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December 4, 1997
December 4, 1997
The December 4, 1997, adjourned Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board
of Directors was called to order by President Paul Armstrong at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was
held at the Yorba Linda Community Center, 4501 Casa Loma Avenue, Yorba Linda.
Directors present at Roll Call:
President Paul R. Armstrong
Vice President Sterling L. Fox
Michael J. Beverage
Arthur C. Korn
Carl T. Scanlin
Directors absent at roll call
Staff present:
William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager
Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel
Charles Gray, Engineering Manager
Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent
Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager
Roger Lubin, Executive Asst. to the General Manager
Beverly Meza, Business Manager
Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager
Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator
Nick Ianello, 5129 Stonehaven Drive
Robert Comac, 28575 Evening Breeze
Thomas Wright, 5220 Paseo Panorama
Hilda Comac, 28575 Evening Breeze
Craig Brueckner, 5357 Los Altos Dr.
Louis Scull, 4891 Main Street
Oscar Bugarini, 5101 Fairway View
Nancy Rikel, 4666 Yorba Lane
Richard Freemen, 5172 South Ohio
Hank Wedaa, 5499 Paseo Gilberto
Vince Brochetto
Bill Rolling, 20634 Paseo de la Cumbre
Shirley Harsma
Item 1. Annual selection of President and Vice President. President Paul R. Armstrong
opened nominations for President of the Board of Directors. Director Beverage nominated Vice
President Sterling L. Fox for President, and Carl Scanlin as Vice-president. The motion was
seconded by Director Scanlin. There were no other nominations. The Board of Directors voted
5-0 to elect Sterling Fox President and Carl Scanlin as Vice-president.
On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted
5-0 to appoint William J. Robertson as Corporate Secretary, Michael Payne as Corporate
Assistant Secretary, and Beverly Meza as Auditor.
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December 4, 1997
Item 2. Annual Review of Board of Directors Committee Assignments. President Fox
reviewed the various committees and suggested that the Board's committees be comprised of
the following Directors:
Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee:
Finance-Accounting Committee:
Personnel-Risk Management Committee:
Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee:
Public Information Committee:
Legislative ad-hoc Committee
Shell Development ad-hoc Committee
The Board concurred with these committee assignments.
Fox (Chair)/Scanlin
Korn (Chair)/Fox
Scanlin (Chair)/Beverage
Armstrong (Chair)/Korn
Beverage (Chair)/Armstrong
Beverage (Chair)/Fox
Scanlin (Chair)/Beverage
President Fox retained the existing Director assignments, as follows:
District-City Finance Committee: Arthur Korn; Alternate, Sterling Fox
ISDOC Representative: Sterling Fox; Alternate, Paul Armstrong
ACWA/JPIA Representative: Paul Armstrong; Alternate, Sterling Fox
Special District Workers' Compensation
Authority - Elected: Arthur Korn
WACO Planning/Executive Committee
Elected: Sterling Fox
Met/MWDOC Financial Structure Arthur Korn
ACWA Region 10 Board Sterling Fox
President Fox then made the following intergovernmental assignments for Directors:
Orange County Water District:
Orange County Water District regular meeting:
Scanlin, (Fox-alternate)
Municipal Water District of Orange County regular meeting:
Fox, (Armstrong-alternate)
Yorba Linda City Council-first meeting:
Yorba Linda City Council-second meeting:
Yorba Linda Planning Commission-first meeting:
Yorba Linda Planning Commission-second meeting:
Item 3. Annual review and consideration of the Board of Directors' compensation.
President Fox reported that the Executive Committee reviewed the Board of Directors'
compensation. The Board of Directors concurred with the Committee, and decided to retain
their current compensation for the sixth consecutive year, with no changes.
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December 4, 1997
Item 4. Consider water rate for Fiscal years 1997-98 and 1998-99. President Fox opened
the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. Secretary/General Manager William J. Robertson provided
certification of notice to customers, and testimony began with a report by the General
Manager. General Manager William J. Robertson reported that rates were last adjusted
through Resolution 95-19, adopted October 24, 1995. On September 4, 1997 the Board of
Directors held a workshop on rate setting policies, and decided to allow the option to use
reserves in excess of $2 million to offset operating expenses. He also stated that the District
will see revenues fall short of expenses by $477,000 in 1998-99, and recommended that the
Board use reserves to offset the projected shortfall in revenues, and retain the current water
rates for the next two years.
Testimony from the public was then heard.
Vince Brochetto urged the Board not to increase water rates.
Robert Comac inquired about monthly billing, and stated his opposition to it.
Louis Scull stated his opposition to monthly billing.
Hilda Comac stated her opposition to monthly billing.
Craig Brueckner questioned the need for monthly billing.
Nancy Rikel urged that the Board retain bimonthly billing and stated her opposition to
Directors' fees, and money spent on public information programs.
Tom Wright inquired about the District's public information program and monthly billing and
urged that the District take a proactive stance in urging the City of Yorba Linda to change the
plumbing code to require recirculating hot water in new construction.
Oscar Bugarini stated his opposition to a rate increase.
Nick Ianello suggested that the District cut costs by five percent.
Richard Freeman stated his opposition to monthly billing, money spent on public information
programs, Director fees, photos in the office lobby, and urged the District to support changing
the plumbing code to require recirculating hot water systems in new construction..
Bill Rolling stated his opposition to monthly billing and any rate increase.
President Fox closed the public hearing at 8:20 p.m.
The Board discussed the rate report. Director Armstrong suggested a rate increase of $0.02
per hundred cubic feet. Director Beverage urged support for the staff recommendation, with
the proviso that this issue be revisited next year, if conditions change.
On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board voted 5-0 to
accept the Yorba Linda Water District Water Rate Report for Fiscal years 1997-98 and
1998-99, and retain the current water rates for the next two years.
President Fox declared a recess at 8:27 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:40 p.m.
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Item 5. Special recognition to Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent. The Board of
Directors issued a proclamation to Ray Harsma commending him upon his retirement after 29
years of service to the District.
On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors
voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar:
Item 6. Minutes of adjourned regular meeting, November 18, 1997
Item 7. Authorize Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting
Item 8. Disburse checks and wire transfers totaling $659,699.33.
Item 9. Authorize release of guarantee bonds for construction of water facilities installed by
developer identified in the agenda report.
Item 14. Status report on monthly billing. Business Manager Beverly Meza provided a status
report on monthly billing, indicating that monthly billing will commence on January 1, 1998.
This item was for information only, no Board action was required.
On a motion by Director Korn seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Director
requested staff to revisit the issue of monthly billing. The Board also instructed staff to work
with the Public Information Committee on this issue.
Item 11. General Manager's oral report and comments:
a) Ray Harsma's retirement party, scheduled for December 11, at 1:00 p.m.
b) Employee Recognition Dinner, scheduled for December 12.
Item 12. Legislative Ad-Hoc Committee. Met November 21, 1997. Attending were Directors
Beverage and Fox, and staff member William J. Robertson. The Committee met with State
Senator Lewis to discuss proposed changes to the Cortese-Knox law.
Item 13. Executive-Administration Committee. Met November 24 at 3:00 p.m. Attending
were Directors Armstrong and Fox, and staff member William J. Robertson. The Committee
discussed board reorganization, committee assignments, and board compensation.
Item 14. Finance-Accounting Committee. No report.
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Item 15. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. Scheduled a meeting for December 10, at
8:30 a.m.
Item 16. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. No report.
Item 17. Public Information Committee. Met December 1 at 3:00 p.m. Attending were
Directors Armstrong and Beverage, and staff members William J. Robertson, Mike Payne,
Mike Robinson, and Sheri Johnson, of Laer Pearce & Associates. The Committee discussed
the public opinion survey and commented on it.
Item 18. Shell Ad-Hoc Committee. No report.
Item 19. Yorba Linda City Council, November 18 (Korn): Gene Wisner was chosen mayor at
the Council's annual reorganization meeting.
Item 20. LAFCO Advisory meeting, November 20 (Fox): The meeting was canceled.
Item 21. ISDOC board meeting, December 2 (Fox): Established the program format for
Item 22. MWDOC meeting, December 3 (Fox): This meeting was rescheduled to December
Item22a. Bay-Delta Meeting in Pasadena: Attended by Directors Sterling Fox and Paul
Item 22b. OCWD (Scanlin): This was their annual reorganization meeting.
No comments were offered.
The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes.
On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted
5-0, at 9:26 p.m., to adjourn to Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 8:30 a.m. in the District
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Secretary/General anager