HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-03-10 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage, v = .4F= March 10, 1994 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS' REGULAR MEETING March 10, 1994 The March 10, 1994, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Carl T. Scanlin at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. ROLL CALL Directors present at Roll Call: President Carl T. Scanlin Vice President Arthur C. Korn Paul R. Armstrong Michael J. Beverage Sterling L. Fox Visitors Present: None Staff present: William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager Arthur G. Kidman, General Counsel Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent Eric Joseph, Assistant Operations Superintendent Roger Lubin, Exec. Asst. to the General Manager Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator Jill Weber, Secretary SPECIAL RECOGNITION BY THE BOARD Item 1. Special recognition of employee Eric Joseph, for his efforts in the United Way Campaign. Mr. Joseph left the meeting at the conclusion of this item. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the consent calendar, as follows: Item 2. Approval of Minutes - Regular meeting of February 24, 1994. Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 4. Approval of disbursement in the total amount of $127,953.69 on Check Nos. 15355 through 15421; and Payroll of $84,1536.34 on Check Nos. 6215 through 6917 and one wire to MWDOC in the amount of $217,435.10, dated march 14, 1994. Item 5. Approval of Progress Payment No. 1 in the amount of $61,110 to BFI Constructors for erosion protection for the 24-inch Bryant Cross Feeder Phase V, Job No. 9312. Item 6. Approval of the construction budget in the amount of $68,905; award a contract to B.K. Baker Company in the amount of $50,905 for the construction of water improvement facilities in San Antonio Road and authorize the General Manager to execute the contract, subject to review as to form by legal counsel; and approve the release of the other bid bonds once the contract has been executed for Job No. 9301. Page-A Mardi 10, 1994 Item 7. Approval to release Guarantee Bonds, totaling $23,399.80, for construction of water facilities installed by Warmington Homes. Item 8. Approval of the the Investment Portfolio Report for January 31, 1994. ACTION CALENDAR Item 9. Consideration to solicit proposals to design a well waste water discharge system for the wells located at the Richfield Plant and Well No. 15. General Manager William J. Robertson reported that the successful consultant will design a well waste water discharge piping system for the Richfield Plant and Well No. 15, identify points of discharge to the storm drain system, obtain all necessary permits, and assist the District in obtaining easements for the project. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 5- 0, authorizing staff to solicit design proposals from prequalified engineering firms to design a well waste water discharge system. Item 10. Consideration of a resolution supporting Wes Bannister as ACWA/JPIA Vice President. On a motion by Director Fox, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 on roll-call to adopt Resolution No. 94-02, concurring with the nomination of Wes Bannister as Vice President of ACWA/JPIA. Item 11. Consideration of a resolution supporting the nomination of Edward N. Layton as a member of the Executive Committee of ACWA/JPIA. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 on roll-call to adopt Resolution No. 94-03, concurring with the nomination of as Edward N. Layton as a member of the Executive Committee of ACWA/JPIA. Item 12. Report on changes in the Ralph M. Brown Act. Legal Counsel Arthur G. Kidman presented an oral report describing AB 1426, SB 36 and SB 1140, three enacted bills which comprehensively revise the Ralph M. Brown Act, California's open public meeting law for local government agencies. These bills become law April 1, 1994. Director Korn recommended that staff consider not tape recording board meetings in the future, since meeting minutes are prepared from notes and staff presentations. The Board directed staff to research the issue and recommend whether future board meetings should be tape recorded. President Scanlin declared a recess at 9:40. The Board meeting reconvened at 9:50. Item 13. Status report on the sale of the Allen-McColloch Pipeline to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. General Manager William J. Robertson and Legal Counsel Arthur G. Kidman reported on the YLWD Hydraulic Grade Line Study, Operations and Maintenance and Groundwater Wheeling, and legal matters related to transfer of the facility to MWD. On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, directing staff to meet with MWDOC to negotiate our percentage of monies received from MWD. Page-3M - Z,. ~ 3 March 10, 1994 GENERAL MANA PER'S REPORT Item 14. General Manager's oral report and comments. General Manager William J. Robertson reported on: 1. Special Districts Selection Committee meeting scheduled fro March 17, 1994. On a motion by Director Fox, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to cast votes for Phil Anthony and Jim Wahner as regular special district members of LAFCO, and John Withers as alternate. 2. Attended Bay Delta Hearing of February 28, 1994 along with Director Fox. 3. Well No. 10 dedication ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, March 16, 1994. 4. The Citizens Advisory Committee met Tuesday, March 8, 1994 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. LEGAL COUNSEL'S REPORT Item 15. Legal Counsel's oral report and comments. Legal Counsel Arthur G. Kidman indicated that his entire report dealt with changes to the Brown Act, and was discussed under Item 12. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORT Item 16. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee was scheduled. Item 17. A Finance-Accounting Committee was scheduled for March 21, at 9:00 a.m. Item 18. A Personnel-Risk Management Committee was scheduled for March 21, at 3:00 p.m Item 19. The Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee met March 3, 1994. Attending were Director Paul Armstrong, Director Sterling Fox, General Manager William J. Robertson, Assistant General Manager Michael Payne, Operations Superintendent Ray Harsma, Engineering Manager Charles Gray, and Bob Seeman of the Barrett Consulting Group. The committee discussed the AMP Buyout; the Lakeview Avenue Bridge pipeline construction; future water quality regulations; and the need for a well waste water discharge piping system. Item 20. A Public Information Committee was scheduled for March 18, at 8:00 a.m. INTERGOVERNMENTAL. MEETINGS Item 21. Report on SDWCA Board Meeting, February 25 (Korn): Director Kom discussed costs of agency claims, indicating that very small agencies can have big claims, and rates will not cover those costs for years. He also indicated that the ratio between premium and risk can be substantial for small agencies. Item 22. Report on ACWA Personnel Committee, Deferred Compensation Sub-Committee meeting, February 25 (Fox): Director Fox, attending that meeting with Executive Assistant to the General Manager Roger Lubin, indicated that William M. Mercer, Incorporated, will prepare a request for proposals for organizations interested in providing deferred compensation services for ACWA agencies. Potential deferred compensation providers will be interviewed May 27, in San Diego at the site of the ACWA Conference. Item 23. Report on MWD Board meeting, March 8 (Fox): Director Fox did not attend. Item 24. Report on Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting, March 1 (Beverage): An easement for the Yorba Linda Water District was granted. Page-MM March 10, 1994 Item 25. Report on MWDOC/OCWD Board meeting, March 2 (Scanlin): Director Scanlin indicated that Stan Sprague reviewed urban water agencies response to California Bay-Delta Hearings. He also mentioned that since October 1, 1993, rainfall has been 64% of normal. Item 26. Report on WACO meeting, March 4, (Armstrong): In a discussion of water supply, it was reported that the snowpack in the Sierras was 70% less than one year ago. The ACWA Region 10 meeting has been scheduled for April 29th, at 9:30 a.m., at the Rancho Bernardo Inn in San Diego County. WACO Attendees also heard a report on the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's earthquake damage assessment, along with their critique of how they performed in response to the Northridge Earthquake. Item 27. Report on Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting, March 9 (Armstrong): Nothing of interest to the District was discussed. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS/ITEMS FOR FUTURE CONSIDERATION Director Armstrong indicated he attended an electronics show where he saw new chips which will upgrade private radio network frequencies. These chips should be beneficial to the District. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes. CLOSED SESSION Item 28. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation: Ohio Casualty Insurance Company v. Yorba Linda Water District, Case # C01504, Municipal Court, North District Fullerton. Item 29. Conference with Legal Counsel -Existing Litigation: Yorba Linda Water District v. Lewis, Case # 708899 Superior Court, Orange County. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Scanlin, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, at 11:50 a.m., to adjourn to Thursday, March 17, 1994 at 7:00 p.m., at the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92705. PRESENTATION The video tape entitled The River of Life, scheduled for presentation today, was deferred. It will be sh n following the conclusion of a subsequent board meeting. 1 9I.-Tv ertson General Manazer/Secretarv