HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-25 - Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 2017-083 MINUTES OF THE YORBA LINDA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 6:30 p.m. 1717 E Miraloma Ave, Placentia CA 92870 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT J. Wayne Miller, President Marc Marcantonio, General Manager Al Nederhood, Vice President Steve Conklin, Engineering Manager Andrew J. Hall, Director John DeCriscio, Operations Manager Phil Hawkins, Director Art Vega, Information Technology Manager Brooke Jones, Director Annie Alexander, Executive Assistant Cindy Botts, Management Analyst Amelia Cloonan, Human Resources Analyst Kelly McCann, Senior Accountant ALSO PRESENT Andrew Gagen, Partner, Kidman Law LLP Brett Barbre, Director, MWDSC and MWDOC Beth Haney, Councilmember, City of Yorba Linda Robert Porr, Senior Vice President, Fieldman Rolapp & Associates 4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA None. 5. INTRODUCTIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 5.1. Elected Official Liaison Reports Director Brett Barbre reported on Metropolitan's water storage efforts, State Water Project allocations, recent legislative activity, cost of repairs to the Oroville Dam, and arrangements for a tour of the Diemer Treatment Plant. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 25,2017 at 6:30 p.m. 1 2017-084 Councilmember Beth Haney reported on the status of various City projects including the Town Center, library, and dog park. She noted that a new financial portal had been made available on the City's website. 6. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Ben Parker (resident) commented on the disposition of a Public Records Act request he had previously submitted. Mr. Andrew Gagen indicated that some records had already been provided. Another batch was scheduled to be provided on May 4, 2017. 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Jones, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried 5-0. 7.1. Minutes of the Board of Directors Regular Meeting held January 24, 2017 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the minutes as presented. 7.2. Payments of Bills, Refunds, and Wire Transfers Recommendation: That the Board of Directors ratify and authorize disbursements in the amount of$1,407,206.79. 8. ACTION CALENDAR 8.1. Status of Market Conditions in Relation to Issuance of Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A Mr. Marc Marcantonio explained that Mr. Robert Porr was present to report on the status of market conductions in relation to issuance of the revenue bonds. Mr. Porr provided an overview of the current municipal market, financing statistics, proposed refunding structure, and an example savings structure. He noted that Standard & Poor's had affirmed the District's AA+ rating and Fitch had affirmed the District's AA rating, both with a stable outlook. Mr. Ben Parker (resident) commented on associated savings. The Board thanked staff and Mr. Porr for their assistance during this process and commented on the long-term benefits for the District. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 25,2017 at 6:30 p.m. 2 2017-085 Director Nederhood made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to authorize staff to work with the Financing Team in regards to the execution and delivery of an Installment Purchase Agreement for the issuance of approximately $35,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A based on the status of market conditions. Motion carried 5-0. 8.2. Claim for Damages Filed by Jeff Hansen Mr. Marcantonio explained that Mr. Jeff Hansen had submitted a claim to the District requesting repair of a metal fence panel. He then reviewed the results of staff's investigation. The Board and staff briefly discussed standard operating procedures for accessing District facilities located within easements. Director Jones made a motion, seconded by Director Hawkins, to reject and deny the claim filed by Jeff Hansen. Motion carried 5-0. 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS 9.1. Cash and Investment Report for Period Ending March 31, 2017 Mr. Kelly McCann reviewed information contained in the reports related to yields, expenditures, and reserve levels. Director Barbre suggested the District consider participation in the County's investment pool. 9.2. Budget to Actual Statements for the Month Ending March 31, 2017 Mr. McCann summarized the statements touching on cumulative volumetric water revenue and variable expenses. He then provided an overview of expenses for supplies and services. 10. REPORTS, INFORMATION ITEMS, AND COMMENTS 10.1. Directors' Reports Director Hall commented on engaging a public relations firm and the importance of a strategic plan. Mr. Marcantonio reported that staff had requested proposals from two public relations firms. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 25,2017 at 6:30 p.m. 3 2017-086 The Board and staff then discussed when the Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee would be submitting their recommendations and services provided by the meeting facilitator. ■ CA-NV AWWA Spring Conference — April 10-13, 2017 (Nederhood) Vice President Nederhood reported on his attendance at this conference. 10.2. General Manager's Report Mr. Marcantonio provided the Board with an overview of his meetings and activities. He then asked each of the managers (or their designee) to report on activities within their respective departments. Mr. Conklin reported on the status of the Fairmont Booster Pump Station (FBPS) Upgrade Project and summarized the associated benefits. Mr. Greg Schultz (resident) commented on the expected life of the FBPS following the upgrade. Ms. Julia Schultz (resident) commented on the benefits provided by the FBPS upgrade project. Mr. Conklin then reported on the status of the Richfield Road Water Main Project. The Board and staff briefly discussed the placement of information related to active construction projects on the District's website. Mr. John DeCriscio reported on a planned 24-hour shutdown of some of the District's wells in order to facilitate a tie-in and expected delivery of the new hydro excavator. Mr. MrCann reported on staff's efforts related to periodic tax filings and financials. He noted that representatives from White Nelson Diehl Evans would be providing a presentation at the next meeting regarding the audit process. Mr. Art Vega reported on staff's efforts related to the replacement of switches in the data center and upgrading the District's billing system. 10.3. General Counsel's Report None. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 25, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. 4 2017-087 10.4. Future Agenda Items and Staff Tasks None. 11. COMMITTEE REPORTS 11.1. Interagency Committee with MWDOC and OCWD (Miller/Nederhood) ■ Next meeting is scheduled May 25, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. 11.2. Joint Agency Committee with City of Yorba Linda (Miller/Hawkins) ■ Minutes of the meeting held March 13, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. will be provided when available. ■ Next meeting is scheduled June 12, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at YL City Hall. 11.3. Interagency Committee with City of Placentia and Golden State Water Company (Miller/Nederhood) ■ Next meeting is yet to be scheduled. 11.4. Ad Hoc Citizens Advisory Committee ■ Minutes of the meetings held April 6 and 13, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. were provided in the agenda packet. ■ Minutes of the meeting held April 20, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. will be provided when available. ■ Next meeting is scheduled April 27, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. An unknown resident commended Customer Service and Operations staff on their efforts related to a recent service call. 12. INTERGOVERNMENTAL MEETINGS The Directors reported on their attendance at the following meetings. 12.1 LAFCO — April 12, 2017 (Nederhood —As Needed) Director Nederhood did not attend this meeting. Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 25,2017 at 6:30 p.m. 5 2017-088 12.2 YL Planning Commission —April 12, 2017 (Hawkins — As Needed) Director Hawkins did not attend this meeting. 12.3. YL City Council — April 18, 2017 (Jones) 12.4. MWDOC Board —April 19, 2017 (Nederhood) 12.5. OCWD Board —April 19, 2017 (Jones) 13. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY CALENDAR 13.1. Meetings from April 26, 2017 — July 31, 2017 The Board reviewed the activity calendar and made no changes. Director Hawkins made a motion, seconded by Director Hall, to approve the Board of Directors' activity calendar as presented. Motion carried 5-0. 14. ADJOURNMENT 14.1. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Annie Alexander Assistant Board Secretary Minutes of the YLWD Board of Directors Regular Meeting Held April 25,2017 at 6:30 p.m. 6