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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-28 - Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Packet AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Thursday, July 28, 2016, 8:30 AM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL Ric Collett, President Michael J. Beverage, Vice President Phil Hawkins Robert R. Kiley Gary T. Melton 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 4.1. Floor Alert Opposing SB 814 - Drought: Excessive Water Use: Urban Retail Water Suppliers, by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) Recommendation: That the Board of Directors consider adding this matter to the agenda as Item No. 8.6. as it came to the District's attention subsequent to posting the agenda and requires immediate action. 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. MWDSC/MWDOC Director's Report 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the Board is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on the agenda, the Board will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on the agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR All items listed on the consent calendar are considered to be routine matters, status reports, or documents covering previous Board instructions. The items listed on the consent calendar may be enacted by one motion. There will be no discussion on the items unless a member of the Board, staff, or public requests further consideration. 7.1. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,949,120.07. 7.2. Cash and Investment Reports for Period Ending June 30, 2016 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Reports for the Period Ending June 30, 2016. 8. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and Board discussions are needed prior to formal Board action. 8.1. Certificates of Sufficiency of Petitions to Recall Directors Bob Kiley and Gary Melton Recommendation: That the Board of Directors accept the Certificates of Sufficiency of Petitions to Recall Directors Bob Kiley and Gary Melton. 8.2. Issuance of Order Stating that an Election Shall be Held Recommendation: That the Board of Directors issue an order stating that pursuant to Elections Code §§ 11240 and 11242, an election shall be held to determine whether or not the Directors named in the recall petitions shall be recalled, and to consolidate this election with the General Election scheduled November 8, 2016. 8.3. Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 16-12 Adopting a Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual and Rescinding Resolution No. 15-05. 8.4. Sewer Charges Collected on Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2016/17 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 16-13 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2016/17 Tax Roll and Superseding Resolution No. 15-17. 8.5. Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Zelman Development Co. Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Zelman Development Co., Job No. 201610. 9. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 9.1. President's Report 9.2. Directors' Reports 9.3. General Manager's Report 9.4. General Counsel's Report 9.5. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS 10.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Collett/Melton) · Minutes of the meeting held July 26, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. (To be provided when available.) · Next meeting scheduled September 27, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. 10.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Collett/Beverage) · Minutes of the meeting held July 27, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. (To be provided when available.) · Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 10.3. Interagency Committee with City of Placentia and Golden State Water Company (Collett/Kiley) · Next meeting yet to be scheduled. 10.4. Citizens Advisory Committee (Melton) · Minutes of the meeting held June 27, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided when available.) · Minutes of the meeting held July 25, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. (To be provided when available.) · Next meeting scheduled August 22, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. 11. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS 11.1. YL City Council - July 19, 2016 (Beverage) 11.2. MWDOC Board - July 20, 2016 (Melton) 11.3. OCWD Board - July 20, 2016 (Kiley) 11.4. OCSD Board - July 27, 2016 (Kiley/Beverage) 11.5. YL Planning Commission - July 27, 2016 (Hawkins) 12. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 12.1. Meetings from July 29, 2016 - August 31, 2016 13. CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, AND SPECIAL EVENTS This section of the agenda is for the Board of Directors to authorize Director attendance at the listed events. 13.1. ACWA Region 8 Disaster Preparedness Seminar - August 4, 2016 OCWD H2O Learning Center Dedication - August 5, 2016 CASA Annual Conference - August 10-12, 2016 OCWD-OCSD Community Open House - August 13, 2016 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve Director attendance at these events if desired. 14. CLOSED SESSION The Board may hold a closed session on items related to personnel, labor relations and/or litigation. The public is excused during these discussions. 14.1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Kent Ebinger and Yorba Linda Taxpayers Association vs. Yorba Linda Water District (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00829548) 14.2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Initiation of Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 of the California Government Code Name of Case: Irvine Ranch Water District vs. Orange County Water District (OC Superior Court - Case No. 00858584) 14.3. Public Employee Performance Evaluation Pursuant to Section 54957 of the California Government Code Title: General Manager 15. ADJOURNMENT 15.1. The next Regular Board of Directors Meeting will be held Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. Items Distributed to the Board Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Board less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s internet website accessible at Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 4.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Subject:Floor Alert Opposing SB 814 - Drought: Excessive Water Use: Urban Retail Water Suppliers, by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors consider adding this matter to the agenda as Item No. 8.6. as it came to the District's attention subsequent to posting the agenda and requires immediate action. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Item_No._8.6_-_Agenda_Report.pdf Agenda Report Backup Material Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 8.6. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Mgr Presented By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Affairs Mgr Dept: Public Affairs Reviewed by Legal : No Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Affairs Mgr Subject: Floor Alert Opposing SB 814 - Drought: Excessive Water Use: Urban Retail Water Suppliers, by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) SUMMARY: Mesa Water®, Desert Water Agency and El Dorado Irrigation District are calling for agencies to join a coalition in opposition to SB 814 (Hill). The bill is headed to the Assembly Floor when the legislative session resumes on Monday, August 1, 2016. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to sign on to the Floor Alert Opposing SB 814 on behalf of the District. DISCUSSION: This bill contains troublesome language that, during a Governor-declared drought state of emergency, would: • Create new laws for urban residential excessive water use, thus forcing agencies to have an enforcement arm. • Compel local urban agencies to set a water budget for excessive water use by each customer, with local agencies determining “excessive” water use by considering all of the below factors: o Average daily use; o Full-time occupancy of households; o Amount of landscaped land on a property; o Rate of evapotranspiration; and, o Seasonal weather changes. •Force local urban agencies to establish a rate structure that includes block tiers, water budgets, penalties for prohibited use, or rate surcharges over and above base rates for excessive water use by residential customers as a method to identify and restrict excessive water use. •Impose an unfunded state-mandated local program that would impact urban water districts, cities, and counties with higher costs for code enforcement, issuing and tracking water tickets and fines, facilitating a water court and appeals process, and related activities. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 2-D: Enhance the District’s Regional Water and Wastewater Industry Participation PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): N/A ATTACHMENTS: Floor Alert Senate Bill No. 814 FLOOR ALERT RE: SB 814 (HILL) ---- OPPOSE FROM: ___________________________________________ The agencies listed above are opposed to SB 814 and urge your NO vote when the bill is heard on the Assembly floor. SB 814 prohibits “excessive” water use by a residential customer during statewide or local emergency drought conditions and requires urban water suppliers to establish a method to identify and discourage excessive water use. • According to the SWRCB, since June of 2015, an average of 8,900 penalties per month has already been issued for either water waste or drought surcharges (charges imposed for water use over a specific amount). • We believe that the provisions of this bill represent an unwelcome and unnecessary intrusion into the responsibility of local elected officials to establish policy for the customers they govern. • The bill promotes a rate structure (budget based rates) that had an 80% failure rate statewide. • High costs for locals to implement the provisions of the bill will be passed on to all ratepayers, including businesses and public agencies. • The bill targets less than 1% of urban households that did not comply with conservation targets during the recent drought which the other 99% of customers will pay for. The bill punishes everyone for the behavior of a few and even this bill won’t change the behavior of the non-compliant 1%. • During declared drought, the bill may force public water agencies to engage in a costly Prop 218 compliance process to adopt a new rate structure that may violate Prop 218 and lead to litigation. For the above reasons, we respectfully urge your NO vote on SB 814 when it is heard on the Assembly floor. AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 21, 2016 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 6, 2016 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 30, 2016 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 17, 2016 SENATE BILL No. 814 Introduced by Senator Hill January 4, 2016 An act to add Chapter 3.3 (commencing with Section 365) to Division 1 of the Water Code, relating to water. legislative counsel’s digest SB 814, as amended, Hill. Drought: excessive water use: urban retail water suppliers. The California Constitution declares the policy that the water resources of the state be put to beneficial use to the fullest extent of which they are capable, that the waste or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented, and that the conservation of such waters is to be exercised with a view to the reasonable and beneficial use of the waters in the interest of the people and for the public welfare. Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Resources Control Board to take all appropriate proceedings or actions to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of use, or unreasonable method of diversion of water in this state. Existing law authorizes any public entity, as defined, that supplies water at retail or wholesale for the benefit of persons within the service area or area of jurisdiction of the public entity to, by ordinance or resolution, adopt and enforce a water conservation program to reduce the quantity of water used for the purpose of conserving the water supplies of the public Corrected 6-21-16—See last page.95 entity. Existing law provides that a violation of a requirement of a water conservation program is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than 30 days, or by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or both. This bill would declare that during prescribed periods excessive water use by a residential customer, as specified, is prohibited, if during a period when certain conditions exist, as prescribed. customer in a single-family residence or by a customer in a multiunit housing complex, as specified, is prohibited. This bill bill, during prescribed periods, would require each urban retail water supplier to establish a method to identify and discourage excessive water use. This bill would authorize as a method to identify and discourage excessive water use the establishment of a rate structure that includes block tiers, water budgets, or rate surcharges over and above base rates for excessive water use by residential customers. This bill would authorize as a method to identify and discourage excessive water use the establishment of an excessive water use ordinance, rule, or tariff condition that includes a definition of or procedure to identify and address excessive water use, as prescribed, and would make a violation of this excessive water use ordinance, rule, or tariff condition an infraction or administrative civil penalty and would authorize the penalty for a violation to be based on conditions identified by the urban retail water supplier. By creating a new infraction, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: yes. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: line 1 SECTION 1. Chapter 3.3 (commencing with Section 365) is line 2 added to Division 1 of the Water Code, to read: 95 — 2 —SB 814 line 1 Chapter 3.3. Excessive Residential Water Use During line 2 Drought line 3 line 4 365. (a)  The Legislature finds and declares that this chapter line 5 furthers important state policies of encouraging water conservation line 6 and protecting water resources in the interest of the people and for line 7 the public welfare. line 8 (b)  For the purposes of this chapter, “urban retail water supplier” line 9 has the same meaning as provided in Section 10608.12. line 10 366. (a)  Excessive water use during During periods described line 11 in subdivision (a) of Section 367 367, excessive water use is line 12 prohibited by a residential customer in a single-family residence line 13 or by a customer in a multiunit housing complex in which each line 14 unit is individually metered or submetered by the urban retail water line 15 supplier is prohibited. supplier. line 16 (b)  Each urban retail water supplier shall establish a method to line 17 identify and discourage excessive water use, through one of the line 18 following options: line 19 (1)  Establishing a rate structure, subject to applicable line 20 constitutional and statutory limitations, that includes block tiers, line 21 water budgets, or rate surcharges over and above base rates for line 22 excessive water use by a residential water customer. line 23 (2)  (A)  Establishing an excessive water use ordinance, rule, or line 24 tariff condition, or amending an existing ordinance, rule, or tariff line 25 condition, that includes a definition of or a procedure to identify line 26 and address excessive water use by metered single-family line 27 residential customers and customers in multiunit housing line 28 complexes in which each unit is individually metered or line 29 submetered and may include a process to issue written warnings line 30 to a customer and perform a site audit of customer water usage line 31 prior to deeming the customer in violation. Excessive line 32 (B)  For the purposes of subparagraph (A), excessive water use line 33 shall be measured in terms of either gallons or hundreds of cubic line 34 feet of water used during the urban retail water supplier’s regular line 35 billing cycle. In establishing the definition of excessive use, the line 36 urban retail water supplier may consider factors that include, but line 37 are not limited to, all of the following: line 38 (i)  Average daily use. line 39 (ii)  Full-time occupancy of households. line 40 (iii)  Amount of landscaped land on a property. 95 SB 814— 3 — line 1 (iv)  Rate of evapotranspiration. line 2 (v)  Seasonal weather changes. line 3 (B) line 4 (C)  (i)  A violation of an excessive use ordinance, rule, or tariff line 5 condition established pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall result in line 6 an infraction or administrative civil penalty. The penalty for a line 7 violation may be based on conditions identified by the urban retail line 8 water supplier and may include, but is not limited to, a fine of up line 9 to five hundred dollars ($500) for each hundred cubic feet of water, line 10 or 748 gallons, used above the excessive water use threshold line 11 established by the urban retail water supplier in a billing cycle. line 12 Any line 13 (ii)  Any fine imposed pursuant to this subparagraph shall be line 14 added to the customer’s water bill and is due and payable with that line 15 water bill. Each line 16 (iii)  Each urban retail water supplier shall have a process for line 17 nonpayment of the fine, which shall be consistent with due process line 18 and reasonably similar to the water supplier’s existing process for line 19 nonpayment of a water bill. line 20 (C) line 21 (D)  (i)  Consistent with due process, an urban retail water line 22 supplier shall establish a process and conditions for the appeal of line 23 a fine imposed pursuant to subparagraph (B) (C) whereby the line 24 customer may contest the imposition of the fine for excessive water line 25 use. line 26 (ii)  As part of the appeal process, the customer shall be provided line 27 with an opportunity to provide evidence that there was no excessive line 28 water use or of a bona fide reason for the excessive water use, line 29 including evidence of a water leak, a medical reason, or any other line 30 reasonable justification for the water use, as determined by the line 31 urban retail water supplier. line 32 (iii)  As part of the appeal process, the urban retail water line 33 supplier shall provide documentation demonstrating the excessive line 34 water usage. line 35 (c)  (1)  The provisions of subdivision (b) do not apply to an line 36 urban retail water supplier that is not fully metered in accordance line 37 with Section 527. An urban retail water supply supplier shall line 38 comply with the provisions of subdivision (b) when all of the water line 39 supplier’s residential water service connections are being billed line 40 based on metered water usage. 95 — 4 —SB 814 line 1 (2)  An urban retail water supplier that is not fully metered shall line 2 prohibit water use practices by an ordinance, resolution, rule, or line 3 tariff condition that imposes penalties for prohibited uses of water line 4 supplied by the water supplier. The urban retail water supplier may line 5 include a process to issue written warnings prior to imposing line 6 penalties as well as increased penalty amounts for successive line 7 violations. line 8 367. (a)  This chapter applies only as follows: line 9 (1)  During a period for which the Governor has issued a line 10 proclamation of a state of emergency under the California line 11 Emergency Services Act (Chapter 7 (commencing with Section line 12 8550) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code) based on line 13 statewide drought conditions to an urban retail water supplier that line 14 has moved to a stage of action in response to a local water supply line 15 shortage condition under the water supplier’s contingency plan line 16 pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 10632 that line 17 requires mandatory water use reductions. line 18 (2)  To an urban retail water supplier during a period in which line 19 the water supplier has moved to a stage of action in response to a line 20 local water supply shortage condition under the water supplier’s line 21 contingency plan pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of line 22 Section 10632 that requires mandatory water use reductions. line 23 (3)  To an urban retail water supplier affected during a period line 24 for which the Governor has issued a proclamation of a state of line 25 emergency under the California Emergency Services Act (Chapter line 26 7 (commencing with Section 8550) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the line 27 Government Code) based on local drought conditions. line 28 (b)  The provisions of this chapter are in addition to, and do not line 29 supersede or limit, any other measures or remedies implemented line 30 by an urban retail water supplier. line 31 SEC. 2. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to line 32 Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because line 33 the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school line 34 district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or line 35 infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty line 36 for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of line 37 the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within line 38 the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California line 39 Constitution. 95 SB 814— 5 — line 1 CORRECTIONS: line 2 line 3 Amended Date—Page 1. line 4 O 95 — 6 —SB 814 ITEM NO. 7.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Budgeted:Yes To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$3,949,120.07 Funding Source:All Funds From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Richard Cabadas, Accounting Assistant I CEQA Compliance:N/A Subject:Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers SUMMARY: Section 31302 of the California Water Code says the District shall pay demands made against it when they have been approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to law, staff is hereby submitting the list of disbursements for Board of Directors’ approval. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of $3,949,120.07. DISCUSSION: The major items on this disbursement list are as follows: A wire of $603,613.31 to MWDOC for May 2016 water purchases; a wire of $10,094.74 to So. California Gas Co. for June 2016 gas charges at multiple locations; a wire of $1,809,385.62 to OCWD – Pump tax for replenishment assessment for January 2016 – June 2016; a wire of $217,693.34 to CalPERS for FY16/17 OPEB Annual Required Contribution – ARC; a wire of $251,948.00 to CalPERS for FY16/17 Annual prepayment on the Unfunded Accrued Liability (UAL); a check of $105,857.18 to ACWA/JPIA for August 2016 medical & dental premium; a check of $81,060.77 to Burtech Pipeline, Inc. for sewer main lines rehabilitation progress payment #03; a check of $270,901.89 to MWDOC for Annual Retail Service Connection for FY 16/17; and a check of $55,670.00 to Pascal & Ludwig Contractors for Well #21 progress payment #06. The balance of $302,098.83 is routine invoices. The Accounts Payable check register total is $3,708,323.68; Payroll No. 14 total is $240,796.39; and the disbursements of this agenda report are $3,949,120.07. A summary of the checks is attached. PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): The Board of Directors approves bills, refunds and wire transfers semi-monthly. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: CkReg072816.pdf CHECK REGISTER Backup Material 16-CS_0728.pdf CAP SHEET Backup Material 16_CC_0728.pdf CREDIT CARD SUMMARY Backup Material Check No.Date Vendor Name Amount Description 67991 07/28/2016 ACWA/JPIA 105,857.18 MEDICAL & DENTAL PREMIUM - AUGUST 2016 67992 07/28/2016 ACWA/JPIA 31,793.00 2ND QTR 2016 WORKER COMPENSATION PREMIUM 67993 07/28/2016 Air Treatment Corporation 1,957.92 AC & HEATING REPAIR PARTS 67994 07/28/2016 Alfredo Vargas 850.32 TRAVEL EXPENSE - ESRI (GIS) CONFERENCE 67980 07/28/2016 ALICIA BERNARD 60.53 CUSTOMER REFUND 67995 07/28/2016 Aramark 584.82 UNIFORM SERVICE 68013 07/28/2016 ARC 20.15 J10-11B - PW DMF/DOC MGMT 67997 07/28/2016 AT & T 47.69 CIRCUIT #78KS315PT 67996 07/28/2016 AT&T 32.06 ATT LONG DISTANCE SERVICE - JUNE 2016 67998 07/28/2016 Autoscribe Corporation 710.50 PAYMENT VISION GATEWAY 68001 07/28/2016 B & M Lawn and Garden Inc 61.20 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 67999 07/28/2016 Bay Air Systems, Inc.13,820.00 IT - ULTRA SONIC HUMIDIFIER 68000 07/28/2016 Bee Busters, Inc 150.00 BEE COLONY ABATEMENT - 22735 HIDDEN HILL 68002 07/28/2016 Brian Vargas 25.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE - AWWA ACE 2016 68003 07/28/2016 Burtech Pipeline, Inc.81,060.77 J15-10S - 2016 SEWER MAIN REHABILITATION - PROGRESS PAYMENT #03 68076 07/28/2016 Cal Municipal Treasurers Assn 155.00 2016-17 CMTA MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL - LUGO,D 68004 07/28/2016 CalCard US Bank 12,538.87 CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS - MARCH THROUGH JULY 2016 W072816A 07/28/2016 CalPERS 217,693.34 FY16/17 OPEB ANNUAL REQUIRED CONTRIBUTION - ARC W072816B 07/28/2016 CalPERS 251,948.00 FY16/17 ANNUAL UNFUNDED ACCRUED LIABILITY - (UAL) 67986 07/28/2016 CARRIE BRENNAN 15.30 CUSTOMER REFUND 68005 07/28/2016 CDW Government, Inc 15,433.94 IT EQUIPMENT & HARDWARE - ROUTERS 68006 07/28/2016 Chambers Group Inc.2,362.73 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - JUNE 2016 68007 07/28/2016 Citizen's Business Bank 2,930.00 J09-22#21 - WELL 21 - RETENTION PAYABLE #06 68008 07/28/2016 City Of Placentia 2,698.04 SEWER FEES - JUNE 2016 68009 07/28/2016 Clinical Lab. Of San Bern.2,880.00 LAB TESTING - WATER QUALITY - MAY & JUNE 2016 68010 07/28/2016 CNA Surety 850.00 SECURITY BONDS - MARCANTONIO, M & LUGO, D 68011 07/28/2016 Coast Surveying, Inc.11,950.00 J14-11 - BOX CANYON PRS REHAB - MAY 2016 68012 07/28/2016 Coastal Ignition & Controls 1,458.50 SPARK PLUGS - FLEET MAINTENANCE 68014 07/28/2016 Costco 110.00 MEMBERSHIP 2016 - 2017 68015 07/28/2016 Culligan of Santa Ana 2,083.31 EQUIPMENT - PE SOFTENER 67988 07/28/2016 DANIEL S COUTURIE 73.82 CUSTOMER REFUND 67979 07/28/2016 DAVID DILLON 10.01 CUSTOMER REFUND 67982 07/28/2016 DEDRIQUE TAYLOR 13.49 CUSTOMER REFUND 68016 07/28/2016 Dell Marketing L.P.3,798.46 IT EQUIPMENT & HARDWARE - CMMS 68017 07/28/2016 Delta Wye Electric, Inc.11,281.13 TIMBER RIDGE PLC 68019 07/28/2016 Edgar Araujo 197.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE - AWWA ACE 2016 68020 07/28/2016 Elite Equipment Inc 160.71 REPLACEMENT PARTS - #E182 68021 07/28/2016 Enthalpy Analytical, Inc.3,764.00 LAB SAMPLES - WATER QUALITY - MAY & JUNE 2016 68024 07/28/2016 EyeMed 1,364.13 EYE MED - JULY 2016 68022 07/28/2016 Fairway Ford Sales, Inc.8.68 AUTO MAINTENANCE - UNIT #173 68023 07/28/2016 Federal Express 42.85 FREIGHT/DELIVERY FEES 68025 07/28/2016 Flex Advantage 103.50 FLEX ADVANTAGE - JUNE 2016 68026 07/28/2016 FOPCO Inc.1,635.00 DIESEL TANK CLEANING SERVICE 68027 07/28/2016 Fry's Electronics 2,872.78 IT EQUIPMENT & HARDWARE - MONITORS 67983 07/28/2016 GAIL T JANSEN 49.38 CUSTOMER REFUND 68029 07/28/2016 Hushmand Associates Inc 19,962.25 J14-12 - 2015 WATER PIPELINE REPLACEMENT 68030 07/28/2016 Hydrex Pest Control 175.00 PEST CONTROL 68031 07/28/2016 Infosend Inc.7,727.75 POSTAGE BILLING - MONTHLY FEE 68032 07/28/2016 Jackson's Auto Supply - Napa 446.56 AUTO MAINTENANCE - #147 & 171 67987 07/28/2016 JACOB SERRANO 64.23 CUSTOMER REFUND 67984 07/28/2016 JESSICA TODD 89.85 CUSTOMER REFUND 68033 07/28/2016 Jimni Systems Inc 1,035.22 SERVICE CALL -THERMOL OVERLOAD 68034 07/28/2016 Josh Mardrid 200.00 BOOT REIMBURSEMENT - MADRID, J 68035 07/28/2016 Kidman Law 33,459.93 LEGAL SERVICES Yorba Linda Water District Check Register For Checks Dated: 07/15/2016 thru 07/28/2016 68036 07/28/2016 Konica Minolta Business 567.00 BIZHUB LEASE C552 & 181 68037 07/28/2016 Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 1,860.60 LEGAL SERVICES - JUNE 2016 68028 07/28/2016 MailFinance 313.93 HASLER LEASE #H12011971 68038 07/28/2016 Managed Health Network 173.25 EAP - JULY 2016 68039 07/28/2016 Marina Landscape, Inc 4,114.68 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE- JUNE 2016 68040 07/28/2016 Mario S. Banuelos 1,050.00 WELDING SERVICE - REPAIR 68041 07/28/2016 Mc Fadden-Dale Hardware 175.37 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 68042 07/28/2016 Mc Master-Carr Supply Co.158.10 REPLACEMENT PARTS - WELL #5 68043 07/28/2016 Mobile Industrial Supply 8.00 WELDING SUPPLIES 68044 07/28/2016 MR2 Solutions Inc 3,335.00 IT SERVICE CALL 68045 07/28/2016 Municipal Water District 270,901.89 ANNUAL RETAIL SERVICE CONNECTIONS W071516 07/15/2016 Municipal Water District 603,613.31 WATER PURCHASES - MAY 2016 68046 07/28/2016 Muzak LLC 85.63 CUSTOMER MESSAGE/PHONE SERVICE - JULY16 68047 07/28/2016 NatPay Online Business Solutions 35.40 DOCULIVERY - JUNE 2016 67981 07/28/2016 NEASE PROPERTY MGMT 356.08 CUSTOMER REFUND 68048 07/28/2016 Nickey Kard Lock Inc 4,938.27 FUEL - 6-15-16 - 6-30-16 68049 07/28/2016 Occu-Med, Ltd.170.50 POST EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL -DIAZ 68050 07/28/2016 Office Solutions 3,582.61 OFFICE SUPPLIES & TONER 68077 07/28/2016 OmniEarth Inc.5,000.00 SAWPA OMNIEARTH SETUP 68051 07/28/2016 Orange County - Tax Collector 25,172.20 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT #2016-00250 & LAFCO FY2016/2017 W072816 07/28/2016 Orange County Water District 1,809,385.62 PUMP TAX REPLENISHMENT ASSESMENT - JAN-JUNE 2016 68054 07/28/2016 P.T.I. Sand & Gravel, Inc.1,277.99 MATERIAL - COLD MIX ASPHALT 68052 07/28/2016 Pascal & Ludwig Constructors, Inc 55,670.00 J09-22#21 - WELL 21 - PROGRESS PAYMENT #06 68053 07/28/2016 Phil Hawkins 26.46 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT - MAY 2016 68055 07/28/2016 Quinn Company 17,258.92 REPLACEMENT PARTS -HIGHLAND #5 68060 07/28/2016 Rachel Padilla/Petty Cash 136.25 PETTY CASH 67990 07/28/2016 RICHARD D ARCHULETA 18.56 CUSTOMER REFUND 68056 07/28/2016 RKI Engineering, LLC 1,800.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - SCADA SUPPORT 68057 07/28/2016 Safety-Kleen Systems Inc 359.90 DISPOSE OF PART WASHER FLUID 68058 07/28/2016 SC Prime Source Inc.4,800.00 JANITORIAL SERVICE - JULY 2016 68059 07/28/2016 Security Solutions 395.00 SERVICE CALL - FRONT LOBBY DOORS W071516A 07/15/2016 Southern Calif Gas Co.10,094.74 GAS CHARGES FOR JUNE 2016 - MULTIPLE LOCATIONS 68065 07/28/2016 St.Jude Hospital Yorba Linda 180.00 DMV/DOT EXAMS - (4) 68063 07/28/2016 Stantec Consulting Services In 8,248.00 J09-22#21 & J14-23 - CONSULTING - WELL 21 & RICHFIELD PIPELINE 68061 07/28/2016 Staples Business Advantage 231.65 OFFICE SUPPLIES 68062 07/28/2016 Stater Bros. Markets 117.38 MEETING SUPPLIES 68064 07/28/2016 Step Saver Inc 319.03 COARSE SALT 67989 07/28/2016 TAIHU QUAN 189.52 CUSTOMER REFUND 68066 07/28/2016 The Shredders 10.00 SHRED SERVICE 68067 07/28/2016 Time Warner Cable 4,270.96 COMMUNICATION & INTERNET SERVICES 68068 07/28/2016 Timothy W. Hogan 1,582.20 2016 CONSUMER CONFIDENCE REPORT 68069 07/28/2016 Townsend Public Affairs, Inc.5,000.00 CONSULTING SERVICE - JULY 2016 67985 07/28/2016 TZUJUNG YU 12.34 CUSTOMER REFUND 68070 07/28/2016 Underground Service Alert 208.50 MONTHLY BILLING - DIGALERT 68071 07/28/2016 United Industries 948.88 BREAKROOM SUPPLIES & PPE EQUIPMENT 68072 07/28/2016 UNUM Life Insurance Co. of America 3,421.24 INSURANCE PREMIUMS - JULY & AUGUST 2016 68073 07/28/2016 Verizon Wireless 3,388.95 VERIZON WIRELESS - 5/21 - 6/20 68018 07/28/2016 White Nelson Diehl Evans LLP 2,500.00 SECOND INTERIM BILLING - AUDIT 68074 07/28/2016 Xylem Dewatering Solutions Inc 150.22 RADIATOR FAN - UNIT #E162 68075 07/28/2016 Yorba Linda Hardware 35.65 HARDWARE SUPPLIES 3,708,323.68 . July 28, 2016 CHECK NUMBERS & WIRES: Computer Checks 67979—68077 $ 815,588.67 ____________ $ 815,588.67 WIRES: W071516 MWDOC $ 603,613.31 W071516A Southern Calif Gas Co. $ 10,094.74 W072816 OCWD $ 1,809,385.62 W072816A CalPERS $ 217,693.34 W072816B CalPERS $ 251,948.00 ____________ $ 2,892,735.01 TOTAL OF CHECKS & WIRES $3,708,323.68 PAYROLL NO. 14: Direct Deposits $ 176,997.48 Third Party Checks 6453—6459 $ 12,979.29 Payroll Taxes $ 50,819.62 $ 240,796.39 TOTAL OF PAYROLLS $240,796.39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISBURSEMENT TOTAL: $3,949,120.07 ================================================================== APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTE ORDER AT BOARD MEETING OF July 28, 2016 ==================================================================. Date Vendor Name Amount Description 3/1/2016 Southwest Airlines 229.96 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/22/2016 Subway 9.66 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/22/2016 Claim Jumpers 40.71 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/22/2016 Southwest Airlines 8.00 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/22/2016 UBER 14.92 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/23/2016 Morgans 24.16 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/23/2016 Claim Jumpers 16.02 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/23/2016 AWWA CA/NV 275.00 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/24/2016 Sheraton Hotel & Resorts 476.40 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/24/2016 Southwest Airlines 8.00 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 3/24/2016 UBER 14.88 AWWA Spring Conference - Travel expense - Micalizzi, D 6/6/2016 Handlery Hotel San Diego 536.48 PELRAC Annual Conference - Travel expense - Knight & Melton 6/14/2016 R.E. Michel Co.87.53 A/C transformer - Admin building 6/19/2016 Royal 3 CCC 65.00 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/19/2016 United Airlines 25.00 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/19/2016 First Draft 39.77 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/19/2016 Rolling Stone Bar & Grill 49.42 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/20/2016 Vines on Clark 67.52 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/20/2016 McCormick Food Service 27.60 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/20/2016 Just Host 647.04 Hosting YLWD.COM - 3 year service 6/21/2016 Giordanos 78.99 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/21/2016 Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.145.24 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/22/2016 LAX Airport Lot 119.00 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/22/2016 United Airlines 25.00 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/22/2016 Chili's 111.34 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/22/2016 The Congress Plaza Hotel 887.56 AWWA ACE 2016 - Travel expense - (4 attendees) 6/23/2016 NPELRA 598.00 PELRAC Annual Conference - Travel expense - Knight & Melton 6/23/2016 NPELRA 460.00 PELRAC Annual Conference - Travel expense - Knight & Melton 6/28/2016 Riverside Bouquet Florist 149.94 Sympathy arrangement for Martinez, J 6/29/2016 CSMFO 300.00 CSMFO workshop - Fiscal Policies - Lugo & Botts 6/30/2016 Pull Tarps 269.62 Mesh tarp system 7/1/2016 Village Nurseries 277.02 SOD for Landscape repairs 7/5/2016 Nortrax, Inc.529.34 Radiator shroud - Unit #145 7/5/2016 ACWA 50.00 Registration ACWA Region 8 program - Marcantonio, M 7/6/2016 Inland Group 4,102.45 Summer 2016 Newsletter 7/6/2016 Harrington Industrial 289.88 CL2 filters 7/6/2016 Orchard Supply 5.02 PVC parts - maintenance 7/6/2016 Home Depot 243.51 Admin - equipment and repair parts 7/7/2016 Harrington Industrial 83.79 CL2 replacement parts - Richfield - Northloop 7/8/2016 FTP Today 64.95 - July 2016 7/11/2016 County of Orange 7.50 Parking - OC Courhouse 7/11/2016 OC Parking Center 7.50 Parking - OC Courhouse 7/12/2016 Urban Water Institute 475.00 Registration UWI Conference - Micalizzi, D 7/12/2016 Answer One Communications 595.15 After hour answer service 12,538.87 Cal Card Credit Card U S Bank 3/01/16 - 7/12/16 ITEM NO. 7.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Dept:Finance Prepared By:Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant Subject:Cash and Investment Reports for Period Ending June 30, 2016 SUMMARY: Government Code Section 530607, et. seq., requires the person delegated to invest funds to make quarterly report of investments to the legislative body. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the Cash and Investment Reports for the Period Ending June 30, 2016. DISCUSSION: Staff is submitting the Cash & Investment Portfolio Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2016. The Cash & Investment Portfolio presents the market value and percent yield for all District investments by institution. The Cash & Investment Report Summary includes budget and actual interest and average term portfolio information as well as market value broken out by reserve categories. The total yield for the month ending June 30, 2016 is 0.87%. The overall increase in the investment balance from the previous month is approximately $1,024,819. A larger balance includes an increase in the Water Operating Fund of $1,063,000, due to a positive net effect between operating revenues and expenses through the reporting month. In addition, an increase in the Water Capital Project Reserve fund of $89,000, due to capital gains on investments for the month of June 2016 and a decrease in the Sewer Capital Reserve to cover capital purchases for $96,000. STRATEGIC PLAN: FR 1-F: Continue to Record and Report the Fairly Stated Financial Activities of the District in a Timely and Transparent Manner to the Board of Directors and Member Agencies ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Invst_Rpt_6-16.xlsx Cash and Investments Report for the Period Ending June 30, 2016 Backup Material Invst_Agenda_Backup_-_June_2016.xlsx Cash and Investment Summary Report - June 30, 2016 Backup Material Market %Date of Percent Value Par of Total Institution Maturity Yield Checking Account: 387,928$ 387,928$ Wells Fargo Bank 174,093 174,093 Pershing 562,021$ 562,021$ 1.34% Total 0.00% Money Market Accounts: 47,881 47,881 US Bank (Revenue Bonds) 0.10% 552,474 552,474 Bank of the West 0.08% 600,354$ 600,354$ 1.43% Total 0.08% Federal Agency Securities: 500,190$ 500,000$ Fannie Mae 05/25/18 1.12% 501,620$ 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/12/18 0.99% 500,400$ 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 06/13/18 1.09% 500,370$ 500,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 11/26/19 1.34% 2,120,732$ 2,124,676$ Federal Home Loan Bank 05/24/17 0.87% 4,123,312$ 4,124,676$ 9.85% Total 1.00% Certificates of Deposits: 249,669.04$ 248,000$ CIT Bank, Salt Lake 05/22/18 1.19% 249,577.28$ 248,000 Discover 05/22/18 1.19% 249,021.76$ 248,000 Goldman Sachs Bank 05/22/18 1.19% 249,721.12$ 248,000 Beal Bank 05/23/18 0.99% 248,074.40$ 248,000 Wells Fargo 04/27/18 0.99% 250,191.24$ 247,000 Barclays Bank 04/30/18 0.98% 249,993.92$ 248,000 State Bank of India 05/14/18 1.14% 248,688.75$ 249,000 Webster Bank 05/03/18 0.90% 249,669.04$ 248,000 American Express Centurion Bank 05/23/18 1.19% 248,558.00$ 248,000 GE Capital Bank 05/24/18 1.09% 250,145.40$ 249,000 Merrick Bank 05/24/17 0.74% 249,143.28$ 248,000 BMW Bank 05/24/17 0.89% Yorba Linda Water District Cash & Investment Portfolio Report June 30, 2016 249,143.28$ 248,000 BMW Bank 05/24/17 0.89% 249,094.62$ 249,000 Oriental Bank & Trust 05/29/18 1.04% 249,062.25$ 249,000 Silvergate Bank 05/30/18 0.99% 249,082.17$ 249,000 Enterprise Bank & TR Co Lowell 05/30/18 0.99% 249,059.76$ 249,000 Safra National Bank 05/31/18 0.99% 248,076.88$ 248,000 Townebank Portsmouth 05/31/18 0.99% 249,064.74$ 249,000 Mascoma Savings Bank 05/29/18 0.99% 100,603.00$ 100,000 Ally Bank Midvale Utah 12/11/17 1.54% 200,222.00$ 200,000 World's Foremost Bk Sydney 05/28/19 1.29% 249,346.64$ 248,000 Capital One Bk USA Natl Assn 05/13/19 1.19% 249,597.60$ 249,000 Comenity Cap Bk Salt Lake City 06/30/21 1.64% 5,285,663$ 5,267,000$ 12.63% Total 1.08% Pooled Investment Accounts: 11,435,649$ 11,435,649$ Local Agency Investment Fund 0.58% 4,642 4,638 CalTRUST Short Term 0.73% 19,831,487 19,733,831 CalTRUST Medium Term 1.01% 31,271,778$ 31,174,118$ 74.74%0.85% 41,843,129$ 41,728,170$ 100% Total Investments 0.87% Per Government Code requirements, the Investment Report is in compliance with the Yorba Linda Water District's Investment Policy, and there are adequate funds available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures for the next six months. 6/30/16 ________________________________ Kelly D. McCann, Senior Accountant Below is a chart summarizing the yields as well as terms and maturities for the month of June 2016: Average # of Month Portfolio Days to of 2016 Yield Maturity June 0.87% 167 Below are charts comparing operating fund interest for current and prior fiscal years. Actual Interest 6/30/2015 6/30/2016 Monthly - June 27,537$ 23,717$ Year-to-Date 187,316$ 257,592$ Budget 2014/2015 2015/2016 Interest Budget, June YTD 112,000$ 93,000$ Interest Budget, Annual 112,000$ 93,000$ Interest earned on investments is recorded in the fund that owns the investment. The distribution of investments in the portfolio both in dollars and as a percentage of the total portfolio by funds is as follows: Total of $41.8 million in cash and investments which is split between minimum reserve requirements and what is available to meet current year obligations (operating costs, debt service, capital costs). Reserve Cash and Requirements Investments May 2016 % Alloc June 2016 % Alloc "Conditional Available for Fund Description Balance 5/31/2016 Balance 6/30/2016 Use" CY Obligations Water Operating Reserve 9,124,898$ 22.63% 10,153,986$ 24.49% 4,270,217$ 6,162,774 Water Emergency Reserve 1,039,326 2.58% 1,042,888 2.52%1,000,000$ 42,888 Water Capital Project Reserve 19,172,503 47.55% 19,262,294 46.47% 8,820,000$ 10,442,294 Water Reserve for Debt Service 2,745,906 6.81% 2,761,845 6.66% 2,723,509$ 38,336 Maintenance Reserve 201,335 0.50% 201,335 0.49% 200,000$ 1,335 Employee Liability Reserve 300,296 0.74% 300,293 0.72% 279,000$ 21,293 Conservation Reserve 1,618,447 4.01% 1,574,496 3.80% -$ 1,574,496 COP Revenue Bond 2008 - Reserve 2,164,463 5.37% 2,168,612 5.23% 2,152,320$ 16,292 Sewer Operating Reserve 350,835 0.87% 479,539 1.16% 220,000$ 368,463 Sewer Emergency Reserve 1,029,435 2.55% 1,034,808 2.50%1,000,000$ 34,808 Sewer Capital Project Reserve 2,571,403 6.38% 2,475,103 5.97% 2,023,439$ 451,664 40,318,849$ 100.00% 41,455,200$ 100.00%22,688,485$ 19,154,644 Water Operating 244,679 279,005 Sewer Operating 254,782 108,923 499,461 387,928 Totals 40,818,310$ 41,843,129$ Cash & Investment Summary Report Cash & Investment Summary Comparison Between Current and Previous Month Wells Fargo Bank Checking ITEM NO. 8.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Budgeted:Yes Total Budget:$98,000 To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$78,000 Funding Source:Water Operating Fund From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Account No:1-1010-0650-00 Presented By:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Dept:Board of Directors Reviewed by Legal:Yes Prepared By:Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Subject:Certificates of Sufficiency of Petitions to Recall Directors Bob Kiley and Gary Melton STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors accept the Certificates of Sufficiency of Petitions to Recall Directors Bob Kiley and Gary Melton. DISCUSSION: On March 10, 2016, proponents served Directors Bob Kiley and Gary Melton with notices of intent to circulate a recall petition. These same notices were then published in the Orange County Register on March 18, 2016. The Orange County Registrar of Voters (ROV) approved the format of the petitions on April 5, 2016. Based on calculations specified in the Elections Code, the proponents needed to collect 9,520 valid signatures on each petition within 120 days of that date. The proponents filed the completed petitions with the ROV on June 9, 2016. The ROV then had 30 days to perform the signature verification process (excluding weekends and holidays). On July 21, 2016 the ROV notified the District that the number of valid signatures on both petitions were sufficient (see attached certificates). Staff estimates that the District will be billed approximately $78,000 by the ROV for the signature verification services. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: OC_ROV_Certificates.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CERTIFICATE AS TO VERIFICATION OF SIGNATURES ON PETITION State of California) )ss. County of Orange I, Neal Kelley, Registrar of Voters of the County of Orange, do hereby certify that I am the county officer having charge of the registration of voters in the County of Orange, and I have examined, or caused to be examined, the petition submitted to the Orange County Registrar of Voters entitled "Petition to Recall Robert R. Kiley from the Yorba Linda Water District Board". I further certify that from said examination I have determined the following facts regarding this document: Number of signatures required: 9,520 Number of signatures verified: 11,457 Number of signatures found valid: 9,570 Number of signatures found invalid: 1,887 Number of signatures found invalid because of being duplicates 190 WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 21 st day of July, 2016. NEAL KELLEY Registrar of ters Orange Co my 51 Petition Result Breakdown *#AA151-RECALL ROBERT KILEY-YLWD YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT.TORECALL ROBERT KILEY Signatures Required 9520 Raw Count 11,900 Sample Size 11,900 Percent of Percent of Sigs Checked 11,457 Sigs Checked Sample Size Sigs Not Checked 443 3.7% Sigs Valid 9,570 83.5% 80.4% Sigs Invalid 1,887 16.5% 15.9% Duplicated 190 2.0% 1.6 % Non-duplicate Invalids 1,697 15.0% 14.3% RESULT ABBR RESULT DESCRIPTIONa - `� ' '`� � z Approved Approved 9,570 83.5% NotReg Not Registered 1,149 10.0% OulOfDist Out of District 131 1.1 % Duplicate Signed more than once 190 1.7% RegLate Registered Late 63 0.5% RegDiffAdd Registered at a Different Address 170 1.5% Declncmp Declaration Incomplete 7 0.1 % NoResAdd No Residence Address Given 16 0.1 % NoSig No Signature 3 0.0% SigNoMatch Signatures Don't Match 158 1.4% PCMR012-Petition Result Breakdown Page 1 of 1 Printed 7/21/2016 1.52:08PM CERTIFICATE AS TO VERIFICATION OF SIGNATURES ON PETITION State of California) )ss. County of Orange I, Neal Kelley, Registrar of Voters of the County of Orange, do hereby certify that I am the county officer having charge of the registration of voters in the County of Orange, and I have examined, or caused to be examined, the petition submitted to the Orange County Registrar of Voters entitled "Petition to Recall Gary T. Melton from the Yorba Linda Water District Board". I further certify that from said examination I have determined the following facts regarding this document: Number of signatures required: 9,520 Number of signatures verified: 11,484 Number of signatures found valid: 9,570 Number of signatures found invalid: 1,914 Number of signatures found invalid because of being duplicates 175 WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 21st day of July, 2016. NELI =LL Y Registrar a ers Orange County Petition Result Breakdown *#AA152-RECALL GARY MELTON-YLWD YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TO RECALL GARY MELTON Signatures Required 9520 Raw Count 11,888 Sample Size 11,888 Percent of Percent of Sigs Checked 11,484 Sigs Checked Sample Size Sigs Not Checked 404 3.4% Sigs Valid 9,570 83.3% 80.5% Sigs Invalid 1,914 16.1% 16.1 % Duplicated 175 2.0% 1.5 % Non-duplicate Invalids 1,739 15.0% 14.6% RESULT ABBR RESULT DESCRIPTION Approved Approved 9,570 83.3% NotReg Not Registered 1,136 9.9% OutOfDist Out of District 131 1.1 % Duplicate Signed more than once 175 1.5% RegLate Registered Late 80 0.7% RegDiffAdd Registered at a Different Address 200 1.7% Decincmp Declaration Incomplete .I 0.0% NoResAdd No Residence Address Given 17 0.1 % NoSig No Signature 0.0 SigNoMatch Signatures Don't Match 172 1.5% PCMR012-Petition Result Breakdown Page 1 of 1 Printed: 7/21/2016 1:54:14PM ITEM NO. 8.2 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Budgeted:Yes Total Budget:$148,000 To:Board of Directors Cost Estimate:$56,662 - $72,115 Funding Source:Water Operating Fund From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Account No:1-1010-0650-00 Presented By:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Dept:Board of Directors Reviewed by Legal:Yes Prepared By:Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Subject:Issuance of Order Stating that an Election Shall be Held STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors issue an order stating that pursuant to Elections Code §§ 11240 and 11242, an election shall be held to determine whether or not the Directors named in the recall petitions shall be recalled, and to consolidate this election with the General Election scheduled November 8, 2016. DISCUSSION: On July 21, 2016 the Orange County Registrar of Voters (ROV) notified the District that the number of valid signatures on the petitions to recall Directors Bob Kiley and Gary Melton were sufficient. Following acceptance of the Certificates of Sufficiency, the Board will be required to issue an order to hold a recall election within 14 days (Elections Code § 11240). Due to time constraints, this matter of business is being presented to the Board for consideration at this time. The recall election cannot be held less than 88 or more than 125 days after the issuance of the order (Elections Code § 11242). It is also possible for it to be consolidated with the General Election on November 8, 2016. The most recent estimated cost to conduct both races (the general election and the recall election) is between $56,662 and $72,115. The previous estimate was $148,000. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Item_No._8.2_-_Revised_Agenda_Report.pdf Revised Agenda Report Backup Material ITEM NO. 8.2 REVISED AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $148,000 To: Board of Directors Cost Estimate: $56,662 - $72,115 Funding Source: Water Operating Fund From: Marc Marcantonio, General Mgr Account No: 1-1010-0650-00 Presented By: Marc Marcantonio, General Mgr Dept: Board of Directors Reviewed by Legal: Yes Prepared By: Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Subject: Issuance of Order Stating that an Election Shall be Held STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt Resolution No. 16-14 “Ordering that an Election Shall be Called and Consolidated with the General Election on November 8, 2016 for the Purpose of Submitting to the Registered Electors of the District the Question of Whether Director Robert R. Kiley and Director Gary T. Melton Should be Recalled from Office”. DISCUSSION: On July 21, 2016 the Orange County Registrar of Voters (ROV) notified the District that the number of valid signatures on the petitions to recall Directors Bob Kiley and Gary Melton were sufficient. Following acceptance of the Certificates of Sufficiency, the Board will be required to issue an order to hold a recall election within 14 days. [Elections Code § 11240] Additionally, the Board must request the Orange County Board of Supervisors to permit the ROV to conduct the election on the District’s behalf and that it be consolidated with the General Election on November 8, 2016. [Elections Code §§ 10002 and 10400 et. seq.] The Board may also specify the length of and payment for Candidate’s Statement of Qualifications. [Elections Code § 13307] All the aforementioned actions must be performed by resolution. The ballot for the recall election will have two, two-part questions (one question for each of the Directors under recall). In the first part of each question, voters will vote for or against the recall of each of the Directors. In the second part of each question, the voter will be asked to select or write in a replacement candidate for each seat should the Director be recalled. [Elections Code §§ 11320 – 11322] If a majority of the voters vote “yes” on the first part of each question, then the recall will be successful and the replacement candidate who receives the most votes for that seat will be elected for the unexpired term. [Elections Code §§ 11383 – 11385] Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Generally speaking, a person is eligible to seek office as a Director if they reside within the District’s boundaries and are a registered voter at the time nomination papers are issued. Specific qualifications for prospective candidates can be obtained directly from the ROV or on the agency’s website ( A Director whose recall is being sought cannot run as a replacement candidate to succeed themselves or to succeed any other Director whose recall is being sought at the same election. [Elections Code § 11381] The candidate filing period for the recall election will begin upon the Board’s adoption of the attached resolution and will end Wednesday, August 17, 2016. As Director Mike Beverage has determined not to run for reelection in November, the candidate filing period for the District’s general election has been extended to August 17, 2016. [Elections Code § 10516] If a candidate for the recall election chooses to include a statement in the Sample Ballot, the attached resolution stipulates that it be limited to 200 words and will not be paid for by the District. These same stipulations for candidates participating in the general election were approved by the Board at a meeting held June 6, 2016. [Elections Code § 13307] Following the November election, the District will be billed by the County for their services. [Elections Code §§10002] The most recent estimated cost to conduct both races (the general election and the recall election) is between $56,662 and $72,115. The previous estimate was $148,000. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 16-14 – Order for Election to be Held Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Resolution No. 16-14 Ordering That an Election Shall be Called 1 RESOLUTION NO. 16-14 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ORDERING THAT AN ELECTION SHALL BE CALLED AND CONSOLIDATED WITH THE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 8, 2016 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE REGISTERED ELECTORS OF THE DISTRICT THE QUESTION OF WHETHER DIRECTOR ROBERT R. KILEY AND DIRECTOR GARY T. MELTON SHOULD BE RECALLED FROM OFFICE WHEREAS, pursuant to Elections Code § 11227, the Orange County Registrar of Voters submitted Certificates of Sufficiency to the Board of Directors for petitions to recall Director Robert R. Kiley and Director Gary T. Melton; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Elections Code § 11240, the Board of Directors is required to issue an order, within 14 days after receiving the certificates, stating that an election shall be held to determine whether the Directors named in the petitions shall be recalled; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Elections Code § 10002, the Board of Directors must request the Orange County Board of Supervisors to permit the Orange County Registrar of Voters to render services to the District relating to the conduct of said election; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Elections Code § 13307, the Board of Directors may specify the length of and payment for Candidate’s Statement of Qualifications for said election; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to fulfill its obligations related to the recall of local officers as required by the laws of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. That an election is hereby ordered to be held for the purpose of submitting to the registered electors of the District the question of whether Director Robert R. Kiley and Director Gary T. Melton shall be recalled from office. [Elections Code § 11240] Section 2. That in accordance with the laws of the State of California, a candidate shall be elected to fill the vacancy should either recall prevail. Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Resolution No. 16-14 Ordering That an Election Shall be Called 2 Section 3. That the Orange County Board of Supervisors permit the Orange County Registrar of Voters to conduct said election and that it be consolidated with the General Election scheduled November 8, 2016. [Elections Code §§ 10002 and 10400 et. seq.] Section 4. That the Yorba Linda Water District agrees to reimburse the County in full for such services upon presentation of a bill to the District. [Elections Code §10002] Section 5. That a Candidate’s Statement of Qualifications for said election is to contain no more than 200 words and will not be paid for by the District. [Elections Code § 13307] Section 6. That the Board Secretary is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Orange County Registrar of Voters. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of July, 2016 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Ric Collett, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law LLP Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 8.3 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Reviewed by Legal:Yes Prepared By:Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Subject:Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 16-12 Adopting a Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual and Rescinding Resolution No. 15-05. DISCUSSION: One of the provisions included in the Board's current policies and procedures manual is that it be reviewed on an annual basis. As such, staff presented this document to the Board at a meeting held July 7, 2016 in order to receive feedback regarding potential revisions. Staff is also in the process of updating other policies, including separating those related to the Board from those related to District employees. As part of this housekeeping process, staff has identified some language in our current and previous personnel rules that was inadvertently left out of the Board's policy manual when it was first adopted in May 2015. Staff has also spent some time reviewing the manual and would like to suggest some minor revisions throughout the document in order to enhance clarification and touch on the following topics: reimbursement of miscellaneous gratuities when traveling on District business; public presentation of electronic materials at Board meetings; Based on feedback provided by the Board, staff has prepared the final draft of the Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual for review. This version incorporates amendments as requested by the Board and additional suggested revisions by staff and legal counsel. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: BOD_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual_- _With_Markup.pdf Manual - With Markup Exhibit Resolution_No._16-12_- _Board_Policies_and_Procedures.doc Resolution Resolution BOD_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual_- _No_Markup.pdf Manual - No Markup Exhibit YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual Adopted July 28, 2016May 11 , 2015 Resolution No. 16-13 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Purpose and Scope.................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 0 Mission, Vision and Core Values ........................................................................................... 3 3.0 Basis of Authority ...................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Duties, Responsibilities and Conduct ...................................................................................... 4 5.0 Composition, Terms and Vacancy.......................................................................................... 11 6.0 Officers ................................................................................................................................... 123 7.0 Appointed Staff and Others .................................................................................................. 134 8.0 Committees ............................................................................................................................ 156 9.0 Directors’ Compensation, BenefitsInsurance and Expense Reimbursement .................... 16 10.0 Board Meetings, General ....................................................................................................... 201 11.0 Board Meetings, Agendas ....................................................................................................... 22 12.0 Board Meetings, Minutes ......................................................................................................... 26 13.0 Board Meetings, Conduct ........................................................................................................ 27 14.0 Board Actions and Decisions ................................................................................................. 28 15.0 Exhibits and Appendixes ........................................................................................................ 29 3 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 The purpose of this manual is to provide a compilation of policies and procedures approved by the Board to facilitate the proper conduct of District business. Each Director shall be provided with a copy of this manual, acknowledge receipt in writing (see Exhibit A), and affirm their intent to comply with the policies and procedures contained herein. If any portion of this manual is in conflict with federal or state law or regulations that apply to the District, said legislation or regulations shall prevail. 2.0 MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES 2.1 Mission Statement Yorba Linda Water District will provide reliable, high quality water and sewer services in an environmentally responsible manner, while maintaining an economical cost and unparalleled customer service to our community. 2.2 Vision Yorba Linda Water District will become the leading, innovative and efficient source for high quality reliable services. 2.3 Core Values The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors and staff are guided in everything we do by the following core values: Integrity – We demonstrate integrity every day by practicing the highest ethical standards and by ensuring that our actions follow our words. Accountability – We acknowledge that both the Board and staff of the District are accountable to the public that we serve, as well as to each other. Responsibility - We take full responsibility for our actions – both our successes and our opportunities for growth. We maintain a commitment of courtesy, assessment and resolution with all customer concerns. Transparency – We promote a culture where we actively listen to our customers and communicate openly about our policies, processes and plans for the future. Teamwork – Success centers on all departments working together and sharing information and resources to achieve common goals. We are dedicated to ensuring that every voice of the District, from the Board to each individual employee is treated with dignity and respect, and that differences are valued and individual abilities and contributions are recognized. 3.0 BASIS OF AUTHORITY 3.1 The District is a County Water District, organized and existing under the County Water District Law. The Board is the legislative body, and functions as the District’s policymaking body. It can only function as a unit. Apart from their role as a part of this unit, individual Directors have no authority with regard to any aspect of District business. 4 3.2 As individuals, Directors may not commit the District to any policy, act, or expenditure without prior Board approval nor give direction to the General Manager, staff, contract personnel or consultants without prior Board approval. Directors do not represent any fractional segment or region of the community, but are part of a legislative body that represents and acts for the District as a whole. Since Directors are elected officials, no Director may delegate his/her authority to act as a Director. 4.0 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT Duties and Responsibilities 4.1 The Board’s primary responsibility is the formulation and evaluation of District policy. The General Manager is responsible for running the District’s business. Routine matters concerning operational aspects of the District are delegated to professional staff members by the General Manager. Directors are responsible for monitoring District progress in attaining its goals and objectives, while pursuing its mission. The Board establishes goals, objectives, expectations, and measurement criteria for the General Manager’s performance. Board members shall provide policy direction and instructions to the General Manager on matters within the authority of the Board by a majority vote during a duly convened meeting of the Board. 4.2 In order to assist in the governance of the behavior between and among members of the Board, the following practices shall be observed: A. The dignity, style, values and opinions of each Director shall be respected. B. Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged. C. The needs of the District’s constituents shall be the priority of the Board of Directors. D. Directors shall commit themselves to emphasizing the positive, avoiding double talk, hidden agendas, gossip, backbiting, and other negative forms of interaction. E. Directors shall commit themselves to focusing on issues and not personalities. The presentation of the opinions of others shall be encouraged. Cliques and voting blocks based on personalities rather than issues shall be avoided. F. Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision-making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disagreeable. Once the Board takes action, Directors shall commit to supporting said action and not create barriers to the implementation of said action. 4.3 In order to maintain effective working relationships and support the chain of command, the following procedures shall be followed: A. Board members shall address matters within the authority of the General Manager through the General Manager, not directly through District employees. 5 B. Accordingly, individual Directors’ requests for information from staff or contract personnel/consultants shall always be made to the General Manager. C. Responsive materials to Directors’ requests for information shall be distributed by the General Manager or his/her designee, to all Board members at the same time. D. If the General Manger’s response is deemed inadequate, a Director may contact the Board President or raise the issue directly at a Board meeting, where the Board shall determine whether or not the issue warrants attention and if so, schedule it for a future meeting. E. If the General Manager anticipates being unavailable, he/she shall notify the Board in advance and provide a designee contact. F. When the General Manager is unavailable in person or by technological means, Board members, at their discretion, may contact the General Manager’s designee. G. Board members shall refrain from making requests directly to District employees to undertake analysis, perform work assignments or change the priority of work assignments. District employees have been instructed to notify the General Manager of all requests received from a Board member within 48 hours. H. If approached by an employee concerning District policy, Board members shall direct inquiries to the appropriate staff supervisor or General Manager. I. In handling complaints from residents and property owners of the District, said complaints shall be referred directly to the General Manager. J. In handling matters related to public safety, concerns shall be reported to the General Manager or the District office. Emergency situations shall be dealt with immediately by seeking appropriate assistance. K. In seeking clarification for policy-related concerns, especially those involving personnel, legal action, land acquisition and development, finances and programming, said concerns shall be referred directly to the General Manager or legal counsel. 4.4 The work of the District is a team effort. All individuals shall work together in the collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the District. A. When responding to constituent requests and concerns, Directors shall be courteous, responding to individuals in a positive manner and routing their questions through appropriate channels. B. Directors shall develop a working relationship with the General Manager wherein current issues, concerns and District projects can be discussed comfortably and openly. C. Directors shall function as a part of the whole. Issues shall be brought to the attention of the Board as a whole, rather than to individual members selectively. 6 C. 4.5 Directors shall attend all meetings of the Board, including committee, agency, and intergovernmental meetings to which they may be assigned, unless there is good cause for absence, and be properly prepared for participation and deliberation. 4.6 Newly elected or appointed Directors shall participate in a minimum of two hours of harassment prevention training and a minimum of six hours of basic governance training within one year from the first day of service with the District. Thereafter, all Directors shall participate in a minimum of two hours of harassment prevention training every two years and a minimum of six hours of basic governance training every five years. Participation in the Governance Foundation course, offered by the California Special District Association’s Special District Leadership Academy, shall satisfy the basic governance training requirement. 4.7 The Board shall review the policies and procedures contained in this manual on an annual basis or more often as required. Code of Conduct (Ethics Policy) 4.8 It is the policy of the District to require the highest standards of ethics from its Board members. The operation of the District requires that decisions and policy be made within the proper channels of governmental structure, that the public office not be used for personal gain, and that all individuals associated with the District remain impartial and responsible towards the public. Accordingly, it is the policy of the District that Board members shall maintain the highest standard of personal honesty and fairness in carrying out their duties. The following are guidelines for ethical conduct to be followed by the Board: A. Board members are obligated to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and to uphold the laws of national, state and local governmental agencies. Board members shall comply with all applicable laws regulating their conduct, including conflicts of interest, financial disclosure and open government laws. It is the responsibility of Board members to conduct themselves both professionally and personally in a manner above reproach and to avoid the appearance of impropriety. B. Board members in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities shall neither harass nor discriminate against any individual on the basis of their protected classification(s), the perception of any individuals protected classification(s), or because the individual associates with a person who has or is perceived to have a protected classification(s). The term “Protected Classification” includes race, religion, color, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender, pregnancy, and breastfeeding), sexual orientation (including heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality), national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, marital status, age, medical condition, genetic characteristics or information, military or veteran status, and physical or mental disability (whether perceived or actual). No Board member shall grant any unfair or inappropriate consideration, treatment, or advantage to any individual or group beyond that which is available to others or groups with the same circumstances. 7 C. Except where specifically authorized by the General Manager in the public interest, no Board member shall knowingly use or permit the use of District-owned vehicles, equipment, telephones, materials or property, nor require a District employee to perform services for personal convenience or profit. Board members shall safeguard the District’s property, equipment, moneys, and assets against unauthorized use or removal, as well as from loss due to criminal act or breach of trust. D. Board members shall not disclose information that legally qualifies as confidential to unauthorized individuals without approval from a majority vote of the Board and consultation with legal counsel. This includes information that (1) has been received during a Closed Session; (2) is protected from disclosure under the attorney/client or other evidentiary privilege; or (3) is not required to be disclosed under the California Public Records Act. A Board member may make a confidential inquiry or complaint to a district attorney or grand jury concerning a perceived violation of law, including disclosing facts to a district attorney or grand jury necessary to establish the alleged illegality of a District action. Prior to disclosing confidential information, however, a Board member shall first bring the matter to the attention of either the President or the full Board. E. Board members shall avoid conflicts, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with District decisions and activities. 1. A Board member shall not have a financial interest in a contract with the District, which includes the purchase or sale of goods and services. The Board shall not authorize any District contract if a Board member is financially interested in the contract. 2. A Board member shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on a matter before the Board, or attempt to influence a decision of the Board, if the Board member has a financial interest, which is prohibited under California law. If a Board member believes that he/she may be disqualified from participation in the discussion, deliberations or vote on a particular matter due to a financial interest, the following procedures shall be followed: a. If a Board member becomes aware of the potential conflict of interest before a Board meeting at which the matter will be discussed or acted on, the Board member shall notify the General Manager and legal counsel of the potential conflict of interest, so that a determination can be made whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. b. If it’s not possible for a Board member to discuss the potential conflict with the General Manager and legal counsel before the meeting, or if the Board member does not become aware of the potential conflict until during the meeting, the Board member shall immediately disclose the potential conflict during the Board meeting (see Exhibit B), so that there can be a determination as to whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. 8 b. c. Upon a determination that there is a disqualifying conflict of interest, the Board member (1) shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on the matter for which a conflict of interest exists, which shall be so noted in the Board minutes; and (2) leave the room until after the discussion, vote and any other disposition of the matter is concluded (see also Section 13.1 C). 3. A Board member shall not recommend the employment of a relative to the District or to a vendor, contractor or consultant known by the Board member to be bidding or negotiating a contract with the District. F. To avoid non-compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, Directors are prohibited from sending and receiving electronically produced messages during meetings. G. For a period of one year after leaving office, former Board members shall not represent any non-governmental entities before the District for compensation. This restriction shall not apply to governmental entities. 4.9 Board members are prohibited from soliciting political funds or contributions at District facilities and prohibited from using the District’s seal, trademark, logo, branding, stationary or other indicia of the District’s identity, in any solicitation for political contributions contrary to State law. A Board member shall not accept, solicit or direct a political contribution from: A. District employees. B. Consultants or contractors used by the District in the past 12 months. C. Individuals, entities, vendors, consultants, sub-consultants, contractors, or sub- contractors which have a personal or financial interest in a contract or other matter while it is pending before the District and for 6 months after the District renders a final decision on that contract or other matter. 4.10 The appointment or election of a Board member to a public entity, other than the District, may result in action that is contrary or inconsistent with the interests of the District and could result in loss of the member’s position of the Board. Board members may, with consent of the Board, consult with legal counsel and the Board may authorize a request for an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of California as to the incompatibility of offices. 4.11 No Board member shall receive or agree to receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, reward, honoraria or gift from any source except for recognition from the District for any action related to the conduct of the District’s business. A Board member shall not accept gifts that exceed the limitations specified in California law. Any and all gifts, campaign contributions, income and financial information shall be disclosed as required under the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 and applicable regulations adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission. 9 4.12 Board members and persons elected or appointed, who have not yet assumed office as members of the Board, shall fully comply with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act. 4.13 The General Manager has primary responsibility for (1) ensuring compliance with the District’s personnel policies and procedures; (2) ensuring that District employees do not engage in improper activities; (3) investigating allegations of improper activities; and (4) taking appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions. The Board ensures that the General Manager is operating the District according to the law and the policies approved by the Board. A. Board members shall disclose to the General Manager, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper activities within their knowledge. Board members shall not interfere with the General Manager’s responsibilities in identifying, investigating and correcting improper activities, unless the Board determines the General Manager is not properly carrying out these responsibilities. B. A Board member shall not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence of the position to intimidate, threaten, coerce, command or influence any person for the purpose of preventing such person from acting in good faith to bring to the attention of the General Manager or the Board any information that, if true, will constitute a work-related violation by a Board member or District employee of any law or regulation. This includes, but is not limited to (1) misappropriation or waste of District funds; (2) abuse of authority; (3) creating substantial danger to public health or safety by an act or omission of a District official or employee; (4) use of a District office or position or of District resources for personal gain; or (5) a conflict of interest of a Board member or employee. 4.14 Any new Director must receive ethics training as soon as practical, but not more than one year, from the first day of service with the District. Thereafter, all Directors shall be required to receive ethics training at least once every two years. A Director who serves on more than one local agency board may satisfy this requirement by obtaining ethics training once every two years without regard to the number of local agencies with which he/she serves. The District shall provide information annually on where training is available. All Directors shall provide a copy of proof of participation in the required ethics training to the District. Copies of proofs of participation shall be considered public documents and shall be retained for a minimum of five years. 4.15 Directors are not subject to the District’s Conflict of Interest Codes, but are subject to the disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act. Directors are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) with the County when assuming office, on an annual basis thereafter, and when leaving office. Filing of these forms shall be performed using the County’s e-file system. 4.16 Directors appointed to other agency’s boards (e.g. OCSD or JPIA) shall be required to file Form 700’s in accordance with that respective agency’s Conflict of Interest Codes. 4.17 The following procedures shall be followed when any member of the Board reasonably believes that another member of the Board has engaged in alleged misconduct or has failed to act in the best interests of the District. These procedures shall not be effective in any case in which a non-board member seeks redress for alleged misconduct by a Board member. While the Board has discretion in deciding the actions it may choose to 10 take in response to a complaint, this section provides definitions and procedures related to three types of actions: admonition, sanction and censure. A. Admonition is the least severe form of action. An admonition may typically be directed to all members of the Board, reminding them that a particular type of behavior is not in the best interests of the District, and that, if it occurs or is found to have occurred, could cause a member to be subject to sanction or censure. An admonition may be issued in response to a particular alleged action or actions, although it will not necessarily have to be triggered by a complaint of misconduct. An admonition may be issued by the Board prior to any findings of fact regarding any complaint, and because it is a warning or reminder, will not necessarily require an investigation. B. Sanction is the next most severe form of action. Sanction shall be directed to an individual member of the Board based on a particular action (or set of actions) that is determined to be misconduct but is considered by the Board not to be sufficiently serious to require censure. A sanction may be based upon the Board’s review and consideration of a complaint. A sanction may be issued by the Board, and because it is not punishment or discipline, will not necessarily require an investigation. C. Censure is the most severe form of action. Censure is a formal statement of the Board officially reprimanding one of its members. It is a punitive action, which serves as a penalty imposed for misconduct, but it carries no fine or suspension of the rights of the member as an elected official. It can however, include such actions as the disapproval of expense reimbursement requests, de-authorization of attendance at conferences, seminars and other activities at District expense, removal of the member from Board committee, agency and intergovernmental meeting assignments, and other such remedies as may be deemed appropriate by the Board. Censure shall only be used for cases in which the Board determines that the misconduct is a serious offense. In order to protect the overriding principle of freedom of speech, the Board shall not impose censure on any of its members for the exercise of his/her First Amendment rights, no matter how distasteful the expression was to the Board or the District. However, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Board from collectively condemning and expressing their strong disapprobation of such remarks. Before the imposition of a censure, the Director accused of a violation shall be entitled to written notice of the allegation, the right to provide a written response to the allegation, and an opportunity to respond in writing as to the results of an investigation. 4.18 All complaints shall be submitted in writing to the General Manager and/or the District’s legal counsel for review and determination as to whether there is sufficient basis for further action. Complaints that specifically seek admonition, sanction or censure as a specific remedy shall be treated as a request for that remedy. Once a complaint has been filed, the General Manager, in conjunction with legal counsel, shall bring the matter before the Board. The Director named in a complaint shall be given an opportunity to respond to the complaint in writing. If the Board determines, in consultation with legal counsel, that an investigation is warranted, the Board shall initiate an investigation by the appropriate investigator, entity or authority, as determined in the reasonable discretion of the Board. In the event of such an investigation, a report of the findings of said investigation, along with the accused Director’s written response to the report, shall be presented to the board for majority action. If there is no merit, the matter shall be disposed 11 of with no further action. When the Board decides, based upon findings and the accused Director’s defense, that a violation has occurred, it may choose to impose one of the above listed internal remedies. Any action taken by the Board to impose a sanction or censure, shall be taken by way of written resolution. 4.19 At any point during any of these processes, the Board may refer the matter, as appropriate, to the Orange County District Attorney or other proper authorities for possible investigation, enforcement or prosecution. Prior to or following such referral, the Board may also proceed with any of the actions described in this section. 5.0 COMPOSITION, TERMS AND VACANCY 5.1 The District shall have a Board of five Directors each of whom, whether elected or appointed, shall be a voter of the District. 5.2 The term of office of each Director, other than Directors appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall be four years. Terms of office are staggered, with elections held in November of every even numbered year. 5.3 Elections are held at large, which means that all voters throughout the District have the opportunity to vote for any person seeking election. 5.4 Before entering upon the duties of his/her office, each Director shall take and subscribe the official oath and file it with the Secretary. The oath of office may be taken before the Secretary, any member of the Board, or any officer authorized by law to administer oaths. 5.5 Each Director elected or appointed shall hold office until his/her successor qualifies. 5.6 If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as if there were a vacancy in the office. 5.7 From time to time a vacancy may occur on the Board for a variety of reasons. An office becomes vacant on any of the following events before the expiration of a Director’s term: A. Death of an incumbent; B. A court’s declaration that the incumbent is physically or mentally incapacitated; C. Resignation; D. Removal from office; E. Ceasing to be an inhabitant of the District; F. Absence from the state beyond periods allowed by law; G. Ceasing to discharge the duties of the office for three consecutive months; H. Conviction of a felony; 12 I. Refusal or neglect to file required oath of office; J. Declaration by a competent tribunal that election or appointment is void; or K. Commitment to a hospital or sanitarium by a court of competent jurisdiction. 5.8 All vacancies occurring in the office of Director shall be filled pursuant to Section 1780 of the Government Code. The District shall notify the county elections official of the vacancy no later than 15 days after the Board is notified of the vacancy or the effective date of the vacancy, whichever is later. A. The remaining members of a five person board may fill a vacancy by appointment. The appointee shall hold office until the District general election 130 days or more after the effective date of the vacancy. Appointments shall be made within 60 days after the effective date of the vacancy. Notice of the vacancy shall be posted in three or more conspicuous places within the District and published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 15 days prior to an appointment. The remaining members may call an election to fill the vacancy within 60 days of the vacancy, in lieu of an appointment, on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy. B. If the vacancy is not filled or an election called within 60 days of the vacancy, the County Board of Supervisors may fill the vacancy within 90 days of the vacancy or order the District to call an election to fill the vacancy. C. If neither (A) or (B) has occurred within 90 days, the District shall call an election to be held on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy occurs. D. If the remaining Board falls below a quorum, the Board of Supervisors may waive the 60 day period provided in (A) and appoint immediately, or may call an election to fill the vacancy under Chapter 1 of the Election Code. The Board of Supervisors shall only fill enough vacancies to provide a quorum. E. Appointees shall hold office until the next District general election. Electees shall hold office for the unexpired balance of the term of office. 5.9 If a Director’s place of residence is moved outside District boundaries, and if within 180 days of the move the Director fails to reestablish a place of residence within the District, it shall be presumed that a permanent change of residence has occurred and that a vacancy exists on the Board. 5.9 6.0 OFFICERS 6.1 President and Vice President A. A President and Vice President of the Board shall be elected annually at the District’s reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in 13 December of each year. The President shall assume the chair of the Presiding Officer immediately after election. B. The President shall make committee, agency, and intergovernmental meeting assignments, subject to consent of the Board, annually by the first meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in January of the subsequent year. C. If the President is absent from a meeting of the Board, the Vice President shall serve as the Presiding Officer. If both the President and Vice President are absent, the Secretary shall take the chair so that the Directors present may elect a Presiding Officer. Upon late arrival of the President or Vice President at the meeting, the chair shall be relinquished at the first opportunity not disruptive to the conduct of business. D. In the event the President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, the Vice President shall serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. In the event the Vice President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, an interim Vice President shall be elected at the District’s next regular meeting of the Board to serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. E. The Presiding Officer, established pursuant to these policies, shall conduct the proceedings of the Board. F. The Presiding Officer shall sign all ordinances, resolutions and contract documents approved and adopted by the Board. G. The President and Vice President of the Board shall serve as the President and Vice President of the Public Financing Corporation. The Officers of the Corporation shall be updated annually at the District’s reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. H. Individuals serving as President or Vice President of the Board and the Corporation may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board. H. 7.0 APPOINTED STAFF AND OTHERS Appointed Staff, as defined in this section, shall mean the General Manager, Board Secretary, Assistant Board Secretary and Treasurer, who are appointed by the Board. 7.1 General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer 14 A. A General Manager shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The General Manager shall perform all duties set forth in County Water District Law, set forth in these policies, set forth in the General Manager’s contract with the District, imposed by the Board, and in accordance with governing laws and regulations. In summary, the General Manager shall: (1) have full charge and control of the maintenance, operation, and construction of the water works or water works system of the District; (2) have full power and authority to employ and discharge all employees and assistants at pleasure; (3) prescribe the duties of employees and assistants; (4) fix and alter the compensation of employees and assistants subject to budget limitations as approved by the Board; (5) perform other duties imposed by the Board; and (6) report to the Board in accordance with the rules and regulations as adopted by the Board. B. A Secretary and Assistant Secretary shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Secretary, or the Assistant Secretary in the absence of the Secretary, shall attest all ordinances and resolutions approved and adopted by the Board, countersign all contract documents approved and adopted by the Board, prepare the minutes of each meeting held by the Board, and perform all duties set forth in the County Water District Law, set forth in these policies, imposed by the Board, and in accordance with governing laws and regulations. C. A Treasurer shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Treasurer shall perform all duties set forth in the County Water District Law, set forth in these policies, imposed by the Board, and in accordance with governing laws and regulations. The Treasurer shall install and maintain a system of auditing and accounting that shall completely and at all times show the financial condition of the District. D. A member of the Board shall not serve as the General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer. The same person may be appointed as General Manager and Secretary or Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be no additional compensation for also serving as Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer if the individual so serving is an employee of the District. E. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the District shall serve as the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the Public Financing Corporation. Appointed staff of the Corporation shall be updated annually at the District’s reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. F. The General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and other employees or assistants of the District, as required by the Board, shall each give a bond to the District conditioned for the faithful performance of his/her duties as the Board may provide. Payment for the provision of these bonds shall be provided by the District. 15 G. Individuals serving as General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, or Treasurer of the Board and the Corporation may be removed from their appointments by a majority vote of the Board. 7.2 District Legal and Labor Counsel A. The District’s Legal and Labor Counsel are law firms that are appointed by and report to the Board of Directors. 1. Legal Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District and its Board in all legal matters pertaining to the operation, maintenance, and other related business of the District. Legal Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all Board actions to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review legal documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager; and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 2. Labor Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District and its Board in all legal matters pertaining to public sector law, employment law, and other related business of the District. Labor Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all employment related matters to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review employment and labor related documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 7.3 District Auditor A. The District’s Auditor is a certified audit firm that is appointed by and reports to the Board, and that conducts the District’s annual audit and prepares the District’s annual audit report. The District’s auditor shall be rotated on a periodic basis. Contracts for independent auditing services shall be awarded for an initial period of three years, with the option of extending up to two subsequent years (for a maximum total of five), unless otherwise determined by the Board. 7.4 Consultants A. The Board may from time-to-time select, retain, compensate, define the scope and efforts of, and dismiss consultants to support or provide information to the Board in developing policy level decisions or in implementing Board actions. In doing so, the Board shall delegate to the General Manager the responsibility for day-to-day direction of the work of the consultant. 8.0 COMMITTEES 8.1 From time to time, the Board may establish committees, whether standing or ad hoc, to assist with the performance of its duties and policy advice. In keeping with the Board’s broader focus, committees shall not direct the implementation of District programs and projects. Committees shall assist the Board by preparing policy alternatives and 16 implications for Board consideration. Committees shall not act on the Board’s behalf unless authorized by a majority vote of the Board. Said authorization shall not conflict with the duties assigned to the General Manager. In order to preserve the organizational structure and support the chain of command, committees shall not exercise authority over staff or staff operations. 8.2 The purpose of each established committee shall be reviewed by the Board on an annual basis, prior to making Director assignments, in order to determine their continuing relevance. 8.3 The Board previously adopted the Fair Political Practices Commission’s (FPPC) Form 806 as the District’s official form for reporting public official appointments and has directed staff to post a completed form on the District’s website in accordance with the requirements set forth in FPPC Regulation 18705.5. 9.0 DIRECTORS’ COMPENSATION, BENEFITSINSURANCE AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Directors’ Compensation 9.1 As of January 23, 2003, compensation for members of the Board shall be $150 per day for each day’s attendance at meetings of the Board and other meetings attended at the request of the Board, including reasonable and necessary travel time (see Appendix 1). Compensation for any type of service shall not exceed ten days in any calendar month. 9.2 Directors shall complete an Activity Report and Compensation Form (see Exhibit AC) on on a monthly basis. Directors have until the 15th day of the following month to file said reports with the General Manager or his/her designee. If an activity report is not returned by this deadline, no compensation shall be paid to the Director for that reporting period. 9.3 All activity reports shall be reviewed and approved by the President or the Vice President. 9.4 Increases in compensation are limited to five percent for each calendar year following the operative date of the last adjustment. The Board shall consider its compensation rate following the reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. If the Board recommends an increase in the amount of compensation, an Ordinance shall be considered and adopted by the Board according to the following procedures: A. A public hearing shall be held prior to adoption of the Ordinance. Notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for two successive weeks prior to the public hearing. B. B.C. The Ordinance shall become effective 60 days from the date of its final passage. 9.5 The District does not provide any of its Directors with loans. BenefitsHealth Insurance 17 9.6 Directors and their eligible dependents may choose to participate in the health benefits plans provided by the District., including medical, dental and vision plans. The District shall pays the current premium amount for Directors and 2/3 of the premium amount for eligible dependents for health, dental and vision coverage. Directors are responsible for paying the balance of the premium amount for eligible dependents. The District also provides Group Life and AD&D insurance in the amounts of $10,000. Health benefits provided to Directors shall not be greater than the most generous scheduleplan being offered to any group of District employees. A Director is also eligible for District-provided post-service health benefits if the following conditions are satisfied: the Director’s term began before January 1, 1995 and continued uninterrupted until on or after May 27, 2010; and the Director began receiving health benefits from the District before January 1, 1994. The rate of accrual for post-service health benefits is one year of benefits for each three years of service to the District as a Director. In addition to the terms and conditions provided herein, any terms or conditions set forth in the personnel rules of the District that are applicable to retiree health benefits shall also apply to post-service health benefits for Directors, except those conditions relating to good standing and adequate notice of retirement. Directors are also eligible for District-provided Group Life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance in amounts up to $10,000 each. Additionally, Directors may elect to participate in the District’s deferred compensation plan. Enrollment in any of the above benefits plans is subject to the rules and restrictions of the plans. 9.6 and shall not be available after a Director is no longer an elected or appointed official of the District. Travel Expense Reimbursement 9.7 Directors are encouraged to attend conferences, conventions, meetings, symposiums, intergovernmental meetings and legislative sessions relating to the mission of the District. Directors shall receive reimbursement or payment of expenses, according to District rules, incurred in the performance of their duties as required or authorized by the Board. Attendance at an event must be pre-approved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board in order to be considered as an activity for the purposes of compensation and payment andor reimbursement of travel expenses. Directors’ rates for reimbursement and payment of travel expenses shall not be greater than rates specified for District employees. 9.8 Directors shall be reimbursed for actual costs to attend activities, not to exceed: Flight: $350 Per Round Trip (Most Economical Class) Car Rental: $50 Per Day (Economy to Standard Size Vehicle) Lodging: $275 Per Night Meals: $75 Per Day Actual and Necessary Expenses: $30 Per Day 9.9 Expenditures for lodging, meals, and transportation shall provide for reasonable and necessary comfort and convenience. Directors shall be mindful that public funds are being spent and that only a reasonable and necessary level of expense is warranted. 9.10 When available, Directors must use coach class for commercial travel and group/government rates for lodging. If the group/government rate is not available, the 18 reimbursement cannot be more than the amount set forth above. In the event a more expensive class of transportation is used, the reimbursable amount shall be limited to the cost of the most economical class of transportation available as identified above. 9.11 If an expense does not fall within the reimbursement rates identified in Section 9.12above, it must be preapproved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board, in a public meeting, before it is incurred. 9.12 Meal expenses include the reasonable and necessary costs of meals and beverages, not including alcoholic beverages. Meal expenses shall be reimbursed on a meal by meal basis, not a daily basis not to exceed $75 per day. Individual mMeal expenses amounts for partial days shall be reimbursed on a meal by meal basis are identified as follows: $15 for breakfast, $25 for lunch, and $35 for dinner. Any amount spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth in for individual meals in this sectionpolicy may not be “deducted” from another day’s reimbursable amount during that same activity., provided the cumulative daily expenses over the duration of the activity are not exceeded. Additionally, any amounts not spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth above may not be added to another day’s reimbursable amount during that same activity. No reimbursement shall be provided for alternative meals W when an activity incorporates meals as part of the activity, and the District has paid for the cost for of the activity, including any incorporated meals, . Attendance at receptions before dinner shall not be considered a meal.the per meal allowance as listed above shall not apply. Instead, meals that are not incorporated into the activity cost shall be reimbursed up to the rates in this policy. Alternative meals to those provided through the activity shall not be reimbursed. 9.13 Eligible reimbursable amounts as identified above, do not include the cost of taxes or gratuities. 9.14 Actual and necessary expenses include tips for porters, baggage carriers, bell hops, and housekeepers. This does not include the cost of laundry, cleaning or pressing of clothes, or telephone calls. 9.15 For travel by personal vehicle, mileage shall be reimbursed at the IRS rate in effect at the time of travel. Personally owned vehicles used in the conduct of District business must be insured for property and liability damage in an amount not less than the minimum limits required by the California Financial Responsibility Act. In no case shall the amount paid for mileage reimbursement for use of a personally owned vehicle used for travel in lieu of air travel exceed the cost of coach class or equivalent airfare. 9.16 The District shall not incur any costs for a spouse, or other accompanying person. 9.17 In order to obtain reimbursement tor qualified expenses, the following procedures must be followed: A. Directors shall submit a completed Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit BD) for conference, convention or symposium attendance, together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 30 calendar days of when the expense was incurred. 19 B. Directors shall also submit a completed Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit CE) for local meeting attendance, together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 30 calendar days following the end of each month. C. If the Director does not file an expense report within the above listed deadlines30 days of the activity, the District will not reimburse mileage or out-of-pocket expenses. D. For any activity that the District prepays expenses, the Director is still required to file an expense report to ensure that any expenses prepaid by the District are properly accounted for. Staff shall assist Directors with these reports as needed. To enforce the timely filing of expense reports the District may, by majority vote of the Board, stop prepaying conference and travel expenses. C.E. All expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the Finance Manager or the General Manager. Any requests for reimbursement that fall outside the limitations contained in this policy shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. D.A. If the Director does not file an expense report within 30 days of the activity, the District will not reimburse mileage or out-of-pocket expenses. For any activity that the District prepays expenses, the Director is still required to file an expense report to ensure that any expenses prepaid by the District are properly accounted for. Staff shall assist Directors with these reports as needed. To enforce the timely filing of expense reports the District may, by majority vote of the Board, stop prepaying conference and travel expenses. E.F. With the exception of mileage reimbursement, any expense shown on the form must have a corresponding, attached original itemized receipt or other verification document. G. If a receipt is lost or not provided, the Director must submit a completed a Missing Receipt Affidavit Form (see Exhibit DF) as substantiation of the expense. F.H. Directors shall also submit a completed Miscellaneous Gratuities Form (see Exhibit G) for such expenses paid in cash without a receipt. G.I. All forms, receipts and verification documents shall be public documents subject to redaction of any confidential information, such as credit card numbers. 9.18 A Director shall not attend a conference or training event for which there is an expense to the District if it occurs after the Director has announced his/her pending resignation, or if it occurs after an election in which it has been determined that the Director will not retain his/her seat on the Board. A Director shall not attend a conference or training event when it is apparent that there is no significant benefit to the District. 9.19 Directors shall provide a brief report about the activity at the next regular Board meeting following attendance. Said report shall detail what was learned at the session(s) that will 20 be of benefit to the District. Materials from session(s) may be delivered to the General Manager for inclusion in the District’s library for future use. Communications Expense Reimbursement 9.20 In order to facilitate operational efficiency and reduce expenses, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the District to have all agendas and other District information distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies whenever possible. While Director participation in and support of this initiative is encouraged, it is not required. Participating Directors are eligible for the reimbursement of expenses associated with the purchase of necessary electronic equipment and related items provided: A. The Director is an elected official of the District with more than two months remaining in his/her current term of office. B. The Director has submitted a completed Communications Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit EH) in accordance with established procedures. C. The District shall provide reimbursement, up to $1,000 every four years (or sooner in the event of loss or theft), for the cost of electronic equipment and related items of the Director’s choosing plus a monthly allowance of $25 for a data plan relating to e-mail/internet access, etc., as applicable. Qualifying electronic equipment and related items shall include tablet PCs, laptop computers, tablet PC/laptop covers or cases, protective screen wraps, extended warranties, and downloadable applications specific to the conduct of District business, such as word processing, spreadsheet or PDF annotation applications. D. Expenses that are not reimbursable include, but are not limited to, gift wrapping, engraving, downloadable applications (other than those used specifically for conducting District business) and additional adaptors. E. One hundred percent of the electronic equipment and approved itemized expenses reimbursed shall be reported on the Director’s Form W-2 as taxable income. In providing this information, the District is not offering tax advice. Directors having questions concerning the tax implications of electronic communications reimbursement benefits are urged to contact the Internal Revenue Service or other experts in tax law. 9.21 Reimbursements shall be processed when proof of purchase and original itemized receipts are submitted by the Director along with a completed form within 30 days of purchase. 9.22 Failure to submit a completed form within this time frame shall result in a denial of the Director’s request for reimbursement of the expense. A. The electronic equipment and related items for which reimbursement is provided shall become the property of the Director and all maintenance is the sole responsibility of the Director. 21 B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, staff may, from time to time as deemed necessary, provide paper copies of District information to Directors and such provision of paper copies shall not affect the reimbursement of expenses as provided in this section. 9.23 Should a Director experience a loss or theft of electronic equipment for which the full or partial expense was reimbursed by the District, said Director shall submit a written statement and/or police report to the Finance Manager or the General Manager for auditing purposes prior to requesting reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of replacement equipment. Requests for reimbursement of expenses for replacement equipment shall be subject to the limitations and requirements as set forth above. 9.24 All communications expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the Finance Manager or the General Manager. Any requests for reimbursement that fall outside the limitations contained in this policy shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. Disclosure of Expenditures/Reimbursements 9.25 A full accounting of expenditures of public funds under this policy shall be made and become part of the records of the District. 9.26 All reimbursements paid by the District of at least $100 for each individual charge for services or product received, shall be disclosed in an annual report following the end of each fiscal year. Reimbursement of an individual charge includes, but is not limited to, one meal, lodging for one day, transportation, or a registration fee paid to any Director. This report shall be made available for public inspection upon request. 9.27 All travel expenses and reimbursements paid by the District on behalf of a Director , the General Manager, or other executive staff as determined by the Board, shall be disclosed in a quarterly report and provided to the Board for review at a regular meeting. 9.27 10.0 BOARD MEETINGS, GENERAL All meetings of the Board shall be held at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, California. All meetings of the Board shall be open and public and all persons are invited to attend. The District shall continue to implement all applicable requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act to ensure transparent, open and responsive government. 10.1 Regular Meetings A. All regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. If these days happen to coincide with a holiday designated by law or otherwise recognized by the District, the meeting shall be rescheduled to a date and time as determined by a majority vote of the Board. 10.2 Special Meetings A. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or a majority of the Board. Whenever a special meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall 22 be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The notice shall specify the time and place of such meeting and the purpose of the meeting. The written notice may be dispensed with as to any Director who, at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, files with the Secretary a written waiver of notice. The written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. 10.3 Emergency Meetings A. In the event of an emergency situation involving matters upon which prompt action is necessary due to the disruption or threatened disruption of public facilities, the Board may hold an emergency special meeting without complying with the 24 hour notice required in Section 10.2 herein. An emergency situation means a crippling disaster which severely impairs public health, safety, or both. The President, or the Vice President in the absence of the President, or the General Manager, may determine if an emergency situation exists. B. Whenever an emergency meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least one hour in advance of the meeting. In the event that telephonic services are not functioning, the notice requirement of one hour is waived. The Secretary shall then notify such newspapers, radio stations, or television states of the fact of the holding of the emergency meeting, and of any action taken by the Board, as soon after the meeting as possible. C. No Closed Session may be held during an emergency meeting, and all other rules governing special meetings shall be observed with the exception of the 24 hour notice. The minutes of the emergency meeting, a list of persons the Board or designee notified or attempted to notify, a copy of the roll call vote(s), and any actions taken at such meeting shall be posted for a minimum of ten days in the District office as soon after the meeting as possible. 11.0 BOARD MEETINGS, AGENDAS 11.1 Agendas A. Any matter which is to be considered for approval or adoption by the Board at the meeting must be submitted to the Board as part of an agenda. All ordinances, resolutions and contracts shall be reviewed by legal counsel and approved as to form and legality prior to submission for consideration by the Board. B. The Secretary shall, under direction of the General Manager, prepare an agenda of such matters according to Section 11.2 herein, entitled “Order of Business”, including a description of the items to be considered or discussed and, where deemed appropriate by the General Manager, a staff recommendation for each item. 23 C. A copy of the draft agenda for every meeting of the Board shall be provided to the Presiding Chair (should one be appointed) for review prior to posting by the Secretary. D. A copy of the finalized agenda for every meeting of the Board shall be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public. Once posted, copies of the complete agenda and supporting materials shall be available for public inspection during business hours at the District office and on the District’s website. E. Agendas for all special meetings of the Board shall be posted in the same manner at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The agenda for a special meeting of the Board is limited to only those matters specifically set forth in the purpose of the call for the special meeting. No other business shall be considered at a special meeting. F. All agendas and other District information shall be distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies. Director incurred expenses for electronic equipment and related items required for receiving, accessing and printing all agendas and information shall be reimbursed in accordance with Section 9.0 herein. G. A copy of each agenda for a meeting of the Board shall be mailed to members of the public so requesting them in writing. Any member of the public requesting a copy of a complete agenda and supporting materials shall be charged, in advance, for reproduction costs plus mailing expenses. Exceptions are public agencies, members of the public who request a copy of the agenda without supporting materials, and individuals requesting a copy of an agenda, with or without supporting materials, that contains a specific matter involving that individual as a party. H. All information made available to the Board (except confidential information allowed by law per legal counsel authority) shall be available for public review prior to the Board meeting. I. Any Director may contact the General Manager and request an item to be placed on the agenda no later than 12:00 p.m. the day before an agenda is scheduled to be closed. In general, all agendas will be closed on Wednesday of the week prior to the meeting date. J. Any member of the public may request that a matter directly related to District business be placed on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with supporting documents and information, if any, at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. 2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the public request is or is not a “matter directly related to District business” and if the matter is 24 to be placed on a future agenda. The public member requesting the agenda item may appeal the General Manager’s decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the item be placed on the agenda of the Board’s next regular meeting. 3. No matter which is legally a proper subject for consideration by the Board in Closed Session shall be accepted. 4. The Board may place limitations on the total time to be devoted to a public request issue at any meeting, and may limit the time allowed for any one person to speak on the issue at the meeting. K. Any member of the public may request to present electronic material (such as a PowerPoint presentation) directly related to District business during Public Comments or in relation to a specific agenda item during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be made in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with all electronic materials at least 12 hours prior to the meeting. 4.2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the electronic material is or is not a “matter directly related to District business” and if the material is to be presented during a regularly scheduled Board meeting. The public member requesting to present the electronic material may appeal the General Manager’s decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the electronic material be presented at the Board’s next regular meeting. 11.2 Order of Business A. Upon convening the meeting at the hour set on the date of each meeting, the members of the Board, the Secretary and General Manager of the District shall take their regular stations in the Board Meeting Room, and the business of the Board shall be taken up for consideration. The Presiding Officer shall immediately call the Board to order and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. B. Before proceeding with the business of the Board, the Secretary shall call the roll of the Directors. The Secretary shall enter the names of all Directors, Officers, staff members and visitors (if known) present in the Minutes of the meeting. C. If a quorum is present, the Secretary shall so advise the Presiding Officer. If a quorum is not present, the Secretary may adjourn the meeting to a time certain for the purpose of obtaining a quorum. Any such reconvened regular meeting shall not constitute a special meeting. In the event a regular or special meeting of the Board is adjourned to a time and date certain, the Secretary shall post a notice of adjournment in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public within 24 hours of such adjournment. 25 D. Three of the five Directors elected or appointed to the Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board. Irrespective of the number of Board members constituting a quorum for a particular meeting, a majority vote of the Board shall consist of at least three votes. No ordinance, resolution or motion shall be passed or become effective without the affirmative votes of at least a majority of the members of the Board. E. Directors may attend Board and Committee meetings via teleconference provided the meeting has been duly noticed as a teleconference meeting in compliance with requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act. Duly noticed teleconference locations may be outside the District’s jurisdictional boundaries, but for purposes of establishing a quorum, at least three Directors must be participating in the meeting from within the District’s jurisdictional boundaries. A Director is entitled to participate fully in the meeting and vote from a teleconference location, and all votes shall be taken by roll call. F. The Presiding Officer may, on his/her own initiative or at the request of any two Directors, take any item of business out of order, either as to the general order of business or as to the specific agenda as the Secretary has prepared it. G. The Board may take action on items not appearing on the posted agenda for regular meetings under the following circumstances: 1. Upon determination by a majority vote of the Board that an emergency, work stoppage or crippling disaster exists that impairs public health and/or safety. 2. Upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or by all Directors if only three are present, that a matter came to the attention of the District subsequent to posting the agenda that needs immediate action by the Board. 3. When an item was posted on the agenda of, and was continued from, a meeting held not more than five days earlier. H. The Order of Business taken up for consideration by the Board is generally organized so that high priority matters are addressed at the beginning of the meeting, and is generally in the following sequence: 1. Introductions and Presentations 2. Public Hearings 3. Consent Calendar 4. Action Calendar 5. Discussion Calendar 6. Informational Reports and Other Business 7. Closed Session(s) 8. Adjournment I. The Public Hearings portion of the agenda, if any, shall be held at the time specified in the legal notice advertising such hearing. In general, the order of procedure for a public hearing is as follows: 26 1. Opening of Hearing by Presiding Officer 2. Verification of Notice of Hearing Provided by Board Secretary 3. Reports by General Manager, Staff and/or Consultant 4. Comments from the Public Speaking in Favor and/or Against the Issue 4.5. Receipt of Written Communications from the Written by Public 5.1. Comments from the Public Speaking in Favor and/or Against the Issue 6. Continue or Closing of Hearing by Presiding Officer 6.7. Questions to Staff and Board Discussion by Board 7. General Manager’s Recommendations to Approve, Modify, Continue, or Deny 8. Continue or Close Public Hearing 9.8. Consideration of Action by the Board J. The Consent Calendar portion of the agenda shall be consideration, in a single action, of items determined by the Secretary to be routine matters, status reports or documents implementing previous Board instructions. If a Director has a question or wishes to discuss a Consent Calendar item, they may do so without formally removing the item from the Consent Calendar. If, after such discussion, a Director, staff member or member of the public has a question or wishes to address a Consent Calendar item further, they may request that the item be removed for further discussion. The Presiding Officer shall immediately grant such requests and transfer the removed item to the Action Calendar for later discussion. Items removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion shall be acted upon separately. All items remaining on the Consent Calendar shall be considered for approval by a single motion. Examples of matters appearing on the Consent Calendar may include, but are not limited to: 1. Minutes of Previous Board Meetings 2. Approval to Pay Warrants 3. Routine Environmental Assessments 4. Approval of Routine Terms and Conditions for Water and/or Sewer Service 5. Approval of Change Orders (W ith a dollar value within the General Manager’s authority consistent with the approved purchasing policy.) 6. Approval of Contracts (For projects identified in the adopted budget.) 7. Final Acceptance of Facilities 8. Disposition of Liability Claims 9. Other Routine Administrative Matters K. The Action Calendar portion of the agenda shall include items requiring staff presentation and/or Board discussion prior to formal Board action. Items shall generally be listed in order of priority and with items of a similar nature grouped together. Items may be addressed out of order upon request and with the consent of the Presiding Officer. L. The Discussion Calendar shall include matters that do not require Board action or that cannot reasonably be expected to result in Board action at that meeting. Matters appropriate for the Discussion Calendar include technical presentations to the Board, review of drafts of proposed policies and, in general, items for which District staff seeks the advice and counsel of the Board. When time permits, the Board believes the District’s best interests are served by discussing more complex 27 matters at one meeting and considering formal action on them at a subsequent meeting. M. The Informational Reports and Other Business portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for the presentation of reports by the General Manager, reports from Committees, reports by Directors who have attended outside meetings, and general comments by Directors. It also provides an opportunity for the Board to schedule future meetings and assignments on the Board’s activity calendar. N. Closed Sessions are strictly limited to the open meeting exceptions as defined in the Ralph M. Brown Act. At times, during Board meetings, the Board may adjourn into Closed Session to discuss personnel matters, real estate negotiations, existing or anticipated litigation or other matters as specified in the exceptions set forth in the Brown Act. Appropriate agenda descriptions are also required for Closed Session items. O. A motion to adjourn must be moved by a Director and seconded by another Director, and is subject to debate. No further business can be conducted after an affirmative vote to adjourn. P. The Board may adjourn any regular or adjourned regular meeting to a time and place specified in the motion of adjournment so approved by the Board. 12.0 BOARD MEETINGS, MINUTES 12.1 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Board meetings. Minutes are to record actions taken and meaningful discussion; they are not intended to be verbatim records. Members of the public requesting information about a meeting shall be encouraged to listen to the audio recording made of each meeting. Draft minutes shall be distributed to the Board for review and approval at the next regular meeting or as soon as possible thereafter. Minutes may be approved as part of the Consent Calendar. 12.2 The official minutes of all Board meetings shall be kept in a fire-proof vault or in fire- resistant locked cabinets at the District’s Administration office. An audio recording shall be made of all regular Board meetings, including public hearings, and retained for 30 days following the date the meeting minutes are approved by a majority vote of the Board. Video recordings of all regular Board meetings or public hearings shall be retained for a minimum of 30 days following the date of the meeting. 13.0 BOARD MEETINGS, CONDUCT 13.1 Guidelines for Discussion These guidelines are intended primarily for those situations where discussion of an issue is taken up with considerable enthusiasm by several Directors and/or members of the 28 general public, and it is necessary to formalize the meeting so that each Director, in due course, may be heard. A. The Presiding Officer shall decide, subject to a question of order by any Director, the degree of enforcement of these guidelines at any time during any meeting. B. The Board prefers a flexible form of meeting, believing that this enhances the decision-making process and therefore does not conduct its meetings with formal “rules of order” or parliamentary procedure. The Presiding Officer for each meeting has the responsibility to preserve order and decorum. If at any time, a Director believes order is not being maintained or that procedures being followed are not adequate for the decision-making process at hand, he/she shall call this fact to the attention of the Presiding Officer and request corrective action. If the corrective action taken by the Presiding Officer is not satisfactory, a motion for specific corrective action may be made to the Board. In that event, a majority vote of the Board shall determine the action to be taken. C. A Director is disqualified from participating in the decision-making process if a financial interest in an item before the Board might interfere with the performance of duties in an impartial manner free from bias, as defined in Section 4.0 herein. If grounds for disqualification exist, the Director at issue shall announce prior to consideration of the matter that he/she has a conflict of interest (see Exhibit B), publicly identify the interest that gives rise to the conflict or potential conflict in sufficient detail to be understood by the public, recuse themselves from discussing and voting on the matter, and then leave the room until after the discussion, vote, and any other disposition of the matter is concluded. The Director shall not be counted toward achieving a quorum while the item is discussed. This rule applies when the item that gives rise to the disqualification is on the Consent Calendar except the Director at issue is not required to leave the room. Any Director unsure about whether a conflict of interest exists may request an opinion from legal counsel. D. The Presiding Officer may move, second or debate motions from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as may be imposed on all Directors, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Director by serving as the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer may vote on all questions or motions before the Board, with his/her name being called last in a roll call vote. E. Any Director desiring to speak shall first address the chair. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the Director may speak freely with respect to the matter then before the Board but shall confine his/her comments to the subject under discussion. Any Director, once recognized, shall not be interrupted except by a call to order from the Presiding Officer. If a Director is called to order, he/she shall cease speaking until the question or order is determined; if determined to be in order, they may proceed. F. Any Director moving the adoption or approval of a matter may call for the question. G. True motions to reconsider any Board action must be made at the same meeting at which the original action was taken; however, any Director may make any other type of motion at any meeting. 29 H. All motions shall be adopted by voice vote unless otherwise required by law. The Secretary shall record in the Minutes any dissenting and abstaining votes, or disqualification from voting due to a conflict of interest. I. Unless a Director declares a conflict of interest or abstains, silence shall be recorded in the Minutes as an affirmative vote. J. The Secretary shall enter into the Minutes for each meeting a record of all Board actions and a summary of the discussion on each matter considered by the Board. K. Any person desiring to speak shall first address the chair. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the speaker shall state his/her name, representation and/or affiliation and the matter on which he/she wishes to comment. If the matter relates to an item on the current agenda, the Presiding Officer shall recognize the person and invite their comment when the item is considered. If the matter does not relate to an item on the current agenda, the Presiding Officer shall determine whether and when to allow the comment. Comments are limited to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the District, and comments must be no more than three minutes in length unless a time extension is granted by the Presiding Officer. A maximum of 20 minutes shall be allotted for each subject matter pursuant to the discretion of the Presiding Officer. No action shall be taken on matters not appearing on the posted agenda for that meeting, although Directors may respond briefly to public comments. L. In the event any person or group of people makes personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or becomes boisterous while attending a District Board meeting, the Presiding Officer shall call for order. If the person or group refuses to comply with the Presiding Officer’s request for order, the Presiding Officer may declare a recess and summon a law enforcement officer to remove the person(s) from the room. Once the Presiding Officer takes this action, permission for such person(s) to remain at the meeting requires a motion approved by a majority vote of the Board. When, in the judgment of the Presiding Officer, order is restored, the meeting shall reconvene and continue with the Board’s business. 14.0 BOARD ACTIONS AND DECISIONS 14.1 The Board shall act only by Ordinance, Resolution or Motion. The Presiding Officer shall state each matter as it is presented for consideration by the Board and shall announce each decision of the Board. 14.2 Ordinances are an authoritative decree or municipal regulation of the District. Ordinances shall relate to no more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title of the ordinance. No ordinance, or section thereof, shall be amended or repealed unless the new ordinances contains the title of the ordinance or section amended or repealed. When applicable, ordinances shall be identified to the Board as replacements to existing ordinances or sections thereof. Ordinances must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted ordinance. All ordinances shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. Ordinances shall be in full force and effect upon adoption unless otherwise provided by 30 law, and the Secretary shall be responsible for compliance with any and all legal requirements for publication of the ordinance. 14.3 Resolutions are a formal expression of opinion, will or intent of the Board. Resolutions must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted resolution. All resolutions shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. 14.4 Motions are proposals, made by a Director during a Board meeting, for action, inclination of the mind or will, or a formal proposal made in a deliberative manner by the Board. Every motion considered by the Board must be moved by a Director, seconded by another Director and is subject to debate. 14.5 Except where action is taken by the unanimous vote of all Directors present and voting, the Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain or Absent upon the passage of all ordinances, resolutions, or motions and enter them upon the Minutes of the Board. 15.0 EXHIBITS AND APPENDIXES Exhibits A. Acknowledgement B. Sample Conflict of Interest Declarations A.C. Activity Report and Compensation Form B.D. Travel Expense Reimbursement Form C.E. Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form D.F. Missing Receipt Affidavit Form G. Miscellaneous Gratuities Form E.H. Communications Expense Reimbursement Form F. Sample Conflict of Interest Declarations G.A. Acknowledgement Appendixes 1. Setting Compensation for Members of the Board (Ord. 03-01) Resolution No. 16-12 Adopting a Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual and Rescinding Resolution No. 15-05 1 RESOLUTION NO. 16-12 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ADOPTING A BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 15-05 WHEREAS, the Yorba Linda Water District was formed pursuant to Division 12 of the California Water Code; and WHEREAS, Section 30530 of the Water Code provides that the Board shall establish rules for its proceedings; and WHEREAS, such rules for proceedings were formerly established and adopted by Resolution No. 15-05; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Directors to amend these rules and incorporate other related policies in order to create a comprehensive policies and procedures manual. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. The Board of Directors does hereby adopt a “Policies and Procedures Manual” as attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 3. The policies and procedures contained in this manual shall take effect immediately and that Resolution No. 15-05 is hereby rescinded. Resolution No. 16-12 Adopting a Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual and Rescinding Resolution No. 15-05 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of July, 2016 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Ric Collett, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. Kidman Law LLP YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Board of Directors Policies and Procedures Manual Adopted July 28, 2016 Resolution No. 16-13 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Purpose and Scope.................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Mission, Vision and Core Values .............................................................................................. 3 3.0 Basis of Authority ...................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Duties, Responsibilities and Conduct ...................................................................................... 4 5.0 Composition, Terms and Vacancy.......................................................................................... 11 6.0 Officers ..................................................................................................................................... 12 7.0 Appointed Staff and Others .................................................................................................... 13 8.0 Committees .............................................................................................................................. 15 9.0 Directors’ Compensation, Benefits and Expense Reimbursement ..................................... 16 10.0 Board Meetings, General ......................................................................................................... 20 11.0 Board Meetings, Agendas ....................................................................................................... 22 12.0 Board Meetings, Minutes ......................................................................................................... 26 13.0 Board Meetings, Conduct ........................................................................................................ 27 14.0 Board Actions and Decisions ................................................................................................. 28 15.0 Exhibits and Appendixes ........................................................................................................ 29 3 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 1.1 The purpose of this manual is to provide a compilation of policies and procedures approved by the Board to facilitate the proper conduct of District business. Each Director shall be provided with a copy of this manual, acknowledge receipt in writing (see Exhibit A), and affirm their intent to comply with the policies and procedures contained herein. If any portion of this manual is in conflict with federal or state law or regulations that apply to the District, said legislation or regulations shall prevail. 2.0 MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES 2.1 Mission Statement Yorba Linda Water District will provide reliable, high quality water and sewer services in an environmentally responsible manner, while maintaining an economical cost and unparalleled customer service to our community. 2.2 Vision Yorba Linda Water District will become the leading, innovative and efficient source for high quality reliable services. 2.3 Core Values The Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors and staff are guided in everything we do by the following core values: Integrity – We demonstrate integrity every day by practicing the highest ethical standards and by ensuring that our actions follow our words. Accountability – We acknowledge that both the Board and staff of the District are accountable to the public that we serve, as well as to each other. Responsibility - We take full responsibility for our actions – both our successes and our opportunities for growth. We maintain a commitment of courtesy, assessment and resolution with all customer concerns. Transparency – We promote a culture where we actively listen to our customers and communicate openly about our policies, processes and plans for the future. Teamwork – Success centers on all departments working together and sharing information and resources to achieve common goals. We are dedicated to ensuring that every voice of the District, from the Board to each individual employee is treated with dignity and respect, and that differences are valued and individual abilities and contributions are recognized. 3.0 BASIS OF AUTHORITY 3.1 The District is a County Water District, organized and existing under the County Water District Law. The Board is the legislative body, and functions as the District’s policymaking body. It can only function as a unit. Apart from their role as a part of this unit, individual Directors have no authority with regard to any aspect of District business. 4 3.2 As individuals, Directors may not commit the District to any policy, act, or expenditure without prior Board approval nor give direction to the General Manager, staff, contract personnel or consultants without prior Board approval. Directors do not represent any fractional segment or region of the community, but are part of a legislative body that represents and acts for the District as a whole. Since Directors are elected officials, no Director may delegate his/her authority to act as a Director. 4.0 DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT Duties and Responsibilities 4.1 The Board’s primary responsibility is the formulation and evaluation of District policy. The General Manager is responsible for running the District’s business. Routine matters concerning operational aspects of the District are delegated to professional staff members by the General Manager. Directors are responsible for monitoring District progress in attaining its goals and objectives, while pursuing its mission. The Board establishes goals, objectives, expectations, and measurement criteria for the General Manager’s performance. Board members shall provide policy direction and instructions to the General Manager on matters within the authority of the Board by a majority vote during a duly convened meeting of the Board. 4.2 In order to assist in the governance of the behavior between and among members of the Board, the following practices shall be observed: A. The dignity, style, values and opinions of each Director shall be respected. B. Responsiveness and attentive listening in communication is encouraged. C. The needs of the District’s constituents shall be the priority of the Board of Directors. D. Directors shall commit themselves to emphasizing the positive, avoiding double talk, hidden agendas, gossip, backbiting, and other negative forms of interaction. E. Directors shall commit themselves to focusing on issues and not personalities. The presentation of the opinions of others shall be encouraged. Cliques and voting blocks based on personalities rather than issues shall be avoided. F. Differing viewpoints are healthy in the decision-making process. Individuals have the right to disagree with ideas and opinions, but without being disagreeable. Once the Board takes action, Directors shall commit to supporting said action and not create barriers to the implementation of said action. 4.3 In order to maintain effective working relationships and support the chain of command, the following procedures shall be followed: A. Board members shall address matters within the authority of the General Manager through the General Manager, not directly through District employees. 5 B. Accordingly, individual Directors’ requests for information from staff or contract personnel/consultants shall always be made to the General Manager. C. Responsive materials to Directors’ requests for information shall be distributed by the General Manager or his/her designee, to all Board members at the same time. D. If the General Manger’s response is deemed inadequate, a Director may contact the Board President or raise the issue directly at a Board meeting, where the Board shall determine whether or not the issue warrants attention and if so, schedule it for a future meeting. E. If the General Manager anticipates being unavailable, he/she shall notify the Board in advance and provide a designee contact. F. When the General Manager is unavailable in person or by technological means, Board members, at their discretion, may contact the General Manager’s designee. G. Board members shall refrain from making requests directly to District employees to undertake analysis, perform work assignments or change the priority of work assignments. District employees have been instructed to notify the General Manager of all requests received from a Board member within 48 hours. H. If approached by an employee concerning District policy, Board members shall direct inquiries to the appropriate staff supervisor or General Manager. I. In handling complaints from residents and property owners of the District, said complaints shall be referred directly to the General Manager. J. In handling matters related to public safety, concerns shall be reported to the General Manager or the District office. Emergency situations shall be dealt with immediately by seeking appropriate assistance. K. In seeking clarification for policy-related concerns, especially those involving personnel, legal action, land acquisition and development, finances and programming, said concerns shall be referred directly to the General Manager or legal counsel. 4.4 The work of the District is a team effort. All individuals shall work together in the collaborative process, assisting each other in conducting the affairs of the District. A. When responding to constituent requests and concerns, Directors shall be courteous, responding to individuals in a positive manner and routing their questions through appropriate channels. B. Directors shall develop a working relationship with the General Manager wherein current issues, concerns and District projects can be discussed comfortably and openly. C. Directors shall function as a part of the whole. Issues shall be brought to the attention of the Board as a whole, rather than to individual members selectively. 6 4.5 Directors shall attend all meetings of the Board, including committee, agency, and intergovernmental meetings to which they may be assigned, unless there is good cause for absence, and be properly prepared for participation and deliberation. 4.6 Newly elected or appointed Directors shall participate in a minimum of two hours of harassment prevention training and a minimum of six hours of basic governance training within one year from the first day of service with the District. Thereafter, all Directors shall participate in a minimum of two hours of harassment prevention training every two years and a minimum of six hours of basic governance training every five years. Participation in the Governance Foundation course, offered by the California Special District Association’s Special District Leadership Academy, shall satisfy the basic governance training requirement. 4.7 The Board shall review the policies and procedures contained in this manual on an annual basis or more often as required. Code of Conduct (Ethics Policy) 4.8 It is the policy of the District to require the highest standards of ethics from its Board members. The operation of the District requires that decisions and policy be made within the proper channels of governmental structure, that the public office not be used for personal gain, and that all individuals associated with the District remain impartial and responsible towards the public. Accordingly, it is the policy of the District that Board members shall maintain the highest standard of personal honesty and fairness in carrying out their duties. The following are guidelines for ethical conduct to be followed by the Board: A. Board members are obligated to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of California, and to uphold the laws of national, state and local governmental agencies. Board members shall comply with all applicable laws regulating their conduct, including conflicts of interest, financial disclosure and open government laws. It is the responsibility of Board members to conduct themselves both professionally and personally in a manner above reproach and to avoid the appearance of impropriety. B. Board members in the performance of their official duties and responsibilities shall neither harass nor discriminate against any individual on the basis of their protected classification(s), the perception of any individuals protected classification(s), or because the individual associates with a person who has or is perceived to have a protected classification(s). The term “Protected Classification” includes race, religion, color, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, transgender, pregnancy, and breastfeeding), sexual orientation (including heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality), national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, marital status, age, medical condition, genetic characteristics or information, military or veteran status, and physical or mental disability (whether perceived or actual). No Board member shall grant any unfair or inappropriate consideration, treatment, or advantage to any individual or group beyond that which is available to others or groups with the same circumstances. 7 C. Except where specifically authorized by the General Manager in the public interest, no Board member shall knowingly use or permit the use of District-owned vehicles, equipment, telephones, materials or property, nor require a District employee to perform services for personal convenience or profit. Board members shall safeguard the District’s property, equipment, moneys, and assets against unauthorized use or removal, as well as from loss due to criminal act or breach of trust. D. Board members shall not disclose information that legally qualifies as confidential to unauthorized individuals without approval from a majority vote of the Board and consultation with legal counsel. This includes information that (1) has been received during a Closed Session; (2) is protected from disclosure under the attorney/client or other evidentiary privilege; or (3) is not required to be disclosed under the California Public Records Act. A Board member may make a confidential inquiry or complaint to a district attorney or grand jury concerning a perceived violation of law, including disclosing facts to a district attorney or grand jury necessary to establish the alleged illegality of a District action. Prior to disclosing confidential information, however, a Board member shall first bring the matter to the attention of either the President or the full Board. E. Board members shall avoid conflicts, or perceived conflicts of interest in connection with District decisions and activities. 1. A Board member shall not have a financial interest in a contract with the District, which includes the purchase or sale of goods and services. The Board shall not authorize any District contract if a Board member is financially interested in the contract. 2. A Board member shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on a matter before the Board, or attempt to influence a decision of the Board, if the Board member has a financial interest, which is prohibited under California law. If a Board member believes that he/she may be disqualified from participation in the discussion, deliberations or vote on a particular matter due to a financial interest, the following procedures shall be followed: a. If a Board member becomes aware of the potential conflict of interest before a Board meeting at which the matter will be discussed or acted on, the Board member shall notify the General Manager and legal counsel of the potential conflict of interest, so that a determination can be made whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. b. If it’s not possible for a Board member to discuss the potential conflict with the General Manager and legal counsel before the meeting, or if the Board member does not become aware of the potential conflict until during the meeting, the Board member shall immediately disclose the potential conflict during the Board meeting (see Exhibit B), so that there can be a determination as to whether it is a disqualifying conflict of interest. 8 c. Upon a determination that there is a disqualifying conflict of interest, the Board member (1) shall not participate in the discussion, deliberation or vote on the matter for which a conflict of interest exists, which shall be so noted in the Board minutes; and (2) leave the room until after the discussion, vote and any other disposition of the matter is concluded (see also Section 13.1 C). 3. A Board member shall not recommend the employment of a relative to the District or to a vendor, contractor or consultant known by the Board member to be bidding or negotiating a contract with the District. F. To avoid non-compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, Directors are prohibited from sending and receiving electronically produced messages during meetings. G. For a period of one year after leaving office, former Board members shall not represent any non-governmental entities before the District for compensation. This restriction shall not apply to governmental entities. 4.9 Board members are prohibited from soliciting political funds or contributions at District facilities and prohibited from using the District’s seal, trademark, logo, branding, stationary or other indicia of the District’s identity, in any solicitation for political contributions contrary to State law. A Board member shall not accept, solicit or direct a political contribution from: A. District employees. B. Consultants or contractors used by the District in the past 12 months. C. Individuals, entities, vendors, consultants, sub-consultants, contractors, or sub- contractors which have a personal or financial interest in a contract or other matter while it is pending before the District and for 6 months after the District renders a final decision on that contract or other matter. 4.10 The appointment or election of a Board member to a public entity, other than the District, may result in action that is contrary or inconsistent with the interests of the District and could result in loss of the member’s position of the Board. Board members may, with consent of the Board, consult with legal counsel and the Board may authorize a request for an opinion from the Attorney General of the State of California as to the incompatibility of offices. 4.11 No Board member shall receive or agree to receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, reward, honoraria or gift from any source except for recognition from the District for any action related to the conduct of the District’s business. A Board member shall not accept gifts that exceed the limitations specified in California law. Any and all gifts, campaign contributions, income and financial information shall be disclosed as required under the provisions of the Political Reform Act of 1974 and applicable regulations adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission. 4.12 Board members and persons elected or appointed, who have not yet assumed office as members of the Board, shall fully comply with the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act. 9 4.13 The General Manager has primary responsibility for (1) ensuring compliance with the District’s personnel policies and procedures; (2) ensuring that District employees do not engage in improper activities; (3) investigating allegations of improper activities; and (4) taking appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions. The Board ensures that the General Manager is operating the District according to the law and the policies approved by the Board. A. Board members shall disclose to the General Manager, to the extent not expressly prohibited by law, improper activities within their knowledge. Board members shall not interfere with the General Manager’s responsibilities in identifying, investigating and correcting improper activities, unless the Board determines the General Manager is not properly carrying out these responsibilities. B. A Board member shall not directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the authority or influence of the position to intimidate, threaten, coerce, command or influence any person for the purpose of preventing such person from acting in good faith to bring to the attention of the General Manager or the Board any information that, if true, will constitute a work-related violation by a Board member or District employee of any law or regulation. This includes, but is not limited to (1) misappropriation or waste of District funds; (2) abuse of authority; (3) creating substantial danger to public health or safety by an act or omission of a District official or employee; (4) use of a District office or position or of District resources for personal gain; or (5) a conflict of interest of a Board member or employee. 4.14 Any new Director must receive ethics training as soon as practical, but not more than one year, from the first day of service with the District. Thereafter, all Directors shall be required to receive ethics training at least once every two years. A Director who serves on more than one local agency board may satisfy this requirement by obtaining ethics training once every two years without regard to the number of local agencies with which he/she serves. The District shall provide information annually on where training is available. All Directors shall provide a copy of proof of participation in the required ethics training to the District. Copies of proofs of participation shall be considered public documents and shall be retained for a minimum of five years. 4.15 Directors are not subject to the District’s Conflict of Interest Codes, but are subject to the disclosure requirements of the Political Reform Act. Directors are required to file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) with the County when assuming office, on an annual basis thereafter, and when leaving office. Filing of these forms shall be performed using the County’s e-file system. 4.16 Directors appointed to other agency’s boards (e.g. OCSD or JPIA) shall be required to file Form 700’s in accordance with that respective agency’s Conflict of Interest Codes. 4.17 The following procedures shall be followed when any member of the Board reasonably believes that another member of the Board has engaged in alleged misconduct or has failed to act in the best interests of the District. These procedures shall not be effective in any case in which a non-board member seeks redress for alleged misconduct by a Board member. While the Board has discretion in deciding the actions it may choose to take in response to a complaint, this section provides definitions and procedures related to three types of actions: admonition, sanction and censure. 10 A. Admonition is the least severe form of action. An admonition may typically be directed to all members of the Board, reminding them that a particular type of behavior is not in the best interests of the District, and that, if it occurs or is found to have occurred, could cause a member to be subject to sanction or censure. An admonition may be issued in response to a particular alleged action or actions, although it will not necessarily have to be triggered by a complaint of misconduct. An admonition may be issued by the Board prior to any findings of fact regarding any complaint, and because it is a warning or reminder, will not necessarily require an investigation. B. Sanction is the next most severe form of action. Sanction shall be directed to an individual member of the Board based on a particular action (or set of actions) that is determined to be misconduct but is considered by the Board not to be sufficiently serious to require censure. A sanction may be based upon the Board’s review and consideration of a complaint. A sanction may be issued by the Board, and because it is not punishment or discipline, will not necessarily require an investigation. C. Censure is the most severe form of action. Censure is a formal statement of the Board officially reprimanding one of its members. It is a punitive action, which serves as a penalty imposed for misconduct, but it carries no fine or suspension of the rights of the member as an elected official. It can however, include such actions as the disapproval of expense reimbursement requests, de-authorization of attendance at conferences, seminars and other activities at District expense, removal of the member from Board committee, agency and intergovernmental meeting assignments, and other such remedies as may be deemed appropriate by the Board. Censure shall only be used for cases in which the Board determines that the misconduct is a serious offense. In order to protect the overriding principle of freedom of speech, the Board shall not impose censure on any of its members for the exercise of his/her First Amendment rights, no matter how distasteful the expression was to the Board or the District. However, nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the Board from collectively condemning and expressing their strong disapprobation of such remarks. Before the imposition of a censure, the Director accused of a violation shall be entitled to written notice of the allegation, the right to provide a written response to the allegation, and an opportunity to respond in writing as to the results of an investigation. 4.18 All complaints shall be submitted in writing to the General Manager and/or the District’s legal counsel for review and determination as to whether there is sufficient basis for further action. Complaints that specifically seek admonition, sanction or censure as a specific remedy shall be treated as a request for that remedy. Once a complaint has been filed, the General Manager, in conjunction with legal counsel, shall bring the matter before the Board. The Director named in a complaint shall be given an opportunity to respond to the complaint in writing. If the Board determines, in consultation with legal counsel, that an investigation is warranted, the Board shall initiate an investigation by the appropriate investigator, entity or authority, as determined in the reasonable discretion of the Board. In the event of such an investigation, a report of the findings of said investigation, along with the accused Director’s written response to the report, shall be presented to the board for majority action. If there is no merit, the matter shall be disposed of with no further action. When the Board decides, based upon findings and the accused Director’s defense, that a violation has occurred, it may choose to impose one of the 11 above listed internal remedies. Any action taken by the Board to impose a sanction or censure, shall be taken by way of written resolution. 4.19 At any point during any of these processes, the Board may refer the matter, as appropriate, to the Orange County District Attorney or other proper authorities for possible investigation, enforcement or prosecution. Prior to or following such referral, the Board may also proceed with any of the actions described in this section. 5.0 COMPOSITION, TERMS AND VACANCY 5.1 The District shall have a Board of five Directors each of whom, whether elected or appointed, shall be a voter of the District. 5.2 The term of office of each Director, other than Directors appointed to fill an unexpired term, shall be four years. Terms of office are staggered, with elections held in November of every even numbered year. 5.3 Elections are held at large, which means that all voters throughout the District have the opportunity to vote for any person seeking election. 5.4 Before entering upon the duties of his/her office, each Director shall take and subscribe the official oath and file it with the Secretary. The oath of office may be taken before the Secretary, any member of the Board, or any officer authorized by law to administer oaths. 5.5 Each Director elected or appointed shall hold office until his/her successor qualifies. 5.6 If a person elected fails to qualify, the office shall be filled as if there were a vacancy in the office. 5.7 From time to time a vacancy may occur on the Board for a variety of reasons. An office becomes vacant on any of the following events before the expiration of a Director’s term: A. Death of an incumbent; B. A court’s declaration that the incumbent is physically or mentally incapacitated; C. Resignation; D. Removal from office; E. Ceasing to be an inhabitant of the District; F. Absence from the state beyond periods allowed by law; G. Ceasing to discharge the duties of the office for three consecutive months; H. Conviction of a felony; I. Refusal or neglect to file required oath of office; 12 J. Declaration by a competent tribunal that election or appointment is void; or K. Commitment to a hospital or sanitarium by a court of competent jurisdiction. 5.8 All vacancies occurring in the office of Director shall be filled pursuant to Section 1780 of the Government Code. The District shall notify the county elections official of the vacancy no later than 15 days after the Board is notified of the vacancy or the effective date of the vacancy, whichever is later. A. The remaining members of a five person board may fill a vacancy by appointment. The appointee shall hold office until the District general election 130 days or more after the effective date of the vacancy. Appointments shall be made within 60 days after the effective date of the vacancy. Notice of the vacancy shall be posted in three or more conspicuous places within the District and published in a newspaper of general circulation at least 15 days prior to an appointment. The remaining members may call an election to fill the vacancy within 60 days of the vacancy, in lieu of an appointment, on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy. B. If the vacancy is not filled or an election called within 60 days of the vacancy, the County Board of Supervisors may fill the vacancy within 90 days of the vacancy or order the District to call an election to fill the vacancy. C. If neither (A) or (B) has occurred within 90 days, the District shall call an election to be held on the next available election date provided by Chapter 1 of Division 1 of the Election Code that is 130 days or more after the vacancy occurs. D. If the remaining Board falls below a quorum, the Board of Supervisors may waive the 60 day period provided in (A) and appoint immediately, or may call an election to fill the vacancy under Chapter 1 of the Election Code. The Board of Supervisors shall only fill enough vacancies to provide a quorum. E. Appointees shall hold office until the next District general election. Electees shall hold office for the unexpired balance of the term of office. 5.9 If a Director’s place of residence is moved outside District boundaries, and if within 180 days of the move the Director fails to reestablish a place of residence within the District, it shall be presumed that a permanent change of residence has occurred and that a vacancy exists on the Board. 6.0 OFFICERS 6.1 President and Vice President A. A President and Vice President of the Board shall be elected annually at the District’s reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. The President shall assume the chair of the Presiding Officer immediately after election. 13 B. The President shall make committee, agency, and intergovernmental meeting assignments, subject to consent of the Board, annually by the first meeting of the Board of Directors to be held in January of the subsequent year. C. If the President is absent from a meeting of the Board, the Vice President shall serve as the Presiding Officer. If both the President and Vice President are absent, the Secretary shall take the chair so that the Directors present may elect a Presiding Officer. Upon late arrival of the President or Vice President at the meeting, the chair shall be relinquished at the first opportunity not disruptive to the conduct of business. D. In the event the President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, the Vice President shall serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. In the event the Vice President becomes incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act in his/her official capacity, as determined by a majority vote of the Board, an interim Vice President shall be elected at the District’s next regular meeting of the Board to serve until the incapacity is cured or relieved. E. The Presiding Officer, established pursuant to these policies, shall conduct the proceedings of the Board. F. The Presiding Officer shall sign all ordinances, resolutions and contract documents approved and adopted by the Board. G. The President and Vice President of the Board shall serve as the President and Vice President of the Public Financing Corporation. The Officers of the Corporation shall be updated annually at the District’s reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. H. Individuals serving as President or Vice President of the Board and the Corporation may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board. 7.0 APPOINTED STAFF AND OTHERS Appointed Staff, as defined in this section, shall mean the General Manager, Board Secretary, Assistant Board Secretary and Treasurer, who are appointed by the Board. 7.1 General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer A. A General Manager shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The General Manager shall perform all duties set forth in County Water District Law, set forth in these policies, set forth in the General Manager’s contract with the District, imposed by the Board, and in accordance with governing laws and regulations. In summary, the General Manager shall: (1) have full charge and control of the maintenance, operation, and construction of the water works or water works system of the District; (2) have full power and authority to employ and discharge all employees and assistants at pleasure; (3) prescribe the duties of employees and assistants; (4) fix and alter the compensation of employees and assistants subject to budget limitations as approved by the Board; (5) perform other duties imposed by the Board; and (6) 14 report to the Board in accordance with the rules and regulations as adopted by the Board. B. A Secretary and Assistant Secretary shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Secretary, or the Assistant Secretary in the absence of the Secretary, shall attest all ordinances and resolutions approved and adopted by the Board, countersign all contract documents approved and adopted by the Board, prepare the minutes of each meeting held by the Board, and perform all duties set forth in the County Water District Law, set forth in these policies, imposed by the Board, and in accordance with governing laws and regulations. C. A Treasurer shall be appointed by a majority vote of the Board and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The Treasurer shall perform all duties set forth in the County Water District Law, set forth in these policies, imposed by the Board, and in accordance with governing laws and regulations. The Treasurer shall install and maintain a system of auditing and accounting that shall completely and at all times show the financial condition of the District. D. A member of the Board shall not serve as the General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer. The same person may be appointed as General Manager and Secretary or Secretary and Treasurer. There shall be no additional compensation for also serving as Secretary, Assistant Secretary or Treasurer if the individual so serving is an employee of the District. E. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the District shall serve as the Secretary, Assistant Secretary, and Treasurer of the Public Financing Corporation. Appointed staff of the Corporation shall be updated annually at the District’s reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. F. The General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and other employees or assistants of the District, as required by the Board, shall each give a bond to the District conditioned for the faithful performance of his/her duties as the Board may provide. Payment for the provision of these bonds shall be provided by the District. G. Individuals serving as General Manager, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, or Treasurer of the Board and the Corporation may be removed from their appointments by a majority vote of the Board. 7.2 District Legal and Labor Counsel A. The District’s Legal and Labor Counsel are law firms that are appointed by and report to the Board of Directors. 1. Legal Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District and its Board in all legal matters pertaining to the operation, maintenance, and other related business of the District. Legal Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all Board 15 actions to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review legal documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager; and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 2. Labor Counsel shall serve as the attorney for the District and its Board in all legal matters pertaining to public sector law, employment law, and other related business of the District. Labor Counsel shall perform such duties as the Board or General Manager may request, and shall (1) review all employment related matters to insure legality and acceptability under law; (2) prepare or review employment and labor related documents and provide legal counsel, as required by the Board or General Manager and (3) attend and/or participate in Board meetings and other meetings as directed by the Board or the General Manager. 7.3 District Auditor A. The District’s Auditor is a certified audit firm that is appointed by and reports to the Board, and that conducts the District’s annual audit and prepares the District’s annual audit report. The District’s auditor shall be rotated on a periodic basis. Contracts for independent auditing services shall be awarded for an initial period of three years, with the option of extending up to two subsequent years (for a maximum total of five), unless otherwise determined by the Board. 7.4 Consultants A. The Board may from time-to-time select, retain, compensate, define the scope and efforts of, and dismiss consultants to support or provide information to the Board in developing policy level decisions or in implementing Board actions. In doing so, the Board shall delegate to the General Manager the responsibility for day-to-day direction of the work of the consultant. 8.0 COMMITTEES 8.1 From time to time, the Board may establish committees, whether standing or ad hoc, to assist with the performance of its duties and policy advice. In keeping with the Board’s broader focus, committees shall not direct the implementation of District programs and projects. Committees shall assist the Board by preparing policy alternatives and implications for Board consideration. Committees shall not act on the Board’s behalf unless authorized by a majority vote of the Board. Said authorization shall not conflict with the duties assigned to the General Manager. In order to preserve the organizational structure and support the chain of command, committees shall not exercise authority over staff or staff operations. 8.2 The purpose of each established committee shall be reviewed by the Board on an annual basis, prior to making Director assignments, in order to determine their continuing relevance. 8.3 The Board previously adopted the Fair Political Practices Commission’s (FPPC) Form 806 as the District’s official form for reporting public official appointments and has directed 16 staff to post a completed form on the District’s website in accordance with the requirements set forth in FPPC Regulation 18705.5. 9.0 DIRECTORS’ COMPENSATION, BENEFITS AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT Directors’ Compensation 9.1 As of January 23, 2003, compensation for members of the Board shall be $150 per day for each day’s attendance at meetings of the Board and other meetings attended at the request of the Board, including reasonable and necessary travel time (see Appendix 1). Compensation for any type of service shall not exceed ten days in any calendar month. 9.2 Directors shall complete an Activity Report and Compensation Form (see Exhibit C) on a monthly basis. Directors have until the 15th day of the following month to file said reports with the General Manager or his/her designee. If an activity report is not returned by this deadline, no compensation shall be paid to the Director for that reporting period. 9.3 All activity reports shall be reviewed and approved by the President or the Vice President. 9.4 Increases in compensation are limited to five percent for each calendar year following the operative date of the last adjustment. The Board shall consider its compensation rate following the reorganization meeting held at the first regular meeting of the Board in December of each year. If the Board recommends an increase in the amount of compensation, an Ordinance shall be considered and adopted by the Board according to the following procedures: A. A public hearing shall be held prior to adoption of the Ordinance. B. Notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation once a week for two successive weeks prior to the public hearing. C. The Ordinance shall become effective 60 days from the date of its final passage. 9.5 The District does not provide any of its Directors with loans. Benefits 9.6 Directors and their eligible dependents may participate in the health benefits plans provided by the District, including medical, dental and vision plans. The District shall pay the premium amount for Directors and 2/3 of the premium amount for eligible dependents. Directors are responsible for paying the balance of the premium amount for eligible dependents. Health benefits provided to Directors shall not be greater than the most generous plan being offered to any group of District employees. A Director is also eligible for District-provided post-service health benefits if the following conditions are satisfied: the Director’s term began before January 1, 1995 and continued uninterrupted until on or after May 27, 2010; and the Director began receiving health benefits from the District before January 1, 1994. The rate of accrual for post-service health benefits is one year of benefits for each three years of service to the District as a Director. In addition to the terms and conditions provided herein, any terms or conditions set forth in the personnel rules of the District that are applicable to retiree health benefits shall also apply to post- service health benefits for Directors, except those conditions relating to good standing 17 and adequate notice of retirement. Directors are also eligible for District-provided Group Life insurance and Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance in amounts up to $10,000 each. Additionally, Directors may elect to participate in the District’s deferred compensation plan. Enrollment in any of the above benefits plans is subject to the rules and restrictions of the plans. Travel Expense Reimbursement 9.7 Directors are encouraged to attend conferences, conventions, meetings, symposiums, intergovernmental meetings and legislative sessions relating to the mission of the District. Directors shall receive reimbursement or payment of expenses, according to District rules, incurred in the performance of their duties as required or authorized by the Board. Attendance at an event must be pre-approved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board in order to be considered as an activity for the purposes of compensation and payment or reimbursement of travel expenses. Directors’ rates for reimbursement and payment of travel expenses shall not be greater than rates specified for District employees. 9.8 Directors shall be reimbursed for actual costs to attend activities, not to exceed: Flight: $350 Per Round Trip (Most Economical Class) Car Rental: $50 Per Day (Economy to Standard Size Vehicle) Lodging: $275 Per Night Meals: $75 Per Day Actual and Necessary Expenses: $30 Per Day 9.9 Expenditures for lodging, meals, and transportation shall provide for reasonable and necessary comfort and convenience. Directors shall be mindful that public funds are being spent and that only a reasonable and necessary level of expense is warranted. 9.10 When available, Directors must use coach class for commercial travel and group/government rates for lodging. If the group/government rate is not available, the reimbursement cannot be more than the amount set forth above. In the event a more expensive class of transportation is used, the reimbursable amount shall be limited to the cost of the most economical class of transportation available as identified above. 9.11 If an expense does not fall within the reimbursement rates identified in Section 9.12, it must be preapproved or ratified by a majority vote of the Board in a public meeting. 9.12 Meal expenses include the reasonable and necessary costs of meals and beverages, not including alcoholic beverages. Meal expenses shall be reimbursed on a daily basis not to exceed $75 per day. Meal expenses for partial days shall be reimbursed on a meal by meal basis as follows: $15 for breakfast, $25 for lunch, and $35 for dinner. Any amount spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth in this section may not be deducted from another day’s reimbursable amount during that same activity. Additionally, any amounts not spent over the daily or partial day reimbursable amounts set forth above may not be added to another day’s reimbursable amount during that same activity. No reimbursement shall be provided for alternative meals when the District has paid for the cost of the activity including any incorporated meals. Attendance at receptions before dinner shall not be considered a meal. 18 9.13 Eligible reimbursable amounts as identified above, do not include the cost of taxes or gratuities. 9.14 Actual and necessary expenses include tips for porters, baggage carriers, bell hops, and housekeepers. This does not include the cost of laundry, cleaning or pressing of clothes, or telephone calls. 9.15 For travel by personal vehicle, mileage shall be reimbursed at the IRS rate in effect at the time of travel. Personally owned vehicles used in the conduct of District business must be insured for property and liability damage in an amount not less than the minimum limits required by the California Financial Responsibility Act. In no case shall the amount paid for mileage reimbursement for use of a personally owned vehicle used for travel in lieu of air travel exceed the cost of coach class or equivalent airfare. 9.16 The District shall not incur any costs for a spouse, or other accompanying person. 9.17 In order to obtain reimbursement tor qualified expenses, the following procedures must be followed: A. Directors shall submit a completed Travel Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit D) for conference, convention or symposium attendance, together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 30 calendar days of when the expense was incurred. B. Directors shall also submit a completed Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit E) for local meeting attendance, together with all original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps, within 30 calendar days following the end of each month. C. If the Director does not file an expense report within the above listed deadlines, the District will not reimburse mileage or out-of-pocket expenses. D. For any activity that the District prepays expenses, the Director is still required to file an expense report to ensure that any expenses prepaid by the District are properly accounted for. Staff shall assist Directors with these reports as needed. To enforce the timely filing of expense reports the District may, by majority vote of the Board, stop prepaying conference and travel expenses. E. All expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the Finance Manager or the General Manager. Any requests for reimbursement that fall outside the limitations contained in this policy shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. F. With the exception of mileage reimbursement, any expense shown on the form must have a corresponding, attached original itemized receipt or other verification document. G. If a receipt is lost or not provided, the Director must submit a completed Missing Receipt Affidavit Form (see Exhibit F) as substantiation of the expense. 19 H. Directors shall also submit a completed Miscellaneous Gratuities Form (see Exhibit G) for such expenses paid in cash without a receipt. I. All forms, receipts and verification documents shall be public documents subject to redaction of any confidential information, such as credit card numbers. 9.18 A Director shall not attend a conference or training event for which there is an expense to the District if it occurs after the Director has announced his/her pending resignation, or if it occurs after an election in which it has been determined that the Director will not retain his/her seat on the Board. A Director shall not attend a conference or training event when it is apparent that there is no significant benefit to the District. 9.19 Directors shall provide a brief report about the activity at the next regular Board meeting following attendance. Said report shall detail what was learned at the session(s) that will be of benefit to the District. Materials from session(s) may be delivered to the General Manager for inclusion in the District’s library for future use. Communications Expense Reimbursement 9.20 In order to facilitate operational efficiency and reduce expenses, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the District to have all agendas and other District information distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies whenever possible. While Director participation in and support of this initiative is encouraged, it is not required. Participating Directors are eligible for the reimbursement of expenses associated with the purchase of necessary electronic equipment and related items provided: A. The Director is an elected official of the District with more than two months remaining in his/her current term of office. B. The Director has submitted a completed Communications Expense Reimbursement Form (see Exhibit H) in accordance with established procedures. C. The District shall provide reimbursement, up to $1,000 every four years (or sooner in the event of loss or theft), for the cost of electronic equipment and related items of the Director’s choosing plus a monthly allowance of $25 for a data plan relating to e-mail/internet access, etc., as applicable. Qualifying electronic equipment and related items shall include tablet PCs, laptop computers, tablet PC/laptop covers or cases, protective screen wraps, extended warranties, and downloadable applications specific to the conduct of District business, such as word processing, spreadsheet or PDF annotation applications. D. Expenses that are not reimbursable include, but are not limited to, gift wrapping, engraving, downloadable applications (other than those used specifically for conducting District business) and additional adaptors. E. One hundred percent of the electronic equipment and approved itemized expenses reimbursed shall be reported on the Director’s Form W-2 as taxable income. In providing this information, the District is not offering tax advice. Directors having questions concerning the tax implications of electronic communications 20 reimbursement benefits are urged to contact the Internal Revenue Service or other experts in tax law. 9.21 Reimbursements shall be processed when proof of purchase and original itemized receipts are submitted by the Director along with a completed form within 30 days of purchase. 9.22 Failure to submit a completed form within this time frame shall result in a denial of the Director’s request for reimbursement of the expense. A. The electronic equipment and related items for which reimbursement is provided shall become the property of the Director and all maintenance is the sole responsibility of the Director. B. Notwithstanding the foregoing, staff may, from time to time as deemed necessary, provide paper copies of District information to Directors and such provision of paper copies shall not affect the reimbursement of expenses as provided in this section. 9.23 Should a Director experience a loss or theft of electronic equipment for which the full or partial expense was reimbursed by the District, said Director shall submit a written statement and/or police report to the Finance Manager or the General Manager for auditing purposes prior to requesting reimbursement of expenses for the purchase of replacement equipment. Requests for reimbursement of expenses for replacement equipment shall be subject to the limitations and requirements as set forth above. 9.24 All communications expense reimbursement requests shall be reviewed and approved by the Finance Manager or the General Manager. Any requests for reimbursement that fall outside the limitations contained in this policy shall be reviewed and approved by the President or Vice President. Disclosure of Expenditures/Reimbursements 9.25 A full accounting of expenditures of public funds under this policy shall be made and become part of the records of the District. 9.26 All reimbursements paid by the District of at least $100 for each individual charge for services or product received, shall be disclosed in an annual report following the end of each fiscal year. Reimbursement of an individual charge includes, but is not limited to, one meal, lodging for one day, transportation, or a registration fee paid to any Director. This report shall be made available for public inspection upon request. 9.27 All travel expenses and reimbursements paid by the District on behalf of a Director shall be disclosed in a quarterly report and provided to the Board for review at a regular meeting. 10.0 BOARD MEETINGS, GENERAL All meetings of the Board shall be held at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, California. All meetings of the Board shall be open and public and all persons are invited to attend. The District shall continue to implement all applicable 21 requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act to ensure transparent, open and responsive government. 10.1 Regular Meetings A. All regular meetings of the Board shall be held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. If these days happen to coincide with a holiday designated by law or otherwise recognized by the District, the meeting shall be rescheduled to a date and time as determined by a majority vote of the Board. 10.2 Special Meetings A. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or a majority of the Board. Whenever a special meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The notice shall specify the time and place of such meeting and the purpose of the meeting. The written notice may be dispensed with as to any Director who, at or prior to the time the meeting convenes, files with the Secretary a written waiver of notice. The written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. 10.3 Emergency Meetings A. In the event of an emergency situation involving matters upon which prompt action is necessary due to the disruption or threatened disruption of public facilities, the Board may hold an emergency special meeting without complying with the 24 hour notice required in Section 10.2 herein. An emergency situation means a crippling disaster which severely impairs public health, safety, or both. The President, or the Vice President in the absence of the President, or the General Manager, may determine if an emergency situation exists. B. Whenever an emergency meeting of the Board is called, notice in writing shall be delivered by the Secretary to each Director, and if notice is requested in writing, to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least one hour in advance of the meeting. In the event that telephonic services are not functioning, the notice requirement of one hour is waived. The Secretary shall then notify such newspapers, radio stations, or television states of the fact of the holding of the emergency meeting, and of any action taken by the Board, as soon after the meeting as possible. C. No Closed Session may be held during an emergency meeting, and all other rules governing special meetings shall be observed with the exception of the 24 hour notice. The minutes of the emergency meeting, a list of persons the Board or designee notified or attempted to notify, a copy of the roll call vote(s), and any actions taken at such meeting shall be posted for a minimum of ten days in the District office as soon after the meeting as possible. 22 11.0 BOARD MEETINGS, AGENDAS 11.1 Agendas A. Any matter which is to be considered for approval or adoption by the Board at the meeting must be submitted to the Board as part of an agenda. All ordinances, resolutions and contracts shall be reviewed by legal counsel and approved as to form and legality prior to submission for consideration by the Board. B. The Secretary shall, under direction of the General Manager, prepare an agenda of such matters according to Section 11.2 herein, entitled “Order of Business”, including a description of the items to be considered or discussed and, where deemed appropriate by the General Manager, a staff recommendation for each item. C. A copy of the draft agenda for every meeting of the Board shall be provided to the Presiding Chair (should one be appointed) for review prior to posting by the Secretary. D. A copy of the finalized agenda for every meeting of the Board shall be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public. Once posted, copies of the complete agenda and supporting materials shall be available for public inspection during business hours at the District office and on the District’s website. E. Agendas for all special meetings of the Board shall be posted in the same manner at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. The agenda for a special meeting of the Board is limited to only those matters specifically set forth in the purpose of the call for the special meeting. No other business shall be considered at a special meeting. F. All agendas and other District information shall be distributed to the Board via electronic means instead of providing paper copies. Director incurred expenses for electronic equipment and related items required for receiving, accessing and printing all agendas and information shall be reimbursed in accordance with Section 9.0 herein. G. A copy of each agenda for a meeting of the Board shall be mailed to members of the public so requesting them in writing. Any member of the public requesting a copy of a complete agenda and supporting materials shall be charged, in advance, for reproduction costs plus mailing expenses. Exceptions are public agencies, members of the public who request a copy of the agenda without supporting materials, and individuals requesting a copy of an agenda, with or without supporting materials, that contains a specific matter involving that individual as a party. H. All information made available to the Board (except confidential information allowed by law per legal counsel authority) shall be available for public review prior to the Board meeting. 23 I. Any Director may contact the General Manager and request an item to be placed on the agenda no later than 12:00 p.m. the day before an agenda is scheduled to be closed. In general, all agendas will be closed on Wednesday of the week prior to the meeting date. J. Any member of the public may request that a matter directly related to District business be placed on the agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with supporting documents and information, if any, at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. 2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the public request is or is not a “matter directly related to District business” and if the matter is to be placed on a future agenda. The public member requesting the agenda item may appeal the General Manager’s decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the item be placed on the agenda of the Board’s next regular meeting. 3. No matter which is legally a proper subject for consideration by the Board in Closed Session shall be accepted. 4. The Board may place limitations on the total time to be devoted to a public request issue at any meeting, and may limit the time allowed for any one person to speak on the issue at the meeting. K. Any member of the public may request to present electronic material (such as a PowerPoint presentation) directly related to District business during Public Comments or in relation to a specific agenda item during a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, subject to the following conditions: 1. The request must be made in writing and submitted to the General Manager together with all electronic materials at least 12 hours prior to the meeting. 2. The General Manager shall be the sole judge of whether the electronic material is or is not a “matter directly related to District business” and if the material is to be presented during a regularly scheduled Board meeting. The public member requesting to present the electronic material may appeal the General Manager’s decision at the next regular meeting of the Board. Any Director may request that the electronic material be presented at the Board’s next regular meeting. 11.2 Order of Business A. Upon convening the meeting at the hour set on the date of each meeting, the members of the Board, the Secretary and General Manager of the District shall take their regular stations in the Board Meeting Room, and the business of the Board shall be taken up for consideration. The Presiding Officer shall immediately 24 call the Board to order and lead in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. B. Before proceeding with the business of the Board, the Secretary shall call the roll of the Directors. The Secretary shall enter the names of all Directors, Officers, staff members and visitors (if known) present in the Minutes of the meeting. C. If a quorum is present, the Secretary shall so advise the Presiding Officer. If a quorum is not present, the Secretary may adjourn the meeting to a time certain for the purpose of obtaining a quorum. Any such reconvened regular meeting shall not constitute a special meeting. In the event a regular or special meeting of the Board is adjourned to a time and date certain, the Secretary shall post a notice of adjournment in a place that is freely accessible to members of the public within 24 hours of such adjournment. D. Three of the five Directors elected or appointed to the Board shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board. Irrespective of the number of Board members constituting a quorum for a particular meeting, a majority vote of the Board shall consist of at least three votes. No ordinance, resolution or motion shall be passed or become effective without the affirmative votes of at least a majority of the members of the Board. E. Directors may attend Board and Committee meetings via teleconference provided the meeting has been duly noticed as a teleconference meeting in compliance with requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act. Duly noticed teleconference locations may be outside the District’s jurisdictional boundaries, but for purposes of establishing a quorum, at least three Directors must be participating in the meeting from within the District’s jurisdictional boundaries. A Director is entitled to participate fully in the meeting and vote from a teleconference location, and all votes shall be taken by roll call. F. The Presiding Officer may, on his/her own initiative or at the request of any two Directors, take any item of business out of order, either as to the general order of business or as to the specific agenda as the Secretary has prepared it. G. The Board may take action on items not appearing on the posted agenda for regular meetings under the following circumstances: 1. Upon determination by a majority vote of the Board that an emergency, work stoppage or crippling disaster exists that impairs public health and/or safety. 2. Upon determination by a two-thirds vote of the Board, or by all Directors if only three are present, that a matter came to the attention of the District subsequent to posting the agenda that needs immediate action by the Board. 3. When an item was posted on the agenda of, and was continued from, a meeting held not more than five days earlier. 25 H. The Order of Business taken up for consideration by the Board is generally organized so that high priority matters are addressed at the beginning of the meeting, and is generally in the following sequence: 1. Introductions and Presentations 2. Public Hearings 3. Consent Calendar 4. Action Calendar 5. Discussion Calendar 6. Informational Reports and Other Business 7. Closed Session(s) 8. Adjournment I. The Public Hearings portion of the agenda, if any, shall be held at the time specified in the legal notice advertising such hearing. In general, the order of procedure for a public hearing is as follows: 1. Opening of Hearing by Presiding Officer 2. Verification of Notice of Hearing Provided by Board Secretary 3. Reports by General Manager, Staff and/or Consultant 4. Comments from the Public Speaking in Favor and/or Against the Issue 5. Receipt of Written Communications from the Public 6. Continue or Closing of Hearing by Presiding Officer 7. Questions to Staff and Board Discussion 8. Consideration of Action by the Board J. The Consent Calendar portion of the agenda shall be consideration, in a single action, of items determined by the Secretary to be routine matters, status reports or documents implementing previous Board instructions. If a Director has a question or wishes to discuss a Consent Calendar item, they may do so without formally removing the item from the Consent Calendar. If, after such discussion, a Director, staff member or member of the public has a question or wishes to address a Consent Calendar item further, they may request that the item be removed for further discussion. The Presiding Officer shall immediately grant such requests and transfer the removed item to the Action Calendar for later discussion. Items removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion shall be acted upon separately. All items remaining on the Consent Calendar shall be considered for approval by a single motion. Examples of matters appearing on the Consent Calendar may include, but are not limited to: 1. Minutes of Previous Board Meetings 2. Approval to Pay Warrants 3. Routine Environmental Assessments 4. Approval of Routine Terms and Conditions for Water and/or Sewer Service 5. Approval of Change Orders (W ith a dollar value within the General Manager’s authority consistent with the approved purchasing policy.) 6. Approval of Contracts (For projects identified in the adopted budget.) 7. Final Acceptance of Facilities 8. Disposition of Liability Claims 9. Other Routine Administrative Matters 26 K. The Action Calendar portion of the agenda shall include items requiring staff presentation and/or Board discussion prior to formal Board action. Items shall generally be listed in order of priority and with items of a similar nature grouped together. Items may be addressed out of order upon request and with the consent of the Presiding Officer. L. The Discussion Calendar shall include matters that do not require Board action or that cannot reasonably be expected to result in Board action at that meeting. Matters appropriate for the Discussion Calendar include technical presentations to the Board, review of drafts of proposed policies and, in general, items for which District staff seeks the advice and counsel of the Board. When time permits, the Board believes the District’s best interests are served by discussing more complex matters at one meeting and considering formal action on them at a subsequent meeting. M. The Informational Reports and Other Business portion of the agenda provides an opportunity for the presentation of reports by the General Manager, reports from Committees, reports by Directors who have attended outside meetings, and general comments by Directors. It also provides an opportunity for the Board to schedule future meetings and assignments on the Board’s activity calendar. N. Closed Sessions are strictly limited to the open meeting exceptions as defined in the Ralph M. Brown Act. At times, during Board meetings, the Board may adjourn into Closed Session to discuss personnel matters, real estate negotiations, existing or anticipated litigation or other matters as specified in the exceptions set forth in the Brown Act. Appropriate agenda descriptions are also required for Closed Session items. O. A motion to adjourn must be moved by a Director and seconded by another Director, and is subject to debate. No further business can be conducted after an affirmative vote to adjourn. P. The Board may adjourn any regular or adjourned regular meeting to a time and place specified in the motion of adjournment so approved by the Board. 12.0 BOARD MEETINGS, MINUTES 12.1 The Secretary shall keep minutes of all Board meetings. Minutes are to record actions taken and meaningful discussion; they are not intended to be verbatim records. Members of the public requesting information about a meeting shall be encouraged to listen to the audio recording made of each meeting. Draft minutes shall be distributed to the Board for review and approval at the next regular meeting or as soon as possible thereafter. Minutes may be approved as part of the Consent Calendar. 12.2 The official minutes of all Board meetings shall be kept in a fire-proof vault or in fire- resistant locked cabinets at the District’s Administration office. An audio recording shall be made of all regular Board meetings, including public hearings, and retained for 30 days following the date the meeting minutes are approved by a majority vote of the Board. Video recordings of all regular Board meetings or public hearings shall be retained for a minimum of 30 days following the date of the meeting. 27 13.0 BOARD MEETINGS, CONDUCT 13.1 Guidelines for Discussion These guidelines are intended primarily for those situations where discussion of an issue is taken up with considerable enthusiasm by several Directors and/or members of the general public, and it is necessary to formalize the meeting so that each Director, in due course, may be heard. A. The Presiding Officer shall decide, subject to a question of order by any Director, the degree of enforcement of these guidelines at any time during any meeting. B. The Board prefers a flexible form of meeting, believing that this enhances the decision-making process and therefore does not conduct its meetings with formal “rules of order” or parliamentary procedure. The Presiding Officer for each meeting has the responsibility to preserve order and decorum. If at any time, a Director believes order is not being maintained or that procedures being followed are not adequate for the decision-making process at hand, he/she shall call this fact to the attention of the Presiding Officer and request corrective action. If the corrective action taken by the Presiding Officer is not satisfactory, a motion for specific corrective action may be made to the Board. In that event, a majority vote of the Board shall determine the action to be taken. C. A Director is disqualified from participating in the decision-making process if a financial interest in an item before the Board might interfere with the performance of duties in an impartial manner free from bias, as defined in Section 4.0 herein. If grounds for disqualification exist, the Director at issue shall announce prior to consideration of the matter that he/she has a conflict of interest (see Exhibit B), publicly identify the interest that gives rise to the conflict or potential conflict in sufficient detail to be understood by the public, recuse themselves from discussing and voting on the matter, and then leave the room until after the discussion, vote, and any other disposition of the matter is concluded. The Director shall not be counted toward achieving a quorum while the item is discussed. This rule applies when the item that gives rise to the disqualification is on the Consent Calendar except the Director at issue is not required to leave the room. Any Director unsure about whether a conflict of interest exists may request an opinion from legal counsel. D. The Presiding Officer may move, second or debate motions from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as may be imposed on all Directors, and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Director by serving as the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer may vote on all questions or motions before the Board, with his/her name being called last in a roll call vote. E. Any Director desiring to speak shall first address the chair. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the Director may speak freely with respect to the matter then before the Board but shall confine his/her comments to the subject under discussion. Any Director, once recognized, shall not be interrupted except by a call to order from the Presiding Officer. If a Director is called to order, he/she shall cease speaking until the question or order is determined; if determined to be in order, they may proceed. 28 F. Any Director moving the adoption or approval of a matter may call for the question. G. True motions to reconsider any Board action must be made at the same meeting at which the original action was taken; however, any Director may make any other type of motion at any meeting. H. All motions shall be adopted by voice vote unless otherwise required by law. The Secretary shall record in the Minutes any dissenting and abstaining votes, or disqualification from voting due to a conflict of interest. I. Unless a Director declares a conflict of interest or abstains, silence shall be recorded in the Minutes as an affirmative vote. J. The Secretary shall enter into the Minutes for each meeting a record of all Board actions and a summary of the discussion on each matter considered by the Board. K. Any person desiring to speak shall first address the chair. Upon recognition by the Presiding Officer, the speaker shall state his/her name, representation and/or affiliation and the matter on which he/she wishes to comment. If the matter relates to an item on the current agenda, the Presiding Officer shall recognize the person and invite their comment when the item is considered. If the matter does not relate to an item on the current agenda, the Presiding Officer shall determine whether and when to allow the comment. Comments are limited to matters of public interest within the jurisdiction of the District, and comments must be no more than three minutes in length unless a time extension is granted by the Presiding Officer. A maximum of 20 minutes shall be allotted for each subject matter pursuant to the discretion of the Presiding Officer. No action shall be taken on matters not appearing on the posted agenda for that meeting, although Directors may respond briefly to public comments. L. In the event any person or group of people makes personal, impertinent or slanderous remarks or becomes boisterous while attending a District Board meeting, the Presiding Officer shall call for order. If the person or group refuses to comply with the Presiding Officer’s request for order, the Presiding Officer may declare a recess and summon a law enforcement officer to remove the person(s) from the room. Once the Presiding Officer takes this action, permission for such person(s) to remain at the meeting requires a motion approved by a majority vote of the Board. When, in the judgment of the Presiding Officer, order is restored, the meeting shall reconvene and continue with the Board’s business. 14.0 BOARD ACTIONS AND DECISIONS 14.1 The Board shall act only by Ordinance, Resolution or Motion. The Presiding Officer shall state each matter as it is presented for consideration by the Board and shall announce each decision of the Board. 14.2 Ordinances are an authoritative decree or municipal regulation of the District. Ordinances shall relate to no more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in the title of the ordinance. No ordinance, or section thereof, shall be amended or repealed unless the new ordinances contains the title of the ordinance or section amended or repealed. 29 When applicable, ordinances shall be identified to the Board as replacements to existing ordinances or sections thereof. Ordinances must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted ordinance. All ordinances shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. Ordinances shall be in full force and effect upon adoption unless otherwise provided by law, and the Secretary shall be responsible for compliance with any and all legal requirements for publication of the ordinance. 14.3 Resolutions are a formal expression of opinion, will or intent of the Board. Resolutions must be moved and seconded and shall be adopted only by a roll call vote. The Secretary shall record names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain, or Absent on each adopted resolution. All resolutions shall be signed by the Presiding Officer and attested by the Secretary. 14.4 Motions are proposals, made by a Director during a Board meeting, for action, inclination of the mind or will, or a formal proposal made in a deliberative manner by the Board. Every motion considered by the Board must be moved by a Director, seconded by another Director and is subject to debate. 14.5 Except where action is taken by the unanimous vote of all Directors present and voting, the Secretary shall record the names of all Directors and identify them as voting Aye, No, Abstain or Absent upon the passage of all ordinances, resolutions, or motions and enter them upon the Minutes of the Board. 15.0 EXHIBITS AND APPENDIXES Exhibits A. Acknowledgement B. Sample Conflict of Interest Declarations C. Activity Report and Compensation Form D. Travel Expense Reimbursement Form E. Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form F. Missing Receipt Affidavit Form G. Miscellaneous Gratuities Form H. Communications Expense Reimbursement Form Appendixes 1. Setting Compensation for Members of the Board (Ord. 03-01) YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Acknowledgement Form By signing below, the Director hereby acknowledges and agrees that he/she: a) Has read this manual and understands its expectations; b) Will comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations is an inherent quality of ethical behavior; c) Pledges to uphold a standard of integrity and competence beyond that required by law; d) Will treat all persons, claims and transactions in a fair and equitable manner; and e) Fully understands they are subject to the Board’s admonition, sanction and censure, depending on their ability to exemplify the ethical and professional behavior promoted by this manual. Director’s Name (Printed): Date: ________________________________________ Director’s Signature: ________________________________________ Distribution: Original to Personnel File Copy: Director Exhibit A YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Sample Conflict of Interest Declarations Generally, a Board member has a financial interest in a matter if it is reasonably foreseeable that the Board’s decision would have a material financial effect (as defined by the Fair Political Practices Commission regulations) that is distinguishable from its effect on the public generally, on the official, a member of his/her immediate family, or on any of the following: •A business entity in which the Board member has a direct or indirect investment worth $2,000 or more; •A business entity in which the Board member holds a position as a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management; •A source of income (except gifts or loans by a commercial lending institution made in the regular course of business on terms available to the public without regard to official status), aggregating $500 or more in value provided, promised to, or received by, the Board member within 12 months prior to the time a decision is made; •A source of gifts to the Board member amounting to the annual gift limit or more within 12 months prior to the time a decision is made; and •Real property in which the Board member has a direct or indirect interest worth $2,000 or more. Below are some sample conflict of interest declarations as provided by the District’s legal counsel: 1.Decision affects business entity in which a Director has an investment: I declare that I have a conflict of interest on Agenda Item No. because I have an investment in Name of Company . 2.Decision affects business entity in which a Director holds a position: I declare that I have a conflict of interest on Agenda Item No. because I hold a position at Name of Company , a business that Description of Business Activities . 3.Decision affects a source of income/gift: I declare that I have a conflict of interest on Agenda Item No. because I have received income or a gift from Name of Source . 4.Decision affects real property in which the Director has a direct/indirect interest: I declare that I have a conflict of interest on Agenda Item No. because I own real property, located at Location which may be affected. NOTE: If subject property is the Director’s primary residence simply state that “the property is a residence”. 5.Decision related to Closed Session agenda item: I recuse myself from participating in Agenda Item No. due to a conflict of interest under Government Code Section 87100. Exhibit B YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Directors Activity Report and Compensation Form Name (Printed): NOTE: Rate is $150.00 per day. Month: Date Meeting Description Code Rate Total Compensation Amount: $ Director’s Signature: Date: R = Regular Mtg | S = Special Mtg | C = Committee Mtg | O = Other Mtg Fax to 714-701-3028 or scan and e-mail to the Executive Secretary. Exhibit C Page 1 of 2 Original itemized receipts and Name:corresponding route maps must be attached. Conference Name: Destination/Location: Purpose of Trip: Departure Date:Return Date: Travel Date Expense Paid Expense Paid Total Business By YLWD By Director Expenses Breakfast 0.00 Lunch 0.00 Dinner 0.00 Airfare 0.00 Lodging 0.00 Cab / Shuttle 0.00 Auto Rental 0.00 Fuel / Oil 0.00 Parking / Toll 0.00 Mileage 0.00 Misc / Tips 0.00 Conference Fee 0.00 Membership Fee 0.00 Total $0.00 0.00 0.00 $0.00 I hereby certify that the above expenditures represent cash spent for legitimate District business only and includes no personal items. Director's Signature:Date: Reviewer's Signature:Date: Itemized Expenses Total Due Director: YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Travel Expense Reimbursement Form Exhibit D Page 2 of 2 Original itemized receipts and Name:corresponding route maps must be attached. Mileage Date Miles 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total $0.00 Misc / Tips Date Amount Total $0.00 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Travel Expense Reimbursement Form Destination Description Exhibit D TOTAL EXPENSES:$0.00 Meeting and Mileage Expense Reimbursement Form Name: Month:Current Rate =0.54 Date Purpose Miles Meals Parking Other 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total Miles:0 TOTALS:$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Director's Signature Date Original itemized receipts and corresponding route maps must be attached. Reviewer's Signature Date YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Location Exhibit E YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Missing Receipt Affidavit Form Please retain this form with the District’s financial records in case of an audit. Name (Printed): I certify that I made the purchase shown below for District purposes but do not have a receipt because (check all that apply): Vendor did not provide a detailed receipt. I had a receipt but cannot locate it. I have a receipt, but it is not readable (e.g. not in English and/or not legible). This document is provided in order to describe the items purchased. Order was placed via telephone, fax, or internet, and vendor has not supplied an invoice. Vendor Name City Date of Purchase Detailed Description of Purchase (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Item Amount Total Purchase Amount $ This document is in lieu of an invoice or receipt for this transaction. I certify that all items listed above (and on the attached, if applicable) were purchased and received for District business. Director’s Signature: Date: NOTE: All information is required and must be typed or printed in ink. Use one affidavit per receipt. Exhibit F YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Miscellaneous Gratuities Form Please retain this form with the District’s financial records in case of an audit. Name (Printed): Conference/Event Name: The following gratuities were paid in cash and are directly related to my attendance at the above listed conference/event: Date Location Purpose Amount Total Amount $ This document is in lieu of an invoice or receipt for this/these transaction(s). I certify that all items listed above (and on the attached, if applicable) were for District business. Signature: Date: Exhibit G YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT Communications Expense Reimbursement Form Director’s Name (Printed): The purpose of this form is to identify and provide proof of purchase and original itemized receipts for the reimbursement of Director incurred expenses for obtaining electronic equipment and related items in order to receive and access agendas and other District information distributed to the Board via electronic means. NOTE: One hundred percent (100%) of the electronic equipment and approved itemized expenses reimbursed shall be reported on the Director’s Form W-2 as taxable income. Date Description Amount Total Expenses: $ Less Paid by YLWD: $ Total Reimbursement Amount: $ I agree that all expenses submitted on this form are for District purposes only. I also agree that it is my responsibility to provide proof of purchase and original itemized receipts along with this completed form to the Finance Manager or the General Manager within 30 days of purchase. Director’s Signature: Date: Reviewer’s Signature: Date: Exhibit H Appendix 1 ORDINANCE NO. 03-01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT SETTING COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, The Yorba Linda Water District is organized and operates under authority of the County Water District Act, Division 12, commencing with Section 30,000 of the California Water Code; and WHEREAS, Water Code Section 20202, permits water districts, as defined in Section 20200, which includes the Yorba Linda Water District,to increase compensation of members of the Board of Directors in an amount in excess of$100 per day for each day's attendance at Board meetings or each day's service as a Director at the Board's request, not to exceed ten day's per calendar month; and, WHEREAS, the increase in compensation authorized pursuant to Section 20202 is limited to five percent for each calendar year following the operative date of the last adjustment; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District, by action taken in February, 1991 set the daily compensation under Water Code Section 30507 at $125 for Board and Board Committee meetings and $50 for other service rendered at the request of the Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District has conducted a public hearing upon notice pursuant to Government Code Section 6066 as required by Water Code Section 20203. NOW THEREFORE,the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District does hereby find, declare, order and ordain as follows: Section 1. The matters set forth in the recitals of this Ordinance are true and correct. Section 2. Upon and after the effective date of this Ordinance, compensation for members of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District shall be $150 per day for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors and other meetings attended at the request of the Board of Directors. Compensation for any type of service shall not exceed ten (10) days in any calendar month. Members of the Board of Directors shall receive reimbursement or payment of expenses, according to District rules, incurred in the performance of each Director's duties required or authorized by the Board of Directors. Appendix 1 Section 3. This Ordinance shall become effective sixty(60) days after its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of January, 2003 by the following called vote: AYES: Beverage, Mills, Summerfield NOES: Armstrong ABSENT: Korn ABSTAIN: 6?resident W. ummerh ld, , l JEST son, Secretary ITEM NO. 8.4 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 To:Board of Directors From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Presented By:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Reviewed by Legal:Yes Prepared By:Annie Alexander, Executive Secretary Subject:Sewer Charges Collected on Tax Roll for Fiscal Year 2016/17 SUMMARY: This time of the year, the Board of Directors considers collecting certain sewer maintenance charges on the County's property tax rolls. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Resolution No. 16-13 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2016/17 Tax Roll and Superseding Resolution No. 15- 17. DISCUSSION: The District collects the Sewer Maintenance Charge by adding it to the water bill of customers where the District provides water service and the customer also has a connection to the sewer system. For customers connected to the District sewer system that receive water service from another purvey or those customers that do not receive a water bill from the District, the Sewer Maintenance Charge is collected through the property tax rolls prepared by the County of Orange. This process is legally authorized and established by Resolution of the Board. Residents of the Locke Ranch area do not receive water service from the District, therefore their Sewer Maintenance Charges are collected through the property tax roll. The Sewer Maintenance Charges are subject to the substantive and procedural requirements of Proposition 218 (California Constitution Article XIII D) barring an increase in the rates and/or discretionary CPI increase of more that 5%, except with proper notifications to the property owners affected allowing adequate opportunity to protest any such increases. To collect the current maintenance charges on the property tax rolls for Fiscal Year 2016/17, the County of Orange requires a certified Resolution by the Board of Directors directing their office to add the charges to the property tax rolls for the properties assessed. In addition to the certified resolution, the County is now requiring that all agencies sign and submit an "Agreement for Collection of Special Taxes, Fees, Charges, and Assessments". The County establishes a deadline in August to receive this information. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: Resolution_No._16-13_- _Sewer_Maintenance_Charges.docx Resolution Resolution Exhibit_A__2016_-_Tax_Roll_Assessment.xlsx Exhibit Exhibit Resolution No. 16-13 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2016/17 Tax Roll 1 RESOLUTION NO. 16-13 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT ELECTING TO HAVE CERTAIN SEWER MAINTENANCE CHARGES COLLECTED ON THE FISCAL YEAR 2016/17 TAX ROLL AND SUPERCEDING RESOLUTION 15-17 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 16-11 set out sewer rates for the Yorba Linda Water District (“District”) in compliance with substantive and procedural requirements of Proposition 218 (California Constitution Art. XIII D); and WHEREAS, under the authority of the California Water Code Sections 31100 the District may provide sewer service to property located outside the District boundaries and the District’s Regulations for Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service include a provision that a sewer maintenance charge is adopted by Resolution; and WHEREAS, under authority of California Water Code Sections 31101 and 31102 the District may prescribe and collect charges for sewer services and facilities and may collect sewer charges in any lawful manner; and WHEREAS, under California Health and Safety Code Sections 5471 and 5473 the District may elect to have the County of Orange collect sewer charges on the Orange County Property Tax Roll. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District as follows: Section 1. The Board of Directors elects to have the County of Orange collect the charges fixed herein on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time and together with and not separately from County of Orange taxes. Resolution No. 16-13 Electing to Have Certain Sewer Maintenance Charges Collected on the FY 2016/17 Tax Roll 2 Section 2. The General Manager or his designee is authorized and directed to file with the County of Orange a copy of this Resolution together with the listing of parcel numbers and amounts of charges shown in Exhibit “A” and such other documentation as the County may require in order to accomplish the purposes of this Resolution. Section 3. Resolution No. 15-17 is superseded effective immediately upon adoption of this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of July 2016 by the following called vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Ric Collett, President Yorba Linda Water District ATTEST: Marc Marcantonio, Board Secretary Yorba Linda Water District Reviewed as to form by General Counsel: Arthur G. Kidman, Esq. 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812 B9 35150210 107.44 812 B9 35223104 151.16 812 B9 34989439 77.04 812 B9 35150211 109.97 812 B9 35223105 72.71 812 B9 34989440 77.04 812 B9 35152101 0.00 812 B9 35223106 76.99 812 B9 34989441 77.04 812 B9 35158181 61.41 812 B9 35223107 454.50 812 B9 34989442 77.04 812 B9 35175112 384.89 812 B9 35223110 111.72 812 B9 34989443 77.04 812 B9 35175113 120.59 812 B9 35307109 370.43 812 B9 34989444 77.04 812 B9 35211147 1223.84 812 B9 35307112 396.09 812 B9 34989445 77.04 812 B9 35211160 1503.51 812 B9 35307114 84.21 812 B9 34989446 77.04 812 B9 35211161 781.96 812 B9 35307115 69.23 812 B9 34989447 77.04 812 B9 35211162 1662.43 812 B9 35307116 103.60 812 B9 34989448 77.04 812 B9 35211203 170.33 812 B9 35307117 211.79 812 B9 34989449 77.04 812 B9 35211204 259.66 812 B9 35307118 60.96 812 B9 34989450 77.04 812 B9 35211302 438.81 812 B9 35307119 29.44 812 B9 34989451 77.04 812 B9 35211406 246.67 812 B9 35307120 34.19 812 B9 34989452 77.04 812 B9 35211407 277.09 812 B9 35307121 247.13 812 B9 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77.04 812 B9 35316105 0.00 812 B9 93648293 77.04 812 B9 93648387 77.04 812 B9 35316155 0.00 812 B9 93648294 77.04 812 B9 93648388 77.04 812 B9 35334102 0.00 812 B9 93648295 77.04 812 B9 93648389 77.04 812 Yorba Linda Water District 2016-17 Sewer Assessment Exhibit "A" B9 93648212 77.04 812 B9 93648301 77.04 812 B9 93648390 77.04 812 B9 93648213 77.04 812 B9 93648302 77.04 812 B9 93648391 77.04 812 B9 93648214 77.04 812 B9 93648303 77.04 812 B9 93648392 77.04 812 B9 93648215 77.04 812 B9 93648304 77.04 812 B9 93648393 77.04 812 B9 93648216 77.04 812 B9 93648305 77.04 812 B9 93648394 77.04 812 B9 93648217 77.04 812 B9 93648306 77.04 812 B9 93648395 77.04 812 B9 93648218 77.04 812 B9 93648307 77.04 812 B9 93648396 77.04 812 B9 93648219 77.04 812 B9 93648308 77.04 812 B9 93648397 77.04 812 B9 93648220 77.04 812 B9 93648309 77.04 812 B9 93648398 77.04 812 B9 93648221 77.04 812 B9 93648310 77.04 812 B9 93648399 77.04 812 B9 93648222 77.04 812 B9 93648311 77.04 812 B9 93648400 77.04 812 B9 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77.04 812 B9 93684209 77.04 812 B9 93648471 77.04 812 B9 93648558 77.04 812 B9 93684210 77.04 812 B9 93648472 77.04 812 B9 93648559 77.04 812 B9 93684211 77.04 812 B9 93648473 77.04 812 B9 93648560 77.04 812 B9 93684212 77.04 812 B9 93648474 77.04 812 B9 93648561 77.04 812 B9 93684213 77.04 812 B9 93648475 77.04 812 B9 93648562 77.04 812 B9 93684214 77.04 812 B9 93648476 77.04 812 B9 93648563 77.04 812 B9 93684215 77.04 812 B9 93648477 77.04 812 B9 93648564 77.04 812 B9 93684216 77.04 812 B9 93648478 77.04 812 B9 93648565 77.04 812 B9 93684217 77.04 812 B9 93648479 77.04 812 B9 93648566 77.04 812 B9 93684218 77.04 812 Yorba Linda Water District 2016-17 Sewer Assessment Exhibit "A" B9 93648480 77.04 812 B9 93648567 77.04 812 B9 93684219 77.04 812 B9 93648481 77.04 812 B9 93648568 77.04 812 B9 93684220 77.04 812 B9 93648482 77.04 812 B9 93648569 77.04 812 B9 93684221 77.04 812 B9 93648483 77.04 812 B9 93648570 77.04 812 B9 93684222 77.04 812 B9 93648484 77.04 812 B9 93648571 77.04 812 B9 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77.04 812 B9 93684378 77.04 812 B9 93684457 77.04 812 Yorba Linda Water District 2016-17 Sewer Assessment Exhibit "A" B9 93684300 77.04 812 B9 93684379 77.04 812 B9 93684458 77.04 812 B9 93684301 77.04 812 B9 93684380 77.04 812 B9 93684459 77.04 812 B9 93684302 77.04 812 B9 93684381 77.04 812 B9 93684460 77.04 812 B9 93684303 77.04 812 B9 93684382 77.04 812 B9 93684461 77.04 812 B9 93684304 77.04 812 B9 93684383 77.04 812 B9 93684462 77.04 812 B9 93684305 77.04 812 B9 93684384 77.04 812 B9 93684463 77.04 812 B9 93684306 77.04 812 B9 93684385 77.04 812 B9 93684464 77.04 812 B9 93684307 77.04 812 B9 93684386 77.04 812 B9 93684465 77.04 812 B9 93684308 77.04 812 B9 93684387 77.04 812 B9 93684466 77.04 812 B9 93684309 77.04 812 B9 93684388 77.04 812 B9 93684467 77.04 812 B9 93684310 77.04 812 B9 93684389 77.04 812 B9 93684468 77.04 812 B9 93684311 77.04 812 B9 93684390 77.04 812 B9 93684469 77.04 812 B9 93684312 77.04 812 B9 93684391 77.04 812 B9 93684470 77.04 812 B9 93684313 77.04 812 B9 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77.04 812 B9 93684336 77.04 812 B9 93684415 77.04 812 B9 93684337 77.04 812 B9 93684416 77.04 812 B9 93684338 77.04 812 B9 93684417 77.04 812 B9 93684339 77.04 812 B9 93684418 77.04 812 B9 93684340 77.04 812 B9 93684419 77.04 812 B9 93684341 77.04 812 B9 93684420 77.04 812 B9 93684342 77.04 812 B9 93684421 77.04 812 B9 93684343 77.04 812 B9 93684422 77.04 812 B9 93684344 77.04 812 B9 93684423 77.04 812 B9 93684345 77.04 812 B9 93684424 77.04 812 B9 93684346 77.04 812 B9 93684425 77.04 812 B9 93684347 77.04 812 B9 93684426 77.04 812 B9 93684348 77.04 812 B9 93684427 77.04 812 B9 93684349 77.04 812 B9 93684428 77.04 812 B9 93684350 77.04 812 B9 93684429 77.04 812 B9 93684351 77.04 812 B9 93684430 77.04 812 B9 93684352 77.04 812 B9 93684431 77.04 812 B9 93684353 77.04 812 B9 93684432 77.04 812 B9 93684354 77.04 812 B9 93684433 77.04 812 B9 93684355 77.04 812 B9 93684434 77.04 812 B9 93684356 77.04 812 B9 93684435 77.04 812 B9 93684357 77.04 812 B9 93684436 77.04 812 B9 93684358 77.04 812 B9 93684437 77.04 812 B9 93684359 77.04 812 B9 93684438 77.04 812 B9 93684360 77.04 812 B9 93684439 77.04 812 B9 93684361 77.04 812 B9 93684440 77.04 812 B9 93684362 77.04 812 B9 93684441 77.04 812 ITEM NO. 8.5 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Budgeted:N/A To:Board of Directors Funding Source:Developer Funded From:Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Account No:1/2-2600 Job No:201610 Presented By:Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Dept:Engineering Reviewed by Legal:N/A Prepared By:Ariel Bacani, Engineering Technician II CEQA Compliance:N/A Subject:Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Zelman Development Co. SUMMARY: Zelman Development Co. is proposing to develop the "Yorba Linda Town Center," a retail destination at the northwest corner of Yorba Linda Boulevard and Lakeview Avenue. The 9- acre project will consist of theater, grocery, clothing, and restaurant uses centered around a "town center" park, as shown in the attached exhibit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Zelman Development Co., Job No. 201610. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: DISCUSSION: The District has existing Zone 2 pipelines within the project site. The applicant will abandon portions of the existing water system and construct a new looped water system, adequate in size and of sufficient pressure to serve the new development, with connection points at Lakeview Avenue, Lemon Drive and Main Street. The project is located within Drainage Area "2" of the District's Sewer Service Area. The applicant will abandon the existing sewer system and construct a new sewer system that will ultimately flow into the existing sewer main located at the north side of the Imperial Highway-Yorba Linda Boulevard intersection. The Terms and Conditions for Water and Sewer Service with Zelman Development Co. are attached for your consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 201610_T_C.doc Terms & Conditions for Water & Sewer Service with Zelman Development Co.Agreement 201610_Exhibit.pdf Exhibit of Proposed Water & Sewer Improvements for Zelman Development Co., Yorba Linda Town Center Exhibit Date: JULY 28, 2016 YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE NAME OF APPLICANT: ZELMAN DEVELOPMENT CO. LOCATION OF PROJECT: NORTHWEST CORNER OF YORBA LINDA BLVD. & LAKEVIEW AVE. – “YORBA LINDA TOWN CENTER” TRACT NUMBER: N/A JOB NUMBER: 201610 LOTS: N/A The applicant will be required to complete to the satisfaction of the District the following items that have an “X” following the number. 1) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Grant Deed or Title Report of the property to be served. 2) X The applicant shall include information deemed necessary by the District in the event the applicant is required to file a Department of Real Estate Tax Disclosure statement. 3) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 1 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1% Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. l. 4) The applicant shall provide to all purchasers of the homes a statement that the home is located within Improvement District No. 2 and that the home is subject to a property tax over and above the normal 1% Basic Tax Levy to pay for Production, Storage, and Transmission water facilities serving Improvement District No. 2. 5) X The applicant shall submit two (2) sets of the improvement plans to the District for plan check processing. a) Improvement Plans b) Grading Plans c) Tract, Parcel or Vesting Map d) Landscaping Plans 6) X Improvement Plans submitted for plan check shall comply with the submittal requirements established by the YLWD Engineering Department. Page 2 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: ZELMAN DEVELOPMENT CO. LOCATION OF PROJECT: NW CORNER OF YORBA LINDA BLVD. & LAKEVIEW AVE. – “YORBA LINDA TOWN CENTER” 7) X The applicant shall dedicate or obtain all easements deemed necessary by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. All easement documents shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Professional Land Surveyor or a Registered Civil Engineer (licensed prior to January 1, 1982) licensed to practice in the State of California. 8) X The applicant shall provide the District with a copy of the Recorded Tract/Parcel Map(s) or Easement Documents illustrating all District easements required by Term and Condition No. 7, prior to requesting occupancy releases. 9) X The applicant shall prepare and process all easements to be quitclaimed by the District in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the District. 10) X The applicant shall furnish the District with a 24-hour emergency telephone number prior to the District’s approval of the construction plans. 11) X The applicant shall notify the District 48 hours prior to initiating any work related to required or proposed improvements. 12) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Construction Meter Permit application for all water to be used in construction work and all water used under such permit shall be taken from the approved construction meter. 13) X The applicant shall provide per the District specifications one complete set of "As Built" mylars and electronic copy of ACAD drawings (version 2008 or later) for the Water facilities. 14) X The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Water Service. 15) X The applicant shall pay all of the water fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 16) X The applicant shall pay meter fees associated with the installation of radio read meters for this project. 17) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Water Service. 18) X The applicant shall provide the District with a set of plans stamped and approved by the Orange County Fire Authority, or fire agency having jurisdiction, that identifies approved fire hydrant locations. Such approved plan must be submitted to the District before staff will initiate a District plan check for water improvements. Page 3 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: ZELMAN DEVELOPMENT CO. LOCATION OF PROJECT: NW CORNER OF YORBA LINDA BLVD. & LAKEVIEW AVE. – “YORBA LINDA TOWN CENTER” 19) X The applicant shall have all water facilities designed in accordance with the District's Water Facilities Plan and the District’s Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 20) X The applicant’s water facilities (on-site) shall be District owned and maintained. 21) X The applicant shall be required to conduct flow tests at their cost in the event the Orange County Fire Authority requires a flow test. A District representative shall be present to witness the flow test. 22) X The applicant shall comply with all additional District requirements, relative to the fire protection system, fire hydrant construction and fire hydrant locations. 23) The applicant shall install one (1) water Sampling Station(s) in conformance with the District’s Standard Plans. 24) X The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the water facilities prior to the District signing the Water Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed water facilities. 25) X The applicant shall install the curb and gutters a minimum of one week prior to the installation of the water main and services. 26) X All existing water services that are not useable in the new plan shall be cut and plugged at the main line. 27) X The applicant shall coordinate through the District all connections of new water facilities to the existing District facilities. 28) X The applicant shall provide a written copy of the Bacteriological Report prior to occupancy releases certifying that the water meets the Health Department's requirements. 29) X The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all valve covers within the limits of this project. 30) X The applicant shall install a pressure regulator in all dwellings that have over 80 p.s.i. static water pressure in accordance with the appropriate building codes. 31) X The applicant shall complete a Temporary Water Permit for all water that will be used through the new water services to serve the new dwellings. 32) X The applicant shall install a District approved backflow device in connection with any private fire suppression sprinkler facilities that may be required by the Orange County Fire Authority or fire agency having jurisdiction. Page 4 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: ZELMAN DEVELOPMENT CO. LOCATION OF PROJECT: NW CORNER OF YORBA LINDA BLVD. & LAKEVIEW AVE. – “YORBA LINDA TOWN CENTER” 33) X The applicant shall install a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device on all commercial buildings and landscape services. 34) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District for each backflow device certifying that the backflow devices are operating properly prior to the water meters being turned on for service. 35) X The applicant shall install and provide a written test report to the District certifying that the double check detector assembly is operating properly prior to the double check detector assembly being turned on for service. 36) X The applicant shall provide an annual written test report to the District certifying that the backflow devices and fire detector assemblies are operating properly pursuant to the District’s Backflow Prevention Program and the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health Rules and Regulations Relating to Cross-Connections. 37) The applicant shall complete a Sewer Connection Application and Permit for Sewer Service. 38) X The applicant shall complete an Application to and Agreement for Sewer Service. 39) X The applicant shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Yorba Linda Water District with regard to the Rendition of Sanitary Sewer Service. 40) X The applicant shall pay all of the sewer fees as required by the Rules and Regulations of the District. 41) X The applicant shall have all sewer facilities designed in accordance with the District's Sewer Master Plan and Standard Specifications. All design plans shall be prepared under the supervision of and stamped by a Registered Civil Engineer licensed to practice in the State of California. 42) X The applicant shall provide a completed Surety Bond for the sewer facilities prior to the District signing the Sewer Improvement Plans. The applicant shall also provide to the District an estimate of the construction costs of the proposed sewer facilities. 43) X The applicant’s sewer facilities (on-site) shall be District owned and maintained. 44) X The applicant shall construct a sewer main and appurtenances in conformance with the approved plans and the District’s Plans and Specifications. 45) X The applicant shall adjust and raise to grade all sewer manhole covers within the limits of this project. Page 5 of 5 NAME OF APPLICANT: ZELMAN DEVELOPMENT CO. LOCATION OF PROJECT: NW CORNER OF YORBA LINDA BLVD. & LAKEVIEW AVE. – “YORBA LINDA TOWN CENTER” 46) X The applicant shall install a sewer backflow prevention valve on all sewer service connections in which the pad elevations of the property being served is lower than the rim elevation of the upstream manhole. Installation of the backflow device shall comply with all requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes of the appropriate agency having jurisdiction. 47) X The applicant shall submit a video inspection report of their sewer project in DVD format. The video of the sewer facilities shall be conducted in the presence of the District inspector, which will include stationing locations of manholes, cleanouts, wyes, laterals, backflow devices and appurtenances. (END OF STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS) PROJECT SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS 48) X The applicant shall loop the proposed public water system into the existing water main pipelines at Lakeview Ave., Lemon Dr. and Main St. I hereby certify that the foregoing Terms and Conditions were approved at the July 28, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water District. The approved Terms and Conditions shall become void six (6) months from the approval date if a formal Application To and Agreement with the Yorba Linda Water District for Water and Sewer Service is not executed for the project under consideration. Marc Marcantonio, General Manager --J I -- -F— -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / I —w vv w W— WI w W w I w cR LEMON DRIVE —— —— — — — — I E I I❑ PROP.F.H. I I I IE W PROPOSED 3 I ✓ WATER MAIN I f I I I I �I PROP.F.H. I I O I � ' ' � � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ' — I I I I I I THEATER PROPOSED = w SF SEWER MAIN ' a� I i I I PROP.F.H. PROP. liar --___=_— —_==_==_ ' _ _ - - _ - �� I ri w / --A"STREET 11111 L I I if I•- LLJ t PROP.WATER EX" ATR WE 0C �� MAIN TO BE 3 PROP.— s I f l ° ° — I W ABANDONED m F. 0C — z I I MARSs $u Q KET _ (PROPOSED N (SEWER MAIN EX.SEWER d - MAIN TO BE ABANDONED V� SHOPS 2 I nli' PROP.F.H. — I UTI III— `r So R • •� Y 7 Vt I I PROP.F.H. PROP. r.--1 Su / V' "B"STREET EX.WATER MAIN TO Tf- Ll m TIMI \ 5SF m� ED - 13 111 ILL ' a. — co H — e EXISTING OFFICE �' O. I IZ ar,°oO rv1 N � e I I \ -— - - — - P 'N 3 NOT A PART N I �y PAD C o I a-SF I EXISTING Sf BLDG. w \ PAD SB ° PADA -- -- -� ` ss YORBA LINDA BLVD. _ \ \ M - -cc .R W W W W W w w �r PREPARED BY: EXHIBIT SCALE: N.T.S. YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT DATE: YORBA LINDA TOWN CENTER 1717 E. MIRALOMA AVENUE SITE PLAN 07-28-2016 PLACENTIA, CALIFORNIA 92870 FILENAME: (714) 701-3000 J201610 Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 8.6. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 To: Board of Directors From: Marc Marcantonio, General Mgr Presented By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Affairs Mgr Dept: Public Affairs Reviewed by Legal : No Prepared By: Damon Micalizzi, Public Affairs Mgr Subject: Floor Alert Opposing SB 814 - Drought: Excessive Water Use: Urban Retail Water Suppliers, by Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo) SUMMARY: Mesa Water®, Desert Water Agency and El Dorado Irrigation District are calling for agencies to join a coalition in opposition to SB 814 (Hill). The bill is headed to the Assembly Floor when the legislative session resumes on Monday, August 1, 2016. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to sign on to the Floor Alert Opposing SB 814 on behalf of the District. DISCUSSION: This bill contains troublesome language that, during a Governor-declared drought state of emergency, would: • Create new laws for urban residential excessive water use, thus forcing agencies to have an enforcement arm. • Compel local urban agencies to set a water budget for excessive water use by each customer, with local agencies determining “excessive” water use by considering all of the below factors: o Average daily use; o Full-time occupancy of households; o Amount of landscaped land on a property; o Rate of evapotranspiration; and, o Seasonal weather changes. •Force local urban agencies to establish a rate structure that includes block tiers, water budgets, penalties for prohibited use, or rate surcharges over and above base rates for excessive water use by residential customers as a method to identify and restrict excessive water use. •Impose an unfunded state-mandated local program that would impact urban water districts, cities, and counties with higher costs for code enforcement, issuing and tracking water tickets and fines, facilitating a water court and appeals process, and related activities. STRATEGIC PLAN: CP 2-D: Enhance the District’s Regional Water and Wastewater Industry Participation PRIOR RELEVANT BOARD ACTION(S): N/A ATT ACHMENTS: Floor Alert Senate Bill No. 814 Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting FLOOR ALERT RE: SB 814 (HILL) ---- OPPOSE FROM: ___________________________________________ The agencies listed above are opposed to SB 814 and urge your NO vote when the bill is heard on the Assembly floor. SB 814 prohibits “excessive” water use by a residential customer during statewide or local emergency drought conditions and requires urban water suppliers to establish a method to identify and discourage excessive water use. • According to the SWRCB, since June of 2015, an average of 8,900 penalties per month has already been issued for either water waste or drought surcharges (charges imposed for water use over a specific amount). • We believe that the provisions of this bill represent an unwelcome and unnecessary intrusion into the responsibility of local elected officials to establish policy for the customers they govern. • The bill promotes a rate structure (budget based rates) that had an 80% failure rate statewide. • High costs for locals to implement the provisions of the bill will be passed on to all ratepayers, including businesses and public agencies. • The bill targets less than 1% of urban households that did not comply with conservation targets during the recent drought which the other 99% of customers will pay for. The bill punishes everyone for the behavior of a few and even this bill won’t change the behavior of the non-compliant 1%. • During declared drought, the bill may force public water agencies to engage in a costly Prop 218 compliance process to adopt a new rate structure that may violate Prop 218 and lead to litigation. For the above reasons, we respectfully urge your NO vote on SB 814 when it is heard on the Assembly floor. Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 21, 2016 AMENDED IN ASSEMBLY JUNE 6, 2016 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 30, 2016 AMENDED IN SENATE MARCH 17, 2016 SENATE BILL No. 814 Introduced by Senator Hill January 4, 2016 An act to add Chapter 3.3 (commencing with Section 365) to Division 1 of the Water Code, relating to water. legislative counsel’s digest SB 814, as amended, Hill. Drought: excessive water use: urban retail water suppliers. The California Constitution declares the policy that the water resources of the state be put to beneficial use to the fullest extent of which they are capable, that the waste or unreasonable use or unreasonable method of use of water be prevented, and that the conservation of such waters is to be exercised with a view to the reasonable and beneficial use of the waters in the interest of the people and for the public welfare. Existing law requires the Department of Water Resources and the State Water Resources Control Board to take all appropriate proceedings or actions to prevent waste, unreasonable use, unreasonable method of use, or unreasonable method of diversion of water in this state. Existing law authorizes any public entity, as defined, that supplies water at retail or wholesale for the benefit of persons within the service area or area of jurisdiction of the public entity to, by ordinance or resolution, adopt and enforce a water conservation program to reduce the quantity of water used for the purpose of conserving the water supplies of the public Corrected 6-21-16—See last page.95 Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting entity. Existing law provides that a violation of a requirement of a water conservation program is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than 30 days, or by a fine not exceeding $1,000, or both. This bill would declare that during prescribed periods excessive water use by a residential customer, as specified, is prohibited, if during a period when certain conditions exist, as prescribed. customer in a single-family residence or by a customer in a multiunit housing complex, as specified, is prohibited. This bill bill, during prescribed periods, would require each urban retail water supplier to establish a method to identify and discourage excessive water use. This bill would authorize as a method to identify and discourage excessive water use the establishment of a rate structure that includes block tiers, water budgets, or rate surcharges over and above base rates for excessive water use by residential customers. This bill would authorize as a method to identify and discourage excessive water use the establishment of an excessive water use ordinance, rule, or tariff condition that includes a definition of or procedure to identify and address excessive water use, as prescribed, and would make a violation of this excessive water use ordinance, rule, or tariff condition an infraction or administrative civil penalty and would authorize the penalty for a violation to be based on conditions identified by the urban retail water supplier. By creating a new infraction, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason. Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes. State-mandated local program: yes. The people of the State of California do enact as follows: line 1 SECTION 1. Chapter 3.3 (commencing with Section 365) is line 2 added to Division 1 of the Water Code, to read: 95 — 2 —SB 814 Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting line 1 Chapter 3.3. Excessive Residential Water Use During line 2 Drought line 3 line 4 365. (a)  The Legislature finds and declares that this chapter line 5 furthers important state policies of encouraging water conservation line 6 and protecting water resources in the interest of the people and for line 7 the public welfare. line 8 (b)  For the purposes of this chapter, “urban retail water supplier” line 9 has the same meaning as provided in Section 10608.12. line 10 366. (a)  Excessive water use during During periods described line 11 in subdivision (a) of Section 367 367, excessive water use is line 12 prohibited by a residential customer in a single-family residence line 13 or by a customer in a multiunit housing complex in which each line 14 unit is individually metered or submetered by the urban retail water line 15 supplier is prohibited. supplier. line 16 (b)  Each urban retail water supplier shall establish a method to line 17 identify and discourage excessive water use, through one of the line 18 following options: line 19 (1)  Establishing a rate structure, subject to applicable line 20 constitutional and statutory limitations, that includes block tiers, line 21 water budgets, or rate surcharges over and above base rates for line 22 excessive water use by a residential water customer. line 23 (2)  (A)  Establishing an excessive water use ordinance, rule, or line 24 tariff condition, or amending an existing ordinance, rule, or tariff line 25 condition, that includes a definition of or a procedure to identify line 26 and address excessive water use by metered single-family line 27 residential customers and customers in multiunit housing line 28 complexes in which each unit is individually metered or line 29 submetered and may include a process to issue written warnings line 30 to a customer and perform a site audit of customer water usage line 31 prior to deeming the customer in violation. Excessive line 32 (B)  For the purposes of subparagraph (A), excessive water use line 33 shall be measured in terms of either gallons or hundreds of cubic line 34 feet of water used during the urban retail water supplier’s regular line 35 billing cycle. In establishing the definition of excessive use, the line 36 urban retail water supplier may consider factors that include, but line 37 are not limited to, all of the following: line 38 (i)  Average daily use. line 39 (ii)  Full-time occupancy of households. line 40 (iii)  Amount of landscaped land on a property. 95 SB 814— 3 — Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting line 1 (iv)  Rate of evapotranspiration. line 2 (v)  Seasonal weather changes. line 3 (B) line 4 (C)  (i)  A violation of an excessive use ordinance, rule, or tariff line 5 condition established pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall result in line 6 an infraction or administrative civil penalty. The penalty for a line 7 violation may be based on conditions identified by the urban retail line 8 water supplier and may include, but is not limited to, a fine of up line 9 to five hundred dollars ($500) for each hundred cubic feet of water, line 10 or 748 gallons, used above the excessive water use threshold line 11 established by the urban retail water supplier in a billing cycle. line 12 Any line 13 (ii)  Any fine imposed pursuant to this subparagraph shall be line 14 added to the customer’s water bill and is due and payable with that line 15 water bill. Each line 16 (iii)  Each urban retail water supplier shall have a process for line 17 nonpayment of the fine, which shall be consistent with due process line 18 and reasonably similar to the water supplier’s existing process for line 19 nonpayment of a water bill. line 20 (C) line 21 (D)  (i)  Consistent with due process, an urban retail water line 22 supplier shall establish a process and conditions for the appeal of line 23 a fine imposed pursuant to subparagraph (B) (C) whereby the line 24 customer may contest the imposition of the fine for excessive water line 25 use. line 26 (ii)  As part of the appeal process, the customer shall be provided line 27 with an opportunity to provide evidence that there was no excessive line 28 water use or of a bona fide reason for the excessive water use, line 29 including evidence of a water leak, a medical reason, or any other line 30 reasonable justification for the water use, as determined by the line 31 urban retail water supplier. line 32 (iii)  As part of the appeal process, the urban retail water line 33 supplier shall provide documentation demonstrating the excessive line 34 water usage. line 35 (c)  (1)  The provisions of subdivision (b) do not apply to an line 36 urban retail water supplier that is not fully metered in accordance line 37 with Section 527. An urban retail water supply supplier shall line 38 comply with the provisions of subdivision (b) when all of the water line 39 supplier’s residential water service connections are being billed line 40 based on metered water usage. 95 — 4 —SB 814 Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting line 1 (2)  An urban retail water supplier that is not fully metered shall line 2 prohibit water use practices by an ordinance, resolution, rule, or line 3 tariff condition that imposes penalties for prohibited uses of water line 4 supplied by the water supplier. The urban retail water supplier may line 5 include a process to issue written warnings prior to imposing line 6 penalties as well as increased penalty amounts for successive line 7 violations. line 8 367. (a)  This chapter applies only as follows: line 9 (1)  During a period for which the Governor has issued a line 10 proclamation of a state of emergency under the California line 11 Emergency Services Act (Chapter 7 (commencing with Section line 12 8550) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the Government Code) based on line 13 statewide drought conditions to an urban retail water supplier that line 14 has moved to a stage of action in response to a local water supply line 15 shortage condition under the water supplier’s contingency plan line 16 pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of Section 10632 that line 17 requires mandatory water use reductions. line 18 (2)  To an urban retail water supplier during a period in which line 19 the water supplier has moved to a stage of action in response to a line 20 local water supply shortage condition under the water supplier’s line 21 contingency plan pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of line 22 Section 10632 that requires mandatory water use reductions. line 23 (3)  To an urban retail water supplier affected during a period line 24 for which the Governor has issued a proclamation of a state of line 25 emergency under the California Emergency Services Act (Chapter line 26 7 (commencing with Section 8550) of Division 1 of Title 2 of the line 27 Government Code) based on local drought conditions. line 28 (b)  The provisions of this chapter are in addition to, and do not line 29 supersede or limit, any other measures or remedies implemented line 30 by an urban retail water supplier. line 31 SEC. 2. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to line 32 Section 6 of Article XIIIB of the California Constitution because line 33 the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school line 34 district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or line 35 infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty line 36 for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of line 37 the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within line 38 the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIIIB of the California line 39 Constitution. 95 SB 814— 5 — Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting line 1 CORRECTIONS: line 2 line 3 Amended Date—Page 1. line 4 O 95 — 6 —SB 814 Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting ITEM NO. 12.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Subject:Meetings from July 29, 2016 - August 31, 2016 ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: BOD_-_Activities_Calendar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Event Date Attendance by: August 2016 Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Aug 2 Beverage MWDOC Wed, Aug 3 Melton OCSD Operations Committee Wed, Aug 3 Kiley/Beverage OCWD Wed, Aug 3 Collett ACWA Region 8 Seminar Thu, Aug 4 WACO Fri, Aug 5 Hawkins/Kiley OCWD Dedication Fri, Aug 5 LAFCO Wed, Aug 10 Beverage (As Needed) CASA Annual Conference Wed, Aug 10 Yorba Linda Planning Commission Wed, Aug 10 Melton CASA Annual Conference Thu, Aug 11 Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Aug 11 CASA Annual Conference Fri, Aug 12 OCWD/OCSD Community Open House Sat, Aug 13 Yorba Linda City Council Tue, Aug 16 Collett MWDOC Wed, Aug 17 Melton Board of Directors Workshop Meeting Wed, Aug 17 OCWD Wed, Aug 17 Kiley Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Mon, Aug 22 Melton UWI Annual Conference Wed, Aug 24 OCSD Wed, Aug 24 Kiley/Beverage UWI Annual Conference Thu, Aug 25 Board of Directors Regular Meeting Thu, Aug 25 UWI Annual Conference Fri, Aug 26 8:00AM 8:30AM 8:00AM 9:30AM 9:30AM 8:30AM 4:30PM 5:30PM 8:30AM 8:00AM 6:00PM 6:30PM 8:00AM 8:30AM 8:00AM 10:00AM 6:30PM 8:30AM 5:00PM 5:30PM 7:30AM 8:00AM 8:00AM Board of Directors Activity Calendar Time 6:30PM 7/23/2016 12:54:21 PM ITEM NO. 13.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2016 Subject:ACWA Region 8 Disaster Preparedness Seminar - August 4, 2016 OCWD H2O Learning Center Dedication - August 5, 2016 CASA Annual Conference - August 10-12, 2016 OCWD-OCSD Community Open House - August 13, 2016 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve Director attendance at these events if desired. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: ACWA_Region_8_Seminar.pdf Backup Material Backup Material OCWD_Dedication.pdf Backup Material Backup Material CASA_Conference.pdf Backup Material Backup Material OCWD-OCSD_Open_House.pdf Backup Material Backup Material       Thursday, August 4, 2016  9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Metropolitan Water District of Southern California  Committee Room  700 North Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012    ACWA Region 8 invites you to an event that will highlight important issues for California water agencies when preparing  for the next natural disaster.  The program will feature a panel discussion of water agencies discussing its plans for  disaster preparedness and a keynote address on preparing for the next earthquake.  The program will also include an  ACWA update and a water supply update.      Registration is available until July 29:   ACWA Member Pre‐Registration Fee: $50  Non‐Member Pre‐Registration Fee: $75    A $5 fee will be added to onsite registrations. Onsite registrations will be accommodated as space permits.     Registration fee includes parking, continental breakfast, lunch, refreshments and materials.       Online registration deadline is July 29, 2016 or until space is full.  Onsite registrations will be accommodated as space  permits. Cancellations must be received in writing by 5 p.m. on July 29, 2016, in order to cancel a registration and  receive reimbursement. Substitutions can be made by requesting it in writing by July 29, 2016. After that date,  substitutions can be handled onsite at the event. Event details are subject to change and registrants will be notified by e‐ mail if changes occur.      Questions?  Contact Regional Affairs Representative Brandon Ida at  or Regional & Member Services Specialist II Ana Torres at or call (916) 441‐4545.  TaGE Coo ,f • � � — �'eR oisti` • � Friday, August 5, 2016 When. 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM s The Orange County Water District Where. 98700 Ward Street _ Fountain Valley, CA 92708 loin OCWD as it dedicates this exhibit, designed to teach about OC's water manufacturing process and how OCWD supplies ' 75% of the water supply for north and central Orange County. Light refreshments will be served. • - r PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Tuesday, August 9, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. CSRMA Training Seminar Wednesday, August 10, 2016 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Registration 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. CASA Board of Directors Meeting 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch On Your Own 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Associates Meeting 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Concurrent Sessions 1. Ethics Training for Public Officials Brad Hogin, Attorney, Woodruff Spradlin John Bakker, Attorney, Meyers Nave 2. Tour The Pure Water Monterey Program Contact: Monterey Regional WPCA, Cheryl Franzen at about the tour 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Communications Workgroup Meeting 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CSRMA Board Meeting 4:15 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Federal Legislative Committee Meeting 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Icebreaker Reception In Celebration of CSRMA’s 30th Anniversary Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:30 a.m.– 9:00 a.m. CSRMA Board of Directors Breakfast Meeting 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Utility Leadership Committee Breakfast Meeting 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast 9:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Opening Session Keynote: Joe Whitworth, President, The Freshwater Trust and Author of Quantified - Redefining Conservation for the Next Economy Fit for Purpose: Taking Recycled Water to the Next Level Pure Water Monterey, Paul Sciuto, Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency San Diego Water Supply Augmentation Project, Brent Eidson, City of San Diego Annual Business Session • Dues Resolution • Introduction of Board of Directors Slate • FY 2017 Budget 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Conference Luncheon – Offsite Memory Garden State Historic Park 1:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Afternoon Session • Announcement of the 2016 CASA Awards of Excellence Winners • Surviving the Retirement Wave: Lessons Learned in Growing Our Successors, Dr. Frank Benest, Consultant This interactive session will explore the impacts of the “retirement wave” and strategies for attracting, retaining and growing talent. Dr. Benest will focus on the need to develop “soft” people skills as well as technical competencies and provide suggestions for public agencies on how to get started in growing our successors. • Education Foundation Scholarship Recipient Interview with Veteran Wastewater Professional 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Reception Friday, August 12, 2016 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Registration 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. State Legislative Committee Breakfast Meeting 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. All American Breakfast 9:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Closing Session • General Election Outlook • State Legislative Report – Dillon, Gauger • Washington D.C. Update • Introduction of new CASA Board Members • Passing of the Gavel and Closing Remarks 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Attorneys Meeting Contact Cheryl MacKelvie ( or 916-446-0388) if you have any questions regarding the conference. Room rate: $239.00 w/high-speed internet and complimentary health club use. Cut-off date: July 19, 2016 Check-in: 4:00 p.m. Check-out: 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, August 9 the CASA Special Room Rate is sold out. Guest rooms are available at the going rate. Please call the number below to make reservations. Reservations: 1-877-901-6632 Parking: valet – $24/day. Public parking: available nearby for $7/day. Tour: Pure Water Monterey Program: Contact Cheryl Franzen ( or 831-645-4610) to reserve your spot. Transportation on your own. Date/Time August 10, 2016 - August 12, 2016 All Day Location Marriott Monterey 350 Calle Principal Monterey, CA 93940 Get Directions » 2016 61st Annual Conference August 10-12, 2016 Marriott, Monterey CA Please register by Wednesday, August 3 First Name Last Name Nickname Title Agency/Firm Email Guest First Name Guest Last Name Check One Director Manager/Staff Associate Attorney Guest/Student Non-member Registration Type Full Conference Member- $550.00 Wednesday Only Member- $340.00 Thursday Only Member- $450.00 Friday Only Member- $175.00 Guest/Student Lunch Thursday- $50.00 Guest/Student (Breakfast & Reception)- $75.00 Non-Member Full Conference- $1,100.00 Non-Member One-Day- $1,100.00 Delegate Two First Name Last Name Nickname Title Agency/Firm Email Guest First Name Guest Last Name Check One Director Manager/Staff Associate Attorney Guest/Student Non-member Registration Type Full Conference Member- $550.00 Wednesday Only Member- $340.00 Thursday Only Member- $450.00 Friday Only Member- $150.00 Guest/Student Lunch Thursday- $50.00 Guest/Student (Breakfast & Reception)- $75.00 Non-Member Full Conference- $1,100.00 Non-Member One-Day- $1,100.00 Delegate Three First Name Last Name Nickname Title Agency/Firm Email Guest First Name Guest Last Name Check One Director Manager/Staff Associate Attorney Guest/Student Non-member Registration Type Full Conference Member- $550.00 Wednesday Only Member- $340.00 Thursday Only Member- $450.00 Friday Only Member- $150.00 Guest/Student Lunch Thursday- $50.00 Guest/Student (Breakfast & Reception)- $75.00 Non-Member Full Conference- $1,100.00 Non-Member One-Day- $1,100.00 Confirmation Yes, email registration confirmation Welcome to the C A S A Online Community! Page 1 of 2C A S A 7/12/2016 2016 Community Open House The Orange County Water District and Orange County Sanitation District will host a community open house on Saturday, August 13, 2016 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The free event will feature games, activities, music, giveaways, prizes, food, and more! Tours Don't miss your chance to tour the world's largest advanced water purification facility of its kind, the Groundwater Replenishment System. Tours last approximately one hour and include walking and riding aboard a shuttle bus. Space is limited, so it is very important to RSVP in advance. Children are welcome (recommended for ages 10+). Click on a time below to register:  10:00 a.m.  10:30 a.m.  11:00 a.m.  11:30 a.m.  12:00 p.m.  12:30 p.m.  1:00 p.m. Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour Orange County Water District's renowned Advanced Water Quality Assurance Laboratory (Lab). Tours depart every 15 minutes. The 15-minute walking tour begins and ends at the entrance of the Lab. The last tour departs at 1:45 p.m. Activities A variety of games and activities await you at the Community Open House. Visit all participating booths and be entered to win a prize. Below are just a few examples of the activities in which you and your family can take part:  Be among the first to visit OCWD's new "What's in a Drop of Water?" interactive exhibit at the H2O Learning Center  See the equipment used to collect water samples around Orange County  Meet the scientists who make sure your water is safe to drink  Climb aboard a bulldozer used to maintain OCWD's award-winning groundwater management operation  Learn about the animals that call the Santa Ana River Watershed home and get your picture taken with a live snake  Play a fun game of basketball as you learn how OCWD uses a barrier to keep seawater out of the groundwater basin  Build your own groundwater aquifer to take home  Pledge to conserve water and become an OC Water Hero  Visit additional activities at the Orange County Sanitation District Food and refreshments Hamburgers, hotdogs and soft drinks will be available for purchase. The Open House will also feature complimentary popcorn, snow cones and water. Parking Entrance to the event is located at 18700 Ward Street, Fountain Valley. An additional entrance is located at the Orange County Sanitation District: 10844 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley. For questions, please call the Community Open House information line at (714) 378-8272. *Program subject to change