HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-13 - Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Packet AGENDA YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, April 13, 2017, 6:00 PM 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual wishing to address the committee is requested to identify themselves and state the matter on which they wish to comment. If the matter is on this agenda, the committee Chair will recognize the individual for their comment when the item is considered. No action will be taken on matters not listed on this agenda. Comments are limited to matters of public interest and matters within the jurisdiction of the Water District. Comments are limited to three minutes. 4. ACTION CALENDAR This portion of the agenda is for items where staff presentations and committee discussions are needed prior to formal committee action. 4.1. Review of Minutes from Meeting Held April 6, 2017 Recommendation: That the Committee review the minutes and provide requested revisions to the Facilitator. 5. DISCUSSION ITEMS This portion of the agenda is for matters such as technical presentations, drafts of proposed policies, or similar items for which staff is seeking the advice and counsel of the Committee members. This portion of the agenda may also include items for information only. 5.1. Overview of District's 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan 5.2. Budget Reconciliation for FY 2015/16 and FY 2016/17 Year to Date 5.3. Outline, Format and Process for Committee's Recommendation to Board of Directors 5.4. Future Meeting Schedule and Agenda Items 6. ADJOURNMENT 6.1. The next Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee meeting will be held Thursday, April 20, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Items Distributed to the Committee Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Pursuant to Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt public records that relate to open session agenda items and are distributed to a majority of the Committee less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting will be available for public inspection in the lobby of the District’s business office located at 1717 E. Miraloma Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870, during regular business hours. When practical, these public records will also be made available on the District’s internet website accessible at http://www.ylwd.com/. Accommodations for the Disabled Any person may make a request for a disability-related modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by telephoning the Executive Secretary at 714-701-3020, or writing to Yorba Linda Water District, P.O. Box 309, Yorba Linda, CA 92885-0309. Requests must specify the nature of the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact information should be included so the District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation. ITEM NO. 4.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2017 Subject:Review of Minutes from Meeting Held April 6, 2017 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Committee review the minutes and provide requested revisions to the Facilitator. ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: 2017-04-06_-_Minutes_-_AHCAC.docx Minutes Minutes Minutes of the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Held April 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 1 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT AD HOC CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, April 6, 2017, 6:00 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The April 6, 2017 meeting of the Yorba Linda Water District’s Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee was called to order by Chair Harris at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Training Room at the District’s Administration Building located at 1717 East Miraloma Avenue, Placentia California 92870. 2. ROLL CALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Terry Harris (Chair) Pamela Hymel Dennis Anderson William Lawrence Lindon Baker Ben Parker Jeff Decker Cristy Parker Kent Ebinger Kenneth Tam Fred Hebein YLWD STAFF PRESENT Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Delia Lugo, Finance Manager Cindy Botts, Water Consv Sup/Mgmt Analyst Malissa Tem, Public Affairs Representative OTHER ATTENDEES Brent Ives, Principal, BHI Management Consulting (Facilitator) Tom Ash, Senior Environmental Compliance Officer, Inland Empire Utilities Agency 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Board President Miller addressed the group to provide perspective to the challenge to the committee and his understanding of the budget books. 4. DISCUSSION ITEMS 4.1 Inland Empire Utilities Agency Rate Structure Mr. Tom Ash presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding rate structures and rate setting. The presentation provided a well-received basis for how to look at different rate structures, with a basis in how other local agencies have made transitions to budget based rate structures. A general message of the presentation is to incentivize water conservation Minutes of the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Held April 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 2 through rate structure. Members of the public and committee were allowed to ask questions during the presentation. 5. ACTION CALENDAR 5.1 Review of Minutes from Meetings Held March 8, March 21, and March 30, 2017 Minutes were unanimously approved pending one change of the March 30, 2017 meeting minutes. 6. DISCUSS ITEMS CONTINUED The following items were taken out of order. 6.2 Overview of District’s Financial Reserves Policy Mrs. Delia Lugo presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the subject. All reserve accounts were overviewed and the basis for their existence and amounts was discussed. Members of the public and committee were allowed to ask questions during the presentation. 6.1 Budget Reconciliation for FY 2015/16 and FY 2016/17 Year to Date Committee member Dr. Jeff Decker presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the subject. Members of the public and committee were allowed to ask questions during the presentation. Dr. Decker stated that the District overcharged the ratepayers $1.9M and recommended a rebate of $176 to each rate paying household as a result of his research. Mr. Al Nederhood, as a member of the public, presented a PowerPoint presentation with his lessons learned since being elected to the Board regarding the same subject. His conclusions were different from those of Dr. Decker. His contention is that the money was spent and is now not available for rebate. The committee and public held discussions with questions and comments regarding the two presentations. After a wide-ranging discussion on the subject, it was agreed that the topic should continue to be discussed at the next meeting and thereafter if necessary. 6.3 Future Meeting Schedule and Agenda Items Committee discussion on this mentioned that no subjects were off the table yet. Chair Harris urged the committee to be thinking about remaining questions on subjects like reconciliation, reserves and rate setting as well as reminding them to look over materials on the committee Minutes of the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Held April 6, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. 3 hub to prepare questions for the upcoming April 13, 2017 CIP presentation. Committee discussed the possibility of having weekly meetings throughout the duration between this meeting and May 9, 2017 Board Meeting where a report is due. 7. ADJOURNMENT 7.1. The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. BI ITEM NO. 5.1 AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 13, 2017 Subject:Overview of District's 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan ATTACHMENTS: Name:Description:Type: CIP_Presentation.pdf Backup Material Backup Material Fairmont_Const_Site_Photos.pdf Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting Backup Material Presented By: Steve Conklin, Engineering ManagerJohn DeCriscio, Operations ManagerCapital Improvement Program FY 2017/18CAC MeetingApril 13, 20171 1. Construction Projects to Increase Capacity, Capability and Reliability–Proposed in 2005 Water Master Plan–Board-approved and Funded in the 2008 COP to Maximize Groundwater Use –New reservoirs, booster stations, wells, water & sewer lines–Last pieces to maximize groundwater delivery: Fairmont Booster Station & Well 22Elements of the District’s CIPElements of the District’s CIP2 2. Projects to Replace & Refurbish (R&R) Existing Capital Facilities–How are Facilities Identified for R&R?•Asset Management Plan (prepared in 2010)•Staff observations and identification of failing facilities•Reports of deficient flow or water pressure –District-prepared Project List •“Ugly List”•Comprehensive list of projects for consideration and mitigation over the next 10 years. Elements of the District’s CIPElements of the District’s CIP3 3. District Vehicles & Capital Equipment Budget–Value of $5,000+–Scheduled Vehicle Replacements •Fleet size: 48 vehicles–Other large, capital equipment (generators, trailers, portable pumps) •Total count: 16 items Elements of the District’s CIPElements of the District’s CIP4 Element #1: Projects to Increase Capacity, Capability and Reliability: Well 22 and Fairmont Booster Pump StationElements of the District’s CIPElements of the District’s CIP5 Purpose of Well 22 Project•Additional groundwater pumping capacity •Incorporate “premium efficiency” motors•Replacement capacity for aging wells with diminishing production capacity•Spread new wellfield facilities away from our Richfield campus•Construct new wells closer to River and to OCWD recharge facilities 66 District Well Facilities77 Purpose of the Fairmont Project•Replace 44-year-old pump station•Will make it possible to deliver groundwater orMWD water to all customers •Provides supply redundancy when there is a loss of supply from groundwater orMWD.88 Elements of the Fairmont Project •Adds FLEXIBILITY in providing water:1.Replaces pumps supplying:•Zone 780 to Zone 10002.Addspumps supplying:•Zone 675 to Zone 780•Zone 920 to Zone 1000•Adds equipment to boost the level of disinfectant in the water, if needed•Adds emergency back-up power99 District Pressure Zones 1010 Element #2: Projects to Replace & Refurbish (R&R) Existing Capital Facilities:Summary Review of the District’s 2010 Asset Management PlanElements of the District’s CIPElements of the District’s CIP11 Above Ground Assets-Number & Type of FacilitiesBooster Pump Stations12Import Water Connections4Interconnections10Pressure Regulating Stations37Reservoirs14Wells9Sewer Lift Stations1Total Above-Ground Facilities = 8712 Water Main Installed by Year (feet)48,69320,218313,447430,654604,106165,173253,323<1950 or (blank)1950-19591960-19691970-19791980-19891990-2000>2000Total Water Main Installed = 1,836,000 feet (348 miles)13 Sewer Main Installed by Year (feet)2,512 309,515 257,208 62,189 45,604 144,907 <1950 or (blank)1950-19591960-19691970-19791980-19891990-2000>2000Total Sewer Main Installed = 822,000 feet (156 miles)14 Risk Assessment Determines Asset R&R Priorities1. Risk = Vulnerability x Criticality2. Vulnerability: Likelihood of asset failure–Criteria aligned with asset condition and/or attributes (e.g. age)–Probability of failure3. Criticality: Consequence of asset failure–Criteria aligned with level of service goals–Parameters of public health and safety, effect on customers, environment, & costLikelihoodConsequence15 ExampleAsset Management Analysis16 Above-Ground AMP Analysis ExampleRichfield Chlorine Generators17 Above-Ground AMP Analysis Example•Richfield Chlorine Generators–Installation Year – 2003–Condition – 3–Original Useful Life – 10 years–Remaining Useful Life – 3 years (~2013)–Vulnerability Rating – 0.125–Criticality Rating – 6.7•Health & Safety - 7 x 30%•Financial - 4 x 15%•Environmental - 4 x 25%•Service Delivery - 10 x 30%–Overall Risk Rating – 0.125 x 6.7 = 0.8375–2009 Est. Total Replacement Project Cost - $88,000Currently Scheduled for Replacement in FY 2017/1818 2010 Asset Management Plan-System Replacement Costs* In 2009 dollars19 2010 Asset Management Plan-2017 Estimate System Replacement CostsAssumes a 3% annual increase in construction- related costs20 Annual R&R Funding Recommendation ScenariosHighlighted recommendations based on condition of system in 2010, in 2009 dollars 21 Completed Rehabilitation & Restoration Projects (2009-2016)22 Remaining Useful Life of Water PipelinesTaken from 2010 Asset Management Plan, Figure 3.923 Remaining Useful Life of Sewer PipelinesTaken from 2010 Asset Management Plan, Figure 3.12, City of YL Sewer Transfer NOT included24 5 Year CIP Projections 5 Year CIP Projections See CIP Table Handout25 Water Capital Reserve/Investment Acct Balance 2/28/2017$16,414,896Less Minimum Water Capital Reserve Requirement$1,820,000Water Capital Funds Available for Use at 2/28/2017$14,594,89612 3 4 56789 10111213141516 5 Year CIP Budget  For FY 2016/17     Recommended Budget Adjustments to Listed CIP Budgets   Revised 5 Year CIP Budget for FY 2017/18  Total Projected CIP Expenses Thru FYE June 2017  FY 17/18 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 18/19 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 19/20 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 20/21 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 21/22 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 22/23 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 23/24 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 24/25 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 25/26 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 26/27 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 27/28 Budgeted CIP Expenditures  FY 28/29 Budgeted CIP Expenditures Water Capital Funds Available for UseAS & W Well Project (Well No. 22) 2,500,000$       ‐$   2,500,000$        86,265$              1,023,735$       90,000$             1,300,000$       ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  B Lakeview Grade Separation662,444$          ‐$   662,444$           662,444$            ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  CFairmont BPS Upgrade7,830,005$      300,000$            8,130,005$        2,234,181$         3,886,000$       2,009,824$       ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  Subtotal10,992,449$    300,000$            11,292,449$     2,982,890$         4,909,735$       2,099,824$       1,300,000$       ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  Rehabilitation & RestorationDTimber Ridge BPS Rehabilitation900,000$          ‐$   900,000$           ‐$  90,000$             810,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ELakeview Booster Piping154,000$          ‐$   154,000$           ‐$  38,500$             115,500$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  FPRS Rehabilitation Phase 2 (Box Canyon)726,000$          ‐$   726,000$           26,000$              700,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  GRichfield Chlorination System‐$  250,000$            250,000$           ‐$  250,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  HWell 20 On‐Site Chlorine Generation System‐$  200,000$            200,000$           ‐$  200,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  IChlorination System at CDB and HH Reservoirs‐$  40,000$              40,000$             ‐$  40,000$             ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  JNorth Palm Avenue Pipeline ‐$  360,000$            360,000$           ‐$  360,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  KSusana, Bryant & John Bixby Pipelines‐$  900,000$            900,000$           ‐$  900,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  LReplace old Cast Iron Pipelines (1920s to 1940s)‐$  720,000$            720,000$           ‐$  ‐$   720,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  MCamino Verde/South Ohio St Pipeline ‐$  300,000$            300,000$           ‐$  ‐$   300,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  NImperial Hwy Pipeline‐$  600,000$            600,000$           ‐$  ‐$  ‐$   600,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  OSouth Ohio St Pipeline‐$  288,000$            288,000$           ‐$  ‐$  ‐$   288,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  PRose Drive Pipeline‐$  600,000$            600,000$           ‐$  ‐$  ‐$   600,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  QSan Antonio Pipeline‐$  480,000$            480,000$           ‐$  ‐$  ‐$   480,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  RValve Replacement inside Dist Reservoirs (10 valves)‐$  120,000$            120,000$           ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$   120,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  SPRS Rehabilitation Phase 3‐$  900,000$            900,000$           ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$   900,000$          ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  TAnnual R&R Water Investment2,138,585$       861,415$             3,000,000$         ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$   1,000,000$       2,000,000$       2,000,000$       2,000,000$       2,000,000$       2,000,000$       2,000,000$       2,000,000$       2,000,000$       UAnnual R&R Sewer Investment‐$  960,000$            960,000$           ‐$  160,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          200,000$          R & R Subtotal3,918,585$      7,579,415$         11,498,000$     26,000$              2,738,500$       2,145,500$       2,168,000$       2,220,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       Vehicle and Capital Equipment Replacement ‐ Capital Outlay(Single Year Budget Forecast) VVehicle & Capital Equipment Replacement ‐ Sewer‐$  ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ WVehicle & Capital Equipment Replacement ‐ Water963,000$          1,010,101$          1,973,101$        777,101$            292,000$           260,000$           220,000$           262,000$           162,000$           595,000$           ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  ‐$  Vehicle & Capital Equipment Subtotal963,000$          1,010,101$          1,973,101$         777,101$             292,000$           260,000$           220,000$           262,000$           162,000$           595,000$           ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ ‐$ Subtotal 15,874,034$    8,889,516$        24,763,550$     3,785,991$        7,940,235$       4,505,324$       3,688,000$       2,482,000$       2,362,000$       2,795,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       Projects Completed in FY 2016/17 Total Project Budget         2015/16     Over/(Under) Budget  Adjusted Total  CIP Budget FY 2016/17  Total Projected CIP Expenses Thru FYE June 2017 XS & W Well Project (Well No. 21)2,306,789$      ‐$   2,306,789$        2,175,846$         YRichfield Road Pipeline1,450,000$       ‐$   1,450,000$        1,322,659$         Z2015 Waterline Replacement 1,240,000$      ‐$   1,240,000$        902,429$            AATOTAL4,996,789$       ‐$   4,996,789$        4,400,935$         ABGRAND TOTAL 20,870,823$    8,889,516$        29,760,339$     8,186,926$        7,940,235$       4,505,324$       3,688,000$       2,482,000$       2,362,000$       2,795,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       2,200,000$       ACWater Capital Reserves Available to Fund Future CIP (w/o New Money)11,887,913$      4,107,678$       (197,646)$         (3,685,646)$     (5,967,646)$     (8,129,646)$     (10,924,646)$   (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (13,124,646)$   ADWater Capital Reserves Available to Fund Future CIP (excludes Fairmont BPS)12,888,839$      8,834,604$       6,339,104$       2,651,104$       169,104$          (2,192,896)$     (4,987,896)$     (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (2,200,000)$     (7,187,896)$     Note: Projected Available Balances do not include possible annual reserve transfers from Operating Fund/‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Total CIP Budget as Approved‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐\5 Year CIP Budget For Expenditures for Approved Projects26 Fairmont Site Construction As of Thursday, April 13, 2017Backup Material Distributed Less Than 72 Hours Prior to the Meeting OTHER MATERIALS SUBMITTED DURING THE MEETING CIP Plan to Actual to Income ..............._._1_.... ............. . ..... --- ........... ........ ------.................... .L. 0 p ..................................................... 2013 2009-10 2010-11 20l1-12 2012-13 .14 2014-15 201546 2016-17 Net Income 2011/12 to 2015/16 31,190,6" ;Actual Net Income 3319,453: 3,906,136 4,239,159; 3,291,5301:5,474,426 5,237,562 9,041,831 4 1 Budgeted Net Income 3,110,271: 2,156,978 3,534,737: 3,080,750:2,245,751 4,041,795 CIP Expeditures 3,426,747 9,059,291: 2,250J8013,897,897 1824,173 4,144,093 Actual CIP From 2011-12 to 2015-16 24,592.371 2012-13 CIP Budget p.84 6,557.5W 6,208,000 2,650,000 2,900,000, 3,970,000 Amount Net Inc>CIP 6,598,273 2013-14 CIP Budget p.79 4M5.000 4,735,000 5,100,000 3,165,000 2014-IS CIP Budget 6095,101 4,833,185 3,147,258 2015-16 CIP Budget 6,325,233 13,792,714 "M lOw 2016-17 CIP Budget 7,555,642 11 A Amount CIP Is Under Budget -2,501,78112,394,820 847,103 2,181,140 Average Annual Reduction 730,321 13B Average Annual CIP Expenditure "14- 2011112-2015/16 4,233,125 Average Annual Net Income 17 C 2009/10.2015/16= 4,2!0,014 2011/12.2015/16= 5,456,902 ig, :Income is increasing as a result of the rate increase and current CIP and R&R plans are slightly less than 2 times the historical average 20 i 23, 2 7 3,000,000 2,000,000 U 34 2 3 4 5 6 1 73T Net Income 2009/10 to 2015/16 17 MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Decker MEETING DATE: April 13, 2017 Yorbal Linda Wdte " 1)jqtriCt ANNUAL a�PERArmo HUDGETF"1S"L Y AR201►&f7 VIII Ii i 1 Id Bili i.81 h Yi,II., 4, III Xi.i 11110 loll i,114 11 H1111,loll 11111111 lij, 11111 1hi wolId ILWId 11111,A lh Capital Improvement Plan + — TMa1',C1rMI -01 e� �av aal S Mast QIP Bud �Far E ndhnrra=Mr J�rmvd�lltctr tz ;fir ,wr. rayb. nr " i "'" ro i4ORO j� 174 iFl�r �m birdT,� # yr$ a fr s'�i4 rfq 7 Y00, Vbftr Coll fulndsAw9011ble hw Use M;, »t! Subtaw S 13,219,233 „tx..r $ 14,749,238 3,184,373 2,498=0 � S nrt�ebllk+►ucut a f�Da�dom —11.4'W 4,f;,r:w 9�MsXe tlll ir: JT14li"i 1.3�b'4}t.bu 93cza7 Yc. r9 �5;_+4,VJ 9 MN�l�.t,l7e,rlPS7klesaN},� a i�i�Ea,§1 1 `r.W4r1 Al JOE �lllRSubtswdl $ 4486.536 ( ,�;v.a,,x.sl � 5,158.51T4 S 191,724 � S 1.d6�',76b i 3A�,4� �' 973.X85 S 3.5QdJ30b 9 l,"'�R.dMYb i Val and Cal Equipm4m tlepiacalueut Jar#*Vir hulpMl 1l Vehic1a 6 Capsul Equirenexil upUc n4•Sass 5 &W,4= 5 $ S E S,{7[N5 $ S tM.tiuri $ 2iXk.1E�1 S S t bpl5 V,iAtw b ipk l'ai iqu4A(-rl lrig KvpAc ,]14nS 1Nawl tkkY N44i.d!'dk1 = l 3J;tAY x i4i! 1+'a?a(Hri 'ke t 711M'rl iklLrl',kM; d N,ldkr ved4�4e Cepkal6qulprratrot5ubbotsl 1,t173At16 E83�Ai9 MAO � ; 983SQ6 � 3A45d60 � 377,db0 � 366,A611 S 373bd(f J �aw8TrRal iY,$ .It �' j 281MI330 41,K—ft' 1, 4411 1 $tl5,�i2 3 7,67f.ltlll $ 3fl4816b 3 i,9 ,# ti 3 1, s.dr i MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Decker MEETING DATE: April 13, 2017 Yorba Linda Water Distr Ct ANNUAL OPERAT/NG BUDGET FISCAL YEAR.201511,6 Capital Improvement Plan r ✓P a a fty t 4 ?� t ak.�}ih Vii l'���ili`I�r � rte. ° tlr,, �� ' ,�f',,yd,;�rL�y� S°t i; a yy,,, �fi o t t°s q%,%� 'r� 'f.� }%,xr pt Nf e. X�f? f�rai i wtd is i xtd '•t cl1`�1C '��&$ia.t if a, a G•�u � �• '"fsY � . t �)q'Xt' ,t +,<fPs'.!',"n' 4",.�f '..t ° ►i.. �t6nt i ta` ��[w7 1�X�l+� � � Fvrk �',. � � 9 vy}� r a tt �t `t� % y�tt s q r f y��►yy,y� t� FIW � r ,t€ $ �' � a� E Z r.• xx y adF 39Y 'd7 �d�C�,f "x 9V� r a •f.4t,YnifY ae eq f'1'�'�t�l�' �� ellgpl�� l:. x" ('"� "n ` 1 S 9 tl.�t� �t^s�"n' Ofto f �,�;,,,!• ,t,�; „t"tW , d)C,,,�v ',r, s+, 4 ' t t $ , s t I e%;i� d ' „, .,+r •rM,.,�, ,�ifla',w,�x$rad^u',�sn.,lfii,�'%le��„� y):"If",� tl+i."q r,kra ja v 1 i �^ t 7¢�rr r 1✓ ��la. , � ,,,. .�r .�., ,t., X S. Cx u,ltl � .I ACt!•tk.Ri � � � Y,.u,%i4'?.t�sY D A,.�qM S '!t,•t . v% tal .,aas4Ct ,+X a,'.tr'u , 34,1,'h<,i7 TiL td:.X .s,,...,€hew a,r,>a� f; ::e ., tC.da,i:90 y.r.;..•x,1 , ,:.+ti .n,:.¢t,ir.u1 .4.:fi,"'AP'I .. ,u .,..a.'t..r, _ ,..s„o:r; to :.�._, (•,.1,444 _ €.ti:.4A ;i :f31:..., IrA i .:,i';�., 2i>enK Qi �� _.3F,;,,. 1''•lu1ti,;u Ni u.:,,a; �i .A�'#1Oou :a 1 t i' �r.AI , ..14,€,L�1t•1 14,'4 M. � � r �}of,i,;{ ;f ;€ ,! 4 $ubWt*1 $ 11,706,789 $ 1,512,444�$ 13,21973_ $ 1884,295 u 145,239 $ 4065,423 $ d,981�66 $ 1612,299 $ 257,360 $ $ 10890168 RnbabMatim$Uslanldmn i Ed!- v,;, , P`^S�As•.1:.ikt Jsl St.4 f:.a Se. a f^1'1.tfr r; ? 1.1.4ttaira , I: ..'", H>x,u..,r�.za,,tsl sdi rt :� A.?�r.;x It R$ubto 1 $ 8,490000 $ (1„801,4101 $ 6,688,5 91 59,562 $ 1,247,310 $ 996,1.29 $ 1,610000 $ 2,775,390 $ $ 6,629,028 Vehtclui1CupdGcliqulpmcnCFfcgadresanant $ 472cxx3 „ 412,001 72,000 $ 680,1k1Q $ 2(%40.1 $ ?1!'14111) $ 2017a7A1Q $ 2(mjwx) $ 1,4813,Cxw kaltx,feB.cApnalY>Iets{zrt7ra48rg1acu,r,wNnt h AA4taA3 1a'atat ,, a1slta tam ;;k?•._att1t.b;p.�t ;,�["Ccua;: y..;t<t„tt�t 5 1,42a,L.1f3 Vebkk 6 tapkal Fqulpawnt$ubCatal $ 921,000 $ $ 921 $ • 471,000 $ 072,OC70 $ 812,000 $ 365,000 $ 37700 $ 380,006 $ 3,006,000 ;G€s'rrttmo;t€;C:OIL I'm t..;lnctt:..'1Jc t,;r4ipti,e44 b:tttlb iubtnrat S Y3 117,769 S (261A,969� S 30121162 3 !•861 23$ S 975,861 f 6,323,211'S 13.793,714 $ 3,617.199 f 3,44,958 S 3846ao S 26529,116 a"��ia� st 1`a9�kM'W4C4 :Owr��tMuk� � M'�tWKIM dibl�ItMk SYsJu11t1dkp$►�wd1:��$�� W+ � iWNlit 7Mi1'kE Jturai M�,��, ei a� f'(�p fl; SL'�`�,t��a'��I�,b�'+`�acb38P'd��`S`��Yrf�}S+wr,1�r tbX�t",' �ii. r'"� ;Y,ra�,�,?4�b��ab�d �P d`�,;",'01 �.t� •dwv>�`�r � '� J'%i X��,+,', ( 1'i>iliwJl"SP+'1�CYo,aat:a'r's,:i:�€St.ttw;r,'I $ 1.897,9?S3 1fz5,0X8 +, 2t;Ki3�14�' $ Yi"t37,Tti3 � 12i.:*,',a d)cxrattC""rtivr:,4ts9rxl61cl'x?u;rliurr; §: ;ribklt;;+.i :11:61"0 a 10,61 11:,178 $ !;i,u,,I 1.14.€11 UkYc;w'1°'lJt t",i!;v;�C l:ktGlralixl: 6ti,121,i 41! 11- 1 a @#1,12b t'u,tr,r:uC.€In1;:;.,,tr+:>xl Fdrl dXi',.iX.nk 1:11.1+)1 �Q 1,1:1 Rk:jifeld C4€nlmn 4uila $ i5D,8X11:1 $ 1:50,t'ttb $ 145,020 S 2,467,391 S 169,6x4 $ 1,657161 f 1,603,611 646,172 (kandTattrt S 28,363.760 S 108,656 $ 2#'.865. $:� 3167,A'1T�`$ 1,624,173 f 6,123.219 S 13,793.714 S 3.617,291 $ 1,49,950 $ $84006 f 20,S2$j% MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Decker MEETING DATE: April 13, 2017 q Capital Improvement Pian Capital Improvement Plan, Continued 0,r '.�,y7 "'R R;". k+ ' F! # #f F# t.' ,` n i kp fS 2 Ri ii r z Ty x p ,R)�r �t r� a? her a�ra,t .,:tA� I z :rk '.' �^ ., s $`��f I s yV;. AI1Ib: YL Blvd BPS(Booster Pump Station) $ 3,115,000 (1,217,003) $ 1,897,991 $ 602,895 _$ 100,000 $ $ $ $ $ 104000 S&W well Project(Wel No.21) $ 1,750,000 556,789 $ 2,306,789 =$ 44,832 $ 940,790 $ 235,L97 $ $ $ $ 1,17$,887 S&W Well Project(Wel No.22) $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,742 $ 445,000 $ 804 WO $1,247,258 1$ $ $ 2,492,258 Lakeview Grade Separation $ 600,000 $ 600,000 $ 275,689 5 264,311 $ $ $ $ $ 264,311 Deville Dr.Waterline Extension $ 50,400 $ 50,000 $ $ 25,000 $ $ FalrmrtBPS Upgrade $ 6,300,0 $ 6,300,000 $ 142,012 $ 2,540,000 $ 2,937,968 $ $00,000 $ $ 5 5,737,968 Yorba Ub MiighSchod Park $ 370,000 $ 370,000 )$ 47,014 3$ 325,(!00 $ $ $ $ $ 325,000 ru Rehabilitation&Restoration Meter Replacement Program $ 2,500,000 (2,500,000) Future Pipeline Project $ 2,690,01)0 $ 2,690,000 `$ $ 660,000 $ 16g000 $ 1,5003,000 5 33x,000 $ 5 2,650,x04 240,000 $ 244040 Timber Ridge BPS RehabiiRiation $ 250,01)0 $ 250,400 $ 5 $ $ '$ 134,000 Richfield campus Spoils S 150,000 $ 150,000 $ l S 1(X1,040 $ $ S $ S 104 4 Lakeview Booster Piping $ 100,400 $ 100,1(X1 _S j t$ 100,{1(}0 $ 7aQ0W $ 100,000 $ 530,(31)0 $ 5 1,430,000 Future PRS Rehabilitation $ 1,430,000 $ 1,430,1)00 $ $ $ $ $ 1,520,000 $ 2,500,001) 5 4,424000 Annual Routine Capital R&R $ 1,520,000 $ 2,SW,W0 $ 4,020,000 S R&R3ubtatal $ 8,640,000 $ $ 8,640,(X70 =$ $ 1,230,000 $ 860,000 $ 1,61)0,044 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,Sxx,xa0 5 8,5740x0 $ 265,044 $ $ $ $ $ 265,000 Fu7dingofcapital-RelatedSalarles $ $ $ $ TOTAL $23,325.000 $ (660,220) $22,664,780 '$ 1,115,174 $ 6,095,101 $ 4,833818.5 $ 3,147,258 $ 2,380,000 $ 2,500,E $ 18,955,544 i xt+ta�AtR� m4RtiNtutrin 2012 Waterline Project $ 1,645,004 404,629 $ 2,049,629 $ 1,135,006 Elk Mountain,Booster Surge Tank $ 100,004 (10,000) $ 90,000 $ TOTAL $ 1,745,000 $ 394,629 $ 2,119,629 $ 1,135,0x6 _ GRAND-f0FAL $25,070,00 $ (265,591) $24,804409 I' II III ILII Ih I ILA='I MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Decker MEETING DATE: April 13, 2017 �aav , • 1: V[ a AAII �� NMI Capital Improvement Plan Capital Improvement Plan, Continued c r r y 9a�9+ro�4q ^� T6WPYo �4�dta tt iY1I/x3 4 � �+�/ 1bl�,1 �p� 6YttarPutun ���l�M ' MkoltadlM6erlj<�Mw4a f h� t rt d 191'1 PY 16 W � 16 i, 3'M 7C t q i 3'i is YEI t r� k' o��, 1 1'�� �t ��''� ��a � r JB�ir„F-. i �,� a . �(r .,,t, •. ,.f� ,,;; 5 ., � ..7�r �:�; + �/ (^ ��ru + ' I,r�tlr S I r Y�1 rad • „5.aSr, •,„ ..:.. ......... „„8, 3 ,tr, ,.J,y.,, 7e..,WAn. ...�,. l? 7 ,t,.. n•.,, x�,�, •,,.,,. „+,.... . t6,, u ,.�1..),, ,, ,... I7x.�6�/Ilpt q. 2006-17d YLANd BPS(Boratar Pump Siatlon,( $ 2,650,000 $ 465,000 $ 3,115,OW- S 112,924 $ 927,076 $ 2,075,000 $ - $ - # $ - $ 2,075,u00 .2009,7.2:621 5&W W49 Project(W4d N0-21) $ 2,700,004 $ (550,00(1( $ 1,750,00(1$ 33,337 $ 94.663 S 1,000.060 5 6801000 $ S $ - 5 1,680,000 2409,2292259,W well Project(We#140.Z2) S 11500,OW 5 - $ 2,SOo,(xx-- $ 2,029 $ 2,971 S - $ - $ 5 245,016 S 2,150,(X)O S 2,495,(100 201401 Lakeview Grade Separation S 80,000 S 520,000 $ 600,40C- 5 82,1715 S 217,624 $ $00,060 $ - $ S - $ - S 100,000 Lakeview Lamb(" OM S 50,000 S - $ 50,000= S S - S - $ 501000 $ - S . $ 5 50,007 2010-till Fairmont BPS upgrade $ 9,SCO10 0 # 604,000 # 61300.601-1 S 11,103 $ 148,697 $ soo," 5 x, S,OW 5 :t.140'wo 5 '$ - $ 6,140,(" 201140 2032Wateri1nePr43(ect $ 1,170,000 $ 415,000 $ 1,645,DW 41,338.$ 1,103,6&4 '¢ So0,000 $ - $ - S 5 - S Sao," 2012.13 YorbaUndaHigh SchoalPark S S 570,000 S 370, $ $ SSAW $ 20,060 $ 295,(x14 $ $ $ - S 315,000 Rehabilitation&Restoration Meter Raplacement Program $ 350,W0 $ 2,1S0,0DO 5 2'!'W.0W - -$ - S 50,OIX1S - 5 1,200,060 5 1.2501,000 2,500,000 Future Pipeline Project $ 2.560,(x10 $ 130,000 5 2,690.L S - '.5 - S $0.660 $ 807,(0 $ 160,000 5 1.500.006 $ 180,0(70 5 2,6901094 New Elk Mountain Booster surge tank 5 - $ 100,OC4) $ IDO.00C 5 - 5 - S ,00.060 5 - 5 - S - S - S 17,oW :New limber Bldg.BP5 Rehabilttattan $ - 5 zsgwo 5 250,0)c 50,6a) S 2(X).(XX) 5 - 5 - S - S 250,07 New Richfield Carnput Spoilt $ - 5 150,4ot7 $ 150,ODC $ - $ - 5 - $ 15010W $ S $ - $ 150,000 New Lakeview BOostar piping $ - $ 100,033 S 100, $ - $ - 5 - $ - $ - 5 lon.000 $ - $ 30x),4(x1 New Future PRS RelviWi tation 5 - S 1,430,(xx) S 1,4300X $ - 5 - S - S 601000 $ 6W,0W 5 70,400 $ 700,OW $ 1,430,000 Annual Routine Capnat R&R $ 5,830,000 $ 14,310,00[0} 5 1,520,00c S $ $ S 5 a S A S 1.520,001 5 1,520.07 It RS.btotal S 8,740,600 $ - 5 8,740, 5 - $ 5 Z50-OW $ 1,210,M) 5 1,960,000 5 2,920.007 S 2,400,0)0 S 8,740.70 TOTAL 22,990 004 $ 2,0601004 25 070. $ 262,Wli 4912,M $ 4,645,000 $ 4,735,000 $$ 5 5 3,1654000 $$ 4�OS4,000 $$22 95,040 & � Y MMa1a� Ovar([U�t6tl �►+aw41,4�w "� f1Fd;9t3 To1a1 'YhFeuab 1R��1Wre`' -it 2007-11 Well No.20 $ 2,300,000 $ (300,000( $ 2,000,00ij $ 1,679,459-$ 120,541 2006.14 Hldhiand BPS Upgrade- S 6,100,000 $ (117,o001 $ 5,973,00 5 5,676,955$ 296,045 2006-17 YL Blvd Pipeline' S 2,250,000 # # 2,250,0D4 5 375,426 $ 1,874,574 2003-15 Cornputerued Malnt&Mi nil Sys(, 5 410,000 S (62,5001 # i47,506 S 325,109.5 22,391 W0-1Fairmont Reurior Site Improvernent• S 57,001 $ (130,00(0) 5 970. $ 287,676-S 82,324 2011-08 Pre".Reg-Statlatk UpBra da' $ 1,004,000 $ (120,701 $ 680, $ 110,036-$ 769,964 2011-165 Green Crest or.Sewer Lift Stn Upgr• S 140,000 5 30 0x7 $ 170, $ 97,5031 5 72.417 2011-235 Sewer Facllldes Gl S CommWon" S 22,500 S 8,040 5 30,5006 S 24,132 S 6,368 1012.15 Richfield CYdoune System PLC• $ - $ 24,000 5 24,-0x:- # - S 14,0(X1 • DwAf.aAr•Sts.at Hkkiao 1184a,es."" S 200,00 5 (200,0001 $ 415•Phaw it" $ 97,000 # ($7,0041 G15•Phase 0(Sewer),• S 36,00 $ (36,0101 5 $ $ TOTAL 13,055,560 S 1416,5001 12 045 6 4,77W, 111 3.264,624 68,4F40 TOTAL S$6,045,549 „�.'OS3 281' S 760 719 'P,aIect Due to be Completed a0d Capdataod in FY 12/13 -� *'Pt0)ect Moved to vehk)a Equlpnwtt&Capkal outlay MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Decker MEETING DATE: April 13, 2017 Yorbls Linda Wester District FY.201"3 Budget YartAar Linda Water District FY 2.0121-13 Budget �iWIIIVVddiIVlVdi,Iu'I��a,l�oimdu,Ju.IIIIiiIIIIVVdu416VU,11!IIIVWJIiIiIIIJWiIIIIPiuuI VVVm6idVVldlll611i111'116111illlllll4111111'IVIuIIIIIpWiIIpIIIIIIIIIVIIIII�tlIIIIphIVIVIIlU111WIIVVuIIIItlVpIIIIIIIIIIIIVIVIIII�NpVIdVIIdIIIpIIIIIIWVtlllll4� Capital Improvement Plan Capital Improvement Plan, Continued { f9df 16j17 FY 7,q 4:9 P s,, ,.p, �,.., , 'i'•) $ 1,170,000 2011.20 2010 Waterline ProjecVishaYli $ $ 1,170,000 $ 1,170,000 $ - S 50,000 $ 1,120,000 $ 5 • $ 40 2011.16 Green Crest Dr.$ewerUhStnUpgr $ 175,000 $ (35,000) $ 140,000 $ $ ,000 $ 500,000 140,000 $ 5 S $ $ S 2011-23 Sewer Fax iitiesGlSConversbn $ $ 22,500 $ 22,500 $ - $ $ 22,`500 $ $ $ $ $ $ 22,500 1,000,000 2011.08 Press Reg.Stations Upgrade $ 1,000,000 $ $ 1,000,000 100,000 $ 650,000 $ 250,000 $ $ - $ $ $ 2010-11 Fairmont Res.,BPS&Site Imp $ 6,000,000 $ $ 610001000 $ 43,006 $ 256,994 $ 500,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,200,000 $ $ $ $ 6,000,000 2010-D2 LakaviewGrade $ 700,000 $ (620,000) $ 80.000 $ 30,848 $ 49,152 $ . $ - $ $ $ $ $ 80,000 2010.02 Lakeview Fenc Ing $ 50,000 $ • $ 50,Wo $ $ . $ - $ ` $ ' $ 50,000 $ $ $ 50,000 2009.22#21 5&W Well Project(Well No.21) $ 8,000,000 $ (5,700,000) $ 2,300,000 $ 2,099 $ 47,901 $ 800,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 450,000 $ $ $ $ 2,300,000 2009.22#22 S&WWeliProject(Weil No.22) $ • $ 2,500,000 $ 2,500,000 $ - $ . $ • $ $ . $ 250,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,250,000 S 2,500,000 2009.15 Computerized Maint&Mgmt.cyst. 5 300,00o $ 110,000 $ 410,000 $ 248,565 $ 111,435 5 50,000 $ $ $ $ $ S 410'000 2008.17 YL Blvd Pipeline $ 5,500,000 $ (3,254,000) $ 2,250,000 $ 152,287 $ 197,713 $ 1,900,000 5 - $ - $ - $ - $ $ 2,250,000 20o8-17a YL Blvd BP S(El oosterPumpStation) $ $ 2,650,000 $ 2,650,000 $ - $ 60,000 5 690,000 $ 1,900,000 $ $ $ . $ $ 2,650,000 2008.14 High landBPS Upgrade $ 6,100,000 $ - $ 6,100,000 $ 1,854,075 $ 3,895,925 $ 350,060 $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,100,000 2607.11 Well No.20 $ 2,000,000 $ 300,000 $ 2,300,000 $ 627,750 $ 1,372,250 $ 300,000 $ $ • $ $ - $ $ 2,300,000 GES•Phase II $ 133,000 $ (36.000) $ 97,000 $ - $ $ 55,000 $ 421000 $ • $ $ $ • $ 97,000 GIS-phaseif(Sewer) $ $ 36,000 $ 36,000 $ $ $ 20,060 5 16.000 $ - $ 36,000 $ $ - $ 2012 Pipeline Project $ 2,555,000 5 5,000 $ 2,560, 0 $ $ - $ - $ - $ • $ 260,000 $ 1,800,000 5 50,000 $ 2,$60,000 00 Dlsint.Bstr.Sta.at Hidden Hills Res $ 200,000 $ • $ 200,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 200,000 $ $ $ 200,000 New Meter Replacement Program $ - $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ 350,000 $ $ - $ 350,000 $ 1,790.000 $ 1,17001)0 $ 2,670,000 5 5,830,000 New Annual Routine Capital R&R $ . $ 5,830,000 $ 5,830,D00 $ - $ TOTAL $ 32,713,000 $ 3,332,500 $ 36,045,S0 $ 2,958,62.9 $ 6,181,370 $ 6,557,SW $ 6,208,00 $ 2,650,00 $ 2,900,000 $ 3,970,00!1 5 4,620,000 5 36,045,500 Ta.l +l nfattFatwrfy x/a �r� Ca�l : ar nri . ���� t�t�� s+��t�r:�xx , , �� il�la, t �" atlj t►d�e+j . �,as " .,.=: ,. .>...:.. ...:.:.:. .... ..............� .,,... ,t: , ,:..°. t.�ST� °. Et9A���: ,:1.: ,•. ' ` 84 <, It� .z. ,,,..� .. 'G`'.; ,...< Tgtais 2010-12 2010 Waterline Pro}�hzse 1(Wumosa) $ 1,990,000 $ (1,000,000) $ 900,000 120,1)00 $ 760,000 } • $ - $ $ 5 $ $ W 00 2010-16 OhioSt/Oriente Dr Pipeline Replace' $ 1,600,000 $ 85,000 $ 1,685,000 $ 184,118 $ 1,5!10,882 2009-21 Nall-Put WaterStudy for lrrigUse"" $ 150,000 $ $ 1S0000 '$ 147,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 147,000 2005-22 Elk Mountain Site lrnprovements"" $ 906000 $ (880,000) $ 20,000 '$ 17,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ S 17,060 TOTAL $ 44,64!1,00041 (1,885,000) $ 2,755,000 t �$ ZrZ8o,88Z $ $ $ _ $ - $ - $ 2,748,999 GRAND TOTAL $37,353,000 $.38,800,500 $ 6,557,50 $ 6,218,00 $ 2,650,000 $ 2,900,000 $ 3,970,000 $ 4,620,000 $ 38,794,500 *Project Due to be Completed and Capitaiixed *•Project Closed and Expensed MATERIALS SUBMITTED BY: Jeff Decker MEETING DATE: April 13, 2017