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June 27, 1996
June 27, 1996
The June 27, 1996 Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was
called to order by President Michael J. Beverage at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District
Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda.
Directors present at Roll Call:
President Michael J. Beverage
Vice President Paul R. Armstrong
Sterling L. Fox
Arthur C. Korn
Carl T. Scanlin
Directors absent at roll call
Staff present:
William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager
Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent
Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager
Roger Lubin, Exec. Asst. to the General Manager
Beverly Meza, Business Manager
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Visitors Rick Walkemeyer, Chief Plant Operator
Kenny Witt, MWDOC
Andy Banks, Special Counsel Fields & Creason
Mr. Witt addressed the Board on legislative issues that the Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California (Met) is involved in. He also reported that their adopted budget for 1996-97 is $14
million less than last year, and that Met is committed to reducing staff and exenditures over the
next three years.
Vice President Armstrong asked that Item 7 be removed from the Consent Calendar. On a motion
by Director Fox, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to
approve Consent Calendar items 1 through 6, and Item 8:
Item 1. Minutes of Adjourned meeting, June 12, 1996.
Item 2. Minutes of Regular meeting, June 13, 1996.
Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting
Item 4. Disbursements of 5274,169.56 on Check Nos. 20328 and 20423 through 20517, a
wire to ACWA-HBA in the amount of $19,880.30, dated 06/25/96; and, $94,762.91 on Check
Nos. 11205 through 11277 for Payroll No. 12.
Item 5. Release Guarantee Bond of $2,000 for the construction of the water facilities installed
by Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America, Inc.
Item 6. Authorize the General Manager to execute a construction agreement with Vista Murrieta
Corporation for $9,600 for construction services for the Valley View Avenue Service Relocations,
Job No. 9611.
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Item 8. Terms and Conditions for Sewer Service with Mr. & Mrs. John Stiver, for the property
located at 4932 Gem Lane, Job No. S-9613.
Item 7. Terms and Conditions for Water Service with Pacific Heritage Development, located at
the northwest corner of La Palma Avenue and Camino de Bryant; and authorize the
Secretary/General Manager to execute the Quitclaim Certificate on Tract No. 15199, Job No. 9612.
Director Armstrong indicated he had a potential conflict of interest on this item, and refrained from
discussing and voting on it.
On a motion by Director Fox. seconded by Director Scanlin. the Board of Directors voted 4-0-1
(Abstention: Armstrong) to approve Item 7.
Kenny Witt left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
On a motion by Vice President Armstrong, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to enter into closed session, move Item 14 to closed session in order to discuss potential
legal challenges to AB 2109, and add Item 32 to the closed session calendar.
The Board of Directors entered closed session at 8:55 a.m.
Item 32. The Board of Directors discussed pending litigation to which the District is a party,
(Subsection (a) of Section 54956.9), County of Orange, Case No. 714408; Plaintiff Daniel
Romano and Joann Romano, and Daniel Foldager and Patsy Ann Foldager; Defendant Yorba Linda
Water- District, et al. The Board of Directors provided direction to Special Counsel Andy Banks.
Mr. Banks left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.
Item 29. Pending litigation to which the District is a party, (Subsection (a) of Section 54956.9),
County of Orange. Chapter 9, Case No SA 94-22272-JR; Orange County Investment Pools,
Chapter 9, Case No. SA 94-22273-JR before the US Bankruptcy Court, the Central District of
California. The Board provided direction to staff.
Item 30. Discussion of personnel matters pursuant to Section 54957.6 of the California
Government Code, unrepresented employee: General Manager. This item was deferred to the
Board of Directors meeting scheduled for July 25, 1996.
Item 31. Discussion of Legal Counsel Contract Services pursuant to Section 54957 of the
California Government Code. This item was deferred to a future workshop. The date of that
workshop will be determined at the July 11, 1996 Board of Directors meeting.
Item 14. Consideration of pending litigation pertaining to Assembly Bill 2109. The Board of
Directors reported in open session that they: (1) Authorized the AB 2109 Ad-Hoc Committee,
comprised of President Beverage and Director Fox, and General Manager Robertson to attend the
Senate Local Government Committee hearing scheduled for July 3, 1996; (2) Will send a letter to
the Local Government Committee, with copies to Senator Lewis and Assemblyman Pringle, as
well as members of the Appropriations Committee with suggestions to improve AB 2109 -
although the letter will not be sent until after the AB 2109 Ad-Hoc Committee meets with the City
of Yorba Linda.
At the direction of the Chair, the District will continue to work with Senator Lewis to attempt to
amend the District out of AB 2109.
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The AB 2109 Ad-Hoc Committee scheduled a meeting for Friday, June 28 or Monday, July 1,
subject to call by the General Manager.
The Board exited closed session at 1 1:10 a.m.
President Beverage declared a recess at 11:11 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 11:20 a.m.
lt~ President Beverage proposed a toast in celebration of Director Korn's birthday.
Item 9. Consideration of Change Order No. 1 and Progress Pavment No.l, for P.J. Burke
Corporation, and amending soils testing agreement with Geo-Environmental, Inc. for rehabilitating
Wells 1,5,7, and 12, Richfield Road Renovation Project, Job No. 8954. Engineering Manager
Charles Gray reported that Change Order No. 1 requests an increase of $6,398 and a 5-day time
extension to perform additional grading and construction of additional sewer laterals.
He also stated that Geo-Environmental, Inc. submitted a proposal for an amendment to their
contract for required soils testing for hazardous materials.
Following discussion, the Board, on a motion by Vice President Armstrong, seconded by Director
Fox, voted 5-0 to approve Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $6,398, and a contract time
extension of five calendar days; approve Progress Payment No. 1 to PR Burke Corp., in the
amount of S124,206.28. less a 10% retention of $12,420.63, for a net payment of $111,785.65;
and approve an amendment to the consultant agreement with Geo-EnvIron mental, Inc., in the
amount of $5,049, for additional soils testing.
Item 10. Consideration of a Consultant Agreement with ASL Consultants for engineering
design, construction management, and inspection services to replace Alder Avenue and Dorinda
Road pipelines, Job No. 9610. Engineering Manager Charles Gray reported that the project
proposes to replace two separate water pipelines: 700 feet of ten-inch pipe at Alder Avenue, and
550 feet of eight-inch pipe on Dorinda Road.
Mr. Gray also indicated that staff reviewed the three proposals that were received and found ASL
Consulting Engineers' proposal the least costly. He also stated that this project is identified in the
current Five-Year Plan, with funding approved in the 1996-97 budget.
On a motion by Director Fox, seconded by Vice President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted
5-0 to authorize the President and Secretary to execute a Consultant Agreement with ASL
Consulting Engineers in the amount of $21,200, for engineering design, construction management
and inspection services for the replacement of water mains within Alder Avenue and Dorinda Road,
Job No. 9610.
Item 11 . Consideration of Financial Statements for eleven months ended April 30, 1996.
Business Manager Beverly Meza reported that the Water Fund showed a net income of $688,450
and the Sewer Fund showed a net income of $49,331 after ten months. ID No. 1 showed a net
income of $450,217, and ID No. 2 showed a net income of $1,630,179, while total assets of
$92,184,193 exceeded total liabilities of $23,554,877, for an April 30, 1996 fund equity of
On a motion by Director Scanlin seconded by President Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0
to accept the Financial Statements for the ten months ended April 30, 1996.
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Item 12. Consideration of Early Retirement Incentives Program. Executive Assistant to the
General Manager Roger Lubin reported that PERS member agencies may amend their contracts to
provide two years additional service credit to employees in designated classes or organizational
units. Legislation permitting PERS to offer this optional contract amendment to member agencies
was enacted during the severe fiscal crisis faced by many governmental organizations in the early
1990's. PERS offered this contract option as a management tool to make it attractive for
employees to opt for retirement - rather than to have the employer mandate layoffs.
This issue was discussed with the Personnel Committee in June, 1994. The Committee asked staff
to revisit this issue with them once an active employee request for early retirement was made. Two
years later, in May, 1996, Operations Superintendent Ray Harsma requested early retirement. As a
result of his request, the Personnel Committee discussed this issue once again, on May 21, 1996.
The Board of Directors referred this item back to the Personnel Committee, and directed staff to
determine whether Directors are eligible for early retirement, secure a copy of PERS Resolution of
Intention, and research the possibilities of self funding an early retirement program using annuities
as a vehicle to supplement PERS retirement.
Item 13. Consideration of New Position - Network Systems Administrator. Executive Assistant
to the General Manager Roger Lubin reported that the Budget Report for Fiscal Years 1995-96 and
1996-97, adopted on June 22, 1995, contained a new position entitled "Systems Coordinator."
This position, authorized at pay Range 24, was to have become effective July 1, 1996. He also
reported that after another year's experience in developing requirements for the District's new
computer system, it became apparent that staff should be able to recruit and hire someone in Range
20 - a pay rate some 20 percent less than the figure that was approved in the budget.
On a motion by Vice President Armstrong, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors
voted 4-1 (Nay: Korn), on a roll call, to adopt Resolution 96-05, which approves the number of
authorized positions for Fiscal 1995-96 and 1996-97 and rescinds Resolution 95-09; and adopt
Resolution 96-06, which approves the Unit Pay Plan for 1996-97 and rescinds Resolution 95-06,
Item 15. Report on energy savings for the first two months following conversion to "time-of-
use" billing for purchased power from Edison Company. On December 14, 1995, Executive
Assistant to the General Manager Roger Lubin and Chief Plant Operator Rick Walkemeyer
reported that annual savings of $70,000 could be achieved by converting to time-of-use electrical
power tariffs, thereby making use of off-peak electrical power rates at several wells and booster
pumping stations. Preliminary results are encouraging. During March and April, 1996, the
District purchased 413,352 kWh of electricity at a cost of 5.16 cents per kWh. This is 5.94 cents
per kWh less than the 14.10 cents per kWh that the District paid to purchase 297,822 kWh in
March and April.
As a result of this conversion, the District was able to purchase an additional 115,530 kWh of
power- in 1996 at no increase in cost when compared with the same period in 1995. The savings of
5.94 cents per kWh represents a decrease of approximately 42 percent in the cost of purchased
electrical power. Based on these preliminary results, the District is exceeding its projections by
more than 130 percent.
This item was for information only, no Board action required
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Item 16. General Manager William Robertson reported:
a. Report on June 15 Bus Tour: Public Information Officer Michael Robinson reported on the
b. New Waterlines format: Public Information Officer Michael Robinson distributed the
Waterlines newsletter in a revised format.
c. District activities: General Manager William Robertson reported that campaign disclosure
forms are due July 31.
Item 17. General Counsel's report. Mr. Kidman reported that under AB 2109 as it is currently
constituted, the District would become a dependent special district of the City of Yorba Linda, and,
as such, employee contracts and implied contracts would be honored.
Item 18. AB 2109 Ad Hoc Committee. The Committee met Tuesday, June '18 at 4:00 p.m.
Attending were President Beverage, Director Fox and staff members William Robertson and Mike
Robinson. The Committee reviewed a letter to Assemblyman Pringle. President Beverage said he
will arrange meetings with elected representatives, and Mr. Robertson indicated staff will send
copies of the letter to those who responded to elected officials and the newspaper.
Item 19. Executive-Administration Committee. The Committee met June 11 at 3:30 p.m.
Attending were President Beverage and Vice-president Armstrong, along with staff members
Robertson and Payne. The Committee discussed a recreation agreement with the City of Yorba
Linda for Elk Mountain, and were informed that staff would bring an agreement for their approval
sometime in July; a cellular telephone tower at Highland Reservoir; and preliminary deal points
regarding the transfer of the City of Yorba Linda's sewer system to the District.
Item 20. Finance-Accounting Committee. The Committee met June 19 at 9:00 a.m. Attending
were Directors Korn and Fox, and staff members Robertson and Meza. They discussed the two-
year budget update, credit card processing costs, the Board of Directors' budget, and legal counsel
Item 21. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. Will schedule a meeting at the July 27 Board
of Directors meeting.
Item 22. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. Will meet July 2, at 4:30 p.m.
Item 23. Public Information Committee. The Committee met June 20 at 9:00 a.m. Attending
were President Beverage, Director Korn, staff members Robertson and Robinson, and public
information consultant Sheri Johnson of Laer Pearce Associates. The Committee discussed
sending a letter to Assemblyman Pringle regarding AB 2109, the new Waterlines format, and
public information activities, including: Community Pipeline Meetings, water conservation
classes, media relations, and a schools program.
Item 24. Yorba Linda City Council meeting, June 18 (Beverage): An appointment was made to
fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission.
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Item 25. MWDOC meeting, June 17 (Fox): reported that Tri-Cities Municipal Water District
wants to join MWDOC, and de-annex from Coastal.
Item 26. OCWD meeting, June 19 (Scanlin): Nothing of concern to the District transpired.
Item 27. LAFCO Advisory meeting, June 20 (Fox): They discussed LAFCO procedures;
Sterling Fox was elected Chairman of the LAFCO Advisory Committee.
Item 28. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, June 26 (Scanlin) Nothing of concern to the
District transpired.
Director Scanlin: Will be out of town from July 15 - July 24.
President Beverage: Announced that a group of Rotarians from Mexico will be visiting on July 11,
and asked whether staff could arrange a tour of the Delmer Plant. He then recognized Pan Medina
for the story that appeared about her in the Orange County Register.
The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes.
On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, at
1:00 p.m~ to ad*o Thursday, July 11, at 8:30 a.m., at the District's headquarters on Plumosa
w miram i- -iKooertson
Secretary/General Manager