16 budget reflects a total of $5,000 for various rebate programs through MWDOC. Under the new “umbrella” agreement, YLWD can choose which programs it wishes to participate in and approve addendums as necessary. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to authorize the General Manager to execute MWDOC’s Water Conservation Participation Agreement. Motion carried 5-0. 8.3. Nominations for Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) President and Vice President Mr. Marcantonio explained that ACWA’s Nominating Committee is responsible for submitting a slate of candidates for President and Vice President to the general membership at the fall conference. The District’s Board has the option of nominating one of its own Directors for these slates by resolution. None of the Directors expressed an interest in nominating a Director for one of these positions at this time. No action was taken on this item. 5 8.4. California Special Districts Association (CSDA) 2015 Board Elections Mr. Marcantonio explained that the Board had been presented with the opportunity to vote for one of the nominated candidates in the CSDA 2015 Board Election. The current incumbent in the expiring seat for the Southern Network is Jo MacKenzie from the Vista Irrigation District. YLWD’s Board also recently adopted a resolution concurring in Ms. MacKenzie’s nomination to the CSDA Board of Directors. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Kiley, to vote for Ms. Jo MacKenzie from the Vista Irrigation District to serve as a representative to the CSDA Board of Directors in Seat A for the Southern Network. Motion carried 5-0. 8.5. Proposed Amended and Restated Independent Special Districts of Orange County (ISDOC) Bylaws Mr. Marcantonio explained that ISDOC had formed an ad hoc committee to review the organizations bylaws and provide suggested revisions. As such, the amended bylaws are now being presented to YLW D’s Board for consideration. With the exception of four substantial changes, a majority of the modifications are simply cleanup or consolidation of language. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to approve the amended and restated ISDOC bylaws. Motion carried 5-0. 8.6. H.R. 2892 (Valadao, R-CA) The Western Water & American Food Security Act of 2015 Mr. Marcantonio explained that H.R. 2892, The Western Water & American Food Security Act of 2015, is seeking to rebalance water policies in California and the West. It includes provisions designed to increase water deliveries to San Joaquin Valley agriculture at the expense of flows now dedicated to protecting fisheries, including endangered salmon and Delta smelt. The Board has received a request to consider supporting this legislation and to send and endorse letters to that effect. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Melton, to support H.R. 2892 (Valadao, R-CA) and send a letter to the Orange County Congressional Delegation indicating the District’s position. In addition, to sign the letters of support from the Municipal Water District of Orange County and the Orange County Water District. Motion carried 5-0. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. President's Report None. 6 10.2. Directors' Reports Each of the attending Directors reported on their participation in the following event. · Groundwater Replenishment System Initial Expansion – June 26, 2015 10.3. General Manager's Report Mr. Marcantonio asked each manager (or their designee) in attendance to provide a report regarding activities within their respective departments. He then provided the Board with an overview of his activities and meeting attendance. 10.4. General Counsel's Report Mr. Kidman briefly commented on the District’s water conservation and drought penalty ordinances and the heightened fire danger throughout the state. 10.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks Director Melton suggested that the Board consider scheduling a workshop meeting to review and discuss the District’s water conservation and drought penalty ordinances. The Board agreed. 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS CONTINUED 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett / Melton) Next meeting will be held July 28, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia (Melton / Kiley) Minutes of the meeting held June 22, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Next meeting will be held July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Golden State Water Company’s office in Placentia. 11.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett / Beverage) Minutes of the meeting held June 23, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. will be provided at the next regular Board meeting. Next meeting will be held July 22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at YL City Hall. 7 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Each of the Directors reported on their attendance at the following meetings. 12.1. MWDOC Board - July 1, 2015 (Melton) 12.2. OCSD Operations Committee - July 1, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage) 12.3. OCWD Board - July 1, 2015 (Collett) 12.4. Placentia City Council - July 7, 2015 (Melton) 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from July 10, 2015 – August 31, 2015 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no changes. 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. The meeting was adjourned at 11:13 a.m. A Board of Directors Special Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary ITEM NO. 8.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Subject:Minutes of the Board of Directors Special Meeting held July 16, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 071615_BOD_Special_-_Minutes.doc Minutes Minutes Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. 1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, July 16, 2015, 8:30 a.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The July 16, 2015 Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors Special Meeting was called to order by President Collett at 8:37 a.m. The meeting was held in the Board/Training Room at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Collett led the pledge. 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Ric Collett, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Phil Hawkins John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Robert R. Kiley Gina Knight, Human Resources / Risk Manager Gary T. Melton Art Vega, Information Technology Manager Anthony Manzano, Senior Project Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Cindy Botts, Water Conservation Supervisor Marcus Millen, Records Management Specialist OTHER ATTENDEES Gene Hernandez, Mayor, City of Yorba Linda Eddy Jackson, Resident 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS 5.1. Draft Prop 218 Notice (To be provided at the meeting.) A copy of the draft Proposition 218 notice was provided to the Board and made available to the public. Mrs. Lugo explained that staff had worked with legal counsel to develop the draft notice explaining the proposed water and sewer rate increase effective October 1, 2015. Staff is also working with the County to obtain a list of registered property owners within the District’s service area. Mrs. Lugo then responded to questions from the Board regarding the notice and the proposed rates per the water and sewer rate study prepared by Raftelis Financial Consultants. The Board and staff also responded to questions from Mayor Hernandez 2 regarding the District’s business model. It was suggested that staff consider developing a Q&A sheet to be distributed with notice. A final draft of the notice will be prepared for Board consideration at the next regular meeting. Mr. Eddy Jackson addressed the Board and asked if any analysis had been performed on the developer fees. The Board and staff explained that costs for the construction of new infrastructure for the purposes of supporting future development are paid for by the developer and not the District. 6. ACTION CALENDAR 6.1. Rate Study File and Receive Mr. Marcantonio explained that a copy of the water and sewer rate study was provided in the agenda packet. Once the Board determines to receive and file this document, staff will instruct Raftelis to begin preparing the official administrative record in support of the proposed water and sewer rate increase and the Proposition 218 process. The Board and staff then responded to questions from Mayor Hernandez regarding the District’s business model and financial reserves. Mr. Marcantonio then provided an overview of the cost of the District’s current infrastructure. A copy of this study, the finalized administrative record, including the District’s budget will be placed on the District’s website for public review. Director Beverage made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to receive and file the 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study. Motion carried 5-0. 7. ADJOURNMENT 7.1. The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 a.m. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. Marc Marcantonio Board Secretary ITEM NO. 8.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Budgeted:Yes To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$3,218,717.72 Funding Source:All Funds From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I CEQA Compliance:N/A Subject:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,218,717.72. DISCUSSION: The major items on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of $1,866,961.74 to OCWD – Pump tax for Replenishment Assessment for January 2015 – June 2015; a wire of $197,742.00 to OPEB for FY 15/16 Annual Required Contribution; a wire of $266,551.95 to MWDOC for Retail Service Connection charges for FY 15/16; and a wire to CalPERS for $206,619.00 for Annual prepayment on the Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL). The balance of $165,364.98 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $2,703,239.67; Payroll No. 15 total is $254,772.73; Payroll No. 16 total is 260,705.32 and the disbursements of this agenda report are $3,218,717.72. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 15-CS_0813.pdf CAP SHEET Backup Material CkReg081315.pdf CHECK REGISTER Backup Material 15_CC_0813.pdf CREDIT CARD SUMMARY Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. . August 5, 2015 CHECK NUMBERS & WIRES: Computer Checks 66047—66146 $ 165,364.98 Void Checks 65779, 65950, & 66141 $ 0.00 ___________ $ 165,364.98 WIRES: W 073015 OCWD $ 1,866,961.74 W073015A CalPers $ 197,742.00 W073015B MWDOC $ 266,551.95 W073015C CalPers $ 206,619.00 ____________ $ 2,537,874.69 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $2,703,239.67 PAYROLL NO. 15: Direct Deposits $ 160,513.71 Third Party Checks 6189—6201 $ 48,833.38 Payroll Taxes $ 45,425.64 $ 254,772.73 PAYROLL NO. 16: Direct Deposits $ 169,471.03 Third Party Checks 6202—6208 $ 47,884.50 Payroll Taxes $ 43,349.79 $ 260,705.32 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $515,478.05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $3,218,717.72 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF August 13, 2015 ==================================================================. Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 66082 08/13/2015 AGB-American Geophysical Brokerage 806.36 POWER SUPPLY AND LABOR 66056 08/13/2015 AGUSTIN MARTIN 31.79 CUSTOMER REFUND 66083 08/13/2015 Alfredo Vargas 810.58 TRAVEL EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 66084 08/13/2015 Alternative Hose Inc.115.17 MISCELLANEOUS HOSE PARTS 66051 08/13/2015 ANTHONY SOGG 35.77 CUSTOMER REFUND 66085 08/13/2015 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.4,320.00 WAREHOUSE STOCK 66086 08/13/2015 Aramark 725.28 UNIFORM SERVICE 66070 08/13/2015 ASPEN RODEO 640.11 CUSTOMER REFUND 66088 08/13/2015 AT & T 47.12 CIRCUIT 78KS315PT 66087 08/13/2015 AT & T - Calnet2 6,105.39 ATT CALNET2 66089 08/13/2015 Autoscribe Corporation 813.50 PAYMENT VISION GATEWAY 66069 08/13/2015 BEACHFRONT PROPERTY MGMT 530.48 CUSTOMER REFUND 66047 08/13/2015 BETH GIBBONS 78.97 CUSTOMER REFUND 66079 08/13/2015 BRENDA LOPEZ 111.36 CUSTOMER REFUND 66091 08/13/2015 CalCard US Bank 33,100.74 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - JULY 2015 66090 08/13/2015 Calolympic Safety Co.656.11 CALIBRATION GAS & SAFETY EQUIPMENT W073015C 07/30/2015 CalPERS 206,619.00 ANNUAL UNFUNDED ACCRUED LIAB 66067 08/13/2015 CC ROYAL SERVICES INC 356.65 CUSTOMER REFUND 66064 08/13/2015 CDG CONSTRUCTION 726.45 CUSTOMER REFUND 66066 08/13/2015 CITY LIGHT INVESTMENTS 345.72 CUSTOMER REFUND 66092 08/13/2015 City Of Anaheim 30,644.66 LAKEVIEW & RICHFIELD ELECTRICITY CHARGES - JULY 2015 66093 08/13/2015 CNA Surety 350.00 BOND - MARC MARCANTONIO 66063 08/13/2015 COALESCENT DESIGN & DEV GROUP 375.77 CUSTOMER REFUND 66094 08/13/2015 Coastal Ignition & Controls 1,458.50 AUTO MAINTENANCE PARTS 66096 08/13/2015 Cynthia Botts 68.37 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - BOTTS 66080 08/13/2015 DANNY CHUNG 47.62 CUSTOMER REFUND 66097 08/13/2015 Dean Criske Trucking 1,064.57 FREIGHT - BASE & SAND - MATERIAL 66098 08/13/2015 Eisel Enterprises, Inc.687.96 J2013-15 -MTR BOX, LID & COVER 66099 08/13/2015 Elite Equipment Inc 994.73 HUSQVARNA SAW 66100 08/13/2015 Environmental Engineering & Contracting Inc.435.00 PROF. SERVICES - JUNE 2015 66101 08/13/2015 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc.79.95 AUTO MAINTENANCE - UNIT 176 66050 08/13/2015 FIRE SENTRY CORP 214.56 CUSTOMER REFUND 66102 08/13/2015 Flex Advantage 112.50 FLEX - JULY - 25 PARTICIPANTS 66103 08/13/2015 Francisco R. Quintero 235.00 CERT REIMB D4 - QUINTERO, F 66104 08/13/2015 Gerardo Huizar, Jr.170.00 CERT REIMB D1 - HUIZAR, G 66105 08/13/2015 Global Environmental Network, Inc.2,100.00 OSHA COMPLIANCE BACKHOE TRAIN 66060 08/13/2015 GREGORY GIPSON 157.44 CUSTOMER REFUND 66106 08/13/2015 Haaker Equipment Co.3,714.22 FLOW CONTROL VALVES - #162 66107 08/13/2015 Hall & Foreman, Inc 135.00 ICE N-EM STAT NAT GAS ONLY 66072 08/13/2015 HARDY AND HARPER, INC 916.70 CUSTOMER REFUND 66108 08/13/2015 Harris Steel Fence Co., Inc 362.00 ONSITE SERVICE ON ENTRY GATE 66055 08/13/2015 HAYWARD LE CRONE 28.02 CUSTOMER REFUND 66110 08/13/2015 Hedrick Fire Protection 933.15 MAINTENANCE - FIRE PROTECTION - BLDG1&2 66111 08/13/2015 Infosend Inc.4,611.90 DATA, PRINT & POSTAGE FEES 66113 08/13/2015 J & S Construction 11,760.00 CONCRETE REPAIR - SEVERAL LOCATIONS 66112 08/13/2015 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 494.78 AUTO MAINTENANCE PARTS 66095 08/13/2015 JEFF WETZSTEIN 4.03 CUSTOMER REFUND 66071 08/13/2015 JEOVANNI OCHOA 84.86 CUSTOMER REFUND 66075 08/13/2015 JIMCO CONSTRUCTION 945.00 CUSTOMER REFUND 66057 08/13/2015 JOE MOORE 52.92 CUSTOMER REFUND 66068 08/13/2015 JUNZHONG WU 124.87 CUSTOMER REFUND 66073 08/13/2015 KEITH QUIJADA 15.56 CUSTOMER REFUND 66114 08/13/2015 Konica Minolta Business 266.77 BIZHUB C224 LEASE 66109 08/13/2015 MailFinance 313.93 MAIL FINANCE LEASE 66116 08/13/2015 Marc Marcantonio 68.32 MI REIMBURSEMENT - MARCANTONIO 66115 08/13/2015 Marina Landscape, Inc 260.90 IRRIGATION REPAIR 66076 08/13/2015 MARY SCHREIBER 106.33 CUSTOMER REFUND 66117 08/13/2015 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 792.18 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 66118 08/13/2015 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.360.28 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 66052 08/13/2015 MICHAEL ELLIS 2,020.00 RELEASE-CASH SWR BOND J2011-03 66119 08/13/2015 Michael J. Beverage 18.34 MI. REIMBURSEMENT- BEVERAGE, M 66061 08/13/2015 MICHELE SHUMAKER 192.31 CUSTOMER REFUND W073015B 07/30/2015 Municipal Water District 266,551.95 ANNUAL RETAIL SVC CONNECTION 66120 08/13/2015 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 6,287.75 FUEL - JULY 15 Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 07/24/2015 thru 8/13/2015 66062 08/13/2015 OC / LA PROPERTIES LLC 386.16 CUSTOMER REFUND W073015A 07/30/2015 OPEB 197,742.00 FY15/16 OPEB CONTRIBUTION-ARC 66121 08/13/2015 Orange County - HCA 392.00 OC HEALTH CARE - EE0000121 66122 08/13/2015 Orange County Register 91.26 OC REGISTER - M-F - 3 MONTHS W073015 07/30/2015 Orange County Water District 1,866,961.74 REPLENISH ASSES - JAN-JUNE2015 66126 08/13/2015 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.1,409.25 COLD MIX ASPHALT AND +30 FILL SAND 66074 08/13/2015 PAUL DIGIULIO 7.71 CUSTOMER REFUND 66077 08/13/2015 PAYNE PROPERTIES, INC 81.67 CUSTOMER REFUND 66123 08/13/2015 Phil Hawkins 50.60 MI REIMBURSEMENT- HAWKINS, P 66065 08/13/2015 PING YE 161.16 CUSTOMER REFUND 66124 08/13/2015 Powerstride Battery 318.88 4D BATTERIES 66125 08/13/2015 Prudential Group Insurance 4,033.79 INSURANCE LIFE/ADD/LTD&STD 66127 08/13/2015 Quinn Power Systems Associates 2,460.00 MAINTENANCE PARTS 66133 08/13/2015 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 435.86 PETTY CASH - JULY 2015 66048 08/13/2015 RACHELLE WEST 164.26 CUSTOMER REFUND 66129 08/13/2015 RICARDO JIMENEZ 237.58 BOOT REIMBURSEMEN - JIMENEZ, R 66128 08/13/2015 Richard Collett 46.69 MI REIMBURSEMENT- COLLET, R 66130 08/13/2015 Robert Kiley 105.07 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - KILEY 66058 08/13/2015 ROBERT MYERS 62.84 CUSTOMER REFUND 66131 08/13/2015 Security Solutions 475.00 CARD READER SERVICE 66054 08/13/2015 SIAMRAS SINPATRABORDEE 138.26 CUSTOMER REFUND 66132 08/13/2015 Southern Calif Edison Co.6,296.78 MULTIPLE LOCATIONS - ELECTRICITY CHARGES - JULY 2015 66078 08/13/2015 SPECTRUM SPACE DESIGN INC 334.43 CUSTOMER REFUND 66081 08/13/2015 STAR REAL ESTATE 418.15 CUSTOMER REFUND 66134 08/13/2015 State Chemical Manufacturing 1,070.73 WAREHOUSE PARTS/SUPPLIES 66135 08/13/2015 Stater Bros. Markets 31.90 DISTRICT EVENT 66136 08/13/2015 Sunrise Medical Group 150.00 HEP B VACCINES 66139 08/13/2015 Superior Water Technologies 4,096.30 CLORTEC CT 100 66137 08/13/2015 Switch Ltd 660.00 HALF CABINET LEASE 66138 08/13/2015 SWRCB 2,062.00 NPDES FEES - YLWD- CA3010037 66140 08/13/2015 TDI Refrigeration Air Conditioning Inc.1,597.82 JULY AC MAINTENANCE 66141 08/13/2015 The Catch 0.00 VOID 66049 08/13/2015 THOMAS SHEFFIELD 35.19 CUSTOMER REFUND 66059 08/13/2015 TIFFANY TAYLOR 55.88 CUSTOMER REFUND 66142 08/13/2015 Time Warner Cable 1,682.29 BASIC CABLE & BCF FIBER INET 66143 08/13/2015 Total Compensation Systems, Inc 1,900.00 GASB45 VAL. SVCS - 1ST BILL 66144 08/13/2015 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc.5,000.00 CONSULTING SERVICE - JULY 2015 66145 08/13/2015 United Industries 550.59 PPE EQUIPMENT 66053 08/13/2015 VICTORIA MAAHS 49.27 CUSTOMER REFUND 66146 08/13/2015 Walters Wholesale Electric Co.3,891.31 PROSOFT RADIOS 2,703,239.67 Date Vendor Name Amount Description 7/2/2015 Rosco Vision Systems 363.45 Rear view camera system 7/2/2015 Inland Group 10,507.93 15 Water Quality reports, Spring ' 15 Newsletters & Conservation Letters 7/7/2015 Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce 15.00 Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce - Lunch meeting 7/7/2015 United Water Works 1,414.45 Pipe supports and hardware supplies 7/8/2015 Orange Coast Petroleum Equipment 145.81 Repair kit and accessories 7/8/2015 United Industries 731.53 PPE equipment & breakroom supplies 7/13/2015 Fry's Electronics 265.64 IT Equipment and accessories 7/13/2015 Red Wing Shoe Store 3,903.52 Safety boot purchases 7/13/2015 Harrington Industrial 673.19 (2) 3/4" Flow Control Valves - Box Canyon 7/13/2015 AnswerOne Communication 486.00 Answering service - June 2015 7/14/2015 Knowlwood 43.04 Lunch with new employee - Welcome Event 7/14/2015 Sunstate Equipment 69.12 Refill (2) forklift propane tanks 7/14/2015 Boot World (KM Shoes)686.60 Safety boot purchases 7/14/2015 Shoeteria Industrial 841.25 Safety boot purchases 7/14/2015 Office Solutions 370.72 (6) 11x12 copy paper & (12) copy paper 7/14/2015 Harrington Industrial 753.86 CL2 Parts for Well 20 7/15/2015 Fry's Electronics 228.27 Cable management supplies and IT equipment 7/15/2015 Dan Copp Crushing 300.00 Disposal of used road material 7/15/2015 Orchard Supply 11.01 Parts for Irrigation repair 7/16/2015 Orvac Electronics 420.87 IT - tools, cables & accessories 7/16/2015 KB Design 83.16 Uniforms - polo shirts 7/16/2015 Home Depot 106.92 Dewalt Battery 7/16/2015 Minuteman Press 291.61 Customer Service Forms - Operations 7/16/2015 McFadden Dale 88.45 Tools for Ops Vehicle - Water 7/20/2015 Fry's Electronics 109.89 IT Equipment and accessories 7/20/2015 ACWA/JPIA 15.00 Underground utility line locator 7/20/2015 PASMA 297.00 2015 PASMA South Conference - Knigth, Melton, & Smith 7/21/2015 The Home Depot 43.54 Material for facility repairs and fan rental 7/21/2015 Action Wholesale 503.30 Shelving for warehouse 7/21/2015 Fullerton Paint 388.03 (72) Rusto solvent - Blue marking paint 7/21/2015 Jobs Available 351.00 Job advertisement - Records Management Admin. 7/22/2015 Fry's Electronics 612.78 (2) 27" LED monitors 7/22/2015 Chapter One 36.86 Meeting lunch with SCRCB represantive - Thomas & Bui 7/22/2015 Amazon 108.78 L29 digital camera & memory card 7/22/2015 Urban Water Institute 1,425.00 UWI Conference Registration - Marc, Damon, & Cindy 7/22/2015 OCWA 110.00 Registration for OCWA luncheon - Marc, Delia, & Damon 7/22/2015 ISDOC 13.00 Registration for ISDOC - Emergency Response Training - Kiley 7/22/2015 ACWA 1,390.00 Registration for ACWA Fall Conference - Marc & Damon 7/22/2015 John Deere 103.17 PVC cutter for leak crew 7/23/2015 Slaters 50/50 35.08 Meeting with Videographer for drought workshop 7/23/2015 Action Wholesale 14.14 Parts for shelves 7/23/2015 PollardWater 330.45 Dechlor Tablet bags & strips 7/23/2015 Mobile Industrial Supply 64.44 (3) cutting goggles 7/23/2015 Home Depot 515.21 Concrete (1) pallet & Soil topper (1) pallet 7/23/2015 Home Depot 22.23 (3) Kem-Klor II liquid chlorine 7/23/2015 WestAir Gases & Equipment 356.24 Welding supplies 7/23/2015 Village Nurseries 94.66 Sod for landscape repair 7/28/2015 Mobile Industrial 274.32 Richfield CL2 system - Tank & CO2 refills 7/28/2015 Village Nurseries 22.95 Sod for landscape repair 7/28/2015 Harrington Industrial 124.89 1/2" check valve for Lakeview Booster CL2 7/28/2015 MWDOC 125.00 Fema Disaster Public Assistance Training - Manzano, A 7/28/2015 Amazon 164.49 Litebox system 7/29/2015 Swiss Cleaners 18.00 Drycleaning of YLWD table covers 7/29/2015 Industrial Hearing 80.00 Audiometric testing - (4) employees 7/29/2015 Verizon Wireless 2,549.89 Verizon wireless service - May 2015 33,100.74 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 7/2/15-7/29/15 ITEM NO. 8.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Subject:Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending June 30, 2015 SUMMARY: Presented are the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending June 30, 2015 for the District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Unaudited Financial Statements for the Period Ending June 30, 2015. DISCUSSION: For the period ending June 30, 2015, staff is presenting unaudited statements in the CAFR format. We have included the traditional budget to actual statements for the District as a whole, as well as the individual water and sewer funds, and the debt service coverage calculation. Water Operating Revenue for water service, as presented, is 94.28% of annual budget, which is 5.72% lower than budget. Due to implementing of the District’s Water Conservation Ordinance, as well as the effect from media coverage of the State’s drought conditions. Water Other Operating Revenue is 157.19% of annual budget. Sewer Other Operating Revenue, as presented, is 346.59% of annual budget. As reported through June 30, 2015, Variable Water Costs are 85.30% of budget. These Variable Water Costs reflect an approximate decrease of 14.7%, when compared to the budget. With the issuance of the 2008 Certificates of Participation (COP’s) and the Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A the District covenanted “…to fix, prescribe and collect rates and charges for Water Service which will be at least sufficient to yield during each Fiscal Year, Net Revenues equal to 110% of the Debit Service for such Fiscal Year.” To confirm the covenant is upheld, a calculation is made quarterly and presented to the Finance- Accounting Committee and received and filed by the Board of Directors. Accordingly, the unaudited debt service ratio through March 2015 is shown in the calculation as 220%. This shows strong financial health for the District as it pertains to the debt service ratio. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: FY_2015_4th_Qtr_Consolidated_Balance_Sheet.xlsx FY 2015 4th Qtr Consolidated Balance Sheet Backup Material 4th_Qtr_2015_Debt_Svc_Calc.xlsx FY 2015 4th Qtr Debt Service Calculation Backup Material 4th_QTR_2015_Consolidated_Statement.xlsx FY 2015 4th Qtr Consolidated Statement Backup Material 4th_QTR_2015_Water_Statement.xlsx FY 2015 4th Qtr Water Statement Backup Material 4th_QTR_2015_Sewer_statement.xlsx FY 2015 4th Qtr Sewer Statement Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETSUNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF NET ASSETS June 30, 2015 (With June 30, 2014 for comparison only) ASSETS June 2015 June 2014 (With June 30, 2014 for comparison only) ASSETS June 2015 June 2014 CURRENT ASSETS:CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents 24,082,628$ 20,226,246$ Investment 9,405,650 9,256,876 Investment 9,405,650 9,256,876 Accounts receivable - water and sewer services 3,102,683 3,976,655 Accounts receivable - water and sewer services 3,102,683 3,976,655 Accounts receivable - property taxes - 24,597 Accrued interest receivable 18,188 11,991 Accrued interest receivable 18,188 11,991 Prepaid expenses & other deposits 262,156 267,261 Prepaid expenses & other deposits 262,156 267,261 Inventory 270,984 238,203 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 37,142,289 34,001,829 NONCURRENT ASSETS:NONCURRENT ASSETS: Bond issuance costs 450,051 474,939 Bond issuance costs 450,051 474,939 Other post-employment benefit (OPEB) asset 140,349 138,943 Capital assets:Capital assets: Non-depreciable 4,253,006 6,897,314 Non-depreciable 4,253,006 6,897,314 Depreciable, net of accumulated depreciation 189,808,328 192,605,563 TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS194,651,734 200,116,759 TOTAL ASSETS 231,794,023 234,118,588 LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES: Accounts payable 3,711,069 4,748,341 Accounts payable 3,711,069 4,748,341 Accrued expenses 35,592 340,273 Accrued interest payable 424,015 432,740 Accrued interest payable 424,015 432,740 Certificates of Participation - current portion 765,000 735,000 Certificates of Participation - current portion 765,000 735,000 Accrued OPEB 9,124 - Refunding Revenue Bond - current portion 280,000 275,000 Refunding Revenue Bond - current portion 280,000 275,000 Compensated absences 281,896 261,836 Compensated absences 281,896 261,836 Customer and construction deposits 501,957 309,734 Deferred revenue 401,677 374,356 Deferred revenue 401,677 374,356 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 6,410,330 7,477,280 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 6,410,330 7,477,280 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION):LONG-TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION): Deferred annexation revenue 13,642,769 13,475,678 Compensated absences 892,672 785,506 Compensated absences 892,672 785,506 Refunding Revenue Bond 8,377,621 8,705,324 Refunding Revenue Bond 8,377,621 8,705,324 LOC 5,994,099 4,642,656 Certificate of Participation 30,463,854 31,255,275 Certificate of Participation 30,463,854 31,255,275 TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS TOTAL LONG TERM LIABILITIES (LESS CURRENT PORTION)59,371,015 58,864,439 TOTAL LIABILITIES 65,781,345 66,341,719 NET ASSETS:166,012,678$ 167,776,869$ YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT UNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSESUNAUDITED COMBINING SCHEDULE OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS For the period ended June 30, 2015 AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (With fiscal year ended June 2014 for comparison only) For the period ended June 30, 2015 June 2015 June 2014 (With fiscal year ended June 2014 for comparison only) June 2015 June 2014 OPERATING REVENUES:OPERATING REVENUES: Water sales 26,446,619$ 28,376,082$ Sewer revenues 1,773,712 1,762,816 Sewer revenues 1,773,712 1,762,816 Other operating revenues 1,225,718 1,047,625 Other operating revenues 1,225,718 1,047,625 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES29,446,049 31,186,523 OPERATING EXPENSESOPERATING EXPENSES Variable water costs 12,733,762 14,673,144 Variable water costs 12,733,762 14,673,144 Personnel services 7,950,782 7,529,481 Supplies and services 3,798,255 3,849,183 Supplies and services 3,798,255 3,849,183 Depreciation and amortization 7,430,398 7,315,084 Depreciation and amortization 7,430,398 7,315,084 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES31,913,197 33,366,892 OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS)(2,467,149) (2,180,369) OPERATING INCOME/(LOSS)(2,467,149) (2,180,369) NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES):NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES): Property taxes 1,479,607 1,394,722 Investment income 187,316 145,048 Interest expense (1,716,085) (1,715,429) Interest expense (1,716,085) (1,715,429) Other nonoperating revenues 707,265 1,325,685 Other nonoperating expenses (117,955) (47,948) TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES 540,148 1,102,078 TOTAL NONOPERATING REVENUES/EXPENSES 540,148 1,102,078 NET INCOME/(LOSS) BEFORE CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS & EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S)(1,927,001) (1,078,291) EXTRAORDINARY ITEM(S)- 5,000,000 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS 162,809 2,128,579 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (1,764,192) 6,050,288 NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR 167,776,869 161,726,581 NET ASSETS - BEGINNING OF YEAR 167,776,869 161,726,581 NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END JUNE 30, 2015 166,012,678$ 167,776,869$ NET ASSETS - FOR PERIOD END JUNE 30, 2015 166,012,678$ 167,776,869$ YTD Debt Actual Service FY 2015 Calculation Revenue (Operating): Water Sales $26,446,61826,446,618$ Other Operating Revenue1,053,2051,053,205 Total Operating Revenue:27,499,82327,499,823 Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 168,872 168,872 Property Tax 1,479,6071,479,607 Other Non-Operating Revenue697,382243,545 Total Non-Operating Revenue:2,345,8611,892,024 Total Revenue 29,845,684 29,391,847 Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)12,733,76112,733,761 Salary Related Expenses7,055,2847,055,284 Supplies & Services 3,473,8143,473,814 Depreciation 6,086,779- Total Operating Expenses 29,349,63823,262,859 Expenses (Non-Operating): Yorba Linda Water District Unaudited Debt Service Ratio Calculation For Period Ending June 30, 2015 Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt1,716,085- Other Expense 117,955117,955 Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,834,040117,955 Total Expenses 31,183,678 23,380,814 Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions (1,337,994)6,011,033 Capital Contributions 142,739 - Net Change in Assest (1,195,255)$ 6,011,033$ DEBT SERVICE RATIO CALCULATION: Net Revenues 6,011,033$ Debt Service 2,729,484$ %220% Annual YTD June YTD YTD YTD Budget Budget Actual Actual Under(Over)% of FY 2015 FY 2015 FY 2015 FY 2015 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)$17,154,552$17,154,552$958,080$15,461,641$1,692,91190.13% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)2,074,0972,074,097$137,9761,913,713160,38492.27% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)4,792,9954,792,995$232,3114,058,307734,68884.67% Water Revenue (Service Charge)4,478,0004,478,000$422,0715,012,958(534,958)111.95% Sewer Charge Revenue1,605,2921,605,292126,8421,582,06023,23298.55% Locke Ranch Assessments201,000201,0001191,6519,34995.35% Other Operating Revenue719,777719,777298,7101,225,718(505,941)170.29% Total Operating Revenue:31,025,71331,025,7132,175,99129,446,0481,579,66594.91% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 112,000112,00027,537187,316(75,316)167.25% Property Tax 1,283,6421,283,64239,900 1,479,607(195,965)115.27% Other Non-Operating Revenue533,525533,52537,704707,265(173,740)132.56% Total Non-Operating Revenue:1,929,1671,929,167105,1412,374,188(445,021)123.07% Total Revenue 32,954,880 32,954,880 2,281,132 31,820,236 1,134,644 96.56% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)14,928,97214,928,972916,47612,733,7612,195,21185.30% Salary Related Expenses8,224,8128,224,812864,6157,950,781274,03196.67% Supplies & Services 4,389,8404,389,840391,1853,798,256591,58486.52% Total Operating Expenses27,543,62427,543,6242,172,27624,482,7983,060,82688.89% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt1,780,7931,780,793153,2601,716,08564,70796.37% Other Expense 72,00072,0005,559117,955(45,955)163.83% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,852,7931,852,793158,8191,834,04018,75298.99% Total Expenses 29,396,416 29,396,416 2,331,095 26,316,838 3,079,578 89.52% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 3,558,464 3,558,464 (49,963)5,503,398 (1,944,934)154.66% Capital Contributions - - - 162,810 162,810 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 3,558,464 3,558,464 (49,963)5,666,208 (2,107,744)159.23% Depreciation & Amortization7,337,5007,337,500626,1387,430,398(92,898)101.27% Total Net Income (Loss)($3,779,036)($3,779,036)($676,101)($1,764,190)($2,014,846)46.68% Capital - Direct Labor (12,702)(247,808) Yorba Linda Water District Summary Financial Report Water & Sewer Funds For Period Ending June 30, 2015 Annual YTD June YTD YTD YTD Budget Budget Actual Actual Under(Over)% of Annual FY 2015 FY 2015 FY 2015 FY 2015 FY Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Water Revenue (Residential)$17,154,552 $17,154,552 958,080 $15,461,640 $1,692,912 90.13% Water Revenue (Commercial & Fire Det.)2,074,097 2,074,097 137,976 1,913,713 160,384 92.27% Water Revenue (Landscape/Irrigation)4,792,995 4,792,995 232,311 4,058,307 734,688 84.67% Water Revenue (Service Charge)4,478,000 4,478,000 422,071 5,012,958 (534,958) 111.95% Other Operating Revenue 670,003 670,003 185,665 1,053,205 (383,202) 157.19% Total Operating Revenue:29,169,647 29,169,647 1,936,103 27,499,823 1,669,824 94.28% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 100,000 100,000 23,806 168,872 (68,872) 168.87% Property Tax 1,283,6421,283,64239,9001,479,607(195,965) 115.27% Other Non-Operating Revenue 521,600 521,600 39,714 697,382 (175,782) 133.70% Total Non-Operating Revenue:1,905,242 1,905,242 103,420 2,345,861 (440,619)123.13% Total Revenue 31,074,889 31,074,889 2,039,523 29,845,684 1,229,205 96.04% Expenses (Operating): Variable Water Costs (G.W., Import & Power)14,928,972 14,928,972 916,476 12,733,761 2,195,211 85.30% Salary Related Expenses 7,363,472 7,363,472 768,410 7,055,284 308,188 98.72% Supplies & Services: Communications 273,786 273,786 4,086 172,066 101,720 62.85% Contractual Services 521,451 521,451 40,884 449,249 72,202 86.15% Data Processing 173,752 173,752 14,198 163,659 10,093 94.19% Dues & Memberships 72,321 72,321 - 68,603 3,718 94.86% Fees & Permits 169,437 169,437 33,468 192,602 (23,165) 113.67% Board Election 69,750 69,750 - - 69,750 0.00% Insurance 291,406291,40619,125 249,21542,191 85.52% Materials 579,369 579,369 56,469 666,989 (87,620) 115.12% District Activities, Emp Recognition 22,980 22,980 2,121 15,111 7,869 65.76% Maintenance 394,416 394,416 21,351 443,984 (49,568) 112.57% Non-Capital Equipment 132,525 132,525 23,969 135,534 (3,009) 102.27% Office Expense 37,642 37,642 43,530 82,425 (44,783) 218.97% Professional Services 672,197 672,197 61,312 384,295 287,902 57.17% Training 58,571 58,571 2,307 42,650 15,921 72.82% Travel & Conferences 42,129 42,129 1,761 32,159 9,970 76.33% Uncollectible Accounts 37,200 37,200 7,106 12,135 25,065 32.62% Utilities 83,700 83,700 2,629 71,252 12,449 85.13% Vehicle Equipment 281,139 281,139 17,554 291,887 (10,748) 103.82% Supplies & Services Sub-Total 3,913,772 3,913,772 351,870 3,473,814 439,958 88.76% Total Operating Expenses 26,206,216 26,206,216 2,036,756 23,262,859 2,943,357 88.77% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest on Long Term Debt 1,780,793 1,780,793 153,260 1,716,085 64,708 96.37% Other Expense 72,000 72,000 5,559 117,955 (45,955) 163.83% Total Non-Operating Expenses:1,852,793 1,852,793 158,819 1,834,040 18,753 98.99% Total Expenses 28,059,009 28,059,009 2,195,575 25,096,899 2,962,109 89.44% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 3,015,880 3,015,880 (156,052)4,748,784 (1,732,904)157.46% Capital Contributions - - - 142,739 142,739 0.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 3,015,880 3,015,880 (156,052)4,891,523 (1,590,165)162.19% Depreciation & Amortization 5,992,500 5,992,500 514,025 6,086,779 (94,279) 101.57% Total Net Income (Loss)($2,976,620)($2,976,620)($670,077)($1,195,256)($1,781,364)40.15% Capital - Direct Labor (12,155)(213,908) Yorba Linda Water District Water Fund For Period Ending June 30, 2015 Annual YTD June YTD YTD YTD Budget Budget Actual Actual Under(Over)% of Annual FY 2015 FY 2015 FY 2015 FY 2015 Budget Budget Revenue (Operating): Sewer Charge Revenue$1,605,292$1,605,292$126,842$1,582,061$23,23298.55% Locke Ranch Assessments201,000201,0001191,6519,34995.35% Other Operating Revenue49,77449,774113,045172,513(122,739) 346.59% Total Operating Revenue:1,856,0661,856,066239,8881,946,225(90,159)104.86% Revenue (Non-Operating): Interest 12,00012,0003,73118,444(6,444) 153.70% Other Non-Operating Revenue11,92511,925(2,011)9,883 2,04282.88% Total Non-Operating Revenue:23,92523,9251,72028,327(4,402)118.40% Total Revenue 1,879,991 1,879,991 241,608 1,974,552 (94,561)105.03% Expenses (Operating): Salary Related Expenses861,340861,34096,205895,498(34,158) 107.90% Supplies & Services: Communications 21,10821,1081,0599,34111,76744.25% Contractual Services39,24939,2492,46030,8808,36978.68% Data Processing 13,07813,0781,0698,3214,757 63.63% Dues & Memberships5,7445,744- 5,31243392.47% Fees & Permits 16,753 16,753 567 9,991 6,762 59.64% Board Election 5,250 5,250 - - 5,250 0.00% Insurance 21,934 21,934 1,440 12,545 9,389 57.19% Materials 78,75678,7562,28729,32149,43537.23% District Activities, Emp Recognition1,730 1,730160 1,138592 65.78% Maintenance 112,605112,60582377,71934,88669.02% Non-Capital Equipment 19,475 19,475 1,705 29,501 (10,026) 151.49% Yorba Linda Water District Sewer Fund For Period Ending June 30 2015 Non-Capital Equipment 19,475 19,475 1,705 29,501 (10,026) 151.49% Office Expense 2,8332,8331633,082(250) 108.83% Professional Services39,41339,41322,06746,032(6,620) 116.80% Training 6,6096,6095845,0781,53076.85% Travel & Conferences4,3714,3711192,4591,91156.27% Uncollectible Accounts2,8002,8001,1231,891 90967.55% Utilities 7,1007,100261 6,14895286.59% Vehicle Equipment 77,26177,2613,42745,68131,58059.13% Supplies & Services Sub-Total476,066476,06639,314324,441151,62568.15% Total Operating Expenses1,337,4061,337,406135,5191,219,939117,46791.22% Expenses (Non-Operating): Interest Expense - - - - - 0.00% Other Expense - - - - - 0.00% Total Non-Operating Expenses:- - - - - 0.00% Total Expenses 1,337,406 1,337,406 135,519 1,219,939 117,467 91.22% Net Income (Loss) Before Capital Contributions 542,585 542,585 106,089 754,613 (212,028) 139.08% Capital Contributions - - 20,07020,0700.00% Net Income (Loss) Before Depreciation 542,585 542,585 106,089 774,683 (191,958) 142.78% Depreciation & Amortization1,345,0001,345,000112,1131,343,6191,38199.90% Total Net Income (Loss)($802,415)($802,415)($6,024)($568,936)($233,479)70.90% Capital - Direct Labor (547)(33,900) ITEM NO. 8.6 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Subject:Investment Report for Period Ending June 30, 2015 SUMMARY: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make quarterly report of investments to the legislative body. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Investment Reports for the Period Ending June 30, 2015. DISCUSSION: The Investment Portfolio Report presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Investment Report Summary includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The total yield for the month ending June 30, 2015 is 0.71%. The overall increase in the investment balance from the previous month is approximately $1,297,922. A large balance change includes an increase in the Debt Services fund of $909,029 and Water Operating Reserve fund of $273,304, predominantly due to a positive net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month of the Fiscal Year. In the month of June, staff initiated transfer between various reserves held in investments. The primary purpose of the transfers was to end the year in accordance with the reserves policy and projected funding levels. As a result of transferring funds in our investment accounts, some of the larger balance changes include the following: A transfer into the Water Operating Reserve of over $175,000 to increase the account closer to its approximate target reserve amount of $4,267,000. A transfer out of the Water Capital Project Reserve of over $225,000 as the other water accounts transferred money out of this account. A transfer out of the Sewer Operating Reverse of over $388,000 to lower the account balance to its approximate target reserve amount of $275,000. A transfer into the Sewer Capital Project Reserve in the amount of $388,000 as the other sewer accounts transferred money into this account. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Invst_Rpt_06-15.xlsx Investment Report for Period Ending June 2015 Backup Material Invst_Agenda_Backup_-_June_2015.xlsx Agenda Backup Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. Market %Date ofPercent Value Parof TotalInstitutionMaturityYield Checking Account: 349,461$ 349,461$ Wells Fargo Bank 47,994 47,994 Pershing 397,455$ 397,455$ 1.19%Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 54,989$ 54,989$ Wells Fargo Money Market0.03% 55,756 55,756 US Bank (Revenue Bonds)0.02% 552,526 552,526 Bank of the West 0.08% 663,271$ 663,271$ 1.98%Total 0.07% Federal Agency Securities: 497,940$ 500,000$ Fannie Mae05/25/181.12% 496,440$ 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank06/12/181.00% 500,615$ 500,000 Fannie Mae06/12/180.99% 497,655$ 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank06/13/181.10% 499,135$ 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank06/20/181.12% 2,121,768$ 2,124,676 Federal Home Loan Bank05/24/170.87% 4,613,553$ 4,624,676$ 13.78%Total 0.98% Certificates of Deposits: 247,177$ 248,000$ CIT Bank, Salt Lake05/22/181.20% 247,038$ 248,000 Discover05/22/181.20% 246,202$ 248,000 Goldman Sachs Bank05/22/181.20% 247,236$ 248,000 Beal Bank05/23/181.00% 248,699$ 248,000 Wells Fargo04/27/180.89% 247,111$ 247,000 Barclays Bank04/30/180.69% 247,730$ 248,000 State Bank of India05/14/181.15% 245,305$ 249,000 Webster Bank05/03/180.91% 247,169$ 248,000 American Express Centurion Bank05/23/181.20% 245,485$ 248,000 GE Capital Bank05/24/181.11% 250,213$ 249,000 Merrick Bank05/24/170.74% 249,205$ 248,000 BMW Bank05/24/170.89% 249,829$ 249,000 Firstbank Puerto Rico05/24/160.74% 246,069$ 249,000 Oriental Bank & Trust05/29/181.06% 245,703$ 249,000 Silvergate Bank05/30/181.01% 245,703$ 249,000 Enterprise Bank & TR Co Lowell05/30/181.01% 245,696$ 249,000 Safra National Bank05/31/181.01% 244,716$ 248,000 Townebank Portsmouth05/31/181.01% 245,716$ 249,000 Mascoma Savings Bank05/29/181.01% 100,094$ 100,000 Ally Bank Midvale Utah12/11/171.54% 4,792,097$ 4,819,000$ 14.31%Total 1.01% Pooled Investment Accounts: 9,165,581$ 9,165,581$ Local Agency Investment Fund0.30% 2,727 2,730 CalTRUST Short Term0.51% 13,852,344 13,880,563 CalTRUST Medium Term0.83% 23,020,652$ 23,048,874$ 68.74%0.62% 33,487,027$ 33,553,276$ 100%Total Investments0.71% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 6/30/15 Yorba Linda Water District Investment Portfolio Report June 30, 2015 ________________________________ Kelly D. McCann, Senior Accountant Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of June 2015: Average# of Month PortfolioDays to of 2015 Yield Maturity June0.71%271 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 6/30/20146/30/2015 Monthly - June 18,142$ 14,771$ Year-to-Date 145,049$ 174,550$ Budget 2013/20142014/2015 Interest Budget, June YTD 87,000$ 112,000$ Interest Budget, Annual 87,000$ 112,000$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: May 2015% AllocJune 2015% Alloc Fund Description Balance 5/31/2015 Balance 6/30/2015 Investment Summary Report Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Fund Description Balance 5/31/2015 Balance 6/30/2015 Water Operating Reserve3,653,252$ 11.48%4,101,809$ 12.38% Water Emergency Reserve1,026,1573.22%1,024,9913.09% Water Capital Project Reserve17,373,48454.60%17,137,29751.72% Water Reserve for Debt Service3,500,42711.00%4,409,45613.31% Maintenance Reserve150,6130.47%200,6130.61% Employee Liability Reserve200,3240.63%300,3220.91% COP Revenue Bond 2008 - Reserve2,180,2726.85%2,177,5246.57% Sewer Operating Reserve 480,3811.51%91,6930.28% Sewer Emergency Reserve1,018,5713.20%1,018,0263.07% Sewer Capital Project Reserve2,236,8647.03%2,675,8378.07% 31,820,344$ 100.00%33,137,566$ 100.00% Water Operating452,530 166,140 Sewer Operating(83,769) 183,321 368,761 349,461 Totals 32,189,105$ 33,487,027$ Wells Fargo Bank Checking ITEM NO. 8.7 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I Subject:Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Fourth Quarter FY 2014/15 SUMMARY: Presented are the Fourth Quarter Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for FY 2014/15. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Directors and General Manager Fees and Expenses Report for Fourth Quarter FY 2014/15. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Travel___Expense_Report.pdf Travel and Expense Report Backup Material BOD___GM_Qtr_Summary.pdf BOD GM QTR Summary Backup Material BOD___GM_YTD_FYE_2015.pdf BOD GM YTD FYE 2015 Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. GL Trip Trip Trip Event/ Director Date Date Name Location Meals Lodging Travel Conf. Fee Misc.Total trip Total Beverage 4/30/15 4/1/15 OCSD - Operations meeting Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 52$ -$ -$ 52$ 5/29/15 5/6-7,5/27/15 OCSD - OPS, Harrassment Training, & Reg. Meeting Fountain Valley ,CA -$ -$ 78$ -$ -$ 78$ 6/26/15 6/24-6/25/15 OCSD Regular BOD & GWRS Dedication Fountain Valley ,CA -$ -$ 52$ -$ -$ 52$ 6/30/15 7/29/15 MWDOC Water Policy Forum Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ -$ 80$ -$ 80$ -$ 261$ Collett 4/13/15 6/7-6/10/15 AWWA ACE Conference Anaheim, CA -$ -$ 94$ 795$ -$ 889$ 6/26/15 6/26/15 GWRS Dedication Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 26$ -$ -$ 26$ 6/30/15 7/29/15 MWDOC Water Policy Forum -$ -$ -$ 80$ -$ 80$ -$ 996$ Hawkins 4/13/15 6/7-6/10/15 AWWA ACE Conference Anaheim, CA -$ -$ -$ 125$ -$ 125$ 6/26/15 6/1/15 WACO Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 32$ -$ -$ 32$ 6/26/15 6/2/15 AWWA Anaheim, CA -$ -$ 25$ -$ -$ 25$ 6/30/15 7/29/15 MWDOC Water Policy Forum Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ -$ 80$ -$ 80$ -$ 262$ Kiley 4/30/15 4/1-30/2015 Meetings at various locations Multiple locations -$ -$ 133$ -$ -$ 133$ 4/13/15 6/7-6/10/15 AWWA ACE Conference Anaheim, CA 30$ -$ 113$ 795$ -$ 939$ 4/30/15 5/4-5/5/15 WateReuse Conference Huntington Beach, CA 23$ -$ 88$ 600$ 10$ 722$ 4/30/15 4/24/15 So. Cal Water Committee Rancho Sta. Margarita, CA -$ -$ 70$ -$ -$ 70$ 5/29/15 5/1-5/20/15 WACO, Drought Response, Mesa Water Tour, OCWD Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 109$ -$ -$ 109$ 6/26/15 6/17,6/29/15 OCWD Regular BOD & MWDOC Elected Officials Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ 47$ -$ -$ 47$ 6/30/15 8/26-8/28/15 Urban Water Institute Conference Lake Forest, CA -$ -$ -$ 475$ -$ 475$ 6/30/15 7/29/15 MWDOC Water Policy Forum Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ -$ 80$ -$ 80$ -$ 2,574$ Melton 4/13/15 6/7-6/10/15 AWWA ACE Conference Costa Mesa, CA -$ -$ -$ 795$ -$ 795$ 6/30/15 7/29/15 MWDOC Water Policy Forum Fountain Valley, CA -$ -$ -$ 80$ -$ 80$ -$ 875$ Total Director's 54$ -$ 919$ 3,985$ 10$ 4,968$ 4,968$ General Manager Marcantonio 4/13/15 05/04-05/07/15 AWWA Conference & SWRCB Sacramento, CA 90$ 664$ 515$ 695$ 24$ 1,988$ 5/15/15 7/12-7/14/15 CSDA GM Summit Newport Beach, CA -$ -$ -$ 625$ -$ 625$ 5/29/15 5/1, 5/13-15/15 WACO, OCWD & OC Water Summit Multiple Locations -$ -$ 92$ -$ -$ 92$ 6/26/15 6/07-6/10/15 AWWA ACE Conference Anaheim, CA -$ -$ 48$ -$ -$ 48$ 6/26/15 6/15-24/2015 City of Yorba Linda, MWDOC, ACWA SWRCB, OCWD Multiple Locations -$ -$ 46$ -$ -$ 46$ 6/30/15 7/29/15 MWDOC Water Policy Forum Fountain Valley -$ -$ -$ 80$ -$ 80$ Total GM 90$ 664$ 701$ 1,400$ 24$ 2,879$ 2,879$ Total Director's & GM 144$ 664$ 1,621$ 5,385$ 34$ 7,847$ 7,847$ DIRECTOR'S & GENERAL MANAGER'S RECAP OF TRAVEL/CONFERENCE EXPENSES FOURTH QUARTER OF FY 2014-15 APRIL - JUNE 2015 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES 4TH QUARTER REPORT FROM 04-01-2015 TO 06-30-2015 FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 BEVERAGE COLLETT HAWKINS KILEY MELTON SUB-TOTAL MARCANTONIO TOTAL REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 6 6 3 6 6 27 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 3 7 0 2 3 15 OFF SITE MEETINGS ATTENDED 10 5 6 7 8 36 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED 5 4 5 5 5 24 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 4 8 3 9 6 30 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED QTD 28 30 17 29 28 132 132 DIRECTOR FEES QTD $4,200 $4,500 $2,550 $4,350 $4,200 $19,800 $19,800 MEETING FEES BUDGET QTD $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $22,500 $22,500 TRAVEL & CONF. EXPENSES QTD $261 $996 $262 $2,574 $875 $4,968 $4,968 TRAVEL & CONF. BUDGET QTD $470 $470 $470 $470 $470 $2,350 $2,350 DIR.FEES AND EXPENSES QTD $4,461 $5,496 $2,812 $6,924 $5,075 $24,768 $24,768 FEES AND EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 $24,850 $24,850 GEN MGR EXPENSES QTD $2,879 $2,879 GEN MGR TRAVEL/CONF. BUDGET QTD $500 $500 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES QTD $4,461 $5,496 $2,812 $6,924 $5,075 $24,768 $2,879 $27,647 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET QTD $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 $4,970 $24,850 $500 $25,350 BEVERAGE COLLETT HAWKINS KILEY MELTON SUB-TOTAL MARCANTONIO TOTAL DIRECTORS: REGULAR MEETINGS ATTENDED 24 24 18 22 23 111 COMMITTEE MEETINGS ATTENDED 26 25 14 23 21 109 OFF SITE MEETINGS ATTENDED 22 31 17 29 33 132 SPECIAL MEETINGS ATTENDED 17 15 14 15 16 77 OTHER MEETINGS ATTENDED 10 17 5 29 12 73 TOTAL MEETINGS ATTENDED YTD 99 112 68 118 105 502 502 DIRECTOR FEES YTD $14,850 $16,800 $10,200 $17,700 $15,750 $75,300 $75,300 MEETING FEES BUDGET YTD $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $90,000 $90,000 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES EXPENSES YTD $1,249 $1,268 $470 $8,412 $2,413 $13,812 $13,812 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE BUDGET YTD $1,880 $1,880 $1,880 $1,880 $1,880 $9,400 $9,400 TOTAL DIRECTORS FEES & EXPENSES YTD $16,099 $18,068 $10,670 $26,112 $18,163 $89,112 $89,112 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET YTD $19,880 $19,880 $19,880 $19,880 $19,880 $99,400 $99,400 GENERAL MANAGER EXPENSES YTD $6,872 $6,872 GENERAL MANAGER TRAVEL & CONFERENCE BUDGET YTD $2,000 $2,000 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES YTD $16,099 $18,068 $10,670 $26,112 $18,163 $89,112 $6,872 $95,984 TOTAL FEES & EXPENSES BUDGET YTD $19,880 $19,880 $19,880 $19,880 $19,880 $99,400 $2,000 $101,400 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DIRECTORS AND GENERAL MANAGER FEES AND EXPENSES YEAR-TO-DATE REPORT FROM 07-01-2014 TO 6-30-15 FISCAL YEAR 2014-2015 ITEM NO. 8.8 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Budgeted:N/A To:Board of Directors Funding Source:N/A From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Dept:Engineering Reviewed by Legal:Yes Prepared By:Ricardo Hipolito Jr., Engineering Tech II CEQA Compliance:N/A Subject:Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Christian and Claudia Spaulding SUMMARY: The District has a recorded sewer pipeline easement within Lot 61 of Tract No. 8421. The property owners, Christian and Claudia Spaulding, are proposing to construct first and second story room additions with a balcony/deck near the District easement. The property is located at 6212 Bridle Ln. as shown on the attached exhibit. Staff reviewed the request and recommends approval subject to the execution of a Declaration of Restrictive Covenants. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the President and Secretary to execute the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with Christian and Claudia Spaulding. DISCUSSION: Property owners Christian and Claudia Spaulding are seeking to obtain a building permit from the City of Yorba Linda for the construction of first and second story room additions with a balcony/deck on their existing two-story single-family residence. The proposed first and second- story room additions will expand along the east, south, and west sides of their house. The existing ten-foot wide District sewer easement runs within the southern property line. The proposed first and second floor additions will be constructed within 5.5 feet of an active 8-inch sewer main pipeline for which the additions could potentially interfere with the free and complete exercise of the easement held by the Yorba Linda Water District. Additionally, an existing pool, gate, palm trees, fence and concrete slab (Improvements) were found to encroach into said easement, as shown on the enclosed exhibit. Staff reviewed the applicants' request and determined the improvements would have minimal impact on operations and maintenance of the District's facilities. To further protect the District interest, staff recommends the execution of the attached Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, subject to approval as to form by General Counsel. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors authorized execution of similar Declaration of Restrictive Covenants with various developers and property owners. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: DORC_-_6212_Bridle_Ln_-_Christian_Spaulding.pdf Declaration of Restrictive Covenants - 6212 Bridle Ln Backup Material Exhibit_A_-_6212_Bridle_Ln.pdf Exhibit A - DoRC 6212 Bridle Ln Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. RECORDING REQUESTED BY and when recorded return to: Yorba Linda Water District P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, California 92885-0309 This is to certify that this Declaration of Restrictive Covenants is presented for recording under the provisions of Gov. Code Sec. 27383 by the Yorba Linda Water District in performance of an official service thereof. ____________________________________ Marc Marcantonio General Manager Space Above This Line for Recorder’s Use DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (ENCROACHMENT ON DISTRICT EASEMENT) THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS (“Declaration”) is made this 13th day of August, 2015 by and between YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ("YLWD"), a public agency, created and operating under the authority of Division 12 of the California Water Code, and CHRISTIAN T. SPAULDING AND CLAUDIA C. SPAULDING (collectively, “Owner”), with reference to the following recitals of fact: RECITALS A. Owner is the legal owner of that certain real property located at 6212 Bridle Lane, Yorba Linda, California 92886 ("Subject Property"), which is more particularly described as follows: LOT 61, OF TRACT NO. 8421, IN THE CITY OF YORBA LINDA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 388, PAGES 7 THROUGH 12 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. B. YLWD owns an Easement, as identified on the Deed of Easement, recorded on May 6, 1975, in Book 1, Pages 1394 through 1825, Official Records of Orange County, California (“Easement”), across a portion of the Subject Property. Within the Easement, YLWD owns and maintains an 8-inch sewer main (“District Facilities”). C. Owner desires to construct first and second story room additions with a balcony/deck and air conditioning units, while retaining an existing swimming pool, gate, palm trees, fence and concrete slab (collectively herein referred to as “Improvements”) within and along the Easement area (hereinafter, “Encroachment”), as illustrated in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto and incorporated by reference herewith. D. YLWD conditionally consents to Encroachment of the Improvements within and along the Easement area as stipulated in this Declaration. Owner is aware that the Improvements may lead to problems affecting and/or interfering with YLWD’s use of the Easement. E. Although the construction of the Improvements or existence of walls, structures, and other improvements within and along the Easement area may interfere or restrict YLWD’s Easement rights, Owner wishes to construct and use the Improvements within or along the Easement area. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the above recitals, YLWD and Owner declare as follows: 1. Covenant Running with Land. This Declaration constitutes a covenant running with the land as provided by the California Civil Code section 1468 and shall benefit, burden, and bind the successive owners of the Subject Property and the Easement. 2. Successors and Assigns Bound. Since Owner wishes to retain the Encroachment, this Declaration obligates the current and future owners of the Subject Property to remedy any future adverse events and to fund any necessary maintenance costs on the Easement and/or Subject Property that may arise in full or in part due to the existence, construction, or damages caused by the Encroachment. 3. Damages to District Facilities. Owner assumes full responsibility, liability and shall pay for any cost(s) or damage(s) to the District Facilities and appurtenant structures, arising from or related to the construction, existence, and/or use of the Improvements. YLWD shall not be responsible for any cost(s) or damage(s) to the District Facilities and appurtenant structures that arise from the Encroachment. 4. Damages to Third Parties. Owner, its successors or assigns, agrees to defend, indemnify and hold YLWD, its officers, directors, employees, agents and consultants, harmless against any third party claims related to or arising out of the construction, existence and/or use of the Improvements. 5. Damages to Improvements. Owner acknowledges that the Improvements may be damaged or demolished to permit reasonable access to or reasonable work within and under the Easement area. YLWD, its officers, directors, employees, agents and consultants, shall not be responsible for any damage(s) to or because of the Improvements which results from YLWD's exercise of rights under the Easement. Owner, its successors or assigns, waives all known, unknown, and future claims, liabilities, causes of action, and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees) against YLWD, its officers, directors, employees, agents and consultants, for losses and damages to the Improvement and from any obligation to protect, preserve, repair, or replace the Improvement. Construction, use, protection, repair and replacement of the Improvement shall be entirely the risk and obligation of Owner, its successors or assigns, even if damage is caused by YLWD. 6. Recording of Agreement. This Declaration shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Orange, California, and shall constitute notice to all successors and assigns of the title to the Subject Property of the rights and obligations set forth herein. Approved as to Form: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Kidman Law, LLP _______________________________ Arthur G. Kidman Ric Collett General Counsel President Marc Marcantonio Secretary OWNER: Christian T. Spaulding Claudia C. Spaulding I EXISTING 4- BARBECUE — / ' I IZ 9- AREA / EXISTING W PROPeR� SWIMMING POOL I w O� fJ ✓p I � 1p. i �r / EXISTING CONCRETE ' SLAB I _- EXISTING — I 1 5, I YLWD EASEMENT EXISTING PROPOSED FIRST 06212 Bridle Ln < PAATIORED AND SECOND STORY FjC \ STORIED OM ADDITIONS 1 ai EXISTING TWO Ion CONCRETE I SINGLE FAMILY SLAB I DWELLING I I PROPOSED AIR fy /� I CONDITIONING UNITS L -- — I i EXISTING FENCE PROPOSED I VICINITY MAP OPEN PORCH EXISTING EXISTING GATE CONCRETE EXISTING DRIVEWAY PALM TREES IN I I I EXISTING BRIDLE LN. I 8"SEWER MAIN � I — SS--- Ss— I — SS--- ss-- ss—— — ss-- � SS--- ss--- LOCATION MAP PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: N.T.S. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS DATE: 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE FOR 8/13/2015 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 6212 BRIDLE LN, YORBA LINDA FILENAME: (714) 701-3100 ITEM NO. 9.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Budgeted:No Total Budget:$2.3M To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$1,232,000 Funding Source:All Water Funds From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Job No:2009-22#21 Presented By:Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Dept:Engineering Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Alex Thomas, Water Quality Engineer CEQA Compliance:MND Subject:Construction Contract Award for the Well No. 21 Wellhead Equipping Project SUMMARY: On August 5, 2015, bids were received from twelve contractors for construction of the Well No. 21 Wellhead Equipping Project. Following review of the bids, staff recommends award to the low- bidder, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. for $910,487.00. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors award the Construction Contract for the Well No. 21 Wellhead Equipping Project to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. for $910,487.00, Job No. 2009- 22 #21. DISCUSSION: On June 22, 2015 the District solicited bids for the construction of a high-efficiency vertical-turbine well pump and appurtenances capable of producing about 3,000 gallons per minute of ground water. This well facility is part of the District Board's long-term plan to utilize the District's full allocation of lower cost groundwater in place of the more costly imported water from the Metropolitan Water District. This project will also further the District's mission of having two redundant water sources to serve all of our customers. The Well 21 Equipping Project was approved by the Board on June 25, 2015, as part of the Capital Improvement Plan and Annual Operating Budget for FY 2015/16. The benefits of this project, as described above, were considered in the District's financial planning and in the recently completed rate study. On August 5, 2015, sealed bids were received from twelve contractors, in a highly competitive bidding climate. The design consultant provided an Engineer's Estimate of $1,232,900. The 12 bids ranged from a low of $910,487 to a high of $1,248,031, as shown in the summary below. The bid tabulation and bid documents from the low bidder, Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc., were reviewed and confirmed by District staff and found to be responsive and fully in order. Accordingly, staff recommends award to Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc. No.Contractor Total Bid Amount 1 Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc.$910,487.00 2 Schuler Constructors, Inc.$914,870.00 3 Cora Constructors, Inc $980,000.00 4 Fleming Environmental, Inc.$1,033,846.00 5 R C Foster Corporation, Inc.$1,072,873.77 6 Pyramid Building & Engineering, Inc $1,101,650.00 7 Metro Builders, Inc.$1,109,652.50 8 Norman Olsson Construction, Inc.$1,130,790.00 9 Environmental Construction, Inc $1,148,433.00 10 MMC Construction, Inc.$1,159,080.00 11 GRFCO, Inc.$1,204,760.00 12 SCW Construction Inc.$1,248,031.00 STRATEGIC PLAN: SR 3-B: Continue Planning for Long Term Capital Improvements and Replacements into the future PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On October 10, 2013, the Board of Directors authorized execution of a Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to provide engineering design, bidding support services and construction management for Wellhead Equipping of YLWD Well No. 21 in the amount not to exceed $147,258. Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 PH/RK 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. ITEM NO. 9.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Dept:Administration Prepared By:Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Manager Subject:ACWA Committee Appointment Nominees for 2016-2017 Term SUMMARY: Committees are an integral part of ACWA's activities and policy development. The end of the current committee term is in December 2015 and ACWA has requested nominations from its membership. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider nominations for ACWA Committee appointments for the 2016-2017 term, including a nomination for Mr. Art Kidman to continue serving on the the ACWA State Legislative Committee (SLC) of which he has served for 37 of the past 40 years. DISCUSSION: ACWA has requested nominations for consideration for upcoming committee appointments for the 2016- 2017 term. Attached are descriptions of each of the committee's purposes and responsibilities including the number and location of meetings held each year. Current committee members must stand again for reappointment by completing and submitting to ACWA the attached committee consideration form by September 30, 2015. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 2-D: Enhance the District's Regional Water and Wastewater Industry Participation PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): Mr. Art Kidman is currently serving on the ACWA Legal Affairs Committee. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: ACWA_NOMINATIONS.pdf ACWA NOMINATION PACKET Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 PH/RK 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. Nominating Mr. Art Kidman to serve on the ACWA State Legislative Committee for the 2015-2017 term. RECEIVED Association of California Water Agencies AUG 6 2015 Since 1910• YORBA LINDA WATER 01 STRICT MEMORANDUM August 3, 2015 TO: ACWA MEMBER AGENCY BOARD PRESIDENTS ACWA MEMBER AGENCY GENERAL MANAGERS FROM: JOHN COLEMAN,ACWA PRESIDENT SUBJECT: ACWA COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT NOMINATIONS FOR THE 2016-2017 TERM PLEASE RESPOND BY SEPTEMBER 30, 2015 Committees are an integral part of ACWA's activities and policy development. The end of the current committee term is fast approaching and it is time again to request committee nominations from ACWA members. New officers (President/Vice President) will be elected at the fall conference by the general membership, so it is time to prepare to reconstitute all committees for the 2016-2017 term. In submitting names for consideration,please do so with the understanding that committees need active, involved individuals able to expend the time and provide their expertise if appointed. Please keep in mind that the district is responsible for all costs associated with the participation of its representatives on committees. An important part of helping committees function as effectively as possible is attendance. ACWA's bylaws state, "Two consecutive, unexcused absences from an ACWA limited committee shall constitute a resignation and a replacement will be named as soon as possible." Also, those with a record of repeated, excused absences will be reviewed and considered for replacement. The following information is enclosed in this packet. • ACWA Policy Committee Guidelines • ACWA Committee Purposes and Responsibilities • Committee attendance records (only for limited committees) • Committee consideration form (before you begin,please make extra copies) • Sample committee consideration form Association of California Water Agencies 910 K Street, Suite 100, Sacramento, California 95814-3577 916/441-4545 iAx 916/325-4849 Hall of the States 400 N. Capitol St., N.W.,Suite 357 South,Washington, D.C. 20001-1512 202/434-4760 FAx 202/434-4763 www.acwa.com ACWA POLICY COMMITTEE GUIDELINES GENERAL COMMITTEES 1. All committees of the Association shall strive to provide continuity in leadership, shall geographically distribute membership and shall ensure all regions are adequately represented. 2. All committee chairs, vice chairs, and members shall be appointed by the president, and shall serve for a term to coincide with that of the president. 3. Nominations for committee appointments shall be made in writing by members for consideration by the region chair and vice chair. If an agency chooses to designate a representative other than a director or salaried staff member, written confirmation to that effect must be received in the ACWA office prior to appointment consideration. Nomination forms (aka Committee Consideration Form) can be obtained from the Association office or on-line at www.acwa.com. a. Where membership on a given ACWA committee is limited, only one representative from an agency may be appointed. Since we do not count the chairperson in the maximum count, then one person could be on the committee that is from the same agency as the chairperson. Other individuals representing an agency may serve on subcommittees of that committee. b. Unlimited committees may have more than one representative from an agency on their committees. 4. The committee chairperson shall: a. chair all meetings of the committee; b. submit a written report regarding committee activities for all meetings of the Board of Directors(with assistance from the ACWA staff committee liaison). C. pre-schedule meetings and check the ACWA calendar to foster total committee member attendance and avoid conflicts. The vice chairperson shall assume those duties in the chairperson's absence. 5. All committee appointments are made by the ACWA president following recommendations submitted by the region chairs and vice chairs. The appointments are for two years and run simultaneously with the board term. Committee chairpersons may appoint subcommittees as necessary to carry out the committee responsibilities. The subchair must be a member of the full committee, subcommittee members do not need to be a member of the full committee. W:/Committees/2016-2017 Committee Term/ACWA Committees/Committee Guidelines May 21,2013 ACWA COMMITTEES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IMPORTANT COMMITTEE INFORMATION ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR LIMITED COMMITTEES: Two consecutive, unexcused absences from an ACWA limited committee shall constitute a resignation and a replacement will be named as soon as possible. Travel required to any area of the state where a committee meeting is being held, and lack of a travel budget will not constitute an excused absence. **NOTE: When a committee member is "unable" to attend a meeting and has asked for an excused absence in advance of the meeting, they may send a representative from their agency for monitoring purposes only. However, the committee member will still be recorded with an excused absence from the meeting. The representative does not have a voting right.** STATE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ONLY: The State Legislative Committee will allow a member of the committee with an excused absence to designate an alternate. The committee member will be required to secure the concurrence of the appropriate ACWA Region Chair for the alternate. The committee member should provide the name of the alternate to ACWA's Director of State Relations prior to the committee meeting. The alternate will be authorized to fully participate in all discussions of the committee and to vote on issues before the committee. Committee members, including alternates, act on behalf of the region for which they were appointed to represent. GRASSROOTS OUTREACH. As a member of the committee,you will be enrolled as an active participant in ACWA's Grassroots Outreach Program. See ACWA's website for more information on the grassroots outreach program which supports ACWA's legislative and regulatory efforts. COMMITTEE VACANCIES WILL NOT BE FILLED AFTER THE SPRING COAT RENCE OF.-1.N' UPCn11L G ELECTION YEAR. BLUE INDICATES BYLAW COMMITTEE LANGUAGE. W:/Committee/Committee Purposes and Responsibilities June 2015 ACWA COIVIM[=ES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE 3 • Recommended positions regarding state and federal legislation to the State Legislative and Federal Affairs Committees • Assistance with the development, direction and work associated with representation before the Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other regulatory agencies dealing with energy • Educate members on all energy matters having impact on their operations FEDERAL AFFAIRS COMMTTEE-STANDING/L iml T/:U (S PER REGION ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: DAVID REYNOLDS MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • Two between conferences (Jan& Sept) in the Sacramento office • DC Conference—Attendance is not REQUIRED,but STRONGLY encouraged The purpose of the Federal Affairs Committee is to review all federal legislative proposals and regulatory proposals affecting members of the Association, after consulting with other appropriate committees, and to develop Association positions consistent with existing policy, where it has been established; recommend sponsorship of bills that will resolve problems or improve conditions for members of the Association; and assist in the establishment of the Association's federal legislation program. The committee shall consist of at least one and no more than five individuals from each region. Coordinates with other ACWA committees regarding their input on any issues directly related to federal issues before both Congress and the Federal administrative branches. The committee currently has four separate subcommittees. Committee members have the opportunity to sign-up for as many of the subcommittees as they want, plus being supplemented by other members with interest in a focused area. The subcommittees with areas of responsibility are: • Drinking Water&Energy Subcommittee: Responsible for the oversight and policy direction on Environmental Protection Agency and Energy- Water Nexus. • Water Supply Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on the Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act. • Infrastructure&Agriculture Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on the Clean Water Act, and agricultural issues. • Finance Technology&Research Subcommittee: Responsible for oversight and policy direction on financing water infrastructure legislation. W ICommittee/Committee Purposes and Responsibilities June 2015 ACWA Comm mEEs PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE 5 LEGAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE-STANDING/L/.t1/It, )(45 MAXIMUM) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: WHITNIE WILEY MEETINGS ARE HELD APPRoximATELY 2-3 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • As needed in between the conferences The purpose of the Legal Affairs Committee is to support the mission of the Association, and more particularly to deal with requests for assistance involving legal matters of significance to members of the Association, including but not limited to state and federal court litigation, water rights matters, selected regulatory and resources agency matters, proposed bylaw revisions, review of legislation as requested by the State Legislative Committee, etc. The committee shall consider matters and issues submitted to it in order to determine which ones are of major significance to members of the Association and, assuming a finding of major significance, recommend to the Board of Directors the position(s) which the committee believes the Association should take with respect thereto. The committee shall be composed of between 35 and 45 attorneys, each of whom shall be, or act as, counsel for a member of the Association, representing diverse interests within the Association, including but not limited to, different geographical areas throughout the state, large and small agencies, agricultural and urban agencies, agencies created under the various enabling statues, etc. The committee's primary purpose is to support the mission of the Association, and more particularly, to deal with requests for assistance involving legal matters of significance to ACWA member agencies, water rights matters, proposed ACWA bylaw revisions, etc. The committee also works with staff to produce publications to assist water agency officials in complying with applicable state and federal laws. The committee's areas of responsibility include: • Amicus curia filings on important cases • Commenting on proposed regulations and guidelines of state agencies such as Fair Political Practices Commission regulations or opinions and CEQA implementation guidelines • Entering a suit as primary litigant • Dealing with any water rights matters of interest to member agencies • Reviewing all proposed ACWA bylaws for technical competence and consistency with the nonprofit corporation law and other bylaws W ICommittee/Committee Purposes and Responsibilities June 2015 ACWA COMMIITBES PURPOSES AND RESPONSIBILITIES PAGE 7 STATE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE-STANDING/LI vuTE1)(4 PER REGION) ACWA STAFF LIAISON. WENDY RIDDERBUSCH MEETINGS ARE HELD APPROXIMATELY 1 0-12 TIMES A YEAR • Every three weeks during Session in the Sacramento Office • One planning meeting at the end of the year in the Sacramento Office The purpose of the State Legislative Committee is to review all state legislative proposals affecting members of the Association and to establish Association positions, consistent with existing policy, where it has been established; sponsor bills that will resolve problems or improve conditions for members of the Association; and assist in the establishment of the Association's legislative program. Sets state legislative policy for the Associations. Committee members are responsible for reading relevant legislation, developing positions, working with staff to draft appropriate amendments to bills, providing input to the ACWA Board of Directors, and directing ACWA legislative staff on legislative matters. WATER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE-STANDING/'_ (4 PER REGION) ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON: DAVE BOLLAND MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both the Fall and Spring conferences • Two between conferences in the Sacramento office The purpose of the Water Management Committee is to recommend policy and programs to the Board of Directors on an- area of concern in water management. Work with staff in developing and making recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding policy and programs on significant areas of concern in water management, review and recommend positions regarding legislation and regulations as requested by other committees. The committee is also responsible for the gathering and dissemination of information regarding management of agricultural and domestic water, conjunctive use, water management and conservation activities, development and use of water resources, and wastewater treatment and its reclamation and reuse. WATER QUALITY COMMITTEE-STANDING/UNLIMITED ACWA COMMITTEE STAFF LIAISON. ADAM WALUKIEWICZ MEETINGS ARE HELD 4 TIMES A YEAR • One at both Fall and Spring conferences • One in Northern California between conferences • One in Southern California between conferences Meeting time is allocated among three subcommittees: Aquatic Resources, Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water. W Xommittee/Committee Purposes and Responsibilities June 2015 Committee Name: Comm llnlrationS Committee 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting D 3/4/2014 Meeting D 5/6/2014 Meeting Date: 9/10/2014 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Abby Figueroa N/A N/A N/A Alexis Tate X X X Anjanette Shadley X X X Beth Beeman X X X Bette Boatmun X X X Bob Muir X X X Cary Keaten N/A N/A N/A Cristel Tufenkjian X X X Cynthia Davis X X X Eleanor Torres X X X Elise Howard X X X Heather Engel X X X Jason Foster X X X Jeff Reinhardt X X X Joel Metzger N/A N/A N/A Joseph Ramallo X X X Katie Ruark X X X Kevin Pearson X X X Lisa Westbrook N/A N/A N/A Lucy Eidam-Crocker X X X Luis Cetina N/A N/A N/A Manuel Aranda N/A N/A N/A Mary Ann Melleby X X X Mary Lou Cotton X X X Matt Young X X X Meggan Valencia X _ X X Melissa McChesney X X X Melissa Williams Ix X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Communications Committee Michele Underwood X I X X Michelle Reimers X X X Mike McNutt N/A N/A N/A Mike Henry X X X Saundra Jacobs X X X Stacy Taylor X X X Stephanie Moreno X X X Sue Stephenson X X X Teresa Alvarado X X X Terry Thomas X X X Thomas Pico X X X Yvonne Hester X X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Communications Committee 2- 0014,2015 C®mmAdme, Attendance Record Meeting O 12/2/2014 Meeting D 3/18/2015 Meeting Date: 5/5/2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Abby Figueroa X X X Alexis Tate X X X Anjanette Shadley X X X Beth Beeman X X Bette Boatmun X X X Bob Muir X X X Cary Keaten N/A N/A X Cristel Tufenkjian X X X Cynthia Davis X X X Eleanor Torres X X X Elise Howard X X X Heather Engel X X X Jason Foster X X X Jeff Reinhardt X X X Joel Metzger N/A N/A N/A Joseph Ramallo X X X Katie Ruark X X X Kevin Pearson X X X Lisa Westbrook N/A X X Lucy Eidam-Crocker X X X Luis Cetina N/A X Manuel Aranda N/A N/A X Mary Ann Melleby X X Mary Lou Cotton X _ X Matt Young X X X Meggan Valencia X X _ X Melissa McChesney X X X Melissa Williams X X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record 2014-2015 Federal Affairs Committee Roster Name Region 2/7/2014 516/2014 9/5/2014 12/2/2014 3/12/2015 5/5/2015 Ms. Linda Ackerman 10 P P P P P P Ms.Jennifer Allen 5 P P P P P P Mr.Ara Azhderian 6 E P P E P P Mr.Anthony Barkett 4 P P P A P E Mr.Thaddeus Bettner 2 P A P P A A Mr. David Breninger 3 E A P P A A Mr. Dave Brent 4 A P A NA NA NA Mr. David Coxey 2 P P P P P P Mr.Thomas Cumpston 3 P P P A E P Mr. Mitchell Dion 3 P NA NA NA NA NA Mr. David Eggerton 3 P P P P P NA Mr.John Franklin 10 A A A A NA NA Mr.Charles Gibson 10 P P P P P P Mr. Rick Gilmore 5 P P P P P P Mr.Jerry Gladbach 8 P P P P P P Ms. Lana Haddad 9 NA NA NA NA NA P Mr.Gene Harris 2 P P P A P P Ms.Jacqueline Howells 10 NA NA NA NA P P Mr. Matthew Hurley 6 P P P P P P Mr. Ronald Jacobsma 7 P P E P P NA Mr.Steven LaMar 10 P P P P E P Ms.Debi Livesay 9 P A P A NA NA Mr. Dennis Mayo 1 A P P A P P Ms. Lesa McIntosh 5 P P P E E P Mr. Kevin Milligan 9 NA NA NA NA P A Mr. David Orth 6 P P P P P P Mr. Harvey Ryan 9 P P P P P P Ms. Elsa Saxod 10 P P P A P P Mr. Neil Schild 4 P P P P A P Mr. Paul Sciuto 3 P P NA NA NA NA Mr. Brad Sherwood 1 P P P P P P Mr.Jeff Sutton 2 A A p P P P Ms. Pam Tobin 4 P A A A A P Mr.Sam Torres 9 E P P A A NA Mr. Michael Touhey 8 P P P P E P Ms.Jolene Walsh 9 P P P P P P Mr. Brent Walthall 7 P P P P P P Ms.Joy Warren 4 P A A A A A Mr.John Weed 5 P P P P P P Mr. Richard Williamson 9 P P A P A A Mr.Scott Wilson 5 P P E A P P Ms.Winifred Yancy 8 A A P A A A Ms.Adeline Yoong 8 A NA NA NA NA NA Ms. Dee Zinke 8 P P P P E P Mr.Greg Zlotnick 6 P P E E P P Committee, Nail�ie: Finance 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting Date: March 4,2014 Meeting Date: May 6,2014 Meeting Date: June 10,2014 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence U David Bixler X X X Stephen Cole X X X Robert Dean X X X Craig Ewing X X X Mark Gardner X X X Kendall Groom X X X Mike Hardesty X X X David Hodgin X X X Matthew Hurley X X X Joe Kuebler X X X Eric Larrabee X X X Mel Matthews X X X Judy Mirbegian X X X Joe Parker X X Dave Peterson X X X Bruce Rupp X X X Todd Rydstrom X X X Tom Scaglione X X X Peer Swan X X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Finance 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting Date: August 19,2014 Meeting Date: December 2,2014 Meeting Date: March 3, 2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused lAttended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused David Bixler X X X Stephen Cole X X X Robert Dean X X Craig Ewing X X X Mark Gardner X X X Bill George X Kendall Groom X X X Mike Hardesty X X X David Hodgin X X X Matthew Hurley X X X Joe Kuebler X X X Eric Larrabee X X X Mel Matthews X X X Judy Mirbegian X X X Joe Parker X X X Dave Peterson X X Bruce Rupp X X X Todd Rydstrom X X Eric Sandler X Tom Scaglione X X X Peer Swan X X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Finance 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting Date: May 5,2015 Meeting Date: June 9,2015 Meeting Date: Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused David Bixler X Stephen Cole X Robert Dean Craig Ewing X Mark Gardner X Bill George X Kendall Groom X Mike Hardesty X David Hodgin X Matthew Hurley X Joe Kuebler X Eric Larrabee X Mel Matthews X Judy Mirbegian X Joe Parker X Dave Peterson Bruce Rupp X Todd Rydstrom Eric Sandler X Tom Scaglione X Peer Swan DeAna Verbeke X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Legal Affairs 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting Date: May-14 Meeting Date: Dec-14 Meeting Date: May-15 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Hentschke x x x Buckman x x x Atlas x x x Bezerra x x x Bosso x x x Burton x x n/a Ciampa x x x Coty x x x Cumpston x x x Donlan x x x Etheridge x x x Fife x x x Fulcher x x x Gosney x x x Hughes x x x Horton n/a x x Jensen x x x Kidman x x x Kinsey x x x Kuney x x x Kuperberg x x x Lennihan x x x Masuda x x x Matheis x x x Milstein x x x Minaberrigarai x x x Miyaki x x x Morningstar x n/a n/a O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Legal Affairs Meeting Date: May-14 Meeting Date: Dec-14 Meeting Date: May-15 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Morris x x x Nordstrom x x x Rawlings x x x Rubin x x x Salt x x x Schricker x x x Shapiro x x x Shoaf x x x Shupe x x x Slawson x x x Smith, A x x x Smith, D Z x x x Smith,J x x x Somach x x x Thomas x x x Zolezzi x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Local Government 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting Date: December 2, 2014 Meeting Date: February 26, 2015 Meeting Date: May 5, 2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Jo MacKenzie, Chair x x x 2. Gary Skrel, Vice-Chair x x x 3. Barber, George x x x 4. Bentley, David x x x 5. Callender, Rick x x x 6. Compton, Christine x x x 7. Denn, Sandy x x x 8. Fisler, James x x x 9. Fuller, Victoria x x x 10. Gilmore, Rick x x x 11. Hinman, Susan x x x 12. Holmes, Elaine x x x 13. Hurley, Chase x x x 14. Leung, John x x x 15. Mayo, Dennis x x x 16. Peddicord, Meghan x x x 17. Poulsen, Brian x x x 18. Quigley, Dick x x x 19. Saunders, Ryan NA x x 20. Sullivan, Ron x x x 21. Thomas, Kevin x x x 22. Thompson, Rosalie x x x 23. Tobin, Pam x x x 24. Turner, Andrew x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee 2014-201.5 Comm kilee Atta ndance Record Meeting Date: January 10, 2014 Meeting Date: February 21, 2014 Meeting Date: March 14, 2014 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicz, Chair X X X 2. Kathy Cole, Vice-Chair x x X X x X 3. Adamson, Kim 4. Allen,Jennifer X X X 5. Bettner, Thad X X X 6. Buckman,Jennifer Louie Brown Louie Brown X 7. Coats, Danielle x x X 8. Compton, Christine x x X 9. Conant, Ernest x x x 10. Cooper, Dustin xx x X 11. Cortez, Patty/Glen Peterson X(PC) x (GP) (GP) Kim Ohara 12. Dean, Bob X X Mitch Dion 13. Dorotinsky, Nicole x x x 14. DuBay, Ann Tim Anderson X X 15. Dumaine, Marlaigne X X — Jennifer Franklin 16. Eggerton, David x x X 17. Farrel, Glenn x x x 18. Gilmore, Rick x x X 19. Goldsmith,Janet X x Elizabeth Leeper 20. Gosney, Timothy X Patty Cortez x 21. Green, Cathy Robert Ennis X X 22. Hardesty, Mike X X X 23. Herndon, Linda x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date: January 10, 2014 Meeting Date: February 21, 2014 Meeting Date: March 14, 2014 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 24. Hurley, Matthew X x x 25. Kapheim, Chris X x x 26. Kidman, Art X X Edd Beltran 27. Knott, Randi X x Jim Peifer 28. Michalczyk, Bert X x Tom Martinez 29. Moody, Scot X x x 30. Morrison, Greg x x x 31. Muelrath, Daniel X x x 32. Nordstrom, Michael X Doug Jensen x 33. O'Brien, Kevin X x X 34. Pieroni, Cathy X Moira Topp x 35. Poulsen, Brian X Paul Scuito X 36. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne X Eric Grubb x 37. Sansoni, Aldo X x x 38. Shadley Martin, Anjanette x x Peter Harman 39. Shoaf, Gerald D. x x x 40. Walthall, Brent X x x 41. Warren,Joy X X John Woodling O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date: April 4, 2014 Meeting Date: May 2, 2014 Meeting Date: June 6, 2014 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicz, Chair X X X 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair x x x Melanie X X Schumacher 3. Adamson, Kim 4. Allen,Jennifer X X X X X Walter Cotter 5. Bettner,Thad 6. Buckman,Jennifer Louie Brown x x 7. Coats, Danielle x x x 8. Compton, Christine x x x 9. Conant, Ernest x X X 10. Cooper, Dustin x X X 11. Glen Peterson x x x 12. Dean, Bob X X X 13. Dorotinsky, Nicole X Linda Reed x 14. DuBay, Ann X Tim Anderson X 15. Dumaine, Marlaigne X X X 16. Eggerton, David Paul Sciuto x X 17. Farrel, Glenn X X X 18. Gilmore, Rick x x x 19. Goldsmith,Janet X X x 20. Gosney,Timothy x x x 21. Green, Cathy x x Stacy Taylor 22. Hardesty, Mike X X John Woodling 23. Herndon, Linda X X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date: April 4, 2014 Meeting Date: May 2, 2014 Meeting Date: June 6, 2014 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 24. Hurley, Matthew X x x 25. Kapheim, Chris X x x 26. Kidman, Art X x x 27. Knott, Randi Jim Peifer X X 28. Michalczyk, Bert X x x 29. Moody, Scot X x x 30. Morrison, Greg x X Ron Davis 31. Muelrath, Daniel X x x 32. Nordstrom, Michael X x x 33. O'Brien, Kevin X x x 34. Pieroni, Cathy x x x 35. Poulsen, Brian X x x 36. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne x x x 37. Sansoni, Aldo X x x 38. Shadley Martin, Anjanette x x x 39. Shoaf, Gerald D./Melody McDonal x (GS) x(GS) x (MM) 40. Walthall, Brent X x x 41. Warren,Joy X x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Fume: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date:June 27, 2014 Meeting Date: August 8, 2014 Meeting Date: October 24, 2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicz, Chair Ryan Bezerra x X 2. Kathy Cole, Vice-Chair x x X 3. Adamson, Kim X x X 4. Allen,Jennifer x X x 5. Bettner,Thad X Walter Cotter Walter Cotter 6. Buckman,Jennifer Louie Brown Louie Brown X 7. Coats, Danielle x x X 8. Compton, Christine X X X 9. Conant, Ernest Bob Reeb x X 10. Cooper, Dustin x x x 11. Glen Peterson X x X 12. Dean, Bob X X X 13. Dorotinsky, Nicole X X X 14. DuBay, Ann X X X 15. Dumaine, Marlaigne x X X 16. Eggerton, David x x X 17. Farrel, Glenn Stacy Taylor x X 18. Gilmore, RICK Doug Jensen X X 19. Goldsmith,Janet x X X 20. Gosney,Timothy X X x 21. Green, Cathy x x Stacy Taylor 22. Hardesty, Mike x X X 23. Herndon, Linda x x X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date:June 27, 2014 Meeting Date: August 8, 2014 Meeting Date: October 24, 2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 24. Hurley, Matthew x X X Kendra 25. Kapheim, Chris x x Daijogo 26. Kidman, Art X Andrew Gagen X 27. Knott, Randi John Woodling X X 28. Michalczyk, Bert x x X 29. Moody, Scot X John Woodling X 30. Morrison, Greg x X X 31. Muelrath, Daniel x X x 32. Nordstrom, Michael x X X Meredith 33. O'Brien, Kevin Nikkei X x 34. Pieroni, Cathy Moira Topp X x 35. Poulsen, Brian x X Brian Reeb 36. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne X x x 37. Sansoni, Aldo X X X 38. Shadley Martin, Anjanette X X x 39. Melody McDonald x X X 40. Walthall, Brent x x X 41. Warren,Joy X X X O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Meeting Date: January 16,2015 Meeting Date: February 27,201 Meeting Date: March 20,2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicz,Chair X x x 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair X x x x x x 3. Adamson, Kim 4. Allen,Jennifer X x Antonio Alfaro 5. Bettner,Thad X x x 6. Buckman,Jennifer/Schafer RL X(JB) x x(RS) 7. Coats, Danielle X x x 8. Compton, Christine X x x 9. Conant, Ernest X x x 10. Cooper, Dustin X x x 11. Dorotinsky, Nicole X x x 12. DuBay,Ann X x x 13. Dumaine, Marlaigne X x x Shannon 14. Eggerton, David X x Cotulla 15. Farrel, Glenn X x x 16. Gilmore, Rick X x x 17. Goldsmith,Janet X x x 18. Gosney,Timothy X x x 19. Green, Cathy X Stacy Taylor Alicia Dunkin 20. Hardesty, Mike X Cary Keaton x 21. Herndon, Linda X x x 22. Hurley, Matthew X x x 23. Kapheim, Chris 1 X x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date: January 16, 2015 Meeting Date: February 27, 2015 Meeting Date: March 20,2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 24. Kidman, Art X x x Noelle 25. Knott, Randi Jim Peifer X Mattock 26. McDonald, Melody X X MannyAranda 27. Michalczyk, Bert X X Bob Shaver 28. Moody, Scot X x x 29. Morrison, Greg X x x 30. Muelrath, Daniel X x x 31. Nordstrom, Michael X x x 32. O'Brien, Kevin Rebecca Smith x x 33. Peterson, Glen X x x 34. Pieroni,Cathy X x x 35. Poulsen, Brian Bill George x x 36. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne X x x 37. Sansoni, Aldo X X X 38. Shadley Martin, Anjanette X _ X x 39. Walthall, Brent X X x Kendra 40. Warren, Joy X Daijogo X 41. Woodling,John X X Sean Bigley O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee 2014-2015 State Legislative Committee Attendani Meeting Date: April 10,2015 Meeting Date: May 1,2015 Meeting Date: June 5,2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcuse 1. Paul Bartkiewicz, Chair X Ryan Bezerra x 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair x x x 3. Adamson, Kim x x Robert Shaver 4. Allen,Jennifer x x x 5. Bettner,Thad Dave Coxey X David Coxey 6. Coats, Danielle x x x 7. Compton, Christine Stacy Taylor x X 8. Conant, Ernest x x x 9. Cooper, Dustin x x x 10. Dorotinsky, Nicole x x Linda Reed 11. DuBay,Ann x x x 12. Dumaine, Marlaigne x x x 13. Eggert-on, David x x x 14. Farrel, Glenn x x x 15. Gilmore, Rick x x X 16. Goldsmith,Janet x x x 17. Gosney,Timothy Patty Cortez x X 18. Green, Cathy x x x 19. Hardesty, Mike x x x 20. Herndon, Linda x x x 21. Hurley, Matthew x x x 22. Kapheim, Chris x x x 23. Kidman,Art x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date: April 10, 2015 Meeting Date: May 1, 2015 Meeting Date: June 5, 2015 Excused Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Noelle 24. Knott, Randi Mattock x x 25. McDonald, Melody x x x 26. Michalczyk, Bert x x x 27. Moody, Scot x X X 28. Morrison, Greg Lana Haddad x x 29. Muelrath, Daniel x X X 30. Nordstrom, Michael x X x Meredith 31. O'Brien, Kevin Nikkei x X 32. Peterson, Glen x x X 33. Pieroni, Cathy X Stacy Taylor x 34. Poulsen, Brian X x x 35. Russo-Pereyra, Jo Lynne X Kathy Tiegs x 36. Sansoni, Aldo x x x Stan 37. Shadley, Anjanette X Wangberg x 38. Schafer, R.L. x x x 39. Walthall, Brent Doug Jensen X X Kendra 40. Warren,Joy Daijogo X Gary Soiseth 41. Woodling,John x x x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: State Legislative Committee ce Record 2014-2015 State Legislative Committee Attendance Rec Meeting Date: June 26. 2015 Meeting Date: July 17,2015 Meeting Date: August 28,2015 Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 1. Paul Bartkiewicz, Chair Andrew Ramos 2. Kathy Cole,Vice-Chair x No longer on 3. Adamson, Kim Comm 4. Allen,Jennifer x 5. Bettner,Thad x 6. Coats, Danielle x 7. Compton, Christine x 8. Conant, Ernest x 9. Cooper, Dustin Peter Harman 10. Dorotinsky, Nicole x 11. DuBay,Ann x 12. Dumaine, Marlaigne Jennifer Franklin 13. Eggerton, David x 14. Farrel, Glenn x 15. Gilmore, Rick x 16. Goldsmith,Janet x 17. Gosney,Timothy x 18. Green, Cathy Stacy Taylor 19. Hardesty, Mike x 20. Herndon, Linda x 21. Hurley, Matthew x 22. Kapheim, Chris x 23. Kidman, Art x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee flame: State Legislative Committee Meeting Date: June 26. 2015 Meeting Date: July 17, 2015 Meeting Date: August 28, 2015 Excused Excused Committee Member Attended Excused Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused Attended Absence Unexcused 24. Knott, Randi X- 25. McDonald, Melody x 26. Michalczyk, Bert x 27. Moody, Scot x 28. Morrison, Greg x 29. Muelrath, Daniel x 30. Nordstrom, Michael x 31. O'Brien, Kevin x 32. Peterson, Glen x 33. Pieroni, Cathy x 34. Poulsen, Brian Bob Reeb 35. Russo-Pereyra,Jo Lynne Kathy Tiegs 36. Sansoni, Aldo x 37. Shadley, Anjanette x 38. Schafer, R.L. x 39. Walthall, Brent x 40. Warren,Joy Garysoiseth 41. Woodling,John x O:ACWA Committees/Attendance Record Committee Name: Watery �V&i ,i nammentr 2014-2015 Committee Attendance Record Committee Member 1 1/29/2014 3/11/2014 5/6/2014 8/12/2014 12/2/2014 5/8/2015 8/26/2014 12/1/2015 Kurt Arends A A A A E P Lewis Bair A E E E E E David Beard E E E E E E Chris Berch E E A U A E Thaddeus Bettner A A A A A P Scott Boyd E E E E E E Jennifer Burke E E E A A E David Cehrs A E A E A E Luis Cetina A A A E A E Robert Dean E A A E A [a`' .�,!1�r����1iI, ^,� Greg Dias E E A E A P David Eggerton A A A A A P Shana Epstein E E A A E E Thomas Fellenz U U U U Aaron Fukuda E E A A A P Rick Gilmore A A A A A E Tom Greci E E A A A E Paul Jones U A U U A E Chris Kapheim U U U E A E Thomas Love U A A U U E Debra Man E E E A E E Melody McDonald A A A A A P Bert Michalczyk A E A A E P Ruanne Mikkelsen E A A Daniel Muelrath E A E E E E Sheridan Nicholas E E A E A E Fernando Paludi A A A A A P Jim Peifer A A E E A P Dave Peterson, P.E. A A A E A P A-Attended; E-Excused Absence; U- Unexcused Absence Association of California Water Agencies _Since 1910 COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION FORM ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 910 K Street,Suite 100 Sacramento,California 95814-3577 (916)441-4545 Fax(916)325-4856 NAME, TITLE & EMAIL ADDRESS COMMITTEE *Rank 1=1st choice Please print legibly 2=2nd choice 3=3rd choice QUESTIONS? Please call Paula Quinn at ACWA(996)441-4545. RECOMMENDATION SUBMITTED BY: Official District/Company Name PLEASE WRITE IN YOUR DISTRICTiCOMPANYS OFFICIAL NAME PLEASE DO NOT USE ACRONYMS OR ABBREVIATIONS. Official District/Company Address: Phone SIGNATURE: Title Either the Agency/District General manager or Board President must sign this form. Association of California Water Agencies 910 K Street, Suite 100, Sacramento,California 95814-J577 916/441-4545 Fix 916/i25-4849 Hall of the States 4111 N.Capitol St., I\.W.,Suite 35'South,Washington, D.0 20001-1 51< 202/434-4760 IAx 202/134-4763 www.acwa.com Association of California Water Agencies 5in(e 1910 COMMITTEE CONSIDERATION FORM ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA WATER AGENCIES 910 K Street,Suite 100 Sacramento, California 95814-3577 (916)441-4545 Fax(916)325-4856 QUESTIONS? Please call Paula Quinn at ACWA(916)441-4545 or email at o ib ag(c�a�wa.com. NAME, TITLE & EMAIL ADDRESS COMMITTEE *xaak Ct 1=1st choice Please print legibly 3=3rd choice John Doe, General Manager, Federal Affa1rs;4b6Tnmittee 1 JohnDoe@xyz.com John Doe, General Manager, 'State LegislativeCommittee 2 JohnDoe@xyz.com Barbara Smith, Attorney, BSmith ab et ,Legal Affairs Committee 1 T.O. Goode, Chief = .*ater Management Committee 1 Engineer,TOG@sbcglobal.net r.' ORM? AUST BE COMPLETE TO BE PROCESSED. RECOMMENDATION SUBMITTED BY: OFFICIAL District/6ompa�3y Name PLEASE WRITE IN YOUR DISTRICT'COMPANY*S OFFICIAL NAME PLEASE DO NOT USE ACRONYMS OR ABBREVIATIONS OFFICIAL District/Company Address Phone SIGNATURE: Title Either the Agency/District General manager or Board President must sign this form. 4scociatinn of CaGiornia Water Agencies 9111 K vr",t , ;Ir, I`I! I t; 916/441-454 Hall of the States 41)0 IN 202/434-4760 www.acwa_c um ITEM NO. 9.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Prepared By:Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Subject:ACWA Region 10 Election of Officers and Board Members for 2016-2017 Term SUMMARY: ACWA's ten regions were established to provide geographic balance and representation by its membership throughout the state. Region 10 encompasses both Orange and San Diego counties and its board members are elected to represent the issues, concerns and needs of this region. The District is entitled to cast one vote for each of the Region 10 positions (Chair, Vice Chair and five members of the Board). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider voting for the Nominating Committee's recommended slate or individual candidates in the ACWA Region 10 Election. DISCUSSION: The Region 10 Chair and Vice Chair will serve on ACWA's Board of Directors for the next two year term of office beginning January 1, 2016. Additionally, the newly elected Chair and Vice Chair will make the Region 10 committee appointment recommendations to the ACWA President for the 2016-2017 term. Also, either the Chair or Vice Chair will hold a seat on the ACWA Finance Committee. The Region 10 ballot is attached and includes the individuals recommended by the Region 10 Nominating Committee or an option to vote for individual candidates for Chair, Vice Chair and five members of the Board. The completed ballot will need to be returned to ACWA by September 30, 2015. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The District has participated in previous ACWA Region 10 elections. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: ACWA_Region_10_Ballot.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 MB/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. Voting for the Nominating Committee's recommended slate of candidates in the ACWA Region 10 Election. 2016-2017Term Please return completed ballot by September 30, 2015 E-mail: anat@acwa.com Mail: ACWA 910 K Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95814 General Voting Instructions: 1 You may either vote for the slate recommended by the Region 10 Nominating Committee or vote for individual region board members (please note rules & regulations for specific qualifications). Mark the appropriate box to indicate your decision. 2 Complete your agency information. The authorized representative is deter- mined by your agency in ac- cordance with your agency’s policies and procedures. Region 10 Rules & Regulations: The chair and vice chair shall be from different counties. The 2016-2017 Term shall consist of a Chair and 2 Board Members from San Diego County and a Vice Chair and 3 Board Members from Orange County. At least one of the chair or vice chair positions must be an elected/ appointed director from a member agency. OffIcIalRegion 10 Board Ballot AgENCY NAME AuThORizED REpRESENTATiVE DATE 1 2 Nominating committee’s Recommended Slate i concur with the Region 10 Nominating Committee’s recommended slate below. chair: • Brian J. Brady, general Manager, Fallbrook public utility District (San Diego County) Vice chair: • cathy Green, president, Orange County Water District (Orange County) Board Members: • Jim Atkinson, Director, Mesa Water District (Orange County) • charles T. Gibson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District (Orange County) • larry McKenney, Metropolitan Water District Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County (Orange County) • Richard L. Vasquez, Director, Vista irrigation District (San Diego County) • DeAna Verbeke, Board president, helix Water District (San Diego County) OR Individual Board candidate Nominations (See Rules & Regulations before selecting) i do not concur with the Region 10 Nominating Committee’s recommended slate. i will vote for individual candidates below as indicated. candidates for chair: (choose one) Brian J. Brady, general Manager, Fallbrook public utility District (San Diego County) candidates for Vice chair: (choose one) cathy Green, president, Orange County Water District (Orange County) larry McKenney, Metropolitan Water District Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County (Orange County) candidates for Board Members: (Max of 5 choices) Jim Atkinson, Director, Mesa Water District (Orange County) Brian J. Brady, general Manager, Fallbrook public utility District (San Diego County) charles T. Gibson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District (Orange County) cathy Green, president, Orange County Water District (Orange County) Hal J. Martin, Director, Vallecitos Water District (San Diego County) larry McKenney, Metropolitan Water District Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County (Orange County) Richard L. Vasquez, Director, Vista irrigation District (San Diego County) DeAna Verbeke, Board president, helix Water District (San Diego County) ITEM NO. 11.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Subject:Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett / Melton) · Minutes of the meeting held July 28, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. · Next meeting is scheduled to be held September 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 072815_MWDOC_OCWD_-_Minutes.docx Minutes Minutes 1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE MEETING WITH MWDOC AND OCWD Tuesday, July 28, 2015, 4:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The July 28, 2015 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District’s Joint Agency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD was called to order at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Admin Conference Room at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue in Placentia, California 92870. 2. ROLL CALL YLWD COMMITTEE MEMBERS YLWD STAFF Director Ric Collett Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Director Gary Melton Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Damon Micalizzi, Public Information Mgr John DeCriscio, Operations Manager MWDOC COMMITTEE MEMBER MWDOC STAFF Director Brett Barbre Rob Hunter, General Manager OCWD COMMITTEE MEMBER OCWD STAFF Director Roger Yoh John Kennedy, Asst General Manager OTHER ATTENDEES None. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1. State Water Resources Control Board's Drought Response Mandate and Projection for Greater Conservation Mr. Hunter reported that conservation results for June for Orange County agencies have not been reported by the agencies or by the SWRCB. He does not believe that all agencies met their goal, but did well. Mr. Hunter indicated that Ms. Felicia Markus, Chair of the SWRCB, is still confirmed as the speaker for the Water Policy Forum and Dinner on July 29, 2015. 2 4.2. MWDOC Member Agencies Response to Drought and Turf Replacement Rebate Program Per Director Barbre, all of the MWD turf-removal rebate funds (about $400M) have been committed or reserved by applicants. Many of the applicants will replace with drought-tolerant landscaping rather than artificial turf. Rebate funds still available for water-saving devices. 4.3. MWD Water Supply Conditions and Outlook Director Barbre reported that MWD recently approved an agreement with Palo Verde Irrigation District that will transfer 50,000 AF of water from PVID to MWD. He also noted that conditions have improved along the Colorado River due to recent rains, and that reservoirs in northern California have about 20% more water than they did a year ago. 4.4. MWDOC's OC Water Reliability Investigation Mr. Hunter reported that work products are coming out over the next two months, with a draft report expected in the fall. The timing on this is good relative to OCWD’s consideration of the Poseidon Project and the preparation of the Urban Water Management Plans for MWDOC and its member agencies. 4.5. OCWD Groundwater Basin Condition, Basin Production Percentage, and Replenishment Assessment Mr. Kennedy reported that demand on groundwater has reduced due to mandated cutbacks on all producers by the SWRCB. OCWD projected a basin overdraft in the range of 416,000 AF, which is now revised to be in the range of 390,000 AF. He reported that GWRS production is just under 100 mgd at this time, limited by the availability of secondary effluent from OCSD. As a result of the recent rains, there is a pool of about 1,000 AF of storm water behind Prado Dam that will slowly be released for recharge. Flow in the SAR is down, due to conservation and recycling by upstream agencies. The BPP is 70%, with no projection on what it will be next year. 4.6. Huntington Beach Desalination Project and Next Steps Mr. Kennedy reported that OCWD continues to study the costs and options for 50,000 AF/year of desal water for groundwater recharge and/or sale to water providers. He noted that Poseidon is getting close to completing its reapplication to the Coastal Commission, which is expected to be rejected by Commission staff, after which the application will be resubmitted directly to the Commission Board for consideration in 2016. 4.7. Potential Projects for the Water Bond and Outlook for Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) Director Barbre reported that the BDCP has been split into two elements, environmental mitigation and project implementation. There have also been changes in proposed facilities, whereby pipe flow will be by gravity, with pumping facilities and electrical at the downstream end of the pipes. It is hoped that these changes will make it easier to meet environmental 3 concerns. Director Barbre also noted that Governor Brown, a strong proponent for the project, only has two more years in office. If he cannot get the project approved and in construction by then, it may likely die. 4.8. Status of North Basin and South Basin Projects Mr. Kennedy reported that efforts continue for each project for construction of interim facilities to arrest further spread of the plumes while long-term solutions and projects are implemented. He also noted that discussions continue with the regulatory agencies on oversight agreements for each project. 4.9. YLWD Well Projects and Proposal for Dual-Use Mr. Conklin reported that the Well 21 Equipping Project is out to bid at this time. The goal is to award the construction contract by September and complete construction in one year. This project includes a metered turnout from the well discharge to provide water for landscape irrigation for OCWD for the Warner Complex. 4.10. Future Agenda Items None. 5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. The next YLWD/MWDOC/OCWD Joint Agency Committee meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. SC ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Subject:Meetings from August 14, 2015 - September 30, 2015 ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: BOD_-_Activities_Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Event Date Attendance by: August 2015 Yorba Linda City CouncilTue, Aug 18Collett CASA Annual ConferenceWed, Aug 19Kiley MWDOCWed, Aug 19_____ OCWDWed, Aug 19Kiley CASA Annual ConferenceThu, Aug 20Kiley CASA Annual ConferenceFri, Aug 21Kiley Citizens Advisory Committee MeetingMon, Aug 24Collett UWI Annual ConferenceWed, Aug 26Kiley Joint Committee Meeting with City of Yorba LindaWed, Aug 26Collett Yorba Linda Planning CommissionWed, Aug 26Hawkins OCSDWed, Aug 26Kiley/Beverage UWI Annual ConferenceThu, Aug 27Kiley Yorba Linda LMCACThu, Aug 27Beverage (As Needed) UWI Annual ConferenceFri, Aug 28Kiley Board of Directors Regular MeetingMon, Aug 31 September 2015 Yorba Linda City CouncilTue, Sep 1Beverage MWDOCWed, Sep 2Melton OCSD Operations CommitteeWed, Sep 2Kiley/Beverage OCWDWed, Sep 2Collett WACOFri, Sep 4Hawkins/Kiley District Offices ClosedMon, Sep 7 LAFCOWed, Sep 9Beverage (As Needed) Yorba Linda Planning CommissionWed, Sep 9Melton Board of Directors Regular MeetingThu, Sep 10 Yorba Linda LMCACThu, Sep 10Beverage (As Needed) Yorba Linda City CouncilTue, Sep 15Collett MWDOCWed, Sep 16Melton OCWDWed, Sep 16Kiley Board of Directors Special MeetingThu, Sep 17 CSDA Annual ConferenceMon, Sep 21 CSDA Annual ConferenceTue, Sep 22 Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWDTue, Sep 22Collett/Melton CSDA Annual ConferenceWed, Sep 23 OCSDWed, Sep 23Kiley/Beverage Yorba Linda Planning CommissionWed, Sep 23Hawkins CSDA Annual ConferenceThu, Sep 24 Board of Directors Regular MeetingThu, Sep 24 Yorba Linda LMCACThu, Sep 24Beverage (As Needed) Citizens Advisory Committee MeetingMon, Sep 28Collett Joint Committee Meeting with City of PlacentiaTue, Sep 29Melton/Kiley 8:00AM 8:30AM 6:30PM 8:30AM 2:00PM 8:00AM 8:00AM 4:00PM 8:00AM 6:30PM 6:30PM 8:30AM 6:30PM 6:30PM 8:30AM 5:30PM 6:30PM 5:00PM 5:30PM 7:30AM 7:00AM 8:00AM 6:30PM 8:00AM 8:30AM 6:30PM 8:30AM 8:00AM 10:00AM 6:30PM 6:30PM 8:00AM 6:30PM 8:00AM 8:30AM 5:30PM 8:00AM 8:00AM 8:30AM Board of Directors Activity Calendar Time 6:30PM 8/9/2015 3:50:10 PM ITEM NO. 14.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 13, 2015 Subject:YLWD Drought Tolerant Landscaping Workshop - August 11, 2015 ISDOC Elected Officials Emergency Response Training - August 11 and 26, 2015 YL State of the City Address - October 14, 2015 CSDA Annual Conference - September 21-24, 2015 ACWA/JPIA Fall Conference - November 30 - December 1, 2015 ACWA Fall Conference - December 1-4, 2015 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize and/or ratify Director attendance at these events if desired. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: ISDOC_Training.pdf Backup Material Backup Material YL_State_of_the_City.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CSDA_Conference.pdf Backup Material Backup Material ACWA_Conference.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District 8/13/2015 RK/PH 4-0-0-1 GM was absent. ISDOC Elected Officials Emergency Response Training When Tuesday August 11, 2015 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM PDT Add to Calendar Where Orange County Emergency Operations Center 2644 Santiago Canyon Road Silverado, CA 92676 Driving Directions Connect with ISDOC Yesterday an email went out announcing our upcoming emergency response training for elected officials. As noted in the email, TWO DATES are available. Constant Contact (the site we use for our communications) does not allow two different dates to be displayed on the email itself, so to view that, you needed to click on "Register Now" to view and select. Below, please find detailed, easy to read information on the event. We hope you will register and join us for this important training. National Incident Management System Workshop for Special District Elected Officials All public agencies are required by law to provide assistance during emergency response or recovery operations. Emergency response training is required and is not limited to public agency staff. Policy makers (i.e. elected officials) are also required to receive training as representatives of their agencies. ISDOC is pleased to co-sponsor with WEROC a training workshop designed specifically for special district elected officials. Your district's entire board of directors is encouraged to attend the 90- minute workshop, which includes a certificate of completion. Two Dates are Being Offered:  Tuesday, August 11, 2015  11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. OR  Wednesday, August 26, 2015  11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Optional County EOC Tour: An optional tour of the Orange County Emergency Operations Center will be provided following the training. (Approximately 20 minutes) Location: Orange County Emergency Operations Center (Email Heather if you need a map. It can be confusing). Carpooling is encouraged due to limited parking. Lunch & Cost: $13 - Includes taco bar, drink & dessert ` OE 10R8 `�yo CITY OF YO R BA LINDA P. O . BOX 87014 CALIFORNIA 92686-8714 'ryCORAORpAtEO �4b1 July 20, 2015 RECEIVED Yorba Linda Water District JUL 2 7 2015 Ric Collett 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Placentia, CA 92870 Dear Ric Collett: On October 14, 2015, the City of Yorba Linda and the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce will host the 2015 State of the City Address featuring the Honorable Mayor Gene Hernandez as he presents the progress and plans for our great City of Yorba Linda. This event will take place in the magnificent East Room of the Richard Nixon Library and Museum from 11 :30 a.m. - 1 :30 p .m. We would like to take this opportunity to personally invite Yorba Linda Water District to share in this experience by becoming a corporate sponsor. The sponsorship levels are as follows: Title Sponsor ($2,500 or more) Sponsorship benefits include eight seats at the event, three minutes at the podium, and recognition in the event program. Gold Sponsor ($1,000) Sponsorship benefits include eight seats at the event and recognition in the event program. Silver Sponsor ($500) Sponsorship benefits include four seats at the event and recognition in event program. Bronze Sponsor ($300) Sponsorship benefits include tivo seats at the event and recognition in the event program. If you are interested in sponsorship information, please contact Phyllis Coleman, Executive Director for the Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce at (714) 993-9537 or at info @yorbalindachamber.com. Information and payment information are also available on the Chamber' s website at www.yorbalindachamber.org. We look forward to seeing you on October 14th! Si cerely, "ho 5 Gene Hernandez Mayor, City of Yorba Linda t 7 Phyllis Coleman Executive Director, Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce BIRTHPLACE OF RICHARD NIXON-37TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES conference.csda.net • #csdaconf201514 2015 Conference SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2015 Registration 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. So You Want to Be A General Manager?* 8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. SDLF: Special District Administrator (SDA) Exam 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Building Confidence in Public Speaking* 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Special District Leadership Academy Module 1: Governance Foundations* 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Communication Strategies for Board Members and General Managers*12:00 - 3:00 p.m. CSDA Annual Golf Tournament*10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Elk Horn Slough Safari ™ and Moss Landing Harbor District Tours*10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Pure Water Monterey Tour*12:00 - 3:00 p.m. District NetWorks Meetings 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. President’s Reception with the Exhibitors 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2015 Registration 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Exhibitor Showcase Open 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors 7:30 - 8:45 a.m. Opening Keynote Presentation: Peter Sheahan - FLIP! Creative Strategies for Turning Challenges into Opportunity and Change into Advantage 9:00 - 10:45 a.m. Breakout Session Options 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Lunch with the Exhibitors 12:00 - 1:45 p.m. Breakout Session Options 2:00 - 3:15 p.m. Breakout Session Options 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. Mix and Mingle in the Exhibit Hall + Grand Prize Drawing 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Closes 6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 Registration All day SDRMA sponsored full plated breakfast 8:15 - 9:00 a.m. SDRMA General Session, Safety Awards and Keynote Presentation: Michael Bazzell - Hiding from the Internet 9:00 - 10:45 a.m. CSDA Finance Corporation Board Meeting 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Breakout Session Options 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. CSDA Annual Awards Luncheon 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. Breakout Session Options 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. Breakout Session Options 3:45 - 4:45 p.m. SDLF Taste of the City Event: BBQ, Blues and Brews 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 Registration 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Breakout Session Options 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Closing Brunch: 2015 Legislative Update 10:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. * p r e - r e g i s t r a t i o n / p a y m e n t r e q u i r e d 2015 Conference SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Creative Strategies for Turning Challenges into Opportunity and Change into Advantage 2015 CSDA Annual Conference & Exhibitor Showcase 15 Three Ways to Register: 1. ONLINE by visiting the CSDA Annual Conference website at conference.csda.net 2. FAX your registration form to 916-520-2465. All faxed forms must include payment. 3. MAIL CSDA, 1112 I Street, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95814, please include registration form along with payment. Check should be made payable to: California Special Districts Association. Not sure if you are a member? Contact the CSDA office at 877-924-2732 to find out if your agency or company is already a member. To learn more about the benefits of membership contact Cathrine Lemaire at cathrinel@csda.net or call toll-free 877-924-2732. Registration fee includes: • President’s Reception with the Exhibitors Monday evening • Keynote Sessions and all Breakout Sessions • Continental Breakfast with the Exhibitors on Tuesday • Lunch with the Exhibitors on Tuesday • Mix and Mingle in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday • SDRMA Full Plated Breakfast on Wednesday • Awards Luncheon on Wednesday • SDLF “Taste of the City” Reception on Wednesday • Closing Brunch on Thursday Name:Title: District: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email:Website: Emergency Contact: Member status: Member Non-member Vegetarian Any Special Needs: Conference Registration Fees Early Bird (on or before Aug. 14)Regular (after Aug. 14)SUBTOTAL CSDA Member - Full Conference $550.00 $600.00 Non-member - Full Conference $750.00 $800.00 Guest - Full Conference (Cannot be from a district/company) Vegetarian $260.00 $300.00 CSDA Member - One-day registration Tuesday Wednesday Thursday $260.00 each day $275.00 each day Non-member - One-day registration Tuesday Wednesday Thursday $375.00 each day $435.00 each day Separate Registration Fees SUBTOTAL Pre-Conference Workshop: SDLA Module 1: Governance Foundations - Sept. 21 $225.00 $375.00 Pre-Conference Workshop: Building Confidence in Public Speaking - Sept. 21 $225.00 $375.00 Pre-Conference Workshop: Comm. Strategies for Board Members & Gen. Man. - Sept. 21 $125.00 $175.00 Pre-Conference Workshop: So You Want to Be A General Manager? - Sept. 21 $100.00 (includes breakfast and lunch) (limited to 20 attendees) Tour: Moss Landing Harbor District and Elkhorn Slough Safari™ - Sept. 21 $ 48.00 (includes transportation) (limited to 21 attendees) Tour: Pure Water Monterey, Monterey Peninsula Water Management District and Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency - Sept. 21 $ 45.00 (includes transportation and lunch) CSDA Golf Tournament - Sept. 21 $ 95.00 (includes lunch) CSDA Awards Luncheon (Guests only) - Sept. 23 $ 40.00 SDLF “Taste of the City” Reception (Guests only) - Sept. 23 $ 55.00 TOTAL Payment type: Check Visa MasterCard AMEX Discover Account name:Account Number: Expiration date:Authorized Signature: Member Non-member Cancellations/Substitution Policy: Cancellations must be in writing and received by CSDA not later than August 28, 2015. All cancellations received by this date will be refunded less a $75 processing fee. There will be no refunds for cancellations made after August 28, 2015. Substitutions are acceptable and must be done in writing no later than September 4, 2015. Please submit any cancellation notice or substitution request to sharonf@csda.net or fax to 916-520-2465. Consent to Use Photographic Images: Registration and attendance at, or participation in, CSDA meeting and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to CSDA’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes of such events and activities. ATTENDEE REGISTRATION FORM one form per attendee, please print 2015 Conference Last modified: 07/27/15 ACWA 2015 Fall Conference & ExhibitionPRELIMINARY AGENDA Renaissance & Hyatt Regency, Indian Wells DEC1–42015 All conference programs are subject to change. ACWA/JPIA - MONDAY, NOV. 30 8:30 – 10:00 AM • Employee Benefits Program Committee Meeting 10:15 – 11:15 AM • ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee 1:30 – 4:00 PM • ACWA/JPIA Board of Directors 4:00 – 5:00 PM • ACWA/JPIA Town Hall 5:00 – 6:00 PM • ACWA/JPIA Reception TUESDAY, DEC. 1 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM • Registration 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM • ACWA/JPIA: Seminars 10:00 – 11:45 AM • Groundwater Committee • Water Quality Committee 11:00 AM – Noon • Outreach Task Force Noon – 2:00 PM • ACWA 101 & Luncheon • Committee Lunch Break 1:00 – 2:45 PM • Energy Committee • Finance Committee • Scholarship & Awards Subcommittee • Water Management Committee 2:00 – 4:00 PM • SDLF Special District Administrator Certification Test 1:30 – 3:30 PM • ACWA/JPIA: Sexual Harassament Prevention for Board Members & Managers (AB 1825) 3:00 – 4:45 PM • Communications Committee • Federal Affairs Committee • Local Government Committee • Membership Committee 5:00 – 6:30 PM • Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2 7:30 AM – 5 PM • Registration 8:00 – 9:45 AM • Opening Breakfast (Ticket Required) 9:00 AM – Noon & 1:30 – 5:00 PM • Exhibit Hall 10:00 – 11:30 AM • Attorneys Program • Communications Committee Program • Energy Committee Program • Exhibitor Technical Presentations • Finance Program • Human Resources Program • Region Issue Forum • Statewide Issue Forum 11:30 – 11:45 AM • Prize Drawing in the Exhibit Hall 11:45 AM – 1:45 PM • General Session & Luncheon (Ticket Required) 2:00 – 3:15 PM • Aquatic Resources Subommittee • Attorneys Program • Exhibitor Technical Presentation • Human Resources Program • Region Program • Town Hall 3:30 – 4:45 PM • Energy Committee Program • Exhibitor Technical Presentation • Finance Program • Statewide Issue Forum • Water Industry Trends Program 4:00 – 6:00 PM • Legal Affairs Committee 4:30 – 5:30 PM • Beer & Wine Mixer - Hosted by Exhibitors 5:30 – 7:00 PM • CalDesal Hosted Mixer • CH2MHILL Hosted Reception THURSDAY, DEC. 3 7:30 AM – 4 PM • Registration 8:00 AM – Noon • Exhibit Hall 8:00 – 9:15 AM • Networking Continental Breakfast (Ticket Required) 9:30 – 11:00 AM • Attorneys Program • Exhibitor Technical Presentations • Finance Program • Human Resources Program • Region Issue Forum • Statewide Issue Forum 9:30 - 11:45 AM • Ethics Training (AB 1234) 11:00 – 11:30 AM • Prize Drawings in the Exhibit Hall 11:45 AM – 1:45 PM • General Session & Luncheon (Ticket Required) 2:00 – 3:15 PM • Attorneys Program • Exhibitor Technical Presentations • Federal Issues Forum • Statewide Issue Forum • Water Industry Trends Program 3:30 – 5 PM • Regions 1 –10 Membership Meetings 6:00 – 7:00 PM • Outreach Reception 7:00 – 9:30 PM • Dinner & Entertainment (Ticket Required) FRIDAY, DEC. 4 8:00 – 9:30 AM • Registration 8:30 – 10:00 AM • ACWA’s Hans Doe Past Presidents’ Breakfast in Partnership with ACWA/JPIA (Ticket Required) OTHER EVENTS THURSDAY, DEC. 3 6:45 – 8:30 AM • San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Water Committee ACWA 2015 Fall Conference & Exhibition REGISTRATION, MEALS & HOTEL PRICING Renaissance & Hyatt Regency, Indian Wells PRICING REFERENCE SHEET REGISTRATION FEES & OPTIONS REGULAR ONSITE Advantage (For ACWA public agency members, affiliates & associates ONLY) (ends 11/9/15) Full Conference Registration & Meals Package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $695 Not Avail . Full Conference Registration Only (meals sold separately) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $535 $560 One-Day Conference Registration (meals sold separately): Wednesday 12/2 -OR- Thursday 12/3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 $325 Wednesday registration includes Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening. Thursday registration includes ability to purchase a ticket for Friday breakfast. Standard (Applies to non-members of ACWA) Full Conference Registration Only (meals sold separately) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $805 $830 One-Day Conference Registration (meals sold separately): Wednesday 12/2 -OR- Thursday 12/3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $450 $475 Wednesday registration includes Welcome Reception on Tuesday evening. Thursday registration includes ability to purchase a ticket for Friday breakfast. Guest (Guest registration is not available to anyone with a professional reason to attend.) Guest Conference Registration (meals sold separately) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 $45 MEAL FUNCTIONS REGULAR ONSITE Wednesday – December 2 Opening Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 $50 Wednesday Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 $55 Thursday – December 3 Networking Continental Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35 $40 Thursday Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 $55 Thursday Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65 $70 Friday – December 4 Friday Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 $50 HOTEL INFORMATION Reservations will not be accepted until August 24. DEC1–4 2015 Register online @ acwa.com Regular registration and cancellation deadline is November 9, 2015 • 4:30 p.m. (PST) Questions? Contact us at 916 .441 .4545, toll free 888 .666 .2292 . Conference terms and conditions available at acwa.com in the event section. You must be registered for the ACWA conference in order to receive hotel reservation information and conference special room rate. Conference special rate is available August 24 – November 13, based on availability. Special Hotel Rates Renaissance Indian Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single/Double $175 Subject to fees (per room per night): 11.25% Occupancy Tax, 2% Business Tax, 1% Tourism Marketing District, and a per night $.60 CA Tourism Fee Hyatt Regency Indian Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single/Double $185 Subject to fees (per room per night): 11.25% Occupancy Tax, 2% Business Tax, 1% Tourism Marketing District, a per night $0.60 CA Tourism Fee and $18 resort fee Important Dates: For those registering for conference prior to August 24, hotel information will be provided via e-mail on August 24 . For those registering for conference from August 24 to November 13, your confirmation e-mail will include hotel reservation information and an opportunity to receive a conference special hotel rate . NEED TO REGISTER ON SOMEONE ELSE’S BEHALF? YOU CAN NOW SIGN-IN AS YOURSELF - After you’ve logged-in, you can select from a list of people affiliated with your company and proceed to register him/her for the event . If the registrant is not listed, you will have the opportunity to create a Portal profile for him/her before registering .