HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-09 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage 3674 October 9, 1997 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING October 9, 1997 The October 9, 1997, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Paul Armstrong at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. Directors present at Roll Call: President Paul R. Armstrong Vice President Sterling L. Fox Michael J. Beverage Arthur C. Korn Carl T. Scanlin Directors absent at roll call none Visitors Richard Freeman Staff present: William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel Charles Gray, Engineering Manager Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager Roger Lubin, Executive Assistant to General Manager Beverly Meza, Business Manager Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar: Item 1. Minutes of regular meeting, September 23, 1997 Item 2. Authorize Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 3. Disburse checks and wire transfers totaling $808,227.48. On a motion by Vice President Fox, seconded by President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to add agenda Item 6-a, to consider a resolution in support of Sterling Fox to serve as Alternate Chair for ACWA's Region X. This item was brought up after the agenda was posted, and required action prior to the next Board of Directors meeting. Page 3675 October 9, 1997 ACTION CALENDAR Item 4. Consider public information consultant contract. Assistant Administrator Michael Robinson reported that the consultant's proposal for 1997-98 was reviewed by the Public Information Committee on September 18 and by the Board at their meeting of September 25. He also indicated that this program is billed on a fee for service basis, rather than time charges against a retainer. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to authorize the President and Secretary to execute a contract with Laer Pearce and Associates. Barry Brokaw, of Sacramento Advocates, joined the meeting at the conclusion of this item. Item 5. Consider investment portfolio report for July, 1997. Business Manager Beverly Meza reported that the average portfolio yield, excluding Improvement District No. 2 Series C General Obligation bond funds, was 5.73 percent. On a motion by Vice President Fox, seconded by President Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to accept the investment portfolio report for July, 1997. Item 6. Consider California Caucus ballot. Executive Assistant to the General Manager Roger Lubin reported four offices are open in the National Water Resources Association's California Caucus, and ballots must be returned to ACWA by October 17. On a motion by Vice-president Fox, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to cast the District's ballot for the following candidates: Wes Bannister for NWRA Board; Arnt G. "Bud" Quist for NWRA Board Alternate; Amt G. "Bud" Quist for NWRA Policy Development Committee Representative. The Board abstained from voting for NWRA Policy Development Committee Alternate. The Chair deferred discussion of item 6-a until later in the meeting. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 7. General Manager's oral report and comments: a) Report by General Counsel: Reported on new legislation enacted during the recently concluded legislative session. b) Sacramento Advocates, Barry Brokaw: Reviewed advocacy efforts undertaken by Sacramento Advocates on a variety of legislative bills of concern to the District. c) Status report on monthly billing: Business Manager Beverly Meza announced that monthly billing would commence January 1, 1998, and responded to Board questions regarding the District's new billing format. d) Board meetings in December: Changed the second December Board meeting from the 18`h to the 23rd Page 3676 October 9, 1997 Assistant General Manager Michael Payne entered the meeting at 9:30 a.m., at the conclusion of this item. e) East Side Reservoir trip, September 24: Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson reviewed the recent trip conducted by Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Met) to the new East Side Reservoir. f) Heritage Days, October 4: Assistant Administrator Mike Robinson reported on District participation in the Heritage Days parade. g) District Activities: General Manager William J. Robertson reported on a presentation scheduled for October 18, by the League of Women Voters dealing with special districts. COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 8. Executive-Administration Committee. No report. Item 9. Finance-Accounting Committee. Set meeting for October 16, at 8:30 a.m. Item 10. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. Set meeting for Wednesday, October 22, at 8:30 a.m. Item 11. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. No report. Item 12. Public Information Committee. The Committee met October 7, 1997. Attending were Directors Beverage and Armstrong, and staff members Robertson, and Robinson. The Committee discussed the public information contract with Laer Pearce and Associates, and the new water bill format. Item 13. Legislative Ad-Hoc Committee. No report. Item 14. Shell Ad-Hoc Committee. The Committee met October 8. Attending were Directors Scanlin and Beverage, and staff members Robertson and Gray. Director Scanlin reported that the Committee was briefed by staff on issues they are working on. The Committee also discussed the location of a reservoir proposed as part of the Shell project. President Armstrong declared a recess at 9:50 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:00. a.m. Item 6-a. Consider resolution in support of Sterling Fox to the office of Alternate Chair for ACWA's Region X. Vice President Fox was asked to run for the office of Alternate Chair of ACWA Region X, and a Board resolution in support of this was needed prior to the next Board meeting. On a motion by Director Beverage, Seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, on a roll-call, to nominate Sterling L. Fox to the position of Alternate Chair of ACWA Region X for the 1998-99 term. Page 3677 October 9, 1997 INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 15. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, September 24 (Scanlin): Nothing of concern to the District transpired. Item 16. OCWD meeting October 1 (Scanlin): Reported that the 1998-99 budget plan was reviewed, and that OCWD plans to reduce their reserves from $92 million to $45 million. Item 17. Joint MWDOC/OCWD/CMWD meeting, October 1 (Fox): Vice President Fox reported that they discussed Met's financial surplus. Item 18. WACO meeting, October 3 (Fox): Vice President Fox reported that Assemblyman Bill Campbell addressed the meeting; and that the Committee discussed acquisition of the Santa Ana Heights Water Company by Irvine Ranch Water District. Item 19. ISDOC Board meeting, October 7 (Fox): Vice President Fox reported that they discussed LAFCO matters, and that Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer is scheduled to speak to them at their meeting of October 23. Item 20. Yorba Linda City Council, October 7 (Korn): Director Korn reported that the Council discussed rules governing members of the public who address the City Council during the "Public Participation" segment of their meetings. Item 21. Yorba Linda Planning Commission, October 8, (Armstrong): No meeting was held. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS/ITEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Carl Scanlin: reported that the City of San Antonio, Texas has 85 wells, and injects recycled water into their aquifer. Mike Beverage: complimented staff for the positive customer response cards. Art Korn: commented that personnel administering flu shots left earlier than their announced departure time. Paul Armstrong: questioned whether staff should know the location of City of Yorba Linda owned landscape facilities. The General Manager responded. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR Page 3678 October 9, 1997 CLOSED SESSION Item 26. The Board of Directors entered closed session at 10:37 a.m. and pending litigation to which the District is a party, (Subsection (a) of Section 54956.9), County of Orange, Case No. 714408; Plaintiff Daniel Romano and Joann Romano, and Daniel Foldager and Patsy Ann Foldager; Defendant Yorba Linda Water District, et al. In attendance were General Manager William J. Robertson, Assistant General Manager Michael Payne, and General Counsel Arthur G. Kidman. The Board of Directors took no action in this matter. The Board exited closed session at 11:03 a.m. ADJOURNMENT President Armstrong adjourned the meeting to lunch with Barry Brokaw, of Sacramento Advocates. Attending were President Armstrong, Vice President Fox, and Director Beverage, along with staff members Robertson, Gray, Lubin, and Robinson, and General Counsel Kidman. At 12:53 p.m. President Armstrong adjourned the meeting. The next Board of Directors meeting is sche ule T uiay, October 23, 1997 at 8:30 a.m. in the District Boardroom. Wi liam . Robertson Secretary/General Manager