HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-07-23 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet
Thursday, July 23, 2015, 8:30 AM
1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia, CA 92870
Ric Collett, President
Michael J. Beverage, Vice President
Phil Hawkins
Robert R. Kiley
Gary T. Melton
Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which
they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment
when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited
to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three
All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents
covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion.
There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further
6.1. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in
the amount of $1,382,307.13.
This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to
formal Board action.
7.1. Annual Lump Sum Prepayment to CalPERS for the Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL)
Recommendation: That the Board of Director's authorize staff to pay the annual
lump sum prepayment to California Public Employee’s Retirement System as
budgeted for the Retirement Benefit Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL) in the
amount of $206,619.
7.2. OPEB Deposit with CERBT
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors authorize staff to deposit $197,742
(the District’s Annual Required Contribution) to the California Employee’s
Retirement Benefit Trust (CERBT) for FY 2015/16.
7.3. Notice of Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increase and Schedule a Public Hearing
Recommendation: That the Board of Director's authorize staff to mail a Notice of
Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increase to the District's customers notifying them
of proposed changes to their water and sewer rate for the upcoming five fiscal years
and schedule a Public Hearing on September 17, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
7.4. Sewer Charges Collected on the Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2015/16
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 15-17 Electing
to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2015/16 Tax
Roll and Superseding Resolution No. 14-10.
7.5. Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Agreed upon between the District
and Employees of the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for the
Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 15-18
Amending Resolution No. 15-06 to Modify and Further Clarify the Salaries, Benefits
and Special Conditions Agreed upon between the District and Employees of the
Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for the Remainder of Fiscal
Years 2015-2018.
7.6. Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Offered by the District to
Supervisory and Confidential Employees for the Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 15-19
Amending Resolution No. 15-07 to Modify and Further Clarify the Salaries, Benefits
and Special Conditions Offered by the District to Professional And Confidential
Employees (formerly Supervisory and Confidential Employees) for the Remainder
of Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
7.7. Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Offered by the District to
Management Employees for the Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018
Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 15-20
Amending Resolution No. 15-08 to Modify and Further Clarify the Salaries, Benefits
and Special Conditions Offered by the District to Management Employees for the
Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
This portion of the agenda is for matters that cannot reasonably be expected to be concluded by action of the
Board of Directors at the meeting, such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for
which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Board of Directors. Time permitting, it is generally in the
District’s interest to discuss these more complex matters at one meeting and consider formal action at another
meeting. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only.
8.1. Potential Amendments to Ordinance No. 09-01 Instituting Water Conservation Measures,
Prohibition Against Water Waste and Water Shortage Supply Contingencies
8.2. Potential Amendments to Ordinance No. 15-01 Instituting Drought Penalties to Comply
with State of California Mandate
8.3. "Communication with Those Charged with Governance" Letter
8.4. Status of Legislative Affairs
9.1. President's Report
9.2. Directors' Reports
· Weymouth Water Treatment Plant Inspection Trip - July 17, 2015
9.3. General Manager's Report
9.4. General Counsel's Report
9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD
(Collett / Melton)
· Next meeting is scheduled to be held July 28, 2015 at 4:00 p.m.
10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Placentia
(Melton / Kiley)
· Minutes of the meeting held June 22, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. (To be provided at the next
regular Board meeting.)
· Next meeting is scheduled to be held July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Golden State
Water in Placentia.
10.3. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda
(Collett / Beverage)
· Minutes of the meeting held June 23, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
· Minutes of the meeting held July 22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (To be provided at the next
regular Board meeting.)
· Next meeting is yet to be scheduled.
10.4. Citizens Advisory Committee
· Next meeting is scheduled to be held July 27, 2015 at 8:30 a.m.
11.1. YL LMCAC - July 9, 2015 (Beverage - As Needed)
11.2. WACO - July 10, 2015 (Hawkins/Kiley)
11.3. MWDOC Board - July 15, 2015 (Melton)
11.4. OCWD Board - July 15, 2015 (Kiley)
11.5. YL Planning Commission - July 15, 2015 (Melton)
11.6. YL City Council - July 21, 2015 (Beverage)
11.7. YL Planning Commission - July 22, 2015 (_____)
11.8. OCSD - July 22, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage)
12.1. Meetings from July 24, 2015 - August 31, 2015
The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is
excused during these discussions.
13.1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Section
54956.9 of the California Government Code
Related to potential claim submitted on behalf of Stephen Wight.
Number of Potential Cases: One
14.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, August 13, 2015 at
8:30 a.m.
Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting
Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items
and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for
public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870,
during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s internet
website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/.
Accommodations for the Disabled
Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be
able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba
Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and
the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the
District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should
make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation.
ITEM NO. 6.1
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015 Budgeted:Yes
To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$1,382,307.13
Funding Source:All Funds
From:Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance
Reviewed by Legal:N/A
Prepared By:Richard Cabadas, Accounting
Assistant I
CEQA Compliance:N/A
Subject:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers
Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they
have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of
disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval.
That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $1,382,307.13.
The major items on this disbursement list are as follows: A check of $104,644.89 to ACWA/JPIA for August
2015 medical and dental premium; a check of $267,213.80 to MWDOC for FY 15/16 annual retail service
connections; a wire of $406,104.12 to MWDOC for May 2015 water purchases; a wire of $39,071.88 to So.
California Edison for June 2015 electricity charges for multiple locations; and a wire of $22,470.63 to
Southern California Gas Company for June 2015 gas charges for multiple locations. The balance of
$282,315.51 is routine invoices.
The Accounts Payable check register total is $1,121,820.83; Payroll No. 14 total is $260,486.30; and the
disbursements of this agenda report are $1,382,307.13. A summary of the checks is attached.
The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly.
15-CS_0723.pdf CAP SHEET Backup Material
CkReg072315.pdf CHECK REGISTER Backup Material
15_CC_0723.pdf CREDIT CARD SUMMARY Backup Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the Yorba
Linda Water District
PH/RK 5-0
July 14, 2015
Computer Checks 65944—66046 $ 654,174.20
Void Check 65281 & 65199 $ 0.00
$ 654,174.20
W071515 MWDOC $ 406,104.12
W072115 So. California Edison $ 39,071.88
W072115A So. California Gas Co. $ 22,470.63
____________ $ 467,646.63
TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $1,121,820.83
Direct Deposits $ 162,500.63
Third Party Checks 6181—6188 $ 49,942.20
Payroll Taxes $ 48,043.47
$ 260,486.30
TOTAL OF PAYROLL $260,486.30
MEETING OF July 23, 2015
Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description
65966 07/23/2015 ACWA/JPIA 104,644.89 MED & DENTAL PREMIUM - AUGUST
66045 07/23/2015 ACWA/JPIA 25,979.23 2ND QTR 2015 WORKERS COMP CALC
65948 07/23/2015 AGUSTIN MARTIN 193.21 CUSTOMER REFUND
65967 07/23/2015 Alternative Hose Inc.250.50 HOSE ASSEMBLY - UNIT #168
65968 07/23/2015 Apollo Technologies Inc.430.00 WATER TREATMENT - CLOSED LOOPS
65969 07/23/2015 Aqua-Metric Sales Co.24,765.14 WAREHOUSE STOCK
65970 07/23/2015 Aramark 211.44 UNIFORM SERVICE
65980 07/23/2015 ARC 103.40 PLANWELL DATA NETWORK
65971 07/23/2015 Armando Raya 144.96 BOOT REIMBURSEMENT - RAYA, A
65972 07/23/2015 Barker and Sons Plumbing Inc.5,772.00 INSTALLATION - WATER SERVICE LINES
65973 07/23/2015 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 BEE COLONY ABATATEMENT
65974 07/23/2015 Bill Mc Cue 80.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT - D2 -MCCUE
65959 07/23/2015 BRYAN HOOPER 930.00 CUSTOMER REFUND
65975 07/23/2015 Cal Municipal Treasurers Assn 155.00 CMTA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 15/16
65976 07/23/2015 CalCard US Bank 5,261.54 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS FROM JUNE & JULY 2015
65977 07/23/2015 CDW Government, Inc 564.20 IT - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT
65978 07/23/2015 Chambers Group Inc.2,739.71 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - JUNE 2015
65979 07/23/2015 City Of Placentia 4,428.46 SEWER FEES - JUNE 2015
65994 07/23/2015 Costco Online 144.67 DROUGHT LANDSCAPE WORKSHOP
65981 07/23/2015 Culligan of Santa Ana 2,020.46 EQUIPMENT - PE SOFTENER
65982 07/23/2015 Dell Marketing L.P.11,498.75 IT - COMPUTER EQUIPMENT
65984 07/23/2015 E. H. Wachs Company 493.57 MACHINE CONTROL CABLE #180&195
65985 07/23/2015 Eisel Enterprises, Inc.309.96 J2014-09 - MTR BOX AND COVER
65986 07/23/2015 Employee Relations, Inc.324.15 PRE-EMPLOYMENT BACK UP INFO
65989 07/23/2015 EyeMed 1,403.14 EYE MED - JULY 2015
65987 07/23/2015 Facility Solutions Group Inc 598.87 LIGHTING MAINTENANCE
65988 07/23/2015 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc.161.00 AUTO MAINTENANCE - UNIT #173
65990 07/23/2015 Flex Advantage 112.50 FLEX ADVANTAGE - JUNE 2015
65991 07/23/2015 Fry's Electronics 1,673.69 BACK UP POWER SYSTEMS
65992 07/23/2015 Fuller Truck Accessories 87.28 ACCESSORY DIVIDER
65945 07/23/2015 GABRIELLE ALI 124.20 CUSTOMER REFUND
65993 07/23/2015 Haaker Equipment Co.385.71 RELIEF VALVE, CAT #168
65995 07/23/2015 Hydrex Pest Control 350.00 PEST CONTROL - JUNE & JULY 2015
65996 07/23/2015 Industrial Hearing 690.00 AUDIOMETRIC TESTING - EE
65997 07/23/2015 Infosend Inc.3,322.30 DATA, PRINT & POSTAGE
65998 07/23/2015 Inland Group 3,080.16 J2015-SWRCB - WTR CONSERVATION ORDINANCE
65999 07/23/2015 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 227.31 SPARK PLUGS
66000 07/23/2015 Jeff Mc Donald 155.00 CERTIFICATE REIMBURSEMENT - MCDONALD
65954 07/23/2015 JEFF NELSON 178.09 CUSTOMER REFUND
66001 07/23/2015 John Bogosian 594.76 AUTO MAINTENANCE
65956 07/23/2015 JUNZHONG WU 24.19 CUSTOMER REFUND
65951 07/23/2015 KATE COOGAN 33.34 CUSTOMER REFUND
65960 07/23/2015 KEITH QUIJADA 98.03 CUSTOMER REFUND
66002 07/23/2015 Kidman Law 9,330.50 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE
66003 07/23/2015 Konica Minolta Business 567.01 BIZHUB C552 & 181 - JULY 2015
66004 07/23/2015 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 1,699.50 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICE
66006 07/23/2015 Managed Health Network 168.75 EAP - JULY 2015
66007 07/23/2015 Marina Landscape, Inc 4,114.68 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE - JUNE 15
66008 07/23/2015 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 202.55 HARDWARE SUPPLIES
66009 07/23/2015 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.251.60 WAREHOUSE SUPPLIES
66044 07/23/2015 Merging Communications, Inc.402.50 VOICE MAIL PROGRAMMING
65963 07/23/2015 MIAOYI LAN 134.16 CUSTOMER REFUND
66010 07/23/2015 Morton Salt, Inc.2,448.09 BULK SOLAR WHITE CRYSTAL
66043 07/23/2015 Municipal Water District 267,213.80 ANNUAL RETAIL SERVICE CONNECTION
W071515 07/15/2015 Municipal Water District 406,104.12 WATER DELIVERIES - MAY 2015
66011 07/23/2015 Muzak LLC 80.18 MUSIC - JULY 2015
66012 07/23/2015 MWH Americas, Inc.31,706.24 2010-11B - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
66013 07/23/2015 NatPay Online Business Solutions 23.25 DOCULIVERY - JUNE 2015
Yorba Linda Water District
Check Register
For Checks Dated: 07/10/2015 thru 7/23/2015
65955 07/23/2015 NEEL ADVANI 69.46 CUSTOMER REFUND
66014 07/23/2015 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 5,837.06 FUEL - JUNE 2015
66016 07/23/2015 Norris Tower, Incorporated 972.55 EMERGENCY SERVICE - 1/28/15
66015 07/23/2015 Northern Tool & Equipment Co 300.89 3/8"X50' HOSE REEL - UNIT 207
66017 07/23/2015 Occu-Med, Ltd.503.00 OUT OF AREA EXAMS
66018 07/23/2015 Office Solutions 254.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES
66019 07/23/2015 One Source Distributors, LLC 12.53 FREIGHT CHARGES - LIGHTBULBS
66021 07/23/2015 Orange County - Tax Collector 23,141.26 LAFCO COST - FY 2015/2016
66046 07/23/2015 Orange County - Tax Collector 27.52 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT#2014-0677
66020 07/23/2015 Orange County Register 1,122.00 ORDINANCE 15-01 - JUNE 4, 2015
66028 07/23/2015 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.983.73 +30 FILL SAND & 3/4" CL 2 BASE
66023 07/23/2015 Pacific Truck Equipment Inc.34,889.81 SERVICE BODY - FORD 350
66024 07/23/2015 Parts Source Anaheim 9.27 FORD TRUCK - UNIT 173
65961 07/23/2015 PAUL DIGIULIO 217.29 CUSTOMER REFUND
66025 07/23/2015 Powerstride Battery 94.66 BATTERY - PS96R-675
66026 07/23/2015 Praxair Distribution 159.05 SPEC MD ALUM 100-200
66027 07/23/2015 Prudential Group Insurance 3,958.03 INSURANCE LIFE/ADD/LTD & STD
66029 07/23/2015 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc.23,801.32 PROF. SERVICES - JUNE 2015
66030 07/23/2015 RKI Engineering, LLC 11,800.00 SCADA WORK - ON SITE SERVICES
66031 07/23/2015 Sanders Paving, Inc.1,000.00 ASPHALT REPAIR - SPEED BUMP
66032 07/23/2015 SC Prime Source Inc.4,800.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE - JULY
66033 07/23/2015 Security Solutions 509.00 DELUX 5 CH & 4 CH-TRANSMITTER
66034 07/23/2015 Shred-It USA Inc 126.87 ON-SITE SHRED SERVICE
65944 07/23/2015 SONJA KIM 50.77 CUSTOMER REFUND
66035 07/23/2015 South Coast AQMD 6,026.19 EMMISION PERMIT - 5252 HIGHLAN
66036 07/23/2015 Southern Calif Edison Co.1,305.00 (1) SERVICE PACKAGE - QTY 9
W072115 07/21/2015 Southern Calif Edison Co.39,071.88 ELECTRIC CHARGES - VARIOUS LOCATIONS - JUNE 2015
W072115A 07/21/2015 Southern Calif Gas Co.22,470.63 GAS CHARGES - VARIOUS LOCATIONS - JUNE 2015
66038 07/23/2015 St.Jude Hospital Yorba Linda 320.00 DOT - DRUG SCREEN & PHYSICAL
66037 07/23/2015 Staples Business Advantage 160.10 OFFICE SUPPLIES
66005 07/23/2015 The Lighthouse Inc.310.77 LED LIGHTHEAD - UNIT 207
66039 07/23/2015 Time Warner Cable 2,956.80 BASIC CABLE - MIRALOMA AVE & RICHFIELD BCF FIBER INET
66041 07/23/2015 U S Postmaster 40.00 REPLENISH PO BOX DEP #PD95021
66040 07/23/2015 Underground Service Alert 268.50 YLWDIST NEW TICKET CHARGES
66042 07/23/2015 VISTA DEL VERDE II, L.P.1,000.00 CASH SECURITY REFUND - J2010-04
65983 07/23/2015 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 1,450.00 2ND INTERIM BILLING - F/S -YE
65965 07/23/2015 ZHUO WANG 205.60 CUSTOMER REFUND
Date Vendor Name Amount Description
6/15/2015 Grainger 117.88 Hose roller guide
6/22/2015 Realtruck.com 169.99 Seat covers - Unit 183
6/22/2015 HomeSecurityStore.com 145.07 (3) Smoke & Heat detectors for Highland
6/24/2015 AWWA-CANV 550.00 Water conservation - Grade 2
6/26/2015 7-Eleven 59.29 Ice for community outreach even - Relay for Life
6/29/2015 Farmer Boys 29.65 FYE meeting with meter reading staff discuss 15/16 objectives
6/29/2015 Amazon.com 65.00 (2) GlobalSat GPS receivers
6/29/2015 KB Design 154.44 Polo shirts for water conservation
6/29/2015 Marcone 46.48 Motor for refrigerator at crews quarter
6/30/2015 Fry's Electronics 620.98 SCADA equipment and supplies
6/30/2015 Vintage Trailer Supply 31.24 Plunger & door stops
6/30/2015 Home Depot 20.36 Hardware supplies for sewer crew
6/30/2015 Praxair 194.12 Welding supplies for valve crew
6/30/2015 Orchard Supply 21.59 Paint thinner for Cla-Val crew
6/30/2015 Dan Copp Crushing 300.00 Dumpload of Asphalt & Concrete
7/1/2015 ISDOC 51.00 ISDOC luncheon registration - Dir. Kiley, Marcantonio & Micalizzi
7/1/2015 Orchard Supply 10.79 Mapp Gas for Cla-Val crew
7/2/2015 Orchard Supply Hardware 64.78 Measuring wheel for turf removal program
7/2/2015 Michaels 64.77 Frames for operations building
7/2/2015 B&M Lawn Garden 366.12 New weed trimmer for facilities
7/6/2015 Home Depot 68.49 Lumber & screws for repair
7/7/2015 CASA 525.00 CASA conference registration (8/19-8/21) - Dir. Kiley
7/7/2015 Carl's Jr 16.59 Lunch meeting with Marcantonio and DeCriscio
7/7/2015 Fastenal 334.79 Milwaukee cordless drill kit
7/7/2015 Home Depot 49.27 Light - Ballast for fixtures
7/8/2015 FTP Today 59.95 ylwd.ftptoday.com - May 2015
7/8/2015 John Deere Landscape 27.43 Landscape repairs - irrigation parts
7/8/2015 C. Wells Pipeline Materials 846.72 Hydrant repair parts
7/9/2015 NY NY Las Vegas 90.72 Deposit - Lodging for disaster recovery project - Vega, A
7/9/2015 NY NY Las Vegas 90.72 Deposit - Lodging for disaster recovery project - Walkemeyer
7/9/2015 John Deere Landscape 68.31 Repair parts for irrigation system
Cal Card Credit Card
U S Bank
ITEM NO. 7.1
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
To:Board of Directors
From:Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance
Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant
Subject:Annual Lump Sum Prepayment to CalPERS for the Unfunded Accrued Liability
That the Board of Director's authorize staff to pay the annual lump sum prepayment to California
Public Employee’s Retirement System as budgeted for the Retirement Benefit Unfunded Accrued
Liability (UAL) in the amount of $206,619.
The District is a Pooled Participant in the California Public Employee’s Retirement System.
Historically, the District has contributed a Required Employer Payroll Contribution as a percentage of
eligible biweekly payroll earnings. In Fiscal Year 2014-15, the District’s biweekly contributions were as
follows: 11.522% for Tier I employees (Classic) and 8.435% for Tier II employees (employees hired
between January 26, 2012 and December 31, 2012). Within these percentages is the Unfunded
Accrued Liability (UAL) of 3.208% for Tier I employees and 1.353% for Tier II employees.
For Fiscal Year 2015-16, CalPERS is requiring that participating Pooled Business Partners pay the
UAL portion separately on a monthly “pay-as-you-go” basis or as an annual lump sum prepayment.
Based on the June 30, 2013 CalPERS Actuarial Valuation Report, the monthly “pay-as-you-go”
payment will be $17,852 ($214,224 for FY 15/16) or an annual prepayment of $206,619 for both tiers.
In paying the lump sum prepayment to CalPERS by July 31, 2015, the District will be able to take
advantage of an annual costs savings of $7,605.
FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a Timely
and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies
CalPERS_UAL_Invoices.pdf CalPERS Invoices Backup Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
MB/RK 5-0
888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
CaIPERS TTY: For Speech and Hearing Impaired (916)795-3240
Fax: (800)959-6545 1 www.calpers.ca.gov
California Public Employees'Retirement System
Yorba Linda Water District
Georgina Knight
1717 E. MIRALOMA DR. Business Unit: 1900
PLACENTIA, CA 92870 CaIPERS ID: 2682144221
Invoice Number: 100000014566488
Invoice Date: 07/02/2015
Due Date: 07/31/2015
Description Monthly Amount
Annual Unfunded Accrued Liability as of June 30, 2013 Valuation.
The total minimum required employer contribution is the sum of the Plan's
Employer Normal Cost Rate (expressed as a percentage of payroll) plus the
Employer Unfunded Accrued Liability Contribution Amount.
Your agency's monthly amount due toward the Unfunded Accrued Liability is:
Monthly Amount Due Date
$17,851.00 07/31/2015
If you would like to prepay the entire Annual Payment toward your Plan's
Unfunded Accrued Liability,you can submit the Annual Lump Sum
Prepayment amount of\$206,605.00 by 07/31/2015 instead of the monthly
amount listed above. .
Please refer to the June 30, 2013 actuarial valuation report for the details of this
calculation. Reports are available at CalPERS On-Line or by visiting
For questions concerning your invoice, please call our CaIPERS Customer
Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377) and ask to be referred to
the Actuarial Office.
Total Due $17,851.00
California Public Employees' Retirement System
Page 1 of 2
y� * 2 6 8 2 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 7 8 3
If you wish to pay this statement using Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT) payment method,
please visit MyCalPERS.CA.GOV. When using EFT, allow two banking days prior to the due
date for payment to be received at CaIPERS on time.
Return this portion with your check payable to: California Public Employees' Retirement System
Please include Customer ID on your check.
CalPERS ID: 2682144221
Send check/money order to: Invoice Number: 100000014566488
CalPERS Invoice Date: 07/02/2015
Financial Reporting &Accounting Services-Cashier Due Date: 07/31/2015
P.O. Box 942703 Amount Due: $17,851.00
Sacramento, CA 94229-2703
Amount Enclosed:
California Public Employees' Retirement System
Page 2 of 2
YI 2 6 8 2 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 7 8 3
888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
���`��._ Ca1PERS TTY: For Speech and Hearing Impaired (916)795-3240
Fax: (800)959-6545 1 www.calpers.ca.gov
California Public Employees'Retirement System
Yorba Linda Water District
Georgina Knight
1717 E. MIRALOMA DR. Business Unit: 1900
PLACENTIA, CA 92870 CalPERS ID: 2682144221
Invoice Number: 100000014566495
Invoice Date: 07/02/2015
Due Date: 07/31/2015
Description Monthly Amount
Annual Unfunded Accrued Liability as of June 30, 2013 Valuation.
The total minimum required employer contribution is the sum of the Plan's
Employer Normal Cost Rate (expressed as a percentage of payroll) plus the
Employer Unfunded Accrued Liability Contribution Amount.
Your agency's monthly amount due toward the Unfunded Accrued Liability is:
Monthly Amount Due Date
$1.00 07/31/2015
If you would like to prepay the entire Annual Payment toward your Plan's
Unfunded Accrued Liability, you can submit the Annual Lump Sum
Prepayment amount of$14.00 by 07/31/2015 instead of the monthly amount
listed above.
Please refer to the June 30, 2013 actuarial valuation report for the details of this
calculation. Reports are available at CalPERS On-Line or by visiting
For questions concerning your invoice, please call our CaIPERS Customer
Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377) and ask to be referred to
the Actuarial Office.
Total Due $1.00
California Public Employees' Retirement System
Page 1 of 2
S 2071
* 2 6 8 2 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 7 8 3
If you wish to pay this statement using Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT)payment method,
please visit MyCalPERS.CA.GOV. When using EFT, allow two banking days prior to the due
date for payment to be received at CaIPERS on time.
Return this portion with your check payable to: California Public Employees' Retirement System
Please include Customer ID on your check.
CalPERS ID: 2682144221
Send check/money order to: Invoice Number: 100000014566495
CalPERS Invoice Date: 07/02/2015
Financial Reporting &Accounting Services- Cashier Due Date: 07/31/2015
P.O. Box 942703 Amount Due: $1.00
Sacramento, CA 94229-2703
Amount Enclosed:
100000014566495 $
California Public Employees' Retirement System
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ITEM NO. 7.2
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
To: Board of Directors
From: Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept: Finance
Prepared By: Kelly McCann, Senior
Subject: OPEB Deposit with CERBT
That the Board of Directors authorize staff to deposit $197,742 (the District's Annual Required
Contribution) to the California Employee's Retirement Benefit Trust (CERBT) for FY 2015/16.
The District budgeted Annual Required Contribution (ARC) for Other Post-Employment Benefits
(OPEB) for FY 2015/16 is $197,742. The actuarially projected OPEB "pay-as-you-go" expenses for
FY 2015-16 are $149,358.
For the 2015/16, staff proposes that the District pre-fund the California Employees Retirement
Benefit (CERBT) with the entire ARC. By pre-funding the CERBT, the District can submit for
reimbursement actual retiree costs for the periods of July 2015 through June 2016 at the end of the
fiscal year, while being able to take advantage of the CERBT's investment rate of return of 7.61%
FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a
Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies
On July 10, 2014, the Board authorized staff to deposit $192,919 to the California Employee's
Retirement Benefit Trust for FY 2014/15, to pay down a portion of the District's Other Post
Employment Benefits Liability.
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RK/MB 5-0
ITEM NO. 7.3
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
To: Board of Directors
From: Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By: Marc Marcantonio, General
Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager
Subject: Notice of Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increase and Schedule a Public
That the Board of Director's authorize staff to mail a Notice of Proposed Water and Sewer Rate
Increase to the District's customers notifying them of proposed changes to their water and sewer
rate for the upcoming five fiscal years and schedule a Public Hearing on September 17, 2015 at
6:30 p.m.
During the budget process, staff recognized that the Emergency Declaration of Drought by the State
and the associated conservation mandates required a change in the current business philosophy to
meet annual operational costs. Historically the District has relied on revenue generated from
volumetric water usage by active customer connections to meet it operating expenses. With the
current conservation requirements at hand, a shift of revenue reliance will be imposed on the
monthly Meter Charge (Base Fee) to all active customer connections. Staff has proposed a water
and sewer rate increase for the next five fiscal years. In order to proceed with the recommended
changes for the upcoming budget year, a Proposed Rate Increase Notice needs to be mailed to all
District customers.
Staff has attached the Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increase Notice requesting approval to
move forward with mailing the notice to all District customers and to schedule a Public Hearing for
September 17, 2015 at 6:30 p.m.
FR 2-C: Implement an Approach to Ensure Reserves are Responsibly Funded
The Board considered the proposed water and sewer rates at meeting on July 16, 2015 and gave
direction to staff to move forward with a proposed 45%, 5%, 5%, 5% and 5% rate increase over the
next five fiscal years, respectively.
Name: Description: Type:
Prop 218 Notice October 1 2015 Effective Date V.3 7-16.docx Notice of Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Backup Material
Increase 2015
PROPOSED WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASE 2015 QA.docx Supplemental Q&A Fact Sheet Backup Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
MB/GM 5-0
Yorba Linda
Water District
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Thursday, September 17, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. a public hearing will be held at the District Administrative
Headquarters, 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870 to consider a proposed increase in water and sewer rates. Proposed increases will
be effective October 1,2015.
EXPLANATION OF WATER RATE INCREASES service analysis. The proposed rate increase includes the maximum
The Yorba Linda Water District (District) levies a rate for water adjustments in FY 15/16, FY 16/17, FY 17/18, FY 18/19 and FY
service provided to its customer connections. A customer 19/20. The District reserves the right to reduce the proposed rate
connection's total water rate has two components: 1) the Monthly increases based on the cost of service analysis in future years.
Base Fee and 2) the Water Use Charge. This rate reflects the cost
to the District for providing water service to customer connections, Proposed Water Rates
including the cost of: (1) operations and maintenance; (2) repair,
rehabilitation and replacement of water system; and (3)water supply Effective
costs - based on charges for imported water costs from the r r
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; groundwater Effective Dates 7/1/2015 10/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017 7/1/2018 7/1/2019
related costs from the Orange County Water District;energy costs for Monthly Base fee
the District's wells, pump stations; and annual water system loss. 5/8 $10.06 $26.29 $29.37 $32.73 $36.39 $40.36
Rate adjustments are being proposed due to the increasing costs of 3/4 $10.06 $26.29 $29.37 $32.73 $36.39 $40.36
operating, maintaining, and replacing the District's water system and 1 $16.77 $41.57 $46.44 $51.76 $57.54 $63.81
11/2 $33.54 $79.77 $89.12 $99.32 $110.41 $122.44
the increasing costs of purchasing and delivering safe and reliable 2 $53.66 $125.61 $140.33 $156.39 $173.85 $192.78
water service to the community. 3 $117.37 $270.77 $302.49 $337.09 $374.72 $415.53
4 $211.26 $484.69 $541.46 $603.39 $670.74 $743.78
In 2007, the District Board of Directors approved a long-term Capital 6 $469.47 $1,225.77 $1,369.34$1,525.96$1,696.28 $1,880.98
Improvement Plan (CIP) with a goal of being able to deliver less 10 $1,274.27 $3,212.17$3,588.39$3,998.81$4,445.12$4,929.13
expensive groundwater to our entire service area. This would water Use Charge
TBD based on actual pass-through water
provide flexibility to switch between water sources, maximize the use Uniform Rate $2.70/hcf $2.70/hcf supply costs
of lower-cost groundwater, and add facilities to be able to deliver Note:Based on the number of customer connections in the District,the proposed Monthly Base
either source of water to all areas of the District now and in the Fee may change slightly.
future. As this long-term plan comes to a close, proper funding of
these capital improvement projects will allow the CIP to be
The Yorba Linda Water District (District) levies a rate for sewer
The District's current fixed costs greatly outweigh the revenues service provided to its customer connections on a basis of customer
collected on the Monthly Service Charge. This creates financial class. A residential class connection sewer rate is a flat, fixed
volatility when water demand fluctuates due to economic or weather monthly service charge. A commercial class connection sewer rate
conditions, such as the current drought. In response to the statewide has two components: 1)the fixed monthly service charge and 2) the
drought declaration by Governor Brown, the District has declared a variable volumetric charge based on the estimated amount of water
Stage 3 water shortage level and has been mandated to reduce 36% returned to the sewer ("flow"). There is no sewer rate charge for
of water use District-wide. The proposed rates reflect the cost of landscape customer connections. This rate reflects the cost to the
service and provide an enhancement of revenue stability for covering District for providing sewer service to customer connections,
fixed costs. The District is proposing an increase in the revenue it including the cost of: (1) operations and maintenance and (2) repair,
receives from its customer connections over the next 5 years. rehabilitation and replacement of sewer system. Rate adjustments
The District's projected revenue from its water rates for FY 15/16 are being proposed due to the increasing costs of operating,
(effective October 1, 2015), FY 16/17, FY 17/18, FY 18/19 and FY maintaining, and replacing the District's sewer system and to comply
19/20 is set forth in the draft YLWD 2015 Water and Sewer Rate with regulations governing the treatment and disposal of wastewater
Study. The District proposes an increase in the total projected water to the community over the next five years. The District is also opting
sales revenue of 36% in FY 15/16, 5% in FY 16/17, 5% in FY 17/18, to consolidate the eight current sewer customer classes into two:
5% in FY 18/19 and 5% in FY 19/20. The District has decided to residential and commercial.
collect the increased revenue on the Monthly Base Fee. Each
customer connection's proportional amount of the revenue increase The District's projected revenue from its sewer rates for FY 15/16
is dependent on the size of the meter. The formula used to (effective October 1, 2015), FY 16/17, FY 17/18, FY 18/19 and FY
determine the amount is the industry standard reflected in the AWWA 19/20 is set forth in the draft YLWD Water and Sewer Rate Study
M-1 Manual,and is located in the draft YLWD 2015 Water and Sewer 2015. The District proposes an increase in the total projected sewer
Rate Study. revenue of 7% in FY 15/16, 8% in FY 16/17, 8% in FY 17/18, 8% in
FY 18/19 and 8%in FY 19/20.The District has decided to collect the
Finally, the projected water supply pass-through costs for FY increased revenue on the Monthly Service Charge.
2015/16 will not require an additional increase in charges on the
consumption rate. The pass-through adjustments for FY 16/17, FY
17/18, FY 18/19 and FY 19/20 will be calculated at the end of each
preceding fiscal year and will be based on the results of a cost of
Proposed Sewer Rates
Effective To view the draft YLWD 2015 Water and Sewer Rate Study, please
Current Oct.1, visit the District's website at www.ylwd.com.
Sewer Rate Structure FY 15/16 201S FY 16/17 IFY 17/19 FY 18/19 FY 19/20
Effective Dates 7/1/2015 10/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017 7/1/2018 7/1/2019
Monthly Sewer Service Charge
SFR-District $5.50 $5.94 $6.42 $6.94 $7.50 $8.10
MFR-District $3.85 $5.58 $6.03 $6.52 $7.05 $7.62
SFR-YLC $5.50 $5.94 $6.42 $6.94 $7.50 $8.10
MFR-YLC $5.50 $5.58 $6.03 $6.52 $7.05 $7.62
C11-Regular $5.50 $5.94 $6.42 $6.94 $7.50 $8.10
CII-YLC Varied * $5.94 $6.42 $6.94 $7.50 $8.10
CII Volumetric Rates
C11-Regular $0.46/hcf $0.36/hcf $0.40/hcf $0.44/hcf $0.48/hcf $0.52/hcf
CII-YLC $0.176/hcf $0.36/hcf $0.40/hcf $0.44/hcf $0.48/hcf $0.52/hcf
The average residential customer connection has a 1 inch meter and
uses approximately 16 units per month, based on the mandated 36%
reduction in water use. An example of the current and proposed
water bill for that typical customer connection is below. Over 93%of
YLWD water customer connections will reflect these or lower Monthly
Base Fee charges. Actual water charges will vary based on the
amount of water consumed.
Current om 1,
Rate Structure FY 15/16 2015 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 FY 18/19 FY 19/20
Water Use Charge $43.20 $43.20 $43.20* $43.20* $43.20* $43.20'
Monthly Base Fee + $16.77+ $41.57+ $46.44 + $51.76 + $57.54 + $63.81
Monthly Sewer Service+ $5.50+ $5.94+ $6.42 + $6.94 + $7.50 + $8.10
Total Current Charge! $65.47 $90.71 $96.06 $101.90 $108.24 $115.11
*Estimated Pass-through Costs,Actual Costs to he Determined in subsequent years.
Revenues derived from the proposed rates do not exceed the funds
required to provide the property related services nor will the revenue
be used for any purpose other than that for which the rates are
imposed. The amount of the proposed rates imposed upon any
parcel or person as an incident of property ownership will not exceed
the proportional cost of the service attributable to the parcel; and no
rate will be imposed for a service unless that service is actually used
by,or immediately available to,the owner of the property in question.
Written protests must be received by 6:30 p.m. the day of the
hearing. If mailed, they must be sent to the District Secretary, 1717
E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870. Each written protest must
identify the affected property (by assessor's parcel number or street
address), reference the Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Increase
and include the signature of the property owner or tenant, as
applicable. Due to the inability to verify the authenticity of each
individual protest, protests received by telephone, electronic mail (e-
mail), or via social media sites, including, but not limited to Facebook
or Twitter will NOT be accepted. All interested parties are invited to
attend the public hearing and present written protests and/or oral
comments on the proposed rate increase. Oral comments made at
the public hearing will qualify as formal protests of the rate increase
when accompanied by a written protest setting forth the required
information. If written protests are submitted by a majority of the
affected property owners,the proposed increase will not be imposed.
If you have any questions regarding the proposed increase or have
questions on how to submit a written protest, please contact the
District Secretary at 714-701-3021.
Why is the Basic Service Charge going up by nearly$25 dollars?
Our YLWD water bill is composed of two charges. The "Basic Service Charge", which is the monthly
ready to serve charge, and the consumption or "Water Charge" which is billed per unit (one unit=
748 gallons). The increased Basic Service Charge will better cover the cost of providing water
service. For more than 100 years, YLWD's operating costs were covered largely by the
consumption charges because the District has historically consumed high volumes of water. This
also allowed the District to keep water rates very low. In recent years, changes to the plumbing
code created more water efficient appliances, which, in addition to customers' conservation
efforts, have reduced consumption. This spring, YLWD was in the process of exploring a gradual
shift of our business model to accommodate the evolving industry, moving more of the customers'
average bill to the Basic Service Charge. This however, had to be accelerated because of the
Governor's Executive Order and Regulations mandated by the State Water Resources Control
Board, in May. The regulations, which impose a 36% conservation mandate for YLWD,
dramatically impact the financial stability of the agency. The increase on the Basic Service Charge
is a direct result of the revenue loss the District will face due to those State Regulations.
Why not raise the consumption charge instead?
The District's costs of providing waterservice are the same. This drought is unprecedented.
Further conservation efforts may be needed. The new Basic Service Charge as proposed will cover
at least 45% of the District's overall operating costs.
What about Basic Service Charge increases over the next five years?
The proposed increases through Fiscal Year 2019/20 are subject to change at the discretion of the
Board of Directors after an annual cost of service analysis. The listed charges are the maximum
rates for the listed fiscal year. In the event planned Capital Improvement Projects can save costs
by producing more groundwater in place of more expensive import water, the cost of service
would reflect this. Should the weather, economic conditions or the State Water Resources Control
Board impose more stringent or extended regulations, calling for greater reductions in water
usage, the Board of Directors would be able to raise the Basic Service Charge to cover the District's
costs of providing water service.
Why not cut costs instead of raising rates?
There is simply nowhere to cut. The District has an awesome responsibility to protect public
health and public safety. Public trust in the quality of the water cannot be compromised. Ensuring
a safe, healthy and reliable water supply requires elaborate infrastructure, sophisticated tools and
highly trained, certified professionals. None of which, we can do without. The costs of operating
this agency do not change, whether a customer uses one unit of water or 100 units of water. The
Basic Service Charge is truly a service charge. We pay for water service, just as we pay our phone
or cable bill, whether we make a single call or whether we are even home to turn on the TV.
How do YLWD's rates compare?
YLWD has historically had some of the lower rates in Southern California. As of this mailing, here
is how YLWD's proposed rates will compare to other agencies in the region of similar make-up.
$180.00 FY 15-16
$160.00 Local Agency Comparison
(1 inch meter, 25 units)
$140.00 Average Bill
$80.00 $154.9
$60.00 109.0
Walnut YLWD East Mesa WD Serrano Laguna Golden South
Valley WD Orange WD Beach State WC Coast WD
As you can see, YLWD's rates are still among the lowest around. We are keeping our consumption
charge the same, at $2.70 per unit. Some other agencies employ "budget based" or tiered rates,
where the commodity charge escalates as your consumption goes up. For example, under South
Coast Water District's tiered rate structure, a customer using 25 units of water would pay 119.63
on the commodity side alone. YLWD is one of the first agencies to perform a cost of service
analysis in response to the emergency drought declaration. The other agencies are going through
their own analysis and anticipate raising their rates accordingly, which will make YLWD rates
comparatively lower.
ITEM NO. 7.4
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
To: Board of Directors
From: Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By: Marc Marcantonio, General Dept: Finance
Prepared By: Delia Lugo, Finance Manager
Subject: Sewer Charges Collected on the Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2015/16
This time of each year, the Board of Directors elects to collect certain sewer maintenance charges
on the property tax rolls.
That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 15-17 Electing to Have Certain Sewer
Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2015/16 Tax Roll and Superseding Resolution No. 14-
The District collects the Sewer Maintenance Charge by adding it to the water bill of customers
where the District provides water service and the customer also has a connection to the sewer
system. For customers connected to the District sewer system that receive water service from
another purvey or those customers that do not receive a water bill from the District, the Sewer
Maintenance Charge is collected through the property tax rolls prepared by the County of Orange
Auditor/Controller. This process is legally authorized and established by Resolution of the Board.
Residents of the Locke Ranch area do not receive water service from the District, so their sewer
charges are collected on the tax roll. In addition, due to the disparity in rates between the City of
Yorba Linda and the District's Sewer Maintenance Charges, it has been determined that those
classifications with rate differences need to be placed on the tax roll for collection until a Proposition
218 process con be completed to equalize rates.
The Sewer Maintenance Charges are subject to the substantive and procedural requirements of
Proposition 218 (California Constitution Article XIII D) barring an increase in the rates and/or a
discretionary CPI increase of more that 5%, except with proper notifications to the property owners
affected allowing adequate opportunity to protest any such increases. Staff is not recommending a
change to the current sewer maintenance charge at this time.To collect the current maintenance
charges on the tax rolls for Fiscal Year 2015/16, the County of Orange Auditor/Controller's Office
requires a certified Resolution by the Board of Directors directing their office to add the charges to
the tax rolls for the properties assessed. In addition to a certified resolution, the County is now
requiring that all districts sign and submit an "Agreement for Collection of Special Taxes, Fees,
Charges, and Assessments". The County establishes a deadline in August to receive this
Name: Description: Type:
Resolution No. 15-
Resolution Resolution
17 Sewer Maintenance Charges.docx
County Agreement.odf Agreement Agreement
Exhibit A 2015 - Tax Roll Assessment.xlsx Exhibit Exhibit
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
MB/GM 5-0 Roll Call
Adopting Resolution No. 15-17 and
authorizing the General Manager to execute
an agreement with the County of Orange for
the collection of special taxes,fees,charges,
and assessments.
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 11-17 set out sewer rates for the Yorba Linda Water
District ("District") and via Resolution 07-13 these rates are in compliance
with substantive and procedural requirements of Proposition 218
(California Constitution Art. XIII D); and
WHEREAS, under the authority of the California Water Code Sections 31100 the
District may provide sewer service to property located outside the District
boundaries and the District's Regulations for Rendition of Sanitary Sewer
Service include a provision that a sewer maintenance charge is adopted
by Resolution; and
WHEREAS, under authority of California Water Code Sections 31101 and 31102 the
District may prescribe and collect charges for sewer services and facilities
and may collect sewer charges in any lawful manner; and
WHEREAS, under California Health and Safety Code Sections 5471 and 5473 the
District may elect to have the County of Orange Auditor/Controller collect
sewer charges on the Orange County Property Tax Roll.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District to adopt Sewer Maintenance Charge as follows:
Section 1. The Board of Directors elects to have the County of Orange
Auditor/Controller collect the charges fixed herein on the tax roll in the same
manner, by the same persons, and at the same time and together with and
not separately from County of Orange taxes.
Section 2. The General Manager or his designee is authorized and directed to file with
the County of Orange Auditor/Controller a copy of this Resolution together
with the listing of parcel numbers and amounts of charges shown in Exhibit
"A" and such other documentation as the County Auditor/Controller may
require in order to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution.
Section 3. Resolution No. 14-10 is superseded effective immediately by the adoption of
this Resolution.
Resolution No. 15-17 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2015/16 Tax Roll 1
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July 2015 by the following called vote:
Ric Collett, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by General Counsel:
Arthur G. Kidman, Esq.
Kidman Law LLP
Resolution No. 15-17 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2015/16 Tax Roll 2
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 20 by and
between the COUNTY OF ORANGE, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter
referred to as "County" and hereinafter
referred to as `District".
The following recitals are a substantive part of this Agreement:
WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an agreement whereby taxes and special
assessments for the District will be collected by the County at the same time and in the same
manner as County taxes are collected and the District will pay to the County the fees for
collection hereinafter set forth; and
WHEREAS, Section 29142 of the Government Code provides that when taxes or
assessments are collected by a county for any special district, or zone, or improvement district
thereof, excluding a school district, the board of supervisors may provide for a collection fee for
such services; and
WHEREAS, Section 29304 of the Government Code provides that whenever any special
assessment or special assessment taxes are levied upon land or real property by any city, county,
district or other public corporation, and the same are to be collected by a County, there shall be
added to the amount of the special assessment or special assessment tax an amount fixed by
agreement between the county and city, district,public corporation, officer, or body for each
special assessment or special assessment tax to be collected; and
WHEREAS, Section 51800 of the Government Code provides for the County to collect
special assessments on County property tax rolls for cities and districts located in the County, and to
enter into an agreement regarding the amount of compensation to be paid to the County for the
collection of such assessments; and
WHEREAS, when requested by District, it is in the public interest that the County collect on
the County tax rolls the special taxes, fees, and assessments for District.
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows:
1. Collection Services. County agrees, when requested by District as hereinafter
provided, or as required by law, to collect on the County tax rolls the special taxes, fees, and
assessments of District, and of each zone or improvement District thereof.
2. Transmission of Information. When County is to collect District's special taxes and
assessments, District agrees to notify the Orange County Auditor-Controller of the Assessor's parcel
numbers and the amount of each special tax, fee, or assessment to County, and including, but not
limited to, any act of omission or assessment to be so collected.
3. Certification by the District. The District shall certify to the Orange County
Auditor-Controller the fixed charge special assessments in a dollar amount to be applied on each
parcel of real property which parcel shall be designated by the assessment (i.e., parcel) number
shown on the County Secured Assessment Roll for the year in which the assessment is to be
4. Verification by District. It shall be the obligation of the District prior to the time of
delivery to the Orange County Auditor-Controller of the fixed charge special assessment roll to
check the County Secured Assessment Roll after it is filed by the Orange County Assessor with the
Orange County Auditor-Controller to verify that the parcel numbers on the assessment roll for fixed
charge special assessments certified by the District correspond with the assessment (i.e., parcel)
numbers shown on the County Secured Assessment Roll. Any changes in special assessment data
previously certified to the Orange County Auditor-Controller by the District, which changes occur as
a result of such verification, shall be certified by the District to the Orange County Auditor-
Controller .
5. Collection Fee. County will charge the sum of 0.30 percent (0.30°/x) of the original
value for each special tax, fee, or assessment that is to be collected on the County tax rolls by the
County for the District.
6. Charge for Revision of Assessment. After the roll has been delivered by the Orange
County Auditor-Controller to the Orange County Tax Collector the County will charge the District
for each fixed charge special assessment changed or deleted. Said charge shall be $15.00 for each
assessment or parcel number placed on the County Secured Assessment Roll. Payment shall be
submitted to the Orange County Auditor-Controller with the request for the change or deletion.
7. Modification of Collection Fees and Charges. The County reserves the right to
increase or decrease any charges herein provided in proportion to any changes in costs incurred by
the County in providing the services described herein, provided that written notice of any increase or
decrease in charges shall be given by the County to the District on or before May 15 of any year
during the term of the Agreement.
8. Authority for Levy and Compliance with Law. District warrants that the taxes, fees,
or assessments imposed by District and collected pursuant to this Agreement comply with all
requirements of state law, including but not limited to Article XIIIC and XIIID of the California
Constitution(Proposition 218).
9. Release. District hereby releases and forever discharges County and its officers,
agents and employees from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, costs and expenses, damages,
causes of action, and judgments, in any manner arising out of District's responsibility under this
agreement, or other action taken by District in establishing a special tax, fee, or assessment and
implementing collection of special taxes or assessments as contemplated in this agreement, including
but not limited, any required remedial action in the case of delinquencies in such assessment
payments or the issuance, sale, or administration of any bonds issued in connection with the
District's program.
10. Indemnification. District agrees to and shall defend, indemnify and save harmless
County and its officers, agents and employees ("indemnified parties") from any and all claims,
demands, liabilities, costs and expenses. damages, causes of action, and judgments, in any manner
arising out of any of District's responsibility under this agreement, or other action taken by District in
establishing a special tax, fee, or assessment and implementing collection of special taxes, fees, or
assessment as contemplated in this agreement, including but not limited, any required remedial action
in the case of delinquencies in such assessment payments or the issuance, sale, or administration of
any bonds issued in connection with the District's program.
11. Cooperation. District agrees that its officers, agents and employees will cooperate
with County by answering inquiries made to District by any person concerning District's special tax,
fee, or assessment, and District agrees that its officers, agents and employees will not refer such
individuals making inquiries to County officers or employees for response.
12. Assignment. District shall not assign or transfer this agreement or any interest herein
and any such assignment or transfer or attempted assignment or transfer of this agreement or any
interest herein by District shall be void and shall immediately and automatically terminate this
13. Term of Agreement. All existing agreements between the County and District
pertaining to collection of taxes and special assessments by the County for the District shall be
terminated upon the execution of this Agreement. This Agreement shall continue from year to year
and shall be subject to cancellation by either party by giving written notice to the other party of
cancellation prior to July 1 st of the preceding fiscal year.
14. Waiver. County or District's waiver of breach of any one term, covenant, or other
provision of this agreement, is not a waiver of breach of any other term, nor subsequent breach of the
term or provision waived.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have signed this Agreement as of the day and
year first above written.
Counsel to District
Deputy County Counsel
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 34130103 66.00 812 B9 34903103 66.00 812 B9 34904128 66.00 812
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B9 34901105 66.00 812 B9 34903113 66.00 812 B9 34904302 66.00 812
B9 34901106 66.00 812 B9 34903114 66.00 812 B9 34904303 66.00 812
B9 34901107 66.00 812 B9 34903116 66.00 812 B9 34905101 66.00 812
B9 34901108 66.00 812 B9 34903117 66.00 812 B9 34905102 66.00 812
B9 34901109 66.00 812 B9 34903118 66.00 812 B9 34905103 66.00 812
B9 34901110 66.00 812 B9 34903214 66.00 812 B9 34905104 66.00 812
B9 34901111 66.00 812 B9 34903216 66.00 812 B9 34905105 66.00 812
B9 34901201 66.00 812 B9 34903217 66.00 812 B9 34905106 66.00 812
B9 34901202 66.00 812 B9 34903218 66.00 812 B9 34905107 66.00 812
B9 34901203 66.00 812 B9 34903219 66.00 812 B9 34905108 66.00 812
B9 34901204 66.00 812 B9 34903233 66.00 812 B9 34905109 66.00 812
B9 34901205 66.00 812 B9 34903234 66.00 812 B9 34905110 66.00 812
B9 34901206 66.00 812 B9 34903235 66.00 812 B9 34905111 66.00 812
B9 34901207 66.00 812 B9 34903236 66.00 812 B9 34905112 66.00 812
B9 34901208 66.00 812 B9 34903237 66.00 812 B9 34905113 66.00 812
B9 34901209 66.00 812 B9 34903238 66.00 812 B9 34905114 66.00 812
B9 34901210 66.00 812 B9 34903239 66.00 812 B9 34905115 66.00 812
B9 34901301 66.00 812 B9 34903240 66.00 812 B9 34905116 66.00 812
B9 34901302 66.00 812 B9 34903241 66.00 812 B9 34905117 66.00 812
B9 34901303 66.00 812 B9 34903242 66.00 812 B9 34905118 66.00 812
B9 34901304 66.00 812 B9 34903243 66.00 812 B9 34905119 66.00 812
B9 34901305 66.00 812 B9 34903244 66.00 812 B9 34905120 66.00 812
B9 34901306 66.00 812 B9 34903247 66.00 812 B9 34905121 66.00 812
B9 34901307 66.00 812 B9 34903248 66.00 812 B9 34905122 66.00 812
B9 34902101 66.00 812 B9 34903249 66.00 812 B9 34905123 66.00 812
B9 34902102 66.00 812 B9 34903250 66.00 812 B9 34905124 66.00 812
B9 34902103 66.00 812 B9 34903251 66.00 812 B9 34905125 66.00 812
B9 34902104 66.00 812 B9 34903252 66.00 812 B9 34905126 66.00 812
B9 34902105 66.00 812 B9 34903253 66.00 812 B9 34905127 66.00 812
B9 34902106 66.00 812 B9 34903254 66.00 812 B9 34905128 66.00 812
B9 34902107 66.00 812 B9 34903258 66.00 812 B9 34905201 66.00 812
B9 34902108 66.00 812 B9 34904101 66.00 812 B9 34905204 66.00 812
B9 34902201 66.00 812 B9 34904102 66.00 812 B9 34905205 66.00 812
B9 34902202 66.00 812 B9 34904103 66.00 812 B9 34905206 66.00 812
B9 34902203 66.00 812 B9 34904104 66.00 812 B9 34905207 66.00 812
B9 34902204 66.00 812 B9 34904105 66.00 812 B9 34905208 66.00 812
B9 34902205 66.00 812 B9 34904106 66.00 812 B9 34905209 66.00 812
B9 34902206 66.00 812 B9 34904107 66.00 812 B9 34905210 66.00 812
B9 34902207 66.00 812 B9 34904108 66.00 812 B9 34905211 66.00 812
B9 34902208 66.00 812 B9 34904109 66.00 812 B9 34905212 66.00 812
B9 34902209 66.00 812 B9 34904110 66.00 812 B9 34905213 66.00 812
B9 34902210 66.00 812 B9 34904111 66.00 812 B9 34905214 66.00 812
B9 34902301 66.00 812 B9 34904112 66.00 812 B9 34905215 66.00 812
B9 34902302 66.00 812 B9 34904113 66.00 812 B9 34905216 66.00 812
B9 34902303 66.00 812 B9 34904114 66.00 812 B9 34905217 66.00 812
B9 34902304 66.00 812 B9 34904115 66.00 812 B9 34905220 264.00 812
B9 34902305 66.00 812 B9 34904116 66.00 812 B9 34905222 198.00 812
B9 34902401 66.00 812 B9 34904117 66.00 812 B9 34905223 66.00 812
B9 34902402 66.00 812 B9 34904118 66.00 812 B9 34906101 66.00 812
B9 34902403 66.00 812 B9 34904119 66.00 812 B9 34906102 66.00 812
B9 34902404 66.00 812 B9 34904120 66.00 812 B9 34906103 66.00 812
B9 34902405 66.00 812 B9 34904121 66.00 812 B9 34906104 66.00 812
B9 34902406 66.00 812 B9 34904122 66.00 812 B9 34906105 66.00 812
B9 34902407 66.00 812 B9 34904123 66.00 812 B9 34906106 66.00 812
B9 34902408 66.00 812 B9 34904124 66.00 812 B9 34906107 66.00 812
B9 34902409 66.00 812 B9 34904125 66.00 812 B9 34906108 66.00 812
B9 34903101 66.00 812 B9 34904126 66.00 812 B9 34906109 66.00 812
B9 34903102 66.00 812 B9 34904127 66.00 812 B9 34906110 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 34906111 66.00 812 B9 34912317 66.00 812 B9 34914118 66.00 812
B9 34906112 66.00 812 B9 34912318 66.00 812 B9 34914119 66.00 812
B9 34906113 66.00 812 B9 34912319 66.00 812 B9 34914120 66.00 812
B9 34906114 66.00 812 B9 34912320 66.00 812 B9 34914121 66.00 812
B9 34906115 66.00 812 B9 34912321 66.00 812 B9 34914122 66.00 812
B9 34906116 66.00 812 B9 34912322 66.00 812 B9 34914123 66.00 812
B9 34906117 66.00 812 B9 34912323 66.00 812 B9 34914124 66.00 812
B9 34906118 66.00 812 B9 34912326 264.00 812 B9 34914125 66.00 812
B9 34906119 66.00 812 B9 34912328 330.00 812 B9 34914126 66.00 812
B9 34906120 66.00 812 B9 34912330 264.00 812 B9 34914127 66.00 812
B9 34906121 66.00 812 B9 34912331 66.00 812 B9 34914128 66.00 812
B9 34906122 66.00 812 B9 34913101 66.00 812 B9 34914129 66.00 812
B9 34906123 66.00 812 B9 34913102 66.00 812 B9 34914130 66.00 812
B9 34906124 66.00 812 B9 34913103 66.00 812 B9 34914131 66.00 812
B9 34906125 66.00 812 B9 34913104 66.00 812 B9 34914132 66.00 812
B9 34906126 66.00 812 B9 34913105 66.00 812 B9 34914133 66.00 812
B9 34906127 66.00 812 B9 34913106 66.00 812 B9 34914134 66.00 812
B9 34906128 66.00 812 B9 34913107 66.00 812 B9 34914135 66.00 812
B9 34906201 66.00 812 B9 34913108 66.00 812 B9 34914136 66.00 812
B9 34906202 66.00 812 B9 34913109 66.00 812 B9 34914137 66.00 812
B9 34906203 66.00 812 B9 34913110 66.00 812 B9 34914138 66.00 812
B9 34906204 66.00 812 B9 34913111 66.00 812 B9 34914139 66.00 812
B9 34906205 66.00 812 B9 34913112 66.00 812 B9 34914140 66.00 812
B9 34906206 66.00 812 B9 34913113 66.00 812 B9 34914141 66.00 812
B9 34906207 66.00 812 B9 34913201 66.00 812 B9 34914142 66.00 812
B9 34906208 66.00 812 B9 34913202 66.00 812 B9 34914143 66.00 812
B9 34906209 66.00 812 B9 34913203 66.00 812 B9 34914144 66.00 812
B9 34907117 924.00 812 B9 34913204 66.00 812 B9 34914145 66.00 812
B9 34907118 66.00 812 B9 34913205 66.00 812 B9 34914146 66.00 812
B9 34907124 66.00 812 B9 34913206 66.00 812 B9 34914147 66.00 812
B9 34907126 66.00 812 B9 34913207 66.00 812 B9 34914148 66.00 812
B9 34909163 458.61 812 B9 34913208 66.00 812 B9 34914149 66.00 812
B9 34909167 513.73 812 B9 34913209 66.00 812 B9 34914150 66.00 812
B9 34912101 66.00 812 B9 34913210 66.00 812 B9 34914151 66.00 812
B9 34912102 66.00 812 B9 34913211 66.00 812 B9 34914152 66.00 812
B9 34912103 66.00 812 B9 34913212 66.00 812 B9 34914153 66.00 812
B9 34912104 66.00 812 B9 34913213 66.00 812 B9 34914154 66.00 812
B9 34912105 66.00 812 B9 34913214 66.00 812 B9 34914155 66.00 812
B9 34912106 66.00 812 B9 34913215 66.00 812 B9 34914156 66.00 812
B9 34912107 66.00 812 B9 34913216 66.00 812 B9 34914157 66.00 812
B9 34912108 66.00 812 B9 34913217 66.00 812 B9 34914158 66.00 812
B9 34912109 66.00 812 B9 34913218 66.00 812 B9 34914159 66.00 812
B9 34912110 66.00 812 B9 34913219 66.00 812 B9 34914160 66.00 812
B9 34912111 66.00 812 B9 34913220 66.00 812 B9 34914161 66.00 812
B9 34912112 66.00 812 B9 34913221 66.00 812 B9 34914162 66.00 812
B9 34912113 66.00 812 B9 34913222 66.00 812 B9 34914165 66.00 812
B9 34912114 66.00 812 B9 34913223 66.00 812 B9 34914166 66.00 812
B9 34912115 66.00 812 B9 34913224 66.00 812 B9 34914201 66.00 812
B9 34912116 66.00 812 B9 34913225 66.00 812 B9 34914202 66.00 812
B9 34912117 66.00 812 B9 34913226 66.00 812 B9 34914203 66.00 812
B9 34912118 66.00 812 B9 34913301 66.00 812 B9 34914204 66.00 812
B9 34912119 66.00 812 B9 34913302 66.00 812 B9 34914301 66.00 812
B9 34912120 66.00 812 B9 34913303 66.00 812 B9 34914302 66.00 812
B9 34912121 66.00 812 B9 34913304 66.00 812 B9 34915201 66.00 812
B9 34912122 66.00 812 B9 34913305 66.00 812 B9 34915202 66.00 812
B9 34912123 66.00 812 B9 34913306 66.00 812 B9 34915203 66.00 812
B9 34912124 66.00 812 B9 34913307 66.00 812 B9 34915204 66.00 812
B9 34912125 66.00 812 B9 34913308 66.00 812 B9 34915205 66.00 812
B9 34912126 66.00 812 B9 34913309 66.00 812 B9 34915206 66.00 812
B9 34912127 66.00 812 B9 34913310 66.00 812 B9 34915207 66.00 812
B9 34912128 66.00 812 B9 34913311 66.00 812 B9 34915208 66.00 812
B9 34912201 66.00 812 B9 34913401 66.00 812 B9 34915209 66.00 812
B9 34912202 66.00 812 B9 34913402 66.00 812 B9 34915210 66.00 812
B9 34912203 66.00 812 B9 34914102 66.00 812 B9 34915211 66.00 812
B9 34912301 66.00 812 B9 34914103 66.00 812 B9 34915212 66.00 812
B9 34912302 66.00 812 B9 34914104 66.00 812 B9 34915213 66.00 812
B9 34912303 66.00 812 B9 34914105 66.00 812 B9 34915214 66.00 812
B9 34912304 66.00 812 B9 34914106 66.00 812 B9 34915215 66.00 812
B9 34912305 66.00 812 B9 34914107 66.00 812 B9 34915216 66.00 812
B9 34912306 66.00 812 B9 34914108 66.00 812 B9 34915301 66.00 812
B9 34912307 66.00 812 B9 34914109 66.00 812 B9 34915302 66.00 812
B9 34912308 66.00 812 B9 34914110 66.00 812 B9 34915303 66.00 812
B9 34912309 66.00 812 B9 34914111 66.00 812 B9 34915304 66.00 812
B9 34912310 66.00 812 B9 34914112 66.00 812 B9 34915305 66.00 812
B9 34912311 66.00 812 B9 34914113 66.00 812 B9 34915306 66.00 812
B9 34912312 66.00 812 B9 34914114 66.00 812 B9 34915307 66.00 812
B9 34912313 66.00 812 B9 34914115 66.00 812 B9 34915308 66.00 812
B9 34912314 198.00 812 B9 34914116 66.00 812 B9 34915309 66.00 812
B9 34912316 66.00 812 B9 34914117 66.00 812 B9 34915311 66.00 812
B9 34915312 66.00 812 B9 34919235 66.00 812 B9 34928107 330.00 812
B9 34915313 66.00 812 B9 34919236 66.00 812 B9 34928108 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 34915314 66.00 812 B9 34919237 66.00 812 B9 34928109 198.00 812
B9 34915315 66.00 812 B9 34919238 66.00 812 B9 34929101 66.00 812
B9 34915316 66.00 812 B9 34919239 66.00 812 B9 34929102 66.00 812
B9 34915317 66.00 812 B9 34919240 66.00 812 B9 34929103 66.00 812
B9 34915318 66.00 812 B9 34919241 66.00 812 B9 34929104 66.00 812
B9 34915401 66.00 812 B9 34919242 66.00 812 B9 34929105 66.00 812
B9 34915402 66.00 812 B9 34919243 66.00 812 B9 34929106 66.00 812
B9 34915403 66.00 812 B9 34919244 66.00 812 B9 34929107 66.00 812
B9 34915404 66.00 812 B9 34919245 66.00 812 B9 34929108 66.00 812
B9 34915405 66.00 812 B9 34919246 66.00 812 B9 34929109 66.00 812
B9 34915406 66.00 812 B9 34919247 66.00 812 B9 34929110 66.00 812
B9 34915407 66.00 812 B9 34919248 66.00 812 B9 34929111 66.00 812
B9 34915408 66.00 812 B9 34919249 66.00 812 B9 34929112 66.00 812
B9 34915409 66.00 812 B9 34925106 66.00 812 B9 34929113 66.00 812
B9 34915410 66.00 812 B9 34925107 66.00 812 B9 34929114 66.00 812
B9 34915501 66.00 812 B9 34925108 66.00 812 B9 34929115 66.00 812
B9 34915502 66.00 812 B9 34925109 66.00 812 B9 34929116 66.00 812
B9 34915503 66.00 812 B9 34925110 66.00 812 B9 34929117 66.00 812
B9 34915504 66.00 812 B9 34925116 66.00 812 B9 34929118 66.00 812
B9 34915505 66.00 812 B9 34925117 66.00 812 B9 34929119 66.00 812
B9 34915506 66.00 812 B9 34925118 66.00 812 B9 34929120 66.00 812
B9 34915507 66.00 812 B9 34925119 66.00 812 B9 34929121 66.00 812
B9 34915508 66.00 812 B9 34925120 66.00 812 B9 34929122 66.00 812
B9 34915509 66.00 812 B9 34925201 66.00 812 B9 34929123 66.00 812
B9 34915511 66.00 812 B9 34925202 66.00 812 B9 34929124 66.00 812
B9 34915512 66.00 812 B9 34925203 66.00 812 B9 34929125 66.00 812
B9 34915513 66.00 812 B9 34925204 66.00 812 B9 34929126 66.00 812
B9 34915514 66.00 812 B9 34925205 66.00 812 B9 34929127 66.00 812
B9 34915515 66.00 812 B9 34925206 66.00 812 B9 34929128 66.00 812
B9 34915516 66.00 812 B9 34925207 66.00 812 B9 34929129 66.00 812
B9 34915517 66.00 812 B9 34925208 66.00 812 B9 34929130 66.00 812
B9 34915518 66.00 812 B9 34925209 66.00 812 B9 34929131 66.00 812
B9 34915519 66.00 812 B9 34925210 66.00 812 B9 34929132 66.00 812
B9 34919101 66.00 812 B9 34925211 66.00 812 B9 34929133 66.00 812
B9 34919102 66.00 812 B9 34925212 66.00 812 B9 34929134 66.00 812
B9 34919103 66.00 812 B9 34925213 66.00 812 B9 34929135 66.00 812
B9 34919104 66.00 812 B9 34925214 66.00 812 B9 34929136 66.00 812
B9 34919105 66.00 812 B9 34925215 66.00 812 B9 34929137 66.00 812
B9 34919106 66.00 812 B9 34925216 66.00 812 B9 34929138 66.00 812
B9 34919107 66.00 812 B9 34925217 66.00 812 B9 34929139 66.00 812
B9 34919108 66.00 812 B9 34925218 66.00 812 B9 34929140 66.00 812
B9 34919109 66.00 812 B9 34925301 66.00 812 B9 34929141 66.00 812
B9 34919110 66.00 812 B9 34925302 66.00 812 B9 34929142 66.00 812
B9 34919201 66.00 812 B9 34925303 66.00 812 B9 34929143 66.00 812
B9 34919202 66.00 812 B9 34925304 66.00 812 B9 34929144 66.00 812
B9 34919203 66.00 812 B9 34925305 66.00 812 B9 34929145 66.00 812
B9 34919204 66.00 812 B9 34925306 66.00 812 B9 34929146 66.00 812
B9 34919205 66.00 812 B9 34925307 66.00 812 B9 34929147 66.00 812
B9 34919206 66.00 812 B9 34925308 66.00 812 B9 34929148 66.00 812
B9 34919207 66.00 812 B9 34925309 66.00 812 B9 34929149 66.00 812
B9 34919208 66.00 812 B9 34925310 66.00 812 B9 34929150 66.00 812
B9 34919209 66.00 812 B9 34925311 66.00 812 B9 34929151 66.00 812
B9 34919210 66.00 812 B9 34925312 66.00 812 B9 34929152 66.00 812
B9 34919211 66.00 812 B9 34925313 66.00 812 B9 34929153 66.00 812
B9 34919212 66.00 812 B9 34925314 66.00 812 B9 34929155 66.00 812
B9 34919213 66.00 812 B9 34925315 66.00 812 B9 34929156 66.00 812
B9 34919214 66.00 812 B9 34925316 66.00 812 B9 34929157 66.00 812
B9 34919215 66.00 812 B9 34925317 66.00 812 B9 34929158 66.00 812
B9 34919216 66.00 812 B9 34925318 66.00 812 B9 34929159 66.00 812
B9 34919217 66.00 812 B9 34925319 66.00 812 B9 34929160 66.00 812
B9 34919218 66.00 812 B9 34925320 66.00 812 B9 34929161 66.00 812
B9 34919219 66.00 812 B9 34925321 66.00 812 B9 34929162 66.00 812
B9 34919220 66.00 812 B9 34925322 66.00 812 B9 34929163 66.00 812
B9 34919221 66.00 812 B9 34925323 66.00 812 B9 34929164 66.00 812
B9 34919222 66.00 812 B9 34925324 66.00 812 B9 34929165 66.00 812
B9 34919223 66.00 812 B9 34925325 66.00 812 B9 34929166 66.00 812
B9 34919224 66.00 812 B9 34925326 66.00 812 B9 34929167 66.00 812
B9 34919225 66.00 812 B9 34925327 66.00 812 B9 34929168 66.00 812
B9 34919226 66.00 812 B9 34925328 66.00 812 B9 34929169 66.00 812
B9 34919227 66.00 812 B9 34925329 66.00 812 B9 34929170 66.00 812
B9 34919228 66.00 812 B9 34925330 66.00 812 B9 34929171 66.00 812
B9 34919229 66.00 812 B9 34925331 66.00 812 B9 34929172 66.00 812
B9 34919230 66.00 812 B9 34928102 132.00 812 B9 34929173 66.00 812
B9 34919231 66.00 812 B9 34928103 66.00 812 B9 34929174 66.00 812
B9 34919232 66.00 812 B9 34928104 330.00 812 B9 34929175 66.00 812
B9 34919233 66.00 812 B9 34928105 66.00 812 B9 34929176 66.00 812
B9 34919234 66.00 812 B9 34928106 132.00 812 B9 34929177 66.00 812
B9 34929178 66.00 812 B9 34930325 66.00 812 B9 34932101 66.00 812
B9 34929179 66.00 812 B9 34930326 66.00 812 B9 34932102 66.00 812
B9 34929180 66.00 812 B9 34930327 66.00 812 B9 34932103 66.00 812
B9 34929181 66.00 812 B9 34930328 66.00 812 B9 34932104 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 34929182 66.00 812 B9 34930329 66.00 812 B9 34932105 66.00 812
B9 34929183 66.00 812 B9 34930330 66.00 812 B9 34932106 66.00 812
B9 34929184 66.00 812 B9 34930331 66.00 812 B9 34932107 66.00 812
B9 34929185 66.00 812 B9 34930332 66.00 812 B9 34932108 66.00 812
B9 34929186 66.00 812 B9 34930333 66.00 812 B9 34932109 66.00 812
B9 34929187 66.00 812 B9 34931101 66.00 812 B9 34932110 66.00 812
B9 34929188 66.00 812 B9 34931102 66.00 812 B9 34932111 66.00 812
B9 34929189 66.00 812 B9 34931103 66.00 812 B9 34932112 66.00 812
B9 34929190 66.00 812 B9 34931104 66.00 812 B9 34932113 66.00 812
B9 34929191 66.00 812 B9 34931105 66.00 812 B9 34932114 66.00 812
B9 34929192 66.00 812 B9 34931106 66.00 812 B9 34932115 66.00 812
B9 34930101 66.00 812 B9 34931107 66.00 812 B9 34932116 66.00 812
B9 34930102 66.00 812 B9 34931108 66.00 812 B9 34932117 66.00 812
B9 34930103 66.00 812 B9 34931109 66.00 812 B9 34932118 66.00 812
B9 34930104 66.00 812 B9 34931110 66.00 812 B9 34932119 66.00 812
B9 34930105 66.00 812 B9 34931111 66.00 812 B9 34932120 66.00 812
B9 34930106 66.00 812 B9 34931112 66.00 812 B9 34932121 66.00 812
B9 34930107 66.00 812 B9 34931113 66.00 812 B9 34932122 66.00 812
B9 34930108 66.00 812 B9 34931114 66.00 812 B9 34932123 66.00 812
B9 34930109 66.00 812 B9 34931115 66.00 812 B9 34932202 66.00 812
B9 34930110 66.00 812 B9 34931116 66.00 812 B9 34932203 66.00 812
B9 34930201 66.00 812 B9 34931117 66.00 812 B9 34932204 66.00 812
B9 34930202 66.00 812 B9 34931118 66.00 812 B9 34932205 66.00 812
B9 34930203 66.00 812 B9 34931119 66.00 812 B9 34932206 66.00 812
B9 34930204 66.00 812 B9 34931120 66.00 812 B9 34932207 66.00 812
B9 34930205 66.00 812 B9 34931121 66.00 812 B9 34932208 66.00 812
B9 34930206 66.00 812 B9 34931122 66.00 812 B9 34932209 66.00 812
B9 34930207 66.00 812 B9 34931123 66.00 812 B9 34932210 66.00 812
B9 34930208 66.00 812 B9 34931124 66.00 812 B9 34932211 66.00 812
B9 34930209 66.00 812 B9 34931125 66.00 812 B9 34932212 66.00 812
B9 34930210 66.00 812 B9 34931126 66.00 812 B9 34932213 66.00 812
B9 34930211 66.00 812 B9 34931127 66.00 812 B9 34932301 66.00 812
B9 34930212 66.00 812 B9 34931128 66.00 812 B9 34932302 66.00 812
B9 34930213 66.00 812 B9 34931129 66.00 812 B9 34932303 66.00 812
B9 34930214 66.00 812 B9 34931130 66.00 812 B9 34932304 66.00 812
B9 34930215 66.00 812 B9 34931131 66.00 812 B9 34932305 66.00 812
B9 34930216 66.00 812 B9 34931132 66.00 812 B9 34932306 66.00 812
B9 34930217 66.00 812 B9 34931133 66.00 812 B9 34932307 66.00 812
B9 34930218 66.00 812 B9 34931134 66.00 812 B9 34932308 66.00 812
B9 34930219 66.00 812 B9 34931135 66.00 812 B9 34932309 66.00 812
B9 34930220 66.00 812 B9 34931201 66.00 812 B9 34932310 66.00 812
B9 34930221 66.00 812 B9 34931202 66.00 812 B9 34932311 66.00 812
B9 34930222 66.00 812 B9 34931203 66.00 812 B9 34932312 66.00 812
B9 34930223 66.00 812 B9 34931204 66.00 812 B9 34932313 66.00 812
B9 34930224 66.00 812 B9 34931205 66.00 812 B9 34932314 66.00 812
B9 34930225 66.00 812 B9 34931206 66.00 812 B9 34932315 66.00 812
B9 34930226 66.00 812 B9 34931301 66.00 812 B9 34932316 66.00 812
B9 34930227 66.00 812 B9 34931302 66.00 812 B9 34932317 66.00 812
B9 34930228 66.00 812 B9 34931303 66.00 812 B9 34932318 66.00 812
B9 34930229 66.00 812 B9 34931304 66.00 812 B9 34932319 66.00 812
B9 34930230 66.00 812 B9 34931306 66.00 812 B9 34932320 66.00 812
B9 34930301 66.00 812 B9 34931307 66.00 812 B9 34935101 66.00 812
B9 34930302 66.00 812 B9 34931308 66.00 812 B9 34935102 66.00 812
B9 34930303 66.00 812 B9 34931309 66.00 812 B9 34935103 66.00 812
B9 34930304 66.00 812 B9 34931311 66.00 812 B9 34935104 66.00 812
B9 34930305 66.00 812 B9 34931312 66.00 812 B9 34935105 66.00 812
B9 34930306 66.00 812 B9 34931313 66.00 812 B9 34935106 66.00 812
B9 34930307 66.00 812 B9 34931314 66.00 812 B9 34935107 66.00 812
B9 34930308 66.00 812 B9 34931315 66.00 812 B9 34935108 66.00 812
B9 34930309 66.00 812 B9 34931316 66.00 812 B9 34935109 66.00 812
B9 34930310 66.00 812 B9 34931317 66.00 812 B9 34935110 66.00 812
B9 34930311 66.00 812 B9 34931401 66.00 812 B9 34935111 66.00 812
B9 34930312 66.00 812 B9 34931402 66.00 812 B9 34935112 66.00 812
B9 34930313 66.00 812 B9 34931403 66.00 812 B9 34935113 66.00 812
B9 34930314 66.00 812 B9 34931404 66.00 812 B9 34935201 66.00 812
B9 34930315 66.00 812 B9 34931405 66.00 812 B9 34935202 66.00 812
B9 34930316 66.00 812 B9 34931406 66.00 812 B9 34935203 66.00 812
B9 34930317 66.00 812 B9 34931407 66.00 812 B9 34935204 66.00 812
B9 34930318 66.00 812 B9 34931409 66.00 812 B9 34935301 66.00 812
B9 34930319 66.00 812 B9 34931410 66.00 812 B9 34935302 66.00 812
B9 34930320 66.00 812 B9 34931411 66.00 812 B9 34935303 66.00 812
B9 34930321 66.00 812 B9 34931412 66.00 812 B9 34935305 66.00 812
B9 34930322 66.00 812 B9 34931413 66.00 812 B9 34935306 66.00 812
B9 34930323 66.00 812 B9 34931414 66.00 812 B9 34935307 66.00 812
B9 34930324 66.00 812 B9 34931415 66.00 812 B9 34935308 66.00 812
B9 34935309 66.00 812 B9 34937120 66.00 812 B9 34944113 66.00 812
B9 34935310 66.00 812 B9 34937121 66.00 812 B9 34944114 66.00 812
B9 34935311 66.00 812 B9 34937122 66.00 812 B9 34944115 66.00 812
B9 34935312 66.00 812 B9 34937123 66.00 812 B9 34944116 66.00 812
B9 34935313 66.00 812 B9 34937124 66.00 812 B9 34944117 66.00 812
B9 34935314 66.00 812 B9 34937125 66.00 812 B9 34944118 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 34935315 66.00 812 B9 34937126 66.00 812 B9 34944119 66.00 812
B9 34935316 66.00 812 B9 34937127 66.00 812 B9 34944120 66.00 812
B9 34935317 66.00 812 B9 34937128 66.00 812 B9 34944121 66.00 812
B9 34935318 66.00 812 B9 34937129 66.00 812 B9 34944122 66.00 812
B9 34935319 66.00 812 B9 34937130 66.00 812 B9 34944123 66.00 812
B9 34935320 66.00 812 B9 34937131 66.00 812 B9 34944124 66.00 812
B9 34935321 66.00 812 B9 34937132 66.00 812 B9 34944125 66.00 812
B9 34935322 66.00 812 B9 34937133 66.00 812 B9 34944126 66.00 812
B9 34935323 66.00 812 B9 34937134 66.00 812 B9 34944127 66.00 812
B9 34935324 66.00 812 B9 34937135 66.00 812 B9 34944128 66.00 812
B9 34935325 66.00 812 B9 34937136 66.00 812 B9 34944129 66.00 812
B9 34935326 66.00 812 B9 34937137 66.00 812 B9 34944130 66.00 812
B9 34935327 66.00 812 B9 34937138 66.00 812 B9 34944131 66.00 812
B9 34935328 66.00 812 B9 34937139 66.00 812 B9 34944132 66.00 812
B9 34935329 66.00 812 B9 34937140 66.00 812 B9 34944133 66.00 812
B9 34935330 66.00 812 B9 34937201 66.00 812 B9 34944134 66.00 812
B9 34935331 66.00 812 B9 34937202 66.00 812 B9 34944135 66.00 812
B9 34935332 66.00 812 B9 34937203 66.00 812 B9 34944136 66.00 812
B9 34935333 66.00 812 B9 34937204 66.00 812 B9 34944137 66.00 812
B9 34935334 66.00 812 B9 34937205 66.00 812 B9 34944138 66.00 812
B9 34935335 66.00 812 B9 34937206 66.00 812 B9 34944139 66.00 812
B9 34935336 66.00 812 B9 34937207 66.00 812 B9 34944140 66.00 812
B9 34935337 66.00 812 B9 34937208 66.00 812 B9 34944141 66.00 812
B9 34935338 66.00 812 B9 34937209 66.00 812 B9 34944142 66.00 812
B9 34935401 66.00 812 B9 34937210 66.00 812 B9 34944143 66.00 812
B9 34935402 66.00 812 B9 34937211 66.00 812 B9 34944144 66.00 812
B9 34935403 66.00 812 B9 34937212 66.00 812 B9 34944145 66.00 812
B9 34935404 66.00 812 B9 34937301 66.00 812 B9 34944146 66.00 812
B9 34935405 66.00 812 B9 34937302 66.00 812 B9 34944147 66.00 812
B9 34935406 66.00 812 B9 34937303 66.00 812 B9 34944148 66.00 812
B9 34935407 66.00 812 B9 34937401 66.00 812 B9 34944149 66.00 812
B9 34935408 66.00 812 B9 34937402 66.00 812 B9 34944150 66.00 812
B9 34935409 66.00 812 B9 34937403 66.00 812 B9 34944151 66.00 812
B9 34935410 66.00 812 B9 34937404 66.00 812 B9 34944152 66.00 812
B9 34936101 66.00 812 B9 34939101 66.00 812 B9 34944153 66.00 812
B9 34936102 66.00 812 B9 34939102 66.00 812 B9 34944154 66.00 812
B9 34936104 66.00 812 B9 34939103 66.00 812 B9 34944155 66.00 812
B9 34936105 66.00 812 B9 34939104 66.00 812 B9 34944156 66.00 812
B9 34936106 66.00 812 B9 34939105 66.00 812 B9 34944157 66.00 812
B9 34936107 66.00 812 B9 34939106 66.00 812 B9 34944158 66.00 812
B9 34936108 66.00 812 B9 34939107 66.00 812 B9 34944159 66.00 812
B9 34936109 66.00 812 B9 34939108 66.00 812 B9 34944160 66.00 812
B9 34936110 66.00 812 B9 34939109 66.00 812 B9 34944161 66.00 812
B9 34936111 66.00 812 B9 34939110 66.00 812 B9 34944162 66.00 812
B9 34936201 66.00 812 B9 34939111 66.00 812 B9 34944201 66.00 812
B9 34936202 66.00 812 B9 34939112 66.00 812 B9 34944202 66.00 812
B9 34936203 66.00 812 B9 34939113 66.00 812 B9 34944203 66.00 812
B9 34936204 66.00 812 B9 34939114 66.00 812 B9 34944204 66.00 812
B9 34936205 66.00 812 B9 34939115 66.00 812 B9 34944205 66.00 812
B9 34936206 66.00 812 B9 34939116 66.00 812 B9 34944206 66.00 812
B9 34936207 66.00 812 B9 34939117 66.00 812 B9 34944207 66.00 812
B9 34936208 66.00 812 B9 34939118 66.00 812 B9 34944208 66.00 812
B9 34936209 66.00 812 B9 34939119 66.00 812 B9 34944209 66.00 812
B9 34936210 66.00 812 B9 34939120 66.00 812 B9 34944210 66.00 812
B9 34937101 66.00 812 B9 34939121 66.00 812 B9 34944211 66.00 812
B9 34937102 66.00 812 B9 34939122 66.00 812 B9 34944212 66.00 812
B9 34937103 66.00 812 B9 34939123 66.00 812 B9 34944213 66.00 812
B9 34937104 66.00 812 B9 34939124 66.00 812 B9 34944214 66.00 812
B9 34937105 66.00 812 B9 34939125 66.00 812 B9 34944215 66.00 812
B9 34937106 66.00 812 B9 34939126 66.00 812 B9 34944216 66.00 812
B9 34937107 66.00 812 B9 34939127 66.00 812 B9 34944217 66.00 812
B9 34937108 66.00 812 B9 34944101 66.00 812 B9 34944218 66.00 812
B9 34937109 66.00 812 B9 34944102 66.00 812 B9 34944219 66.00 812
B9 34937110 66.00 812 B9 34944103 66.00 812 B9 34944220 66.00 812
B9 34937111 66.00 812 B9 34944104 66.00 812 B9 34944221 66.00 812
B9 34937112 66.00 812 B9 34944105 66.00 812 B9 34944222 66.00 812
B9 34937113 66.00 812 B9 34944106 66.00 812 B9 34944223 66.00 812
B9 34937114 66.00 812 B9 34944107 66.00 812 B9 34944224 66.00 812
B9 34937115 66.00 812 B9 34944108 66.00 812 B9 34944225 66.00 812
B9 34937116 66.00 812 B9 34944109 66.00 812 B9 34944226 66.00 812
B9 34937117 66.00 812 B9 34944110 66.00 812 B9 34944227 66.00 812
B9 34937118 66.00 812 B9 34944111 66.00 812 B9 34944228 66.00 812
B9 34937119 66.00 812 B9 34944112 66.00 812 B9 34944229 66.00 812
B9 34944230 66.00 812 B9 34944345 66.00 812 B9 34969342 66.00 812
B9 34944231 66.00 812 B9 34944346 66.00 812 B9 34969345 66.00 812
B9 34944232 66.00 812 B9 34944347 66.00 812 B9 34969347 66.00 812
B9 34944233 66.00 812 B9 34944348 66.00 812 B9 34989201 66.00 812
B9 34944234 66.00 812 B9 34944349 66.00 812 B9 34989202 66.00 812
B9 34944235 66.00 812 B9 34944350 66.00 812 B9 34989203 66.00 812
B9 34944236 66.00 812 B9 34944351 66.00 812 B9 34989204 66.00 812
B9 34944237 66.00 812 B9 34944352 66.00 812 B9 34989205 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 34944238 66.00 812 B9 34944353 66.00 812 B9 34989206 66.00 812
B9 34944239 66.00 812 B9 34944354 66.00 812 B9 34989207 66.00 812
B9 34944240 66.00 812 B9 34944355 66.00 812 B9 34989208 66.00 812
B9 34944241 66.00 812 B9 34944356 66.00 812 B9 34989209 66.00 812
B9 34944242 66.00 812 B9 34944357 66.00 812 B9 34989210 66.00 812
B9 34944243 66.00 812 B9 34944358 66.00 812 B9 34989211 66.00 812
B9 34944244 66.00 812 B9 34944359 66.00 812 B9 34989212 66.00 812
B9 34944245 66.00 812 B9 34944360 66.00 812 B9 34989213 66.00 812
B9 34944246 66.00 812 B9 34944361 66.00 812 B9 34989214 66.00 812
B9 34944247 66.00 812 B9 34944362 66.00 812 B9 34989215 66.00 812
B9 34944248 66.00 812 B9 34944363 66.00 812 B9 34989216 66.00 812
B9 34944249 66.00 812 B9 34944364 66.00 812 B9 34989217 66.00 812
B9 34944250 66.00 812 B9 34944365 66.00 812 B9 34989218 66.00 812
B9 34944251 66.00 812 B9 34944366 66.00 812 B9 34989219 66.00 812
B9 34944252 66.00 812 B9 34944367 66.00 812 B9 34989220 66.00 812
B9 34944253 66.00 812 B9 34944368 66.00 812 B9 34989221 66.00 812
B9 34944254 66.00 812 B9 34944369 66.00 812 B9 34989222 66.00 812
B9 34944255 66.00 812 B9 34944370 66.00 812 B9 34989223 66.00 812
B9 34944256 66.00 812 B9 34944371 66.00 812 B9 34989224 66.00 812
B9 34944257 66.00 812 B9 34944372 66.00 812 B9 34989225 66.00 812
B9 34944258 66.00 812 B9 34969202 66.00 812 B9 34989226 66.00 812
B9 34944259 66.00 812 B9 34969203 66.00 812 B9 34989227 66.00 812
B9 34944260 66.00 812 B9 34969204 66.00 812 B9 34989228 66.00 812
B9 34944261 66.00 812 B9 34969205 66.00 812 B9 34989229 66.00 812
B9 34944262 66.00 812 B9 34969206 66.00 812 B9 34989230 66.00 812
B9 34944263 66.00 812 B9 34969207 66.00 812 B9 34989231 66.00 812
B9 34944264 66.00 812 B9 34969208 66.00 812 B9 34989232 66.00 812
B9 34944265 66.00 812 B9 34969209 66.00 812 B9 34989233 66.00 812
B9 34944266 66.00 812 B9 34969210 66.00 812 B9 34989234 66.00 812
B9 34944267 66.00 812 B9 34969211 66.00 812 B9 34989235 66.00 812
B9 34944301 66.00 812 B9 34969212 66.00 812 B9 34989236 66.00 812
B9 34944302 66.00 812 B9 34969213 66.00 812 B9 34989237 66.00 812
B9 34944303 66.00 812 B9 34969214 66.00 812 B9 34989238 66.00 812
B9 34944304 66.00 812 B9 34969215 66.00 812 B9 34989239 66.00 812
B9 34944305 66.00 812 B9 34969216 66.00 812 B9 34989240 66.00 812
B9 34944306 66.00 812 B9 34969217 66.00 812 B9 34989241 66.00 812
B9 34944307 66.00 812 B9 34969218 66.00 812 B9 34989242 66.00 812
B9 34944308 66.00 812 B9 34969219 66.00 812 B9 34989243 66.00 812
B9 34944309 66.00 812 B9 34969220 66.00 812 B9 34989244 66.00 812
B9 34944310 66.00 812 B9 34969221 66.00 812 B9 34989245 66.00 812
B9 34944311 66.00 812 B9 34969222 66.00 812 B9 34989246 66.00 812
B9 34944312 66.00 812 B9 34969223 66.00 812 B9 34989247 66.00 812
B9 34944313 66.00 812 B9 34969224 66.00 812 B9 34989248 66.00 812
B9 34944314 66.00 812 B9 34969225 66.00 812 B9 34989301 66.00 812
B9 34944315 66.00 812 B9 34969226 66.00 812 B9 34989302 66.00 812
B9 34944316 66.00 812 B9 34969227 66.00 812 B9 34989303 66.00 812
B9 34944317 66.00 812 B9 34969228 66.00 812 B9 34989304 66.00 812
B9 34944318 66.00 812 B9 34969229 66.00 812 B9 34989305 66.00 812
B9 34944319 66.00 812 B9 34969230 66.00 812 B9 34989306 66.00 812
B9 34944320 66.00 812 B9 34969302 66.00 812 B9 34989307 66.00 812
B9 34944321 66.00 812 B9 34969304 66.00 812 B9 34989308 66.00 812
B9 34944322 66.00 812 B9 34969306 66.00 812 B9 34989309 66.00 812
B9 34944323 66.00 812 B9 34969308 66.00 812 B9 34989310 66.00 812
B9 34944324 66.00 812 B9 34969310 66.00 812 B9 34989311 66.00 812
B9 34944325 66.00 812 B9 34969312 66.00 812 B9 34989312 66.00 812
B9 34944326 66.00 812 B9 34969314 66.00 812 B9 34989313 66.00 812
B9 34944327 66.00 812 B9 34969317 66.00 812 B9 34989314 66.00 812
B9 34944328 66.00 812 B9 34969318 66.00 812 B9 34989315 66.00 812
B9 34944329 66.00 812 B9 34969319 66.00 812 B9 34989316 66.00 812
B9 34944330 66.00 812 B9 34969321 66.00 812 B9 34989317 66.00 812
B9 34944331 66.00 812 B9 34969322 66.00 812 B9 34989318 66.00 812
B9 34944332 66.00 812 B9 34969323 66.00 812 B9 34989319 66.00 812
B9 34944333 66.00 812 B9 34969326 66.00 812 B9 34989320 66.00 812
B9 34944334 66.00 812 B9 34969327 66.00 812 B9 34989321 66.00 812
B9 34944335 66.00 812 B9 34969328 66.00 812 B9 34989322 66.00 812
B9 34944336 66.00 812 B9 34969329 66.00 812 B9 34989323 66.00 812
B9 34944337 66.00 812 B9 34969330 66.00 812 B9 34989324 66.00 812
B9 34944338 66.00 812 B9 34969331 66.00 812 B9 34989325 66.00 812
B9 34944339 66.00 812 B9 34969332 66.00 812 B9 34989326 66.00 812
B9 34944340 66.00 812 B9 34969333 66.00 812 B9 34989327 66.00 812
B9 34944344 66.00 812 B9 34969334 66.00 812 B9 34989328 66.00 812
B9 34989329 66.00 812 B9 34989502 66.00 812 B9 35211507 282.63 812
B9 34989330 66.00 812 B9 34989503 66.00 812 B9 35211508 248.89 812
B9 34989331 66.00 812 B9 34989504 66.00 812 B9 35211511 127.56 812
B9 34989332 66.00 812 B9 34989505 66.00 812 B9 35211513 130.25 812
B9 34989333 66.00 812 B9 34989506 66.00 812 B9 35211515 125.97 812
B9 34989334 66.00 812 B9 34989507 66.00 812 B9 35211516 126.45 812
B9 34989335 66.00 812 B9 34989508 66.00 812 B9 35211614 130.25 812
B9 34989336 66.00 812 B9 34989509 66.00 812 B9 35211615 183.31 812
B9 34989337 66.00 812 B9 34989510 66.00 812 B9 35211701 212.78 812
B9 34989338 66.00 812 B9 34989511 66.00 812 B9 35211703 287.91 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 34989339 66.00 812 B9 34989512 66.00 812 B9 35211704 432.32 812
B9 34989340 66.00 812 B9 34989513 66.00 812 B9 35211705 331.73 812
B9 34989341 66.00 812 B9 34989514 66.00 812 B9 35211706 504.70 812
B9 34989342 66.00 812 B9 34989515 66.00 812 B9 35211707 114.79 812
B9 34989343 66.00 812 B9 34989516 66.00 812 B9 35211708 1329.11 812
B9 34989344 66.00 812 B9 34989517 66.00 812 B9 35211709 640.93 812
B9 34989345 66.00 812 B9 34989518 66.00 812 B9 35211711 106.49 812
B9 34989346 66.00 812 B9 34989519 66.00 812 B9 35211712 1747.79 812
B9 34989347 66.00 812 B9 34989520 66.00 812 B9 35212108 1650.01 812
B9 34989348 66.00 812 B9 34989521 66.00 812 B9 35213103 797.52 812
B9 34989349 66.00 812 B9 34989522 66.00 812 B9 35213105 52.73 812
B9 34989401 66.00 812 B9 34989523 66.00 812 B9 35213106 47.18 812
B9 34989402 66.00 812 B9 34989524 66.00 812 B9 35213109 125.34 812
B9 34989403 66.00 812 B9 34989525 66.00 812 B9 35213110 34.19 812
B9 34989404 66.00 812 B9 34989526 66.00 812 B9 35213111 35.62 812
B9 34989405 66.00 812 B9 34989527 66.00 812 B9 35213112 37.36 812
B9 34989406 66.00 812 B9 34989528 66.00 812 B9 35213113 39.42 812
B9 34989407 66.00 812 B9 34989529 66.00 812 B9 35213114 116.54 812
B9 34989408 66.00 812 B9 34989530 66.00 812 B9 35214101 133.10 812
B9 34989409 66.00 812 B9 34989531 66.00 812 B9 35214107 135.29 812
B9 34989410 66.00 812 B9 34989532 66.00 812 B9 35214115 267.59 812
B9 34989411 66.00 812 B9 34989533 66.00 812 B9 35214117 37.04 812
B9 34989412 66.00 812 B9 34989534 66.00 812 B9 35214118 79.02 812
B9 34989413 66.00 812 B9 34989535 66.00 812 B9 35214119 30.07 812
B9 34989414 66.00 812 B9 34989536 66.00 812 B9 35214120 36.57 812
B9 34989415 66.00 812 B9 34989537 66.00 812 B9 35214121 586.58 812
B9 34989416 66.00 812 B9 34989538 66.00 812 B9 35214122 46.61 812
B9 34989417 66.00 812 B9 34989539 66.00 812 B9 35214123 28.65 812
B9 34989418 66.00 812 B9 34989540 66.00 812 B9 35214124 175.55 812
B9 34989419 66.00 812 B9 34989541 66.00 812 B9 35214125 176.19 812
B9 34989420 66.00 812 B9 34989542 66.00 812 B9 35214126 109.90 812
B9 34989421 66.00 812 B9 34989543 66.00 812 B9 35214127 111.49 812
B9 34989422 66.00 812 B9 34989544 66.00 812 B9 35214128 84.59 812
B9 34989423 66.00 812 B9 34989545 66.00 812 B9 35214129 47.02 812
B9 34989424 66.00 812 B9 34989546 66.00 812 B9 35214130 28.02 812
B9 34989425 66.00 812 B9 34994162 123.40 812 B9 35215107 212.62 812
B9 34989426 66.00 812 B9 35104149 2641.20 812 B9 35215109 60.31 812
B9 34989427 66.00 812 B9 35104601 78.10 812 B9 35215110 63.50 812
B9 34989428 66.00 812 B9 35116203 50.64 812 B9 35215111 41.32 812
B9 34989429 66.00 812 B9 35122101 541.85 812 B9 35215113 36.89 812
B9 34989430 66.00 812 B9 35122103 213.09 812 B9 35215121 30.71 812
B9 34989431 66.00 812 B9 35150203 385.43 812 B9 35215125 34.67 812
B9 34989432 66.00 812 B9 35150204 172.54 812 B9 35215129 1284.29 812
B9 34989433 66.00 812 B9 35150205 119.32 812 B9 35215130 36.25 812
B9 34989434 66.00 812 B9 35150206 233.05 812 B9 35215131 59.20 812
B9 34989435 66.00 812 B9 35150207 238.60 812 B9 35223101 186.96 812
B9 34989436 66.00 812 B9 35150208 642.92 812 B9 35223102 405.39 812
B9 34989437 66.00 812 B9 35150209 112.51 812 B9 35223103 104.55 812
B9 34989438 66.00 812 B9 35150210 108.55 812 B9 35223104 146.14 812
B9 34989439 66.00 812 B9 35150211 112.51 812 B9 35223105 120.71 812
B9 34989440 66.00 812 B9 35152101 2040.94 812 B9 35223106 76.99 812
B9 34989441 66.00 812 B9 35158181 59.81 812 B9 35223107 465.76 812
B9 34989442 66.00 812 B9 35175112 386.31 812 B9 35223110 110.77 812
B9 34989443 66.00 812 B9 35175113 117.26 812 B9 35307109 461.35 812
B9 34989444 66.00 812 B9 35211147 1505.64 812 B9 35307112 466.58 812
B9 34989445 66.00 812 B9 35211160 1413.70 812 B9 35307114 112.47 812
B9 34989446 66.00 812 B9 35211161 371.38 812 B9 35307115 71.92 812
B9 34989447 66.00 812 B9 35211162 1691.10 812 B9 35307116 92.99 812
B9 34989448 66.00 812 B9 35211203 120.43 812 B9 35307117 287.99 812
B9 34989449 66.00 812 B9 35211204 259.35 812 B9 35307118 52.25 812
B9 34989450 66.00 812 B9 35211302 655.03 812 B9 35307119 32.93 812
B9 34989451 66.00 812 B9 35211406 313.84 812 B9 35307120 37.99 812
B9 34989452 66.00 812 B9 35211407 233.05 812 B9 35307121 290.05 812
B9 34989453 66.00 812 B9 35211408 795.62 812 B9 35307122 501.62 812
B9 34989454 66.00 812 B9 35211409 527.81 812 B9 35307123 52.88 812
B9 34989455 66.00 812 B9 35211411 511.52 812 B9 35307124 67.46 812
B9 34989456 66.00 812 B9 35211412 389.89 812 B9 35307125 33.40 812
B9 34989457 66.00 812 B9 35211413 229.57 812 B9 35307126 127.65 812
B9 34989501 66.00 812 B9 35211501 602.60 812 B9 35307127 184.74 812
B9 35307128 238.75 812 B9 93648284 66.00 812 B9 93648373 66.00 812
B9 35309104 130.57 812 B9 93648285 66.00 812 B9 93648379 66.00 812
B9 35309105 118.17 812 B9 93648286 66.00 812 B9 93648380 66.00 812
B9 35309106 1497.08 812 B9 93648287 66.00 812 B9 93648381 66.00 812
B9 35311115 8520.00 812 B9 93648288 66.00 812 B9 93648382 66.00 812
B9 35313108 179.67 812 B9 93648289 66.00 812 B9 93648383 66.00 812
B9 35313110 384.96 812 B9 93648290 66.00 812 B9 93648384 66.00 812
B9 35313111 3060.33 812 B9 93648291 66.00 812 B9 93648385 66.00 812
B9 35313112 161.14 812 B9 93648292 66.00 812 B9 93648386 66.00 812
B9 35316105 337.17 812 B9 93648293 66.00 812 B9 93648387 66.00 812
B9 35316155 28.49 812 B9 93648294 66.00 812 B9 93648388 66.00 812
B9 35334102 3448.96 812 B9 93648295 66.00 812 B9 93648389 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 93648212 66.00 812 B9 93648301 66.00 812 B9 93648390 66.00 812
B9 93648213 66.00 812 B9 93648302 66.00 812 B9 93648391 66.00 812
B9 93648214 66.00 812 B9 93648303 66.00 812 B9 93648392 66.00 812
B9 93648215 66.00 812 B9 93648304 66.00 812 B9 93648393 66.00 812
B9 93648216 66.00 812 B9 93648305 66.00 812 B9 93648394 66.00 812
B9 93648217 66.00 812 B9 93648306 66.00 812 B9 93648395 66.00 812
B9 93648218 66.00 812 B9 93648307 66.00 812 B9 93648396 66.00 812
B9 93648219 66.00 812 B9 93648308 66.00 812 B9 93648397 66.00 812
B9 93648220 66.00 812 B9 93648309 66.00 812 B9 93648398 66.00 812
B9 93648221 66.00 812 B9 93648310 66.00 812 B9 93648399 66.00 812
B9 93648222 66.00 812 B9 93648311 66.00 812 B9 93648400 66.00 812
B9 93648223 66.00 812 B9 93648312 66.00 812 B9 93648401 66.00 812
B9 93648224 66.00 812 B9 93648313 66.00 812 B9 93648402 66.00 812
B9 93648225 66.00 812 B9 93648314 66.00 812 B9 93648403 66.00 812
B9 93648226 66.00 812 B9 93648315 66.00 812 B9 93648404 66.00 812
B9 93648227 66.00 812 B9 93648316 66.00 812 B9 93648405 66.00 812
B9 93648228 66.00 812 B9 93648317 66.00 812 B9 93648406 66.00 812
B9 93648229 66.00 812 B9 93648318 66.00 812 B9 93648407 66.00 812
B9 93648230 66.00 812 B9 93648319 66.00 812 B9 93648408 66.00 812
B9 93648231 66.00 812 B9 93648320 66.00 812 B9 93648409 66.00 812
B9 93648232 66.00 812 B9 93648321 66.00 812 B9 93648410 66.00 812
B9 93648233 66.00 812 B9 93648322 66.00 812 B9 93648411 66.00 812
B9 93648234 66.00 812 B9 93648323 66.00 812 B9 93648412 66.00 812
B9 93648235 66.00 812 B9 93648324 66.00 812 B9 93648413 66.00 812
B9 93648236 66.00 812 B9 93648325 66.00 812 B9 93648414 66.00 812
B9 93648237 66.00 812 B9 93648326 66.00 812 B9 93648420 66.00 812
B9 93648238 66.00 812 B9 93648327 66.00 812 B9 93648421 66.00 812
B9 93648239 66.00 812 B9 93648328 66.00 812 B9 93648422 66.00 812
B9 93648240 66.00 812 B9 93648329 66.00 812 B9 93648423 66.00 812
B9 93648241 66.00 812 B9 93648330 66.00 812 B9 93648424 66.00 812
B9 93648242 66.00 812 B9 93648331 66.00 812 B9 93648425 66.00 812
B9 93648243 66.00 812 B9 93648332 66.00 812 B9 93648426 66.00 812
B9 93648244 66.00 812 B9 93648338 66.00 812 B9 93648427 66.00 812
B9 93648245 66.00 812 B9 93648339 66.00 812 B9 93648428 66.00 812
B9 93648246 66.00 812 B9 93648340 66.00 812 B9 93648429 66.00 812
B9 93648247 66.00 812 B9 93648341 66.00 812 B9 93648430 66.00 812
B9 93648248 66.00 812 B9 93648342 66.00 812 B9 93648431 66.00 812
B9 93648249 66.00 812 B9 93648343 66.00 812 B9 93648432 66.00 812
B9 93648250 66.00 812 B9 93648344 66.00 812 B9 93648433 66.00 812
B9 93648251 66.00 812 B9 93648345 66.00 812 B9 93648434 66.00 812
B9 93648252 66.00 812 B9 93648346 66.00 812 B9 93648435 66.00 812
B9 93648253 66.00 812 B9 93648347 66.00 812 B9 93648436 66.00 812
B9 93648254 66.00 812 B9 93648348 66.00 812 B9 93648437 66.00 812
B9 93648255 66.00 812 B9 93648349 66.00 812 B9 93648438 66.00 812
B9 93648256 66.00 812 B9 93648350 66.00 812 B9 93648439 66.00 812
B9 93648257 66.00 812 B9 93648351 66.00 812 B9 93648440 66.00 812
B9 93648258 66.00 812 B9 93648352 66.00 812 B9 93648441 66.00 812
B9 93648259 66.00 812 B9 93648353 66.00 812 B9 93648442 66.00 812
B9 93648260 66.00 812 B9 93648354 66.00 812 B9 93648443 66.00 812
B9 93648266 66.00 812 B9 93648355 66.00 812 B9 93648444 66.00 812
B9 93648267 66.00 812 B9 93648356 66.00 812 B9 93648445 66.00 812
B9 93648268 66.00 812 B9 93648357 66.00 812 B9 93648446 66.00 812
B9 93648269 66.00 812 B9 93648358 66.00 812 B9 93648447 66.00 812
B9 93648270 66.00 812 B9 93648359 66.00 812 B9 93648448 66.00 812
B9 93648271 66.00 812 B9 93648360 66.00 812 B9 93648449 66.00 812
B9 93648272 66.00 812 B9 93648361 66.00 812 B9 93648450 66.00 812
B9 93648273 66.00 812 B9 93648362 66.00 812 B9 93648451 66.00 812
B9 93648274 66.00 812 B9 93648363 66.00 812 B9 93648452 66.00 812
B9 93648275 66.00 812 B9 93648364 66.00 812 B9 93648453 66.00 812
B9 93648276 66.00 812 B9 93648365 66.00 812 B9 93648454 66.00 812
B9 93648277 66.00 812 B9 93648366 66.00 812 B9 93648455 66.00 812
B9 93648278 66.00 812 B9 93648367 66.00 812 B9 93648456 66.00 812
B9 93648279 66.00 812 B9 93648368 66.00 812 B9 93648457 66.00 812
B9 93648280 66.00 812 B9 93648369 66.00 812 B9 93648458 66.00 812
B9 93648281 66.00 812 B9 93648370 66.00 812 B9 93648459 66.00 812
B9 93648282 66.00 812 B9 93648371 66.00 812 B9 93648464 66.00 812
B9 93648283 66.00 812 B9 93648372 66.00 812 B9 93648465 66.00 812
B9 93648466 66.00 812 B9 93648553 66.00 812 B9 93684205 66.00 812
B9 93648467 66.00 812 B9 93648554 66.00 812 B9 93684206 66.00 812
B9 93648468 66.00 812 B9 93648555 66.00 812 B9 93684207 66.00 812
B9 93648469 66.00 812 B9 93648556 66.00 812 B9 93684208 66.00 812
B9 93648470 66.00 812 B9 93648557 66.00 812 B9 93684209 66.00 812
B9 93648471 66.00 812 B9 93648558 66.00 812 B9 93684210 66.00 812
B9 93648472 66.00 812 B9 93648559 66.00 812 B9 93684211 66.00 812
B9 93648473 66.00 812 B9 93648560 66.00 812 B9 93684212 66.00 812
B9 93648474 66.00 812 B9 93648561 66.00 812 B9 93684213 66.00 812
B9 93648475 66.00 812 B9 93648562 66.00 812 B9 93684214 66.00 812
B9 93648476 66.00 812 B9 93648563 66.00 812 B9 93684215 66.00 812
B9 93648477 66.00 812 B9 93648564 66.00 812 B9 93684216 66.00 812
B9 93648478 66.00 812 B9 93648565 66.00 812 B9 93684217 66.00 812
B9 93648479 66.00 812 B9 93648566 66.00 812 B9 93684218 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 93648480 66.00 812 B9 93648567 66.00 812 B9 93684219 66.00 812
B9 93648481 66.00 812 B9 93648568 66.00 812 B9 93684220 66.00 812
B9 93648482 66.00 812 B9 93648569 66.00 812 B9 93684221 66.00 812
B9 93648483 66.00 812 B9 93648570 66.00 812 B9 93684222 66.00 812
B9 93648484 66.00 812 B9 93648571 66.00 812 B9 93684223 66.00 812
B9 93648485 66.00 812 B9 93648572 66.00 812 B9 93684224 66.00 812
B9 93648486 66.00 812 B9 93648573 66.00 812 B9 93684225 66.00 812
B9 93648487 66.00 812 B9 93648574 66.00 812 B9 93684226 66.00 812
B9 93648488 66.00 812 B9 93648575 66.00 812 B9 93684227 66.00 812
B9 93648489 66.00 812 B9 93648576 66.00 812 B9 93684228 66.00 812
B9 93648490 66.00 812 B9 93648577 66.00 812 B9 93684229 66.00 812
B9 93648491 66.00 812 B9 93648578 66.00 812 B9 93684230 66.00 812
B9 93648492 66.00 812 B9 93684101 162.18 812 B9 93684231 66.00 812
B9 93648493 66.00 812 B9 93684102 34.01 812 B9 93684232 66.00 812
B9 93648494 66.00 812 B9 93684103 67.62 812 B9 93684233 66.00 812
B9 93648495 66.00 812 B9 93684104 132.40 812 B9 93684234 66.00 812
B9 93648496 66.00 812 B9 93684105 70.62 812 B9 93684235 66.00 812
B9 93648497 66.00 812 B9 93684106 73.79 812 B9 93684236 66.00 812
B9 93648498 66.00 812 B9 93684107 38.31 812 B9 93684237 66.00 812
B9 93648499 66.00 812 B9 93684108 41.48 812 B9 93684238 66.00 812
B9 93648504 66.00 812 B9 93684109 83.61 812 B9 93684239 66.00 812
B9 93648505 66.00 812 B9 93684110 59.54 812 B9 93684240 66.00 812
B9 93648506 66.00 812 B9 93684111 198.93 812 B9 93684241 66.00 812
B9 93648507 66.00 812 B9 93684114 66.00 812 B9 93684242 66.00 812
B9 93648508 66.00 812 B9 93684115 66.00 812 B9 93684243 66.00 812
B9 93648509 66.00 812 B9 93684116 66.00 812 B9 93684244 66.00 812
B9 93648510 66.00 812 B9 93684117 66.00 812 B9 93684245 66.00 812
B9 93648511 66.00 812 B9 93684118 66.00 812 B9 93684246 66.00 812
B9 93648512 66.00 812 B9 93684119 66.00 812 B9 93684247 66.00 812
B9 93648513 66.00 812 B9 93684120 66.00 812 B9 93684248 66.00 812
B9 93648514 66.00 812 B9 93684121 66.00 812 B9 93684249 66.00 812
B9 93648515 66.00 812 B9 93684122 66.00 812 B9 93684250 66.00 812
B9 93648516 66.00 812 B9 93684123 66.00 812 B9 93684251 66.00 812
B9 93648517 66.00 812 B9 93684124 66.00 812 B9 93684252 66.00 812
B9 93648518 66.00 812 B9 93684125 66.00 812 B9 93684253 66.00 812
B9 93648519 66.00 812 B9 93684126 66.00 812 B9 93684254 66.00 812
B9 93648520 66.00 812 B9 93684176 66.00 812 B9 93684255 66.00 812
B9 93648521 66.00 812 B9 93684177 66.00 812 B9 93684256 66.00 812
B9 93648522 66.00 812 B9 93684178 66.00 812 B9 93684257 66.00 812
B9 93648523 66.00 812 B9 93684179 66.00 812 B9 93684258 66.00 812
B9 93648524 66.00 812 B9 93684180 66.00 812 B9 93684259 66.00 812
B9 93648525 66.00 812 B9 93684181 66.00 812 B9 93684260 66.00 812
B9 93648526 66.00 812 B9 93684182 66.00 812 B9 93684261 66.00 812
B9 93648527 66.00 812 B9 93684183 66.00 812 B9 93684262 66.00 812
B9 93648528 66.00 812 B9 93684184 66.00 812 B9 93684263 66.00 812
B9 93648529 66.00 812 B9 93684185 66.00 812 B9 93684264 66.00 812
B9 93648530 66.00 812 B9 93684186 66.00 812 B9 93684265 66.00 812
B9 93648531 66.00 812 B9 93684187 66.00 812 B9 93684266 66.00 812
B9 93648532 66.00 812 B9 93684188 66.00 812 B9 93684267 66.00 812
B9 93648533 66.00 812 B9 93684189 66.00 812 B9 93684268 66.00 812
B9 93648534 66.00 812 B9 93684190 66.00 812 B9 93684269 66.00 812
B9 93648535 66.00 812 B9 93684191 66.00 812 B9 93684270 66.00 812
B9 93648536 66.00 812 B9 93684192 66.00 812 B9 93684271 66.00 812
B9 93648537 66.00 812 B9 93684193 66.00 812 B9 93684272 66.00 812
B9 93648538 66.00 812 B9 93684194 66.00 812 B9 93684273 66.00 812
B9 93648539 66.00 812 B9 93684195 66.00 812 B9 93684274 66.00 812
B9 93648540 66.00 812 B9 93684196 66.00 812 B9 93684275 66.00 812
B9 93648541 66.00 812 B9 93684197 66.00 812 B9 93684276 66.00 812
B9 93648546 66.00 812 B9 93684198 66.00 812 B9 93684277 66.00 812
B9 93648547 66.00 812 B9 93684199 66.00 812 B9 93684278 66.00 812
B9 93648548 66.00 812 B9 93684200 66.00 812 B9 93684279 66.00 812
B9 93648549 66.00 812 B9 93684201 66.00 812 B9 93684280 66.00 812
B9 93648550 66.00 812 B9 93684202 66.00 812 B9 93684281 66.00 812
B9 93648551 66.00 812 B9 93684203 66.00 812 B9 93684282 66.00 812
B9 93648552 66.00 812 B9 93684204 66.00 812 B9 93684283 66.00 812
B9 93684284 66.00 812 B9 93684363 66.00 812 B9 93684442 66.00 812
B9 93684285 66.00 812 B9 93684364 66.00 812 B9 93684443 66.00 812
B9 93684286 66.00 812 B9 93684365 66.00 812 B9 93684444 66.00 812
B9 93684287 66.00 812 B9 93684366 66.00 812 B9 93684445 66.00 812
B9 93684288 66.00 812 B9 93684367 66.00 812 B9 93684446 66.00 812
B9 93684289 66.00 812 B9 93684368 66.00 812 B9 93684447 66.00 812
B9 93684290 66.00 812 B9 93684369 66.00 812 B9 93684448 66.00 812
B9 93684291 66.00 812 B9 93684370 66.00 812 B9 93684449 66.00 812
B9 93684292 66.00 812 B9 93684371 66.00 812 B9 93684450 66.00 812
B9 93684293 66.00 812 B9 93684372 66.00 812 B9 93684451 66.00 812
B9 93684294 66.00 812 B9 93684373 66.00 812 B9 93684452 66.00 812
B9 93684295 66.00 812 B9 93684374 66.00 812 B9 93684453 66.00 812
B9 93684296 66.00 812 B9 93684375 66.00 812 B9 93684454 66.00 812
B9 93684297 66.00 812 B9 93684376 66.00 812 B9 93684455 66.00 812
B9 93684298 66.00 812 B9 93684377 66.00 812 B9 93684456 66.00 812
B9 93684299 66.00 812 B9 93684378 66.00 812 B9 93684457 66.00 812
Yorba Linda Water District
2015-16 Sewer Assessment
B9 93684300 66.00 812 B9 93684379 66.00 812 B9 93684458 66.00 812
B9 93684301 66.00 812 B9 93684380 66.00 812 B9 93684459 66.00 812
B9 93684302 66.00 812 B9 93684381 66.00 812 B9 93684460 66.00 812
B9 93684303 66.00 812 B9 93684382 66.00 812 B9 93684461 66.00 812
B9 93684304 66.00 812 B9 93684383 66.00 812 B9 93684462 66.00 812
B9 93684305 66.00 812 B9 93684384 66.00 812 B9 93684463 66.00 812
B9 93684306 66.00 812 B9 93684385 66.00 812 B9 93684464 66.00 812
B9 93684307 66.00 812 B9 93684386 66.00 812 B9 93684465 66.00 812
B9 93684308 66.00 812 B9 93684387 66.00 812 B9 93684466 66.00 812
B9 93684309 66.00 812 B9 93684388 66.00 812 B9 93684467 66.00 812
B9 93684310 66.00 812 B9 93684389 66.00 812 B9 93684468 66.00 812
B9 93684311 66.00 812 B9 93684390 66.00 812 B9 93684469 66.00 812
B9 93684312 66.00 812 B9 93684391 66.00 812 B9 93684470 66.00 812
B9 93684313 66.00 812 B9 93684392 66.00 812 B9 93684471 66.00 812
B9 93684314 66.00 812 B9 93684393 66.00 812
B9 93684315 66.00 812 B9 93684394 66.00 812
B9 93684316 66.00 812 B9 93684395 66.00 812
B9 93684317 66.00 812 B9 93684396 66.00 812
B9 93684318 66.00 812 B9 93684397 66.00 812
B9 93684319 66.00 812 B9 93684398 66.00 812
B9 93684320 66.00 812 B9 93684399 66.00 812
B9 93684321 66.00 812 B9 93684400 66.00 812
B9 93684322 66.00 812 B9 93684401 66.00 812
B9 93684323 66.00 812 B9 93684402 66.00 812
B9 93684324 66.00 812 B9 93684403 66.00 812
B9 93684325 66.00 812 B9 93684404 66.00 812
B9 93684326 66.00 812 B9 93684405 66.00 812
B9 93684327 66.00 812 B9 93684406 66.00 812
B9 93684328 66.00 812 B9 93684407 66.00 812
B9 93684329 66.00 812 B9 93684408 66.00 812
B9 93684330 66.00 812 B9 93684409 66.00 812
B9 93684331 66.00 812 B9 93684410 66.00 812
B9 93684332 66.00 812 B9 93684411 66.00 812
B9 93684333 66.00 812 B9 93684412 66.00 812
B9 93684334 66.00 812 B9 93684413 66.00 812
B9 93684335 66.00 812 B9 93684414 66.00 812
B9 93684336 66.00 812 B9 93684415 66.00 812
B9 93684337 66.00 812 B9 93684416 66.00 812
B9 93684338 66.00 812 B9 93684417 66.00 812
B9 93684339 66.00 812 B9 93684418 66.00 812
B9 93684340 66.00 812 B9 93684419 66.00 812
B9 93684341 66.00 812 B9 93684420 66.00 812
B9 93684342 66.00 812 B9 93684421 66.00 812
B9 93684343 66.00 812 B9 93684422 66.00 812
B9 93684344 66.00 812 B9 93684423 66.00 812
B9 93684345 66.00 812 B9 93684424 66.00 812
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ITEM NO. 7.5
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015 Budgeted: N/A
To: Board of Directors
From: Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By: Staff Dept: Human
Reviewed by Legal: Yes
Prepared By: Bryan Melton, Human
Resources Analyst
Subject: Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Agreed upon between the
District and Employees of the Yorba Linda Water District Employees
Association for the Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018
That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 15-18 Amending Resolution No. 15-06 to
Modify and Further Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Agreed upon between the
District and Employees of the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for the Remainder
of Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
On May 11, 2015, the District's Board of Directors adopted the Memorandum of Understanding
between the District and the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years
2015-2018 (Resolution No. 15-06). At a subsequent Board meeting, the Board of Directors adopted
the Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, which included the newly created position of
Public Affairs Representative. The nature of this position does not qualify it to be placed in the
Supervisory and Confidential or Management Employees Groups and should therefore be
represented by the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association.
Modification is also required in Section 13.1 (Safety Boot Allowance) to allow employees to
purchase more than one pair of safety footwear, provided that it does not exceed the annual
$200.00 allowance.
Additionally, the Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 required modification to reflect the
actual observed dates for Memorial Day 2016 and 2017.
Attached to this report are copies of Resolution No. 15-18 and the amended exhibits for Resolution
No. 15-06.
The Board of Directors approved Resolution Nos. 15-06 and 15-15 on May 11, 2015 and June 25,
2015, respectively.
Name: Description: Type:
Resolution No. 15-18 MOU FY 2015-
Resolution No. 15-18 Backup Material
2018 Amendment.docx
Resolution No. 15-18 MOU FY 2015-
2018 Amendment.docx Resolution No. 15-18 REVISED Backup Material
MOU 2015-2018 07.23.15.docx MOU FY 2015-2018 Backup Material
Exhibit A -
BU Classifications and Salary Ranges 2015- MOU Classifications and Salary Ranges FY 2015-2018 Backup Material
2018 07.23.15.docx
Exhibit E - BU Holiday Schedule 2015-
MOU Holiday Schedule FY 2015-2018 Backup Material
2018 07.23.15.docx
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
MB/PH 5-0 Roll Call
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously
adopted the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the
Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2015-
2018 (Resolution No. 15-06); and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend this agreement in order
to modify and further clarify the salaries, benefits and special conditions
agreed upon between the District and employees of the Yorba Linda
Water District Employees Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District as follows:
Section 1. That the Memorandum of Understanding Classifications and Salary
Ranges and Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 incorporated as
Exhibits A and E of Resolution No. 15-06 be amended to read as attached
hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as Exhibit I.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July 2015, by the following called vote:
Ric Collett, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Resolution No. 15-18 Amending Resolution No. 15-06 Related to Employee Memorandum of Understanding 1
Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by Labor Counsel:
J. Scott Tiedemann, Managing Partner
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore LLP
Resolution No. 15-18 Amending Resolution No. 15-06 Related to Employee Memorandum of Understanding 2
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously
adopted the Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the
Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association for Fiscal Years 2015-
2018 (Resolution No. 15-06); and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend this agreement in order
to modify and further clarify the salaries, benefits and special conditions
agreed upon between the District and employees of the Yorba Linda
Water District Employees Association for the remainder of Fiscal Years
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District as follows:
Section 1. That Section 13.1 of the Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of
Understanding Classifications and Salary Ranges, and Memorandum of
Understanding Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 incorporated
as Exhibits A and E of Resolution No. 15-06 be amended to read as
attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as Exhibit I.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July 2015, by the following called vote:
Ric Collett, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Resolution No. 15-18 Amending Resolution No. 15-06 Related to Employee Memorandum of Understanding 1
Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by Labor Counsel:
J. Scott Tiedemann, Managing Partner
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore LLP
Resolution No. 15-18 Amending Resolution No. 15-06 Related to Employee Memorandum of Understanding 2
ARTICLE 1 RECOGNITION .................................................................................... 1
ARTICLE 2 SALARY SCHEDULE........................................................................... 1
Section 2.1 Salary Schedules....................................................................... 1
Section 2.2 Employee PERS Contribution Rate ........................................... 2
Section 2.3 Merit Increases .......................................................................... 2
Section 2.4 Acting Appointments.................................................................. 4
Section 2.5 Salary Deduction ....................................................................... 5
Section2.6 Probation ................................................................................... 5
ARTICLE 3 OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY TIME OFF ................................. 5
Section3.1 Overtime .................................................................................... 5
Section 3.2 Compensatory Time .................................................................. 6
ARTICLE 4 STANDBY AND CALL OUT COMPENSATION ................................... 6
Section 4.1 Standby Compensation ............................................................. 6
Section 4.2 Call-Out Compensation ............................................................. 7
ARTICLE 5 INSURANCE ........................................................................................ 9
Section 5.1 Life Insurance ............................................................................ 9
Section 5.2 Supplemental Life Insurance ..................................................... 9
Section 5.3 Health Insurance........................................................................ 9
Section 5.4 Dental Insurance...................................................................... 10
Section 5.5 Vision Coverage ...................................................................... 10
Section 5.6 Domestic Partners ................................................................... 10
Section 5.7 Retiree Insurance Benefits....................................................... 10
Section 5.8 Cafeteria Plan.......................................................................... 11
Section 5.9 Long-Term Disability................................................................ 11
Section 5.10 Short-Term Disability ............................................................... 12
ARTICLE 6 HOURS .............................................................................................. 12
ARTICLE 7 HOLIDAYS ......................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 8 VACATION ......................................................................................... 13
ARTICLE 9 LEAVES ............................................................................................. 15
Section9.1 Sick Leave ............................................................................... 15
Section 9.2 Disability Leave........................................................................ 16
Section 9.3 Leave of Absence Without Pay................................................ 17
Section 9.4 Jury Duty/Court Testimony ...................................................... 17
Section 9.5 Bereavement Leave................................................................. 18
Section 9.6 Emergency Leave Policy ......................................................... 18
ARTICLE 10 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE .............................................................. 18
Section10.1 Purpose ................................................................................... 18
Section 10.2 Matters Subject to the Grievance Procedure........................... 18
Section 10.3 Informal Grievance Adjustment................................................ 19
Section 10.4 Formal Grievance Procedure................................................... 19
Section 10.5 General Conditions.................................................................. 20
ARTICLE 11 EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE................................................................... 20
Section 11.1 Forms of Discipline .................................................................. 20
Section 11.2 Procedure ................................................................................ 21
Section 11.3 Appeal of Disciplinary Action ................................................... 21
ARTICLE 12 JOB POSTING ................................................................................... 23
ARTICLE 13 MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS .......................................................... 23
Section 13.1 Safety Boot Allowance............................................................. 23
Section 13.2 Certificate Pay ......................................................................... 24
Section 13.3 Education Reimbursement....................................................... 27
Section 13.4 Commercial Driver's License Pay............................................ 28
Section 13.5 Uniforms .................................................................................. 28
Section 13.6 Job Description........................................................................ 28
Section 13.7 Extended Work Accommodation.............................................. 28
ARTICLE 14 DRUG POLICY................................................................................... 29
ARTICLE 15 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ................................................................... 29
ARTICLE 16 CONCERTED ACTIVITIES ................................................................ 30
ARTICLE 17 TERM OF AGREEMENT.................................................................... 30
ARTICLE 18 DISTRICT GOVERNING BOARD APPROVAL.................................. 30
Exhibit A Salary Ranges and Authorized Classifications
Exhibit B Pay Plan Bargaining Unit Employees 2015-2016
Exhibit C Pay Plan Bargaining Unit Employees 2016-2017
Exhibit D Pay Plan Bargaining Unit Employees 2017-2018
Exhibit E Holiday Schedule
Pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code and the Rules and
Regulations of the District, Yorba Linda Water District (hereinafter called the "District")
has recognized the Yorba Linda Water District Employees Association, (hereinafter
called the "Association") as the recognized representative of a bargaining unit consisting
of the classifications listed in Exhibit "A" (hereinafter sometimes called "unit employees,"
"employees," "members" or "unit members") to this Memorandum of Understanding
(hereinafter "MOU").
Section 2.1 Salary Schedules
(a) For those employees who are employed as of the date of
ratification of this MOU, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B" will remain in
effect beginning July 1, 2015 (or upon adoption of the MOU by the Board of Directors,
whichever is later) through June 30, 2016 (reflecting a 2.5% base salary increase).
(b) Effective July 1, 2016, the salary schedule attached hereto as
Exhibit "C" shall be effective for FY 2016-2017 (reflecting a 2.0% base salary increase).
(c) Effective July 1, 2017, the salary schedule attached hereto as
Exhibit "D" shall be effective for FY 2017-2018 (reflecting a 2.0% base salary increase).
(d) Subject to the singular exception of deducting employee health,
dental, vision, supplemental life and supplemental accidental death and
dismemberment (AD&D) insurance contributions over 24 payroll periods, the District
employs 26 payroll periods of two (2) weeks each as a means of distributing
(e) Upon implementing the 4/10 schedule, paychecks will be
distributed on the Thursday following the end of a payroll period, with the payroll period
commencing on a Sunday and ending on the last Saturday of the two (2) week period. If
the Thursday payday falls on a holiday, the pay shall be distributed on the prior day, a
Wednesday. The FLSA work period for employees assigned to a 4/10 or 5/8 work
schedule will begin at Sunday at 12:00 a.m. and end the following Saturday at 11:59
p.m., and recurring thereafter.
Page 1
M Employee payroll deductions for the employee share of health,
dental, vision, supplemental life and supplemental accidental death and
dismemberment (AD&D) insurance premium contributions shall be amortized over 24
payroll periods and deducted during said 24 payroll periods.
Section 2.2 Employee PERS Contribution Rate and Formula
The District has three tiers for retirement benefits:
• Tier 1 applies to District employees hired prior to January 26, 2012;
• Tier 2 applies to District employees hired between January 26, 2012 and
December 31, 2012, and any District employees hired on or after January
1, 2013 who are defined as "classic members" under the Public
Employees' Retirement Law ("PERL"); and
• Tier 3 applies to District employees hired on or after January 1 , 2013 who
are defined as "new members" under the PERL.
(a) Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees
Tier 1 employees are enrolled in the 2% at 55 retirement formula. Tier 2
employees are enrolled in the 2% at 60 retirement formula.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees pay the full employee contribution rate, which is 7%
of pensionable compensation. The District has also contracted with CalPERS for a
retirement benefit based on the single highest year with a Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor
Benefit Program.
(b) Tier 3 employees
Unit members hired on or after January 1 , 2013 who are "new members" as
defined in the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA), are provided
the following retirement benefits: 2.5% at 67 benefit formula with a three year (36
month) final compensation period. Employees may designate the highest 36 month
period. Employees will pay one-half of the total normal cost rate as determined by
Section 2.3 Merit Increases
Merit Increases
Unit employees may be considered for merit salary increases. These merit
increases to steps within an established salary range shall not be automatic but may be
Page 2
granted only for continued or sustained improvement by the unit employees in the
effective performance of the duties of his/her position as determined within the District's
sole discretion.
The District has a nine (9) step salary schedule with a 2.5% salary difference
between steps and 5% salary difference between ranges. Effective July 1, 2016, the
District will implement an eleven (11) step salary schedule with a 2.5% salary difference
between steps replacing the District's previous nine (9) step salary schedule.
Subsequent movement on the salary schedule is based on merit as follows:
Evaluation Process
Each employee will be annually reviewed on a one-year interval following
completion of their probationary period. Effective July 1, 2016, the District will implement
a new five-rating performance evaluation with the following ratings: Unsatisfactory,
Needs Improvement, Meets Expectations, Exceeds Expectations, and Outstanding. An
employee who receives an overall rating of Exceeds Expectations and with no
Unsatisfactory and no more than two (2) Needs Improvement ratings on their evaluation
shall be entitled to move one (1) step. An employee who receives an overall rating of
Outstanding with no Unsatisfactory and no Needs Improvement ratings on their
evaluation, shall move two (2) steps. Movement shall take place until an employee has
reached Step 11. The District shall endeavor to have performance reviews completed
by the employee's anniversary date with the effective date of any merit salary increase
being on the anniversary date. If the evaluation is delayed, any subsequent salary
increase to which the employee is entitled as a result of the performance review rating,
shall be retroactive to the anniversary date.
The revised performance evaluation form is to be created by a subcommittee
consisting of two (2) managers and two (2) supervisors (selected by the District), and
two (2) bargaining unit members (selected by the Association). If the subcommittee
does not have a revised form completed by October 1 , 2015, the subcommittee will be
dissolved and the District and Association will meet and confer over a revised
performance evaluation form in accordance with the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (MMBA).
Page 3
Section 2.4 Acting Appointments
The Human Resources/Risk Manager may appoint an employee to serve in a
position on a temporary "acting appointment" basis. Although the District shall give
reasonable consideration to an employee's expression of unwillingness to serve in an
acting appointment, such expression shall not be controlling, and the District shall be
empowered to make the acting appointment regardless of such expression by the
employee. The District's decision to appoint an employee to an acting position shall not
be subject to administrative or civil challenge. After serving in an acting position for 30
consecutive calendar days, the employee shall be paid prospectively on the 31St
consecutive calendar day at an amount closest to 5% more than their normal rate of pay
or shall be placed on step 1 of the range established for the acting position whichever is
higher. However, in no case shall said acting position compensation be less than 4.5%.
Eligibility for this "acting" compensation is contingent on the responsible
supervisor determining that the employee has satisfactorily served the necessary
consecutive calendar days in the acting position. For example, if an employee serves in
an acting position for 29 consecutive calendar days, is removed, and reappointed 10
calendar days later for a period of 29 consecutive calendar days, no acting
compensation shall be paid. If an employee works for 45 consecutive calendar days in
an acting position, is then removed from the acting position and reappointed 10 working
days later for 20 calendar days, acting pay is earned for the 15 calendar days worked
as part of the 45 consecutive calendar day period described in this sentence and no
acting pay is earned for the subsequent 20 calendar days. The employee shall return to
their original position and salary step at the discretion of the Human Resources/Risk
Manager. With the General Manager's approval, the term of an "acting appointment"
may last longer than one (1) year.
Section 2.5 Salary Deduction
The District shall maintain a "414(h)(2)" plan under the Internal Revenue Code
for the purpose of treating contributions to PERS as deferred income for tax purposes to
the extent permitted by law. Contributions will continue to be deducted from the
employee's actual gross salary as reflected on the employee's pay stub. Employees
Page 4
shall otherwise be responsible for all taxes related to fringe and reimbursement benefits
and the District shall make deductions in accordance with the law.
Section 2.6 Probation
All new hires shall be subject to a twelve (12) month probationary period. Such
new hires shall accrue vacation commencing with the start of employment but shall be
ineligible to use accrued vacation time prior to successful completion of six (6) months
of service.
An existing employee who is promoted to a new position shall be required to
serve a six (6) month promotional probationary period in the promotional position.
Section 3.1 Overtime
A. Non-exempt FLSA unit employees covered by this Memorandum of
Understanding who perform authorized work in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7)
day work period, shall be compensated for such overtime work at the rate of one and
one-half times their regular hourly rate of pay. Overtime shall be calculated to the
nearest one-quarter hour of overtime worked. In order to receive overtime
compensation, non-emergency overtime must be authorized in advance by the
appropriate department manager.
B. Exempt employees covered by this Memorandum of Understanding shall
be compensated for overtime at a straight time rate, pursuant to all of the conditions
precedent to overtime eligibility as stated in Section 3(A) above.
C. Sick leave hours which are utilized by the employee, shall not be
considered hours worked for purposes of computing overtime eligibility, whether
pursuant to this MOU or pursuant to the requirements of the FLSA. Additionally,
vacation hours not authorized twenty-four (24) hours prior to use, shall not be
considered hours worked for purposes of computing overtime eligibility, whether
pursuant to this MOU or pursuant to the requirements of the FLSA. Utilized
compensatory time off shall be considered hours worked for purposes of computing
overtime eligibility.
Page 5
Section 3.2 Compensatory Time
At the employee's option, overtime may be earned as "compensatory time off"
instead of as cash. The maximum amount of compensatory time off which shall be
accrued is forty (40) hours. Compensatory time off shall be credited at the rate of 1-1/2
hours of compensatory time off for each hour of overtime worked.
At the employee's discretion, the employee may submit a written request to
payroll for cash distribution of not greater than twenty (20) hours of accrued
compensatory time off during any payroll period. Upon separation from employment, the
employee shall be compensated at the then existing regular rate of pay for all accrued
compensatory time off.
An employee desiring to utilize compensatory time off shall submit a written
application to a supervisor authorized to grant the use of the time off, and shall be
allowed the time off, in 15 minute increments, unless in the supervisor's sole
determination, use of the compensatory time off at the requested date and time, shall
result in an undue hardship to the District.
Section 4.1 StandbV Compensation
A unit employee assigned to standby duty for purposes of being on call to handle
emergency situations arising at times other than normal scheduled working hours, and
not as an extension of a regularly scheduled shift, shall be paid a flat fee for each day
he/she is assigned to standby duty. In those instances where the standby occurs on
Monday through and including Thursday, the flat fee during the term of this MOU shall
be Thirty-Five Dollars ($35.00). In those instances where the standby occurs on a
District recognized holiday and/or Friday through and including Sunday, the flat fee
during the term of this MOU shall be Fifty-Five Dollars ($55.00).
A "standby day" for purposes of calculating standby compensation shall be that
period of time when a unit employee has been assigned to be available for purposes of
handling emergency situations arising at times other than normally scheduled working
hours and not as an extension of a regularly scheduled shift. (It is understood that
standby duty for pump operations will be provided by qualified and available employees
as assigned by the supervisor and/or Operations Manager, and that those individuals in
Page 6
Maintenance Worker I and Maintenance Distribution Operator II positions determined
qualified by the District shall be eligible for standby duty. The pay for standby
compensation shall be paid on the regular pay day for the pay period in which the
standby duty is completed.
An employee on standby duty must (1) be ready to respond immediately to a call
for service, (2) be readily available at all hours by telephone or other agreed upon
communication equipment, and (3) refrain from activities which might impair their
assigned duties upon call. The parties agree that an employee must be able to arrive at
District boundaries within forty-five (45) minutes from receiving a call-out. The parties
agree that employees on standby duty, as defined above, are "waiting to be engaged."
Section 4.2 Call-Out Compensation
Call-out compensation shall be defined and governed as follows:
A "call-out" occurs when a unit employee on assigned standby duty is required to
return to a District-designated worksite or is otherwise required to commence work
following completion of the employee's regularly scheduled work shift and following the
employee's departure from the worksite at the end of that regular scheduled work shift.
Therefore, a "call-out" is not an extension of a regular scheduled work shift.
Upon being initially "called-out" during each standby day, the employee shall be
entitled to a minimum compensation of two (2) hours' pay at 1.5 times the employee's
base rate of pay, regardless of whether or not the initial call-out work is completed in
less than two (2) hours' time. During any standby day, there shall be only one, two (2)
hour minimum compensation period at 1.5 times the employee's base rate of pay. If a
subsequent call-out commences during the period of time for which the employee has
received the initial minimum compensation of two (2) hours, there shall not be an
additional minimum compensation for this subsequent call-out. The employee shall be
compensated at the rate of 1.5 times the employee's base rate of pay for all hours
worked, over the initial two (2) hour minimum compensation provided because of the
initial call-out.
However, if a call-out occurs subsequent to the initial call-out and two (2) hours
or more have elapsed between commencement of the initial call-out and
commencement of the subsequent call-out, there shall be a one and one-half (1.5) hour
Page 7
minimum call-out compensation provided to the employee for this subsequent call-out.
This one and one-half (1 .5) hour minimum eligibility shall repeat itself throughout the
standby period as long as there is a one and one half (1.5) hour or more passage of
time between the initial of any subsequent call-out and the following call-out.
EXAMPLE: Start Shift 0700 — End Shift 1630
1630 1700 1730 1800 1830 1900 1930 1945 2000 2030 2100 2130 2200 2230 2300 2400
Call out 10 30 30
commences minute minute minutes
1800&ends phone call
1900 call
=2 hours' included .25 1.5
pay x 1.5 in 2 hour hours' hours'
times base minimum pay at pay at
hourly rate 1.5 1.5
times times
base base
hourly hourly
rate rate
Call-out commences at 1800 hours and is completed at 1900 hours. The
employee shall be paid two (2) hours compensation at 1 .5 times the base hourly rate. At
1930 hours, the employee commences a ten (10) minute electronic call. No additional
payment is due as the employee has already received the two (2) hour minimum. At
1945 hours, the employee commences a thirty (30) minute electronic call. The
employee shall be paid for .25 additional hours at 1.5 times the base hourly rate, as
because the employee has already received the two (2) hour minimum. The call which
lasted until 2015 hours commenced during the initial two (2) hour minimum payment
period of time but exceeded that period by fifteen (15) minutes.
However, if the initial call-out commenced at 1830 hours and is completed at
1900 hours and the next call-out commenced at 2030 hours, the employee would be
eligible for a one and one-half (1.5) hour minimum call-out payment at 1.5 times the
employee's base hourly rate, because one and one half (1.5) hours or more have
passed between the initial call-out and the subsequent call-out. It would not be until a
Page 8
subsequent call-out was to commence on or after 2200 hours that the employee would
be eligible for an additional one and one-half (1 .5) hour minimum.
Where a "call-out" requires the employee to leave their residence and respond to
a designated worksite, computation of compensable work hours shall commence with
and include travel time to and from the residence and the worksite. Compensable work
hours shall also include the time spent on the telephone or other electronic device
whereby the "call-out" is assigned and/or efforts by telephone or other electronic devise
are undertaken to address the subject of the "call-out."
Section 5.1 Life Insurance
The District shall continue to provide group life insurance, in the amount of one
times basic annual salary rounded to the next higher multiple of $1,000, for each full-
time permanent unit employee under age 70 on the first day of the month following their
date of hire, in accordance with the provisions of the contract between the District and
any company of the District's choosing providing such coverage. An employee may
increase the coverage by up to an additional $100,000 by authorizing the additional
premium to be deducted from their salary.
Section 5.2 Supplemental Life Insurance
An employee may purchase additional life insurance up to $300,000 by
authorizing the additional premium to be deducted from their salary. In addition, an
employee may purchase coverage for their spouse, up to half of their elected amount.
Some medical restrictions may apply. An employee may purchase coverage for their
children, up to $10,000. Children include the employee's natural children, legally
adopted children, stepchildren and foster children who depend on the employee for
support. Eligible children must be unmarried and between the ages of 14 days old up to
age 21 , or up to age 25 if a full-time student at an accredited college/university. There
are no medical restrictions for child coverage.
Section 5.3 Health Insurance
The District shall pay 100% of the premium for hospital and medical insurance for
all unit employees who work in excess of 30 hours per week, effective the first of the
month following their date of hire, and % of the additional premium toward unit
Page 9
employee dependent coverage for covered employees with any dependents in
accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or
companies of the District's choosing. The individual employee shall pay the cost of the
difference in premium, to be deducted from their salary to cover the employee's '/3 share
of the dependent coverage.
Section 5.4 Dental Insurance
The District shall pay 100% of the premium for dental insurance for all unit
employees who work in excess of 30 hours or more per week, effective the first of the
month following their date of hire, and 2/3 of the additional premium toward unit
employee dependent coverage for covered employees with any dependents in
accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or
companies of the District's choosing. The individual employee shall pay the cost of the
difference in premium, to be deducted from their salary to cover the employee's '/3 share
of the dependent coverage.
Section 5.5 Vision Coverage
The District shall pay 100% of the premium, toward the premium for vision
insurance for unit members who work in excess of 30 hours per week, effective the first
of the month following their date of hire, and 2/3 of the additional premium toward unit
employee dependent coverage for covered employees with any dependents„ in
accordance with the provisions of any contract between the District and any company or
companies of the District's choosing. The individual employee shall pay the cost of the
difference in premium, to be deducted from their salary to cover the employee's '/3 share
of the dependent coverage.
Section 5.6 Domestic Partners
Effective October 1, 2006, "dependent" shall include a domestic partner for whom
a California State Registration Certificate is provided.
Section 5.7 Retiree Insurance Benefits
For individuals employed by the District prior to December 8, 2011, and subject
to carrier approval, the District shall pay the amounts provided in Sections 5.3, 5.4 and
5.5 of this Agreement for any employee who retires from the District for a period of time
which is equivalent to one (1) year or pro-ration thereof on a monthly basis for each
Page 10
three (3) years of service to the District or pro-ration thereof on a quarterly basis. To be
eligible for this benefit, the employee must be at least 50 years of age, must have five
(5) years of service with the District, must provide ninety (90) days' notice of intent to
retire, must remain in a retired status, and must retire from the District during the term of
this Agreement while in good standing (did not retire after being provided written notice
that disciplinary investigation/proceedings were pending which in the sole judgment of
the District are reasonably anticipated to result in a recommendation of dismissal from
employment or which have resulted in a determination by the District to impose
dismissal. If a dismissal is appealed and results in a final administrative decision, (and
where appealable, a court determination) reinstating the employee, the withheld benefit
shall be retroactively implemented to the date of dismissal).
If any benefit period remains when the employee or their spouse reaches ages
65, whichever is latest, the coverage shall become secondary to Medicare for the
remainder of the benefit period. The retired employee must make any contributions
required of a regular employee pursuant to Section 5.3, 5.4 or 5.5 prior to the first day of
the month in which coverage is to be extended. Failure of an employee to make such
payment shall result in termination of coverage and termination of any right to any
benefit pursuant to this section.
For purposes of this Agreement, retired status means that the employee shall not
work for compensation for more than nine hundred sixty (960) hours in any fiscal year
(July 1 through June 30). The District shall require an employee to certify under penalty
of perjury that the employee has remained on retired status and/or to submit to such
additional verification as the District deems necessary to demonstrate retired status.
Individuals hired on or after December 8, 2011 , shall be ineligible to receive this
Section 5.8 Cafeteria Plan
To the extent lawful, the District shall extend its current plan under Section 125 of
the Internal Revenue Code to cover unit employees.
Section 5.9 Long-Term Disability
The District shall provide a long-term disability plan for employees which has a
90-day elimination period and provides 662/3% of an employee's monthly pre-disability
Page 11
earnings to a maximum of $7,000 per month for a designated period of time in
accordance with coverage procured by the District from a carrier to be determined at the
District's sole discretion.
Section 5.10 Short Term Disability
The District shall provide a short-term disability plan for employees which has a
29-day elimination period up to an employee's eligibility for Long-Term Disability and
provides 662/3% of an employee's weekly pre-disability earnings to a maximum of $1500
per week for a designated period of nine weeks in accordance with coverage procured
by the District from a carrier to be determined at the District's sole discretion.
1. The regular work week for all full-time unit employees covered by this
MOU shall be forty (40) hours as scheduled by department heads. It is expressly
understood the department manager may schedule maintenance and plant operation
shifts which include evening, weekend and holiday work. Specifically, the department
manager may create crews consisting of two individuals, one from either a Sr.
Maintenance Distribution Operator or Maintenance Distribution Operator III, and the
other from a Maintenance Distribution Operator II or Maintenance Worker I position
assigned to an on-duty maintenance shift available for emergency situations and other
maintenance assignments that may be required to work Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays.
Volunteers for such crews shall first be solicited. In the event that there are insufficient
volunteers, all maintenance employees shall be assigned to such crews on a three (3)
month rotating basis. Employees may work out trades, provided that the trade is
completed within the same work week and one (1) day notice is given to the supervisor.
Plant Operators shall be assigned in accordance with past practice.
2. Unit members shall be assigned to a four (4) day workweek, consisting of
ten (10) scheduled hours of work each day (a 4/10 schedule). The parties agree,
understand and acknowledge that management clearly and unequivocally has the right
to terminate the 4/10 schedule at any time during the term of the MOU or after, and that
any such termination of the 4/10 schedule shall not be subject to the meet and confer
process, either as to the management decision being made and/or as to the impact of
that decision. In such case, the schedule shall revert to the 9/80 schedule as it existed
Page 12
immediately prior to implementation of the 4/10 schedule on December 31, 2011. Any
District-proposed change to the 9/80 schedule shall be subject to the meet and confer
process. Employees shall continue to earn sick leave at the rate of 3.70 hours per
payroll period.
1. Holidays for full-time unit employees covered by this Memorandum of
Understanding are set forth in Exhibit "E".
2. For purposes of holiday compensation, compensation shall be equal to the
number of hours that the employee normally would have worked other than for the
For those unit employees whose scheduled work week is Monday through
Thursday, a holiday falling on a Friday or Saturday shall not result in Thursday being a
holiday, and a holiday falling on a Sunday, shall not result in Monday being a holiday.
Instead observed holidays that fall on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday shall be recognized
as floating holidays earned. The floating holidays earned as a result of the above
situation shall be used within the fiscal year in which it is accrued or the following fiscal
year. Any unused floating holiday time will be cashed out at the employee's base hourly
rate at the end of the fiscal year following the fiscal year during which the time was
accrued. For example, any unused floating holiday time accrued during fiscal year
2015-16 would be paid out at the end of fiscal year 2016-17.
3. In order to be eligible for holiday pay, a unit employee must be either at
work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly scheduled workday immediately
preceding the day observed as the holiday and the regularly scheduled workday
immediately following the day observed as the holiday.
1. Unit employees covered by this Memorandum of Understanding shall
receive annual vacation with pay in accordance with the following provisions:
Full-time unit employees with an average regular work week of 40 hours shall accrue
paid vacation at the following rate:
Page 13
Duration of Continuous Regular Employment Hours Accrued per Pay Period
During 1 St through 60th month (0-5 yrs) 3.077 hrs = 2.0 wks/yr
During 61 St through 120th month (5-10 yrs) 4.615 hrs = 3.0 wks/yr
During 121St through 180th month (10-15 yrs) 5.384 hrs = 3.5 wks/yr
During 181St through 240th month (15-20 yrs) 6.153 hrs = 4.0 wks/yr
During 241St month and thereafter (20+ yrs) 6.922 hrs = 4.5 wks/yr
2. Paid vacation hours shall continue to accrue in accordance with the above
provisions during any period of leave with pay.
3. All vacations shall be scheduled and taken in accordance with the best
interest of the District and with the approval of the employee's Department Manager or
immediate supervisor with due regard to the wishes of the employee. Employees must
request vacation leave time at least two work days in advance.
4. A unit employee may not take more vacation time than the amount the
employee has accrued. The minimum amount of vacation that may be taken at any
given time shall be fifteen (15) minutes.
5. A unit employee shall be eligible to take any accrued vacation after
completion of six (6) months during their original twelve (12) month probationary period.
6. The maximum vacation that may be accrued shall not be more than one
and one-half (1-1/2) times the amount that may be accrued in one year of service. If the
employee has accrued the maximum amount of hours of vacation, no additional hours
shall be accrued, nor shall the cash equivalent of what would have been excess hours,
be earned by the employee. However, where in the sole discretion of the General
Manager it is determined that requirements of the District are the sole reason for an
employee being unable to timely schedule and utilize vacation time off, said employee
may be provided authorization to accrue additional vacation time in an amount
determined in the sole discretion of the General Manager.
7. Upon termination, a unit employee shall be compensated in cash at their
current rate of pay for any vacation accrued but not taken.
8. In the event that any recognized holiday occurs during a unit employee's
vacation, the vacation account shall not be debited for the holiday hours. The only
Page 14
vacation hours that shall be charged against the employee's accrued vacation time shall
be those hours that the employee is regularly scheduled to work.
9. For the term of this MOU only, unit members who have been employed by
the District for more than one year may sell to the District up to forty (40) hours of
accrued unused vacation time upon thirty (30) days prior notice, provided that a
minimum of one-half ('/2) the vacation time to which they are entitled within the same
annual period of the sold vacation time remains in the employee's vacation account
after the cash distribution. Sell-back of vacation time will only be paid on the second
payday in November of each year.
Section 9.1 Sick Leave
1. Sick leave is provided for use if the employee is unable to work because
of illness, and as otherwise allowed by law.
2. A unit employee eligible for paid sick leave shall be granted such leave for
the following reasons:
(a) Physical incapacity of the employee due to illness or injury.
(b) Enforced quarantine of the employee in accordance with
community health regulations.
(c) Illness of a member of the employee's immediate family (child,
parent, spouse, domestic partner, sisters, brothers, grandparents, grandchildren,
mother-in-law, or father-in-law) which requires the attendance of the employee.
(d) In order to receive sick pay for routine medical or dental
appointments, the employee must notify their immediate supervisor twenty-four (24)
hours in advance; otherwise, sick leave can be denied. Subject to the following
exception, sick leave for routine medical or dental leave is for the length of the
appointment only and for reasonable travel time to and from the appointment and the
work site. An employee utilizing sick pay for the routine medical or dental appointment
shall be authorized to debit their earned sick leave balance for an entire scheduled work
day, where the employee presents the Human Resources/Risk Manager with
documentation from the health care provider treating the employee, of indication that
the treatment has resulted in the employee being incapacitated for the remainder of the
Page 15
work day, from performing the essential duties of the position. The purposes described
in Labor Code Section 230(c) and Labor Code Section 230.1(a) for employees who are
victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
3. In the event that a unit employee is absent on paid sick leave in excess of
one (1) day, or if the District has cause to believe that an employee is misusing sick
leave, the District may require that the employee submit a written statement by a
physician licensed by the State of California certifying that the condition of the employee
or the employee's family member prevented them from performing their duties.
4. Full-time unit employees with an average regular work week of forty (40)
hours shall receive paid sick leave at the rate of 3.70 hours per payroll period.
5. Each unit employee may use sick leave in fifteen (15) minute increments.
An employee with a regular workday of ten (10) hours shall have ten (10) hours
deducted from their accrued sick leave time for each regularly scheduled working day
that they are on paid sick leave.
6. In the event that any paid holiday occurs during a period when a unit
employee is on paid sick leave, the employee's sick leave account shall not be debited
for what would otherwise be a holiday usage. The only sick leave hours that shall be
charged against the employee's accrued sick leave shall be those hours that the
employee is regularly scheduled to work.
7. A unit employee who retires (in accordance with the Public Employees'
Retirement System qualifications) shall be paid at the rate of their final salary for % of
their accumulated days of sick leave, if any, at the time of separation from active
employment. The remaining % of their accumulated days of sick leave will be converted
into CalPERS service credit.
Section 9.2 Disability Leave
1. In situations where a unit employee has been injured in a non-duty
accident and their disability leave exceeds thirty (30) calendar days, their merit review
and anniversary dates will be adjusted accordingly for that portion of leave exceeding
thirty (30) calendar days.
Page 16
2. An injured employee may elect to take as much of their accumulated sick
leave and/or vacation so their disability payment, when added to their leave time will not
result in a payment to them of more than their full salary or wage.
Section 9.3 Leave of Absence Without Pay
1. Department managers may grant a regular or probationary unit employee
a leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed two (2) weeks. Such leaves
shall be reported to the Human Resources/Risk Manager.
2. The General Manager may grant a regular or probationary unit employee
a leave of absence without pay or seniority for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
After six (6) months, the leave of absence may be extended if authorized by the Board
of Directors. No such leave shall be granted except upon written request of the
employee, setting forth the reason for the request. Approval shall be in writing from the
General Manager or his/her designee and such approval shall be entirely at their
3. In situations where a unit employee shall request leave without pay for a
period in excess of thirty (30) calendar days, said employee shall submit to the District
any and all actual premiums for any and all insurance coverage. If the employee
chooses not to submit any or all of these premiums, their coverage shall be terminated
within the limits prescribed by the benefit carriers and shall be reinstated within the
limits prescribed by the benefit carrier at the time of their reinstatement by the District.
4. Upon expiration of a regularly approved leave or within twenty-four (24)
hours' notice to return to duty, the unit employee shall be reinstated in the position held
at the time the leave was granted. Failure on the part of a unit employee on leave to
report promptly at its expiration, or within forty-eight (48) hours after notice to return to
duty shall be cause for immediate discharge. The depositing in the United States mail of
a first-class postage-paid letter addressed to the unit employee's last known place of
residence shall be reasonable notice.
Section 9.4 Jury Duty/Court Testimony
A full-time unit employee required to serve as a trial juror shall be entitled to be
absent from their duties during the period of such service. During these periods of
service, the employee shall receive full compensation from the District for a period not
Page 17
to exceed ten (10) working days for each period of jury duty. If court records indicate
that the employee advised the court of this ten (10) working day limit, and the employee
is nonetheless selected for a jury where the jury duty exceeds ten (10) working days,
the excess days shall be paid by the District. Witness fees or juror fees, with the
exception of mileage reimbursement, shall be submitted to the District.
Section 9.5 Bereavement Leave
Upon the death of a member of an employee's immediate family, an employee
shall be entitled to use up to three (3) days of District-paid bereavement leave to attend
funeral services and/or conduct business associated with the deceased. Immediate
family shall include spouse, child, brother, sister, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent,
grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, stepparent, stepbrother, stepsister, stepchild, or
a state registered domestic partner. The General Manager, at their sole discretion, may
allow the employee to use up to an additional four (4) days of sick leave for this
The General Manager, at their sole discretion, may allow the employee to use up
to four (4) days of their accrued sick leave for bereavement of non-immediate family
Section 9.6 Emergency Leave Policy
Please refer to the District's Emergency Leave Policy for information.
Section 10.1 Purpose
The purpose of this section is to enhance communications between the District
and unit employees by providing a fair and impartial review and consideration of
grievances at the level closest to their point of origin within a reasonable time period
without jeopardizing the employee's position or employment.
Section 10.2 Matters Subject to the Grievance Procedure
1. A grievance may be filed for the alleged violation of this Memorandum of
2. The grievance procedure shall not be used to establish new policies or
change any existing rules. It shall not be used in matters resulting from any form of
disciplinary action or of a performance evaluation.
Page 18
Section 10.3 Informal Grievance Adjustment
1. Whenever possible, a unit employee who has a complaint shall try to solve
the problem through informal discussion with their supervisor not later than ten (10)
working days after the aggrieved employee knew or reasonably should have known of
the basis for commencing the grievance procedure. The supervisor shall make
whatever investigation they deem necessary and reply in writing within ten (10) working
days. Any matters for which they do not have authority to make a decision shall be
brought to the attention of a higher level supervisor who does have the proper authority.
2. If the unit employee is not satisfied with the decision reached through the
informal discussion, and/or some other extenuating circumstances exist, they shall in
writing bring the matter to the attention of the next level of authority not later than ten
(10) working days after receipt of the informal decision. The higher level supervisor shall
make whatever investigation they deem necessary and reply in writing not later than ten
(10) working days after receipt of the written grievance. If the employee is still not
satisfied with the decision, they may file a formal grievance within ten (10) working days
of receipt of the higher level supervisor's written decision.
Section 10.4 Formal Grievance Procedure
1. The formal grievance procedure may be followed only after failure to
resolve a problem through informal grievance adjustment. If the unit employee is not in
agreement with the informal written decision reached, they may, within ten (10) working
days of the receipt of the higher level supervisor's written decision, file a formal
grievance in writing with the Human Resources/Risk Manager with a copy to the
General Manager. The Human Resources/Risk Manager shall make whatever
investigation they deem necessary to allow fair consideration of the situation and shall
present a written reply to the employee within ten (10) working days after receipt of the
written grievance. A copy of the reply shall be forwarded to the General Manager.
2. If the unit employee is not satisfied with the decision of the Human
Resources/Risk Manager, they may file a written appeal to the General Manager within
five (5) working days after having received the written reply of the Human
Resources/Risk Manager. Within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written appeal,
the General Manager shall make a written decision which shall be final and binding on
Page 19
all parties. The General Manager may conduct whatever investigation and/or meeting(s)
which they deem appropriate.
Section 10.5 General Conditions
1. The Human Resources/Risk Manager shall receive and retain copies of all
written materials pertaining to the grievance.
2. A unit employee may represent themselves or at their own expense,
select whomever they desire to represent them in the grievance procedure.
3. If a unit employee fails to proceed with a grievance within any of the time
limits specified in this section, the grievance shall be deemed denied with no further
basis for appeal.
4. If a District supervisor/manager below the level of the General Manager
fails to reply within any of the time limits specified in this section, the grievance shall be
deemed denied. The time limits for appeal of a denied grievance shall commence
running upon receipt by the grievant of a timely written grievance rejection, or absent
such rejection, at the end of the supervisory reply period, where no written rejection has
been provided.
5. Any of the time limits specified in this section may be extended when
mutually agreed upon by all parties concerned.
6. Either the grievant, the Human Resources/Risk Manager or General
Manager, may request a meeting to review the grievance prior to a decision.
7. When a grievant or designated representative attends a grievance
meeting or hearing with management during the work day, they will be released without
loss of pay in order to permit participation in the foregoing activities provided advance
arrangements are made with the employee's Department Manager.
Section 11.1 Forms of Discipline
The employment of every unit employee who has passed probation shall be
subject to suspension, reduction in pay, demotion or dismissal for cause.
Page 20
Section 11.2 Procedure
1. When a unit employee who has passed probation is to be subject to
discipline, specific written charges shall be prepared and presented by the employee's
department manager for action by the Human Resources/Risk Manager.
2. The Human Resources/Risk Manager shall provide such unit employee
with written notice of the proposed action, the date it will be effective, the charge(s) on
which the proposal is based, and relevant written materials, written reports and
documents, and notification that the employee is entitled to respond to the charges as
provided below.
Prior to the effective date of the proposed action, such unit employee shall have
the right to file with the Human Resources/Risk Manager a written response to the
charges and/or request the right to make an oral response. The Human Resources/Risk
Manager may act upon the initial written and/or oral presentation of the employee or
may request that the employee submit a further response in writing, or permit the
employee a further oral presentation. Failure of the employee to make a written
response or request an oral presentation shall constitute waiver of this pre-disciplinary
provision. At their own expense, the employee shall be entitled to be represented by
counsel or other person of their choice during the course of the above proceedings.
3. The Human Resources/Risk Manager shall provide written notice of their
final determination to such unit employee. The decision of the Human Resources/Risk
Manager shall be immediately implemented.
Section 11.3 Appeal of Disciplinary Action
1. When disciplinary action has been taken by the Human Resources/Risk
Manager pursuant to Section 11.2, the employee shall have the right to appeal. Appeal
shall not suspend the effective date of the discipline. Failure to timely appeal by the
employee or their representative will make the action by the Human Resources/Risk
Manager final and conclusive.
2. Subject to paragraph 11 .3.1, such unit employee who has been
disciplined, within fifteen (15) calendar days after having been furnished with a copy of
the final notice of action by the Human Resources/Risk Manager may appeal to the
Page 21
General Manager by filing a written answer to the charges and requesting a hearing
3. Representatives from the District and the Employees Association shall
attempt to agree upon the person who shall serve as the advisory hearing officer. If the
parties cannot agree on the hearing officer, he or she shall be selected from a panel of
seven names to be supplied by the State Conciliation and Mediation Services. The
parties will alternate striking names on the strike list until one hearing officer's name
remains. The Association will strike the first name. The District agrees to pay any fees
associated with procuring the strike list.
4. The costs of the hearing officer shall be borne by the District.
5. The hearing shall be conducted in the manner most conducive to
determination of the truth, and the hearing officer shall not be bound by technical rules
of evidence.
6. The hearing officer shall determine the relevancy, weight, and credibility of
testimony and evidence. The hearing officer shall base their findings on the
preponderance of evidence. The level of discipline imposed shall be subject to an abuse
of discretion standard.
7. Each side will be permitted an opening statement and closing argument.
On behalf of the District, the Human Resources/Risk Manager or their representative
shall first present their witnesses and evidence to sustain the charges. The unit
employee will then present their witnesses and evidence in defense.
8. Each side will be allowed to examine and cross-examine witnesses.
9. Both the Human Resources/Risk Manager and the unit employee may be
represented by legal counsel. The unit employee may retain counsel or other
representative, at their own expense.
10. The hearing officer shall, if requested by either party, subpoena witnesses
and/or require production of other relevant records or relevant evidence.
11. The hearing officer may, prior to or during a hearing, grant a continuance
for any reason they believe to be important to their reaching a fair and proper decision.
12. The hearing officer shall prepare a recommended decision and forward it
to the General Manager no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the matter of appeal
Page 22
was taken under submission by the hearing officer. The recommended decision shall
set forth which charges, if any, the hearing officer feels are sustained and the reasons
to sustain them.
13. Such unit employee or their representative may obtain a copy of the
transcript of the hearing and agrees to pay for necessary costs to obtain the copy.
14. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the recommendation of the
hearing officer, and after consideration of the record only, the General Manager may
sustain or reject any or all of the charges filed against the unit employee. If the General
Manager modifies the discipline, the General Manager shall, consistent with their
decision, order all or part of the employee's full compensation from the time of dismissal
or suspension to be paid. The General Manager shall issue a written decision which is
final and binding.
15. Such unit employee who has been disciplined may be reinstated to their
position as a result of a successful appeal. In the event of such reinstatement, the
employee shall be entitled to their former status of employment.
16. Dismissal of a unit employee from the District service following the pre-
disciplinary meeting at the Human Resources/Risk Manager level, shall:
(a) Constitute a dismissal as of the same date from all positions the
unit employee may hold in the District service.
(b) Terminate the salary of the unit employee as of the effective date of
their dismissal except that they shall be compensated for any unpaid salary, unused
vacation, compensatory time off, and alternative time to their credit as of the date of
All openings for employment positions in the District shall be posted for at least
two (2) weeks prior to the deadline for submission of applications.
Section 13.1 Safety Boot Allowance
Unit employees who are required to wear work boots in the performance of their
job, as determined by the Department Manager, Human Resources/Risk Manager,
and/or Safety and Training Analyst, shall be eligible for District-purchased safety
Page 23
footwear in an amount not to exceed $200.00 each fiscal year. Safety footwear must
meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI) minimum compression and impact
performance standards in ANSI Z41-1991 or provide equivalent protection. Employees
must purchase the shoes/boots from a District-approved vendor. Any unused funds
shall be forfeited at the end of each fiscal year.
Any employee who separates from District employment within thirty (30) calendar
days of purchasing safety footwear or receiving reimbursement for safety footwear shall
have that amount deducted from the employee's final paycheck without the requirement
of a judgment in that regard. This requirement shall be applicable regardless of the
reason for the employee's separation from the District.
If the Department Manager determines that a unit employee's safety footwear is
no longer safe, the unit employee's Department Manager may replace the used
footwear with a new pair of safety footwear (up to $200). The unit employee will be
required to submit the used safety footwear to the District in exchange for the
replacement safety footwear.
Section 13.2 Certificate Pay
(a) Reimbursement of Certificates
The District shall reimburse unit employees for sums paid to the appropriate state
agencies after successfully obtaining or renewing of distribution, treatment or collections
(b) Certificate Pay
The District shall provide the below indicated certificate pay amounts where any
unit member in one of the classifications listed in Table "A" has been issued a State
Water Resources Control Board Distribution, Treatment, and/or Collection Certificate(s)
that is above and beyond the certification required for the particular unit member's job
classification. As determined at the sole discretion of the General Manager, the
certificate(s) must be relevant to the employee's principal duties and must be other than
a certificate(s) which is (are) a job requirement.
The affected unit classifications and the description of certification that is required
in order to hold each classification, is indicated in Table "A":
Page 24
In those instances where a Table "A" unit member has a Treatment, Distribution,
and/or Collection Certificate that is in addition to the certification required for the
individual unit member's classification, the District agrees to pay the following certificate
pay amounts on a biweekly basis. Employees will receive no more than two (2)
certificate pays per pay period.
T-1 D-1 C-1 $6.00/PP
T-2 D-2 C-2 $7.00/PP
T-3 D-3 C-3 $8.00/PP
T-4 D-4 C-4 $9.00/PP
T-5 D-5 N/A $10.00/PP
Page 25
Subject to certificate pay being limited to a total of two (2) certificates, each
affected unit member shall be eligible to receive, biweekly, the combined total of the
certificate pay amount that relates to any of the above particular levels.
For example, a unit member having been issued a T-3 certificate shall receive an
$8.00 biweekly certificate pay. A unit member having been issued a T-3 and a D-4 shall
receive a $17.00 biweekly certificate pay. A unit member having a T-5, D-5 and a C-4,
shall receive a $20.00 biweekly certificate pay. Where three or more certificates have
been issued, the two (2) certificates having the highest combined total shall be utilized
to determine the total certificate pay. As indicated above, certificate pay will only be paid
for an issued certificate which is above the certification required of the unit member
holding a specific classification. Thus, a Plant Operator II having been issued a T-2 and
a D-3 certificate shall receive no certificate pay. A Plant Operator II having been issued
a T-2 certificate and a D-4 certificate shall receive a $9.00 biweekly certificate pay.
(c) Certificate Pay for Mechanic Employee Classifications
Mechanic I
Mechanic II
Mechanic III
Senior Fleet Mechanic
Individuals within the Mechanic classifications listed in Table "B" are eligible for
the following certificate compensation upon being awarded specified certificates issued
by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).
It has been agreed by the parties that the following available ASE certificates
shall be deemed relevant to the employee's principal duties. Those certificates as
defined by the ASE are:
Test Certificates
• Alternate Fuels Certification Test (F1)
• Advanced Engine Performance Specialist Certification Test (L1)
• Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis Specialist Certification Test (1-2)
Page 26
• Undercar Specialist Exhaust Systems Test (X1)
Series Certificates
• Automobile & Light Truck Certification Tests (A Series)
• Truck Equipment Certification Tests (E Series)
• Medium-Heavy Truck Certification Tests (T Series)
In relation to these three series, the employee must successfully complete all
required tests in the series in order to receive the certificate pay.
Unlike the classifications described in Table "A" above, the classifications
described in Table "B" do not require any specified certification as a condition precedent
to employment. Accordingly, where a Table "B" classified employee has been issued an
ASE certificate deemed by the General Manager to be relevant to the employee's
principal duties, the employee shall receive an $8.00 biweekly certificate pay for each
certificate, not to exceed two (2) certificates ($16.00 biweekly). The District agrees to
pay the aforementioned certificate pay amounts on a biweekly basis.
Payment by the District of any Table "A" or "B" certification exam fees, certificate
fees, renewal fees or similar fees shall only be made following provision to the District of
evidence that the employee has successfully qualified for and been awarded the
pertinent certificate(s). The biweekly certificate pay(s) for Table "A" or "B" certificates
shall be paid only while a certificate remains valid.
Section 13.3 Education Reimbursement
The District shall provide pre-approved reimbursement for the cost of tuition,
fees, books and parking relating to educational courses directly related to an
employee's essential job duties for the employee's present work classification. The
courses must be completed with a passing grade at approved institutions. As education
reimbursement, each fiscal year, employees may receive up to the equivalent of one
year's full-time tuition at California State University for an in-state resident.
University and college-level course work must be undertaken at a Western
Association of Schools and Colleges and Universities (WASC) accredited institution.
To qualify for reimbursement, unit employees must successfully complete a pre-
approved course with a passing grade (C or better). In the event of a "Credit/No Credit"
Course, "Credit" will be considered a passing grade. Proof of payment and successful
Page 27
completion of the course with a passing grade as indicated in the District's Educational
Reimbursement Policy must accompany the Educational Tuition Reimbursement form
(Exhibit A of the District's Educational Reimbursement Policy). The employee shall be
responsible for any tax consequences as a result of education reimbursement.
If for any reason the employee separates from District employment prior to
completion of one (1) calendar year from the date of distribution by the District of funds
provided for herein, all such amounts distributed during that one (1) calendar year
period, shall be considered a judgment due and owing to the District. The judgment
amount shall be deducted from the employee's closing check. Any remaining, non-
reimbursed amount shall be paid to the District within ninety (90) calendar days of
separation from District employment. Each employee receiving funds pursuant to this
Section shall sign a written agreement to comply with the terms of this section as a
condition precedent to receipt of any such funds.
In the event of a layoff or work hour reduction, reimbursement will cover courses
that are already in progress, provided that the employee successfully completes them
with a passing grade and fulfills the other provisions of the Educational Reimbursement
Section 13.4 Commercial Driver's License Pay
Unit employees who have a valid California Class A Commercial Driver's License
in the performance of their job, shall be eligible for a $23.00 biweekly premium pay.
Section 13.5 Uniforms
The District provides a District-funded cleaning service for the uniform pants and
shirts with the employee's name and District logo. The field uniforms provided to
employees may include District-issued shorts and t-shirts which may only be worn in
accordance with District established safety guidelines.
Section 13.6 Job Description
The Association hereby agrees to the implementation of the job descriptions
presented as of the date of ratification of this Agreement.
Section 13.7 Extended Work Accommodation
In any instance where at the direction of a supervisor, an affected employee
works sixteen (16) or more hours during a 24 hour period of time, the employee shall be
Page 28
provided with eight (8) consecutive hours of non-work time before being compelled to
commence a regularly scheduled shift or to commence other duties on behalf of the
District. This section shall not apply to employees who are on standby duty.
In any instance where use of the eight (8) consecutive hour period results in the
employee being excused from scheduled hours of work, the employee shall have said
hours credited as compensable hours worked. In any instance where utilization of the
eight (8) consecutive hour period would result in there being three (3) or less hours of
scheduled work shift time remaining should the employee return to his/her work
assignment, a department manager shall have discretion to relieve the affected
employee of the obligation to report to the District for the remainder of the scheduled
hours of work. Where the department manager exercises that discretion, the three (3) or
less remaining hours of scheduled work shall be considered compensable hours
In addition to any other District adopted drug policy, effective January 1, 1996,
the Yorba Linda Water District must comply with the United States Department of
Transportation regulations implementing the Federal Omnibus Transportation Employee
Testing Act of 1991. Specifically, the District must comply with the regulations of the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Adoption of a policy is one of the District's
obligations under the regulations, and it is the intent of the District to comply fully with
both the letter and spirit of this law, as well as to continue to administer the District's
Drug Free Workplace policy, adopted in 1993.
The parties further understand that all rights not clearly and expressly limited by
this MOU are expressly reserved to the District as evidenced by the EERR, even though
not enumerated in this MOU. The express provisions of this MOU constitute the only
limitations upon the District's rights to determine, implement, supplement, change,
modify, or discontinue in whole or in part any term or condition of employment or adopt
any policy, rule, regulation or practice as the District deems fit or appropriate (herein
described as "management rights",) provided however, that the District shall meet and
Page 29
confer as regards the impact of its exercise of "management rights," and shall comply
with all federal and state laws relating to employee rights, opportunities and benefits.
1. Apart from and in addition to existing legal restrictions upon remedies for
work stoppages, the Association hereby agrees that neither it nor its members, agents,
representatives or persons acting in concert with any of them, shall incite, engage or
participate in any strike, walkout, slowdown, sick-out or other work stoppage of any
nature against the District whatsoever or wheresoever located, including, but not limited
to disputes which are related to the subject matter contained in this MOU; disputes
between the District and any other organization, persons or employees; or jurisdictional
disputes. In the event of any strike, walkout, slowdown, sick-out or other work stoppage
or threat thereof against the District, the Association and its officers will take all steps
reasonably within their control to end or avert the same.
2. Those represented by the Association shall not authorize, engage in,
encourage, sanction, recognize or assist in any strike, walkout, sick-out or other work
stoppage or picket in furtherance thereof, or participate in concerted interference in
violation of this provision or refuse to perform duly assigned services in violation of this
provision. It is understood that any person represented by the Association found in
violation of this provision will be subject to discipline, including termination, as
determined appropriate by the District.
This agreement shall remain in force for the period of July 1, 2015 through June
30, 2018 by resolution of the governing board of the District.
It is the understanding of the District and the Association that this MOU shall
have no force or effect whatsoever unless or until adopted by resolution of the
governing board of the District. Following approval of the governing board, the District
shall implement the terms of this MOU by appropriate resolution or other means.
Page 30
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their duly authorized
representatives to execute this Memorandum of Understanding the day, month and year
Brian Vargas Date Marc Marcantonio Date
President General Manager
Jennifer Hill Date Gina Knight Date
Vice President Human Resources/
Risk Manager
Harold Hulbert Date Bryan Melton Date
Secretary Human Resources
Ariel Bacani Date Connie Almond Date
Director Employment Law Attorney
Liebert, Cassidy, Whitmore
Page 31
Exhibit A
Yorba Linda Water District — Bargaining Unit Employees Association
Classifications and Salary Ranges
7/11/2015 — 6/30/2018
Accounting Assistant I BU 17 Non-Exempt
Construction Inspector BU 24 Non-Exempt
Customer Service Representative I BU 15 Non-Exempt
Customer Service Representative II BU 17 Non-Exempt
Customer Service Representative III BU 19 Non-Exempt
Engineering Secretary BU 17 Non-Exempt
Engineering Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt
Engineering Technician II BU 24 Non-Exempt
Facilities Maintenance BU 21 Non-Exempt
GIS Analyst BU 26 Non-Exempt
GIS Technician BU 24 Non-Exempt
Information Systems Technician BU 22 Non-Exempt
Instrumentation Technician BU 25 Non-Exempt
Maintenance Distribution Operator II BU 20 Non-Exempt
Maintenance Distribution Operator III BU 23 Non-Exempt
Maintenance Worker I BU 17 Non-Exempt
Mechanic I BU 17 Non-Exempt
Mechanic II BU 21 Non-Exempt
Mechanic III BU 23 Non-Exempt
Meter Reader I BU 16 Non-Exempt
Meter Reader II BU 18 Non-Exempt
Meter Services Lead BU 23 Non-Exempt
Office Clerk BU 12 Non-Exempt
Operations/Warehouse Assistant BU 19 Non-Exempt
Plant Operator I BU 17 Non-Exempt
Plant Operator II BU 23 Non-Exempt
Public Affairs Representative BU 15 Non-Exempt
Sr. Fleet Mechanic BU 26 Non-Exempt
Sr. Maintenance Distribution Operator BU 26 Non-Exempt
Sr. Plant Operator BU 26 Non-Exempt
Water Quality Technician I BU 20 Non-Exempt
Water Quality Technician 11 BU 22 Non-Exempt
Exhibit E
Yorba Linda Water District — Bargaining Unit Employees
Holiday Schedule
7/11/2015 — 6/3012018
Holiday FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18
Employee Chosen Floater Accrued On 7/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017
Independence Day 7/4/2015 7/4/2016 7/4/2017
Labor Day 9/7/2015 9/5/2016 9/4/2017
Veterans' Day 11/11/2015 11/11/2016 11/11/2017
Thanksgiving 11/26/2015 11/24/2016 11/23/2017
Day After Thanksgiving 11/27/2015 11/25/2016 11/24/2017
Christmas Eve 12/24/2015 12/24/2016 12/24/2017
Christmas Day 12/25/2015 12/25/2016 12/25/2017
New Year's Day 1/1/2016 1/1/2017 1/1/2018
Presidents' Day 2/15/2016 2/20/2017 2/19/2018
Memorial Day 5/30/2016 5/29/2017 5/28/2018
ITEM NO. 7.6
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015 Budgeted: N/A
To: Board of Directors
From: Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By: Staff Dept: Human
Reviewed by Legal: Yes
Prepared By: Bryan Melton, Human
Resources Analyst
Subject: Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Offered by the District to
Supervisory and Confidential Employees for the Remainder of Fiscal Years
That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 15-19 Amending Resolution No. 15-07 to
Modify and Further Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Offered by the District to
Professional And Confidential Employees (formerly Supervisory and Confidential Employees) for
the Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
On May 11, 2015, the District's Board of Directors adopted the Supervisory and Confidential
Employees Compensation Letter for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 (Resolution No. 15-07). At a
subsequent Board meeting, the Board of Directors adopted the Budgeted Positions for Fiscal Year
2015-2016, which included the newly created position of Records Management Administrator and
Water Conservation Supervisor. Additional changes were made to clarify the certificate
reimbursement benefits offered to employees of this group.
Additionally, the Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 required modification to reflect the
actual observed dates for Memorial Day 2016 and 2017.
Lastly, to provide a more accurate reflection of the positions in the Supervisory and Confidential
Employees Group, the group name will be changed to Professional and Confidential Employees.
Attached to this report are copies of Resolution No. 15-19 and the amended exhibits for Resolution
No. 15-07.
The Board of Directors approved Resolution Nos. 15-07 and 15-15 on May 11 , 2015 and June 25,
2015, respectively.
Name: Description: Type:
Resolution No. 15-19 -
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter and Pay Plans For FY 2015- Resolution No. 15-19 Backup
2018 Amendment.docx
Resolution No. 15-19 -
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter and Pay Plans For FY 2015- Resolution No. 15-19 REVISED
2018 Amendment.docx
Exhibit A - PC Compensation Letter 2015-2018.docx Exhibit A-PC Compensation Backup
Letter Material
Exhibit B - PC Classifications and Salary Ranges 2015-2018.docx Exhibit B-PC Classifications and Backup
Salary Ranges Material
Exhibit F - PC Holiday Schedule 2015-2018.docx Exhibit F-PC Holiday Schedule Backup
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RK/PH 5-0 Roll Call
FISCAL YEARS 2015-2018
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously
adopted the Employee Compensation Letter for Supervisory and
Confidential Employees for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 (Resolution No. 15-
07); and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend this letter in order to
further modify and further clarify the salaries, benefits and special
conditions offered by the District for these employees for the remainder of
Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District as follows:
Section 1. That the Supervisory and Confidential Employee Compensation Letter,
Supervisory and Confidential Classifications and Salary Ranges and
Supervisory and Confidential Employees Holiday Schedule for Fiscal
Years 2015-2018 incorporated as Exhibits A and F of Resolution No. 15-
07 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference
incorporated herein as Exhibit I.
Section 2. That the Professional and Confidential (formerly Supervisory and
Confidential) Employee Compensation Letter and its Exhibits be amended
to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as
Exhibit II.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July 2015, by the following called vote:
Ric Collett, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Resolution No. 15-19 Amending Resolution No. 15-07 Related to Supervisory and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter 1
Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by Labor Counsel:
J. Scott Tiedemann, Managing Partner
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore LLP
Resolution No. 15-19 Amending Resolution No. 15-07 Related to Supervisory and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter 2
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously
adopted the Employee Compensation Letter for Supervisory and
Confidential Employees for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 (Resolution No. 15-
07); and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend this letter in order to
further modify and further clarify the salaries, benefits and special
conditions offered by the District for these employees for the remainder of
Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District as follows:
Section 1. That the Supervisory and Confidential Employee Compensation Letter,
Supervisory and Confidential Classifications and Salary Ranges and
Supervisory and Confidential Employees Holiday Schedule for Fiscal
Years 2015-2018 incorporated as Exhibits A, B and F of Resolution No.
15-07 be amended to read as attached hereto and by this reference
incorporated herein as Exhibit I.
Section 2. That the Professional and Confidential (formerly Supervisory and
Confidential) Employee Compensation Letter and its Exhibits be amended
to read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as
Exhibit II.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July 2015, by the following called vote:
Ric Collett, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Resolution No. 15-19 Amending Resolution No. 15-07 Related to Supervisory and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter 1
Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by Labor Counsel:
J. Scott Tiedemann, Managing Partner
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore LLP
Resolution No. 15-19 Amending Resolution No. 15-07 Related to Supervisory and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter 2
Exhibit A
Resolution No. 15-07
Employee Compensation Letter
And Pay Plans for Professional and Confidential Employees
Fiscal Years 2015-2018
I. The General Manager shall prepare an Employee Compensation Letter for the
Board of Directors' consideration. The Employee Compensation Letter shall
describe the salaries, benefits and special conditions offered by the District to its
Professional and Confidential Employee Group (Exhibit B).
II. Effective July 1, 2015, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit C shall be
in effect for fiscal year 2015-2016 (reflecting a 2.5% base salary increase).
III. Effective July 1, 2016, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit D shall be
in effect for fiscal year 2016-2017 (reflecting a 2% base salary increase).
IV. Effective July 1, 2017, the salary schedule attached hereto as Exhibit E shall be
in effect for fiscal year 2017-2018 (reflecting a 2% base salary increase).
V. The District's current contract with CalPERS is for a retirement benefit based on
the single highest year with a Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor Benefit Program.
The District has three tiers for retirement benefits:
a. Tier 1 applies to District employees hired prior to January 26, 2012;
b. Tier 2 applies to District employees hired between January 26, 2012 and
December 31, 2012 and any District employees hired on or after January
1, 2013 who are defined as "classic members" under the Public
Employees' Retirement Law (PERL); and
C. Tier 3 applies to District employees hired on or after January 1, 2013 who
are defined as "new members" under the PERL.
1. Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees
Tier 1 employees are enrolled in the 2% at 55 retirement formula.
Tier 2 employees are enrolled in the 2% at 60 retirement formula.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 employees pay the full employee contribution rate
which is 7% of pensionable compensation.
2. Tier 3 employees
Professional and Confidential Employees hired on or after January
1, 2013 who are "new members" as defined in the Public
Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA) are provided the
following retirement benefits: 2.5% at 67 benefit formula with a
three year (36 month) final compensation period. Employees may
designate the highest 36 month period. Tier 3 employees shall
individually pay an initial CalPERS contribution rate of 50% of the
normal cost rate for the Defined Benefit Plan in which said newly
hired employee is enrolled rounded to the nearest quarter of 1%, or
the current contribution rate of similarly situated employees,
whichever is greater.
VI. The District shall continue to maintain a "414(h)(2)" plan under the Internal
Revenue Code for the purpose of treating contributions to CalPERS as deferred
income for tax purposes to the extent permitted by law. Contributions will
continue to be deducted from the employee's actual gross salary as reflected on
the employee's pay stub. Employees shall otherwise be responsible for all taxes
related to fringe and reimbursement benefits and the District shall make
deductions in accordance with the law.
VII. All Professional and Confidential Employees hired or promoted to a Professional
and Confidential position on or after January 24, 2013 are at-will employees of
the District and serve at the will of the General Manager and may be dismissed
without cause or right of appeal. All employees serving in a Professional and
Confidential Employee position prior to January 24, 2013 are not at-will
employees of the District and maintain the appeal rights as set forth in the
District's Personnel Rules.
VIII. Effective July 1, 2016, the District will implement an eleven (11) step salary
schedule with a 2.5% salary difference between steps replacing the District's
previous nine (9) step salary schedule.
Subsequent movement on the salary schedule is based on merit as follows:
Evaluation process
Each employee shall be reviewed annually on a one-year interval. Effective July
1, 2016, the District will implement a new five-rating performance evaluation with
the following ratings: Unsatisfactory, Needs Improvement, Meets Expectations,
Exceeds Expectations, and Outstanding. An employee who receives an overall
rating Exceeds Expectations and with no Unsatisfactory and no more than two
(2) Needs Improvement ratings on their evaluation shall be entitled to move one
(1) step. An employee who receives an overall rating of Outstanding with no
Unsatisfactory and no Needs Improvement ratings on their evaluation shall move
two (2) steps. Movement shall take place until an employee has reached step 11.
The District shall endeavor to have performance reviews completed by the
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter FYs 2015-2018
employee's anniversary date with the effective date of the merit salary increase
being on the anniversary date. If the evaluation is delayed, any subsequent
salary increase to which the employee is entitled as a result of the performance
review rating shall be retroactive to the anniversary date.
IX. Professional and Confidential Employees shall accrue vacation leave time with
pay as follows:
Duration of Continuous Regular Employment Hours Accrued per Pay Period
During 1 St through 60th month (0-5 yrs) 3.077 hrs = 2.0 wks/yr
During 61 st through 120th month (5-10 yrs) 4.615 hrs = 3.0 wks/yr
During 121 st through 180th month (10-15 yrs) 5.384 hrs = 3.5 wks/yr
During 181 st through 240th month (15-20 yrs) 6.153 hrs = 4.0 wks/yr
During 241St month and thereafter (20+ yrs) 6.922 hrs = 4.5 wks/yr
X. The District shall continue to provide group life insurance in the amount of one
times basic annual salary rounded to the next higher multiple of $1,000, for each
full-time regular Professional and Confidential Employee under age 70, on the
first day of the month following date of hire, in accordance with the provisions of
the contract between the District and any company of the District's choosing
providing such coverage. Professional and Confidential Employees may
purchase additional life insurance coverage up to $300,000 by authorizing the
additional premium to be deducted from their salary. In addition, a Professional
and Confidential Employee can purchase life insurance for their spouse up to half
of the employee's coverage level. Some medical restrictions may apply.
XI. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for hospital and medical insurance for
all Professional and Confidential Employees who work in excess of 30 hours per
week, effective the first of the month following date of hire and % of the additional
premium toward Professional and Confidential Employee dependent coverage
for covered employees with one or more dependents in accordance with the
provisions of any contract between the District and any company or companies of
the District's choosing. The Professional and Confidential Employee shall pay the
cost of the difference in premium, to be deducted from the employee's salary to
cover the employee's '/3 share of the dependent coverage.
X1 1. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for dental insurance for all
Professional and Confidential Employees who work in excess of 30 hours or
more per week, effective the first of the month following date of hire and % of the
additional premium toward Professional and Confidential Employee dependent
coverage for covered Professional and Confidential Employees with one or more
dependents in accordance with the provisions of any contract between the
District and any company or companies of the District's choosing. The
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter FYs 2015-2018
Professional and Confidential Employee shall pay the cost of the difference in
premium, to be deducted from the employee's salary to cover the employee's '/3
share of the dependent coverage.
XIII. The District shall pay 100% of the premium for vision insurance for Professional
and Confidential Employees who work in excess of 30 hours or more per week,
effective the first of the month following date of hire and % of the additional
premium toward dependent coverage for covered Professional and Confidential
Employees with one or more dependents in accordance with the provisions of
any contract between the District and any company or companies of the District's
choosing. The Professional and Confidential Employee shall pay the cost of the
difference in premium, to be deducted from their salary to cover the employee's
'/3 share of the dependent coverage.
XIV. For Professional and Confidential Employees who are employed by the District
prior to December 8, 2011, and subject to carrier approval, the District shall pay
the amounts provided in paragraphs XI, XII and XIII of this agreement for a
period of time which is equivalent to one (1) year or pro ration thereof on a
monthly basis for each three (3) years of service to the District or pro ration
thereof on a quarterly basis.
To be eligible for this benefit, the employee must be at least 50 years of age,
must have five (5) complete consecutive years of service with the District, must
provide ninety (90) days' notice of intent to retire, retire from the District in good
standing and remain in a retired status.
The retired Professional and Confidential Employee must make any contribution
required of a regular Professional and Confidential Employee pursuant to
paragraphs XI, XI and XIII prior to the first day of the month in which coverage is
to be extended. Failure of a Professional and Confidential Employee to make
such payment shall result in termination of coverage and termination of any right
to any benefit pursuant to this section.
When the Professional and Confidential retiree or their spouse reaches age 65
and is eligible for Medicare, the coverage provided by the District shall become
secondary to Medicare for the remainder of the benefit period.
Professional and Confidential Employees hired on or after December 8, 2011
shall be ineligible to receive this benefit.
XV. A Professional and Confidential Employee who retires (in accordance with the
Public Employees' Retirement System qualifications) shall be paid at the rate of
their final salary for % of their accumulated days of sick leave, if any, at the time
of separation from active employment. The remaining % of their accumulated
days of sick leave will be converted into CalPERS service credit.
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter FYs 2015-2018
XVI. Professional and Confidential Employees who are laid off from District
employment after being employed by the District for five (5) or more complete
consecutive years of regular employment, shall be compensated for
accumulated, unused sick leave above 400 hours as follows:
5 through 9 20%
10 through 15 25%
16 through 20 and above 30%
Employees who are terminated from the District for cause, or who resign in lieu
of termination, shall not be eligible for this benefit.
XVII. The District shall provide a long-term disability plan for Professional and
Confidential Employees which has a 90-day elimination period and provides 66
z/%% of an employee's monthly pre-disability earnings to a maximum of $7,000
per month for a designated period of time in accordance with coverage procured
by the District from a carrier to be determined at the District's sole discretion.
XVIII. The District shall provide a short-term disability plan for Professional and
Confidential Employees which has a twenty-nine (29) day elimination period up
to an employee's eligibility for long-term disability and provides 66 2/%% of an
employee's weekly pre-disability earnings to a maximum of $1,500 per week for
a designated period of nine (9) weeks in accordance with coverage procured by
the District from a carrier to be determined at the District's sole discretion.
XIX. The District will match dollar for dollar not to exceed 2% salary earned per payroll
period of a Professional and Confidential Employee's salary or the employee's
actual amount of deferred compensation per payroll period, whichever amount is
XX. Professional and Confidential Employees shall continue to be assigned to a four
(4) day workweek, consisting of ten (10) scheduled hours of work each day (a
4/10 schedule Monday through Thursday). The Board of Directors clearly and
unequivocally has the right to terminate the 4/10 schedule at any time during the
term of this Employee Compensation Letter. In such case, the schedule shall
revert to the 9/80 schedule as existed immediately prior to implementation of the
4/10 schedule.
XXI. In situations where a Professional and Confidential Employee has been injured in
a non-duty accident and their disability leave exceeds thirty (30) calendar days,
their merit review and anniversary dates will be adjusted accordingly for that
portion of leave exceeding thirty (30) calendar days.
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter FYs 2015-2018
XXII. The District established a cafeteria plan under Section 125 of the Internal
Revenue Code. Employees can voluntarily participate in both tax advantage
flexible benefit and dependent care plans. Employees can elect to deduct up to
an annual maximum of $2,000 towards the flexible benefit plan and/or an annual
maximum of $5,000 towards the dependent care plan from their paychecks over
twenty-four (24) pay periods per calendar year. The cafeteria plan will allow
Professional and Confidential Employees to convert their share of insurance
premiums, un-reimbursed medical expenses, child care and other qualifying
expenditures to pretax dollars.
XXIII. The District shall reimburse Professional and Confidential Employees for sums
paid to the appropriate agencies for obtaining or renewing treatment and/or
distribution certificates and other professional certifications, registrations and job
related training.
XXIV. Professional and Confidential Employees who are required to wear safety boots
in the performance of their job, as determined by the General Manager, shall be
eligible for District-purchased boots in an amount not to exceed $200.00 each
fiscal year. Safety footwear must meet American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) minimum compression and impact performance standards in ANSI Z41-
1991 or provide equivalent protection. At the end of the current fiscal year, any
unused funds shall not carry over into the next fiscal year.
XXV. The District shall provide pre-approved educational reimbursement to
Professional and Confidential Employees for costs of tuition, fees, books and
parking relating to educational courses directly related to an employee's essential
job duties for the employee's present work classification as approved in advance
by the General Manager and the Human Resources/Risk Manager. As education
reimbursement each fiscal year, employees may receive up to the equivalent of
one year's full-time tuition at California State University for an in-state student.
University and college-level course work must be undertaken at a Western
Association of Schools and Colleges and Universities (WASC) accredited
To qualify for reimbursement, Professional and Confidential Employees must
successfully complete a pre-approved course with a passing grade (C or better).
In the event of a "Credit/No Credit" course, "Credit" will be considered a passing
Proof of payment and successful completion of the course with a passing grade
as indicated in the District's Educational Reimbursement Policy must accompany
the Educational Tuition Reimbursement form (Exhibit A of the District's
Educational Reimbursement Policy).
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter FYs 2015-2018
Professional and Confidential Employees shall be responsible for any tax
consequences as a result of education reimbursement.
If for any reason, the employee separates from District employment prior to
completion of one (1) calendar year from the date of distribution by the District of
funds provided for herein, all such amounts distributed during that one (1)
calendar year period shall be considered a judgment due and owing to the
District. The judgment amount shall be deducted from the employee's final
check. Any remaining, non-reimbursed amount shall be paid to the District within
ninety (90) calendar days of separation from District employment. Each
employee receiving funds pursuant to this section shall sign a written agreement
to comply with the terms of this section as a condition precedent to receipt of any
such funds.
In the event of a layoff or work hour reduction, reimbursement will cover courses
that are already in progress, provided that the employee successfully completes
them with a passing grade and fulfills the other provisions of the Educational
Reimbursement Policy.
XXVI. Professional and Confidential Employees who have been employed by the
District for more than one year may sell to the District up to forty (40) hours of
accrued unused vacation time upon thirty (30) days prior notice, provided that a
minimum of one-half ('/2) the vacation time to which the employee is entitled
within the same annual period of the sold vacation time remains in the
employee's vacation account after the cash distribution. Sell-back of vacation
time will only be paid on the second payday in November of each year.
XXVII. The Holiday schedule attached hereto as Exhibit F shall be in effect for full-time
Professional and Confidential Employees covered by this Professional and
Confidential Letter. For purposes of holiday compensation, compensation shall
be equal to the number of hours that the Professional and Confidential Employee
normally would have worked other than for the holiday.
For those Professional and Confidential Employees whose scheduled work week
is Monday through Thursday, a holiday falling on a Friday or Saturday shall not
result in Thursday being a holiday, and a holiday falling on a Sunday shall not
result in Monday being a holiday. Instead observed holidays that fall on a Friday,
Saturday or Sunday shall be recognized as floating holidays earned. The floating
holidays earned as a result of the above situation shall be used within the fiscal
year in which it is accrued or the following fiscal year. Any unused floating
holiday time will be cashed out at the employee's base hourly rate at the end of
the fiscal year following the fiscal year during which the time was accrued. For
example, any unused floating holiday time accrued during fiscal year 2015-16
would be paid out at the end of fiscal year 2016-17.
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter FYs 2015-2018
In order to be eligible for Holiday pay, a Professional and Confidential Employee
must be either at work or on paid leave of absence on the regularly scheduled
workday immediately preceding the day observed as the holiday and the
regularly scheduled workday immediately following the day observed as the
XXVIII. The District shall reimburse Professional and Confidential Employees for sums
paid to the appropriate state agencies for obtaining or renewing of Distribution,
Treatment and/or Collection certificates. In addition, a one-time per fiscal year
payment of $150.00 per certificate shall be provided to an affected employee
who has qualified for and been issued a State Water Resources Control Board
(SWRCB) Distribution or Treatment and/or California Water Environment
Association (CWEA) Collection Certificate(s) which has been determined in the
sole discretion of the General Manager to be relevant to the employee's duties
and which is other than a certificate that is a job requirement. The $150.00
payment shall apply for any Distribution, Treatment and/or Collection Certificates
issued by the SWRCB or CWEA that are required above and beyond the
required certification for a specific classification within the District and shall be
issued during each year in which the applicable certificate(s) remains valid and
remains other than a certificate which is a job requirement.
The table below identifies the positions that require specific State of California
Classification Req'd Req'd Req'd
Treatment Distribution Collection
SCADA Administrator T2 D3
Sr. Construction D2
Water Maintenance D5
Water Production T2 D5
Water Quality D3
XXIX. The term of this Compensation Letter for Professional and Confidential
Employees is for the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018.
Marc Marcantonio Date
General Manager
Professional and Confidential Employees Compensation Letter FYs 2015-2018
Exhibit B
Yorba Linda Water District — Professional and Confidential Employees
Classifications and Salary Ranges
7/11/2015 — 6/30/2018
Accounting Assistant II PC 21 Non-Exempt
Associate Engineer PC 27 Exempt
Construction Project Supervisor PC 28 Exempt
Customer Service Supervisor PC 27 Exempt
Executive Secretary PC 32 Non-Exempt
Human Resources Analyst PC 25 Exempt
Human Resources Technician PC 23 Non-Exempt
Information Systems Administrator PC 30 Exempt
Management Analyst PC 28 Exempt
Programmer Analyst PC 28 Exempt
Records Management Administrator PC 30 Exempt
Records Management Specialist PC 19 Non-Exempt
Safety and Training Analyst PC 27 Exempt
Safety and Training Technician PC 23 Non-Exempt
SCADA Administrator PC 30 Exempt
Sr. Accountant PC 30 Exempt
Sr. Construction Inspector PC 26 Non-Exempt
Sr. Project Manager PC 34 Exempt
Water Conservation Supervisor PC 28 Exempt
Water Maintenance Superintendent PC 30 Exempt
Water Production Superintendent PC 31 Exempt
Water Quality Engineer PC 31 Exempt
Exhibit F
Yorba Linda Water District — Professional and Confidential Employees
Holiday Schedule
7/11/2015 — 6/30/2018
Holiday FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18
Employee Chosen Floater Accrued On 7/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017
Independence Day 7/4/2015 7/4/2016 7/4/2017
Labor Day 9/7/2015 9/5/2016 9/4/2017
Veterans' Day 11/11/2015 11/11/2016 11/11/2017
Thanksgiving 11/26/2015 11/24/2016 11/23/2017
Day After Thanksgiving 11/27/2015 11/25/2016 11/24/2017
Christmas Eve 12/24/2015 12/24/2016 12/24/2017
Christmas Day 12/25/2015 12/25/2016 12/25/2017
New Year's Day 1/1/2016 1/1/2017 1/1/2018
Presidents' Day 2/15/2016 2/20/2017 2/19/2018
Memorial Day 5/30/2016 5/29/2017 5/28/2018
ITEM NO. 7.7
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015 Budgeted: N/A
To: Board of Directors
From: Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By: Staff Dept: Human
Reviewed by Legal: Yes
Prepared By: Bryan Melton, Human
Resources Analyst
Subject: Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Offered by the District to
Management Employees for the Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018
That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 15-20 Amending Resolution No. 15-08 to
Modify and Further Clarify the Salaries, Benefits and Special Conditions Offered by the District to
Management Employees for the Remainder of Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
On May 11, 2015, the District's Board of Directors adopted the Management Employees
Compensation Letter for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 (Resolution No. 15-08), in which the Public
Information Manager position was identified at a Range 33. In order to reflect the additional
responsibilities of water conservation, communications and legislation, the Public Information
Manager position will be placed at a Range 37.
Additionally, the Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 required modification to reflect the
actual observed dates for Memorial Day 2016 and 2017.
Attached to this report are copies of Resolution No. 15-20 and the amended exhibits for Resolution
No. 15-08.
The Board of Directors approved Resolution No. 15-08 May 11, 2015.
Name: Description: Type:
Resolution No. 15-20 -
Management Employees Compensation Letter and Pay Plans For FY 2015- Resolution No. 15-20 Backup
2018 Amendment.docx
Exhibit B - ME Classifications and Salary Ranges 2015-2018.docx Exhibit B-ME Classifications and Salary Backup
Ranges Material
Exhibit F - ME Holiday Schedule 2015-2018.docx Exhibit F-ME Holiday Schedule Material
Approved by the Board of Directors of the
Yorba Linda Water District
RK/PH 3-2 Roll Call
MB and GM voted No.
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District previously
adopted the Employee Compensation Letter for Management Employees
for Fiscal Years 2015-2018 (Resolution No. 15-08); and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend this letter in order to
further modify and further clarify the salaries, benefits and special
conditions offered by the District to these employees for the remainder of
Fiscal Years 2015-2018.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda
Water District as follows:
Section 1. That the Management Employee Classifications and Salary Ranges and
Management Employee Holiday Schedule for Fiscal Years 2015-2018
incorporated as Exhibits B and F of Resolution No. 15-08 be amended to
read as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein as
Exhibit I.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of July 2015, by the following called vote:
Ric Collett, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Resolution No. 15-XX Amending Resolution No. 15-08 Related to Management Employees Compensation Letter 1
Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by Labor Counsel:
J. Scott Tiedemann, Managing Partner
Liebert Cassidy Whitmore LLP
Resolution No. 15-XX Amending Resolution No. 15-08 Related to Management Employees Compensation Letter 2
Exhibit B
Yorba Linda Water District — Management Employees
Classifications and Salary Ranges
7/11/2015 — 6/3012018
Engineering Manager ME 37 Exempt
Finance Manager ME 37 Exempt
Human Resources/Risk Manager ME 37 Exempt
Information Technology Manager ME 37 Exempt
Operations Manager ME 37 Exempt
Public Information Manager ME 37 Exempt
Exhibit F
Yorba Linda Water District — Management Employees
Holiday Schedule
7/11/2015 — 6/30/2018
Holiday FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18
Employee Chosen Floater Accrued On 7/1/2015 7/1/2016 7/1/2017
Independence Day 7/4/2015 7/4/2016 7/4/2017
Labor Day 9/7/2015 9/5/2016 9/4/2017
Veterans' Day 11/11/2015 11/11/2016 11/11/2017
Thanksgiving 11/26/2015 11/24/2016 11/23/2017
Day After Thanksgiving 11/27/2015 11/25/2016 11/24/2017
Christmas Eve 12/24/2015 12/24/2016 12/24/2017
Christmas Day 12/25/2015 12/25/2016 12/25/2017
New Year's Day 1/1/2016 1/1/2017 1/1/2018
Presidents' Day 2/15/2016 2/20/2017 2/19/2018
Memorial Day 5/30/2016 5/29/2017 5/28/2018
ITEM NO. 8.1
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
Subject: Potential Amendments to Ordinance No. 09-01 Instituting Water Conservation
Measures, Prohibition Against Water Waste and Water Shortage Supply
Description: Type:
Ordinance No. 09-01.pdf Ordinance Ordinance
WHEREAS, California has had one of the driest years on record, with eight of the
past ten years meeting drought-level conditions; and
WHEREAS, storage in the Colorado River system has dropped to fifty-five (55)
percent of total capacity; and
WHEREAS, the flow of the California Aqueduct has been restricted by up to thirty-
five (35) percent, due to a federal court ruling to protect the Delta
Smelt; and
WHEREAS, the Governor of the State of California proclaimed a statewide drought
and issued a State of Emergency to address the California water
shortage, requesting that all water users reduce their water use by
twenty (20) percent and asking all water agencies to assist their
customers in reducing their use through a water conservation program;
WHEREAS, the Orange County Grand Jury investigated solutions into the looming
water crisis in California and recommends in its report for local water
agencies a goal of ten-percent voluntary conservation, a focus on
outdoor usage, the development of monthly allocations for each
customer and the implementation of conservation-inducing pricing; and
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is currently in a
"Water Supply Alert" phase and urges implementation of "extraordinary
conservation measures", such as conservation pricing, outdoor water
restrictions, prohibition of runoff, enhanced rebates, and coordination
with the Municipal Water District of Orange County to develop a unified
regional message and to accelerate media and outreach campaigns;
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is requiring
ordinances from all agencies that receive rebate incentives detailing
water conservation measures, prohibitions against water waste and
associated penalties; and
WHEREAS, the Municipal Water District of Orange County, the agency responsible
for providing the Yorba Linda Water District with imported water
through the Metropolitan Water District, has enacted a resolution
asking every Orange County resident and business to immediately
reduce their water usage by ten-percent (10); and
WHEREAS, the Orange County Water District, the agency responsible for
supervising the Orange County Groundwater Basin, has implemented
the "OC Water Hero" public education campaign, urging customers to
conserve twenty gallons of water per person, per day; and
WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District has broad authority to enact water
conservation rules under the laws of the State of California; and
WHEREAS, the adoption of water conservation measures would assist in avoiding
or minimizing the effects of water supply restrictions and a water
shortage in Southern California.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, under the authority of Water Code §§ 350 and
31028, that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District, does hereby FIND
AND DETERMINE that matters set forth in the above recitals are true and correct, and
that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District therefore DECLARES the
existence of an emergency caused by drought or other threatened or existing water
shortage; and
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, under the authority of Water Code §§ 350 and 31028,
that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District, does hereby FIND,
DETERMINE AND DECLARE that water conservation measures and restriction on the
use of District water are necessary and appropriate to protect the health and safety of
water users within the Yorba Linda Water District; and
THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, under authority of Water Code §§ 353 and 31026, that
the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District, based upon the findings set forth
herein, does hereby PROHIBIT the wastage of District water and does hereby ORDER
that the following water conservation measures and water use restrictions are necessary
and appropriate to prevent the waste of District water and to protect the health and safety
of water users with the Yorba Linda Water District. These measures will be effective as of
July 1, 2009.
SECTION 1: Permanent Water Conservation Measures and Prohibitions
Against Water Waste.
A. The following water conservation requirements are effective at all times and are
permanent. Violations of this section will be considered waste and an
unreasonable use of water.
1. Limits on Watering Hours
Watering or irrigation of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area is prohibited
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day, or between hours
later designated by the District, except for the express purpose of adjusting
or repairing an irrigation system. This subsection does not apply to landscape
irrigation systems that exclusively use very low-flow drip irrigation where no
emitter produces more than two (2) gallons of water per hour.
2. Limit on Watering Duration
Watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area is limited to
fifteen (15) minutes watering per station per day. This subsection does not
apply to landscape irrigation systems that exclusively use very low-flow drip
irrigation where no emitter produces more than two (2) gallons of water per
hour and weather based controllers or stream rotor sprinklers that meet a
70% efficiency standard.
3. No Watering During Rain
Watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area is prohibited
when it is currently raining or there is a forecasted chance of rain of fifty (50)
percent or higher.
4. No Excessive Water Flow or Runoff
Water or irrigation of any lawn, landscape or other vegetated area in a
manner that causes or allows excessive water flow or runoff onto an
adjoining sidewalk, driveway, street, alley, gutter or ditch is prohibited.
5. No Washing Down Hard or Paved Surfaces
Washing down hard or paved surfaces, including but not limited to sidewalks,
walkways, driveways, parking areas, tennis courts, patios or alley, is
prohibited except when necessary to alleviate safety or sanitary hazards and
then only by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container, a low-volume,
high-pressure cleaning machine equipped to recycle any water used, or a
low-volume high-pressure water broom.
6. Obli ation to Fix Leaks Breaks or Other Malfunctions
Excessive use, loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks or other
malfunctions in the water user's plumbing or distribution system, including
that of irrigation systems, beyond a reasonable period of time after such
escape of water should have been discovered and corrected, and in no event
more than three (3) calendar days of receiving notice from the District, is
7. Re-circulating Water Required for Water Fountains and Decorative Water
Operating a water fountain or other decorative water feature that does not
use re-circulated water is prohibited.
8. Limits on Washing Vehicles
Using water to wash or clean a vehicle, including but not limited to any
automobile, truck, van, bus, motorcycle, boat or trailer, whether motorized or
not is prohibited, except by use of a hand-held bucket or similar container
and/or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive self-closing water shut-off
nozzle or device. This subsection does not apply to any commercial car
washing facility.
9. Drinking Water Served Upon Request Only
Eating or drinking establishments, including but not limited to a restaurant,
hotel, cafe, cafeteria, bar, or other public place where food or drinks are sold,
served, or offered for sale, are prohibited from providing drinking water to any
person unless expressly requested.
10.Commercial Lodging Establishments Must Provide Guests the Option to
Decline Daily Linen Services
Hotels, motels and other commercial lodging establishments must provide
customers the option of not having towels and linen laundered daily.
Commercial lodging establishments must prominently display notice of this
option in each bathroom using clear and easily understood language.
11.No Installation of Single Pass Cooling Systems
Installation of single pass cooling systems is prohibited in buildings
requesting new water service.
12.No Installation of Non-re-circulating waters stem in Commercial Laund
Installation of non-re-circulating water systems is prohibited in new
commercial laundry systems.
13.Restaurants Required to Use Water Conserving Dish Wash Spray Valves
Food preparation establishments, such as restaurants or cafes, are
prohibited from using non-water conserving dish wash spray valves.
14.Commercial Car Wash Systems
Effective on July 1, 2009, all new commercial conveyor car wash systems
must have installed operational re-circulating water systems, or must have
secured a waiver of this requirement from the District.
SECTION 2: Stage 1 - Water Supply Shortage
(Water Use Reduction Goal — up to 10%)
A. A Stage 1 Water Supply Shortage exists when the District determines, in its sole
discretion, that due to drought or other water supply conditions, a water supply
shortage or threatened shortage exists and a consumer demand reduction is
necessary to make more efficient use of water and appropriately respond to
existing water conditions, or without prior Board approval when the Metropolitan
Water District of Southern California changes its Water Supply Alert stage to
"Condition 2: Water Supply Alert".
B. In addition to the prohibited uses of water identified as permanent water
conservation measures and prohibitions against water waste (Section 1), the
following water conservation requirements apply during a declared Stage 1 Water
Supply Shortage.
1. Limits on Watering Days
Watering or irrigation of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area is limited to
three (3) calendar days per week, in which odd numbered addresses are
permitted to irrigate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and even
numbered addresses are permitted irrigate Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday. No irrigation is permitted on Sunday. This subsection does not
apply to any landscape irrigation system that exclusively use very low-flow
drip irrigation where no emitter produces more than two (2) gallons of water
per hour and weather based controllers or stream rotor sprinklers that meet a
70% efficiency standard.
SECTION 3: Stage 2 - Water Supply Shortage
(Water Use Reduction Goal- up to 20%)
A. A Stage 2 Water Supply Shortage exists when the District determines, in its sole
discretion, that due to drought or other water supply conditions, a water supply
shortage or threatened shortage exists and a consumer demand reduction is
necessary to make more efficient use of water and appropriately respond to
existing water conditions, or without prior Board approval when the Metropolitan
Water District of Southern California changes its Water Supply Alert stage to
"Condition 3: Water Supply Allocation of 5% through 15%".
B. In addition to the prohibited uses of water identified as permanent water
conservation measures and prohibitions against water waste (Section 1), the
following water conservation requirements apply during a declared Stage 2 Water
Supply Shortage:
1. Limits on Watering Days
Watering or irrigation of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area in the
months of April through October, is limited to three (3) calendar days per
week in which odd numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and even numbered addresses are
permitted to irrigate on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No irrigation is
permitted on Sunday. In the months of November through March,
irrigation is limited to two (2) calendar days per week, in which odd
numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate Monday and Friday, and
even numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate Tuesday and
Saturday. This subsection does not apply to any landscape irrigation
system that exclusively uses very low-flow drip irrigation where no
emitter produces more than two (2) gallons of water per hour and
weather based controllers or stream rotor sprinklers that meet a 70%
efficiency standard.
2. Obligation to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Other Malfunctions
Excessive use, loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks or other
malfunctions in the water user's plumbing or distribution system for any
period of time after such escape of water should reasonably have been
discovered and corrected and in no event more than two (2) calendar
days of receiving notice from the District, is prohibited.
SECTION 4: Stage 3 -Water Supply Shortage
(Water Use Reduction Goal- up to 35%)
A. A Stage 3 Water Supply Shortage exists when the District determines, in its sole
discretion, that due to drought or other water supply conditions, a water supply
shortage or threatened shortage exists and a consumer demand reduction is
necessary to make more efficient use of water and appropriately respond to
existing water conditions, or without prior Board approval when the Metropolitan
Water District of Southern California changes its Water Supply Alert stage to
"Condition 3: Water Supply Allocation of 20% through 35%".
In addition to the prohibited uses of water identified as permanent water conservation
measures and prohibitions against water waste (Section 1), the following water
conservation requirements apply during a declared Stage 3 Water Supply Shortage:
1. Limits on Watering Days
Watering or irrigation of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area in the
months of April through October is limited to two (2) calendar days per
week, in which odd numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate on
Monday and Friday, and even numbered addresses are permitted to
irrigate on Tuesday and Saturday. In the months of November through
March, is limited to one (1) calendar day per week, in which odd
numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate on Monday only and even
numbered addresses are permitted to irrigate Saturday only This
subsection does not apply to landscape irrigation systems that
exclusively use very low-flow drip irrigation where no emitter produces
more than two (2) gallons of water per hour and weather based
controllers or stream rotor sprinklers that meet a 70% efficiency
2. Limits on Filling Swimming Pools & Spas
Re-filling of more than one foot and initial filling of residential swimming
pools or outdoor spas is prohibited.
SECTION 5: Stage 4 - Water Supply Shortage - Emergency Condition
(Water Use Reduction Goal-40% or Greater)
A. A Stage 4 Water Supply Shortage is also referred to as an "emergency" condition.
A Stage 4 Water Supply Shortage exists when the District declares, in its sole
discretion, a water shortage emergency and notifies its residents and businesses
that a significant reduction in consumer demand is necessary to maintain sufficient
water supplies for public health and safety, or without prior Board approval when
the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California changes its Water Supply
Alert stage to "Condition 3: Water Supply Allocation of 40% or greater".
B. In addition to the prohibited uses of water identified as permanent water
conservation measures and prohibitions against water waste (Section 1), the
following water conservation requirements apply during a declared Stage 4 Water
Supply Shortage:
1. No Watering or Irrigating
Watering or irrigating of lawn, landscape or other vegetated area with
potable water is prohibited. This restriction does not apply to the
following categories of use:
a. Maintenance of vegetation, including trees and shrubs, that are
watered using a hand-held bucket or similar container, hand-held
hose equipped with a positive self—closing water shut-off nozzle
or device;
b. Maintenance of existing landscape necessary for fire protection;
c. Maintenance of existing landscape for soil erosion control;
d. Actively irrigated environmental mitigation projects.
2. Obligation to Fix Leaks, Breaks, or Other Malfunctions
Excessive use, loss or escape of water through breaks, leaks or other
malfunctions in the water user's plumbing or distribution system for any
period of time after such escape of water should reasonably have been
discovered and corrected and in no event more than one (1) calendar
day of receiving notice from the District, is prohibited.
3. No New Water Service
Upon declaration of a Stage 4 Water Supply Shortage Emergency
condition, no new water service will be provided and no new temporary
meters or permanent meters will be provided, except as is necessary to
protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
SECTION 6: Hardship Variance
A. If, due to unique circumstances, a specific requirement of this ordinance would
result in undue hardship to a person using water or to property upon which water is
used, that is disproportionate to the impacts to water users generally or to similar
property or classes of water users, then the person may apply for a variance to the
requirements as provided in this section.
1. Written Finding
The variance may be granted or conditionally granted only upon a
written finding of the existence of facts demonstrating an undue hardship
to a person using water or to property upon which water is used, that is
disproportionate to the impacts to water users generally or to similar
property or classes of water use due to specific and unique
circumstances of the user or the user's property.
2. Application
Application for a variance must be on a form prescribed by the Yorba
Linda Water District (Exhibit A) and accompanied by a $25 non-
refundable processing fee.
3. Supporting Documentation
The application must be accompanied by photographs, maps, drawings,
and other information showing why the request should be granted,
including a written statement of the applicant.
4. Required Findings for Variance
An application for a variance will be denied unless the District finds,
based on the information provided in the application, supporting
documents, or such additional information as may be requested, and on
water use information for the property as shown by the records of the
District, all of the following:
a. That the variance does not constitute a grant of special
privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other residents
and businesses;
b. That because of special circumstances applicable to the
property or its use, the strict application of this chapter would
have a disproportionate impact on the property or use that
exceeds the impacts to residents and businesses generally;
c. That the authorizing of such variance will not be of substantial
detriment to adjacent properties and will not be detrimental to
the public interest; and
d. That the condition or situation of the subject property or the
intended use of the property for which the variance is sought is
not common, recurrent or general in nature.
e. That conservation is already being accomplished through the
previous installation of water saving features.
5. Approval Authority
The General Manager's Designee shall promptly act upon any
completed application no later than seven (7) calendar days after
submittal and may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the variance.
The applicant requesting the variance shall be promptly notified in writing
of any action taken (Exhibit J). Unless specified otherwise at the time a
variance is approved, the variance will apply to the subject property
during the period of the mandatory water supply shortage condition and
if approved or conditionally approved, will apply from the date of
approval only. Any previous violations and/or subsequent penalties are
final. The decision of the General Manager's Designee can be appealed
to the General Manager by written notice within seven (7) calendar days
of the date of the denied waiver. The General Manager shall act upon an
appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the District's receipt of the
applicant's appeal. The General Managers decision shall be final.
6. Previous Violations
Any approved or conditionally approved waiver is valid from the date in
which it was approved or conditionally approved forward. Any previous
violations and subsequent fines or penalties associated with those
violations are final and will not be reimbursed.
SECTION 7: Penalties and Violations
A. Violations of any provisions of the ordinance herein must be personally observed
by members of the District staff able to personally attest to them. The fines for
such violations will be collected on the water bill. Failure to pay a fine amount will
be treated as nonpayment of the water bill and water service may be terminated as
a result. Protests for violations are allowable per Section 8 of this ordinance. The
fines for such violations are as follows:
1 . First Violation
The Yorba Linda Water District will hand deliver a door hanger (Exhibit
B) to the location of the violation and will also mail a Notice of First
Violation (Exhibit C) to the current billing address.
2. Second Violation
A second violation within twelve (12) calendar months of the first
violation is punishable by a penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars
($100). This amount will be added to the next water bill fifteen days after
the date of the violation, if not protested. The Yorba Linda Water District
will hand deliver a door hanger (Exhibit B) to the location of the violation
and will also send a Notice of Second Violation (Exhibit D) to the current
billing address.
3. Third Violation
A third violation within twelve (12) calendar months of the first or second
violation is punishable by a penalty not to exceed two hundred and fifty
dollars ($250). This amount will be added to the next water bill fifteen
days after the date of the violation, if not protested. The Yorba Linda
Water District will hand deliver a door hanger (Exhibit B) to the location
of the violation and will also send a Notice of Third Violation (Exhibit E)
to the current billing address.
4. Fourth and Subsequent Violations
A fourth and any subsequent violation within (12) calendar months of the
first or any subsequent violation is punishable by a fine not to exceed
five hundred dollars ($500). This amount will be added to the next water
bill fifteen days after the date of the violation, if not protested. The Yorba
Linda Water District will hand deliver a door hanger (Exhibit B) to the
location of the violation and will also send a Notice of Fourth and
Subsequent Violations (Exhibit F to the current billing address.
5. Water Flow Restrictor Device
In addition to any fines, the District, at the discretion of the General
Manager, may install a water flow restrictor device of approximately one
gallon per minute capacity for services up to one and one-half inch size
and comparatively sized restrictors for larger services. The restrictor will
be installed by the District forty-eight (48) hours after a Notice of Intent to
Install Flow Restrictor (Exhibit G) is sent to the current billing address.
The restrictor will remain installed for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours
or such time as the General Manager, in his discretion, should decide.
6. Water Service Discontinuation
In addition to any fines and the installation of a water flow restrictor, the
District, at the discretion of the General Manager, may disconnect a
customer's water service for willful violations of mandatory restrictions
listed herein. The discontinuation of service will be imposed by the
District forty-eight (48) hours after a Notice of Intent to Discontinue
Service (Exhibit H) is sent to the current billing address, and will be
imposed in the same process as disconnection pertaining to unpaid bills.
A person or entity that violates this ordinance is responsible for payment
of the District's charges for installing and/or removing any flow restricting
device and for disconnection and/or reconnecting service per the
District's schedule of charges then in effect. The charge for installing
and/or removing any flow restricting device must be paid to the District
before the device is removed. Nonpayment will be subject to the same
remedies as nonpayment of basic water rates.
B. In the event that the individual responsible for the payment of the water bill is not
the violator of the ordinance, notification of penalties will go to both the violation
address and the billing address on file, with any and all fines and associated
charges. Payment of the bill will be the final responsibility of the individual named
on the account.
SECTION 8: Relief from Enforcement
A. The District will issue a Notice of Violation (Exhibits C-F) by mail or personal
delivery at least fourteen (14) calendar days before taking enforcement action, with
the exception of fourth and subsequent violations. Such notice will describe the
violation and the date by which corrective action must be taken. A customer
wishing to protest the Notice of Violation must first seek administrative review by
the District by filing a written Notice of Review (Exhibit 1) with the District no later
than fourteen (14) days from the date of notice. Any Notice of Violation not timely
protested will be final. Upon receipt of a timely protest, the protest will be fully
reviewed by the General Manager, with a Notice of Decision (Exhibit J) sent to the
customer by mail within thirty (30) days of appeal. The District will only grant relief
if the violation claimed is not in violation of the provisions of the Ordinance, the
claim of violation is factually incorrect, or the District finds in its discretion that a
violation did not occur. Should the District deny the customer relief, the customer
may appeal the denial of the protest by filing a Form SC 100 with the Small Claims
division of the Superior Court within 25 days of the District's decision to deny the
protest. (Gov. Code, § 53069.4 (b)(1); Cal. Code of Civ. Pro., § 1013 (a).)
Pending receipt of a written appeal, and appeal to the Superior Court, the District
may take appropriate steps to prevent the unauthorized use of water as
appropriate to the nature and extent of the violations and the current declared
water Stage condition. However, the District will not terminate water service while
an appeal or hearing is still pending.
SECTION 9: This Ordinance is Controlling
To the extent that there is any inconsistency between this ordinance and the Urban Water
Management Plan, any previous ordinances, resolutions, or other planning documents, or
any other documents pertaining to water conservation or water use prohibitions, this
ordinance shall prevail.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of May, 2009 by the following called vote:
AYES: Directors Armstrong, Beverage, Mills and Summerfield
NOES: None
ABSENT: Director Collett
John W. Summerfield, President
K nneth Vecchiarelli, Secretary
Reviewed as to form by General Counsel:
Arthur G. Kidman, Esq.
McCormick, Kidman and Behrens
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhibit "A"
Conservation Ordinance Waiver Application
This Application is pursuant to Ordinance 09-01
Name Date
(Last) (First)
Address for Waiver
(Street) (City) (Zip)
Restriction Waiver is Requested For
Pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, Section 6, if, due to unique circumstances, a specific
requirement of the Ordinance restrictions would result in undue hardship to a person
using water or to property upon which water is used that is disproportionate to the
impacts to water users generally or to similar property or classes of water users to the
individual or property at the above address a waiver may be granted.
The waiver may be granted, conditionally granted or denied based upon any included
support documents and the paid non-refundable Application Processing Fee of$25. These
documents can include a written statement of explanation, photographs, maps, drawings,
etc. Proof of previous conservation through the installation of water saving features must
also be included in the supporting documentation in order for the waiver to be granted or
conditionally granted. Exclusion of this proof is grounds for denial of the waiver.
Further, pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, Section 6, the General Manager's Designee will act
upon any completed application no later than seven (7) days after receipt of the waiver
application with a Notice of Decision (Exhibit J) sent to the address requesting the waiver.
The decision of the Designee can be appealed to the General Manager, %ith the completion
of another application within seven (7) days of the date of denied waiver. The decision of
the General Manager will be final.
If approved, or conditionally approved, this waiver is valid only from the date approved or
conditionally approved, forward. Any previous violations and subsequent fines or penalties
incurred are final and will not be reimbursed retroactively.
1 understand that any information provided on this form or in supporting documentation that
is found to be unllfully falsified shall result in an automatic denial of the application.
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application Fee Paid
Approved First Application
Conditionally Approved Second Application
-- ------ - -- - -- ---- -- - ---- - - -- --- -- -- - --
1 ♦
I ♦♦ I
I ♦ �
I •
Exhibit "B" ;
� �♦ I I
I ♦ �` I
I I '
I li
I I '
Yorba Linda Ij
1 I
Water District
I �
As the water supply situation worsens, conserva-
tion and water use efficiency remain key factors.
Please help to do your part. ;
1 I
� 1
We were in the area and wanted to make you
aware of the following restriction:
❑ Watering between gam and 6pm ;
❑ Watering more than 15 min per station per day ;
❑ Excessive Water Flow/Runoff ;
1 �
❑ Washing down of hard surfaces
I �
I �
❑Watering when it is raining ;
I �
I �
❑ Other '
I �
I �
I �
Need melloft?
Check out the other side of this hanger for
information on
Rebates & Conservation Tips i
1 I
1 1
Issued byYLWD Employee No.
Date: I
Pursuant to Ordinance XX-XX, this Doorhanger serves as a ;
I Notice of Violation
• - -- - - --- -- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- �
r----- --- --------- --------------0-----
, . i
. t '
r i
, t
, t
Yor ba Linda .,
Water District
Please Do YOUR Part To
Help Conserve Water!
, t
Limit watering to 15 min. Pe r station per day. t
46 Refrain from washing down drive-ways,
sidewalks or patios.
6 Adjust sprinkers to eliminate overspray
and runoff. ;
' 6 Step on your grass to check if it needs to ;
be watered. If it pops back up, it doesn't. ;
46 Promptly repair all leaks, including those
within your sprinkler system.
, t
, t
Both Indoor & Outdoor Rebates are available!
Online rebate forms can be found at: ;
www.socalwatersmart.com ;
r +
, t
t .
More conservation tips can be found at: ;
www.ylwd.com ;
714-701-3000 ;
' t {
----------------------------- —J
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhibit "C„
Re: Pursuant to Ordinance 09-01 , First Violation, Case No.
Dear Customer,
We wanted to bring to your attention Ordinance 09-01 , passed by the Yorba Linda
Water District Board of Directors on May 14 , 2009 . A District employee was in your
area and noticed an inadvertent violation on the following date , at the
following address: *This ordinance, like many
similar throughout California, was passed in reaction to the worsening water crisis.
California has had one of the driest years on record, with eight of the past ten years
meeting drought-level conditions and the Governor of the State of California
proclaimed a state-wide drought and issued a State of Emergency, requesting that all
water users reduce their water use by twenty (20) percent.
We, at the Yorba Linda Water District, are committed to assisting our customers meet
this request by focusing on the reduction of water waste and the efficiency of water
that is used . Rebates for both indoor and outdoor products and conservation tips are
available through the District website at www .ylwd . com.
Please review the included Ordinance and feel free to contact us if you have any
questions about its implementation . Due to unique circumstances, should you require
an exemption from these restrictions, due to unique circumstances which create a
hardship, a request for a Hardship Waiver can be submitted to the District. The
Conservation Ordinance Waiver Application is available at the District Administrative
Offices and through the District website . Upon submittal of the request for a variance
to the District, the District staff will review the request and either approve,
conditionally approve, or deny the waiver. if approved, the waiver is applicable from
that date forward . Any previous violations will not be reimbursed retroactively.
Thank you , in advance, for your commitment to water use efficiency.
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhibit ran„
Notice of Second Violation
This Notice is issued pursuant to Ordinance 09- 01
Violation Case No. Date Issued
Location of Violation
I . Violations
The following violations of District Ordinance 09-01 have been witnessed as
occurring on said property by a District employee :
II. Corrective Actions
The following corrective action is required:
III . Date for Compliance / Penalties
You have been assessed a penalty for the above violations in the amount of one
hundred ($ 100) dollars. This penalty will appear on your water bill after fourteen
( 14) days, if not appealed. The account is subject to disconnect if any and all
penalties are not paid in a timely manner. Corrective action is required within
fourteen ( 14) days to avoid future violations. Future violations will also incur
penalties pursuant to Ordinance No, 09-01 , Section 1a. A copy of the full Ordinance
is attached.
This order shall become final unless you file a protest with the District no
later than the close of business fourteen ( 14) daps after the date of this Notice
of Violation. The Notice of Appeal is available at the District Administrative
Offices and online at www.vlwd.com.
Issuing Party:
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhiblit " E"
Notice of Third Violation
This Notice is issued pursuant to Ordinance 09-4I
Violation Case No . Date Issued
Location of Violation
I. "Violations
The following violations of District Ordinance 09-01 have been witnessed as
occurring on said property by a District employee:
II. Corrective Actions
The following corrective action is required:
III . Date for Compliance / Penalties
You have been assessed a penalty for the above violations in the amount of two
hundred and fifty ($250) dollars. This penalty will appear on your water bill after
fourteen ( 14) days, if not appealed . The account is subject to disconnect if any and
all penalties are not paid in a timely manner. Corrective action is required within
fourteen ( 14) days to avoid future violations. Future violations will also incur
penalties pursuant to Ordinance No. 09-01 > Section 7a. A copy of the full Ordinance
is attached.
This order shall become final unless you file a protest with the District no
later than the close of business fourteen ( 141 days after the date of this Notice
of Violation. The Notice of Appeal is available at the District Administrative
Offices and online at www.vlwd.com.
Issuing Party:
Yorba Linda
Water District
Notice of Fourth and Subsequent Violation
This Notice is issued pursuant to Ordinance 09-41
Violation Case No. Date Issued
Location of Violation
I. Violations
The following violations of District Ordinance 09-01 have been witnessed as
occurring on said property by a District employee :
II. Corrective Actions
The following corrective action is required :
III. Date for Compliance / Penalties
You have been assessed a penalty for the above violations in the amount of five
hundred ($500) dollars. This penalty will appear on your water bill after fourteen
( 14) days, if not appealed. In addition to the penalty, the District may install a water
flow restrictor device (48/48 Program) and/ or may disconnect service for willful
violations, pursuant to Ordinance 09-01 . The installation of a restrictor and/ or the
disconnection of service may become effective within forty-eight (48) hours, by
separate notice . The account is also subject to disconnect if any and all penalties
are not paid in a timely manner. Corrective action is required within fourteen ( 14)
days to avoid future violations. Future violations will also incur penalties pursuant
to Ordinance No, 09-01 , Section 7a. A copy of the full Ordinance is attached.
This order shall become final unless you file a protest with the District no
later than the close of business fourteen ( 14) days after the date of this Notice
of Violation. The Notice of Appeal is available at the District Administrative
Offices and online at www.vlwd .com.
Issuing Party:
Signature :
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhibit "G"
Notice of Intent to Install Flow Restrictor
This Notice is issued pursuant to Ordinance 09-01
Violation Case No. Date Issued
Location of Violation
This notice is in regard to the receipt of a Fourth or Subsequent Violation (Exhibit
"F"). Pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, Section 7a, in addition to any fees assessed,
the District may install a water flow restrictor device (48/48 Program) and/or may
disconnect service for willful violations.
The restrictor will be installed by the District forty-eight (48) hours after a Notice of
Intent to Install Flow Restrictor (Exhibit G) is sent to the current billing address.
The restrictor will allow approximately one gallon per minute capacity for services
up to one and one-half inch size and comparatively sized restrictors for larger
services, and will remain installed for a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours.
Removal of the flow restrictor is at the discretion of the General Manager.
Further, pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, Section 7a, payment of the District's
charges for installing and/or removing any flow restricting device and for
disconnection and/or reconnecting service per the District's schedule of charges
then in effect will be included on the customer's water bill. The charge for installing
and/or removing any flow restricting device must be paid to the District before the
device is removed. The account is also subject to disconnect if any and all
penalties are not paid in a timely manner.
Due to unique circumstances, should you require an exemption from these
restrictions, a Hardship Waiver can be submitted to the District, and is available at
the District Administrative Offices and online at wwvr .ylwd.com.
Issuing Party:
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhibit "H"
Notice of Intent to Disconnect Service
This Notice is issued pursuant to Ordinance 09-01
Violation Case No. Date Issued
Location of Violation
This notice is in regard to the receipt of a Fourth or Subsequent Violation (Exhibit
"F"). Pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, Section 7a, in addition to any fees assessed,
the District may install a water flow restrictor device (48/48 Program) and/or may
disconnect service for willful violations.
The discontinuation of service will be imposed by the District forty-eight (48) hours
after a Notice of Intent to Discontinue Service (Exhibit H) is sent to the current
billing address.
Further, pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, Section 7a, payment of the District's
charges for installing and/or removing any flow restricting device and for
disconnection and/or reconnecting service per the District's schedule of charges
then in effect will be included on the customer's water bill. The charge for
disconnection and/or reconnecting services must be paid to the District before the
service is restored. The account is also subject to disconnect if any and all
penalties are not paid in a timely manner.
Due to unique circumstances, should you require an exemption from these
restrictions, a Hardship Waiver can be submitted to the District, and is available at
the District Administrative Offices and online at w%vw.vlwd.com.
Issuing Party:
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhibit "I"
Notice of Review
This notice is pursuant to Ordinance 09-01
Name Date
(Last) (First)
Address for Waiver/Violation Appeal
(Street) (City) (Zip)
Violation No. (if applicable)
Pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, if, due to unique circumstances, a specific
requirement of the Ordinance restrictions would result in undue hardship,
additional supporting documents are found, or the violation was made in error, an
appeal can be submitted to the District no later than the close of business on the
day before the date scheduled for enforcement action. Any Notice of Violation not
timely appealed will be final.
The waiver may be granted, conditionally granted or denied based upon any
included support documents. These documents can include a written statement of
explanation, photographs, maps, drawings, etc.
Further, pursuant to Ordinance 09-01, Section 7, the General Manager's Designee
will act upon any completed Notice of Review (Exhibit I) no later than seven (7)
calendar days after receipt of the appeal with a Notice of Decision (Exhibit J) sent
to the address requesting the appeal. The decision of the Designee can be
appealed to the General Manager, with the completion of another application
within seven (7) days of the date of denied waiver. The General Manager will act
upon the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days. The decision of the General
Manager is final.
1 understand that any information provided on this form or in supporting documentation that
is found to be unllfully falsified shalt result in an automatic denial of the appeal.
Conditionally Approved
Yorba Linda
Water District
Exhibit "J"
Notice of Decision
This notice is pursuant to Ordinance 09-01
Pursuant to Ordinance 09-01 , if, due to unique circumstances, a specific requirement of the
Ordinance restrictions would result in undue hardship, additional supporting documents are
found, or the violation was made in error, an appeal can be submitted to the District no later
than the close of business on the day before the date scheduled for enforcement action . Any
Notice of Violation not timely appealed will be final.
The waiver may be granted, conditionally granted or denied based upon any included support
documents. These documents can include a written statement of explanation, photographs,
maps, drawings, etc.
Pursuant to Ordinance 09-01 , Section 6, the General Manager's Designee will act upon any
completed Notice of Notice of Appeal no later than seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the
appeal. Unless specified otherwise at the time approved , the variance will apply to the subject
property during the period of the mandatory water supply shortage condition and if approved
or conditionally approved, will apply from the date of approval only. Any previous violations
and/ or subsequent penalties are final. The decision of the General Manager's Designee can be
appealed to the General Manager by written notice within seven (7) calendar days of the date of
the denied waiver. The General Manager shall act upon an appeal within thirty (30) calendar
days after receipt of the appeal with a Notice of Decision sent to the address requesting the
appeal. The decision of the General Manager shall be final in the case of an appeal for a waiver.
In the case of an appeal of a violation fine , should the District deny the customer relief, the
customer may appeal the denial of the protest by filing a Form SC 100 with the Small Claims
division of the Superior Court within 25 days of the District's decision to deny the protest.
(Gov. Code, § 53069.4 (b)( 1 ) ; Cal. Code of Civ. Pro. , § 1013 (a) . )
Request for Appeal of: Waiver Violation
Request Decision:
Approved Conditionally Approved Denied
Decision Reason :
Issued by:
® Yorba Linda
Water District
Ordinance 09-01 Violation Log Exhibit "K"
Name of Customer& Violation Observed Date & Time Door Hanger Employee Signature & Employee Number
Street Address where Left at In compliance uith California Code of Civil Procedure§2015.5,in
Violation was observed Address of signing this declaralion I do hereby declare under penalty of perjury that
Violation? the foregoing is true and correct
Customer Name: Watering between 9am & 6 pm
Water more than 15 minutes per Date: YES Date:
Customer Address: station per day
_Excess Water Flow/Runoff Place: California
_Washing down of hard surfaces
Watering when it is raining Signature
Other: Time: NO
Employee #
Customer Name: _ Watering between 9am & 6 pm
—Water more than 15 minutes per Date: YES Date:
Customer Address: station per day
_Excess Water Flow/ Runoff Place: California
_Washing down of hard surfaces
_Watering when it is raining Signature
Other: Time: NO
Customer Name: _ Watering between 9am & 6 pm
Water more than 15 minutes per Date: YES Date:
Customer Address: station per day
_Excess Water Flow/Runoff Place: , California
_Washing down of hard surfaces
Watering when it is raining Signature
Other: Time: NO
Employee #
Customer Name: Watering between 9am & 6 pm
Water more than 15 minutes per Date: YES Date:
Customer Address: station per day
_Excess Water Flow/Runoff {'lace: , California
_Washing down of hard surfaces
_Watering when it is raining Signature
Other: Time: NO
ITEM NO. 8.2
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
Subject:Potential Amendments to Ordinance No. 15-01 Instituting Drought Penalties to
Comply with State of California Mandate
Ordinance_No._15-01.pdf Ordinance Ordinance
WHEREAS, on January 17, 2014 the Governor of California proclaimed a State of
Emergency due to severe drought conditions and directed state officials to
take all necessary actions to prepare for these drought conditions; and
WHEREAS, on April 25, 2014 the Governor of California issued an executive order that
called on all Californians to redouble their efforts to conserve water; and
WHEREAS, on April 1, 2015, due to persisting drought conditions, the Governor of
California issued an executive order that called for a statewide reduction in
potable water use of 25 %, and
WHEREAS, on May 6, 2015, emergency drought regulations, which were adopted by
the State Water Resources Control Board ( SWRCB), went into effect setting
conservation mandates for water suppliers; and
WHEREAS, for Yorba Linda Water District, the SWRCB has established a conservation
mandate of at least 36 %; and
WHEREAS, the SWRCB has informed water suppliers, including Yorba Linda Water
District, that failure to meet the conservation mandate may subject them to
penalties of up to $10,000 per day; and
WHEREAS, on May 11, 2015 the Board of Directors adopted Resolution No. 15 -04,
determining that due to drought or other water supply conditions, a water
shortage or threatened shortage exists and a consumer demand reduction
is necessary to make more efficient use of water and appropriately respond
to existing water conditions; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors, in order to address the SWRCB's mandate, seeks
to establish water use restrictions and establish and impose administrative
penalties upon any customer who exceeds the water use restrictions set
forth herein; and
WHEREAS, the penalties established and imposed herein are not for the purpose of
recovering the cost of providing water service to Yorba Linda Water
District's water customers.
Ordinance No. 15 -01 Instituting Drought Penalties to Comply with State of California Mandate
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED, under the authority of State law, including, but
not limited to Sections 31026 and 53069.4 of the California Water Code, that the Board
of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District does hereby establish water use restrictions
and establish and impose administrative penalties upon any customer who exceeds the
water use restrictions in order to comply with the SWRCB's conservation mandate and to
protect the District's water supplies, reduce the quantity of water consumed, and deter
and prevent the waste or unreasonable use of valuable water resources.
Section 1. Administrative Penalties for Exceeding Mandatory Water Use Restrictions
Beginning July 1, 2015, each customer who has a potable water account
with the District shall be subject to the following administrative penalties at
the end of their respective billing cycle should their consumption exceed the
amounts set forth below:
Block 1 1 -115 Units
Block 1 1 -18 Units
Block 2 19 -29 Units 10.00
Block 3 30 -49 Units 20.00
Block 4 50 -74 Units 40.00
Block 5 75 -99 Units 80.00
Block 6 100+ Units 160.00
Block 1 1 -115 Units
Block 1 1 -50 Units
Block 2 51 -75 Units 25.00
Block 3 76 -100 Units 50.00
Block 4 100 -150 Units 100.00
Block 5 151 -200 Units 200.00
Block 6 200+ Units 400.00
Ordinance No. 15 -01 Instituting Drought Penalties to Comply with State of California Mandate 2
Block 1 1 -115 Units
Block 2 116 -200 Units 65.00
Block 3 201 -300 Units 130.00
Block 4 301 -400 Units 260.00
Block 5 401 -500 Units 520.00
Block 6 500+ Units 1,000.00
Ordinance No. 15 -01 Instituting Drought Penalties to Comply with State of California Mandate 2
Section 2. Payment of Penalties
Any penalty imposed pursuant to Section 1 shall be collected on the
customer's water bill. Failure to pay a penalty amount will be treated as
nonpayment of the water bill and water service may be terminated as a
result. In the event that the individual responsible for payment of the water
bill is not the violator of this Ordinance, notification of penalties will go to
both the violation address and the billing address on file, with any and all
fines and associated charges. Payment of the bill will be the final
responsibility of the individual named on the account.
Section 3. Appeal Procedures
1. Filing an Appeal. Any customer who wishes to appeal an administrative
penalty imposed by the District pursuant to this Ordinance shall comply
with the following procedures:
a. The appellant shall pay all amounts due and owing on his /her water
bill, including any disputed penalty(ies) imposed by the District
pursuant to this Ordinance.
b. The appellant shall submit an appeal request form (Exhibit A) to the
General Manager or his /her designee no later than fourteen (14)
days from the date of the appellant's water bill for the billing cycle in
which any penalty(ies) are imposed.
2. Basis for Granting an Appeal. An appeal may be granted under the
following limited circumstances:
a. The amount of water delivered to the appellant's property did not
violate the rules and regulations, as evidenced by a demonstrable
malfunction in the meter serving the appellant's property or a billing
error by the District.
b. The appellant demonstrates the water use is needed for health
and /or safety reasons.
3. Denial of Appeal Request. The decision by the General Manager or
his /her designee to deny a request for appeal shall be final.
Section 4. Use of Penalties
Penalty funds collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall not be collected for
the purpose of recovering the cost of providing water service to Yorba Linda
Water District's water customers and shall be segregated into a fund which
is not used to pay the cost of providing water service to Yorba Linda Water
District's water customers.
Ordinance No. 15 -01 Instituting Drought Penalties to Comply with State of California Mandate 3
Section 5. These rules and regulations shall be in full force and effect on June 1, 2015.
Section 6. The Board Secretary is hereby instructed to publish this Ordinance pursuant
to subdivision (a) of Section 31027 of the California Water Code.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of May 2015, by the following called vote:
AYES: Directors Beverage, Collett, Hawkins, Kiley and Melton
NOES: None
Marc Marc ntonio, Board Secretary
Yorba Linda Water District
Reviewed as to form by General Counsel:
Arthur . Kidman, Esq.
Kidman Law LLP
0 e z_
Ric Collett, President
Yorba Linda Water District
Ordinance No. 15 -01 Instituting Drought Penalties to Comply with State of California Mandate
Drought Emergency Penalty Appeal Request Form
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 15-01
Name (Printed): Account #: Bill Date:
Service Address:
Street City Zip
Reason for request for appeal from drought emergency penalty:
I understand that any information provided on this form or in supporting documentation that is found to
be willfully falsified shall result in an automatic denial of the appeal.
Signature: Date:
Please drop-off, mail or fax completed form to:
YLWD Administration Office YLWD Drought Emergency
1717 E Miraloma Ave PO Box 309
Placentia CA 92870 Yorba Linda CA 92885
Fax: 714-701-3058
Approved: Denied:
Drought Emergency Penalty Appeal Procedures
1. Filing an Appeal
Any customer who wishes to appeal an administrative penalty imposed by the District pursuant to
Ordinance No. 15-01 shall comply with the following procedures:
a. The appellant shall pay all amounts due and owing on his/her water bill, including any disputed
penalty(ies) imposed by the District pursuant to Ordinance No. 15-01.
b. The appellant shall submit an appeal request form to the General Manager or his/her designee
no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of the appellant’s water bill for the billing cycle in
which any penalty(ies) are imposed.
2. Basis for Granting an Appeal
An appeal may be granted under the following limited circumstances:
a. The amount of water delivered to the appellant’s property did not violate the rules and
regulations, as evidenced by a demonstrable malfunction in the meter serving the appellant’s
property or a billing error by the District.
b. The appellant demonstrates the water use is needed for health and/or safety reasons.
3. Denial of Appeal Request
The decision by the General Manager or his/her designee to deny a request for appeal shall be
Drought Emergency Penalty Appeal Request
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 15-01
Name: Account #: Bill Date:
Service Address:
Street City Zip
Request Decision:
Approved Conditionally Approved Denied
Decision Reason:
Reviewer’s Signature: Date:
The decision by the General Manager or his/her designee
to deny a request for appeal shall be final.
ITEM NO. 8.3
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
To:Board of Directors
From:Marc Marcantonio, General
Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager
Prepared By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager
Subject:"Communication with Those Charged with Governance" Letter
The District has engaged White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP to audit the financial statements for the
year ended June 30, 2015. At the request of White Nelson Diehl Evans, we are forwarding each
member of the Board of Directors the "Communication with Those Charged with Governance"
letter for your review and future reference. This letter is issued during the planning phase of the
audit as it provides pertinent information related to the responsibilities of White Nelson Diehl Evans
during the audit process.
YLWD_Final_ACL_Planning_Letter.pdf Communcation with Those Charged with Governance Backup Material
2875 Michelle Drive, Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92606 • Tel: 714.978.1300 • Fax: 714.978.7893
Offices located in Orange and San Diego Counties
July 14, 2015
Ms. Delia Lugo
Finance Manager
Yorba Linda Water District
1717 East Miraloma Avenue
Placentia, CA 92870
Dear Ms. Lugo:
Enclosed is the “Communication with Those Charged with Governance” letter issued during the
planning phase of the audit. Please forward the letter to the Board of Directors.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call me.
Very truly yours,
Nitin P. Patel, CPA
2875 Michelle Drive, Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92606 • Tel: 714.978.1300 • Fax: 714.978.7893
Offices located in Orange and San Diego Counties
To the Board of Directors
Yorba Linda Water District
Placentia, California
We are engaged to audit the financial statements of the Yorba Linda Water District (the District) for
the year ended June 30, 2015. Professional standards require that we provide you with the following
information related to our audit. We would also appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss
this information further since a two-way dialogue can provide valuable information for the audit
Our Responsibilities under U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and Government Auditing
As stated in our engagement letter dated May 5, 2015, our responsibility, as described by professional
standards, is to express an opinion about whether the financial statements prepared by management
with your oversight are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles. Our audit of the financial statements does not relieve you or
management of your responsibilities.
As part of our audit, we will consider the internal control of the District. Such considerations are
solely for the purpose of determining our audit procedures and not to provide any assurance
concerning such internal control.
As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement, we will also perform tests of the District’s compliance with certain provisions of laws,
regulations, contracts, and grants. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those
provisions is not an objective of our audit.
We are responsible for communicating significant matters related to the audit that are, in our
professional judgment, relevant to your responsibilities in overseeing the financial reporting process.
However, we are not required to design procedures specifically to identify such matters.
Generally accepted accounting principles provide for certain required supplementary information (RSI)
to supplement the basic financial statements. Our responsibility with respect to the management’s
discussion and analysis, schedule of funding progress for the other post-employment health benefit
plan and the District’s defined benefit plan schedules required by GASB Statement No. 68, Accounting
and Financial Reporting for Pensions - An Amendment of GASB Statement No. 27, which supplement
the basic financial statements, is to apply certain limited procedures in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards. However, the RSI will not be audited and, because the limited procedures
do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance, we will not
express an opinion or provide any assurance on the RSI.
Our Responsibilities under U.S. Generally Accepted Auditing Standards and Government Auditing
Standards (Continued)
We have been engaged to report on the combining schedules, which accompany the financial
statements but are not RSI. Our responsibility for this supplementary information, as described by
professional standards is to evaluate the presentation of the supplementary information in relation to
the financial statements as a whole and to report on whether the supplementary information is fairly
stated, in all material respects, in relation to the financial statements as a whole.
We have not been engaged to report on the introductory section or statistical section, which accompany
the financial statements but are not RSI. Our responsibility with respect to this other information in
documents containing the audited financial statements and auditors’ report does not extend beyond the
financial information identified in the report. We have no responsibility for determining whether this
other information is properly stated. This other information will not be audited and we will not express
an opinion or provide any assurance on it.
Planned Scope and Timing of the Audit
An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be
examined and the areas to be tested.
Our audit will include obtaining an understanding of the District and its environment, including
internal control, sufficient to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements and to
design the nature, timing and extent of further audit procedures. Material misstatements may result
from (1) errors, (2) fraudulent financial reporting, (3) misappropriation of assets, or (4) violations of
laws or governmental regulations that are attributable to the District or to acts by management or
employees acting on behalf of the District. We will generally communicate our significant findings at
the conclusion of the audit. However, some matters could be communicated sooner, particularly if
significant difficulties are encountered during the audit where assistance is needed to overcome the
difficulties or if the difficulties may lead to a modified opinion. We will also communicate any
internal control related matters that are required to be communicated under professional standards. If a
member of the Board of Directors is aware of matters that have a material bearing on the financial
statements taken as a whole (such as those described above in items 1-4), please contact Nitin Patel at
(714) 978-1300 or by email at npatel@wndecpa.com by August 10, 2015.
We expect to begin our audit on August 17, 2015 and issue the various reports in September 2015.
This information is intended solely for the use of the Board of Directors and management of the
District and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.
Irvine, California
July 14, 2015
ITEM NO. 8.4
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
Subject:Status of Legislative Affairs
YLWD_Report_July_2015.pdf Backup Material Backup Material
Southern California Office ▪1401 Dove Street, Ste. 330, Newport Beach, CA, 92660 • Phone (949) 399-9050 • Fax (949) 476-8215
Northern California Office ▪ 436 14th Street • Suite 732 • Oakland, CA 94612• Phone (510) 835-9050 • Fax (510) 835-9030
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Federal Office • 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Suite 207 • Washington, DC • Phone (202) 546-8696 • Fax (202) 546-4555
To: Yorba Linda Water District
From: Townsend Public Affairs, Inc.
Date: July 16, 2015
Subject: Monthly Political and Activity Report
State Political Update
All attention in the Capitol over the past several weeks has been centered on finalizing the State
Budget and moving legislation through the second House. All bills will need to be reported to the floor
by their policy committees by July 17. On July 18 the Legislature will adjourn for summer recess, and
return on August 18. August 28 will be the last day for fiscal committees to report bills to the floor. The
Legislature will adjourn on September 11.
In addition to the funding included in the Governor’s May Revise to address the ongoing drought, the
Administration released several proposals in late May and early June, relating to the drought and water
districts, for possible inclusion in budget trailer bills. While a few of the proposals, such as local
enforcement authority to enforce drought related fines, are new items that are directly tied to the current
drought, many of the proposals were re-introductions of legislation that has previously stalled in the
Legislature. The items that were introduced as being drought related include: public well logs, sub-
metering for multi-unit structures, and mandated consolidation for small water systems that fail to
provide safe drinking water. The water community, along with many other public agency advocates,
expressed strong opposition to many of the proposals that were brought forward for potential inclusion
in the final budget package. Unfortunately, the Administration is increasingly releasing major policy
changes through the budget trailer bill process, as opposed to introducing legislation that can be more
thoroughly vetted through the normal legislative process. This results in significantly less time to
evaluate proposals for potential impacts, and less time for legislators to consider such policy changes
and how they would impact their districts.
The week of June 8, the Budget Conference Committee met to work out the differences in the budget
actions that were taken by the Assembly and Senate Budget committees. On June 15, the Legislature
passed a budget on party-line votes, thereby meeting their constitutional mandate to adopt a spending
plan. The spending plan included $117.5 billion in General Fund spending and established total
reserves of $5.7 billion ($1.5 billion in regular reserve and $4.2 billion in the State’s rainy day fund).
The budget spending level is based on the Legislative Analyst’s Office revenue projections for the
upcoming year, which are over $3 billion above the projections from the Governor’s Office. However,
the action taken, to pass the main budget bill and four of the trailer bills, did not address many of the
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outstanding issues that were still pending between the Legislature and the Governor, including the
drought trailer bill.
On June 16, an agreement on a spending plan was announced between the Governor and Legislative
Leadership. The total spending in the budget agreement was approximately $2 billion less than what
the Legislature approved on June 15. The Governor signed the FY 2015-16 Budget Act as well as the
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Agency trailer bills on June 24.
The final budget package contained significant funding from Proposition 1 to provide resources to help
address the drought and other related water infrastructure. Specifically, the budget contained:
$783 million for competitive grants and loans to address groundwater contamination
$210 million for competitive grants and loans for water recycling
$50 million for grants and loans for desalination projects
$180 million for public water system infrastructure improvements to meet safe drinking water
$160 million for grants for wastewater treatment projects
$100 million for grants for storm water management projects
Despite significant opposition from Republican members of both Houses, the final package included SB
88, a trailer bill related to the drought. The drought trailer bill contained:
Language authorizing the SWRCB to require consolidation for water systems that are serving
disadvantaged communities in unincorporated areas with unreliable and unsafe drinking water.
This language was significantly narrowed in scope from its original version which would have
authorized the SWRCB to require consolidation for any public water system that failed to
provide an adequate supply of safe drinking water.
A CEQA exemption, during a drought state of emergency, for building or expanding a recycled
water pipeline and related groundwater replenishment infrastructure if it is within existing rights
of way, does not impact wetlands, and where construction impacts are fully mitigated.
Expanded local enforcement authority for local water agencies to issue penalties for violations
of state water conservation requirements. The penalties can be up to $1,000 for the first
violation and increase for subsequent violations up to $10,000 unless the residential user had
actual notice of the requirement, the conduct was intentional, and the amount of water was
Allows the SWRCB to account for penalties assessed for violations of the emergency
conservation regulations and deposit the funds into an account to support for water
conservation activities.
The Administration had proposed an additional item that the water community conducted a signif icant
amount of advocacy on, which pertained to the structure of the state drinking water fee. While the
Governor’s original proposal would have provided the SWRCB broad authority and latitude to modify
the fee structure in the best way they saw fit, the f inal language that was included in the resources
trailer bill, SB 83, represented a compromise with the water community. The provisions in SB 83
maintain the existing drinking water fee structure for FY 15-16 and create a public stakeholder process
to provide input on proposed changes moving forward. The language requires the SWRCB to adopt the
first round of changes through the complete Office of Administrative Law regulatory process, which will
allow ample opportunity for public comment and input on the best way to amend the fee structure.
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Future modifications of the drinking water fee would be done through an emergency regulations
process. In addition to the regulatory process, the trailer bill indicated that the revenue collection level
of the drinking water fee would remain at its current level, and that future increases in the fee would be
capped at 5 percent per year, as is currently the case.
The Governor has called special sessions to deal with issues surrounding the funding of transportation
infrastructure and issues relating to healthcare. Proposals have been introduced in those special
sessions and will be considered by the Legislature. The transportation funding special session dialogue
will be focused around a special gas tax and fee increases on car registration in order to fund
transportation infrastructure projects. The health care trailer bill talks will be centered around providing
Medi-Cal coverage to undocumented children and extending Covered California’s rule making authority
while expanding board meeting transparency.
Cap and Trade Funding
The May Revise contained $1.6 billion in funding for public transit, affordable housing, high-speed rail,
and sustainable communities development through the Cap and Trade program. The Administration is
currently in conversations with the Legislature to enact legislation to appropriate additional Cap and
Trade funding before the end of the legislative session.
Local Mandate Payments
The Budget includes a trigger mechanism for repayment of outstanding state mandate claims. Under
the current revenue estimates that were contained in the May Revise, the outstanding mandate trigger
would be met and the state would repay $765 million in outstanding pre-2004 mandate claims (would
fully satisfy all outstanding pre-2004 claims). Of the $765 million, approximately 77% would go to
counties, 22% would go to cities, and 1% would go to special districts.
California Energy Commission: Water Energy Technology Program
The California Energy Commission, jointly with the Department of Water Resources and the State
Water Resources Control Board will implement a Water Energy Technology (WET) Program to provide
funding for innovation technologies that meet certain criteria such as:
Display significant water savings, energy savings, and greenhouse gas emission reductions
Demonstrate actual operation beyond the research and development stage
Document readiness for rapid, large-scale deployment (but not yet widely deployed) in
This program will be funded with $30 million from the California Climate Investments Program and will
be implemented in three phases:
1. Agricultural
Draft guidelines are available now
2. Industrial, Commercial, and Residential
Guidelines being developed, expected sometime in August 2015
o Projects must result in on-site, direct GHG reduction
o Embedded energy in water cannot count toward GHG reductions
o Examples:
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Integrated on-site use of recycled water coupled with reduction of on-site
pumping energy or waste heat recovery
o $16 million available in competitive grant funds for industrial, commercial, and
residential areas
$7 million for industrial
$7 million for commercial
$2 million for residential
o Potential grant amount $500,000 to $1 million
3. Renewable Energy Powered Desalination Grants
Projects must be commercially available, not conceptual
Projects must result in on-site, direct GHG emission reductions through the use of
renewable energy integration while increasing water production efficiency
$1-$3 million for grant awards
Guidelines development will begin after the implementation of the Industrial, Commercial
and Residential Program
Turf Replacement Initiative
On July 2, TPA monitored the Department of Water Resources (DWR) meeting on the statewide Turf
Replacement Initiative— a partnership with local agencies that aims to collectively replace 50 million
square feet of lawns and ornamental turf with drought tolerant landscapes. The main purpose of the
meeting was to describe the programmatic components, receive public comm ents and seek assistance
in further developing and refining the initiative, as well as to answer clarifying questions.
It is important to note that some of the higher level themes that came up from the comments include the
dual program coordination. This was categorized as an important component, as it demonstrates
DWR’s responsibility in coordinating with local agencies, nonprofits, California Conservation Corps,
Electric and Gas Industries Association, and other possible groups to ensure they have been educated
and provided the necessary tools.
Additionally, DWR stated that they would be very interested in receiving any comments or ideas in
terms of assistance with coordination and outreach efforts. Setting standards for interagency
coordination was also a strong theme throughout the meeting. This includes whether DWR should take
more of a watershed approach, so that this program does not compete with local programs or conflict
with the goals of the local agencies.
Concerns were also raised on the type of impact this program would have on soil health and how some
of these materials contribute to solarization, soil compaction, and so forth. Finally, there were several
comments that the project timeframe for completion should increase from 90 to 120 days.
Three potential programs were laid out at the workshop:
1. Residential Turf Rebates
a. $2 per square foot
b. Capped at $2,000 per household
2. Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Turf Replacement
a. Partnering with the California Conservation Corps
b. Total number of projects will depend on the size of projects submitted
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c. Projects will be prioritized based on benefit to the community and potential to provide
water conservation educational opportunity
3. Statewide Campaign
a. Communicate benefits and importance of converting lawn to water-efficient landscapes
b. Specific activities will include outreach, community engagement and technical support
for public participation at landscape conversion events
By August 2015, DWR plans to start giving out residential rebates applications, and begin Commercial,
Industrial, and Institutional Turf Replacement.
Grant and Loan Opportunities.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure Upgrade Project
YLWD has expressed interest in converting all of its water meters to Advanced Metering Infrastructure
(AMI). AMI meters would significantly enhance the ability to detect leaks and better engage customers
about their usage. Currently, the District has no AMI meters, but would like to convert all of roughly
25,000 connections to AMI. TPA recommends the District pursue low interest loans through the
revolving CalConserve Program, administered by the Department of Water Resources (DWR). The FY
15-16 budget appropriated $10 million for this program. TPA will alert the District as soon as this
opportunity becomes available. DWR expects guidelines to be available toward the end of the summer.
Another option for funding could be the Integrated Regional Water Ma nagement (IRWM) program
administered by DWR. The Santa Ana sub region is allocated $63 million from Prop 1 for the next
round and guidelines will be available late 2016 or early 2017. DWR has recommended that a project
looking for IRWM funds be regional in nature and address water needs in the region.
Well 21 Manifold & Piping
The purpose of this project is to increase well capacity and allow the District the ability to maximize the
full potential of its yearly allowable groundwater basin production percentage (BPP) for the benefit of its
The scope of work for this project involves:
Equipping the YLWD Well 21 with a high-efficiency vertical turbine pump capable of producing
about 3,000 gallons per minute (GPM)
Installation of the discharge and waste pipelines for the YLWD Well 21 wellhead.
Other components for the project to be installed include but are not limited to: electromagnetic
meters; pump control valves; telemetry components; and pressure transmitters.
Estimated cost for this project is $1,250,000. TPA recommends that the District pursue low interest
loans through the State Water Resource Control Board’s Drinking Water Funding Program (DW SRF).
The DWSRF provides low interest loans to projects for the planning, design, and construction of public
water system infrastructure improvements and related actions to meet safe drinking water standards.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis online through Financial Assistance Application
Submittal Tool (FAAST) and TPA can work with the District on submitting a proposal.
Leak Detection Program
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TPA has been in discussions with staff about a potential Leak Detection Program to address
infrastructure water loss, particularly a future regional partnership with YLWD and Municipal Water
District of Orange County (MWDOC). To effectively implement a lea k detection program, partnering
agencies/retailers would need to complete a number of steps, including but not limited to a water loss
audit, pressurization testing, and meter testing. The water loss audit should be completed by a large
number of water retailers by the end of the year. The results of that audit will help determine the
potential water saving available on both a local and system wide scale.
This project is a good fit for the Integrated Regional Water Management program administered by
DWR. It is very regional in nature and having partner agencies such as MWDOC will create a strong
application. The Santa Ana sub region is allocated $63 million from Proposition 1 for the next round
and guidelines will be available late 2016 or early 2017.
ITEM NO. 10.3
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
Subject:Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda
(Collett / Beverage)
· Minutes of the meeting held June 23, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.
· Minutes of the meeting held July 22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (To be provided at
the next regular Board meeting.)
· Next meeting is yet to be scheduled.
062315_City_of_YL_-_Minutes.docx Minutes Minutes
YLWD/CC Board Minutes June 23, 2015
Page 1 of 4
Land of Gracious Living
June 23, 2015
10:00 a.m.
The Yorba Linda Water District/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting
convened at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers at 4845 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba
Mayor Gene Hernandez
Committee Members
City Council: Gene Hernandez, Tom Lindsey
Water District: Ric Collett, Mike Beverage
Staff Members: Marc Marcantonio, Mark Pulone
YLWD/CC MINUTES June 23, 2015
Page 2 of 4
1. Minutes of the YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting held
on May 19, 2015.
The YLWD/City Council Joint Advisory Committee approved the minutes of the
May 19, 2015 meeting, with Mayor Pro Tem Lindsey abstaining because he did not
attend that meeting.
2. Drought Response, Water Conservation/Drought Penalty Ordinances, and
Community Outreach Efforts
General Manager Marc Marcantonio said that the Water Conservation/Drought
Penalty ordinances each serve a purpose. He stated that the conservation
ordinance was developed in 2009 by both the YLWD and Metropolitan Water District
of Orange County to respond to “allocations” (rationing) imposed by MET, and the
drought penalty ordinance is specifically in response to the “Emergency Drought
Declaration.” The standing conservation Ordinance requires direct observation for
enforcement. The “Drought Penalties Ordinance” assesses administrative penalties
on water bills for excessive use based on average consumption of residential,
commercial, and irrigation customers. He said the “Drought Penalties Ordinance”
will only be effective during the state of emergency to make customers aware of their
water usage. Mr. Marcantonio stated that the Water District’s goal is to achieve the
state mandated 36% water reduction along with help from the community. The
Water District will be placing signs throughout the City showing the status of citywide
Public Works Director/City Engineer Michael Wolfe said that Public Works has
turned off all watering of ornamental turf in center medians as of May 20, 2015, and
restricted outdoor watering to two days a week. He said that Public Works is
currently at a 25% water reduction rate, and is working with consultants on a
reduction plan to meet the additional 11%. He stated that signs will be placed
throughout the City informing and updating the residents of the water conditions, as
well as advertisements on the Government Access Channel 3, the City’s newsletter,
and City website.
Julia Schultz, resident, asked how to inform the YLWD of violators without seeming
like a tattletale. She also asked if residents can hand-water dry patches of lawn and
vegetation, and questioned the average watering of parks and golf courses.
Greg Schultz, resident, inquired about the irrigation at the Black Gold Golf course.
City Manager Pulone stated that Black Gold uses raw water that is not treated from
the Diemer Plant, and does not factor into their overall use. He said that the kikuyu
grass used at Black Gold is drought tolerant, and that a consultant is currently
reviewing the golf course landscaping.
YLWD/CC MINUTES June 23, 2015
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Yorba Linda Water District President Ric Collett said that residents can hand-water
lawns to touch up dry patches, but can only use irrigation systems two days per
week (15 minutes max per station). He stated that Orange County is very fortunate
and has the best managed groundwater system.
General Manager Marcantonio stated that the District’s goal is to engage
homeowners to change their water usage behaviors rather than to fine them, and
encouraged residents to submit their own testimony to the State Water Resources
Board regarding the conservation mandate. He said that the state has been unfair
with the restrictions and that they gave no concessions for valid reasons YLWD
3. Joint Agency Water Conservation Demonstration Project
Public Works Director/City Engineer Michael reported on the water conservation
demonstration project located at Savi Ranch. He explained that the project is
currently at a standstill as other priorities have changed. He said that designs were
provided by college students and will be forwarded to a consultant for further review.
4. Status of Cielo Vista and Esperanza Hills Development Projects
City Manager Pulone updated the Committee on the Esperanza Hills and Cielo Vista
development projects. He said that the Orange County Board of Supervisors
approved the Esperanza Hills EIR and Specific Plan. He stated that the two
developments will work collectively to solve their access points and water tank
issues being that the developments are adjacent to one another. The Board of
Supervisors indicated that they will not move forward with the Tract Map for
Esperanza Hills until a pre-annexation agreement is negotiated with the City. Mr.
Pulone indicated that the City has been working with both developers on all the
related issues, and will update the Committee about the progress in the upcoming
5. Sharing of GIS Files
Public Works Director/City Engineer Michael Wolfe said there was no update at this
6. Water Banking
Mayor Pro Tem Lindsey asked whether the Water District intended to deposit
penalty fines received from customers into a separate fund to be used to pay back
any State fines that the District might incur. Mr. Lindsey also asked about rebates to
the residents if no state fines were incurred.
General Manager Marcantonio responded that all penalty fines will be placed in a
special cost account for anything related to the drought. Any monies generated from
fines will be used to offset costs for drought response activities including any
YLWD/CC MINUTES June 23, 2015
Page 4 of 4
potential fines levied by the State. Mr. Marcantonio also said that legal counsel was
still deliberating all the particulars such as customer rebates, and that the Board
would also need to weigh in on the matter before any decisions were made.
Mayor Pro Tem Lindsey stated that he had recently spoken with two different
swimming pool contractors and a representative of the California Pool & Spa
Association regarding water banking for pools. He said that he had discovered that
although water reconditioning is currently available, the pool industry is not ready for
the banking of water. Mr. Lindsey indicated that the City Council was misled during
the Council meetings where moratoriums when discussed.
Mayor Lindsey left the dais for the remainder of the meeting due to a prior
7. Potential Future Agenda Items
City Manager Pulone stated that the Drought Response and Community Outreach
Efforts item should remain on future agendas.
City Manager Pulone adjourned the meeting at 11:15 a.m. to the next Yorba Linda
Water District/City Council Joint Advisory Committee meeting at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday,
July 21, 2015 at City Hall.
ITEM NO. 11.8
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
Subject:OCSD - July 22, 2015 (Kiley/Beverage)
Minutes from the Board meeting held June 24, 2015 and the Operations Committee meeting held
July 1, 2015 can be viewed on OCSD's website:
ITEM NO. 12.1
Meeting Date: July 23, 2015
Subject:Meetings from July 24, 2015 - August 31, 2015
BOD_-_Activities_Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material
Event Date Attendance by:
July 2015
Citizens Advisory Committee MeetingMon, Jul 27Collett
Joint Committee Meeting with City of PlacentiaMon, Jul 27Melton/Kiley
Interagency Committee Meeting with MWDOC and OCWDTue, Jul 28Collett/Melton
MWDOC Water Policy ForumWed, Jul 29Beverage/Collett/Hawkins/Kiley/Melton
Yorba Linda Planning CommissionWed, Jul 29Hawkins
ISDOCThu, Jul 30Kiley
August 2015
Yorba Linda City CouncilTue, Aug 4Beverage
MWDOCWed, Aug 5Melton
OCSD Operations CommitteeWed, Aug 5Kiley/Beverage
OCWDWed, Aug 5Collett
WACOFri, Aug 7Hawkins/Kiley
LAFCOWed, Aug 12Beverage (As Needed)
Yorba Linda Planning CommissionWed, Aug 12Melton
Board of Directors Regular MeetingThu, Aug 13
Yorba Linda LMCACThu, Aug 13Beverage (As Needed)
Yorba Linda City CouncilTue, Aug 18Collett
CASA Annual ConferenceWed, Aug 19Kiley
MWDOCWed, Aug 19Melton
OCWDWed, Aug 19Kiley
CASA Annual ConferenceThu, Aug 20Kiley
CASA Annual ConferenceFri, Aug 21Kiley
Citizens Advisory Committee MeetingMon, Aug 24Collett
UWI Annual ConferenceWed, Aug 26Kiley
Yorba Linda Planning CommissionWed, Aug 26Hawkins
OCSDWed, Aug 26Kiley/Beverage
UWI Annual ConferenceThu, Aug 27Kiley
Board of Directors Regular MeetingThu, Aug 27
Yorba Linda LMCACThu, Aug 27Beverage (As Needed)
UWI Annual ConferenceFri, Aug 28Kiley
Board of Directors Activity Calendar
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