HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-14 - Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPage i ~ January 14, 1993 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING January 14, 1993 The January 14, 1993, Regular Meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District Board of Directors was called to order by President Paul R. Armstrong at 8:30 a.m. The meeting was held at the District Headquarters located at 4622 Plumosa Drive, Yorba Linda. FLAG SALUTE The flag salute was led by Director Kom. ROLL CALL Directors President Paul R. Armstrong Vice President Sterling L. Fox Michael J. Beverage Arthur C. Kom Carl T. Scanlin Directors absent at Roll Call: None Staff present: William J. Robertson, Secretary / General Manager Barbara Bower, Secretary to the General Manager Charles Gray, Engineering Manager Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent Roger Lubin, Ex. Asst. to the General Manager Beverly Meza, Business Manager Michael Payne, Assistant General Manager Michael Robinson, Assistant Administrator Visitors Present: S tanley Sprague, General Manager of the Municipal Water District of Orange County Art Bruington, Consultant to the Municipal Water District of Orange County President Armstrong requested that an agenda item pertaining to the recent water main breaks on San Antonio Road and Alder Road and also Paseo De Toronto and Lomas De Yorba East be added to the agenda packet. This item was labeled as Agenda Item # 10A. President Armstrong also requested that Agenda Item # 11 be moved ahead of Agenda Item # 7, and that Agenda Item # 12 be continued to the January 28, 1993 Board of Directors meeting. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Vice President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to add Agenda Item # 10 A, move Agenda Item # 11 ahead of Agenda Item # 7, and that Agenda Item # 12 be continued to the January 28, 1993 Board of Directors meeting. ANNUAL REORGANIZATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Item 1. Annual Selection of President and Vice President. President Armstrong opened nominations for President of the Board of Directors. President Armstrong nominated Vice President Fox as President. There were no other nominations. On a motion by President Armstrong, seconded by'Director Kom, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to close the nominations and to elect Vice President Fox as President. President Fox opened nominations for Vice President. Director Armstrong nominated Director Scanlin. There were no other nominations. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to close the nominations and to elect Director Scanlin as Vice President. Page January 14, 1993 Item 2. Annual Review of the Board of Directors Committee Assignments. President Fox reviewed the various committee's and suggested that the Committees consist of the following Directors: Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee: Sterling Fox and Carl Scanlin Finance-Accounting Committee: Arthur Korn and Michael Beverage Personnel - Risk Management Committee: Sterling Fox and Michael Beverage Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee: Paul Armstrong and Arthur Korn Public Information Committee: Carl Scanlin and Paul Armstrong District-City Finance Committee: Paul Armstrong and Arthur Korn Board Goals Workshop Committee: The Executive Committee CSDA -Elected: Arthur Kom ISDOC Representative: Sterling Fox and Arthur Kom ACWA/JPIA Representative: Paul Armstrong. Alternate: Sterling Fox Special District Workers Compensation Authority - Elected: Arthur Korn ACWA Personnel Committee: Sterling Fox City General Plan Steering Committee: This Committee was eliminated This item was for assignment only and no action was taken by the Board of Directors. Item 3. Annual Review and Consideration of the Board of Directors Compensation. President Fox reported that the Executive committee had reviewed the Board of Directors Compensation. Director Armstrong indicated that there was concern with the language on committee assignments when attending other agencies meetings as a representative. General Manager Robertson responded that the original intent was that when a Director attended other meetings as an elected Director of that agency such as CSDA and SDWCA the Director would receive compensation based upon the higher amount. Director Korn concurred by stating that if a Director attended a meeting as a working member, the Director would receive the higher fee and if a Director attended a meeting as an observer, the Director would receive the lower fee. After a general discussion, the Board of Directors agreed that the language in the Ordinance was satisfactory. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to leave the Directors compensation as is. CONSENT CALENDAR On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Calendar as follows: Item 4. Minutes of the Regular meeting December 22, 1992. Item 5. Authorization for the Directors to leave the State of California prior to next meeting. Item 6. Approval of payment of bills, payroll and refunds in the amount of $377,006.13 on Check Nos. 12524. 12525, 12634 through 12732; and Payroll Check Nos. 4482 through 4618; and one wire to MWDOC in the amount of $152,508.21 dated January 14, 1993. General Counsel Art Kidman arrived at this point in, the meeting at 8:45 a.m. DISCUSSION CALENDAR Item 11. Status report on the State Water Contract. General Manager William Robertson introduced Stan Sprague, General Manager of the Municipal Water District of Orange County and Art Bruington, a consultant to the Municipal Water District of Orange County. Mr. Sprague gave a brief outline of the problems of the existing State Water Contract, the fixed and operating costs of MWD and the role that MWDOC is taking at redoing the contract. Mr. Sprague then introduced Mr. Bruington who then described the history of the State Water Contract, the Page> January 14, 1993 various agencies that are served and some of the problems with the current contract. Mr. Bruington also discussed the O & M costs, the baseline period and whether or not the Department of Water Resources has been meeting its contract obligations. The Board of Directors asked several questions about the baseline period and whether MWD can force DWR to build more facilities. Mr. Bruington and Mr. Sprague then reviewed Decision 1630 and the problems that it can cause with restrictions on pumping and also with the fisheries. Mr. Sprague concluded their report by stating that there would be a MWD Board workshop on January 26, 1993 at the MWD Board room to discuss the Water Contract. This item was for information only and no action was taken by the Board of Directors. Mr. Sprague and Mr. Bruington departed the meeting at this point. President Fox declared a recess beginning at 9:57 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:06 a.m. with all Directors and staff members present. ACTION CALENDAR Item 7. Review schedule of major District activities for 1993 and set date for the Board of Directors Goals Setting Workshop. William Robertson, General Manager, reported on the major activities that the District addresses each year. Mr. Robertson requested that the Board review the list and make any necessary changes. Director Korn felt that the deadline for the meet and confer process should be moved up to the first meeting in June to allow the Directors and staff time to complete the Annual Budget process. The other Directors concurred. The Directors also selected January 27, 1993 for the Board Goals Setting Workshop. There were no other changes to the list. This item was for information only and no action was taken by the Board of Directors. Item 8. Approval of a contract with Clearwater Pipeline, Inc. for the sewer improvements in Bastanchury Road. Charles Gray, Engineering Manager, reported that the Board of Directors authorized staff to solicit proposals on November 12, 1992 for the installation of a sewer main in Bastanchury Road from Eureka Avenue to Lakeview Avenue. Mr. Gray reported that the District held a bid opening on December 23, 1992 and that a total of 17 bids were received. Mr. Gray further reported that staff had investigated the low bidder, Clearwater Pipeline and that all references had checked out. Mn Gray concluded his report by recommending that the Board of Directors approve a construction budget for the Bastanchury Sewer Project and to award the contract to Clearwater Pipeline. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, to approve a construction budget in the amount of $111,938.70; awarded a contract to Clearwater Pipeline, Inc. in the amount of $83,338.00 for the installation of the sewer improvements on Bastanchury Road; authorized the General Manager to execute the contract subject to review as to form by legal counsel; and approved the release of the other bid bonds, once the contract has been executed. Item 9. Approval of three year contracts. Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent reported that the District had solicited proposals for a three year contract to supply the District with gasoline and diesel fuel. Mr. Harsma further reported that the District had received 5 proposals and that after careful deliberation on the overall costs, the type of gasoline products offered and the service locations it was staffs recommendation that Yorba Linda Chevron provide gasoline and Mel Roberts Enterprises provide diesel fuel. Page 190.0. January 14, 1993 On a motion by Vice President Scanlin, seconded by Director Armstrong, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve a three year agreement with Yorba Linda Chevron for gasoline products, and a second agreement with Mel Roberts Enterprises for diesel fuel for the term of three years. Item 10. Approval of a one year permanent paving contract with Hardy And Harper Incorporated. Ray Harsma, Operations Superintendent reported that the District had solicited proposals for a one year paving contract. Mr. Harsma reported that the District had received 2 proposals and that Hardy and Harper provided the lowest quote of $5.42 per square foot. On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to approve a one year permanent paving contract with Hardy And Harper Incorporated, and authorize the President and Secretary to execute the contract. Item 10 A. Status report on the water main breaks that occurred at San Antonio Road and Alder Road and also Paseo De Toronto and Lomas De Yorba East. Mr. William Robertson, General Manager first presented a summary review of the water main break that occurred in an easement east of San Antonio Road and Alder Road on Saturday morning, January 9, 1993. Mr. Roberston reported on the sequence of events that took place to isolate the leak and restore fire protection to the area. Mr. Robertson further reported that because the property owners insurance refused to cooperate with the property owners, the District's insurance carver took the lead to assist both homeowners. Mr. Robertson concluded his report by stating that staff was investigating the cause of the break and that due to the depth of the existing pipeline, staff was considering three different alternatives of installing a replacement pipe. The final determination would be presented to the Board of Directors for their consideration. The Board of Directors then held a lengthy discussion about the break. Mr. Robertson, then presented a summary review of the water main break that occurred at Paseo De Toronto and Lomas De Yorba East. This break involved two an water mains that served two different pressure zones. Mr. Robertson then outlined a sequence of events that took place to isolate the leaks and to restore water service to approximately 30 homes in the area. Mr. Robertson also reported on the actions of the District to clear a sewer main blockage. Mr. Robertson stated that staff had also met with the City on a daily basis to discuss restoration issues. Mr. Robertson then concluded his report by stating that staff had met with the City Engineer to discuss having the City rebuild the street. The Board of Directors held a lengthy discussion about the causes of the breaks. On a motion by Director Beverage, seconded by President Fox, the Board of Directors voted 5-0 to: 1) Declare the incident of Sunday January 10, 1993 at Lomas De Yorba East and Paseo De Toronto as a District emergency, 2) Authorize the General Manager to respond to the District Emergency, a) expend funds from the catastrophic Restoration Fund reserve to contract for emergency services for the permanent reconstruction of District and other Public Facilities; and b) expedite reconstruction works for projects directly related to the Lomas De Yorba Emergency by using informal bidding procedures as defined in the District's purchasing Resolution for projects with a cost greater than $50,000. 3) Ratify staffs action on instructing Byron Crume Construction, Clearwater Pipeline, Hardy and Harper and Vidmar Construction to undertake emergency work performed on January 11 and 12, 1993. Page January 14, 1993 4) Authorize staff to draft terms and conditions of an agreement with the City of Yorba Linda for the reconstruction of Lomas De Yorba East. Said agreement will be presented for approval by the Board of Directors, and shall be subject to review and approval as to form by the District's General Counsel. GENERAL. MANAGER'S REPORT Item 13. General Manager's oral report and comments. William Robertson, General Manager, discussed the following: 1. Staff had filed a small claims action against Delft Corporation and the court date was set for February 16, 1993. Mr. Robertson further reported that Roger Lubin and Beverly Mesa would represent the District. 2. That the office rain gauge had measured 7.7 inches of rain so far in January and 5.95 inches in December. 3. That the District had discovered a sewer settlement at the intersection of Imperial Highway and Lemon Drive and that Vidmar Construction was called in to dig out and compact the settled area to avoid any potential damage. Mr. Robertson further reported that once the rains stopped, the District would have to go back in and dig out more trench to the east. 4. That the contractor working on the installation of a butterfly valve in the 26" transmission near the Richfield Plant had tapped the main and that the overall appearance inside and out of the pipeline was in very good condition. GENERAL COUNSEL'S REPORT Item 14. General Counsel's oral report and comments. Art Kidman, General Counsel, reported that the State budget process was beginning again and word from Sacramento on the State Budget is not good news. Mr. Kidman also stated that there was nothing new to report on the loss of revenue by the State except that the Court Case to hear the appeal now sits in Ventura County. STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS Item 15. No Executive-Administrative-Organizational Committee was held. Item 16. No Finance-Accounting meeting was held. Item 17. A Personnel - Risk Management Committee meeting was scheduled for January 19, at 9:00 A.M. Item 18. A Planning-Engineering-Operations Committee meeting was scheduled for January 21, 1993 at 9:00 A.M. Item 19. No Public Information Committee meeting was held. INTERGOVERNMENTAL. MEETINGS i Item 24. Report on Yorba Linda City Council meeting on January 5, 1993. Director Scanlin reported that Councilman Schwing had been appointed to serve as the liaison to the District and that Councilman Welch was his alternate. Item 21. Report on OCWD meeting on January 6, 1993. Director Scanlin reported that they adopted a Resolution honoring Roy Knauft on his retirement, the General Managers report stated that OCWD had stored 15,000 acre feet, advertised for bids to install another rubber dam at the five cove area and lastly they reviewed their budget. Page 2M January 14, 1993 Item 22. Report on WACO meeting on January 8, 1993. Director Armstrong reported that Steve Hall had changed positions, that OCWD had percolated 16,00 acre feet a day, that a total of 32,500 acre feet went back into the underground in December and lastly that the water level behind Prado Dam is the highest its been since 1983 at elevation 504 feet. Item 23. Report on CSDA meeting on January 8, 1993. Director Korn reported that he did not attend the meeting due to inclement weather. Item 24. Report on Yorba Linda Planning Commission meeting on January 13, 1993. Director Korn reported that there was nothing of interest to the District. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Item 25. Director Beverage had no comments. Item 26. Director Korn had no comments. Item 27. Director Armstrong had no comments. Item 28. Vice President Scanlin asked about the Directors duties for the retirement dinner for Roy Knauft that night. Item 29. President Fox thanked Mike Robinson for a good job on the Waterlines letter informing the customers about the loss of the revenue by the State. The Board of Directors reviewed the Activity Calendar and made assignments for the various intergovernmental meetings. Director Armstrong would attend the first Planning Commission meeting of the month, the second City Council meeting of the month and also the WACO meeting. Director Beverage would attend the first City Council. Director Kom would attend the second meeting of the Planning Commission, CSDA and also ISDOC. Vice President Scanlin would attend OCWD. President Fox would attend the MWDOC meeting and also the MWD meeting should there be anything of interest to the District. CLOSED SESSION There was no closed session. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Director Armstrong, seconded by Director Beverage, the Board of Directors voted 5-0, at 12:02 p.m., to adjourn to Wednesday, January 27, 1993, at 9:00 a.m., at the District headquarters 01 Plumosa Drive. Wiiffam J. Robertson General Manager/Secretary