HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-24 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage, ~e August 24, 1995 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING August 24, 1995 The August 24, 1995, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Arthur C. Korn at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at District Headquarters, 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. Directors present at Roll Call: President Arthur C. Korn Vice President Michael J. Beverage Paul R. Armstrong Sterling L. Fox Carl T. Scanlin Directors absent at roll call none Staff present: William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager Russ Behrens, General Counsel Charles Gray, Engineering Manager Raquel Lazo, Secretary to the General Manager Roger Lubin, Exec. Asst. to the General Manager Beverly Meza, Business Manager Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator At the direction of the Chair, the Board considered Item 20 next. CLOSED SESSION Item 20. The Board of Directors entered closed session at 8:31 a.m. and discussed pending litigation to which the District is a party, (Subsection (a) of Section 54956.9), County of Orange, Chapter 9, Case No SA 94-22272-JR; Orange County Investment Pools, Chapter 9, Case No. SA 94-22273-JR before the US Bankruptcy Court, the Central District of California. The Board of Directors provided direction to counsel and staff. The Board exited closed session at 9:25 a.m. Mr. Behrens left the meeting at the conclusion of this item. Board President Korn declared a recess at 9:25 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:32 a.m. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Fox, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 1. Minutes of Regular meeting, August 10, 1995. Item 2. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 3. Disbursements of $127,866 on Checks 18362, 18437 and 18539 through 18631; one wire to MWDOC for $2.294 dated 8/21/95, and a wire to ACWA-HBA for $19,664.57 dated 08/28/95, and $93,297.29 for Payrolls 16 on Checks 10453 through 10523. Item 4. Approve terms and conditions for water and sewer service with Van Daele Development for Tract No. 15196, Job 9510. Item 5. Approve release of guarantee bonds totaling $3,200 for the construction of water facilities installed by the developers identified in this report. Page August 24, 1995 PUBLIC HEARING CALENDAR Item 6. Consideration of resolutions adopting development and customer service fees for Fiscal Year 1995-96. President Arthur C. Korn opened the public hearing at 9:35 a.m. Secretary William J. Robertson provided proof of public hearing notice. Testimony began with a report by Engineering Manager Charles Gray, who reported that staff has examined the current fee structure and determined that they are insufficient to cover District costs. Water and sewer development fees are based on estimated labor hours to process, design and inspect typical projects, and customer service fees are based on estimated labor hours to accomplish given tasks. The proposed fee structure is designed to generate $50,800 in water development fees, $16,300 in sewer development fees, and $52,150 in customer service fees, which will cover the District's cost of providing development and related customer service activities. There was no testimony from the public. President Korn closed the public hearing at 9:53. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 4-1 on a roll call (Beverage: Nay) to accept the Water and Sewer Development Report and Customer Service Fee Report for Fiscal Year 1995-96, and approve Resolution 95-16, as amended, which adopts Water Development and Processing Fees and Rescinds Resolution 94-14. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 4-1 on a roll call (Beverage: Nay) to approve Resolution 95-17, which adopts Sewer Development and Processing Fees and rescinds Resolution 94-15. Item 7. Consideration of resolutions adopting sewer maintenance charge for 1995-96. President Arthur C. Korn opened the public hearing at 10:02 a.m. Secretary William J. Robertson provided proof of public hearing notice. Testimony began with a report by General Manager William J. Robertson who reported that the District's sewer maintenance charge, used to recover maintenance and repair expenses is imposed on all connections to the sewer collection system owned by the District, and that sewer maintenance charges were discussed at the August 1, 1995 Finance Committee meeting. There was no testimony from the public. President Korn closed the public hearing at 10:15. On a motion by Director Fox, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 on a roll call to accept the Sewer Maintenance Charge Report for Fiscal Year 1995-96, and approve Resolution 95-18, as amended, which adopts Locke Ranch Sewer Maintenance Assessments and rescinds Resolution 94-13. Item 8. Consideration of resolutions adopting the water rate for fiscal year 1995-96. President Arthur C. Korn opened the public hearing at 10:17 a.m. Secretary William J. Robertson provided proof of public hearing notice. Testimony began with a report by General Manager William J. Robertson who reported that the Finance Committee reviewed this issue at their August 1 meeting. He then asked for a continuance so that a higher profile public hearing could be held. There was no testimony from the public. President Korn closed the public hearing at 10:35. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board voted 5-1 (Korn: Nay) to schedule a public hearing for 7:00 p.m., October 24 at the Yorba Linda Library, notify customers that the water rate report will be available to the public at no charge, and inform customers about the date and time of the hearing by a notice that will be included with their water bill, as well as through a press release to the Yorba Linda Star. Page. August 24, 1995 Board President Korn declared a recess at 10:55 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 11:02 a.m ACTION CALENDAR Item 9. Consideration of Independent Special District of Orange County By-Laws amendments. This item was removed from the agenda by direction of the Chair. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT Item 10. General Manager's oral report and comments. General Manager William J. Robertson reported: a. He will be on vacation from August 28 through September 4. GENERAL COUNSEL'S REPORT Item 11 . General Counsel's report. General Counsel Russ Behrens report was covered in closed session. COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 12. Executive-Administration Committee. Met August 16 at 8:30 a.m. Attending were Directors Korn and Beverage, and staff member William J. Robertson. They discussed the direction of consultants, consultant contracts, the costs incurred by the District as part of the Orange County bankruptcy cases, and a variety of procedural items related to Board meetings. Item 13. Finance-Accounting Committee. Item 14. Personnel-Risk Management Committee. Met 3:30 p.m. August 14. Attending were Directors Fox and Scanlin, and staff members William J. Robertson, Roger Lubin and Michael Payne. They discussed risk management activities, a compensation survey for key management staff and personnel actions. Item 15. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee. Scheduled a meeting for September 7 at 8:30 a.m. Item 16. Public Information Committee. Met August 8 at 8:30 a.m. Attending were directors Beverage and Armstrong, and staff members Robertson, Robinson and Lubin. The committee discussed implementation of the Laer Pearce public information program, including: logo designs, newsletter topics, a workshop with the Board of Directors scheduled for September 14, and a letter on the status of the Orange County bankruptcy. A meeting was scheduled for September 6 at 8:30 a.m. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 17. Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting, August 15 (Beverage): Nothing of concern to the District transpired. Item 18. Report on OCWD Board meeting, August 16 (Scanlin): Nothing of concern to the District transpired. Item 19. Report on Yorba Linda Planning Commission, August 23 (Scanlin): Nothing of concern to the District transpired. Page August 24, 1995 Item 19a. MWDOC regular meeting, August 16 (Fox): Those attending heard a report on Met's proposed local resources program - an incentive program that works in concert with their Integrated Resources Program (IRP). BOARD MEMBER COMMENTSATEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Director Scanlin: Will be on vacation from August 27 through 31, and from September 17 through 27. Director Fox: Will be on vacation from August 30 through September 13, and from September 19 through 25. Director Armstrong: Will be on vacation from September 17 through 24. Director Beverage: Will be on vacation from October 13 through 23. Director Korn: Announced that he was appointed to a 4-year term on the Special Districts Workers' Compensation Authority Board of Directors. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Vice President Beverage, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 at 117'0 a.m. to adjourn to Thursday, September 14 at 8:30 a.m., at the District headquarters on Plupm7sa D~rive~. William .l-&6bertson Secretary/General Manager