HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12-08 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage 2M December 8, 1994 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS' REGULAR MEETING December 8, 1994 The December 8, 1994, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Carl T. Scanlin at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. ROLL CALL Directors =sent at Roll Call: President Carl T. Scanlin Vice President Arthur C. Korn Paul R. Armstrong Michael J. Beverage Sterling L. Fox it r Staff present: William J. Robertson, Secretary/General Manager Arthur G. Kidman, Legal Counsel Barbara Bower, Secretary to the General Manager Charles Gray, Engineering Manager Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent Beverly Meza, Business Manager Roger Lubin, Exec. Asst. to the General Manager Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager Michael J. Robinson, Assistant Administrator Tommy Simpkins, Plant Operator SPECIAL, RECOGNITION Item 1. Special recognition to Tommy Simpkins, Plant Operator on the occasion of his retirement from the District. Board President Scanlin presented Tommy Simpkins with a proclamation recognizing and commending Tommy Simpkins on his 21 years of service to the District. CONSENT CALENDAR Item 5 was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of Director Armstrong. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to approve the consent calendar items 2,3,4, and 6. Item 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 22, 1994. Item 3. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 4. Approval of disbursement in the amount of $42,033.35 on Check Nos. 16944, through 17003 and two wires to MWDOC in the amounts of $332,172.10 dated 12/12/94, and to ACWA-HPIT in the amount of $19,912.93 dated 11/30/94. Item 6. Approval to solicit proposals from contractors for a one year permanent paving contract. ACTION CALENDAR Item 5. Approval to request ratification of staff decision to conduct additional pump test and to video log the well; and, to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Richard Slade and Associates in the amount of $4,000 to review test results and make recommendations on the Texaco Water Well. Paged December 8, 1994 On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to conduct additional pump test and to video log the well; and, to authorize the General Manger to execute an agreement with Richard Slade and Associates in an amount not to exceed $4,000. Item 7. Consideration of a Consultant Agreement with Kattlove & Associates, Inc. for design and implementation of a Records Management program. Secretary to the General Manager Barbara Bower reported a selection committee comprised of staff members from each department reviewed proposals from four Records management Consultants, and recommends Kattlove based on quality of references, experience in the public sector and price. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Scanlin, the Board of Directors voted 5- 0, to authorize the President and Secretary to execute a consultant agreement with Kattlove & Associates in an amount not to exceed $29,400 for design and implementation of a Records Management Program. Item 8. Consideration of an agreement with Diehl, Evans & Company for a single audit of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds received. Business Manager Beverly Meza reported that audits are required on FEMA grants exceeding $100,000. Since the District received $122,089 from FEMA and an audit is required, the District's auditor, Diehl Evans submitted a proposal for the audit. The Finance Committee discussed this at their November 18, meeting. On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement not to exceed $5,000 with Diehl Evans to audit the District's FEMA funds. Item 9. Consideration of an agreement with Diehl Evans & Company for the 1994-95 annual audit. Business Manager Beverly Meza reported that Diehl Evans submitted a proposal for the 1994/95 audit of $13,950, an amount which is less than they originally proposed. This matter was reviewed by the Finance Committee at their meeting on November 18, 1994. On a motion by Director Korn, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with Diehl Evans & Company for the 1994/95 audit. Item 10. Approval of Change Order No. 1 and approval to file a Notice of Cessation for the San Antonio Road Transmission Pipeline project. Engineering Manager Charles Gray reported that extra work was incurred while attempting to locate a major water leak. While investigating the source of this leak, the contractor severely damaged the existing pipeline, and was dismissed by the District. Staff negotiated Change Order No. 1 for $18,022, covering difficulties encountered due to increased depth of the existing pipeline. On advice of Counsel, staff recommends filing a Notice of Cessation, and deferring approval of Change Order No. 1 until negotiations with B.K. Baker Company, Inc. can be concluded. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to authorize staff to file a Notice of Cessation for the San Antonio Road Transmission Pipeline Project. Page J _ . December 8, 1994 Item 11. Consideration of nominations to fill a vacant Special District seat on LAFCO. General Manager William J. Robertson reported that nominations will be accepted until 5:00 p.m., December 15, 1994. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to write to LAFCO, stating they favor both the appointment of the Alternate District Representative to Membership on LAFCO and having the Selection Committee choose a new alternate. They also authorized the General Manager to complete nomination papers in support of John Withers. Item 12. Status report on Metropolitan Water District's new rate structure. General Manager William J. Robertson reported that the Met/MWDOC Financial Structure Committee distributed the MWDOC Financial Structure Workshop Issues Outline Draft at their December 1 meeting. Director Korn made an oral report to the Board of Directors, discussing the Financial Structures Workgroup's "Issues Outline Draft." Since this was an informational item, no action was taken by the Board of Directors. Item 13. Report on the Municipal Water District of Orange County's Member Agency Forum meeting held November 22, 1994. Assistant Administrator Michael J. Robinson reported on the items discussed, which included responses by MWDOC member agencies regarding consolidation, and responses to LAFCO from East Orange County Water District, Tri-Cities Municipal Water District, Coastal Municipal Water District, and MWDOC, regarding consolidation. MWDOC favors consolidation, while East Orange County, Tri-Cities and Coastal oppose it. Irvine , Ranch Water District supported consolidation, while the cities of Huntington Beach and Garden Grove thought a study of benefits should be completed prior to taking a position on consolidation. All of the attending agency representatives were unanimous in their opinion that an active stance by water agencies regarding consolidation was preferable to a passive one. This was an information item. No action was taken. Board President Scanlin declared a break at 9:40 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:47 a.m. Item 14. Report on the Municipal Water District of Orange County's School Education program. Assistant Administrator Michael J. Robinson reported on the history of this program, which has been active in Orange County schools since 1974. After outlining the curriculum presented at different grade levels, Mr. Robinson informed the Board that staff and Directors are welcome to attend at Water Education presentations. Director Armstrong suggested that staff evaluate and monitor selected presentations. Item 14a. Report on Orange County Bankruptcy and its impact on the District. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to add this item under urgency provisions, to the agenda. General Manager William J. Robertson reported that the District has $2.6 million in the fund, noting that 30 days ago we informed the County of our intention to withdraw $1 million, giving them 30 days notice as required by their rules. Since the County filed for Bankruptcy 29 days later, the District did not receive this withdrawal. However, the unavailability of $2 million will have little impact on long term financial planning. Page.- December 8, 1994 Legal Counsel Arthur G. Kidman reported that the County's loss may be more than the 1.5 billion reported. He also indicated the District needs bankruptcy counsel and recommended sending the County a formal demand for all of our money invested in their commingled fund. On a motion by director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to send the County a demand letter for return of our investments in the Commingled fund. The Chair directed the General Manager to contact bankruptcy attorneys who might provide counsel to the Board of Directors. GENERAL. MANAGER'S REPORT Item 15. General Manager's oral report and comments. General Manager William Robertson reported on the following: a. District Activities, indicating the District won a trophy for its entry in the Placentia Heritage Days Parade. b. Employee Recognition Dinner and Dance will be held December 16,1994. COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 16. Executive-Administration Committee (Scanlin/Kom): Attending the November 29 meeting were Directors Scanlin and Korn and staff members Robertson, Bower and Robinson. The Committee discussed the MWDOC/LAFCO Forum and the Records Management Plan. Item 17. Finance-Accounting Committee (Kom/Beverage): Attending the November 18 meeting were Directors Korn and Beverage, and staff members Robertson and Meza. The committee discussed Financial Statements for the three months ending September 30; selection of auditors for the FEMA single audit and for the District's 1994-95 audit; the Citizens Advisory Committee; and 1994-95 Water Rates. Item 18. Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee (Armstrong/Fox): Attending the December 5 meeting were Directors Fox and Armstrong, along with staff members Robertson and Gray. The Committee discussed the Texaco Well; Wells No. 16 and 17; and Richfield Plant surface drainage area problems. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS Item 19. Report on ACWA Fall Conference, November 30 -December 2 (Scanlin, Fox) Director Fox, representing Director Armstrong at the JPIA meeting noted that trends were down in claims, and the District received a commendation for achieving low ratios of paid claims. Director Scanlin attended a session describing problems associated with being unprepared for Grand Jury hearings. Item 20. Report on MWD/MWDOC Structure meeting, December 1 (Korn): This discussion was covered in Item 12. Item 21. Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting December 6 (Beverage): Director Beverage reported that the City Council reorganized for 1995, with Councilman Walsh chosen as Mayor. The Council also discussed the Imperial Highway "super street" concept. Item 22. Report on OCWD/MWDOC Joint Meeting, December 7 (Fox): Director Fox reported that Brian Thomas of Met reviewed the Nexus study for attendees. A water update was provided, showing 70% of normal rain to date in Southern California, and heavy rain and snow in Northern California. Page ~5 3 S December 8, 1994 President Scanlin noted that nominations for Chair and vice Chair of WACO are open. Sterling Fox will be recommended as a candidate for the WACO Board of Directors. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTILVITY CALENDAR The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignment changes. ADJOURNMENT On a moti n by Director Fox seconded by Director Kom, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, at 11:25 a.9~ to adjourn/to 'Monday, December 12, 1994 at 3:00 p.m., at the District headquarters on