HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-02 - Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee Meeting Agenda Packet
Yorba Linda
Water District
Thursday, April 2, 2009,4:00 p.m.
1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia - Tel: (714) 701-3020
Director William R. Mills, Chair Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Director Paul R. Armstrong Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Lee Cory, Operations Manager
Ken Mendum, Operations Superintendent
John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator
Any individual wishing to address the Committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which
they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the Committee Chair will recognize the individual for their
comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are
limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to
five minutes.
This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to
formal committee action.
1. Change Order No. 6 for the Lakeview Reservoir Project
Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of
Directors approve Change Order No. 6 adding 21 calendar days for
construction of the Lakeview Reservoir Project, Job No. 200704.
2. Professional Services Agreement Amendment for Environmental Compliance
Services for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project
Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of
Directors authorize an amendment to the Professional Services
Agreement with Bon Terra Consulting in the amount of $15,700 for
additional environmental compliance services for the Highland Reservoir
Replacement Project, Job No. 200309.
3. Award of Geotechnical Engineering Services for the Hidden Hills Reservoir
Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of
Directors authorize execution of a Professional Services Agreement for
Geotechnical Engineering Services with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for the
Hidden Hills Reservoir Project in the amount of $94,558.
4. Resolution Supporting the Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional
Water Management Plan
Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of
Directors adopt Resolution 09-05 supporting the "One Water One
Watershed" Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Water
Management Plan and its submittal to the Department of Water
Resources for Proposition 84, Chapter 2 Program Funding, and direct the
General Manager to send a response letter to Santa Ana Watershed
Project Authority staff.
5. Shapell Pre-Annexation Acreage Fee Agreement
Recommendation: That the Committee recommend the Board of
Directors authorize the President and Secretary to execute an Acreage
Fee Agreement with Shapell for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 16208,
subject to prior execution of the Agreement by Shapell.
This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items
for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also
include items for information only.
6. 2009/10 Preliminary CIP Budget (Report at Meeting)
7. Monthly Groundwater Production and Purchased Water Report (Update pending)
8. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Program Report (Report at Meeting)
9. Monthly MWDOC Managers Meeting Summary Report (Report at Meeting)
10. Monthly OC Groundwater Producers Meeting Summary Report
11. Status Report on Capital Projects in Progress
12. Plan for Expansion of Groundwater Supply (Report at Meeting)
13. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning-Engineering-Operations
Committee will be held May 7, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.
Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting
Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items
and are distributed to the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public
inspection in the lobby of the District's business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870,
during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District's
internal website accessible at http://www.ylwd.conV.
Accommodations for the Disabled
Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be
able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba
Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability
and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so
the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation
should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested
Committee Meeting Date: April 2, 2009
To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Staff Contact: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Joe Polimino, Project Engineer
Reviewed by General Counsel: N/A Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $ 11.5
Funding Source: District and Developer Funds
CEQA Account No: 101-2700 Job No: 200704
Compliance: Mitigated Neg. Dec. Estimated Costs: N/A (No Cost) Dept: Eng
Subject: Change Order No. 6 for the Lakeview Reservoir Project
On January 25, 2007, the District Board of Directors authorized the execution of an agreement
with SSC Construction, Inc. (SSC) for construction of an 8-million gallon underground concrete
reservoir, piping and appurtenances. The project also includes demolition of the existing
Bastanchury Booster Pump Station and Reservoir (two steel storage tanks). The site is located
north of Bastanchury Road off the new Lakeview Avenue extension, north of the Hover
Development and south of Vista Del Verde's Village 4. When completed, the project will
increase operational, fire and emergency storage capacity, retain better water quality through
improved circulation and improve reliability of the water system.
In accordance with the contract documents, SSC submitted a request for Change Order No. 6
which represents a no-cost change and a time extension of 21 calendar days.
Change Order No. 6
• 21 calendar-days time extension due to rain, which prevented work on the site.
The status of the construction contract with SSC Construction, Inc. is as follows:
• The current contract is $11,006,911.61 and 642 calendar days starting June 18, 2007.
• Total payments to date including retention are $10,423,908.37 (94.7% of the total
contract amount).
• As of February 28, 2009, 622 calendar days were used (96.9% of the contract time).
• If approved, Change Order No. 6 increases the total calendar-days to 663.
Staff and Butier, the District's construction manager for the project, have reviewed the
contractor's request for Change Order No. 6 and recommend approval. A copy of Change
Order No. 6 is attached for your review and consideration.
On January 25, 2007, the District Board of Directors approved and awarded a construction
contract with SSC Construction, Inc. in the amount of $10,489,500 for construction of an 8
million gallon underground concrete reservoir, piping and appurtenances, and demolition of the
existing Bastanchury Booster Pump Station and Reservoir. On April 10, 2008, the District Board
of Directors approved Change Order No. 1 increasing the total contract amount to $10,639,500
and total contract calendar days to 547. On June 30, 2008, staff approved Change Order No. 2
in the net amount of $2,887.92 increasing the total contract to $10,642,387.92. On July 10,
2008, the Board of Directors approved Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $55,393.45 and an
additional 27 calendar days to be added to the contract. On February 12, 2009, the Board of
Directors approved Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $167,113.53 and an additional 49
calendar days to be added to the contract. At the same meeting, the Board of Directors also
approved Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $142,016.71 and an additional 19 calendar days
to be added to the contract. The Board has approved twenty two progress payments to date for
this project, the most recent of which was approved on March 26, 2009.
That the Committee support recommend the Board of Directors approve Change Order No. 6
adding 21 calendar-days for construction of the Lakeview Reservoir Project, Job No. 200704.
DATE March 18, 2009
Page 1 of 1
CONTRACT NAME: Lakemdew Reservoir CONTRACT AMT.: $ 11.008.911.81 DAYS: 642
CONTRACTOR: SSC Construction Inc. THIS CHANGE: $ 0.00 DAYS: 21
OWNER: Yorba Linda Water District REVISED CONTRACT
AMT: $11-00.911.81 DAYS: 889
This Change Order covers charges to to subject contract as described herein. The Contractor and constmd, hunish eqgpment aid materials.
and perform at wank as necessary or required to aonpiraa the Chem Order Rom for a hump wan Vice agreed upon halvsen the Contractor
and Yoft Ursa Water ObstrPC oturwbe refl. to as Ownw.
1.) Rain days tehkdh prevented work to be done on Critical Path Hernia. $0.90 + 21
NET CHANGE $0.00 + 21 Days
The smut of to Contract we be Increased / decreased by the sun of ACM and the ccraract mare shat be Increased by 21 caisnder days.
The Contractor approves the fbreg ft Chace Outer as to the chwhges, t cry. In the omaac prize spedw for own Ilan
Including costs and d supervision ompMm of Me arras h on acwLmt of said q ~ change In wak agrees kas a lsh do extension of fte alumed,
If wry~ I Mor and vaterfols ard
perform eff other neaasasry wank. InduNve of that directly or indhacty, related to Bra approved sere er0.wubn, ro*Asod to ownpbts the
Change Ord tema. This domenem vdg beoome a stipplemem of the contract and and prvlelaa vA apply huerhdo. 8 isundersInOd gin ter
Change Order armed be eteclIve Wm apVrovad by the Ovmer This Change Order corhf4htes full. Oral, and oomph comperis®ton to the
Contractor foram costs. a penses, ow rhad, profit, and any damages of every kNd that the Contractor may Inew In owvtm*m vAth to
above referenced charges In the %wk. Including ayimpac on the rdwenced vamk many cow wank under to a mraet, any changes In ao
sequences : of any work, any delay to any work, any disruption of any wank, any msdh &ft of any work and any Wear affect an any of pre
Wk under too coreract, ey to acemson Of the Ow4p ova. to Comractor arcepb to Contract piles Change end me contact
Corhhplelim data Change, gay. and exiawalywaimm any Claim for cry additional oonV rsetlan, dernages mama adsrxdma, in Comedion
molar the above-velarenced dermas.
Jon hisanh Cmnstructlon umpor
eefderd-SSC Construction
Kenneth R. Veccharefg, Gororel Manager
Committee Meeting Date: April 2, 2009
To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Staff Contact: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Leon de los Reyes, Water Quality Engineer
Reviewed by General Counsel: No Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $ 11.2 M
Funding Source: Water Revenue Bond
CEQA Account No: 102-2700 Job No: 200309
Compliance: Mitigated Neg. Dec. Estimated Costs: $ 15,700 Dept: Eng
Subject: Professional Services Agreement Amendment for Environmental Compliance
Services - Highland Reservoir Replacement Project
BonTerra Consulting, submitted a contract amendment request (attached) for $15,700 for
additional environmental services necessary to comply with the CEQA requirement beyond their
original scope of work. The additional tasks provide Historic American Engineering Record
photographs and documentation required for CEQA compliance.
In the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared for the project at its outset, an
architectural evaluation was performed. It was determined that the reservoir, constructed in
1911, was significant as a key structure in an early 201h Century California water system that
evolved from an irrigation colony into a major suburb. Accordingly, photographs and
documentation of the existing reservoir are required to comply with the conditions of the Historic
American Engineering Record (HAER). BonTerra Consulting, the District's consultant for CEQA
documentation for the project, was of the understanding that the District possessed necessary
historical photos and documentation to meet the requirements of (HAER), and did not include
this in its work scope for services during the construction phase. It was later determined that the
District did not have the extensive photos and documents required. It was also confirmed that
since the Board approved the project MND that included compliance with HAER, that
documentation must be provided to meet the conditions of the MND. At that time, the District
asked BonTerra for a proposal for the necessary work to comply with HAER.
The Board of Directors awarded a construction contract to Schuler Engineering on April 10,
2008 in the amount of $9,049,346 for construction of the project. On May 15, 2008, the Board
approved execution of a Professional Service Agreement with Carollo Engineers in the amount
of $605,856 for engineering support services, construction management and backup inspection
services; a Professional Service Agreement with Leighton Consulting Engineers in the amount
of $86,200 for geotechnical services, soils, concrete and materials testing; a Professional
Service Agreement with BonTerra Consulting in the amount of $22,251 for environmental
compliance services; and approved the construction budget in the amount of $11,200,000 for
construction of the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project. The Board has approved 10
progress payments and 2 construction change orders to date, the most recent of which was
approved on March 26, 2009, and March 12, 2009 respectively.
That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize an amendment to the
Professional Services Agreement with Bon Terra Consulting in the amount of $15,700 for
additional environmental compliance services for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project,
Job No. 200309.
C O N S U L T! N G 1: (714) 444-9199 F: (714) 444-9599 1151 Kalmus Drive. Suite E-200
w .BonTerraConsulting.com Costa MESO. CA 92626
March 17, 2009
Mr. Leon de los Reyes VIA EMAIL AND MAIL
Water Quality Engineer Ide_los_reyes@ylwd.com
Yorba Linda Water District
1717 East Miraloma Avenue
Placentia, California 92870
Subject: Contract Amendment to Highland Reservoir Replacement Monitoring Services Project
to Prepare Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Photography and
Documentation to Level II Standards for the Demolition of the Highland Reservoir in
the City of Yorba Linda, Orange County, California
Dear Mr. de los Reyes:
In accordance with your request, BonTerra Consulting is submitting a request for a contract
amendment to provide Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Photographs and
Documentation to Level II Standards. This documentation is required for compliance with the
mitigation measures in the 2006 Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared for the
demolition of the Highland Reservoir in Yorba Linda, California.
Our existing contract is also associated with implementing the required mitigation measures
from the MND. The focus of the existing work is bird surveys and paleontological monitoring.
The proposed work effort for HAER photography and documentation is outside of our current
scope. This effort would be headed up by Mr. Patrick Maxon, RPA, BonTerra Consulting's
Director of Cultural Resources.
BonTerra Consulting is available to initiate work immediately on the HAER Level II photography
and documentation for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project and will work closely with
you to ensure its successful and timely completion.
We appreciate the opportunity to work with the Yorba Linda Water district on this project. Please call
me or Diane Barrett at (714) 4449199 with any questions or if you need additional Information.
Thomas E SmI , r., AICP Diane E rrePrincipal-in-Ch a Senior Planner
cc: Patrick Maxon, RPA
Attachment A: Scope of Work and Fee Estimate
for Contract Amendment
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HiaMend Reservoir Replecem" Proposal for HAER ll Documentation
March 17, 2009
As required in the mitigation measures for the Highland Reservoir Replacement Project Mitigated
Negative Declaration (MND) in 2006, HAER Level II photography and documentation will be
prepared under this contract amendment scope of work.
BonTerre Consulting will provide large-format photographs to satisfy the HAER II documentation
requirements set forth in the CEQA documentation for the Highland Reservoir Replacement project.
Photographic documentation of the historic Highland Reservoir; principal photography will include
two (2) sets of photographs to be completed on large-format 4x5 black and white film, processed
and contact printed to HAER archival standards. A corresponding photo description list will be
produced per NPS format. Project management activities (I.e. project scheduling, billing, etc.) are
included in the work product.
Photography fee of $1,500.00 per day; 4x5 black and white negatives and contract prints of $20.00
per set (two sets of each will be produced). If the photographer takes photographs of the interior
prior to roof removal, artificial lighting would be necessary at an additional cost. Total project fees,
including miscellaneous costs such as project management, film purchase (including sales tax),
number of days in the field and preparation of the corresponding photo description list shall not
exceed $6,000.00 without prior client approval.
In association with our historical resources sub-consultant Daly & Associates, BonTerra Consulting
will conduct a field survey to personally Inspect the setting, location and what may remain of the
reservoir after demolition takes place. We will also conduct research to document the history of the
Highland Reservoir, and the engineering history of early reservoir and Irrigation systems in California
similar to the Highland Reservoir. Historic archives will be researched as a part of the project. These
resources Include, but are not limited to the Orange County Archives, Santa Ana Library Special
Collections, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Main Library, and California State Polytechnic,
Pomona, CA. One complete archival document, with properly labeled large-format photos and
negatives and three copies of the HAER II document, will be prepared for local history repositories.
Please note that the fees for Task 2 do not include the costs of obtaining archival quality copies of
the original engineering drawings. It is our understanding that the Yorba Linda Water District will
provide BonTerra Consulting with copies of the original drawings. These sheets will then have to be
copied according to HAER Level 11 specifications on Mylar sheets, and would involve additional
reimbursable costs approximately $125.00 per sheet. At this time, BonTerra Consulting does not
know how many sheets will need to be copied. These reimbursable costs will be billed on a time-
and-materials basis; a separate budget augmentation request will be submitted for District approval
prior to initiation of the copying process.
MPra *mMYLwDPoW6OW centine"17MAx A-1 Scrape or Wodc and Fees
Committee Meeting Date: April 2, 2009
To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Staff Contact: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Joe Polimino, Project Engineer
Reviewed by General Counsel: No Budgeted: Yes Total Budget: $ 9,000,000
Funding Source: I.D. No. 2 G.O. Bonds
CEQA Account No: 401-2700 Job No: 200028
Compliance: Mitigated Neg. Dec. Estimated Costs: $ 95,000 Dept: Eng
Subject: Award of Geotechnical Engineering Services for the Hidden Hills
Reservoir Project
Bids have been received for construction of the Hidden Hills Reservoir and upgrades to the
Santiago Booster Station, and the construction contract has been awarded to Pacific Hydrotech
Corporation in a separate action. In anticipation of the project construction, the District solicited
proposals for geotechnical engineering services for the project. Following its evaluation
process, staff recommends award for these services to Leighton Consulting, Inc., as presented
It is planned that construction of the two million gallon capacity Hidden Hills Reservoir and
upgrades to the Santiago Booster Station will begin shortly. In anticipation of this, the District
solicited proposals for geotechnical engineering services for the project from five firms.
A committee of three District engineering staff individually reviewed two of five proposals, since
three of the firms decided not to submit a proposal for this project. The two proposals received
were each evaluated and scored, based on technical presentation, staff qualifications and
experience. Following the technical evaluation and ranking, the committee met with the
Engineering Manager to discuss the proposals and open the separately-provided envelope from
each firm with their proposed fee for services. The combined evaluation score and proposed fee
for each firm are as follows:
Firm Total Evaluation Score Proposed Fee
Leighton 23.05 $94,558
MTGL 21.50 $92,293
NMG 0 $ none
Kleinfelder 0 $ none
Associated 0 $ none
Based on proposal presentation, staff qualifications, experience and relative fee for services,
staff recommends award to Leighton for $94,558. A copy of the Proposal by Leighton is
February 12, 2004 Board adopted Negative Declaration for the Hidden Hills Reservoir and
authorized the President and Secretary to execute the project. November 9, 2004, Board
authorized staff to execute an agreement with Carollo Engineers for the design of the Hidden
Hills Reservoir Project. November 22, 2005, Board authorized staff to execute an amendment
to the PSA with Carollo for design of the Santiago Booster Station Upgrades. October 26, 2006,
Board authorized staff to execute an amendment to the PSA with Carollo Engineers for $26,500
for additional services for the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project. On March 12, 2009, the Board
awarded Pacific Hydrotech Corporation the construction contract in the amount of
That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize execution of a Professional
Services Agreement for Geotechnical Engineering Services with Leighton Consulting, Inc. for
the Hidden Hills Reservoir Project in the amount of $94,558.
Leighton Consulting, Inc.
March 10, 2009
Proposal No. P601-01136
Yorba Linda Water District
1717 East Miraloma Avenue
Placentia, California 92870-6785
Attention: Mr. Joe Polimino
Project Manager
Subject: Fee Proposal
For Geotechnical and Material Testing Services During Construction
Yorba Linda Water District
Proposed 2.0 Million-Gallon Hidden Hills (Zone 6) Reservoir
22955 Hidden Hills Road
Yorba Linda, California
YLWD Job No. 2000028
In response to your February 2009 Request For Proposal (RFP), Leighton Consulting, Inc. is
pleased to present this fee proposal to provide geotechnical, concrete and asphalt pavement
observation and materials testing services during construction of this proposed 2.0 million-gallon
(MG) Hidden Hills (Zone 6) dual-bay hopper, buried reinforced concrete reservoir, associated
pipelines and upgrades to the existing Santiago Booster Pump Station, in Yorba Linda. This
proposal is valid through June 30, 2009 (more than 90 days). Our qualifications and technical
proposal were submitted separately.
Our hourly rates are based on the assumption that this is a California Prevailing Wage project.
Our fees will be reduced if this is not a Prevailing Wage project. Our fee will be charged on a
time and expense basis in accordance with attached 1007 Professional Fee Schedule for
Prevailing Wage Projects, discounted specifically for Yorba Linda Water District (only). This
fee estimate is valid for ninety (90) days from the date of this proposal.
We understand that a construction schedule was not available at the time of preparing this
proposal. We have prepared our estimate based solely on February 2009 RFP. A breakdown of
our assumptions and estimated fees is provided in the attached Table 1, Breakdown of Estimated
Fees. In summary, we have estimated a budget for these services as listed below:
17781 Cowan a Irvine, CA 92614.6009
949.253.9836 a Fax 949.250.1114 a wwwApightonconsufting corn
YLWD 2 .0 MG Hidden Hills Reservoir Fee Proposal P601-01136
I Geoteclmical Services (soil density testing, etc.) $12,844 $15,413
2 Construction Materials Testing (concrete) $81,714 $98,057
TOTAL: 594,558 5113,470
Rates may increase commensurate with future mandated changes in the California prevailing
wages as determined by the California Department of Industrial Relations. Future wage and rate
escalations are likely. Actual scope and cost may vary from what was estimated, if additional
time is required on site or if additional test cylinders are required. If the actual site visits or
hours requested are less than assumed, our fee would be less than estimated. Conversely, if there
are numerous small pours, numerous failed soil density or failed concrete tests, extensive
standby or unnecessary site visits, this budget estimate may be insufficient to complete the
project, and we will notify you that our budget needs to be augmented. Further, the contractor
may require additional breaks to evaluate form-stripping scheduling. Breaks other than at 7 and
28 days were not budgeted. This fee estimate is also based on the assumption that our field
services will be performed during normal weekday daylight-hours and does not include
We appreciate the opportunity to be of additional service to Yorba Linda Water District. If you
have any questions or information that would update our scope of work, please call us at your
convenience. The undersigned can be reached at (949) 250-1421 at the extensions and e-mail
addresses noted below.
Respectfully submitted,
TaeKuk Kim, P.E. Thomas C. Benson, Jr., PE,
Project Engineer President and CEO
Extension 4265, int lei8htonerouo.mm Extension 8771, tbenso QJeiehtonvoup.com
Attachments: Table 1, Breakdown ofErthnated Fees
2007 Professional Fee Schedule for Prevailing Wage Projects
(discounted for Yorba Linda Water District)
Distribution: (5) addressee
Table 1. Breakdown of Estimated Fees
Geotechnical Observation and Testing During Construction, Hidden Hills Reservob
Meetine Hours Rate Amount
Field Operations Manager 3 $152 $456
Vehicle 3 $11
Subtotal: $489
Backfill Density T Hours Rak Amo t
RFP calls for 30 field tests, assumed 30 field visits and 2 hours per visits
Field Soil Technician (prevailing wage) 60 S75 $4,500
Field Operations Manager 4 $152 $608
Vehicle and Nuclear Density Gauge 64 $22 n m
Subtotsh $6,484
Geotechnical Laboratory Tests (20 Tests TotsD uan ' nit Ro Amount
Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture 6 $182 $1,092
Sieve Analyses 6 $135 $810
Organic Contents 4 $63 $252
Expansion Index (EI) 4 $131 524
Subtotal: $2,678
Final Compacted Fill Report Preparation Hours Rate Amount
Principal Engineer 4 $247 $988
Senior Staff Engineer 10 $131 $1,310
Word Processor 5 $74 $370
CADD/Drafting 5 $105 $525
Subtotal: UM
Subtotal Geotechnical Observation and Testing Estimate Fee: $12,844
Geotechnical Observation and Testing Contingency (20%): $2,569
Total Geotechnical Observation and Testing Estimate Fee: $15,413
Leighton Consulting, Inc.
Irvine, CA P601-01136 Table 1 Fee Estimate 3/10/2009
Table 1. Breakdown of Estimated Fees
Concrete Sampling and Testing Estimated Budget, Hidden Hills Reservoir
Concrete Sampling and Testine Unit Oulantilly Rate Cost
ACI Technician (on-site) hours 560 $70 $39,200
ACI Technician (batch plant inspection) hours 160 $70 $11,200
Concrete Cylinders (ASTM C31) each 250 $25 $6,250
Drying Shrinkage (3 bars) sets 10 $400 $4,000
Cement Content of Hardened Hydraulic-Cement Concrete tests 10 $1,440 $14,400
Pick-up and Delivery - Standard trips 20 $50 $1.000
Subtotal: $76,050
Administrative Saville rt Aoan Rate Amon
Project Management / Materials Inspection Manager hours 16 $110 $1,760
Administration/Secrctarial hours 28 $78 $2,184
Review of files for final letter of affidavit hours 8 $215 $1.720
Subtotal: $5.664
Subtotal Concrete Sampling and Testing Eastimated Fee: $81,714
Concrete Sampling and Testing Contingency (200/6): $16,343
Total Concrete Sampling and Testing Eastimated Fee: $98,057
Abovemtesmebawdm Cahfomiapte wifugwegm WachetgeamfnimamfmAmm.daily. Any boors worked in excess of the lour-havminimumwill be changed et the tight-hang
daily rate. Ssme~day cancellations will be charged as a four-hour miaimomn.
Omservimare depmdenf upon the connameswark schedule. Vmiencesto the consauchan schedule mulling in additional haurs,trips, or teas am subject to additional fees that rosy
exceed this estuoate.
Leighton Consulting, Inc.
Irvine, G P601-01136 Table 1 Fee Estimate 3/10/2009
Leighton Consulting, Inc.
Technical Staff Hourly Rate
Laborer" $95
Soffield Technician*• 75
Staff Engineer/GeotogistiScienfisl/Field Supervisor 115
Senior Staff Engineer/Geologis7Scleri t ...............................................................................................................................131
Operations Manager/Equipment Operator .............................................................................................................................152
Project Engineer/GeologisttScientist ......................................................................................................................................152
Senior Project Engineer/Geologist/Scientist ...........................................................................................................................168
Associate 189
Principal 205
Senior Principal ......................................................................................................................................................................247
Technical Support Staff Hourly Rate
AdministrativeAssistant/Word Processor $74
CAD Operator/Technical Illustrator/GIS Specialist ..................................................................................................................105
Enalneedria Equipment Unit Rates
Vehicle Usage $11 per hour
T9tmeter, Inclinometer Units 200 per day
Nuclear Soil Gauge .....................................................................................................................................................84 per day
GPS Station ...............................................................................................................................................................168 per day
Other Equipment Upon Request
• Overtime for field personnel (all technician and staff levels) will be charged at 1.5 times basic hourly rate listed above.
• Expert witness testimony will be charged at 2.0 &rces the above rates, with a minimum charge of four hours per day.
• invoices are rendered monthly, payable upon reoelpt.
• Proposals are valid for 30 days, unless otherwise stated in the proposal.
• Heavy equipment, subcontractor fees and expenses, supplemental insurance, travel, shipping, reproduction, and other reimbursable
expenses will be invoiced at cost plus 20%, unless billed directly to, and paid by client.
Client agrees to provide all information in Client's possession about actual or possible presence of buried utilities and hazardous
materials on the site, and agrees to reimburse Leighton Consulting for all costs related to their unanticipated discovery.
• These rates are predicated on standard insurance coverage and a limit of liability to our fees for the project
• For "paid when paid" contracted work, Leighton Consulting shall receive payment within 10 calendar days from when our Client
receives payment for our services.
• Minimum Hourly Charges for Field Technicians:
1. Monday-Fdday 2 hours minimum
2. Saturday and Sunday 4 hours minbnum
Effective through December 31, 2008, after which remaining work will be billed at then-current rates.
Subject to change based upon changes In California prevailing wage rates.
17781 Cowan a Irvine, CA 926145009
949.250.1421 ■ Fax 949.250.1114 owww.leightonconsulting.can
IdeMiflcation and Index Ptciperdes (ASTM) Unit Rate Shear Strength (AM Unit Rate
Moisture Content $16 Pocket Penetrometer $16
Moisture and Density (ring samples) 26 Torvane 16
Moisture and Density (chunk samples) 58 Single Normal Load Direct Shear 105
Moisture Content & Density (Shelby tube/cutfing) 63 3 Load Direct Shear, consolidated Urdrained (2:0.05 in. /min.) 265
AtterbeM Limits (3 moisture points) 121 3 Load Direct Shear, Consolidated Drained (4.05 inlrrdn.) 305
Atterberg Limb (organic) 182 Remolding or Hand Trimming of specimens (3 points) 78
Single Poin"n-plastic 84 Residual Shear - price per additional one-way pass per point 58
Visual classification of point as non-plastic 11 Torsional Shear 620
Particle Size: Sieve (passing 1lie-inch to - #200) 74 Oriented or Bbd( Hand Trimming 58
Sieve (passing 6-inch to - #200) 135
Hydrometer only 110 Static Unlaxlal and Triaxial Strenath Tests (ASTM)
1 %-Inch Sieve and Hydrometer 158 Unconifmed Compression (xim aaasa/saain pbo $89
Dispersive Characteristics of Clay Soil (double bydmmeter) 89 UU Test- UnconsolidatedlUndrained lpersa®ss) 168
Speck Gravity: Fine (passing #4) 89 Consolidated Undralned (CU,R) (per sir) 347
Coarse (retained on #4) 84 Three Stage Triaxiai Tests 6D8
Taal Porosity - On Shelby tube sample - calculation only 137 Consolidation and Swell Tests (ASTM)
Taal Porosity - On other sample - tabulation only 105 Consolidation (w/one time deformation curve) $194
Pholograplh of swnple 11 Each Additional Titre Deformation Curve 47
Shrinkage Limit (wax method) 126 Each add'Nonal kradlunbad w/o Time Deformation Curve 42
Frftfe Dispersfom 210 Expansion Index (El, ASTM D 4829.03) 131
Sand Equivalent (SE, CTM 217) 89 Expansion Index (UBC 18-12) 165
Percent Passing #200 Sieve, wash sieve, only (ASTM D 1140) 58 Swell/Collapse Test (A) to m imm rowtvioadswto rain acres 289
Single Load SwelliCollapse Test (B) seK wed arxibuder 105
Collapse Potential of Sod (ASTM D 5333.03) 194
Soil Chemlatry Laboratory Pormeability Tests
pH $42 Permeability (Hydraulic Conductivity)
Electra Resistivity - Single point - as-received moisture 42 - Undisturbed driven tube sample $194
Minimum Resistivity (mirdmum of 3 moisture points) 89 - Remolded specimen 236
PH and Minimum Resistivity 131 Triaxial Permeability (at one effective stress) 294
Suffate Content - Gratdmettic 68 - Each Additional Effective Stress 121
Suffate Screen 32 - Hand Trimming for Horizontal K 58
Cihbdde Content 68 - Dairy charge for Long Term Tssb 7 days) 47
Corrosion SUfte: pH, chloride, mrr&w mesW.* and sukm (gm***) 221 Remolding of Test Specimens 58
Ogerdc Matter Content (ASTM D 2974) 63 Air Permeability (includes mature & density) 100
Air Permeability (modified for soils) 173
Comjoitilctfon (moisture and density curves)
Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) Compaction - 4 points CaRrans Tests (California Test Methods)
4 Inds diameter mold $182 R-Value, untreated soils (CTM 301, 3/2000) $289
6 inch diameter mob 215 R-Value, time or cement treated soils (57% additive) 338
Motfified Proctor (ASTM D 1557) - 4 points Samolina Eau)oonerd Charnes
4 Inch diameter mold 193 Box of Sample Rings (28 samples per box) $12&box
6 inch diameter mold 225 Daily Rig-Lined Drive Sampler Equipment Usage 37/day
Cheri( Point 79
Relative Density (0.1 cubic foot mold) 236 As soil same should be nee of nezarmus amier Stallard b rtwoumd age
Calrans Wet Density Compaction Curve (CTM 216) 215 for test results is 10 warheq days. swoes wa be dDred for a momdhs eMr whzh
' they will be discarded. Prior noaaraaonisrequired 0sampbsneed tobestored for a
Caffomia Bearing Ratio (CBR) - 3 points 557 lager tine. A invuhy storage fee of $10 per bag and $5 per deeve will be applied.
-1 point' 184 1.07-P
17781 Cowan s Irvine, CA 92614-M
949.250.1421 a Fax 949.250.1114 owww1eigMOnoonsulting.com
Leighton Consulting, Inc
Task Professional Construction Materials Engineering Services Hourly Rate
6100 Project Management / Materials Inspection Manager $105
7100 Principal Engineer 168
7101 Registered Civil Engineer 127
7102 Staff Engineer 99
7103 Administration / Secretarial Time 74
7104 Reports - Test Results 17 each
7105 Review of Files for Final Letter of Affidavit (min. 2 tours) 144
7106 Expert Witness, Consultation and Court Appearances (min. 4 hours) 277
7107 Submittal Review for Compliance with Project Plans and Specifications 144
Task Special Inspec8on Services Hourly Rate
6200 Special Inspection Concrete ICC $70
6201 Special Inspection Post-Tension Concrete ICC 70
6202 Special Inspection Structural SteeUWeirfing & Bolting ICC 70
6203 Special Inspection Welding AWS/CW1 78
6204 Special Inspection Masonry ICC 70
6205 Special Inspection Masonry DSA 78
6207 Special Inspection Asphalt 70
6208 Special Inspection Fireproofing ICC 70
6211 Special Inspection Shotcuets ICC 70
6212 Special Inspection Shotcrete DSA 78
6213 Special Inspection Epoxy Injection & Anchors 70
6216 Building Inspection ICC 70
6217 Fabrication Inspection (Local) AWS/CWI, [CC, Glulam 78
6218 Fabrication Inspection (Outside Local Area) Quote
6219 Inspector Verified Report (DSA-8) 78
Task . Technician Services Hourly Rate
6230 Technician-Materiels (ACI Tech/Rebar Tag & Sample) $68
6232 Coring and Sizing (in house) 68
7120 Laboratory Technician 68
6233 Pachometer Survey - Technician 68
6234 Schmidt Hammer Survey -Technician 68
6235 Moisture Testing - Technician 68
6236 Grounding Rod Sal Resistance Test - Technician Quote
6237 Pult out Test on Embedded Bolts, Anchors and Dowels 65
6238 Earth Anchor Hold Down Test (4 Hour, Full Load Application with 5 minimum) Quote
6239 Earth Anchor Hold Down Test (Prelude / Short Tenn, w/Full Load) Quote
6240 Coring Concrete, Masonry or Asphalt in Field Quote
6241 Sawing Concrete, Masonry or Asphalt in Field Quote
6242 Pick-up and Delivery - Standard 40/trip
6243 Technician Travel Time (>40 mfle radius from Leighton Consulting laboratory) 71/hour
Task Eauioment Charges Daily @3t?
6300 Skidmore-Wilhelm Bolt Cell $42
6301 Torque Wrench 16
6302 Air Meter 21
6303 Pachometer 53
6304 Schmidt Hammer 32
6306 Vibrating Probe (Concrete) 42
6307 110V,50A Generator 125
17781 Cowan a Irvine, CA 9261441109
949250.1421 a Fax 949.250.1114 ■ www.IdghlonoonsWgng.com
Leighton Consulting, Inc.
Task Concrete Strength Characteristics Method Per Test
7200 Concrete Cylinders (6-Inch by 12-inch) - Compression ASTM 0-39 $23
7201 Gunite /Shotcrele Cores (Lab Coring & Testing Only) ASTM C-42 56
7202 Lightweight Fill Concrete (34nch by 64nch) ASTM C-495 36
7203 Compression, Concrete or Masonry Cores (testing only) 56-inch diameter ASTM C-42 36
7204 Splitting Tensile - 64nch by 12-inch cylinder ASTM C-496 42
7205 Flexural Strength of Concrete (Simple Beam with a pt. Loading) ASTM C-78 58
7206 Mix Design, Determination of Proportions 200
7207 Mix Design, Review of Existing 150
7208 Laboratory Trial Batch with Slump, Unit Weight & Air Content ASTM C-192 473
7209 64nch by 124nch Cylinder, Make and Test (lab trial batch) ASTM C-192 23
7210 34nch by 6-Inch Grout Prisms, Make and Test (lab trial batch) ASTM C-192 23
7211 64nch by 6-inch Flexural Beams, Make and Test pab trial batch) ASTM C-192 34
7213 Cylinder Molds, 64nch by 12-inch, 2-itch by 4-Inrh when not used with testing 3
7214 Unit Weight of Hardened Light weight Concrete ASTM C-567 34
7215 Rapid Cure Concrete Cylinders (Bog Method) ASTM C-684 34
7216 Drying Shrinkage (Four Readings, up to 90 days, 3 bars) ASTM C-157 263
7217 Modulus of Elaskily/Poisson's Ratio 34nch by 6-inch cores ASTM C-469 368
7374 Compressive StmrKA - Concrete Cylinder r CTM 521 23
7376 Flexural Strength of Concrete (simple beam w/ center point loading) t CTM 523 84
To Aggregate Properties Method Per Test
7240 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate ASTM C-136 $135
7241 Sieve Analysis-Finer than #200 (Wash) ASTM 0117 79
7242 LA Rattler-Smaller Coarse Aggregate c ASTM 0131 163
7243 LA Rattler-Larger Coarse Aggregate > ASTM C-535 189
7244 Soundness Magnesium, Sodknn ASTM C-88 215
7245 Organic Impurities ASTM C-40 68
7246 Clay Lumps, Friable Particles ASTM 0142 131
7370 Soil & Aggregate Preparation & Sieve (Firm & Coarse Aggregate) " CTM 201 & 202 263
7373 Grading & SpeaFic Gravity Calculation' CTM 105 79
7247 Durability Index CTM 229 131
7248 Cleanness Value of Coarse Aggregate CTM 227 105
Task Masonrv Method Per Test
7260 Mortar Cylinders (24nch by 4-inch) ASTM 0780 $23
7261 Mortar cubes (24nch by 2-Inch) ASTM C-109 23
7262 Grout Prisms (3-inch by 6-inch) ASTM 01019 23
7263 Compression, Concrete or Masonry Cores, s8-inch diameter (resting Only) ASTM C-42 34
7284 CMU Compression (3 required) to size 8-Inch by 8-Inch by 16-inch ASTM 0140 45
7265 CMU Compression (3 required) greater than 84nch by 8-Inch by 164nch ASTM C-140 50
7266 CMU Moisture Content, Absorption & Unit Weight (6 required) ASTM 0140 84
7267 Masonry Efflorescence (5 required) ASTM C-67 63
7268 CMU Linear Drying Shrinkage ASTM C-426 95
7269 CMU Grouted Prins (compression test s 8 inch by 8-inch by 164nch) ASTM E-447 158
7280 CMU Grouted Prima (compression test > 84nch by 84nch by 16-inch) ASTM E-447 210
7281 Masonry Core-Shear Title 24 (Test Only) 63
Task Brit Method PerT
7290 Compression (5 required) ASTM C-67 $40
7291 Modulus of Rupture (5 required) ASTM C-67 40
7292 Absorption, Soak (5 required) ASTM 067 32
7293 Absorption, Bail (5 required) ASTM C-67 32
7294 Absorption, Saturation Coefficient (5 required) ASTM C-67 47
7295 initial Rate of Absorption (5 required) ASTM 067 40
7296 Efflorescence (5 required) ASTM C-67 53
7297 Efflorescence with Mortar (5 required) ASTM 067 63
17781 Cmran a Irvine, CA 92614-6009
949250.1421 a Fax. 949.250.1114 ■ www.leightonoonsulfing.com
Leighton Consulting, Inc.
Task Steel Reinforcement Method per Test
7300 Tensile Test, Up to No. 10 ASTM A-370 $42
7301 Tensile Test, No. 11 and over ASTM A-370 89
7302 Bend Test, Up to No. 8 ASTM A-370 34
7303 Bend Test, No. 9 and over ASTM A-370 50
Task Structural Steel Method Per T s1
7310 Tensile Strength, s100,000 pounds axial load ASTM A-370 $42
7311 Tensile Strength, 100,000 to 200,000 pounds axial load ASTM A-370 58
7312 Bend Test ASTM A-370 37
7313 Pipe Flattening Test ASTM A-370 Quote
7314 Machining and Preparation of Samples ASTM A370 50
7315 Brinell & Rockwell Hardness Test ASTM A-370 53
7316 Chemical Analysis, Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Quote
Task Preoetressing Method Per Test
7320 Prestressing Wire ASTM A416 $158
7321 Sample Preparation (cutting) 50
7322 Prestressing Cable, 7 Wire (Breaking Strength/Modulus of Elasticity) ASTM A416 168
Weld Procedure and Welder Quallfications Until Raba
6320 Welder Certl6catlon Weld Procedure Review (AWS/CWI) $74/hour
7330 Weld Tensile Test 40 each
7331 Weld Bend Test 28 each
7332 Weld-Macro Etch 45 each
7333 Batt Tensile Test 50 each
Task Fireproofing Method Per Test
7340 Unit Weight (Density) UBC Sid. 7.6 $53
7341 Cohesion/Adhesion UBC Std. 7-6 82
Task Asphalt Concrete. General Testing Method Per Test
7350 Extraction, Percent Asphalt and Gradation ASTM D 2172/ c 136 $194
7351 Extraction & Percent Asphalt (only) ASTM D 2172 75
7355 Extraction and Gradation Only ASTM D 2172/ C 136 152
7352 Unit Weight - Molded Specimen or Cores ASTM D-118 53
7353 Maximum Density - Hveem CTM 308 84
7354 Stabilometar Value CTM 366 263
7357 Bituminous Mixture Preparation CTM 304 79
7377 Moisture Content of Asphalt t CTM 370 58
7378 Sampling Highway Materials/Products (Roadway Structural Sections) t CTM 125 per pan Quote
7379 Extraction by Ignition Oven CTM 382 (8/2003) 55
Rubberized Asphalt add 25%
Ink Mix DesionlControf Method ® To
7360 Mix Design - Hvemn Including Aggregate Tests per Design ASTM D 1560/CTM 366 Quote
7361 Mix Design - Marshall Including Aggregate Tests per Design ASTM D 1559 Quote
7362 Field Mix - Hveem Stability per point ASTM D 1560/CTM 366 $158
7363 Field Mix - Marshall Stability per point ASTM D 1559 158
Task Moisture Vapor Emission Rate (MVER1 Test Method Per Test
6325 Moisture Test Kit (excludes labor to perform test) ASTM E-1907 $57
Ink Outside Services
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Welds ANSI Quote
Radiographic Testing Quote
'soil tmaterial **Soil& materials
17781 Cowan ■ Irvine, CA 92614-M
949.250.1421 ■ Fax 949.250.1114 a www.le ghlonconsulling.wm
Leighton Consulting, Inc.
REGULAR WORK HOURS: First 8 hours between 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
TIME AND ONE HALF: After 8 hours and up to 11 hours Monday through Friday and Saturdays.
DOUBLE TIME: After 11 hours and Sundays.
TRIPLE TIME: Holidays: New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and the day
after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and Labor Day.
MINIMUM HOURLY A. Special Inspector (Field Time Only)
CHARGES- 1. Cancellation of Inspections not canceled by 4:00 p.m. on preceding day.......... _......2 Hours
Inspectors & Technicians: 2. One-half working day or less 4 Hours
3. Over one-trsK working day/or begins before noon and extends into afternoon 8 Hours
B. General Inspector (Field Time Only)
1. One-half working day or less ................................_...................................................4 Hours
2. Over one-half working daylor begins before noon and extends into afternoon ..........8 Hours
C. Technician - Field/Concrete
1. Cancellation of Inspections not cancer by 4:00 p.m. on preceding day ..................2 Hours
2. One-half working day or less 4 Hours
3. Over one-half working daylor begins before noon and extends into afternoon 8 Hours
CYLINDER HOLDS: After all designated 28-day breaks for a given set meet specified compressive strength, all "hold"
cylinders will automatically be disposed of, unless specified in writing prior to the 28-day break.
OUTSIDE SERVICES: Outside services performed by others and direct costs expended on the cffenrs behalf are charged at
cost plus 20%. These expenses include equipment rental, parking. subsistence, photographs, co-
insurance endorsement, etc.
REPORT CHARGES: Secretarial time will be charged at $70 per hour. A maximum of 6 copies will be issued for each report.
FILE SEARCH & Minimum $70 will be charged for Secretarial Time.
REPORTING: All reports contracted for by the client will be considered confidential information and submitted directly
to him. We will require the authorization of the dient prior to distribution to parties other than those
designated in Section 1701 of the Uniform Building Code or Title 24, Part 1, California Administrative
PAYMENT TERMS: Payment for services is due upon presentation. If not paid within 30 days of the invoice date, they will
be considered past due and a carrying charge of 1-11f2% per month (or the maximum rate allowed by
law) will be added to the unpaid balance, until paid in full. Any Attorneys fees or other costs Incurred in
collecting any delinquent accounts will be added to the amounts due and shall be paid by the party
COMPLETION: Inspector will remain on job until discharged by designated competent authority.
CANCELLATION: No Charge If made before 4:00 p.m. of the preceding work day. See Minimum Charge.
PARKING: When not furnished for Inspector, parking will be charged at cost plus 20%.
SUBSISTENCE: On remote jobs, subsistence, when not furnished for Inspector, will be charged at cost plus 20%.
INSURANCE: We carry worker's compensation, general, auto and professional liability insurance. Additional cost of
any special insurance required by the diets, including Increased policy limits, adding additional insured
parties, and waivers of subrogation will be billed at cost plus 20 percent.
LICENSES & PERMITS: The additional cost of any special licenses or permits for a project will be billed at cost plus 20 percent
PREVAILING WAGE: The hourly rates provided are in compliance with prevailing wage requirements. As the rates for
California Prevailing Wage increase, our hourly rates will increase accordingly.
17781 Cowan ■ Irvine, CA 92614)
949.250.1421 n Fax 949.250.1114 s wwaulsighmnconsulling.com
Committee Meeting Date: April 2, 2009
To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Staff Contact: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Reviewed by General Counsel: Yes Budgeted: N/A Total Budget: N/A
Funding Source: N/A
CEQA Account No: Job No:
Compliance: N/A Estimated Costs: N/A Dept: Eng
Subject: Resolution Supporting SAWPA Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
On January 29, 2009, the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) released the draft
Santa Ana River Watershed "One Water One Watershed" (OWOW) Integrated Regional Water
Management Plan (IRWMP). According to SAWPA, the process is designed to update the
Santa Ana River Watershed IRWMP, and will help secure significant funding for resources in the
Watershed Region. SAWPA has requested that the Yorba Linda Water District Board of
Directors adopt a resolution of support for the OWOW IRWMP.
Attached is a letter dated March 12, 2009, from SAWPA, briefly describing the draft IRWMP and
the pursuit for funding under Proposition 84. The letter also requests a resolution of support and
a response letter based on review of the draft plan. Staff has reviewed the Executive Summary
and the Chapter 11 Summary and Next Steps of the draft plan, and endorses the plan and
efforts of SAWPA. Copies of the Executive Summary are available from staff, or copies of the
draft report can be viewed or downloaded from www.sawpa.org.
Attached are copies of a draft resolution of support by the Board and a draft response letter from
the General Manager for consideration by the Board.
The Committee recommend the Board of Directors adopt Resolution 09-05 supporting the "One
Water One Watershed" Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated Regional Water Management
Plan and its submittal to the Department of Water Resources for Proposition 84 Funding, and
direct the General Manager to send a response letter to SAWPA staff.
WHEREAS, the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA), working with stakeholders
and partners throughout the Santa Ana River Watershed has prepared the "One
Water One Watershed" (OWOW) Santa Ana River Watershed Integrated
Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP); and
WHEREAS, the OWOW IRWMP represents one of the most significant and innovative
collaborative planning efforts to date in addressing water resources in the Santa
Ana River Watershed; and
WHEREAS, the OWOW planning process was conducted in a fair and transparent process
working closely with stakeholders in the watershed in a bottom-up approach in
preparing the Santa Ana River Watershed OWOW IRWMP; and
WHEREAS, the OWOW IRWM Plan also will help secure significant funding for resources in
the Santa Ana River Watershed through the California Department of Water
Resources, Proposition 84, Chapter 2 Integrated Regional Water Management
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Yorba Linda Water
District hereby supports the "One Water One Watershed" Santa Ana River Watershed
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan and agrees to support SAWPA in its submittal of
the Plan, on behalf of the Santa Ana River Watershed, for the DWR Proposition 84, Chapter 2
Integrated Regional Water Management Program funding for the benefit of the residents of the
entire Santa Ana River Watershed.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2009 by the following called vote:
John W. Summerfield, President
Kenneth R. Vecchiarelli, Secretary
Reviewed as to form by General Counsel:
Arthur G. Kidman, Esq.
McCormick, Kidman and Behrens
March 31, 2009
Ms. Celeste Cantu
Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
11615 Sterling Avenue
Riverside, CA 92503
Subject: Draft Integrated Regional Water Management Plan for OWOW
Dear Ms. Cantu
Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject document prepared by SAWPA. As
a member agency of OCWD that borders and depends on the Santa Ana River to
replenish the groundwater basin as a well water source, Yorba Linda Water District is
vitally concerned with the river and its watershed.
We have reviewed the Draft Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) and
applaud your efforts in creating a significant and innovative collaborative planning tool.
We are faced with major water challenges that will require collaboration and cooperation
of the many stakeholders in the watershed.
The Yorba Linda Water District looks forward to working with SAWPA and other
concerned agencies in the development of water resource management strategies to
address the challenges at hand.
Kenneth R. Veechiarelli
General Manager
+ Gt i
A United Voice for the Santa Ana Watershed
March 12, 2009
Commiaee i2~CiV-r,
Members Mr. Ken Vecchiarelli
General Manager
Yorba Linda Water District MAR 13 2009
P.O. Box 309
SAWPA Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309 YOR?ALIND;t.kGr?:=2+""r``
Ron Sullivan
Re: Santa Ana River Watershed's "One Water One Watershed" IRWMP
Wyatt Troxel Dear Mr. Vecchiarelli:
supervisor On January 29, 2009, the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) released the draft Santa
Bill Campbell Ana River Watershed "One Water One Watershed" (OWOW) Integrated Regional Water Management
(range County Plan (IRWMP). This draft Plan represents the culmination of one of the most significant and innovative
collaborative planning efforts to date. Over 350 experts and community leaders from throughout the
Supervisor watershed contributed to this planning process. This process is designed to update the Santa Ana River
Marion Ashley Watershed IRWMP, and will help secure signficant funding for resources in the Santa Acre River
Riverside County Watershed Region.
Supervisor We invite all interested parties to review the draft IRWMP and email comments to SAWPA by
Josie San Bernardino March 31, 2009, at comments; sawoa.ore. Individually, no one has sufficient resources to address
County the sustainability issues we face. No one person has enough understanding, credibility, or authority to
connect the larger networks of people and organizations to do this work. We must do it together. The
Mayor Plan can be downloaded at w%vw.sawna org.
Beth Krum
City of Irvine We request that your governing board adopt a resolution of support for the OWOW IRWMP. A
Mayor template is attached for your convenience.
Ron Loverldge
City of Riverside With the fiscal and water crises, now is the time to set aside our specific job titles and, as citizens of the
Watershed, collaborate across boundaries. Together, we can create a new shared vision of how the
Mayo Santa Ana River Watershed works in order to ensure a sustainable water supply, improve water quality,
Pat Morris and manage storm flows in the most affordable way possible.
City of San Bernardino
Development The State requires this and it is the promise of Proposition 84, Chapter 2 Integrated Regional Watershed
All Sababi Management Program. The State, using Proposition 84, Chapter 2 and SB 1 as a catalyst, has created a
SE Corporation framework for addressing integrated regional watershed management planning and has established a
financial incentive for watersheds to do this hard work. The first round of expedited funding,
Environment $100,000,000 statewide, has been appropriated to implement water resource projects across the State.
Garry Brown As the initial step in this expedited process, the DWR has defined the desirable characteris icsl of an
Orange County
IRWM Region as follows:
Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
11615 Sterling Avenue • Riverside, CA 92503 • (951) 354-4220 ommm_
www.sawpa.org • Administration FAX (951) 785-7076 • Planning FAX (951) 352-3422
Page 2
• The IRWM region is the largest defined contiguous geographic area encompassing the service
areas of multiple local agencies, and it is defined to maximize opportunities to integrate water
management activities related to natural and man-made water system(s) including water supply
reliability, water quality, environmental stewardship; and flood management.
• The IRWM region is inclusive and utilizes a collaborative, multi-stakeholder process that
provides mechanisms to assist disadvantaged communities (DAC); address water management issues;
and develop integrated, multi-benefit, regional solutions that incorporate environmental stewardship to
implement the IRWM plan.
• The IRWM region encompasses a water system containing natural and man-made components
with diverse water management issues that are included in a single collaborative water management
portfolio, prioritized on regional goals and objectives.
• The IRWM region should demonstrate a reasonable and effective governance structure for
developing and implementing its IRWM plan.
1 DWR Draft IRWMRegion Acceptance Process, pg 3 of 12
Through the completion of the draft OWOW IRWMP, with its emphasis on a fair and transparent
process guided by a diversified Steering Committee, the Santa Ana River Watershed IRWMP will very
effectively meet the desired requirements of the DWR.
In the months ahead, we will be working together with stakeholders in conducting a call for IRWMP
projects to be funded from Proposition 84, Chapter 2. However, unlike other projects eligible for
funding in other chapters of the Proposition 84, the types of projects that we will be seeking are multi-
beneficial integrated projects that address watershed problems. We encourage all interested parties to
review the priority goals and objectives defined in the OWOW IRWMP and work with other agencies
in submitting water resource-related projects that address multiple water resource management
strategies in an integrated fashion.
Once a portfolio of projects for Proposition 84 funding is developed for the Santa Ana River
Watershed Region, SAWPA will review, ratify, and support this portfolio that the Steering Committee
submits in the application process to the DWR. Our Steering Committee meetings are open to the
public and all stakeholders are invited to attend and participate. All have the responsibility to bring
their water challenges, resources and solutions to the table so that efficiencies and synergies can be
created. This is the mission of Proposition 84, Chapter 2 Integrated Regional Watershed Management
In light of the planning efforts to date and of the pressing needs of the region, we request your support
and partnership in supporting the Santa Ana River Watershed OWOW IRWMP.
Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
Celeste Cantu
General Manager
Attachment: Resolution
January 29, 2009
Dear Watershed Member,
Four times in recent years, the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority has completed an Integrated Watershed
Plan. The plans have all looked at the Santa Ana River Watershed as a single region. With each iteration, the process
was broadened and the voices of more stakeholders were added. We've learned how the water resources in the
Watershed are linked, and how our success depends on careful planning that properly values water. Working as a
region, we can maintain our quality of life for a growing population, protect our remarkable natural resources, and
ensure safe, reliable water for all residents.
Contained here is a draft document that serves as the beginning of the next phase of the Integrated Watershed
Planning process. The One Water One Watershed (OWOW) program is a departure from our previous planning efforts.
In this phase, the planning was driven from the ground up. The stakeholders were asked to roll up their sleeves and
identify the resources, problems and opportunities in this region. They described the watershed as a whole system,
and collaborated across boundaries, geographic, functional, and political. They suspended old assumptions and
balanced advocacy and inquiry to foster a new collective understanding of the watershed.
This planning is guided by a Steering Committee made up of representatives from general government, water
agencies, and the business and environmental communities. This group enlisted the aid of ten volunteer pillar
leaders, local experts on a particular aspect of water. The pillar leaders organized group meetings, led discussions
and produced reports that begin to lay the groundwork of our regional water future. The pillar leaden have
developed strategies to reach those common goals identified in the process.
The process is not complete. All good plans require constant refinement and this one is no different. Next, we will
create an improved water future. This is more than mere problem solving, making what you don't want go away new
partnerships and ways of doing business need to be developed. Creating involves bringing something new about. We
must not leap to superficial quick fixes or to advocating for our favorite projects. We will guard against falling into
the familiar trap of optimizing our own piece of the puzzle rather than building a shared understanding and a larger
vision. We continue to invite people representing diverse views to join us and we ask all to listen to one another in
new ways. Whether or not you chose to participate in the development of this plan, we invite you to read the draft
document and provide written comments to comments@sawpa.org, by February 26, 2009. We have extended the
comment period to March 16, 2009 to invite greater participation. The document is posted on the SAWPA website
(www.sawpa.org). It is formatted for electronic posting and reading, so we may revise, update and improve our
work. Please provide up to five pages of written comments in a readily readable format (e.g. MS word).
Over the years, the SAWPA Integrated Watershed Plan has provided a unique 30,000 foot elevation view of our
Watershed, so we may better see how the more detailed plans,
programs and projects link together. The past watershed plans have
been extraordinarily successful in establishing a template for
Statewide integrated water resource management planning, as well as
resulting in over $275 M in funding in this watershed. We begin the '
process of seeking projects that continue the goal of a sustainable
water future in 2009. We expect to expand on this success. The needs
of the region are great, but interest in the process is great as
evidenced by the nearly 1,000 stakeholders that attended our first
ever One Water One Watershed conference. We are bound together u
by our deep recognition of the importance of water, our spirit and lt-i !,I"
trust in the collaborative process, and the stakehotders' excellent
planning work to build upon; we have the necessary tools to meet our
regional water challenges. This watershed is our life boat; if is leaks,
we all go down together. When it holds, we will establish a new water
ethic for the 21st Century.
Sincerely, -
Download the Plan
~4- (79.9 Melts)
Celeste Cantu
Committee Meeting Date: April 2, 2009
To: Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee
From: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
Staff Contact: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
Reviewed by General Counsel: Yes Budgeted: N/A Total Budget: N/A
Funding Source: Developer Funded
CEQA Account No: 1025676 Job No: 0121
Compliance: N/A Estimated Costs: N/A Dept: Eng
Subject: Shapell Pre-Annexation Agreement Acreage Fee Agreement
Shapell Industries, a local developer, requested the preparation of an Acreage Fee Agreement
for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 16208. This action will not create any new obligations. The
purpose is to formalize the existing understanding of the Pre Annexation Agreement in light of
past changes in the scope of Sewer obligations that were required due to construction issues.
The Pre-Annexation Agreement with Shapell Industries that was signed July 25, 2006 required
YLWD sewer improvements in Del Caballo and Palm Avenue that would facilitate sewer
drainage from the Shapell development plus provide an opportunity for existing septic users in
the general area to connect to the sewer system. Although the sewer was designed, Shapell
and YLWD found significant opposition to the planned construction by the residents along Del
Caballo, a private street, that precluded construction.
Shapell found an alternative route for the development that required permission from only one
resident and utilized the Gun Club Road easement already controlled by Shapell. This was
both more cost effective and could be completed in 6 months. YLWD management allowed
this route to be built on the condition that Shapell would need to pay the standard acreage fee
required of all new users in lieu of constructing the Del Caballo and Palm sewer that would
have broader benefit to YLWD. This was memorialized in the attached letters dated January
15, 2008 and November 13, 2007. The sewer system was constructed on time and has been
working effectively.
With the change in management at Shapell last year, Shapell requested to formalize the letter
agreement in a document that will be signed by both Shapell and YLWD. Shapell lawyers
wrote the agreement, the YLWD Engineering Department negotiated with Shapell
representatives to maintain continuity with existing YLWD practices and agreements. YLWD
lawyers reviewed and revised the agreement to limit the scope to the intent of the letter
agreements. The Acreage Fee Agreement is attached for review and consideration.
The Pre-Annexation Agreement with Shapell Industries that was approved by the board and
signed July 25, 2006.
That the Committee recommend the Board of Directors authorize the President and Secretary to
execute an Acreage Fee Agreement with Shapell for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 16208,
subject to prior execution of the Agreement by Shapell.
W January 15, 2008
TOIRBA LINDA Mr. Alan Cummins
WATER Shapell Industries,, Inc.
DISTRICT 8383 Wilshire Blvd., #700
Beverly Bills, California 90211
PaulR: Mnstron$ SUBJECT: Memo Update of November 1, 2007 Meeting, Between Mike Payne; and
'duel j. Peerage Alan Cummins Re: Pre-Annexation Agreement Sewer Trunk Sub-Trunk
Ric P. Collett Sewer Obligations 1025475,-0120
William R Mills
An W: Summer£ield Dear Alan,.
To recap our discussion for the retard, the sewer acreage fee that will be charged for
GFXMAL AIAWER North Yorba Linda Estates Site A will apply to all S&S property except the high school
site. Thefee will be calculated at $1660 per acre. The acreage fee is due on plan
MiebaelA Payne approval before signed drawings are released by phase of development.
Please do not hesitate to call me at 701-3022 if you have questions.
®Mi ael A. Payne ~
General Manager
CC: Ken Vecchiarelli
Dave Hasson
Curtis Thielbar
Scott Moulton
Earl Hamanaka
4622 Plumosa Drive
FA, Box 309
YorbaSinda, CA 92855
Tel: (714)7777=9593
Fax: (X14)'¢1-6413
Email: ylwd@yiw&com
Web: +vwwylwd.com
HL ) 65%1
W November 13, 2007
YORBA LINDA Mr. Alan Cummins
WATER Shapell Industries, Inc.
DISTRICT 8383 Wilshire Blvd., #700
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Paul R. Armstrong SUBJECT: Memo Update of November 1, 2007 Meeting Between Mike Payne and
Alan Cummins Re-- Lock Ranch Trunk Sewer Obligations 1025675-0120
Michael J. Beverage
Riot. Collett Dear Alan,
William R. Mills
John W Suimnertield To recap our discussion for the record, the acreage fee that will be charged for-North
Yorba Linda-Estates Site A will apply to all S&S property to be developed by S&S.
This covers approximately 126 acres, The fee will be calculated at $1660 per acre. The
GENERAL MANAGER total amount will be $209,160.00. The acreage fees due on plan approval before signed
drawings are released by phase of development. The portion of Site A that is under
Michael A.Payne development for a high school will not incur an acreage fee. This covers, approximately
50 acres.
YLWD processed an acreage fee for 8.62 acres of $14,309.20 for the SiteB portion of
`tract 16987, Phase 1. This was less than the total acreage of 1 i.52 because the prior
agreement excluded Site A. With the changes mentioned above all S&S property to be
developed by S&S shall pay the acreage fee..
Therefore the balance of 2.9 acres in Phase 1 is due: In addition, the acreage fee for
Phase 2 is now due. A recent update of Phase 2 acreage is 23.93 acres. Previous
correspondence had referenced 22.2 acres; but this has been recalculated by Hunsaker.
In total, 26.83 acres are due to be paid. This yields a net remaining payment due for
both. Phases of $44,537.80. This information will appear in an updated exhibit from
Earl Hamanaka.
Please do not hesitate to call me of 701-3022 if,you have questions.
Since ely,
4622 Ptuniasa Drive A Michael A, Payne
P.O. Box 309 General Manager , ECrz-Ii LEn
Yorba Linda, CA 92885
CC: Ken Vecchiarelli
Tel. (714) 777•.9593 1 2007
Fox: (714) 7AI.0413 Dave Hasson
Curtis Thielbar
Scott MoultonE e,tW~ ~[€lw.c:Ed€m
Email: ylwd@plnd.colti
Earl Hamanaka
deb: ww lwd.com
THIS ACREAGE FEE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of March 2009 (the
"Effective Date"), by and between YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT, a public agency
("District"), and SHAPELL INDUSTRIES, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Shapell").
A. Shapell is the owner of land located in the City of Yorba Linda, Orange County,
California, entirely encompassed within the area covered by Vesting Tentative Tract Map 16208
which is attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Proper which land does not include that certain land
owned by the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District, more particularly described on Exhibit
B attached hereto (the "School Site").
B. Shapell is developing a residential project on the Property (the "Project") in a
number of phases.
C. District is responsible for delivering water and sewer services to the Property.
D. District intends to impose a per acreage fee on Shapell, which fee is designated to
offset the cost of the District's existing sewer infrastructure investment in connection with the
Project. Each of District and Shapell desire to enter into this Agreement to evidence their mutual
agreement as to the amount and timing of payment of said per acreage fee (the "Acreage Fee").
E. hi connection with each phase of the Project, Shapell must execute an "Application to
and Agreement with Yorba Linda Water District for Sanitary Sewer Service" which sets forth the
Acreage Fee for that phase of the Project.
F. Shapell has already paid District an Acreage Fee in the amount of Fifty Eight
Thousand Eight Hundred Forty Seven and No/100 Dollars ($58,847.00) for Phases I and II of the
G. This Agreement sets forth the amount and timing of payment of the Acreage Fee for
remaining phases of the Project.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and terns and conditions set
forth herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are
hereby acknowledged, Shapell and District agree as follows:
1. Truth of Recitals. The foregoing Recitals are true and correct.
2. Calculation of Acreage Fee. District agrees to impose, for the remaining phases of
the Project, an Acreage Fee at the rate of One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty and No/100 Dollars
($1,660) per acre of the Property. For the avoidance of doubt, District and Shapell acknowledge and
agree that no fee, charge, exaction or dedication including, without limitation any Acreage Fee, shall
be payable by Shapell to District with respect to the School Site.
3. Payment of Acreage Fee. The Acreage Fee for each respective phase of the Project
(calculated at the rate of One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty and No/100 Dollars ($1,660) per acre)
shall be due and payable by Shapell on plan approval before signed drawings are released for that
4. Entire Extent of Shapell's Payment Obligations. The satisfaction of Shapell's
obligations under this Agreement shall constitute the entire extent of Shapell's obligations to pay
Acreage Fees to District with respect to the Property. District agrees that even in the event that
District may be authorized by law to impose a higher per acreage fee District shall not impose or
seek to impose any higher acreage fee than provided for herein. Any Acreage Fee payable hereunder
shall not be subject to adjustment for inflation during the term of this Agreement.
5. Miscellaneous.
(a) Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall
be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when delivered by U.S. mail, registered or
certified, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or by overnight delivery service showing receipt
of delivery, or by personal delivery, or by facsimile transmission during normal business hours and
shall be addressed as follows:
If to District: Yorba Linda Water District
1717 E. Miraloma Avenue
Placentia, California 92870
Attention: General Manager
Facsimile: (714) 701-3108
If to Shapell: Shapell Industries, Inc.
Wilshire-San Vicente Plaza
8383 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 700
Beverly Hills, California 90211
Attention: Thomas Ingram, General Counsel
Facsimile: (323) 653-4345
Notices as aforesaid shall be effective upon the earlier of actual receipt, or twenty-four (24)
hours after deposit with the messenger or delivery service, or the next business day after delivery to
an overnight delivery service, or within three days after the deposit in the U.S. mail, or upon
machine-printed confirmation of transmission by facsimile. Each party shall notify the others of any
change of its address by one of the aforementioned means no later than ten (10) days prior to the
effective date of such change of address.
(b) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced
in accordance with, the laws of the State of California.
(c) Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the
parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings
between the parties relating to the payment of per acreage fees with respect to the Property.
(d) Enforcement. If either party hereto fails to perform any of its obligations under
this Agreement or if a dispute arises between the parties hereto concerning the meaning or
interpretation of any provision of this Agreement, then the party not prevailing in such dispute shall
pay any and all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the other party on account of such default
and/or in enforcing or establishing its rights hereunder, including, without limitation, costs and
expenses incurred in any bankruptcy proceedings, costs of arbitration and reasonable attorneys' fees
and costs. Any such reasonable attorneys' fees and other expenses incurred by either party in
aao a 'puauznjpsul
;n;i;suoo Hugs jagpaBo; uaNt'; g3lgm3o lit put' `sisulBuo pauiaop aq Ilt'gs golgm jo goea
suedia;unoo azow io onu m pa;noaxa aq Am puauxaai2v slgZ •s;aed xa;nnoo (l)
pae andlwado SI[n3 sm iuoux=2V slgp o;al pa;mjodjooul Sgazaq axe o;oja a mar ssued and;oaua
g P q mpit' plglgxg tis Pue
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m3o;uauxaojo3ua uxoqm isuleBu 'IgSnos sl.xanlem
Sumd 3q;3o and;e;uasaxdax pazuoq;ne Ajnp a Xq pau&s pue gul;pm
ul ssolun anl;oajja aq Ilt'gs;uauxaa. 2V slg;3o uaslnoid AUt';o janit'm olq •janxe
AA (g)
jo `uxo$ Bulsuu 'luauxaaj2v slip `o; papt'laj
iVp Sas anmq o; jo unslo .tut, ast'q o; °Sgoajlpm jo Sl;oazip `pal;i;ua aq Ilt'gs uosjad
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panjpsuoo jo pauiaap aq you hugs puaulaojBV stu •sattelaUe-H 'ud Pilq,L ox (B)
';oaga puu aojo3 lIB ul uluulaj Ilt'gs saous;suxnono pus saould `suosjad
jag;o o; pallddu su suolslnojd lions pus;uauxaoi2v slq;3o japult'uxaj oq; `pion jo alquaojojuaun
`Piimnul oq o; uol;otpsunf;ua;admoo jo unoo u Sq ploq aq Ilt'gs `oous;sumojio io `ooeld `uouad
Sas 013oazagp uoi;soildde aqp jo 1puaxaaaj2V slq;3o umslnojd,tuu3I' Illgejanag (3)
•japunajaq suolptMigo spl Uxoj3 panallaj aq,flluogsuxo;ne Ilt'gs
lladsgS `;oupslQ o; aogou uauum gons;o Sjanllap agp uodrl ;ou;slQ o; paplnojd aq Ilt'gs ;uauxuBxsst'
gons;o aogou put' Bulpum ul aq llsgs;uauiaaj8V slq; japan uolpeBggo jo;qSu Suu jo;uautaisse aq,L
'ig2!1 IMP paslojaxa aneq plnoa IladugS Impjua;xa aums aq; o;;qBu;eq;3o oauBxssu ag;,iq paslojaxa
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;as suolpmgilgo aq;3o ojugs apmumpodojd s;l ouinsss Sllt'og wopne Iluqs aauBissu aqp puu `oauBlsse
uu o; Suadojd aq;3o uoluod Xuu jo aauutanuoo aq; gpim Buols `;uouxaal2V slgp japun aoquSigo
jo;qSp Suu aisse of jg2p Ieuoq!puooun aqp ant'q ilugs Iladt'gS ;uamu iss-v (a)
•puouiSpnf gons ,Sus o;ul p3&ow
oq;ou puu anlAjns o; puu luaa m2V siq;3o suolsmaid jag;o aqp uxoag alqujanas aq o; papuapul
sl uol;uBxlgo saa3,siauio;ps lions puu `;uauiBpnf lions ul papnloul;unouxu jag;o Sum op uolpippu
ul Put' mog Sla;sjudas algmjanooaj aq Ilt'gs puauxaaaV slip japun jons3 spl ui;uaaxBpnf s Bulaiojua
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date
first set forth above.
a Delaware corporation
a public corporation
Ken Vecchiarelli
General Manager
_ 4
a<a: sYct it _y
h � .
z NU
_ 4
a<a: sYct it _y
h � .
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.. w
In the City of Yorba Ianda, County of Omugc, State of California, being a portion of Section 23,
Township 3 South, Range 4 West, San Renlaulino Meridian, as sbown an a Record of Survey Med
in Book 74, Page 37, of Records of Surrey in the office of the County Recorder of said County,
described as follmvs:
Beginning at the northwest comer of Tract No. 16510 as per map filed in Book 849, Pages 48 and
49, of Miscellancaus Maps in the office of said County Recorder; thence along the westerly
boundary of the iaads of Samuel Kraemer a shoum on a Record of Survey filed in Book 2, Page
21 of Records of Survey in the office of said County Recorder North 01°19°13° West 24&28 feet to
Ilse "B" of agreement recorded November 5, 1962 in Book 63110 Page 439, Metal Records of
said County; thence along said Une °B" and its westerly prolongation North 89°39'53" Wrst
18W.26 feet to the cmterly boundary of Parcel 3B as described in a grant decd to the Metropolitan
Water District of Southern California, recorded as Instrument No. 19970331781, of said Official
Retotds; thence gong said easterly boundary North WIWIS" East 136248 feet to a paint on a
non-tangent curve ountave southerly hating a radius of 1653.0D feet on the southerly boundary of
Tract No. 16913 as per map fried in Book , Pages through , inetosim of
Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder, a radial line to said point bears North
07'58'47" Fast; thence along said motherly boundary the following cows= easterly 94.42 feet
along said non-taognat curve through o central angle of 03°IC=, North 11°15'09" Fats 5.00 tent,
easterly 12292 feet along a non-tangent save concave southerly having a radius of 1698.00 @at
through a central angle of 04"14'51", South 74°300"' Batt 400.00 feet„ easterly 39024 feet along a
taugent curve concave northerly having a radius of 15470D fat through a antral angle of
14.30"00", South S9°0nV East 570, 1 feet. easterly 216.43 feet along a tangent curve concave
southerly having a radius of 19MOD feet through a central angle or06°20'Ofl°, South 82°40'00'° East
41730 feet, easterly 178.77 feet along a tangent curve concave northerly having a radius 1542.00
feet through a moral angle of 06'38340, South 89'1814" Fast 80.13 feet, South 441831" Fast
3818 feet and South 89'1814" Fast 4110 feet to the v msterly boundary of Panel 1 of that certain
grant deed, recorded on August 19, 1986 as lastrutaent No. 86.770190, of said Official ReeoMS;
thence along the said acstedy boundary and its southery prolongation South 00'41'26" West
184.69 feet to the northerly boundary of the fifth exception to Parcel 1 as described in that certain
Grant Decd, recorded on February 25, 1998 as lnstnunent No. 199SD10353Z of old Official
Records: thence along the boundary of mid esaption the following eoumw. North 89'0.'56" West
266.09 feet, North 40'16'26' West 132.72 North 75116'0.4" West 562A2 feet, South 6$°12111"
West 271.99 feet, South 22048'45" West 470.70 feet, South 00'38'01" East 79.13 feet, South
87'14'50" East 534.68 feet, Nosh 86'"0 Eau 46.41 feet, North 88°21'20" Fast 63.59 feet, South
57 49'10" East 9295 feet, southeasterly 208,21 feet along it tangent curve concave nordmastaty
having a radius of 375.00 fret thrnegh a erntral angle of 31649'02", South V*M'1T' Fast 85.19 fact,
easterly 51.75 feet along a tangent nave concave southerly having a radius of 150.00 feet through a
central angle of 19'45'54", South 65°52'19' Fau 300 feet, sautbeastedy 33.99 feet along a tangent
cum. concave southwesterlyhaving a radius of 80.00 fees through a central angle of 24°2091" and
South 68'12'09" Fast 52.20 feet to the northerly prolongation of the easterly boundaty of said Tma
No. 16510; thence along said nnrtherly prolongation South 21°04'37" Eau 41.41 fact to tiro
northerly corner of said Tract No. 16510: dater along the eorthaestety boundary of said Tract
No. 16510 the following courses: southwesterly 672.54 feet along a non4angent curve caucave
northwesterly having a radius of 1150.00 feet through a central angle of 33630'28" and South
60'1719" West 36.53 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Fiscal Year 2008-09
Jul-08 1,535.2 1,170.0 2,705.2 56.7% 56.7°/6 2,997.8 -9.8%
Aug-08 1,610.9 1,112.0 2,722.9 59.2% 58.0% 2,949.4 -7.7%
Sep-08 1,481.3 974.4 2,455.7 60.3% 58.7% 2,587.8 -5.1%
Oct-08 1,473.7 916.6 2,390.3 61.7% 59.4% 2,182.8 9.5%
Nov-08 1,170.1 756.2 1,926.3 60.7% 59.6% 1,724.3 11.70/6
Dec-08 747.4 359.1 1,108.5 67.5% 60.3% 1,551.1 -28.7%
Jan-09 1,011.3 459.2 1,470.5 68.8% 61.1% 1,352.5 8.7%
Feb-09 772.5 193.4 965.9 80.0% 62.3% 1,293.9 -25.4%
Mar-09 1,081.3 322.6 1,404.0 77.0% 63.5% 1,533.3 -8.4%
Apr-09 1,917.9
May-09 2,536.8
Jun-09 2,842.5
FYTD 10,883.8 6,263.5 17,147.31 1 63.5% 18,172.8
Allowable GW (YTD) 8,897.4 (AF)
CUP Obligation FY 2008-09 2,166.0 (AF)
Monthly CUP Pumping (AF) (AF)
YTD CUP Pumping (AF) 1,960.8 (AF)
YTD CUP Achieved 90.5%
75.0% --*-MONTHLY GW
70.0% -+-YTD GW
65.0% -BPP GOAL 52.0%
60.0% 60.0%
Jul-08 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun-
08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09
FY 2008-09
March 2009 Water Supply
" GW
Year To Date 2008-2009 Water Supply
YTD CUP Achieved
90.5%of2,166 AF CUP
Obligation 11.4%
IMPORT 52.0%
Total Water Use
■06 -07 GW
❑ 06 -07 IMPORT
Monthly Average Mean Temperature ( °F) ■ 08 -09 GW
3.1 72.7 74.8 ®08-09 IMPORT
■ 07 -08 GW
72.2 72.4 73.6 007 -08 IMPORT
70.2 70.5
72.1 67.3 70.4
1 65.1 67.41 . 6a.0 '
54.0 1 1 ■
59.5 60.1
A6 p1 0 ,�o p'1 p0 O(o Q1 A0 A6 Al A0 000 p6 P p0 '� 0 p0 A'1 0 A0 Al A0 Q9 Al p0 A0 Al p0 p0 A'1 0 A0
OmcO�Omc �ac�acPao Qm�Q0�0� �Oc
Fiscal Year 2008-09
Jul-08 1,535.2 1,170.0 2,705.2 56.7% 56.7% 2,997.8 -9.8%
Aug-08 1,610.9 1,112.0 2,722.9 59.2% 58.0% 2,949.4 -7.7%
Sep-08 1,481.3 974.4 2,455.7 60.3% 58.7% 2,587.8 -5.1%
Oct-08 1,473.7 916.6 2,390.3 61.7% 59.4% 2,182.8 9.5%
Nov-08 1,170.1 756.2 1,926.3 60.7% 59.6% 1,724.3 11.7%
Dec-08 747.4 359.1 1,106.5 67.5% 60.3% 1,551.1 -28.7%
Jan-09 1,011.3 459.2 1,470.5 68.8% 61.1% 1,352.5 8.7%
Feb-09 772.5 193.4 965.9 80.0% 62.3% 1,293.9 -25.4%
Mar-09 1,170.9 359.5 1,530.4 76.5% 63.5% 1,533.3 -0.2%
Apr-09 1,917.9
May-09 2,536.8
Jun-09 2,842.5
FYTD 10,973.3 6,300.4 17,273.71 1 63.5% 18,172.8 -4.9%
Allowable GW (YTD) 8,963.0 (AF)
CUP Obligation FY 2008-09 2,166.0 (AF)
Monthly CUP Pumping (AF) (AF)
YTD CUP Pumping (AF) 1,960.8 (AF)
YTD CUP Achieved 90.5%
70.0% tYTD GW
65.0% -BPP GOAL 52.0%
60.0% 60.0%
50.0%- T
Jul-08 Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun-
08 08 08 08 08 09 09 09 09 09 09
FY 2008-2009
March 2009 Water Supply
2008-2009 YTD Water Supply
YTD CUP Achieved
90.5% of 2,166 AF CUP
Obligation 11,4%
IMPORT 52.2%
36.5% a
a 2000
> 1500
Monthly Average Mean Temperature ( °F)
78.1 72.7 74.8
" 72.2 72.4 ' 73.6
70.2 70.5
0 m 72.1
Total Water Use
54.3 55.4
I 1 I 056.3
59.5 60.1 ■
■ 06 -07 GW
006 -07 IMPORT
■08-09 GW
208-09 IMPORT
■07 -08 GW
007 -08 IMPORT
67.3E 70.4
:6 64.0
A6 A� 4 _A� S3° � P� A A� A`O A ArO A� A� PLO P � A0 P cA9 A�oA�oA°j A^ A� A°' A� A$ A°' A� P� P°' cA�
PJP Pia 5e o eQ Z`o�`
2008 -2009 YTD Water Supply
10 LL
E 10,000
• 111
—$—Projected Total GW + Import
(Actual Total GW + Import
-16—CUP-Adjusted GW Goal (60%
of Actual Total GW + Import)
Actual GW Production
Jul -08 Aug -08 Sep -08 Oct -08 Nov -08 Dec -08 Jan -09 Feb -09 Mar -09 Apr -09 May -09 Jun -09
Percent of tar et 8% 1 17% 1 25% 1 33% 1 42% 1 50% 1 58% 1 67% 75% 83% 1 92% 100%
HYDRANTS 3,BS9 Ta ; all h drants to be serviced annual) .
- 66B
1,868 1
2,422 1
6B.5 %a
VALVES 10.00012=5,000 Tar ;all valves to be o rated eve two ears
1 3291
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DATE: March 12, 2009
TO: Ken Vecchiarelli, General Manager
FROM: Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager
COPY: Lee Cory, Operations Manager
John DeCriscio, Chief Plant Operator
SUBJECT: Groundwater Producers Meeting, March 11, 2009
Items presented and discussed at the Groundwater Producers (GWP) Meeting on March 11 at
OCWD included the following:
1. Water Quality Report. The schedule was presented for the preparation of the Consumer
Confidence Reports. Steps for the preparation of the "Triggered Source-Water
Monitoring Plan" were presented.
2. OCWD FY09-10 Draft Budget. Elements of the draft budget currently being prepared
were presented. It was indicated that the Replenishment Assessment (RA) will remain
unchanged for the new FY at $249 per AF. The Basin Production Percentage (BPP) is
expected to be 60 to 64%, most likely at the lower end of that range. They expect to keep
the RA at $249 regardless of the BPP selected.
3. Long-Term Facilities Plan (LTFP) Update. It was noted that originally the plan
(several years ago) was to complete the LTFP, related EIR and the Annexations together.
These have since come "un-coupled" and the new plan is for the OCWD Board to
"receive and file" the LTFP and its EIR. Separately, the annexations will be considered
on their own time frames. It was suggested by the GWP that the final LTFP show the
current basin demand and the projected basin demand with the completion of all
annexations. It was noted that OCWD is having continuing discussions with Irvine and
Anaheim regarding annexation issues.
4. Met Pre-purchase Water Deal Update. The deal suggested is to pay Met now for water
at today's price for delivery at a later date when available. Goal would be to buy at
replenishment-water-rate, or as a fall-back, at full-service untreated-water rate. This is
still under discussion, but Met showing reluctance.
Mr. Ken Vecchiarelli
March 12, 2009
Page 2 of 2
5. Projections of Santa Ana River future base flows. SAWPA is collecting information
from upstream dischargers re their plans for recycling and discharge to the river in the
future. The long-term plans show a strong push for recycling using reverse osmosis to
reduce salinity. The plans show river baseflow reducing from approx 120,000 to 100,000
AF/Yr, in the most optimistic case of upstream recycling development.
6. Mesa Consolidated WD Colored Water Treatment Plant Update. Mesa is proceeding
with plans to replace its existing ozone-based colored water treatment system with either
membrane treatment (like IRWD) or coagulation-sedimentation-filtration treatment (like
Long Beach). Mesa will increase colored groundwater pumping from 5,000 AF/Yr to
8,700 AF/Yr. There is some concern that there may be increased draw of higher salinity
shallow groundwater to the area near the 405 Fwy in Costa Mesa. They plan to mitigate
this by installing packers in the two wells to limit draw to the deep aquifer.
7. Santiago Basin Pumping Study. The GWP noted that the OCWD Board Committee
expressed reluctance to proceed with this project due to benefit and cost questions. The
GWP suggested that this project for a facility to pump out the Santiago Recharge Basins
in Orange appears to have significant benefits for improved recharge and asked if OCWD
staff wanted a letter from the GWP expressing support for continued consideration of the
project. OCWD staff will review the issues expressed by the Board and get back to the
GWP with further thoughts on this.
Date: April 1, 2009
New Information Since Last Report is Shown in Red
Current Status
Next Actions
Zone 3 & 4 Trans Pipelines, Reach 5
Pipeline complete and in
Completion of punch - list
Pipeline is in operation. However,
Budget: $1,700,000 Job No. 200421
operation. Extra Work billing
items, such as air - release
project completion is subject to the
Project Contact: Joe Polimino
has been reviewed and revised
valves and valve cans, await
developer (Shapell) finishing the
Planned Completion Date: 2 "d Qtr 2009
to eliminate overcharges.
completion of road by the
road and parkway construction. It
was noted in a field investigation
that road work has started up again.
Lakeview Reservoir
The new reservoir is in
The contractor completed
Estimated completion date is mid to
Budget: $11,500,000 Job No. 200704
operation. SSC Construction
backfill operation, besides fine
late April 2009, due to rain delays.
Project Contact: Joe Polimino
finalizing backfill of reservoir
grading. Electrical contractor
Planned Completion Date: Apr 2009
site and began work on curb
to complete wiring and
and gutter for access road.
programming to prepare for
Halcyon Electric continues to
operational test which has been
install electrical components.
moved to mid April.
Highland Reservoir
Demolition of the existing
Grading for the new reservoir
A paleontologist will be at the site
Budget: $11,200,000 Job No. 200309
reservoir is almost complete.
to start April 6.
during grading and excavation as
Project Contact: Leon de los Reyes
Concrete from the reservoir is
mandated by CEQA requirements.
Planned Completion Date: July 11, 2010
currently being crushed and
hauled from the site.
A meeting with the City and
Miscellaneous pipe,
president of the equestrian club is
appurtenances and electrical
set for 3/31/09 regarding the
work is being completed at the
opening of the horse trail on the
south side of Hi land reservoir.
Well Capacity Optimization
General Pump prepared the
After CDM's review, staff will
Assuming a successful installation
Budget: $1,000,000 Job No. 200813
preliminary well liner bid
request cost proposals from
of the liner, and pump testing, staff
Project Contact: Leon de los Reyes
items. Staff reviewed, and
General Pump and Layne to
will prepare pump and column, and
Planned Completion Date: TBD
forwarded it to CDM for
perform the tasks.
other mechanical well components
further review.
bid items.
Zone 4C Reconfiguration
Pipeline construction
Pipeline construction will
The planned construction
Budget: $1,500,000 Job No.200710
contractor, Ken Thompson Inc
begin in April. Bids for
completion date for the pipeline and
Project Contact: Joe Polimino
is preparing to start work. For
pressure reducing station
the upgraded pressure reducing
Planned Completion Date: Dec 2009
upgrade of pressure reducing
upgrade will be opened April
station is December 2009. (no
Planned Completion Date: TBD
station, project is out to bid.
Hidden Hills Res & Santiago BPS
Construction awarded to
Easement agreement with
Anticipate that construction will
Budget: $7,000,000 Job No.200028
Pacific Hydrotech on March
Shapell has been approved and
begin by May 2009. (no change)
Project Contact: Joe Polimino
12. Submitted final Habitat
is being executed. In contact
Planned Completion Date: Sept 2010
Mitigation Plan to State Parks,
with State Parks on final issues
for permit. Contractor has
construct Well 21 on La
been notified of award, and is
Palma, fronting the Santa Ana
now gathering bond and
River Lakes.
insurance documentation to
OC -51 Connection Upgrade
Completed application for
submit for District review.
Design modifications to turnout will
Current Status
Next Actions
New Wells 20 & 21
The results of 4 MPA test for
Awaiting response from CDPH
Staff's sampling program at
Budget: $2,000,000 Job No.200711
proposed Well 20, during high
regarding approval to construct
Conrock Basin is ongoing.
Project Contact: Leon de los Reyes
river flow following rainstorm
Well 20 on YLWD's property
Planned Completion Date: TBD
as required by CDPH, was
near to Well 11.
Will meet with OCWD to discuss
received, and results were
good - -no surface water
Awaiting response from
constituents were detected.
OCWD regarding approval to
Letter sent to OCWD
construct Well 21 on La Palma
requesting approval to
construct Well 21 on La
Palma, fronting the Santa Ana
River Lakes.
OC -51 Connection Upgrade
Completed application for
Waiting for response from
Design modifications to turnout will
Budget: $242,000 Job No. 200815
upgrade and submitted to
MET to schedule project
be performed by MET staff to
Project Contact: Steve Conklin
MWDOC to forward to MET.
increase capacity from about 5 cfs
Planned Completion Date: TBD
to a max of 20 cfs
Lakeview Sewer Lift Sta Upgrades
Design 90% complete. Tetra
Once pump is selected staff
Meet with property- owners if SCE
Budget: $200,000 Job No. Ops. Project
Tech evaluating options for
will contact SCE for required
facilities require conduit changes.
Project Contact: Hank Samaripa
chopper pump.
on selected option. Worse case
Planned Completion Date: TBD
Feasibility Study in progress.
project completion 2nd.Q 2011.
1. Zone 5 (1000) Booster Station ($1,080,000)
2. Fairmont Booster Station Reconfiguration ($400,000)
3. Foxtail Drive Pipeline ($245,000)
4. Elk Mountain Reservoir Site Improvements ($300,000)
5. Fire Flow Improvements - -Via Sereno and Ohio ($125,000)
Current Status
Next Actions
Highland Booster Station Upgrade
Three prelim options presented
Internal review of design
Construction scheduling dependant
Budget: $TBD Job No. 200814
by Tetra Tech as part of
options with Operations staff.
on selected option. Worse case
Project Contact: Hank Samaripa
Feasibility Study in progress.
project completion 2nd.Q 2011.
Planned Completion Date: TBD
Fairmont Site Improvements
Proposed "deal points" settled
Prepare AR for FFDCA
Review construction sequence with
Budget: $300,000 (YLWD share)
and agreement is being drafted
between S &S and YLWD and
S &S Construction.
Job No. 200803
present to PEO committee.
Project Contact: Hank Samaripa
Prepare AR for Board
Planned Completion Date: TBD
Irrigation Water Study
Preliminary application
Continuing to look at options
Waiting for info on status of grant
Budget: $TBD Job No. 200807
submitted for grant funding.
for development of non - potable
funding application.
Project Contact: Steve Conklin
and recycled water use options.
Planned Completion Date: TBD
Anaheim Intertie Conn Imprvmts
Meeting with Anaheim staff
Review existing intertie
Budget: $250,000 (YLWD Share)
being planned for mid April to
agreement and locations for
Job No.
initiate project.
Project Contact: Hank Samaripa
Planned Completion Date: TBD
1. Zone 5 (1000) Booster Station ($1,080,000)
2. Fairmont Booster Station Reconfiguration ($400,000)
3. Foxtail Drive Pipeline ($245,000)
4. Elk Mountain Reservoir Site Improvements ($300,000)
5. Fire Flow Improvements - -Via Sereno and Ohio ($125,000)