HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-05-01 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda PacketCOMMITTEE: Director William R. Mills, Chair Director Paul R. Armstrong YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PLANNING-ENGINEERING-OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, May 1, 2008, 4:00 p.m. 1717 E. Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 - Tel: (714) 701-3020 AGENDA WL STAFF: Michael A. Payne, General Manager Ken Vecchiarelli, Asst. General Manager Lee Cory, Operations Manager John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator Ken Mendum, Operations Superintendent INTRODUCTION OF VISITORS AND PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the Committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to five minutes. ACTION ITEMS: This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee actions. 1. Consider Professional Services Agreements and Construction Budget for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. Recommendation: Review, discuss and consider staff recommendations for construction of the Highland Reservoir Project, Job No. 200309. 2. Consider Professional Service Agreements for Construction of the Lakeview Reservoir Project. Recommendation: Review, discuss and consider staff recommendations for construction of the Lakeview Reservoir Project, Job No. 200704. 3. Consider a Professional Services Agreement for the Zone Reconfiguration Project. Recommendation: Review, discuss and consider staff recommendations for design of the Pressure Zone Reconfiguration Project, Job No. 200710. 4. Consider Terms for the Pre-Annexation Agreement with Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District. Recommendation: Review, discuss and consider staff recommendations for the Pre Annexation Agreement with PYLUSD, Job No. 200620. i i DISCUSSION ITEMS: This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee Members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5. Preventative Maintenance Program Status Report. 6. Monthly MW DOC Managers Meeting. 7. Monthly Orange County Groundwater Producers Meetings. Impacts of the latest SPP and BEA settings. 8. Status Report on the Meter Replacement and Radio Read Retrofit Project. 9. Monthly Water Production and Purchased Imports through April 2008. 10. Status Report of Capital Improvement Projects in Progress. ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee will be held June 5, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. Accommodations for the Disabled: Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning Michael A. Payne, District Secretary, at 714-777-3018, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. -2- ITEM NO. l AGENDA REPORT Committee Meeting Date: May 1, 2008 To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant General Manager Staff Contact: Leon de los Reyes, Water Quality Engineer Reviewed by General Counsel: No Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $ 10.2 M Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond CEQA Account No: 101-2700 Job No: 200309 Compliance: Mitigated Neg. Dec. Estimated Costs: $11.2M Dept: Eng Subject: Professional Service Agreements and Proposed Construction Budget for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. SUMMARY: The Highland Reservoir is a critical element of the District's water supply chain. The existing structure has surpassed its useful life and has become a potential water quality and maintenance liability. Increasing the size and reliability of the Highland Reservoir, as recommended in the District's Water Master Plan, improves system integrity, service reliability and secures flexibility in the District's service system by further optimizing groundwater production and transmission capabilities. DISCUSSION: On December 22, 2005, the District entered into a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Carollo Engineers for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project design and bidding support services. Carollo completed the plans and specifications for the project and the District received competitive bids for construction on January 24, 2008. The Board of Directors awarded a construction contract in the amount of $9,049,364 to Schuler Engineering Corporation on April 10, 2008 for construction of the project. Construction Management and Supoort Services For the construction phase of the project, staff solicited proposals for construction management and inspection (CM & 1) support services from engineering firms including Metcalf & Eddy, Tetra Tech, RBF, Carollo Engineers, and Butier Engineering. All five firms submitted proposals by November 8, 2007. Staff reviewed and evaluated the proposals based on project understanding, scope of work, similar project experience, sub consultant(s) or specialized associate(s), man hour allocation, the team's overall experience on similar projects and the project manager's and inspector's ability to interface with staff. The proposals and staff ranking of the proposals received are as follows: Engineering Consultant ProDosed CM&I Cost Rank Carollo Engineers $895,833 1 Tetra Tech $767,745 2 Butier Engineering $957,186 3 RBF $798,712 4 Metcalf & Eddy $731,872 5 During review and analysis of the proposals, staff determined that the District can achieve better coordination with our Operations Department throughout the duration of the project and a more cost effective team approach by having the District's Senior Inspector provide the majority of the necessary daily inspection services and daily reports for the project. Based on construction experiences for past capital projects, inspection services can be performed in-house without giving up quality of work and intent of design by working as a team with the design engineer, in- house project manager and a hired professional construction project manager. Therefore, staff determined that our own inspector will be utilized for this project. At the recommendation of management staff, interviews were conducted with the five engineering consulting firms after each confirmed that they would be willing to incorporate the District's inspector into the project team and modify their proposals accordingly. After considering the review of the initial proposals, combined with the results of the interview process, staff confirmed that Carollo Engineers best met the needs of the District for this project. Carollo revised their original proposal in consideration of staffs plan to utilize our in-house inspector, worked with staff to determine where overlap and backup may be appropriate, identified additional services that may be needed and will be provided only on an "as-needed" basis and resubmitted their proposal in the amount of $605,856. A copy of the revised estimated construction management and engineering support services proposal is attached. In addition, Carollo also submitted an engineering design contract amendment request of $91,260, for additional professional engineering effort man-hour fees incurred in the preparation of additional engineering drawings during the final design and pre-bidding process. Please see attached request for amendment letter dated February 1, 2008, and supporting information letters dated March 25, 2008, and April 15, 2008. Staff reviewed the request and recommends approval and payment. Geotechnical Consultant Services Staff solicited, received and evaluated proposals for geotechnical and construction materials testing services on February 22, 2008. The proposals and staff ranking of the proposals received are as follows: Geotechnical Firms Proposed Cost Rank Leighton Consulting, Inc. $86,200 1 MTGL $117,830 2 Kleinfelder "declined to propose" After reviewing the proposals received, staff finds Leighton Consulting, Inc. more suitable to meet the District's needs on this project and recommends executing a Professional Services Agreement with their firm. Environmental Consultant Services In compliance with the Adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, staff requested a proposal for a pre-construction nesting bird survey and retention of a qualified historian and paleontologist from BonTerra Consulting. This firm prepared the California Environmental Quality Act compliance documentation and is very familiar with the environmental requirements of the project. BonTerra submitted a proposal for these services with an estimated not-to-exceed fee of $22,251. A copy of BonTerra's proposal letter dated March 11, 2008 is attached. If the PSA's recommended in this report are approved, staff recommends the Board of Directors adopt the following construction budget for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project: General Contractor Schuler Engineering, General Contractor Contingency (10%) Subtotal Professional Services & Staff Carollo Engineers (CM&I) Leighton Consulting, Inc. (Soils & Mat'ls) BonTerra Consulting (CEQA Compliance) Staff (Part time PM & full time Insp.) Subtotal Contingency (15%) Subtotal with Contingency Total Proposed Construction Budget PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): Contract Cost $9,049,346 $904.935 $9,954,281 PSA's & ODC's $605,856 $86,200 $22,251 $328.500 $1,042,807 $156,421 $1,199,228 $11,153,509 $11.2M • The Board awarded a design contract to Carollo Engineers on December 13, 2005 to prepare engineering plans and specifications for the Highland Reservoir Replacement, Job No. 200309. • The Board adopted the Mitigated Negative Declaration on July 13, 2006 to comply with environmental regulations pertaining to the construction of the reservoir. • The Board of Directors authorized the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech on September 28, 2006, to provide value- engineering services for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project and approved a contract amendment with Carollo Engineers to provide additional services to support the value engineering effort. • The Board of Directors authorized the General Manager to execute an Agreement with Harbor Resources, Inc. on January 24, 2008 to properly abandon two oil wells on the District's Highland Reservoir site in compliance with the State Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) and the Mitigated Negative Declaration. • The Board of Directors awarded a construction contract agreement to Schuler Engineering on April 10, 2008 in the amount of $9,049,346 for construction of the project. RECOMMENDATION: Recommend the Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee support staffs recommendations as follows: approve a Professional Service Agreement with Carollo Engineers in the amount of $605,856 for engineering support services, construction management and backup inspection services; approve a Professional Service Agreement with Leighton Consulting Engineers in the amount of $86,200 for geotechnical services, soils, concrete and materials testing; approve a Professional Service Agreement with BonTerra Consulting in the amount of $22,251 for environmental compliance services and approve the proposed construction budget in the amount of $11,200,000 for construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job No. 200309. Carob -o Engineers' Proposa'- for Construction Support Services Engineers... Working Wonders With Water April 22, 2008 300.20.204 Mr. Leon de los Reyes Yorba Linda Water District 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 Subject: Proposal to Provide Engineering Support Services during Construction Highland Reservoir Replacement Project (YLWD Project No. 200309) Dear Mr. de los Reyes: As requested during our meeting on April 16, 2008, we have revised our proposal dated March 19, 2008 to provide additional engineering support services to complement District staff during construction. These additional services include: (1) project administration for the field engineering services (2) assistance to the District inspection staff by a resident engineer, and (3) assistance during start-ups. It is our understanding that District staff will provide full-time inspection during construction. Carollo Engineers (Engineer) will provide engineering services and supplement the District resources with a resident engineer on a part-time basis to assist the District inspection staff in contract administration when required during construction. Environmental survey, construction surrey, geotechnical inspection, and material testing provided by third-party services will be directly contracted and coordinated by the District when required. The engineering support services consist of office and field engineering services. The office engineering services include review of shop drawings, responses to requests for information, review of change order proposals, preparation of record drawings, and project management and coordination. The field engineering services in addition to the office engineering services include project meetings, field visits, part-time resident engineering services, electrical and instrumentation inspections, start-up assistance, and preparation of record drawings. Our subconsultants involved during design, including DLT&V, (electrical and instrumentation), EnviroCon (structural) and BMLA (landscape and irrigation), will continue to provide the engineering services as required during construction. The appended Exhibits include the items as indicated below: 1. Exhibit A - Scope of Work 2. Exhibit B - Estimated Work Effort 3. Exhibit C - Estimated Fee 4. Exhibit D - Fee Schedule These exhibits were developed based on the project Contract Documents, more specifically a construction contract time of 730 calendar days. Our budget assumes that the District's inspection 10540 1alhoiI AVCMUG, Suite 200 Fast. Fountain Valley. California 92708 P. 714.593.5100 F. 714.593 510'1 Mr. Leon de los Reyes Yorba Linda Water District April 22, 2008 Page 2 staff will provide initial review of the contractor's requests for information, deviation requests, cost reduction proposals, and change order requests and be actively involved in resolution of construction issues. Should you require adjustments to the work effort as presented, we will be happy to discuss revisions with you. Please feel free to contact us to discuss any questions, comments, or revisions that you may have. We look forward to the opportunity to continue supporting the District in implementing this important project. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, P.C. A Gar M Parpier Enclosures: Exhibits A through D V-\Client20\YLWD\Docs\de los ReyesMdoc Exhibit A Scope of Work Engineering Support Services during Construction Highland Reservoir Replacement Project Yorba Linda Water District A. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Exhibit is to provide details of the scope of work for the engineering support services during the construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. B. SCOPE OF WORK Carollo Engineers (Engineer) will provide the following engineering services in support of Yorba Linda Water District (District) during construction. 1. Project Management and Coordination: Engineer's project manager will maintain overview throughout the construction phase and will participate in coordinating issues encountered during construction with the respective discipline (civil, structural, electrical, instrumentation, and landscape). A project engineer will be designated in the office of the Engineer to administer and coordinate construction issues with the design team and District staff. The project engineer will maintain an in-house document tracking system, assign due date, assign appropriate engineers to provide review and response, and monitor status for submittals, requests for information, deviation requests, and change order proposals received from the District. Engineer's standard construction forms for construction contract administration will be provided to the District for use during construction. 2. Review of Shop Drawings: Engineer will review shop drawing submittals and return one set of shop drawings with comments to the District. The budget assumes review of up to 60 shop drawing submittals, based on the assumption that the contractor will make a complete and acceptable submittal by the second submission of each specific item, class of material, or equipment for which a submittal is required, and the Contractor will group or package items functionally related in a single submittal set to expedite the review of such submittal items. The estimated engineering budget includes approximately 50 percent of the submittals, which might require the review of a re-submittal for each submittal item, i.e., the review of 30 re-submittals In addition to the 60 first shop drawing submittals. 3. Responses to Requests for Information and Deviation Requests: Engineer will review and provide written response to the Contractor's questions documented in the requests for information, including requests for clarification and requests for deviation arising during construction when requested by the District. Engineer's project manager and project engineer will provide overview to ensure that the Intent of the design is incorporated in the Engineer's responses. The budget assumes up to 25 requests for clarification and 15 deviation requests. To expedite the evaluation of the deviation requests proposed by the Contractor, we assume that the District will request the Contractor to submit each deviation request with factual and relevant information including original contract requirements, reason for the deviation request, proposed deviation, Impact on contract time, expected cost variations from the existing design with valid cost analyses attached, and complete and accurate supporting technical information for the proposed alternative, which may Include engineering calculations, design drawings, manufacturer's data sheets, specifications, etc. for evaluation of the request. 4. Review of Change Order Proposals: At the request of the District, Engineer will provide engineering support In review of up to five change order proposals submitted by the Contractor, I Apri122,2008 A.1 V40012MYLMDmsWe Im Rey45024m it Exhibit A Scope of Work Including the Contractor's cost reduction proposals. Change order proposals exceeding five could be provided on a time and materials basis as additional services. The review may include: a. Evaluate impact of the change order on the design intent. b. Provide sketches as required to facilitate the evaluation of the proposed changes. c. Provide an independent cost estimate. d. Develop drawing revisions for the changes. e. Submit comments and recommendations the District. The District will prepare and issue change orders if required. 5. Meetings and Field Visits: a. Engineer's project manager will attend up to 12 project meetings to maintain overview and design intent throughout the construction phase when requested by the District. Engineer's project engineer and/or design engineers will attend up to 18 project meetings or field visits to discuss issues when requested by the District. b. Engineer's resident engineer will attend the pre-construction meeting, the concrete conference, and the pre-submittal instrumentation conference, monthly progress meetings, and other field meetings when requested by the District. c. The agenda and minutes for the pre-construction meeting, concrete conference, and pre-submittal Instrumentation meeting will be prepared by the Engineer. The agenda and minutes for other progress meetings will be prepared by District staff. 6. Field engineering services to support District staff: Engineer will provide a resident engineer, on a part-time basis when required, to support District inspection staff In the performance of the work described below according to the established budget. Scheduling will be coordinated with District staff. Our budget assumes 1,000 man-hours for the resident engineering services as indicated in Exhibit B - Estimated Work Effort. a. Prepare and maintain a correspondence log organized in chronological order with the following headings: 1) Section 1 - Correspondence with the Contractor 2) Section 2 - General Correspondence 3) Section 3 - Inspection Reports 4) Section 4 - Materials Information/survey 5) Section 5 - Weekly Statement of Working Days 6) Section 6 - Financial Information b. Serve as the District's representative and liaison with the Contractor during the construction of the project. c. Provide construction inspection services of the work covered in the contract documents. All general inspection will be provided by the District inspection staff on a full-time basis, assisted by the Engineer. d. Review the construction progress schedules and provide assessment of the progress to the District with the recommendations to maintain or improve adherence to the approved project schedule. In addition, review and approve monthly progress payments. e. Prepare and maintain a photo journal documenting the construction progress. Photos shall be taken before construction begins, during construction and upon completion of the project. The journal shall comply with the following: April 22, 2008 A-2 V ChwWY WD0=%deimReyeMda Exhibit A Scope of Work 1) Kept In a 3-ring binder that is clearly labeled on the cover and the spine with the project name and number (more than one may be required for manageability). 2) Date stamped color photographs with 4-inch by 6-inch dimensions. 3) Captions for each photo describing orientation and the reason the shot was taken. I. Perform all duties in a manner that promotes the cost-effective execution and progress of the work. g. Verify and sign contractor's daily extra work reports documenting force account (time and materials) work if necessary. h. Perform project closeout duties including final organization of project files and submit two (2) sets to District for approval. 7. Electrical Inspection: When requested by the District, the Engineer will support electrical inspection activities and provide inspection services. Our budget assumes 80 man-hours for the following tasks: a. Electrical wiring inspection and witness of loop checks that will be performed by the Contractor. Duct bank Inspection will be performed by District staff. b. Review of third-parry electrical test reports. 8. Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Inspection: When requested by the District, the Engineer will support I&C inspection activities and provide inspection services for Interface with instrumentation, controls, and software checkout. Our budget assumes 80 man-hours for the field observation and inspection services for the temporary tanks and the new reservoir. 9. Startup Assistance: Engineer will assist District staff in system startup and performance testing of the project, including: a. Attend sequencing and startup meetings with the appropriate parties including a kick-off meeting to enhance coordination and scheduling for the start-up of the Interim operation system to place the two temporary tanks Into services, conversions from the existing reservoir to temporary tanks and from the temporary tanks to the new reservoir. b. Interface between District staff and the Contractor, Including the Contractor's equipment manufacturer representatives, specialist, and appropriate startup technicians provided by the suppliers. c. Assist In monitoring system performance and provide comments and recommendations regarding the results with the respective discipline (civil, structural, electrical, and/or Instrumentation). 10. Preparation of Record Drawings: Utilizing the set of marked-up drawings provided by the District, Engineer will prepare a set of reproducible record drawings. Record drawing information will be based on the provided marked-up drawings. The submittal will include the following: one (1) set of electronic files In AutoCAD format, one (1) set of electronic files In PDF format, and one set of record drawings on Mylar. C. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD The Scope of Work presented herein covers work-related tasks that will be required for a construction period of 730 calendar days. Should the construction period exceed the allotted time, budget augmentation will be necessary to extend the required services through the completion of construction. District and Engineer agree to review the job progress at the midpoint period and at the 9o-percent-oomplete period in accordance with the construction schedule to determine the project's effort required to complete job tasks and to make the appropriate adjustments to the agreements. April 22, 2008 A-3 v am mrcwowoMwe im Rwam.ms Exhibit A Scope of Work D. ADDITIONAL SERVICES Additional engineering services not specifically listed in the above Scope of Work or beyond the estimated work effort as Indicated above will be provided on a time and materials basis with prior authorization from the District and will form the basis for adjustment of the not-to-exceed fee. April 22, 2008 A-4 vua~emzmnwmoacmae im ae~ea~.ax L Exhibit B Estimated Carollo Hours Distribution Engineering Support Services During Construction Highland Reservoir Replacement Project J-200309 Yorba Linda Water District Item No. Item Descriotion Estimated Carollo Hours Distribution Lead Staff Techs & Support Descrl on PIC Erineers R Ineers, Ir~gpects ftff Totals ZEngineering Services durino Construction 1 Project mangement and Coordination 45 223 141 298 0 37 744 2 Review shop drawings (60 first submittals and 30 0 48 124 158 0 0 330 resubmittals) 3 Provide responses to submittals and RFI's (25 0 62 124 124 0 0 310 RFC's and 15 DR's) 4 Review change order proposals ( 5) 0 36 36 48 0 0 120 5 Attend project meetings 0 80 36 148 16 0 280 6 Provide field engineering services in support of District inspection staff to: a. Prepare correspondence log 0 0 0 0 48 0 48 b. Serve as District's representative 0 0 0 0 48 0 48 c. Provide construction management and inspection 0 0 0 0 576 0 576 d. Review construction schedules and payment 0 0 0 0 96 0 96 applications (24) e. Maintain a photo journal 0 0 0 0 48 0 48 f. Perform all duties for cost-effective execution of 0 0 0 0 96 0 96 work g. Verify and sign contractor's daily extra reports 0 0 0 0 72 0 72 h. Perform project closeout 0 0 0 0 16 0 16 7 Provide electrical inspection (80 hours) (included in Subconsultant hours) 8 Provide I&C Inspection (80 hours) (included in Subconsultant hours) 9 Start-up assistance (temp. tanks and perm. res.) 0 40 0 80 0 0 120 10 Prepare record drawings (83 sheets) 0 0 20 0 82 0 102 Engineering Services Sub-total 45 489 481 856 1,098 37 3,006 Total 45 489 481 856 1,098 37 3,006 Percent of Total 1% 16% 16% 28% 37% 1% 100% t Manhours for engineering services provided by subconsultants are presented in ODC's (Exhibit C) and excluded herein 4121/2008 File: HlghlandConstServlc esFee(EngSupport)/2.xls, Tab: ExB WOW Exhibit C Estimated Fee Engineering Support Services During Construction Highland Reservoir Replacement Project J-200308 Yorba Linda Water District Direct Labor Costs. Indirect Costs. and Fee 3,006 hours @ $149.50 per hour $ 449,397 Other Direct Costs 1ODC) PECE Charges $ 28,407 Travel & Subsistence $ 19,450 Reproduction $ 3,086 DLT&V 419 hours @ $157.30 per hour $ 65,916 EnviroCon 200 hours @ $165.00 per hour $ 33,000 BMLA 40 hours @ $165.00 per hour $ 6,600 Sub-total of other direct costs Total Estimated Fee 156,459 605,856 4/21/2008 File: HighlandConstServicesFee(EngSupport)v2.xis, Tab: ExC Fee C Exhibit D Fee Schedule As of March 1, 2008 Engineering Support Services During Construction Highland Reservoir Replacement Project J-200309 Yorba Linda Water District Categga Engineers/Sclentists Assistant Professional Professional Project Professional Lead Project Professional Senior Professional Technicians Technicians Senior Technicians Construction Services Inspectors Senior Inspectors Senior Construction Manager Support Staff Word Processing/Clerical Project Equipment and Communication Expenses (PECE) Charge per Direct Labor Hour Other Direct Expenses Travel and Subsistence Mileage Charge per Mile Subconsultant Other Direct Costs Expert Witness Houriv Rate $ 134.00 $ 165.00 $ 197.00 $ 213.00 $ 234.00 $ 100.00 $ 142.00 $ 122.00 $ 132.00 $ 201.00 $ 90.00 $ 9.00 at cost $ 0.505 Cost + 10% Cost + 10% Rate x 2.0 This fee schedule Is revised in March and September of every year. Invoice for each month will be prepared based on the fee schedule in effect during the month. 4/21/2008 File: HlghlandConstServicesFee(EngSupport)v2.xis, Tab: EXD Fee Sch Caro==o Engineers' Request for Design Services Amendment Engineers... February 1, 2008 7427A.10 pyr-=. Mr. Leon de los Reyes Water Quality Engineer Yorba Linda Water District 4622 Plumosa Drive Yorba Linda, California 92886-0309 Subject: Request for Amendment to the Engineering Design for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project (YWLD Job No. 200309) Dear Mr. de los Reyes: During the course of final design, Carollo prepared 83 sheets of drawings for the construction contract documents, which represents 15 drawings in addition to the 68 sheets of the drawings in our engineering contract. These additional drawings were required due to the increased complexity of the project facilities, including (1) the construction of the pipelines and appurtenant facilities to accommodate the new temporary tanks, (2) the need for the protection of the existing cell tower facility and electric power poles with additional retaining walls and associated grading, and (3) the abandonment of the oil wells. The purpose of preparing these additional drawings was to address the project requirements in detail so that the District could have better control of the quality of the work during construction. It would also enable bidders and contractors to have clear understanding of the design intent and requirements so that fewer contingencies for uncertainties or variances may be included in their bids, which eventually could result in lowering the overall project costs for the District. We respectfully request the District issue an amendment to our engineering services agreement in an amount of $91,260 for the additional engineering effort indicated above. Please feel free to contact us for any questions that you may have. Sincerely, U William Lu, P.E. Project Manager H:\bd_pas\Ciien123\YorbaLindoWD\Highland Reservoir\Fina1Design\HighlandResAmend_2 Req.doc 199 SOUTH LOS ROBLES AVENUE, SUITE 530 • PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 • (626) 535-0180 • FAX (626) 535-0165 CAR041-0 ENGINEERS, P.C. Summary of Man-Hours for Additional Engineering Services Highland Reservoir Replacement Project 1. Engineers (Project Manager, Lead Engineer, and Staff Engineer): 193 hrs 2. Designer and Support Staff: 614 hrs Total 807 hrs @ $113.08/hour H:ldient%YoMaUndaWD17427AIMPM*dgflMHBmakdmm.doc h4arch 25, 2008 7427A.10 Yorba Linda Water District 4622 Plumosa Drive Yorba Linda, CA 92886-0309 Attention: Mr. Leon de los Reyes Subject: Additional Engineering Design for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project (YWLD Job No. 200309) Dear Mr. de los Reyes: In response to the District's request, we have prepared the attached table of the additional work performed during the design of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. This table provides the details of the additional work that was described in our letter dated February 1, 2008. Please feel free to contact Bill Lu or myself with any questions that you may have. Sincereiy, C ROLL ENGINEERS, P.C. Gary Meyerho er, P.E. Partr er GM:tba carollo.com Summary of Additional Work for the Design of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project Time of Item Description Impacted Item(s) Occurrence) Hours/Cost 1. As-built conditions Discussions with District Yard piping plans and Sep. - Oct. 2007 of yard piping staff regarding actual profiles, location of tie-in Eng: 40 hrs arrangement of yard piping connections. Additional Des: 240 hrs around the reservoir. vault with ventilation fan for Cost: $31,664 deep bypass line. 2. Oil well Potential of having two Grading plan and sections, Sep. - Oct. 2007 abandonment contractors on-site at the TT-1 Plan and Section Eng: 26 hrs same time resulted in Des: 100 fire changing temporary Tank Cost: $14,249 No.1 (TT 1) orientation (i.e., inlet/outlet, overflow and drain connections). 3. Electric power poles Maintaining the existing Grading plan and sections, Sep. - Nov. 2007 and power lines on power poles (vs. buried pipeline profiles, retaining Eng: 100 hrs site ducibanks) requires wall plan and sections. Des: 260 hrs additional retaining walls to Cost: $40,711 maintain existing grades around the power poles and protection of the cell tower with retaining walls. 4. As-built conditions Discussions with District Electrical site plan. October 2007 of MCC cabinet and field visit to determine Eng: 8 hrs availability of spare Des: 2 hrs cabinets vs. what is shown Cost: $1,470 in "Highland Booster Pump Station Upgrade Project" drawings. Two spare cabinets are not availablellocated as shown on these drawings. 5. Drawings for tree Modify demolition plan to Modify demolition plan Dec. 2007 - Jan. removal contract use as a separate contract. 2008 Eng: 6 hrs Des: 16 hrs Cost: $3,166 MCIV Y 4VAIWJMf lo9R"nM4ft ClifflCvOam i Engineers... Working Wonders With Water'" April 15, 2008 Mr. Leon de los Reyes, P.E. Yorba Linda Water District 913 S. Richfield Road Placentia, California 92870 Subject: Request for Amendment to the Engineering Design for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project (YWLD Job No. 200309) Dear Mr. de los Reyes: In response to your request, a detailed description of the additional work listed as Items 1 and 3 in our letter dated March 25, 2008 is provided as follows: Item 1. As-built (Conditions of Yard Piping: A. The layout of the yard piping and connections to the existing pipelines on the south side of the reservoir were initially prepared in accordance with the existing reservoir piping information shown on the as-built drawings, including a new storm drain manhole connecting the new storm drain to the existing 26-inch diameter overflow pipeline. The new storm drain manhole was located in a section of the existing 26-inch diameter pipeline where the pipeline was capped but not indicated on the as-build drawings. Consequently, the drawings were revised to have the new storm drain manhole relocated further down the hill to allow the connection of the new 27-inch diameter storm drain to the existing 26-inch diameter pipeline that is in service. This resulted in the following modifications: (1) Plan and profiles for the 27-inch diameter storm drain and 12-inch diameter storm drain, which tie into this manhole. (Sheets C-05, C-09 and C-15) (2) Plan and profile for the 30-inch diameter overflow pipeline, which was realigned so as not to interfere with the new location of the storm drain manhole. (Sheets C-05, C-07 and C-15) (3) Relocation of bypass control valve vault and observation vault where the new location of bypass control vault required a deeper vault to tie into the existing 36- inch diameter bypass line and additional vault ventilation details. (Sheets GC-02, C- 05 C-08, and C-15) B. As-built drawings show an existing 30-inch diameter steel pipeline to Zone 428, which was later found out that it was sized to handle the inlet and outlet flow rates when the reservoir was initially constructed. The 30-inch diameter is excessively large for handling the estimated reservoir outlet flow per the master plan, and therefore the new outlet pipeline was revised to 18-inch in diameter for the section of piping where the magnetic flow meter is located to lower the construction cost. (Sheets C-05 and C-07) 199S. Los Robles Avenue, Suite 530, Pasadena, California 91101 P. 626.535.0180 F. 626.535.0185 HighlandRdsAmand.2_Rog3.doC carollo.com Mr. Leon de los Reyes Yorba Linda Water District April 15, 2008 Page 2 Item 3. Electric Power Poles and Power Lines on Site: A. The length of the retaining wall increased from 143 feet to 547 feet to protect existing power poles and maintain the existing grades around the existing power poles. Additional profiles of the wall were also added with this additional length of wall. (Sheets C-13 and C-14) B. One particular power pole on the south/east side of the reservoir is in an area where the existing slope is already steep, approximately 2:1 (H:V) or less, the modification of the contour lines had a cascading effect on other components including: (1) Grading components: a) Grading around Temporary Tanks No. 1 and No. 2 (Sheets C-02 and C-03) b) Dirt access road around temporary tanks shifted further north (Sheets C-01 and C-02) c) Grading around cell tower (Sheets C-02) (2) Piping components (profile of pipe and/or finished grade): a) 30-inch diameter outlet pipeline (Sheets C-05 and C-07) b) Temporary Tank No. 1 overflow and drain (Sheets C-05 and C-09) c) 27-inch diameter storm drain pipeline (Sheets C-05 and C-08) d) 6-inch diameter reservoir underdrain piping (Sheets C-05 and C-12) In summary, the drawings affected by these modifications include Sheets GC-02, C-01, C-02, C-03, C-05, C-07, C-08, C-09, C-12, C-13, C-14 and C-15. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, CAROLLO ENGINEERS, P.C. 5 /j7g; " el: 2: William Lu, P.E. Project Manager Hghland8csAmend_2_Reg3.dec carOllO.com BonTerra Consu'-ting Proposa'- for CEQA Complance Services C® N S U L T,1 N G March 11, 2008 Mr. Leon de Ios Reyes Yorba Linda Water District 4622 Plumosa Drive Yorba Linda, California 92885 Exhibit -B COSTA MESA PASADENA TEMECULA T. (714) 444-9199 w. (714) 444-9599 151 Kalmus Drive. Suite E-200 www.BonTwmConsulting.com Costa Mesa, CA 92626 VIA MAIL AND ENTAIL IreyesO yiwd.com Subject: Scope of Work and Fee Estimate for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job. No. 200309, Mitigated Negative Declaration, June 8, 2006 Dear Mr. de los Reyes: In accordance with your request, BonTerra Consulting is pleased to submit this scope of work and fee estimate to provide a biologist to conduct a nesting bind and active raptor nest surrey. This surrey would be in conformance with requirements of the California Department of Fish and Game to satisfy the requirements of the District's Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), which was prepared by BonTerra Consulting In June, 2006. In addition to the scope of work and fee estimate for biological surveys, we are providing you with an estimated "not-to-exceed" cost to retain a qualified historian and a qualified paleontologist on an as-needed basis during the demolition and excavation portion of tide project (see Attachment A). BonTerra Consulting Project Manager Diane Barrett has over 11 years of planning experience, seven of which have been spent preparing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents throughout southern California. Principal Thomas E. Smith, Jr., AICP, will provide quality assurance review and principal oversight to the project. BonTerra Consuting's combination of local knowledge, extensive CEQA experience, and familiarity with the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project provides a uniquely qualified consulting team for the preparation of the nesting bird and active raptor nest surveys. We would be pleased to discuss the attached proposal with you; we are prepared to begin work immediately if selected for this contract. Please contact Tom Smith or Diane Barrett at (714) 444-9199 if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely yours, BONTERRA CONSULTING Thomas E. Smith, Jr., AICP Principal Attachment A: Scope of Work and Fees FtVWJscMYIJWaUaUW W-W1109Aoa Diane E. Barrett Senior Planner ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING I RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Highland Reservoir Replacement Project ATTACHMENT A BIOLOGICAL SERVICES RETENTION OF A QUALIFIED HISTORIAN RETENTION OF A QUALIFIED PALEONTOLOGIST SCOPE OF WORK AND FEES HIGHLAND RESERVOIR REPLACEMENT PROJECT, JOB NO. 200309 March 11, 2008 BonTerra Consulting is implementing the mitigation measures described in the Final Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration - Highland Reservoir Replacement Project, Job No. 200309. These measures include pre-construction nesting bird surveys and on-call historical and on-call paleontological monitoring. The nesting bird surveys must be conducted prior to initiation of grading. TASK 1 PRE-CONSTRUCTION NESTING BIRD SURVEYS Pre-construction surveys for nesting birds will be conducted no more than 3 days prior to grading or construction during the period from February 1 to August 31. A qualified biologist will conduct a field surrey to determine whether any native bird species are nesting within the project site or adjacent areas. If nesting birds are found, locations will be mapped and a determination will be made on the nesting stage of the bird. In addition, if nesting birds are found, one of the following means to avoid nest failure due to project activities will be utilized: (1) avoid construction activities during the period of February 1 to August 31 or (2) weekly surveys will be conducted by a qualified biologist to check the status of the nesting bird. All project-related work will be delayed until there is an absence of nesting or an avoidance all construction activities within 300 feet of nesting habitat (within 500 feet of raptor nests) until the nest is vacated, juveniles have fledged, and there is no evidence of a second nesting attempt. Limits of avoidance will be flagged or staked with construction fencing. This scope assumes 1 survey visit will be conducted. If additional follow-up visits are necessary to check on the status of a nest, additional survey visits will be billed on a time-and-materials basis after prior approval. Upon completion of the survey efforts, a letter report will be prepared to document the survey findings. The letter will include a methods and results section with locations and descriptions of special status species found and recommendations for appropriate further actions. A copy of this report will be provided to the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) within 30 days of the end of grading and construction or by October 1, whichever comes first. Any special status species observed will be reported to the CDFG's California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) at the time the report is submitted to the Client. This scope assumes 1 final version of the letter report. Additional versions of the report will be billed on a time-and-materials basis. TOTAL PROFESSIONAL BIOLOGICAL, PROJECT MANAGEMENT FEES, AND DIRECT EXPENSES $3,050.00 R:1Proj9cts%YLWD1J0041S0W-031108.doc A-1 Scope of Work and Fees Highland Reservoir Replacement Project ESTIMATED "NOT-TO-EXCEED" EXPENSES TASK 2 RETENTION OF QUALIFIED HISTORIAN This cost estimate is for the retention of a qualified Historian on an as-needed basis during demolition and excavation activities in areas determined to be historically sensitive. For the purposes of this cost estimate, BonTerra Consulting assumes that a Historian will be required for a total of ten 8-hour days. Deliverables include historical monitoring and the preparation of a final historical report. TOTAL PROFESSIONAL HISTORIAN FEES AND DIRECT EXPENSES NOT TO EXCEED $10,570.00 TASK 3 RETENTION OF QUALIFIED PALEONTOLOGIST This cost estimate is for the retention of a qualified Paleontologist on an as-needed basis during demolition and excavation activities in areas determined to be paleontological sensitive. For the purposes of this cost estimate, BonTerra Consulting assumes that a Paleontologist will be required for a total of ten 8-hour days. Deliverables include paleontological monitoring and the preparation of a final paleontological report. TOTAL PROFESSIONAL PALEONTOLOGICAL FEES AND DIRECT EXPENSES NOT TO EXCEED TOTAL PROFESSIONAL FEES (TASKS 1-3) $8,831.00 $22,251.00 R.'1Projectsevtwovo04+S(M-03110e.doe A-2 Scope of Work and Fees Leighton Consu'-ting, Inc. Proposa'- for Geotechnica'- and Materia-s Testing April 16, 2008 Proposal No. P601-00772 Yorba Linda Water District 4622 Plumosa Drive Post office Box 309 Yorba Linda, California 92885-0309 Attention: Mr. Leon de los Reyes Water Quality Engineer Subject: Revised Proposal For Geotechnical and Material Testing During Construction Yorba Linda Water District Proposed 6.0 Million-Gallon Highland Replacement Reservoir 5252'%± Highland Avenue Yorba Linda, California Following our discussion today, and in response to your January 29, 2008 Request For Proposal (RFP), Leighton Consulting, Inc. is pleased to present this revised proposal to provide geotechnical and concrete testing services during construction of the proposed new 6.0 million- gallon (MG) Highland reinforced concrete reservoir, to replace the existing Highland reservoir. QUALIFICATIONS Since we prepared geotechnical design reports for this project, and due to our experience in Yorba Linda and with similar reservoir projects, Leighton Consulting, Inc. is uniquely qualified to provide geotechnical services for this project. Our lead geotechnical engineer and project manager will be Tom Benson, who is a California licensed Geotechnical and Civil Engineer, with 25 years of waterworks experience in Southern California, and who has been working at this site from time-to-time since 1995. He has managed geotechnical design and construction services for at least six hillside, reinforced concrete hopper-style water reservoirs for the Yorba Linda Water District. He also has worked continuously with Yorba Linda Water District team members for more than 19 years. We also have a complete AASHTO Material Reference Laboratory (AMRL) certified materials- testing laboratory in our Irvine office, immediately adjacent to the Costa Mesa (CA-55) Freeway, 19 miles from this site. This will allow for cost-effective mobilization of geotechnical and materials testing construction services, including pickup of concrete test cylinders. For more on YLWD 6.0 MG "Highland" Reservoir Replacement P601-00772 Leighton Consulting, Inc., such as laboratory licensing and calibration, you can visit our website at www.leightonconsulting.com. Lloyd Suehiro, P.E. will be our lead materials testing engineer. PR03ECT DESCRIPTION Our understanding of this project is based on the October 30, 2007 set of plans and specifications by Carollo Engineers, including their January 11, 2008 Addendum No. 3 To Contract Documents. This project will consist of phased construction of two temporary steel water tanks, demolition of the existing reservoir and then construction of a new conventionally reinforced concrete hopper-style reservoir as follows: ■ Temporary Water Tanks: Two temporary steel water tanks will be constructed on cut pads southeast of and downslope from the existing reservoir, at pad elevations of 399 feet and 408%2 feet. Retaining structures will be required on the upslope (northerly) side of these cut pads, and downslope (southerly) side. Initially, the existing reservoir will be operational during cut pad construction and steel tank assembly. New Features: To accommodate two proposed cut pads for these temporary steel tanks, earth retaining structures are proposed. Specifically, on Carollo Sheet C-03, Sections A and D, schematic toe footing retaining walls are depicted, referencing standard structural plans. As shown on sheets C-02, C-13 and C-14, three separate upslope retaining walls are depicted. A fourth retaining wall at the southerly property line is also depicted on Sheet C- 02. We understand that there may be some reconfiguration of these retaining walls and cuts, to reduce costs based on the assumption that pads for these tanks will be temporary. Temporary drilled cast-in-place soldier piles or other earth retention systems will likely be a more cost effective temporary solution, and we understand that alternative grading plans for these temporary pads may also be considered. Some additional geotechnical support may be required for this redesign. Shallow groundwater had been encountered this last winter (2008) during oil well abandonment at this site. ■ 6 MG Reinforced Concrete Hopper Reservoir: The new reservoir will consist of two conventionally reinforced concrete hoppers with a bottom at elevation 404.6 feet and a top at approximately 432- to 433-feet. Each hopper will have a capacity of 3.0 MG, and is estimated (although we have not seen an engineer's estimate) to require approximately 3,000 cubic-yards of concrete each, for a total of 6,000 cubic-yards for the whole reservoir structure. The new reservoir will be smaller than the existing reservoir, so the northeastern portion of the existing reservoir will be backfilled. Both hoppers will be constructed as one integral reinforced concrete structure, with overall plan dimensions of approximately 355%2 feet by approximately 118.3 feet. There will be a ramped asphalt access driveway constructed over the backfilled portion of the old reservoir ■ Piping: There will be adjacent inlet, outlet and overflow piping for both temporary tanks and the permanent reservoir. Local storm drains are also proposed up to 27-inches in -2- YLWD 6.0 MG "Highland" Reservoir Replacement P601-00772 diameter. We understand that some redesign of pipe inverts may occur to reduce invert depths below existing grade. PROPOSED SCOPE OF WORK Our proposed scope of work will consist of (1) geotechnical observation and testing, (2) sampling and testing of fresh concrete, and (3) geotechnical and material laboratory testing services during construction. The actual scope of work or time required may be different than outlined below. Based on our review of the plans and specifications, and experience with similar reservoir construction projects, our services will consist of the following: ■ Pre-Construction Meeting: Leighton Consulting, Inc. management will attend a pre- construction meeting to establish points of contact and distribution of geotechnical results, etc. ■ Geologic Observation and Engineering Oversight: We will observe temporary cuts for the temporary tanks, and foundation bearing surfaces, to check that exposed conditions are as anticipated in our design geotechnical reports. We will also respond to geotechnical questions that may arise during construction. ■ Dispatch and Management: Concrete and soils technician scheduling, coordination and administrative services will be provided. Supervision, quality control and project management will be provided by our Field Operations Manager, Geotechnical Engineer of Record and Materials Inspection Manager, as needed. ■ Geotechnical Laboratory Testing: We will perform geotechnical laboratory testing of representative onsite soils, and import soils such as aggregate base materials, to determine the ASTM D 1557-02" laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content ("compaction curves"), and corresponding grain size distribution to match the soils with the appropriate compaction curve. ■ Backtill Density Testing: We will provide intermittent observation and testing of fill placement, as fill thickness and the grading contractor's schedule requires. Deeper, rapid fill placement will require full time observation and testing. Our services will be provided on an on-call, as-requested basis. ■ Concrete Sampling and Testing: Our field technicians will sample fresh concrete, perform slump tests (ASTM C 143) and air content tests (ASTM C 173 or C 231) when requested by your designated field representative. Air content tests will only be performed if specifically requested (not expected to be required at this site). We will mold five (Specifications Section 03300 compression test cylinders for each 100 cubic-yards of concrete, or at least one set of four each day concrete is placed. We will also mold up to four shrinkage "bars." -3- YLWD 6 .0 MG "Highland" Reservoir Replacement P601-00772 ■ Materials Laboratory Testing: We will transport hardened concrete cylinders and bars from the site to our materials testing laboratory in northern Irvine. Materials laboratory curing and compressive strength testing of field-molded concrete test cylinders (in general accordance with ASTM C 31 and C 39) will be performed. Shrinkage tests (ASTM C 157) will also be performed for each concrete mix design, with measurements for a 28-day period, unless notified otherwise. For the purposes of our budget, we assume there will be no more than four shrinkage tests and four cement content tests. ■ Concrete Compression Test Results Reporting: Verbal and/or e-mail reports will be provided for 7-day breaks. We will provide a final one-page report summarizing compressive strength tests results for a given set of cylinders (three cylinders) after the 28- day breaks are completed. Shrinkage measurements will be provided after the 28-day measurement is made for shrinkage tests. • Compacted Fill and Concrete Testing Summary Report: We can provide a report summarizing our field and laboratory tests during backfilling. We will require a copy (preferably in AutoCAD) of the approved grading and/or foundation plan, so we can plot our density test locations for this report. This report will also include a summary of concrete testing results. Site safety is the responsibility of your contractor. Therefore, we will notify the contractor's site representative whenever we are on site. Our personnel will be provided with conventional safety equipment including a hard hat, orange vest and eye protection, and they will wear steel toed shoes. Please let us know in advance if additional protection is required for this jobsite. We assume batch plant inspection is not required for this project. However, if batch plant inspections are required, we will provide these services at the hourly rates listed in our attached fee schedule. SCHEDULE Leighton Consulting, Inc. is prepared to begin our work immediately upon receipt of your signed authorization to proceed. We would appreciate at least three working days advance notice for scheduling our field personnel on the first day you require our services. Work thereafter may be scheduled with a full one working day advance notice. We will rely on your field representative to contact us to schedule all fieldwork, and to help us avoid unproductive site visits or missing deep backfilling or concrete pours. Calls to our dispatch (866-LEIGHTON) on weekends and holidays are not addressed until the first following working day, without prior arrangement. We anticipate our personnel will be on site periodically for both full time and part time observation and testing, as requested by your field representative. We request that you "partner-with-us" to manage our budget, by avoiding unnecessary trips to the site. We will work with your field representative to reduce standby time or unnecessary trips to the site. -4- L YLWD 6.0 MG "Highland" Reservoir Replacement P601-00772 ESTIMATED BUDGET Our hourly rates are based on the assumption that this is a California Prevailing Wage project. Our fees will be reduced if this is not a Prevailing Wage project. Our fee will be charged on a time and expense basis in accordance with attached 2007 Professional Fee Schedule for Prevailing Wage Projects, discounted specifically for Yorba Linda Water District (only). We understand that a construction schedule was not available at the time of preparing this proposal. Therefore, we have prepared our estimate based solely on our review of the October 2007 plans and specifications, and our experience with construction of similar Yorba Linda Water District reservoirs. A breakdown of our assumptions and estimated fees is provided in the attached Table 1, Breakdown of Estimated Fees. In summary, we have estimated a budget for these services as listed below: 1 7Geotech:nical s (soil density testing, e tc.) $43,100 2 rials Testing (concrete) $43,100 $86,200 Rates may increase commensurate with future mandated changes in the California prevailing wages as determined by the California Department of Industrial Relations. Future wage and rate escalations are likely. Actual scope and cost may vary from what was estimated, if additional time is required on site or if additional test cylinders are required. If the actual site visits or hours requested are less than assumed, our fee would be less than estimated. Conversely, if there are numerous small pours, numerous failed soil density or failed concrete tests, extensive standby or unnecessary site visits, this budget estimate may be insufficient to complete the project, and we will notify you that our budget needs to be augmented. Further, the contractor may require additional breaks to evaluate form-stripping scheduling. Breaks other than at 7 and 28 days were not budgeted. This fee estimate is also based on the assumption that our field services will be performed during normal weekday daylight-hours and does not include overtime. We reviewed the example Professional Services Agreement Between The Yorba Linda Water District and Consultant. We can sign this Agreement as the terms and conditions of our services for the District. -5- YL D 6.0 MG "Highland" Reservoir Replacement P601-00772 CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to be of additional service to Yorba Linda Water District. If you have any questions or information that would update our scope of work, please call us at your convenience. The undersigned can be reached at (909) 527-8771 or tbenson@leightonconsulting.com . Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON CONSULTING, INC. Thomas C. Benson, Jr., G.E. President and CEO TCBRcb Attachments: Table 1, Breakdown of Estimated Fees 2007 Professional Fee Schedule for Prevailing Wage Projects (discounted for Yorba Linda Water District) Distribution: (2) addressee -6- Table 1. Breakdown of Estimated Fees Geotechnical Observation and Testing During Construction, Highland Reservoir Pre-Construction Meeting Hours Rate Amount Field Operations Manager 3 $152.00 $456.00 Vehicle 3 $11.00 $33.00 Subtotal: Backfill Density Testing Hours Rate Amount Field Soil Technician (prevailing wage) 200 $75.00 $15,000.00 Field Operations Manager 10 $152.00 $1,520.00 Vehicle and Nuclear Density Gauge 210 $21.50 $4,515.00 Subtotal: Geologic Observation of Cuts and EnVineering Oversight Hours Rate Amount Principal Geologist (cut observations) 10 $205.00 $2,050.00 Project Engineer (2 hours each 40 hour 10 $152.00 $1,520.00 Senior Principal Engineer (supplemental consulting 16 $247.00 $3,952.00 Subtotal: Geotechnical Laboratorv Tests Ouantitv Unit Rate Amount Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture 5 $182.00 $910.00 Sieve Analyses 5 $135.00 $675.00 Subtotal: Final Comnacted Fill Report Preparation Hours Rate Amount Principal Engineer 4 $247.00 $988.00 Senior Staff Engineer 24 $131.00 $3,144.00 Word Processor 4 $74.00 $296.00 CADD/Dra$ing 8 $105.00 $840.00 Subtotal: Subtotal Geotechnical Observation and Testing Estimate Fee: Geotechnical Observation and Testing Contingency (20%): Total Geotechnical Observation and Testing Estimate Fee: $489.00 $21,035.00 $7,522.00 $1,585.00 $5.268.00 $35,899.00 $7,179.80 $43,078.80 Leighton Consulting, Inc. Rancho Cucamonga, CA P601-00772 Table 1 Fee Estimate - REVISED 4/16/2008 Table 1. Breakdown of Estimated Fees Concrete Sampling and Testing Estimated Budget, Highland Reservoir Unit Quantity Rate Cost Concrete Samullng and Testing ACI Technician* Hours 240 $70.00 $16,800.00 Concrete Cylinders (ASTM C31) Each 300 $23.00 $6,900.00 Drying Shrinkage( 3 bars per set) Sets 4 $263.00 $1,052.00 Pick-up and Delivery - Standard Trips 60 $40.00 $2.400.00 Subtotal: $27,152.00 Administrative Sunnort Materials Manager Hours 24 $105.00 $2,520.00 Materials Engineer of Record Hours 16 $168.00 $2,688.00 Administration Hours 48 $74.00 $3.552.00 Subtotal: $8.760.00 Subtotal Concrete Sampling and Testing Eastimated Fee: $35,912.00 Concrete Sampling and Testing Contingency (20%): $7,182.40 Total Concrete Sampling and Testing Eastimated Fee: $43,094.40 *30 8-hour visits The above schedule of charges is based on our 2007 Prevailing Wage Fee Schedule, attached. Hourly rates for a daily four-hourminimum. Any hours worked in excess of the four-hour minimum will be charged at the eight-hour daily rate. Same-day cancellations will be charged as a four-hour minimum. Additional inspectors, overtime, and material testing not stated above will be provided as requested in accordance with our Agreement. Our services are dependent upon the contractor's work schedule. Variances to the construction schedule resulting in additional hours, trips, or tests are subject to additional fees that may exceed this estimate. Leighton Consulting, Inc. Rancho Cucamonga, CA P601-00772 Table 1 Fee Estimate - REVISED 4/16/2008 Leighton Consulting, Inc, A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY 2007 PROFESSIONAL FEE SCHEDULE* FOR PREVAILING WAGE PROJECTS FOR YOREA LINDA WATER DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Technical Staff Hourly Rate Laborer`* Soil/Field Technician** $95 ..............................................................................................................................................................75 Staff Engineer/Geologist/Scientist/Field Supervis or ................................................................................................................115 Senior Staff Engineer/Geologist/Scientist ..................................................................................................................131 Operations Manager/Equipment Operator ..................................................................................................................152 Project Engineer/Geologist/Scientist 152 Senior Project Engineer/Geologist/Scientist ..................................................................................................................168 Associate ..................................................................................................................189 Principal 205 Senior Principal ..................................................................................................................247 Technical Support Staff Hourly Rate Administrative Assistant/Word Processor $74 CAD Operator/Technical Illustrator/GIS Specialist ..................................................................................................................105 Engineering Equipment Unit Rates Vehicle Usage $11 per hour Tiltmeter, Inclinometer Units 200 per day Nuclear Soil Gauge 84 per day GPS Station .....................................................................................................168 per day Other Equipment Upon Request OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS • Overtime for field personnel (all technician and staff levels) will be charged at 1.5 times basic hourly rate listed above. • Expert witness testimony will be charged at 2.0 times the above rates, with a minimum charge of four hours per day. • Invoices are rendered monthly, payable upon receipt. • Proposals are valid for 30 days, unless otherwise stated in the proposal. • Heavy equipment, subcontractor fees and expenses, supplemental insurance, travel, shipping, reproduction, and other reimbursable expenses will be invoiced at cost plus 20%, unless billed directly to, and paid by client. ■ Client agrees to provide all information in Client's possession about actual or possible presence of buried utilities and hazardous materials on the site, and agrees to reimburse Leighton Consulting for all costs related to their unanticipated discovery. • These rates are predicated on standard insurance coverage and a limit of liability to our fees for the project. • For "paid when paid" contracted work, Leighton Consulting shall receive payment within 10 calendar days from when our Client receives payment for our services. ■ Minimum Hourly Charges for Field Technicians: 1. Monday-Friday .......................................................................................................................................................2 hours minimum 2. Saturday and Sunday ............................................................................................................................................4 hours minimum Effective through December 31, 2008, after which remaining work will be billed at then-current rates. Subject to change based upon changes in California prevailing wage rates. 1-07-P-YLWD 17781 Cowan a Irvine, CA 91614-6009 949.250.1421 a Fax 949.250.1114 a www.leightonconsulting.com GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY TESTING PER TEST RATES Identification and Index Properties (ASTMI Unit Rate Shear Strenath IASTMI Unit Rate Moisture Content $16 Pocket Penetrometer $16 Moisture and Density (ring samples) 26 Torvane 16 Moisture and Density (chunk samples) 58 Single Normal Load Direct Shear 105 Moisture Content 8 Density (Shelby tube/cutting) 63 3 Load Direct Shear, Consolidated Undrained (20.05 in. /min.) 265 Atterberg Limits (3 moisture points) 121 3 Load Direct Shear, Consolidated Drained (<0.05 in/min.) 305 Atierberg Limits (organic) 182 Remolding or Hand Trimming of specimens (3 points) 78 Single PointiNon-plastic 84 Residual Shear - price per additional one-way pass per point 58 Visual classification of point as non-plastic 11 Torsional Shear 620 Particle Size: Sieve (passing 1 %rinch to - #200) 74 Oriented or Block Hand Trimming 58 Sieve (passing 6-inch to - #200) 135 Hydrometer only 110 Static Uniaxial and Tdaxial Strenoth Tests (ASTMI 1%nch Sieve and Hydrometer 158 Unconfined Compression wthsi essrseainprot) $89 Dispersive Characteristics of Clay Soil (double hydrometer) 89 UU Test- Unconsolidated/Undrained (watress) 168 Specific Gravity: Fine (passing #4) 89 Consolidated Undrained (CU,R) (perstress) 347 Coarse (retained on #4) 84 Three Stage Triaxial Tests 608 Total Porosity - On Shelby tube sample - calculation only 137 Consolidation and Swell Teats (ASTM) Total Porosity - On other sample - calculation only 105 Consolidation (alone time deformation curve) $194 Photograph of sample 11 Each Additional Time Deformation Curve 47 Shrinkage Limits (wax method) 126 Each additional load/unload w/o Time Deformation Curve 42 Pinhole Dispersion 210 Expansion Index (El, ASTM D 4829-03) 131 Sand Equivalent (SE, CTM 217) 89 Expansion Index (UBC 18-12) 165 Percent Passing #200 Sieve, wash sieve, only (ASTM D 1140) 58 Swell/Collapse Test (A) 10 normal loaftntads w/o time curves 289 Single Load SwelllCollapse Test (B) Seat road, arrd Inundate 105 Collapse Potential of Soils (ASTM D 5333-03) 194 Soil ChemiaW Laboratory Permeability Teats pH $42 Permeability (Hydraulic Conductivity) Electrical Resistivity - single point - as-received moisture 42 - Undisturbed driven tube sample $194 Minimum Resistivity (minimum of 3 moisture points) 89 - Remolded specimen 236 pH and Minimum Resistivity 131 Triaxial Permeability (at one effective stress) 294 Sulfate Content - Gravimetric 68 - Each Additional Effective Stress 121 Sulfate Screen 32 - Hand Trimming for Horizontal K 58 Chloride Content 68 - Daily charge for Long Term Tests 7 days) 47 Corrosion Suite: pH, chloride, minimum resistivity and sulkies (gravimetric) 221 Remolding of Test Specimens 58 Organic Matter Content (ASTM D 2974) 63 Air Permeability (includes moisture 8 density) 100 Air Permeability (modified for soils) 173 Compaction (moisture and density curveal Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) Compaction - 4 points Calrans Testa (California Teat Methods) 4 inch diameter mold $182 R-Value, untreated soils (CTM 301, 312000) $289 6 inch diameter mold 215 R-Value, lime or cement treated soils (s7% additive) 338 Modified Proctor (ASTM D 1557) - 4 points Samplina Equipment Charoes 4 inch diameter mold 193 Box of Sample Rings (28 samples per box) $1251box 6 inch diameter mold 225 Daily Ring-Lined Drive Sampler Equipment Usage 37/day Check Point 79 Relative Density (0.1 cubic foot mold) 236 All aril samples should be too of hazardous materials. Standard turnaround lime Callrans Wet Density Compaction Curve (CTM 216) 215 for test results is 10 working days. Samples will be stored for 3 months after which California Bearing Ratio (CBR) - 3 points • 557 longer tim&dissard d. Prior notification is required I samples need to be shed for a - 1 point • 184 9 monthly storage fee of $10 per bag and $5 per slave will be applied. l_p 17781 Cowan • Irvine, CA 92614.6009 949.250.1421 9 Fax 949.250.1114 a www.leightunconsulting.com Leighton Consulting, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY MATERIALS TESTING & INSPECTION SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Task Professional Construction Materials Engineering Services Hourly Rate 6100 Project Management / Materials Inspection Manager $105 7100 Principal Engineer 168 7101 Registered Civil Engineer 127 7102 Staff Engineer 99 7103 Administration / Secretarial Time 74 7104 Reports - Test Results 17 each 7105 Review of Files for Final Letter of Affidavit (min. 2 hours) 144 7106 Expert Witness, Consultation and Court Appearances (min. 4 hours) 277 7107 Submittal Review for Compliance with Project Plans and Specifications 144 Tag Special Inspection Services Hourly Rate 6200 Special Inspection Concrete ICC $70 6201 Special Inspection Post-Tension Concrete ICC 70 8202 Special Inspection Structural Steel/Welding & Bolting [CC 70 6203 Special Inspection Welding AWS/CWI 78 6204 Special Inspection Masonry ICC 70 6205 Special Inspection Masonry DSA 78 6207 Special Inspection Asphalt 70 6208 Special Inspection Fireproofing ]CC 70 6211 Special Inspection Shotcrete [CC 70 6212 Special Inspection Shotcrete DSA 78 6213 Special Inspection Epoxy Injection & Anchors 70 6216 Building Inspection ICC 70 6217 Fabrication Inspection (Local) AWS/CWI, ICC, Glulam 78 6218 Fabrication Inspection (Outside Local Area) Quote 6219 Inspector Verified Report (DSA-6) 78 TL,k Technician Services Hourly Rate 6230 Technician-Materials (ACI Tech/Rebar Tag & Sample) $68 6232 Coring and Sizing (in house) 68 7120 Laboratory Technician 68 6233 Pachometer Survey - Technician 68 6234 Schmidt Hammer Survey -Technician 68 6235 Moisture Testing - Technician 68 6236 Grounding Rod Soil Resistance Test - Technician Quote 6237 Pullout Test on Embedded Bolts, Anchors and Dowels 65 6238 Earth Anchor Hold Down Test (4 Hour, Full Load Application with 5 minimum) Quote 6239 Earth Anchor Hold Down Test (Prelude / Short Term, w/Full Load) Quote 6240 Coring Concrete, Masonry or Asphalt in Field Quote 6241 Sawing Concrete, Masonry or Asphalt in Field Quote 6242 Pick-up and Delivery - Standard 401trip 6243 Technician Travel Time (>40 mile radius from Leighton Consulting laboratory) 71/hour Task, Equipment Charges Daily Rate 6300 Skidmore-Wilhelm Bolt Cell $42 6301 Torque Wrench 16 6302 Air Meter 21 6303 Pachometer 53 6304 Schmidt Hammer 32 6306 Vibrating Probe (Concrete) 42 6307 110V,50A Generator 125 1-07P 17781 Cowan • Irvine, CA 926146009 949.250.1421 9 Fax 949.250.1114 A www.leightonconsuhing.com 4 Leighton Consulting, Inc. A LEIONTON GROUP COMPANY Ts Concrete Strength Characterlstlcs Method ParTast Concrete Cylinders (6-inch by 12-inch) - Compression ASTM C-39 $23 7201 Gunits /Shotorete Cores (Lab Coring & Testing Only) ASTM C-42 56 7202 Lightweight Fill Concrete (3-inch by 6-inch) ASTM C495 36 7203 Compression, Concrete or Masonry Cores (testing only) 56-inch diameter ASTM C42 36 7204 Splitting Tensile - 6-inch by 12-inch cylinder ASTM C496 42 7205 Flexural Strength of Concrete (Simple Beam with 3r° pt. Loading) ASTM C-78 58 7206 Mix Design, Determination of Proportions 200 7207 Mix Design, Review of Existing 150 7208 Laboratory Trial Batch with Slump, Unit Weight & Air Content ASTM C-192 473 7209 6-inch by 12-inch Cylinder, Make and Test (lab trial batch) ASTM C-192 23 7210 3-inch by 6-inch Grout Prisms, Make and Test (lab trial batch) ASTM C-192 23 7211 6-inch by 6-inch Flexural Beams, Make and Test (lab trial batch) ASTM C-192 34 7213 Cylinder Molds, 6-inch by 12-inch, 2-inch by 4-inch when got used with testing 3 7214 Unit Weight of Hardened Light weight Concrete ASTM C-567 34 7215 Rapid Cure Concrete Cylinders (Boil Method) ASTM C-684 34 7216 Drying Shrinkage (Four Readings, up to 90 days, 3 bars) ASTM C-157 263 7217 Modulus of Elasticity/Poisson's Ratio 3-inch by 6-inch Cores ASTM C469 368 7374 Compressive Strength - Concrete Cylinder t CTM 521 23 7376 Flexural Strength of Concrete (simple beam w/ center point loading) t CTM 523 84 Task Aggregate Properties Method Per Test 7240 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate ASTM C-136 $135 7241 Sieve Analysis-Finer than #200 (Wash) ASTM CA 17 79 7242 LA Rattler-Smaller Coarse Aggregate < ASTM C-131 163 7243 LA Rattler-Larger Coarse Aggregate > ASTM C-535 189 7244 Soundness Magnesium, Sodium ASTM C-88 215 7245 Organic Impurities ASTM C40 68 7246 Clay Lumps, Friable Particles ASTM C-142 131 7370 Soil & Aggregate Preparation & Sieve (Fine & Coarse Aggregate) " CTM 201 & 202 263 7373 Grading & Specific Gravity Calculation' CTM 105 79 7247 Durability Index CTM 229 131 7248 Cleanness Value of Coarse Aggregate CTM 227 105 Task son Method P Tes 7260 Mortar Cylinders (2-inch by 4-inch) ASTM C-780 $23 7261 Mortar Cubes (2-inch by 2-inch) ASTM C-109 23 7262 Grout Prisms (3-inch by 6-inch) ASTM C-1019 23 7263 Compression, Concrete or Masonry Cores, 56-inch diameter (Testing Only) ASTM C42 34 7264 CMU Compression (3 required) to size 8-inch by 8-inch by 16-inch ASTM C-140 45 7265 CMU Compression (3 required) greater than 8-inch by 8-inch by 16-inch ASTM C-140 50 7266 CMU Moisture Content, Absorption & Unit Weight (6 required) ASTM C-140 84 7267 Masonry Efflorescence (5 required) ASTM C-67 63 7268 CMU Linear Drying Shrinkage ASTM C426 95 7269 CMU Grouted Prisms (compression tests 8 inch by 8-inch by 16-inch) ASTM E447 158 7280 CMU Grouted Prisms (compression test> 8-inch by 8-inch by 16-inch) ASTM E447 210 7281 Masonry Core-Shear Title 24 (Test Only) 63 Task &M Method Per Teat 7290 Compression (5 required) ASTM C-67 $40 7291 Modulus of Rupture (5 required) ASTM C-67 40 7292 Absorption, Soak (5 required) ASTM C-67 32 7293 Absorption, Boil (5 required) ASTM C-67 32 7294 Absorption, Saturation Coefficient (5 required) ASTM C-67 47 7295 Initial Rate of Absorption (5 required) ASTM C-67 40 7296 Efflorescence (5 required) ASTM C-67 53 7297 Efflorescence with Mortar (5 required) ASTM C-67 63 1-07P 17781 Cowan • Irvine, CA 92614-6009 949.250.1421 • Fax 949.250.1114 • www.leightonconsulting.com Leighton Consulting, Inc, A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY Task Steel Reinforcement Method Per Test 7300 Tensile Test, Up to No. 10 ASTM A-370 $42 7301 Tensile Test, No. 11 and over ASTM A-370 89 7302 Bend Test, Up to No. 8 ASTM A-370 34 7303 Bend Test, No. 9 and over ASTM A-370 50 Task Structural Steel Method Per Test 7310 Tensile Strength, x100,000 pounds axial load ASTM A-370 $42 7311 Tensile Strength, 100,000 to 200,000 pounds axial load ASTM A-370 58 7312 Bend Test ASTM A-370 37 7313 Pipe Flattening Test ASTM A-370 Quote 7314 Machining and Preparation of Samples ASTM A-370 50 7315 Brinell & Rockwell Hardness Test ASTM A-370 53 7316 Chemical Analysis, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Quote Task Pre-stressing Method Per Test 7320 Prestressing Wire ASTM A416 $158 7321 Sample Preparation (cutting) 50 7322 Prestressing Cable, 7 Wire (Breaking Strength/Modulus of Elasticity) ASTM A-416 168 Task Weld Procedure and Welder Qualifications Unit Rates 6320 Welder CertificationNVeld Procedure Review (AWS/CWI) $741hour 7330 Weld Tensile Test 40 each 7331 Weld Bend Test 28 each 7332 Weld-Macro Etch 45 each 7333 Bolt Tensile Test 50 each Task Fireproofing Method Per Test 7340 it Weight (Density) UBC Std. 7-6 $53 7341 Cohesion/Adhesion UBC Std. 7-6 62 Task Asphalt Concrete. General Testing Method Per Test 7350 Extraction, Percent Asphalt and Gradation ASTM D 21721 C 136 $194 7351 Extraction & Percent Asphalt (only) ASTM D 2172 75 7355 Extraction and Gradation Only ASTM D 2172/ C 136 152 7352 Unit Weight - Molded Specimen or Cores ASTM D-118 53 7353 Maximum Density - Hveem CTM 308 84 7354 Stabilometer Value CTM 366 263 7357 Bituminous Mixture Preparation CTM 304 79 7377 Moisture Content of Asphalt I CTM 370 58 7378 Sampling Highway Materials/Products (Roadway Structural Sections) t CTM 125 per hour Quote 7379 Extraction by Ignition Oven CTM 382 (8/2003) 55 Rubberized Asphalt add 25% Task Mix Design/Control Method Per To 7380 Mix Design - Hveem Including Aggregate Tests per Design ASTM D 1560/CTM 366 Quote 7361 Mix Design - Marshall Including Aggregate Tests per Design ASTM D 1559 Quote 7362 Field Mix - Hveem Stability per point ASTM D 15601CTM 366 $158 7363 Field Mix - Marshall Stability per point ASTM D 1559 158 Task Moisture Vapor Emission Rate (MVER) Test Method Per To 6325 Moisture Test Kit (excludes labor to perform test) ASTM E-1907 $57 IL9.5 Outside Services Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Welds ANSI Quote Radiographic Testing Quote 'soil t material " soil & materials 1-07P 17781 Cowan • Irvine, CA 92614-6009 949.250.1421 • Fax 949.250.1114 a www.leightonconsulting.com L 4 Leighton Consulting, Inc, A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY BASIS OF CHARGES FOR MATERIALS INSPECTION & TESTING REGULAR WORK HOURS: First 8 hours between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays. TIME AND ONE HALF: After 8 hours and up to 11 hours Monday through Friday and Saturdays. DOUBLE TIME: After 11 hours and Sundays. TRIPLE TIME: Holidays: New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Labor Day. MINIMUM HOURLY A. Soecial Inspector (Field Time Only) CHARGES- 1. Cancellation of Inspections not canceled by 4:00 p.m. on preceding day ..................2 Hours Inspectors & Technicians: 2. One-half working day or less ......................................................................................4 Hours 3. Over one-half working day/or begins before noon and extends into afternoon ..........8 Hours B. General Inspector (Field Time Only) 1. One-half working day or less ......................................................................................4 Hours 2. Over one-half working day/or begins before noon and extends into afternoon ..........8 Hours C. Technician - Field/Concrete 1. Cancellation of Inspections not canceled by 4:00 p.m. on preceding day ..................2 Hours 2. One-half working day or less ......................................................................................4 Hours 3. Over one-half working day/or begins before noon and extends into afternoon ..........8 Hours CYLINDER HOLDS: After all designated 28-day breaks for a given set meet specified compressive strength, all "hold" cylinders will automatically be disposed of, unless specified in writing prior to the 28-day break. OUTSIDE SERVICES: Outside services performed by others and direct costs expended on the client's behalf are charged at cost plus 20%. These expenses include equipment rental, parking, subsistence, photographs, co- insurance endorsement, etc. REPORT CHARGES: Secretarial time will be charged at $70 per hour. A maximum of 8 copies will be issued for each report. FILE SEARCH & Minimum $70 will be charged for Secretarial Time. REISSUE OF REPORT: REPORTING: All reports contracted for by the client will be considered confidential information and submitted directly to him. We will require the authorization of the client prior to distribution to parties other than those designated in Section 1701 of the Uniform Building Code or Title 24, Part 1, California Administrative Code. PAYMENT TERMS: Payment for services is due upon presentation. If not paid within 30 days of the invoice date, they will be considered past due and a carrying charge of 1-1/2% per month (or the maximum rate allowed by law) will be added to the unpaid balance, until paid in full. Any Attorney's fees or other costs incurred in collecting any delinquent accounts will be added to the amounts due and shall be paid by the party invoiced. COMPLETION: Inspector will remain on job until discharged by designated competent authority. CANCELLATION: No Charge if made before 4:00 p.m. of the preceding work day. See Minimum Charge. PARKING: When not furnished for Inspector, parking will be charged at cost plus 20%. SUBSISTENCE: On remote jobs, subsistence, when not furnished for Inspector, will be charged at cost plus 20%. INSURANCE: We carry worker's compensation, general, auto and professional liability insurance. Additional cost of any special insurance required by the client, including increased policy limits, adding additional insured parties, and waivers of subrogation will be billed at cost plus 20 percent. LICENSES & PERMITS: The additional cost of any special licenses or permits for a project will be billed at cost plus 20 percent. PREVAILING WAGE: The hourly rates provided are in compliance with prevailing wage requirements. As the rates for California Prevailing Wage increase, our hourly rates will increase accordingly. 1-07P 17781 Cowan . Irvine, CA 92614-6009 949.250.1421 • Fax 949.250.1114 • www.leightonconsulting.com ITEM NO. g+ AGENDA REPORT Committee Meeting Date: May 1, 2008 To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant General Manager Staff Contact: Joe Polimino, Project Engineer Reviewed by General Counsel: N/A Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $ 11.5M Funding Source: District and Developer Funds CEQA Account No: 101-2700 Job No: 200704 Compliance: Mitigated Neg. Dec. Estimated Costs: $ 2,500,000 Dept: Eng Subject: Amendment to Consultants Agreement with Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc. and a Professional Services Agreement with Metcalf & Eddy for the Lakeview Reservoir Project SUMMARY: On September 8, 2005, Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc. (Parsons) was authorized to provide engineering design, construction management, inspection, and engineering construction support services including geotechnical and engineering survey for the 8 million gallon (MG) component of the 12 MG Lakeview Reservoir and for the 5,000 gallon per minute (GPM) Lakeview Booster Pump Station, a multiple valve pressure reducing station and a sodium hypochlorite disinfection booster system. The total authorized amount was estimated at $1,689,458 based on previous projects of similar complexity and based on the assumptions that a combined project under one construction contract would be awarded using a single set of plans and specifications. The combined projects were later split into two sets of plans and specifications and the Lakeview Reservoir project was bid separately. DISCUSSION: Parsons currently is providing construction administration and inspection services for the 8 MG Lakeview Reservoir Project, which is currently under construction by SSC Construction, Inc. The reservoir project began on June 18, 2007 with duration of 487 consecutive calendar days. Parsons was originally contracted to provide construction management services for both the reservoir and the new 5000 GPM Lakeview Booster Station, which had two different contractors and originally was planned to have overlapping schedules. Parsons budget and man hours estimate was originally based on these two project schedules overlapping considerably. However, since the Lakeview Reservoir Project started much later than originally anticipated and now has an additional 60 calendar days added to the duration, the completion date is now estimated to be in December 2008. Parsons has expended their original construction budget estimate and has requested a substantial contract amendment to extend their services through the planned project completion date. Staff contacted two additional firms to submit alternative proposals for construction management and inspection services for the remainder of the project. Staff received proposals from Butier Engineering and Metcalf & Eddy (M&E) based on continuing support services required to complete the project. Staff reviewed and assessed the proposals recommends the following: Parsons is the project design engineer for the existing structure and facilities under construction, therefore it is advisable to extend the current Parsons contract to continue providing services for design clarifications, material inspection and shop drawing reviews (Exhibit A) and to maintain continuity with the project team. For construction management and resident inspection, staff proposes to enter into a new Professional Services Agreement with Metcalf & Eddy (M&E) through completion of the project (Exhibit B). M&E has experience in construction project management, inspection and design services and has worked with the District's contractor SSC Construction to successfully complete similar projects. With the possibility that the District may want to add an additional four million gallons of reservoir capacity to this facility in the very near future, M&E may assist the District in evaluating the feasibility and cost benefits of negotiating this construction sooner than originally planned. Authorization in the total amount of $596,000 will provide the budget for continued construction management, inspection, design reviews and close-out for the Lakeview Reservoir Project by teaming up Parsons and M&E in these work efforts as shown below: • An additional $352,300 to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with M&E to provide construction management and inspection services which will include administrative costs, project management, full time site inspection, site meetings, reports, material inspection scheduling and progress payment reviews. • Additional hours for Parsons to continue review of shop drawings, provide design clarifications and office administration costs for $133,700. • Additional amount of $110,000 for the geotechnical sub-consultant for concrete and soils inspection. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On January 27, 2005, the Board authorized staff to proceed with the Bastanchury (now Lakeview) Reservoir and Booster Station Site Optimization Plan and on February 24, 2005, the Board authorized execution of a Consultants Agreement with Parsons Water Infrastructure Inc. for $88,508 to commence with a Project Feasibility/Basis of Design Report for the project. On September 8, 2005, the Board authorized the General Manager to issue an amendment to the Consultants Agreement with Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc., in the amount not to exceed $1,689,458 for the design, construction management, inspection, and construction geotechnical and survey services for the 8 MG Bastanchury (Lakeview) Reservoir and the 5,000 gallon per minute Booster Pump Station. On June 22, 2006, the Board approved Amendment No. 2, to the Consultants Agreement with Parsons Water & Infrastructure Inc., in the amount of $110,680 for additional work to complete the design and preparation of separate plans, specifications and contract documents for the 8 MG Lakeview Reservoir, Job no. 200704 and the 5000 gallon per minute Lakeview Booster Station Pump Station, Job No. 200505. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Support staff's recommendation to approve a Professional Services Agreement for construction management and inspection services with Metcalf & Eddy for a not-to-exceed amount of $352,300 and an amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Parsons for a not-to- exceed amount of $243,700, including geotechnical sub-consultant services to complete the Lakeview Reservoir Project, Job No. 200704. Exhibit A Yorba Linda Water District Lakeview Reservoir and Booster Pump Station Project Parsons Amendment No.3, Added Cost to Provide Continuing Construction Phase Services HOURS (a) COSTS ' WBS TASK A B C D E TOT LABOR ODCs TOT I Average Billing Rates for 2008 1901 1601 1101 1281 761 1 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION 401201 Project Admin and Support 2601 1 1 701 330 $54,720 1 1 $54,720 401201 On Site Meetings 4 @ 3 hrs. (meeting only) 121 1 1 12 $2,280 1 1 $2,280 402201 Shop Drawing Review 201 1 301 1 101 60 $7,860 1 $600 1 $8,460 402201 RFIs and Design Dwg Clarifications 301 1 901 I 301 150 $17,880 1 $600 1 $18,480 402201 Change Order Review as needed 401 1 1 1 1 40 $7,600 1 $7,600 403201 Project Close Out 1 1 I I 1 0 1 403201 Prepare Record Drawings (80 Dwgs x 3 hrs) 401 401 1601 1 1 240 $31,600 1 $3,400 1 $35,000 403201 Digital Dwg Files and Photos on CDs 81 1 401 1 161 64 $7,136 1 1 $7,136 1 Subtotal 4101 4013201 011261 896 $121,9401 $4,6001 $133,676 1 1NSPECTION 1 1 1 1 501201 Resident Inspection (b-1) 1 1 1 1 0 $0 $0 502201 Special Inspections 1 1 1 1 Civil-RW, Piping, Grading (20 Insptns & Rpts x 6 hrs) ( 1 1 1 $0 1 $0 Structural (10 Insptns & Reports x 6 hrs.) 1 1 1 1 $0 $0 1 Electrical (6 Insptns & Reports x 5 hrs.) 1 1 1 0 $0 1 1 $0 Instrumentation (6 Insptns & Reports x 5 hrs.) 1 1 1 0 $0 $0 1 Subtotal 01 01 01 01 01 0 $01 $01 $0 1 Total excluding Geotechnical Subconsultant 4101 I 4013201 I I 011261 I I 896 $121,9401 I $4,6001 $133,676 I 1GEOTECHNICAL SUBCONSULTANT I I I I I I I 601201 Concrete and Soil Compaction Testing 1 0 $0 1$110,000 $110,000 1 Subtotal 01 01 01 01 01 0 $01$110,0001$110,000 1 Total Construction Phase Services+ 4101 4013201 011261 896 $121,9401 $114,6001 $243,676 (a) MANHOUR CATEGORIES A = Project Manager, Technical Director B = Principal Engineer, Contracts and Controls Specialists C = Staff Engineer/CAD Operator D = Resident Engineer/Inspector E = Support Specialists (b) COST ESTIMATE NOTES 1. Inspection hours are estimated based on 40 hours per week and a remaining time of 40 weeks GIProject Files - District CIP-CRP\2 CIP Open Jobs\200704 Lakeview Reservoir\Consultants\Parsons\Parsons Contract Extension Costs rev3 4 29&3/2008 Yorba Linda Water District CMS for Lakeview Reservoir and Booster Pump Station METCALF &EDDY I AEC ®M Task No. Task Description Princi I Resident Engineer Inspector Admin Asst ODCs Total Hours Total Cost $295 $185 $116 $74 1 Project Management, Administration, & Support 1a Review of Construction Documents 8 12 140 20 $4,720 1b Statement of Working Days 4 40 8 364 52 $9,536 1c Review of Construction Progress Schedules 2 50 4 392 56 $10,528 ldl Review and Approve Monthly Progress Payments and Engineer-of-Record Invoices 40 16 392 56 $8,976 1e Photo Journal Documentation/Digital ital Video b En ineerof -Record 0 0 $0 1f Monthly Construction Progress Reports 2 40 4 322 46 $8,608 1 g Contractor Safe Programs 2 20 154 22 $4.444 1h Contractor's Daily Extra Work Reports 6 64 8 546 78 $14,748 2 Meetings 2a Bi-weekly Construction Progress Meetings 36 100 2198 136 $31,318 2b Progress Meetings with YLWD 36 20 962 56 $15,282 3 Shop Drawing & RFI Management Coordination, & Tracking 48 12 420 60 $10,188 4 Shop Drawing Review (Engineer-of-Record) - Coordination and Processing 4 44 12 420 60 $10,628 5 RFIs, Drawing Clarification (Engineer-of-Record) - Coordination and Processing 4 48 12 448 64 $11,396 6 Contract Change Order Management & Processi 12 70 16 936 98 $18,610 7 Project Close -Out Management 12 48 36 922 96 $16,006 Total Hours r728 644 1 0 1 128 1 $8,616 900 Total Project Cost $174,988 OPTIONAL Full-Time Inspection through December 2008 1,400 0 14,900 1,400 $177,300 Total Project Cost Including OpUonal Services $352,288 ITEM NO. 3 Committee Meeting Date: May 1, 2008 GTe#,11 r1il;_041fti To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant General Manager Staff Contact: Joseph Polimino, Project Engineer Reviewed by General Counsel: No Budgeted: Funding Source: Account No: CEQA Compliance: TBD Yes Total Budget: $2.07 M Water Revenue Bond . Various Job No: 200220 & Estimated Costs: $ 205,000 200710 Dept: Eng Subject: Prof. Services Agreement for Zone Reconfiguration & Sub-Zone Extension Project SUMMARY: Yorba Linda Water District has observed and monitored low water pressures occurring in three locations of the Zone 3A (HGL of 675 ft.) service area. These areas were identified as low pressure areas in the 2005 Domestic Water System Master Plan, prepared by Carollo Engineers. The Water Master Plan also identified minimum standards of service for pressure and flow that the District would strive to achieve. Many homes located in this area were constructed on pads with relatively high elevations, and currently several residents are using individual booster pumps to increase their service pressures. DISCUSSION: A Zone Reconfiguration Study for Areas 1, 2 and 3 was completed by RBF Consulting Engineers and the results of this study were submitted in a report dated March 12, 2008. The objective of this study was to propose the most cost effective method to resolve these low pressure areas. Staff solicit proposals to provide design and bid services from five engineering firms: Bureau Veritas, Psomas, Metcalf & Eddy, RBF and Tetra Tech. Services requested were based on Alternative 6 of the Zone Reconfiguration Study for Areas 1, 2 and 3. The District received proposals from four engineering firms beginning late March, 2008 with Metcalf & Eddy respectfully declining the proposal request. Staff reviewed the four proposals received and evaluated them based on project understanding, scope of work, sub consultant(s), man hour allocation, the team's overall experience on similar projects and ability to interact with District staff. The following table summarizes the results: Ern ineerina Consultant Proposal (incl. ootionsl Base Score Bureau Veritas $203,570 $174,340 43.05 Tetra Tech $128,200 $128,200 41.50 Psomas $113,676 $99,952 41.48 RBF $220,823 $220,823 40.40 After reviewing the proposals received, staff found that they were very close in overall ranking with the proposal from Psomas representing the best value for the project needs. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 28, 2007, the Board of Directors adopted Budgets for Fiscal Years 2007/08 and 2008/09 and approved the Current Five Year Capital Improvement Plan for FY 2007-2012. On September 13, 2007 the Board of Directors authorized staff to modify the Current Five Year Plan Capital Improvement Projects List and the Adopted Budget for Fiscal Years 2007-2009 by adding the Zone 4 Reconfiguration Project for the Twin Peaks Area of East Lake Village. On March 13, 2008 the Board of Directors received and filed the Zone Reconfiguration Study for Areas 1, 2 and 3 prepared by RBF Consulting and authorized staff to solicit proposals for the design of the combined projects identified as Alternative Six in this study. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Support staffs recommendation to the Board of Directors to authorize the General Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Psomas, subject to approval as to form by General Counsel, for a fee not to exceed $113,676 to provide design and bid services for the Zone Reconfiguration and Sub Zone Extension Projects, Job Nos. 200220 and 200710. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Zone Reconfiguration Project Estimated Labor Hours and Fees 2.0 Bid Phase 1 PotholingafE)ddng Utilities atiOLocations 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 i 4 $5241 $01 $13220 2.1 ;Attend Pro-Bid .3.1 Subtotal 0 4 0 2 2 0 0 ------------ 1 $6361 $M $0 $636 2.2 !Prepare Addendum 0 0 1 12 0 2 1 2 $1.7361 1 $0 i $0 $1,736 2.3 Assist in Evaluation or Bids 0 1 2 0 1 0 i 0 3 $462 s0! $0 $462 Subtatell 0 k 5 12 0 2 1 0 1 19 $2,8341 $01 $01 $01 $2,8341 1 $J5XO1 Total Esd - sto Hours and Fee =g I Gs 17V7 190 1 170 1 M 1 $81,792 $01 $2,3901 $1*;52 .I.C. — Principal In Charge & OA/QC ($196ft) .M. — Project Manager ($174/hr) .E. — Project Engineer ($144/hr) .E. — Staff Engineer ($117/hr) ADD — Lead CAD Designer ($1 181hr) — Designer ($94/hr) DBE Psomas PotholingafE)ddng Utilities atiOLocations 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 i 4 $5241 $01 $13220 $11A3,7i24 .3.1 Subtotal o o7 2 0 2 0 4 1 $5241 $01 $13.200 $0 $13, .I.C. — Principal In Charge & OA/QC ($196ft) .M. — Project Manager ($174/hr) .E. — Project Engineer ($144/hr) .E. — Staff Engineer ($117/hr) ADD — Lead CAD Designer ($1 181hr) — Designer ($94/hr) DBE Psomas EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED HOURS AND FEE ZONE RECONFIGURATION PROJECT YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Approximate Person Hours Principal Project Project Task Description I`"►~I In Charge I Manager I Engineer Designer Admin 1 $225 1 $192 1 $140 1 $120 1 $65 Task 1 IUtility Coordination 1 1 21 81 1 Task 21 Research and Investigation I 1~ 41 101 I Task 311.1fility Research I I 11 81 I I Task 41Field Investigation I I 41 41 I 1 Task 5: [Field Topographic Survey i I I I I I (Area 1 I I I I I 1 (Area 2 I I I I I I Wee 3 I I I I I Task 6:IGeotechnical Investigation I I I I I Task 7: Alignment Analysis 1 1 61 121 241 Task 8 Construction Sequence I 11 41 el k Task 9:I Preliminary Design Report I 11 41 241 I' 41 Task 10: Meetings (5 Max.) I I a 161 I 1 I Subtotal Phase 11 31 301 871 241 41 $2,393 $1,312 $1,328 $15,200 $4,400 $31,300 $23,000 $5,712 $1,833 $4,613 $3,060 Task I IConstruction Drawings I I I I I 1 1 I Generel 1 I I I I 1 I IG1 Title Sheet I I 21 61 121 1 1 $2,664 1G2 General Notes I I 21 81 121 I 1 $2,944 I Plan and Profila I I I I I 1 (Area 1 I I I I I I IPP1 Plan and Profile Yorba Linda Boulevard I 11 41 tot 241 I I $5.273 1 PP2 Plan and Profile Yorba Linda Boulevard I 11 41 101 24 1 I I $5,273 PPP3 Plan and Profile Yorba Ranch Rd. and Ave. Del l 1 I I I Rey tl a tol gal $5,273 1 PP4 Plan and Profile 4 Avenue Del Rey I 11 41 101 241 I I $5,273 /Area 2 I I 1 1 1 IPP5 Plan and Profile Sheet 1 l 11 41 101 241 1 I $5,273 (Area 3 I I 1 1 1 1 1 PP6 12" Plan and Profile Las Palomas - Sheet 1 I 11 41 101 241 ( I $5.273 PP7 12" Plan and Profile Las Palomas - Sheet 2 I 11 4 101 241 I I $5,273 1 PP8 12" Plan and Profile Las Palomas - Sheet 3 I 11 41 101 241 1 I $5,273 1 PP9 12" Plan and Profile Las Palomas - Sheet 4 1 11 41 101 241 I I $5.273 1 PP10 8' Plan and Profile Las Palomas - Sheet 1 1 11 41 101 24 I I $5273 1PP11 8" Plan and Profile Las Palomas - Sheet 2 I 11 41 101 241 I I $5,273 I Mechaniccat I I i I I IM1 #1 Check Valve & Vault - Plan & Sections I tl 21 al 201 1 I $4,129 IM2 #2 Check Valve & Vault - Plan & Sections I 11 21 81 20 I 1 $4,129 Isla I I I I I 1 I ID1 Connection Details I 11 21 81 201 I 1 $4.129 ID2 Connection Details 1 11 21 81 201 1 I $4,129 ID3 Connection Details I 11 21 81 201 1 I $4,129 ID4 Civil Details I 11 21 81 201 1 1 $4.129 1D5 Cathodic Protection Details I 11 21 el 201 I $4,129 Task 21 Construction Specifications 1 41 81 301 1 I I $6,636 Task 31Construction Cost Estimate I 11 41 al 1 1 1 $2,113 Task 41 Engineering Suoport during Bidding I 11 81 81 1 I $3,401 1 Subtotal Phase 21 241 821 2261 4,281 81 $ - $104,664 11Shop Drawing Review 1 21 Request for Ciartfication t 31 Record Drawings I I Subtotal Phase 31 I Reimbursable Reprographics & Mileage I I TOTAL ESTIMATED HOURS AND BUDGETI 1 101 301 1 1 I 61 221 I 1 1 41 101 301 01 221 1 1 1 621 301 01 $ I I I I I I 1 I I 271 1341 I I I 3751 4821 121$ Direct Costs/ Reprographics Total Fee • I 1 I 1$ $4,616 $5,768 $16,504 $4,000 220,8231 H:\pdatak10102730\Proposal\Proposal-032207\Exhibit B_Fee.xls 1 1 1 Fee Schedule cone meconngurstion Design Project 77 1 sOic#tt on.:?FASrc rtr>~r a'~ # t scrip lon ~'[inc QA1QC ; 'M hi= ~o~, CAP IIP. TPIAL sf~nrBY I - s $ ' ~~s 76 $ 'gib . 1 il. T 14ANA~s15MOT I A. IMadtinor- I 01 01 181 01 C 0 6 2,4 a s0041 1 1 E1Echedilp Updatmi,;Inlibiding 1 01 01 241 01 01 01 61 ~1 $01 t iC"801` 1 Iu:RR Lituii1."YDESi~w 1irisi!triva; I 01 01 41 41 0. 01 11 01 Dui i,sl $1001 $i,$a 1 h~B: litecwfds U ii(tyAUwmh 1 01 01 01 21 0 4d1 gl 01 "1 $0,001 $b1 4+ l , 1+fi una ssbtrtinUSUIV y I of 01 21 41 01 ClI 01 sI $3 4 201 $ r,4ap1:. T, C pt n; 6 I 01 11 41 81 01 4v1 01 i $l $01 $0,5 $ol trs,6,I i - I* 140is ft, ,06W making 1 01 01 41 41 0 ~ 41 sl $t~1 ~1,i~p1 ~0 1+~ n ra~lt Qb. I 21 01 41, 81 01 01 41 if[ $01 x{a I $100:1. 4 III Ow t?ESION 01 azt l 11 161 $ol $21100 $1001 Wj . r B lli„ u~i~O OU s o ttai I 01 41 161 4s0I n1 ~ 1 2 1 Q] ;*I tool . 1Z 00410 *00"e 1 -131 01 41 41 01 41. 41 01 $61 $110461 $1001; a.0 1-' ~z '1mrrs _aordihation 1 21 01 41 81 01 0 1 11 +61 $01,I $OoI> , B lPw ar toooi; a r n 6.0bMIRW I 01 41 321 601 01 2001 461, *121 $01 ,*0I twol w p* iiSR r nrlerrie>MMaking 1 61 01 41 41 0:1 1 4l sl $01 s1-p1 $1001 J" B1d os ft 1 01 21 161 301 01 .1001gI 1661 $01 $1,$,1201 $1,DO01 . mo Elb' S1~?~i~E$. I -A, wB nQ I 01 01 41 0I 01 1 11 551 $01 I IWI $1001` 00 B 1 a al 1. I of 11 81 401 sot s1 1161 $01 ia,I I $201 .$+4Ao lkovi sto~ vft O»riitt' 1 01 01 41 01 01 01 21 61 o1 I $100 P. A 0-0~re-00nstr o6irimaeting I 01 01 41 01 01 01 11 61 $01 s I 8i0o1 Oil- "bp FC P E OP$E IIIM °1 116,61 y VartricationlPotholing 01 p1911 $OI 59401 1TrdHlccontrol Plans oI OI 601 301 Bo 41 $01' 012,410 $5001$12, 1ErlvifonmeMal Decia'ratiogg, 1 '01: ~I' l 1" 01 nl I lV $01 54, 40 I 0. to ~~L PERSON -HOUR ESTIMATE ZONE RECONFIGURATION PROJECT q - TASK 1 Project Management and Quality Assurance 4 $100 28 $4,920 1.1 Project Meetings (4) 8 16 4 28 $6,340 1.2 Project Management 24 24 $4,480 1.3 Quality Assurance 8 Subtotal 8 32 16 32 0 0 0 8 0 0 $100 $0 80 $15,740 TASK 3 Preparation of Plans, Specifications and Estimate 4 $460 47 $6,128 2.1 Utility Research 1 2 24 12 16 40 $19,150 52 $25,214 2.2 Survey and Mapping, Base Mapping 2.3 Construction Drawings 6 $737 Title Sheet T 1 1 2 1 8 4 8 19 $2,456 General Notes Symbols Abbrev. 19 $2,456 Sheet Index . 12 -inch Water Main Plan & Profile (8) 1 12 2 32 8 60 8 128 232 $30,000 8 -inch Water Main Plan & Profile (3) 5 12 23 48 88 96 $11,436 $12,284 Details Sheets (3) 4 12 32 48 16 40 $5,840 2.4 Specifications 8 16 18 $2,716 2.5 Construction Cost Estimate 2 8 8 $3,886 0 $3,886 2.6 Deliverables 8 8 8 $575 24 $4,791 2.7 Permits/Coordination 4 12 8 4 2 $50 30 $4,516 2.8 Assist with Bid Subtotal 0 46 107 192 304 0 22 0 0 $4,971 $19,150 671 $112,460 TETRA TECH, INC. AGENDA REPORT Committee Meeting Date: May 1, 2008 To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee From: Ken Vecchiarelli, Assistant General Manager Staff Contact: Scott Moulton, Consultant Reviewed by General Counsel: No Budgeted: No Funding Source: N/A CEQA Account No: 101- Compliance: Mitigated Neg. Dec. Estimated Costs: $ M ITEM NO. Total Budget: $ M Job No: 200620 Dept: Eng Subject: PYLUSD Yorba Linda High School PAA Terms and New Easement Request SUMMARY: Discussions have progressed with Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) to the point of finalizing conceptual terms for the Pre-Annexation Agreement. Included in these terms is a proposed easement across the YLHS property for a portion of the new 36-inch transmission pipeline in Bastanchury Road connecting to Fairmont Boulevard. DISCUSSION: Attached is a summary of the financial and business terms that have been negotiated over the last two years with PYLUSD for inclusion in the Pre-Annexation Agreement (PAA). In general, the development fees, capital improvement requirements and legal framework for the PAA were established between YLWD and Shapell Industries, Inc. (Shapell, also known as S&S) before they sold the property to PYLUSD and are pass-through obligations modified to consider the intended use and impacts of a high school versus the residential development option Shapell had proposed. The final issue to be resolved in the business terms involved the alignment of the 36-inch transmission pipeline in Bastanchury Road. The original plan was to route this pipeline east in Bastanchury Road and then continue south in Fairmont Boulevard and connect to the 39-inch YLWD Bryant Cross Feeder as shown in the attached exhibit. Pothole investigations before construction determined that the 97-inch MWD pipeline traversing through the PYLUSD and Shapell properties on its way to the Robert B. Diemer Treatment Plant was too shallow for our 36" pipeline to cross above it. This condition required a design revision to construct the 36-inch pipeline underneath the MWD pipeline in Fairmont Boulevard at a significant cost increase. An alternative alignment was considered that would parallel the MWD pipeline and cross the YLHS property along the corner of the Fairmont-Bastanchury intersection. The new alignment would be a shorter run and would allow a direct connection to the Bryant cross feeder with fewer bends and joints, saving a significant cost of construction for both YLWD and S&S. However, this new alignment would also require a new easement from PYLUSD. Initially, PYLUSD considered the full market value for the easement, which was significantly greater than the construction cost savings. Following further discussions and considerations, the final concept was to offer an amount similar to the cost savings in-lieu of market value for C the easement. This amount could be offered as a credit towards the school district's capital facilities obligations within the PAA. This concept is staffs recommendation to both parties' respective management and Boards and is currently included within the draft PAA. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): On June 22, 2006, The Board of Directors approved the Water and Sewer Master Plans for the proposed development of Tentative Tract No. 16208 and authorized the President and Secretary to execute the Pre-annexation Agreement between Yorba Linda Water District and Shapell Industries, Inc. for the development of Tentative Tract No. 16208. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Support staff's recommendation to offer a credit towards PYLUSD's capital contributions in the amount of $35,000 as fair consideration for the easement in the Yorba Linda High School Property and authorize staff to include this credit within the Pre-Annexation Agreement. O ' QpN4' WIDel rpA N3 5 p Ass M /SS /ON ASEMFN w0 p1pEC /pE \�\ • BASTANCHURY I I PROPOSED 18" TRANSMISSION MAIN �♦ ♦ OR "w BY YLWD & S&S (ZONE 3) 1pp0 ♦ -� �j� Fie � t.� ` � �` � ♦ i � let PROPOSED 15 FT. WATER EASEMENT - �� FROM P.Y.U.". �r - - - - ' ��r.+► EXISTING 27" I \ TRANSMISSION MAIN - I • i 'p (ZONE 3) IRMOEFD MITER.IIM J` HIGH SCHOOL SITE # ' I EXISTING 39" TRANSMISSION MAI / _III (ZONE 4 BCF) I EXISTING 39" TRANSMISSION MAIN I APPROX. 500 FT. OF PIPE (ZONE 4 BRYANT CROSS FEEDER) TO BE RELOCATED r/ EXISTING 12" TRANSMISSION MAIN ~ \ --------- - - - - -- (Above Ground) (ZONE 3: To be Abandoned & Removed) PREPARED BY: SCALE: ELYORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT N.T.S. N 4622PLUMOSADRE WATER MAINS NEAR YORBA LINDA HIGH SCHOOL DATE: YORBA LINDA, CALIFORNIA 92886 12- 142007 (714) 777 -3748 FILENAME: ti EL W March 21, 2008 Y®RRA LINDA Rick Guaderrama, Assistant Director of Facilities & Planning WATER Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District DISTRICT 1301 E. Orangethorpe Avenue Placentia, California 92780 DIRECTORS Subject: Yorba Linda High School Pre-Annexation Agreement Paul R. Armstrong Michael j. Beverage Dear Rick, Ric P Collett I appreciated talking to you yesterday about the Yorba Linda High School Pre- William R. Mills Annexation Agreement. We all seem to be in agreement over the broad terms that have john W. Summerfield been discussed and exchanged in letters and meetings ever since Mike Bailey's letter to Mike Payne of May 8, 2007. I think both sides have found innovative ways to reduce the capital facilities requirements and to accommodate payments over an extended GENERAL MANAGER timeframe. Michael A. Payne It seems there is one remaining issue that is holding up progress on the Agreement. Yesterday we discussed two alternatives that could accelerate the process regarding the location of the 36" Water Main. For the record I will recap those alternatives. As you know, YLWD is designed and permitted to place the line in Bastanchury Road all the way to Fairmont. The option of placing it on the southern side of the M WD line by way of an easement across the high school would be more attractive from a design standpoint and would reduce capital cost. When we calculate the savings, it is about $35,000. The hang-up in negotiations is centered on a payment required for the easement that goes beyond the potential cost savings. Since YLWD can go either way, and $35,000 is our point of indifference, I suggest the following: • YLWD credits the $35,000 as an offset on some other fees owed by PYLUSD as payment for the easement, or • YLWD builds the line in Bastanchury. Both alternatives will get us off the dime and we can go forward. Please let me know which alternative PYLUSD would prefer. I believe my management and the Board will approve of these terms. Please feel free to contact me at (714) 701-3102 should you have any questions concerning this matter. 4622 Plumosa Drive P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 Tel: (714) 777-9593 Fax: (714) 701-0413 Sincerely, Scott Moulton Consultant, Engineering Department cc: Ken Vecehiarelli, Assist. General Manager Email: vlwd@ylwd.com Mike Bailey, PYLUSD Web: www.ylwd.com s April 24, 2008 W Mr. Alan Cummins Shapell Industries, Inc. YORBA LINDA 8383 Wilshire Blvd., #700 WATER Beverly Hills, California 90211 DISTRICT DIRECTORS SUBJECT: Bastanchury 36" Water Main Construction & Easement Paul R. Armstrong Michael J. Beverage Dear Alan, Ric P. Collett Per the FFDCA for the above project, YLWD shares the cost of William R. Mills the 36" Water Main construction with S&S at the ratio of 70/30%. John W. Summerfield An opportunity came up to reduce the cost of this construction by changing the alignment to run across the PYLUSD High School site just south of MWD's right of way. GENERAL MANAGER Michael A. Payne Over the last year this alternative was discussed and we have a concept with PYLUSD to allow an easement over their property for this line at a cost-of $35,000. YLWD and PYLUSD Staff are recommending this alternative to their respective Boards. The construction cost savings is at least this amount. We believe since the easement cost is a direct benefit to lower construction cost, and since both S&S and YLWD share the construction cost, both S&S and YLWD should share this easement cost proportionately. In other words, we view the easement cost as a construction expense. I reviewed this logic with Curtis Theilbar, and he suggested we document the concept. The purpose of this letter is to present the concept to you. Please advise YLWD promptly if this runs counter to the S&S view of our agreement. I can be reached at 701-3103 if you have questions. 4622 Plumosa Drive Sincerely, P.O. Box 309 Yorba Linda, CA 92885 Tel: (714) 777-9593 Scott Moulton Fax: (714) 701-0413 Consultant, Engineering Department Email: ylwd@ylwd.com CC: Mike Payne Ken Vecchiarelli Web: wwwylwd.com Dave Hasson Curtis Thielbar 1 tlhapell Industries, Inc. Wilshire-San Vicente Plaza Suite 700 8383 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, California 90211 May 1, 2008 (323) 855-7330 Mr. Scott Moulton Yorba Linda Water District 1717 East Miraloma Avenue Placentia, CA 92870-6785 SUBJECT: Bastanchury 36" Water Main Construction & Easement Scott, I am in receipt of your letter dated April 24, 2008 regarding the anticipated cost of $35,000 to gain easement rights across the Placentia Yorba Linda Unified School District ("PYLUSD") property for construction of the 36" water main. Shapell Industries, Inc. agrees that there are cost savings associated with the alignment across PYLUSD property and agrees in concept to this being accounted fo a Construction Cost per our FFDCA. Sincerel an umm ns Vice President CC: Ken Vecchiarelli Dave Hasson Curt Thielbar YLWD SOURCE WATER SUMMARY ITEM NO. 9 Fiscal Year 2007-08 TOTAL MONTHLY YTD BUDGET GW IMPORT DEMAND GW GW (Demand Est.) DELTA MONTH AF AF (AF) % (AF) Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Oct-07 Nov-07 Dec-07 Jan-08 Feb-08 Mar-08 Apr-08 1,383.5 1,497.2 2,880.7 48.0% 48.0% 2,843.0 1.3% 1,525.0 1,382.8 2,907.8 52.4% 50.2% 2,797.0 4.0% 1,373.4 1,177.2 2,550.6 53.8% 51.3% 2,454.0 3.9% 1,315.9 959.1 2,275.0 57.8% 52.7% 2,070.0 9.9% 1,118.0 740.4 1,858.4 60.20/6 53.8% 1,635.0 13.7% 777.2 471.9 1,249.1 62.2% 54.6% 1,471.0 -15.1% 707.7 421.4 1,129.1 62.7% 55.2% 1,283.0 -12.0% 561.8 527.6 1,089.4 51.6% 55.0% 1,228.0 -11.3% 860.7 942.2 1,802.9 47.7% 54.2% 1,454.0 24.0% 1,166.5 950.0 2,116.5 55.1% 54.3% 1,819.0 16.4% May-08 Jun-08 FYTD 10,789.7 9,069.8 19,859.5 70.0% 65.0% Allowable GW (YTD) 12,246.15 (AF) Underpumped (AF) 1,456.5 (AF) Operating Cost Affect $ 218,500 (At $150/AF Delta) Operating Cost Affect $ 291,300 (At $200/AF Delta) GROUNDWATER PERCENTAGE 60.0% 55.0% # 50.0% - 45.0% t 40.0% , , Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 Month 2,406.0 MONTHLY GW YTD GW BPP GOAL 61.5% Total Water Use 3,500.0 - - - - - -- -- 3,000.0 2,500.0 2,000.0 s ■ADJ GW D ADJ IMPORT L Q 1,500.0 1,000.0 — — - — -- — 500.0 0.0 oA o0 0A p`O oA 30 0A p`O o"� o`O oA o0 0P oA o� oA o� oA o) oA o� o� Month